Petrology Part 2
Petrology Part 2
Petrology Part 2
Granite forms deep within the Earth's crust through the
slow crystalliza on of magma. It is commonly found in
con nental crust areas and is associated with mountain-
building processes. Granite can occur in a wide range of
colors, depending on the specific mineral composi on and
the geological condi ons under which it formed.
Proper es:
a. Granite is a hard and dense rock with excellent resistance to abrasion, weathering, and chemicals.
b. It has a high compressive strength, making it suitable for structural applica ons.
c. The mineral composi on of granite gives it a unique appearance, with a variety of colors, pa erns, and
d. It is also heat-resistant and can withstand high temperatures, which makes it suitable for kitchen countertops
and other applica ons that involve exposure to heat.
Distribu on:
Granite deposits can be found worldwide, but significant sources are concentrated in regions like Brazil, India, China,
and several countries in Europe, including Italy, Spain, and Norway. These regions are known for producing a wide
range of high-quality granite varie es. However, granite is also quarried and used in various other countries,
depending on local geology and demand. The distribu on of granite is influenced by geological processes and the
tectonic history of the Earth's crust.
Syenite forms when magma solidifies beneath the Earth's surface. It
commonly occurs in associa on with granite and other intrusive
igneous rocks. Syenite is found in a variety of geological se ngs,
including mountain ranges, volcanic regions, and ri zones. It can
also be found in some metamorphic terrains where it has undergone
par al mel ng and recrystalliza on.
Proper es:
a. Syenite is a hard and durable rock with a crystalline texture.
b. Its color can vary, ranging from light gray to pink, yellow, or reddish-brown, depending on the specific mineral
composi on.
c. Syenite is generally less resistant to weathering compared to granite but s ll exhibits good strength and
stability. It has a moderate compressive strength and is commonly used as a construc on material,
par cularly for dimension stone and decora ve applica ons.
Distribu on:
Syenite is found in various regions around the world. Major occurrences include areas such as the Kola Peninsula in
Russia, the Adirondack Mountains in the United States, parts of Norway, and some regions in Canada, Australia, and
Africa. Syenite deposits are typically associated with areas of volcanic ac vity or intrusions related to the forma on of
mountain ranges. The distribu on of syenite is influenced by the geological processes that occur during the forma on
and evolu on of the Earth's crust.
Diorite forms when magma solidifies beneath the Earth's
surface. It is typically found in associa on with other
intrusive igneous rocks such as granite and gabbro. Diorite
can occur in a variety of geological se ngs, including
mountain ranges, volcanic arcs, and island arcs. It is also
commonly found in the lower crust and in plutonic complexes associated with subduc on zones.
Proper es:
a. Diorite is a medium to coarse-grained rock with a granular texture.
b. It is known for its durability and strength, making it suitable for various construc on purposes.
c. Diorite has good resistance to weathering and erosion, although it may exhibit some discolora on over me.
d. It has moderate compressive strength and is o en used as a building material, par cularly for countertops,
flooring, and exterior cladding.
Distribu on:
Diorite is distributed worldwide, with significant occurrences found in regions such as the Sierra Nevada in California
(USA), the Bri sh Isles, the Andes Mountains, the Alps, and parts of Asia. It is commonly associated with areas of
volcanic ac vity, subduc on zones, and the forma on of mountain ranges. The distribu on of diorite is influenced by
geological processes and the tectonic history of the Earth's crust. It is o en found in close proximity to other igneous
and metamorphic rocks.
4. Gabbro is a coarse-grained, dark-colored intrusive igneous rock composed mainly of calcium-rich plagioclase
feldspar, pyroxene minerals (such as clinopyroxene), and some mes olivine. It has a phaneri c texture and
typically appears black or dark green due to its mineral
composi on. Gabbro is the intrusive equivalent of
basalt, which is an extrusive volcanic rock.
Gabbro forms when magma solidifies deep beneath the
Earth's surface. It is commonly found in large plutonic bodies
called batholiths, dikes, and sills. Gabbro is o en associated
with the forma on of oceanic crust, where it makes up a
significant por on of the lower oceanic crust. It can also
occur in con nental crust regions, especially in areas where
ancient oceanic crust has been upli ed and exposed.
