Neutrino Mixing2

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Eur. Phys. J.

C (2015) 75:373
DOI 10.1140/epjc/s10052-015-3576-5


Pieces of the flavour puzzle

Ferruccio Feruglio1,2,a
1 Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia ‘G. Galilei’, Università di Padova, Via Marzolo 8, 35131 Padua, Italy
2 INFN, Sezione di Padova, Via Marzolo 8, 35131 Padua, Italy

Received: 5 May 2015 / Accepted: 7 July 2015 / Published online: 15 August 2015
© The Author(s) 2015. This article is published with open access at

Abstract An overview of the flavour problem is presented, ing at reviewing all the existing models, but rather at revisit-
with emphasis on the theoretical efforts to find a satisfactory ing some main ideas, guided by my own prejudices. Several
description of the fermion masses and the mixing angles. aspects that have been left aside or only briefly mentioned in
this paper are covered in a number of reviews [1–4]. In par-
ticular I will not do justice to the vast literature of fermion
1 Introduction masses in grand unified theory [5–7], nor to that discussing
the flavour puzzle in the framework of string theory [8,9].
The origin of the parameters in the flavour sector of the Stan- There are different approaches to the flavour puzzle, with
dard Model (SM), minimally extended to include massive many intermediate possibilities. We may take a reduction-
neutrinos, is one of the most enigmatic questions in particle ist perspective: the Yukawa couplings Yi should be deduced
physics. Out of the 22 (20 if B-L is conserved) independent from first principles. We postulate the existence of a funda-
low-energy parameters Y i , which with some abuse of lan- mental theory from which Yi can be uniquely determined.
guage can be called Yukawa couplings, 18 have been mea- Either by proceeding directly from the candidate theory or
sured. Of the remaining four parameters, the absolute scale of by appealing to some symmetry or dynamical principle, Yi
neutrino masses is constrained in a limited range, the leptonic are then computed in terms of a small set of input parame-
Dirac CP-violating phase starts to be constrained by global ters. Probably the most striking fact about this program is that
fits while the two possible Majorana phases are still unknown. nothing approaching a standard theory of Yi exists, despite
A considerable effort has been devoted to the search for a the decades of experimental progress and theoretical efforts.
more economic description, perhaps related to a new princi- In another approach a major role is played by chance. There
ple, such as the gauge principle. Gauge invariance and renor- are many variants and practical implementations of this strat-
malisability allow one to describe strong and electroweak egy. The Yukawa couplings Yi are typically mapped to a
interactions of three copies of 15 different fermion species large number of order-one parameters that are considered as
in terms of only three parameters. Nothing similar exists so irreducible unknowns, like in models with Froggatt–Nielsen
far in the flavour sector and we usually refer to this as the abelian flavour symmetries or with fermions living in extra
flavour puzzle. Another aspect of flavour is related to the dimensions. Also the simplest version of partial composite-
new particle threshold around the TeV scale predicted by all ness falls into this class. By scanning the order-one param-
SM extensions addressing the hierarchy problem. Once new eters we get probability distributions for masses and mixing
TeV particles transforming non-trivially in flavour space are angles. Alternatively we start from a fundamental theory, like
introduced, it is very difficult to maintain the almost perfect string theory, which possesses a vast landscape of solutions,
agreement between predictions and observations that reigns with no privileged ground state. The observed Yukawa cou-
in the SM. New sources of flavour-changing neutral currents plings become environmental quantities and cannot be pre-
(FCNC) and CP violations appear and the task is to keep them dicted, like the relative sizes of the solar planetary orbits (For
at an acceptable level. This is what we commonly mean by review see [10]). We are allowed to ask much less ambitious
flavour problem, to distinguish it from the flavour puzzle. In questions. For instance, if we have knowledge of the statis-
this short review the focus will be on the first aspect, I will tical distribution of Yi in an hypothetical multiverse where
comment only briefly on the second one. Also, I am not aim- the laws of physics follow our fundamental theory, we can
ask how typical are the Yukawa couplings that we observe.
a e-mail:
Conversely, barring anthropic selections, we might assume

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that the observed Yi are typical and try to deduce information λ = ϕ/ f < 1 FN(ϕ) = −1. (4)
on the statistical distribution of Yi in the multiverse [11,12].
Such a variety of open possibilities shows how far we are Quarks carry non-negative U(1)FN charges (the case with
from the solution of the puzzle and even from identifying the charges of both signs can be discussed as well)
most relevant questions to be addressed. FN(X i ) ≥ 0 (X i = qi , u ic , dic ). (5)
Most of the parameters Yi are dimensionless and in a
dynamical theory of flavour we have essentially no clue Under these assumptions the quark Yukawa couplings yu,d
about the characteristic scale  f . If active neutrinos are are given by
 particles and B-L gets violated at a scale , then
yu = Fu c Yu Fq , yd = Fd c Yd Fq , (6)
m 2atm ≈ 0.05 eV strongly suggests a very large . How-
ever, in general  and  f are independent from each other. where Yu,d are complex matrices with entries of order one,
Thus there is no clear relation between  f and other possible undetermined by the U(1)FN symmetry, while FX are real
particle physics thresholds such as the TeV scale, relevant to diagonal matrices, completely specified in terms of λ by the
the gauge hierarchy problem, or the grand unified scale. This charges FN(X i ):
makes it more difficult to identify unambiguous signatures ⎛ FN(X ) ⎞
to confirm or rule out a given model of fermion masses and λ 1 0 0
mixing angles. For instance, the extrapolation of the Yukawa FX = ⎝ 0 λFN(X 2 ) 0 ⎠ (X i = qi , u ic , dic ).
0 0 λ FN(X 3)
couplings from the scale  f down to low-energies where
they are measured can involve new particle threshold and/or (7)
unknown parameters, thus affecting our ability to test the
The small quark mass ratios and quark mixing angles
high-energy theory.
originate from the hierarchical structure of the matrices FX .
Indeed, by taking FN(q1 ) > FN(q2 ) > FN(q3 ) ≥ 0 we get
2 Lessons from the quark sector Fqi
(Vu,d )i j ≈ < 1 (i < j) (8)
Fq j
A first useful observation is that ratios of charged fermion
masses and quark mixing angles can be represented by pow- for the matrices Vu,d defining the CKM mixing matrix
ers of the Cabibbo angle. Using λ = 0.22 we have VCKM = Vu† Vd . Independently from the specific charge
choice, this framework predicts
me md mu
≈ λ5.4 ≈ λ4.3 ≈ λ7.4 (1)
mτ mb mt Vud ≈ Vcs ≈ Vtb ≈ O(1) Vub ≈ Vtd ≈ Vus × Vcb , (9)
mμ ms mc
≈ λ1.9 ≈ λ2.3 ≈ λ3.6 , (2) the last equality being correct within a factor of 2. With
mτ mb mt
λ ≈ 0.2, the correct order of magnitudes of the VCKM
where all masses have been renormalised at the scale m Z .
matrix elements can be reproduced by choosing, for instance,
It is well known that also the elements of the Cabibbo–
FN(q) = (3, 2, 0). The correct order of magnitudes of the
Kobayashi–Maskawa (CKM) mixing matrix can be
quark mass ratios can be reproduced by choosing, for exam-
expressed in terms of powers of λ:
|Vud | ≈ 1 |Vus | ≈ λ|Vcb | ≈ λ2 |Vub | ≈ λ4 ÷ λ3 . (3)
FN(q) = (3, 2, 0) FN(u c ) = (4, 2, 0)
For comparison, in the lepton sector, where the Pontecorvo– FN(d c ) = (1 + r, r, r ), (10)
Maki–Nakagawa–Sakata (PMNS) mixing matrix is denoted
by U , we have all |U f i | of order one, except for |Ue3 | which r being a non-negative integer. If there is only one Higgs
is of order λ. The ratio between the solar and the atmospheric doublet, then we need r to be close to 2 to match the ratio
neutrino squared-mass differences m 221 /|m 231 | is of order m t /m b . If two Higgs doublets are present, other choices are
λ2 . Focussing on the quark sector, in a pioneering work possible by varying tan β = vu /vd . Several aspects of this
[13] Froggatt and Nielsen observed that all the small dimen- class of models have been discussed in Refs. [14–21].
sionless parameters of the quark sector such as the quark The construction relies on a spontaneously broken abelian
mass ratios and the CKM mixing angles can be interpreted flavour symmetry, but the final results (6)–(9) are valid in
as powers of the breaking parameter of a flavour symme- a more general context, where no symmetry is present to
try. In this case the flavour symmetry group G f is abelian, start with. A simple example is provided by a model with an
G f = U (1)FN . A scalar field ϕ, carrying by convention a extra spatial dimension, compactified on an orbifold S 1 /Z 2
negative unit of the abelian charge FN, develops a vacuum to allow for 4D chiral fermions. The Lagrangian for a 5D
expectation value (VEV) that can be parametrised as spinor (x, y) reads

