The Self and Its Brain - Popper, Eccles
The Self and Its Brain - Popper, Eccles
The Self and Its Brain - Popper, Eccles
Titles b y K a rl P o p p e r
available fro m R ou tledge
§3 Routledge
Taylor & Francis Group
First published in 1977 by
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, London, New York.
This edition first published in 1983 by
2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, 0X14 4RN
Simultaneously published in the USA and Canada
by Routledge
711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017, USA
Each waking day is a stage dominated for good or ill, in comedy, farce or tragedy by a dra
matis persona, the ‘self, and so it will be until the curtain drops.
C. S. Sherrington, 1947.
Only human beings guide their behaviour by a knowledge of what happened before they were
bom and a preconception of what may happen after they are dead: thus only human beings
find their way by a light that illumines more than the patch of ground they stand on.
The problem of the relation between our bodies and our minds, and espe
cially of the link between brain structures and processes on the one hand
and mental dispositions and events on the other is an exceedingly difficult
one. Without pretending to be able to foresee future developments, both
authors of this book think it improbable that the problem will ever be
solved, in the sense that we shall really understand this relation. We think
that no more can be expected than to make a little progress here or there.
We have written this book in the hope that we have been able to do so.
We are conscious of the fact that what we have done is very conjectur
al and very modest. We are aware of our fallibility; yet we believe in the
intrinsic value of every human effort to deepen our understanding of our
selves and of the world we live in. We believe in humanism: in human
rationality, in human science, and in other human achievements, however
fallible they are. We are unimpressed by the recurrent intellectual fashions
that belittle science and the other great human achievements.
An additional motive for writing this book is that we both feel that the
debunking of man has gone far enough - even too far. It is said that we
had to learn from Copernicus and Darwin that man’s place in the universe
is not so exalted or so exclusive as man once thought. That may well be.
But since Copernicus we have learned to appreciate how wonderful and
rare, perhaps even unique, our little Earth is in this big universe; and since
Darwin we have learned more about the incredible organization of all liv
ing things on Earth, and also about the unique position of man among his
fellow creatures.
These are some of the points on which the two authors of the book
agree. But we also disagree on a number of important points. We hope
that these points will become clear in our recorded dialogue which forms
Part III of the book.
However, it may be well to mention at once one important difference
between the authors: a difference in religious belief. One of us (Eccles) is
a believer in God and the supernatural, while the other (Popper) may be
described as an agnostic. Each of us not only deeply respects the position
of the other, but sympathizes with it.
This difference of opinion should be quite immaterial in our discussion
of some of the problems, especially of the purely scientific ones, but it
obtrudes in our discussion of problems of a more philosophical nature.
Thus one of us is inclined to defend the idea of the survival of the human
soul as does Socrates in Plato’s Phaedo, while the other inclines towards
an agnostic position more like that of Socrates in Plato’s Apology. And,
although we are both evolutionists, Eccles believes that the gulf between
animal consciousness and human self-consciousness is wider than Popper
thinks it to be. However, we do agree on many important points, such as
a distrust of solutions which are very simple. We suspect that there are
deep riddles to be solved. Our main thesis - psychophysical interactionism
- will be discussed at length in the book. Here we wish to mention just
one or two points of method.
Among these, we agree on the importance of a presentation that stri
ves for clarity and simplicity. Words should be used well and carefully (we
have certainly not everywhere succeeded in this); but their meaning
should never, we think, become a topic of discussion or be permitted to
dominate the discussion, as happens so often in contemporary philosophi
cal writing. And although it is sometimes useful to indicate in which of its
various senses we use a word, it is not possible to do so by defining it,
since every definition must make essential use of undefined terms. Where
practicable, we have used non-technical terms in preference to technical
However, to put it in a nutshell, what we are interested in is not the
meaning of terms but the truth of theories; and this truth is largely inde
pendent of the terminology used.
Something may be said in this connection about our use of the terms
“soul”, “mind”, “self”, “consciousness of self”, and so on. We have in the
main avoided the word “soul” because in the English language it has
strong religious connotations. It is not quite the same with the words
"Seele'*, “anima”, “psyche”. The word “mind” is used as in ordinary lan
guage (for example “I made up my mind”). We have tried to avoid its
philosophical connotations: what is important is not to prejudge the issue
by the terminology used.
It may be mentioned that we have decided not to refer to parapsycho
logy, of which neither of us has had any direct experience.
This book may be described as an attempt in interdisciplinary co-ope-
ration. One of us (Eccles) is a brain scientist who was led into this field of
research by his life-long interest in the brain-mind problem. The other
(Popper) is a philosopher who throughout his life has been dissatisfied
with the prevailing schools of philosophy and deeply interested in science.
Both are dualists or even pluralists, and interactionists. Their co-operation
was inspired by the hope of learning from each other.
The P (Popper) and E (Eccles) chapters form Parts I and II of the
book. They were written independently, partly in the Villa Serbelloni, and
partly later, during the two years that have elapsed since. Part III is based
on the taped recording of a dialogue that was carried on from day to day
as indicated by the dates and times. It spontaneously flowed from the
many discussions that we had while walking in the lovely grounds of the
Villa Serbelloni; especially from discussions of problems on which we disa
greed. We have decided to present it more or less in its original form.
(However, we cut out in the end some of the topics from our dialogue
because they were afterwards treated at length in our respective chapters;
though this may in some cases have been at the cost of continuity.) The
dialogue shows that some of our views changed in the light of criticisms
that arose in different guises from day to day.
K a r l R. P o p p er
J o h n C. E c c l e s
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We wish to express our thanks firstly to Doctor Ralph Richardson and Doctor Jane Allen of
the Rockefeller Foundation (Bellagio Study and Conference Center) for arranging the invita
tion to the Center. Doctor William Olson, the Director of the Center and Mrs Olson pro
vided wonderful hospitality in the most attractive of Academic havens, the Villa Serbelloni
on Lago di Como. For the month of September 1974 we were guests there with our wives.
The venue was ideal for wandering and talking between the discipline of writing our respecti
ve chapters, and eventually the developing peripatetic dialogue was recorded in daily taped
sessions to form Part III of this book.
