A Phenomenological Analysis of Droplet Shock-Induced Cavitation Using A Multiphase Modeling Approach
A Phenomenological Analysis of Droplet Shock-Induced Cavitation Using A Multiphase Modeling Approach
A Phenomenological Analysis of Droplet Shock-Induced Cavitation Using A Multiphase Modeling Approach
Regulation of droplet size and flow regime by geometrical confinement in a microfluidic flow-
focusing device
Physics of Fluids 35, 012010 (2023); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0130834
© 2023 Author(s).
Physics of Fluids ARTICLE scitation.org/journal/phf
ETH Zurich, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, Institute of Fluid Dynamics, Sonneggstrasse 3, Zurich 8092,
INRIA Bordeaux Sud-Ouest, project-team CAGIRE, Universite de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, E2S UPPA, Laboratory of Mathematics
and Applied Mathematics (LMAP), Pau, France
Investigations of shock-induced cavitation within a droplet are highly challenged by the multiphase nature of the mechanisms involved.
Within the context of heterogeneous nucleation, we introduce a thermodynamically well-posed multiphase numerical model accounting for
phase compression and expansion, which relies on a finite pressure-relaxation rate formulation. We simulate (i) the spherical collapse of a
bubble in a free field, (ii) the interaction of a cylindrical water droplet with a planar shock wave, and (iii) the high-speed impact of a gelatin
droplet onto a solid surface. The determination of the finite pressure-relaxation rate is done by comparing the numerical results with
the Keller–Miksis model, and the corresponding experiments of Sembian et al. and Field et al., respectively. For the latter two, the pressure-
relaxation rate is found to be l ¼ 3:5 and l ¼ 0:5, respectively. Upon the validation of the determined pressure-relaxation rate, we run
parametric simulations to elucidate the critical Mach number from which cavitation is likely to occur. Complementing simulations with a
geometrical acoustic model, we provide a phenomenological description of the shock-induced cavitation within a droplet, as well as a discus-
sion on the bubble-cloud growth effect on the droplet flow field. The usual prediction of the bubble cloud center, given in the literature, is
eventually modified to account for the expansion wave magnitude.
C 2023 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0127105
combustion and detonation of multiphase mixtures,7 through ink-jet computed from the numerics, and complemented with the geometri-
printing or liquid jet-based physical cleaning,8,9 to name but a few. cal acoustic model of Biasiori-Poulanges and El-Rabii. We finally
The comprehension of the bubble dynamics within the droplet is thus examine the sensitivity of l on the material properties of the liquid
of major importance to evaluate the erosion efficiency of the bubble- mixture constituting the droplet, by simulating the high-speed droplet
compounded droplet, related to the collapse and jetting processes of impact experiments of Field et al.
the cavitation bubbles. Given that the presence of cavities inside the
droplet alters its interfacial dynamics,10,11 under some conditions, II. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION
changes in the fragmentation process are to be expected. The interaction of a confined fluid volume with a shock wave is
The experimental characterization of shock-induced cavitation known to generate a complex time-dependent wave pattern. Taking
within a droplet is particularly challenging.11 By reducing the droplet into account for the compression and expansion effects in a two-phase
to a water column, Sembian et al. and Field et al. however successfully liquid–gas droplet, the canonical wave structure is modified. Based on
imaged the growth of a bubble cloud during the interaction of a cylin- the droplet internal wave structure, this section first gives a phenome-
drical droplet with a planar shock wave, and the high-speed impact of nological description of the shock-induced cavitation within a liquid
a cylindrical droplet with a solid substrate, respectively. To overcome droplet. It also introduces recent works on the analytical description of
the experimental limitations and address the shock-induced cavitation the wave pattern, which has been interpreted using the classical ray-
within a droplet under near-reality conditions, previous attempts to tracing approach to geometrical acoustics. Note that, in this section,
explicit the conditions for the bubbles to grow mostly relied on numer- the description is based on the interaction of a shock wave with a
ical simulations. As a first approach, past numerical studies used droplet, but the phenomenology is also valid for the high-speed drop-
numerical models not accounting for phase change or phase expan- let impact.
sion.1,4,12–14 The occurrence and intensity of the cavitation were evalu-
ated by probing the pressure field and comparing the low-pressure A. Phenomenology
region magnitude to the cavitation threshold given by the classical
The phenomenology of the shock-induced cavitation within a
nucleation theory for homogeneous cavitation (134 MPa at 300 K),15
liquid droplet is sketched in Fig. 1, where the wave pattern inside
or the Blake threshold pressure.16 Recently, Kyriazis et al. simulated
the droplet is drawn as time proceeds. The time origin, t ¼ 0, corre-
the experiment of Field et al., that is, high-speed droplet impact, using
sponds to the instant at which the shock wave interacts with the
a thermodynamically well-posed model incorporating phase change.