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L = i M D M  + m Table 1 Parameters μi and ρ in models with an extra dimension com-

μ pactified on an interval. In a flat (warped) metric the Higgs field is
= iγ ∂μ  − γ5 ∂ y  + m + · · · (11) localised on the brane y = 0 (y = R  ) and the ultraviolet cut-off is
denoted by  (1/R). The fermions are described by five-dimensional
where the mass m should be odd under the Z 2 parity sending spinors, with bulk masses Mi . In the warped case, when the frame-
work is applied to the gauge hierarchy problem [24], R, R  are length
y into −y. A possible choice is
scales of the order of the inverse Planck mass and the inverse TeV scale,
m = M (y), (12) ED μi ρ

M being a real constant and (y) the periodic sign function. Flat [0, π R] Mi / π R
The 5D spinor has left (L) and right (R) chiralities in four Warped [R, R  ] 1/2 − Mi R log R  /R
L √ ξi
= (13) ρ FX i =
R 1 − e−ξi
⎨ ξi ξi  1
with opposite Z 2 parities, such that only the even component ≈ 1 |ξi | 1 (ξi = 2μi ρ). (17)
developes a massless (zero) mode. Choosing, for instance, ⎩√
−ξi eξi /2 ξi −1
L even and R odd, the equation satisfied by the zero mode
of L is There is no flavour symmetry: the hierarchical structure of
quark masses and mixing angles is dictated by geometry in
∂ y L0 + M (y)L0 = 0. (14) the compact space.
Similarly, in the partial compositeness scenario [25], light
The solution has an exponential dependence on y fermions get hierarchical masses from the mixing between an
elementary sector and a composite one. As a toy realisation of
this idea, consider a model where the composite sector con-
L0 (x, y) = e−M|y| ψ(x), (15) tains, for each SM fermion, a pair of heavy fermions allowing
1 − e−2Mπ R a Dirac mass term of the order of the compositeness scale and
a mixing term with the SM fields [26,27]
where the first factor provides the correct normalisation. The
zero mode is localised near y = 0(π R) for M > 0(< 0). In LY = −u c u U − d c d D − Q c q q
the limit M = 0 the zero mode becomes flat in y. A formally
−U c Mu U − D c Md D − Q c Mq Q
identical solution holds for the zero mode of R , if we choose
˜ † Q) − D c Yd († Q)
−U c Yu (
L odd and R even and we start from a 5D mass term with
the opposite sign. If the Higgs field is strictly localised at one ˜ Ỹu U − (Q c )Ỹd D + h.c.
−(Q c ) (18)
of the two branes, for instance the one at y = 0, the Yukawa
interactions will be proportional to a Dirac delta δ(y) and The first line represents the mixing between elementary and
we can reproduce the same pattern of Yukawa couplings of composite sector, the second line displays Dirac mass terms
Eq. (6) with matrices FX now given by [22] (for early ideas for the fermions of the composite sector and the last two
to generate hierarchical Yukawas with extra dimensions see lines show the Yukawa interactions that, by assumption, are
[23]): restricted to the composite sector alone and described by
strong couplings Yu,d , Ỹu,d ≥ 1. By integrating out the com-
posite sector under the assumption Mi  v, we get low-
FX i = , (16) energy Yukawa interactions for the elementary sector whose
1 − e−2μi ρ
leading-order (LO) terms have the structure given in Eq. (6)
where μi and ρ are specified in terms of the bulk quark masses with matrices FX parametrizing the elementary–composite
and the geometry of the extra dimension; see Table 1. mixing:
The suppression factors FX i represent the values that the Fu c = u Mu−1 , Fd c = d Md−1 , Fq = Mq−1 q . (19)
profiles of the fermion zero modes take at the brane where the
Higgs field is localised. On that brane, generic O(1) Yukawa The same pattern arises when matter chiral multiplets X i
couplings Yu,d with the bulk quark fields are postulated. The of the MSSM are coupled to a superconformal sector in some
role of the Froggatt–Nielsen charges is here played by μi and finite energy range [28–30], from an ultraviolet (UV) scale 
ρ, which determine the profiles along the extra dimension of down to a lower scale c . Generic O(1) Yukawa couplings
the zero-mode wave functions: Yi j at the scale 

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Table 2 Bounds on
dimension-six F = 2 Operator Bounds on NP in TeV (cNP = 1) Bounds on cNP (NP = 1 TeV)
operators, from Refs. [33,34]. Re Im Re Im
The overall coefficient of the
operators is cNP /2NP . The (s̄L γ μ dL )2 9.8 × 102 1.6 × 104 9.0 × 10−7 3.4 × 10−9
operator in Eq. (26) is the one in
the second row (s̄R dL )(s̄L dR ) 1.8 × 104 3.2 × 105 6.9 × 10−9 2.6 × 10−11
(c̄L γ μ u L )2 1.2 × 103 2.9 × 103 5.6 × 10−7 1.0 × 10−7
(c̄R u L )(c̄L u R ) 6.2 × 103 1.5 × 104 5.7 × 10−8 1.1 × 10−8
(b̄L γ μ dL )2 6.6 × 102 9.3 × 102 2.3 × 10−6 1.1 × 10−6
(b̄R dL )(b̄L dR ) 2.5 × 103 3.6 × 103 3.9 × 10−7 1.9 × 10−7
(b̄L γ μ sL )2 1.4 × 102 2.5 × 102 5.0 × 10−5 1.7 × 10−5
(b̄R sL )(b̄L sR ) 4.8 × 102 8.3 × 102 8.8 × 10−6 2.9 × 10−6

w = X i Yi j X j H + · · · . (20) with quarks transforming only under SU(3)3 as

can undergo a sizable renormalisation induced by the cor- q = (3, 1, 1) u c = (1, 3, 1) d c = (1, 1, 3). (24)
rections to the Kahler potential. In the superconformal win-
dow the chiral multiplet X i can have a large positive anoma- The full symmetry G f is explicitly broken by both the matri-
lous dimension γi and the Kahler potential at the scale c ces Yu,d and FX . However, it can be formally restored by
becomes treating Yu,d and FX as non-dynamical spurion fields pos-
sessing suitable transformation properties. To this aim the
K = Z i (c )X i† X i + · · · (21) Yukawa couplings should transform only under the “hidden”
i group SU(3)H 3 :
 −γi Yu = (3, 3, 1) H Yd = (3, 1, 3) H . (25)
Z i (c ) = Z i () Z i () ≈ 1. (22) The suppression matrices FX are the interface between

SU(3)H 3 and SU(3)3 , and they are assigned appropriate
Moving to a basis of canonical kinetic terms, the Yukawa transformations under both factors to guarantee the invari-
couplings at the scale c are renormalised ance of the Yukawa interactions described by Eq. (6) under
  γi SU(3)3 ×SU(3)H 3 . The starting point of the spurion analysis
c 2
Yi j (c ) = FX i Yi j FX j FX i = < 1, (23) is similar to that of MFV. Indeed the maximal flavour sym-

metry felt by quarks is SU(3)3 , as in MFV. However, there
and we find again the same pattern of Eq. (6), without impos- are more spurions than in MFV, the irreducible ones includ-
ing any symmetry. ing now Fq , Fu c , Fd c , Yu and Yd . One of the most dangerous
In the previous examples the anarchical pattern of Yu,d effects originates from the effective operator
may result in strong bounds on the scale of new physics NP
associated to particles carrying flavour quantum numbers and (q Fq† γμ Fq q)(d c Fd†c γ μ Fd c d c )
representing new sources of FCNC and/or CP violation. In 2NP
the absence of a concrete realisation, it is difficult to esti- 1 2m d m s
≈ 2 (sd c )(s c d) + · · · (26)
mate reliably the corresponding effects, also because in gen- NP Yd2  v 2
eral the scale of new physics NP and the scale of flavour
physics  f are independent from each other. A possibility Yd2  representing an average O(1) coupling. The contribu-
is offered by a spurion analysis [31], analogous to that pre- tion of this operator to the CP-violating K parameter is
scribed by minimal flavour violation (MFV) [32]. To this enhanced at the level of both the hadronic matrix element
purpose we assume that the new degrees of freedom have and the QCD corrections and sets one of the most stringent
non-trivial flavour properties and that the flavour-violating bounds on the scale of new physics NP ; see Table 2.
effects are completely specified by the same spurions that Assuming a generic O(1) phase for the overall coefficient
are responsible for fermion masses and mixing angles. More- we need
over, we assume that the dominant flavour-violating contri- Yd  NP > 20 TeV (27)
butions admit an expansion in power series of the spurion
fields. We start by noticing that the pattern of Eq. (6) is com- not to spoil the SM prediction for K . This, together with
patible with the flavour symmetry G f = SU(3)3 × SU(3)H 3 other constraints, suggests that a fully anarchical pattern

