Traffic Attendent 22-23
Traffic Attendent 22-23
Traffic Attendent 22-23
Item rate tenders are invited through the e-tendering portal GeM portal by Deputy. GM (ATM), Airports Authority of India, DABH
Airport, Indore on behalf of Chairman, AAI from the eligible Manpower
Providers / Contractors for the work of “Job contract for providing Manpower
03 Traffic ATTENDENT at Indore Airport” at an estimated cost of Rs
10,05,440.00/- (Inclusive PF, ESIC, BONUS, Dress and G.S.T.) for a period of 12
(Twelve) months(365 days+03 National Holidays). The contract may be
extended further by one more year on the same terms and conditions on
satisfactory performance of the contract.
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General Conditions of the Contract
Note- Original EMD DD is required to be submitted to the Bid Manager (Deputy. Gen. Manager
(ATM), AAI, DABH Airport, Indore-452005) within 05 days from the Bid End Date.
The tenderer whose EMD DD is not received by the stipulated time, their tenders will be
summarily rejected. Any postal delay will not be entertained.(Agency should mention Name of
Work on Envelope/Cover containing above documents).
(b) Unconditional Acceptance of AAI’s Tender Conditions in form of scanned copy on letter
head . (Annex-I ).
(f) Should have annualized average financial turnover of Rs. 3,01,632.00 against works
executed during last three years ending 31st March 2021. As a proof, self attested copy of
Abridged Balance Sheet along with Profit and Loss Account Statement of the firm should be
submitted along with the application.
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(g) Self-attested copy of the Registration Certificate issued by the Regional Provident Fund
Commissioner. In case the agencies/firms do not have EPFO/ESI Registration Nos., they should
submit undertaking to obtain the same within one months of issue of work award letter.
(h) Self-attested copy of the Registration Certificate issued by Employees State Insurance
(k) Minimum Wages & declarations (Annex-II) scan copy, signed with stamp on letter head to
be uploaded in Technical Bid/Attachment section.
(l) No Debaration / Blacklisted Declaration (Annex-III) scan copy, signed with stamp on letter
head to be uploaded in Technical Bid/Attachment section.
(m) Undertaking for GST compliance (Annex-IV) on letter head and upload scan copy on letter
(n) No Due Declarations (Annex-V) scan copy, signed with stamp on letter head to be uploaded
in Technical Bid/Attachment section.
(o) Declaration regarding No Near Relative in AAI, (Annex-VI) scan copy, signed with stamp on
letter head to be uploaded in Technical Bid/Attachment section.
(p) Power of Attorney (In case of Signatory is other than Director of a Company or Proprietor /
Partner of the Firm).
(q) Attach scanned copy of signed Tender Document and GeM bid document including
Corrigendum (If any).
Note- Do not upload unnecessary documents eg. Company profile, running contract
agreements, irrelevant experience certificate.
2. AAI reserves the right to accept or reject any or all applications without assigning any
reasons. AAI also reserves the right to call off bidding process at any stage without assigning
any reason.
3. AAI reserves the right to disallow issue of bid document to working agencies whose
performance at ongoing project(s) is below par and usually poor and has been issued letter of
restrain / temporary / permanent debar by any department of AAI. AAI reserve the right to
verify the credential submitted by the agency at any stage before or after the award the work.
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If at any stage, any information / documents submitted by the applicant is found to be incorrect
/ false or have some discrepancy which disqualifies the firm then the agency shall be liable for
debarment from bidding in AAI, apart from any other appropriate contractual /legal action.
7. If the entity participating in any of the tender is a private or public limited company,
Partnership firm or proprietary firm and any of the Directors / Partners / Proprietor of such
company is also a director of any other company or partner of a partnership firm or a sole
proprietor concern having established business with AAI and has outstanding dues payable to
the Authority, then the said entity shall not be allowed to participate in bidding.