droplet. This interaction results in the transmission of a shock to
They successfully demonstrated that such models are well adapted to
the droplet [Fig. 1(a)], while part of the incident shock is diffracted
simulate the growth of bubbles and to examine its effect on the droplet
around the droplet. The transmitted shock is a compression wave
dynamics. However, a direct comparison of the numerical results with
the experimental observations revealed that the numerical model sig- that spherically propagates in the stream direction. When the
nificantly overestimates the size of the bubble cloud. This is because of transmitted shock meets the droplet boundary, and as a conse-
the thermodynamic equilibrium assumption, corresponding to an quence of the large water-to-air acoustic impedance ratio, the
instantaneous equilibrium of pressures, temperatures, and velocities, transmitted shock reflects at the interface as an expansion wave
in other words an analogous to infinite relaxation rates for the pres- [Fig. 1(a)], thereby forming low-pressure regions in the internal
sures, temperatures, and velocities, which enable the instantaneous flow field. At the early stage, the acoustic ray theory has shown this
expansion of the gas phase when subjected to a tensile wave. reflection to be a two-segment wavefront. On reaching the down-
In this work, we introduce a multiphase numerical model, in stream droplet surface, the transmitted shock is completely
velocity equilibrium, with a finite pressure-relaxation rate, l, to reflected back [Fig. 1(b)]. The only expansion wave remains and
address the over-expansion of the gas phase as previously reported for propagates upstream by converging and amplifying due to the
an infinite l. The finite pressure-relaxation rate is defined on the droplet curvature. The low-pressure region generated by the
0; 1 range. Shock-induced cavitation primary resulting from hetero- expansion wave thus locally exposes the liquid to a pulling force,
geneous cavitation, we do not account for phase change. The droplet which, under some conditions, results in the cavitation and growth
containing preexisting nuclei is modeled as a liquid–gas mixture. of bubbles [Figs. 1(a)–1(d)]. Once the convergence of the expan-
Considering the difference in the acoustic impedance between both sion wave is completed, it diverges by shaping a horseshoe
phases, such a modeling enables to simulate each phase response, [Fig. 1(d)]. Before this transition, portion of the expansion wave
within the mixture, to compression and expansion effects. We first crosses at the droplet axis where the bubbles eventually meet, and
simulate the spherical collapse of an air bubble in a free field, over the form a single bubble cloud. The bubble cloud collapses over time
l range, and compare the results with the solution of the [Figs. 1(d)–1(f)], while the expansion wave continues to propagate
Keller–Miksis equation to eliminate l values that do not agree with upstream. When the collapse is completed, a spherical shock wave
the theoretical bubble behavior. Second, we simulate the experiment of (CiS) originating from the cloud center is emitted [Fig. 1(f)]. Upon
Sembian et al. with a Mach 2.4 shock wave for which cavitation bub- reaching the droplet interface, the CiS similarly reflects as an
bles have been imaged. After investigating the influence of l on the expansion wave [Fig. 1(g)], which, under some conditions, may
shock-induced cavitation, we calibrate the finite pressure-relaxation also result in the cavitation and growth of bubbles. The wave pat-
rate against the experimental image and eventually validate the cali- tern drawn in Figs. 1(f) and 1(g) corresponds to some of the suc-
brated value by computing the experiment with a Mach 1.75 shock cessive reflections of the transmitted shock, that is, the reflections
wave. A phenomenological analysis of the shock-induced cavitation is of the TS reflection. Note that when the expansion wave reflects at
eventually proposed by interpreting the droplet internal wave pattern, the droplet interface, it transforms into a compression wave.
FIG. 1. (a)–(g) Sketch of the internal wave pattern and phenomenology of the shock-induced cavitation within a liquid droplet. Time is indicated with a red-to-blue colormap,
with t ¼ 0 the instant at which the incident shock reaches the droplet. Not all internal reflections are drawn for the sake of clarity and educational purposes.
B. Analytical wave description equations of the caustic surface associated with the kth reflected wave-
The wave pattern inside a spherical water droplet impacted front, which are given by
with a planar shock wave has recently been extensively analyzed. xcaustic ¼ Rd f ðaÞ cos ck þ Rd ½ f ðaÞ 1 cos ðck 2hÞ; (2a)
Within the context of ray theory, Biasiori-Poulanges and El-Rabii
described the time-dependent shape of the internal wavefront ycaustic ¼ Rd f ðaÞ sin ck þ Rd ½ f ðaÞ 1 sin ðck 2hÞ; (2b)
whose dominant feature has been shown to be the existence of where
cusp singularities, and examined in detail the focusing of the singly
reflected wavefront. Authors also derived the parametric equations 1 2n2 ðk 1Þ sin 2a sin 2h
f ðaÞ ¼ : (3)
for the transmitted wavefront and its multiple internal reflections, 2 n2 ð2k 1Þ sin 2a sin 2h
which read
The cuspidal point of the caustic is located on the droplet axis A. Governing equations
yc ¼ 0, while the x-coordinate has been found to be
The thermodynamically well-posed, pressure- and temperature-
ð1Þk n disequilibrium, multi-component flow model conserves mass,
xc ¼ Rd : (4) momentum, and total energy. It reads for N phases
ð2k 1Þn 1
þ u rak ¼ dpk ;
C. Problem dimensions @ak qk
þ r ðak qk uÞ ¼ 0;