J.C. E.
The influence on my sections of discussions with Sir John Eccles - especially of the long
discussion of 1974 which was recorded and is now reproduced in this book - will be appa
rent. He has, in addition, made critical comments on my sections, and suggested several
important improvements. So have Sir Ernst Gombrich, and also my wife, who typed and
criticized in detail several versions of the manuscript.
Jeremy Shearmur who, thanks to the generosity of the Nuffield Foundation, is my Re
search Assistant, was immensely helpful. He carefully scrutinized an earlier version. He criti
cized the presentation of my arguments, and made many suggestions for remedies. He also
made important positive contributions, which I have acknowledged at the relevant places.
I would also like to thank Mrs. P. Watts for her work on typing the final manuscript, and
David Miller for his help with the proofs.
K. R. P.
Without the example, encouragement and criticism of Sir Karl Popper I would not have
dared to express my ideas on the brain-mind problem in the manner evident in the philo
sophical sections of my chapters. I wish to express my thanks to my wife, Helena, for her
valuable comments on the manuscript and for composing many of the illustrations as well as
for much of the typing. Most of this manuscript was completed during my Buffalo period. My
assistant, Miss Virginia Muniak, made a specially notable contribution by her typing from the
12 hour taped recording of our dialogues (Part III). Miss Tecla Rantucci gave most valuable
assistance in the construction of some of the figures and with her expert photography.
I wish to express my grateful thanks to the many neuroscientists named below for so
kindly allowing the reproduction of figures from their publications and in some cases for
providing me with figures for reproduction: Drs G. Allen, T. Bliss, A. Brodal, A. Gardner
Medwin, N. Geschwind, G. Gray, A. Hein, R. Held, D. Hubei, E. Jones, H. Kornhuber,
B. Libet, B. Milner, T. Powell, R. Sperry, J. Szentagothai, C. Trevarthen, N. Tsukahara, and
T. Wiesel.
J.C. E.
Our association with the publishers has not been in the characteristic mode of a purely busi
ness relationship. Dr. Heinz Gotze, President of Springer-Verlag, has taken a deep personal
interest through the long incubation period of over two years and has been wonderfully
helpful to both of us. Once the manuscript was finally submitted at the end of March, 1977,
the efficiency of his staff, notably Miss Monika Brendel and Mr. Kurt Teichmann, has result
ed in a publication in just six months, which is remarkable for a book of this size and comple
1. Kant’s Argument
Two things, says Kant near the end of his Critique o f Practical Reason,l fill his
mind with always new and increasing admiration and respect: the starry
heavens above him, and the moral law within him. The first of these two
things symbolizes for him the problem of our knowledge about the physical
universe,2 and the problem of our place in this universe. The second pertains
to the invisible self, to the human personality (and to human freedom, as he
explains). The first annihilates the importance of a man, considered as a part
of the physical universe. The second raises immeasurably his value as an
intelligent and responsible being.
I think that Kant is essentially right. As Josef Popper-Lynkeus once put it,
every time a man dies, a whole universe is destroyed. (One realizes this when
one identifies oneself with that man.) Human beings are irreplaceable; and in
being irreplaceable they are clearly very different from machines. They are
capable of enjoying life, and they are capable of suffering, and of facing death
consciously. They are selves; they are ends in themselves, as Kant said.
This view seems to me incompatible with the materialist doctrine that
men are machines.
In the present introductory chapter, my aim is to open up a number of
problems, and to emphasize the importance of some things which should,
perhaps, give the materialist or the physicalist pause. At the same time, I wish
to do justice to the great historical achievements of materialism. But I wish to
make clear, at once, that it is not my intention to raise any “what is”
questions, such as “What is mind?” or “What is matter?” . (In fact, the need
to avoid “what is” questions will turn out to be one of my major points.) It is
still less my intention to answer such questions. (That is, I am not offering
what is sometimes called an “ontology” .)
The doctrine that men are machines, or robots, is a fairly old one. Its first
clear and forceful formulation is due, it seems, to the title of a famous book by
La Mettrie, Man a Machine [1747]; though the first writer to play with the
idea of robots was Homer.1
Yet machines are clearly not ends in themselves, however complicated
they may be. They may be valuable because of their usefulness, or because of
their rarity; and a certain specimen may be valuable because of its historical
uniqueness. But machines become valueless if they do not have a rarity value:
if there are too many of a kind we are prepared to pay to have them removed.
On the other hand, we value human lives in spite of the problem of over
population, the gravest of all social problems of our time. We respect even
the life of a murderer.
It must admitted that, after two world wars, and under the threat of the
new means for mass destruction, there has been a frightening deterioration of
respect for human life in some strata of our society. This makes it particularly
urgent to reaffirm in what follows a view from which we have, I think, no
reason to deviate: the view that men are ends in themselves and not “just”
We can divide those who uphold the doctrine that men are machines, or a
1 La Mettrie did not deny the existence of conscious experience. He also reacted strongly to
Descartes’s doctrine that animals (though not men) are mere automata. (See section 56, below.)
There are two passages in Book 18 of the Iliadin which “Hephaestus, the famous craftsman”
is described as a creator of robot-like machines. (The term “robot” was introduced by Karel
Capek.) In the first of these passages Hephaestus is at work constructing something like
automatic waiters (or tea waggons). In the second passage he is assisted in his work by clever girls
whom he has forged of gold, a metal possessed of peculiar powers. The first passage (373 —377)
may be translated:
Three-legged tables he was constructing, twenty in all, to
Stand round the wall of his well-built hall. To these he had fitted
Wheels wrought of gold, so that they could run by themselves to the banquet
Of the gods, at his wish, and back home, leaving everyone staggered.
Here is the second passage (417—420):
Handmaidens, fashioned of gold, gave ready support to their master.
Looking like genuine girls they proved their keen understanding
By their intelligent speech, their proficient and skilful performance.
(In the last two lines one might perhaps find traces of Homer’s reading of Gilbert Ryle.)
