Recommendations For The Extraction, Analysis, And.7

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Recommendations for the extraction, analysis, and

presentation of results in scoping reviews
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Danielle Pollock1  Micah D.J. Peters2,3,4  Hanan Khalil5  Patricia McInerney6  Lyndsay Alexander7,8 
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Andrea C. Tricco9,10,11  Catrin Evans12  Érica Brandão de Moraes13,14  Christina M. Godfrey11 

Dawid Pieper15,16  Ashrita Saran17,18  Cindy Stern1  Zachary Munn1
JBI, School of Public Health, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA, Australia, 2University of South
Australia, UniSA Clinical and Health Sciences, Rosemary Bryant AO Research Centre, Adelaide, SA, Australia, 3Adelaide Nursing School, Faculty of
Health and Medical Sciences, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA, Australia, 4The Centre for Evidence-based Practice South Australia (CEPSA):
A JBI Centre of Excellence, 5School of Psychology and Public Health, Department of Public Health, La Trobe University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia,
The Wits-JBI Centre for Evidence-based Practice: A JBI Centre of Excellence, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, 7School
of Health Sciences, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, UK, 8The Scottish Centre for Evidence-based, Multi-professional Practice: A JBI Centre of
Excellence, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, UK, 9Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, St. Michael’s Hospital, Unity Health Toronto, Toronto, ON,
Canada, 10Epidemiology Division and Institute of Health Policy, Management, and Evaluation, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of
Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, 11Queen’s Collaboration for Health Care Quality: A JBI Centre of Excellence, Queen’s University School of Nursing,
Kingston, ON, Canada, 12The Nottingham Centre for Evidence-based Healthcare: A JBI Centre of Excellence, School of Health Sciences, University
of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK, 13Department of Nursing Fundamentals and Administration, Nursing School, Federal Fluminense University,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 14The Brazilian Centre of Evidence-based Healthcare: A JBI Centre of Excellence, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo,
Brazil, 15Faculty of Health Sciences Brandenburg, Brandenburg Medical School (Theodor Fontane), Institute for Health Services and Health
System Research, Rüdersdorf, Germany, 16Center for Health Services Research, Brandenburg Medical School (Theodor Fontane), Rüdersdorf,
Germany, 17International Development Coordinating Group (IDCG), The Campbell Collaboration New Delhi, India, and 18The Campbell and
Cochrane Equity Methods Group, New Delhi, India


Scoping reviewers often face challenges in the extraction, analysis, and presentation of scoping review results.
Using best-practice examples and drawing on the expertise of the JBI Scoping Review Methodology Group and an
editor of a journal that publishes scoping reviews, this paper expands on existing JBI scoping review guidance. The
aim of this article is to clarify the process of extracting data from different sources of evidence; discuss what data
should be extracted (and what should not); outline how to analyze extracted data, including an explanation of basic
qualitative content analysis; and offer suggestions for the presentation of results in scoping reviews.
Keywords: evidence synthesis; methodology; methods; scoping reviews
JBI Evid Synth 2023; 21(3):520–532.

Introduction on a particular topic, field, concept, or issue, often

coping reviews have been defined as a “type of irrespective of source (ie, primary research, reviews,
S evidence synthesis that aims to systematically
identify and map the breadth of evidence available
non-empirical evidence) within or across particular
contexts.”1(p.950) Scoping reviews can clarify key
concepts/definitions in the literature and identify
key characteristics or factors related to a concept,
Correspondence: Danielle Pollock,
including those related to methodological research.2
DP, CS, and ZM are paid employees of JBI, The University of Adelaide.
Scoping reviews can also identify gaps in the litera-
DP, MDJP, HK, PM, LA, ACT, CE, EBdM, CMG, DP, AS, and ZM are ture and be precursors to systematic reviews. While
members of the JBI Scoping Review Methodology Group. ACT is a scoping reviews share common elements and steps
member of the editorial advisory board, CE is an associate editor, and
in their conduct with systematic reviews and
CS is a senior associate editor of JBI Evidence Synthesis. No authors
were involved in the editorial processing of this manuscript. other types of evidence syntheses,2,3 scoping reviews
DOI: 10.11124/JBIES-22-00123 are able to address broader research questions in