The Mach number M of the shock wave, the Weber number We, @t (7)
and the Reynolds number Re are defined as @qu
þ r ðqu u þ pIÞ ¼ 0;
Us qU 2 d0 qUd0 @ak qk ek
M¼ ; We ¼ ; and Re ¼ : (5) þ r ðak qk ek uÞ þ ak pk r u ¼ pI dpk ;
c r l @t
In the configuration of the shock–droplet interaction (high-speed where ak, qk, pk, and ek are the volume fraction, density, pressure, and
droplet impact, respectively), Us is the incident shock wave velocity internal energy of each phase, respectively, for which k indicates the
(impact velocity, respectively), c is the gas sound speed in the pre- phase index. The mixture density and pressure are
shocked state (sound speed in the liquid, respectively), q is the density X
of the post-shocked gas (droplet density, respectively), U is the post- q¼ ak qk and p¼ ak pk ; (8)
shocked gas velocity (impact velocity, respectively), l is the dynamic k¼1 k¼1
viscosity of the gas (dynamic viscosity of the liquid, respectively), and
r is the surface tension coefficient and d0 is the diameter of the cylin- while the mixture total energy is
drical droplet. 1
Table I reports high values of We and Re, indicating that, in both E ¼ e þ jjujj2 ; (9)
experiments, the inertial forces dominate the flow over the surface ten-
sion and the viscous forces, respectively. where e is the mixture-specific internal energy
In addition to the shock–droplet interaction and high-speed X
droplet impact configurations, we herein also simulate the spheri- e¼ Yk ek ðqk ; pk Þ: (10)
cal collapse of an air bubble in a free field. Viscous and capillary k¼1
effects are trivially shown to be also negligible by computing the
Rayleigh–Plesset equation. In this work, inviscid flows are there- In Eq. (10), ek ðqk ; pk Þ is defined via an equation of state (EOS) and Yk
fore modeled and capillary effects are not accounted for. are the mass fractions
The phenomenology of the shock-induced cavitation within a ak qk
Yk ¼ : (11)
droplet is described using dimensionless parameters. Unless otherwise q
specified, non-dimensionalization of the space and time variables, L
and T, is done using the initial droplet diameter d0 and the sound Herein, we consider two-phase mixtures of gas (g) and liquid (l) for
speed in water cl which the gas is modeled by the ideal-gas EOS
~¼ L
L ~ ¼ T cl ;
and T (6) pg ¼ qg ðcg 1Þðeg eg;ref Þ; (12)
d0 d0
and the liquid is modeled by the stiffened-gas (SG) EOS
where ð~Þ denotes a non-dimensional quantity.
pl ¼ ql ðcl 1Þðel el;ref Þ cl p1 ; (13)
We use herein a slightly modified version of the modeling where c, eref , and p1 are model parameters. The interfacial pressure
proposed by Schmidmayer et al.18 to simulate the compression and is defined as
expansion of each phase within the liquid–gas mixture, while 0 1
ignoring phase change. The modification is only related to the X
@pk zj A
form of the pressure-relaxation terms (right-hand side) and is
k j6¼k
detailed in Sec. III B. pI ¼ ; (14)
ðN 1Þ zk
TABLE I. Weber and Reynolds numbers associated with the experiments of k
Sembian et al. and Field et al.
where zk ¼ qk ck and ck are the acoustic impedance and speed of
Configuration We Re sound of the phase k, respectively.
Since pressures are in disequilibrium here, the total energy equa-
Shock–droplet1 103 106 tion of the mixture is replaced by the internal-energy equation for
High-speed impact2 106 106 each phase. Nevertheless, the conservation of the mixture total energy
can be written in its usual form
@qE for a given mixture and flow regime, only one value within this range
þ r ½ðqE þ pÞu ¼ 0: (15)
@t accurately reproduces the physics. This value changes from one con-
We note that (15) is redundant when the internal energy equations are figuration to another and must be determined by comparison with
also computed. However, in practice, we include it in our computa- appropriated experimental data.
tions to ensure that the total energy is numerically conserved, and thus
preserve a correct treatment of shock waves. C. Numerical method
Based on the hyperbolic study, the mixture speed of sound, also We numerically solve Eq. (7) using a splitting procedure between
called frozen speed of sound, is derived as the left-hand-side terms associated with the flow and the right-hand-
side terms associated with our relaxation procedure.
The left-hand-side terms are solved by an explicit finite-volume
c2 ¼ Yk c2k ; (16)
Godunov scheme where, to ensure the conservation of total energy, a
procedure correcting the non-conservative terms of the internal-
which is found to be in agreement with previously reported energy equations is required and it uses the mixture total-energy rela-
expression.20 tion (15). The method corrects the total energy before the relaxation
We also recall that the model is in velocity equilibrium, respects procedure, during the flux computation of the hyperbolic step, and
the second law of thermodynamics, and is hyperbolic with eigenvalues therefore allows finite or infinite relaxations.18
either equal to u or u 6 c, where u is the velocity in the x direction. The relaxation terms (system of ordinary differential equations)
are integrated with a first-order, explicit, Euler scheme with time step
B. Expression of dpk subdivisions.18 The number of subdivisions is adapted at each time
For the pressure-relaxation terms between the phases, dpk reads step to verify the volume-fraction and pressure constraints. During
under its general form this procedure, if the pressures are completely relaxed, that is, a unique
pressure for all phases, we terminate the Euler scheme and we perform
from the initial state an infinite-relaxation procedure20 to guarantee a
dpk ¼ lk;j ðpk pj Þ; (17) unique pressure and better estimate the solution. This also assures a
faster computation.
