112-Article - Manuscript (MS-Word Format) - 540-1-10-20211009
112-Article - Manuscript (MS-Word Format) - 540-1-10-20211009
112-Article - Manuscript (MS-Word Format) - 540-1-10-20211009
Andhra Pradesh state has taken up Polavaram Irrigation Project across Godavari River with a gross storage
capacity of 195TMC (utilization-322TMC) which is presently in progress. The main dam components are-
Spillway and the main Earth Cum Rock Fill Dam (ECRFD) of 1.75km length and to a height of 48 Mts. The major
Challenge is to build ECRF Dam over deep permeable sand bed of about 60-90M. Since conventional Cut off for
such dams is problematic, Plastic Concrete Diaphragm cut off wall utilizing modern international technology and
machinery was now resorted to by Project. Another challenge that was faced in the project is “building upstream
and downstream coffer dams” that has to facilitate construction main ECRF Dam on Godavari River which
usually experience flashy floods. In order to overcome permeable sandy foundation strata for the Cofferdams, in
place of conventional Z-type Sheet pile cut off of 20M -30M, an alternate foundation soil stabilization technique by
Get-Grouting, an international technology was adopted for cofferdams’ foundation to facilitate the construction of
main ECRF Dam for early completion of project to accrue its intended benefits.
GET-GROUTING soil stabilization: The construction of cofferdam on granular soils involves geo-technical
problems of water seepage and potential piping below temporary cofferdams. As per requirement of coffer dam
design, Z-Sheet pile steel cut off with 18-20mm thick metal specification for 29M depth for upstream Coffer dam
(2.3km length) and 16M depth for downstream Cofferdam of (1.57km length) are needed. There was a problem of
availability of 18-20mm thick Z-type Sheet Piles, otherwise to import of which likely will cause delay in the project
in construction. An alternate Get- Grouting Soil stabilization for cofferdams was proposed being the modern
technology. In order to control the seepage below coffer dams, Jet Grouting technique has been chosen based on
overall exit gradient and duly conducting seepage analysis.
PASTIC CONCRETE DIAPHRAGM Cut off Wall for Earth Cum Rock Fill Dam: A Diaphragm wall is a civil
engineering technique used to build reinforced concrete walls in areas of soft earth or sand close to open water,
or with a high groundwater table. This technique is typically used to build diaphragm (water-blocking) walls in
open cuts, to lay foundations and arrest seepage through foundation. This modern technology was adopted for
execution of main Earth Cum Rock Fill Dam of 48M height and 1.75 km long across Godavari River
having deeper sandy bed needing 60-90 mts deep as Cut off Wall (COW) with embedment in to impervious strata
to overcome the technology challenge in the project. For smaller depth of impervious strata, conventional cut off
trench beneath Earth dam is a general practice. But in the present case an order of 90 Mts cut of is to be done
where seepage permeability is an about 3-6 cum per day per meter width. In order to overcome this technical
problem, Plastic Concrete Diaphragm wall technology with deployment of imported machinery was resorted to.
The Polavaram ongoing Irrigation project across Godavari River in Andhra Pradesh has been the conceived over
8 decades back and delayed due to Geo-Technical Engineering Problems. Eminent international experts viz. Dr
Karl Terzaghi, Professor of Soil Mechanics; Dr JL Savage Chief Engineer from USA and Sir Murdole Macdonald,
a famous Consulting Engineer (ASWAN Dam) of London have either visited site or imparted technical advice on
foundation problems of the project. Finally the project is becoming a reality with adoption modern technology of
this century by overcoming foundation problems with adoption of JET-Grouting soil stabilization for coffer dam
foundations and Plastic Concrete Diaphragm Cut Off Wall (COT) beneath Earth Cum Rock Fill (ECRF) Dam
during 2019.This Multipurpose Dam is becoming a reality and making it possible by adoption of Modern
Technology in civil engineering construction to benefit seven (7) lakh hectares new command and Hydro-Power
generation of 960 MW to enhance GDP of not only the State but also the Nation.
