Wilson-Fowler, 2020
Wilson-Fowler, 2020
Wilson-Fowler, 2020
Writing Skills and Students with Learning Disabilities
The ability to write and speak persuasively is a focus in the schools and
workforce for all students, including those with learning disabilities (LDs; i.e.,
disorder in the processes involved in understanding or using spoken or written
language [Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 2004]). High school stu-
dents are expected to both write and discuss arguments and provide support for
their claims (Common Core State Standards Initiative: English Language Arts,
Insights into Learning Disabilities is published by Learning Disabilities Worldwide (LDW). For further
information about learning disabilities, LDW’s many other publications and membership, please visit our
website: www.ldworldwide.org.
Insights into Learning Disabilities 17(1), 55-70, 2020
2010). Yet, more than 50% of students with LDs are failing state writing tests
which include persuasive writing tasks (Nation’s Report Card, 2011). In fact,
62% of high school students who received writing scores of below basic in 2011
were students with disabilities. The writing of high school students with LDs is
characterized by fewer words, less complexity and poorer quality than typically
developing (TD) peers (Nippold, Ward-Lonergan, & Fanning, 2005).
Language is Complex and Multidisciplinary
There is growing evidence that academic writing and academic speak-
ing are interconnected and can be used to support each other (Pennington &
Bishop, 2009; Reznitskaya et al., 2001; Uccelli, Dobbs, & Scott, 2013). Educa-
tors and Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) in the schools work collaborative-
ly in teams. Together with other clinicians and specialists, they share responsibil-
ity for academic outcomes for students who receive services in special education.
Thus, it is important for all team members to develop shared terminology and
approaches. These may include shared awareness of the underlying language
skills that students need for success in the curriculum.
One language ability that has been less studied in high school students
(and is generally less understood by laypeople) is the use of complex sentences.
In English, clauses form sentences. Clauses are often classified as being either
independent (i.e., a complete thought that contains a subject and a verb and can
stand alone as a sentence; e.g., I need dancing shoes) or dependent. Dependent
clauses include utterances that contain (1) a subject and a verb but cannot stand
alone as a sentence (e.g., when I learn to dance…), (2) an infinitive verb (i.e., a
verb in its unmarked form; e.g., to prepare for prom…), or verbs that often end
in –ing and act like dependent clauses (i.e., participles or gerunds; e.g., offering
to swing dance…; Berry & Brizee, 2010; Maurer, 2012; Yilmaz, 2018).
Complex sentences are sentences that contain at least one independent
clause and at least one dependent clause (e.g., I need dancing shoes when I
learn to dance or offering to swing dance, I need dancing shoes; Scott, 2011).
Without the ability to appropriately use complex sentences during speaking and
writing activities, students will be unable to express efficiently the embedded
and connected ideas that make up complex thinking (Nippold, 2014). Although
good writers combine both simple and complex sentences when writing, stu-
dents who appropriately use more complex sentences receive higher scores on
writing quality (Beers & Nagy, 2009; Crowhurst, 1983).
Language sampling
Well documented and growing language interconnections exist be-
tween spoken and written language (Carlisle, 2010; Scarborough, 2005; Snowl-
ing, 2005; Whitehurst & Lonigan, 1998). For example, we know that the ability
to manipulate individual spoken sounds in words is necessary for individuals to
become strong readers and writers. Much of this critical knowledge comes from
Insights into Learning Disabilities 17(1), 55-70, 2020
research in which these discrete abilities are measured using specifically designed
individual tasks.
In contrast to discrete measures, language sampling takes a more natu-
ralistic approach to examining spoken and written language. Researchers have
obtained and analyzed monologic (or one speaker) samples of language when
students are given a prompt or task to write or speak about. Successfully com-
municating a cohesive and academic text requires students to juggle multiple
and competing demands. It is thought that generating a language sample on
higher level topics will stress the language system and indicate where deficien-
cies exist. Thus, it provides educational teams with critical information about
students’ ability to use academic, higher level language, including vocabulary,
knowledge of required organizational structure, and the ability to produce gram-
matically correct and complex sentences (Scott, 2009, 2011).
