Determination of Optical Constants and Thickness of Nanostructured Zno Film by Spin Coating Technique
Determination of Optical Constants and Thickness of Nanostructured Zno Film by Spin Coating Technique
Determination of Optical Constants and Thickness of Nanostructured Zno Film by Spin Coating Technique
Dr. Binod Adhikari
Dr. Bhawani Joshi
Dr. Manoj Kumar Yadav
Dr. Krishna Rai
Dr. Rajendra Prasad Adhikari
Mr. Kiran Pudasainee
Published by:
Nepal Physical Society
P.O. Box: 2934
Tri-Chandra Campus
Kathmandu, Nepal
JNPS 7 (2): 119-125 (2021) Research Article © Nepal Physical Society
ISSN: 2392-473X (Print), 2738-9537 (Online) DOI:
In this report, we have investigated optical constants and thickness of nanostructured ZnO films
grown on a glass substrate by sol-gel spin coating technique using zinc acetate as
precursor. Optical constants such as complex refractive index and dielectric constant ϵ
determined from the transmittance spectrum in the ultraviolet, visible, near infrared (UV-VIS,
NIR) region by envelope method. The value of refractive index decreases from 2.34 to 1.86 and
extinction coefficient increases from 0.28 to 0.64 with increasing wavelength. The decreasing
behavior of refractive index is attributed due to the increase in transmission and decrease in
absorption coefficient with increasing wavelength. The film exhibits reasonably high
transmittance (>80%) in the visible region. Absorbance coefficient α and film thickness (d)
were calculated from the interference of fringes of transmittance spectrum. The band gap and
thickness of the film were found 3.02 eV and 275nm, respectively. The thickness of the film
measured by envelope method is validated with cross-section micrograph of SEM images
which is about 285 nm. The real part of the dielectric function of nanostructured ZnO decreases
with increasing wavelength where as the imaginary part of dielectric constant increases with
increasing wavelength. The observed high value of refractive index n and real part of dielectric
constant ϵ at lower wavelength is due to band edge absorption of carriers. The dispersion
relation shows the increase of complex refractive index and dielectric constant at the high
frequency regime is due to the discharging of defect levels using optical excitation of carriers in
the visible region.
Determination of Optical Constants and Thickness of Nanostructured ZnO Film by Spin Coat Technique
used to grow high quality ZnO films on different undoped nanostructured ZnO films in UV and
substrate even at low temperature flexible polyamide visible illumination region. The high transmission
or textile substrates [11]. Sol-gel spin coating and low absorption in visible and infrared (IR)
technique is an excellent method for the deposition of region urges to decrease the refractive index n and
nanostructured ZnO thin film using the acetate dielectric constant ϵ within this wavelength region.
precursor solution with a sol stabilizing agent like The critical role to modulate the optical constants
amine [1,4,5]. The spin speed and number of coatings under illumination is essentially by carrier
primarily controlled the film thickness and grain size, generation and discharging the grain boundary
which shows the possibility to tune the size dependent defect levels by optically excited carriers [9].
material properties.
The accurate knowledge of crystal structure, film 2. EXPERIMENT
thickness and some optical constants such as band Undoped ZnO thin films were prepared by sol-gel
gap, complex refractive index and dielectric spin coating method. Zinc acetate dihydrate,
constant is critically important for the fabrication of ethanol and diethanolamine (DEA) were used as
high quality optoelectronic devices. The optical starting material, solvent and stabilizer,
characterization of the films gives the physical respectively. Zinc acetate dihydrate was first
parameters such as band gap, refractive index, dissolved in a mixture of ethanol and DEA solution
dielectric constants and film thickness. The current at room temperature. The molar ratio of DEA to
methods for determining the optical constants of zinc acetate was maintained at approximately 1.0
transparent thin films usually based on highly and the molar concentration of zinc acetate was
advanced expensive computerized technique. In our fixed at 0.1M. The solution was stirred at 600C for
previous study [4,9] we have investigated the role 2 hrs to yield a clear and homogeneous solution,
of aluminium doping and controlled of defect states which served as the precursor solution. The
lying in visible region which enhanced the carrier precursor solution was filtered through filter paper
mobility as well as the photo response of and dropped onto glass substrates, which were
nanostructured ZnO film. On the other hand grain rotated at 3400 rpm for 30 s. The coated film is first
and grain boundaries have the major role in carrier dried at 1200C for 5 minutes and then heated to
generation, recombination and transport properties 4500C for 10 minutes. The process of coating and
of nanostructured films. drying is repeated several times to get the required
In this report, we employ a non destructive thickness. The experimental procedure is described
technique to determine optical constants and film in the flow chart shown in Fig. 1.
thickness, which is highly recommended in
scientific research and industrial production of
granular TCO. Here we have calculated film
thickness, absorption coefficient and optical
dispersion relation of pristine ZnO film grown on
glass substrate using the envelope method.
Transmittance spectra measured using for
spectrophotometer used to evaluate absorption
coefficient, optical band gap, complex refractive
index, dielectric constants and film thickness. There
are few papers which report the determination of
optical constants and film thickness using non
destructive Swanepoel envelope method
[8,12,14,15], but there is no report which compares
the film thickness obtained from scanning electron
micrograph with the thickness calculated from
transmittance spectra using envelope method.
Therefore, in this paper, we report a thickness
measurement using transmission spectra and
validated with a cross-section image of ZnO films.