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* Former Chief Engineer & Past Chairman IEI, AP & Telangana State Centres -Hyderabad and Former Council
Member IEI-(CVDB)
1.0 Preamble:
Water is one of the five life sustaining elements called ‘Panchbhutas’ and is a renewable Natural
resource that can be exploited for benefit of mankind and society at large. Water is called ‘Jivanam’ in
Sanskrit means the way of life and is a priceless gift given by nature for sustenance of all kinds of life
in the universe. Water plays an important role for Drinking water, Agriculture, Production of essential
commodities, Hydro Power generation, Industrial production, Recreation, Transport, and
Environment. Water is responsible for Global civilization and culture which ultimately led to present
economic growth and enhanced living standards of people. Hydrosphere is the combined mass of
water found below and over the surface of planet Earth. On earth there is 1386 million cubic
kilometers of water which includes liquid and frozen forms of ground water; oceans; lakes; and
streams. Salt water accounts for 97.5% of total water and rest 2.5% is fresh water. Even in this total
fresh water, about 68.7% is locked up in Glaciers and 29.9% exists as fresh ground water ultimately
making only 0.26% of total amount of fresh water on planet earth. It is easily accessible as surface
water in the reservoirs, lakes, water bodies and river systems.
India has 16% of the world's population, 4% of the world's water and only 2% of land area. The
country receives about 4000 km3 of precipitation in a year. However, as much as 3000 km3 of this
comes as a rainfall in a short monsoon period of 3 to 4 months from June to September. Even this
availability of water is not uniform and is highly uneven in both space and time. Average annual
water resource potential of the country is estimated as 1869 cubic km. Considering the constraints of
hydrology, topography and geological limitations, only 690 cubic km. of surface water can be utilised
by conventional storage and diversion structures for optimal use of water. Turning to (dynamic)
groundwater, the quantity that can be extracted annually has been estimated to 432 km3.The
systematic water resources development works have been carried out through successive Five-Year
Plans that followed since 1950. Presently the mechanism of financial resources mobilization for
irrigation development is looked after by Niti - Ayog of Government of India.
The National Commission on Water has made various assumptions in regard to these matters (high,
medium and low rates of change), and came to the conclusion that by the year 2050, the total water
requirement of the country will be 973 km3 to 1180 km3 under `low’ and `high’ demand projections,
which means that supply will barely match demand. It is the Commission’s view that there will be a
difficult situation but no crisis, provided that a number of measures on both the demand side and the
supply side are effectively taken on time.
The concept of `water stress’ may not be out of place in this context. Dr.Malin Falkenmark, the
leading Swedish expert, has calculated the `water stress’ situation of different countries with reference
to `Annual Water Resources per capita’ (AWR). An AWR of 1700 m3 means that only occasional and
local stress may be experienced; an AWR of less than 1000 m3 indicates a condition of stress; and one
of 500m3 or less means a serious constraint and a threat to life. But the present situation in India will
be adversely change with the growing population by 2050. India is likely to join the ranks of `water-
stressed’ countries in the future if counter measures are not taken up in right earnest.
The Indian rivers are carrying water of an order of 1953 billion cum with country’s average rainfall of
1170mm which is accounting for 400milion Ha.Mts.in volume. The utilizable water resource is order
of 1086 billion Cubic Metres (BCM) against which present utilization is of the order of 600 BCM and
the reason being for want of additional Storage Dams. The present storage capacity of all reservoirs in
India accounts for only 175 BCM or 6180 thousand Million Cubic Feet (TMC) requiring to build more
dams to accommodate total storage of 400BCM or 14126 TMC for future needs of the country.
In the endeavour to build large storage Dam, the State of Andhra Pradesh has taken up Polavaram
Irrigation Project across Godavari River on upstream of Sir Arthur Cotton Barrage (Dowlaiswaram
Barrage) near Polavaram (v) in West Godavari District with another flank in East Godavari District.
The gross storage capacity of Polavaram project is 195TMC (utilization-322TMC) and this is an
ongoing project. The project is intended to benefit 2.95 lakh Ha. (7.2 lakh acres) of new ayacut,
stabilization of 4.00 lakh Ha. of stabilization and drinking water supply to 540 villages with a
population of 28.5 lakhs. This dam also generates Hydro Power of 960MW.
The major head work components of Polavaram project are- Spillway of 1.128km length to pass a
flood discharge of 50lakh cusecs, main Earth Cum Rock Fill Dam (ECRFD) in the river portion is of
1.75km length with a height of 48 Mts and 960 MW generation capacity Hydro Power House. The
major technical challenge is to build ECRF Dam over deep permeable sand bed of about 60-90 M
deep. Since conventional Cut off underneath of dam foundation such as Sheet pile driving to such
greater depth for such dams is problematic, a Plastic Concrete Diaphragm Cut Off Wall (COW)
utilizing modern international technology and machinery has been adopted.