Development and Growth of Complex Sentences
A detailed explanation of the “complexities” of complex sentence de-
velopment and growth is beyond the scope of this paper. However, an under-
standing of the general course of development of complex sentences may help
to explain the importance of complex sentences to communication. Very young
children first produce single words which they gradually combine into simple
sentences (i.e., one subject and one verb that contains a complete thought; e.g.,
Mommy walked the dog.). Complex sentences first emerge in spoken language
in children who are typically-developing (TD) between the ages of three and
four years (Paul & Norbury, 2012); complex sentences emerge as children need
to express increasingly complex ideas. For example, children learn to combine
different forms of verbs such as adding the infinitive to a main verb (e.g., I like
ice cream might become I like to eat ice cream) and to modal auxiliary verbs (e.g.,
I would like to eat ice cream). These more sophisticated utterances represent more
efficient ways to communicate thoughts. They learn to use more specific con-
nector words and verbs that allow embedding of clauses within sentences (e.g.,
that, if, when, before, because), thus adding depth and specificity to their com-
munication efforts. Spoken simple sentences gradually develop into complex
sentences from early childhood through adulthood (e.g., Mommy walked the
dog when I was at school).
School-age children are exposed to increasing complexity in sentences
as they read higher level textbooks and are required to express more complex
ideas in depth during academic writing and speaking. Students with LDs who
experience written language difficulties are less likely to have access to the lan-
guage of academic texts. With fewer models and experiences than TD peers in-
teracting with complex sentences on higher-level topics, students with LDs may
be less likely to appropriately use complex sentences (Nippold, 2014).
Insights into Learning Disabilities 17(1), 55-70, 2020
Insights into Learning Disabilities 17(1), 55-70, 2020
provided the spoken samples. Groups may not have been equivalent in other
areas, thus challenging the validity of the findings.
More recently, Brimo and Hall-Mills (2019) gathered two spoken and
two written persuasive language samples in the same group of 64 9th grade stu-
dents, 9 of whom were diagnosed with LDs. The language samples were tran-
scribed from handwritten or videotaped samples and analyzed for the complex-
ity of sentences. To analyze sentence complexity, language samples were broken
into sentences and independent and dependent clauses were identified and
counted. A variety of types of grammatical constructions were counted as com-
plex including sentences that contained an independent clause only, a depen-
dent clause only and combined independent and dependent clauses. Dependent
clauses were counted as dependent when they included a variety of higher level
grammatical components. Consistent with Hidi and Hildyard’s (1983) findings
for elementary-aged children’s use of persuasive language, Brimo and Hall-Mills
found that high school students used a similar amount of complex sentences in
both spoken and written persuasion.
The above sample of 9th grade students contained a range of abilities.
However, students with LDs made up only 14% of the sample. Adolescents
with LDs show different patterns of strengths and weaknesses from TD stu-
dents (Green, 2009; Scott & Windsor, 2000). Given the academic and language
challenges facing students with LDs, teaching strategies should be driven by
knowledge of existing patterns of characteristics. Teachers, other educators, par-
ents, and SLPs may not have access to computerized language sample analysis
programs. However, we can recognize (or learn to quickly recognize) complex
vs. simple sentences within language samples. We also are trained to recognize
grammatical correctness (i.e., adherence to the accepted rules of formal English
Perhaps, classifying students’ written and spoken sentences as either
simple or complex and noting the grammatical correctness of those sentences
would be more functional for educators. A coding system that measures both
the complexity and the correctness of each sentence could be used by teachers,
other educators and SLPs jointly. Nelson, Barr and Van Meter’s (2004) sen-
tence complexity coding system provides a descriptive method of examining
sentence complexity and the grammatical correctness of the sentences produced.
