Heinemannetal HydrogenStorageinSalineAquifers
Heinemannetal HydrogenStorageinSalineAquifers
Heinemannetal HydrogenStorageinSalineAquifers
Hydrogen storage in saline aquifers: The role of cushion gas for injection and
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All content following this page was uploaded by Niklas Heinemann on 17 December 2021.
Heinemann, N., 1Scafidi, J., 2Pickup, G., 1Thaysen, E.M., 1Hassanpouryouzband, A., 1Wilkinson, M.,
Satterley, A.K., 3Booth, M.G., 1Edlmann, K., 1Haszeldine, R.S.
School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh (UK)
Institute of GeoEnergy Engineering, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh (UK)
CGG Services (UK), Crompton Way, Crawley, RH10 9QN (UK)
Hydrogen stored on a large scale in porous rocks helps alleviate the main drawbacks of intermittent
renewable energy generation and will play a significant role as a fuel substitute to limit global
warming. This study discusses the injection, storage and production of hydrogen in an open saline
aquifer anticline using industry standard reservoir engineering software, and investigates the role of
cushion gas, one of the main cost uncertainties of hydrogen storage in porous media.
The results show that one well can inject and reproduce enough hydrogen in a saline aquifer anticline
to cover 25% of the annual hydrogen energy required to decarbonise the domestic heating of East
Anglia (UK). Cushion gas plays an important role and its injection in saline aquifers is dominated by
brine displacement and accompanied by high pressures. The required ratio of cushion gas to working
gas depends strongly on geological parameters including reservoir depth, the shape of the trap, and
reservoir permeability, which are investigated in this study. Generally, deeper reservoirs with high
permeability are favoured. The study shows that the volume of cushion gas directly determines the
working gas injection and production performance. It is concluded that a thorough investigation into
the cushion gas requirement, taking into account cushion gas costs as well as the cost-benefit of
cushion gas in place, should be an integral part of a hydrogen storage development plan in saline
Hydrogen subsurface storage
Saline aquifers
Low-carbon energy storage
Cushion gas requirement
Graphical abstract
The IPCC’s 1.5 °C Report states that hydrogen must play a significant role as a fuel substitute to limit
global warming and that it will lead to emission reductions in energy-intensive industries (IPCC,
2018). Stored hydrogen energy can help alleviate the main drawbacks of renewable energy
generation, notably their intermittency and their seasonal and geographical constraints. The
generation of renewable energy is strongly dependent on seasonally fluctuating atmospheric events
such as sunlight and wind (Engeland et al., 2017), which results in renewable energy often either
exceeding energy demand or leading to energy deficits. Excess renewable energy can be converted
to hydrogen through electrolysis (‘‘green hydrogen’’) and stored to be used during periods of high-
energy demand and hence improve energy security and reduce energy curtailment. Alternatively,
hydrogen can be reformed from methane and in combination with Carbon Capture and Storage
(CCS) acts as a low-carbon energy source.
Surface hydrogen storage facilities, such as pipelines or tanks have limited storage and discharge
capacity (MWh; hours-days). By contrast, to supply energy in the GWh/TWh-range over weeks to
months, subsurface storage of hydrogen in salt caverns, depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs and saline
aquifers is needed (Matos et al., 2021, Wallace et al., 2021, Heinemann et al., 2018). Salt caverns
have been used for hydrogen storage at Teeside (UK) and at the US Gulf Coast (European
Commission, 2015; Panfilov, 2016). Although salt cavern storage is ideal for short- to medium-term
energy demand fluctuations and allows multiple injection and reproduction cycles per year, salt
cavern storage can only be implemented in regions characterised by the presence of evaporitic rock
formations with suitable thickness and extent. For the decarbonisation of entire energy sectors and
regions, large-scale storage in porous media, such as depleted gas fields and saline aquifers, is
considered more promising (Heinemann et al., 2021).
Working Gas (WG) is the gas volume that that can be injected, stored and withdrawn during the
normal commercial operation in a gas storage facility. One of the uncertainties of hydrogen storage
in porous media is the amount of Cushion Gas (CG). CG is required to maintain operational pressure
and maintain desired production levels. In storage scenarios with flowing water present, such as
saline aquifers, the CG will also prevent excessive water inflow during production. CG is an upfront
investment and an accurate determination of the CG volume required is crucial for a reliable
estimation of the total storage cost. Previous literature on natural gas storage sites suggests a higher
CG demand for storage in saline aquifers compared to depleted gas fields (Le Fevre, 2013). However,
to date there is no study on the CG requirement for hydrogen storage in saline aquifers. Therefore,
this study aims to comprehensively address the CG volume requirement for saline aquifers.