Another technical challenge that was faced in the project is “Building upstream and downstream
Coffer dams” that has to facilitate construction of main ECRF Dam in one working season is very
critical on Godavari River which usually experience flashy floods. In order to overcome the permeable
sandy foundation strata for the Cofferdams, conventional Z-type Sheet pile cut off of 20M -30M deep
have been originally proposed in the design. This process is very much time taking to procure required
Z-Sheet Pile material of that specification of 18-20mm thick requiring import by placing a special
indent, which the project cannot afford such for its early completion. Hence an alternate foundation
soil stabilization technique for Coffer Dams by JET-GROUTING soil stabilization, an international
technology was adopted for the cofferdams foundations for further taking up main ECRF Dam having
a length of 1.75km length across main River.
Fig: 3-Site Plan Showing Location of Coffer dams and Main Earth Cum Rock Fill Dam
Jet Grouting is a process consisting of disaggregation of soil and mixing it with a cementing agent or
binder. This is achieved by high energy jets of grout comprising of a water/binder suspension injected
through a nozzle, by which the soil around the borehole is eroded. The eroded soil is brought into
suspension, the soil particles rearranged and mixed with the cement suspension, which subsequently
sets and hardens to form a stabilized column of jet grout. Different geometrical configurations of jet
grout columns can be produced based on the project requirement with a minimum diameter of 130mm
extending 200mm to suit site conditions. The primary requirement of the jet grouting in this instance is
to reduce the permeability of the granular soil in the cut-off wall to less than 1 x 10-6 m/sec beneath the
cofferdams which facilitate to construct main Earth Cum Rock Fill (ECRF) Dam on the run of the
The construction of cofferdams on granular soils involves geotechnical problems of heavy water
seepage & potential piping below temporary cofferdams. The typical width & height of cofferdam at
Upstream is about 173m & 31.5m and that of downstream is of order of 118m & 20.5m at
Downstream. As per requirement of coffer dam design, Z-Sheet pile cut off with 18-20mm thick metal
specification for 29M depth for upstream Coffer dam (2.3km length) and 16M depth for downstream
Cofferdam (1.57km length) are needed. But the major Indian steel manufacturer, M/s SAIL is
manufacturing only 10mm thick Z-type Sheet Piles and alternate importing of required design
specification sheet pile of 18-20mm thick will be very much time consuming there by cause delay of
project completion by more than a year or two.
Hence the project authorities have finally decided to go in for Jet- Grouting Soil stabilization for
cofferdams which is the modern technology with imported machinery. To control the seepage, Jet
Grouting technique has been chosen based on overall exit gradient and duly conducting seepage
Jet grouting comprises of two prime processes, being the drilling & grouting process. The proposed jet
grout cut-off curtain comprises of a single row of over-lapping large diameter jet grout columns,
spaced to ensure that the grout column body formations will overlap with each other to form a
continuous cut-off barrier.
Drilling is performed by rotary drilling methods, using a water or grout flush to form a hole in the
order of 130 to 200mm in diameter. This assists with the return of jetting spoil during the jetting
Jetting is carried out from the “bottom up” through controlled extraction of the drill rods which are
fitted with specialized Double Fluid (D) Jetting equipment. The two fluids being employed include:
water/binder grout suspension and air. The fluids are injected through a two-fluid monitor and
nozzle. The water/binder grout suspension is injected through the center of the nozzle under high
pressure while air is introduced as a shroud around the high-pressure grout to aid the penetration and
mixing efficiency of the grout with the sands. The air also facilitates the release of the spoil return to
the surface.
The jetting is carried out as a “bottom-up” operation in which the drill string, with the jetting monitor
attached at the base, is slowly raised and rotated while injecting the grout to form a column of
soil/cement. During jetting, the spoil returns (excess material from the soil/grout mix) rise to the top of
the drill hole, aided by the air from the air shroud, from where they are diverted from the jetting
position site.
The jet grout column characteristics (diameter, composition, permeability, strength of the columns,
effective thickness of the cut-off wall etc.) are dependent on the jetting parameters employed. These
include rotation and extraction speeds, jetting pressure and grout flow rate, the grout mix, as well as
soil type, grain size distribution and consistency of the in-situ soils.
