Corafix Jet Black GDR
Corafix Jet Black GDR
Corafix Jet Black GDR
General properties:
Dischargeability: D
Solubility neutral ( gpl) : 150gpl
Solubility with 50g/l G. Salt at 500C : 100 gpl Cold pad-batch on
ASS Stable mercerised cotton poplin
Alkali Stability
PLS Stable
Substantitivity Medium
Fixation Value 75.34%
Reactivity Medium
1/2. g/l
(Abbreviation: S-Suitable, NS - Not Suitable,
ASS - Alkali + Salt + Stability
PLS - Pad Liquor Stability.
R - Redder, 1/1.g/l
G - Greener,
RR- Much Redder
2/1. g/l
Fastness Properties:
K/S Value.
0.00% 2.00% 4.00% 6.00% 8.00% 10.00% 12.00% 14.00% 16.00% 18.00%
% Stripping with recommended Recipe :
Stripping Method :
Caustic Soda 32.5% 10.-15 ml/l
Hydrosuphite Conc 5 g/l
0 0 0
Heat from 60 C to 90 C in 15 min. hold for 30 min. at 90 C, then rinse neutralisation
with Acidic acid (pH 5.5) at Room Temp followed by warm and cold wash
Control 92%
(This information provided is in good faith, to the best of our knowledge and without liabilities)