Building A New Student
Building A New Student
Building A New Student
Chicago, Illinois
May 2000
© Copyright by
Yujian Zhou
Finally thank you Wenhui. You are the one who is always
ACKNOWLEDGMENT ········································ iii
I. INTRODUCTION ······························ 1
Table Page
Figure Page
1. The Procedure Selection Window ················ 11
Abbreviation Term
IS Inotropic State
HR Heart Rate
SV Stroke Volume
CO Cardiac Output
Building a New Student Model to Support Adaptive Tutoring ... 1
This work attacks problems of student modeling and adaptive hinting in a natural
language based Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) — CIRCSIM-Tutor (CST). CST is an ITS
that imitates the behavior of human tutors. So, we have also studied how to use machine
computer interaction.
Intelligent computers are perfect for educational use since computers will never
get tired, they are available all the time, and they are accessible by users all over the
world (thanks to the rapid growth of the Internet). Specifically, they can be used one-on-
one, and therefore they can adapt their tutoring to the needs of individual students. This
will make an ITS a very good compliment to classroom teaching. One key component
that makes an ITS more intelligent or more adaptive to the needs of individual students is
that an ITS maintains a student model. This model is also the key difference between ITS
and the traditional “Computer-Aided Instruction” Systems (CAI). Since a student model
is so important to an ITS, this key component has been studied since the beginning of ITS
research. It is a highly interesting area even to people outside the field because of its
implications for user modeling for all types of computer systems, such as information
Yujian Zhou 2
retrieval systems, adaptive multimedia systems, and so on. Several different types of
models and theories about student models have been created in the field so far.
At the same time, many researchers also argue that the main purpose of a student
There is little need for a description of the student’s knowledge unless there is some way
for the system to make use of, or react to, that description [Ohlsson, 1986] [Woolf and
Murray, 1994]. This functional view of the student model is very important when we try
to build real systems. So it is very desirable that the study of student modeling should
consider the pedagogical model. In particular, in an ITS where the tutor keeps control, the
pedagogical model and the student model are very tightly related.
hint are very sensitive to the student’s response and the dialogue context. In order to build
sensitive, we need a rich student model as well as rules that specify how to plan a hint in
different situations. The combination of transcript analysis and machine learning gives
the opportunity to discover the rules governing the behavior of human tutors from
The Internet is the most efficient medium to reach more and more students. It
offers great opportunities and challenges to the ITS community. Benefits of Web-based
tutoring systems are clear: classroom independence, platform independence, and easy
deployment. But the World Wide Web also demands more adaptation from the ITS
systems. As Brusilovsky [1998] pointed out, Web-based ITS are intended to be used by a
much wider variety of students than any standalone systems and many students may be
working “alone” with web-based ITSs. So, to improve tutoring quality, web-based ITSs
need to further improve their student model and the adaptability of their tutoring. At the
Building a New Student Model to Support Adaptive Tutoring ... 3
same time, the Internet also offers the opportunity for ITSs to communicate with each
Researchers in the ITS area have already explored some of the opportunities to
use the Web as the main medium to deliver tutoring systems [Brusilovsky, 1998, 1999].
help first-year medical students learn to solve problems involving the reflex control of
blood pressure. It is a one-on-one tutoring system, which attempts to adapt its tutoring to
the student’s learning state. There are several facts about CIRCSIM-Tutor that makes it
• The tutoring uses natural language and the tutoring dialogue is plan-based.
plan a conversation with the student. This ability to plan a dialogue influences the
information needed for tutoring decisions and constrains the possible information that the
tutor can collect to build a student model. Especially, multiple planners will demand
which can communicate with other ITSs. Especially, since CST’s language understanding
ability limits the information that CST can collect from the student, it would be a very
good complement to CST if it could communicate with an ITS, such as a Graphic User
Interface-based ITS, which can collect more detailed and accurate student information.
From this general introduction to ITS and our brief discussion of CST, we can see
that it is very important for an ITS to construct a student model that explicitly represents
the properties of a particular student. And it is also very important that an ITS can find a
way to use this model, i.e., the ITS can adapt many aspects of its tutoring to each
individual student by consulting this model. In this section, I explain in detail why we
need to study student modeling in CST and why should we study how it coordinates with
showed that decisions on when and how to give a hint must be based on the student
curriculum planning rules. Freedman [1996a] described the student model as one of the
A student model is even more important for Circsim-Tutor (CST) than other ITS,
because CST is a natural language based dialogue system designed to simulate the
behavior of human tutors. There are many aspects of the tutorial dialogue that the
machine tutor needs to tailor to the individual student. This tailoring process depends on
the information from the student model and other modules. The tutor needs to make
decisions about a variety of aspects of tutoring, including tutoring strategy, style, content,
and even the use of language, each of which may depend on different information about
the student.
it is impossible to know what is a student’s real mental state. Practically, the procedure to
infer a student model may include too much uncertainty. So, how to build a student
model that includes enough information to support the variety of decisions involved in a
tutoring dialogue and at the same time responds fast (so it can support real time
It is also important that we study the student model within the framework of the
whole ITS, understanding where its inputs come from, and where its outputs go, because
the intelligence of an ITS is distributed among all modules and the student model is only
one of them. Specifically, what kind of intelligence we can put into a student model
depends on other modules and this intelligence also influences other modules. Especially
we need to study what other modules expect from the student model, i.e., how the
hope the information in the student model can support a variety of decisions in each step
Circsim-Tutor Version 2 was developed by Woo and others in 1991 in Lisp [Woo,
1991]. Compared to our current needs, the original student model in CST Version 2 is too
Yujian Zhou 6
simple. It cannot support new features of the tutorial dialogue and cannot be used in
Tutor Version 2 and study how to use it to support more adaptive tutoring in CST.
different aspects of tutoring. For example, how are the contents of hints related to the
student model; how can we choose different retry strategies according to the student
model; and so on. In particular, CST is a system that imitates the behavior of human
tutors. So, how to study their tutoring behavior and how to build computational models of
this behavior are highly important. This research will use transcript analysis and machine
Since any interactive dialogue system needs a user model, the study of how to build a
First, I use the original Circsim-Tutor Version 2 as a test bed. I find a problem in
version 2, then propose a change to fix the problem, then implement the change, then find
Second, I analyze human tutoring transcripts to find clues to possible solutions for
the problems I find in the testing cycle. It is a tradition in the Circsim-Tutor project to
analyze transcripts in order to discover the necessary tutoring knowledge. For me, it is
important to know what kind of student model is used by our human tutors to support the
variety of their tutoring behavior. So that we can build a computational model to simulate
Building a New Student Model to Support Adaptive Tutoring ... 7
their model. I want to know especially, what kind of information in the student’s answer
they should focus on. So my goal at this step is trying to find the possible solutions for
tutoring transcripts, since manual analyses can handle only a small portion of the
Then I apply all the results from transcript analysis and from machine learning to
improve Circsim-Tutor in the following areas: a new student model, an adaptive hinting
mechanism, the retry strategies, and other planning improvements. This new version has
results from the previous steps. This modeler actually includes four different models in
order to support different levels of the tutoring process and at the same time respond fast.
I have evaluated part of my approach by using simulation since version 3 is still under
1) Identify the problems in the student model in the original version and
2) Find out how human tutors’ decisions are related to the student’s learning
state and what kind of information is necessary for the decisions of the
Yujian Zhou 8
In Chapter II, I introduce the Circsim-Tutor project, describe earlier work on the
student model and mention the possible uses of the student model. Chapter III discusses
related issues in designing a student model and analyzes the student model components
and their usage in several successful Intelligent Tutoring Systems. In Chapter IV I present
how to extract a possible student model from analysis of human tutoring transcripts. I
show a detailed analysis based on a specific tutoring model. Chapter V applies Machine
Learning techniques to automatically find tutoring rules and possible student modeling
information from transcripts. Chapter VI discusses how to apply the results from Chapter
IV and V in real systems – the updated Circsim-Tutor Version 2, especially a new hinting
mechanism for tutoring dialogue. In Chapter VII I describe the student model framework
The last chapter summarizes this thesis and discusses the significance of this
Yujian Zhou 10
help first-year medical students learn about the reflex control of blood pressure. It is a
one-on-one tutoring systemthat attempts to adapt its tutoring to the student’s learning
When students use CST, they are asked to predict the value of seven parameters at
three points in time: the DR or direct response stage, the RR or reflex response stage, and
the SS or new steady state stage. After the student finishes each prediction phase, the
tutor and the student conduct a dialogue. In this tutoring dialogue stage the tutor develops
its tutoring goals based on information collected from the prediction table and
implements its goals by selecting different tutoring methods. Each tutoring method is
executed as a series of tutoring tasks, and each task is implemented using questions,
There are roughly two steps in building this system: 1) characterizing human
tutoring strategy and tutoring rules; 2) implementing those rules as much as feasible in
The goal of the system is to remedy the student’s misconceptions about the
cardiovascular system and to help the student learn problem solving skills. In this system
we assume that the student has already attended the regular lectures and knows most of
developed by Woo and others in 1991 in Lisp [Woo, 1991]. We keep improving this
version so it can be used by the students at Rush Medical College. Glass has written a
new input understander, which is more robust and can handle many more phenomena
[Glass, 1997]. He also made some other improvements for the instructional planner.
Brandle built a new screen manager, so the current version can be run on both PCs and
Macintoshes [Brandle, 1998]. I have updated the lesson planner and discourse planner,
added a dynamic student model during the tutoring dialogue, and added new hinting
mechanisms to deliver more meaningful and context sensitive hints. This updated version
has been used by Rush students in April and November 1998, and in November 1999.
Circsim-Tutor Version 2 has seven modules: the instructional planner, the student
modeler, the input understander, the text generator, the screen manager, the problem
solver, and the knowledge base [Woo, 1991]. Most intelligent tutoring systems have four
domain knowledge base [Sleeman and Brown, 1982]. In order to carry on a natural
language dialogue the user interface in our system has been divided into three modules:
the input understander, the text generator, and the screen manager.
during a tutoring session. It interacts with all other modules in order to carry out
tutorial activities. It includes the lesson planner and the discourse planner.
Yujian Zhou 14
Student modeler: responsible for inferring and representing the student’s current
knowledge state and misconceptions. This model is the key that the tutor can give
Text generator: responsible for executing the tutor’s logic output into a natural
Screen manager: responsible for general interaction between the student and the
Problem solver: responsible for solving the problem presented to the student or
questions asked by the student. It includes two modules: the main problem solver
Knowledge base: responsible for storing the expert’s knowledge in order to solve
ATLAS, a new text generator, and some other new features. The new version will plan at
four levels:
Curriculum Planning
Turn Planning
ATLAS selects and executes operators that contain goals for each task the planner is
trying to accomplish. Each operator contains goals, as well as preconditions that must be
satisfied before the operation can be performed, a set of steps for the operation. The basic
knowledge representation for the discourse planner is a sophisticated form of schema that
allows static and dynamic preconditions, recursion and full unification. The most
Tutoring strategy
heuristic rules that will use the student model to support the planning implemented as
CST is designed to imitate the behavior of human tutors. In order to discover the
rules used in human tutoring, we carried out human tutoring sessions keyboard to
keyboard to collect transcripts. The original Computer Dialogue System only captured
keyboard to keyboard text [Li et al., 1992]. I have developed a new system that provides
the same prediction table as CST, along with its text dialogue window. So the tutoring
screen in the keyboard to keyboard experiments is similar to CST. Joel Michael and
Allen Rovick of Rush Medical College tutored fifty students using the original version;
they have now used the new version to tutor another twenty five. Each of their
conversations was recorded as a text file along with the student’s predictions. We call the
text files our tutoring transcripts and use them to analyze human tutoring behavior.
about the student’s current knowledge state and serves as one of the inputs that the
tutoring planner uses to determine the next tutoring step. Though it is quite simple in the
early versions it has been studied from the very beginning in this project.