3. Materialism Transcends Itself 5
similar doctrine, into two categories: those who deny the existence of mental
events, of personal experiences, or of consciousness; or who say perhaps that
the question whether such experiences exist is of minor importance and may
be safely left open; and those who admit the existence of mental events, but
assert that they are “epiphenomena” — that everything can be explained
without them, since the material world is causally closed. But whether they
belong to the one category or the other, both must neglect, it seems to me, the
reality of human suffering, and the significance of the fight against unneces
sary suffering.
Thus I regard the doctrine that men are machines not only as mistaken,
but as prone to undermine a humanist ethics. However, this very reason
makes it all the more necessary to stress that the great defenders of that
doctrine — the great materialist philosophers — were, nevertheless, almost
all upholders of humanist ethics. From Democritus and Lucretius to Herbert
Feigl and Anthony Quinton, materialist philosophers have usually been
humanists and fighters for freedom and enlightenment; and, sad to say, their
opponents have sometimes been the opposite. Thus just because I regard
materialism as mistaken — just because I do not believe that men are
machines or automata — I wish to stress the great and indeed vital role which
the materialist philosophy has played in the evolution of human thought, and
of humanist ethics.
capable of further explanation nor in need of it, and thus a principle in terms
of which everything else had to be, and could be, explained. This view of
matter was first superseded by Leibniz and Boscovich (see section 51 below).
Modern physics contains explanatory theories of matter, and of the properties
of matter, such as the property of occupying space (once called the property
of “impenetrability”), or the properties of elasticity, of cohesion, and of the
“states” of matter (or the “states of aggregation” : solid, liquid, or gaseous).
In thus explaining matter and its properties modern physics transcended the
original programme of materialism. In fact it was physics itself which pro
duced by far the most important arguments against classical materialism.
I will briefly summarize the most important of these arguments. (See also
sections 47 —51, below.) The classical materialism of Leucippus or D em o
critus, like the later theories of Descartes or of Hobbes, assumes that matter
or body or “extended substance” fills parts of space or perhaps the whole of
space, and that a body can push another body. Push, or impact, becomes the
explanation of causal interaction (“action by contact”). The world is a
clockwork mechanism of bodies which push each other like cogwheels.
This theory was first transcended by Newtonian gravitation, which was
(1) pull, not push and (2) action at a distance rather than action by contact.
Newton himself found this absurd;1 but he and his successors (especially
Lesage2) were unsuccessful in their attempts to explain gravitational pull as
due to push. However, this first breach in the armour of classical materialism
was repaired by an extension of the idea of materialism: gravitational pull
was accepted by later Newtonians as an “essential” property of matter,
neither capable nor in need of further explanation.3
One of the most important events in the history of the self-transcendence
of materialism was J. J. Thomson’s discovery of the electron which he (and
H. A. Lorentz) diagnosed as a tiny splinter of the atom. Thus the atom — by
definition the indivisible — could be divided. This was bad; but one could
adjust oneself to it by regarding the atoms as systems of smaller charged
material particles, electrons and protons, which could be regarded as very
small charged bits of matter.
The new theory could explain the push between pieces of matter (the
“impenetrability of matter”) by the electrical repulsion of equally charged
particles (the electron shells of the atoms). This was convincing, but it
1 See my [1963(a)] p. 106 (text to note 20 to chapter 3), and section 48, below.
2 See my [1963(a)] p. 107 (note 21 to chapter 3).
3 More about the role of Newton’s theory in the decline of essentialism may be found in
section 51, below.
3. Materialism Transcends Itself 7
destroyed the idea that push was “essential”, depending on the essential
space-filling property of matter, and that push was the model of all physical
causal action. Other elementary particles are now known which cannot be
interpreted as charged (or uncharged) bits of matter — matter in the sense of
materialism — for they are unstable: they disintegrate. Moreover, even stable
particles like electrons can be pairwise annihilated, with the production of
photons (light quanta); and they can be created, out of a photon (a gamma
ray). But light is not matter, though we may say that light and matter are
forms of energy.
Thus the law of conservation of matter (and of mass) had to be given up.
Matter is not “substance”, since it is not conserved: it can be destroyed, and it
can be created. Even the most stable particles, the nucleons, can be destroyed
by collision with their anti-particles, when their energy is transformed into
light. Matter turns out to be highly packed energy, transformable into oth
er forms of energy; and therefore something of the nature of a process,
since it can be converted into other processes such as light and, of course,
motion and heat.
Thus one may say that the results of modern physics suggest that we
should give up the idea o f a substance or essence.4They suggest that there is no
self-identical entity persisting during all changes in time (even though bits of
matter do so under “ordinary” circumstances); that there is no essence which
is the persisting carrier or possessor of the properties or qualities of a thing.
The universe now appears to be not a collection of things, but an interacting
set of events or processes (as stressed especially by A. N. Whitehead).
A modern physicist thus might well say that physical things — bodies,
matter — have an atomic structure. But atoms have a structure in their turn, a
structure that can hardly be described as “material”, and certainly not as
“substantial” : with the programme of explaining the structure of matter,
physics had to transcend materialism.
This whole development beyond materialism was a result of research into
the structure of matter, into atoms, and thus a result of the materialist
research programme itself. (This is why I am speaking of the self-transcend
ence of materialism.) It has left the importance and the reality of matter and
of material things — atoms, molecules, and structures of molecules — un
4 There is, of course, the fact that contemporary physics operates with the conjecture that
the amount of energy in a closed system is conserved. But this does not mean that we need, in
physics, something like a substance: the theory of Bohr, Kramers and Slater [1924] assumed that
only in the statistical average was energy conserved. Bohr made a similar suggestion years later,
before Pauli’s conjecture of the existence of the neutrino; and Schrodinger [1952] also suggested
a similar theory. TTiis shows that physicists were quite ready to discard the one and only property
of energy in which it resembles a substance, and that there is no a priori necessity behind this
8 PI Materialism Transcends Itself
scathed. One might even say that it has led to a gain in reality. For as the
history of materialism and especially of atomism shows, the reality of matter
was regarded as dubious not only by idealist philosophers such as Berkeley
and Hume but even by physicists such as Mach, at the very time of the rise of
quantum theory. But since 1905 (Einstein’s paper on the molecular theory of
Brownian motion), things began to look different; and even Mach changed
his mind at least temporarily,5 not long before his death, when he was shown
on a scintillation screen the flashes due to alpha particles, the fragments of
disintegrating radium atoms. Atoms were accepted as really “real”, one
might say, when they ceased to be “atomic” : when they ceased to be indivis
ible bits of matter; when they acquired a structure.