8. Definitions
i) “AAI” means the “Airports Authority of India”.
ii) The Chairman means the “Chairman”, Airports Authority of India or his successors.
iii) "Bidder / Tenderer” means the individual or firm who participates in this tender and
submit their bid.
iv) “Bid Manager” means the AAI executive responsible for signing all documents from AAI
side and shall coordinate all the activities of the project with the bidder / contractor.
v) “The Contractor” means the person/firm or company with whom the order for the
stores is placed and shall be deemed to include the contractor’s successors (approved
by the purchaser) representatives executors and administrators as the case may be
unless executed by the terms and the contract.
vi) “Acceptance of Bid” means the letter of memorandum communicating to the contractor
regarding acceptance of his bid. This includes an advance acceptance of his bid.
vii) “The Purchaser” means the “chairman, Airports Authority of India, New Delhi – 110003
or his representative.
ix) “The Inspecting Officer” means the persons, firm or department authorized by the
purchaser to inspect the stores on his behalf. This includes representatives of the
inspecting officers so nominated.
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xii) “Hour” means an hour of 60 minutes. For the purpose of calculation, fraction of an hour
up to 30 minutes will be ignored and more than 30 minutes will be treated as full one
xiii) “Month” means a calendar month or a cycle month depending on the date of
commencement of the contract. For all pro-rate calculation, the number of days
considered in a month will be 30.
xiv) “The Award Letter / Work Order” means the order placed on contractor / firm for the
work mentioned in the bid document.
xv) “The Contract” means the agreement signed between the AAI and the Contractor as per
the terms and conditions contained in the bid document.
xvi) "The Contract Price" means the price payable to the Contractor under the Purchase
Order for the full and proper performance of its contractual obligations.
xvii) “Non-responsive Bid” means a bid, which is not submitted as per the instructions to
the bidders or Earnest Money Deposit has not been attached, or the required data has
not been provided with the Bid or incomplete bids or intentional errors have been
committed in the Bid.
11. The bidder shall quote the rates in English language and in international numerals. The rates
shall be in whole numbers. The rates shall be written in both figures as well as in words. Over
writing is not permitted. In case of disparity in figures & words, the rate in words will be
considered. In the event of the order being awarded, the language of all services, manuals,
instructions, technical documentation etc. provided for under this contract will be English. The
bidders should quote only in Indian Rupees and the bids in currencies other than Indian rupees
shall not be accepted.
12. No correspondences / representations shall be entertained from the bidders after opening
of Financial Bid during the bidding process.
i) The acceptance of the bid shall be intimated to the successful bidder by AAI through Fax /
Letter/ Telephone / e-mail etc.
ii) AAI shall be the sole judge in the matter of award of contract and the decision of AAI shall be
final and binding.
14. Not more than one Bid shall be submitted by a bidder. Not more than one concern in which
an individual is interested as Proprietor and / or partner shall bid for the execution of the same
work. If they do so, all such Bids shall be liable to be rejected.
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15. The right to accept the bid in full or in part / parts will rest with AAI. The bidder is bound to
perform the contract at his quoted rates. However, AAI does not bind itself to accept the lowest
bid and reserves to itself the authority to reject any or all the bids received or cancel the bid
without assigning any reason thereof. No claim whatsoever will be entertained on this account.
16. The Submission of a bid by a bidder implies that he has read this notice and all other
contract documents and has made himself aware of the scope and specifications of the job to
be done and of conditions and local conditions and other factors bearing on the execution of
the nature of specified job.
17. Canvassing in connection with bids is strictly prohibited and the bids submitted by the
bidders who resort to canvassing will be liable to rejected.
18. The Bid for the work shall remain open for acceptance for a period of ninety (90) days
from the date of opening of Technical Bid.
19. On acceptance of the Bid, the name of the accredited representative(s) of the contractor
who would be responsible for taking instructions from the Airport Director or his authorized
representative, which shall be communicated to the AAI.
20. Notification of Award of contract will be made in writing to the successful Bidder by the
Accepting Authority. The contract will normally be awarded to the technically qualified and
responsive Bidder offering and lowest evaluated bid in technically are commonly conformity
with the requirements of the specifications and contract documents. The Accepting Authority
shall be the sole judge in this regard.
21. The bidder shall duly attest all corrections, cancellation and insertions.
22. All the bids in which, any of the prescribed conditions are not fulfilled / incomplete in any
respect are liable to be rejected.