Building a New Student Model to Support Adaptive Tutoring ... 17
overlay model of the seven core variables and their relationships plus an implicit overlay
model of other domain knowledge. It does not include any overall student assessment and
bug model, and it does not update the explicit overlay model during the dialogue.
Since Version 2 only includes a static and simple explicit overlay model of the
seven core variables, its planner cannot dynamically update its original plan according to
the student’s state. So the ability to provide adaptive tutoring during the tutoring dialogue
As Khuwaja pointed out, Version 2 does not put emphasis on the misconceptions
of the student, and the major goal of the tutor is to find out the missing chunks of
knowledge that are responsible for the student’s sub-optimal behavior and develop
lessons so that the student fills in the gaps in his or her knowledge [Khuwaja, 1994].
2.3.2 Shim’s Student Model. Shim proposed a student modeling framework for
Circsim-Tutor Version 2. His framework combines the overlay model and the bug library
model [Shim, 1991]. He argued that to model a student better we should take into account
earlier responses as well as immediate ones [Shim et al., 1991]. Unfortunately, only the
His overlay model consists of frames for every parameter and every causal
relationship in the concept map. To overcome possible inconsistencies each slot shows
three pieces of information about the student’s cognitive status: the history string of “c”
and “w” for correct and wrong responses, the confidence factor calculated from this
string, and the point at which the response is made. His bug library consists of a frame for
2.3.3 Hume’s Student Model. Hume created a student model for Version 3
before the planner had been built [Hume, 1995]. In his model he used surface errors in
the prediction table to identify the error patterns, and made a list of error patterns
associated with each concept. To each error pattern he attached two slots:
1. Prediction history
2. Tactical history
His tactical history is based on a string of Hs (for hint) and Es (for explanation)
while our current research is constructing tutoring goals, methods and topics in a different
kind of hierarchy [Kim et al., 1998]. So the process of implementing the tactical history
must be different.
Hume also used the tactical history to reveal sensitized error patterns and
His idea of global and local assessment has been implemented but using a
different method. It has been broken into specific performance measures since we now
have changed the categories of student answers and the tutoring goal hierarchy.
2.3.4 Using Student Assessment to Decide When and How to Give Hints.
Hume’s study showed that when and how to give a hint is based on the student model
[Hume, 1995]. He also suggested that tutorial tactics are dependent on the student’s
If an error is made, provide a hint. The exception is when the global assessment is
very low. In other words,
(a) the student has not discovered the concept and
(b) the global assessment continues to be sufficiently high and
(c) the number of hints in a string is sufficiently low,
try subsequent hints.
to the student’s assessment. His theoretical approach is based on Clark’s [1996] theory of
joint actions.
He used Machine Learning methods to produce several rules for how to issue an
on the student’s answer category and the local assessment of the student’s performance.
included the student’s performance as one of the prerequisites to select problems in his
a student’s performance is not good in a procedure from category “A”
make category “A” an option for student, after PSR1 is satisfied.
Yujian Zhou 20
We can see that basically he needed the student’s global performance to decide
Cho is working on the curriculum plan now and he is trying to use both the local
researchers in the Circsim-Tutor group have discovered different uses of the student
model from their own area as described in the above sections. Basically the role of the
student model is to support any tutoring decisions, from the high level curriculum
planning decisions, to the lowest level of detailed response strategy decisions, and even
the terminology choices of the surface language generation. But for decisions at different
levels made by different components, the expected information about the student may be
models and theories about student models in the field so far. Many researchers have tried
to classify them and formalize them in a unified framework. For example, VanLehn
[1988] used three dimensions -- bandwidth, target knowledge type, and differences
between the student and the expert – to construct the space of student models and classify
them within this space. Ragnemalm [1996] regards the student modeling problem as the
process of bridging the gap between the student’s input to the tutoring system, and the
In the Circsim-Tutor project we are more interested in a view that relates to issues
of designing an ITS. So the classification given by Ohlsson [1986], which emphasizes the
construction of tutoring systems, is presented here. In his paper, he calls the student
knowledge structures they need to carry out the diagnosis (i.e. their
2. the procedures by which they infer the cognitive state of the student, and
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Of these criteria, the type of description generated by the diagnostic system has
been considered the most fundamental, and therefore he classified student models into
four types: performance measures, overlays, bug library, and simulations. Later he
proposed a new approach, constraint based modeling, which can produce a more general
student; it can only support global actions on the part of the tutor. For example,
upgrading or downgrading the difficulty of practice items. But it does not provide the
level of detail necessary to decide what this student needs right now in order to learn a
3.1.2 Overlay Model. Overlay models are designed to represent a student by the
set of subject-matter units (parts of the expert knowledge) he has mastered. This model
assumes that a student is a subset of an expert. So the basic function of this model is to
find the missing chunks of the expert knowledge and the instructional planner uses this
information to decide what topic to teach so the student can fill up the missing chunks.
3.1.3 Bug Library. In the overlay model, the student is seen as knowing the same
things as an expert, only fewer of them. This perspective ignores the possibility of
misunderstanding or other false knowledge. For example, students may have erroneous
Building a New Student Model to Support Adaptive Tutoring ... 23
procedures, false principles, and incorrect facts. The bug library approach is try to collect
all that false knowledge together and try to match the student’s misbehavior to that false
The pedagogical promise of a bug library is that the tutor can evoke remedial
instruction, while in the overlay model approach the tutor can only provide gap filling of
the missing chunks. But how to construct the remedial instruction is not trivial and there
empirical undertaking. It is also not very flexible and cannot identify new errors from the
student. Also the inference from an erroneous answer or solution to what the student
knows is more complicated than the inference from a correct answer to what he or she
knows correctly.
the likely behavior in the relevant knowledge domain. A simulation is runnable and can
predict what the simulated person would do if he solves the same task. So the system can
know every step that the student has taken to solve the problem. This approach assumes
that we can specify the student’s mental representation of both declarative and procedural
Such a model has a quite complete description of the student, which should
provide dramatic advantages in instruction. But again, even if you know the student’s
solutions it is not trivial to design a plan to help the student solve the problem efficiently.
one step of the student’s solution. As soon as the student goes wrong, the tutor will
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intervene and bring the student back to the correct path. So it actually simulates one step
at a time. If it includes mal-rules along with correct rules, it can match misbehavior too.
constraints [Ohlsson, 1992]. Constraint violation on the part of the student indicates
incomplete or incorrect knowledge and can therefore be used to guide the instructions of
student in terms of the constraints which he or she has violated, but it leaves open the
question of what instruction is implied by that description. But no real tutoring system
Although new theories and new models continually appear in this field, there are
doubts about the value of actually constructing them. For example, Sandberg [1987]
summarized a general opinion that it is debatable whether the cost of constructing very
detailed, complex user models is worthwhile in terms of the gain in teaching efficiency.
Sleeman and the others in the PIXIE group also studied whether a sophisticated
student model is necessary for tutoring [Sleeman et al., 1991]. They conducted
student’s performance in the domain and simply reteaching. Their results showed that a
the incorrect form. So both questions, whether an accurate student model produces more
effective tutoring and how to use this kind of model, still need more study.
Building a New Student Model to Support Adaptive Tutoring ... 25
Many researchers have argued that we should not totally abandon a model of the
student but we should make the student modeling problem more practical and useful, i.e.,
a truly effective component of an ITS that can be used to support effective tutoring.
Self argued that there are two sources that may be used to drive different opinions
He then offered more productive views of the potential roles of student models
and described some more realistic, practically achievable, and useful goals for student
1. Avoid guessing – get the student to tell you what you need to know.
It is very important to study the practical roles of student models and the practical
issues in building and using student models in the ITS field, since the student modeling
problem is also studied in cognitive science (in the ITS field the student modeling
problem is also called cognitive diagnosis sometimes), and psychology. But the goal may
be very different from the view of ITS design although we can learn a lot from studies in
other fields. For example, in cognitive science and psychology, it is very important to
Yujian Zhou 26
know the student’s knowledge status exactly, since they are directly concerned with the
student’s learning behavior. But in the ITS field (at least in the Circsim-Tutor project),
what we directly study is our tutor’s behavior (the student model is a model from the
tutor’s point of view), whether the student’s information is important or not, or how
detailed it should be, depends on whether it makes a difference to the tutoring model or
not. So, what kind of student model we should build for our ITS is totally dependent on
the tutoring model. Of course, it is possible that after some study of the student model,
we may find a new tutoring method to use this model and further update the tutoring
Ohlsson also argued that the main purpose of student modeling in the context of
intelligent tutoring is to guide pedagogical decision making and there is little need for a
description of the student’s knowledge unless there is some way for a tutoring system to
Woolf, from her own system design experience, also provided practical
suggestions [Woolf and Murray, 1994]. She argued that ITS designers should carefully
consider both the intended uses of a student model and the limitations and tradeoffs
inherent in the technology at their proposal. A designer should not attempt to model too
much or too deeply, or to build complex mechanisms that infer information about the
She then suggested that in some ITSs, it is not necessary to build a cognitively
accurate model of the student’s mental states of thoughts. The student model should be
Carnegie-Mellon University [Corbett et al., 1990] [Corbett & Anderson, 1992]. This tutor
helps students as they write short computer programs. It presents exercises requiring
students to write short programs and monitors the students’ performance symbol by
and provides advice upon request. The tutor is constructed around a set of several
hundred programming rules that allows the program to solve exercises step-by-step along
complete set of correct rules for writing code is referred to as the ideal student model and
represents the instructional objectives of the text and the tutor. The student model also
includes a bug catalog – a set of incorrect rules that reflect known misconceptions. Each
Each time the student has the opportunity to apply a rule in the ideal student
model, the tutor updates a probability estimate that the student has learned the rule,
contingent on the accuracy of the student’s response, they call this student modeling
possible legal actions and the set of known erroneous actions, the tutor is able to
recognize whether the student is on a correct solution path, appears to be suffering from a
The advantage of this approach is that it breaks down the difficult plan
recognition problem to only tracing one problem solving step. So, this model is
tutoring schemata to lead the students to get the correct answer by themselves, it is
possible that we can model the student at each small step without doing too much
complex electronic testing system {Lesgold et al., 1992] [Katz et al., 1992, 1993]. The
tutor presents trainees with a series of exercises of increasing difficulty. There are two
main episodes in each exercise: problem-solving and review. During problem solving the
student runs the troubleshooting procedure and he can ask for advice at any point while
Building a New Student Model to Support Adaptive Tutoring ... 29
The group argues that student models in computer-based learning systems do not
need to be precise and accurate to be useful. Their approach, which is based on fuzzy set
student variable lattice. Each node in the lattice is an indicator of some characteristic of
The higher level variables in the lattice represent abstractions over groups of these
lower level competencies (e.g., ability to use test equipment, which includes the ability to
use the digital multimeter, the ability to use the handheld meter, and the ability to use the
oscilloscope). These variables come from cognitive task analysis and expert judgments.