Thus the physical theory of matter may be said to be no longer materialist,
even though it has retained much of its original character. It still operates
with particles (although these are no longer confined to “bits of matter”), but
it has added fields of forces, and various forms of radiating energy. But it is
now becoming a theory of matter, a theory that explains matter by assump
tions about non-material (although certainly not mental) entities. A s J.A.
Wheeler [1973] puts it: “Particle physics is not the right starting point for
particle physics. Vacuum physics is.”6
Materialism has thus transcended itself. The view that animals and men
are machines in a mechanical sense, a view that was originally inspired by
the title of La Mettrie’s book Man a Machine (see section 56, below), has
been replaced by the view that animals and men are electrochemical ma
The change is important. Yet for reasons stated at the beginning of the
chapter, this modern version of the theory that men are machines appears to
me (though perhaps one step nearer to the truth) no more acceptable than
the old mechanistic version of materialism.
Many modern philosophers who hold this view (especially U .T . Place,
J. J. C. Smart and D. M. Armstrong) call themselves “materialists”, thereby
giving the term “materialism” a meaning which somewhat differs from its
earlier meaning. Others who hold very similar views, and especially the view
that men are machines, call themselves “physicalists”, a term due, so far as I
know, to Otto Neurath. (So does Herbert Feigl, who regards the existence of
human consciousness as one of the most important problems of philosophy.)
Terminology is of course quite irrelevant. But we must not overlook one
thing: criticism of the old materialism, even if conclusive, is not necessarily
applicable to the prevailing physicalistic version of materialism.
In general I try to avoid “what is” questions, and even more “what do you
mean by” questions, because they seem to me prone to produce the danger of
substituting verbal problems (or problems about meaning) for real ones. Yet
in this section I will deviate from this principle1 and discuss briefly the use or
meaning of a term — the term “real”, which has been used in the previous
section (where I said that atoms were accepted as “real” when they ceased to
be “atomic”).
I suppose that the most central usage of the term “real” is its use to
characterize material things of ordinary size — things which a baby can
handle and (preferably) put into his mouth. From this, the usage of the term
“real” is extended, first, to bigger things — things which are too big for us to
handle, like railway trains, houses, mountains, the earth and the stars; and
also to smaller things — things like dust particles or mites. It is further
extended, of course, to liquids and then also to air, to gases and to molecules
and atoms.
What is the principle behind the extension? It is, I suggest, that the
entities which we conjecture to be real should be able to exert a causal effect
upon the prim a facie real things; that is, upon material things of an ordinary
size: that we can explain changes in the ordinary material world of things by
the causal effects of entities conjectured to be real.
However, there is then the further question of whether or not these
entities, conjectured to be real, actually exist.
Many people were reluctant to accept that atoms existed, but atoms were
widely admitted to exist after Einstein’s theory of Brownian motion. Einstein
proposed the well-testable theory that small particles suspended in a liquid
(whose movements are visible through a microscope, and therefore “real”)
moved as a result of the random impacts of the moving molecules of the
liquid. He conjectured that the then still invisibly small molecules exerted
causal effects upon those very small yet “ordinary” real things. This provided
good reasons for the reality of molecules, and then further of atoms.
Mach, who did not like to work with conjectures, became (for a time at
least) convinced of the existence of atoms by the observable evidence of the
physical effects of their disintegration. And the existence of atoms became
common knowledge when the artificial disintegration of atoms caused the
destruction of two populated cities.
1 Even though I am doing here something like raising a “what is” question, I am not doing
“meaning analysis” . Behind my discussion of the word “real” there is a theory: the theory that
matter exists, and that this fact is crucially important, but that some other things which interact
with matter, such as minds, exist also; see below. (See also Plato, Sophist, 247d-e, 248c.)
10 PI Materialism Transcends Itself
Materialism is a great movement and a great tradition not only in physics, but
also in biology. We do not know much about the origin of life on earth, but it
looks very much as if life originated with the chemical synthesis of giant
self-reproducing molecules, and that it evolved through natural selection, as
materialists would assert, following Darwin.
Thus it seems that in a material universe something new can emerge.
Dead matter seems to have more potentialities than merely to produce dead
matter. In particular, it has produced minds — no doubt in slow stages — and
in the end the human brain and the human mind, the human consciousness of
self, and the human awareness of the universe.
Thus I share with the materialists or physicalists not only the emphasis on
material objects as the paradigms of reality, but also the evolutionary
hypothesis. But our ways seem to part when evolution produces minds, and
human language. And they part even more widely when human minds
produce stories, explanatory myths, tools and works of art and of science.
All this, so it seems, has evolved without any violation of the laws of
physics. But with life, even with low forms of life, problem-solving enters the
universe; and with the higher forms, purposes and aims, consciously pursued.
We can only wonder that matter can thus transcend itself, by producing
mind, purpose, and a world of the products of the human mind.
One of the first products of the human mind is human language. In fact, I
conjecture that it was the very first of these products, and that the human
brain and the human mind evolved in interaction with language.
6. Organic Evolution
1 An important contribution to the history of the idea of organic evolution may be found in
Sir Alister Hardy’s great book, The Living Stream [1965].
2 While I personally believe that animals and men make genuine choices, a materialist
might, of course, choose to interpret such choices and preferences as being ultimately no more
than the outcome of randomness and of selective filters. It is, however, not my concern here to
argue this issue.
6. Organic Evolution 13
which are not adapted to the habits of the organism would hardly be of
positive value in its struggle for life.
Darwin himself wrote: “ . . .it would be easy for natural selection to adapt
the structure of the animal to its changed habits . . . ” . However, he con
tinued: “It is . . . difficult to decide, and immaterial for us, whether habits
generally change first, and structures afterwards; or whether slight modifica
tions of structure lead to changed habits; both probably often occurring
almost simultaneously.”3 I agree that both cases occur, and that in both it is
natural selection which works on the genetic structure. Still, I think that in
many cases, and in some of the most interesting cases, habits change first.