23. The Bidder shall not be permitted to bid for works in AAI, in which his near relative is posted
as officer who is responsible for award and execution of contracts. He shall also intimate the
names of persons who are working with him in any capacity or are subsequently employed by
him and who are near relatives to any officer in AAI. Any breach of this condition by the
contractor would render him liable to be removed from the approved list of contractors of the
Note:- The term ‘near relative’ means wife, husband and parents, grandparents, children,
grandchildren, brothers, sisters, uncle, aunty and cousin and their corresponding in laws.
24. The bidders shall furnish a declaration that none of their near relatives is posted in AAI as
officer responsible for award and execution of this particular work as per Annex-VI.
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ix) Timings: Traffic Attendant shall be on duty in 08hrs/shift basis on 365 days of the Year.
Timing of the shift is subject to change and shall be decided by AAI, depending on requirement.
27. The contractor shall adhere to the instructions of AAI / CISF or its authorized personnel.
28. The work on day-to-day basis shall be supervised/monitored by officials of AAI or its
authorized personnel so as to ensure safe aircraft operations.
29. The contractor shall carryout the work strictly as per the scope of work, failing which AAI
shall be empowered to carry out such works (after serving notices in this regard) through any
other agency at the risk & cost of the contractor. The decision of Work-in-charge shall be final
and binding on the contractor in this regard.
32. In case of leave of any Traffic Attendant a substitute has to be arranged by the contractor
who has the required qualification and adequate experience.
33. AAI may increase the total number of Traffic Attendant upto 50 % during the currency of
contract including extended period, depending on its requirement, on the same rates, terms &
conditions as stipulated in the contract and the same shall be obligatory and binding on the
contractor. Any variation in quantity beyond this will be mutually agreed upon by the AAI and
the contractor.
34. In case scope of work reduces or requirement ceases altogether, AAI reserves the right to
decrease the quantity of Traffic Attendant wholly or partly at any time during the currency of
the contract.
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36. In addition to the above, any damage to equipment / property of AAI shall be made good by
the Contractor at his own risk and cost, failing which the necessary cost of repair / replacement
/ restoration to original shall be recovered from the running bill of the contractor.
i) The contractor, whose bid is accepted, will be required to furnish a security deposit for the
due fulfilment of this contract, which will amount to a sum equal to @ 3 % of Contract Value
within 30 days from the date of issue of work order, failing which the same will be collected
from the 1st running bill of the contractor with 12% per annum penalty deductions. Part of the
month will be considered as full month.
ii) The security deposit shall be furnished in the form of Demand Draft in favour of ‘Airports
Authority of India’, payable at Indore from a Nationalized / Scheduled Bank (But not from co-
operative or Gramin Bank). Alternatively, the contractor can submit a Bank Guarantee as per
AAI’s prescribed format for the entire amount of Security Deposit and in such case the EMD will
be refunded. The Bank guarantee shall be submitted within 30 calendar days from the date of
issue of Award Letter and it will be valid till 90 days after the expiry of the contract. No interest
or any other expense whatsoever on Security Deposit is payable by AAI.
iii) After termination / expiry of the contract, the security deposit held by the AAI will be
released to the contractor within a period of three months subject to realization of dues, if any
to be made from the contractor.
iv) AAI shall have unqualified option to forfeit the S.D if the contractor failed to carry out the
services as per the terms and condition of the contract without prejudice to other rights and
remedies available to AAI. Any sum of outstanding dues against the Contractor including any
amount on acceptance and liquidated damages shall be recovered from the S.D. AAI shall also
have the rights to forfeit or appropriate towards the damages or losses that may be sustained
by AAI due to any act / commission or defaults by the Contractor.
i) The contract shall be valid for 12 (Twelve) months and further extendable for another 01
more Year on the same rates and terms & conditions, subject to satisfactory performance of
the contractor and mutual consent.
ii) The date of commencement of contract shall be intimated later on in the Work Order.
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iii) The contract shall not form any base on any ground for any consideration / claim either from
the Contractor or his Employees for seeking regular employment/compensation whatsoever in
The Rate quoted for shall be:
Inclusive of:-
1. i) Minimum Wages for Un-skilled staff (traffic attendant) is Rs 553 per day {As per
Latest Circular of O/o the Chief Labour Commissioner (Central), New Delhi vide
their circular no. F.No.1/4(3)/2022-LS-II dtd. 31.03.2022) for - Area B} with P.F
contribution @ of 13.00 % of daily wages ,E.S.I.C. contribution @ of 3.25% of daily
wages and Bonus @ 8.33% of daily wages and as per time to time rule framed by
Ministry of Labour and Employment.
