Iso 17396
Iso 17396
Iso 17396
Material: Endless belts from cast polyurethane (PU), with steel Please note: T timing belts only run on T pulleys.
tensile member. Open length belts from thermoplastic polyure- AT timing belts only run on AT pulleys.
thane TPU, weldable, with steel tensile member.
Special length: Open length belts, which are sold by the meter,
Timing belts in metric dimensions. Classical shape with trapezo- are made from thermoplastic TPU and can get welded. To do
id teeth. this, the belt ends are cut in V-shape or finger shape, depen-
Type T: Standard type for normal set-ups in size T 2.5, T 5 and ding on the belt width, and then the TPU gets welded. The
T 10 in several widths. steel tensile member doesn´t get welded. Through the large
overlap at the welding point a high durability is reached. It
Type AT: Reinforced type for the transmission of higher torques does however rate approx. 50% below the power transmission
in sizes AT 5 and AT 10 in several widths. Due to their lower rate of the open length belts.
flexibility AT timing belts require a larger pulley diameter than T
timing belts.
Ordering Details: e.g.: Product No. 160 601 00, PU-Timing Belt, Profile T 2.5,
Belt Width 6 mm, 48 Teeth
Belts sold by the meter and fixing plates see page 200.
Performance figures at
Permissible tensile forces for the belts see page 146.
206 ®
T-Timing Belts
Ordering Details: e.g.: Product No. 162 601 00, PU-Timing Belt, Profile T 5, 165 mm,
Belt Width 10 mm, 33 Teeth
Profile T 5, Pitch 5 mm
Product No. Product No. Product No. Product No. Length* No. of
Width 10mm Width 16mm Width 25mm Width 32mm mm teeth
162 601 00 162 701 00 162 801 00 - 165 33
162 602 00 162 702 00 162 802 00 - 185 37
162 603 00 162 703 00 162 803 00 - 200 40
162 604 00 162 704 00 162 804 00 162 870 04 215 43
162 605 00 162 705 00 162 805 00 162 870 05 220 44
162 606 00 162 706 00 162 806 00 162 870 06 225 45
162 607 00 162 707 00 162 807 00 162 870 07 245 49
162 608 00 162 708 00 162 808 00 162 870 08 250 50
162 609 00 162 709 00 162 809 00 162 870 09 255 51
162 610 00 162 710 00 162 810 00 162 870 10 260 52
162 611 00 162 711 00 162 811 00 162 870 11 270 54
162 612 00 162 712 00 162 812 00 162 870 12 275 55
162 613 00 162 713 00 162 813 00 162 870 13 280 56
162 614 00 162 714 00 162 814 00 162 870 14 295 59
162 615 00 162 715 00 162 815 00 162 870 15 300 60
162 616 00 162 716 00 162 816 00 162 870 16 305 61
162 617 00 162 717 00 162 817 00 162 870 17 325 65
162 618 00 162 718 00 162 818 00 162 870 18 330 66
162 619 00 162 719 00 162 819 00 162 870 19 340 68
162 620 00 162 720 00 162 820 00 162 870 20 350 70
162 621 00 162 721 00 162 821 00 162 870 21 355 71
162 622 00 162 722 00 162 822 00 162 870 22 365 73
162 623 00 162 723 00 162 823 00 162 870 23 375 75
162 624 00 162 724 00 162 824 00 162 870 24 390 78
162 625 00 162 725 00 162 825 00 162 870 25 400 80
162 626 00 162 726 00 162 826 00 162 870 26 410 82
162 627 00 162 727 00 162 827 00 162 870 27 420 84
162 628 00 162 728 00 162 828 00 162 870 28 425 85
162 629 00 162 729 00 162 829 00 162 870 29 450 90
162 630 00 162 730 00 162 830 00 162 870 30 455 91
162 631 00 162 731 00 162 831 00 162 870 31 465 93
162 632 00 162 732 00 162 832 00 162 870 32 475 95
162 633 00 162 733 00 162 833 00 162 870 33 480 96
162 634 00 162 734 00 162 834 00 162 870 34 500 100
162 635 00 162 735 00 162 835 00 162 870 35 510 102
162 636 00 162 736 00 162 836 00 162 870 36 525 105
162 637 00 162 737 00 162 837 00 162 870 37 545 109
162 638 00 162 738 00 162 838 00 162 870 38 550 110
162 639 00 162 739 00 162 839 00 162 870 39 560 112
162 640 00 162 740 00 162 840 00 162 870 40 575 115
162 641 00 162 741 00 162 841 00 162 870 41 600 120
162 642 00 162 742 00 162 842 00 162 870 42 610 122
162 643 00 162 743 00 162 843 00 162 870 43 620 124
162 644 00 162 744 00 162 844 00 162 870 44 630 126
162 645 00 162 745 00 162 845 00 162 870 45 640 128
162 646 00 162 746 00 162 846 00 162 870 46 650 130
162 647 00 162 747 00 162 847 00 162 870 47 660 132
162 648 00 162 748 00 162 848 00 162 870 48 690 138
162 649 00 162 749 00 162 849 00 162 870 49 695 139
162 650 00 162 750 00 162 850 00 162 870 50 700 140
162 651 00 162 751 00 162 851 00 162 870 51 720 144
162 652 00 162 752 00 162 852 00 162 870 52 750 150
162 653 00 162 753 00 162 853 00 162 870 53 780 156 Endless belts welded together from material sold by the meter
162 654 00 162 754 00 162 854 00 162 870 54 815 163 can be supplied on request in any special length.