where the relaxation coefficients lk;j , related to the k–j interactions (j As a side note, after applying an infinite pressure relaxation
are components different from k) and appearing in the original form (l ¼ 1), the model converges to the mechanical-equilibrium model
of the complete disequilibrium model,21 can be expressed under differ- of Kapila et al.24 and the effective mixture speed of sound matches
ent forms. Wood’s
In most if not all the literature, for example, Schmidmayer
1 X
et al.,18 Saurel et al.,20 Baer and Nunziato,22 Saurel and Abgrall,23 the ¼ : (19)
relaxation coefficients are taken as unique and constant for all interac- qcw k¼1 qk c2k
D. Computational setup
The determination of the pressure-relaxation rate l is a two-step
approach. The first step consists in reducing the l-range by simulating
the spherical collapse of a bubble in a free field and determined l val-
ues that agree with the predicted bubble dynamics given by the
Keller–Miksis equation.34 The second step consists in calibrating l
against the experiment of Sembian et al., where a Mach 2.4 planar
shock wave interacts with a cylindrical water droplet. In this experi-
ment, the growth of a bubble cloud has been imaged. The calibrated l
is eventually validated against a second experiment of Sembian et al.
with M ¼ 1.75, for which no bubble cloud has been recorded. This
determination procedure is done for a given fluid, that is, water drop-
let. To evaluate the sensitivity of l on the material properties of the
mixture constituting the droplet, the experiment of Field et al., also
showing shock-induced cavitation, is simulated. It consists in a spheri-
cal gelatin droplet, which is impacted by a metallic slider at 110 m/s.
in a ½6Rd 6Rd square computational domain. A wall boundary con- One can observe the convergence of the bubble-cloud radius. We
dition and a symmetry boundary condition are applied to the bottom consider the solution with three levels of refinement to be sufficiently
and left sides of the computational domain, respectively. Non- converged for the purpose of the paper.
reflective boundary conditions are imposed to the two remaining The rate of convergence is also presented in Fig. 5 in terms of the
boundaries. The droplet moves downward with a velocity discrete L2-error e as
ui ¼ 110 m=s. The initial droplet is resolved by 100 cells per diameter,
and the three-grid level AMR is used. In the experiments, the droplet 1 X Nt
jjRðti Þ Rref ðti Þjj
e¼ ; (22)
is made of a 12 wt. % gelatin. It is modeled using the SG EOS13,35 with Nt i¼0 Rref ðti Þ
c ¼ 6:72 and p1 ¼ 3:70 108 . Similarly to the previous computa-
tional setup, the initial air volume fraction within the droplet is 106 . where Nt is the number of time steps in the temporal window ~t
As a simplification of the experiments, the present setup does not 2 ½0; 3:25; Rðti Þ is the bubble radius at time ti of our simulations, and
account for the material properties of the metallic slider, used in the Rref is the reference solution, here chosen as the solution of the simula-
experiments, and simulates a droplet impacting a wall at velocity tion AMR level 3. We see that the method converges at 1.7 order,
110 m=s.17 matching the expected rate for AMR simulations of flows mainly gov-
erned by tension waves and exhibiting shocks and interfaces.
E. Grid convergence for finite pressure relaxation
To consider the spatial convergence of the numerical method,
a grid resolution study is performed by simulating the interaction In this section, we discuss the results from the three-step proce-
of the cylindrical water droplet with a Mach 2.4 plane shock wave dure for the determination of the pressure-relaxation rate.
at four different resolutions (Fig. 4). Keeping constant the initial
mesh size to 100 cells per diameter, four AMR grid levels are used
A. Spherical bubble collapse in a free field
which eventually result in 100, 200, 400, and 800 cells per diame-
ter. For this study, the pressure-relaxation rate is chosen equal to The finite pressure-relaxation-based method allows for an infinite
l ¼ 10. As time proceeds, the grid sensitivity is examined by com- range of pressure-relaxation rate. As a first approach, it is instructive to
paring the growth and collapse of the shock-induced bubble evaluate the sensitivity of l by simulating the spherical collapse of a bub-
cloud, within the droplet. Note that in this work, the “shock- ble in free field [Fig. 3(a)] for various orders of magnitude of l and com-
induced bubble cloud” is a liquid–gas mixture. Figure 4 plots the pare the bubble response to the analytical solution of the Keller–Miksis
equivalent radius of the gas phase within the droplet, denoted R equation,34 and the compressible form of the Rayleigh–Plesset equation.
and defined as Assuming a spherical collapse, the Keller–Miksis equation is based on
an asymptotic expansion in the Mach number of the Bernoulli equation.
ð 1=2
1 The use of the Keller–Miksis equation in the present work is predicated
R¼ ag dV ; (21) on larger measured relative errors than errors related to the asymptotic
p Vd
expansion and the inherent presumption of sphericity. This assumption
where Vd is the droplet volume. is borne out by the results displayed in Fig. 6, which discloses the com-
parison between numerical simulations and the Keller–Miksis solution
FIG. 4. Growth and collapse of the gas phase within the droplet at four grid resolu-
tions. The pressure-relaxation rate is l ¼ 10. The droplet is initially resolved by 100 FIG. 5. Convergence order of the numerical method. The discrete L2-error, e, repre-
cells per diameter. sentative of the convergence rate is given by Eq. (22).
