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[000:163] [2023-04-12 19:19:14 +0000.

698537][5dfa] Log to
file:/storage/emulated/0/voip-data/com.miui.mediaeditor/trace.txt start time:2023-
04-12 19:19:14 +0000
[000:163] [2023-04-12 19:19:14 +0000.698718][5dfa] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[000:169] [2023-04-12 19:19:14 +0000.704612][5dfa] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[000:171] [2023-04-12 19:19:14 +0000.706770][5dfa] set AppID=50012 old AppID=-1
[000:171] [2023-04-12 19:19:14 +0000.706946][5dfa] Init the android object with
jvm:0xb400007cbbfda380 env:0xb400007cbc0333c0 context:0x7fc8093668

[000:171] [2023-04-12 19:19:14 +0000.707155][5dfa] SetAndroidMediaCodecObjects

time:1858692 enter.

[000:171] [2023-04-12 19:19:14 +0000.707275][5dfa] SetAndroidMediaCodecObjects

leave. expire time = 0 ms

[000:172] [2023-04-12 19:19:14 +0000.707335][5dfa] SetAndroidMediaCodecObjects

time:1858693 enter.

[000:172] [2023-04-12 19:19:14 +0000.707389][5dfa] static int

webrtc::AndroidHwAvcEncoder::SetAndroidMediaCodecObjects(void *):
SetAndroidMediaCodecObjects:: jvm :0xb400007cbbfda380
[000:172] [2023-04-12 19:19:14 +0000.707468][5dfa] static int
webrtc::AndroidHwAvcEncoder::SetAndroidMediaCodecObjects(void *):
SetAndroidMediaCodecObjects success g_jvm_:0xb400007cbbfda380 address:0x7b55041180
[000:172] [2023-04-12 19:19:14 +0000.707552][5dfa] static int
webrtc::AndroidHwAvcEncoder::SetAndroidMediaCodecObjects(void *):
SetAndroidMediaCodecObjects success g_jvm_encoder_:0xb400007cbbfda380
[000:172] [2023-04-12 19:19:14 +0000.707638][5dfa] SetAndroidMediaCodecObjects
leave. expire time = 0 ms

[000:173] [2023-04-12 19:19:14 +0000.708786][5dfa] Set the android objects with

jvm:0xb400007cbbfda380 env:0xb400007cbc0333c0 context:0x7fc8093668

[000:174] [2023-04-12 19:19:14 +0000.709752][5dfa] audio jni debug :manager

SetAndroidAudioDeviceObjects env:0xb400007cbc0333c0
[000:174] [2023-04-12 19:19:14 +0000.709915][5dfa] SystemUtil Init done
[000:184] [2023-04-12 19:19:14 +0000.720229][5dfa] jlong
*, jobject):
[000:186] [2023-04-12 19:19:14 +0000.721521][5dfa] getInstanceWrapSegment
time:1858707 enter.

[000:188] [2023-04-12 19:19:14 +0000.724191][5dfa] getInstanceWrapSegment leave.

expire time = 2 ms

[000:192] [2023-04-12 19:19:14 +0000.728107][5dfa] void

Java_com_xiaomi_skyprocess_WrapSegmentEngine_setGLSurfaceAvalibaleJni(JNIEnv *,
jobject, jboolean): setGLSurfaceAvalibaleJni end jni: 1
[000:701] [2023-04-12 19:19:15 +0000.237185][67bf] void
Java_com_xiaomi_skyprocess_OpenGlRender_SetOpengGlRenderParamsJni(JNIEnv *,
jobject, jint, jint, jint, jint, jbyteArray, jbyteArray):
[000:702] [2023-04-12 19:19:15 +0000.237613][67bf] void
Java_com_xiaomi_skyprocess_OpenGlRender_SetOpengGlRenderParamsJni(JNIEnv *,
jobject, jint, jint, jint, jint, jbyteArray, jbyteArray): program id: 3,
textureUniform RGB: 0, ATTRIB_VERTEX: 0, ATTRIB_TEXTURE: 1, vertex_vertices len:
32, texture_vertices len: 32
[000:706] [2023-04-12 19:19:15 +0000.241878][67bf] void
Java_com_xiaomi_skyprocess_OpenGlRender_SetCurrentGLContextForGraphJni(JNIEnv *,
[000:706] [2023-04-12 19:19:15 +0000.241996][67bf] void
Java_com_xiaomi_skyprocess_OpenGlRender_SetCurrentGLContextForGraphJni(JNIEnv *,
jobject): g_eglcontext: 0xb400007b9db45480
[000:707] [2023-04-12 19:19:15 +0000.242830][67bf] SetWindowSizeJni, posX: 0, posY:
0, width: 1080, height: 1269
[000:708] [2023-04-12 19:19:15 +0000.243541][67bf]
Java_com_xiaomi_skyprocess_OpenGlRender_RenderFrameJni time:1859229 enter.

