TheEconomist 2023 04 01
TheEconomist 2023 04 01
TheEconomist 2023 04 01
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The world this week
Mar 30th 2023
In Myanmar the ruling junta dissolved the National League for Democracy,
Aung San Suu Kyi’s party, and dozens of other political parties, because
they had missed a deadline to register for unspecified elections, which will
anyway be a sham.
Own goal
FIFA, football’s global governing body, said that Indonesia would not now
host the under-20s football World Cup, which begins in May. The governor
of Bali, where some of the matches were due to be held, had refused to
allow the Israeli team to play.
The Greek prime minister called parliamentary elections for May 21st. The
governing New Democratic Party has seen its lead in the polls over the
leftist Syriza melt away over the cost-of-living crisis and a deadly train
Humza Yousaf was elected leader of the Scottish National Party and became
Scotland’s first minister, succeeding Nicola Sturgeon, who resigned
suddenly in February. The election campaign highlighted the disquiet within
the party on a number of issues. Kate Forbes, who was Scottish finance
secretary, finished a close second and quit the cabinet after she was offered a
role in rural affairs.
At least 40 people died in a fire at a migrant detention centre in Ciudad
Juárez, a Mexican city near the border with America. The blaze was thought
to have been started by migrants after hearing that they would be deported.
The White House said that Joe Biden would veto an energy bill crafted by
Republicans if it passes Congress, because it would make energy-efficiency
measures more costly. This came after Republicans failed to override Mr
Biden’s first veto in office. The president scrapped a measure that would
have made it harder for pension funds to consider environmental, social and
corporate-governance (ESG) factors in their investments.
Mar 30th 2023
Deutsche Bank clawed back most of the losses from a sell-off caused by the
soaring price of its credit-default swaps, which act as an insurance against a
default on its debts. In a jittery market the sell-off spread to other banking
stocks, but they, too, recovered.
A costly bankruptcy
America’s Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation engineered the sale of
Silicon Valley Bank’s deposits and loans to First Citizens, a bank based in
North Carolina. The FDIC estimates that the failure of SVB will cost its
deposit-insurance fund $20bn.
Binance, the world’s biggest crypto exchange, faced its most serious legal
challenge yet when a regulator in America accused it of operating illegally.
In a civil lawsuit the Commodity Futures Trading Commission alleged that
much of Binance’s trade and profit comes from America, but it had never
registered with the CFTC and “disregarded” financial laws. Changpeng
Zhao, Binance’s boss, said the complaint was “unexpected and
Bob Iger continued his shake-up of Disney. Isaac Perlmutter was removed
as chairman of Marvel Entertainment (which is separate from Marvel
Studios); his relationship with Mr Iger has been described as rocky. Disney
is also scrapping its nascent attempt to expand into the metaverse, a strategy
that envisioned immersing audiences in a digital “experience”. Mr Iger is
focused on trying to turn a profit from Disney’s streaming platforms.
Elliott Management, an activist hedge fund, withdrew plans to nominate
directors to the board of Salesforce, after the business-software company
produced a solid set of earnings and a new strategy for growth. Elliott and
other shareholders had criticised Salesforce for splashing out on costly
acquisitions, such as Slack and Tableau.
Bits of the source code that underlies Twitter were published on GitHub, a
repository for open-source software. Hackers could use the code to attack
the platform. GitHub removed it after Twitter threatened legal action. Elon
Musk, meanwhile, appeared to backtrack on a plan to promote tweets only
from verified users. He also reportedly thinks Twitter is worth $20bn; he
paid $44bn for it in October.
KAL’s cartoon
Mar 30th 2023
KAL’s cartoon appears weekly in The Economist. You can see last week’s
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YOU MAY have hoped that when China reopened and face-to-face contact
resumed between politicians, diplomats and businesspeople, Sino-American
tensions would ease in a flurry of dinners, summits and small talk. But the
atmosphere in Beijing just now reveals that the world’s most important
relationship has become more embittered and hostile than ever.
Faced with such an opponent, America and other open societies should
adhere to three principles. The first is to limit economic decoupling, which
the IMF reckons could cost anything between a manageable 0.2% of world
GDP and an alarming 7%. Trade in non-sensitive sectors also helps maintain
routine contact between thousands of firms, thereby narrowing the
geopolitical divide. Embargoes should be saved for sensitive sectors or areas
in which China has a chokehold because it is a monopoly supplier: these
account for a minority of Sino-American trade. Where possible, businesses
that straddle both sides of the cold war, such as TikTok—accused of
spreading Chinese misinformation—should be ring-fenced, sold or spun off,
not be forced to close.
The second principle is to lower the chances of war. Both sides are locked in
a “security dilemma” in which it is rational to shore up your position, even
as that makes the other side feel threatened. The West is right to seek
military deterrence to meet a growing Chinese threat—the alternative is a
collapse of the American-led order in Asia. But seeking military dominance
around flashpoints, notably Taiwan, could spark accidents or clashes that
spiral out of control. America should aim to deter a Chinese attack on
Taiwan without provoking one. This will take wisdom and restraint from a
generation of politicians in Washington and Beijing who, by contrast with
the leaders of America and the Soviet Union in the 1950s, have no personal
experience of the horrors of a world war.
The last principle is that America and its allies must resist the temptation to
resort to tactics that make them more like their autocratic opponent. In this
rivalry, liberal societies and free economies have big advantages: they are
more likely to create innovations and wealth and to command legitimacy at
home and abroad. If America sticks to its values of openness, equal
treatment of all and the rule of law, it will find it easier to maintain the
loyalty of its allies. America must be clear that its dispute is not with the
Chinese people, but with China’s government and the threat to peace and
human rights that it poses. The 21st century’s defining contest is not just
about weapons and chips—it is a struggle over values, too. ■
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Green revolution 2.0
THE GREEN revolution was one of the greatest feats of human ingenuity.
By promoting higher-yielding varieties of wheat and, especially, rice, plant-
breeders in India, Mexico and the Philippines helped China emerge from a
famine and India avoid one. From 1965 to 1995 Asia’s rice yields doubled
and its poverty almost halved, even as its population soared.
Asia’s vast rice market is a legacy of that triumph. The starchy grain is the
main source of sustenance for over half the world’s population. Asians
produce over 90% of rice and get more than a quarter of their calories from
it. And demand for the crop is projected to soar, on the back of population
growth in Asia and Africa, another big rice consumer. By one estimate, the
world will need to produce almost a third more rice by 2050. Yet that looks
increasingly hard—and in some ways undesirable.
It gets worse. Rice is not merely a casualty of climate change, but also a
contributor to it. By starving soils of oxygen, paddy cultivation encourages
methane-emitting bacteria. It is a bigger source of greenhouse gas than any
foodstuff except beef. Its emissions footprint is similar to that of aviation. If
you count the conversion of forestland for rice paddy—the fate of much of
Madagascar’s rainforest—that footprint is even bigger.
Policymakers need to increase rice yields, then, but more selectively than in
the 1960s. In the places most suitable for rice cultivation, such as hot and
sticky South-East Asia, faster adoption of new technologies, such as flood-
resistant and more nutritious seeds, could provide a big productivity boost.
In tandem with improved practices, such as direct seeding of paddy, they
could also shorten the growing cycle and reduce the amount of water
required, mitigating environmental harm. Farmers have been slow to adopt
such improvements, partly because of overgenerous subsidies that shield
them from the rice crisis. A better approach would make state support
contingent on best practice. By encouraging crop insurance—a good idea in
itself—governments could also help reassure farmers as they switch from
old ways to new.
Governments need to nudge producers and consumers away from rice. India
and Indonesia are promoting millet, which is more nutritious and uses a lot
less water. Scrapping subsidies that favour rice over other crops would make
such efforts more effective. India, for example, procures rice from farmers,
often at above-market rates, then distributes it as food aid. It should make its
interventions more crop-agnostic, by replacing subsidies and free rice with
income support for farmers and cash transfers for the poor. That would
encourage farmers to choose the best crop for their local conditions—much
of India’s agricultural north-west would switch from rice to wheat overnight.
Poor Indians would be free to choose a more balanced diet. Thereby, it
would correct a market skewed towards environmental damage and poor
Bringing about such change in Asia and beyond will be far harder than
promoting new wonder seeds was. Farmers are almost everywhere a
powerful constituency. Yet policymakers should get used to blending
complicated economic and technological fixes in this way. Increasingly, it is
what fighting climate change will entail. Sorting out the mounting crisis in
the world’s most important foodstuff would be a good place to begin. ■
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Constitutional crisis
ISRAEL’S CITIZENS have won a rare victory after marching, week after
week, to defend judicial independence and the character of their democracy.
On March 27th they forced their prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, to
suspend his plan to rein in the courts. Yet, although the crisis has abated, it
has not passed.
The danger now is that, hoping the protesters’ fervour has cooled, Mr
Netanyahu and his extreme right-wing and religious coalition partners try to
force through his laws with only cosmetic changes in May, in the next
session of the Knesset. That would almost certainly reignite the conflict. If
right-wing parties called out their supporters, violence could erupt. To heal
their divisions, Israelis must take this chance to resume the constitutional
talks they put on hold 73 years ago.
The protests that halted Mr Netanyahu’s legislation have few precedents in
Israel. Organisers claim that, at their peak, almost 7% of the population
joined demonstrations. The anger was amplified by, in effect, a strike by
thousands of elite soldiers and pilots in the reserve units that make up much
of Israel’s combat power. When Mr Netanyahu said he would sack the
defence minister for warning of the threat this posed to national security,
actual strikes closed the ports, grounded flights and shut embassies. The
uproar, fuelled by the fact that Mr Netanyahu himself faces corruption
charges, left him with little choice but to pause his legislation and to call for
talks instead.
This alone should cheer liberals and democrats everywhere. Viktor Orban in
Hungary, Andrzej Duda of Poland and Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Turkey all
weakened or politicised their courts as a prelude to ramming through
illiberal policies. In India a court recently convicted Rahul Gandhi, an
opposition leader, over a campaign speech, leading to his exclusion from
How to turn this opportunity to Israel’s advantage? This crisis has been long
in the making. Even before independence the country’s founders fell out
over constitutional principles such as the role of religion in the state and the
protection of minorities. Instead of facing up to these, David Ben-Gurion,
the first prime minister, left it to future parliaments to pass “basic” laws. A
constitution was supposed to emerge from these gradually but it never has.
Instead the courts eventually came to imbue these laws with special
authority. Many right-wing and religious Israelis believe that today’s system
is rigged against them, and that democracy is thwarted when judges overturn
laws passed by elected politicians. The status quo is as unacceptable to them
as Mr Netanyahu’s reform is to their opponents.
Yet America is far from solving the problems in its small and midsize banks.
The markets are tranquil mainly because the federal government is
backstopping the system. That means the economy could yet face a slower-
burning crisis instead.
The underlying problems are plain to see. As of March 15th, banks other
than the biggest 25 institutions had lost $141bn of deposits this year,
equivalent to nearly 5% of those not covered by federal deposit insurance
(which is capped at $250,000 per customer). Banks with nearly $4trn in
combined assets have unrealised losses worth more than half of their core
equity safety cushions. For smaller banks, losses on commercial-property
loans could wipe out still more of the buffer . Some lenders’ losses are
probably far worse.
Calm prevails because of generous and indiscriminate support for the banks.
By March 22nd the Federal Reserve had lent $164bn via facilities that issue
loans worth more than the securities posted as collateral. According to
Barclays, the Federal Home Loan Banks, lenders with an implicit
government backstop, may have advanced $300bn to banks in a single week.
The Fed and the Treasury have also strongly hinted that they will bail out
uninsured depositors should other banks fail, as they did the customers of
Silicon Valley Bank (SVB). The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
(FDIC) has promised to set out options for expanding its guarantees by May
1st. It expects the bail-out of SVB‘s depositors to cost $20bn, a record in
cash terms.
These measures have apparently succeeded in slowing deposit flight. But the
propping up of banks with unrealised losses brings fresh problems of its
own. The danger is that they become zombies which keep capital tied up in
unproductive legacy assets—a problem that last struck America in the
1980s, plagued Japan in the 1990s and troubled Europe in the early 2010s.
One risk is that zombies try to restore their capital ratios by lending less.
Another is that they put off recognising losses that may yet materialise on
their loan books as higher interest rates bite. First Citizens Bank is now
buying $72bn of SVB’s loans at more than a 20% discount, suggesting that it
foresees defaults ahead. The consequences of ignoring losses can be severe:
in Japan it contributed to a “lost decade” of economic growth.
All this would hurt shareholders. The danger is therefore that the lobbying of
smaller banks stalls the agenda. Nearly 5,000 are spread around the country,
and many have the ear of their local congressional representatives. In 2018
Congress watered down the rules governing smaller banks’ minimum
liquidity and crisis-planning. Many policymakers argue that smaller banks
are vital for their local knowledge and as a source of competition—a
sentiment Janet Yellen, the treasury secretary, recently voiced to the
American Bankers Association. That is true, but a further reason to avoid
looser rules and zombification.
A crucial test will be whether the Fed closes its emergency facility as
planned in March 2024. If it is extended, and if Congress expands deposit
insurance without trying to fix the underlying problems in the banks, then
zombies could proliferate. Worryingly, even with prolonged support in place
some banks may not have a route to profitability, and might take big risks to
be resurrected, in effect gambling with taxpayer money. Banks are supposed
to circulate trillions of dollars of capital around America, but they could yet
become a drag on the economy. ■
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Secession, season 1
WHO NEEDS HBO when you can watch the SNP melt down? A vicious
battle to take the place of an all-powerful Scottish leader has turned
“Succession” into must-watch television. The fight to succeed Nicola
Sturgeon as leader of the Scottish National Party (SNP) had the same plot
line and the same mix of underwhelming pretenders and fratricidal ambition.
The successor in the real-life drama is now known. Humza Yousaf,
previously the health secretary, this week became the new head of the SNP
and Scotland’s first minister. But the party he leads suddenly seems as
dysfunctional as Waystar Royco.
Next, your review was astonished that exhibit A in my case for the growing
humanitarianism of the British Empire is “the slave trade”. Of course, my
prime exhibit is the fact that Britain was among the first states in the world’s
history to abolish the trade and slavery itself. You then emphasise the role of
slave rebellions in bringing about abolition. I acknowledge that on page 56.
But until you can present a cogent argument that the humanitarian revolution
in British mores, which gathered steam decades before the 1791 slave-revolt
in Saint Domingue (now Haiti), did not play a leading role in securing
abolitionist victories in Britain’s Parliament in 1807 and 1833, my case
Correctly, you point out that “in some analyses” Britain’s subsequent
investment in suppressing slavery worldwide was intended to stop
slaveholding economies undercutting British exporters, now reliant on free
labour. But human actions usually spring from several motives and
sometimes genuinely humanitarian motives really do dominate economic
ones. You also claim that I argue that the empire was not “wantonly violent”.
That is untrue: I admit it was—sometimes.
Finally, you find “lazy and banal” my point that the empire was like any
long-standing state in harbouring evils and injustices. But that was merely
the elementary stage in the larger argument, clearly stated in the Conclusion,
which you overlooked. That concludes that the British Empire wasn’t
“essentially” racist and murderous and that it contained growing
humanitarian and liberal elements, which found climactic expression when,
between May 1940 and June 1941, the empire stood alone (with Greece) as
the only military opposition to the massively murderous racist regime in
Nazi Berlin.
Paying people to plant trees
The notion of paying the owners of rainforests not to destroy them (“Cash
for climate services”, March 4th) brought to mind the late, great Wangari
Maathai, a Kenyan environmentalist. It was while visiting some of Kenya’s
poorest areas that Maathai saw how environmental degradation had affected
the lives of rural women. In 1977 she founded the Green Belt Movement.
Women were brought together to plant seeds, store rainwater, reduce soil
erosion and provide food. For each tree planted, they would earn a small
allowance. By 2004, the year Maathai became the first African woman to
win the Nobel peace prize, the movement had planted more than 30m trees.
It shows that empowering a community can achieve a lot. And also that
payments for climate services works.
Policy analyst
Manhattan Institute
New York
You mentioned a lack of will in Taiwan to defend the island. Some historical
background may explain this equivocal attitude. The people of Taiwan have
been forced to identify with different nationalities over the past two
centuries. As a colony of Japan from 1895 to 1945 the Taiwanese were
coerced into identifying as Japanese. Then came the Chinese nationalists led
by Chiang Kai-shek, who, defeated by the Chinese Communists, ruled
Taiwan under martial law for nearly four decades. During this time the
Taiwanese had to learn a new language, Mandarin, and identify as Chinese.
Only after the lifting of martial law in 1987 did the idea of a Taiwanese
identity start to circulate, and it took time to be adopted.
The formal name of the country is still the Republic of China and its
Olympic team is represented as Chinese Taipei, names that the global
powers support in order to maintain the status quo in the Taiwan Strait.
Fewer and fewer countries formally recognise Taiwan each year. Given all
this it is hard for the Taiwanese to be optimistic about their collective
destiny. They feel powerless about sustaining their national identity in an
acquiescent world.
Weston, Massachusetts
British ambassador to South Korea, 2003 to 2008
Langton Green, Kent
Haste, hubris, political deadlines and ignoring the experts all played their
part. But these lessons were swiftly forgotten, and so we have suffered one
groundnut scheme after another since then. The HS2 high-speed rail project
is merely the latest in a sadly long line.
Professor of practice in diplomacy
School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
Living underground
The idea of using caves on the Moon as viable living spaces is not new
(“Lunar living”, March 18th). Robert Heinlein’s science-fiction novel “The
Moon is a Harsh Mistress”, published in 1966, describes a lunar colony
based in pressurised subterranean caves. As suggested in your article, the
caves provided protection from solar radiation as well as allowing access to
whatever resources might be available.
Dunellen, New Jersey
The biblical story ends with the destruction of Sodom, implying that not
even ten righteous people could be found. Time will tell if the Likud has five
righteous members willing to challenge the prevailing powers, just as
Abraham once did.
Brookline, Massachusetts
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By Invitation
It did not have to be this way. Scarcely 18 months ago, Pakistan was doing
relatively well. It handled covid-19 successfully, keeping casualties and
economic fallout to a minimum. The pandemic saw public debt soar across
the world, but it fell in Pakistan as a result of commendable fiscal discipline.
Foreign-exchange reserves rose to all-time highs of over $20bn.
But at the end of 2021, with a large amount of external debt coming due
over the next few years, the government had no choice but to resume the
IMF programme that had been paused due to covid-19. Everybody knew it
was the only way for Pakistan to meet its external payments.
First, despite all the talk of putting the burden of adjustment on the rich, the
main fiscal response the Fund has agreed with the government is an increase
in the sales tax—a highly regressive measure. There is not even a hint of
taxing property (an unproductive asset where illicit wealth is frequently
stashed), agriculture (which is dominated by large landlords) or the retail
sector (home to most of Pakistan’s nouveaux riches). This is a historic
opportunity missed to broaden the tax base in a progressive way.
Second, the only real protection being offered to the poor is through BISP, a
cash-transfer programme covering 9m families who live on less than 70
cents a day. They will receive an extra 30 cents per day. In a country where
40% of the population—90m people—earn less than the World Bank’s
middle-income poverty line and where inflation is running at a 50-year high
of 30%, this protection is little more than cosmetic.
Third, the government and the IMF are pretending that Pakistan’s public
debt is sustainable. Pakistan has external financing needs of $35bn in each
of the next five years, against foreign exchange reserves of just $4bn. During
this time, the government will need to pay 5% of GDP each year in interest
payments on the debt it owes to residents and foreigners. Our total tax take
is only 10% of GDP. If ever a country needed debt relief, it is Pakistan.
Denying this is a recipe for disaster. The austerity it would necessitate could
spark major social unrest.
And fourth, the IMF is faltering in its traditional role as lender of last resort.
Instead of helping to round up creditors, it has asked Pakistan to do so on its
own, reflecting the IMF’s weakened role at the heart of the global financial
safety net as new creditors, like China, have emerged. Even the World Bank
is no longer automatically coming to the rescue, though the IMF has
approved Pakistan’s policies.
Beyond this immediate relief, Pakistan must start to tackle the underlying
maladies that have led it to the IMF a record 23 times: a low tax take,
faltering exports and abysmal levels of investment in human and physical
capital. A good place to start would be to redefine its social contract. This
will require Pakistan’s elites to put aside their differences and finally gamble
on economic development. In turn, the global community can help by
providing a conducive environment for Pakistan’s exports and by investing
in the country. The hour is late. The poor and vulnerable, like Mariam and
Asif, cannot wait much longer.■
Murtaza Syed recently served as acting governor of the central bank of
Pakistan and was previously an official at the IMF.
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THE CHINESE custom official’s suspicions were first aroused by the size of
the woman’s stomach. She said she was only five to six months pregnant,
yet her belly protruded as if she were close to term. When she was searched,
her baby bump turned out to be fake. Inside an improvised pouch she was
smuggling not drugs or weapons, but computer chips—202 of them. Since
America imposed a ban on sales of certain semiconductors and related
equipment to Chinese entities last year, firms in China have been running
short. Imports have plunged (see chart 1). Entrepreneurial middlemen (and
women) have been coming up with all manner of schemes to obtain the
desired goods, and to avoid customs duties to boot.
It is not just small operators who are feeling the effects of the sanctions.
Before the new rules were imposed in October, Yangtze Memory
Technologies Corp (YMTC), a big state-owned maker of memory chips, was
widely seen as the Chinese firm with the best chance of becoming a global
force in chipmaking. Overnight, however, it and all other Chinese firms
were barred from buying the equipment they needed to make the most
advanced chips. YMTC’s inability to procure this gear, in turn, has stopped
it from finalising a business plan for 2023, analysts say. It may have to delay
the construction of a new production facility.
The ultimate effect of all this will be to set back China’s chip industry.
International Business Strategies, a consultancy, had previously estimated
that Chinese firms would be making more than half of the chips their
country needed by 2030. After the American sanctions came into effect, it
lowered that forecast to 33%.
This is just what America’s policymakers want. The latest sanctions are
different from past measures against China, Russia and, during the cold war,
the Soviet Union. They seek to deny China access not just to advanced
weapons or narrowly defined technologies, but to undermine whole
industries. In a speech in September Jake Sullivan, America’s national
security adviser, explained that the government wanted to hobble China’s
capabilities in “foundational technologies” such as artificial intelligence,
biotech and clean energy, to allow America to maintain as much of an edge
as possible in these areas. Some call this plan the “Sullivan doctrine”.
So far, America’s main technique for hobbling Chinese industry has been
export controls using “foreign direct product rules” (FDPRs). These orders,
issued by the Department of Commerce, can be used to restrict the sale not
just of goods made in America but also of any item made anywhere using
American intellectual property. Firms that break the rules risk prosecution if
they do business in America and crippling sanctions even if they do not.