Exclusive of:-
i) GST as applicable.
ii) The contractor has to submit the proof for payment of wages to the labour for
reimbursement of difference of wages, EPF, ESI, and Bonus. However, no additional amount
such as contractor’s premium/profit will be paid on this reimbursement.
i) The service covered by this contract falls under the scope of GST and the Contractor shall be
fully responsible for meeting all the statutory obligations in respect of GST.
ii) The copy of GST Certificate should be submitted before submission of first invoice or monthly
bill. The GSTIN of AAI and the Bidder must be mentioned on each invoice.
iii) No claim on account of penalties, interest etc. if any levied by statutory authorities on
account of non-compliance of provision of GST shall be entertained.
iv) During currency of the contract, any change in the GST rate, as notified by the Govt. of India
from time to time or any provision relating to levy of Tax resulting in increase in burden of Tax
on the contactor, the contractor shall be entitled to receive any compensation for such increase
in quantum of Tax payable by the contractor. Similarly recovery shall be made from the
contractor on account of decrease of rate of Tax or any provision relating to levy of Tax.
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Income Tax or any other taxes as applicable from time to time shall be deducted as per
provisions of the Act from the Bill of Contractor and shall issue requisite TDS certificate.
i) AAI shall not be responsible for any injury, accident, mis-happening of any kind to the Traffic
Attendant while performing their duties. It shall be responsibility of the contractor to meet all
such expenses, as per provisions of law. The contractor shall indemnify AAI against any such
claim / compensation.
ii) The contractor shall be responsible for the acts and / or accidents committed by the person
employed by him either inside or outside operational area of Airport.
iii) In the event of any dispute, the decision of AAI shall be final and binding on the contractor.
i) AAI will not be responsible for any injury sustained by contractor’s workers during the
performance of their duties and also any damages or compensation due to any dispute
between him/her and his/her workers.
ii) Without prejudice to the contractors liabilities and indemnity clause and associated clauses
of the SCC, the contractor shall at his own cost and initiative at all times up to the successful
completion of the contract to take out and maintain insurance cover from Nationalized / IRDA
approved Insurance Company under the workman’s compensation Act and any other industrial
legislation from time to time applicable in the State of Madhya Pradesh and /or at AAI providing
for payment of compensation to workman in the event of death, injury or accident to workmen
in the course of or in connection with employment such policy (i.e.) in respect of workmen
compensation insurance to be of value of not less than Rupees One lakh per person, it being
understood that such limit is specified only for the purpose of insurance, and shall not
otherwise in any manner limit the contractor liability and associated clauses there under of the
conditions of the contract.
i) No advance payment shall be paid to the contractor. However, the Contractor shall submit his
/ her monthly hire bills in approved GST Format in duplicate along with following documents:
a) Duly signed salary disbursement sheet of previous month.
b) Proof of deposition of ESIC (Employees State Insurance Contribution) for the previous
c) Attendance sheet of the month for which payment is demanded.
d) Salary details paid to employees.
e) Proof of deposit of EPF (Employee Provident Fund) for the previous month.
ii) AAI shall make payment within 20 days from the date of receipt of bills in order by electronic
payment – R.T.G.S.
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iii) In the event of any dispute on this account, the decision of AAI shall be final and binding on
the Contractor.
i) The contractor shall on award of the contract, furnish the list containing names and addresses
of his Traffic Attendant along with Police Verification Report of each Traffic Attendant, so as to
enable the AAI to check the character and antecedents and to provide temporary permits to
work within the restricted area(s). The contractor shall get AAI’s approval for the Traffic
Attendant engaged.
ii) The contractor has to arrange / co-ordinate for issuing necessary Airport Entry Pass (AEP) for
his Traffic Attendant as per prevailing BCAS / AAI rules. The necessary fee required for issuance
of AEP, ADP etc. as per prevailing BCAS / AAI rules has to be borne by the contractor.
iii) It shall be the sole liability of the contractor to obtain and to abide by all necessary
licenses/permission from the authorities concerned as provided under the various labour
legislations including the labour license obtained as per the provisions of the Contract Labour
(Regulation & Abolition) Act 1970 in respect of Contract of AAI.