The fuzzy variables have five knowledge states: no knowledge, limited knowledge,
Yujian Zhou 30
When the student’s action meets certain constraints. These are a set of rules
If not, then update the fuzzy variables understanding of the checkout procedures
Updating rules for global variables make use of weighted linear equations. For
Circuit testing ability = 0.85 * circuit testing strategy + 0.15 * circuit testing
tactical ability.
Sherlock II provides advice at both the circuit path and individual component
strategic advice – how to test, and procedural advice – how to trace. For example:
If the model suggests that the student should be able to make the next
measurement with only a little help, Sherlock II will give minimal support,
thereby encouraging the student to interpret the hint himself, and to try to come
up with the next measurement to make on his own before requesting help again.
Building a New Student Model to Support Adaptive Tutoring ... 31
If the student model suggests that the student will have difficulty (e.g., he
has had trouble testing a particular type of component before), Sherlock II will
2. it computes its high level student performance from low level expertise;
phase, because they believe that learning from task situations requires
Center), at the University of Pittsburgh [Gertner et al., 1998] [Conati et al, 1997]. It is
Andes includes four components: the homework assignment editor, the tutor, and
the author's tool box. Inside the tutor there are three components: the workbench, the
student's level of mastery of individual physics concepts and the student's preferred
It is automatically generated each time the student selects a new problem. The
structure of the Bayesian Network is taken directly from the structure of the solution
graph. The network contains five kinds of nodes: Context-rule nodes, Fact nodes, Goal
It also has a model-tracing component to see which solution the student appears to
The helper tries to understand what plan or goals the student is pursuing as the
student does an activity. It offers help when asked, and may sometimes offer unsolicited
help. It can explain the feedback given by the workbench. If it detects an important
physics misconception or a bad learning habit, it may engage the student in extensive
This helper is the one that will use the output from the student model. It includes
three different helpers: procedural help, conceptual help, example study help, and
The procedural help generates hints by using a Bayesian Network student model.
First, Andes uses the BN to infer which part of the solution the student is working on and
where she got stuck – a form of probabilistic plan recognition. Second, Andes uses
templates to generate hints from nodes in the solution graph. For each goal and fact node
in the solution graph, Andes has an associated sequence of hint templates, ranging from
quite general to very specific. Andes will give hints from the most general hint first.
Third, if the student asks for further explanation then give more specific hints until the
Andes is one of the most recent intelligent tutoring systems that has been
successfully used by students. There are many things we can learn from Andes: to divide
the student model into different modules, to give hints according to the student’s learning
have a very complicated student model. But it is a very good system to study because it
uses very simple but practical student model to support sophisticated tutorial planning.
MENO-Tutor is one of the tutoring systems in the MENO project, which started
in the late seventies at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. The whole MENO
project attempted to build an intelligent tutor for novice Pascal programmers, including
misconceptions, and to tutor the student with respect to these misconceptions, while the
tutors who strive to be adaptive to their listeners. They argued that a successful machine
discourse and a deep understanding of the student’s knowledge [Woolf, 1984]. They
studied human tutoring protocols and identified some of the rules and structures that
govern this kind of behavior [Woolf, 1984]. This is particularly interesting to Circsim-
Tutor since,
4. we want to find the rules and structures that can produce our human
tutors’ behavior.
strategic states, and tactical states on all three levels. Each lower level will refine the
action of the higher level. The network is traversed by an iterative routine that stays
within a predetermined space of paths from node to node, but the default path can be
preempted at any time by meta-rules that move MENO-Tutor to a new path. The action
of the meta-rule corresponds functionally to the high level transitions observed in human
According to this network the tutor chooses among alternative discourses based
on what the tutor knows about the student’s knowledge and the discourse history.
The preconditions of the meta-rules determine when it is time to move off the
default path. To do so, in the prediction part several things will be examined: the student
In the student model they will model whether the student seems confused or not
from the tutor’s view. Several facts are used to evaluate the student’s knowledge state.
For example, the number of questions asked, the number of incorrect responses given,
and the extent to which the student’s frontier of knowledge has been explored.
This kind of meta-rules are important to us, too, because we need to study rules
about how our tutors change their methods (may correspond to the tutoring strategy here)
or topics and what kind of student information they use. The question about what kind of
3.3.5 User Modeling in TAILOR. Paris [1993] argued that there are (at least)
two very different types of descriptions in naturally occurring texts that are characterized
by means of distinct discourse strategies. One is the process trace, which allows for the
strategy; another one is the constituency schema, which allows for the generation of
After she carefully analyzed some naturally occurring texts, she argued that as a
result of the difference in organizing structures, the type of information that is included in
the descriptions is also different: in the texts from the adult encyclopedias and the manual
for experts, the information included is mainly structural, while in the texts from the
junior encyclopedias and the manual for novices, the information included is mainly
functional (or process oriented). One of the main differences between the two audiences
at which the two groups of texts were aimed is their assumed level of domain knowledge.
So the reader’s level of knowledge about the domain affects the kind of information
dimension (the different kinds of information available) along which a system can tailor
She suggested that the user’s domain knowledge should affect the content of a
description with respect to the kind of information to include in a text, and not just the
level of detail. She proposes using the process trace when the user is relatively naive
about the domain of discourse, and the constituency schema when the user has expertise
Since users are not necessarily either naive or expert in a domain, she argues that
they may have local expertise, knowing about some objects in the domain and not others.
two strategies presented for naive and expert users is appropriate. They have identified
The first idea of studying TAILOR is can we use this user expertise to explain our
tutor’s behavior when they switch between the deeper level method and the top level
Another idea is that there may be two kinds of knowledge that our human tutor
will try to tutor in Circsim-Tutor, too: the casual relationship knowledge (the concept
map), which may correspond to Paris’s process trace, and the object knowledge, some
structure and functional knowledge about different objects in our domain (from that we
could explain why x will affect y), which may correspond to structure knowledge in
some other systems which include a student model component, I try to discover:
There are a couple of questions, that directly come from this study, that we want
to answer, including,
Building a New Student Model to Support Adaptive Tutoring ... 37
2. Is the Bayesian Network or the Fuzzy model useful for our project?
dialogues like those human tutors have produced. Freedman, Kim and the others have
structure of tutoring goals [Freedman et al., 1998a, 1998b] [Kim et al. 1998]. Freedman
natural thought that we should study what kind of student model is used to support this
kind of behavior, so we can build a computational model to simulate it too. Since the
tutoring goal structure comes from human tutoring transcripts, it is possible that we could
look at the same transcripts and uncover the supporting student model.
Instead of analyzing transcripts there is another method that has been used by the
Circsim-Tutor project before – interviews with human tutors. This was a very good
method in the beginning when we did not have much information about the student
model, because:
2. They can tell us what kind of information they prefer to use and what they
The result of this method produced very interesting ideas when we begin to
analyze the transcripts. But this method alone cannot produce a very complete and
1. Generally, all that information is not exactly rules and is very hard to
2. The criteria that our human tutors use to evaluate the student are very
rough; they say “the student is doing poorly” or “the student got stuck.”
On the other hand, transcript analysis is a very good method to get accurate and
detailed results, and there are plenty of statistical and Machine Learning techniques that
can be used to find useful patterns and rules from large amounts of data that cannot be
In the following sections I will elaborate on how to find the possible student
model from human tutoring transcripts and how to use this model to support tutoring
decisions. First I will discuss some practical problems and general analysis. Then I will
discuss in detail how to analyze the student model and its function based on a specific
tutoring model.
modeling component is that the student’s incorrect knowledge is far behind the expert
knowledge. You can easily infer a correct solution from a set of correct rules, but
Yujian Zhou 40
inferring an incorrect solution is much harder and more uncertain. Lots of student
modeling researchers have studied the untraceable problem of detecting the false
knowledge of a student [Self, 1990a]. Some of them suggested that we should not attempt
to model too much or too deeply, or to build complex mechanisms that develop
information about the student’s cognitive state that will not actually be used by the end
system, or will be too uncertain or abstract to be used effectively [Woolf and Murray,
solution path (but we may need to make some inferences if we want to seriously simulate
the tutor responses to student initiatives). By carefully planning tutoring questions our
tutorial dialogue also avoids lots of inference. But we still have some difficulty in
detecting the student’s false knowledge because the student’s answers are full of
uncertainty. Even if we can parse all the student’s incorrect answers, relating them to the
knowledge base and representing them are still very difficult tasks. We have not even
mentioned the problem of extracting useful patterns and information for the instructional
The variety of false knowledge that our students possess makes the student
modeling problem even harder. Some of the false knowledge is confusion about concepts,
some is inappropriate analogies, and some is even nonsense. Now we can detect them
only by small clues from the student’s answers or from the prediction table entries. So,
4.2.2 The Features That Human Tutors Use to Describe the Student’s
Current Knowledge State. Kim and others studied human tutor responses to student
replies to a tutoring question [Kim, et al., 1998]. In their study they mostly used the
Building a New Student Model to Support Adaptive Tutoring ... 41
category of the student’s answers. While this is one of the major factors, it is not the only
one since after the same kind of student answers, our human tutors may have different
responses. So, we need to study other kinds of information our human tutors have used
For example, Hume argued that our tutors’ decisions are determined by the
student performance [Hume, 1995]. Our expert tutors think that the prediction table is a
good tool to find the student’s error patterns [Michael et al., 1992].
After analyzing some of the transcripts, I found that the order in which high level
tutoring is performed depends on the major misconceptions inferred from the prediction
Generally, our human tutors develop their tutoring based on the concept map: first
tutor the incorrect variables in the shortest path to MAP, then tutor those in the other
paths. This will be the default strategy for Version 3 in the DR stage too.
But in some cases, if the tutors can infer some major misconceptions from the
student’s prediction order, they may change the tutoring order to: first address the major
misconceptions, then tutor the others along the causal relation paths.
predict the change of RAP from MAP; then based on this value of RAP they predict SV
and CO wrong. When our human tutors recognize this misconception their behavior is:
first tutor the possible misconception from MAP to RAP, then lead the student to think
So we can see from the example that the determination of the order of high level
tutoring is influenced by major misconceptions while in the general case it will be the
There are some other features that may affect our tutors’ decisions. But to
systematically analyze the necessary features for the student model, we have to base our
decisions on a solid tutoring model. In the following sections I will describe the special
tutoring model that I have used as a basis for my own work and the detailed analysis of
4.3.1 Freedman and Kim’s Tutorial Model. After several years of study,
behavior [Freedman, 1996a]. She, Kim, and others then marked up some transcripts
according to her schema and developed a hierarchy of tutoring goal and strategies
[Freedman, 1996b] [Kim et al., 1998]. Their hierarchy includes the following levels:
This model served as the tutoring model for Circsim-Tutor Version 3 and the
following analysis is mostly based on their structure and on their markups of tutoring
thesis [Freedman, 1996a] she identified several schemata that our human tutors actually
used in their one-on-one keyboard-to-keyboard tutoring. She also suggested that the
Building a New Student Model to Support Adaptive Tutoring ... 43
decision to choose a schema may depend on several sources, such as tutoring history,
domain knowledge, student modeling, and so on. But we still need to know exactly how
human tutors make decisions based on those sources, so that we make these decisions in
the same way in our tutoring system as much as we can. This approach affects the kind of
It has been argued in CST project meetings that some schemata may demand
more student activity than the others, so if the student assessment is high, the tutor may
choose the schemata that require higher student activity. If the student assessment is low,
the tutor may choose the schemata that require lower student activity. We need to test
whether this argument is true or not. If it is true, we need to discover which assessment
Some initial analysis of the transcripts shows that there are some rules that use the
If the student does not know that the mechanism for some variables is neural,
then use t-does-neural-DLR schema;
Yujian Zhou 44
4.3.3 Decide on Topics. In Freedman and Kim’s markup [Kim et al., 1998] each
schema will include several topics, so, we need to decide which topics to include in a
Our initial analysis shows that this decision is related to the student’s detailed
knowledge and misconceptions, i.e., what the student already knows and what the
For example, the decision whether or not to include the DR-info topic in the t-
does-neural-DLR schema may depend on the difficulties that the student has.