For this study, the commercial reservoir simulator GEM (CMG, 2019) was used to model the CG
demand for hydrogen storage in an open, unconfined, saline aquifer to decarbonise a quarter of the
domestic heating of East Anglia (UK). The study aims to answer three principal questions regarding
the storage of hydrogen in open saline aquifers: A) What is the ratio of CG to WG (CG/WG) for both
the WG injection and production process, and what are the scientific processes determining this
ratio? B) How will fundamental geological storage parameters, in this case the reservoir
permeability, the shape of the storage anticline and the storage depth, change the CG/WG ratio? C)
How will the ratio change with an increasing number of storage cycles.
Porous media storage options
Gas storage in porous media has been conducted for natural gas and town gas for decades.
Currently, there are 85 aquifer sites and 476 depleted oil and gas fields sites, respectively
(Tarkowsky 2019). In this study, depleted oil fields are not considered due to the additional
complexity of dealing with three phases (oil, gas, water). The characteristics of an open saline
aquifer for hydrogen storage are best described when compared with fully confined depleted gas
fields. These are endmembers and many gas fields that are not fully confined can be better
described as gas filled trap structures that are part of a saline aquifer. For these fields, characteristics
from both endmembers are relevant depending on the geology and hydrology of the individual
Microbial activity
The injection of hydrogen into the underground may stimulate microbial activity, given that chemical
energy to support life is present and that the environmental conditions are favourable for microbial
growth (Thaysen et al., 2021). This may lead to a range of adverse effects such as hydrogen loss,
hydrogen contamination with other gases, well corrosion and clogging of the pore space and well
structures (Gregory et al., 2019). Microbial growth may be supported for a long time in unconfined
saline aquifers that may see nutrient replenishment by flowing groundwater. Depleted gas fields, on
the other hand, hold residual hydrocarbons which sustain the microbial community (Basso et al.,
2009), but the inflow of other essential nutrients is limited due to the confined nature of the fields
and insignificant surface recharge to deep subsurface environments (Wilhelms et al., 2000). The
microbial activity at any site is site-specific, depending on the microbial community that is present,
the nutrient supply and the temperature, pressure, pH and salinity conditions.
Hydrogen demand scenario
Mouli-Castillo et al. (2021) presented a source to sink analysis that matches geological storage
capacity with the hydrogen demand of regions in the UK. Hydrogen that could balance the annual
cyclicity in energy demand, would be stored in porous media offshore and transported to the
consumer via offshore pipelines, gas terminals and the onshore gas distribution network. The total
calculated hydrogen energy demand is estimated to be ~77.9 TWh, of which 6.5 TWh would be
transported to the area of East Anglia, located in the east of the UK. This study aims to simulate the
injection, storage and reproduction of 25 % of the annual hydrogen energy demand of East Anglia,
1.625 TWh, using one well in a brine filled saline aquifer anticline storage site. This amount of
hydrogen is not chosen randomly but fits the modelled constraints and additionally provides a
scenario to help the reader to put the research findings into a real-world perspective. For all energy
conversions within this study, a higher heating value for hydrogen of 39.4 kWh/kg is used.
Reservoir model
For this study, a 3D anticline reservoir model with a thickness of 100 m was created using Petrel
(Schlumberger). The top of the reservoir is at 1500 m and the height difference between crest and
base is 250 m for the base case, which corresponds to a 10° dip angle in the limbs of the structure.
The water depth is 100 m, the reservoir model has a radius of 2000 m and the top and the bottom
surfaces are no-flow boundaries. The reservoir model has 121,680 cells (50 x 50 m in the horizontal
and 5 m in vertical direction). The centre part of the model includes a grid refinement where each
cell is divided into eight cells with the dimensions of 25 x 25 m horizontal and 2.5 m vertical. Rock
properties are homogenous with a horizontal permeability of 200 mD and a vertical permeability of
50 mD. The porosity is 20 %. Pressures, fracture pressure, temperature and rock compressibility are
taken from Bentham (2006) and Gammer et al. (2011), collated in Williams et al. (2013) for their
investigation of CO2 storage in the Bunter Sandstone Formation in the North Sea (Table 1). The
maximum allowable pressure is 90 % of the calculated fracture pressure. The salinity is set to 3.13
gmol NaCl / L, an average of North Sea and East Irish Sea pore water salinities compiled by Gluyas &
Hichens (2003) and the Oil and Gas Authority website (https://www.ogauthority.co.uk/data-
centre/). This study uses 2-phase flow data from Yekta et al. (2018) who measured hydrogen flow in
water saturated sandstones under subsurface pressure and temperature conditions. Capillary
pressure is ignored in this study.