These are the cases called “organic evolution” .
I disagree with Darwin, however, when he says that the question is
“immaterial for us” . I think it matters a lot. Evolutionary changes that start
with new behaviour patterns — with new preferences, new purposes of the
animal — not only make many adaptations better understandable, but they
re-invest the animal’s subjective aims and purposes with an evolutionary
significance. Moreover, the theory of organic evolution makes it understand
able that the mechanism of natural selection becomes more efficient when
there is a greater behavioural repertoire available. Thus it shows the selective
value of a certain innate behavioural freedom - as opposed to behavioural
rigidity which must make it more difficult for natural selection to produce
new adaptations. And it may become more understandable how the human
mind emerged. A s Sir Alister Hardy hints (in the subtitle of his book The
Living Stream), this “restatement” of the Darwinian theory can elucidate “its
relation to the spirit of man” . We could say that in choosing to speak, and to
take interest in speech, man has chosen to evolve his brain and his mind; that
language, once created, exerted the selection pressure under which emerged
the human brain and the consciousness of self.
These points are, I think, of some significance for the mind-body prob
lem. For, as suggested in section 4 above, not only do we conjecture some
thing to be real if it is capable of affecting physical objects, but we are inclined
to accept that it exists if these effects are corroborated. The points discussed
in this section — the way in which our choices, our thoughts, our plans and
our actions lead to a situation which in its turn has its repercussions upon us,
including the evolution of the human brain - suggest that, in the evolution
3 Charles Darwin [1859], chapter VI, “On the Origin and Transitions of Organic Beings
with Peculiar Habits and Structure”. The passage quoted in the text is the version to be found in
the fifth and subsequent editions. See Morse Peckham (ed.) [1959], chapter VI, sentences 92
and 93 (p. 332 of this variorum edition).
14 PI Materialism Transcends Itself
and in the behaviour of the higher animals, especially of man, there is some
evidence for the existence of conscious experience. These points constitute a
problem for those who deny that consciousness exists, and even for those who
admit that consciousness exists but claim that the physical world is causally
self-contained (see chapter P3).
The usual materialist and physicalist view is that all the possibilities which
have realized themselves in the course of time and of evolution must have
been, potentially, preformed, or pre-established, from the beginning. This is
either a triviality, expressed in a dangerously misleading way, or a mistake. It
is trivial that nothing can happen unless permitted by the laws of nature and
by the preceding state; though it would be misleading to suggest that we can
always know what is excluded in this way. But if it is suggested that the future
is and always was foreseeable, at least in principle, then this is a mistake, for
all we know, and for all that we can learn from evolution. Evolution has
produced much that was not foreseeable, at least not for human knowledge.
Some people think that there was, from the beginning, something like
mind, something psychical, inherent in matter; though this became sentience
and consciousness only very much later, in the evolution of the higher
animals. This is the theory of “panpsychism” : everything (every material
thing) has a soul, or something like a forerunner or a rudiment of a soul (see
also section 19 below).
The motivation of these views, whether materialist or panpsychist, is, I
think, “There is no new thing under the sun” or “Out of nothing, nothing can
emerge” . The great philosopher Parmenides taught this, 2,500 years ago,
and he deduced from it that change is impossible, so that change must be an
illusion. The founders of atomic theory, Leucippus and Democritus, followed
him in so far as they taught that what exists are only unchanging atoms, and
that they move in the void, in empty space. The only possible changes are thus
the movements, collisions, and recombinations of atoms, including the very
fine atoms which constitute our souls. And some of the most important of
living philosophers (such as Quine) teach that there can be only physical
entities, and that there are no mental events or mental experiences. (Some
others compromise and admit that there are mental experiences, but say that
these are, in some sense, physical events, or that they are “identical” with
physical events.)
A s against all these views I suggest that the universe, or its evolution, is
creative, and that the evolution of sentient animals with conscious experi
ences has brought about something new. These experiences were first of a
more rudimentary and later of a higher kind; and in the end that kind of
consciousness of self and that kind of creativity emerged which, I suggest, we
find in man.
With the emergence of man, the creativity of the universe has, I think,
become obvious. For man has created a new objective world, the world of the
products of the human mind; a world of myths, of fairy tales and scientific
theories, of poetry and art and music. (I shall call this “World 3 ”, in con
16 PI Materialism Transcends Itself
It is obvious that much has been omitted from this table, and that it is
greatly oversimplified. However, it has the advantage of summing up very
briefly what seem to be some of the greatest events of creative evolution or of
emergent evolution.
2 “Explanation in principle” is critically discussed by F. A. von Hayek [1955]; see his [1967],
pp. l l f f . “Reduction in principle” is a special case of it.
The comparatively most successful reduction of which I know is that c ?the Young-Fresnel
optics to Maxwellian theory. Yet (1) this theory was developed later than the Young-Fresnel
theory of optics, and (2) neither the “reduced” theory nor the reducing theory were complete:
the theories of emission and absorption — quantum mechanics and quantum-electrodynamics
— were (and partly are) still missing. Another important example of an incomplete reduction is
statistical mechanics. For a fuller discussion of reduction, see my paper [1974(z2)].
20 PI Materialism Transcends Itself
Peter Medawar (in his [1974]; compare also his [1969], pp. 15 —19)
critically discusses reduction, using the following Table 3.
(4) Ecology/Sociology
(3) Biology
(2) Chemistry
(1) Physics
Medawar suggests that the true relation of the higher to the lower of these
subjects is not simply one of logical reducibility, but rather comparable to the
relation between the subjects mentioned in Table 4.
1 See Erwin Schrodinger ([1957], chapter VI, p. 133). These remarks of Schrodinger’s come
from a lecture delivered in 1922. Schrodinger says there (pp. 142f.) that Exner discussed these
ideas —perhaps in a lecture?-in 1919. In chapter III of the same book (p. 71), Schrodinger
8. Emergence and its Critics 23
physics assumes that there are objectively chancelike events, and objective
probabilities or propensities.