In Example 1 the student correctly answered what controls TPR, so from our
tutor’s view s/he didn’t have difficulty about the mechanism, but since s/he incorrectly
predicts TPR’s value, then it is possible that the student has misunderstood what DR
means. So in this example, the tutor mentions the DR’s meaning in detail.
Example 1.
In Example 2 the student has some real difficulty in understanding the mechanism
that controls Inotropic State, but the only error is in this neural variable. So after the
tutoring of the mechanism our human tutor infers that the student got IS wrong basically
because s/he does not understand the mechanism, not because of a misconception of the
meaning of DR (since the student predicted other neural variables correctly). So in the
following example what our tutor actually does is only mention ‘in the DR’ instead of
Example 2.
4.3.4 Decide Primitives. There are two kinds of primitives in Freedman and
Kim’s annotation: t-elicit and t-inform. The distinction between them is: t-elicit produces
a question to the student about a piece of information. It may need more action from the
student -- the student is active. On the other hand, t-inform produces an explanation of a
piece of information to the students. It requires less action from the student -- the student
is passive.
Again since the two primitives affect the student’s activity level, we need to test
whether the choice of the primitives is related to the student’s performance or not.
For example, if we look at the DR-info topic inside the t-does-neural-DLR, our
tutor’s behavior seems to really depend on the student’s assessment in Examples 1 and 3.
Yujian Zhou 46
In Example 1, the student predicts two neural variables incorrectly and two other
non-neural variables incorrectly. So our tutor’s evaluation of the student is quite low.
And he actually chose the primitive that needs less activity from the student. He informed
In Example 3, the student made only one error, in one neural variable, so the
assessment is quite high, and our human tutor chose the primitive that requires more
Example 3.
But we need to analyze more transcripts to find out if these choices also depend
on other information about the student and the conversational context, especially the
detailed knowledge of the student. For example, what the student learns from the DR
stage may often happen to be a t-inform primitive of the same topic in the RR or SS
strategy and how it is related to the student model may deserve the most attention since it
may involve all the different parts of the knowledge in the student model and it may be
more directly affected by the student model. One of the big problems in Version 2 is that
it has only a few response patterns, and this is one of the aspects that we want to improve
in Version 3.
Building a New Student Model to Support Adaptive Tutoring ... 47
Our human tutors try to maintain a global tutoring plan but at the same time reply
to issues raised by students. As a result, our tutor’s responses tend to have the following
Each segment is optional, although at least one must be present. Those three parts
may be instantiated by a variety of response strategies to the former turn, for example:
Each part has its own categories that can be chosen. For example:
The new material may be the next primitive -- a hint, a restated question -- inside
the same topic, or the next topic inside the same schema, or a totally new
• Point out the erroneous answer and compare it to the correct concept;
• Simply lead the student to look at the concept from another point of view,
So, to decide which pattern to choose, along with how to instantiate the sub-
category and the sub-sub-category we have to analyze a lot of transcripts to find what
really influences our human tutor’s decisions, so that we can implement as much as we
can in Version 3.
Since the tutoring setup is one-on-one, we believe that our human tutors make the
answer of the student to the last question is an important factor in determining the
response strategy [Kim et al., 1998]. After different students give different answers (in
different categories) to the same question, our human tutor’s responses are quite
Building a New Student Model to Support Adaptive Tutoring ... 49
K11-tu-57-2: If CC is under neural control and we are talking about the period
before any change in neural activity then CC???
K11-st-58-1: But, it is ALSO under intrinsic control
K11-tu-59-1: You are confusing Starling's Law with a change in contractility.
K11-tu-59-2: The length/tension relation of the heart is not a change in
K11-tu-59-3: A change in contractility moves the length/tension curve from one
location to another.
K11-tu-59-4: Increased contractility means that at a given EDV you get more
contractile performance out of the ventricle.
Yujian Zhou 50
Our tutor will give different responses not only for different answer types, but
also for different types of incorrect answers (different types of misconceptions and the
reasons causing them). Since one of CST’s goals is to remedy the student’s
Here are some typical categories of student’s misconceptions and the tutor’s
the reflex in the DR stage, or misuse the following two rules: RAP
mention the problem solving context and state the general rules
think the increase in MAP will cause RAP to increase because they
students do not know which part has the agonist receptor. The
typical tutoring strategy is to give some hint and lead the student to
more blood.
Also for the same ‘do not know’ answer category our human tutor may give
different hints, some are more obvious and some are a little vague, so we need to decide
And we are looking for other factors from the student model such as the general
knowledge that the student already knows. This is important, particularly if we ask
ourselves a question: How can we automatically decide the content for the content
oriented reply part and also how can we automatically generate hints for the new material
parts since they are not in the schemata structure. And this is a real problem, when we
tried to add explanations and hints for the current Version 2, we have to add a whole new
hinting model.
4.3.6 Summary of Transcript Analysis. From the above analysis we can see that
the student model has been used to support different tutoring decisions, from the high
Yujian Zhou 52
level tutoring order decisions, to the lowest level of detailed response strategy decisions.
But for decisions of different levels made by different components, the expected
information about the student may be different. So we certainly need to include several
information about tutoring and student modeling. But there is one problem with
analyzing transcripts manually – we can handle only a small portion of the transcripts.
When the number of transcripts become very large it is very hard for human beings to
handle them. So we need to find an automatic method to do this kind of analysis. In this
There are several methods that people use to analyze transcripts automatically:
statistical methods, Machine Learning methods, and so on. I chose Machine Learning
methods because they can generate new rules that we can use in our system directly,
Also, Machine Learning is a very good method to automatically find useful rules
for large data sets, too big for human beings to deal with. We have accumulated over
5000 turns of transcripts of human tutoring sessions. It is hard to analyze them manually.
manual analysis may be influenced by human bias. But we will also use other methods to
help us construct better rules, since Machine Learning has its own limitations too.
Yujian Zhou 54
5.2 Using Machine Learning to Discover What Kind of Information the Tutor Needs
to Know in One-on-One Tutoring
Basically this is the feature selection problem in the Machine Learning field. In
the real world there may be lots of information that can affect the decision. But there are
some features that are particularly powerful, and we need to find them.
In our experiment we used more than ten conditional features that we think may
In the student model there are three types of information that may useful for the
Within CST the most debated question that we need to decide is the student
assessments: whether they are useful or not; if useful, how to calculate them. So, we
Another problem is about the student misconceptions. How can we get the data
markups. But since one of our goals is to remedy the student’s misconceptions, our
tutor’s response will definitely be affected by the student misconceptions. Also in the real
this information is directly related to the future system. One possible solution to this
problem is that we can manually add this information to the transcripts and so we may
5.3 Applying Machine Learning to Discover How Human Tutors Make Decisions
Based on the Student Model, Experiments and Results
We have designed several experiments to find out how our human tutors make
decisions on different levels by using Quinlan’s [1993] C4.5 learning algorithm. The
results show that this Machine Learning method can help us find some real tutoring rules
Here are some experimental results showing that our human tutor’s decisions are
truly dependent on the student’s state along with domain knowledge and some other
were interested in categorizing the tutor’s response strategy directly after a student replies
to a tutoring question. In the markup by Kim and others [Kim et al., 1998], student replies
Correct but hedged,
Partially correct,
Near miss,
Don’t know,
We tried a number of features, of which the most explanatory turned out to be:
Give info and proceed.
Give info and re-elicit.
Give answer and proceed.
Nested method.
New method.
response. C4.5 produced the following decision tree, which required no simplification:
This tree provides an algorithm for updating the tutoring plan based on the student
From the decision tree we can see that the most important factor in this case is the
Freedman’s tutoring goal hierarchy [Freedman, 1996a], while Brandle [1998] studied
acknowledgments from the view point of Clark’s [1996] joint action theory. In 62 cases
The possible features were the same as in the previous experiment. In this
experiment C4.5 found significance in the number of times the tutor retried the t-elicit to
which the student was responding. The resulting decision tree is quite messy, with 28
nodes before simplification and 15 nodes after, and the simplified tree misclassifies more
Yujian Zhou 58
than 20% of the cases, so we do not have a comprehensive set of rules to cover all cases.
There are two reasons that may cause this inaccuracy and the huge tree:
1. Too few examples. Our learning data set is relatively small, especially for
experiment, he used local assessment as one of the features and it turns out
to be very powerful. But using the current markup structure, it is not easy
But we do see that the choice of the type of acknowledgment mostly depends on
we tried to decide which realization form to choose after a topic has been chosen. For this
experiment we had C4.5 build a decision tree to classify 18 cases where t-tutors-dr-info
The t-does-neural-DLR is one of the methods that our tutors use frequently to
This rule, which uses only the student’s prediction about the three neural
variables, correctly classifies 15 of the 18 cases. We proved that the decision about the
explored how tutoring operators are chosen at the method level. Each case represented
In this experiment we had 23 cases, each with five features. There were five
possible outcomes. The original tree produced by C4.5 is too specific to be useful. C4.5
If var is neural
if first var in category, use t-does-neural-dlr
if second, use t-shows-contradiction
else {variable is not neural}
if first vbl in catg, use t-tutors-via-determinants
if second, use t-moves-forward
This tree misclassifies three of the 23 cases, for an error rate of 13%. Of the three
that are misclassified, two involve second and subsequent attempts to tutor the same
variable. These attempts tend to employ the less common tutoring methods. Although we
have coded about half of the transcripts involving these tutoring methods, we have coded
only about 10% of the total corpus. We hope that completing the annotation of the corpus
will produce decision trees that cover other phenomena of interest to us, including criteria
What this tree has uncovered is a high-level plan for the entire tutoring session.
Previous research has found an algorithm for sequencing the variables to be tutored, and
this rule tells us which tutoring strategy to use for each variable.
As Freedman and Glass pointed out [Freedman et al., 1998b], within each group
of variables, neural and non-neural, C4.5 noticed an interesting rhetorical pattern. The
second variable to be tutored in each group uses a method that builds on knowledge
taught in the first variable. For example, a common rhetorical pattern for tutoring two
Yujian Zhou 62
<t-corrects-variable variable=v1>
What variables in the prediction table determine v1?
(v1 is tutored, based on its determinants)
<t-corrects-variable variable=v2>
<t-moves forward>
And what effect would v1 have on v2?
(v2 is tutored by moving forward from v1)
In this experiment no student information has been used in the simplified tree, but
by carefully analyzing the data I found that this is mostly caused by the coverage of the
data. Since the mark up process is a very time consuming work, our markups only
include the DR stage for one procedure. So most of the data involves only the major
tutoring methods and can be classified without much information about the student.