The FDPR that has spurred chip-smuggling and upended YMTC was issued
in October. In keeping with the Sullivan doctrine, it attempts to cut China off
from the most advanced chips involved in the machine learning that
underpins all AI. It also bars American engineers, and even Chinese
nationals with American green cards, from working at many Chinese chip
companies. This abrupt escalation, says Joerg Wuttke of the European Union
Chamber of Commerce in Beijing, was tantamount to “a declaration of tech
In fact, the war had already begun. America has been cudgelling Huawei, a
Chinese tech firm, with various weapons, including an FDPR, since 2019.
Donald Trump, the previous president, attempted to force ByteDance,
another Chinese firm, to sell TikTok, an app adored by teens around the
world. But America’s assault is clearly intensifying. Congress has been
loudly debating a ban on TikTok. The mandarins of the commerce
department and the Treasury have many more potential sanctions up their
sleeves. China, meanwhile, will not sit idly by as its industries are
pummelled. And, as in any conflict, bystanders are being pulled into the
How far will the battle escalate and how severe will the damage be? At the
very least, the fighting will force a drastic reorganisation of supply chains in
the $570bn market for computer chips. It may well spill into other industries
such as clean technology, biotech and even agriculture. It will in effect split
the world into two distinct and mutually exclusive blocs for many products,
and thus undo many of the gains brought about by globalisation. And it will
harm the companies and countries that are forced to choose between the two
Processing oriented
The next salvo is likely to be a strengthening and widening of the new
export rules. The FDPRs on chips focus on two factors: processing power
and the speed at which they communicate with other chips. Although in
theory Chinese firms could get around these twin restrictions by using lots of
less sophisticated chips, that would make it very cumbersome and expensive
to train large AI models. But the performance of chips is always improving,
and algorithms used for training are becoming more efficient. This means
that the sanctions will gradually lose their potency, as more can be done with
Such advances may prompt America to modify its sanctions on chips, says
Bill Drexel of the Centre for a New American Security (CNAS), a think-
tank in Washington. It might choose to focus purely on the computational
power of chips. This is a simpler approach than trying to find a “sweet spot
between computing power and interconnect bandwidth”, says Mr Drexel.
But it would entail broadening the restrictions to less powerful chips. That
could ensnare the graphics-processing units used in the video-games
industry, a rapidly growing market worth $40bn last year. Both American
chipmakers and their Chinese customers would suffer.
The commerce department might also target other industries with FDPRs.
Chinese biopharmaceuticals, an industry with projected sales of more than
$100bn by 2025, are highly dependent on American intellectual property.
American firms supply lots of biological materials, technical information
and lab equipment to Chinese facilities which produce new medicines and
therapies, notes Ajay Kuntamukkala of Hogan Lovells, a law firm. Some of
these exchanges could be banned. One possible target is American-
developed software that Chinese companies use to make medicines that are
then exported back to America. Many companies in the West also export
data to China in order to develop new treatments. In future, such transfers of
data could also be restricted, notes Emily Benson at CSIS, another think-
Other big Chinese conglomerates with global holdings could also get
dragged into the fight. In early March America’s Department of Agriculture
announced it would form a working group to promote fair competition in the
seed industry. The value of bonds issued by Sinochem, a Chinese agro-
industrial group, fell on the announcement, owing to fears that the new body
could recommend restrictions on its seeds. This is a frightening prospect for
China Inc, which has spent years acquiring technologies overseas and, more
recently, bringing intellectual property to America and Europe. Sanctions
against Sinochem could devastate the operations of Syngenta, a Swiss
agribusiness giant that it bought in 2017 for $43bn.
America may also place limits on capital flows in its attempt to stifle certain
Chinese industries. It is already illegal for American people or companies to
provide funding to firms suspected of close ties to China’s armed forces. But
American financial sanctions could get much fiercer. The Treasury is
unlikely to try to cut China off from the use of the dollar altogether, as it has
Iran, for example—at least unless relations deteriorate much more. But
American authorities are trying to refine and develop the use of the dollar as
a weapon in international relations. Observers expect the Treasury may soon
try to ban the use of dollars to invest in some advanced technologies in
And then there are the repercussions for American firms. China’s airlines are
reliant on imported planes and parts, many of them American. America
could therefore bring aviation in China to a standstill with a sweeping FDPR
—a prospect that alarms Chinese officials. But such a move would probably
also provoke a crisis at Boeing, a giant American aircraft-maker.
Artful dodgers
What is more, China will also eventually find ways around whatever new
restrictions America lobs at it. The phoney baby bump is a crude form of
evasion, but there are more sophisticated ones, culminating in the
development of a domestic capacity to replace whatever America’s
regulators have withheld. Huawei is a good example. Its telecoms-
equipment and smartphone divisions have been dealt savage blows by its
regulatory pounding. But a recent speech by its founder, Ren Zhengfei,
described the company’s attempt to push foreign IP from its systems. So far,
Mr Ren claims, it has secured domestic supplies of 13,000 components and
redesigned 4,000 circuit boards. Most strikingly, in April it will launch its
own enterprise-resource-planning (ERP) system, the software that underpins
operations across the corporation. (Until now it has used one developed by
Oracle, an American software firm.)
The new system is meant to “plug all the holes” created by the many
American strictures on Huawei, say analysts at Jefferies, an investment
bank. The ERP system was developed alongside a home-grown operating
system that has helped further diminish ties with foreign suppliers.
These substitutes are expensive to develop and may not prove as good as the
systems they replace. But China’s Communist Party is undaunted. “Self-
reliance” in science and technology is one of the top priorities of Xi Jinping,
China’s leader. His government has poured funding into semiconductor
development, among other technologies. Much of the money has been
wasted—but not all. For example, China uses lots of SerDes circuits, vital
components that connect chips, and that were mainly produced by foreign
firms until recently. But local manufacturers have learned to make them
relatively quickly, says Hexigetu of Sincere Capital, a private-equity firm
based in Shanghai. American sanctions may end up spurring the very thing
they are intended to impede: the development of strategic Chinese
America is moving so quickly that it has not always managed to persuade its
allies to form a united front. The FDPRs issued in October, for instance,
were announced before it had secured the support of the Netherlands, South
Korea and Japan. Yet these countries make lots of advanced chips and
chipmaking equipment. If they do not go along with America’s new rules,
the attempt to blockade China will fail.
China has so far refrained from dramatic retaliation. Its leaders are happy to
see big American firms such as Apple expanding in their country. On his
first trip to China in three years, Apple’s chief executive, Tim Cook, sought
to allay fears of an economic decoupling between America and China. He
told an audience in Beijing on March 25th that the “symbiotic” relationship
between the two countries over the past 30 years has helped them both grow.
Critics of America’s approach say that it is not just harming its own
companies, but also hindering the development of technologies that will
benefit all humanity. It will certainly raise costs for companies in the
affected industries. The sanctions drive also risks making America look like
a bully. Preventing Chinese nationals from participating in high-level
quantum-science research might slow the development of quantum
computing in China, notes Mr Parker, but it would also erode the notion of
American openness. “I was totally shocked,” says a Chinese economist of
the FDPRs imposed in October, “It goes against everything I was told: free
trade, a rules-based order, open competition.” ■
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Global rice demand—in Africa as well as Asia—is soaring. Yet yields are
stagnating. The land, water and labour that rice production requires are
becoming scarcer. Climate change is a graver threat. Rising temperatures are
withering crops; more frequent floods are destroying them. No mere victim
of global warming, rice cultivation is also a major cause of it, because paddy
fields emit a lot of methane, a potent greenhouse gas. The crop that fuelled
the rise of 60% of the world’s population is becoming a source of insecurity
and threat.
Rising demand exacerbates the problem. By 2050 there will be 5.3bn people
in Asia, up from 4.7bn today, and 2.5bn in Africa, up from 1.4bn. That
growth is projected to drive a 30% rise in rice demand, according to a study
published in the journal Nature Food. And only in the richest Asian
countries, such as Japan and South Korea, are bread and pasta eating into
rice’s monopoly as the continental staple.
For years production kept pace with rising demand thanks to the enduring
effects of the green revolution, which began in the 1960s. To tackle poor
yields, scientists at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), based in
the Philippines, developed IR8, a variety that flourished with the use of
fertiliser and irrigation systems. Introduced when China was emerging from
famine and India on the brink of one, IR8 proved a mass life-saver.
As IR8 spread across Asia, from the Philippines to Pakistan, rice yields
increased. Greater productivity made rice a more attractive crop, so more
resources were dedicated to it. Reduced worries about food security freed
Asian governments to focus on industrialisation and economic growth.
IRRI has developed new varieties of rice that could repeat some of this
success. They are more productive and climate-resilient, and require less
water. Still, meeting growing demand looks harder than it did in the 1960s.
Urbanisation and relentless sub-division are eating into land holdings.
Between 1971 and 2016 the size of the average Indian farm fell by more
than half, from 2.3 hectares to 1.1.
A carbon culprit
Rice’s nutritional quality is another growing concern. The grain is high in
glucose, which contributes to diabetes and obesity, and low in iron and zinc,
two important micronutrients. In South Asia the prevalence of diabetes and
malnutrition can be traced to over-reliance on rice.
India procures rice from farmers at a guaranteed price, often set above the
market rate. The crop is then sold to the poor at a subsidised price,
promoting rice consumption. Fertilisers and water are also subsidised. Such
interventions are prevalent across Asia. Most were introduced at a time of
persistent food insecurity, when diabetes and environmental costs were
much less of a concern than they are today.
Untying policy knots that have tightened over decades is hard. Farmers are
vote banks that governments dare not antagonise. India’s ruling Bharatiya
Janata Party, which prides itself on implementing tough but necessary
measures, learnt this in 2021 when it was forced to roll back agriculture
reforms in the face of protests by farmers.
Though there is no single solution for the deepening rice crisis, there are
many partial ones. In parts of Asia where yields are low, such as Myanmar
and the Philippines, it is possible to raise productivity by using more
fertiliser and pesticide without doing serious environmental damage.
Scientists at IRRI and other research outfits have developed rice varieties
resistant to floods, drought and heat. They have also produced more
nutritious strains. These changes, combined with innovations in cultivation
such as direct seeding—a planting method that requires less water and
labour—can reduce environmental damage and increase yields.
The challenge is to get improved seeds and methods adopted at scale. Many
farmers do not know they exist. Some are averse to trying something new. A
nationwide survey of rice farmers in India in 2017-18 found that only 26%
had adopted varieties released since 2004.
Governments can play a big role in highlighting the benefits of new varieties
and methods. Vietnam’s is leading the way. It recently announced an
ambitious plan to cultivate “low-carbon” rice on 1m hectares. It promotes
this as a means to save labour and improve efficiencies. It is essential to
avoid advertising emissions-mitigation as a burden to farmers, says Bjoern
Ole Sander, a climate scientist at IRRI.
A greener revolution
A bottom-up approach is also important. Agriculture-extension workers can
play a big role in transmitting know-how, but are often neglected by
policymakers. Most public agriculture spending goes on subsidies and
irrigation, which tend to benefit richer farmers with bigger landholdings.
The first green revolution averted an Asian catastrophe. The situation may
not be as precarious today, but the challenge is in some ways bigger.
Countries need to produce more with less—and with much greater care for
the environment. That would amount to a “truly green revolution”, says Mr
Balié, IRRI’s boss.
THE WORLD’S biggest democracy has taken a serious hit. On March 24th
Rahul Gandhi, leader of India’s Congress party and by far the country’s best-
known opposition figure, was disqualified from parliament after a court
sentenced him to two years in prison on what Mr Gandhi says is a spurious
defamation charge. A son, grandson and great-grandson of prime ministers,
he has vowed to appeal against his conviction, which was handed down by a
district court in Gujarat, home state of Narendra Modi, India’s prime
minister. Yet even if Mr Gandhi avoids prison, he may not clear his name in
time to lead his party into the general election due next year.
The Congress leader had been sued for defamation in Gujarat over a
sardonic remark he made on the stump in 2019. He had noted that a pair of
well-known fugitives from Indian justice were called Modi, a common
family name in western India. Any observer of India’s roughhouse politics
would recognise such rhetoric as par for the course; the BJP’s standard
moniker for Mr Gandhi is pappu (“dimwit”). Yet Purnesh Modi, a minor
BJP politician unrelated to the prime minister, claimed that he and his
community had been deeply wounded by Mr Gandhi’s remark.
The court found in Purnesh Modi’s favour on March 23rd. The sentence it
meted out to Mr Gandhi was unusually harsh, legal experts said. It was also
precisely the minimum jail time that triggers automatic expulsion from
India’s parliament. Mr Gandhi was chucked out the following day.
This might seem gratuitous, given the modesty of the threat posed to Mr
Modi by Mr Gandhi. Congress has been trounced by the BJP in two
successive general elections, and shows little sign of a resurgence ahead of
next year’s vote. Nor has the government struggled to fend off Mr Gandhi’s
demands for an inquiry into Mr Modi’s involvement in the Adani saga. Even
so, suggests Milan Vaishnav of the Carnegie Endowment for International
Peace, a think-tank in Washington, Mr Gandhi’s needling was too much for
senior BJP members to stomach: “One reason for their success is that for
them, no threat is too small to obsess over.”
It is at least possible that Mr Gandhi’s harsh treatment will backfire. His
disqualification from parliament was condemned by other national
opposition leaders, in a rare show of solidarity. Yet the Gandhi princeling
makes an unlikely victim. His party activists have so far failed to rally street
protests on his behalf. And the leaders of the biggest regional parties, Mr
Modi’s most serious challengers, show little inclination to work with him.
More likely, the long-winded legal process that lies ahead of Mr Gandhi will
benefit the BJP government. His case will continue to dominate the
headlines, making it hard for Congress or any other opposition party to
sustain a serious attack on its record. The only indisputable victim of this
sorry farce will be India’s increasingly Modi-stressed democracy.■
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So long, farewell
AT THE HEIGHT of the economic crisis in Sri Lanka last year, winding
queues for fuel and cooking gas were matched only by lines at the
immigration and emigration department. The nearly 875,000 passports it
issued in 2022 was an all-time high. Most of those outside the nondescript
building in Colombo were not looking for a post-pandemic getaway but
workers aching to flee shortages, inflation and uncertainty.
Official records suggest that 300,000 of Sri Lanka’s 22m people left for jobs
abroad in 2022, most of them low- and semi-skilled workers. From January
to March this year, another 73,000 left. And there is evidence that middle-
class professionals have now joined the exodus.
Business leaders in many industries say they are bleeding staff, including
managers they need to train replacements. Companies are used to churn
among those aged 20 to 35—especially in IT and other in-demand
professions—but now seasoned employees in their 40s and 50s are taking
Sri Lanka’s prolonged crisis gives them many reasons to go. Annual
inflation was 50.6% in February. Wages are not remotely keeping up, even
as taxes climb. In January, President Ranil Wickremesinghe imposed more
hikes to fix what the IMF—which last week approved a long-awaited $2.9bn
package for Sri Lanka—called “one of the lowest revenue levels in the
world”. At 36%, the highest income-tax rate is still modest. The opposition
National People’s Power party may nonetheless be right to predict the tax
rises will cause “the biggest brain drain” in Sri Lankan history.
Yet the government is actively encouraging the drain, both to lighten the
public-sector wage bill and in the hope of increasing remittances, Sri
Lanka’s biggest source of foreign currency. The fugitive doctors are availing
themselves of a facility for public-sector workers that the government
introduced last June: up to five years of unpaid leave provided they remit
$100-500 a month if they find work abroad.
Not for the first time, Dr Mahathir was breaking a taboo. In Malaysia and
many other Asian countries, open discussion of race is considered divisive
and dangerous; it is often illegal. Yet that does not erase the political issue
that race represents in Asian societies, many of which became multiracial as
a result of colonialism in the 19th and 20th centuries, and witness enduring
racial tensions. Asia needs to talk about race—even if Dr Mahathir
demonstrated precisely how not to do so. Security was stepped up ahead of a
“Malay Proclamation” convention in Kuala Lumpur on March 19th at which
he was due to speak. The event moved online after the hosts of two proposed
venues withdrew their offers.
The sensitivity was understandable. Race riots in the 1960s cast a shadow
over the politics of both Malaysia and Singapore (which left the Malaysian
federation and became independent in 1965). In Malaysia, to counter an
imbalance in which much of the national wealth was in ethnic-Chinese
hands, Malays have enjoyed the sort of affirmative-action policies and
privileges more often afforded a disadvantaged minority. Singapore, which
has an ethnic-Chinese majority, restricts inflammatory speech to prevent
race rows, and practises social engineering, such as ethnic quotas in public
housing, to enforce integration.
So race is almost everywhere a delicate topic. Yet Asia’s lack of almost any
open discussion of it makes the issue vulnerable to rabble-rousers, as Dr
Mahathir has demonstrated. His argument is that Malaysia’s Indians and
Chinese, who retain their own languages and culture, should conform to
Malay norms. He does not insist that they convert to Islam. But he reminds
readers that he is of Indian heritage, yet accepted as a Malay; and that he
meets the definition in Malaysia’s constitution of a Malay as someone who
speaks Malay, follows Malay customary laws and is Muslim. He suggests
that only Malays can be full citizens, and that the loyalties of the Chinese
and Indian minorities are somehow suspect.
The American leg starts in New York, where Ms Tsai landed on March 29th,
and was due to make a speech and receive an award the following day at a
private dinner, hosted by the Hudson Institute, a conservative think-tank.
That should not set any new precedents: she spoke at Columbia University
on her last visit in 2019. She then visits Guatemala and Belize, two
remaining allies, before flying to Los Angeles for the most sensitive part of
her trip, an expected meeting with Mr McCarthy (and probably other
members of Congress) at the Reagan Presidential Library.
Diplomatic sigh
Since then Taiwan’s leaders have made regular “transits” of America
without such a dramatic response. Ms Tsai has made six visits, and
American officials have told Chinese counterparts this one will be similar to
those. Even so, given recent tensions, China could easily take umbrage.
Aside from the McCarthy meeting, another sensitive issue is whether Ms
Tsai meets senior Democrats or government officials. China will also
scrutinise what she says in any speeches, and to what extent they are public.
It has already lodged a formal protest. On March 29th a spokesperson for
China’s Taiwan Affairs Office threatened “resolute counter-measures” if Ms
Tsai met Mr McCarthy, warning America not to arrange contact between her
and government officials or do anything else to encourage Taiwan’s
Even if the trip is low-key, China may escalate the now-regular forays by its
military ships and aircraft across the Taiwan Strait’s midpoint. It could stage
a larger show of force if it considers Ms Tsai’s words or activities especially
provocative, says Bonnie Glaser of the German Marshall Fund, a think-tank.
Yet China is also wary of responding in a way that helps the DPP in
Taiwan’s elections.
Opinion polls suggest that threats from the mainland tend to strengthen
Taiwanese identity and resistance to China. Surveys by different
organisations show a majority supported Ms Pelosi’s visit and welcome a
potential visit by Mr McCarthy, in spite of China’s military aggression. At
the same time recent polling shows majority support for reducing cross-strait
tensions and resuming exchanges. That is what the KMT is promoting.
Mr Ma and the KMT are trying to return to the past. “We all belong to the
Chinese race,” said the former president in Nanjing on March 28th. Both
sides of the strait should work together to “seek peace, avoid war and
revitalise zhonghua”, he said, using a term that denotes ethnic Chinese
people rather than China as a state. The emphasis on ethnic unity does not
appeal to many Taiwanese voters, who have come to identify less with
China as Taiwan has developed its own distinct cultural identity and as the
mainland has become more authoritarian under Mr Xi.
Ms Tsai’s stance since she was elected in 2016 has been to insist that
mainland authorities must respect Taiwan’s separate, democratic system
rather than treat it as a subordinate part of a Chinese nation. That view is
popular with voters but unacceptable to China, which cut communications
with Ms Tsai’s government as punishment.
No matter who gets elected next year, Mr Xi will press for unification, says
Chao Chun-shan, a Taiwanese policy adviser who helped plan the meeting
between Mr Ma and Mr Xi in 2015 and visited China with a KMT
delegation in February. Mr Chao frames voters’ choice as one of “peace or
war”. The KMT can defuse tensions by promising the Communist Party that
it rejects Taiwanese independence, he says—though it cannot guarantee that
China will stop its military, economic or diplomatic coercion in return.
The DPP has criticised Mr Ma’s trip as “embracing appeasement” and acting
as a “pawn” for the Communist Party’s goal of unification. But it, too,
worries about conflict. If China manages to refrain from overreacting to Ms
Tsai’s visit, both Taiwanese parties will probably claim a victory for their
pragmatism. If China responds with force, it will reduce Taiwanese hopes
that goodwill can prevent war, no matter which party is in charge. ■
But after over a year’s absence, Jack is back. On March 27th photos
emerged of him visiting a school in his home town of Hangzhou. He was
reportedly persuaded to return by China’s new prime minister, Li Qiang. Mr
Li is trying to reassure wealthy private entrepreneurs that, though they
should know their place, they are still valued by the party.
Rich Chinese are in need of reassurance. China’s draconian controls to stop
the spread of covid-19 ended only a few months ago, after three years of
disruptions to businesses and a brutal lockdown in Shanghai, where many
wealthy Chinese live. Regulatory crackdowns have devastated once-thriving
sectors like private education. Officials rage against “money worship” and
make tax-dodging celebrities grovel for forgiveness. A government plan to
narrow wealth gaps, though now on the back-burner, has some worried they
will face more pressure to donate money. On top of that, China’s wealthy
worry that they may get caught up in sanctions if friction between China and
America increases.
Capital fright
Faced with such headaches, many have been looking to leave. That was hard
in 2020-21, when covid controls hit emigration. But in 2022 some 10,800
high-net-worth individuals, who have an average wealth of $6m, left the
country, with the flow accelerating at the end of the year as covid controls
eased. That is according to data compiled by Henley & Associates and New
World Wealth, firms which track the movement of the rich. Even more are
expected to leave in 2023, says Andrew Amoils of New World Wealth.
Getting on a plane is easy, moving wealth less so. In theory Chinese citizens
are allowed to move only $50,000 out of the country each year. But there are
many ways to avoid controls, from visiting shady Hong Kong money
exchanges to setting up overseas companies to employ family members. Ten
years ago American border officials were picking up Chinese nationals
carrying cash in suitcases through airports. More recently, billions of dollars
have left the country via cryptocurrencies.
All this suggests that, even though Mr Ma is back in China, the prime
minister’s efforts to charm the wealthy have a long way to go. He is also
hindered by clumsy messaging. One provincial government said recently
that businesspeople suspected of crimes “should not be arrested unless they
have to be”. Similar statements have been made for years.