162 655 00 162 755 00 162 855 00 162 870 55 840 168
162 656 00 162 756 00 162 856 00 162 870 56 850 170
Belts sold by the meter and fixing plates see page 200.
162 657 00 162 757 00 162 857 00 162 870 57 900 180 Performance figures at
162 658 00 162 758 00 162 858 00 162 870 58 990 198 Permissible tensile forces for the belts see page 146.
162 659 00 162 759 00 162 859 00 162 870 59 1000 200
162 660 00 162 760 00 162 860 00 162 870 60 1075 215
162 661 00 162 761 00 162 861 00 162 870 61 1100 220
162 662 00 162 762 00 162 862 00 162 870 62 1215 243
162 663 00 162 763 00 162 863 00 162 870 63 1380 276 Timing Belt Welding
162 664 00 162 764 00 162 864 00 162 870 64 1440 288
162 600 00 162 700 00 162 800 00 162 870 00 Open length** within 24h-Service
* Effective length.
** Open length from thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU), with steel tensile member.
® 207
T-Timing Belts
Ordering Details: e.g.: Product No. 164 601 00, PU-Timing Belt, Profile T 10,
260 mm, Belt Width 16 mm, 26 Teeth
Product No. Product No. Product No. Product No. Product No. Length* No. of
Width 16 mm Width 25 mm Width 32 mm Width 40 mm Width 50 mm mm teeth
164 601 00 164 701 00 164 801 00 - - 260 26
164 602 00 164 702 00 164 802 00 164 855 02 164 862 00 370 37
164 603 00 164 703 00 164 803 00 - 164 863 00 400 40
164 604 00 164 704 00 164 804 00 164 855 04 164 864 00 410 41
164 605 00 164 705 00 164 805 00 - 164 865 00 440 44
164 606 00 164 706 00 164 806 00 164 855 06 164 866 00 450 45
164 607 00 164 707 00 164 807 00 164 855 07 164 867 00 500 50
164 608 00 164 708 00 164 808 00 164 855 08 164 868 00 530 53
164 609 00 164 709 00 164 809 00 164 855 09 164 869 00 560 56
164 610 00 164 710 00 164 810 00 164 855 10 164 870 00 610 61
164 611 00 164 711 00 164 811 00 164 855 11 164 871 00 630 63
164 612 00 164 712 00 164 812 00 164 855 12 164 872 00 660 66
164 613 00 164 713 00 164 813 00 - 164 873 00 690 69
164 614 00 164 714 00 164 814 00 164 855 14 164 874 00 700 70
164 615 00 164 715 00 164 815 00 164 855 15 164 875 00 720 72
164 616 00 164 716 00 164 816 00 164 855 16 164 876 00 750 75
164 617 00 164 717 00 164 817 00 164 855 17 164 877 00 780 78
164 618 00 164 718 00 164 818 00 164 855 18 164 878 00 810 81
164 619 00 164 719 00 164 819 00 164 855 19 164 879 00 840 84
164 620 00 164 720 00 164 820 00 164 855 20 164 880 00 880 88
164 621 00 164 721 00 164 821 00 - 164 881 00 890 89
164 622 00 164 722 00 164 822 00 164 855 22 164 882 00 900 90
164 623 00 164 723 00 164 823 00 164 855 23 164 883 00 920 92
164 624 00 164 724 00 164 824 00 164 855 24 164 884 00 960 96
164 625 00 164 725 00 164 825 00 - - 970 97
164 626 00 164 726 00 164 826 00 164 855 26 164 886 00 980 98
164 627 00 164 727 00 164 827 00 164 855 27 164 887 00 1010 101
164 628 00 164 728 00 164 828 00 164 855 28 164 888 00 1080 108
164 629 00 164 729 00 164 829 00 164 855 29 164 889 00 1110 111
164 630 00 164 730 00 164 830 00 - 164 890 00 1140 114
164 631 00 164 731 00 164 831 00 164 855 31 164 891 00 1150 115
164 632 00 164 732 00 164 832 00 164 855 32 164 892 00 1210 121
164 633 00 164 733 00 164 833 00 164 855 33 164 893 00 1240 124
