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3 Documents and Doc Objects

3.1 Overview

A Document is the unit of loading and saving. Assuming it has been saved, a document corresponds to a
SpaceClaim scdoc file on disk.
A DocObject is an object that belongs to a document. Doc objects are not the only objects that get saved when
the document is saved, but they are the only objects that have a Document property. Examples of doc objects
include: Part, Component, DesignBody, DesignFace, DatumPlane, and Note.
Doc objects provide:
• A parent-child tree containment hierarchy.
• Monikers for persistent identification.
• Update states to indicate that the doc object has changed.
• Custom attributes for storing 3rd party data.

3.2 Parent-Child Hierarchy

Doc objects are part of a parent-child containment hierarchy, where the parent represents the container and
the children represent the contents. If a doc object is deleted, all its descendants (its children, recursively) are
also deleted.
For example, a Part contains zero or more DesignBody objects, each of which contains one or more DesignFace
objects. The parent of a design face is a design body, and the parent of a design body is a part. Similarly, a
design body is a child of a part, and a design face is a child of a design body.

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Public static void Example(DesignBody desBody) {

Part part = desBody.Parent;

// a part is a root object, so it has no parent

Debug.Assert(part.Parent == null);
Debug.Assert(part.Root == part);

// GetChildren<T> returns immediate children of type T

foreach (DocObject child in part.GetChildren<DocObject>()) {
// Parent returns the immediate parent
Debug.Assert(child.Parent == part);

// DesignBody.Faces is equivalent to GetChildren<DesignFace>

foreach (DesignFace desFace in desBody.Faces) {
// Root returns the topmost parent
Debug.Assert(desFace.Root == part);

// GetDescendants<T> gets all nested children of type T

// the search starts with the object itself
foreach (DesignFace desFace in part.GetDescendants<DesignFace>()) {
// GetAncestor<T> crawls up the parent chain to find an object of type T
Debug.Assert(desFace.GetAncestor<Part>() == part);

// the search starts with the object itself

Debug.Assert(desFace.GetAncestor<DesignFace>() == desFace);

The parent chain continues up the hierarchy until the root object is reached. This is the topmost parent, which
itself has no parent (its parent is null). Examples of root objects are: Part, DrawingSheet, and Layer.
All doc objects in the same parent-child hierarchy belong to the same document. The Document class provides
properties to access its root objects: MainPart, Parts, DrawingSheets, and Layers.

3.3 Parts and Components

A Part contains zero or more DesignBody objects and zero or more Component objects. This means a part can
contain both design bodies and components, in which case it is neither a pure piece part, nor a pure assembly.
This is supported so that the interactive user can restructure design bodies into components, or vice versa.

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A component is an instance of a template part. It has a placement matrix to position the component into
assembly-space. The template is neither a child nor a parent of the component. If the parent-child hierarchy is
visualized as an inverted tree structure with the root at the top and leaf nodes at the bottom, then the
template is a sideways reference to another part, which is the root of another hierarchy.
The template part may live in the same document as the component, giving rise to what the interactive user
would call an internal component, or it may live in another document, giving rise to an external component.
Strictly speaking, it's the template part that is either internal or external, not the component itself.

3.4 Instances and Occurrences

Drawing views are also instances of template parts, since a drawing view transforms a part into paper-space,
much like a component transforms a part into assembly-space. Both Component and DrawingView inherit
from Instance.
An Instance produces a transformed occurrence of a Template object, along with occurrences of its children,
recursively. The template object is always a root object. The transformation is defined by the Placement
matrix. The Content property provides access to the occurrence of the template object, which is is a child of
the instance.
The template object is not copied. Instead, each occurrence is a lightweight wrapper, a transformed
representation of its original counterpart. Geometry presented by the occurrence is in instance-space, which
means assembly-space for a component, and paper-space for a drawing view. When the original object is
changed, or the instance placement is changed, the occurrence changes implicitly. Any changes made to an
occurrence are actually made to the original instead.