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in Yu,d is probably not tenable if new flavoured physics is Table 3 Possible choices of FN charges for the 5 representation in a
present at the TeV scale [35]. class of SU(5) grand unified models, from Ref. [46]. The second column
shows the value of the FN symmetry breaking parameter optimizing the
When such a spurion analysis is applicable, the esti- fit to fermion masses and mixing angles
mate of Eq. (26) represents a sort of lower bound on the
size of the expected effect and larger contributions are FN(5) λ
possible [36]. For example in supersymmetric extensions A (0, 0, 0) –
of the SM with a U(1)FN flavour symmetry and gravity- Aμτ (1, 0, 0) 0.25
mediated supersymmetry breaking the operator considered P Aμτ (2, 0, 0) 0.35
in Eq. (26) receives contributions from box diagrams with H (2, 1, 0) 0.45
squarks/gluino exchange that are typically larger than the
one quoted in Eq. (26). The reason is that in the U(1)FN case
the true flavour symmetry is much weaker than SU(3)H 3 ×
In the anarchic framework the mass matrix for light neutrinos
SU(3)3 and it allows sizable off-diagonal terms in both LL
and RR blocks for the first two generations of the down squark ⎛ ⎞
mass matrix. For instance, with the charge assignment of O(1) O(1) O(1)
Eq. (10), the mass insertions (δ12d ) ⎜ ⎟ v2
L L and (δ12 ) R R are both
m ν = ⎝ O(1) O(1) O(1) ⎠ m 0 m 0 = , (33)
proportional to λ and the operator (sd )(s d) has an over-
c c M0
O(1) O(1) O(1)
all parametric suppression 1/16π 2 × λ2 /2NP , milder than
the one in Eq. (26). This conclusion can be evaded in models with undetermined order-one matrix elements. This implies
with gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking [37,38]. mixing angles and neutrino mass ratios of O(1), in rough
agreement with the data. No special values for these quanti-
ties is expected. Indeed, before we knew θ13 from the exper-
3 From quarks to leptons iments, Anarchy successfully anticipated values close to the
upper bound at the time. Global fits of present data hint at
In the lepton sector we have no evidence for strong hier- deviations of the atmospheric mixing angle θ23 from π/4.
archies in mixing angles or in neutrino masses. Hierarchy Today these indications are still weak, as shown by the insta-
shows up at the level of charged-lepton masses. In terms of bility of the best fit value against different fitting procedures.
the suppression factors FX i this means The persistence of these deviations in future tests would fur-
ther strengthen the case for Anarchy. Anarchy represents an
Fe1c Fe2c Fe3c and Fl1 ≈ Fl2 ≈ Fl3 . (28) extreme possibility and milder realisation of the relations (32)
are possible. For instance, in the context of SU(5) grand uni-
For example an acceptable set of charges is fied models, with a Froggatt–Nielsen U(1)FN abelian sym-
metry, neutrino masses and mixing angles can be reproduced,
FN(ec ) = (4, 2, 0) FN(l) = (s + t, s, s) (s ≥ 0, t = 0, 1). at the level of order of magnitudes, by several choices of
(29) the FN charges for the 5 multiplets hosting the lepton dou-
blets, as shown in Table 3. FN charges for fermions in the
Here we focus on Majorana neutrinos. In the context of a 10 representations can be suitably chosen so that, by vary-
type I see-saw mechanism right-handed neutrinos ν c have ing the unknown order-one parameters, reasonable distribu-
their own suppression matrices Fν c . Yukawa couplings yν,e tions for charged lepton mass ratios, quark mass ratios and
and the mass matrix M of ν c read quark mixing angles are obtained [44–48]. A naive com-
parison of the distributions for neutrino masses and mix-
yν = Fν c Yν Fl , ye = Fec Ye Fl , M = Fν c Yc Fν c M0 , (30) ing angles with data do not appear to favour Anarchy over
the other possible charge assignments, as can be seen from
where Yν,e,c are complex matrices with unknown entries of
Fig. 1. I would personally find more appropriate to use the
order one and M0 is a mass parameter. At low-energy the
term Anarchy to denote the approaches giving rise to the
active neutrino mass matrix m ν is given by
results (6) and (30)–(31) where the absence of any special
m ν = −Fl (YνT Yc−1 Yν ) Fl v 2 /M0 , (31) pattern resides in the matrices Y , rather than to indicate the
special case defined in Eq. (32).
with no dependence on the suppression matrices Fν c . If this framework also comprises new flavoured particles
A drastic realisation of this picture is the framework of at the TeV scale, severe bounds from lepton flavour violation
Anarchy [39–43], which corresponds to the case (LFV) apply, under assumptions analogous to those spelled
for the quark sector. The irreducible sources of flavour vio-
Fl1 = Fl2 = Fl3 or t = 0. (32) lation in the lepton sector include the matrices Ye , Fec and

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Fig. 1 Probability distributions of r = m 2sol /m 2atm , sin θ13 , in the interval [0.5, 2] ([0, 2π ]) with a flat distribution. For A and Aμτ ,
tan2 θ12 , tan2 θ23 , from Ref. [46], within type I see-saw. The modu- λ = 0.2 has been used, for H and P Aμτ , λ = 0.4 is taken. The shaded
lus (argument) of the complex random coefficients has been generated vertical band emphasises the experimental 2σ window

Fl and LFV can occur even in the limit of vanishing neu- 4 Realisations in grand unified theories
trino masses. Notice that, though MFV cannot be extended
unambiguously to the lepton sector [49], it predicts no LFV A welcome feature of the above description is that it can be
if neutrinos are massless since in this limit the only rele- adapted to grand unified theories (GUT) where quarks and
vant spurion in the lepton sector is Ye , which can always be leptons are hosted in the same multiplet of the gauge group.
chosen diagonal. The dipole operator contributing to LFV In SU(5) the gauge symmetry requires
Fq = Fu c = Fec = F10 , Fl = Fd c = F5 , Fν c = F1 .
e c (35)
e σμν F μν (Fec Ye Ye† Ye Fl )H †l. (34)
Our previous results, Eqs. (10) and (29), come very close
to this requirement if we choose r = s and t = 1. If we
The charged-lepton mass matrix is proportional to (Fec Ye Fl ). accept a couple of tunings in the unknown O(1) parameters
In general the combinations (Fec Ye Fl ) and (Fec Ye Ye† Ye Fl ) Yu,d , we can force the equality (35) and still have a decent
are not diagonal in the same basis, not even in the case description of both the quark and lepton mass spectrum. As
of universal Fl of Eq. (32), and radiative decays of muon we have seen Fν c drops from the low-energy quantities. It is
and tau are expected. Agreement with the most constraining instructive to consider also the ansatz F5 ∝ 1. In this case
upper bound, BR(μ → eγ ) < 5.7 × 10−13 , requires NP the hierarchy among fermion masses is entirely due to F10 .
well above 10 TeV [50,51]. As in the quark sector, a com- From Eqs. (6) and (30) we see that the mass ratios in the up-
pletely anarchical matrix Ye and flavoured physics at the TeV quark sector are the square of the respective mass ratios in
scale are difficult to reconcile. A sufficient condition for the the down-quark and in the charged-lepton sectors, which is
absence of LFV is that Ye , Fec and Fl are diagonal in the correct in first approximation. The large lepton mixing cor-
same basis, as suggested in some models. Alternatively we responds to a large mixing among d c quarks [54], unobserv-
can look for special forms of these matrices [52,53], possibly able in SM weak interactions, but with possible observable
dictated by some symmetry requirements. effects if transferred from quarks to squarks in SUSY exten-

