Rules of Procedure AIPPM
Rules of Procedure AIPPM
Rules of Procedure AIPPM
The All India Political Parties Meet is a venture to emulate political realities by
stimulating the various levels of policy and governance existing in our nation today.
Participants are allotted specific political parties, which they represent. All the
representatives must be well versed, with their political party’s ideology, manifesto
and beliefs. It is important that Members research well and are conscious of their
portfolio’s affiliations, interests and ideologies at all times during the conference.
Parliamentary committee reports are usually accepted valid reports, and also reports
issued by the government and all its organs can be considered authentic. Usually,
both Hindi and English are allowed.
Committee time is divided into private and public sessions. Memorandums also form
a party of committee proceedings. The end document is usually a communique or
press release which serves as advisory, and is not binding in nature.
Since AIPPM is a non-UN meeting the rules of procedure are a bit different. Largely,
the Procedure will remain the same, but there are some notable Modifications.
Delegates should be thorough with these points:
1. Hindi and English shall be the official and working languages for the AIPPM
session, at all points of time. However, all documents must be in English only.
2. Delegates should be dressed in formals at all times. Indian formals are preferable
but western clothes are also legitimate.
3. At the beginning of each session, the Executive Board will call on the Committee
Members, in English alphabetical order to state their attendance. All Committee
Members need to intimate the Executive Board of their presence, with a clear and
coherent verbal declaration of 'Present' or ‘Present and Voting’
4. The usage of personal pronouns will be allowed. However, the language shall be
strictly formal, in nature. It is mandatory for all the Committee Members, to vote on
procedural matters.
a) Public Session: When the committee is in public session, every word that is
spoken shall be enshrined in public record and hence might be subjected to
public critique. A public session can be of 15-30 minutes but the individual
speaker’s time will remain 60 seconds. Media and outside observers will be
present during public sessions.
All the Committee Members will be invited to give their Introductory Statements. The
default time period, for the same will be 90 seconds. A motion to extend the time
period will not be in order. Committee Members are expected to list out their current
Line of Policy and that of their political party, towards the agenda at hand. The
Member, granted the right to deliver the Introductory Statement, may yield after
his/her speech in one of the three ways:
1. Yield to Comments: Such a yield can be used to invite comments from other
delegates, on the Line of Policy, presented by the speaking Member.
2. Yield to Points of Information/Questions: The Executive Board, who has the right to
call to order any Member whose question is Pretentious and/or not designated to
elicit information, may select questioners. Follow-up will be allowed only at the
discretion of the Executive Board.
3. Yield to the Moderator: Such a yield should be made if the Committee Member
does not wish to yield to questions/comments by other Members. The Moderator
will then invite the next speaker, for delivering the Introductory Statement.
Subject Discussions
Once the Introductory Statements have been successfully delivered, the floor shall be
made open for motion. This shall be used by the Committee members to discuss
specific subtopics under the broader agenda, subject to stipulated time limits and
the strict moderation of the delegate who raised the subject discussion. Every
proposal for a subject discussion must be accompanied by the specification of the
Topic to be discussed under the slot, framed concisely and holistically.
Every speech made during a Subject Discussion will be subject to a specific time limit,
not exceeding 90 seconds, which is to be specified by the Member proposing the
motion. Speeches made during the Subject Discussions are open to questions or
comments by other committee members but only with the permission of the
Moderator. Committee members are requested to behave in a parliamentary way,
and show of disagreement should be kept at a minimum.
Unmoderated Discussion:
What is a Motion?
Set the agenda: A motion to set the agenda is in order as the first motion during the
opening session. A motion to set the agenda will be made and the delegate making
the motion will state the topic area to be debated first. This motion requires a
second. Once the motion has been made, a Provisional Speakers' List shall be
established with two delegates speaking for and two delegates speaking against the
motion. After the Provisional Speakers' List is exhausted, the Committee shall move
into an immediate vote: A simple majority is required for the motion to pass. A
motion to proceed to the second topic area is in order only after the Committee has
adopted or rejected a resolution on the first topic area or debate has been
Initiate a Subject Discussion (Moderated Caucus): Can be raised after the Introductory
Remarks Session to discuss, under the strict moderation of the Executive Board,
subtopics related to the agenda; the Committee member proposing the motion shall
state the topic of the Moderated Discussion concisely along with the total time
(cannot exceed 20 minutes) of the Discussion and the individual speaker’s time
(cannot exceed 90 seconds); not debatable; can be passed by a simple majority.