[000:708] [2023-04-12 19:19:15 +0000.243604][67bf]

(1/29)OpenGlRender_RenderFrameJni, sourcetype: 0, output_texture: 0, pkt_pts: -
[000:718] [2023-04-12 19:19:15 +0000.253429][67bf]
Java_com_xiaomi_skyprocess_OpenGlRender_RenderFrameJni leave. expire time = 10 ms

[000:723] [2023-04-12 19:19:15 +0000.258615][67bf] SetWindowSizeJni, posX: 0, posY:

0, width: 585, height: 1269
[000:723] [2023-04-12 19:19:15 +0000.258697][67bf]
Java_com_xiaomi_skyprocess_OpenGlRender_RenderFrameJni time:1859244 enter.

[000:728] [2023-04-12 19:19:15 +0000.263865][67bf]

Java_com_xiaomi_skyprocess_OpenGlRender_RenderFrameJni leave. expire time = 5 ms

[000:730] [2023-04-12 19:19:15 +0000.265474][67bf]

Java_com_xiaomi_skyprocess_OpenGlRender_RenderFrameJni time:1859251 enter.

[000:737] [2023-04-12 19:19:15 +0000.272848][67bf]

Java_com_xiaomi_skyprocess_OpenGlRender_RenderFrameJni leave. expire time = 7 ms

[003:581] [2023-04-12 19:19:18 +0000.117059][5dfa] void

Java_com_xiaomi_skyprocess_WrapSegmentEngine_setGLSurfaceAvalibaleJni(JNIEnv *,
jobject, jboolean): setGLSurfaceAvalibaleJni end jni: 0
[005:171] [2023-04-12 19:19:19 +0000.706654][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[005:183] [2023-04-12 19:19:19 +0000.718992][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[010:187] [2023-04-12 19:19:24 +0000.722655][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[010:199] [2023-04-12 19:19:24 +0000.734526][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[015:203] [2023-04-12 19:19:29 +0000.738593][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[015:212] [2023-04-12 19:19:29 +0000.748028][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[020:215] [2023-04-12 19:19:34 +0000.750485][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[020:221] [2023-04-12 19:19:34 +0000.756781][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[025:223] [2023-04-12 19:19:39 +0000.758557][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[025:233] [2023-04-12 19:19:39 +0000.768754][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[030:235] [2023-04-12 19:19:44 +0000.770520][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[030:241] [2023-04-12 19:19:44 +0000.777037][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[035:281] [2023-04-12 19:19:49 +0000.816788][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[035:292] [2023-04-12 19:19:49 +0000.828024][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[040:331] [2023-04-12 19:19:54 +0000.866696][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[040:342] [2023-04-12 19:19:54 +0000.877797][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[045:347] [2023-04-12 19:19:59 +0000.882536][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[045:353] [2023-04-12 19:19:59 +0000.888564][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[050:355] [2023-04-12 19:20:04 +0000.890700][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[050:366] [2023-04-12 19:20:04 +0000.901404][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[055:371] [2023-04-12 19:20:09 +0000.906519][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[055:377] [2023-04-12 19:20:09 +0000.912603][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[060:379] [2023-04-12 19:20:14 +0000.914456][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[060:385] [2023-04-12 19:20:14 +0000.920956][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[065:423] [2023-04-12 19:20:19 +0000.958560][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[065:432] [2023-04-12 19:20:19 +0000.967657][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[070:471] [2023-04-12 19:20:25 +0000.6672][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[070:484] [2023-04-12 19:20:25 +0000.19817][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[075:487] [2023-04-12 19:20:30 +0000.22547][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[075:495] [2023-04-12 19:20:30 +0000.30624][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[080:501] [2023-04-12 19:20:35 +0000.37168][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[080:511] [2023-04-12 19:20:35 +0000.46619][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[085:515] [2023-04-12 19:20:40 +0000.50721][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[085:527] [2023-04-12 19:20:40 +0000.63070][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[090:531] [2023-04-12 19:20:45 +0000.66530][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[090:538] [2023-04-12 19:20:45 +0000.73367][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[095:543] [2023-04-12 19:20:50 +0000.78630][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[095:554] [2023-04-12 19:20:50 +0000.89701][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[100:559] [2023-04-12 19:20:55 +0000.94591][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[100:569] [2023-04-12 19:20:55 +0000.104984][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[105:571] [2023-04-12 19:21:00 +0000.106691][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[105:578] [2023-04-12 19:21:00 +0000.113371][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[110:584] [2023-04-12 19:21:05 +0000.119581][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[110:595] [2023-04-12 19:21:05 +0000.130659][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[115:599] [2023-04-12 19:21:10 +0000.134579][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[115:610] [2023-04-12 19:21:10 +0000.145618][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[120:615] [2023-04-12 19:21:15 +0000.150653][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[120:626] [2023-04-12 19:21:15 +0000.161900][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[125:631] [2023-04-12 19:21:20 +0000.166661][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[125:642] [2023-04-12 19:21:20 +0000.178269][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[130:648] [2023-04-12 19:21:25 +0000.183414][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[130:659] [2023-04-12 19:21:25 +0000.194688][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[135:663] [2023-04-12 19:21:30 +0000.198608][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[135:674] [2023-04-12 19:21:30 +0000.209760][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[140:679] [2023-04-12 19:21:35 +0000.214541][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[140:688] [2023-04-12 19:21:35 +0000.224085][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[145:691] [2023-04-12 19:21:40 +0000.226436][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[145:697] [2023-04-12 19:21:40 +0000.232987][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[150:699] [2023-04-12 19:21:45 +0000.234564][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[150:705] [2023-04-12 19:21:45 +0000.240836][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[155:711] [2023-04-12 19:21:50 +0000.246447][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[155:724] [2023-04-12 19:21:50 +0000.259454][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[160:728] [2023-04-12 19:21:55 +0000.263628][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[160:738] [2023-04-12 19:21:55 +0000.273974][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[165:739] [2023-04-12 19:22:00 +0000.275117][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[165:752] [2023-04-12 19:22:00 +0000.287571][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[170:755] [2023-04-12 19:22:05 +0000.290525][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[170:763] [2023-04-12 19:22:05 +0000.299315][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[175:767] [2023-04-12 19:22:10 +0000.302504][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[175:776] [2023-04-12 19:22:10 +0000.311558][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[180:781] [2023-04-12 19:22:15 +0000.317190][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[180:791] [2023-04-12 19:22:15 +0000.326605][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[185:795] [2023-04-12 19:22:20 +0000.330501][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[185:804] [2023-04-12 19:22:20 +0000.340018][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[190:806] [2023-04-12 19:22:25 +0000.341842][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[190:817] [2023-04-12 19:22:25 +0000.352710][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[195:821] [2023-04-12 19:22:30 +0000.356535][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[195:829] [2023-04-12 19:22:30 +0000.364825][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[200:831] [2023-04-12 19:22:35 +0000.366644][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[200:841] [2023-04-12 19:22:35 +0000.376903][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[205:844] [2023-04-12 19:22:40 +0000.380058][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[205:855] [2023-04-12 19:22:40 +0000.391092][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[210:859] [2023-04-12 19:22:45 +0000.394626][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[210:870] [2023-04-12 19:22:45 +0000.405743][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[215:875] [2023-04-12 19:22:50 +0000.410724][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[215:886] [2023-04-12 19:22:50 +0000.422167][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[220:891] [2023-04-12 19:22:55 +0000.426553][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[220:900] [2023-04-12 19:22:55 +0000.435955][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[225:903] [2023-04-12 19:23:00 +0000.438559][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[225:911] [2023-04-12 19:23:00 +0000.447322][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[230:915] [2023-04-12 19:23:05 +0000.450571][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[230:926] [2023-04-12 19:23:05 +0000.461565][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[235:931] [2023-04-12 19:23:10 +0000.466567][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[235:940] [2023-04-12 19:23:10 +0000.475593][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[240:943] [2023-04-12 19:23:15 +0000.478751][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[240:955] [2023-04-12 19:23:15 +0000.491078][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[245:959] [2023-04-12 19:23:20 +0000.494532][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[245:968] [2023-04-12 19:23:20 +0000.503792][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[250:973] [2023-04-12 19:23:25 +0000.509311][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[250:986] [2023-04-12 19:23:25 +0000.521497][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[255:991] [2023-04-12 19:23:30 +0000.526433][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[255:997] [2023-04-12 19:23:30 +0000.532377][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[260:999] [2023-04-12 19:23:35 +0000.534559][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[261:005] [2023-04-12 19:23:35 +0000.541020][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[266:007] [2023-04-12 19:23:40 +0000.542512][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[266:016] [2023-04-12 19:23:40 +0000.551571][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[271:019] [2023-04-12 