The Burning Bush Encounter
The Burning Bush Encounter
The Burning Bush Encounter
Exodus 3:1-2
“Now Moses was pasturing the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of
Midian; and he led the flock to the west side of the wilderness and came to
Horeb, the mountain of God. Vs.2 The angel of the LORD appeared to him in
a blazing fire from the midst of a bush; and he looked, and behold, the bush
was burning with fire, yet the bush was not consumed. (NASU)
It is imperative for us as humans to accept, and understand one earthly
phenomenon properly —which is the fact that, any type of a leader who has
been chosen on any form of a quest, mission, or assignment will
undoubtedly go through a stage in life called, “the wilderness experience”.
We must understand this one thing; so long as there is a “Destiny Call” on
your life; so long as there is a “Divine Assignment” on your life; then please
be assured, you would go through some form of a wilderness experience.
When you comb through the Bible (from Genesis to Revelation), it becomes
evident; any individual who ever made an impact on this planet, went
through some form of a wilderness experience.
Trust me when I tell you, the wilderness is not for everybody. It is not
a comfortable experience at all; but a necessary requirement for your
spiritual growth and the fulfilment of destiny. You remember in the Gospel
of John chapter 4, when the Bible states in verse 4 that, […he must needs go
through Samaria]. You see as a Jew in the flesh, Jesus knew the Samaritans
hated Him and His people. And from a historical standpoint, Jesus knew
that no Samaritan wanted anything to do with the Jew; however, the
salvation of the Samaritan was much more important than personal
feelings, so He went through Samaria anyway. The wilderness is not a
comfortable experience; nonetheless a necessary requirement for your
personal spiritual growth, and the ultimate benefit or redemption of the
souls under your supervision.
The book of Exodus gives us a panoramic, or a bird’s-eye view of the
formative stages, or the constructive decades of the life of Moses. This is the
man God selected to lead Israel from slavery to freedom. We all know the
familiar details of his infancy. But we can learn much by looking ahead, at
the full scope of his ministry:
So, this Prince of Egypt, who had been living a life of luxury in the palace of
the world’s superpower of the time, suddenly becomes a Murderer on the
run; who has now been thrown into the unfamiliar and harsh conditions of
the Wilderness of Arabia. Is it not funny and equally humbling that life can
change in whichever direction, at any given time?
Taking the verse we read from Exodus plus Moses’ prophetic life into
account, two locations immediately stand out —i.e., mount Sania, and
mount Horeb. They are both referred to as the “Mountain of the LORD”;
however, each location affected, or impacted Moses’ life in a uniquely
different manner. Note that in both locations, The LORD descended in some
form of His physicality; however, the results of both encounters were not
the same. From this simple observation of the text, we discover that:
1. Before the Glory of Sania; there was first the discomfort of Horeb —Is
it not funny that we only see the success of individuals, and teams;
but many a time, we fail to see the story behind the success.
*Interestingly Horeb and Sanai are situated in one and the same
geographical location (Petra domain of the Arabian Peninsula); the
Samaritans and the Jews refer to them respectively as the Mountain of God.
*Before Sanai, there was a Horeb experience —God will always prepare the
leader in a controlled environment before he/she is released into the
general public. Therefore, running away from your Horeb encounter is
tantamount to failure, and ridicule at your Sania or public unveiling.
*The Hebrew word, “Horeb” literally means “glowing heat”; whereas Sanai
connotes the coldness of the moon night. The heat is necessary for your
survival; do not run away from the process.
What is a Wilderness?
4. The wilderness is where you die to self, and take on the New Man
in Christ:
“I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless, I live; yet not I, but Christ
liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the
faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me” Gal
* Qur’an 2:87
يس ى َ َوس ى ْال ِك ت
َ اب َو قَ فَّ ْي نَ ا ِم ْن بَ ْع ِد ه ِ بِ الرُّ ُس ِل َو آتَ ْي نَ ا ِع َ َو لَ قَ ْد آتَ ْي نَ ا ُم
ِ ْاب َن َم رْ يَ َم ْال بَ يِّ نَ ات ِ َو َأ يَّ ْد نَ اه ُ بِ ُر وح ِ ْال قُ ُد س
“We gave Moses the Book and followed him up with a succession
of messengers; We gave Jesus the son of Mary Clear (Signs) and
strengthened him with the Holy Spirit...”
* Qur’an 2:253:
* Qur’an 5:110:
* Qur’an 58:22:
ُ ان َو َأ يَّ َد هُ ْم بِ ُر وح ٍ ِم ْن ه َ ب فِ ي قُ لُ وبِ ِه ُم اإل
َ يم َ ََك ت
“…For such He has written Faith in their hearts, and
strengthened them with a Spirit from Himself…”
1. In the text we read in Exodus 3:2, bible says the bush was
engulfed in fire, yet the bush was not consumed. It is true
that GOD used this occasion to reveal His Glory to Man; but
most importantly, God was revealing what He was doing in
the life of His servant Moses, and by extension, Israel.
How that God will set a Man on fire, whereas the world will
observe from afar, and then marvel because the Man is not
“And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with
one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from
heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house
where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven
tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were
all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other
tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.”