Figure 1: Simulation setup showing the reservoir model using GEM (CMG, 2019). The injection and production well is
centred at the crest of the anticline structure, with the 25 m perforation in green circles. The colours show the hydrogen
saturation in the brine filled reservoir model (see key for gas saturation values).
Potential storage sites, which are a part of a larger aquifer, often have an uncertain pressure
dissipation during injection and production due to a lack of data. For this project, a Fetkovitch
analytical aquifer is used to model pressure dissipation of a reservoir in a large-scale aquifer system
(Fetkovitch, 1971). The aquifer has the same properties as the reservoir model and the radius of the
entire modelled aquifer is 100 km.
Additional models were constructed with shallower limb angles of 5° and 7.5° tilt for these models
the grid had to be extended to guarantee that the base of these low-angle anticlines consistently
reached a depth of 1750 m, similar to the other reservoir models. For consistency, the aquifer model
was adjusted accordingly.
Table 1: Reservoir pressure and temperature conditions (taken from Williams et al. (2013)
Hydrogen has a low viscosity, varying roughly between 0.009 to 0.011 cP for all realistic porous
media storage conditions. The common method to calculate gas viscosities implemented in
commercial reservoir simulators was developed and published by Jossi et al. (1962) and further
developed by Lohrenz et al. (1964) for fluid mixtures. However, Stiel and Thodos (1961) write in their
early paper that the viscosity equations are applicable to all nonpolar gases, with the exceptions of
hydrogen and helium, and presented alternative equations for these two fluids. Therefore, the
hydrogen viscosity calculation used in this study under-predicts the more accurate Leachman et al.
(2008) viscosities by more than 10 %. However, although 10 % may sound like a significant deviation,
it should be considered that the absolute viscosity numbers are very low and hence 10 % of 0.009 cP
is a very small inaccuracy in absolute values.
This study assumes one hydrogen injection and production well positioned at the crest of the
structure. GEM (CMG, 2019) calculates the reservoir flow rate using a generalized Peaceman well
model (Peaceman, 1983, 1987). The pressure loss between the reservoir and the surface is
calculated using a modification of the Aziz and Govier (1972) mechanistic wellbore model. The
perforation of the vertical well comprises the upper 25 m of the reservoir with a well diameter of
0.1143 m (4.5 inches). A skin factor of zero is applied which implies no alteration to the formation
around the well bore for this well model.
Scenario schedule
For the hydrogen injection process, the bottom-hole pressure (BHP) of the well must not exceed the
maximum allowable pressure. Once the BHP reaches this limit, the injection rate has to be reduced
in order to continue injecting. An additional constraint is added to prevent water breakthrough at
the production well. If the cell underneath the perforation reaches a gas saturation of 70 % or lower,
the well shuts in and production stops. For the production process, the minimum well-head pressure
(WHP) is set to 5 MPa, taken from the current requirements for natural gas transmission in the UK
(Amid et al., 2016; Dodds et al., 2013). If the hydrogen pressure at the well-head drops below 5 MPa,
no gas can flow and as a consequence, the production rate has to be lowered to allow the pressure
in the well to build up and to the well to keep producing.
Cushion Gas is injected during the first year of operation. The amount of CG depends on the time of
injection, hence on the scenario, and the injection process is constrained by the maximum allowed
pressure. The maximum duration of CG injection is one year. After the first year of operation, the
second year starts with a rest-phase of 5 months for the reservoir to equilibrate. Subsequently, the
injection of the WG occurs during the summer months June – August, followed by a three month
rest-phase. WG production commences at the beginning of December and continues for 91 days
during winter. After production ceases, the model is terminated. For the WG, the targeted injection
and production rate for the designed scenario is 1.625 TWh, 41,244 tons, of hydrogen for a three
month (91 days) injection and production cycle. The targeted injection and production rate is 453
tons per day; a successful run injects and produces this amount per day for 91 days. The injection
and production cannot exceed this day rate. The aim of this study is to present the CG/WG ratios as
accurately as possible, and multiple scenarios were run so the ratios have an accuracy of CG/WG <
+/- 0.03 at ratios of interest.