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sions of the SM [55]. A minimal model with Higgs bosons resides in the gauge interaction of the hypermultiplets. The
in the 5 representation would lead to the unrealistic relation 5D SUSY gauge interaction contains a 4D Yukawa inter-
ye = ydT , but the contributions from other Higgs represen- action among 16i , 16c i and 45 , controlled by the gauge
tations or from non-renormalisable operators can solve this coupling g5 , that can be combined with the bulk mass term:
problem [56,57] without altering the picture.  √ 
At first sight this description does not seem to be compat- − 16ic Mi − 2g5 45 16i . (39)
ible with an SO(10) GUT. The most general renormalisable
Yukawa interaction of three copies of fermion generations The chiral multiplet 45 has no zero mode but can acquire
transforming as 16 of SO(10) reads a non-vanishing VEV, 45  = v , which breaks SO(10)
  down to SU(5)×U(1) X . The Yukawa interaction of Eq. (39)
ij ij ij
LY = −16i Y10 10 H +Y120 120 H +Y126 126 H 16 j + h.c. gives rise to effective SO(10)-breaking bulk masses:
(36) √ 3/2
μri = μi − Q rX k k = 2g5 v /, (40)
The pattern of Yukawa couplings in Eq. (6) can also be
where Q rX is the U(1) X charge of the different SU(5) com-
thought to arise from a rescaling of the fermions fields, with
ponents inside the 16 multiplet: Q rX = (−1, +3, −5) for
the constraint that fermions belonging to a given irreducible
r = (10, 5, 1). We are back to the SU(5) case; see Eq. (35):
representation of the gauge group have to undergo the same

renormalisation. By assuming that the matrices Y10 , Y120 ,
Y126 have complex elements of order one and that the fields Fri = r = (10, 5, 1), (41)
1 − e−2μi ρ
16 undergo a wave function renormalisation

16 → F16 16, (37) but now the profiles Fri only depend on four free parameters:
μi and k. Neutrinos are described within a type I see-saw
we see that all members of a 16 representation are affected mechanism, as in Eq. (31), with masses for heavy Majorana
in the same way. Even accounting for the Clebsch–Gordan neutrinos originating from the VEV of the SU(5) singlet in
coefficients arising from Eq. (36) and the different overall the 126 H representation.
scales associated with the Higgs VEVs Hu,d , we cannot The model contains many parameters of order one. After
reproduce the observed hierarchies of u, d and e masses. Such rephasing of the relevant fields there are 27 real parame-
a discouraging starting point has been successfully modified ters coming from the matrices Y10 , Y120 , Y126 and eight real
in a construction by Kitano and Li [58], recently revisited in parameters describing the embedding of the two light Higgs
Ref. [59]. doublets within 10 H and 120 H . Despite the large number of
The model is a SUSY SO(10) GUT realised in a flat five- parameters the agreement with data is not a priori guaran-
dimensional space time, the fifth dimension being compacti- teed, since there are only four profile parameters to describe
fied on an interval [0, π R] whose inverse size is of the order hierarchical mass ratios and mixing angles. Indeed a fit to an
of the GUT scale. The N = 1 5D SUSY corresponds to an idealised set of 17 observables leads to good agreement only
N = 2 4D SUSY, which is broken down to N = 1 as a result for large values of tan β, for both normal (NO) and inverted
of appropriate boundary conditions. The model comprises a (IO) neutrino mass ordering.
5D vector supermultiplet decomposing as a 4D vector 45V A closer inspection reveals that fitting fermion masses
multiplet plus a 4D chiral 45 multiplet. In the bulk there are and mixing angles in the IO case requires a fine-tuning of
also three copies of 5D hypermultiplets, equivalent to 4D chi- the Yukawa parameters. By generating a large sample of ran-
ral multiplets 16 and 16c , with bulk masses Mi (i = 1, 2, 3). dom order-one Yukawa parameters, the fit can be repeated
The boundary conditions allow zero modes only for 45V by keeping at each iteration only 12 free parameters, four
and 16. A Yukawa superpotential analogous to Eq. (36) is for the profiles and eight for the relevant Higgs combina-
localised at the brane y = 0. Prior to the SO(10) symmetry tions. The distributions of the minimum χ 2 over the number
breaking, the wave functions of fermion zero modes evalu- of degrees of freedom are shown in Fig. 2 for NO and IO.
ated at y = 0 effectively drive a rescaling of the Yukawa We see a clear difference between the two cases. While in
couplings, as described by (37). The suppression factors in the IO case we need about 105 samples to reach a p-value
F16 are (see Eq. (16)): close to 0.05, in the NO case in about 1 % of the cases we
have p > 0.05. The model needs a severe fine-tuning of the
F16i = , (38) “anarchical” parameters in the IO case, while the NO one is
1 − e−2μi ρ realised much more naturally. The most probable values of
where μi = Mi / and ρ = π R. At this stage the Yukawa the profile parameters give F5 ≈ (0.07, 0.22, 0.63), showing
interactions are not yet able to reproduce the known hierar- that approximate Anarchy is an output rather than an input
chies of u, d and e masses. The key ingredient of the model of the present construction.

373 Page 8 of 18 Eur. Phys. J. C (2015) 75:373

Fig. 2 The distributions of minimised χ 2 /ν for NO and IO in neutrino Fig. 4 The predictions for the masses of RH neutrinos obtained for
masses and for tan β = 50, from Ref. [59] 2 /ν < 2.21 in case of NO and tan β = 50, from Ref. [59]

Focussing on the NO case, there is no preferred value of predictions, beyond the order-of-magnitude accuracy. This
the leptonic Dirac CP phase. The lightest neutrino mass is is clearly a major limitation, since we would like to test the
predicted below 5 meV, corresponding to a hierarchical neu- theory at the level of the best available experimental preci-
trino mass spectrum while |m ββ | lies in the range 0.1–5 meV; sion. Finally the map in Eqs. (6), (30) and (31) might be an
see Fig. 3. Any positive signal in the current generation of oversimplified version of a more accurate description and
experiments aiming at measuring neutrino masses or |m ββ | in indeed there are several variants of the frameworks briefly
the lab would essentially rule out the model. The hierarchy in mentioned in Sect. 2 that modify the results of Eqs. (6), (30)
the right-handed neutrino spectrum is very pronounced and and (31) [60].
the corresponding mass distributions are peaked around 106
GeV, 108 GeV and 1014 GeV, as shown in Fig. 4.
In summary, fermion masses and mixing angles are well 5 Flavour symmetries
described by the map in Eqs. (6), (30) and (31), in terms of
input parameters of order one, the elements of the Y matrices. Given the successful use of symmetries in other contexts of
Such a map can be realised in several different frameworks particle physics, it is natural to investigate whether Yukawa
and does not necessarily need an underlying symmetry. The couplings can be constrained by a flavour symmetry. The
setup is compatible with both SU(5) and SO(10) grand uni- largest possible classical flavour symmetry of a theory with
fication and with the known solution to the gauge hierar- the particle content of the SM is G MFV = U(3)5 and cor-
chy problem. On the weak side, additional ingredients are responds to the limit in which the Yukawa couplings are
probably needed to control the new sources of FCNC and turned off. The observed fermion masses and mixing angles
CP-violations arising from new flavoured physics at the TeV break G MFV almost completely to a residual symmetry that
scale. Moreover, all entries of the Y matrices are indepen- includes the weak hypercharge and the combination B-L.
dent free parameters and it is not possible to make absolute Similarly, in any realistic model based on flavour symme-

Fig. 3 The predictions for various observables obtained for χmin

2 /ν < 2.21 in case of NO and tan β = 50, from Ref. [59]