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METHODOLOGY D. Pollock et al.

comparison to the more precise, targeted questions et al.8 agreed with Arksey and O’Malley7 on the
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of feasibility, appropriateness, meaningfulness, or importance of a descriptive numerical summary

effectiveness of a particular issue more suitable for analysis; however, they argued that there was a need
systematic reviews. For example, a scoping review for more guidance on the methodological approach
to thematic presentation of data. Levac et al.8 pro-
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may look at what outcomes are being reported and

how these outcomes are being measured for children posed the use of qualitative content analysis. JBI
who have grommet insertion due to chronic ear in- guidance recommends the use of frequency counts,
fections (ie, how is hearing measured?), whereas a tabular/graphical presentation and, where appropri-
systematic review will assess the effectiveness of ate, “basic” qualitative content analysis; however, to
grommets on reported outcomes, such as hearing, date, the methodological approach has not been
speech, and language development.2 Beyond the thoroughly described for scoping reviews. Therefore,
kinds of questions that should be addressed by the JBI Scoping Review Methodology Group has
scoping reviews, a key difference between scoping developed guidance using best-practice examples of
and systematic reviews is the approach to the ex- scoping reviews to provide clarity on the following:
traction, analysis, and presentation of data and i) data extraction process: what type of data
results.2 should be extracted from the included evidence
The process of extraction, analysis, and presenta- sources and the level of detail required during
tion of results in scoping reviews has been noted to be extraction
challenging for scoping review authors.4 Inconsisten- ii) data analysis: how to analyze the data collected
cies and inappropriateness in the analytical ap- from evidence sources, including a detailed ap-
proaches undertaken in the analysis and presentation proach of how to conduct basic qualitative
of the data within scoping reviews have been recur- content analysis
rent issues.5 In part, this may be due to scoping review iii) data presentation: suggestions for the presenta-
guidance being unclear and not describing a practical tion of results in scoping reviews.
approach to how to extract, analyze, and present data
within scoping reviews. Additionally, scoping reviews Using a team approach
can include a variety of evidence sources, such as
peer-reviewed primary research, and gray literature, As with many other rigorous evidence syntheses,
such as guidelines, organizational reports, policies, best-practice recommends that scoping reviews use
government documents, and blogs.6 a team approach.10 The team should meet regularly
Seminal scoping review guidance referred to the throughout the entirety of the review process, in-
process of extraction, analysis, and presentation as cluding data extraction, analysis, and presentation.
“data charting,”7,8 and this terminology is used in Team check-ins, either through face-to-face meetings
the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Re- or email, during the extraction and analysis phases
views and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Re- are particularly important to discuss the process,
views (PRISMA-ScR).9 The term “charting” is seen issues encountered during data extraction, if there
as a higher level of extraction, which is theoretically are any changes to tools used to guide the extraction
appropriate for scoping reviews, and was used to of data (extraction forms or tables), and any other
differentiate from the term “extraction.” Extraction review issues and results that are encountered.
may suggest that review authors always extract the Knowledge users are those who have a vested inter-
study outcome results; however, guidance from JBI est in the research and its outcomes and impacts, and
states that, to be consistent with other evidence can also be a part of the review team and included in
synthesis approaches, the term “extraction” is most all stages of the review process.11 Knowledge users
appropriate, and will be used throughout this gui- are people who are most likely to be directly im-
dance. Arksey and O’Malley7 suggested that, for pacted by the research and its outcomes, and may
scoping reviews, an analytical framework, “basic include those with lived experience (eg, patients,
numerical analysis,” be used in conjunction with clients, consumers, public), other researchers, health
“thematic constructions.” However, Arksey and care providers, or policy decision-makers.11 Review
O’Malley7 were clear that scoping reviews do not teams can include knowledge users at all stages to
synthesize evidence or “aggregate findings.” Levac inform the analysis plan; review the completed

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extractions, categories, and subcategories; and offer statements, or arguments surrounding a concept.
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insight into the results.12 Data items could also include interventions studied,
their application, dose, duration, and frequency. Data
Principles of data extraction extraction, analysis, and presentation are all depen-
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dent on each other and require prior planning to

