Box Profile Installation
Box Profile Installation
Box Profile Installation
Installation Guide
Before you get started
Placing your order
Our single skin profiled metal sheets are UK law requires employers and self-
made from 0.5mm or 0.7mm thickness pre- employed contractors to formally assess
painted coated galvanized steel that comes the risks associated with each roofing job
off a roll and is pushed through a roll-forming and, before starting their work, to plan and
machine or folder. Sheets generally give 1m organise their work so that it is carried out
width cover after lapping and can be cut to in a safe manner. Further information on this
any length up to 5m for tile sheets, 6m for and other applicable legislative requirements
13/3 corrugated and 32/1000 profile sheets can be found by visiting the Health and
and 8m for 34/1000 profile sheets. Flashings Safety Executive’s website
are available in standard lengths of 3m.
Receipt of goods
Working out the sheets, flashings, fixing Sheets and flashings are bundled together
screws and fillers that are needed for a job and shipped in packs that are heavy and
can be difficult. If you let us know the details awkward to handle making delivery worth
of your roof we can help you figure out the extra expense.
what you need and ensure that you place
the right order. Upon receipt of your order, check that
it’s correct and consistent with the
Remember that sheets and flashings are accompanying delivery note. Any issues
often fabricated to order and it could be 1to 2 should be reported to us immediately
weeks before you take receipt of your order. by phoning our Customer Service Team
Make sure your plans allow for a suitable on 01295 565565.
lead time prior to delivery.
Two people should be able to lift a single
Work safely! sheet at a time off a delivery truck. The
Roofing work can be hazardous. Caution edges of sheets and flashings can be sharp
should be exercised and appropriate safety so remember to wear protective gloves with
precautions taken including the wearing of rubber palms for grip.
suitable protective gloves, clothing,footwear
and hard hat.
Once purlins have been fitted and a supporting
framework created, an inspection should be carried
out before further work is commenced. It should be
checked that:
❑ The purlin framework is correctly is aligned and
❑ The purlins that make up the framework are correctly
spaced and within specifiedtolerances;
❑ There are no protrusions such as bolt heads and
cleats on the face of the framework.
Step-by-Step (continued)
Run 3
Run 1
top tip!
When laying your first few sheets it
may be helpful to not fully fix them
until sure they are correctly aligned.
This can help mitigate the impact
of false starts! Once sure put the
remaining fixings in and carry on.
2c. L a yi n g Sheets
The first row of sheets should extend over the bottom
purlin and the eaves so that rainwater can drain into a
gutter or beyond the wall.
top tip!
A stretched string along the purlin line can make
it easier to keep the fixings in line when the
sheet is laid on the purlins.
Step-by-Step (continued)
top tip!
Remember it is very difficult to separate
sheets once they are joined by lapping
tape, make sure of your sheet position
before placing one sheet on another!
Eaves Filler
top tip!
When constructing your purlin support structure,
consideration should be given to the need for
additional purlins to support your ridge caps and
other flashings.
8. Protrusions Th r o u gh O n g o i n g Care
Sheeted Surfaces
Protrusions such as pipes and ducts should be
Your new roof should be inspected at least
adequately flashed where they pass through the yearly and cleaned of debris such as leaves
sheeting surface. Where ribs have to be cut away to ensure a long useful life. Areas that have
to permit penetration, additional framing should be become marked may be cleaned using soap
installed as required to support the sheeting. and water. More persistent marks may be
Depending on the position of the penetration through addressed through the usage of white spirit
the roof, special attention should be given to back or car paint cutting compound.
flashing the sheeting to the ridge or point of water entry
up the roof from the protrusion.
In all cases, all cutting and flashings should be so
arranged that adequate provision is made for the
drainage of all troughs and corrugations.
Phone: 01295 565565