iv) The Contractor shall submit a list of his Traffic Attendant who will be deployed along with
their Bank Account No. / e-payment details for disbursement of salary by the contractor and
any other relevant details as per requirement of this contract. The EPF & ESI Account No. of the
workers deployed by the contractor for this contract shall also be submitted within one month
from the date of award of the contract.
v) The contractor shall discharge obligations as provided under various applicable statutory
enactments including the Employees Provident Fund & Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952, the
Employees State Insurance (ESI) Act, 1948, the Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act,
1970 the Inter-State Migrant workmen (Regulation of employment & conditions of Service) Act,
1979, the Minimum Wages Act,1948,the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act 1986,
the Payment of Wages Act, 1936 the Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923, Employees Liability
Act 1938 and other relevant Act, Rules and Regulations, instructions etc. issued / enforced from
time to time.
vi) The contractor has to produce the photocopy (self-attested) of the Challan of the EPF & ESI
paid to the concerned Regulatory Bodies, Statement of minimum wages paid through cheque
or e-payment details thereof, for each month to their Traffic Attendant at the time of
submission of bills. No payment shall be made to the firm without submission of these
documents for verification.
vii) The contractor shall be solely responsible for the payment of Wages, Bonus, N/H and other
dues to the personnel deployed by him latest by 7th of the subsequent month through Bank
Account. The contractor shall be directly responsible and indemnify the Authority against all
charges, dues, claims etc. arising out of the disputes relating to the dues and employment of
personnel deployed by him for the Contract.
viii) The Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless from any liability of penalty
which may be imposed by the central, state or local authorities by reason of any violation by
the contractor or such laws, regulation or requirements and also from all claims, suits or
proceedings that may be brought against the AAI arising under, growing out of or by reason of
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the work provided for by this contract whether brought by employees of contractor, by third
parties or by central, authority or any political subdivision thereof. The contractor shall comply
with the provisions of labour laws, Employees Provident Fund & Misc. Provisions Act and ESI
Act as applicable during the entire period of contract including extension if any.
ix) The laws aforesaid shall be deemed to be a part of this contract and any breach thereof shall
be deemed to be a breach of this contract.
i) The contractor has to deposit PF & ESI as mentioned in above Paras to their Operators
regularly, failing which recovery / penalty will be imposed as per EPFO guidelines from their R/A
Bills shall be made.
ii) The contractor is required to pay bonus @ 8.33% of actual wages per year per person (at
least) to the Operators by 11th month of the contract, failing which recovery/penalty will be
imposed as per prevailing guidelines from their R/A Bill.
iii) The disputes or differences whatsoever arising between the parties out of or relating to the
operation or effect of this contract of breach thereof shall be settled through:
(a) Dispute Resolution Committee: If a dispute of any kind, whatsoever, arises between the
procuring entity and contractor in connection with or arising out of the contract or the
execution of the works, whether during the execution of the work or after their completion and
whether before or after the repudiation or termination of the contract, including any
disagreement by either party with any action, opinion, instruction, determination, certificate or
valuation of the Authority; the matter in dispute shall in the 1st place, be referred to the
Dispute Resolution Committee (DRC) appointed by the Airport Director/Competent Authority,
AAI, DABH Airport, Indore-452 005 DRC thus, constituted may act as “conciliator” and will be
guided by principles of “conciliation” as included in part III of Arbitration and Conciliation Act
1996. DRC should take into consideration, rights and obligations of parties, usage to trade
concern and circumstances surrounding the dispute(s), including any previous business
practices between parties. Efforts of DRC should be to come to an amicable settlement of
outstanding disputes. If parties agree, a written settlement will be drawn out and signed by the
parties. DRC will authenticate the settlement Agreement and furnish a copy to each party. DRC
will give its’ report within 45 days of its constitution.