Some of the commenters have been outspoken. On March 22nd one of them,
with 54,000 followers on Baijiahao, a blogging platform, wrote that the
ministry’s order showed it had not been ruled out that “the homeland ceded
by unequal treaties will be taken back in the future”. An academic in Beijing
with some 5,000 Baijiahao followers suggested Russia was right to be
anxious about China taking back the territory—at least if China’s giant
neighbour “falls into chaos”. Another, with 10,000 followers, urged: “Never
forget our national shame.” Using the Chinese names for Russian places
would “encourage our country to recover these territories as soon as
possible”, the blogger wrote.
Censors have been trying to calm things down. Earlier in March, Zhou Libo,
a talk-show star, found his social-media accounts blocked after he suggested
in a post to his millions of followers that China should aim to recover land
ceded to Russia. Mainstream media—even Global Times, a nationalist
tabloid in Beijing that loves to chide foreign powers for their 19th-century
colonialism—have avoided the topic.
Global Times has been paying more attention to another name: that of
“Tibet”. Since 2021 its English edition has often used the Chinese word for
the region, Xizang (see chart). Some Chinese diplomats have adopted it, too.
China Media Project, a research group in Hong Kong, says this may have
begun in 2021, when a statement about a meeting of then foreign minister,
Wang Yi, and his Russian counterpart, Sergey Lavrov, noted that “Russia
firmly supports China’s positions on issues related to Xinjiang, Hong Kong,
Xizang and human rights.” In that list, the anglicised Cantonese name Hong
Kong (“fragrant harbour”) is a colonial-era anomaly. Perhaps Hong Kongers
should prepare for a rebranding as Xianggang, as the Mandarin
pronunciation of the name is transliterated. ■
Today, those assurances are like relics from another age. President Joe Biden
shuns Trumpian bombast about China, but has kept many tariffs and trade
curbs put in place by his predecessor. He has also banned the export of
advanced technologies that might help the People’s Liberation Army (PLA)
build world-beating weapons or artificial intelligence (AI) systems. America
is preparing new controls on investment, both into and out of China.
Former hopes have been replaced by fears. China is called a threat to peace
in Asia, as it seeks to intimidate the democratic island of Taiwan into
submitting to rule from Beijing. China’s growing economic and diplomatic
clout in Africa, Asia or Latin America is seen as empowering autocrats and
undermining liberal democracy. Put in tigerish terms, a bipartisan consensus
in Washington now sees China as a predatory power, whose menacing nature
will not be altered by pious sermons.
For its part, the Biden administration rejects the charge that it is bent on all-
encompassing containment of China. In public, the president and senior
officials call on China to play a constructive role over such global issues as
climate change, food security, public health and flows of deadly narcotics. In
private, it is taken as a given that China will be an economic giant and a
potent regional military power. But continued military primacy in the Indo-
Pacific, for America and its allies, is the goal of leaders in Washington.
Explicitly, the logic of export controls and investment screening is to stop
American technology and money powering the PLA to a position of
unmatched strength.
Unlike Silicon Valley firms, however, TikTok has ties to the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) and China’s government through its parent
company, ByteDance. This makes users potentially vulnerable to data
collection, propaganda and misinformation. “For all the critiques of the
American-based platforms, at the end of the day, they don’t report to the
CIA, and they don’t report to the American government,” says Mark Warner,
a senator from Virginia.
Donald Trump’s administration sought to ban the app but the effort was
blocked by a court. Since then TikTok has been trying to negotiate a
compromise with the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States,
an inter-agency group focused on national-security risk, suggesting that it
should maintain ownership of TikTok but store data in America, under the
oversight of Oracle, an American tech firm.
But few believe that it can really safeguard user data from the Chinese
government, given ByteDance’s ties to the CCP and the fact that Oracle
would not have true power to police operations. Hence the buzz about
forcing ByteDance to divest TikTok, or banning it altogether.
America is not alone in being concerned. India was the first country to ban
TikTok (and other Chinese apps) in 2020, after a border clash. Britain,
Canada, the European Parliament and others have banned TikTok from
officials’ devices, and many countries are considering what to do next. A
recent report to Australia’s parliament outlines the “risks not only to the data
privacy of individual users, but to social cohesion, democratic functioning
and the national-security interests of democratic nations”. National-security
folk worry about China using TikTok to interfere in elections, much as
Russia used Facebook in the 2016 presidential race in America.
Although concerns about TikTok began as theoretical, they are no longer so.
In December ByteDance confirmed that employees in China and America
improperly accessed TikTok data on journalists, including tracking where
they were, in an effort to ferret out their sources. TikTok’s content is more
pro-CCP than its competitors’ and it also hosts more misinformation,
according to the recent Australian report. And for all the talk of American
protectionism, China does not make TikTok available at home. A sanitised
version, Douyin, is what is on offer from ByteDance in the Chinese market,
with strict limits on content and time limits for young users.
A few fissures are still visible. Republicans are more likely to talk about an
outright ban of TikTok, whereas Democrats favour “divestment”, forcing a
sale to an American firm. Several politicians, including the “squad” of left-
wing progressives in Congress, portray the anti-TikTok rhetoric as
xenophobic. But what’s most striking is the broad alignment of opinion in an
otherwise polarised Washington.
Second, the TikTok debate offers a lens into politicians’ calculations. With
greater reliance on younger voters, who in turn rely on TikTok to fill their
days, Democrats have been more hesitant to contemplate a ban. “There’s
recognition among Democrats that you’d have mutiny in this country if you
kick millions of young people off TikTok,” says Mr Khanna. What would
mutiny look like? “You’d have real anger at a governing class they think
doesn’t get how young people communicate,” he predicts. Gina Raimondo,
the commerce secretary, has mused that “the politician in me thinks you’re
gonna literally lose every voter under 35, for ever.” In its extensive lobbying
in Washington TikTok has focused on Democrats’ vulnerability to young
voters’ anger, in an effort to avert a ban.
Finally, the debate over TikTok highlights how little tech lawmaking has
occurred on the federal level and the extent to which it is originating from
state legislatures. Before the federal government banned TikTok on
government devices, many states had already done so. Despite years of
congressional hearings castigating tech bosses, no meaningful national law
on tech has passed since one in 2018 punishing online promotion of sex
trafficking. Although there are calls for a national privacy law, which would
enable consumers to access and delete their data, it is not a priority, says
Brian Wieser of Madison and Wall, a consultancy.
Action will either happen soon or take ages. As the 2024 election
approaches, politicians will show less appetite to target one of young voters’
favourite apps. Precedent in tech politics suggests that lawmakers’ outrage
could give way to inertia. “A lot of people are going to talk big, but
nobody’s going to have the courage” to ban TikTok, says Nazak Nikakhtar, a
lawyer at Wiley who previously worked for the Commerce Department. The
short-form video app is poised to remain a long-running drama.■
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subscriber-only newsletter, which examines the state of American democracy
and the issues that matter to voters.
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Mistrust, don’t verify
BIT BY BIT, the fabric of nuclear arms control is being rent. America has
done much tearing, for example by abandoning the Anti-Ballistic Missile
Treaty and the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. But with its
invasion of Ukraine, and its threats to use nukes, Russia has slashed away at
what remains.
In recent weeks it has made two more gashes. On March 25th Vladimir
Putin, Russia’s president, announced that Russia would deploy tactical
nuclear weapons (those with relatively short range and low yield) to Belarus,
its satellite state. This would do little to change the nuclear balance—Russia
scarcely needs Belarus to nuke Ukraine or NATO. Rather, the move is more
a form of nuclear intimidation as Russian conventional forces falter on the
ground. America says it has seen no worrying movement of tactical
More serious is Russia’s near-total halt to information-sharing about long-
range “strategic” nuclear weapons. On February 21st Mr Putin declared that
Russia would “suspend” New START, a treaty signed in 2010 and extended
in 2021. It limits America and Russia each to 1,550 warheads and 700
deployed “launch platforms” (defence-speak for intercontinental ballistic
missiles, submarines and heavy bombers).
For now both sides say they will abide by New START’s limits on weapons.
Yet the breakdown in nuclear information-sharing raises the risk of a future
arms race. The treaty is set to expire in less than three years’ time, removing
the last restraint on nuclear arsenals. As enmity deepens, the prospect of a
follow-on deal is vanishing. This comes just as a new era of three-sided
nuclear deterrence approaches: America will soon confront not one but two
big nuclear rivals as China builds up its nuclear stockpile from a few
hundred warheads to perhaps 1,500 by 2035, according to the latest
Pentagon estimates.
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subscriber-only newsletter, which examines the state of American democracy
and the issues that matter to voters.
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Hogwarts and all
PEOPLE LINED the walls in the packed hearing room. The double doors at
the back opened and closed constantly as traffic flowed in and out. Adults
whispered, some small children whimpered. A heavyset man in a bright
green T-shirt smelling strongly of damp laundry was seated shoulder-to-
shoulder with your correspondent. When the Democratic legislators spoke,
he leaned closer and mumbled disapprovingly. Agitation was palpable on
both sides. Florida was about to pass its first statewide universal school-
voucher bill, and the stakes were high.
On March 27th Florida’s governor, Ron DeSantis, signed a bill that will
allow families to take about $8,000 of state education funds, typically
allocated to public schools, and use it for private school, religious school or
even home schooling. Florida is not the first state to do this. A similar law
was passed in Arizona last year, and in Arkansas, Iowa and Utah over the
past few months. Indiana, Oklahoma and Texas all have similar bills in the
works. According to the Centre on Budget and Policy Priorities, half of all
states are considering new laws to expand these policies.
About 10% of pupils attend private schools in America, a higher share than
in Britain, which is often seen as an outlier. And their number may be about
to soar. Fans of vouchers argue that they give less-affluent parents the same
sort of choices as the parents of children at Andover and Choate. The
concept of school vouchers originated with Milton Friedman in the 1950s,
then picked up again in the 1990s and early 2000s. The first programme of
that period was spurred by black families in Milwaukee seeking a black-run
school district that they hoped would perform better than the racially
integrated one. Vouchers were given instead. In the 2010s several statewide
initiatives took root in Arizona, Florida and elsewhere.
Now a new wave is building, this time in response to the culture wars. In
July 2021 Betsy DeVos, a former secretary of education under Donald
Trump, wrote an opinion piece for Fox News which argued that these
funding schemes could “liberate kids from race indoctrination”. The
pandemic woke parents up to what was happening in state-school
classrooms, says Skylar Zander of Americans for Prosperity, a conservative
advocacy group.
There is one hitch, though. The evidence for the effectiveness of these
programmes is weak. The number of studies, many pointing in different
directions, can make the research seem mixed. But limit them to randomised
control trials measuring academic achievement, published in top journals,
and the story is clear. Voucher schemes did well in the 1990s and 2000s. The
programme in Milwaukee had a positive effect on pupils’ maths scores when
compared with the state-school children left behind. A separate programme
in Washington, DC, during the 2000s also had a positive impact on reading.
Unfortunately, these schemes have fared poorly since then. A decade later,
the DC programme produced worse maths scores. In Louisiana’s statewide
scheme, pupils who received vouchers for private school had test scores in
maths that were 0.4 standard deviations lower than their public-school peers.
“We’ve never found something so catastrophically bad,” says Joshua
Cowen, who researches education policy at Michigan State University. This
was almost double the size of learning loss from covid-19 and Hurricane
Why have more recent schemes done so poorly? One reason could be that
the earlier ones were more focused. Both Milwaukee’s and DC’s were
restricted to lower-income families. Milwaukee’s initiative was limited to
only 1% of the entire public-school population from 1990 until 1994, and
only 12 private schools took part by 1995. Even as programmes expanded to
entire states, they were still focused on specific pupils. The first statewide
voucher policy, implemented in 1999 in Florida under then-governor Jeb
Bush, was limited to children in failing schools. (Two schools qualified and
only 58 pupils took part in the first year.)
Public schools have also improved over the past 20 years, making it harder
for private ones to best them. With the exception of covid-19 learning loss,
national exam scores have steadily ticked upwards since the 1990s. Some
private schools are excellent, of course. But those ones are typically
oversubscribed. Many children whose parents take advantage of vouchers
are left with what Dr Cowen calls “sub-prime private schools”, some inside
old strip malls and crumbling churches.
Perhaps because the evidence is so thin, the voucher laws in Florida and
Arizona are light on measuring academic achievement. What is more,
currently the benefits of these schemes go mainly to wealthy families. One
study of three states found that most tax-credit scholarship recipients (a type
of voucher) came from families earning over $200,000 a year. Even Mr
DeSantis had reservations about a universal scheme: “If you have a family
that’s very high-income, they have school choice,” he said on March 7th
after his state-of-the-state address. “They don’t necessarily need to be
eligible for the [universal] programme.” He signed the bill anyway.■
Stay on top of American politics with Checks and Balance, our weekly
subscriber-only newsletter, which examines the state of American democracy
and the issues that matter to voters.
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Care for a shot of Malört?
NEW VISITORS to Chicago—at least those who stay with local friends or
relatives—can expect many lovely experiences. They will be taken to the
Art Institute, to pose like Ferris Bueller in front of priceless paintings, and to
The Bean to take selfies with the skyline, then perhaps for an Italian beef
sandwich. Almost as inevitable, at least if they are not teetotallers, is that
afterwards they will be taken to a bar and forced to drink a “Chicago
handshake”: a pint of Old Style beer and a shot of a deeply bitter spirit that
is almost entirely unknown outside the Windy City.
And what about the core market, Chicago proper? Some might expect the
growing sophistication of American drinking culture to reduce the appeal of
bizarre hooch. Visitors to even the smallest towns can now usually buy a
fancy craft beer made nearby, so why drink something awful to feel like a
local? Drinks like Malört seem to hold on as a symbol of regional pride.
Indeed, some fancy bars have recently started offering Malört cocktails—a
less traumatising way to try the city spirit. Mr Atkinson says the taste of
wormwood goes especially well with citrus flavours.
Of course, Malört is not the only Midwestern alcoholic speciality outsiders
are shocked by. In Wisconsin, locals drink a sickly sweet version of an Old
Fashioned made with Korbel, a Californian brandy, and Sprite, topped with a
glazed cherry. Over half of Korbel’s sales are in the Badger State. In
Michigan a popular cocktail, the “Hummer”, features white rum, Kahlúa and
two full scoops of vanilla ice cream. Midwesterners are more likely to
indulge in binge-drinking than most other Americans (see map). Malört is
advertised as being “savoured by two-fisted drinkers”. That is because you
need something else in your other hand to wash it down.■
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subscriber-only newsletter, which examines the state of American democracy
and the issues that matter to voters.
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Full-court press
The problem is that no one believes the judges will be apolitical. The race
has become the most expensive judicial election in the country, with at least
$30m spent by partisan operatives on television ads. This contest will
determine the ideological balance of the bench, which voters treat more as a
supreme legislative council than a deliberative judicial body.
Democrats hope the election on April 4th will help break the stranglehold
Republicans have had on state politics. “This election is the hinge moment
in Wisconsin’s political history,” says Ben Wikler, the state party’s chairman.
Wisconsin, rather like the entire United States, is a profoundly and bitterly
divided state, with an almost equal split between Republicans and
Democrats. In statewide contests, Democrats have won slightly more
elections in Wisconsin than they have lost in recent years. The governor,
Tony Evers, is a Democrat, as is one of two United States senators, the
secretary of state and the attorney-general. Yet favourable district lines mean
that Republicans completely dominate the legislature. They hold 64 out of
100 seats in the state House and 21 out of 33 in the Senate, one short of a
supermajority. That means that, at best, a Democratic governor can veto
Republican laws, but has no chance of making his own.
Mr Wikler says Democrats have little choice but to lean in, as the alternative
would be tantamount to “unilateral disarmament”. Candidates who are
“arguing for a totally apolitical message about competence…can wind up
losing,” he says. Craig Gilbert, of Marquette University, points out that the
correlation between voting for judicial elections and ordinary partisan
contests has gone up markedly over time.
Courting voters
A fairer map would not guarantee Democratic supremacy, because
Democratic voters are so concentrated in Madison, the state capital, and
Milwaukee, its biggest city. That divide has widened as rural voters have
drifted towards the Republican Party, even as Madison has grown and the
once-staunch Republican suburbs of Milwaukee have swung to the
Democrats. Mr Wikler concedes that “if you relied on geography” there
would still “be some tilt” towards the Republican Party.
Stay on top of American politics with Checks and Balance, our weekly
subscriber-only newsletter, which examines the state of American democracy
and the issues that matter to voters.
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Unless you have chosen to purchase the Santos Package, a GAS writer will
be in touch shortly to gather some basic factual information in order to set to
work drafting the chapters on your childhood and early adulthood, which
we’ve found can otherwise trap aspiring national leaders in unproductive
bouts of introspection, if not despair (lamenting roads not taken, contacting
past loves on Facebook, attempting to tamper with public records etc).
But it’s important for you to take ownership of your autobiography at the
outset, so that your authentic voice will be heard. For that reason we have
created the attached template for your preface. We realise that, as Democrats
and Republicans, you will face different challenges in your respective races.
But you should be comforted to know that those challenges are no longer
unique! Whether you are running for the House, Senate or presidency, the
nationalisation and polarisation of politics have simplified so much of
campaigning, including writing a campaign book. You don’t need to come
up with your own ideas any more. In fact, they can just get you into trouble.
(An eccentric personality camouflages this, so it helps more than it used to,
but it’s not essential.)
One challenge that endures, however, is writing a book that will excite your
base in your primary without preventing you from appealing more widely
once you reach your general-election campaign. This cycle we think that
challenge is trickiest for those Republicans hoping to keep a certain distance
from former President Donald Trump (he is not a client).
For that reason, we are offering three options in the template: MAGA
(designated with an M); MAGA-Adjacent (MA); and Democrat (D).
Options without a partisan dimension carry no designation. We hope you’ll
be pleased to see how few choices you have to make to differentiate
yourself. The parties are more alike than they let on! Before scanning and
returning the document, just circle the bracketed option that is right for you,
and feel free to customise the preface with adverbs and adjectives of your
choosing (please limit yourself to 20 if you can help it):
I understand where that pessimism comes from. But I am still the optimist
I’ve always been. I believe America’s best days lie ahead. Yet we stand at a
crossroads, in grave peril of going backwards. American values are under
assault. Americans fear their devotion to opportunity and [M, MA: liberty;
D: equity] is held in contempt by some of the most powerful forces in the
Donald Trump [M, MA: restored; D: tried to destroy] so much that is great
about America. The country has come to see that so clearly during the Biden
presidency. We must now find ways to work together, as Americans, [M:
recommitting to; MA: respecting; D: rejecting] President Trump’s vision as
we move forward to make the country truly great again. I know that what
Abraham Lincoln so eloquently termed “the better angels of our nature”
have not flown away from this great country yet.
But let’s face it: the forces of [M, MA: wokeness; D: white nationalism]
have become a clear and present danger to our basic freedoms, including our
right to speak without being punished or to raise our children as we see fit. I
am sorry to say this, but I have always been known to speak plainly and I’m
certainly not going to stop now: the truth is that many of our opponents
barely bother to disguise their racism any more.
Our fight for freedom must be local, national and global. China represents
the greatest threat to our national interest since the cold war. Standing
[sample adverb opportunity] against this menace means we must [M: not]
continue to commit American resources to Ukraine’s fight. We are [M: not]
in the same grand struggle to keep alight the same democratic torch, even
when the hour seems particularly dark and rainy and the matches are getting
I do it my way
At home, the impunity with which big tech companies have manipulated our
politics, degraded our discourse and invaded our privacy must come to an
end. Twitter [M, MA: was; D: is] exhibit A of the problem. So is TikTok. In
general we should, of course, (MA: not necessarily) expect our major
corporations to embrace and promote our views [M, D: and; MA: but] we
should insist that they move their supply chains away from China.
Similarly, the time has come to confront the debt we are piling on our
children. We need to get the budget back into balance by cutting spending on
wasteful initiatives like [M, MA: DEI programmes; D: oil subsidies]. But
regardless of what the other side says, touching Social Security or Medicare
must be off the table. We stand on the shoulders of those who sit in
I don’t pretend that any of this is easy. But I’ve never believed in shortcuts.
The Founders [D: had their flaws, but] bequeathed to us [D: what may yet
prove] the greatest narrative in history. I have no doubt that, with the right
authors to pen it, America’s next chapter will be a very special one. ■
Almost until the last Mr Netanyahu brazened it out, against the counsel of
such level-headed advisers as the central bank’s governor and the chiefs of
Israel’s military and security services, who want him to drop his judicial
plan altogether. At times in the past three months he has wavered. But the
coalition of religious zealots, Jewish supremacists and homophobes that he
relied on for his return to power insisted that he must not budge. At the very
least they wanted him to pass a law giving them control of the committee
that appoints judges to the Supreme Court, by April 2nd, the end of the
winter session of the Knesset, Israel’s parliament.
Ultimately it was the few remaining moderates in Likud, a party which once
prided itself on being both nationalist and liberal, who persuaded Mr
Netanyahu to hold back, for the moment. On March 25th Yoav Gallant, the
defence minister, publicly warned that tensions over the judicial reforms
were hurting the defence forces and security agencies. “This poses a clear,
immediate and tangible threat to the security of the state,” he said. Mr
Netanyahu then announced his sacking.
Within hours of the statement, Israelis began pouring onto the streets again,
besieging the Knesset and Mr Netanyahu’s home in Jerusalem and blocking
roads in Tel Aviv. Next day the trade unions and the country’s main
employers announced a general strike that shut ports, grounded flights at the
main airport and brought much of the country to a halt. Influential Likud
members with their own bases of power were among the union barons and
mayors endorsing the strike. It was a final warning to Mr Netanyahu.
By then the game was up. Mr Netanyahu still had to spend long hours
begging his more radical coalition partners not to abandon him. The price he
had to pay to Itamar Ben-Gvir, leader of the ultra-nationalist Jewish Power
party, was to promise a “national guard”, in essence a publicly funded
private militia, which would come under the control of Mr Ben-Gvir’s
national-security ministry.
The coalition speaks in two tongues. One government official argues that
these talks could provide an opportunity for Israel to grapple at last with its
lack of a formal constitution and to clarify the status of its “basic laws”, to
which the Supreme Court has given a quasi-constitutional standing. But
another member of the coalition says: “This is just a tactical retreat.”
Even if he does keep his coalition together and in power, he has gravely
damaged himself in the eyes of business and the defence establishment, two
constituencies vital for a prime minister who has based his entire career on
growing the economy and keeping Israel safe. He has brought Israel to the
brink of civil conflict and left it deeply divided. After the Passover festival,
which begins on April 5th, Israelis are due to celebrate the 75th anniversary
of independence. The mood is hardly likely to be festive. ■
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No to number-plates
The problem is that a ban in place since 2017 means that all public-sector
hiring has been frozen, so the errant registrars cannot be replaced. In any
case, few Lebanese people can survive on a standard public-sector salary of
around $50 a month. The police are being trained to take over the role, but it
could take them an age to get rid of the backlog.