Part Assembly Key


Component Template


IPart Part Sub-Assembly

IComponent Component Template

Content Content

Original Original
IPart IPart Part Piece Part

Original Original
IDesignBody IDesignBody DesignBody

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Occurrences belong to the same parent-child hierarchy as the instance that gives rise to them. The entire
parent-child hierarchy is in the same coordinate-space.

3.5 Occurrence Chains

If the template object itself contains instances, occurrences of occurrences are produced. For example, this
happens with a two-level assembly, since the top-level assembly contains a component that instantiates a sub-
assembly part, which itself contains a component that instantiates a piece part.

3.6 General Objects and Masters

In general, a doc object is either an occurrence, or a master. When dealing with general doc objects (doc
objects that might be occurrences or masters), interfaces are used, e.g. IPart, IComponent, and IDesignBody.
These all derive from IDocObject.
There are some methods and properties that for theoretical or practical reasons are not presented by
occurrences, and are therefore only presented by masters. When dealing with masters, classes are used, e.g.
Part, Component, and DesignBody. These all derived from DocObject, which implements IDocObject.
Part implements IPart, Component implements IComponent, and so on, so a master supports everything that
a general object supports, and often more besides.
Note that although Part is always a root object, IPart may or may not be a root object. If the IPart happens to
be a master, then it is a root object, but if it happens to be an occurrence, its parent will be an IComponent or
an IDrawingView.

3.7 Originals and Masters

IDocObject is the base for all doc object functionality. It provides members for traversing the parent-child
hierarchy (Children, GetChildren<T>, GetDescendants<T>, Parent, GetAncestor<T>, Root), which we have
already met, and it also provides members for traversing the occurrence structure:
• Original – Gets the original IDocObject, else null if this is a master.
• Master – Gets the ultimate original, i.e. the DocObject master at the end of the occurrence chain. If
the object is a master, the object itself is returned.
• Instance – Gets the instance that produces this occurrence, else null if this is a master.

3.8 Transforming to Master-Space

The most common of these properties to use is Master, because the master can provide methods and
properties not available on the general object. Since the master might be in a different coordinate-space to
the general object, TransformToMaster can be used to get the transform that maps objects in general-space to
objects in master-space.

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Public static void Example(Icomponent comp, Frame placement) {

// the Placement property is available on Component, but not Icomponent
Component master = comp.Master;

// map placement frame into master-space

Matrix transToMaster = comp.TransformToMaster;
Frame masterPlacement = transToMaster * placement;

// apply master placement frame to master component

master.Placement = Matrix.CreateMapping(masterPlacement);

3.9 Getting Occurrences

Having done some work in master-space, it may be necessary to obtain an object in general-space. This is
common if the original object came from the window selection, and you wish to set a new selection in the
The window selection is always in window-space, i.e. in the same coordinate-space as the scene shown in that
window (the same coordinate-system as Window.Scene). So if the window shows an assembly, then the
selected objects are in assembly-space.
GetOccurrence can be used to obtain an object in general-space. It returns an occurrence that is similar to a
companion object supplied. Note that the companion object is a general object, which may or may not be an
occurrence. If it is an occurrence, then an equivalent occurrence is returned for the subject. If it is not an
occurrence, then the subject itself is returned. This allows you to write code that works correctly without
testing whether the object is in fact an occurrence.
Public static void Example() {
Window window = Window.ActiveWindow;
if (window == null)

// the selected component is in window-space

IComponent oldComp = window.SingleSelection as IComponent;
if (oldComp == null)

// copy the component master

Component oldMaster = oldComp.Master;
Component newMaster = Component.Create(oldMaster.Parent, oldMaster.Template);
newMaster.Placement = oldMaster.Placement;

// get an occurrence of the new master in window-space

IComponent newComp = newMaster.GetOccurrence(oldComp);

// select the newly created component

window.SingleSelection = newComp;