We have also studied the wavelength dependent Fig. 1: Flow chart to deposit a ZnO film by spin coating.
complex refractive index and dielectric function of
R. R. Ghimire, Y. P. Dahal, K. B. Rai and S. P. Gupta
The optical properties of ZnO films were carried These optical constants are evaluated outside the
out with Ultraviolet–visible Spectrometer (Ocean region of fundamental band gap For
Insight model no: FLAME-T-UV-VIS). The optical this we have made envelope in the interference
transmittance at normal incidence was recorded in region (weak and medium absorption region) in the
the wavelength range of 375nm-1300. Swanepoel’s transmittance curve as shown in Fig. 2 (a).
envelope method [10,14,16,17] was employed to The absorption coefficient α and the extinction
evaluate the optical constants such as the refractive coefficient κ can be calculated as, [13, 16]
index n, extinction coefficient k and absorption
coefficient α from transmittance spectra. The
thickness of the ZnO films was determined from
interference fringes of transmittance data and ... (1)
validated with the cross-section SEM micrograph.
... (4)
Determination of Optical Constants and Thickness of Nanostructured ZnO Film by Spin Coat Technique
the wavelengths λ1 and λ2. The thickness of the zinc be 275 nm. This is very close to the thickness
oxide film calculated by this method was found to measured from SEM image (290 nm).
Fig. 3: SEM Micrograph of undoped ZnO films annealed at 450ºC (a) Surface view of (b) cross-section view
Linear Fit of Sheet1
Fig. 3 (a) shows the surface view of the Scanning
Electron micrograph (SEM) of the ZnO films. 0.40
The film consists with large no. of grains and
grain boundaries. The porosity and voids of the 0.35
Extinction coefficientk(Experimental)
Refractive index n (Experimental) 0.64
2.32 2.2
Refractive index (n)
R. R. Ghimire, Y. P. Dahal, K. B. Rai and S. P. Gupta
The dispersion of refractive index ( ) of the film corresponding minimum (Tm) may be determined at
along the Cauchy’s constants was theoretically the same λ, and vice versa. Fig.4 shows the plot of
observed in ZnO by the following relation [10,12] complex refractive index of the film
with wavelength λ, where is the real part and
... (5) is the imaginary part (extinction coefficient)
of refractive index .
Where, and are Cauchy’s parameter and is The real part of complex refractive index varies
the wavelength of light interacted with the film. from a minimum of 1.86 to a maximum of 2.34.
The experimental graph is very closely matched The value of the real part of the refractive index
with simulated curve. Fig. 4 shows the refractive decreases with increasing the wavelength and the
index vs. wavelength (dispersion relation of imaginary part of complex refractive index i.e.
refractive index : solid black curve shows the Extinction coefficient is increasing with
theoretical and red dashed curve shows with increasing wavelength. The value of n is first
experimental plot). Experimentally the value of steeply down up to 600 nm and then gradually
refractive index is calculated using the fringe decreasing with wavelength. The higher value of
envelop method: refractive index in the UV and blue green region
is due to band gap and defect state absorption of
ZnO film [10]. The minimum value of extinction
... (6) coefficient indicates that the ZnO film has low
dielectric loss and this loss will increase with
increasing wavelength [10]. The dispersion
Where ... (7) parameter and are obtained using Sellmeier
equation as [10,19]
Table 1: Values of ‘n’ Extinction coefficient, and least square fit of A and B
Thickness of sample (nm) Refractive index Extinction A(µm-2) B Band gap (eV)
(n) coefficient
~290nm (SEM Micrograph) 2.34-1.86 0.28-0.64 0.036 0.44 3.02
~280nm (Envelope method)
Determination of Optical Constants and Thickness of Nanostructured ZnO Film by Spin Coat Technique
films in visible regime. SEM micrograph shows the and the film thickness was measured 375 nm by
polycrystalline large number of nano grains with envelop method. Further the calculated thickness
sufficient voids and porosity. The dielectric was validated by a cross-section view of SEM
function of ZnO primarily depends on the dielectric image of nanostructured ZnO film. The measured
behavior of grain and grain boundary defect states. thickness using nondestructive envelope method is
The optical constants or dielectric function of nearly consistent with thickness measured from
nanostructured ZnO is essentially depends on the SEM micrograph image. The optical constant such
band gap of this material. The electronic excitation as complex refractive index and dielectric functions
spectrum of a thin film is generally described in were measured in the UV-visible region. The real
terms of complex electronic dielectric function part of the refractive index decreases with
given below [10,18]. increasing wavelength whereas the imaginary part
is increasing. The high value of refractive index at
... (9) lower wavelength and wavelength dependency
primarily depends on the absorption and scattering
due to deep levels and sallow level defect states.
The real part and imaginary part of the complex The visible illumination controls the midgap states
dielectric function contains the desired information by discharging the oxygen vacancies which reduced
of nanostructured films. The real part and the carrier scattering center. The complex dielectric
imaginary part of dielectric functions are associated function of this material is substantially dependent
with refractive index n and extinction coefficient k on the frequency of the light used. The exitonic
by the following formula. emission or carrier generation greatly enhanced the
real part of dielectric and low dielectric loss.
... (10)
... (11) Technology Innovation Center, Sungkyunkwan
University, Suwon 440-746, Korea is
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complex dielectric function of nanostructured ZnO Prasad Shrestha is acknowledged for his valuable
film. The real part of dielectric function is higher suggestion and UV visible spectroscopy.
than the imaginary part which confirms the film has
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