For the past five months owners of new and imported cars have not been
able to get number-plates. Nor has it been possible to register the sale of
used cars. You cannot get a driving licence or renew an old one. Insurance
companies have been loth to do business with owners of unregistered
The authorities are tight-lipped about the scandal and the investigation. No
official will speak on the record. The state news agency has so far been the
sole source of information.
To the surprise of nobody, the word is that the police seized piles of fake car-
insurance papers and evidence of the sale of driving licences to people who
had not passed their tests.
All the same, life on the shambolic roads is unchanged. The impossibility of
getting your documents for anything in order is pretty normal in a country
on the verge of collapse. As real wages have slumped in the face of rampant
inflation, ordinary Lebanese are unkeen to work for almost nothing.
Ministries, courts and schools have closed down, sometimes for months at a
The irony is that this latest cock-up was triggered by a rare effort by the
authorities to reduce corruption, which remains endemic across the country
and is one of the chief causes of the current national malaise and
dysfunction. Indeed, since the mass arrest of people in the Nafaa, most of the
lucky drivers who have somehow managed to register their cars and put
number-plates on them have been able to do so only through the naughty old
method of wasta—connections and bribery. ■
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Hunger in the Horn
FIRST THE rains in Somalia failed in 2021. Then they failed again and
again and again and again. For five wet seasons in a row, Somalis looked
anxiously to the skies while their crops withered, their cattle perished and
many people died of hunger or disease. A new report, released by UN
agencies and the Somali government, estimates that there were 43,000
“excess deaths” in the country last year, relative to the typical level. Half of
the dead were children under the age of five.
This hunger is the deadliest in Somalia since the famine of 2010-11, which
claimed 260,000 lives. And it will get worse before it gets better.
Researchers at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, whose
modelling underpins the report, project that in the coming months 135
people will die every day from drought-related causes. The Integrated Food
Security Phase Classification (IPC), a UN affiliate that measures hunger,
reckons that 6.5m Somalis will face “crisis”, “emergency” or “catastrophe”
levels of food insecurity between April and June (see map).
The drought is the worst in the region for 40 years. Its barren shadow
stretches beyond Somalia and into Kenya, Djibouti and Ethiopia, where
millions more go hungry. Dry spells in the Horn of Africa are linked to La
Niña, a temporary cooling in the Pacific Ocean that affects weather patterns
worldwide, and which is only now relenting after three stubborn years. Its
impacts may have been amplified by climate change, though the people of
Somalia can hardly be blamed for that. They have emitted roughly as much
carbon dioxide since independence in 1960 as Americans have in the past
two and a half days.
Two exacerbating factors have turned trouble into tragedy. The first is
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which before the conflict accounted for 90%
of Somalia’s wheat imports. Soaring prices for food and fuel stretched the
budgets of both families and aid agencies, says Shashwat Saraf, the regional
emergency director for east Africa at the International Rescue Committee, a
non-government organisation. In 2017, when Somalia last grappled with
drought, a swift humanitarian response saved lives. This time the distraction
of the Ukraine war (coupled with covid-19) meant that help was slower to
If food cannot move, the people must. Last year alone, 1.2m people were
driven from their homes by drought. In all, some one in five Somalis, or
3.7m people, are internally displaced. Many of them crowd into settlements
on the edge of towns, where aid workers can reach them in relative safety.
People are dying from preventable diseases such as diarrhoea or respiratory
problems, says Mamunur Rahman Malik, the World Health Organisation’s
representative in Somalia. Without protein from their animals, their immune
systems are severely weakened.
Now Somalis are scouring the skies again for signs of the “Gu” rains, which
are due next month. A slightly improved forecast and a recent drop in food
prices offer hope that full-blown famine can be avoided. But even when this
drought finally ends, it will take years for indebted families to restock their
animals and assets. Governments and aid agencies should start planning for
the next one by developing strategic water points and infrastructure, argues
Guyo Malicha Roba of the Jameel Observatory, an international research
partnership in Nairobi. Too often, their focus fades when the emergency
does. “Immediately we get a better season, we go back and sleep,” he says.
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Zimbonomics 101
The talks have raised hopes in Harare. Some in the West would like to give
the country another chance, partly out of resignation and partly because of
shifting geopolitics. But the problem remains Zanu-PF, the ruling party.
After an internal coup in 2017 that toppled Robert Mugabe, there were
several attempts to offer his successor, Emmerson Mnangagwa, a road map
to normal relations. Every time, repression or tales of corruption on a
massive scale torpedoed the efforts. So long as his regime meddles in the
economy and is accused of rigging elections, which are due to be held by
August, it will struggle to come in from the cold.
The reality is more eccentric: call it Zimbonomics. The country’s debts are
larger than they seem. The IMF last year estimated that “unfunded
liabilities” amounted to $5.75bn, including $3.25bn in compensation owed
to white farmers. Then there is what technocrats call the bank’s “quasi-fiscal
operations”: in plainer language, printing money. This is used to subsidise
farmers and miners or to buy American dollars to keep up payments on the
few foreign loans still being serviced.
Zimbonomics is not the only obstacle to improved relations. The other is the
need for political reforms. Under the Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic
Recovery Act, legislation first passed in 2001 and renewed by Congress in
2018, American support for financial assistance by multilaterals such as the
World Bank depends on, among other things, evidence that the government
is serious about the rule of law. Yet ahead of the general elections Zanu-PF
is putting not so much as a thumb on the electoral scale as a bloody fist.
In a poll published in February, 53% of respondents said they would vote for
Nelson Chamisa, the leader of the main opposition party, Citizens Coalition
for Change (CCC), in the presidential election. Just 40% said they would opt
for Mr Mnangagwa. “People look at Mugabe and say that things have got
worse,” says Mr Chamisa. He would almost certainly win a free and fair
election, even though many outsiders and people in the country harbour
doubts about his tendency to hoard power.
In any case, the election will be neither free nor fair. The CCC is unable to
campaign: 79 of its rallies were banned or broken up in the first two months
of this year. Activists are regularly arrested or beaten. Mr Chamisa’s car was
shot at in 2021. “I’m lucky to be alive,” he says.
More subtle tricks are evident, too. State-owned media ignore the
opposition. The notionally independent election commission refuses to hand
over an electronic file of the voters’ roll and charges $187,000 for a hard
copy. Voter-registration centres are scarce in opposition strongholds.
Constituency boundaries feature gerrymandering that would shame Texas.
Losing interest
But a big shift in Western policy remains unlikely. Zimbabwe, for all its
emotional resonance in parts of the West (crudely put, Zimbabwe is to
Britain what Cuba is to America), is just not important enough to warrant
going easy on Zanu-PF. America, where policy towards Zimbabwe is
determined by the few politicians in Congress who care about it, is unlikely
to shift.
The worry for Zanu-PF would be if its traditional allies get fed up with its
antics. China, which has restructured loans to Zimbabwe on at least five
occasions since 2000, would like to be paid back. Even South Africa, whose
ruling African National Congress has long propped up its fellow liberation
party, may one day rethink its indulgence of Zanu-PF, if only for cynical
reasons. It is losing votes to opposition parties that want it to send back the
possibly millions of Zimbabweans who have fled penury and persecution at
home. All the Belarusian tractors in the world could not compensate for a
change of approach by South Africa.
South Africa is not the only destination for émigrés. The latest popular route
is to Britain, where Zimbabweans fill gaps in the National Health Service
and social care. Almost 13,000 Zimbabweans were granted skilled-worker
visas in 2022, a 25-fold increase since 2019; only India (with a population
88 times larger) was granted more health-worker visas. Ultimately
Zimbabwe will fundamentally change only when its ruling party is no longer
in charge. Until then Zimbabweans will continue to vote with their feet. ■
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The Americas
The surge owes much to stimulus in the United States, which put dollars
back in pockets, as well as to the generosity of migrants, who have dug deep
to help relatives in need. Yet bumper flows during the pandemic capped
what had already been a decade of fast-rising remittance growth. Over ten
years the sums sent home annually to countries in Latin America and the
Caribbean have more than doubled, according to the World Bank. That is a
swifter rate of increase than in any other region.
Mexico receives by far the biggest amount. Its remittances rocketed from the
equivalent of 1.9% of GDP in 2012 to 4.2% in 2022 (around $60bn). In
2021 it became the world’s second-largest beneficiary, jumping ahead of
China (India is number one). Money sent home from abroad is even more
important to many of its neighbours. Twelve countries in Latin America and
the Caribbean get the equivalent of at least 5% of their GDP from
remittances. In El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras and Jamaica these now amount
to more than one-fifth of national output (see chart).
This cash is some consolation for societies that have lost armies of hard-
working youngsters, mostly to the United States. There is not much for them
at home: moribund economies are a big reason why people leave. The IMF
estimates that GDP across Latin America and the Caribbean will increase by
only 1.8% this year. Manuel Orozco of the Inter-American Dialogue, a
think-tank, says that “failed development models” across the region have
favoured big mining and agricultural companies while neglecting small and
medium-sized firms. Workers in this “missing middle” of the economy have
little choice but to go.
Remittances are changing places far off the beaten track. In Anamorós, a
town of around 17,000 people in El Salvador, large houses constructed with
foreign wages loom over traditional dwellings. Local families that do not
have relatives in the United States can be counted “on the fingers of one
hand”, says Iveth, a municipal worker. She gets $600 a month from three
brothers who work in Texas; that pays for her car and helps her support a
fifth sibling, who has a disability. On the outskirts of town, Aracely Benítez
sits in a shop that she has set up in the garage of a house built with funds that
her son, a restaurant worker in Los Angeles, has sent back during his 12
years abroad. At least a dozen nearby homes were paid for in a similar
fashion. Plots are laid out for more.
Most remitted cash is spent on essentials such as food. That helps keep
people out of poverty. One recent study of migration from Mexico and six
Central American countries concludes that, over 35 years, every 10%
increase in the number of migrants working in the United States correlates
with a roughly 9% decrease in the number of people back home who were
living on the equivalent of $1.90 or less a day.
People also use the cash to pay for private health care, a boon given shoddy
public services. In Haiti, which is racked by gang violence and where there
is little or no functioning state, remittances were the equivalent of 23% of
GDP in 2022. Jean-Robert Jean-Pierre, a 67-year-old Haitian, says “you
have to pray to God to never get sick” unless someone is helping; in his case
a friend who sends $400 a month.
Remittance flows are helpfully counter-cyclical. As was the case during the
pandemic, they tend to swell when other sources of foreign income, such as
tourism and investment, start to fall. That helps smooth consumption.
Yet economies that rely on remittances can also suffer unwelcome side-
effects. In theory they can cause local currencies to appreciate, making
exports less competitive. There is some evidence that this has happened in
parts of Central America, though the impacts appear to be small.
Studies suggest that, on balance, remittances have a small but positive effect
on growth. One drawback is that receiving remittances can discourage
people from working, which limits the extent to which foreign cash drives
lasting development at home. Research suggests that, in Honduras, receiving
remittances reduces an individual’s likelihood of being employed by nearly
nine percentage points on average, compared with people who are otherwise
similar. Ercelia Benítez, who runs a café in Anamorós (and is a cousin of
Aracely), has spent two months trying to hire someone. She blames the
influx of foreign cash.
Yet across the region there exist many more encouraging tales. Julisa
Morena, a mother of two in Chiapas, Mexico’s poorest state, says that food,
bills and school uniforms eat up much of the $100 her husband sends her
each week from Arkansas. But over four years she has managed to save
enough to buy land and some cows. In a few years, she thinks, these will be
making enough cash for her husband to come back.
Governments could do more to maximise the benefits that can flow from
their diaspora’s success. For years Mexico’s federal and local governments
persuaded migrant groups to invest in public projects by offering to match
any money they chose to donate to small-scale projects back home, such as
better roads or new community buildings. “People loved it,” says Roxanna
Hernández, who worked for the programme in San Luis Potosí state. But the
project was suspended in 2018. Dilip Ratha of the World Bank says Latin
American countries could also follow in the footsteps of Israel, India,
Nigeria and other countries which have raised money for investments by
selling bonds to emigrants.
A priority should be to push up the share of remittance recipients who have
bank accounts, reckons Mr Orozco. These people have more power to save
than others. But in much of the region remittances are withdrawn in cash
from wire services and never returned to the banking system; any money not
spent is often squirrelled under mattresses. Formalising these savings would
increase the amount lenders can invest in local businesses. And drawing
more people into the banking system would also allow them to use financial
products, such as credit, that can further improve their lot.
Some research suggests that people who receive remittances are more likely
than others to emigrate themselves. Helping them build assets makes it more
likely that they—and their money—will hang around. Either way, the region
will continue to benefit from those who make the journey north. ■
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Oily business
So far the probe has led to the resignation of Tareck El Aissami, the oil
minister, who has not been named in the investigation. Nearly two dozen
people have been arrested, including politicians and the cryptocurrency
regulator. Eleven other people are being sought by the state prosecutor. The
episode offers a rare window into the chaos and corruption at the top of
Petróleos de Venezuela SA (PDVSA), the state oil giant which Mr Maduro,
following in the footsteps of his late predecessor, Hugo Chávez, has driven
to near-ruin.
These losses for the enfeebled company are grave. They came about partly
because the firm became more reckless in order to evade American
sanctions, which were imposed on PDVSA in 2019 after Mr Maduro rigged
the election in 2018.
Since then, PDVSA has been selling oil at a heavy discount through a
byzantine network of intermediaries, mostly to independent refiners in
China. The middlemen bypass American sanctions, sometimes deploying so-
called ghost ships which switch off their tracking devices or change their
names at sea. Some of the companies trading the oil were set up just weeks
before they dealt with PDVSA. A few may have been fraudulent and never
intended to pay for the cargoes they received.
Rumours of the missing billions and dubious trading practices have been
swirling around Caracas, the capital, for months. “Entire oil tankers are
being offered in exchange for bitcoins,” one businessman claimed last year.
He said the cash-strapped government was seeking to settle its bills with
crude oil as part of a barter system of payment. “We are all oil traders now,”
he remarked.
But the government had not said anything publicly about the brewing
scandal until March, when it confirmed the first arrests had been made. One
theory for the delay is that Mr Maduro felt he needed an explanation for a
deteriorating economy. Amid a shortage of dollars, the central bank has been
struggling to prop up the local currency, the bolívar. It has slumped sharply
since October, falling by two-thirds against the dollar. This undermines Mr
Maduro’s claim that he has moved the country on from the economic
catastrophe of the past decade. Rising inflation is also a problem for him
ahead of presidential elections planned for 2024.
Last year 40,000 migrants were caught crossing the border—the highest
number since 2017, when illegal crossings started to be tracked. Despite the
new agreement, Canada’s government remains keen on accepting migrants
through legal routes. Mr Trudeau wants the country to welcome 500,000
new permanent residents each year by 2025. That is twice the number
admitted on average between 2001 and 2014. It hints at the paradox of
Canada: although it has strict immigration laws, it is far more generous than
the United States.
It helps that few Canadians are opposed to migrants. Some 85% of those
surveyed believe immigration is good for the economy and 69% support
current or increased immigration levels. Fully 76% would like to see the
country accept more refugees. By contrast, 30 years ago, when half as many
immigrants came each year, 70% felt there was too much immigration.
Pro-migration sentiment also stems from the fact that a quarter of Canadians
today are themselves immigrants. Figures released on March 22nd by
Statistics Canada show that the country’s population rose by more than 1m
in 2022, or 2.7%, to 39.5m. That is the highest annual population growth
rate in 60 years. Nearly all this increase was due to migration.
Partly because of the widespread support for migration, and the fact that
several constituencies which determine general elections have large
immigrant populations, few opposition politicians have spoken out against
Mr Trudeau’s ambitious targets. Quebec is an exception. It is the only
province to which the federal government has granted the right to determine
how many migrants it admits each year. In 2018 the governing Coalition
Avenir Québec, a conservative party, reduced the province’s immigrant
intake from 50,000 to 40,000. Last year François Legault, its premier,
equated increased immigration with “extremism and violence”.
Mr Legault apologised and has subsequently toned down his language. This
is probably because business owners are particularly concerned with the
shortage of workers. Quebec’s population is older than elsewhere in the
country, says Karl Blackburn, head of the Conseil du patronat, an
employers’ group that is calling for higher immigration levels and wants to
allow temporary foreign workers to become permanent residents. “These
people aren’t stealing anyone’s job,” he says. “They are contributing to the
growth of Quebec.” As with that province, so too with Canada.■
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Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has bullied the central bank into
slashing interest rates in the face of galloping prices, allowing the lira to
plummet. He hoped this would turbocharge the economy by making exports
cheaper and encouraging domestic production. The policy mix, repackaged
as Turkey’s “new economic programme”, would bring inflation down to
single digits ahead of this year’s presidential and parliamentary elections, his
finance minister pledged. Things have not gone according to plan.
Imports remain necessary but are now much more expensive. Hence they
have dwarfed exports, landing Turkey with its biggest absolute current-
account deficit in four decades. Annual inflation has dipped from 85% last
year, but remains by far the highest in the OECD, a group of mainly rich
countries. Growth continues, thanks less to exports than to an unsustainable
surge in consumption. Mr Erdogan’s economic model seems to have run its
The poor economy, compounded by the earthquakes that killed over 50,000
people in the country’s south in February, has darkened Mr Erdogan’s
prospects. Opinion polls show him trailing the opposition’s joint candidate
for president, Kemal Kilicdaroglu, by four or more points. For a populist
strongman who enjoys a servile news media and control over the country’s
institutions, that is hardly insurmountable. But it is the biggest hole Mr
Erdogan has faced before any major election.
How he plans to dig himself out of it remains unclear. The elections are set
for May 14th, with a run-off on May 28th if no candidate gets an absolute
majority in the presidential contest. More tends to happen in Turkey in two
months than in most countries in two years, but Mr Erdogan seems to be
running out of ideas, especially regarding the economy. Sensing a historic
chance, the opposition is closing ranks. On March 22nd the country’s main
Kurdish party said it would not, as had been feared, field its own candidate
for the presidency, suggesting it would endorse Mr Kilicdaroglu and avoid
splitting the opposition vote.
Many fear that Mr Erdogan may revert to rabble-rousing. One option may be
a renewed confrontation with Greece over maritime borders, says Selim
Koru at the Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey. An election in
Greece, also now expected in May, raises the risk of a clash (of words or, at
worst, of arms). Domestic politics may favour hot heads over cooler ones.
“I’m not sure these guys will go quietly,” says Mr Koru of Mr Erdogan and
his circle.
When it comes to the economy, the Turkish leader’s options are limited.
Over the past three months the government has raised the minimum wage by
55%, more than doubled the basic pension and passed a law making millions
of Turks eligible for early retirement. Mr Erdogan may announce further
handouts during Ramadan, which began on March 23rd. His best hope,
however, is that the economy will keep humming until the elections. It grew
by a sprightly 5.6% last year, largely thanks to laughably cheap loans and
spiking consumer demand.
Mr Erdogan holds all the economic and monetary policy levers in his hands,
but has been pulling them in opposite directions. Cuts to the benchmark
interest rate, by more than ten percentage points since 2021, drove the lira to
new depths last year. That helped exports reach a record $254bn. Imports,
however, surged to $364bn (40% of GDP), also a new high. The current-
account deficit, Turkey’s balance of payments with the rest of the world,
ballooned to $10bn in January.
Emergency measures stopped a run on the lira in 2021. But since it began
sliding again last year, Turkish officials have been rationing bank loans and
selling billions of dollars’-worth of foreign reserves, leaving the central
bank’s coffers depleted. Having lost 80% of its dollar value in five years, the
lira has now stabilised, but only at the expense of the exporters Mr
Erdogan’s model was expected to benefit. Turkish exporters now say the
currency is overvalued, and is squeezing profits. “They have become
exchange-rate addicts,” says Cevdet Akcay, an economist. “They were
ecstatic, and now they’re complaining again.”
Ordinary Turks, meanwhile, are stuck with the bill for Mr Erdogan’s
experiment, in the form of a cost-of-living crisis. Other than managing the
exchange rate, the government has done next to nothing to keep price
growth in check. On March 23rd the central bank kept the benchmark
interest rate unchanged, at 8.5%. Adjusted for inflation, credit in Turkey is
cheaper than anywhere else in the world.
Take oil first. Last December Europe banned imports of sea-borne oil from
Russia (with a few temporary exceptions). But in a concession to landlocked
countries pipelines were exempted. In retaliation, Russia shut off the
Northern Druzhba pipeline to Poland and Germany. Yet oil continued to
flow via the Southern Druzhba pipeline through Ukraine to refineries in the
Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. The latter helps Vladimir Putin
maintain his special relationship with Viktor Orban, Hungary’s prime
minister, who consistently lobbies against EU sanctions.
Sanctions bar these three countries from exporting the fuel they make from
their Russian crude to others, with one ironic exception: they can send it to
Ukraine. Ukrainian refineries, mostly in the country’s war-torn east, have
been badly hit. With its ports on the Black Sea blockaded, the only other
way Ukraine can get petrol is by truck or train. “In terms of a cynical
military strategy, we still need this oil,” says the Ukrainian energy adviser.
Russian gas, meanwhile, has never been blocked. Yet as soon as Europe
imposed sanctions, Russia began to turn off the taps. Despite the mysterious
destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline in September, Russia could have
supplied European customers with gas through the Ukrainian network. But
when Ukraine shut down a pipeline entry point in occupied territory, Russia
refused to pay full transit fees and threatened to cut off supply. Ukraine
offered to reroute the gas, but Russia declined. Naftogaz, Ukraine’s state
energy firm, has taken Gazprom, the Russian one, to the International Court
of Arbitration to resolve the dispute.
Mr Putin’s warning that Europe would “freeze” without Russian gas never
panned out: the winter was warm, and Europe found other sources. By
March Russia’s share of European gas imports had fallen to a bit over 10%.
About half of that is liquefied natural gas bought from a private Russian
company; another quarter goes through the TurkStream pipeline to southern
Europe. The rest goes through Ukraine, mostly to Slovakia and Austria.
Analysts expect Russia to wind down this diminishing flow. The contract
between Naftogaz and Gazprom runs out at the end of 2024, and it is hard to
imagine it being renewed.
Ukrainian officials say as long as Europeans are buying Russian gas they
will honour their contract to transport it. It would not be in their interests to
jeopardise European support by kicking up a fuss. Keeping Ukraine’s
network open also helps European clients who are suing Gazprom for
cutting them off: otherwise the Russians might argue that the Nord Stream
explosion made delivery impossible.
