BSC CE Final
BSC CE Final
BSC CE Final
The program aims to qualify computer science engineers with solid engineering skills who are competent to
install and operate technical IT and information infrastructure systems and services, and also to design and
develop data and program systems. This means that graduates are expected to use both software development
methods and development tools, involving modelling, simulation, performance, and reliability of systems.
Students will be able to do programming in an object-oriented and visual programming environment.
1st semester
Credits Course code Course name Contact hours Requirement
L S Lab
6 BMETE90AX21 Calculus 1 for informaticians 4 2 exam
4 BMETE11AX23 Physics 1i 2 1 exam
5 BMEVISZAA03 Introduction to the theory of computing 1 2 2 exam
6 BMEVIMIAA02 Digital design 2 1 2 exam
7 BMEVIEEAA00 Basics of programming 1 2 2 2 mid-semester mark
English for Electrical Engineering and
3 BMEGT63EEI1* 4 mid-semester mark
Informatics 1.
2nd semester
Credits Course code Course name Contact hours Requirement
L S Lab
6 BMETE90AX22 Calculus 2 for informaticians 4 2 mid-semester mark
4 BMETE11AX24 Physics 2i 2 1 exam
5 BMEVISZAA04 Introduction to the theory of computing 2 2 2 exam
4 BMEVIMIAA00 System modeling 2 1 mid-semester mark
6 BMEVIIIAA03 Programming 2 2 2 mid-semester mark
4 BMEVIHIAA02 Computer architectures 2 1 exam
English for Electrical Engineering and
3 BMEGT63EEI2* 4 mid-semester mark
Informatics 2.
TE90AX20 Comprehensive Examination in Calculus exam
3rd semester
Credits Course code Course name Contact hours Requirement
L S Lab
5 BMEVISZAB02 Probability theory 2 2 exam
4 BMEVIHIAB00 Coding technology 3 exam
5 BMEVITMAB04 Databases 2 1 1 exam
4 BMEVIHIAB01 Communication networks 1 2 1 mid-semester mark
5 BMEVIIIAB00 Programming 3 2 2 mid-semester mark
4 BMEVIIIAB01 Software engineering 3 exam
4 BMEVIHVAB00 System theory 2 2 mid-semester mark
4th semester
Credits Course code Course name Contact hours Requirement
L S Lab
5 BMEVISZAB03 Theory of algorithms 2 2 exam
5 BMEVIMIAB00 Operating systems 3 1 exam
3 BMEVIIIAB07 Computer graphics 3 mid-semester mark
4 BMEVITMAB01 Communication networks 2 2 1 exam
5 BMEVIAUAB00 Software techniques 2 2 exam
3 BMEVIIIAB06 Software project laboratory 2 mid-semester mark
4 BMEGT20A001 Management and business economics 4 exam
5th semester
Credits Course code Course name Contact hours Requirement
L S Lab
4 BMEVIEEAC00 Technology of IT devices 2 1 mid-semester mark
5 BMEVIAUAC00 Mobile- and web-based software 2 2 exam
3 BMEVIMIAC10 Artificial intelligence 3 mid-semester mark
4 specialization subject 1 2 1 exam
4 specialization subject 2 2 1 exam
3 BMEVI**AL00 Training Project Laboratory 3 mid-semester mark
4 BMEGT30A001 Micro- and macroeconomics 4 exam
2 BMEGT55A001 Business law 4 mid-semester mark
6th semester
Credits Course code Course name Contact hours Requirement
L S Lab
3 BMEVIHIAC01 IT security 3 mid-semester mark
4 BMEVITMAC02 Management of information systems 2 1 mid-semester mark
4 specialization subject 3 2 1 exam
4 specialization subject 4 2 1 exam
3 specialization laboratory 1 2 mid-semester mark
5 MEVI**AL01 Project laboratory 4 mid-semester mark
4 BMEVI**** Free elective 4 exam
2 BMEGT**** Human & economic science elective 2 mid-semester mark
7th semester
Credits Course code Course name Contact hours Requirement
L S Lab
3 BMEVIMIAD00 Embedded information systems 2 1 mid-semester mark
3 specialization laboratory 2 2 mid-semester mark
2 BMEVI**** Free elective 2 mid-semester mark
2 BMEVI**** Free elective 2 mid-semester mark
2 BMEVI**** Free elective 2 mid-semester mark
2 BMEGT**** Human & economic science elective 2 mid-semester mark
15 BMEVI**AT00 BSc thesis project 10 mid-semester mark
Students, who started the program before 2019 or have a certificate of adequate English knowledge issued by BME GTK
Centre for Modern Languages can substitute the English for Electrical Engineering and Informatics 1. - 2. subjects
(BMEGT63EEI1 and BMEGT63EEI2) by elective Human & economic science subjects (min. 6 credits altogether).
Due to the fixed structure of the subjects of specializations, further preliminary conditions may be requested in
the Neptun Study Administration System.
Project subjects can only be taken in a fixed order of semesters, which means that Training laboratory can only
be followed by Project Laboratory and then BSc Thesis project. These subject can be both taken in spring and
fall semesters.
Certificate of adequate English knowledge, enrollment for specialization and Thesis project is also based on
preliminary conditions (the so-called milestone requirement of the programme).
Certificate of adequate English knowledge issued by BME GTK Centre for Modern Languages
o It is a requirement to obtain the certificate by the end of the second semester and is also a
condition of further studies
Specialization enrollment conditions
o at least 90 credits are completed
o all courses of the first and second semesters are completed
o at least 20 credits of the third semester are completed
o Mathematics comprehensive exam is completed
Thesis project enrollment conditions
o at least 174 credits are completed (up to 10 credits free electives)
o all courses of the first four semesters are completed
o all specialization courses are completed
Specializations start every fall semester, and the selection of specialization is always at the end of the 4th
semester. At the end of the spring semester (after the end of the exam period) the students who have met all
criteria for the enrollment to specializations forward their preferred order of specialization to the Faculty. The
decision on the type of specialization and the placement of students depends on the number and the results of
applying students, and the faculty teaching capacity.
Project subjects
Within the frames of specialization students take so-called project subjects from the 5th semester beginning with
Training laboratory, then Project laboratory in the next semester and finally BSc Thesis project. As each subject
is based on the other one, this is the strict order of enrollment. However, they can be both taken in spring and fall
During classes, students solve more challenging technical problems (projects) either in groups or individually. A
topic may cover different fields of science (in which the subtasks are specifically designed for each subject).
Students can only take project subjects after being enrolled in one of the specializations.