Lesson Six (6) What's More
Lesson Six (6) What's More
Lesson Six (6) What's More
What’s More
Activity 2: Case Analysis
Situation Methods
1. (EXAMPLE) Janelle, a Grade 12
senior high student is capable of doing Talk Test-Low Intensity Level
bike riding while singing at the same
2. Shine sees the need to record and
collect heart rate data before and after Heart-rate Telemetry, Objective Method
conducting a certain activity.
1. From your own point of view, write down five (5) characteristics of a person who displays
initiative, responsibility, and leadership in fitness activities.
a. Friendliness
b. Ability to motivate
c. Integrity
d. Empathy
e. Influence
2. As a responsible Senior High student, how will you share our knowledge on the different
physical fitness assessments to your fellow students? What is your ultimate goal towards
achieving physical fitness?
I would do so through sharing it in the form of a helpful advice to my friends. Its benefits,
how it can be a huge advantage in the long term for our body, and just a healthy thing to
do overall. My ultimate goal for doing so would be simply to stay healthy throughout the
What Can I Do
What’s New
Activity 1: Situational Analysis
If you are given the opportunity to be the Secretary of the Department of Education, enumerate
your five (5) point agenda related to fitness career opportunities and health benefits for the
students, teachers and parents.
1. Suggest that a classroom break would be used for a quick physical activity
2. Create a school-wide activity dedicated to physical activities such as sports
3. Require an “activity area” within classrooms to optimize the space for movement and
physical activity
4. Recess can be used as a counterbalance to sedentary time
5. Highlight school clubs dedicated to physical activities
1. You are currently making your individualized fitness exercise routine in Physical Education
and Health. You came along with a standardized fitness program which can be of great help to
design and finish your fitness routine right away.
Your Action I would combine my personalized routine and the fitness program I found.
2. One of your family members is diagnosed with severe obesity. As a fitness advocate, she
asks for your help in weight management.
Your Action: I would start by creating a simple and easy routine at the start for her. The
exercises would mostly be cardio-related and the difficulty progresses as her weight decreases.
Your reason: Jumping into an intense workout won’t be easy to keep up every day especially
for someone who doesn’t have much experience in day-to-day physical activity. An easy routine
would be a great start and won’t overwhelm her too much at the beginning.
3. There are a lot of myths out there related to nutrition, fitness, and weight loss. Some of them
even come from seemingly refutable sources. Your friend, Nikki, would like to avail and be part
of the fad.
Your Action: I would inform Nikki that not everything in the myths is entirely accurate or just
half-truths. Some could be even invented for the sake of people’s own agenda.
Your Reason: Believing them without further research would be detrimental to her health if
she ever decides to apply the “myths”.
Assessment: (Post-Test)
1. A 6. A
2. B 7. A
3. C 8. B
4. B 9. C
5. A 10. D