Ukraine’s own demand for gas has been reduced, with much of its industry
destroyed. The country produces almost enough for its needs. But it imports
most of its oil, especially diesel for the generators it uses during blackouts—
and for military vehicles. Ukraine buys diesel from various traders, and its
origin is often not known. But the Ukrainian energy adviser confirms, half
smiling, that a bit of the fuel powering Ukrainian tanks is probably
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Meet the hackers
So they have set about creating that army themselves. In December the
Cyber Partisans merged with the Kastus Kalinousky Regiment, Belarusian
volunteers who are fighting the Russians in Ukraine. The Cyber Partisans
say they are using terabytes-worth of hacked data to help Ukraine and some
Western countries root out Russian and Belarusian spies.
The Kalinousky Regiment and the Cyber Partisans say that once they are
finished with Vladimir Putin in Ukraine, they want to liberate Belarus. Katia
Glod of the European Leadership Network, a London-based think-tank,
reckons these groups see themselves as an emerging force that could
challenge Ms Tsihanouskaya’s more cautious leadership. “We are already
part of hacktivist history,” says Cyber #3. “Never before has the Belarusian
opposition had its own military units and its own cyber-army. We have never
been stronger.”
Mr Lukashenko has used the militants to justify even fiercer repression. His
forces have been running periodic counter-terrorism exercises. In addition,
they have been hunting partisans who disrupted Russian military trains at the
start of the invasion of Ukraine, and those still sharing details about Russian
movements with monitors abroad. Violent or not, his opponents face an
uphill struggle. ■
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Stranded assets
Stopping suspect boats from leaving port has proved easier for governments
than conclusively demonstrating their ownership. Few suspect vessels are
foolish enough to fly the Russian flag these days, and many of the oligarchs
who have been placed under sanctions have long used front companies to
conceal their assets.
Nevertheless, she points out that selling off a boat the size of a football field
and worth half a billion dollars is no easy feat. There are simply not a lot of
potential buyers, and even fewer who might wish to gallivant about in the
former property of a Russian oligarch (who might take it rather badly).
Given how quickly luxury yachts deteriorate without maintenance, many
could end up fetching only knock-down prices.
Frozen yachts have become a potential shipping hazard even in places where
the authorities are not enforcing sanctions. The government of Antigua and
Barbuda declared in March that it would amend its law to allow it to sell the
Alfa Nero, a yacht under American sanctions that has been cluttering up
Falmouth Harbour since early 2022. The Alfa Nero allegedly belongs to
Andrei Guriev, a Russian billionaire. But the vessel appears abandoned, with
fuel, crew and general upkeep going unpaid for. ■
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“It’s never too late,” says Mohammed, a member of the CGT, a trade union,
at the Paris protest. “Macron and the government have got to listen to the
ras-le-bol (fed-up-ness) of the people.” Anger at the president is acute. “I’m
not someone who wants to burn rubbish bins,” says Catherine, who belongs
to the CFDT, the country’s biggest trade union. “But his contempt is
dramatic, and makes us mad.”
Elisabeth Borne, the prime minister, has agreed to talk to trade union leaders
next week. It is hard, though, to see what they could agree on. Laurent
Berger, head of the CFDT, wants to put the pension reform “on pause”, an
idea the government rejects. His relationship with Mr Macron, which started
well in 2017, has soured. “It’s nothing personal,” Mr Berger told The
Economist at the protest march this week. “But for two and a half months
there have been millions of people in the street, week after week, and his
response has been: no meeting, no phone call, nothing.”
The political fallout from this episode looks dark. If Mr Macron were to call
fresh elections, nobody would win a majority. His centrist alliance would
lose five points, getting just 22% of the first-round vote. The party set to
benefit the most, with a seven-point gain to 26%, is Marine Le Pen’s hard-
right National Rally. ■
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No good options
THE WEST’S TWO biggest democracies head to the polls in 2024: the EU
will vote to refresh its 705-seat parliament in the spring, before America
picks a new president and Congress in November. One of these ballots will
be enormously consequential for Europe, potentially reshaping its entire
political landscape. The other will elect Members of the European
The continent’s leaders and voters were relieved in November 2020 when
Joe Biden returned the Democrats to the Oval Office. Unlike President
Trump, he has not called the EU a “foe” nor idly questioned the point of
NATO. He holds reassuringly boring views about climate change (ie, that it
is happening). As American presidents not called Trump are wont to do, he
listens to the Washington foreign-policy elite that European diplomats have
schmoozed for decades. President Biden’s secretary of state, Antony
Blinken, speaks impeccable French, an indication of moral deviance in
Trumpian circles. The incumbent commander-in-chief rarely fails to talk up
his Irish heritage. Even so, the current relationship between Europe and
America is not always smooth: witness the ructions over Mr Biden’s green
tax breaks, which Europe frets come with protectionist strings attached.
The most obvious concern, should America decide to strive for Trumpian
greatness again, is Ukraine. In an ideal world, Russian troops would be
defeated before the next presidential term starts in January 2025. Yet the
mere chance of an unpredictable leader in the White House could be enough
to encourage Vladimir Putin to tough out his botched invasion until then.
For it is American weapons and intelligence that have kept Ukraine in the
war above all else, including European aid. Trying to guess what a re-elected
President Trump would do is a mug’s game; he has said he could end the
war “within one day” by cutting a deal with Mr Putin (details to follow). Mr
DeSantis recently termed the war a mere “territorial dispute” between Russia
and Ukraine and said it was not in America’s interest to become entangled
(though he reversed himself after facing a storm of criticism). Either way,
Europe would have no choice but to accept Washington’s decision.
That split drives party choice at elections. Some 90% of Scottish National
Party (SNP) supporters say they would back independence in another
referendum tomorrow; 96% of Tory voters would oppose it. It predicts how
Scots see much else, too, suggests polling by Savanta for The Economist that
was conducted at around the time of Nicola Sturgeon’s resignation as SNP
leader in mid-February.
It shapes how they see the Scottish government: pro-independence voters are
by a wide margin more approving of its handling of a range of domestic
policies, and more likely to think it good at communicating, economic
management and international relations. It also shapes how they think about
the country’s prospects (see chart): they are much more likely than unionists
to say Scotland is prepared for another global pandemic or for the effects of
climate change. On only one question do the two groups see things
similarly: the weather in Scotland this summer.
The election of Humza Yousaf, who became Scotland’s new first minister on
March 29th after winning a ballot of SNP members, may mark a turning-
point. Since 2014, and particularly since the Brexit referendum of 2016, Ms
Sturgeon kept the nationalist movement on high alert. In her tenure she
announced a succession of deadlines for a second referendum; no sooner
would one be passed than a new one declared. Yet the idea that break-up is
coming is suddenly much harder to sustain. The centrifuge is slowing.
To understand why, start with Mr Yousaf himself. Although he was Ms
Sturgeon’s favoured candidate, he inherited little of her authority and lacks
her charisma. He secured a slim majority in a shrinking party, winning 52%
of the ballot after two rounds of voting among the SNP’s 72,000 members
(down from 125,000 four years ago). That in part reflects dissatisfaction
with the drift in public services that set in under Ms Sturgeon: posts running
transport, justice and health have earned him the unkind sobriquet “Humza
Kate Forbes, his main rival, did surprisingly well given she is a socially
conservative Christian running in a self-consciously progressive party. Her
warning that “more of the same” would be an “acceptance of mediocrity” hit
home with members. Among the public all three candidates in the race (the
other was Ash Regan, a former community-safety minister) were more
poorly rated than Ms Sturgeon, but Mr Yousaf ranked worst. That raises the
question of how he managed to win at all; one answer is that when
constitutional concerns dominate, the normal feedback loops that weed out
less popular politicians get short-circuited.
As a result Mr Yousaf must lean more heavily on the one thing that does
unite the party: a redoubled pursuit of independence. Yet the SNP does not
have a credible plan to circumvent the veto that the British government
possesses over a new referendum, and which left Ms Sturgeon’s government
roadblocked. Mr Yousaf finds himself trapped between the monomania of
his party and what he knows to be electoral reality. In the campaign he
correctly observed that a road to independence required a “sustained
majority” in its favour which did not yet exist. Yet his first acts in office
have been to declare that the “grassroots, civic-led” campaign for divorce
would be sent into “fifth gear” and to press Rishi Sunak for a plebiscite.
It is not clear how long hard-core activists will put up with the pantomime of
their leaders being rebuffed by Downing Street. The monopoly the SNP
once enjoyed over independence strategy is weakening as rival fringe groups
jostle to take the lead. Alex Salmond, a former leader of the SNP who fell
out with Ms Sturgeon and her acolytes and is intent on revenge, is watching
The bigger beneficiary by far is the Labour Party, whose voters straddle the
constitutional divide. The paradox of Scotland’s polarisation is that although
the constitution drives voters’ political allegiance, it is not their priority:
both unionists and nationalists rank the health-care system and the economy
as more pressing. The SNP’s success lay in marrying those concerns to the
cause of independence.
The strategy of Sir Keir Starmer, the Labour leader, is to convince SNP
supporters that electing a Labour government to Westminster is a faster and
more reliable vehicle for getting rid of the Tories and delivering social
change than a referendum that never seems to come. In public, the party’s
tone towards disaffected nationalists is humble. In private, it sees the best
chance in a decade of drawing a polarised Scottish electorate back to the
centre. ■
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Accident zone
OFFICIAL FIGURES show that 101 people were killed in road accidents on
the streets of London last year. The mayor, Sadiq Khan, wants to reduce the
number of deaths and serious injuries on the capital’s roads to zero by the
curiously specific date of 2041. He is a believer in “Vision Zero”, an
initiative to eliminate road deaths that started in Sweden.
Bureaucratic obstacles, and a funding crisis for TfL brought about by the
pandemic, have impeded work to improve the riskiest spots. Only a few
parts of the A1010 have bike lanes with barriers. TfL has improved 43 of
London’s most dangerous junctions, but Camden council did not adopt a
plan to change the Holborn gyratory until the end of 2022.
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Nanny state
In the budget on March 15th Jeremy Hunt, the chancellor of the exchequer,
completed the job of making good on this omission. In England working
parents of children between the ages of nine months to two years old will,
from 2025, get government funding for up to 30 hours of child care. That
builds on an existing scheme for those between the ages of three and four.
The reforms both expand the welfare state and exemplify a peculiarly British
way of thinking about it.
Britain is typically placed in the liberal category. But from the start it would
try to combine liberalism with a degree of social democracy. William
Beveridge, author of the report that became the blueprint for the post-war
welfare state, wrote that there would be a guaranteed minimum “of right and
without means test” but also “for voluntary action by each individual to
provide more than the minimum for himself and his family”. That mixture
helps explain why Britain has both the National Health Service and private
schools for the affluent. And it also illuminates why the child-care reforms
are designed as they are.
British voters seem to crave something Nordic. Polls consistently show a
majority of the public favouring a combination of higher tax and spending
on public services rather than the reverse. The government has spent over a
decade emphasising the “grave” part of its “cradle-to-grave” welfare state—
health care and pension spending have been largely protected from cuts in
recent years. A tilt towards the cradle is popular with Britons.
Mr Hunt’s expansion of child care for working parents was backed by over
70% of voters for all the major parties, according to YouGov, a polling
company. An annual survey of Britain’s social mores finds that attitudes
towards working parents have turned Scandinavian. In 2007 around 20%
disapproved of a parent (usually a mother) working full-time with a child
under three; by 2019 that had fallen to 11%, the same figure as Sweden.
(Only a handful of Conservative MPs lamented the idea of the state
displacing the family in caring for bairns: the conservative tradition has few
adherents in Britain.)
The reforms will mean a significant expansion of the welfare state, doubling
the amount that the government spends on child care to £8bn ($9bn; 0.4% of
GDP), creating a new and permanent political battleground over the funding
and management of the scheme. Yet if the child-care reforms have social-
democratic aims and implications, their design remains liberal.
The state will foot the bill and help set prices, but it is up to profit-seeking
businesses to actually provide the places for children. The entitlement, too,
will not go to higher earners; British parsimony has trumped Nordic
universalism. Families where any parent’s wage exceeds £100,000 risk
losing tens of thousands of pounds of state support for earning an additional
pound in income.
“That ends up doing some weird things to work incentives,” points out
Christine Farquharson of the Institute for Fiscal Studies, a think-tank. If the
goal of the policy is to help get those with the heftiest child-care costs into
jobs, she says, it fails: such costs are largest for high earners in London and
the south-east of England. Bungs for the upper-middle classes are frowned
on, however. The welfare state may be getting bigger, and taxes rising to pay
for it, but it remains the same muddle of competing British instincts. ■
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National treasures
THE YOUNG man in the picture was the first Polynesian to visit Britain. He
was brought to London from the South Pacific by Captain James Cook, a
British explorer, in 1774, and presented to King George III. He learned to
ride and play chess, and sat for a portrait by Joshua Reynolds, the first
president of the Royal Academy of Arts.
For more than 200 years after Reynolds’s death, ”Portrait of Omai” was
owned by the Howard family and hung at Castle Howard in Yorkshire. But
in 2001 the painting was sold to John Magnier, an Irish magnate, sparking a
protracted stand-off. Mr Magnier wants to take the painting out of the
country for good. The government believes it is of historic importance to
Britain and has repeatedly denied him permission to do so. Yet British
buyers have been unable to raise the money needed to get it back from Mr
Magnier before a ban on exporting the portrait expires. A solution may now
be in sight, involving the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles; it could be
a template for other treasured artworks that are too expensive for the nation
to buy.
Britain operates a hybrid system that balances the aims of keeping hold of
important pieces and protecting the rights of their owners. Every year about
30,000 items are sold to buyers who want to take them abroad. Britain has
no inventory of national treasures, nor does it use pre-emption rights.
Instead, all works that are over 50 years old or are worth more than £65,000
($80,000) need an export licence. Most are waved through. Older or more
valuable pieces are assessed at monthly meetings of the Reviewing
Committee on the Export of Works of Art and Objects of Cultural Interest, a
group of curators, dealers and art historians.
These are judged by three measures known as the “Waverley criteria”, after
the chairman of a government committee in the early 1950s: historic
significance, aesthetic importance and a work’s contribution to scholarship.
The most important works are kept in Britain under a temporary bar while
domestic institutions try to raise the funds to buy them. In 2020, for
example, the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich used this system to
buy a sledge that Ernest Shackleton had used on one of his expeditions to
Antarctica. An anti-slavery poem handwritten in ancient Greek by Samuel
Taylor Coleridge is subject to an export ban; would-be British buyers have
until mid-May to raise £20,400 to buy it.
This system is being tested as never before by rising art prices. Mr Magnier
paid £10.3m for “Portrait of Omai”. Now he wants £50m for it (a fair value,
according to Anthony Mould, an independent dealer). The National Portrait
Gallery (NPG) in London has been trying to raise the cash, but by the time
the export ban on the picture was last extended, in March, only half the
money had been raised. Another extension is unlikely, so the NPG has until
June 10th to find the money.
The NPG’s answer is to acquire the painting jointly with the Getty, and in all
probability for it to spend half its time in London and the other half in
California. That sort of agreement is unprecedented in Britain, but in 2015 a
similar arrangement was agreed between France and the Netherlands to
share ownership of a pair of important portraits by Rembrandt.
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Neighbourhood watch
When serious crimes like rape often go unpunished, critics ask why the
government is launching a push against anti-social behaviour. The data
suggest it is falling, after all. The police recorded 1.1m incidents in the year
to September 2022, compared with 3.5m in 2009-10.
But that may be partly because police have recategorised some episodes as
public-disorder offences. Self-reported incidents have risen in that time. And
Lawrence Sherman, a professor of criminology at Cambridge University
who is the first chief scientific officer of the Metropolitan Police, points out
that incident logs may not be the best way to measure anti-social behaviour.
By the time police turn up the miscreants have often disappeared, so
incidents are not logged. Counting the calls that report anti-social behaviour
would be better, he says, both to identify hotspots and to tell how well
policing is working.
For people who live in areas with high levels of anti-social behaviour, it is a
blight. Some, especially old people, say it prevents them from going out as
often as they would like. Anti-social behaviour can lead to more serious
criminality (and to prison, a particularly harmful place for young people).
Political considerations also play a part. In February the Labour Party
pledged its own crackdown.
Politics may explain the more scattergun aspects to the government’s plan.
Stopping nuisance begging beside cashpoints seems sensible; in shop
doorways less so. The plan to class nitrous oxide, a mild stimulant known as
laughing gas, as a category C drug (thus criminalising its users) contradicts a
recent report by the government’s own Advisory Council on the Misuse of
Drugs. The anti-social behaviour that the government attributes to its use
seems to consist of the littering of canisters, which are smaller than beer
cans, and “loitering” by youngsters in parks, which is hardly the stuff of
Organisations that work with young people point out that austerity brought
brutal cuts to youth services in areas where they are needed most. “We know
young people need hope and opportunity,” says Campbell Robb, the chief
executive of Nacro, which works to prevent offending. The government has
said its push will include extra funding for youth clubs. Achieving a balance
between that and the harsher elements of a crackdown will be key. ■
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The great train robbery
The Beeching report crept into everything from poetry (John Betjeman
wrote a bad poem about it) to song and television—in the 1990s the BBC
produced a short-lived comedy series called “Oh, Doctor Beeching!”. What
the cuts removed was not merely steel and sleepers but an ideal. Until
Beeching the country could still see itself as a place of quaint stations and
polite porters and 4.50s from Paddington, an English sort of Eden. After, it
could not. Beeching was not frugality: it was the Fall.
In truth, Britain’s railways had been in a bad way long before Beeching
wielded his axe. In the 19th century railways had unspooled across Britain
with Victorian vim and an equally Victorian absence of central planning.
One train line to Canterbury finished six miles shy of the city centre because
that was where the money ran out. The arrival of the motor car siphoned
passengers away from the trains: by 1929 some stations already had less
than 10% of their pre-1914 traffic. Government pricing obligations
condemned rail to uncompetitive rates; heavy use of the trains in the second
world war wore the infrastructure out.
By the 1960s the railways were in a sorry state. Poets such as Edward
Thomas might immortalise Adlestrop, where the only sounds on the “bare
platform” were the hiss of steam and the blackbirds. Accountants, however,
wished for more noise. The railways were losing over £100m (£1.7bn, or
$2.1bn, in today’s money) a year in 1962. Adlestrop was one of the stations
listed for the Beeching Axe.
In the years since the report was published and the cuts enacted, anger has
been replaced by analysis. It is now known that one of Beeching’s biggest
errors was a breezy assumption that cuts would not cause decline but merely
reflect it. A study in 2022 by Stephen Gibbons at the London School of
Economics (LSE) and his co-authors found that places most exposed to the
cuts saw far slower population growth than places that were least affected.
In the village of Carno in Wales (population: 736) the locals are in little
doubt about Beeching. Carno sits on the Cambrian Line, a string of small
stations that run across the hills of Powys. The arrival of the train in 1863
was revolutionary. A noticeboard in a nearby village divides its history into
two eras: the Romans and the railways. Bernard Evans recalls travelling to
school on the line as a boy. “We were thinking we were going into the
modern world.”
Then, in 1963, the modern world retreated. Carno appeared in the mournful
lists of stations that ended the Beeching report—like names on a war
memorial, as Charles Loft, a writer, puts it. It closed in 1965. Trains still
rumble past but they no longer stop. Now, saplings grow on the platform. Mr
Evans wishes the trains still ran. And when asked about the long-dead
Beeching, his reply is simple: “Shoot the bugger.” ■
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Drip, drop, tick, tock
The Climate Change Committee (CCC), which advises the government, said
on March 29th that the country was “strikingly unprepared” for the effects of
a warming planet. Turning to water supply, the CCC added a little less
gloomily that plans for reducing leaks and demand, at least, were “credible”,
and noted progress in planning new sources.
Many households have no incentive to cut back. Just over 60% have water
meters (others’ bills are based on outdated property values), but only 3%
have the “smartest” type, giving them the most frequent, granular data.
Ofwat, the industry’s economic regulator, has held price rises below
inflation; in 2023-24 the average annual water and sewage bill will be £448
($550). The government has balked at making meters compulsory outside
“stressed” areas.
Persuasion might be easier if companies’ own pipes were less leaky. The
NIC’s report applauds recent improvements—leakage is down by 11% since
2019—but adds that companies’ combined plans fall short of the 2050
target. New detection techniques, says Mr Muncaster, include advanced
listening devices that compare what they hear to online libraries of more
than 1m sounds.
Big projects are costly. In 2019 Ofwat allowed for companies to spend
£469m just on initial assessments of capacity projects when it set their prices
for 2020-25 (work on the next review, covering 2025-30, is well under way).
Companies will have to put schemes costing more than £200m out to tender.
For the biggest, there may be separate regulated companies.
New reservoirs are sure to be unpopular with those whose land and peace
are threatened by lorries and bulldozers. Environmental objections are also
certain. Near Abingdon, in Oxfordshire, for instance, there is vocal
opposition to a prospective reservoir by the Thames that is planned for
around 2040. Planning for schemes deemed nationally important may be
streamlined when the government publishes a long-awaited “national policy
statement” on water infrastructure which will, in effect, shift decisions from
local councils to ministers. But locals will still have to be listened to.
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At first glance, India and Indonesia have much in common. Both are led by
charismatic leaders first elected in 2014, and both will hold elections next
year. Narendra Modi, India’s prime minister, and Joko Widodo (widely
known as Jokowi), Indonesia’s president, cut their teeth in local politics and
have a reputation for getting things done. They run vast (India has 1.4bn
people and Indonesia 280m) and relatively young countries with myriad
ethnicities and languages.
Both places have grown quickly: India’s GDP has expanded by 71% over
the past decade, and Indonesia’s by 52%. Services, not manufacturing,
dominate output (see chart). Both are fairly open, with trade at around 40%
of GDP and annual inflows of foreign direct investment worth some 1.5% of
GDP. Both are largely informal: 90% of India’s workers and 60% of
Indonesia’s toil in the grey economy. The state is small by rich-world
standards: public spending comes to just 30% of GDP in India and 18% in
Both countries are in the midst of ambitious infrastructure build-outs.
Indonesia has built 18 ports, 21 airports and 1,700km of toll roads since
Jokowi took office. India is adding 10,000km of highway each year. Yet
there is still a huge amount of economic catch-up to exploit. Indonesia’s
gross national income per person is $4,180 and India’s is about half that:
both are “lower middle-income” economies.
Mr Modi’s India is far more wary of China. Amid deadly border clashes
with its neighbour, it has joined the Quad, a strategic grouping with
America, Australia and Japan. This has implications for the economy. In
2020 India banned TikTok and dozens of other Chinese apps. Chinese tech
firms, including Vivo and Xiaomi, have faced raids and investigations since.