19:23:45 +0000.554959][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[271:029] [2023-04-12 19:23:45 +0000.564363][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[276:035] [2023-04-12 19:23:50 +0000.570965][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[276:049] [2023-04-12 19:23:50 +0000.584554][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[281:051] [2023-04-12 19:23:55 +0000.586561][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[281:060] [2023-04-12 19:23:55 +0000.595795][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[286:063] [2023-04-12 19:24:00 +0000.598969][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[286:071] [2023-04-12 19:24:00 +0000.606480][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[291:075] [2023-04-12 19:24:05 +0000.610573][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[291:084] [2023-04-12 19:24:05 +0000.620102][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[296:087] [2023-04-12 19:24:10 +0000.622549][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[296:097] [2023-04-12 19:24:10 +0000.632342][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[301:100] [2023-04-12 19:24:15 +0000.635665][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[301:112] [2023-04-12 19:24:15 +0000.647558][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[306:115] [2023-04-12 19:24:20 +0000.650593][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[306:125] [2023-04-12 19:24:20 +0000.661193][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[311:131] [2023-04-12 19:24:25 +0000.666648][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[311:142] [2023-04-12 19:24:25 +0000.678172][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[316:149] [2023-04-12 19:24:30 +0000.684922][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[316:160] [2023-04-12 19:24:30 +0000.696317][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[321:165] [2023-04-12 19:24:35 +0000.700769][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[321:173] [2023-04-12 19:24:35 +0000.708355][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[326:175] [2023-04-12 19:24:40 +0000.710505][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[326:184] [2023-04-12 19:24:40 +0000.719523][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[331:187] [2023-04-12 19:24:45 +0000.722782][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[331:197] [2023-04-12 19:24:45 +0000.733234][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[336:203] [2023-04-12 19:24:50 +0000.738601][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[336:215] [2023-04-12 19:24:50 +0000.750964][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[341:221] [2023-04-12 19:24:55 +0000.756618][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[341:230] [2023-04-12 19:24:55 +0000.765965][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[346:235] [2023-04-12 19:25:00 +0000.770622][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[346:247] [2023-04-12 19:25:00 +0000.782737][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[351:251] [2023-04-12 19:25:05 +0000.786493][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[351:259] [2023-04-12 19:25:05 +0000.794793][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[356:263] [2023-04-12 19:25:10 +0000.798589][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[356:276] [2023-04-12 19:25:10 +0000.811674][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[361:279] [2023-04-12 19:25:15 +0000.814584][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[361:286] [2023-04-12 19:25:15 +0000.822141][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[366:291] [2023-04-12 19:25:20 +0000.826591][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[366:302] [2023-04-12 19:25:20 +0000.837474][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[371:307] [2023-04-12 19:25:25 +0000.842814][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[371:323] [2023-04-12 19:25:25 +0000.859026][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[376:327] [2023-04-12 19:25:30 +0000.863276][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[376:339] [2023-04-12 19:25:30 +0000.874442][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[381:343] [2023-04-12 19:25:35 +0000.878526][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[381:351] [2023-04-12 19:25:35 +0000.886626][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[386:356] [2023-04-12 19:25:40 +0000.891598][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[386:368] [2023-04-12 19:25:40 +0000.903517][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[391:371] [2023-04-12 19:25:45 +0000.906450][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[391:379] [2023-04-12 19:25:45 +0000.914599][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[396:383] [2023-04-12 19:25:50 +0000.918750][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[396:392] [2023-04-12 19:25:50 +0000.927813][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[401:395] [2023-04-12 19:25:55 +0000.930577][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[401:404] [2023-04-12 19:25:55 +0000.939443][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[406:407] [2023-04-12 19:26:00 +0000.942589][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[406:418] [2023-04-12 19:26:00 +0000.953691][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[411:423] [2023-04-12 19:26:05 +0000.958537][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[411:433] [2023-04-12 19:26:05 +0000.968427][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[416:435] [2023-04-12 19:26:10 +0000.970462][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[416:441] [2023-04-12 19:26:10 +0000.977062][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[421:443] [2023-04-12 19:26:15 +0000.978521][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[421:451] [2023-04-12 19:26:15 +0000.986540][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[426:455] [2023-04-12 19:26:20 +0000.990547][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[426:462] [2023-04-12 19:26:20 +0000.997859][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[431:467] [2023-04-12 19:26:26 +0000.2618][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[431:485] [2023-04-12 19:26:26 +0000.21171][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[436:491] [2023-04-12 19:26:31 +0000.26585][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[436:502] [2023-04-12 19:26:31 +0000.37854][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[441:507] [2023-04-12 19:26:36 +0000.43188][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[441:514] [2023-04-12 19:26:36 +0000.49825][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[446:520] [2023-04-12 19:26:41 +0000.55570][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[446:532] [2023-04-12 19:26:41 +0000.67358][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[451:535] [2023-04-12 19:26:46 +0000.70585][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[451:542] [2023-04-12 19:26:46 +0000.77796][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[456:547] [2023-04-12 19:26:51 +0000.82783][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[456:558] [2023-04-12 19:26:51 +0000.94462][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[461:564] [2023-04-12 19:26:56 +0000.100195][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[461:577] [2023-04-12 19:26:56 +0000.112782][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[466:579] [2023-04-12 19:27:01 +0000.114600][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[466:587] [2023-04-12 19:27:01 +0000.123246][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[471:591] [2023-04-12 19:27:06 +0000.126612][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[471:604] [2023-04-12 19:27:06 +0000.140287][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[476:607] [2023-04-12 19:27:11 +0000.142588][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[476:620] [2023-04-12 19:27:11 +0000.155678][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[481:623] [2023-04-12 19:27:16 +0000.158679][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[481:633] [2023-04-12 19:27:16 +0000.168838][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[486:639] [2023-04-12 19:27:21 +0000.174533][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[486:649] [2023-04-12 19:27:21 +0000.184519][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[491:651] [2023-04-12 19:27:26 +0000.186681][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[491:664] [2023-04-12 19:27:26 +0000.199928][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[496:668] [2023-04-12 19:27:31 +0000.204115][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[496:681] [2023-04-12 19:27:31 +0000.217315][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[501:683] [2023-04-12 19:27:36 +0000.218617][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[501:693] [2023-04-12 19:27:36 +0000.229292][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[506:699] [2023-04-12 19:27:41 +0000.234530][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[506:708] [2023-04-12 19:27:41 +0000.243870][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[511:711] [2023-04-12 19:27:46 +0000.246641][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[511:718] [2023-04-12 19:27:46 +0000.254135][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[516:723] [2023-04-12 19:27:51 +0000.258546][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[516:732] [2023-04-12 19:27:51 +0000.267621][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[521:735] [2023-04-12 19:27:56 +0000.270484][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[521:743] [2023-04-12 19:27:56 +0000.279105][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[526:747] [2023-04-12 19:28:01 +0000.282547][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[526:753] [2023-04-12 19:28:01 +0000.288667][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[531:755] [2023-04-12 19:28:06 +0000.290642][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[531:770] [2023-04-12 19:28:06 +0000.305724][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[536:775] [2023-04-12 19:28:11 +0000.310693][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[536:785] [2023-04-12 19:28:11 +0000.320798][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[541:787] [2023-04-12 19:28:16 +0000.322555][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[541:797] [2023-04-12 19:28:16 +0000.332679][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[546:799] [2023-04-12 19:28:21 +0000.334576][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[546:809] [2023-04-12 19:28:21 +0000.344905][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[551:811] [2023-04-12 19:28:26 +0000.346540][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[551:821] [2023-04-12 19:28:26 +0000.356636][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[556:826] [2023-04-12 19:28:31 +0000.362292][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[556:839] [2023-04-12 19:28:31 +0000.374767][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[561:843] [2023-04-12 19:28:36 +0000.378622][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[561:854] [2023-04-12 