As in systematic reviews, scoping review authors
ensure consistency. There are broad principles of data
should only extract data items that are relevant to
extraction that should be followed within a scoping
the scoping review questions. The PCC framework review to ensure its conduct is transparent and rigor-
(population, concept, and context) is recommended ous. These principles are as follows:
as a guide to construct clear and meaningful objec-  Create a standardized data extraction form and
tives and eligibility criteria for a scoping review.6 guidance for the form, which describes each
Therefore, potential data items of interest can be point that will be extracted (see Table 1 for a
structured around the PCC framework. Further items sample extraction form). The development of the
for data extraction will depend on the purpose and initial data extraction form is guided by the re-
reasoning behind conducting the review. For exam- view question and usually includes the popula-
ple, the individual items could be related to the tion, concept, and context. It is recommended
study design, such as whether it was a randomized that an extraction guidance form (see Table 2
controlled trial (RCT), the methods used for conduct, for an example) be developed and accompany
and outcome measurement approaches. Altern- the extraction form detailing each item to be
atively, items for extraction could include definitions, extracted and shared with each scoping reviewer.

Table 1: Example of a data extraction table in a scoping review

Author Crawshaw Levy et al.
Year 201012 200913
Country UK UK
Aim To compare the effectiveness of subacromial corticosteroid To investigate recreational participants’ experiences of
injection combined with timely exercise and manual therapy adhering to a sport injury rehabilitation program
(injection plus exercise) or exercise and manual therapy alone
(exercise only) in patients with subacromial impingement
Study type/source RCT – 2 arm Qualitative
Population Aged 40 and older, have unilateral shoulder pain, subjectively Recreational sport participants, tendonitis-related overuse
rate their pain as moderate or severe on a 3-point scale (mild/ injury
moderate/severe), and have a non-capsular pattern of
Sample size Total (n = 232): injection + exercise (n = 115) 6
Exercise only (n = 117)
Age (yrs) Injection + exercise = M (57.2), SD (10.3) Range 24–38
Exercise only = M (54.9), SD (10)
Gender Injection + exercise = 57% F, Exercise only = 52% F 4 M, 2 F
Other demographics Median weeks of shoulder pain, started after injury, employed, Reason for injury
Setting Clinic Mixed
Concept – Ex type Flexibility: stretching, Flexibility: PNF, Strength: isometric, Group exercise class and social dancing class
Other: scapular stabilisation or motor control, Strength:
progressive resistance exercise
Ex adherence Treatment logs Lack of motivation and confidence had negative effect on
home ex; ineffective coping strategies, over support and
pain affected clinic adherence
Outcomes (health SPADI (Disability); GROC (Participant/patient rating overall NA
domain) condition)
Results Disability and GROC: short-term benefit from injection, but no 5 themes: motivation, confidence, coping, social support,
difference at 12 or 24 weeks and pain

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Table 2: Example extraction guidance sheet for a scoping review

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Author Eg, Smith; Smith & Hunt; Smith et al. (for more than 2 authors)
Title of source What is the title of this article, guideline, etc? Write the full title (eg, The experience of
mothers and fathers in cases of stillbirth in Spain: a qualitative study)
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Publication Where was this article published (eg, Midwifery; Birth; Women and Birth). If it is an
organization guideline, write the organization (eg, American College of Obstetrics and
Gynaecology). Where there may be multiple dates on an article (eg, preprints or an article
made available online before it then gets published), use the date on the article that you
Year The year the article was published.
Date data were collected The article may have collected data at another time point prior to publication. In this section
write the time period (eg, 1990–2000) data were collected. If this date was not stated or no
data were collected (eg, discussion paper), then write NA.
Type of evidence source (primary research/evidence • Primary research: peer-reviewed research articles
synthesis/conference abstract/discussion article) • Epidemiology: articles that have used population-level datasets
• Evidence syntheses: narrative reviews, systematic reviews, scoping reviews, rapid reviews,
• Conference abstracts: abstracts presented within conferences
• Discussion articles
• Editorials
• Theses