The jetting parameters are dependent on the prevailing site conditions and as such are determined and
verified on site during the initial stages of the project. Jetting parameters and grout mixes will be
reviewed and may be refined throughout the production phase based on site observations and the
outcome of test and Quality Assurance (QA)/Quality Control (QC) data.
5.1.1 Grouting operation will be carried out by installing successive grout columns using a “Fresh in
Fresh” sequence working continuously in one direction where possible. This will ensure maximum
erosion of the recently installed grout column and building the new column thereby optimizing the
interlocking and overlapping of the columns. The drilling/grouting equipment will be marched in a
direction working away from the completed columns and spoils returns. However, alternative columns
installation may be adopted in specific ground conditions where there is no possibility of employing a
successive method of installation of columns, termed as” Fresh in Fresh” installation.
5.1.2 Grout Mix Materials: The grout slurry will consist of a homogeneous mixture of Portland
Pozzolana Cement (PPC), and Water, with the possible addition of bentonite and/or other additives. It
is noted that this proposal is based on the assumption that the on-site water source (river flow) is free
of deleterious materials and suitable for jet grouting purposes. The water will be tested to ensure this
assumption is correct and has no adverse effect on the setting or hardening the jet grout mix.
5.1.3 Mixing of binder: The powdered binder (comprising cement and possibly pulverized fly ash / PPC,
bentonite or other additives) and water will be mixed in recirculated colloidal or jet valve grout mixers.
With both of these systems, the powder is introduced into a high-pressure stream of water and the
components mixed into a cementitious grout suspension. The cement flow and water flow can both be
adjusted to generate the grout consistency and quantity desired. The mix proportions will be measured by
specific gravity of the grout which will be measured and monitored through a mass flow meter and checked
by mud balance.
5.1.4 Jet Grout Column: The diameter of the formed jet grout column will be checked during initial
stage of works by excavating the treatment area up to 2-3m. The exposed columns will be visually
inspected and the diameters and overlap measured and checked to ensure that the operational
parameters have achieved the design dimensions. The column identification shall be verified once the
drill rig is set up on the design location.
1. The Jet Grout Column identification shall be verified once the drill is set up on the design
2. The inclination of the mast will be checked for verticality to ensure the hole is drilled in a
vertical alignment.
3. The depth encoder will be reset to zero based on the location of grout nozzle monitor location
relative to the working platform level (not with the tip of the drill bit depth).
4. Drilling will be carried out up to the specified design depth (base of cut-off wall level) relative
to the starting level
5. The depth of drilling will be monitored and recorded continuously in the Data Acquisition
6. Grout pressure at design flow will be initiated once drilling is completed with the design flow
and pressure regulated and monitored throughout the grouting process.
7. The jet grout monitor will be withdrawn at specified withdrawal rate while maintaining the
constant rotation speed (rpm).
8. After completing the treatment at the cut-off level, grout flow will be stopped to allow
pressure to dissipate.
9. DAQ recording of the column installation will be stopped and the monitor removed from the
column location.
10. The project engineer will review jet grout column DAQ reports to ensure that the columns are
installed in accordance with the submitted and verified parameters.
11. The Engineer may revise and refine the production parameter throughout the works as
confirming quality results are achieved.
However, all these operating parameters will be defined after installation of initial columns to
suit site specific conditions before commencement of the main works.
5.4 Grouting Process starts upon completion of a jet grout column, the column location shall be
topped up with jet grout spoils to ensure the required design cut-off level is maintained. Spoil
Handling is an important operation in Jet Grouting since large amount of spoil returns are generated
during the jetting of the columns. The composition of the spoil is a mixture of the grout and the in-situ
soil and has an initial fluid/ paste consistency which sets after a period of 24 to 72 hours.
The volume of spoil returns is expected to be of the order of 30-50m3 for a 20m long 2m diameter
column. The spoil returns will be diverted away from the jetting operations to an area close to the
working platform from where they will need to be removed and disposed of by others on a regular
daily basis.
5.5 Quality Control Tests: During production of Jet Grout columns, the spoil return will be usually
observed with regard to volume, appearance, flowability and consistency. Any variation will be
recorded on the Jet logs and brought to notice of Project Engineer in Charge.
5.6 Wet Grab Soil Cement return samples will be collected from “Spoil Return” for testing duly
collected from jetting of Upper, Middle and Lower sections of selected columns. The Cylinder of size
50mm x120mm test samples after curing have to be tested for permeability in QC Laboratory of
appropriate standards.