Initiate an Unmoderated Discussion (Unmoderated Caucus): Can be raised any time after
the Introductory Remarks session to informally discuss pressing issues related to the
agenda, the future course of debate, topics missed out during debates, tactical
strategies, lobbying, etc. without the supervision of the Executive Board; the
Committee member proposing the motion shall state the total time (cannot exceed
20 minutes) of the Unmoderated Discussion; not debatable; can be passed by a
simple majority.
Motion to create a Provisional Speakers' List: raised during the course of debate, at any
point of time, to open a Provisional List for elaborate discussion on a specific
development or Document; can be passed by a simple majority. The speakers in the
Provisional Speakers' List will be open to yields.
Motion to suspend meeting for lunch/tea break: raised to temporarily halt committee
proceedings for the purpose of breaking into recess; not debatable; can be passed by
a simple majority. “Motion to adjourn meeting”: raised at the end of Committee
proceedings so as to postpone the meeting to a later date; not debatable, can be
passed by a simple majority.
How to Raise a Motion?
Agenda: “(Your Portfolio) would like to raise a motion to establish the agenda as
Moderated Caucus: “(Your Portfolio) would like to raise a motion to suspend formal
debate and move into a moderated caucus on the topic (topic) for total time being
(time) minutes and individual speaker's time being (time) seconds.”
Unmoderated Caucus: “(Your Portfolio) would like to raise a motion to suspend formal
debate and move into an unmoderated caucus for total time being (time) minutes.”
Adjournment: “(Your Portfolio) would like to raise a motion to adjourn the meeting.”
1. Point of Personal Privilege: During the discussion of any matter, a delegate may
raise a Point of Personal Privilege, and the Moderator shall immediately address the
point. A Point of Personal Privilege must refer to a matter of personal comfort, safety
and/or well-being of the members of the committee. The Moderator may refuse to
recognize a Point of Personal Privilege if the delegate has not shown proper restraint
and decorum, or if the point is dilatory in nature.
2. Point of Order: During the discussion of any matter, a delegate may raise a Point of
Order and the Moderator shall immediately consider the request. This may also
relate to a factual inaccuracy in any Delegate’s speech and to that extent, this point is
not disruptive but the delegate may raise this point after the completion of the
speech by the delegate.
Committee Documentation:
Working paper: Working papers are just a list of ideas formed by the blocs. They may
or may not be written in resolution format. The working paper needs to be approved
by the Moderator(s).
Portfolio/Position papers:
2. The header should include the name of the committee, the agenda party symbol,
the name of the party, the name of the party you are representing and your name.
Press Statements: Statements, either written or in verbal, directly to the national press.
While in committee, some certain communication, between the party and its
respective officials is allowed. For this, the concept of a memorandum is used.
• They should be used to create favourable circumstances and hence advance one’s
political interests
• Important: Please understand that despite the fact that memorandums are private
and confidential in nature, they must be passed via the head table, and might be
read out in session if the Executive Board thinks that it might affect and/or
channelize debate.
Format of the Memorandum:
Orders the BJP personnel to rally in front of the INC office in South Bangalore, and announce a ‘dharna’
as, the INC has refused to provide extra funds for the reconstruction of 5 law colleges near Kolar
Press Release:
The AIPPM has no decision making-power. However, on the final day the delegates
shall present to the Speaker two prospective Bills in the aftermath of the discussions
on every on possible aspect of the problem that shall be known as Press Release. The
Press Release shall have no authors. It shall require the signatures of quarter of the
strength of the committee to be introduced. The Press Release will be passed then by
the AIPPM with a mandatory two-thirds majority.
Acceptance of reports:
2. Media Reports will hold value only for persuasive argument and will not be
deemed legitimate in the meeting. They can be brought up for debate but it’s up to
individual members to deem it as fact or fiction.
Marking Criterion:
1. Political Craft: - The Political Parties Meet is not a forum for altruism. Hence, one’s
ability to further his/her political interest(s) is of paramount importance. Political craft
can be exhibited in various facets including but not limited to: -
a) Speechmaking
b) Lobbying/Bloc Formation
c) Ability to strategize
d) Policy portrayal
e) Use of memos concisely put, you must consider your own political interests whilst
conducting yourself in the meeting. It is important to duly factor-in the political
implications of what you say and do. A far – sighted and rational approach would be
duly appreciated and rewarded.
4. Written Work: The relevance, quality and feasibility of the same shall be taken into
The main purpose of this All India Parties Meet is to ensure that all the participating
members come down to consensual solutions with respect to the issues at hand. For
which the final document of this Meeting would be solutions in the form of
recommendations to the Government to solve the existing issues for which all the
political parties have arrived at a consensus. And for such document/s to be passed a
2/3rd majority of all the members present and voting is necessary.