Proper es:
a. Gabbro is known for its strength, durability, and resistance to weathering.
b. It has a dense and tough nature, making it suitable for a wide range of construc on applica ons, including as
dimension stone, countertops, and flooring.
c. Gabbro has a high compressive strength and excellent load-bearing capacity, making it ideal for infrastructure
d. It is also used as a crushed stone aggregate in road construc on and as a raw material for the produc on of
cement and other construc on materials.
Distribu on: Gabbro is distributed globally, with significant occurrences in regions such as the Troodos Ophiolite in
Cyprus, the Bushveld Complex in South Africa, the Isle of Skye in Scotland, and the S llwater Complex in Montana
(USA). It is commonly found in areas of past or present tectonic ac vity, par cularly in associa on with oceanic crust
forma on. Gabbro can be found in both oceanic and con nental se ngs, depending on the geologic history of the
5. Pegma te is a coarse-grained igneous rock that has an
excep onally large crystal size. It is composed of
interlocking mineral grains, predominantly consis ng of
quartz, feldspar (o en in the form of large crystals), and
mica. Pegma tes can exhibit a wide variety of colors and
may contain other minerals such as tourmaline, beryl,
and spodumene.
Proper es:
a. Pegma te is known for its unique mineralogy and large crystal size.
b. It can contain crystals that are several meters in length, making it a valuable source of rare and precious
c. Due to its coarse-grained nature, pegma te is o en used as a source of dimension stone and ornamental
d. It is also prized by mineral collectors for its diverse mineral assemblages.
Distribu on: Pegma tes are distributed worldwide, occurring in various geological se ngs. They are commonly
found in regions with grani c intrusions, such as parts of North America (including the famous pegma te-rich area of
the Black Hills in South Dakota), Scandinavia, Brazil, Madagascar, and Australia. Addi onally, pegma tes can be found
in associa on with metamorphic terrains where the rocks have undergone high-grade metamorphism. The
distribu on of pegma tes is influenced by the geologic processes that contribute to the forma on of igneous and
metamorphic rocks.
Proper es: Dolerite is known for its durability and strength. It is resistant to weathering and erosion, making it
suitable for construc on purposes. The rock's hardness and toughness make it a desirable material for road
aggregates, concrete aggregates, and dimension stone.
Distribu on: Dolerite can be found worldwide, occurring in various geologic se ngs. It is par cularly abundant in
regions with extensive volcanic ac vity, such as parts of Africa, Australia, Europe, North America, and Antarc ca.
Notable occurrences of dolerite include the Karoo Supergroup in South Africa, the Tasmanian dolerite in Australia,
and the Palisades Sill in the United States.
Dolerite has been used for centuries as a building material due to its durability and resistance to weathering. It is also
commonly observed in natural features such as sea cliffs, headlands, and rocky coastlines. The widespread
distribu on of dolerite is a result of its forma on during volcanic ac vity and subsequent erosion and exposure at
the Earth's surface.
Basalt is one of the most common rock types on Earth and is found in
abundance. It is primarily associated with volcanic ac vity, occurring in
volcanic fields, ri zones, and areas of mid-oceanic ridge spreading. Basalt
can also be found in flood basalt provinces, which are large areas covered
by extensive basalt flows. Some notable examples include the Deccan
Traps in India and the Columbia River Basalt Group in the northwestern
United States.
Proper es:
a. Basalt is known for its durability, hardness, and resistance to weathering.
b. It has excellent compressive strength and is commonly used as a construc on material in the form of crushed
stone for roads, concrete aggregates, and railway ballast.
c. Basalt can withstand high temperatures and is o en u lized in applica ons where heat resistance is required,
such as in fireproofing materials.
d. It is also used for sculptures and architectural purposes due to its aesthe c appeal.
Distribu on: Basalt is distributed worldwide and can be found on every con nent. It is par cularly abundant in
regions with volcanic ac vity, such as the mid-oceanic ridges in the Atlan c and Pacific Oceans, the volcanic islands of
Hawaii and Iceland, and volcanic hotspots like the Yellowstone Caldera. Basal c lava flows cover extensive areas in
various countries, including India, the United States, Iceland, and Ethiopia. The distribu on of basalt is closely ed to
the occurrence of volcanic processes and plate tectonics.
Sandstone is a widespread rock type and can be found in a
variety of geological se ngs. It commonly forms in
environments such as deserts, riverbeds, beaches, and
dunes where there is an abundance of sand-sized par cles.
Sandstones can also be deposited in marine, lacustrine
(lake), and deltaic (river delta) se ngs.