Eur. Phys. J. C (2015) 75:373 Page 9 of 18 373

tries, the flavour symmetry group G f is broken. In predic- fermions of the first two generations are much lighter than
tive models the breaking is spontaneous and occurs through those of the third generation and consequently within SU(3)
the VEVs of a set of scalar fields ϕ transforming non-trivially or SO(3) we are forced to introduce large breaking terms.
under G f . The VEVs ϕ are either postulated or determined Alternatively we can start from the smaller flavour group
by minimizing a G f -invariant energy functional V (ϕ). The U(2) and assign the first two generations to doublets and the
Yukawa couplings become dynamical variables evaluated at third one to singlets. Within the simplest realisation, such an
the minimum of V (ϕ): Y(ϕ/ f ). A huge number of mod- assignment in the quark sector leads to [73]
els can be constructed according to this set of rules, depend- ⎛  ⎞
0 u,d 0
ing on the choice of G f (global, local, continuous, discrete,
yu,d = ⎝ u,d
 u,d O( u,d ) ⎠ (yu,d )33 , (46)
abelian, non-abelian), and on the choice of representations
0 O( u,d ) 1
for scalars and fermions.
An attempt to start from the full G MFV symmetry is where phases have been omitted. To correctly reproduce
described in Refs. [61–65]. The framework is that of MFV quark masses without appealing to cancellations among the
 | |
matrix elements we need | u,d
[32]. Under SU (3)3 quarks transform as in Eq. (24). Yukawa u,d | 1, which corre-
couplings are promoted to spurions transforming as sponds to a sequential breaking of U(2):
yu = (3, 3, 1) yd = (3, 1, 3), (42) 
U(2) −
→ U (1) −
→ nothing. (47)
to ensure invariance of the Yukawa interactions under G MFV . The following relations can be derived [74,75] by a pertur-
By analyzing a general G MFV -invariant potential depending bative diagonalisation of yu,d :
on yu,d , it has been proven the existence of stationary points  
iϕ m u 
|Vus | =  −e (48)
ms mc 
yu,d ∝ diag(0, 0, 1) VCKM = 1, (43)  
 Vub  mu
pointing to an approximate U(2)3 symmetry of the quark V  = m (49)
cb c
spectrum and providing a good first-order approximation of  Vtd  md
quark masses and mixing angles. By extending G MFV to the V  = m ,
ts s
lepton sector, other stationary points have been identified:
up to corrections of relative order , numerically close to few
∗ †
ye ∝ diag(0, 0, 1) m ν = UPMNS m̂ ν UPMNS , (44) percent. The phase ϕ is arbitrary. These predictions can be
translated into constraints on the (ρ, η) plane and compared
m̂ ν = diag(m 1 , m, m) UPMNS to the region presently allowed by the data, under the assump-
⎛ ⎞ tion that the SM correctly describes all relevant processes.
1 0 0
⎜ 1 1 ⎟ Using as inputs quark masses, the maximally allowed values
= ⎝ 0 √2 √2 ⎠ × diag(−i, −i, 1). (45)
for sin 2β and for |Vub /Vcb | derived from (49) are too small
0 − √1 √1 and the above set of Yukawa matrices are now excluded at
2 2
Such a solution nicely exhibits maximal θ23 , but needs m 1 = the 3σ level [76,77].1 Modifications of the ansatz (46), where
m to further enforce a large, undetermined θ12 . Goldstone either the 13 matrix element is non-vanishing or the element
bosons arising from the breaking of G MFV can be eliminated 32 is of the same order of the element 33, have been proposed
by gauging the flavour symmetry [66]. Correction terms are to recover agreement with the data [76,80].
needed to promote the leading-order picture into a more real- This is a nice example of a model of fermion masses based
istic theory. If there is new physics close to the TeV scale, on symmetry requirements and leading to testable predic-
the advantage of assuming the largest possible flavour sym- tions. In this case the predictions were initially supported by
metry G MFV is the high degree of protection against FCNC data. Later on the precise measurements at the B-factories
induced by the new flavoured degrees of freedom. If the only and the improved theoretical knowledge of both perturbative
sources of flavour symmetry breaking are the SM Yukawa and non-perturbative QCD effects have considerably reduced
couplings, such a maximal symmetry is minimally violated the errors on the CKM matrix elements. Also the knowledge
[32]. The classification of the expected effects is unambigu- of light quark masses has improved and deviations from (49)
ous in the quark sector, and can be extended in several ways are now significant. Unfortunately not all present models and
in the lepton sector [49,67]. ideas can be tested at the same level of accuracy.
Continuous flavour symmetry groups such as SO(3) and 1 The most recent results for sin 2β and |Vub | (sin 2β = 0.695 ±
SU(3) have been proposed [68–70], also in the context of +0.020
0.023(0.692−0.018 ), |Vub | = 36.3 ± 1.2(35.7+1.6
−1.5 ) × 10
−4 [78] ([79])
grand unified theories [71,72], with the three fermion fami- are compatible with the ones in Ref. [77] (sin 2β = 0.739 ± 0.048,
lies assigned to an irreducible triplet representation. Charged |Vub | = (35.7 ± 3.1) × 10−4 ) and, at the same time, more restrictive.

373 Page 10 of 18 Eur. Phys. J. C (2015) 75:373

Independently of their dynamical origin, yu,d in Eq. (46) among the matrix elements are needed to get m s /m b , m c /m t
are an example of textures, a simple-minded but predic- and |Vcb | in the correct range. Notice that such cancellations
tive approach to the problem of fermion masses and mix- were excluded by assumption in the case of yu,d of Eq. (46),
ing angles pioneered by Fritzsch [81,82] and Weinberg [1]. where the hierarchy between quark masses of second and
In this approach we assume a privileged flavour basis and third generations was attributed to the smallness of .
some special energy scale where some of the entries of the More general textures have been analyzed in Ref. [90]. If
matrices y f vanish. In the quark sector, this can lead to rela- no symmetry requirement is imposed, there are viable tex-
tions between the elements of the CKM mixing matrix and tures that correctly fit the data. However, they do not show
the quark mass ratios which can be precisely tested. Not any predictive power with respect to any of the quark masses
all zeros give rise to relations among physical quantities. and mixing parameters. When yu,d are symmetric matrices,
By performing weak basis transformations, we can generate there are several independent 4-zero and 5-zero textures that
zeros in y f , which have no physical implications [83]. For allow to predict some of the light quark masses in terms of
instance, working with two generations, we can always set to the mixing angles and the remaining masses.
zero the (1, 1) entry of both yd and yu by performing a uni- In the lepton sector, working in the flavour basis where
tary transformation on the SU(2)-singlet quark fields. This the charged lepton mass matrix is diagonal, we can study
transformation corresponds to a change of basis that has no textures of the symmetric matrix for light Majorana neutri-
physical consequences. If, in such a basis, we impose the nos [91]. Those with three or more zeros are experimentally
requirement that yd and yu are symmetric matrices, this rep- excluded, while data still allow seven independent 2-zero
resents a non-trivial requirement. By further assuming small textures [92,93]. The requirement that zeros of the neutrino
off-diagonal matrix elements, we get in first approximation mass matrix should be present in the flavour basis can be
the well-known Gatto–Sartori–Tonin relation [74], Eq. (48). relaxed and more general textures have been investigated.
Other unitary transformations, such as permutations, pre- Both cases of Dirac and Majorana neutrinos have been ana-
serves the number of zeros and allow to divide the possible lyzed and many independent textures in agreement with the
patterns of yd and yu into equivalence classes with identical existing data have been identified. For a systematic study of
predictions. It is always possible to enforce texture zeros in all possibilities of texture zeros in the charged-lepton and
arbitrary entries of the fermion mass matrices by means of neutrino mass matrices and for a recent review on the subject
Abelian symmetries [84]. we refer the reader to Ref. [94] and Ref. [95], respectively.
Special attention has been paid to hermitian textures, Other choices of G f have been considered. For instance