(2) From the atomist’s point of view, all physical bodies and all organisms
are nothing but structures of atoms. (See Table 2 in the preceding section 7.)
Thus there can be no novelty except a novelty o f arrangement. Given the
precise arrangement of the atoms it should in principle be possible, the
argument goes, to derive, or to predict, all the properties of every new
arrangement from a knowledge of the “intrinsic” properties of the atoms. Of
course, our human knowledge of the properties of the atoms as well as of
their precise arrangement will in general be insufficient for this kind of
prediction. But in principle, this knowledge can be improved; and so, the
argument goes, we must agree that the novel arrangement and its results are
predictable in principle.
A partial reply to the atomist was given in the preceding section 7. The
main point of the reply is that new atomic arrangements may lead to physical
and chemical properties which are not derivable from a statement describing
the arrangement of the atoms, combined with a statement of atomic theory.
Admittedly, some such properties have been successfully derived from physi
cal theory, and these derivations are highly impressive; yet it seems that the
number and complexity of both the different molecules and their properties
are unlimited and that they may far transcend the possibilities of deductive
explanation. Some important properties, foremost among them some of the
properties of D N A , are well understood on the basis of the atomic structure;
yet although the progress made is most impressive, we are very far — some
would say infinitely far — from deriving or predicting even the majority of
the properties of the infinitely varied macro-molecules from first principles.
(3) A third argument (which may be described as a weak form of “prefor-
mationism”) is perhaps less clear but nevertheless intuitively appealing. It is
closely related to the two preceding arguments; and it may be expounded as
follows. If something new seems to emerge in the course of the evolution of
the universe — a new chemical element (that is, a new structure of atomic
nuclei), or a new compound molecule, or a living organism, or human speech,
or conscious experience — then the physical particles or structures involved
must have possessed beforehand what we may call the “disposition” or
“possibility” or “potentiality” or “capacity” for producing the new proper
ties, under appropriate conditions. In other words, the possibility or poten
tiality of entering into the new combination or structure, and the possibility
gives 1918 as the date of Exner’s lecture, and in Schrodinger’s address [1929] he says that
Exner discussed the matter in his lectures published in 1919. (On Peirce, see my [1972(a)],
chapter 6, pp. 212 —13.)
24 PI Materialism Transcends Itself
2 Even a heap of stones has a Gestalt in Kohler’s sense (although I do not think that Kohler
was aware of this fact); see my [1944(b)], p. 129, [1957(g)], p. 8 3 .1 there distinguished a whole
in the sense of a Gestalt from a whole in the sense of a totality, and I denied that we can know any
object in the sense of knowing the totality of its properties. See also dialogue X.
3 It is interesting that Kohler ([1961], p. 32) is led close to panpsychism; but he rightly comes
to the conclusion that panpsychism is not fully compatible with his materialist position: “. . . if
[panpsychism] were true it would . . . show that the [physical] scientists have not given us an
adequate description of nature” (that is, of the nature of atoms).
8. Emergence and its Critics 25
objective constancy of the half-life, and its dependence upon the nuclear
structure, show that there is an objective and constant measurable tendency
or propensity of the nucleus, dependent upon its structure, to break up within
any chosen unit of time.4
In this way, the situation in physics leads to the assumption of objective
probabilities or probabilistic propensities in physics. This is an idea without
which, I suggest, modern atomic physics (quantum mechanics) is hardly
understandable. But it is far from univerally accepted among physicists: the
older, subjective theory of Laplace, from which the propensity interpretation
should be sharply distinguished, still lingers on. (I have long upheld the thesis
that the strange role played by “the observer” in some interpretations of
quantum mechanics can be explained as a residue of the subjectivist interpre
tation of probability theory, and that all this can and should be given up.5)
There are several reasons indicating that objective probabilistic propen
sities may be regarded as generalizations of causal situations, and causal
situations as special cases of propensities. (See my [1974(c)], section 37.) It is
however important to realize that statements asserting probabilities or pro
pensities other than 0 or 1 cannot be derived from causal laws of a deter
ministic type (together with initial conditions) or from laws asserting that a
certain type of event always happens in a certain situation. A probabilistic
conclusion can be derived only from probabilistic premises; for example,
premises about equal propensities. But it is possible, on the other hand, to
derive statements asserting propensities equal to, or approaching, 0 or to 1 —
and therefore of causal character — from typically probabilistic premises.
A s a consequence, we can say that a typical propensity statement, such as
a statement of the propensity of a certain unstable nucleus to disintegrate,
cannot be derived from a universal law (of the causal type) plus initial
conditions. On the other hand, the situation in which an event takes place
may greatly influence a propensity; for example, the arrival of a slow neutron
in the immediate neighbourhood of a nucleus may influence the propensity o f
the nucleus to capture the neutron and subsequently to disintegrate.
4 This is perhaps the strongest argument in favour of what I have called “the propensity
interpretation o f probability in physics”. See my [1957(e)], [1959(a)], and [1967(k)]; also my
reply to Suppes in [1974(c)]. The propensity is the weighted disposition (Verwirklichungsten-
denz) of a thing in a certain situation to assume a certain property or state.
As the example of radioactive nuclei shows, propensities may be irreversible: they may
determine a direction of time (the “arrow of time”). Some propensities, however, may also be
reversible: the Schrodinger equation (and thus quantum mechanics) is reversible with respect to
time, and the propensity of an atom in a certain state st to make a transition to state s2 by
absorbing a photon will in general be equal to the propensity to make the reverse transition by
emitting a photon.
5 See for example my [1967(k)]; see also note 1 above and text.
8. Emergence and its Critics 27
stability or instability of the atomic nucleus; and this means, for unstable
nuclei, the probability or propensity of their radioactive disintegration. The
propensity of a nucleus to disintegrate (measured by its half-life) is among
the most characteristic properties of a radioactive isotope. It changes from
isotope to isotope, varying from less than a millionth of a second to more than
a million years, though it is constant for all nuclei of the same structure.