Sentences can be coded as complex correct, simple correct, complex incorrect
(grammatically) and simple incorrect (grammatically). With this knowledge,
teams of educators in the schools can begin to have common ground for mak-
ing decisions about which sentence level goals to address and in what modality
(speaking or writing or both).
Insights into Learning Disabilities 17(1), 55-70, 2020
Thus, the purpose of this study was to compare sentence complexity
and grammatical correctness in the persuasive spoken and written discourse of
high school students with LDs. Knowledge of similarities and differences will
provide a springboard to the collaborative development of more efficient instruc-
tional approaches that use persuasive language strengths to remediate persuasive
language weaknesses. This study focuses on the following research questions:
1) Are there differences in the complexity of sentence types in spoken
and written persuasive language in high school students with LDs?
2) Are there differences in the grammatical correctness of simple and
complex sentences produced in spoken vs. written persuasive lan-
guage samples?
Participants were 27 students enrolled in 9th (12 students), 10th (10
students), and 11th (5 students) grades at a Title 1 school in the United States.
All participants were receiving special education services for learning disabilities
in reading or writing and were enrolled in an English class designed for students
with learning disabilities. Eighteen were male students and nine were female
Institutional Review Board approval was received. After receipt of signed
consents, participants watched short videos to provide background information
on the topics, and provided one written and one spoken sample. Samples were
transcribed from handwriting and videotape before being analyzed.
Writing and speaking prompts. Participants viewed two short videos
on animal welfare and were instructed to persuade their congresswoman to be-
lieve what they believed about animal welfare based on the information from
the videos. Both videos were obtained from news clips. The informational video
(8:29 minutes long) that preceded the writing activity examined the pros and
cons of keeping orca whales in captivity. The video (7:11 minutes long) that pre-
ceded the speaking activity examined the pros and cons of hunting and killing
wolves who were attacking livestock. After viewing each video, participants were
asked to persuade their congresswoman to believe what they believed. Should
orca whales be kept in captivity or should they be set free? Should wolves be
hunted and killed or should they be allowed to roam free?
Obtaining samples. After watching each video, students immediately
provided language samples. Written samples were obtained in the classroom in
groups prior to obtaining the spoken sample. After watching the orca video,
participants were given 30 minutes to write a persuasive letter. After watching
Insights into Learning Disabilities 17(1), 55-70, 2020
the wolf video, spoken samples were videotaped individually by trained gradu-
ate students using GoPro2 cameras. Spoken samples were taken after the written
samples in quiet rooms across the school and students were told to take the time
they needed to formulate their ideas before talking.
Transcribing and Coding. Spoken and written samples were tran-
scribed in Word by trained graduate students. Transcribed samples were manu-
ally coded by one of the authors. Salutations, mazes, and closing remarks (i.e.
Dear Congresswoman, um, thank you, etc.) were excluded in the transcription
of the samples. Sentences were coded as simple or complex and grammatically
correct or incorrect (i.e., simple incorrect, simple correct, complex incorrect,
complex correct); please see Table 1 for an explanation of our sentence complex-
ity coding system adapted from Nelson, Bahr, & Van Meter, p. 397).
We defined grammatical correctness as adherence to the established
rules of formal English grammar. Run-on sentences with no clear pauses in spo-
ken language or punctuation in written language were separated using rules for
calculating T-units (i.e., one independent clause and one dependent or embed-
ded clause formed one complex utterance). Spelling mechanics were ignored in
accordance with previous research. We also calculated the total number of words
(TNW), total number of sentences produced, total number of T-units (i.e., one
independent clause plus the dependent clauses attached to or embedded within
it; Hunt, 1970), and mean length of T-unit in words (MLTU; e.g., total number
of T-units/TNW). Finally, a graduate student was trained and conducted coding
reliability. Twenty-two percent of samples were judged and coded for reliability:
interrater reliability = .88; intrarater reliability = .92.
Insights into Learning Disabilities 17(1), 55-70, 2020
Table 1. Explanation of Sentence Coding System (adapted from Nelson, Bahr &
Van Meter, 2004).