yu,d = yu,d . One such texture is called n-zero if yu and Refs. [96–98] study the case of G f = U(2)3 , as an alterna-
yd have a total of n zeros, the off-diagonal ones counting a tive to MFV to suppress FCNC in supersymmetric extensions
half. A typical texture is of the SM. In that context, the advantage of G f = U(2)3 is
⎛ ⎞ that squarks of the first two generations can be taken signif-
0 Af 0 icantly heavier than the third generation ones. Furthermore
y f = ⎝ A f D f B f ⎠ ( f = u, d), (50) the presence of separate U(2) for left and right-handed fields,
0 Bf Cf provides a sufficient protection of flavour-violating effects in
where Du = Dd = 0 in the original proposal by Fritzsch. the right-handed sector.
The 6-zero Fritzsch texture is ruled out since it predicts a too
large |Vcb |. More general hermitian 6-zero and 5-zero tex-
tures have been analyzed under the assumption of hierarchy 6 Discrete symmetries
among the matrix elements [85]. All possible combinations
of hermitian 6-zero and 5-zero textures are ruled out by now, 2 The data from neutrino oscillations before 2012 were sup-
because they cannot reproduce |Vcb |, with the only exception porting flavour symmetries, especially through the indication
of y f in (50) with Du = 0 and Dd = 0, which is marginally of a vanishing reactor angle θ13 and a maximal atmospheric
compatible with present data [87]. The 4-zero texture in (50) mixing angle θ23 , features that are difficult to attribute to an
with both Du and Dd non-vanishing is still allowed, pro- underlying theory based on pure chance. Today we know
vided the hierarchy in the 23 block is mild [88,89]. In par- with accuracy that θ13 is neither vanishing nor particularly
ticular |B f /C f | should be O(0.1). In this case cancellations small, its size being comparable to that of the Cabibbo angle.
Recent global fits [99–101] (see Table 4) favour a devi-
ation of the atmospheric mixing angle from the maximal
2 According to Ref. [86], the five independent hermitian 5-zero textures value by several degrees and, at the same time, show a prefer-
originally proposed by [85] are still viable. However, the values of β
ence for a maximal Dirac CP-violating phase δCP , though the
obtained from these textures in Ref. [86] are too small, out of many
sigmas from the currently allowed experimental range, except for the whole range from 0 to 2π is still allowed at 3σ . These two fea-
texture IV where the agreement is within about two sigmas. tures are closely related, since they are mainly driven by the

Eur. Phys. J. C (2015) 75:373 Page 11 of 18 373

Table 4 Results of global fits to neutrino oscillation data from Refs. mixing matrix UPMNS 0 , which could be derived from sym-
[99–101] for normal [NO] and inverted [IO] ordering metry considerations. The simplest way to reproduce the TB
[99] [100] [101] mixing pattern is by exploiting discrete flavour symmetries
+0.026 +0.033 +0.032
[108–112]. The theory is invariant under a discrete flavour
sin2 θ23 [NO] 0.451−0.020 0.437−0.023 0.567−0.128 symmetry G f , broken down in such a way that neutrino
+0.024 +0.139 +0.025
sin2 θ23 [IO] 0.580−0.039 0.455−0.031 0.573−0.043 and charged-lepton sectors have different residual symme-
+0.38 +0.64
δCP /π [NO] 1.39−0.27 1.34−0.38 tries G ν and G e , at least in a LO approximation where small
+0.42 effects are neglected. If neutrinos are of Majorana type, the
δCP /π [IO] +0.29
1.31−0.33 +0.34
1.48−0.32 most general group leaving m ν invariant and the individual
masses m i unconstrained is Z 2 × Z 2 , a finite group. The sub-
group G e can be continuous, but G e discrete is the simplest
option. We require a sufficiently large G e to distinguish the
direct comparison between Pee measured by reactor experi-
three charged leptons. For instance we can choose G e = Z n
ments, which essentially determines θ13 , and the conversion
(n ≥ 3) or G e = Z 2 × Z 2 . Once G e and G ν have been cho-
probability Pμe measured by MINOS and T2K, which in turn
sen inside G f , the embedding automatically fixes the relative
is sensitive to a combination of θ13 , θ23 and δCP . There is not
yet a clear indication of the octant θ23 falls in. Furthermore the alignment of m l† m l and m ν in flavour space. Lepton masses
are unconstrained but UPMNS 0 is determined up to Majorana
most precise single experimental determination of the atmo-
+0.055 +0.055 phases and up to permutations of rows and columns. This
spheric angle [102], θ23 = 0.514−0.056 (0.511−0.055 ) for NO
(IO), is still compatible with π/4. Probably it is too early to freedom apart, this setup predicts the three mixing angles θi0j
conclude that a maximal θ23 is ruled out by data. and the Dirac phase δCP 0 . In most concrete models, where

There are few known mechanisms to generate a maximal symmetry breaking is achieved via VEVs of a set of flavons
atmospheric angle. We know that θ23 cannot be made nat- ϕ, the LO results are modified by small corrections of order
urally maximal by renormalisation group evolution, barring u = ϕ/ f ,
a fine-tuning of the initial conditions or ad hoc threshold
effects [103–106]. Moreover, in the context of flavour sym- UPMNS = UPMNS
+ O(u). (52)
metries, θ23 is completely determined by breaking effects, if
we accept that e and μ masses vanish in the limit of exact Before 2012, in the specific case UPMNS0 = UTB these cor-
symmetry [107]. Indeed, if the masses of e, μ and τ are all rections were expected to be very small, of the order of few
non-vanishing when the symmetry is exact, then large O(1) percent [113,114], not to spoil the good agreement in the
breaking terms are needed to explain the relative hierarchy predicted value of the solar mixing angle. On this basis the
among charged fermion masses. Thus it is more natural to simplest models reproducing UTB at the LO predicted θ13 not
assume that at least m e and m μ are proportional to small larger than few degrees, now proven to be wrong by experi-
symmetry breaking parameters. In this case, when the sym- ments. Discrete flavour symmetries can also be extended to
metry is exact, the lepton mixing matrix is determined up to quarks and even incorporated in GUTs, but in the existing
an arbitrary rotation coming from the eμ charged lepton sec- constructions the symmetry has to be badly broken in the
tor and the atmospheric mixing angle can only be determined quark sector. Discrete flavour symmetries are also relevant
when the symmetry breaking parameters are turned on. We in the so-called indirect models [110]. In this case the break-
have no examples of a maximal θ23 from the breaking of an ing of G f leaves no residual symmetries and the role of the
abelian symmetry. If a nearly maximal atmospheric angle is flavour group is mainly to get specific vacuum alignments of
not due to pure chance, we are left with broken non-abelian the scalar fields that control fermion masses.
symmetries. Several modifications of the simplest models based on
Before the measurement of θ13 a particularly attractive discrete symmetries have been proposed to match the most
lepton mixing pattern was the tri-bi-maximal one recent data. If we keep adopting UPMNS 0 = UTB as LO
⎛ ⎞ approximation, an economic way to reproduce the actual
√2 √1 0 ⎛ ⎞ value of θ13 is to introduce large correction terms, O(u) ≈
⎜ 6 3 ⎟ 0.82 0.58 0
⎜ 1 1 ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ 0.2. This is also viable in other schemes where UPMNS 0 dif-
UTB = ⎜ √6 − √3 √2 ⎟ ≈ ⎝ 0.41 −0.58 0.71 ⎠ .
⎝ ⎠ fers substantially from UTB , such as the so-called bi-maximal
− √1 √1 √1 −0.41 0.58 0.71 mixing (BM),
6 3 2
(51) ⎛ ⎞
√1 √1 0
2 2
The good agreement between TB mixing and pre-2012 ⎜ 1 ⎟
UB M = ⎜ − 21 √1 ⎟. (53)
data strongly supported the idea that the true mixing matrix ⎝ 2 2 ⎠
could be described in terms of small corrections to a LO − 21 1

373 Page 12 of 18 Eur. Phys. J. C (2015) 75:373

Fig. 5 Left panel contours of equal sin2 θ12 in the plane panel contours of equal sin2 θ23 in the plane (sin θ13 , δCP /π ), when
(sin θ13 , δCP /π ), when UPMNS = U12 × U B M . The brown region is UPMNS = UTM2 . The brown region is excluded at 3σ , assuming
excluded at 3σ , assuming [0.0177 ÷ 0.0294], [0 ÷ 2π ] and [0.278 ÷ [0.0177 ÷ 0.0294], [0 ÷ 2π ] and [0.392 ÷ 0.643] as 3σ ranges for
0.375] as 3σ ranges for sin θ13 , δCP and sin2 θ12 , respectively. Right sin θ13 , δCP and sin2 θ23 , respectively