FIG. 6. (a) Radial bubble-wall evolution for a spherical bubble collapse with p1 =pb ¼ 1427 and N ¼ 100 cells, with (b) a magnified view in the rebound region.
by plotting the radial bubble-wall evolution. In agreement with the 1D the minimum radius up to 19%. The best agreement with theory is
formulation, the effective bubble radius, Rb, is defined as given for l ¼ 1, where the relative error er on the minimum bubble
radius, with respect to the Keller–Miksis solution, is 10%. Note that
Rb ¼ ag;i Vc;i ; (23) minðRb =R0 Þjl¼10 minðRb =R0 Þjl¼1 . One should also note that
i¼1 decreasing errors is expected for refined grids and for three-
dimensional simulations, for which the non-conservative terms of the
where N is the number of grid cells, and ag;i and Vc;i are the gas vol- axisymmetry are absent. Major discrepancies are however reported for
ume fraction and the volume of the ith cell, respectively. The dimen- l ⱗ 0:1, which significantly overestimate the minimum bubble radius.
sionless time is given by the ratio of the dimensional time t with the From this first sensitivity analysis on l, the range of pressure-
Rayleigh collapse time relaxation rate can be restricted to 0:1; 1. Note that this range
rffiffiffiffiffiffi can be extended when refining the mesh size, so that l 2 a; 1 with
tr ¼ 0:915R0 ; (24) a ! 0 for an infinitely small mesh size. The l-range 0:1; 1 is here
valid for a reasonable resolution of 100 cells/diameter. In the following,
which is the nominal total collapse time, that is, the time required for we calibrate l upon experimental observations, which is therefore
the bubble to complete its collapse.36 Note that the solutions are only expected to be in the l-domain here determined.
displayed until t ¼ 1:05tc , right after the minimum bubble radius is
reached, since the subsequent rebounds for large pressure ratios for
B. Cylindrical droplet interaction with a planar shock
the Keller–Miksis equation are well-known to be physically inaccu-
rate.37 When comparing the Keller–Miksis equation with our simula-
tions, our results are expected to converge toward the analytical In this section, we simulate the experiments of Sembian et al. to
solution up to the first rebound because of the reducing diffusion. first investigate the influence of l on the droplet internal flow field,
Beyond the collapse, the solution of the Keller–Miksis equation is here and then to calibrate and validate the corresponding pressure-
not accurate as the Mach of the interface is high at the time of the col- relaxation rate. Upon validation, parametric simulations are eventually
lapse, and so the compressibility effects are important. These condi- run to evaluate the critical Mach number from which, bubbles are
tions appear to be out of the validity domain on which the likely to grow.
Keller–Miksis equation has been derived (i.e., low Mach number). The
convergence should thus not occur. 1. Influence of the pressure-relaxation rate
Figure 6 and Table II show that pressure-relaxation rates 1ⱗ l
ⱗ 1 are in satisfying agreement with theory, while underestimating The effect of the pressure-relaxation rate is investigated by com-
paring numerical results at four different rates, 1, 10, 100, and 1, and
by using the computational setup dedicated to the shock–droplet
TABLE II. Relative error, er , between the numerics and the Keller–Miksis solution on interaction [Fig. 3(b)]. Figure 7 shows that larger values of R are
the minimum bubble radius.
reached for higher values of l. The maximum radius asymptotically
increases with l, so that maxðR=R0 Þjl¼100 2maxðR=R0 Þjl¼10 and
M 0.01 0.1 1 10 1
Rðl ¼ 100Þ Rðl ¼ 1Þ. The simulation thus converges to an infi-
er (%) 735 275 10 19 18 nite pressure-relaxation rate modeling as l increases. Conversely,
smaller R are reported for lower values of l. Numerical results
FIG. 8. Influence of l on the internal flow field of a 22-mm-diameter cylindrical droplet interacting with a planar shock wave propagating at M ¼ 2.4. (a)–(c) Schematics of the
bubble formation and the scattering process.
structure reported for l ¼ 10 does not agree neither with the experi- Discrepancies are also observed by comparing the center of the experi-
ments nor the theory, but however reveals a CiS generated by the pre- mental bubble cloud and the origin of the CiS. These observations
vious growth and collapse of a bubble cloud. The absence of the indicate that l ¼ 10 overestimates the experimental relaxation rate.
wavefront as predicted, and seen for l ¼ 1, results from the early The pressure-relaxation rate l ¼ 100 is eventually simulated. As
development of the cloud that scattered the segment f2;b . expected, it also overestimates the experimental relaxation rate. The
FIG. 9. Comparison of the internal droplet structure, at ~t ¼ 2:72, between (top) numerical simulations at different l and (bottom) experiments of Sembian et al. The upper-
halves display the volume fraction of air (yellow-to-black colormap) overlaid with numerical Schlieren images (white). The lower-halves disclose experimental Schlieren images,
which, for l ¼ 1, is compared with the theoretical predictions given by Eq. (1) for k 2 ½1; 7. Reproduced with the permission from Sembian, et al., “Plane shock wave interac-
tion with a cylindrical water column,” Phys. Fluids, 28, 056102 (2016). Copyright 2016 AIP Publishing.
internal wave structure does not agree with the experiments due to the the numerical Schlieren. Figure 13(a) reports an excellent agreement
obvious growth of the gas phase, which has not yet completed its col- both on the internal wave structure (dashed red line), and the size and
lapse. Finally, comparing simulation results for l equals to 1, 10, and location of the bubble cloud (solid red line). Within the region r
100 indicates that the experimental relaxation rate should be between delimited by the dashed red line, one can note the growth of a second
1 and 10. bubble cloud. It results from the interaction of the third reflected
To identify the pressure-relaxation rate exhibiting the better transmitted shock (f3 , red dashed line) with the CiS reflection. It is
agreement with the experiments of Sembian et al., we compared the
center of the bubble cloud and the collapse time, denoted xc and tc ,
respectively, between the experiments and the numerical simulations.