 Describe the planned data extraction approach in - Was there anything on the extraction form
an a priori protocol and include a draft data that you did not understand or that could be
extraction form. This draft extraction form is further clarified?
usually formatted as a table and should be devel- - Was there any unclear information in the
oped specifically for the review topic at hand, be accompanying guidance form?
detailed, and include more than a basic plan (ie, - How long did it take you to extract the
more than just the population, concept, and con- necessary information? This information will
text) for the items that will be extracted. help guide further time allocation.
 Best practice is to have at least 2 scoping review  Have a review group discussion with all scoping
authors extracting data independently from each review authors after piloting to agree on all as-
evidence source. However, if this is not possible, pects of the tool, data to be extracted, and reach
1 scoping reviewer per evidence source with an- agreement on queries or conflicts.
other person reviewing either all or a proportion  Only extract data that are relevant to the stated
of the extraction to ensure it is accurate and review questions of the scoping review.
complete can be considered.13  If scoping review authors need any additional
 Pilot-test the data extraction form on each type information or to clarify doubts about some of
of evidence source, such as primary research the study’s information, the authors of the evi-
articles, evidence syntheses, guidelines, policy dence sources should be contacted as soon as
statements, or blog posts, included in the re- possible. Further follow-up of these authors may
view. Aim for each scoping reviewer to inde- be necessary.
pendently complete at least 2 to 3 items per  Ensure and plan for regular team meetings and/
evidence source type; however, this will depend or communication during the extraction process
on the complexity of the topic and the variety of to discuss progress and assess if the data extrac-
evidence sources. During pilot-testing, scoping tion form is capturing the necessary information
review authors should reflect on the following to answer the review questions.
- Was there anything missing from the extrac- Data extraction as an iterative process
tion form? Given the breadth of scoping review questions and
- Was there anything redundant included in the the varied sources of evidence that can be included,
extraction form? additional relevant data items may be identified by

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scoping review authors during the process of extrac- the types of programs, the personnel involved in the
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tion from included sources. This means that data programs, and the outcome measures used to mea-
extraction can evolve to capture new and different sure the efficacy of the programs. Despite extracting
data items, requiring an iterative approach; for ex- some results information, the authors did not
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ample, if collecting data on education courses, de- gather information about the effectiveness of the
tails on assessment methods used may not have been programs.16
considered initially, but may then be deemed impor- Scoping reviews that serve as precursors to
tant throughout the process. It is not uncommon to systematic reviews could, with clear rationale and
add additional items to the data extraction form justification, focus on the extraction of results, as
during the process. If additional items are extracted seen in a scoping review performed to inform the
that were not prespecified, it should be made clear in feasibility and appropriateness of a health techno-
the final report that there was a deviation from the logy assessment.17 In scoping reviews exploring
protocol and a rationale provided as to why it barriers and facilitators, reviewers may extract from
occurred. the results of qualitative primary studies and then
subsequently categorize these as barriers or facilita-
Identifying the relevant information in the tors.18,19 However, in each of these cases, we suggest
evidence source that scoping review authors be explicit regarding the
In systematic reviews that analyze primary research inability to draw conclusions regarding the effective-
articles, data are typically extracted from the meth- ness (or prevalence, meaningfulness, accuracy, or
ods and results of included sources. This may not be costs) of a practice or phenomenon due to the
strictly the case for scoping reviews. This is due to absence of a risk of bias assessment or advanced
the varied types of data included within scoping data synthesis techniques, such as meta-analysis or
reviews. Scoping reviews do not typically pose meta-synthesis. Scoping review authors can, how-
analytical questions where extracting the results of ever, recommend that subsequent specific systematic
primary research (such as effect sizes or qualita- reviews be undertaken based on the results of their
tive results) is necessary.2 Hence, authors may be scoping review.
required to examine other sections of a source, We advocate for extreme caution in cases where a
including the introduction, discussion, conclusions, scoping reviewer would want to extract the results
and even supplementary information. For example, of evidence sources. In most instances, a systematic
a scoping review might be conducted to identify and review approach will be the more suitable method-
report on the methodological approaches that have ology for dealing with review questions that require
been used to investigate a particular topic, and in the extraction of the results (eg, effect measures
this case, the methods section would be the primary and variance, meaning of phenomena) of included
place where extraction will occur. In the review by sources. Systematic reviews typically include
Khalil and Huang,14 the authors extracted both the methodological quality assessment and utilize,
methodology and methods associated with each where appropriate, formal methods of data synthesis
study as part of their review to map the work that or aggregation.
has been undertaken in the area of medication ad- Extracting and presenting results (for example, a
verse events in primary care. In another scoping relative risk with associated confidence intervals
review, Hoppe et al.15 mapped the research addres- and P values or themes from a qualitative thematic
sing prescription drug monitoring programs and analysis) may lead to misplaced conclusions regard-
extracted from the discussion section of primary ing the effectiveness (or not) of an intervention, the
research articles to determine what they perceived prevalence of a condition, the accuracy of a test, or
their results to be, as well as the gaps and areas in the experience of a condition/phenomenon. This is
need of further research. due to the included sources of evidence not having
Depending on the purpose and review questions undergone a process of critical appraisal (or risk of
posed, scoping review authors may or may not aim bias appraisal) and, also, not having undergone a
to extract the results of primary studies. For exam- process of pooling or aggregation that considers the
ple, in a scoping review addressing medication safety combination of all study results. Without this assess-
programs, the authors extracted information about ment of methodological quality and pooling or