Introducing large corrections has the disadvantage that Another possibility is to relax the symmetry requirements.
beyond the LO the number of independent contributions to S4 is the smallest group reproducing TB mixing through the
the mixing matrix is generally quite large. If their typical size breaking down to G e = Z 3 and G ν = Z 2 × Z 2 , whose gen-
is about 0.2, all mixing angles tend to be affected by generic erators are T and (S, U ), respectively3 . In the basis where
corrections of this type and predictability is lost. Moreover, T and the charged leptons are diagonal, the element U coin-
large correction terms are dangerous if new sources of flavour cides with the so-called μτ exchange symmetry [118–123],
changing and/or CP violation are present at the TeV scale. directly responsible for the vanishing of θ13 and for θ23 being
Thus some assumptions as regards the dominant source of maximal. We can avoid having θ13 = 0 and θ23 = π/4 if G ν
corrections are needed. For example, a reasonable possibil- is a single Z 2 subgroup generated either by the element S
ity is to perturb the BM mixing pattern by a rotation U12 from or by the element SU . When the preserved parity is S, the
the left, possibly originating from the diagonalisation of the mixing pattern, TM2 , is tri-maximal and corresponds to
charged-lepton sector [115–117] ⎛ ⎞
cos α 0 eiδ sin α
UPMNS = U12 (α, δ)U B M UTM2 = UTB U13 (α, δ) = UTB ⎝ 0 1 0 ⎠,
⎛ ⎞ −e−iδ sin α 0 cos α
cos α e−iδ sin α 0
= ⎝ −eiδ sin α cos α 0 ⎠ UB M . (54) (56)
0 0 1
with both α and δ unconstrained. When the preserved parity
To first order in α we have is SU, the mixing pattern, TM1 , is also of tri-maximal type
and is given by UTM1 = UTB U23 (α, δ), where U23 (α, δ) is
1 1
sin2 θ12 = + √ α cos δ the transformation analogous to U13 (α, δ), acting in the 23
2 2 plane. The mixing angles and the Dirac phase are predicted
1 in terms of (α, δ) and we get two relations among physical
sin θ13 = √ α
2 (55) quantities, shown in Table 5 [124–131]. The interesting fea-
δCP = δ ture of these relations is that the predicted deviations from TB
1 are linear in sin θ13 for sin2 θ23 , and quadratic for sin2 θ12 ,
sin2 θ23 = . known with much better precision. One of these relations
is plotted in Fig. 5 in the case of TM2 , from which we see
By eliminating (α, δ) we get a relation between sin2 θ12 ,
sin θ13 , and δCP , plotted in Fig. 5. This model predicts δCP 3 It is well known that, in concrete models, the TB mixing pattern can
close to π in order to reproduce correctly sin2 θ12 , as can be also be obtained from the group A4 , generated by S and T , if U arises
seen from Eq. (55). accidentally due to a particular field content.

Eur. Phys. J. C (2015) 75:373 Page 13 of 18 373

Table 5 Sum rules for TM1,2

mixing patterns
sin2 θ12 = 1
3 −3 sin θ13 + O(sin θ13 )
2 2 4 sin2 θ12 = 1
3 + 3 sin θ13 + O(sin θ13 )
1 2 4

sin2 θ23 = 1
2 − 2 sin θ13 cos δCP + O(sin2 θ13 ) sin2 θ23 = 1
2 + √ sin θ13 cos δCP + O(sin2 θ13 )

V13 for a maximal Dirac phase δ and the Majorana phases vanish.
0.20 The solar mixing angle remains unconstrained.
A general formalism which combines CP and flavour sym-
0.15 metries [140] can be used to constrain the lepton mixing
matrix. A theory symmetric under CP and under a discrete
flavour group G f is assumed to have residual symmetries G e ,
0.05 generated by some elements Q i and G ν = Z 2 × CP, gener-
ated by a parity Z and a CP transformation X . The action of
n X in flavour space can be non-trivial [146] and should respect
0 50 100 150
a set of consistency conditions [140,147–149]. The residual
Fig. 6 Possible values of |Ue3 |, indicated as |V13 | in the vertical axis, symmetries G e and G ν imply the following conditions on
versus n in (6n 2 ) models, from Ref. [137]. The lines denote the m l† m l and m ν :
present approximate 3σ range of |Ue3 |. Examples include |V13 | =
0.211, 0.170, 0.160, 0.154 for n = 4, 10, 16, 22, respectively. Each
√values of θ23 with δCP = 0 and δCP = π
value of Ue3 allows for two Q i† (m l† m l )Q i = (m l† m l ), Z T m ν Z = m ν , X m ν X = m ∗ν .
given by θ23 = 45◦ ∓ θ13 / 2, respectively

These conditions are strong enough to determine UPMNS
that a substantial improvement in the data is needed to test completely, up to one real parameter θ , ranging from 0
this possibility. Explicit models based on A4 realizing the to π :
TM2 breaking pattern were indeed proposed before the mea-
surement of θ13 [132]. The possibility of reducing the resid-
(Q i , Z , X, θ ) 0 ≤ θ ≤ π. (58)
ual symmetry G ν to Z 2 can be systematically investigated
[133]. Mixing angles and phases, both Dirac and Majorana, are
A further possibility is to look for alternative LO approx- then predicted as a function of θ , modulo the ambiguity
imations where θ13 is closer to the measured value. Remark- related to the freedom of permuting rows and columns and
ably, an infinite set of groups G f giving rise to LO approx- to the intrinsic parity of neutrinos. The formalism is com-
imations closer to the data has been found. Of particular pletely invariant under any change of basis in field space. The
interest is the special form of tri-maximal mixing TM2 in physical results only depend on the initial symmetry and the
(56), with both α and δ quantised, reproduced by groups residual symmetries specified by (Q i , Z , X ). An interesting
of the series (6n 2 ) [134–137]. For example, choosing example is provided by G f = S4 . An exhaustive analysis
n = (4, 8, 10) we have α = (±π/12, ±π/24, ±π/15) and has been presented in Ref. [140]. The residual symmetries
sin2 θ13
0 = (0.045, 0.011, 0.029). The Dirac phase is zero can be chosen as G e = Z 3 , generated by the element T , and
(modulo π ). In Fig. 6 the values of |Ue3 | are plotted ver- G ν = Z 2 × CP, generated by (Z , X ). The parity transforma-
sus n [137]. Other discrete groups have been investigated in tion Z can be either S (case I) or SU (case IV) and a consistent
Ref. [138]. Very remarkably, a complete classification of all CP transformation X acting on the lepton doublets coincides
possible mixing matrices |UPMNS0 | generated from any finite with the μ − τ reflection symmetry in the basis where T
group has been recently carried out in Ref. [139]. (and the combination m l† m l ) is diagonal. Thus the predicted
Another development consists in combining discrete and mixing pattern has a maximal atmospheric mixing angle, a
CP symmetries [140,141] and exploring the symmetry break- maximal Dirac phase, vanishing Majorana phases and there
ing patterns such a combination can give rise to. A well- is a relation between the solar angle and the reactor angle,
known example is that of the so-called μτ reflection sym- shown in Fig. 7.
metry [142–145] (not to be confused with the μτ exchange Recently several explicit models combining CP and
symmetry), which exchanges a muon (tau) neutrino with a tau flavour symmetries have been proposed and several series of
(muon) antineutrino in the charged-lepton mass basis. If such discrete groups have been investigated in combination with
a symmetry is imposed, the atmospheric mixing angle is pre- CP [150–157]. Other approaches making use of CP and dis-
dicted to be maximal, while θ13 is in general non-vanishing crete symmetries are described in [158–171].