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4 Application Integration

4.1 Persistent Identifiers

Doc objects have persistent identifiers, called monikers, which can be recorded and later resolved to return the
doc object again. The Moniker property returns a moniker for the doc object, and the Resolve method returns
the doc object again.
Internally, master doc objects have an identifier, which is globally unique. Occurrences are identified by the
instance, which is a master, along with the original object, which might itself be an occurrence. A moniker is an
object that encapsulates the identifiers of the one or more master objects involved in the identity of the
To record a moniker, you can record its string representation using ToString. The length of this string depends
on the number of master objects involved. The format of this string is not documented, so you should not
attempt to construct or modify such a string.
To convert the string representation back into a moniker, you can use FromString.
public static void Example(IDesignFace desFace) {
Document doc = desFace.Document;

// all doc objects provide a moniker

Moniker<IDesignFace> desFaceMonikerA = desFace.Moniker;

// resolve the moniker in the document to obtain the original object

Debug.Assert(desFaceMonikerA.Resolve(doc) == desFace);

// the string representation can be recorded

string monikerText = desFaceMonikerA.ToString();

// the moniker can be reconstructed from the string

Moniker<IDesignFace> desFaceMonikerB = Moniker<IDesignFace>.FromString(monikerText);
Debug.Assert(desFaceMonikerB.Resolve(doc) == desFace);

To resolve a moniker, a document must be provided as the context. SpaceClaim allows more than one version
of the same scdoc file to be loaded at the same time, so the same moniker could potentially be resolved in
more than one document.
Since the internal identifiers involved are globally unique, there is no danger of resolving the moniker in an
unrelated document. If you attempt to do so, null will be returned to indicate that the object was not found.

4.2 Replacements

If the doc object has been deleted, Resolve returns null to indicate that the object was not found. Sometimes
doc objects can get replaced during a command. For example, if a design face is split during a modeling
operation, it will be replaced by two new design faces. Perhaps one of these new design faces gets split itself,
or perhaps one of them gets deleted.
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Behind the scenes, replacements are recorded, and when Resolve is called, if the object has been replaced, the
moniker automatically returns one of the survivors, or null if there are no survivors.
• If it is important to know whether the object is a survivor, rather than the original object, you can
compare its moniker with the moniker you already have, using the == operator. If the object is a
survivor, it will have a different moniker.
• If it is important to obtain all survivors, ResolveSurvivors can be used instead. Note that this method
only returns surviving replacements, so if the object hasn't been replaced at all, no survivors are

4.3 Update States

A doc object master has an update state, which tells you if the object has changed.
Each time the doc object master is changed, its update state changes. Conversely, if the update state has not
changed, then the object has not changed. When an object is changed due to an undo (or redo) operation, its
update state is undone (or redone) too.
The update state is persistent, so you can store its string representation and use it in another SpaceClaim
public static void Example(DesignFace desFace) {
// doc object masters provide an update state
UpdateState beforeStateA = desFace.UpdateState;

// the string representation can be recorded

string stateText = beforeStateA.ToString();


// test whether the design face was changed

if (desFace.UpdateState != beforeStateA)
Debug.WriteLine("Design face was changed.");

// the update state can be reconstructed from the string

UpdateState beforeStateB = UpdateState.FromString(stateText);
Debug.Assert(beforeStateA == beforeStateB);

Update states are not provided for occurrences, but you can store the update states of the instances involved
in the occurrence chain, along with the update state of the master. PathToMaster returns these instances.
The update state only represents the state of the object itself, and not the state of other objects it contains or
references. For example, the update state of a part is not changed if a child design body is modified. Similarly,
although the update state of a component will change if its placement is modified (since this is a property of
the component itself), the update state will not change if its template part is modified.

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5 Storing Custom Data

5.1 Document Properties

Documents have two types of properties:

• Core properties cover standard fields such as description, subject, title, and creator. The set of core
properties is fixed. You cannot create new core properties.
• Custom properties allow 3rd party applications to store data with the document. Each custom property
is a name-value pair.
So that custom property names do not clash when different applications choose a custom property name, the
name should be prefixed with the application or add-in name, as in the following example:
public static void Example(Document doc) {
CustomProperty.Create(doc, "BananaWorks.ApplicationVersion", 14);

CustomProperty property;
if (doc.CustomProperties.TryGetValue("BananaWorks.ApplicationVersion", out property))
Debug.Assert((double) property.Value == 14);

Note that a document can contain more than one part, so if you want to store data for a part, this is best done
by storing a custom attribute on the part master (see next topic).