In addition to the base case, sensitivity studies on three basic geological parameters are conducted
to highlight their impact on the CG requirement in hydrogen storage. These parameters and the
investigated ranges are, firstly, depth (1000 m – 2000 m depth range), secondly, the openness of the
anticline measured as the degree of the limb angle from horizontal (5° – 15°) and thirdly the
reservoir permeability (100 mD / 25 mD – 400 mD / 100 mD for horizontal permeability / vertical
permeability, respectively, table 2).
Finally, the impact of multiple hydrogen storage cycles is simulated by adding two storage cycles to
the base case scenario. In order to keep the amount of CG constant, the production cycles are
limited to only reproduce the volume of WG that is injected during the injection phase. This
procedure guarantees that the second and the third WG cycle are still based on the initial amount of
CG. For this scenario, only the injection performance is plotted because the injection is the
controlling action, and the production always has to be reduced to match the injection.
Table 2: Scenario parameters for the base case and the sensitivity tests.
Once the CG injection ceases, the reservoir pressure equilibrates and the density of the hydrogen
decreases. This expansion of the hydrogen plume during the rest-phase leads to further brine
displacement. When injection of the WG starts, the BHP and the hydrogen density increases again.
There is a distinct difference between the constant but high BHP and hydrogen density with a
relatively low injection rate during the CG injection and the increasing BHP and hydrogen density in
combination with a much higher injection rate during the WG injection. In the presented scenario,
the WG injection is predominantly facilitated by CG compression. Once the BHP reaches the
maximum allowed BHP, the injection rate is reduced.
Figure 2: The development of the injection and production rates (solid lines), and the BHP and WHP (dotted lines), during
simulation run used for this study. Highlighted are the maximum allowed injection and production rates (Inj/Prod optimum
rate), the maximum allowed BHP (Inj-constraint) and the minimum allowed WHP (Prod-constraint).
The near well bore pressure of two WG injection scenarios is shown in Figure 3, one with a small and
the other one with high volumes of CG (resulting in brine displacement dominated or compression
dominated storage, respectively). The pressure at the start of the injection is lower with a small
volume of CG, due to a longer pressure equilibration duration and a shorter hydrogen column
height, and then increases rapidly until it reaches the maximum allowed pressure where the
injection rate must be reduced to avoid compromising the reservoir. The rapid pressure increase
corresponds to an equally rapid increase in hydrogen density due to the necessary displacement of
brine to make space for the injected hydrogen. The high CG volume scenario has a higher starting
pressure, due to less time for pressure equilibrium and a larger hydrogen column height. Once
injection commences, the pressure increases slower relative to the low CG example due to the
greater volume of compressible CG. After 91 days, all the WG is injected without reaching the
maximum allowed BHP.
Figure 3: Density change of hydrogen near the injection well during 91 days of WG injection. The blue line highlights the
approximate maximum hydrogen density, and hence the maximum hydrogen compression, for this particular cell and
scenario. In the high-CG scenario, hydrogen compression is the dominant process and little brine displacement is expected
during this period; in the low-CG scenario the brine displacement is much more prominent and hence the pressure and
hydrogen density increases much quicker. After 53 days of injection, the pressure has reached the maximum allowed BHP
and the injection rate drops. No further compression is possible after this point.
Three months after the WG injection has ceased, the production cycle commences (Figure 2). The
WHP and the pressure gradient between the reservoir and the wellhead decreases. However, the 5
MPa WHP constraint is not reached and hence the production rate does not have to be reduced. The
example in Figure 2 shows a scenario where the targeted volume of WG cannot be injected and
therefore is regarded as an unsuccessful scenario.
The second component of the graph (red line) displays how much CG is required to produce the
1.625 TWh of hydrogen WG. This value needed modification because to the left of the CG/WG ratio
of ~1.27, more WG hydrogen is produced than injected. Hence, the mass of CG had to be
recalculated by adding the injected CG and WG and subtracting the produced WG. The targeted
mass of hydrogen can be produced with a CG/WG ratio of at least 0.44. The graph is limited to the
right by the maximum CG/WG ratio which is defined by maximum duration of hydrogen injection of
1 year, during which 3.57 TWh of CG can be injected corresponding maximum CG/WG ratio is 2.20.