373 Page 14 of 18 Eur. Phys. J. C (2015) 75:373

framework. An unsatisfactory feature of the formula is that it

requires as inputs pole masses and not running masses, which
would be more adequate if masses are believed to originate
from a common scale  f .
This can be seen in Table 6 where the running Yukawa
parameters of the charged leptons in the MS scheme are
listed for several values of the scale μ. The fourth row shows
the value of the τ Yukawa coupling yτK (μ) as derived from
the Koide formula using as inputs ye (μ) and yμ (μ). In the
range μ = 0.1 ÷ 10 TeV the mismatch between yτK (μ) and
yτ (μ) is close to 1 %, while the accuracy with which yτ (μ) is
estimated in Ref. [175] ranges from 10−4 to 10−3 , thus mak-
ing the discrepancy significant. For example the value of the
tau mass at the scale M Z predicted by the Koide relation is
smaller by about 20 MeV, while the experimental precision
on the same parameter is close to 0.2 MeV. This gap mainly
Fig. 7 Results for the mixing parameters sin θ13 , sin2 θ12 for Case I arises as the effect of the pure QED running going from m e
(straight line) and Case IV (dashed line), from Ref. [140]. We mark to m τ as can be seen from the leading-order relation between
the value θbf of the parameter θ for which the χ 2 functions have a pole masses and MS masses:
global minimum with a red dot. 3 σ ranges for the mixing angles are
also shown   
α 3 μ
m l (μ) = m l 1− 1 + log . (61)
π 2 ml
7 Hints from empirical relations
At energies higher than 1 ÷ 10 TeV, the success of the Koide
Empirical relations among fermion masses and/or mixing relation depends on unknown physics. If the SM merges into
angles have been frequently suggested as a clue towards a a supersymmetric theory, the evolution of the Yukawa cou-
solution of the flavour puzzle. Here as an example I will plings depends on additional parameters, like the superpar-
comment one of the most striking ones, Koide’s formula4 for ticle thresholds and tan β. Just above the superpartners mass
charged-lepton masses [172,173]: threshold the Yukawa coupling are known to a much worse
√ √ √  precision, around 1 % [175], and the Koide relation might
me + mμ + mτ 3
√ = . (59) again be compatible with the extrapolated data. At the GUT
me + mμ + mτ 2
scale, larger uncertainties are induced on ye,μ,τ (MGUT ) by
The experimental values of the pole masses m e , m μ , m τ are tan β.
[174]: More in general, we can ask what is the probability of find-
ing a simple homogeneous relation among charged fermion
m e = 0.510998928(11) MeV
masses holding to an accuracy similar to the one of the Koide
m μ = 105.6583715(35) MeV relation at a given scale μ. It is difficult to answer quantita-
m τ = 1776.82(16) MeV. (60) tively this question, but I personally think that such a proba-
bility is relatively high. As an example consider the follow-
By using as input m e and m μ in Eq. (60), from Koide formula
ing relation, valid for charged fermion masses rather than for
we find m τ = 1776.97 MeV, with no appreciable depen-
their squared roots:
dence on the experimental errors of m e and m μ and in perfect
agreement with the measured value. There are several attrac-  
 ωm e + ω2 m μ + m τ  11
tive features of Koide formula, beyond its simplicity. It is  = ω = ei

. (62)
 m +m +m  12 3

independent of the choice of mass units. It can be expressed e μ τ

as K (m e , m μ , m τ ) = 0, where K is an homogeneous func-
tion of the charged-lepton masses, symmetric under permu- This relation, symmetric under permutations of the flavour
tations of m e , m μ , m τ . This makes the formula particularly labels, produces the outputs in the fifth row of Table 6. We
attractive and has stimulated lot of interest and of activity see that the predictions of yτ (μ) are as good as the one from
aimed at deriving or embedding it within a more fundamental the Koide relation. Probably it is not surprising that scan-
ning thousands of possibilities we can find “simple” relations
4 working at the level of the percent accuracy. It is much more
This formula is not entirely of empirical origin, but has been conjec-
tured in the framework of a preonic model supplemented by some ad difficult to find, through these relations, a direct link to some
hoc assumptions. unknown fundamental layer of particle physics.

Eur. Phys. J. C (2015) 75:373 Page 15 of 18 373

Table 6 Values of the running SM Yukawa couplings for the charged relations in Eqs. (59) and (62), respectively, using as inputs the first two
fermions in the MS scheme, at selected renormalisation scales μ, from rows, ye (μ) and yμ (μ). The errors indicated in brackets affect the last
Ref. [175]. The fourth and the fifth rows show the prediction of the mass digit and are dominated by the uncertainty in yμ (μ)
μ = MZ μ = 1 TeV μ = 3 TeV μ = 10 TeV
+0.000015 +0.0022 +0.0032 +0.0042
ye /10−6 2.794745−0.000016 2.8482−0.0021 2.8646−0.0029 2.8782−0.0039
+0.000019 +0.0047 +0.0067 +0.0088
yμ /10−4 5.899863−0.000018 6.0127−0.0044 6.0473−0.0062 6.0761−0.0082
+0.000090 +0.00078 +0.0014
yτ /10−2 1.002950−0.000091 1.02213−0.00077 1.0280 ± 0.0011 1.0329−0.0015
yτK /10−2 0.990448(3) 1.0094(7) 1.015(1) 1.020(1)
yτ(62) /10−2 0.991610(3) 1.0106(8) 1.016(1) 1.021(1)

8 Conclusion ble with grand unified theories and that they can be derived
within widely different theoretical frameworks. The fact that
We are witnessing a continuous experimental progress in this kind of models can be implemented even in a highly con-
flavour physics. In neutrino physics, squared-mass differ- strained setup such as an SO(10) grand unified theory is really
ences and mixing angles are known to an accuracy that remarkable. As a drawback, in these models the bounds on
approaches the percent level. The reactor angle θ13 is away the scale of new flavoured physics is typically pushed above
from zero by many standard deviations. For the first time the 10 TeV scale, reducing the possibility of testing these
global fits hint at a non-trivial Dirac phase. While the new ideas.
data have been effective in ruling out many models of fermion Flavour remains a fascinating mystery, still eluding all our
masses and mixing angles, as a matter of fact no compelling attempts to find the rationale underlying our observations.
and unique theoretical picture has emerged so far. Has this puzzle any solution? Are we misled by the ques-
Present data can still be described within widely different tions we have formulated so far? Will we ever have access to
frameworks. Based on our experience with gauge interac- the flavour scale? Man has long been fascinated by the mys-
tions we might hope that the flavour sector becomes simple tery of planet motion. Surprisingly precise measurements and
and symmetric at a high energy scale, with a small number accurate predictions already existed in remote epochs. For a
of relevant parameters providing a complete description. It is long time the most reliable models were based on the special
fair to say that we have not been able to identify a clear sym- character of geometrical figures like the sphere or the circle.
metry pattern from data so far. Before 2012 discrete symme- Attempts to explain the relative sizes of the solar planetary
tries were considered as a good candidate. In particular those orbits revealed themselves misleading. More accurate obser-
predicting a nearly tri-bi-maximal mixing were favoured by vations, perseverance in identifying the correct questions and
data, but the prediction of θ13 turned out to be wrong. The renunciation of old prejudices opened new perspectives to the
evidence for discrete symmetries in the quark sector is very scientific thought. Will this be the fate of the flavour puzzle
poor and in a unified description of all fermions this kind too?
of symmetry is typically badly broken in the quark sector.
The whole approach is too much centered on the lepton mix- Acknowledgments I would like to thank warmly Guido Altarelli,
Reinier de Adelhart Toorop, Belen Gavela, Walter Grimus, Man-
ing properties, while a description of the fermion masses mohan Gupta, Claudia Hagedorn, Isabella Masina, Luciano Maiani,
seems to need additional ingredients. Several modifications Luca Merlo, Paride Paradisi, Massimo Passera, Ketan Patel, Alejan-
of the simplest schemes to accommodate the present data are dro Rivero, Stefano Rigolin, Andrea Romanino, Denise Vicino, Robert
still possible and have the advantage of being quantitatively Ziegler for useful correspondence, discussions, observations and the
pleasant collaborations on which this review is based. I thank the Insti-
testable. But the real open question is whether a non-trivial tute for Theoretical Physics (IFT) UAM-CSIC in Madrid for hospitality
implementation of discrete symmetries exists encompassing while preparing part of this review. This work was supported in part
quark and lepton sectors in a unified picture and providing a by the MIUR-PRIN project 2010YJ2NYW and by the European Union
quantitative description of both masses and mixing angles. network FP7 ITN INVISIBLES (Marie Curie Actions, PITN-GA-2011-
There are other models where fermion masses and mix-
ing angles are mapped into a large number of irreducible Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative
and unconstrained order-one parameters, thus incarnating the Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecomm
Anarchy idea. For their intrinsic nature these models essen-, which permits unrestricted use, distribution,
and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit
tially escape experimental tests going beyond the order-of- to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative
magnitude accuracy. However, we cannot fail to be impressed Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.
by the fact that they can provide a common description to both Funded by SCOAP3 .
fermion masses and mixing angles, that they are compati-

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