Insights into Learning Disabilities 17(1), 55-70, 2020
Twenty-seven high school students with LDs provided one written and
one spoken persuasive language sample. Sentence complexity (simple vs com-
plex), total number of T-units, mean length of T-units, and total number of
words and sentences produced were measured. Descriptive statistics for each of
these measures are shown in Table 2.
Spoken Written
Variable M SD Range M SD Range
TNW 54.11 4.58 7-166 58.11 31.51 12-137
# T-Units 4.74 3.93 1-15 4.96 2.51 1-12
MLTU 11.39 5.65 3-28 11.68 2.49 6-17
# Sentences 3.96 3.36 1-14 4.19 2.41 1-11
Insights into Learning Disabilities 17(1), 55-70, 2020
Insights into Learning Disabilities 17(1), 55-70, 2020
Figure 2. Proportion of complex vs. simple sentences and correct vs. incorrect
Main Findings in Light of Current Research
We examined persuasive language samples to determine whether com-
plex sentences were produced with similar frequency in the writing and speaking
of high school students with LDs. We found no differences in complex sentence
production between spoken and written persuasion in high school students with
LDs. Our findings are consistent with findings in the persuasive genre for high
school students who were mostly TD (Brimo & Hall-Mills, 2019; Hall-Mills &
Apel, 2013). The similarities in persuasive sentence complexity across a range
of high school students (with and without LDs) support the interconnections
Insights into Learning Disabilities 17(1), 55-70, 2020
Insights into Learning Disabilities 17(1), 55-70, 2020
out how well students communicate in real world situations that are more de-
manding than conversational tasks. With this knowledge, we can continue to
address weaknesses that occur in more natural situations. Growing evidence sug-
gests that working on grammatical deficits using workbook-like exercises does
not transfer or generalize to student’s writing (Yilmaz, 2018). Yet, students con-
tinue to need multiple practice opportunities and multiple exposures to higher
level, academic language.
The similarities between spoken and written persuasion may give us a
starting point to build both spoken and written persuasive language simultane-
ously. For example, presenting a controversial topic and having the students for-
mulate their opinions in peer groups through discussions, completing a graphic
organizer to guide the arguments, and sharing them verbally with other peer
groups incorporates both speaking and writing. Additionally, these combined
activities highlight that writing is a process and involves explicit and implicit so-
cial interactions between the writer/speaker and the reader/listener (Graham &
Harris, 2013). Although it has yet to be proven, students with LDs may benefit
from explicit use of the typical recursive cycle of engagement between speaking
and writing that is thought to occur implicitly in children who are typically de-
veloping. Gains in speaking might scaffold and support writing and vice versa.
With multiple exposures to language in both speaking and writing, the ability to
retrieve information from long term memory and manipulate it to express more
complex ideas using appropriate grammar may develop with increased automa-
ticity. With increased automaticity and exposure to more complex language,
grammatical correctness may also increase.
Limitations and Future Directions
The sample size was small and the students came from the same school
limiting the generalizability of the results. Further, we were unable to obtain
participant medical or educational backgrounds, including dates of diagnoses,
history of services received, etc. Background information and additional data
pertaining to the participants would provide a better overall picture of our par-
ticipants and, perhaps, increase generalizability of findings. Persuasive samples
on a variety of topics should be obtained in the future to ensure valid findings.
Positive outcomes for students with LDs are dependent upon effective
collaborations between educators and specialists, including SLPs. All those who
work with our students need an understanding of the characteristics of the dis-
ability and each other’s roles on the team. Special education roles and service de-
livery models in the schools are changing (IDEA, 2004). Traditionally, educators
have commonly addressed written language difficulties while SLPs separately
have addressed spoken conversational language difficulties.
Insights into Learning Disabilities 17(1), 55-70, 2020
Insights into Learning Disabilities 17(1), 55-70, 2020
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Authors’ Note
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Eliza-
beth Wilson-Fowler, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders,
Eastern Washington University, Spokane, WA 99202. Email: ewilsonfowler@