The “best case” scenario, the scenario with the lowest CG/WG ratio that enables the injection and
the production of the 1.625 TWh of hydrogen WG is 1.27. Therefore, the best case and maximum
CG/WG ratios range between 1.27 and 2.20 and this is called the “operational window” because
within this window the scenario demands are fulfilled.
The third component of the graph in Figure 4 (blue line) shows the produced water during the
production process. For the “best case”, approximately 38 tons of water are co-produced alongside
the hydrogen. The production-limit case with a CG/WG of 0.44 shows a total water production of 87
tons, more than twice the mass.
Sensitivity tests
Figure 5 and Table 3 show the results of the sensitivity tests. Scenarios that failed to inject or
produce the targeted 1.625 TWh of hydrogen were due to the BHP reaching the maximum allowed
pressure during injection and/or the WHP being too low during production, if not otherwise
highlighted in the text. If no data point is displayed, the targeted volume of hydrogen could not be
injected or produced regardless of the amount of CG injected.
Figure 5: This figure shows the results of the three sensitivity tests, investigating the impact of varying permeability (A),
varying anticline dip angle (B) and varying depth (C). The black circles show the “best case” injection performance and the
red circles show the “best case” production performance. Absence of circle means that the scenario failed to inject or
produce the targeted amount of hydrogen. Note that a “permeability relative to the base case” of 1, a “dip angle” of 10°
and a “depth” of 1500 m is the base case, as shown in figure 4.
The sensitivity tests indicate that a higher permeability leads to a lower required CG/WG ratio to
inject and produce the targeted amount of hydrogen WG (Figure 5A). No “best case” could be
achieved with a permeability of 0.9 and 0.75 times the base case permeability. With a high reservoir
permeability of 1.5 times the base case permeability (300 mD / 75 mD for the horizontal and vertical
permeability, respectively), a CG/WG ratio of 0.25 is required to inject and produce the targeted
volume of hydrogen. The injection process (0.19) requires a lower CG/WG ratio than the production
process (0.25). The amount of injected CG over a certain time-period increases with increasing
permeability of the storage site. The higher the reservoir permeability, the lower the required
CG/WG ratio to produce the targeted 1.625 TWh of hydrogen. The CG/WG ratio required for
production ranges from 0.72 for the low permeability scenario to 0.25 for the high permeability
Optimal Optimal Production Best
Scenario Maximum CG production Limited by
injection production constraint case
(Best case)
(CG /
(TWh) (tons) (CG / WG) (CG / WG) WG) (tons)
Increasing the dip angle of the anticline limbs results in a “tighter” geological trap structure. Figure
5B shows that a tighter anticline requires a higher CG/WG ratio to inject the 1.625 TWh of hydrogen.
For example, a limb angle of 12.5° requires a CG/WG ratio of 1.50 to inject the targeted 1.625 TWh.
No “best case” could be achieved with a limb angle of 15°. The lowest required CG/WG ratio of 0.67
was modelled for the 5° dip angle scenario. The production process requires a lower CG/WG ratio
compared to the injection process in all the investigated anticline structures. The amount of injected
CG over a certain time period increases with the openness (lower dip angle) of the anticline, with a
maximum of 3.8 TWh after one year of injection for the 5° anticline, compared to 3.43 TWh for the
15° scenario. The impact of the openness of the anticline on the production performance CG/WG
ratio is relatively small, ranging between 0.4 and 0.5, and obvious trends are visible. The production
limitation of the 5° scenario is due to the gas-water contact reaching the cell underneath the
perforation. The other production scenarios are limited by sub-optimal pressure support.
Figure 5C shows CG/WG ratio scenarios with varying depth in the subsurface. In both scenarios
shallower than the base case storage site (1500 m), at top depth of 1250 m and 1000 m, the
targeted 1.625 TWh of hydrogen WG could not be injected and hence no “best case” could be
achieved, even with the maximum amount of cushion gas. The targeted hydrogen WG could be
injected into deeper structures with a very small CG requirement. For example, in the 1750 and 2000
m deep scenarios the injection process requires a lower CG/WG ratio than the production process.