6.0 CONCRETE DIAPHRAGM Cut off Wall for Main Earth Cum Rock Fill (ECRF) Dam:
A Diaphragm wall is a civil engineering technique used to build reinforced concrete walls in areas of
soft earth or sand close to open water, or with a high groundwater table. This technique is typically
used to build diaphragm (water-blocking) walls in open cuts, to lay foundations and arrest seepage
through foundation of dams. The Construction of main Earth Cum Rockfill dam of 48M height and
1.75 km long across Godavari River with deeper sandy bed needing 60-90 mts deep cut off wall with
embedment in to impervious strata is another Technology challenge in the project. For smaller depth
of impervious strata, conventional cut off trench beneath Earth Dam is a general practice. But in the
present case,60- 90 Mts cut of is to be done where seepage permeability is an order of 3-6 cum
per day per meter width. In order to overcome this technical problem, Plastic Concrete Diaphragm
wall of deeper depth technology with deployment of imported machinery was resorted to.
Table -3
1 0
2 30
3 150 120 8.40 -29.72 -31.72 40.12
4 270 120 6.78 -29.73 -31.73 38.51
5 390 120 12.46 -42.90 -44.90 57.36
6 500 110 15.61 -82.39 -84.39 100.00
7 540 40 15.09 -56.83 -58.83 73.92
8 640 100 13.52 -29.43 -31.43 44.95
9 750 110 14.39 -25.31 -27.31 41.70
10 915 165 15.25 -31.15 -33.15 48.40
11 1050 135 16.16 -15.34 -17.34 33.50
12 1200 150 16.09 -13.97 -15.97 32.06
13 1350 150 17.36 -15.79 -17.79 35.15
14 1445 95 26.32 -2.44 -4.44 30.76
15 1730 285 53.99
16 1750 20
6.1 The Cut of Wall (COW) consists of approx. 68,112 m² of area with a length of approx. 1,440 m (from
Chainage CH-58.80 m to CH-1550 m). The average depth from working platform level is approx. 47 m
including 2 m rock socketing whereas the maximum depth to 110 m from working platform level is
considered at approx. CH-500 in Stage-2 area. One special hydro-cutter for a max depth of 150 m is
considered for the project. The thickness of the wall is specified with nominal 1500 mm. COW embedded
two (2) meter into alluvium/rock contact surface and concreted up to the top of the guide wall. The
effective cut-off wall will end at the bottom of the guide wall, allowing to prepare and install the head of
the COW / Diaphragm. For the Cut-off wall alignment, the nominal COW-thickness of dCOW = 1.50 m may
be reduced at depth due to the system intrinsic verticality deviations of up to 0.3%. The overall system
permeability is not jeopardized with possible verticality deviation of the individual panel.
For good workability and flowability of the COW concrete, the proposed concrete properties are
based on the experience of more than 20 years of designing and installing plastic concrete in
diaphragm walls forming concrete cut-off walls. Deviating from these properties could jeopardize the
quality of the COW for the project.
Properties of Concrete requirements for samples at the age of 28 days:
Concreting will be carried out typically at maximum to top of guide wall in order not to unduly spoil
the working platforms with concrete overflow. Some concrete mixed with bentonite slurry may remain
within the upper layer of the cut off wall. Any slurry and/or COW concrete remaining within the guide
wall perimeter after COW completion will be removed during demolition of the actually existent
working platform and guide wall down to the specified depth from the top of existent working
platform including the Blinding Concrete. For trimming the wall head while removing the guide walls
particular care shall be taken.
Project will perform the following tests on the concrete – the entire Quality control for concrete as per
the QCMP for the COW:
Workability (slump and slump flow)
Workability time (if needed)
Unconfined compressive strength (28 days)
Triaxial stress-strain behaviour (28 days) (in case of doubt)
Permeability (28 days)
Erosion resistance is covered by UCS test (≥ 1 MPa; see also ICOLD Bulletin 51, 2.3.8.