The experimental center of the cloud is determined by detecting the
cloud contour on the lower halves of Fig. 9 using an edge detection
algorithm, and computing the center-of-mass. The collapse time is
determined based on the image sequence available in Fig. 8 in
Sembian et al. from which we assume the collapse to occur between
frame (e) and (f). Using the position of the internal and external wave-
fronts (see Fig. 10), and knowing the size of the droplet as well as the
shock wave Mach number, the dimensional time of frames (e) and (f)
has been determined. We denote Dtc the time interval between frames
(e) and (f).
Figure 11 shows the functional dependency of xc and tc on the
pressure-relaxation rate, which is estimated using non-linear least
squares fits of the form alb þ c. The two plots exhibit an asymptotic
behavior as l ! 1, which is consistent with the analysis of Fig. 9.
Figure 12 plots the ðxc ; tc Þ-coordinates for various l in the ½3; 1
FIG. 10. Interaction of a planar shock wave at M ¼ 2.4 with a 22-mm-diameter
range. The dark solid line corresponds to the experimental xc -coordi-
cylindrical water droplet. The upper half is a numerical Schlieren and the lower-half
nate, and the gray filled area to Dtc . It appears that the dimensionless is a Schlieren photograph from Reproduced with permission from Sembian et al.
cloud center coordinate ~x c linearly depends on the collapse time ~t c . “Plane shock wave interaction with a cylindrical water column,” Phys. Fluids 28,
The linear interpolation of the ðxc ; tc Þ-coordinates intersects the 056102 (2016). Copyright 2016 AIP Publishing. The agreement in the internal and
experimental xc coordinate on l ¼ 3:5, and within the Dtc window. external wave locations enables to calibrate the dimensional time of the experi-
Figure 13 shows the numerical results for l ¼ 3:5 compared ments. Both the numerics and the experiment image the irregular Mach reflection
over the droplet, which consists in the reflected shock wave, the Mach stem, the
with the experimental Schlieren image. The upper half of Fig. 13(a) slip surface, and the incident shock wave (not visible here) all connected by the tri-
plots the volume fraction of air with a numerical Schlieren, and the ple point. They also image the third internal reflection, f3 , of the transmitted
upper half of Fig. 13(b) maps the mixture pressure field overlaid with shock.
FIG. 11. Dependence of ~x c and ~t c coordinates on l. Both fits are non-linear least
squares fits of the form alb þ c with (a) a ¼ 0:15; b ¼ 0:90, and c ¼ 0.36,
and (b) a ¼ 2:61; b ¼ 0:73, and c ¼ 3.10.
FIG. 15. Comparison of the numerical simulation (left) with the experiments of Field et al.2 (right). Reproduced with the permission from Field et al., “The effects of target com-
pliance on liquid drop impact,” J. Appl. Phys. 65, 533–540 (1989). Copyright 1989 AIP Publishing. The numerical image shows (a) the colored volume fraction of air overlaid
with a Schlieren image. (b) the numerical Schlieren image alone. (c) is a magnified view of the bubble cloud observed on (b). (d) is a second magnified view of the bubble
cloud showing, in white dashed line, the bubble cloud contour computed from the numerics.
these discontinuities are observed, numerics and experiments present while an asymptotic behavior of the relative error between xc;n and xc
a very similar pattern. Among others, a very good agreement is is reported when l ! 1.
reported on the shape and location of the denser region of the bubble Three regimes of droplet shock-induced cavitation can be
cloud, that is, the centered dark region on the Schlieren images. defined: (i) no-cavitation regime, (ii) convergence-driven cavitation
Finally, we plotted the contour of the bubble cloud computed from the regime, and (iii) the immediate cavitation regime. When the transmit-
numerical simulation [white dashed line in Fig. 15(d)]. We remember ted shock is not strong enough, the droplet never experiences cavita-
that the numerical Schlieren only contours the cloud. The palm-like tion and bubble growth. This is the no-cavitation regime. We note i1
shape of the bubble cloud relatively well agrees with the experimental the intensity of the transmitted shock in this regime. In the other
observation. The location and the curvature of the stem perfectly extreme, the strongest transmitted shock instantaneously results in
match the darker region in the experiments, while the top of the palm cavitation upon the reflection of the transmitted shock as an expansion
connects the streamers experimentally observed. wave. This corresponds to the immediate cavitation. We note i2 the
intensity of the transmitted shock in this regime. However, for trans-
mitted shock with intensity i1 < i < i2 , cavitation does not imme-
diately occur upon reflection, but during the convergence of the
The location of the caustic’s cuspidal point ðxc ; yc Þ has been expansion wave, which induces its amplification. This corresponds to
proven to be the highest density of shock-induced cavitation.40 This is the transitional convergence-driven cavitation regime.