(b) Adjudication through Arbitration: Except where the decision has become final, binding and
conclusive in terms of Sub Para (i) above, disputes or differences shall be referred for
adjudication through arbitration by a sole arbitrator appointed by the Chairman / Member of
AAI. If the arbitrator so appointed is unable or unwilling to act or resigns his appointment or
vacates his office due to any reason whatsoever, another sole arbitrator shall be appointed in
the manner aforesaid. Such person shall be entitled to proceed with the reference from the
stage at which it was left by his predecessor. It is also a term of contract that If the contractor
does not make any demand for appointment of Arbitrator in respect of any claim in writing
within 120 (One hundred Twenty) days of receiving the decision / award from Dispute
Resolution Committee, the claim of contractor(s) will be deemed to have been waived and
absolutely barred and the AAI shall be discharged and released of all liabilities under the
contract in respect of these claims. It is term of this contract that the party invoking arbitration
shall give a list of disputes with amounts claimed in respect of each such disputes along with
the notice for appointment of arbitrator and giving reference to the rejection of their claims by
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the Dispute Resolution Committee. It is also a term of this contract that no person, other than a
person appointed by above mentioned appointing authority, should act as arbitrator and if for
any reason that is not possible, the matter shall not be referred to arbitration at all. The
arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration and
Conciliation Act, 1996 (26 of 1996) or any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof and
the rules made there under and for the time being in force shall apply to the arbitration
proceeding under this clause. It is also a term of this contract that the arbitrator shall
adjudicate on only such disputes as are referred to him by the appointing authority and give
separate award against each dispute and claim referred to him and in all cases where the total
amount of the claims by any party exceeds Rs.1,00,000/-, the arbitrator shall give reasons for
the award. It is also a term of the contract that if any fees are payable to the arbitrator, these
shall be paid equally by both the parties. It is also a term of the contract that the arbitrator shall
be deemed to have entered on the reference on the date he issues notice to both the parties
calling them to submit their statement of claims and counter statement of claims.
The venue of the arbitration shall be such place as may be fixed by the arbitrator in his sole
discretion. The fees, if any, of the arbitrator shall, If required to be paid before the award is
made and published, be paid half and half by each of the parties. The cost of the reference and
of the award (including the fees, if any, of the arbitrator) shall be in the discretion of the
arbitrator who may direct to any by whom and in what manner, such costs or any part thereof
shall be paid and fix or settle the amount of costs to be so paid.
(c) Laws governing the Contract: The Indian Laws shall govern this contract for the time being
in force.
If any time, during the continuance of this contract, the performance in whole or in part by
either party of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason of any war,
or hostility, acts of the public enemy, civil commotion, sabotage, fires, floods, earth quake,
explosions, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, bandh , strikes, lockouts or act of God
(Hereinafter referred to as events) provided notice of happenings, of any such eventuality is
given by either party to the other within 21 days from the date of occurrence thereof, neither
party shall by reason of such event be entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party
have any claim for damages against the other in respect of such on performance or delay in
performance under the contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after such an event
may come to an end or cease to exist, and the decision of AAI as to whether the services have
been so resumed or not shall be final and conclusive, provided further that if the performance
in whole or part of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason of any
such event for a period exceeding 60 days either party may, at his option to terminate the
i) If the AAI considers that the quality or efficiency of the work performed by the contractor is
unsatisfactory or not upto the excepted standard, the AAI shall notify the contractor in writing
and specify in detail the cause of such dissatisfaction. The AAI shall have the option to
terminate the contract by giving 30 days’ notice in writing to the contractor, if contractor fails
to comply with the requisitions contained in the said written notice issued by the AAI.
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ii) AAI may also give written notice and without compensation to the contractor to terminate
the contract if the contractor becomes unwilling, bankrupt or otherwise insolvent without
affecting its right of action or remedy as hirer.
iii) The contract can be terminated by issuing 30 days’ notice in writing at any time by either of
the party without assigning any reason and the contractor shall not cease to render the service
facility until the AAI makes alternate arrangements thereof and informed the contractor
accordingly. The extended period after expiry of the notice period will not, however, be more
than 30 days in any case.
iv) Upon termination, under and with reference to this clause, the contractor shall be entitled
to be paid for the work actually performed up to the date of termination in accordance with the
provisions of the contract, but shall not be entitled to any other claim or compensation
whatsoever, including (but not limited to) any claim or compensation for any expenditure
incurred by the contractor in or for any equipments, materials or facilities or for any loss in the
profit or anticipated profit of the contractor.
v) If at any stage during the period of execution of contract, any case involving moral turpitude
is instituted in a court of law against the contractor or his employees, AAI reserves the exclusive
and special right to the outright termination of the contract and the contractor shall not be
entitled to any compensation from the AAI whatsoever.
vi) The agreement shall be deemed to have been terminated on the expiry of the contract
period unless AAI has exercised its option to extend this contract in accordance with the
provisions, if any, of this contract.