19:28:36 +0000.389952][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[566:859] [2023-04-12 19:28:41 +0000.394467][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[566:865] [2023-04-12 19:28:41 +0000.400968][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[571:903] [2023-04-12 19:28:46 +0000.438510][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[571:910] [2023-04-12 19:28:46 +0000.445768][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[577:071] [2023-04-12 19:28:51 +0000.606856][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[577:081] [2023-04-12 19:28:51 +0000.617113][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[582:121] [2023-04-12 19:28:56 +0000.656876][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[582:129] [2023-04-12 19:28:56 +0000.664870][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[587:167] [2023-04-12 19:29:01 +0000.702594][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[587:173] [2023-04-12 19:29:01 +0000.708689][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[592:211] [2023-04-12 19:29:06 +0000.746532][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[592:218] [2023-04-12 19:29:06 +0000.753702][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[597:255] [2023-04-12 19:29:11 +0000.790612][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[597:263] [2023-04-12 19:29:11 +0000.798796][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[602:303] [2023-04-12 19:29:16 +0000.838504][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[602:311] [2023-04-12 19:29:16 +0000.846822][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[607:351] [2023-04-12 19:29:21 +0000.886495][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[607:360] [2023-04-12 19:29:21 +0000.895333][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[612:400] [2023-04-12 19:29:26 +0000.935641][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[612:408] [2023-04-12 19:29:26 +0000.943729][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[617:447] [2023-04-12 19:29:31 +0000.982584][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[617:458] [2023-04-12 19:29:31 +0000.993917][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[622:497] [2023-04-12 19:29:37 +0000.32830][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[622:502] [2023-04-12 19:29:37 +0000.38381][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[627:523] [2023-04-12 19:29:42 +0000.58657][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[627:530] [2023-04-12 19:29:42 +0000.65634][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[632:567] [2023-04-12 19:29:47 +0000.102607][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[632:576] [2023-04-12 19:29:47 +0000.111422][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[637:587] [2023-04-12 19:29:52 +0000.122769][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[637:599] [2023-04-12 19:29:52 +0000.134463][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[642:639] [2023-04-12 19:29:57 +0000.174767][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[642:650] [2023-04-12 19:29:57 +0000.186253][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[647:691] [2023-04-12 19:30:02 +0000.226572][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[647:698] [2023-04-12 19:30:02 +0000.234058][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[652:719] [2023-04-12 19:30:07 +0000.254673][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[652:730] [2023-04-12 19:30:07 +0000.265714][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[657:767] [2023-04-12 19:30:12 +0000.302490][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[657:772] [2023-04-12 19:30:12 +0000.307592][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[662:812] [2023-04-12 19:30:17 +0000.348201][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[662:821] [2023-04-12 19:30:17 +0000.356815][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[667:862] [2023-04-12 19:30:22 +0000.397693][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[667:874] [2023-04-12 19:30:22 +0000.409970][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[672:892] [2023-04-12 19:30:27 +0000.427870][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[672:900] [2023-04-12 19:30:27 +0000.436292][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[677:939] [2023-04-12 19:30:32 +0000.474681][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[677:950] [2023-04-12 19:30:32 +0000.485368][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[682:987] [2023-04-12 19:30:37 +0000.522603][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[682:998] [2023-04-12 19:30:37 +0000.533350][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[688:035] [2023-04-12 19:30:42 +0000.570654][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[688:043] [2023-04-12 19:30:42 +0000.578602][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[693:083] [2023-04-12 19:30:47 +0000.618596][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[693:094] [2023-04-12 19:30:47 +0000.630062][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[698:135] [2023-04-12 19:30:52 +0000.670548][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[698:145] [2023-04-12 19:30:52 +0000.680584][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[703:183] [2023-04-12 19:30:57 +0000.718672][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[703:197] [2023-04-12 19:30:57 +0000.732520][67ba] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[708:235] [2023-04-12 19:31:02 +0000.770588][67ba] Error( Open the file

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