Although a great amount is known about nuclear structure - we know that
the stability of the nucleus depends strongly on its symmetry properties — it
very much looks as if the precisevdXue of the half-life of a nucleus would have
to remain for ever an emergent property, a property unpredictable from the
properties of its constituents.7
A s to (b), the origin of life, I have already said that the probability or
propensity of any atom, taken at random in the universe, to become (within a
chosen unit of time) part of a living organism, has always been and still is
indistinguishable from zero. It certainly was zero before the emergence of
life; and even on the assumption that there are many planets in the universe
capable of sustaining life, the probability in question must still be immeasur
ably small.
Jacques Monod [1970] writes: “Life appeared on earth: what, before the
event, were the chances that this would occur?” And he gives good reasons
for replying that the probability was “virtually zero” .8 The reasons are that,
even if a naked gene, synthesised by chance, were to find itself in a soup of
enzymes, the probability would be zero that the enzymes — highly complex
and highly specialized molecules — would just fit the gene so as to help it in its
two main functions: the production of new enzymes, and in its own replica
tion; functions for which precisely fitting enzymes are required. (Monod
estimates that about 50 different enzymes are needed for the purpose; by the
principle “one gene, one enzyme”, this would raise the number of genes
needed also to about 50. But the original system is likely to have been far
more primitive.)
Even if in the case of the origin of the elements we can give some
explanation of how it may have happened, it seems that we cannot give an
explanation for the origin of life; for a probabilistic explanation must work
with probabilities near to 1, and cannot work with probabilities near to zero
— to say nothing of probabilities virtually equal to zero. (See my [1959 (a)],
sections 6 7 -8 .)
The amount of knowledge recently acquired about genes and enzymes,
and what appear to be minimum conditions of life, is staggering. Neverthe
less, it is just this detailed knowledge which suggests that the difficulties in the
way of an explanation of the origin of life may be insuperable — even though
we have some idea of the conditions necessary for this event to happen. Much
speaks in favour of the view that the event was unique.
Under the circumstances, many of the properties of living organisms may
be unpredictable — emergent. (Among them are properties of their develop
ment.) So are the properties of new species which arise in the course of
As to (c), it is difficult to say anything about the emergence of conscious
ness. We have here theories which are radically opposed to each other. Two
of them are: panpsychism, which says that even atoms have an inner life (of a
very primitive kind); and that form of behaviourism which denies conscious
experiences even to man. Both views avoid the problem of the emergence of
consciousness.9 Then there is the Cartesian view that consciousness arises
only with man, and that animals are inanimate automata; a view which is
clearly pre-evolutionary. I suggest that we have reason to accept the view that
there are lower and higher stages of consciousness. (Think of dreams.) If the
fact that animals cannot speak is a sufficient reason to deny consciousness to
them, it would also be a sufficient reason to deny it to babies at an age before
they learn to speak. Moreover, there is good evidence in favour of the theory
that higher animals dream {pace Malcolm and Wittgenstein).
9 There is also a queer egocentric version of behaviourism which allows consiousness only to
the ego: only to oneself, but not to anybody else: a psychistic form of solipsism. See chapter 9 of
Sidney Hook [1960], [1961].
30 PI Materialism Transcends Itself
environment. Its senses are not merely passive receptors of information, but
it uses them actively as “perceptual systems”, “to pick up information”, as
J. J. Gibson [1966] emphasizes. But the perceptual systems are not enough:
there is a centre of activity, of curiosity, of exploration, of planning; there is
an explorer, the animal’s mind.
Thus we can speculate on the conditions of the emergence of conscious
ness. But it is clearly something new, and unpredictable: it emerges.
A s to (d), the human brain is estimated to contain ten thousand million
neurons, interconnected by means of perhaps a thousand times this number
of synapses; and this incredibly complex system is in almost constant agita
tion. It has been suggested by F. A. von Hayek ([1952], p. 185) that it must be
impossible for us ever to explain the functioning of the human brain in any
detail since “any apparatus . . . must possess a structure of a higher degree of
complexity than is possessed by the objects” which it is trying to explain.
Monod, referring to this kind of argument, points out that we are still “far. . .
from that ultimate border of knowledge” .10 How did the brain emerge? We
can only guess. My guess is — see section 5 above — that it was the emerging
human language which created the selection pressure under which the cere
bral cortex emerged, and with it, the human consciousness of self.
Of the three arguments against emergence stated at the beginning of this
section, I have more or less answered, I think, the arguments from determin
ism and from atomism. But the third argument is still to be answered — the
argument that the physical parts constituting a new structure (like an organ
ism) must possess beforehand the possibility or potentiality or capacity for
producing the new structure in question. Thus a full knowledge of the
pre-existing possibilities or potentialities would have enabled us to predict
the properties of the new structure which therefore must, in principle, be
predictable rather than emergent.
The answer to this can be found, I think, if we replace the classical ideas of
possibility or potentiality or capacity or force by their new version — by
probability or propensity. A s we have seen, the first emergence of a novelty
such as life may change the possibilities or propensities in the universe. We
might say that the newly emergent entities, both micro and macro, change the
propensities, micro and macro, in their neighbourhood. They introduce new
possibilities or probabilities or propensities into their neighbourhood:11 they
create new fields o f propensities, as a new star creates a new field of gravita
tion. The assimilation of inanimate matter by an organism has zero possibility
12 Wolfgang Kohler [I960]; see [1961], pp. 23f. It is interesting that the whole discussion
seems to go back to the early ninteenth century discussion of catastrophism in geology which, no
doubt, Thomas Huxley had in mind when he said things very similar to these remarks of
Kohler’s. See his [1893], p. 103, where he writes: “The doctrine of evolution. . . postulates the
fixity of the rules of operation of the causes of motion in the material universe . . . the orderly
evolution of physical nature out of one substratum and one energy implies that the rules of action
of that energy should be fixed and definite.” More recently the constancy of natural laws has
been challenged by some dialectical materialists such as David Bohm [1957].
13 An interesting objection to this argument has been raised by Jeremy Shearmur: even if we
admit propensities, we do not escape the idea of preformation — we just have several prefor-
mationist possibilities instead of one. My reply is that we may have an infinity of open
possibilities, and this means giving up preformationism; and this infinity of possible propensities
may still rule out infinitely many logical possibilities. Propensities may rule out possibilities: in
this consists their lawlike character.