5.2 Custom Attributes

Doc object masters provide custom attributes so that 3rd party applications can store data. Two types of
attribute are provided: text attributes and number attributes. An attribute is a name-value pair. A doc object
can have a text attribute and a number attribute with the same name.
So that attribute names do not clash when different applications choose an attribute name, the name should
be prefixed with the application or add-in name, as in the following example:
public static void Example(DesignBody desBody) {
desBody.SetTextAttribute("BananaWorks.SkinCondition", "Ripe");

string skinType;
if (desBody.TryGetTextAttribute("BananaWorks.SkinCondition", out skinType))
Debug.Assert(skinType == "Ripe");

Multiple values can be stored as multiple attributes with distinct names, or they can be formatted into a single
text string using String.Format or an XML serializer.

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5.3 Attribute Propagation

Attributes applied to doc object masters are propagated if the object is replaced. For example, if a design face
has a text attribute, and this face is split during a modeling operation, the replacement design face fragments
will also carry the same text attribute.

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6 Identifying Objects in ACIS and Parasolid Files

6.1 Identifiers During Export

When an ACIS or Parasolid file is written, either by the user or by calling Part.Export, name attributes are
attached to face and edge entities in the file to indicate which design face or design edge master they came
from. This is useful if the model is changed and then a new file is exported, since corresponding faces and
edges will have the same name attributes.
• An ACIS name attribute is a "named attribute" (ATTRIB_GEN_NAME) with the attribute name,
• A Parasolid name attribute is a system attribute with the name, "SDL/TYSA_NAME".
Design face and design edge masters have an ExportIdentifier property, which returns a string containing the
value of the name attribute that is written when the object is exported.

6.2 Foreign Identifiers During Import and Export

There may be a requirement to import a model from another system, modify it in SpaceClaim, and then export
it again, such that the other system can track the identity of faces and edges during this round trip.
When importing an ACIS or Parasolid file, if any body, face, or edge entities have id attributes, these are
converted to SpaceClaim text attributes on the resulting design body, design face, or design edge masters.
These text attributes have the reserved name, "@id".
• An ACIS id attribute is a "named attribute" (ATTRIB_GEN_NAME) with the attribute name,
• A Parasolid id attribute has the name, "ATTRIB_XPARASOLID_ID", and has an attribute definition, which
is described in the documentation for the Part.Export method.
Attributes applied to doc object masters are propagated if the object is replaced. For example, if a design face
has a text attribute, and this face is split during a modeling operation, the replacement design face fragments
will also carry the same text attribute.
When exporting an ACIS or Parasolid file, if any design bodies, design faces, or design edges have text
attributes with the name, "@id", these are written as id attributes applied to resulting ACIS or Parasolid

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7 Geometry and Topology

7.1 Unbounded Geometry and Trimmed Objects

In SpaceClaim, geometry is conceptually unbounded, e.g. a Plane extends indefinitely, a Sphere is complete,
and a Line is infinite in length. On top of this there are trimmed objects, which are bounded and therefore
provide additional properties:
• ITrimmedCurve – a bounded curve. It provides Length and parametric Bounds.
• ITrimmedSurface – a bounded surface. It provides Area, Perimeter, and a parametric BoxUV.
• ITrimmedSpace – a bounded region of 3D space. It provides Volume and Surface Area.
All of these inherit from IBounded, which provides GetBoundingBox.
A trimmed curve has a Geometry property that returns the Curve, and a trimmed surface has a Geometry
property that returns the Surface. A trimmed region even has a Geometry property that returns a Space
object representing all of Cartesian 3D space.
Trimmed curves and trimmed surfaces also have an IsReversed property, which tells you whether the sense of
the object is the opposite of the sense of its geometry. The sense of a trimmed curve is its direction, and the
sense of a trimmed surface is which way its normals face.