In the last two years several researchers have applied Machine Learning
techniques to transcript analysis, such as dialogue act prediction, cue word usage,
planning rules, and discourse segmentation. For example, Van der Linden and Di
Eugenio used C4.5 to learn micro-planning rules for preventative expressions [Van der
together to discuss how can Machine Learning techniques help discourse analysis. They
addressed issues from the discourse processing and Machine Learning points of view.
What Machine Learning techniques may be suitable for acquiring knowledge for
What discourse corpora are currently available for Machine Learning? What other
Learning techniques?
We also need to consider some of these questions to further our study of applying
integrate the Machine Learning results with other research results such as manual
analysis and interviews; how to make the process more automatic; how to apply recent
In Chapter IV I described the transcript analysis used for student modeling and
the role of the student model. In Chapter V, I applied Machine Learning techniques to
automatically find rules and useful patterns from the transcripts. Also there are lots of
research results about tutoring analysis in this group [Freedman, 1996a] [Kim et al.,
1998]. In this chapter I will try to put most of those results together to build a
computational hinting model for Circsim-Tutor Version 2 and try to convert this model to
plan operators using the Atlas Plan Engine [Freedman 1999] for CIRCSIM-Tutor Version 3.
one-on-one tutoring when the student has trouble solving a problem or answering a
question. In many student-oriented tutoring systems, the machine tutor will give hints
when the student asks for help, e.g. Andes [Gertner et al., 1998]. In this tutoring setup,
the central issue of hinting is to help the student recall the related domain rules or facts
that the student may have trouble with. In a system where the tutor has control over the
conversation and asks the questions, hinting is also a good strategy to help the student
find the expected answer when the student gives an unexpected one. But in this tutoring
setup, not only the student’s possible weakness but also the tutor’s plan and the tutoring
context are important for issuing hints. Since there may be more than one pedagogical
plan for tutoring a domain concept, the hinting strategy is closely related to the tutoring
method or tutoring plan, although the detailed content of each hint is closely related to the
Yujian Zhou 66
domain concept. So how to issue a follow-up hint which is helpful to the student,
coordinated with the tutoring plan, and coherent in the dialogue context is an important
6.1.2 Earlier Work on Hints in Circsim-Tutor. Hume et al. [1996] studied the
use of hints by experienced tutors in the hope of formulating a strategy for using hints in
an ITS. They observed that human tutors frequently use hints as a pedagogical tactic.
However, the theory of hints in their framework is too broad, as they identify most
tutoring moves as hints in some contexts. Furthermore, these hints were defined without
physiological variables missed by the student. But it failed to tailor the content to the
student’s previous answer, as it issued only fixed hints such as “Think about the value of
Tutor, we started by adding hints, tailored to the student answer, which were given in
response to a partially correct answer (this is the main situation in which the tutor gives
hints in the original CIRCSIM-Tutor). This improved version was used by 24 students from
Rush Medical College in April 1998. After reading the log files from this experiment, we
found that the new hints were effective but there were other kinds of student answers that
responses to other categories of student answers. This new version was used by 50
students from Rush Medical College in November 1998. We will discuss the
experimental results later in this paper. This improved version, which also has a new
input understander [Glass, 1999], is robust and useful enough that our expert tutors from
Building a New Student Model to Support Adaptive Tutoring ... 67
Rush Medical College believe that it can be used without supervision by medical students
In an interview with our expert tutors they identified two rules for how they give
These two rules indicate that human tutors are trying to help the students think
actively (by giving more evocative language) and also trying to help them think along the
right chain of causal relationships by giving a small step along the causal path. Hume
[1995] classified hints into two general categories -- point-to hints and convey-
These two rules cover many of the cases of the human tutors’ usage of hints, but
they are too general and abstract to actually implement hinting in CIRCSIM-Tutor. So we
in order to identify the types of hints used in different situations and identify more
and useful way in a real ITS, we need to identify the underlying principles in order to
avoid just giving canned hints in each situation. So we want to isolate hinting strategies
6.2.1 Strategy: Give an Intermediate Causal Link. This is one of the rules
indicated by our human tutors. It actually has three sub-rules, each related to a different
tutoring plan. Suppose there are several causally related physiological variables A affects
X affects B, where the tutor usually teaches the relationship between A and B, ignoring
answer B.
the link from X to B can be an effective hint backward toward the answer
• If the tutor asked how A and B are related, then mentioning either of the
By giving hints like this, the tutor offers a small piece of information relating the
variable in question to the desired answer. The pedagogical expectation is that the student
will think along these lines and find the desired answer.
Building a New Student Model to Support Adaptive Tutoring ... 69
focus on the physiology, they occasionally point to an anatomy object to help the student
concentrate on the right part of the cardiovascular system if the student can not answer a
question. This kind of hint is especially useful when the student has trouble finding the
6.2.3 Strategy: Point Out the Laws of Physics Involved. Although our domain
is physiology, it is occasionally useful for the tutor to point to some physics rules to help
the student visualize why the causal relation should be the way it is. For example:
T: When MAP [mean arterial pressure] increases, what will that affect?
S: (incorrect answer)
T: When MAP increases, it’s harder for the ventricle to pump blood.
6.2.4 Strategy: Give Evoking Terms or Synonyms. While most of the time our
tutors use a specific set of physiology terms in order to encourage students to use the
same terms, they sometimes choose more evocative phrases. For example, in certain
contexts they often use “afterload” as a synonym for “mean arterial pressure,” evoking
images of the pressure the heart is pumping against. This strategy is used mostly when
the tutor is tutoring the causal relationship from mean arterial pressure to stroke volume
6.2.5 Strategy: Linguistic Hint. Since our human tutors use natural language
(just as our tutoring system does), they sometimes give subtle linguistic hints which
Yujian Zhou 70
include very little domain information. These hints are intended to help the student to
A typical example occurs when the tutor is expecting several parameters from the
student and the student gives only some of them. The tutor may simply reply with
6.2.6 Other Strategies. The above strategies are the most frequently used. There
are also some other strategies that are used infrequently or are used only in special
tutoring situations. These include pointing out the function of a drug, using capital letters
to indicate a core variable, giving a definition, pointing out the problem-solving context,
Now that we have analyzed the hinting strategies of human tutors, we will discuss
Tutor. Although there may be some deeper cognitive reasoning behind the human tutors’
hinting strategy, we do not model such reasoning in the tutoring system. First, we lack a
view, our analysis of human tutors’ hinting strategies demonstrates that we can generate
precise hints without invoking such a theory. The following algorithms describe our
6.3.1 Factors Determining the Hinting Strategies. There are several factors that
may affect the choice of a specific hint: the tutoring topic, tutoring context, tutoring
Building a New Student Model to Support Adaptive Tutoring ... 71
history, student’s answer, and so on. From our interviews with human tutors and the
First, to be pedagogically useful, a hint has to be related to the tutoring topic and
be useful in helping the student find the expected answer. So the tutoring topic is
Second, the student’s answer is important since hints are intended to help the
student figure out the expected answer from what he or she has already said.
Third, the specific question used by the tutor, which is a reflection of the high
level tutorial plan, is important because there may be several questions available for
tutoring the same concept. Different kinds of tutor questions may indicate a different
Finally, the tutoring history is also important, especially for the second or third
hint in a row. The tutor needs to base further hints on earlier ones for two reasons. From a
pedagogical point of view, it makes the tutoring logic stand out more clearly.
module to categorize student answers. Below are the categories that we use to classify
students’ answers:
1. Correct
2. Partially correct answer, i.e., some part of the answer is correct and the
rest is incorrect
Yujian Zhou 72
3. Near miss answer, which is pedagogically useful but not the desired
5. “Grain of truth” answer, where the student gives an incorrect answer, but
These categories, which were abstracted from our analysis of human tutoring
transcripts, are one of the features used to decide which hint to give. The more
information the tutor can find in the student’s answer, the more specific the hint can be.
that it is largely a pragmatic categorization, i.e. a correct answer is one which our human
6.3.3 Use of a Quantitative Student Model. Hume et al. [1996a,b] observed that
human tutors maintain a rough assessment of the student’s performance. They argued that
when and how to give hints is based on that measurement of student performance.
Although our definition of hint is narrower than theirs, we still feel that student
performance is a good criterion for deciding when to deliver hints rather than giving the
the student so far), procedure-level assessment (measurement for each problem the
student is asked to solve), stage assessment (measurement for each of the three
physiological stages in a problem), and the local assessment attached to each variable that
has been tutored. The local assessment is updated after each tutoring interaction and other
assessments are calculated from the local assessment. If the student’s performance is too
low, the tutor gives the answer instead of issuing a hint. This model will be explained
From experiments with medical students, we have found that we need other
history data along with the assessment of the student for deciding between giving a hint
and giving the answer, especially when the student gives the same kind of wrong answer
twice in a row.
6.3.4 Identifying the Possible Hinting Strategies. From our analysis of human
built a hinting algorithm for each category of student answer. Each answer category is
associated with a predefined list of strategies. Some of the algorithms are quite simple.
For example, if the student gives a near miss answer, the tutor responds with a leading
question that points to an intermediate link from the near miss to the correct answer.
Some of the algorithms are more complex. For example, if the student’s answer is
incorrect, there are several strategies available. If the tutor is tutoring a causal link in the
forward direction, most hinting strategies focus on evoking terms related to the variable
6.3.5 Using Heuristic Rules to Rank the Strategies. If the tutor still has several
strategies to choose among, the tutor ranks the possible hints using heuristic rules that
attempt to generate more specific hints first. We consider hints in the following order:
6. Others
6.3.6 Locating Appropriate Content. The result of this procedure is a list of hint
types only. To decide the details of the content in a hint, the tutor searches the domain
knowledge base for each of the available hinting strategies. For the first hinting strategy,
it looks to see if the knowledge base has an entry for the concept currently being tutored.
If the domain knowledge has an entry, then the search terminates; if not, the algorithm
tries the remaining hinting strategies in sequence. If no entry is available for any of the
To support the hinting strategies that we identified from the human tutoring
sessions, we are in the process of extending our domain knowledge base with additional
the content selection algorithms discussed above to deliver the hints. For example:
Building a New Student Model to Support Adaptive Tutoring ... 75
Like <the related variable in the student’s answer>, the other determinant is also
related to <the anatomy object>.
6.4.1 Derivation of a Hint. The following example illustrates how the machine
tutor determines the follow-up hint step by step after the student gives an unexpected
Here the category of the student’s answer is “I don’t know.” If the tutor decides to
give hints, the hint algorithm related to the “I don’t know” answer will be evoked. Since
there are several strategies available, the algorithm will first check the tutoring plan. Here
the system is trying to tutor a causal relation backward. So the possible hinting strategies
reduce to:
Using the heuristic rules above, this list is the final list after ranking the
preferences. Then the tutor checks the domain knowledge base and finds that the second
Yujian Zhou 76
strategy has suitable content available. Finally the tutor will find the related hint template
If the student still can not get the correct answer, the tutor could issue a further
hint giving an intermediate step between CVC and CVP. But if the student gives a near
miss answer, e.g. CBV (central blood volume) instead, the tutor could use the near miss
as a basis for issuing a follow-up hint instead. That hint might be expressed as a question
pointing to an intermediate link between the near miss and the desired answer:
6.4.2 Influence of the Tutoring Question. The wording or intent of the tutor’s
questions is not an issue in systems where the student asks the questions. But the opposite
is true in CIRCSIM-Tutor, particularly when the question indicates the direction the tutor is
following along a causal link. When the tutor is teaching the relationship between A and
B, different questions can address the same causal link in different directions. In response
to an incorrect answer, each question might benefit from a different hint. In Dialogue 1
below, the tutor tries to teach about the link from cardiac output to central venous
pressure, working backward from CVP. In Dialogue 2, the tutor works forward from CO.
