Sign Permit
Sign Permit
Sign Permit
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LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION WORKS: LOT NO._____ BLK. NO. _____ TCT NO. __________ TAX DEC. NO. _____________
STREET _________________________ BARANGAY________________________ CITY / MUNICIPALITY OF _________________
NEW CONSTRUCTION RENOVATION ______________________ DEMOLITION ______________________________
ADDITION REPAIR ___________________________ OTHERS (SPECIFY) ________________________
ALTERATION MOVING __________________________ _________________________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
(Signed and Sealed Over Printed Name) (Signed and Sealed Over Printed Name)
Date______________ Date______________
Address Address
PRC No. Validity PRC No. Validity
PTR No Date Issued PTR No Date Issued
Issued at TIN Issued at TIN
________________________________________ ________________________________________
(Signature Over Printed Name) (Signature Over Printed Name)
Date: __________________ Date: __________________
Address Address
CTC No. Date Issued Place Issued CTC No. Date Issued Place Issued
1. That under Article 1723 of the Civil Code of the Philippines, the engineer or architect who drew up the plans and specifications for a
building/structure is responsible for damages if within fifteen (15) years from the completion of structure, the same should collapse due to defect in
the plans or specifications or defects in the ground. The Engineer or Architect who supervises the construction shall be solidarily liable with the
contractor should the edifice collapse due to defect in the construction or the use of inferior materials.
2. That the proposed sign shall be in conformity with Rule XX of the “National Building Code” (PD 1096).
a. That prior to commencement of the proposed project and construction/erection, an actual relocation survey shall be conducted by the
responsible licensed geodetic engineer.
b. That before commencing the excavation the person making or causing the excavations to be made shall notify in writing the owner of the
adjoining building not less than ten (10) days before such excavation is to be made and show how the adjoining building should be protected.
c. That the owner of the sign structure shall engage the services of a responsible licensed architect or civil engineer to undertake the full-time
inspection a supervision of the construction work.
d. That there shall be kept at the jobsite a logbook of daily construction activities wherein the actual daily progress of construction including
tests conducted, weather condition and other pertinent data are to be recorded, same shall be made available for scrutiny and comments by
the OBO representative during the conduct of his/her inspection pursuant to Section 207 of the National Building Code.
e. That upon completion of the construction/sign structure, the responsible licensed Architect or Civil Engineer shall submit the log book duly
signed and sealed to the Building Official including as-built plans and other documents.
f. That he shall also prepare and submit a Certificate of Completion of the project stating that the construction/sign structure conforms to the
provision of the “National Building Code” (PD1096) as well as with plans and specifications.
3. That no sign shall be used and no change in the existing character of occupancy classification of a building/structure or portion thereof shall be
made until the Building Official has issued a Certificate of Use or Occupancy therefor as provided in the “National Building Code” (PD 1096).
4. That this permit shall not serve as an exemption from securing permit/written clearances from various government authorities exercising
regulatory function affecting building and other related structures.
5. Signs shall adhere to the Code of Ethics for Advertising and Promotions and to the rules and regulations of the appropriate agency in-charge of
the conduct of the business.
6. Sign shall promote and uphold the public goods especially in historical monuments and shrines, natural scenic areas, parks, parkways and their
immediate approaches. Immediate approaches shall mean a distance not exceeding fifty (50.00) meters from the periphery of said areas.
7. Sign shall display or convey only message or visuals that conform to public decency and good taste.
8. Signs shall follow standards of design, construction and maintenance in the interest of public safety, convenience, good viewing and to promote
proper urban design or community architecture.
9. Sign structures may be constructed only in areas where zoning regulations permit them and in accordance with the accepted standards of design,
construction and maintenance.
10. Sign structures may be constructed in accordance with the provisions of Section 2003 of the “National Building Code” (PD1096). Plans of sign
structures exceeding three (3.00) meters in height from the ground shall be signed and sealed by the responsible designing architect or civil
11. Sign and sign structures built within highly restrictive fire zones shall be of incombustible materials. No combustible materials other than approved
plastic shall be used in construction of electrical signs.
12. Signs and sign structures equipped with electrical devices shall have an electrical plan conforming with the provisions of the latest edition of the
Philippine Electrical Code duly signed and sealed by the responsible Professional Electrical Engineer , if the installation or the machinery is rated
less than 500 kVA or less than 600 volts.
13. Signs shall be placed in a such manner that no part of its surface will interfere in any way with the free use doorway, a fire escape, standpipe or
other required means of exit and fire-protective devices.
14. Signs, which are written in foreign language, shall have corresponding translation in English or in the local dialect.
15. The bottom line shall line of all signboards adjacent to each other shall follow a common base line as determined by the Building Official.