7.2 Topology

The topology of a model is made of Body, Face, and Edge objects, along with other objects (shells, loops, fins,
and vertices) that describe in more detail how they connect up.
• Body inherits from ITrimmedSpace. It also provides Faces and Edges.
• Face inherits from ITrimmedSurface. It also provides surrounding Edges.
• Edge inherits from ITrimmedCurve. It also provides adjacent Faces.
Topology classes have more information than the trimmed object interfaces that they implement:
• Trimmed object interfaces have no concept of connectivity.
• Although they can return area and volume, respectively, ITrimmedSurface and ITrimmedSpace say
nothing about the shape of their boundary. (With ITrimmedCurve, the boundary has no shape as such,
since the curve is simply bounded by parameter values.)

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7.3 Doc Objects and Geometry

Topology objects (Body, Face, Edge, etc.) and geometry objects (Plane, Cylinder, Line, etc.) are not doc objects.
They are not part of a parent-child hierarchy, and they do not have monikers or update states. They are lower
level objects, since they might be referenced by a doc object, but they have no knowledge of documents and
doc objects themselves.
You can construct geometry, trimmed objects, and even solid bodies, in order to perform geometric
calculations, without modifying a document:
public static void Example() {
// create infinite line with zero parameter at the origin
Line line = Line.Create(Point.Origin, Direction.DirX);

// create line segment from (-0.01, 0, 0) to (0.01, 0, 0)

ITrimmedCurve trimmedCurve = CurveSegment.Create(line, Interval.Create(-0.01, 0.01));
Debug.Assert(Accuracy.EqualLengths(trimmedCurve.Length, 0.02));

// find closest point to (0.05, 0.05, 0)

CurveEvaluation eval = trimmedCurve.ProjectPoint(Point.Create(0.05, 0.05, 0));

// closest point on line segment should be (0.01, 0, 0)

Debug.Assert(eval.Point == Point.Create(0.01, 0, 0));

The document is modified when you create doc objects. For example, you might create a design curve from a
trimmed curve.

7.4 Design Curves

Design curves are what the end user refers to as sketch curves. They are called design curves in the API for
consistency with design bodies, design faces, and design edges.
A DesignCurve is a doc object, which has a trimmed curve Shape.
public static void Example(Part part) {
Line line = Line.Create(Point.Origin, Direction.DirX);
ITrimmedCurve shape = CurveSegment.Create(line, Interval.Create(-0.01, 0.01));

// create a design curve

DesignCurve desCurve = DesignCurve.Create(part, Plane.PlaneXY, shape);

// the Shape property returns the trimmed curve

Debug.Assert(Accuracy.EqualLengths(desCurve.Shape.Length, 0.02));

// override the layer color

desCurve.SetColor(null, Color.DarkSalmon);

A design curve has other properties that are outside the concept of a trimmed curve, such as layer, color
override, and name.

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7.5 Design Bodies

Just as a DesignCurve is a doc object, which has a Shape of type ITrimmedCurve, there is a similar pattern for
• A DesignBody has a Shape of type Body.
• A DesignFace has a Shape of type Face.
• A DesignEdge has a Shape of type Edge.
This is only true for these doc object masters. For the corresponding general objects, less information is
• IDesignBody has a Shape of type ITrimmedSpace.
• IDesignFace has a Shape of type ITrimmedSurface.
• IDesignEdge has a Shape of type ITrimmedCurve.
This means, you can only access detailed topology information, such as loops and fins, from masters:
public static void Example(IDesignFace desFace) {
// we can get the area from the ITrimmedSurface shape
double area = desFace.Shape.Area;

// but to access loops, we need to use the master

DesignFace desFaceMaster = desFace.Master;
// if we access geometry, remember we are now in master-space
Matrix transToMaster = desFace.TransformToMaster;

DesignBody desBodyMaster = desFaceMaster.Parent;

// the master Shape is a Face rather than an ITrimmedSurface

Face face = desFaceMaster.Shape;
foreach (Loop loop in face.Loops)
foreach (Fin fin in loop.Fins) {
Edge edge = fin.Edge;