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The agreement including all matters with this contract, shall be governed by the Laws of India
for the time being in force and shall be subjected to exclusive jurisdiction of the Indore Court
i) All Terms & Conditions of the Bid along with additional Terms & conditions as mentioned
above and Work order placed on successful bidder or any other relevant letter, shall form the
part of the agreement to be made with the AAI.
ii) The contract agreement shall be executed on a non-judicial Stamp Paper of value Rs.500/-
as per AAI format within one month from the date of award of work and cost of the same
shall be borne by the Contractor.
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Deputy General Manager (ATM),
ATS Comlpex,
Airport Authority of India,
DABH Airport,
Indore – 452005
3. After unconditionally accepting the E-TENDER conditions in its entirety, it is not permissible to put
any remarks / condition in Financial Bid. In case, this provisions of the E-TENDER is found violated. I /
We agree that the E-TENDER shall be rejected and AAI shall without prejudice to any other right or
remedy be at liberty to forfeit the said earnest money absolutely.
4. I/We declare that I/We have not paid and will not pay any bribe to any officer of AAI for awarding
this contract at any stage during its execution or at the time of payment of bills and further if any officer of
AAI asks for bribe/gratification, I/We will immediately report it to the appropriate authority in AAI.
5. The required earnest money amounting to Rs. _________ by way of Demand. Draft
No.______________________ drawn on _______________ ___________ payable
at_____________________ is enclosed herewith.
Yours faithfully,
Place :
Note: This affidavit is to be attested by a First class Magistrate / Notary public on non-judicial
stamp paper of Rs.100/- for successful bidder only.
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I will pay Bonus to employed staff as per “The Payment of bonus (Amendment) Act. 2015 and The
Payment of bonus Act, 1965 “
Place :
Note: This affidavit is to be attested by a First class Magistrate / Notary public on non-judicial
stamp paper of Rs.100/- for successful bidder only.
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Depts./PSUs/World Bank/ADB etc. and the debarment is not in force as on last date
of submission of proposal.
(iii) Our firm understands that at any stage, if above statements are found to be false,
our firm shall be liable for debarment from bidding in AAI, apart from any other
Place :
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The DGM (ATC),
D.A.B.H. Airport, Indore.
1. Tender documents for the works, “JOB CONTRACT FOR PROVIDING SERVICES OF
03 TRAFFIC ATEENDENT AT DABH AIRPORT, INDORE”, have been issued to me / us
by Airports Authority of India.
2. I / we hereby certify that I / we have registered under GST and the GSTIN is
________________ ( to be filled in by the agency).
3. I/ we hereby undertakes that I/we will comply all GST provisions and all input credit
related to this work will be passed on to the Airports Authority of India.
Yours Faithfully
Place :
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I/We...........................................................................................S/o, W/o
D/o....................................... hereby declare that we are the owner/ proprietor/
partners of the M/s....................... .................................. (Name of Firm)
We further declare that, our Firm/ Company have no outstanding dues of any
station of AAI.
That our Firm/ Company has a dues of Rs....................................... of
AAI................. station under the Contract/ Work.................................
Place :
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Place :
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1 2 3 4
Ref. Qualifying Criteria Particulars Check list
1 Scan copy of EMD DD Rs. 20109.00 Date:- ……………. Attached :Yes/No
OR Amt.:- …………….
NSIC OR MSME OR Start-Up Bank:………………
Certificate(If Applicable)
7 EPFO Reg. No. of Company Attach scan copy of EPFO Reg. Attached :Yes/No
8 ESIC Reg. No. of Company Attach scan copy of ESIC Reg. Attached :Yes/No
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10 PAN Attach scan copy of PAN Card Attached :Yes/No
Place :
Note:- All are requested to fill up the required data in the above performa.
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Sr. Description of item Qty Unit Rate/ Month for 03 Traffic Total
No Attendant (Including PF, Amount
ESIC,BONUS) , Excluding GST
In Rs.
a b c d e= dX12
In Figure In words
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