because the density of rays tangent to the caustic, which gives a relative We denote, xt, the location of the expansion wave f2 , during its
measure of the focusing strength over the caustic, is maximum at the convergence, where the critical amplitude for the expansion wave to
intersection of the caustic and the droplet axis (y ¼ 0).4 Consequently, sufficiently expand the gas is reached. Locating the droplet center at
previous research efforts on shock-induced cavitation within a cylin- the domain origin so that ðx; yÞ ¼ ð0; 0Þ, the xt-coordinate is bounded
drical droplet assumed the cavitation bubble cloud to appear at the as xc < xt < Rd . Note that xt ¼ Rd is the condition for the immediate
focus of the reflected wavefront ðxc ; yc Þ.2,13 However, a close exami- cavitation regime. The diameter of the bubble cloud measured on the
nation of the bubble cloud center as seen in the experimental observa- x axis is then given by xt xc . Assuming a volumetric collapse of the
tions shows discrepancies between the theoretical xc value and cloud, this implies that the cloud center Dx is given by
experimental measurements, errors of 42%610% and 23%65% for
xt xc
the shock–droplet interaction and the high-speed droplet impact, Dx ¼ xc þ : (25)
respectively. As clearly visible in Fig. 8, the center of the cloud on the x 2
axis does not agree with the cuspidal point of the caustic ðcÞ. In the The bottom graph in Fig. 16 plots the xc;n =Dx ratio over the pressure-
following, we denote xc;n the location of the cloud determined from relaxation rate l and shows a very good agreement between the bubble
the numerical simulations. The top graph in Fig. 16 plots the xc;n =xc cloud center measured on the numerical simulation and the computed
ratio over the pressure-relaxation rate l. It is obvious that the theoreti- Dx. Note that the second term in the right-hand side of the Eq. (25),
cal value xc does not agree with the numerical value xc;n . Note that, in xt xc =2, is a corrective term to Obreschkow et al.’s theory to esti-
the absence of the bubble cloud growth (l ¼ 1), a very good match has mate the location of the cavitation region in the convergence-driven
nevertheless been reported between xc and the focal point of the cavitation regime. Equation (25) agrees to locate the highest density
reflected wave simulated. As l decreases, the xc;n converges toward xc , of shock-induced cavitation at the caustic’s cuspidal point
(limxt !xc Dx ¼ xc ). In the immediate cavitation regime, Dx ¼ xc
þ ðRd xc Þ=2. In agreement with the numerical simulations and the
experimental observations, and using Eq. (4) for k ¼ 2, the location of the
bubble cloud center during droplet shock-induced cavitation thus obeys
n Dx 1 n
1þ : (26)
3n 1 Rd 2 3n 1
Note that the analysis on the cloud center, here shown for the configu-
ration of Sembian et al., is also valid for the high-speed droplet impact
In this paper, we introduce a multiphase numerical model, in
velocity equilibrium, using a finite pressure-relaxation rate. In the con-
text of heterogeneous cavitation, we demonstrate the finite formula-
tion to be more suitable and effective to simulate shock-induced
cavitation. Based on the shock–droplet interaction experiments of
Sembian et al., where cavitation bubbles within the droplet have been
reported, we calibrate and validate the pressure-relaxation rate, which
is found to be l ¼ 3:5. A parametric investigation on l shows the
FIG. 16. Comparison between the bubble cloud centers measured from the numeri- effect of the bubble cloud of the internal wave structure, which, for a
cal simulations and theoretical predictions. significant growth, scatters the incoming wavefronts resulting in their
annihilation. For l > 3:5, the size, the location, and the collapse time AUTHOR DECLARATIONS
of the bubble cloud are overestimated as l increases, and conversely, Conflict of Interest
these parameters are underestimated when l, below 3.5, decreases. We
The authors have no conflicts to disclose.
eventually determined the critical shock Mach number Mc from which
shock-induced cavitation is possible, to be 1:9 < Mc < 2:0. This is
consistent with Sembian et al. who observed cavitation at M ¼ 2.4, Author Contributions
while no bubbles has been imaged at M ¼ 1.75. Luc Biasiori-Poulanges: Conceptualization (equal); Data curation
Complementing the phenomenological analysis, based on the (equal); Formal analysis (equal); Investigation (equal); Methodology
numerical results, with ray theory from geometrical acoustics, we dis- (equal); Validation (equal); Writing – original draft (equal); Writing –
cussed the theoretical location of the bubble cloud center. Although review & editing (equal). Kevin Schmidmayer: Conceptualization
usually approximated to be located at the focal point of the singly (equal); Data curation (equal); Formal analysis (equal); Investigation
reflected wavefront, we actually show that it depends on the magnitude (equal); Methodology (equal); Validation (equal); Writing – original
of the continuously amplifying expansion wave, so that Dx
xc jk¼2 . draft (equal); Writing – review & editing (equal).
The correction of the Dx is done by adding the ðxt xc Þ=2 term to the
f2 ’s focal point location xc . Future work should address the analytical DATA AVAILABILITY
determination of the xt location, which is here numerically determined. The data that support the findings of this study are available
To evaluate the sensitivity of the pressure-relaxation rate on the from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
material properties where the cavitation occurs, we then simulated the
experiment of Field et al. consisting in the impact of a solid surface
onto a gelatin droplet. Field et al. observed the cavitation of bubbles APPENDIX A: TIME SEQUENCES OF SHOCK–DROPLET
under the internal reflection of the water hammer shock. Our calibra- INTERACTION
tion procedure identified l ¼ 0:5 to best match the experimental Figure 17 shows image sequences for the interaction of a 22-mm-
observations. The droplet dependency on l is consistent with the pre- diameter cylindrical droplet with a planar shock wave propagating at
vious observations in the simulation of Sembian et al.’s configuration. Mach 2.4. The upper halves are the colored volume fraction of air (yel-
Simulating the spherical collapse of a bubble in a free field and com- low-to-black colormap) overlaid with a numerical Schlieren in gray-
paring the bubble dynamics to the analytical solution of the scale. The lower-halves are the experimental Schlieren photographs
Keller–Miksis equation, the 0:1; 1 range has been found to very well from Sembian et al. The comparison is disclosed for l equals 1, 3.5,
agree with theory. Encouragingly, the two pressure-relaxation rates and 10. On frames (a) and (b), the three simulations are in excellent
determined fits in this l interval. Note that, in this work, the calibrated agreement with the experiments. The transmitted shock and the expan-
values of l are only valid for the two configurations we have been con- sion wave both agree on time and space. The simulations do not exhibit
cerned with and for an initial gas volume fraction ag ¼ 106 . Effects the expansion of the gas phase within the droplet, which is in accor-
of ag on the phenomenology of the shock-induced cavitation require dance with the absence of bubble cloud on the photographs. On frame
additional research efforts based on complementary experiments, (c), the three numerical wave patterns are still in line with the experi-
which are out of the scope of this paper. However, to shed light on the ments. However, discrepancies on the volume fraction of air arise for
possible influence of ag on the physics and the calibrated l, additional l ¼ 10 (red box), which shows the growth of the gas phase downstream
simulations have been run and discussed in Appendix B. the expansion wave, while no bubble cloud is imaged in the experiment.