// get from shape back to doc object master

DesignEdge desEdgeMaster = desBodyMaster.GetDesignEdge(edge);

// from master to occurrence equivalent to desFace

IDesignEdge desEdge = desEdgeMaster.GetOccurrence(desFace);

However, the general interfaces do provide some convenient connectivity traversals at the doc object level:

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public static void Example(IDesignFace desFace) {

IDesignBody desBody = desFace.Parent;

// the Edge property returns the edges in the face boundary

foreach (IDesignEdge desEdge in desFace.Edges) {
Debug.Assert(desEdge.Parent == desBody);

// the Faces property returns the faces that meet at this edge

7.6 Shape in General

Shape also applies to doc objects that have untrimmed geometry, e.g. a datum plane. DatumPlane
implements IHasSurfaceShape and its Shape, not surprisingly, is a ISurfaceShape. Compare this to DesignFace,
which implements IHasTrimmedSurface and has a Shape of type ITrimmedSurface. This parallel path exists
because IHasTrimmedSurface is derived form IHasSurfaceShape, and ITrimmedSurface is derived from
ISurfaceShape. Therefore, whether the geometry is untrimmed or trimmed, there is always a two step
traversal, first to Shape, and then to Geometry:

Doc Object Shape Geometry

IDesignFace :
IHasTrimmedSurface : Shape
ITrimmedSurface :
ISurfaceShape Geometry

IDrawingSheet :
IHasTrimmedSurface :
● Area
● BoxUV
● IsReversed

● Evaluate
● ProjectPoint
Shape Geometry
IDatumPlane :

● IsReversed

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8 Accuracy

8.1 Linear and Angular Resolution

Internally, geometric calculations are performed to machine double precision. When comparing the results of
calculations, values should always be compared to within a specific resolution. These resolutions are provided
by the Accuracy class:
• Two lengths are considered equal if their difference is less than LinearResolution.
• Two angles are considered equal if their difference is less than AngularResolution.
For example, when ContainsPoint is called to determine whether a point lies in a surface, internally the
distance from the surface might be calculated, and the result is true if this distance is less than

8.2 Comparing Lengths and Angles

The Accuracy class provides methods for comparing lengths and angles.
The CompareLengths method takes two arguments, lengthA and lengthB, and returns an integer result:
• -1 lengthA is less than lengthB.
• 0 lengthA is equal to lengthB to within linear resolution.
• +1 lengthA is greater than lengthB.
This method provides general comparison of two lengths, but for common situations, such as comparing with
zero, or testing whether two values are equal, simpler and more readable methods can be used:
public static void Example(double lengthA, double lengthB) {
// same as CompareLengths(lengthA, lengthB) == 0
bool equalLengths = Accuracy.EqualLengths(lengthA, lengthB);

// same as CompareLengths(lengthA, 0) == 0
bool lengthIsZero = Accuracy.LengthIsZero(lengthA);

// same as CompareLengths(lengthA, 0) > 0

bool lengthIsPositive = Accuracy.LengthIsPositive(lengthA);

// same as CompareLengths(lengthA, 0) < 0

bool lengthIsNegative = Accuracy.LengthIsNegative(lengthA);

Corresponding methods are provided for angles: CompareAngles, EqualAngles, AngleIsZero, AngleIsPositive,
and AngleIsNegative.

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8.3 Comparing XYZ Objects

The basic XYZ types, Point, Vector, Direction, Box, and Frame, have resolution tests build in, so you can
compare objects using the == operator. For example, two points are equal if the distance between them is less
than the linear resolution, and two directions are equal if the angle between them is less than then angular
public static void Example(Plane plane, Point point) {
// project point onto plane
SurfaceEvaluation eval = plane.ProjectPoint(point);
Point pointOnPlane = eval.Point;

// points are the same if less than linear resolution apart

bool planeContainsPoint = point == pointOnPlane;

// ContainsPoint is more efficient, but gives the same result

Debug.Assert(planeContainsPoint == plane.ContainsPoint(point));