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aggregation, authors and readers may be susceptible statistics, such as percentages/proportions. For ex-
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to making false assumptions based on a naïve or ample, common frequencies seen in scoping reviews
incomplete reading of the results and be more are the number of evidence sources that used a
inclined to apply vote counting of results. In this particular method (eg, numbers of RCTs, surveys,
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instance, a systematic review is likely the more or evidence syntheses) or the location/country/con-
suitable methodology for dealing with review ques- text where the evidence source was conducted.
tions that require the extraction of the results (eg, Furthermore, scoping review authors can extract
effect measures and variance) of included sources. relevant information aligning to a framework with
single-word responses such as “yes,” “no,” or
Analysis in scoping reviews “unsure,” or even through the use of a Likert scale.
For example, in a recent scoping review, the authors
Scoping review authors should present the intended
mapped exercise interventions to the Template for
analytical approach that will be used within their
Intervention Description and Replication (TIDieR)
scoping review in the protocol. Scoping review
checklist.20 For the 9 items on the checklist, re-
authors should clearly articulate how they intend
viewers classified each as either fully reported, par-
to analyze and present each review question, as this
tially reported, or not reported for each included
may vary. The detail provided by authors should be
evidence source.21
more than a general statement that they will under-
take descriptive statistics, tables, and a narrative
summary. Rather, there should be a comprehensive Using basic qualitative content analysis
description of the analyses undertaken in order to In scoping reviews that include qualitative evidence,
address each individual review question/objective. it is not uncommon for authors to use qualitative
Scoping review authors may be tempted to per- synthesis approaches that go beyond the scope of a
form more advanced statistical or qualitative analysis scoping review, such as thematic synthesis or a meta-
within a scoping review.6 The intention of synthesis aggregative approach. These approaches are not
methods, such as meta-analysis, meta-ethnography, appropriate within a scoping review, as they are
thematic analysis, realist synthesis, or meta-aggrega- better suited to examining questions of experiences
tion, among others, is to answer questions or inform and meaningfulness, and require a level of interpre-
understandings regarding the feasibility, appropriate- tation, which would align more appropriately with a
ness, meaningfulness, and effectiveness of a particular systematic review. Synthesis approaches that aim to
intervention or phenomenon.6 Therefore, for these reinterpret evidence are not consistent with the pur-
questions, the most appropriate review type is a sys- poses of a scoping review. Scoping reviews are
tematic review where the findings/results have under- descriptive in nature; they aim to map the available
gone critical appraisal, and approaches to establish evidence or identify characteristics or factors. For
certainty of those results have been applied to gener- the most part, there will be no need for scoping
ate conclusions that can inform practice and policy review authors to go beyond basic descriptive anal-
recommendations. ysis. However, there may be times when it would be
Scoping reviews do not address questions of fea- appropriate to use a basic qualitative content anal-
sibility, appropriateness, meaningfulness, or effec- ysis, such as if the scoping review is identifying key
tiveness, and, as such, will not and should not apply characteristics or factors related to a concept. This
advanced analysis methods. If scoping review may be necessary when a scoping review has the
authors feel that they are unable to answer their objective of informing the development of a concep-
review question without the use of a meta-analysis, tual framework or theory.
for example, then the question they are asking is When performing basic qualitative content analysis,
possibly best suited for a quantitative systematic categorization is required to map the results to aid
review.2 their simplification to address the scoping review ques-
Most scoping reviews will analyze data items by tion. For example, in a scoping review by Hoppe
quantifying text and doing frequency counts of data et al.,22 the authors mapped the evidence associated
extraction items. These are relatively easy to man- with community pharmacists’ views toward drug
age, and should only require the use of descriptive misuse management, categorizing the results into