The design concrete mix for the Plastic Concrete Cut off Wall (COW) will be approved by Project
authorities. The test for quality control of plastic-concrete shall be in accordance with relevant codes /
standards together with the tentative acceptance criteria for UCS and permeability. These acceptance
criteria may be adjusted based on the results of the mixes the BLT-JV proposes to use. The BLT-JV
shall vary the proportions of the mix to achieve the desired strength and deformation properties of the
plastic-concrete. All requirements shall be subject to changes after evaluation of suitability trial tests,
in agreement with the Engineer
6.3.4 Tolerances:
The minimum wall thickness of 1.5 m for each panel is assured for the entire panel depth by the
excavation tools of the equipment used. The guide wall will be built in a way to respect the tolerances
as indicated in the Technical Specifications. Setting out of the wall shall be to a Centre-line positioned
with a tolerance of ± 50 mm. The guide walls will be installed accordingly. For diaphragm wall
installation slight deviation from verticality is system inherent; a tolerance of 0.3% from depth is
considered in Y-direction (perpendicular to the COW-axis) which might result in a recess at the panel
The integrity and continuity of the COW is assured by the method of installation chosen. With the
equipment provided each individual panel element will have the specified thickness given by the
defined size of the excavation tooling – whether size of the grab or dimensions of the pair of cutter
wheels. Positioning of the individual panels and the real overlap between neighbouring panels will be
controlled and mapped. Position-control during excavation with cutter-inbuilt inclinometer is cross-
controlled with equipment which is equivalent to the Cutter Inclination-System (CIS). Final position
control will be with a state-of-the-art sonic-measuring device like Bauer Ultrasonic System or
Cleaning of the trench bottom will be executed by the cutter installed high performance pump
typically while exchanging working slurry to concreting slurry to clean the contact with the bedrock at
the bottom of the Diaphragm wall. A compliance check together with the Engineer will take place at
the de-sanding unit checking sand content of the concreting slurry and that no large size cuttings are
still pumped from the bottom of the fully excavated panel. The cutter excavated secondary panel
assures the best possible contact to the neighbouring primary panels by creating a serrated surface for
perfect interlocking. Concreting as per Technical Specification with the approved concrete mix will be
controlled during concreting and recorded. Uninterrupted concreting by the tremie-method will assure
a continuous monolithic concrete panel of the full cross-section.
7.0 CONCLUSION: The Polavaram Major Dam is an ongoing Irrigation project across Godavari
River in Andhra Pradesh has been conceived over 8 decades back in erstwhile MADRAS state and
now going to be completed by 2022. The main reason of delay in taking up execution is due to the
difficult Geo-technical engineering problems in the of sandy river bed as deep as 60-90 mts below.
Eminent international experts viz. Dr Karl Terzaghi, Professor of Soil Mechanics; Dr JL Savage Chief
Engineer from USA and Sir Murdole Macdonald, a famous Consulting Engineer (ASWAN Dam) of
London have either visited site or imparted technical advice on foundation problems of the project.
Finally, the project is becoming a reality with the advent and adoption of modern technology of this
century by overcoming the foundation problem of Coffer dams both on upstream and downstream
with the adoption of JET-Grouting soil stabilization to facilitate construction of main Earth Cum
Rock Fill Dam. Similarly, modern technology of Plastic Concrete Diaphragm cut off wall beneath
Earth Cum Rock Fill Dam was implemented during 2019.This Multipurpose Dam is programmed for
completion by 2022 and could make it possible only by adoption of Modern Technology in the
difficult project construction scenario. The floods of mighty Godavari River in 2021 season are
presently passing over 1.13km long commissioned Spillway of project located on the right flank of
main River and simultaneously the Earth Cum Rock Fill Dam (ECRF) is progressing in the main River
Course. Thus, ultimately the project is reaping benefits of 2.95 lakh Hectares of new command and
stabilizes lower riparian four (4) lakh Hectares of Godavari Delta ayacut under existing Sir Arthur
Cotton Barrage at Dowlaiswaram in the downstream. In addition, 960 MW of Hydel Power will be
generated adding GDP not only to state of Andhra Pradesh but also that of INDIA.
Bibliography: 1. Gutberle (1994). "Slurry Walls". Virginia Tech. Archived from the original on 2007-
08-24. Retrieved 2012-01-05.
2. Bahrami, M.; Khodakarami, M.I.; Haddad, A. (April 2019). "Seismic behavior and design of
strutted diaphragm walls in sand". Computers and Geotechnics. 108: 75–87.
3. M/S Keller report on Jet Grouting works under Coffer dam of Polavaram dated 19-09-2017.
4.BAUER (Specialized Foundation Contractor India and L&T Geo-Structures Report of “Cut Off Wall
(COW) works with Grab & Trench Cutter of Polavaram Project dated 05-01-2017.
5. Polavaram Irrigation Project Reports with courtesy of senior project engineers during 2017-2019.