164 634 00 164 734 00 164 834 00 164 855 34 164 894 00 1250 125
164 635 00 164 735 00 164 835 00 164 855 35 164 895 00 1300 130
164 636 00 164 736 00 164 836 00 164 855 36 164 896 00 1320 132
164 637 00 164 737 00 164 837 00 164 855 37 164 897 00 1350 135
164 638 00 164 738 00 164 838 00 164 855 38 164 898 00 1390 139
164 639 00 164 739 00 164 839 00 164 855 39 164 979 00 1400 140
164 640 00 164 740 00 164 840 00 164 855 40 164 980 00 1420 142
164 641 00 164 741 00 164 841 00 164 855 41 164 981 00 1440 144
164 642 00 164 742 00 164 842 00 164 855 42 164 982 00 1450 145
164 643 00 164 743 00 164 843 00 164 855 43 164 983 00 1460 146
164 644 00 164 744 00 164 844 00 164 855 44 164 984 00 1500 150
164 645 00 164 745 00 164 845 00 164 855 45 164 985 00 1560 156
164 646 00 164 746 00 164 846 00 164 855 46 164 986 00 1610 161
164 647 00 164 747 00 164 847 00 164 855 47 164 987 00 1750 175
164 648 00 164 748 00 164 848 00 164 855 48 164 988 00 1780 178
164 649 00 164 749 00 164 849 00 164 855 49 164 989 00 1880 188
164 650 00 164 750 00 164 850 00 164 855 50 164 990 00 1960 196
164 651 00 164 751 00 164 851 00 164 855 51 164 991 00 2250 225
164 600 00 164 700 00 164 800 00 164 855 00 164 860 00 Open length**
208 ®
AT-Timing Belts
Ordering Details: e.g.: Product No. 163 601 00, PU Timing Belts, Profile AT 3,
Belt Width 6 mm, Length 150 mm
Product No. Product No. Length* No. of Product No. Product No. Product No. Product No. Length* No. of
Width 6mm Width 10mm mm teeth Width 10mm Width 16mm Width 25mm Width 32mm mm teeth
163 601 00 163 701 00 150 50 166 601 00 166 701 00 166 801 00 - 225 45
163 602 00 163 702 00 201 67 166 602 00 166 702 00 166 802 00 - 255 51
163 603 00 163 703 00 252 84 166 603 00 166 703 00 166 803 00 - 275 55
163 604 00 163 704 00 267 89 166 604 00 166 704 00 166 804 00 166 870 04 280 56
163 605 00 163 705 00 270 90 166 605 00 166 705 00 166 805 00 166 870 05 300 60
163 606 00 163 706 00 300 100 166 606 00 166 706 00 166 806 00 166 870 06 340 68
163 607 00 163 707 00 351 117 166 607 00 166 707 00 166 807 00 166 870 07 375 75
163 608 00 163 708 00 399 133 166 608 00 166 708 00 166 808 00 166 870 08 390 78
163 609 00 163 709 00 417 139 166 609 00 166 709 00 166 809 00 166 870 09 420 84
163 610 00 163 710 00 450 150 166 610 00 166 710 00 166 810 00 166 870 10 455 91
163 611 00 163 711 00 501 167 166 611 00 166 711 00 166 811 00 166 870 11 500 100
163 612 00 163 712 00 549 183 166 612 00 166 712 00 166 812 00 166 870 12 545 109
163 613 00 163 713 00 600 200 166 613 00 166 713 00 166 813 00 166 870 13 600 120
163 614 00 163 714 00 639 213 166 614 00 166 714 00 166 814 00 166 870 14 610 122
163 615 00 163 715 00 714 238 166 615 00 166 715 00 166 815 00 166 870 15 630 126
163 617 00 163 717 00 816 272 166 616 00 166 716 00 166 816 00 166 870 16 660 132
163 618 00 163 718 00 900 300 166 617 00 166 717 00 166 817 00 166 870 17 720 144
163 619 00 163 719 00 1011 337 166 618 00 166 718 00 166 818 00 166 870 18 750 150
166 619 00 166 719 00 166 819 00 166 870 19 780 156
166 620 00 166 720 00 166 820 00 166 870 20 825 165
166 621 00 166 721 00 166 821 00 166 870 21 975 195
166 622 00 166 722 00 166 822 00 166 870 22 1050 210