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pharmacists’ knowledge, training and education, atti- approach may be useful where there is a dearth of
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tudes, and practice strategies.22 evidence on the topic, or the goal is to develop or
JBI scoping review guidance recommends using inform a conceptual framework or theory.23 The
basic qualitative content analysis,6 which is a deductive approach is typically used to map the data
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descriptive approach to analysis and involves a to an established framework or theory within the
process of open coding to allocate concepts or char- literature.23 There may be times, however, when a
acteristics into overall categories. This can be deductive approach is chosen without using a pre-
applied to any evidence source or study design in existing framework (eg, when no suitable frame-
any scoping review; it is not limited to primary work or theory can be found). In such situations,
qualitative studies. In previous guidance, including the review team needs to select a framework during
from JBI, there has been no definitive description of
what basic qualitative content analysis involves, and
it is acknowledged that there are many different
analytical approaches that could be undertaken.
However, the present paper describes one approach
that could be undertaken by scoping review authors.

A basic qualitative content analysis approach for

scoping reviews
Elo and Kyngäs23 describe 3 phases of qualitative
content analysis for the results of primary qualitative
research: i) preparation, ii) organizing, and iii) re-
porting. These phases could also be used to describe
a basic process of qualitative analysis within scoping
reviews. A fourth “abstraction” phase is also de-
scribed by Elo and Kyngäs23; however, this techni-
que would be beyond the realm of a scoping review,
in which we do not seek to synthesize or reinterpret
evidence. Figure 1 shows the process of conducting
the analyses of qualitative data within a scoping

Preparation phase
Scoping review authors should first determine if
there is a need to conduct a basic qualitative content
analysis during the protocol stage of their scoping
review. If the aim of the review were to explore
experiences or the meaningfulness of an issue, then
a qualitative systematic review would be more ap-
propriate.2 If a basic qualitative content analysis
approach is deemed necessary (eg, as the character-
istics of a particular issue or definitions of a concept
are being mapped), then it would be appropriate to
use this method within scoping reviews.
Depending on the research question and the field
of research, an inductive or deductive approach will
need to be chosen by the scoping review team during
the protocol development stage and subsequently
reported within the protocol. These terms will be Figure 1: The process of conducting the analyses
familiar to qualitative researchers. An inductive of qualitative data within a scoping review

