Attachment Mail
Attachment Mail
Attachment Mail
To be completed & ID verified by the reception/nurse: Insured Name: MAYYADAH ANAS MUBAYYIDH SADU
Provider: WAHAT AL SHIFA MEDICAL COMPLEX 2 - MADINAH ID Card No: 6004332041 Sex: F Age: 12
Insurance Co. Al Etihad Coop Ins Co Policy Holder: MAYYADAH ANAS MUBAYYIDH SADU
TPA: Total Care Saudi Third Party Administrators Policy No: TU64MED202040745 -
Patient File No. 80574 Visit Type: Follow-Up/Refill Class: R Expiry Date: 09-Sep-2021
Date of Visit: 17-Feb-2021 Approval: App5940860 Insured ID No: 2265249645 E-Code: 4822-1048-6614-501
BP : 120/80 Pulse : 75 Temp : 37 Weight : 65 Height : 170 R.R: 14 Duration of Illness: More than 1 Week
Chief Complaint & LT intermittent esotropia , has glass at home...**has DM** , EOM+HB:WNL BE... CUC:significant esophoria in both eyes... NEEDS
Main Symptoms: CR...
Significant Signs:
Other Conditions:
Primary Diagnosis: H52.2 - Astigmatism
Other Diagnosis: H52.2 - Astigmatism
Suggestive line(s) of management: Kindly enumerate the recommended investigations, and/or procedures For outpatient approvals only:
Providers Approval/Coding staff must review/code the recommended service(s) and allocate cost and complete the following:
I hereby certify that ALL information mentioned are correct and that the I hereby certify that ALL statements and information provided converning
medical services shown on this form were medically indicated and patient identification and the present illness or injury are TRUE.
necessary foe the management of this case.
Physician Signature Stamp Date Name and relationship (if guardian):
Dr Lubna 17-Feb-2021 Signature: Date: 17-Feb-2021
Yeha Osman
Date: Tuesday, May 12, 2020 2020 ، أيار12 ، الثالثاء:التاريخ
Subject: VAT Protocols and Audit الشروط والقوانين المتعلقة بالضريبة على القيمة المضافة:الموضوع
Last but not least, kindly assure to amend the names of the نتمنى عليكم التأكيد على تعديل اسماء حسابات شركات التأمين كما ذكر،أخيرا
insurers as mentioned above knowing that the companies shall أعاله لألهمية علما ان الشركات تحتفظ بحق عدم سداد مبالغ الضريبة على القيمية
reserve the right not to pay the VAT amount unless the Tax المضافة مالم تكن الفواتير تستوفي الشروط المشار اليها أعاله و المنشور على
Invoices are in compliance with the regulations mentioned above :الرابط التالي
and stipulated in this link:
Healthcare_Guide_2101.pdf .AT_Healthcare_Guide_2101.pdf