Part of Mr Modi’s industrial strategy is designed to lure Western firms that
are diversifying away from China. A unit of Foxconn, a Taiwanese maker of
iPhones, recently received approval to build a $1bn facility in the state of
Our final category concerns how the two governments keep voters happy.
Both are delivering decent growth, but far too few formal jobs of the kind
China and East Asian tigers managed to create. “There are a lot of
unemployed youth, which is a waste of [India’s] demographic dividend,”
says Raghuram Rajan, formerly the Indian central bank’s governor.
Part of the response involves better redistribution, often using new, digitally
enabled welfare states. Indonesia has an enormous cash-transfer scheme. Mr
Modi’s “India stack”, a state-sponsored suite of digital platforms, links
citizens, armed with an electronic identity, to payments and tax systems, and
bank accounts. In the 2022 financial year the state handed over $76.5bn,
more than 2% of GDP, through these so-called direct-benefit transfers,
reaching around 900m beneficiaries.
Yet the political differences are stark. Jokowi sits atop a sprawling coalition
that includes former opponents and eight of the ten parties in parliament.
Part of Jokowi’s “genius” has been to stem Islamist parties through
inclusion, writes Kishore Mahbubani, a Singaporean former diplomat.
Jokowi is barred from running again in next year’s election, but his pluralist
approach is fairly likely to endure.
Ultimately, with its deeper private sector and capital markets India is likely
to continue to grow faster. The risk lies in its politics. Both countries’
models of development rely on a narrow part of the economy racing ahead;
on wealth trickling down through the informal economy or welfare schemes;
and on the political system being able to manage the resulting social
pressures. In Indonesia the government moulds and placates public opinion;
in India it sometimes incites and directs public anger. In the short term that
may not matter much. In the long run, it may be a serious problem.■
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WHAT HAS been achieved on this video call? It takes Jared Spataro just a
few clicks to find out. Microsoft’s head of productivity software pulls up a
sidebar in Teams, a video-conferencing service. A 30-second pause ensues
as an artificial-intelligence (AI) model somewhere in one of the firm’s data
centres analyses a recording of the meeting so far. An accurate summary of
your correspondent’s questions and Mr Spataro’s answers then pops up. Mr
Spataro can barely contain his excitement. “This is not your daddy’s AI,” he
Teams is not the only product into which Microsoft is implanting machine
intelligence. On March 16th the company announced that almost all its
productivity software, including Word and Excel, were getting the same
treatment. Days earlier, Alphabet, Google’s parent company, unveiled a
similar upgrade for its productivity products, such as Gmail and Sheets.
Announcements like these have come thick and fast from America’s tech
titans in the past month or so. OpenAI, the startup part-owned by Microsoft
that created ChatGPT, a hit AI conversationalist, released GPT-4, a new
super-powerful AI. Amazon Web Services (AWS), the e-commerce giant’s
cloud-computing arm, has said it will expand a partnership with Hugging
Face, another AI startup. Apple is reportedly testing new AIs across its
products, including Siri, its virtual assistant. Mark Zuckerberg, boss of Meta,
said he wants to “turbocharge” his social networks with AI. Adding to its
productivity tools, on March 21st Google launched its own AI chatbot to
rival ChatGPT, called Bard.
The flurry of activity is the result of a new wave of AI models, which are
rapidly making their way from the lab to the real world. Progress is so rapid,
in fact, that on March 29th an open letter signed by more than 1,000 tech
luminaries called for a six-month pause in work on models more advanced
than GPT-4. Whether or not such a moratorium is put in place, big tech is
taking no chances. All five giants claim to be laser-focused on AI. What that
means for each in practice differs. But two things are already clear. The race
for AI is heating up. And even before a winner emerges, the contest is
changing the way that big tech deploys the technology.
AI is not new to tech’s titans. Amazon’s founder, Jeff Bezos, quizzed his
teams in 2014 on how they planned to embed it into products. Two years
later Sundar Pichai, Alphabet’s boss, started to describe his firm as an “AI-
first company”. The technology underpins how Amazon sells and delivers
its products, Google finds stuff on the internet, Apple imparts smarts on Siri,
Microsoft helps clients manage data and Meta serves up adverts.
Not all of this went into cutting-edge technologies; a chunk was spent on
prosaic fare, such as warehouses, office buildings and data centres. But a
slug of such spending always ends up in the tech firms’ big bets on the
future. Today, the wager of choice is AI. And the companies aren’t shy about
it. Mr Zuckerberg recently said AI was his firm’s biggest investment
category. In its next quarterly earnings report in April, Alphabet plans to
reveal the size of its AI investment for the first time.
To tease out exactly how the companies are betting on AI, and how big these
bets are, The Economist has analysed data on their investments, acquisitions,
job postings, patents, research papers and employees’ LinkedIn profiles. The
examination reveals serious resources being put into the technology.
According to data from PitchBook, a research firm, around a fifth of the
companies’ combined acquisitions and investments since 2019 involved AI
firms—considerably more than the share targeting cryptocurrencies,
blockchains and other decentralised “Web3” endeavours (2%), or the virtual-
reality metaverse (6%), two other recent tech fads. According to numbers
from PredictLeads, another research firm, about a tenth of big tech’s job
listings require AI skills. Roughly the same share of big tech employees’
LinkedIn profiles say that they work in the field.
These averages conceal big differences between the five tech giants,
however. On our measures, Microsoft and Alphabet appear to be racing
ahead, with Meta snapping at their heels. As interesting is where the five are
deciding to focus their efforts.
Consider their equity investments, starting with those that aren’t outright
takeovers. In the past four years big tech has taken stakes in 200-odd firms
in all. The investments in AI companies are accelerating. Since the start of
2022, the big five have together made roughly one investment a month in AI
specialists, three times the rate of the preceding three years.
Microsoft leads the way. One in three of its deals has involved AI-related
firms. That is twice the share at Amazon and Alphabet (one of whose
venture-capital arms, Gradient Ventures, invests exclusively in AI startups
and has backed almost 200 since 2019). It is more than six times that of
Meta, and infinitely more than Apple, which has made no such investments.
Microsoft’s biggest bet is on OpenAI, whose technology lies behind the
giant’s new productivity features and powers a souped-up version of its Bing
search engine. The $11bn that Microsoft has reportedly put into OpenAI
would, at the startup’s latest rumoured valuation of $29bn, give the software
giant a stake of 38%. Microsoft’s other notable investments include D-
Matrix, a firm that makes AI technology for data centres, and Noble.AI,
which uses algorithms to streamline lab work and other R&D projects.
Microsoft is also a keen acquirer of whole AI startups; nearly a quarter of its
acquisition targets, such as Nuance, which develops speech recognition for
health care, work in the area. That is a similar share to Meta, which prefers
takeovers to piecemeal investments. As with equity stakes, AI’s share of
Alphabet acquisitions have lagged behind Microsoft’s since 2019 (see chart
2). But these, plus its equity stakes, are shoring up a formidable AI edifice,
one of whose pillars is DeepMind, a London-based AI lab that Google
bought in 2014. DeepMind has been behind some big advances in the field,
such as AlphaFold, a system to predict the shape of proteins, a task that has
stumped scientists for years and is critical to drug discovery.
The most single-minded AI acquirer is Apple. Nearly half its buy-out targets
are AI-related. They range from AI.Music, which composes new tunes, to
Credit Kudos, which uses AI to assess the creditworthiness of loan
applicants. Apple’s acquisitions have historically been small, notes Wasmi
Mohan of Bank of America, but tend to be quickly folded into products.
As with investments, big tech’s AI hiring, too, is growing (see chart 3). Jobs
listed by Google, Meta and Microsoft today are likelier to require AI
expertise than in the past three years. Since 2019, 23% of Alphabet’s listings
have been AI-related. Meta came second, at 8%. Today the figures are 27%
and 18%, respectively. According to data from LinkedIn, one in four
Alphabet employees mention AI skills on their profile—similar to Meta and
a touch ahead of Microsoft (Apple and Amazon lag far behind). Greg Selker
of Stanton Chase, an executive-search firm, observes that demand for AI
talent remains red-hot, despite big tech’s recent lay-offs.
The AI boffins aren’t twiddling their thumbs. Zeta Alpha, a firm which
tracks AI research, looks at the number of published papers in which at least
one of the authors works for a given company. Between 2020 and 2022,
Alphabet published about 9,000 AI papers, more than any other corporate or
academic institution. Microsoft racked up around 8,000 and Meta 4,000 or
Meta, in particular, is gaining a reputation for being less tight-lipped about
its work than fellow tech giants. Its AI-software library, called PyTorch, has
been available to anyone for a while; since February researchers can freely
use its large language model, LLaMA, the details of whose training and
biases are also public. All this, says Joelle Pineau, who heads Meta’s open-
research programme, helps it attract the brightest minds (who often make
their move to the private sector conditional on a continued ability to share
the fruits of their labours with the world).
If you adjust Meta’s research output for its revenues and headcount, which
are much smaller than Alphabet’s or Microsoft’s, and only consider the
most-cited papers, Mr Zuckerberg’s firm tops the research league-table.
And, points out Ajay Agrawal of the University of Toronto, openness brings
two benefits besides luring the best brains. Low-cost AI can make it cheaper
for creators to make content, including texts and videos, that draw more eyes
to Meta’s social networks. And it could dent the business of Alphabet,
Amazon and Microsoft, which are all trying to sell AI models through their
cloud platforms.
The AI frenzy is, then, in full swing among tech’s mightiest firms. And their
AI bets are already beginning to pay off: by making their own operations
more efficient (Microsoft’s finance department, which uses AI to automate
70-80% of its 90m-odd annual invoice approvals, now asks a generative-AI
chatbot to flag dodgy-looking bills for a human to inspect); and by finding
their way into products at a pace that seems faster than for many earlier
technological breakthroughs.
If the platform-shift thesis is right, the tech giants could yet be upset by
newcomers, rather as they upset big tech of yore. The mass of resources they
are ploughing into the technology reflects a desire to avoid that fate.
Whether or not they succeed, one thing is certain: these are just the modest
beginnings of the AI revolution. ■
ARTISTS RARELY create more than 5,000 works over a lifetime. Pablo
Picasso, who died on April 8th 1973 at the age of 91, produced 25,000.
Between 1950 and 2021 more than 1,500 notable Picassos were sold at
auction in America and Britain, compared with 798 by the next-most-
prolific artist, Andy Warhol, according to Sotheby’s Mei Moses, the art-data
arm of the auction house. In its recent London sales, Sotheby’s offered a
sculpture, an illustrated book, a cubist bronze cast, some gravure prints and
several drawings and paintings, all by Picasso. Prices ranged from under
£5,000 ($6,200) to more than £18m.
Since 1999 prices of Picasso’s works have grown twice as fast as the broader
market for 20th-century art. The most expensive Picasso was sold for
$180m, reportedly by a Saudi collector to a former prime minister of Qatar.
But in the midst of what one commentator calls the “Picassopalooza” around
the 50th anniversary of the artist’s death, dealers and auction houses are
nervous that the long bull market may be about to turn.
One indication is Picasso’s waning influence on today’s creators. “It is
artists, more than anyone, who propel artists of the past into the future,” says
Ben Luke, a critic. Having interviewed dozens of them, young and old, for a
podcast, “A Brush With…”, he notes that few cite Picasso as an inspiration.
“Marcel Duchamp, yes. Philip Guston, yes. Louise Bourgeois, often,” Mr
Luke says. That Picasso no longer features on that list is a “monumental
Another thing that could dampen demand for Picassos is the artist’s abject
personal behaviour. He two-timed his wives and sired children with different
women at once. He seduced Marie-Thérèse Walter, who would become his
mistress and his muse, when she was 17. He was 45. In 1932 he painted her
dreaming, depicting her left cheek and her eye as an erect penis. In the wake
of #MeToo all this is becoming harder to separate from the art. The works of
other prominent artists, including Balthus and Salvador Dalí, have lost value
in the eyes of critics and collectors because of how they they acted in
Dealers and collectors are thus anxiously waiting to see how “Celebration
Picasso”, an exhibition which opens at the Brooklyn Museum in June, will
be received. It will “engage some of the compelling questions young,
diverse museum audiences increasingly raise about the interconnected issue
of misogyny, masculinity, creativity and ‘genius’,” says the museum. One of
the exhibition’s curators pulls no punches. Picasso “suffered from the mental
illness of misogyny”, said Hannah Gadsby, an Australian comedian and art
historian, in a Netflix show. “I hate him,” she confessed.
All these concerns led to a two-year crackdown on Alibaba and its fellow
digital titans that at its worst cost Mr Ma’s company 80% of its market
value, or nearly $700bn, and nobbled its once-high-flying financial-services
affiliate, Ant Group. A forced disaggregation of the empire, some market-
watchers whispered, was only a matter of time.
Now a split is happening, though not at the behest of Beijing—at least not
directly. On March 28th Alibaba announced that it would be creating six
independent business units. Executives say this will yield a more agile
overall business, by speeding up decision-making across smaller and more
focused operations. The main unspoken goal may be to decentralise
decision-making, not least by disassociating Alibaba further from its
founder, who stepped away from day-to-day management in 2015 but has
remained involved in strategic decisions.
After the overhaul, e-commerce will remain by far the company’s largest
unit. Taobao, Tmall and other online marketplaces will be held in a group
that accounts for nearly 70% of revenues. The company’s artificial-
intelligence and cloud-computing operations will form a separate unit, led
by Daniel Zhang, the current group chief executive. Mr Zhang will also
remain at the head of a holding company that owns the new business groups.
TO UNDERSTAND THE shift in tone that has taken place in Silicon Valley
in recent months, look no further than Mark Zuckerberg’s declaration in
February that 2023 would be the “year of efficiency”. It is hardly the kind of
language to set the pulse racing—unless you are an employee on the
receiving end of it. On March 14th Meta, the tech giant Mr Zuckerberg runs,
announced it would fire 10,000 staff—on top of the 11,000 it laid off last
Meta is not alone. On March 20th Amazon, another tech behemoth, said it
would cut a further 9,000 corporate employees, having already sacked
18,000 white-collar types. So far this year American tech firms have
announced 118,000 sackings, according to Crunchbase, a data provider,
adding to the 140,000 jobs cut last year.
They have a way to go: firings since the start of 2022 represent only 6% of
the American tech industry’s workforce. Because tech companies continued
to hire throughout 2022, lay-offs have only just begun to reduce total
industry employment (see chart 1). By comparison, between the peak of the
dotcom boom at the start of the 2000s and its nadir at the end of 2003,
America’s overall tech workforce declined by 23%, or 685,000 jobs.
Still, the recent lay-offs have already been widespread and deep enough to
warrant two questions. First, who is getting the chop? And second, where
are the laid-off workers going?
So far techies themselves have been mostly spared, observes Tim Herbert of
the Computing Technology Industry Association, a trade body. Instead, the
axe has fallen mainly on business functions such as sales and recruitment.
These had grown steadily as a share of technology-industry employment in
recent years, a telltale sign of bloat (see chart 2).
Between the depths of the pandemic in the spring of 2020 and peak
employment at the start of 2023, the tech sector added around 1m workers.
Simply enlisting such numbers required hiring plenty of recruiters; as a
headhunting rule of thumb, one recruiter can hire 25 new employees a year.
Many of those same recruiters may now be surplus to requirements.
But the specialists are not immune to the efficiency drive. As part of its lay-
offs, Meta will restructure its tech functions in April. Releasing talented tech
workers back into the wild could be a boon for other sectors wrestling with
digital reinvention. For years unsexy industries like industrial goods have
struggled to compete with the tech industry for talent. Now they are
pouncing. John Deere, an American tractor-maker, has been snapping up
fired tech workers to help it make smarter farm machinery. Last year the
firm opened an office in Austin, a thriving tech hub in Texas. Carmakers,
increasingly focused on software, are also hungry for technologists. So are
banks, health insurers and retailers.
Some of the laid-off techies are helping fuel a new generation of startups.
Applications in January to Y Combinator, a startup school in Silicon Valley,
were up five-fold on the previous year. Excitement is particularly strong in
the buzzy field of ChatGPT-like “generative” artificial intelligence (AI),
which uses complex algorithms and oodles of data to produce everything
from essays to artworks—so much so that even big tech continues to hire
enthusiastically in the area (see earlier article).
Optimists hope that this technology will, like the smartphone before it,
unlock a new wave of creative destruction, as AI entrepreneurs conjure up a
variety of clever applications. The new AIs may in time mean even less need
for, say, human marketers. But they could, like other breakthroughs before
them, create entirely new job categories—not least in the technology
industry itself. ■
So common and corrosive are these characters that plenty of companies spell
out a zero-tolerance approach to them. “No jerks allowed,” says CARFAX,
which provides data on vehicle histories. Netflix, a streaming giant, is
similarly unequivocal: “On our dream team, there are no brilliant jerks.” The
careers site of Baird, a financial-services firm, says that it operates a “no
assholes” policy.
It is totally reasonable for firms to want to signal an aversion to genuine
jerks. It may not actually put people off (“No assholes? Well, I guess Baird
isn’t the company for me.”). But it sends an explicit message to prospective
and existing employees, and reflects a real danger to company cultures.
Toxic behaviour is contagious: incivility and unpleasantness can quickly
become norms if they pass unchecked. That is bad for retention and for
reputation. It’s also just bad in itself.
That said, the enthusiasm for banning jerks ought to make people a little
uneasy, for at least three reasons. The first is that the no-jerk rule involves a
lot of subjectivity. Some types of behaviour are obviously and immediately
beyond the pale. But the boundaries between seeking high standards and
being unreasonable, or between being candid and being crushing, are not
always clear-cut. Zero tolerance is dangerous. You may mean to create a
supportive culture but end up in a corporate Salem, without the bonnets but
with the accusations of jerkcraft.
The second is that jerks come in different flavours. Total jerks should just be
got rid of. But they are rare, whereas bit-of-a-jerks are everywhere and can
be redeemed. The oblivious jerk is one potentially fixable category. Some
people do not realise they are upsetting others and may just need to be told
as much.
Other people are situational jerks: they behave badly in some circumstances
and not in others. If those circumstances are very broad (whenever the
person in question is awake, say), then that tells you the problem cannot be
fixed. But if jerkiness occurs only at specific moments, like interacting with
another jerk, then it may be that a solution exists. If the thing that a talented
jerk does really well can be done in comparative isolation or without giving
them power over other people, consider it. As the well-known philosophical
teaser goes: if a jerk throws a tantrum in their home office and no one is
around to see it, are they really a jerk?
A third issue is one of consistency. This is not just about what happens when
the person declaring war on jerks is also a jerk. It is also about the many
other problem types who crowd the corridors of workplaces. Where are the
policies that ban constructive wreckers, the people offering up so many
ostensibly helpful criticisms that nothing ever actually gets done? Why not
zap the brilliant fools who have blinding insights of absolutely no practical
Above all, what about the pool of nice underperformers who putter along
amiably and harmlessly, helping the culture much more than they do the
bottom line? Talented jerks stand out, like shards of glass among bare feet:
impossible to ignore, problems that have to be solved. Mediocrities are the
bigger problem in many firms but are like carbon monoxide, silently
poisoning an organisation.
Right-minded purists will argue that anything less than zero tolerance
towards talented jerks is just pandering to people who behave badly. But
right-minded purists will have skated over paragraph three and are a scourge
in their own right. Someone ought to write a management book about
As Mr Adkerson puts it, this is not a supply problem that money alone can
solve. “There is just a scarcity of actionable investment opportunities in the
world today,” he says. Wisely, he does not go as far as suggesting the world
is running out of copper. Instead, he tells a story dating back to the days
early in his career when he was a consultant to the oil industry. One of his
friends was Matthew Simmons, a Texas-based investment banker famous for
promoting the theory of “peak oil”, which posited that the world was
running short of the stuff. And one of his clients was George Mitchell, who
later gained fame as the father of the shale revolution that made a mockery
of the peak-oil mantra. It was a salutary lesson, he chuckles. He always
keeps one eye over his shoulder for a shale-oil equivalent in the copper
The comparison between the oil and copper businesses is useful. It helps
illustrate the complexities of mining the metal. It also hints at how shortages
may be overcome. Start with the differences between the two commodities.
As Mr Adkerson explains, the technology for finding copper is not as
effective as the seismic testing used to identify hydrocarbon reservoirs
because copper deposits are spread over vast areas. Years of exploratory
drilling are required. Moreover, a lot of oil exploration is done in the ocean,
but as yet deep-sea mining is nascent and environmentally sensitive. Mr
Adkerson notes that Lockheed Martin, an American armsmaker that had
thrown its weight behind deep-sea mining, has just sold a subsidiary with
licences to explore part of the Pacific Ocean. In effect, it is quitting the
There are also stark differences in production. Not only is copper mining
more concentrated by region than oil drilling. Whereas it takes years to go
from licensing to operating an oil well, it can take a generation to develop a
“greenfield” copper mine. The consolation prize is that copper mines do not
deplete as quickly as oil wells. Some of Freeport’s mines date back more
than 100 years.
Yet the mood may be starting to shift. In the oil industry, high prices of
crude have led companies like Shell and BP to rethink the pace at which
they cut oil production. Similarly, copper miners are becoming bolder. In
April BHP, a diversified mining giant, will put to shareholders of Oz
Minerals its $6.4bn proposal to take over the Australian copper-miner. If
approved, it will be its largest acquisition since 2011. Freeport says that it
will raise capital expenditure this year to $5.2bn, up from $3.5bn in 2022,
chiefly to expand underground development at its Indonesian mine,
Grasberg. Mr Adkerson points out that some of this increase is a result of
rising costs. But he also detects a new mood among investors. “Today, when
I speak with our shareholders, they ask us where the growth is going to
come from.”
Cu later
There are two possible answers. The first is to double down on “brownfield”
sites where mines already exist. Freeport has 22m tonnes of copper reserves
in America alone. It takes between six and ten years to develop such
projects, and the current severe labour shortage could make it harder still.
But it is more promising than starting from scratch. The second answer is
technology. Mr Adkerson says Freeport has about 17m tonnes of residual
copper left in its leaching processes. He hopes that new reagents, as well as
new operating techniques using data analytics, will recover some of that in a
way that is less costly than digging a new mine, emits less carbon and faces
fewer regulatory hurdles.
The veteran miner doesn’t think this will have as impressive an impact on
copper supply as the shale revolution did on oil. But he would say that. The
greater the perceived scarcity, the higher the value of Freeport’s reserves,
and the more his company is worth. You can almost hear him rubbing his
hands at the prospect. ■
HOW QUICKLY things change. Not long ago analysts thought the global
economy was powering ahead; now they worry about a deep recession
caused by fallout from the banking turmoil. “From no landing to hard
landing”, as Torsten Slok of Apollo Global Management, an asset manager,
has written. Analysts at JPMorgan Chase—better at economics than
metaphors, one hopes—say that “a soft landing now looks unlikely, with the
airplane in a tailspin (lack of market confidence) and engines about to turn
off (bank lending)”.