Future works would be to integrate phase change in the numeri- On frame (d), only l ¼ 1 and l ¼ 3:5 well simulate the diverging
cal model, which would require to calibrate again the pressure- expansion wave, which is invisible in the simulations with l ¼ 10.
relaxation rate along with the chemical-potential relaxation rate. A Simulations with l ¼ 1 and l ¼ 3:5 also show a horseshoe-like shape
closer examination on the dependence of l on the material properties bubble cloud behind the expansion wave. It is difficult to discuss the
should also be considered. In this work, we infer the difference in the validity of this cloud against the experiment, as the Schlieren photo-
l values between the two configurations investigated to be related to graph exhibits an intricate structure inside the horseshoe shape, which
the changes in the properties of the material constituting the droplet, complicates the analysis of the image. However, it is obvious that the
that is, water vs gelatin. The present modeling and existing experimen- size of the cloud simulated with l ¼ 10 is significantly overestimated.
tal datasets do not allow for the identification of the governing param- On frame (e), experiments show a bubble cloud (contoured with the
eters, while the viscoelasticity, the spatial arrangement of molecules, red dashed line). In the simulation with l ¼ 1, no cloud is visible. In
the concentration and size of nuclei, or the equations of state should addition, the intensity of the numerical Schlieren is the same for the
be considered. Additional experiments, varying the material properties various internal reflections, while the f2 wavefront is significantly
and the regimes, should be conducted to independently investigate the stronger on the experimental Schlieren. Note that these observations
influence of these parameters on the cavitation dynamics. hold for frame (f). The wave pattern and the bubble cloud observed in
the simulation with l ¼ 3:5 are however in a very good agreement,
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS which is also true for frame (f). Although the simulation with l ¼ 10
significantly fails to reproduce the wave pattern, we note that a rela-
Authors thank Fabien Petitpas and Nicolas Favrie for their tively good match is reported on the bubble cloud. However, on frame
participation in the determination of the lk;j formulation. Authors (f) and still for l ¼ 10, the CiS reveals a late collapse of the bubble
acknowledge the financial support from the ETH Zurich when comparing with the discontinuities seen in the experiment [see
Postdoctoral Fellowship program. the magnified view in Fig. 13(b)].
FIG. 17. (a)–(f) Comparison of the internal droplet structure between (top) numerical simulations at different l and (bottom) the experiment of Sembian et al. The upper-halves
display the volume fraction of air (yellow-to-black colormap) overlaid with numerical Schlieren images (white). The lower-halves disclose experimental Schlieren images.
Reproduced with the permission from Sembian et al., “Plane shock wave interaction with a cylindrical water column,” Phys. Fluids 28, 056102 (2016). Copyright 2016 AIP
Publishing. The dashed red lines on frames (e) contour the bubble cloud as indicated in Sembian et al.
APPENDIX B: EFFECT OF THE INITIAL GAS VOLUME and Field et al., ag is an unknown parameter. We therefore esti-
FRACTION mated ag to be equal to 106 , which is assumed to be representa-
tive of purified water. The calibrated pressure-relaxation rates for
In this work, we are concerned with the growth and collapse the two configurations are thus only valid for simulations with
of the gas phase involved in the liquid–gas mixture initially consti- ag ¼ 106 . To assess the sensitivity of the pressure-relaxation rate
tuting the droplet. This requires to set the initial gas volume frac- on the initial gas volume fraction, we run additional simulations,
tion, ag within the droplet. In the experiments of Sembian et al.
corresponding to the experiment of Sembian et al., with ag ¼ 105
and ag ¼ 107 . Figure 18 plots the variation of the volume of the
gas phase within the droplet as time proceeds for various (ag, l)
combinations. Comparing the results for the calibrated l ¼ 3:50
with ag ¼ 106 , relative errors between 40% and 60% are reported
on the maximal volume, which remain relatively low when com-
pared to the errors resulting from an infinite pressure-relaxation
rate (650%). The relative errors on the numerical location of the
bubble cloud center with respect to the experiments are found to
be 10% for both ag ¼ 105 and ag ¼ 107 with l ¼ 3:50. We
then calibrated again the pressure-relaxation rates for ag ¼ 105
and ag ¼ 107 and found l ¼ 2:50 and l ¼ 4:60, respectively. It
appears that changing ag by one order of magnitude (lower or
higher) does not change the order of magnitude of the pressure-
relaxation rate.
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