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the protocol stage and, ideally, will have consulted understandings of what was stated within the evi-
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on the suitability of the framework. dence sources. These categories can form a concep-
tual framework or theory.
Organizing phase
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The organizing phase during qualitative data analysis Case study of inductive qualitative data extraction
within scoping reviews will differ depending on and analysis
whether the scoping review is following an inductive A scoping review was undertaken to assess the avail-
or deductive approach.23 The first step in the organi- able literature that documents or utilizes patient
zation stage is for the review authors to familiarize journey mapping methodologies and examine their
themselves with the data. This includes reading and reporting processes.24 After an extensive searching
comprehending all the included evidence sources and and selection process, there were 81 included evi-
understanding how the data are relevant to the ob- dence sources within this scoping review. The scoping
jective and questions of the scoping review.23 review authors chose to extract information about
why primary authors would use patient journey map-
Inductive approach ping. The scoping review authors extracted 76 justi-
When the authors have become familiar with the fications. During the analysis stage, the scoping
sources of evidence and relevant data, review review team met several times to examine each of
authors can then carry out open coding of the data. these justifications. The process of analysis included
A code can be described as a label and can be an listing initial thoughts, possible categories, or notes
initial descriptor that is a few words long. The pro- (which help describe what is occurring within the
cess of open coding involves reviewing the evidence data), with the eventual goal to make a smaller list
sources again and listing initial thoughts, possible of common justifications of why researchers choose
categories, or notes that help describe what is occur- patient journey mapping. After meeting several times
ring within the data, which explains the objective as a group, 10 categories were identified, including
and review question. During this stage, there are no comprehensiveness of care, how people were navigat-
limitations as to how many high-level categories can ing the system, patient satisfaction with services, and
be listed. This is an initial process that will be re- comparing patient experiences with standards of
fined. Once the open coding process has occurred, practice. An example of this process of developing
the coding framework can be developed. This will categories is presented in Figure 2; however, this is
involve gathering all the information in the previous not a linear process and it may be necessary to re-
stage to develop a coding framework to help de- examine the categories and establish whether they
scribe and answer the review questions and allow could be further refined.
the organization of extracted data. Once the framework had been developed, 2 scop-
At this stage, the coding framework may include ing review authors individually went through the
higher order categories or subcategories. It is also extracted data and assigned it to a category. These
beneficial to provide a definition of these categories review authors then came together and assessed if
and subcategories to help extractors, as well as to there were any discrepancies. All discrepancies were
show transparency in the decision-making that has discussed and consensus was achieved; however, a
occurred throughout this process. The coding frame- third reviewer had agreed to manage any discrepan-
work should be reviewed by all members of the cies that could not be resolved through discussion.
review team. Once the coding framework has been
reviewed, extractors are then able to go through Deductive approach
the included evidence sources, extract the relevant As described above, in the deductive approach, the
information, and organize it within the coding framework has already been developed during the
framework. Categorization involves exploring the protocol stage. Therefore, the review authors can
organized extractions and assessing whether the in- extract data according to that framework by extract-
itial coding framework adequately answers the re- ing the verbatim text, which maps to the decided
view question. It is common for the categories and framework and answers the proposed questions.
subcategories within the initial coding framework to Once this is completed, the extractions should then
be changed during this stage to accommodate new be reviewed by the members of the review team to

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METHODOLOGY D. Pollock et al.
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Figure 2: Example of the process of inductive analysis

ensure that they reflect the understanding of the synthesis and primary articles are included (ie, there is
framework. There may be a scenario where scoping the potential for overlap). There may also be a
review authors initially utilize a deductive frame- scenario where multiple evidence synthesis sources
work and then recognize that this would not be are included in the scoping review and the primary
the best fit for the extracted data and its ability to article is included within them all or there are several
provide a descriptive map of the available evidence. reports of the same primary study. This may become
Therefore, the scoping review authors can switch to problematic if, for example, the review question is
an inductive approach during the extraction and attempting to determine the type and frequency of
analytical steps of a scoping review and document outcomes being used within a particular field of
this deviation from the protocol in the final review. work, as scoping review authors may count the same
outcome from both the original study and any
Case study of deductive qualitative data extraction evidence synthesis source that also included the
and analysis original study, thus skewing the prominence.
A scoping review was conducted to identify barriers While there is no formal guidance on how to
and facilitators in the prevention of type 2 diabetes manage this issue, scoping review authors should
mellitus and gestational diabetes in vulnerable be aware of the risk and make efforts to avoid
groups.2 After searching several databases, 125 evi- counting the same data items multiple times from
dence sources were included. A preexisting frame- different sources. Authors may decide to still in-
work had been developed prior to the extraction of clude the evidence synthesis within the scoping
the data, which included 8 categories: i) language, ii) review to be able to map the available evidence
economic factors, iii) family and friends, iv) work, v) and to report the number of evidence syntheses
social support, vi) religion, vii) culture, and viii) mapped. Guidance for systematic reviews and
knowledge. During extraction, scoping review overviews (reviews of reviews/umbrella reviews)26
authors extracted barriers and facilitators and then might also apply. However, scoping review authors
sorted them into prearranged categories. Other bar- should clearly report which other included sources
riers that did not fit into these prearranged cate- of primary evidence were included within that ev-
gories were found, and they included insufficient idence synthesis. The final scoping review report
time, problems with traveling, and insufficient mo- should clearly state how other types of evidence
tivation; however, these were minimal and the fra- synthesis were handled in the review and what data
mework did not change.25 were extracted from them and from the primary
studies (if appropriate).
Including other forms of evidence synthesis
and the issue of double counting Presentation of data
An issue seen within systematic reviews is ensuring There are a multitude of ways that scoping reviews
that the same data set is not counted across multiple can present data and answer the proposed review
studies. Double counting issues can arise in scoping questions. Scoping reviews commonly include tables
reviews for numerous reasons, such as when evidence that present the available data. Although tables are