The amount of injected CG over a certain time period increases with the depth of the storage site,
with 1.19 TWh and 2.18 TWh for the 1000 m and 1250 m deep sites, respectively, compared to 3.57
TWh the 1500 m deep base case. The most efficient CG injection was modelled as 3.26 TWh for the
2000 m deep scenario with 164 days of CG injection. The positive impact of storage depth on the WG
production performance is also significant but not as high as the WG injection. Production from the
2000 m deep structures require a CG/WG ratio of 0.15. Under the study conditions, the targeted
1.625 TWh of hydrogen cannot be produced within 91 days from a 1000 m deep structure.
Figure 6: The base case simulation with the WG injection and production repeated in three cycles. Only best-case results are
shown, which is the injection performance for all cases. Injection performance is presented in black and water production in
blue. The bold line represents the first cycle, with the dotted and dashed lines representing the second and the third cycle,
respectively. The figure shows that with every cycle, the storage operation requires less cushion gas and the water
production decreases. Diamonds represent individual simulation runs.
When repeating the WG injection and production, the trend towards a WG cycle that requires less
cushion gas and that produces less water is visible (Figure 6). At the same time, the pressure in the
system decreases slightly as well as the water saturation in the CG saturated zone. The simulation
results show a “best case” CG/WG ratio of ~0.6 and ~0.5 for the second and the third cycle, with a
much lower water production of 31 and 16 tons, respectively.
This study shows that CG is an important component for exploiting the total capacity of a hydrogen
storage site. Capacity estimations for gas fields are often based on initial gas in place but this gas has
been produced over decades. However, for gas storage the production window is only a few months
and hence the production performance has to be high. The results show that for the modelled
scenarios, it is possible to inject and reproduce 1.625 TWh (the targeted amount of hydrogen to
support one quarter of East Anglia’s energy needs), corresponding to 41,244 tons, of hydrogen in an
open saline aquifer using one well over a period of three months. The limiting factor for most of the
simulations, apart from deeper structures and a very high reservoir permeability, is the injection of
the working gas. As hydrogen has a low density, large volumes have to be injected which results in a
rapid increase in pressure. The production process is generally very efficient because hydrogen is
very mobile and the drawdown pressures are high.
All absolute results in this study have a degree of uncertainty because pressure systems in open,
undrilled saline aquifers are usually not well understood and hence their pressure dissipation is
uncertain. Modelling studies on hydrogen injection and reproduction (Lubon & Tarkowsky, 2020;
Pfeiffer et al. 2017), as well as studies on CO2 storage (Williams et al., 2013; Ghanbari et al., 2020)
have used pore volume modifiers around the reservoir model to simulate an open aquifer. When
applied to this study, this method resulted in a more efficient pressure dissipation compared with
the Fetkovich analytical aquifer. Test simulations on semi-open systems using the Fetkovich aquifer
and an extended numerical aquifer produced promisingly similar results, and therefore the Fetkovich
method was chosen over the pore volume multiplier method. Whatever the chosen aquifer
simulation methodology, the vital importance of pressure dissipation on the results always
introduces a degree of uncertainty without properly history-matched systems. Although this is an
uncertainty which impacts the absolute results of the simulations, it will have a lower effect on the
relative results and overall trends highlighted by this study.
Another important uncertainty is the limited knowledge of hydrogen fluid flow parameters such as
relative permeability, capillary entry pressure and other flow aspects. In order to highlight one
example in more detail, there is no data for hysteresis available for a hydrogen – brine system. Gas
hysteresis, which defines the residual gas saturation after the water re-migrates into a cell with a
certain gas saturation, is an important parameter in CO2 storage, when the gas plume is expected to
migrate over certain distances (Krevor et al., 2015). Migration is not wanted in hydrogen storage but
hysteresis may play a role when the displacement of brine is the main process during the injection
and production of the WG. If the WG production leads to a rise of the gas water contact, a certain
proportion of the hydrogen will be trapped as residual gas. This residual gas should be subtracted
from the gas cap as it will not support the production, it will not protect the production well from
water influx and it will not assist the next injection cycle by adding to the gas compression process.
Experimental studies on hysteresis will help to better asses if, or how much, this effect could
increase the CG requirement in aquifer storage.