Although the student gives an incorrect response in both cases, the resulting hint is
Building a New Student Model to Support Adaptive Tutoring ... 77
Dialogue 1:
Dialogue 2:
T: When Cardiac Output decreased, how would that affects the value of
Central Venous Pressure?
S: Decrease. (Incorrect answer.)
T: No. When CO decreases, think about what will happen to the volume of
blood in the central venous compartment. (Gives a forward hint from CO
to the volume of blood in the CVC.)
6.4.3 Influence of Tutoring History. The tutor keeps a tutoring history to avoid
repeating the same hint and to make sure that the hints do not return to a causal
relationship that was already tutored if there are several hints in a row.
If we did not keep a dialogue history, the tutor could ask “And what determines
EDP?” In that case the tutor would be following the student’s lead away from the right
Yujian Zhou 78
simple algorithms, it can generate a variety of hints that allow the students to answer for
themselves rather than being told. Below is an example produced by CIRCSIM-Tutor using
our model.
planner ATLAS to imitate this planning behavior [Freedman, 1999]. In addition to the
capabilities in CST v. 2, her planner can back up to a higher goal and retry from any
Building a New Student Model to Support Adaptive Tutoring ... 79
level, not just at the goal where the student made an error. Furthermore, it can add
interactive subplans to an existing plan, not just declarative material. The basic
knowledge representation for the discourse planner is a sophisticated form of schema that
allows static and dynamic preconditions, recursion and full unification. The most
Tutoring strategy
Freedman’s ATLAS planner. I wrote a set of operators using ATLAS to simulate the
detailed examples. I first explain some of the high lever operators and then explain the
First the planner needs to decompose the goal of correcting-a-variable down to the
primitive or turn goals. The following operator is a typical example that decides which
method to choose to correct a variable according to the domain knowledge and tutoring
(def-operator correct-vbl-by-neural-DLR
:goal (did-correct-vbl-1 ?vbl)
:filter ()
:precond ((is-neural ?vbl)
(not (have-tried-neural-DLR ?vbl)))
:recipe ((assert (have-tried-neural-DLR ?vbl))
(goal (did-neural-DLR ?vbl)))
:temp ((assert (w-method-is neural-DLR))
(assert (w-level-is method))))
(def-operator do-neural-DLR
:goal (did-neural-DLR ?vbl)
:filter ()
:precond ()
:recipe ((goal (did-tutor mechanism ?vbl))
(goal (did-tutor DR-info ?vbl))
(goal (did-tutor vblvalue ?vbl)))
:temp ())
The planner will continue to refine the goals in the above operator until it reaches
the leaf level where the tutor asks a question (using the primitive T-elicit) or gives some
information (using the primitive T-inform). If the tutor asks a question, the tutor will wait
for the student's reply. If the student gives the correct answer, the tutor will continue on
to the next item in the tutoring agenda. If the student gives an unexpected answer, the
tutor will replan. The next two operators show how to replan after the student gives an
unexpected answer.
The following example operator describes how to replan if the student shows
some understanding of the topic. In this case, the student gives a near miss answer and
(def-operator student-near-miss
:goal (did-reevaluate-agenda)
:filter ()
:precond ((i-input-type-is text)
(i-input-catg-is near-miss))
:recipe ((goal (did-handle-near-miss)))
:temp ())
The next operator describes how to change a plan at the tutoring method level if
(def-operator student-incorrect-dont-know
:goal (did-reevaluate-agenda)
:filter ()
:precond ((i-input-type-is text)
(i-input-catg-is ?x)
(p-summary-catg-is ?x bad))
:recipe ((goal (did-handle-bad)))
:temp ())
Building a New Student Model to Support Adaptive Tutoring ... 83
The next operator describes how to handle “partially correct” answers. The tutor
(def-operator handle-partial-answer
:goal (did-handle-partial-answer)
:filter ()
:precond ((w-variable-is ?vbl)
(not (is-neural ?vbl))
(w-topic-is determinants)
(w-method-is via-determinants)
(w-level-is topic)
(i-input-concept-is ?partial)
(e-get-missing-determinant ?vbl ?partial ?det)) ; Student Model
:recipe ((retract (no-error (w-partial-answer-is ?x)))
(assert (w-partial-answer-is ?partial))
(goal (did-acknowledge-right-part ?vbl ?partial)); acknowledgment
(goal (did-give-hint-of-missing-det ?vbl ?det)) ;;hints
(goal (did-ask-the-other-determinant ?vbl ?det)))
:temp ())
We will add more student model information and tutoring histories into the
One advantage of using the ATLAS planner is that it can back up at any level and
at any time.
Yujian Zhou 84
There are several tutoring systems that use hints as a tutoring tactic. Andes
[Gertner et al., 1998] generates individual hints. It uses a Bayesian-network based student
model to tailor its follow-up hints to the student’s knowledge, and delivers them by using
an associated sequence of hint templates for each goal and fact in its knowledge base.
The Lisp tutor [Anderson et al., 1995] also generates hints from a sequence of hint
templates. It uses model tracing techniques to detect that the student is not following the
correct solution path. Sherlock II [Lesgold et al., 1992] generates a paragraph after the
category of the student’s answer, the tutorial plan, and the tutoring history. We then
decide the content by searching the domain knowledge base to instantiate the strategy. So
our hints are focused on both the student’s needs and the current tutorial plan. By
considering the current tutorial plan, the tutor can make sure the hints are coordinated
with the tutorial plan and ensure conversational coherence while at the same time
Merrill et al. [1992] compared the effectiveness of human tutors and intelligent
tutoring systems. Their study indicated that a major reason that human tutors are more
effective is that they let the students do most of the work in overcoming impasses, while
the tutor mainly leads the students in correcting the errors they have made in the
prediction table, it is also important to let the student do as much as possible. By giving
follow-up hints tailored to the student’s answer rather than giving the correct answer, the
Building a New Student Model to Support Adaptive Tutoring ... 85
tutor provides necessary guidance to the student while promoting a more active style of
confusion of the student through its categorization of the student’s answer. In that case,
the hint is specifically related to the student’s knowledge state. But even if the student
model can not infer a deep understanding of the student’s mental model, hinting is still
more useful than just giving the answer for two reasons. In addition to giving the student
a second chance to correct the error, the content of the hint may offer the student useful
6.7 Evaluation
model described above was used by 50 first-year students from Rush Medical College in
November 1998. All of the students had already completed the regular lectures. They
used the program for one hour. Twenty-four students worked in pairs at a computer and
26 students worked alone. We obtained a log file from each student or pair of students,
The tables below describe our initial formative evaluation of this portion of the
the course of tutoring 565 student errors, it generated 97 hints. Table 1 shows the
effectiveness of hints for different student answer categories and Table 2 shows the
Incorrect 14 14 100%
Mixed 16 14 88%
Category of hinting strategy No. of hints No. of correct ans. % of correct ans.
Others 24 22 92%
Tutor did not have a hint to give in all situations. In particular, hints for the incorrect
answer category tended to occur on questions which had only a few possible answers,
such as yes/no questions. Additionally, we believe that these questions were among the
easier ones. As a result these hints tended to produce good results. Hints for the near miss
Building a New Student Model to Support Adaptive Tutoring ... 87
and partially correct answers were more likely to come from questions with a larger range
of possible responses.
We have now implemented most of the possible hinting strategies for each answer
category, and we hope to evaluate these hints in a later experiment. We are also looking
forward to comparing the learning results between students who use the system with hints
and without. Additionally, we are in the process of analyzing experimental data that will
allow us to carry out a detailed analysis of student learning by comparing pretest and
posttest results.
Another possible method for evaluating hints would be to let our human tutors
compare the hints generated by CIRCSIM-Tutor to what they would like to say in the same
situation. This method was used during the initial development of the system. We believe
that this method of evaluation is important since the goal of this project is to simulate
human tutoring behavior as closely as possible. Currently one of our expert tutors is
working with the latest version of CIRCSIM-Tutor with this goal in mind.
The students were also positive about the quality of the hints and explanations
(1.90 on a scale from 1= definitely YES to 5 = definitely NO, computed from the
involved categorizing student answers, and considering both tutoring plan and dialogue
history. First, human tutoring transcripts are studied to identify human tutors’ hinting
Yujian Zhou 88
strategies and factors that might affect their choice of a hinting strategy. We then
a completely rewritten v. 3 based on the work of Freedman and Evens [1996]. That
project, currently in progress, will allow us to add more complex kinds of remediation
since we will be able to use nested plans and delete agenda items that have become
irrelevant. As I have shown in section 6.5, the operators are more flexible. We are
looking forward to identifying uses for these new features. However, since the hinting
algorithms described here are based on an actual corpus of tutoring transcripts, they will
remain pedagogically valid and we intend to re-implement them in the new system.
Since most of the strategies isolated from the tutoring transcripts are not related to
specific domain knowledge, we also expect to generalize them to other causal domains.
Building a New Student Model to Support Adaptive Tutoring ... 89
7.1 Applying the Knowledge from Transcript Analysis to Build a Student Model
In Chapter IV I described the transcript analysis used for student modeling and
discussed the role of the student model. In Chapter V, I applied Machine Learning
techniques to automatically find rules and useful patterns from the transcripts. In Chapter
VI I discussed possible aspects of the student model in CST Version 2 that we need to
improve. In this chapter I put most of those results together to build a student model for
Version 3.
I address what to model and how to divide the student model into components in
the context of the dialogue-based intelligent tutoring system, CIRCSIM-Tutor. I analyze the
variety of decisions that the system needs to make and extract the information necessary
to support these decisions. I then describe four distinct models that provide different
aspects of this information, taking into consideration the nature of the domain and the
constraints imposed by the tutoring system. At the end of this chapter, I discuss some
general issues related to two questions and illustrated with examples from two CIRCSIM-
Tutor experiments.
widely. Some student models are designed to recognize student plans or solution
paths [Conati et al., 1997], some are designed to evaluate student performance or problem
Yujian Zhou 90
solving skills [Katz et al., 1993], and some are designed to describe constraints that the
student has violated [Mitrovic, 1998] [Ohlsson, 1992]. But there is one question that must
be answered whenever we begin to build a new student model: what aspects of the
Many researchers argue that the main purpose of a student model in the context of
description of the student’s knowledge unless there is some way for the system to make
use of, or react to, that description [Ohlsson, 1986] [Woolf and Murray, 1994]. This
functional view of the student model prompts the following question: if the tutoring
system has several modules or layers for making different decisions, should the student
These two questions are critical to Circsim-Tutor, too. Especially after we analyze
the tutoring setup and underlying tutoring principles, we will see their impacts on what
we need to model and how they should be modeled in the student model.
helps medical students understand the negative feedback system that controls blood
pressure. CIRCSIM-Tutor tutors by having students solve problems. The system presents
upper-right corner. For example, the patient might hemorrhage and lose a liter of blood.