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METHODOLOGY D. Pollock et al.
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Figure 3: Example of data presentation in a scoping review: world heat map showing the number of
included studies conducted in each country
useful, as they can summarize a large amount of included within the evidence sources. Finally,
information and show how extraction has occurred, Figure 6 uses waffle charts to indicate the type of
authors should also consider how to communicate methodology used by the evidence sources included
the results of the scoping review to the wider com- within a scoping review.
munity. Further, scoping review results with many Alongside any visual presentation, a supporting
included sources may result in tables that are too narrative must be provided describing the results. A
large to easily present in the standard fashion of a further option for the presentation of scoping review
journal article. There are many creative approaches results is the use of interactive resources. An example
that scoping reviews can include to convey results to of this is the searchable interactive map of outcome
the reader in an understandable way. For example, tools and International Scientific Tendinopathy Sym-
Tricco and Lillie5 visualized the different terminol- posium Consensus health domains relative to tendi-
ogy of scoping reviews through a word cloud.
nopathy types presented as supplementary files in a
Kynoch and Ramis27 used a honeycomb to visualize
scoping review of exercise for tendinopathy.21
the outcomes in the included evidence sources and
the number of relevant studies. The author team,
using Power BI (Microsoft, Redmond, USA), devel- Reporting scoping reviews
oped 4 further examples of how scoping review PRISMA-ScR provides a checklist for reporting a
results can be visualized. In Figure 3, the authors scoping review. It has clear guidance on how to
have created a world heat map with the size of the report the extraction (called “data charting” within
circle indicating how many evidence sources were PRISMA-ScR), analysis (called “data synthesis”),
conducted in that country. Figure 4 is a tree graph and presentation of data. Items 10, 11, 14, 17, 18,
indicating the illness categories seen within the in- 20, and 21 are applicable for these sections and
cluded evidence. Figure 5 uses iconography to re- should be referred to while writing the scoping re-
present the different types and number of populations view report to ensure a transparent and rigorous

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Figure 4: Example of data presentation in a scoping review: tree graph of illness categories identified
within the included evidence sources

process. A completed PRISMA-ScR checklist that PRISMA-ScR also provides an appendix (PRISMA
documents page numbers where each of these ac- extension for Scoping Reviews explanation and ela-
tions have been addressed should also be included as boration) that describes each section, details which
a supplementary file to the scoping review report. sections need to be reported within a scoping review,
Because the checklist requires authors to indicate the and provides a written example of how this can be
page numbers, authors should ensure that these page achieved within a report.
numbers are accurate in the final proofs of your
scoping review if it is to be published, otherwise they
will not match up.
There are many software programs that can be used
to assist in the extraction, analysis, and presentation
of scoping review data. These include Google Sheets
(Alphabet Inc., California, USA), as this allows for
real-time editing and can manage version control
issues; however, Microsoft Excel (Redmond, Wa-
shington, USA) is also appropriate for data extrac-
tion and can facilitate basic descriptive analyses.
NVivo (QSR International, United Kingdom) is also
often used in the extraction, analysis, and presenta-
tion of qualitative information. Further, data visua-
lization programs can include Microsoft Power BI or
Figure 5: Example of data presentation in a Tableau (Salesforce, California, USA). For mapping,
scoping review: a visual representation of the EPPI-Mapper (Digital Solution Foundry and EPPI-
different types of populations included within the Centre, London, UK) and EndNote (Clarivate
evidence sources Analytics, PA, USA) are useful tools, among others.

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Figure 6: Example of data presentation in a scoping review: waffle chart of the methodology used
within the included evidence sources

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