Evidence from before the chaos suggested global GDP was increasing at an
annualised rate of 3%. In rich countries, job markets were on fire. So far
there is scant evidence of a shift in “real-time” data towards slower growth.
A “current-activity indicator” produced by Goldman Sachs, a bank, derived
from a variety of high-frequency measures, looks steady. Purchasing-
manager indices showed a slight improvement in March. Weekly measures
of GDP produced by the OECD, a rich-country club, are holding up. UBS,
another bank, tracks global GDP growth as priced by financial markets (in
prices of oil and cyclical shares, for example). This currently indicates
growth of 3.4%, versus 3.7% before Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) collapsed.
It is still early days. Pain may be on the way. As the JPMorgan analysts
noted, economists have two worries. One is uncertainty. If people fear a
banking crisis and the accompanying economic pain, they may cut
consumption and investment. The other relates to credit. Financial
institutions, fearing losses, may pull back on lending, depriving firms of
capital. Fortunately, there is reason to think recent turmoil will have less
impact than many fear.
Take uncertainty first. IMF research published in 2013 finds that leaps in
uncertainty—caused by things like America’s invasion of Iraq and bank
collapses—can trim annual GDP growth by 0.5 percentage points, largely
because firms delay investment. If such a hit were to materialise, global
growth would fall from 3% to 2.5%.
Yet unless the turmoil continues, the impact is unlikely to be that significant
—because bank collapses have made surprisingly little impression. A survey
by Ipsos, a pollster, found that from early to mid March American consumer
confidence grew a bit, even as startups in Silicon Valley worried their cash
would vanish. An “uncertainty index” derived from analysis of newspapers
by Nick Bloom of Stanford University and colleagues rose a little when the
turmoil began, but is drifting back down. German business sentiment
improved in March. Google searches for terms related to “banking crisis”
jumped in early March, but have also fallen again.
It is hard to say why people are so blasé. Perhaps after pestilence and war,
ructions in the banking industry seem more manageable. Or perhaps people
think governments will step in to protect them.
Many economists worry more about the second problem: credit. If firms
cannot get their hands on finance, they cannot grow so easily. On March
22nd Jerome Powell, chairman of the Federal Reserve, referred to a “very
large body of literature” when asked about the connection between tighter
credit conditions and economic activity. In the years after the global
financial crisis of 2007-09, broken credit markets held back both the short-
term economic recovery and long-term productivity growth.
After the fall of SVB, capital markets froze. From March 11th to 19th
American firms issued no new investment-grade bonds, having issued a
daily average of $5bn in January and February. This caused consternation.
Fewer people noticed when the market picked up. In recent days Brown-
Forman, which makes Jack Daniel’s whiskey, and NiSource, a utility firm,
have raised lots of money. Although spreads on corporate bonds rose a little
after the collapse of SVB, they too have fallen back in recent days.
Companies may have briefly held off issuing new debt to check that the
coast was clear. But it seems likely March 2023 will turn out to be a fairly
average month for corporate-debt issuance.
Damage to banks will prove more consequential. Since the start of March
global banks’ share prices have tumbled by more than 10%. Research
suggests falling share prices tend to hit loan growth. Banks may also cut
lending if they see deposit outflows, or need to raise capital because
investors doubt their safety. Indeed, many already appear to be tightening
standards. The hit to lending implies a growth drag of 0.4 percentage points
in both America and the euro area, according to Goldman Sachs. The
turmoil may have hurt American banks more, but the euro-zone economy is
more dependent on bank lending. This could cut global growth yet further,
from 2.5% to something more like 2%.
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The next shoe to drop
Vacancy rates have risen in all but the best offices. Landlords are offering
generous incentives to lure skittish tenants. In San Francisco more than 29%
of offices are empty, nearly eight times the pre-pandemic level. Asking rents
in the city, which has seen the biggest jump in vacancies across America, are
down by 15% compared with 2019. As these buildings can have high costs
to run, in part owing to property taxes, even a small dip in rents or
occupancy can turn a building into a lossmaker.
Some landlords may be unable, or unwilling, to hang on to these properties.
They may be unable if they cannot roll over their loans. Around 15% of
outstanding commercial-property debts across all lender types in America
are maturing this year, reports Kevin Fagan of Moody’s Analytics, a
research firm. Of these, he thinks about 40% might have trouble refinancing.
Landlords may be unwilling if the buildings involved are clearly worth less
than the value of the loan. There are examples of “bigger sponsors pre-
emptively giving back the keys even a year before loans were due to expire,”
notes Mr Capasse.
The danger is that banks end up with lots of offices, which they have to sell
at deep discounts. This will bring back memories of the global financial
crisis of 2007-09. But there are reasons to think history will not repeat. First,
commercial property is worth just half as much as residential real estate,
which is where problems were last time around. Second, lax lending saw
banks grant mortgages worth as much as 100% of a home’s value before the
financial crisis. Commercial-property lenders, by contrast, offer a borrower a
maximum 75% mortgage, meaning prices will have to fall much further for
banks to face losses.
Even the worst-case scenario would have limited impact. Roughly a quarter
of the $2.2trn of commercial-property loans owed to small banks are office
loans. Imagine that landlords hand back the keys on half these loans this
year—some $280bn in total. If banks could recover just half the value of the
loans by selling off the assets at deep discounts (say, a third of their value
three years ago) they would be wearing losses of $140bn. That is just 10%
of the equity capital that small banks hold. The blow would be unevenly
distributed, however, and could imperil some institutions.
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Credit where it’s dull
As the economy stalls, a wider range of loans may sour. But banks now have
ample capital buffers to absorb losses. Between 2015 and September 2022,
the share of core equity funding of banks increased from 12.7% to 14.7% of
their risk-weighted assets, well above the 10.7% threshold required by
regulators. Some made provisions for loan losses during covid-19, which
could be repurposed to absorb new losses. A chunk of corporate loans also
remains under government guarantee.
This leaves euro-zone banks with a painfully familiar problem: they make
too little money. The issue has dogged them since the 2010s, when a heap of
foul assets, low interest rates, anaemic economic growth and stricter rules
constrained both margins and revenues. In 2022 it had seemed as if things
were finally improving, as rising rates boosted banks’ profits. That year the
sector posted its first double-digit return on equity in 14 years.
But these cash-filled dreams are fading. One reason for this is that rates will
probably peak sooner and lower than expected just weeks ago, as central
bankers adjust to banking fragility and a slowing economy. This will depress
banks’ revenues. At the same time, funding costs are expected to rise.
Depositors are hunting for better yields, forcing banks to offer juicier
rewards. Meanwhile, investors in banks’ Additional-Tier 1 bond will
demand higher premiums after some were wiped out during UBS’s takeover
of Credit Suisse.
These pressures will squeeze net interest margins—just when other costs
threaten to dent bank profits. Wages, which represent 60% of overall bank
costs, have yet to fully catch up with inflation. The premiums banks pay for
deposit insurance will probably rise, too. JPMorgan Chase, a bank, predicts
such costs alone could trim returns on tangible equity by one percentage
point. Watchdogs may also tighten rules to make sure institutions can
withstand rapid bank runs facilitated by digital banking and social media.
All told, returns on equity of 10% or less are probably European banking’s
future. That is not the end of the world. Such returns are enough for banks’
balance-sheets to grow at 2-3% a year, meaning customers need not expect
credit to be rationed soon, says Ronit Ghose of Citigroup, another bank.
Core services like digital banking should not be starved of investment. For
shareholders it will be like investing in a utility—nice dividends, but little
The downside is that racier firms, such as startups, will have to look
elsewhere for funding, pushing risk to darker corners of the financial system.
Punters hoping for hefty returns will be disappointed. To avoid bottom-line
boredom—in both good ways and bad—investors might keep looking across
the pond. ■
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THE BANKING turmoil that has sent a handful of American and European
lenders to the wall in recent weeks has a new feature. Use of social media
and messaging apps, which spread information at lightning pace to an ever-
larger group of panickers, marks a break from past crises. Meanwhile, new
digital-finance tools let nervous depositors withdraw funds as soon as the
notion strikes them, whether from offices in San Francisco or ski slopes in
Saint Moritz.
After the fall of Silicon Valley Bank, the idea of faster bank runs is
understandably causing concern among analysts and legislators. Yet the
wave of new tech in the past decade and a bit is by no means the first to
change behaviour. Previous examples suggest something of a pattern:
innovations initially help facilitate a boom, contributing to exuberance based
on a sense of futuristic possibility, before speeding up and magnifying the
eventual bust. History also suggests that recent technological changes may
have a deeper impact, reshaping markets in the long run, too.
From the 1840s onwards, America was blanketed by the electric telegraph,
which transmitted messages by overhead wires, connecting previously
disparate financial markets in Boston, Chicago, New York and Philadelphia.
In 1866 reliable communication became possible between America and
Europe as well, thanks to an undersea telegraph cable. Historians credit
these new methods of transmitting financial information with smoothing out
pricing inefficiencies. The gap between American and British cotton prices
dropped by a third, for example, and volatility also declined. The new form
of communication was significant enough to have left a legacy. Among
currency traders, the sterling-dollar exchange rate is still known informally
as “cable”.
Historically, banks have benefited from high transaction costs and the low
financial literacy of customers, which together have kept depositors from
moving too much money into higher-yielding money-market funds. Today
new communications tech and digital finance mean the investing populace is
both more aware of the alternatives to bank deposits and has more
opportunity to invest in them. Recent research by academics at Columbia,
Peking and Stanford universities notes that Chinese banks where depositors
have more exposure to Yu’ebao, an online investment platform offering
money-market-fund investments, see more withdrawals from customers.
New tech might have helped facilitate the surge of almost $300bn into
American money-market funds in March, further destabilising banks.
Innovation has sped up sudden market wobbles, truncating panics that would
have taken months in the 19th century to weeks. In the modern era, timelines
have contracted further, from weeks to days or even hours. Yet this may turn
out to be just one of the ways in which frictionless trading and freely
available information, of varying quality, affect finance in years to come.
The profits banks have enjoyed for decades—or centuries—thanks to high
transactions costs and low financial literacy might also become harder to
sustain. ■
WAR IS TEARING apart Ukraine’s economy. Last year the country’s GDP
fell by 30%; a ballooning budget deficit forced the central bank to print
billions of hryvnia and devalue the currency. On March 21st the IMF
announced Ukraine would receive the seventh-biggest bail-out in the fund’s
79-year history. The country is set to receive $15.6bn over the next four
years through an emergency programme that may be approved by the IMF’s
board (on which Russia has a seat) next week.
Although a huge sum for the fund, this is still nowhere near enough for
Ukraine. The country estimates that to continue financing the war this year,
it will need $39.5bn more than it expects to receive from tax and aid, a
shortfall equivalent to 9% of GDP. The IMF is expected to release at most
$5bn this year. The rest, it says, should come from the likes of America,
Europe and the World Bank. Such donors have stumped up at least $34bn in
grants and loans at cheap interest rates since the war began. The hope is that
the IMF’s involvement, which includes a stress test of Ukraine’s economy
and its debts, will coax them into providing more.
Even if Ukraine cobbles enough together to fill the gap, there is the matter of
repayment. Borrowing from the IMF is expensive—more so than from other
donors. As a middle-income country, Ukraine has to pay a basic interest rate
of 3.5%. Every time it receives a disbursement, the fund charges an
additional half a percentage point for administrative costs. And because
Ukraine is borrowing so much, it is liable for surcharges. These are
payments intended to discourage countries from seeking more than they
require from the fund. By the time Ukraine has received its full package,
surcharges will probably tack on an extra three percentage points to its
interest bill. All told, Ukraine’s government could rack up rates of 7.5-8%.
Surcharges are not the end of the attached strings. All IMF loans come with
economic prescriptions. On paper these should boost growth and fiscal
discipline, helping the borrowing country to repay its debts. The fund has
struggled to adapt its bread-and-butter prescriptions for misbehaving
economies to an economy under siege. Some of its suggestions may prove
useful. After getting into a scuffle with the government last year about
printing money, the central bank will welcome the fund’s demand that no
more printing take place. Other reforms, such as a commitment to reactivate
domestic debt markets, are admirable, if a little difficult to get going while
bombs fall. But the IMF’s most substantial reforms typically revolve around
restraining spending, which is simply not an option so long as Ukraine is at
war. So far, the fund has said it plans to recommend fiscal reforms, but
stayed vague on the details. Given that it has a reputation for heavy-
handedness, any missteps in Ukraine could prove disastrous.
Although these risks in theory should be incorporated into the IMF’s stress
tests, the fund’s forward-looking analysis is easily thrown off balance.
Predicting the future of any crashing economy is tricky. Nailing down what
Ukraine’s economy, caught in an invasion, might look like in a year, let
alone at the end of the four that the programme covers, is even more
difficult. At the moment, the fund has a four-percentage-point range of
expectations for GDP growth in 2023, from -3% to 1%. If Ukraine’s fortunes
fall at the lower end of the spectrum, or below, the worry is that the fund will
have wildly overestimated its ability to repay. The nightmare would be
crippling the country with debts while it is still at war, or just beginning to
“There needs to be economic support for Ukraine but its allies should have
borne the risk, not the IMF,” argues Mark Malloch-Brown of the Open
Society Foundations, a campaign group, “and done so with grants instead of
letting Ukraine rack up debt.” For some, the fund is bringing back memories
of the last time it lent at scale in Europe: bail-outs to Greece, Ireland and
Portugal in the wake of the euro-zone crisis. Just as France and Germany did
too little then, Kyiv’s allies are doing too little today. Ukraine will bear the
cost. ■
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Neon lights, shining bright
THE WAR in Ukraine has reconfigured global flows of oil and gas. Less
visible has been its impact on another supply chain: that of the so-called rare
gases—neon, krypton and xenon—which are used in everything from
chipmaking to medicine to space propulsion. Russia and Ukraine have long
been big suppliers, accounting for about 40-50% of the global supply of
neon before the conflict, and 25-30% of xenon and krypton, according to
John Raquet of Spiritus Consulting, an industrial-gas specialist. At times,
their share of the supply of neon has been as high as 70%.
This flow stopped after Russia’s invasion last year. The conflict also affected
the operation of steel mills in Ukraine. As a result, rare-gas purifiers in
Ukraine have been running at a fraction of full capacity. At the same time,
sanctions have limited exports from Russia. The drop in supply caused a
surge in wholesale prices, particularly of xenon, which went from $15 a litre
in 2020 to more than $100 in mid-2022.
In response, chipmakers drew on their rare-gas reserves and invested in
technology that enables recycling. Other buyers cut usage or switched to
alternatives. Xenon is sometimes used as an anaesthetic, for example, but
less so if the price is high, when it is replaced by gases including nitrous
oxide. Other gases, such as argon or nitrogen, can be used in place of
krypton in triple-glazed windows. Krypton and xenon are used as propellant
in satellite thrusters, but the latest Starlink satellites launched by SpaceX
now use argon instead.
Supply chains have been reinforced and suppliers diversified, meaning the
rare-gas industry is now much less vulnerable to geopolitical risk.
Companies of all kinds have been paying more attention to their supply
chains lately, in response to upsets caused by trade disputes, covid-19 and
the war in Ukraine. Firms make the headlines when they fail to cope with
disruption. As the rare-gas industry shows, few people notice when they
succeed. ■
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Losing its bite
The list could in fact be expanded further. Seven countries that are now
high-income by the “China 2030” definition did not exist as sovereign
nations in 1960, so do not appear on the chart. These include the Czech and
Slovak republics, as well as several former members of the Soviet Union:
Estonia, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Latvia and Turkmenistan.
The country that once dominated them, Russia, also moved from middle-
income in 1960 to high-income in 2022. Its economy has withstood
Vladimir Putin’s war better than expected. Yet its GDP per person could fall
below the high-income threshold this year. A Russian reformer once quipped
that his country had been trapped in middle-income for two centuries. Mr
Putin is doing his best to return it to that state.■
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Free exchange
On the face of it, the question is absurd. Only a year ago prominent voices
were calling China “uninvestible”. Anyone venturing their money in the
country must worry about a new cold war between China and its most
important trading partners. That includes the prospect of crippling financial
sanctions and suffocating export controls on China’s most sophisticated
China also has banking vulnerabilities of its own. Smaller regional lenders,
including more than 120 city commercial banks and thousands of rural
lenders, are not as robust as the rest of the system. They struggle to compete
with bigger banks for deposits and find it hard to resist pressure from local
governments to lend to white elephants. Investors must also remember the
country’s approach to covid-19. Policymaking managed to be both obstinate
and capricious, inflexible and unpredictable.
And yet China has several macroeconomic and financial peculiarities that
look like strengths in the current turmoil. The eccentric commitment to the
country’s zero-covid policy has thrown its economic cycle out of sync with
the rest of the world. It thus represents a natural “growth hedge”, according
to Xiangrong Yu, Xinyu Ji and Yuanliu Hu of Citigroup, a bank. China may
be the only big economy that grows faster this year than last, they point out.
This means the growth gap between China and America could widen to five
percentage points, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit, our sister
These same pandemic restrictions also kept a lid on price pressures.
Consumer prices rose by only 1% in February, compared with a year earlier,
a number that would seem to belong to a lost era in much of the world.
China is the land that inflation forgot. Thus its central bank has not felt
compelled to raise interest rates in a hurry. Indeed, it eased policy in March,
cutting reserve requirements by 0.25 percentage points for most banks.
Bond prices did wobble during the chaotic abandonment of the zero-covid
policy. But in China, unlike in America, Europe or most emerging
economies, yields remain lower now than at the end of 2020. Moreover,
instead of triggering a run on the banks, the bond sell-off accelerated a run
into them. People who lost money on wealth-management products, which
invested in bonds, fled into deposits. The economists at Citi reckon that
household deposits now exceed pre-pandemic trends by 15.4trn yuan
China’s regulators are now in a cautious mood, rather than a hawkish one.
They are aware of financial risks faced by regional banks but keen not to
precipitate them. If another regional lender gets into trouble, they may show
more forbearance than they have previously displayed. The authorities will
not want to let anything interrupt an economic recovery that is still only a
few months old. The central government “will likely do everything it can to
evince an aura of stability”, writes Houze Song of MacroPolo, a think-tank,
even if that requires “quiet, below-the-radar bail-outs” of some vulnerable
borrowers. This offers an attractive window for investors. The authorities are
neither blind to banking risks nor inconveniently keen to crystallise them in
the immediate future.
China has risks of its own. But that is the point. China’s financial risks are
its own, whereas America’s quickly become everybody else’s, too. Risks
with Chinese characteristics could offer some respite from risks with global
characteristics. ■
For forces in Ukraine keen to go unnoticed, the challenge is not just that
precision sensors are multiplying, on land, in the skies and in orbit. It is also
that better automatic target-detection software is helping operators find
needles in the haystacks of data being collected.
Look out!
For example, software called Kestrel, developed by Sentient Vision Systems
of Melbourne, Australia, scans feeds of visual, infrared and radar data, and
places red boxes around people and other potential targets, even as their
positions in the frame move. Sentient says Kestrel has been deployed on
more than 3,500 crewed and uncrewed aircraft since its introduction in 2009.
The pertinent data processing, which also classifies objects and calculates
ranges, can be done aloft—a bonus, for an aircraft may collect more data
than can be streamed to computers on the ground.
Producers keep price lists close to their chests, but the products cost enough
to be deployed only sparingly on Ukraine’s battlefields. Mr Zrazhevsky
notes, for example, that multispectral netting called Nakidka, a product of
NII Stali, a Russian firm, is usually used only for high-end kit, like T-90M
tanks and mobile Iskander missile launchers. Ukraine is also short of
multispectral camouflage, says a colonel in Kyiv, who prefers to remain
anonymous. With insufficient ponchos for even snipers and special forces,
some soldiers, he says, are attempting to buy their own.
One design employs copper, the flakes being about a tenth of a micron thick
and a few tens of microns in diameter. These reflect body heat inwards.
Another uses similarly sized flecks of aluminium with surfaces wrinkled into
ridges. These ridges scatter infrared emissions in different directions,
blurring a heat source’s shape.
Both designs would add but a trivial amount of weight to military fatigues,
notes Alon Gorodetsky, a professor of chemical and biomolecular
engineering at Irvine, who leads the project. The technology, he says, could
be ready within a few years. Such materials, he adds, might also be used as
insulation for the better control of heat flows in electronics.
Look natural
A greater threat still may be hyperspectral sensors. These use sophisticated
data processing to map not just objects’ shapes, but also their composition—
be that foliage, fabric or metal. Giorgio Licciardi, an expert on collecting
hyperspectral data from orbit at the Italian Space Agency, in Rome, says the
technology even detects buried anti-tank mines. (Soil on top of them is
typically drier.) Officials are tight-lipped about use of hyperspectral data for
fighting in Ukraine, he and others note, but no one doubts that its role will
Russia’s army is exhausting itself in crude and costly ground assaults across
eastern Ukraine. It has little offensive potential left. But it is easier to
execute cyber-attacks than raise new battalions.
Dr Strachan’s work still has much to recommend it. What the catchy label
has fostered, however, is an erroneous belief that cleanliness is not
necessarily a health benefit. In reality, says Thomas Marrs, a paediatric
allergist at Kings College, London, hygiene is usually about bugs causing
infection—and the bugs that may be beneficial are different from those
which do that. But it is plain to see why alternative descriptions, such as “the
high turnover and diversity hypothesis” or “the microbial deprivation
hypothesis”, have not caught on, more accurate though they may be.
Of the 66,000 or so children they chose to look at, 22% had been born into
households with pets, and were thus exposed to microbes and other potential
allergens from those animals both before and after birth. Children in
households with dogs, the researchers found, had lower rates than average of
allergies to eggs, milk and nuts. Those cohabiting with cats seemed more
tolerant of eggs, wheat and soyabeans. However, children whose parents
kept “turtles” (terrapins, in particular, are popular pets in Japan) appeared
unaffected. And, curiously, those exposed to hamsters appeared more likely
than average to be allergic to nuts.
There are confounding variables. The researchers themselves point out that
pet-owning households are more likely to live in the countryside, with its
other sources of immune-system-stimulating factors. And, as Dr Marrs
observes, allergy-prone families are less likely to own pets in the first place.
These facts, rather than the presence of companion animals, might explain at
least part of the effect.
Gradual. By Greg Berman and Aubrey Fox. Oxford University Press; 240
pages; $29.95 and £22.99
On the right, Donald Trump and his acolytes have sought “the ultimate in
radical change”: to overturn the result of a democratic election. “I am your
warrior, I am your justice…I am your retribution…I will totally obliterate
the deep state,” Mr Trump thundered on March 4th at a supposedly
“conservative” conference. As president, he cosied up to Vladimir Putin and
spoke warmly of some neo-Nazis.