The tutor then asks the student to predict the effect of that change on seven important
physiological parameters. The tutor conducts a dialogue with the student to correct the
errors in the student’s predictions. Depending on the tutoring protocol, this tutorial
dialogue can occur after each erroneous prediction or after a larger hierarchical grouping
The tutoring setup and the underlying tutoring principles have a strong influence
• The students use a prediction table to solve the problem [Michael et al.,
1992]. This table offers us the opportunity to get multiple inputs at the
same time. So the student modeler can analyze all the predictions together
• The tutoring dialogue is plan based and the tutor takes control most of the
time. This tutor-led tutoring setup makes it very difficult to trace the
may easily build a trace model. Also the dialogue plan will rely more on
• The tutoring dialogue is handled as free text input and output. The ability
Generally speaking, these features influence the information needed for tutoring
decisions and constrain the possible information that the tutor can collect to build a
student model.
Yujian Zhou 92
has to make decisions such as choosing an appropriate problem for the student. At the
same time, at the lowest level, as a dialogue-based ITS with free-text input and output,
needed to make different types of decisions: the curriculum planner, the tutorial planner,
the turn planner, the discourse planner, and the surface generator. Each of these modules
needs to communicate with the student model in order to make appropriate decisions. For
some decisions, information about the student’s overall performance is needed; while for
other decisions, such as in discourse planning and surface generation, the most relevant
Adjusting the Curriculum. To decide on the right difficulty level for the next
problem, we may need to know the overall performance of the student [Cho et al., 1999].
But, to determine the description of the problem presented to the student, we may also
need to use detailed knowledge of how much the student knows about specific issues in
Building a New Student Model to Support Adaptive Tutoring ... 93
has different constraints about how the tutor assists the student in solving the problem
[Khuwaja et al., 1995]. The protocol determines the number of related variables predicted
by the student before the system starts to tutor the mistakes. Thus the decision to switch
between variables.
is plan-based and controlled by the tutor most of the time, but new goals can emerge in an
student learns how to solve a problem in a causal domain. In this domain the causal
The tutor’s decision about which way to teach is mostly determined by how the
student has replied and in which order. If the student invokes an intermediate variable, we
need to record where along the causal link that variable stands, so the tutor can continue
from that point. Sometimes the tutor will invoke an intermediate variable by way of a
hint. These intermediate causal relationships are not usually taught, but as soon as they
are mentioned, it becomes important to teach them correctly. Thus the intermediate
variables the student mentions, as well as their order, must be recorded in the student
7.3.2 Four Components of the Student Model. From the above analysis, we can
see that different types and levels of student information are needed for different kinds of
decisions. Some of the information is stored numerically and some symbolically, while
Yujian Zhou 94
some must be kept as detailed history records. After analyzing the information needed by
the system, based on the nature of the domain and the structure of tutorial decision-
making, we designed four student models that offer different information. I describe the
four components of the student model for CIRCSIM-Tutor in the next four sections.
performance. To determine the levels of this evaluative model, we considered mainly the
• The student or the curriculum planner chooses problems for the student.
• The tutor corrects incorrect predictions one by one and tutors the
From this overall tutoring structure, it is natural to divide the evaluation of the
asked to solve
in a problem
• Local assessment, measurement for each variable that has been tutored
hinting, performance-to-get-first-variables.
performance-in-tutoring-in-this-stage, performance-in-hinting-in-this-stage.
The local assessment is the performance within each tutored concept. It includes
local assessment is updated after each tutoring interaction, and the other assessments are
calculated from the local assessment and the related performance in problem solving. The
assessment model is currently based on a set of heuristics. The local assessment depends
inference model could be used to propagate the local assessment to each of the upper
level assessments. The local assessments range between 0 and 1. For each answer pattern,
Equations 1 and 2, which are used to update the probabilities that the student knows
If the category of the student’s answer has any correct part, we will calculate the
Equation 1:
If the category of the student’s answer does not have any correct part, we will
Equation 2:
pSlip estimates the probability that the student will make an error even though the
concept has been mastered (i.e., the student "slips"); pGuess is the probability that the
student will give the correct answer even though the skill has not been mastered (i.e. the
student guesses correctly). WCategory is the weight assigned to the student’s answer.
pKnownt −1 is the probability that the student knows the tutoring concept before the
calculation. pKnownt is the updated probability of how much the student understands the
tutored concept.
Building a New Student Model to Support Adaptive Tutoring ... 97
decide what to record in this model, we mainly consider the nature of the domain. In our
domain, a causal relation between two parameters can be described at various levels of
detail. The history model records which part of the causal chain has been covered as well
as a history of student answers about that chain. For each student answer we also record
its classification. Student answers are classified into eight categories to help the tutor
decide on a response strategy [Zhou et al., 1999a]. For example, a near miss answer is
one that is pedagogically useful but not the desired answer. Below are the categories that
1. Correct
2. Partially correct answer, i.e., some part of the answer is correct and the
rest is incorrect
3. Near miss answer, which is pedagogically useful but not the desired
5. “Grain of truth” answer, where the student gives an incorrect answer, but
Here are some example of the categories extracted from the experiments.
Partial answer:
It is important to point out that this category is the result of transcript analysis, it
So, after each student answer, the student modeler will classify the student’s
answer into a specific category. The eight categories are ideal situations while in practice,
one student answer may actually have several parts and each of them can be classified in
one of the eight categories. So the actual student answer record is a list of all the possible
categories and the related part in the answer. The student modeler will go through the
student answer, pick up each category appeared in the answer and assemble them in the
Here is a sample frame that records the student’s reply history, including a
detailed history of answers in a different tutoring plan context, such as the intermediate
causal links.
(sm-model *sv-overlay*
(sm-model-type variable
eval-value 1 ;;how much the student know about this var
determinants nil ;;answer history for determinants question
value nil ;;answer history for value question
actual-determinant nil ;;answer history for actual-det question
relation nil ;;answer history for relation question
other-task nil ;;answer history for other tasks
tutoring-history nil ;;tutoring history of this variable
refer-to *sv*))
Yujian Zhou 100
This model records how many errors the student made while solving the problem,
along with a detailed record of each error. In CIRCSIM-Tutor, we try to help the student to
solve a problem in a logical order. So, it is important to compare the order of the
student’s predictions to any appropriate logical orders (which are not unique) and to
analyze any inappropriate sequences on the part of the student. This model is similar to
the idea of the constraint-based student model [Ohlsson, 1992]. But we also group all
similar errors and analyze all possible misconceptions. For example, we will group all
neural variables together, so the planner may plan to tutor them together too.
Hume [1995] proposed an error pattern model to analyze the student’s solution. In
Hume’s definition, an error pattern represents a physiological concept about which the
which logical path the student used to make predictions in CST’s tutoring setup. So,
basically we can not say that the student does not understand one specific causal link,
he/she may simply not use it but instead use an unrelated link. But we can safely say that
the link in the current prediction has been violated and we need to tutor it. So, we
The following list contains some constraints that have to be satisfied when a
3. Equation constraints:
• CO = HR * SV.
• MAP = CO * TPR.
4. Others:
• Neural variables remain unchanged in the DR stage if they are not the
primary variable.
• And so on.
Yujian Zhou 102
By comparing the student’s solution and the possible problem solving logic (the
causal links), we can compute the violated constraints and form a detailed solution
IS + 0 X
CVP - -
SV + - X
HR 0 0
CO + - X
TPR + 0 X
MAP + - X
Building a New Student Model to Support Adaptive Tutoring ... 103
Neural variables IS, HR, and TPR do not change in the DR stage.
CVP is the primary variable.
+ + +
→ SV
→ CO
Neural variables do not change in the DR stage if they are not the primary
The direct causal relationship constraint: CVP to SV when CVP is the main
determinant of SV.
So in the student solution record we will record these two violations and the tutor
may try to tutor them in detail. Even though the student made incorrect predictions of CO
and MAP, the underlying relationship of SV to CO and CO to MAP are correct and the
tutorial planner may chose to tutor them by simply moving forward after correcting SV.
T:> (Detailed tutoring of direct causal relationship from CVP to SV.) So,
what’s value of SV now?
S:> It’s going down.
T:> Right. And if SV goes down, what will happen to CO?
S:> It goes down too.
T:> And MAP?
S:> Down.
T:> Great!
Yujian Zhou 104
So, we can see that by analyzing the violated constraints, the student model can
offer useful information to the dialogue planner. This solution record is a preliminary
analysis of the student’s prediction. If from the dialogue the tutor finds new evidence that
the student does have some difficulty in understanding some causal relationships that
were originally correct, the tutor can replan its dialogue to specifically teach that
It is important to separate the incorrect parameters and the incorrect causal links,
because the student may predict an incorrect value of a variable that is in the early path of
the causal link. In this case the incorrect value may propagate to the following causal
links if the student understands the rest of the causal link correctly. So the student may
get five variables wrong, but actually only one causal link is incorrect.
It is necessary to keep this model simple, because the student’s solution path
cannot be inferred from his or her predictions in the prediction table. The prediction table
only roughly reflects the student’s ability to solve a problem logically. If we provide a
way to force students to draw their solutions, then we may need to adopt another
This model includes both the plan history and the discourse history. It does not
contain direct knowledge of the student; rather, it is a record of what the system has done.
tutorial decision-making [Freedman, 1996a] and it also implicitly reflects how much the
tutoring goals implemented as schemata. The tutoring hierarchy includes three levels:
tutoring strategies, topics within the strategy, and text generation primitives (inform or
elicit) for each topic. So for each procedure we record the tutoring history according to
this hierarchy.
The history data can be further divided into dialogue history and planning history.
Dialogue history records the detailed hints, questions, and other information in logic
forms [Kim, 1997]. The planning history records what kind of plan we have tried, their
success and so on. XML-based or SGML-based notation will be good for this purpose.
The four models are stored separately for decision making, evaluation and
possible comparison. The performance model is stored as a set of numbers, while the
As we have discussed, there are many data included in the student model. Some
are domain dependent, some are tutoring method dependent, and some are more generic.
For example, the understanding of a specific concept is domain dependent, but may not
be tutoring method dependent; the plan history data is planner dependent but may not be
domain dependent; while the general preference for hinting may not depend on either
We use the category of the student answer and the tutor’s assessment of the
Tutor Version 3, we also use the tutoring history, and other discourse context to decide
the response strategy. Here are the rules that we used to select the response strategy in
Version 2.
So, we use the student’s answer category to decide the response strategy, but also
consider the student’s performance when the category is incorrect or “I don’t know.”