Figure 7: The hydrogen density (solid line) close to the injection well and the WHP (dashed line) of an open (5°) and a tighter
(12.5°) anticline before and during production. The data show that after the WG injection, the hydrogen density is higher in
the tighter anticline model but the difference is reduced with time. Once production starts, hydrogen density and WHP
decrease due to a decrease in pressure, and this decrease is more rapid in the tighter model due to a less efficient pressure
In the modelled scenario, tighter anticline structures with higher limb angles reduce the injection
performance. Tighter anticlines have smaller gas – water contact areas compared to more open
folds, and hence more vertical water displacement is necessary and the hydrogen being transferred
into the deeper part of the model quicker. This results in higher pressures compared to the injection
along almost parallel high permeability reservoir layers. The production is not affected by the shape
of the anticline and it is suggested here that two processes cancel each other out. It is generally
expected that tight anticlines with long gas legs stabilise the production process due to high
buoyancy pressures and effective vertical migration towards the production well, and additionally it
was suggested in the literature that tight anticlines prevent hydrogen from spreading out and
becoming unrecoverable (Panfilov, 2010; Hagemann et al., 2015). However, the present study
cannot provide conclusive evidence for or against this statement, mainly because the grid size is too
large and it would probably require a more realistic irregular shape and reservoir heterogeneity to
analyse this. As hydrogen has a low density and therefore large volumes have to be produced to
reach the 1.625 TWh target, the rapid production requires the gas-water contact to rise quickly in
order to equilibrate production induced low pressure in the gas cap. In a tight anticline trap
structure, this does not happen and a low-pressure zone in the gas cap develops which ultimately
reduces the hydrogen production. These two effects seem to be in balance in this scenario. As this
inability of the gas-water contact to rise quickly is regarded as a problem here because it limits the
productivity, it should be added that this gas expansion of the gas cap also limits aquifer influx.
A deeper structure is generally favourable for both hydrogen injection and production. A major
impact on injection is the calculated fracture gradient. The BHP fluctuates roughly between the
hydrostatic pressure and the maximum allowed pressure. This maximum pressure is defined as 90 %
of the fracture pressure, which in itself is calculated with the lithostatic pressure. By definition, the
hydrostatic pressure increases with depth with a slower rate than the fracture pressure. The
pressure between hydrostatic pressure and the maximum allowed BHP increases with depth. As a
consequence, there is a trend in the pressure window whereby the deeper the site, the more
pressure increase is sustainable and the higher the possible injection rates. It should be mentioned
here that a different interpretation of reservoir safety, for example a less conservative definition of
the maximum allowed BHP, will lead to different injection performances. The production benefits
from the generally higher pressure in deeper reservoirs, which leads to an increase of the drawdown
pressure between the reservoir and the wellhead, and from the smaller, denser hydrogen cap
around the production well.
Multiple storage cycles
If the WG cycle is repeated, the injection process requires less CG to inject the WG due to a decrease
in pressure within the reservoir system. This pressure decrease is highest between cycle one and
two, and significantly smaller between cycle two and three. As the same amount of WG is extracted
and re-injected during the cycles, the amount of gas in the system does not change significantly.
However, other factors can change the reservoir pressure: Firstly, the pressure increase during CG
injection. The actual pressure increase is not higher compared with the WG injection stage, but the
CG related pressure increase is not eliminated by a WG production cycle. Hence, the first WG
injection will occur in an already pressurised system. A possible strategy to mitigate this effect would
be to increase the rest stage between the CG and WG injection. Secondly, pore water is extracted
during every production cycle, especially during the first. However, this contribution is assumed to
be small because the water volume extracted is rather small compared to the overall aquifer size.
Both processes will reduce their impact with increasing cycle numbers, as seen in Figure 6, and a
stabilisation of the system is expected. The simulation results show that if the first cycle is successful,
subsequent cycles are likely to be successful too.
Water production is problematic because water has to be extracted from the produced gas, and it
poses the risk of water accumulating in the production tubing, also referred to as liquid loading (Lea
et al., 2008; Riza et al., 2016). In this study, liquid loading is partially controlled by monitoring the
gas-water contact in order to keep high levels of flowing water away. If the production perforation
were to submerge, the gas pressure behind the perforation would have to overcome the pressure of
an extensive water column in the well, which would result in a drop in productivity. Although this
problematic for the production of gas fields, it might not be a major risk in a gas storage operation,
where the accumulated water could be flushed out during the next injection cycle. However, it is
under no circumstances a desirable scenario and will always interrupt the storage operation.