166 623 00 166 723 00 166 823 00 166 870 23 1125 225
166 624 00 166 724 00 166 824 00 166 870 24 1500 300
166 600 00 166 700 00 166 800 00 166 870 00 Open length**
Product No. Product No. Product No. Product No. Product No. Length* No. of
Width 16 mm Width 25 mm Width 32 mm Width 40 mm Width 50 mm mm teeth
168 601 00 168 701 00 168 801 00 168 830 01 168 831 00 500 50
168 602 00 168 702 00 168 802 00 168 830 02 168 832 00 560 56
168 603 00 168 703 00 168 803 00 168 830 03 168 833 00 610 61
168 604 00 168 704 00 168 804 00 168 830 04 168 834 00 660 66
168 605 00 168 705 00 168 805 00 168 830 05 168 835 00 700 70
168 606 00 168 706 00 168 806 00 168 830 06 168 836 00 730 73
168 607 00 168 707 00 168 807 00 168 830 07 168 837 00 780 78
168 608 00 168 708 00 168 808 00 168 830 08 168 838 00 800 80
168 609 00 168 709 00 168 809 00 168 830 09 168 839 00 810 81
168 610 00 168 710 00 168 810 00 168 830 10 168 840 00 840 84
168 611 00 168 711 00 168 811 00 168 830 11 168 841 00 890 89
168 612 00 168 712 00 168 812 00 168 830 12 168 842 00 920 92
168 613 00 168 713 00 168 813 00 168 830 13 168 843 00 960 96
168 614 00 168 714 00 168 814 00 168 830 14 168 844 00 980 98
168 615 00 168 715 00 168 815 00 168 830 15 168 845 00 1010 101
168 616 00 168 716 00 168 816 00 168 830 16 168 846 00 1050 105
168 617 00 168 717 00 168 817 00 168 830 17 168 847 00 1080 108
168 618 00 168 718 00 168 818 00 168 830 18 168 848 00 1150 115
168 619 00 168 719 00 168 819 00 168 830 19 168 849 00 1210 121
168 620 00 168 720 00 168 820 00 168 830 20 168 850 00 1250 125
168 621 00 168 721 00 168 821 00 168 830 21 168 851 00 1320 132 Endless belts welded together from material sold
168 622 00 168 722 00 168 822 00 168 830 22 168 852 00 1400 140 by the meter can be supplied on request in any
168 623 00 168 723 00 168 823 00 168 830 23 168 853 00 1500 150 special length.
168 624 00 168 724 00 168 824 00 168 830 24 168 854 00 1600 160 Belts sold by the meter and fixing plates see page 200.
168 625 00 168 725 00 168 825 00 168 830 25 168 855 00 1700 170
168 626 00 168 726 00 168 826 00 168 830 26 168 856 00 1800 180 Performance figures at
168 600 00 168 700 00 168 800 00 168 830 00 168 860 00 Open length** Permissible tensile forces for the belts see page 146.
® 209
T Pulleys, Pitch 2.5 mm Made from Aluminium
b b b
Type 0F Type 1F Type 2
® 149
T Pulleys, Pitch 5 mm from Aluminium
b b b
Type 1F Type 2
150 ®
T Pulleys, Pitch 5 mm Made from Aluminium
b b b
Type 1F Type 2
® 151
T Pulleys, Pitch 10 mm Made from Aluminium
b b b
Type 1F Type 2
® 157
T Pulleys, Pitch 10 mm Made from Aluminium
b b b
Type 1F Type 2
158 ®
T Pulleys, Pitch 10 mm Made from Aluminium
b b b
Type 1F Type 2
Reworking within
24h-service possible.
Custom made parts
on request.
® 159
AT Pulleys, Pitch 3 mm Made from Aluminium
b b b
Type 1F Type 2
162 ®
AT Pulleys, Pitch 5 mm Made from Aluminium
b b b
Type 1F Type 2
® 163
AT Pulleys, Pitch 5 mm Made from Aluminium
b b b
Type 1F Type 2
164 ®
AT Pulleys, Pitch 10 mm Made from Aluminium
b b b
Type 1F Type 2
® 167
AT Pulleys, Pitch 10 mm Made from Aluminium
b b b
Type 1F Type 2
Reworking within
24h-service possible.
Custom made parts
on request.
168 ®