Here are some examples that show how we use the student model in the plan
(def-operator student-partial-answer
:goal (did-reevaluate-agenda)
:filter ()
:precond ((i-input-type-is text)
(i-input-catg-is partial-answer)) ;; From student model
:recipe ((goal (did-handle-partial-answer)))
:temp ())
(def-operator nonneural-partial-determinants
:goal (did-handle-near-miss)
:filter ()
:precond ((w-variable-is ?nonneural-to)
(w-student-performance-is ?performance) ;;;;from student model
(is-good-performance ?performance) ;;check student model
.:recipe ((goal (did-near-miss-specific-nonneural ?vbl-from ?nonneural-to
:temp ())
Yujian Zhou 108
When there are several student models available, each model may suggest
different decisions. So, how to make consistent decisions is very important. For example,
in CIRCSIM-Tutor, the overall performance of the student may indicate that the student is
struggling and the tutor should give more direct information to prevent the student from
becoming too lost; on the other hand, the recent student answer history may indicate that
the student has some understanding of the current topic and so the tutor should encourage
the student to do as much as possible by him or herself. Given this conflict, it is important
model is more important. For example, if the recent history indicates positive evidence
that the student is doing well on a topic, then the tutor will always try to encourage the
student to do more, even when the overall performance of the student is poor. This rule
expresses our human tutors’ belief that the tutor should encourage the student to do as
much as possible. So, the student will always get a second chance after an error if he or
she evinces any understanding of the topic at all. The study in [Merrill et al., 1992] also
indicated that human tutors let the students do most of the work in overcoming impasses,
In this section I describe how I use different student models to support decisions
in CIRCSIM-Tutor. Specifically, I will discuss how to use different student models in the
From the student’s errors and the tutoring history the planner will choose the high
level tutoring methods. The next step is to plan detailed tutoring dialogue by using the
answer category, the student’s performance, and the student’s reply history.
From the decision-making analysis, we have seen that the tutor has a variety of
ways to tutor each causal relationship and the student’s reply is a key to decide which
way to teach. In Dialogue 1, the machine tutor is trying to tutor the causal link between
Dialogue 1:
The tutor begins by asking the student a question. The student may give different
answers. According to our classification scheme, the student model will classify the
answer into one of the eight categories. The tutorial planner can then decide what to do
next. If the student’s answer is totally incorrect, then the planner may use the student’s
performance to help decide further between giving the correct answer or giving a hint. In
this example the student model classifies the student’s answer as a near miss and puts it
into the student reply history along with the detailed content of the answer. Based on this
category information, the planner then decides to ask a question based on this near miss
in order to help the student find the expected answer. Now the student can continue.
Again, the student model will classify the student’s answer and put it into the record and
the planner will take action based on the classification and the reply history. The
Yujian Zhou 110
student’s next answer returns to a link that has already been tutored, so the tutor
acknowledges the relationship and asks a follow up question based on the last correct link
Two experiments with CIRCSIM-Tutor have been conducted with first-year students
from Rush Medical College. In April 1998, 22 students used an earlier version of
CIRCSIM-Tutor, developed in Lisp by Woo and others [Woo et al., 1991]. In that version
the student model is a simple overlay model of the prediction table. In November 1998,
understander, an updated tutorial planner, and a new student model. The new student
model includes prototypes of the four models described earlier: the student performance
evaluation model, the tutoring history, the student reply history, and the student solution
record. A log file was produced for each student. Comparing the log files from these two
experiments, we can see that the new student model improves tutoring quality even
though the four implemented models are very simple. From studying the log files, we see
that the new student models were important in the following ways:
hints and when to give answers when the student cannot answer a
• The student reply history allows the tutor to end a dialogue and return to
the original plan when the student could not continue along a causal link.
Building a New Student Model to Support Adaptive Tutoring ... 111
recognizes near misses and other categories of answers that were once
• The tutoring history prevented the tutor from giving the same hint
For example, in Dialogue 2, which is extracted from the April experiment, the
tutor responds to an unexpected answer by telling the student he or she is wrong, even
though strictly speaking he or she is correct, since the student model does not have
Dialogue 2:
experiment, the tutor can generate an appropriate hint according to the detailed categories
of student answers.
Yujian Zhou 112
Dialogue 3:
part of my student model, mostly the performance model. By extracting the student’s
response data from the November, 1998 experiments and applying the new algorithms to
7.13. Discussion
dependent task. There are several constraints we have to consider. The first constraint is
the nature of the domain: Is it a quantitative domain or a qualitative domain? Is the focus
on causal reasoning as in our system or on pure facts? Another constraint is the structure
of a tutorial session. Basically, we need to consider how the system interacts with the
student: how the system presents the problem to the student, how much the system can
observe about the student’s solution, and whether the system uses natural language or
not. A third constraint is the tutorial decisions that the system needs to make. Does the
system need to plan the curriculum, to switch between tutoring protocols, to plan tutoring
Another important issue is how to evaluate the student model. Since we have
different student models, we may adopt different evaluation methods for them. We may
even adopt different methods to evaluate the history models and the performance models.
Building a New Student Model to Support Adaptive Tutoring ... 113
of the system. I discussed how to determine the knowledge required in each model by
considering three types of constraints imposed by the system: the nature of the domain,
the structure of the tutoring session, and the tutorial decisions that the system needs to
make. I compared the quality of tutorial dialogues based on two versions of the student
model in CIRCSIM-Tutor: one with only a simple overlay and one with prototypes of the
four models.
domain specific data from domain independent data. For example, the student’s ability to
follow up hints maybe domain independent while the history data are mostly domain
dependent. So, in the future, when we start building tutoring agents that can communicate
with each other, this separation will be critical, since domain dependent information will
explain the motivations and the possible approaches. Specifically, I discuss the
ITSs in the Circsim-Tutor project by taking advantage of the current studies on student
goal is to build reusable tutoring components, from which we can build distributed
8.1.1 How to Make CAI Systems More Intelligent. CAI systems have been
developed for a long time and there are numerous CAI systems out there. There may exist
several CAI systems for the same domain, but each of them may use different tutoring
methods or strategies. For example, between our group and the Rush Medical College,
we have text-based, diagram-based, and simulation-based CAI systems for the same
domain or similar domains. Most of them have been used for a long time, but there are
a. They are often quite old (some are DOS programs) and not very user
b. Most CAI systems are not aware of each other and cannot cooperate with
So one motivation is to reengineer the old CAI systems, to make them more
8.1.2 Building Web-Enabled ITS. The Internet is the most efficient medium to
reach more and more students. The advances in Web-related technology in the
commercial world offers lots of opportunities for tutoring systems to take the advantage
of the large distributed computing world. Web-based tutoring applications may offer the
following advantages:
a. The Web offers the opportunity to reach more varied groups of students.
Several researchers in the ITS area already explored some of the opportunities to
use the Web as the main medium to deliver tutoring systems [Brusilovsky, 1998, 1999].
Yujian Zhou 116
8.1.3. Studies in Student Modeling. Student models are considered to be the key
part to make CAI systems become Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS). The content of
student models in Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) varies widely. Some student models
are designed to recognize student plans or solution paths [Conati et al., 1997], some are
designed to evaluate student performance or problem solving skills [Katz et al., 1993],
and some are created for describing constraints that the student has violated [Mitrovic,
1998] [Ohlsson, 1992]. My research in student modeling has shown the possibility of
dividing the student models into different components and the potential to use different
1999]. One natural extension of this research is to study how to divide the student model
into different modules to facilitate the possibility of sharing student information among
dependent from tutoring method independent information in the student model. The
information separately.
In order to integrate the current tutoring logic, the studies of student models, and
the possible advantages of current Web technologies, there are several issues that need to
be considered:
Building a New Student Model to Support Adaptive Tutoring ... 117
One possible solution is to build a simplified template student model and use this
model to select a tutoring template. Since Web-based systems will be able to catch
student moves naturally, it is possible to build simple student models when CAI systems
There are several component architectures that focus on how to reuse computer
software. Among them the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) and
the Component Object Model (COM) are the two most used architectures. Both of them
use Interface Definition Language (IDL) to wrap existing code if possible. CORBA’s
IDL for language binding makes it quite easier to reuse legacy systems. So, by using
component based architecture, we should be able to reuse traditional CAI systems. Also,
both CORBA objects and COM components can be used in web-based applications, so
This may be the hardest problem in building truly cooperative distributed ITS. For
tutoring systems that working on a same domain, they can cooperate by sharing the
Desmoulins, 1998]. For totally unrelated domains, ITSs have to find common
information such as whether the student likes hints, likes help, and so on.
5) What type of architecture will most suitable for cooperative tutoring systems?
We can consider both centralized and peer-to-peer architecture. But we may have
One solution that I think can be used to improve existing CAI systems is to build
web applications for existing CAI systems and collect simple student model information
in the server, in databases or in simple text files. Thus the CAI system can customize its
contents from this simple student model. At the same time, by retrieving from the same
database, other CAI systems can get information about users who used this CAI system
and use this information to customize their tutoring contents. With the promise of
component-based techniques, current ITS systems can also be easily wrapped to form
Next, another CAI system can be added and we can make the two systems share
student information, which is stored in a central data store. We can also build tools to
enable human tutors to view student states and create authoring tools.
a three-tier web-based application for an existing CAI system – Circsim [Michael and
Rovick, 1986]. Circsim is a CAI program written in Basic that has been used by hundreds
of students at Rush Medical College. The domain of this CAI system is Cardiac
Physiology. To build the Web enabled tutoring system, we can reuse most of the tutoring
Building a New Student Model to Support Adaptive Tutoring ... 119
logic in the original CAI systems, and at the same time record student information in a
database. Then by updating the tutoring logic, we can upgrade the CAI system to use the
student information and customize its tutoring. And we can continue this process by
9.1 Summary
This thesis outlines a new and radically different student model for the Circsim-
Tutor project. By consulting this model, our machine tutor can adapt its tutorial dialogue
to the student’s needs in a more flexible fashion. This thesis also presents a study of
human tutoring transcripts using Machine Learning techniques and describes a new
This research has evolved in several steps. Below I summarize what I have done.
Version 2.
In this step I defined the problems I needed to solve by analyzing the limitations
In this step I tried to find the possible solutions for the problems I discovered in
the first step, i.e., what kind of student model is used by our human tutors to
In this step I applied Machine Learning techniques to find detailed tutoring rules
and gained more knowledge about what is useful in the student model. This study
In this step, I combined these research and experimental results and updated the
original Version 2. As a result our new version can handle a number of different
kinds of student answers and choose different response strategies when a student
cannot answer a question. In this process I also discovered some new problems
This updated version has been used by students from Rush Medical
College in April 30, 1998, November 16, 1998, and November 1999.
In this step I analyzed more transcripts in order to solve the new problems I found
in Step 4. I collected more specific low level tutoring rules, categorized student
I built a new model of hinting for Circsim-Tutor. The new hinting model chooses
the student, the focus of the tutor’s question, and the conversational history.
updated it by integrating all the results from the above steps. It includes different
9.2 Significance
system wants to tailor its tutoring to student needs. In this research I built a sophisticated
Building a New Student Model to Support Adaptive Tutoring ... 123
student model for Circsim-Tutor. By carrying out this goal step by step, my research has
added a new student model component and updated some other modules, the new version
can simulate some sophisticated human tutoring behaviors, such as hinting, under a
simple planning framework. It can handle different types of answers: near misses,
The hinting model that I have developed for Circsim-Tutor Version 2 can
tutoring dialogue by considering the domain knowledge, the type of error made by the
student, the focus of the tutor’s question, and the conversational history.
Tutor Version 3, we will have a more sophisticated planner, which will plan on different
levels and produce different aspects of the tutorial dialogue. This planner will need much
more information from the student model than Version 2 uses. But many of the ideas that
I have implemented in Version 2 can be adapted to Version 3 and I have written some
prototype operators for the new version. The transcript analysis and the Machine
Learning study have also given us much insight into the necessary student model that can
support human like dialogue. The student model I have built includes four different
My initial study of distributed ITS proposed a new research direction in CST and
the student model I have built can be extended to a distributed system easily.
supporting natural language dialogue, it will influence other projects that are going to
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