Generally, water production increases with a decreasing CG/WG ratio. For example, the more CG is
in place, the more effectively the water is kept at a safe distance from the injection well. Water
production is high for best case production scenarios with low reservoir permeability and open
anticline structures. Water production decreases significantly with increasing cycle numbers,
because with every cycle the amount of mobile water in the hydrogen cap is further decreased, until
almost depleted gas field conditions are reached, and the hydrogen gas phase can flow more
Next steps
There are several geological and technical parameters, which have not been investigated in this
study. Well specifications such as the well diameter or the perforation length will certainly have an
impact, but as this study has shown that pressure dissipation is dominating the injection and the
production process, the well specifications will have a more nuanced impact. Geological variations
such as the reservoir thickness will also be of importance, with an increasing reservoir thickness
leading to a more efficient pressure dissipation. Another aspect that has not been considered in this
study is reservoir heterogeneity, which will determine the injection and production performance in
the reservoir. Heterogeneity in reservoirs refers to mm- to m-scale variability in the composition of
the rock (e.g. grain size, sorting, lamination) and architectural variability associated with depositional
processes (e.g. cross-stratification and channelisation) often leading to reservoirs being interlaced by
non-reservoir rock. Complex lithofacies can have a high impact on the flow paths for the stored gas
as well as on the pressure dissipation and hence their characterisation is of vital importance for the
accurate simulation of hydrogen storage scenarios (Williams et al., 2013; Lengler et al., 2010). In
heterogeneous reservoirs, most of the injected gas flow as well as the pressure flow will occur in the
high-permeability channels and layers, and hence the reliable prediction of how fast and how far the
highly mobile hydrogen flows, will require a detailed understanding of the high-permeability
reservoir zones. Depleted gas fields have a wealth of data leading to a better understanding of the
geological heterogeneities than potential hydrogen storage sites in saline aquifers. The initially
limited understanding of the reservoir geology has to be improved in order to confirm the storage
capacity estimates and minimise the uncertainty in locating the high-permeability zones to
guarantee that injection and production wells operate with maximum effectiveness. If a targeted
reservoir is missed or has poorer reservoir properties than previously anticipated, injectivity and
productivity could be greatly reduced. Most of this is well known and proven in hydrocarbon fields
with a long production history, which is an important advantage of hydrogen storage in depleted gas
fields compared to saline aquifer storage.
CG is an upfront cost for any gas storage operation. However, this study shows that although large
volumes of CG are not always required, it has a net positive effect on the storage operation. Most
significantly, CG in place reduces the need for brine displacement during the WG injection, which
makes the WG injection less energy intense, increases the injection performance in most cases and
reduces the volume of co-produced water. Future work should, using real-world storage sites, focus
on the economic benefit of the one-time CG injection on the WG injection and production cycles
compared with the cost of the injected CG. This is relevant for storage operations in saline aquifers
as well as depleted gas fields with aquifer support.
Hydrogen storage in open saline aquifers is a promising alternative to hydrogen storage in depleted
gas fields, but detailed site characterisation as well as an investigation into the pressure equilibration
capability is important as pressure dissipation is the main geological process determining the
injectivity and productivity of hydrogen in a saline aquifer.
Cushion Gas is one of the main factors controlling both injectivity and productivity of hydrogen, and
hence has a direct impact on storage capacity. CG cannot increase the total storage capacity of a
storage site, but it is an important component for exploiting the available storage capacity as
efficiently as possible.
The CG/WG ratio required varies significantly (for the first injection cycle between 0.15 and 1.5 in
this study) depending on the three geological parameters investigated in this study (reservoir depth,
the shape of the trap, and reservoir permeability). Additionally, the targeted WG volume will also
have a major control on the amount of CG needed. This shows that rule-of-thumb CG estimations
are often mere guesswork and numbers should be refined early on in projects in order to achieve
more reliable cost estimates. Future work should investigate the cost benefit of CG for WG injection
and production vs the one-time CG investment.
Hydrogen storage in deeper structures and reservoirs with higher reservoir permeabilities requires a
lower CG/WG ratio. Storage in tight anticlines makes injection more difficult and has little impact on
the production, for the analysed scenarios. However, water production increases with more open
structures. With subsequent cycles, the required CG/WG ratio and the volume of produced water
decreases, and if the first cycle is successful, subsequent cycles are likely to be successful too.
The authors would like to thank Computer Modelling Group (CMG) for the licences for the used
reservoir engineering software suit. We would also like to thank Schlumberger for the Petrel licence.
Special thanks to CGG for their continuous support of our work on low-carbon energy applications.
NH, ET, GP, MW, AH, KE and SH are funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research
Council (EPSRC) funded research project “HyStorPor” (grant number EP/S027815/1). JS is funded by
a Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) National Productivity Investment Fund PhD 460
studentship NE/R009228/1 and CASE funding from Hydrenor.
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