8.4 Comparing UV Objects

The same is not true for the surface parameter UV types, PointUV, VectorUV, DirectionUV, and BoxUV, or for
the curve parameter type, Interval. These types do not know whether the parameterization they represent is
linear, angular, or some other type. For example, for a plane, the U parameterization is linear, but for a
cylinder, the U parameterization is angular. For a NURBS surface, the U parameterization is neither linear nor
Therefore, you should not use the == operator for these types. When comparing parameters, you should use
the appropriate length or angle comparison method for each of the U and V values. For NURBS
parameterization, angular comparison could be used, but it is safest to evaluate points and compare these

8.5 Comparing Geometry

To say that two surfaces or two curves are equal is ambiguous, since there is more than one interpretation of
the concept. For example, with two planes:
• They could be coplanar, but the normals could be opposed.
• They could be coplanar, with normals having the same sense, but their frames and hence their
parameterization might be different.
• They might be identical in every way.
You should not use the == operator with surface and curve types, since that will only test for reference
Geometry.IsCoincident and ITrimmedCurve.lsCoincident are provided to make comparisons. They only test
for coincidence, which means any of the above cases would pass.

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9 Units

9.1 System Units and User Units

Internally SpaceClaim works in SI units: meters, kilograms, and seconds. The API also works in SI units.
The user may be working in some other units, but internally the units are still SI units. Conversions are done
when values are presented to the user, or input by the user.
The Window class provides conversions between system units (SI units) and user units.

9.2 Outputting Values

Window.Units.Length.Format produces a length string that can be presented to the user, which includes the
units symbol. As well as performing units conversion, this method also formats the output according to
whether the user is working in decimals or fractions.
Window.Units.Angle.Format provides the same functionality for angles.

9.3 Inputting Values

To parse a length string entered by the user, you can use Window.Units.Length.TryParse. As well as
converting to system units, this method also handles expressions, and values with explicit units stated:
• "(1 + 2) * 3 ^ (3/3 + 3)" = 243
• "1cm + 1 1/2 mm" = 0.0115
Window.Units.Angle.TryParse provides the same functionality for angles.

9.4 Custom Conversions

If you need more control over the formatting, you can use Window.Units.Length.ConversionFactor and
Window.Units.Length.Symbol for lengths, or Window.Units.Angle.ConversionFactor and
Window.Units.Angle.Symbol for angles.

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10 Calling The API From Another Process

10.1 .NET Remoting

The SpaceClaim API uses .NET Remoting, which allows calls to be made from a different application domain, or
from a different process. Currently, only different processes on the same computer are supported.
SpaceClaim add-ins are typically run in a separate application domain in the SpaceClaim process, although this
is controlled by the host attribute in the add-in manifest file. When integrating SpaceClaim with another
application, it may be more convenient to create a add-in for the other application instead, which calls the
SpaceClaim API from the other application's process.

10.2 Template Client Code

Here is some template code for an API client in another process. In this example, the client is a simple console
static void Main(string[] args) {
// Initialize must be called before using the API

Session session = GetSpaceClaimSession();

bool startSpaceClaim = session == null;
if (startSpaceClaim) {
session = Session.Start(60000); // 60 secs timeout
if (session == null) {
Debug.Fail("Failed to start SpaceClaim.");

// attach to SpaceClaim session before making other calls


// if the user exits SpaceClaim, exit this client app too

Process process = Process.GetProcessById(session.ProcessId);
process.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
process.Exited += delegate {
Debug.WriteLine("User exited SpaceClaim.");


Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to finish.");


// if we started SpaceClaim, we shall stop it

if (startSpaceClaim)

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static Session GetSpaceClaimSession() {

foreach (Session session in Session.GetSessions())
return session;
return null;

Before the API can be used, Api.Initialize must be called. For add-ins, this is done automatically in the
AddInBase constructor, but for standalone client applications in a separate process, Api.Initialize must be
called explicitly.
Then Api.AttachToServer must be called. Again, for add-ins, this is done automatically in the AddInBase
constructor. Once the API is attached to a server, it cannot be detached or re-attached. Instead, separate
application domains can be used to attach to separate servers, and this even allows connection to more than
one server at once.


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