Some on the left, meanwhile, deem America so rotten that old structures
must be swept away. “Defund the police!” “Abolish ICE [the agency that
enforces immigration laws]!” The authors refer to Ibram X. Kendi, a
fashionable scholar, who wants to create a “Department of Anti-racism”, to
be staffed by “experts on racism” with the power to veto any policy that fails
to advance his definition of racial equity. They would have “disciplinary
tools” to wield against public officials who dissented. This would, in effect,
hand quasi-dictatorial power to a small group of people who share Mr
Kendi’s world-view.
Mr Berman and Mr Fox admit that radical change has sometimes been
necessary: for example, to achieve the abolition of slavery. But the more
cautious sort is more often effective, because “gradualists know how little
they know”. Anyone trying to understand a big problem is sure to miss
crucial information. Errors are inevitable. Incrementalism makes it easier to
correct them. New ideas can “be tested, evaluated and honed over time”.
So alluring was this plan that supportive “Townsend clubs” went on to enroll
nearly one in five Americans over 60. Had it been enacted, it would have
been a disaster. Forcing the old to retire would not have magically created
more jobs, and the Townsend plan would have cost, by one estimate, “half
the nation’s wealth without any plausible funding mechanism”.
The other plan was, in the authors’ words, “slow to develop, internally
contradictory, and seemed hopelessly inadequate to the urgency of the
moment”. President Franklin Roosevelt decided to frame his “Social
Security” law of 1935 not as a handout, but as a reward for past labour.
Workers chipped in via a payroll tax, and the benefits they eventually
received were (very roughly) tied to their lifetime contributions. This made
the programme stingy in the short run—the first benefits were not paid out
for five years—but secure in the long run, because pensioners believed that
they had earned their benefits “and would be furious if they were
Initially, Social Security was far smaller than other bits of Roosevelt’s New
Deal. It took 15 years and endless tinkering before it assumed the shape it
approximately has today. Benefits to dependents and survivors were added
in 1939; federal grants to help the states look after the disabled were
introduced in 1950; and so on. Now it is the largest government programme
in America, and so popular that pundits refer to it as the “third rail” of
politics. In other words: you touch it, you die.
For this startling turnaround, the authors credit not one big reform but what
the New Yorker called “a thousand small sanities”. Legions of new police
officers were hired, and a tough oversight board weeded out the bad ones. A
new data system identified crime hot spots. Cops cracked down on minor
offences that created an atmosphere of lawlessness, such as fare-dodging and
public urination. Businesses clubbed together to clean up neighbourhoods;
NGOs offered after-school clubs for at-risk teenagers. As the number of eyes
on the street grew, criminals ceased to dominate them. New York became a
pleasant place to live, even as its prison population fell: specialised courts
for drug offenders and the mentally ill sent more lawbreakers for treatment
instead of locking them up.
Incrementalism can seem slow, Messrs Berman and Fox acknowledge, but
modest changes are more likely than radical ones to earn a consensus across
the political spectrum, and are less likely to provoke a backlash and wind up
being reversed. They can be started sooner and, if they work, they can be
continued or extended. Far from being a defence of the status quo,
“incrementalism calls for ceaseless change”, from the continuous
improvement of a Japanese car factory to the building of America, one
immigrant family at a time.
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Entertaining lives
NOEL COWARD made his acting debut on the London stage in 1911 at the
tender age of 11. The production—an underwater-themed Edwardian
fantasia—was not auspicious. The young actor’s doltish lines included
“Crumbs, how exciting!” All the same, he tried to play the minor part of
court jester with such conviction that everyone in the theatre might
recognise his talent. He already seemed set on a starring role. Asked once
what he wanted to be when he grew up, he replied, with great seriousness, “a
For audiences in the 1920s, recovering from the first world war, Coward’s
early plays were a tonic. “Hay Fever” and “The Vortex” delight in the
magnificent wordplay, inconsequential yet entertaining, between eccentric
old aristocrats and a younger generation brought up on alcohol, drugs and
jazz. These plays were Coward’s way of sending up the decadence and
destruction of the Roaring Twenties, when it was a virtue to be flippant and
fun even in the face of tumult. As one character says in “Private Lives”,
Coward’s hit play of 1930, you had to “laugh at everything”.
Critics often dismissed his comedies as light and unintellectual, but so long
as they were doing well at the box office, Coward’s main concern was the
accumulation of property. Goldenhurst, an Elizabethan farmhouse in Kent,
was his largest and most lavish purchase. He used the fortune he made in the
West End and on Broadway to transform it into a plush estate enjoyed by his
mother, Violet, to whom he felt indebted for his success.
Male lovers came and went, but he clung to a group of friends with lives as
glamorous as his own. Gladys Calthrop designed the costumes for many of
his plays; the composers Ivor Novello and Cole Porter were among his
closest pals. Perhaps no one was more devoted to Coward than Cole Lesley.
First employed as his valet in 1936, Lesley managed to weather Coward’s
vicious moods and bleak depressions for more than 35 years.
When the second world war erupted, it unleashed in the writer a burst of
nationalism which, in Mr Soden’s account, made him snobbish and petulant.
Through his friendship with Winston Churchill, and in spite of his lack of
experience or training, Coward managed to bag a top job in the Secret
Service. The Nazis put him on their list of British residents who were to be
arrested—and presumably executed—in the event of a German victory. But
this employment was abruptly terminated, in part due to growing impatience
with Coward’s flamboyant lifestyle. The success of his play “Blithe Spirit”
(1941), performed as bombs whistled overhead, did not lessen his
resentment. He sent a flurry of peevish letters to Whitehall.
Yet old age also emboldened his defence of homosexuality. Using recent
archival discoveries, Mr Soden highlights Coward’s opposition to its
criminalisation, which he called “stupid and quite barbarous”. An
unpublished letter reveals that in 1960 he planned a daring but unfinished
play about a male love triangle; later he drafted several scenes for a play
confronting the deep-rooted nature of homophobia. Had either been
produced, it would have made history as the first depiction of homosexual
desire on a British stage.
These days his plays are often regarded as frivolous and outdated. Mr Soden
finds in them a seriousness that their original audiences failed to see—and
that even Coward, guarding his reputation as a light entertainer, may have
preferred to gloss over. Return to his work after reading Mr Soden’s
illuminating biography, and it is striking how often his sparkling wit seems
shadowed by despair. “Is he happy, do you think? I mean really happy?”
someone asks of Garry Essendine, a character in “Present Laughter” (written
in 1939). Essendine, a thinly veiled self-portrait, responds with rare candour:
“There’s something awfully sad about happiness, isn’t there?” ■
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Margaret Thatcher and the IRA
JUST AFTER midday on September 15th 1984, a neatly dressed young man
carrying an unusually heavy suitcase walked up to the reception desk of the
Grand Hotel in Brighton and asked for an upper-floor room with a sea view.
The smiling receptionist offered him room 629. All he had to do now was
fill in the registration card with his false name and an address in London,
and avoid leaving any fingerprints. By a stroke of luck, 629 was one of the
rooms that best suited his plan: to plant a bomb with a long-delay timer that
would detonate in the early hours of the morning 27 days later—and kill
Britain’s prime minister and much of the cabinet.
The engineers of the Irish Republican Army (IRA) had calculated that, if
positioned correctly, the bomb would bring down the giant chimney stack of
the Victorian hotel, so that it would topple through the blast hole and slice
through the building. The chimney would take with it a vertical stack of
rooms with numbers ending in 9—including the Napoleon Suite, in which
Margaret Thatcher, the prime minister, would be staying as she prepared to
address the Conservative Party conference that same day.
The plan almost worked perfectly. But the chimney stack veered slightly,
destroying the rooms with numbers ending in 8. Those ending in 9 were
merely clipped. The bomb killed five people and injured 34, many of them
grievously, including two cabinet ministers, Norman Tebbit and John
Wakeham, whose wife, Roberta, was among the dead. The prime minister
survived with barely a scratch and insisted on giving her conference speech,
as intended, later in the day. Meanwhile, the bomber, Patrick Magee, was
500 miles away, holed up across the Irish Sea in Cork, glued to the radio for
Rory Carroll, a Dubliner who reported from Belfast in the mid-1990s, when
Northern Ireland’s Troubles were winding down—and is now the
Guardian’s Ireland correspondent—has knitted together an impressive array
of sources to tell, for the first time, the complete story of the plot to kill the
British leader. He chronicles, too, the hunt to identify and then catch Mr
Magee and his accomplices.
But the author’s admiration shines through for the heroic police bomb-
disposal specialists in his narrative, such as Peter Gurney and Ken Howorth
(who was killed in the basement of a London hamburger bar in 1981). The
same goes for the painstaking work of ordinary detectives and a brilliant
forensic scientist, David Tadd, who eventually matched Mr Magee to the
hotel registration card.
Nor does Mr Carroll spare readers the horror of the lives truncated or
wrecked by the IRA’s bombing campaign. His mostly gripping tale is a
reminder of a time, before the rise of Islamist terrorism, when random
bombings seemed routine in Britain, and every so often the IRA would pull
off a grisly “spectacular”. The book opens on the awful August day in 1979
when the terrorists blew up Earl Mountbatten’s family boating party and
killed 18 British soldiers in an ambush in Northern Ireland. Three years
later, in July 1982, the IRA’s “England Department” matched that with
same-day bombings in Hyde Park and Regent’s Park, killing 11 soldiers and
leaving indelible images of eviscerated horses lying in the road.
As the 25th anniversary nears of the Good Friday Agreement, which brought
a fragile peace to Northern Ireland, the book is a warning to those prepared
to play fast and loose with its terms. Paradoxically, the reckless mendacity of
Boris Johnson, the former prime minister, over the impact of Brexit on
Northern Ireland, and the self-harming intransigence of the Democratic
Unionist Party on that and other issues, have done more for the prospects of
a united Ireland than IRA bombing ever did. ■
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Laughter in the dark
The largely Egyptian audience roared with laughter. For many of the punters
at his show, Mr Youssef is an icon. He was one of the first people in the
Arab world to host a political-satire show on television. A decade ago,
during his Friday-night slot, generations of Egyptian families would huddle
round screens to watch him; the streets of Cairo fell silent. Here, in a
prestigious auditorium in London, things were different. Mr Youssef, known
for his tongue-in-cheek Arabic humour, was performing almost entirely in
His career in comedy began in 2011, during the Arab spring. Previously a
heart surgeon, Mr Youssef began filming political satire in his laundry room
and posting it to YouTube. He was funny—dangerously funny. A big
television network snapped him up and broadcast his show, “The
Programme”. At its peak it had between 30m and 40m viewers each week,
more than a third of Egypt’s entire population.
He did not know what he would do next, he says now. “The Programme”
had been a product of those brief years of revolution. A version of the show
made in exile would be a pale replica of the original. In the end he decided
on a complete reinvention. Four years ago, he set out to become an English-
speaking stand-up comedian.
Doctor, doctor
It wasn’t easy. A new language came with new cultural references, and at its
own pace. “I discovered that the hard way,” recalls Mr Youssef. “There were
nights when I did terribly [on stage] because I couldn’t find that rhythm.”
But he has now mastered his craft. The acutely observed material in his new
show, “Adam”—now bound for New York after a European tour—is a
culmination of those laborious years.
For all that, one thing remains the same: Mr Youssef’s life in America is still
bound by limitations, albeit of a different kind from the old constraints in
Egypt. To illustrate that point during the show, he tells the story of an
Arabic-speaking woman who was detained at an airport for saying the word
inshallah (“God willing”) on the phone before boarding a plane. In practice,
he explained to the non-Arabic-speaking listeners in the room, inshallah
means “it’s never going to happen” (the Arabs in the audience chuckled
knowingly at this paraphrase).
Along with some experiences of his own, this anecdote made Mr Youssef
realise that, to some extent, he would still have to police his own behaviour
in the “free world”. The only place he does not have to do this is on stage.
Will he ever escape such strictures? There is hope, he says. But with a
caveat: “Inshallah.” ■
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THE HYPE that followed ChatGPT’s public launch last year was, even by
the standards of tech innovations, extreme. OpenAI’s natural-language
system creates recipes, writes computer code and parodies literary styles. Its
latest iteration can even describe photographs. It has been hailed as a
technological breakthrough on a par with the printing press. But it has not
taken long for huge flaws to emerge, too. It sometimes “hallucinates” non-
facts that it pronounces with perfect confidence, insisting on those
falsehoods when queried. It also fails basic logic tests.
Amid the hype, it is easy to forget a minor miracle. ChatGPT has aced a
problem that long served as a far-off dream for engineers: generating
human-like language. Unlike earlier versions of the system, it can go on
doing so for paragraphs on end without descending into incoherence. And
this achievement’s dimensions are even greater than they seem at first
glance. ChatGPT is not only able to generate remarkably realistic English. It
is also able to instantly blurt out text in more than 50 languages—the precise
number is apparently unknown to the system itself.
Asked (in Spanish) how many languages it can speak, ChatGPT replies,
vaguely, “more than 50”, explaining that its ability to produce text will
depend on how much training data is available for any given language.
Then, asked a question in an unannounced switch to Portuguese, it offers up
a sketch of your columnist’s biography in that language. Most of it was
correct, but it had him studying the wrong subject at the wrong university.
The language itself was impeccable.
Who knows if this is true? ChatGPT not only makes things up, but
incorrectly answers questions about the very conversation it is having. (It
has no “memory”, but rather feeds the last few thousand words of each
conversation back into itself as a new prompt. If you have been speaking
English for a while it will “forget” that you asked a question in Danish
earlier and say that the question was asked in English.) ChatGPT is
untrustworthy not just about the world, but even about itself.
This should not overshadow the achievement of a model that can effortlessly
mimic so many languages, including those with limited training data.
Speakers of smaller languages have worried for years about language
technologies passing them by. Their justifiable concern had two causes: the
lesser incentive for companies to develop products in Icelandic or Maltese,
and the relative lack of data to train them.
But this was not the only great migration. Between 1900 and 1940, roughly
5m southern whites left former Confederate states and neighbouring
Oklahoma. In a peer-reviewed study to be published later this year, Samuel
Bazzi, Andreas Ferrara, Martin Fiszbein, Thomas Pearson and Patrick Testa
used digitised census records to track these white migrants’ journeys. They
found that this group was not just greater in number, but, as they spread their
culture and attitudes, perhaps in political influence, too.
White migrants differed from black ones in ways besides race. Whereas
some white migrants were destitute, they were on average richer than black
migrants, being about as well-to-do as whites already living in the places
where they arrived. And unlike black migrants, who usually went to cities,
most of them went to rural areas, often in the country’s western states.
The white migrants carried their convictions with them. Surveys conducted
in the 1960s show that compared with white people born in the north, they
were more often evangelical Christians, and tended to favour racial
segregation and oppose government programmes to help black Americans.
They were also more likely to set up churches and to work in newspapers
and radio, which helped them share their views with their neighbours.
Today, Americans are moving in the opposite direction: between 2020 and
2022, nine of the top ten states by net internal migration were in the
country’s south. Some of the people now heading there will carry a legacy of
past migration with them. The researchers found that parents in the north
who had a high share of southern-born white neighbours were more likely to
give their child a biblical name.■
Chart source: “The other great migration: southern whites and the new
right”, by S. Bazzi, A. Ferrara, M. Fiszbein, T. Pearson and P. Testa,
Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2023
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Gordon Moore’s law was the spur that drove the digital
A world built on sand
In 1965, in Electronics magazine, he laid out his thinking plainly. In the past
decade, the number of components in each integrated circuit had roughly
doubled every year. In the next decade, therefore, they would probably do
the same. Devices containing such circuits would become more efficient,
more popular and less expensive, all at an exponential rate. They would
power “such wonders” as home computers, automatic controls for cars, and
“personal portable communications equipment”. Even wristwatches could
have them. And though he went no further into his crystal ball than 1975, he
saw no reason why this extraordinary growth should not go on for a long,
long time.
The article caused a sensation. What seemed to him just blind extrapolation
was seized on as a Great Truth, “Moore’s law”. From that time on,
semiconductor companies took it as a given that the processing power of
their product ought to double every year. If it didn’t, they would lose their
edge. In 1975 Dr Moore reviewed it, and thought the rate of doubling should
be every two years—even though, in the preceding decade, it had in fact
doubled in nine of the ten years. This refinement hardly made a difference.
The points the industry took away from him were, first, to make
semiconductors as tiny as possible, and second, to do it fast. Or fall behind,
probably never to recover.
He was surprised to have given his name to any law, and more so to be
called a revolutionary. The silicon revolution was a fact, but he himself was
a rooted, reserved sort of fellow who had hardly ever lived outside the foggy
country south of San Francisco, and whose greatest love, beyond his work
and his wife, was fishing. The closest he had come to revolution was when,
as a boy, he made explosives with a home chemistry set, and somewhere in
his well-stuffed bookshelves he still had his acid-scorched primer on the
nature of nitroglycerine. But when it came to forging the digital age he was
simply, he thought, in the right place at the right time. He got into
semiconductors at the very start, and that was a great piece of luck.
He also drove the transformation, though, and not just with his law. At
Shockley Laboratories, where he went in 1956, his job was fundamental: to
create a cheap transistor based on silicon, of which the world had plenty. At
Fairchild Semiconductor, founded by “the traitorous eight” who broke from
Shockley in 1957, he developed a smooth silicon-dioxide surface on which
to print the electric circuits and pioneered the use of aluminium wires to
connect the transistors. When he founded Intel with Robert Noyce in 1968
he worked on self-isolating transistors, which could be packed more closely,
as well as devising a better dip to clean the silicon surface before the
aluminium went on. This single change increased chip production more than
Moore’s law stated that as microchips invaded appliances, sales would soar
and prices would fall; but setting up to make them was costly. He therefore
strived to save money. He fitted out Fairchild’s first premises with cheap
kitchen units and blew his own glass tubes to manipulate gases, as he had
done for Shockley. At Intel he watched every cent, down to the rubber
gloves which he found for $1 a pair, rather than $2.50. This was habit. Until
1961 he had kept a ledger of all household incomings and outgoings,
including a nickel found in his wife Betty’s pocket and a dime spent on a
pencil “(red)“. After 1961, he no longer needed to; his monthly salary, as
charted in the ledger, was rising as steeply as the number of transistors on
each chip. By 2014 his net worth was $7bn.
Typically, though, his wealth did not change him. He liked to wear well-
worn khakis and go out in his rickety old fishing boat, until it became
unsafe. He liked things as they were. When he became rich he and Betty
gave more than half of it away. They were motivated by seeing their fishing
haunts in Baja California smothered by development, and their precious wild
places disappearing. He did not think small. His foundation’s grants went
not just to CalTech and the Bay Area but were also earmarked to save two-
thirds of the Amazon basin and the whole arc of salmon rivers that curved
from northern California, through Alaska, to Russia’s east.
He hoped that might be his permanent legacy. Instead his legacy, inevitably,
was Moore’s law, which could not last for ever. He had never said it would;
exponential growth always burned itself out. By 2020 its end was predicted
within a decade in America. The Taiwanese were doing well but, even so,
transistors could not endlessly be made smaller. In 2021 one was achieved
that measured no more than a nanometre, a billionth of a metre, almost the
size of an atom. Already billions of transistors could be squeezed on one
silicon chip. Naturally, he accepted the laws of physics. As a chemist,
though, he could not help hoping that some new material, some new process,
might yet make room for more. ■
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Table of Contents
TheEconomist.2023.04.01 [Fri, 31 Mar 2023]
The world this week
KAL’s cartoon
This week’s cover
Why the China-US contest is entering a new and more
dangerous phase
How to fix the global rice crisis
Israel should not squander the opportunity for meaningful
constitutional talks
America risks propping up zombie banks
The Scottish National Party’s limitations have been laid bare
Letters to the editor
By Invitation
Politicians and the IMF are failing Pakistan’s most
vulnerable, laments Murtaza Syed
America’s commercial sanctions on China could get much
The global rice crisis
The world’s biggest democracy is becoming less free
Middle-class Sri Lankans are fleeing their country
In much of Asia, race is just too hard to talk about
Can America and China avoid another diplomatic crisis?
Many wealthy people are considering leaving China
Chinese nationalists are annoyed about colonial-era place
Joe Biden attempts to defang the Chinese tiger
United States
Both America’s political camps agree that TikTok is troubling
Perils grow as America and Russia stop sharing data on nukes
School-voucher schemes are spreading across America
Chicago tries to export its most unpleasant drink
Why winning a Wisconsin Supreme Court race matters so
How to write the perfect 2024 campaign book
Middle East & Africa
Israel’s government is still in a bind
Why Lebanon’s drivers can’t be legal
Drought killed 43,000 people in Somalia last year
Zimbabwe wants to come in from the cold
The Americas
Mexico now receives more remittances than China
Venezuela’s autocrat launches a massive corruption probe
Refugee-friendly Canada tightens its border with the United
Ahead of a critical election Turkey’s economy is running on
borrowed time
Why Russian oil and gas is still flowing through Ukraine
Belarus’s beleaguered opposition is flirting with violence
What to do with Russia’s abandoned luxury yachts?
More strikes and demonstrations against French pension
A surge of migrants is reaching Italy
Europe is unprepared for what might come next in America
Under Humza Yousaf the forces that polarised Scotland are
Can London stop deaths and serious accidents on its roads?
What child-care reforms say about Britain’s welfare state
The battle to keep “Portrait of Omai” in Britain
Britain announces another crackdown on anti-social
Britain is still marked by the mistakes of the Beeching Report
Fixing Britain’s national water supply will be a marathon
Which will grow faster: India or Indonesia?
Big tech and the pursuit of AI dominance
The market for Picassos may be about to turn
Alibaba breaks itself up in six
Where have all the laid-off tech workers gone?
A zero-tolerance approach to talented jerks in the workplace
is risky
Copper is the missing ingredient of the energy transition
Finance & economics
Will the recent banking chaos lead to an economic crash?
Commercial-property losses will add to banks’ woes
European banks and the price of safety
Did social media cause the banking panic?
Western lenders may regret forcing Ukraine to turn to the
How rare-gas supply adapted to Russia’s war
Which countries have escaped the middle-income trap?
China is now an unlikely safe haven
Science & technology
Better camouflage is needed to hide from new electronic
Russian hackers are preparing for a new campaign in Ukraine
More evidence that animals reduce childhood allergies
Why gradualists are usually right and radicals are wrong
“Masquerade” depicts the darkness behind Noel Coward’s
“Killing Thatcher” tells the full story of the Brighton
In exile from Egypt, Bassem Youssef is still making people
ChatGPT is a marvel of multilingualism
Economic & financial indicators
Economic data, commodities and markets
Graphic detail
America’s other great migration
Gordon Moore’s law was the spur that drove the digital