Distribu on:
Sandstones are found worldwide and can be encountered in various regions and geological forma ons including the
Appalachian Mountains, the Sco sh Highlands, the Saharan Desert, and the Himalayas. The specific distribu on of
sandstone is influenced by local geological processes, sedimentary environments, and the history of the Earth's
crust in a par cular area.
2. LIMESTONE is a sedimentary rock primarily composed
of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) derived from the
accumula on of marine shells, coral, and other organic
remains. It typically has a granular or crystalline
texture and ranges in color from white and beige to
gray and even black. Limestone may exhibit various
structures, including layers, fossils, and veining.
Limestone forms in a variety of environments, including
marine, lacustrine (lake), and even underground caves. It is
commonly found in areas that were once covered by
shallow seas or near the coastlines. The accumula on of
calcium carbonate-rich materials over me, combined with compac on and cementa on, leads to the forma on of
Distribu on:
Limestone is widely distributed globally and is an important rock for construc on, building materials, and various
industrial applica ons. Its distribu on is influenced by past geological processes, such as the presence of ancient
seas and the interac on between tectonic ac vity and sedimenta on.
Distribu on:
Shale can be found in many other regions globally, and its distribu on is influenced by sedimentary processes,
deposi onal environments, and tectonic ac vity. The rock's fine-grained nature and ability to retain hydrocarbons
make it significant for energy resources, while its layered structure can provide valuable informa on about Earth's
history and fossil records.
Distribu on:
Conglomerates are found in many regions globally, par cularly in areas with ac ve or ancient fluvial (river) and
alluvial (deposited by running water) environments. Conglomerates can be found in various geological se ngs
worldwide, reflec ng the dynamic nature of sediment transport and deposi on. They provide valuable informa on
about past environments, sedimentary processes, and the geological history of an area.
Breccia forms in environments where rocks are
subjected to fracturing or fragmenta on, o en
associated with tectonic ac vity, faul ng, or rockfall
events. It can be found in areas with ac ve or
ancient fault zones, impact craters, and near mountain fronts. Breccia can also develop in volcanic se ngs, where
explosive erup ons lead to the fragmenta on and subsequent cementa on of volcanic materials.
Distribu on:
The distribu on of breccia is influenced by geological processes that involve fracturing, faul ng, fragmenta on, and
impact events. The rock provides insights into past geological events, such as meteorite impacts, tectonic ac vity,
and volcanic erup ons.
Distribu on:
Quartzite is found in numerous regions worldwide, especially in areas with high-grade metamorphic terrains and
mountainous regions. It is widely distributed globally and has various applica ons, including as a decora ve stone,
construc on material, and as a raw material in the produc on of glass and ceramics. Its distribu on is influenced by
tectonic ac vity, regional metamorphism, and the presence of quartz-rich sedimentary rocks.
Distribu on:
Marble deposits can be found worldwide, and the distribu on is influenced by geological processes and the
availability of suitable precursor rocks. It is widely used in construc on, interior design, sculpture, and decora ve
applica ons due to its beauty, workability, and durability. Its distribu on is influenced by the presence of suitable
limestone or dolomite forma ons and the geological history of an area.
Distribu on: Slate deposits can be found in various regions around the world. Its distribu on is closely ed to areas
where the appropriate parent rock (shale or mudstone) and metamorphic condi ons exist. Its unique proper es
make it a versa le material for construc on, decora ve, and architectural applica ons.
4. Gneiss is a foliated metamorphic rock
characterized by alterna ng light and dark
mineral bands or layers. It forms through the
process of high-grade regional metamorphism,
where pre-exis ng rocks, such as granite or
sedimentary rocks, undergo intense heat and
pressure. Gneiss typically has a coarse-grained
texture and exhibits a dis nct banding or
folia on caused by the alignment of minerals.
Distribu on:
Gneiss is widespread and can be found in many regions worldwide. It is used as a building material, for ornamental
purposes, and in the produc on of crushed stone and aggregates. Its distribu on is influenced by the occurrence of
suitable parent rocks and the geological history of an area.
Distribu on:
Schist can be found in various regions worldwide, par cularly in areas affected by intense metamorphic processes. It
has been used as a building material, for decora ve purposes, and as a source of crushed stone. Its distribu on is
influenced by the presence of suitable parent rocks, regional metamorphism, and tectonic ac vity in an area.