I suggested something like this many years ago, in an attempt to explain the world view of the
propensity interpretation of probability in my still unpublished Postscript. The infinity of the
inherent possibilities or propensities is important, since a probabilistic doctrine of preformation
does not otherwise differ sufficiently from a deterministic doctrine of preformation.
1 For Plato’s indeterminism see the passage from the Phaedo, quoted below in section 46.
2 DK = Diels & Kranz [1 9 5 1 -2 ].
3 Compare Cyril Bailey [1928], pp. 140f. Also DK, A69. Bailey (pp. 142f.) argues, perhaps
correctly, that “chance” meant for Democritus those objective mechanical causes which, subjec
tively, are “unaccessible to man”. (Objective randomness was introduced into atomism much
later, by Epicurus’s theory of “swerve”.)
9. Indeterminism; the Interaction of Levels of Emergence 33
The interaction between heat and the watch is very interesting. On the
one hand, we can regard the temperature of the watch as defined by the
average velocity of its vibrating atoms and molecules. On the other hand, we
can heat or cool the watch by putting it in contact with hot or cold surround
ings. According to present theory temperature is due to the movement of the
individual atoms; at the same time it is something on a level different from
that of individual atoms in motion — a holistic or emergent level — since it is
defined by the average velocity of all the atoms.
9. Indeterminism; the Interaction of Levels of Emergence 35
Heat behaves very much like a fluid (“caloric”), and we can explain the
laws of this behaviour by an appeal to the way in which an increase or
decrease in the velocity of an atom — or a group of atoms — spreads to
neighbouring atoms. This explanation can be described as a “reduction” : it
reduces the holistic properties of heat to the properties of motion of the
atoms or molecules. Yet the reduction is not complete; for new ideas have to
be used — the ideas of molecular disorder and of averaging; and these are,
indeed, ideas on a new holistic level.5
The levels can interact with each other. (This is an important idea for
mind-brain interactionism.) For example, not only does the movement of
each single atom influence the movements of the neighbouring atoms; but
also the average velocity of a group of atoms influences the average velocity of
the neighbouring groups of atoms. It thereby influences (and herein lies the
interaction of the levels, including “downward causation”) the velocities of
many individual atoms in the group. Which individual atoms we cannot say
without investigating the details of the lower level.
Any change in the higher level (temperature) will thus influence the
lower level (the movement of individual atoms). The opposite also holds. Yet
of course an individual atom, or even many individual atoms, may increase
their velocity without raising the temperature, because some other neigh
bouring individual atoms may decrease their velocity at the same time. At
constant temperature this kind of thing happens all the time. Thus we have
here an example of “downward causation”, of the higher level acting on the
lower level. (See also section 7.)
This seems to me another important example of the general principle that
a higher level may exert a dominant influence upon a lower level.
The one-sided dominance is due, in this case at least, to the random
character of the heat motion of the atoms, and therefore, I suspect, to the
cloudlike character of the crystal. For it seems that, were the universe per
impossibile a perfect determinist clockwork, there would be no heat produc
tion and no layers and therefore no such dominating influence would occur.
This suggests that the emergence of hierarchical levels or layers, and of an
interaction between them, depends upon a fundamental indeterminism of
the physical universe. Each level is open to causal influences coming from
lower and from higher levels.
This bears of course heavily upon the mind-body problem, upon the
interaction between the physical World 1 and the mental World 2.
Whether or not biology is reducible to physics, it appears that all physical and
chemical laws are binding for living things — plants and animals, and even
viruses. Living things are material bodies. Like all material bodies, they are
processes; and like some other material bodies (clouds, for example) they are
open systems of molecules: systems that exchange some of their constituent
parts with their environment. They belong to the universe o f physical entities,
or states of physical things, or physical states.
The entities of the physical world — processes, forces, fields of forces —
interact among one another, and therefore with material bodies. Thus we
conjecture them to be real (in the sense discussed in section 4 above) even
though their reality remains conjectural.
Besides the physical objects and states, I conjecture that there are mental
states, and that these states are real since they interact with our bodies.
A toothache is a good example of a state that is both mental and physical.
If you have a bad toothache, it may become a strong reason for visiting your
dentist; which involves a number of actions and of physical movements of
your body. The caries in your tooth — a material, physico-chemical process
— will thus lead to physical effects; but it does so by way of your painful
sensations, and of your knowledge of existing institutions, such as dentistry.
(As long as you do not feel any pain, you may be unaware of the caries, and
not visit your dentist; or you may become suspicious for other reasons, and
visit him without waiting for the pain: in both cases it is the intervention of
some mental states — something like a conjecture, like knowledge — which
explains your action, and the movements of your body.)
There are other kinds of mental states that explain human actions. A
mountaineer may go on climbing, “forcing his body to go on”, even though
his body is exhausted: we speak of his ambition, of his wish to reach the
10. Interaction; The Worlds 1, 2 and 3 37
summit, and of his determination, as mental states that may make him
continue his climb. Or a motorist may press his foot on the brake because he
sees the traffic lights turning red: it is his knowledge of the highway code
which makes him do so.
All this is very obvious, even trivial. Nevertheless, the reality of mental
states has been denied by some philosophers. Others admit that mental states
are real, but deny that they interact with the world of physical states; a view
which is in my opinion as unacceptable as the denial of the reality of mental
The question whether both physical and mental states exist, and whether
they interact or whether they are otherwise related, is known as the body-
mind problem, or the mind-body problem, or as the psychophysical problem.
One of the conceivable solutions of this problem is interactionism — the
theory that mental and physical states interact. This leads more precisely to a
description of the body-mind problem as the brain-mind problem, since it is
argued that the interaction is to be located in the brain; and it has led some
interactionists (notably Eccles) to formulate the body-mind problem as the
problem of describing, in as much detail as possible, the “liaison” between
brain and mind (“the brain-mind liaison”).
It may be said that the adoption of interactionism constitutes a solution to
the brain-mind problem. Of course, such a solution would have to be sup
ported by a critical discussion o f alternative views, and of the various cri
tiques of interactionism. Interactionism can be described as a kind of re
search programme: it opens many detailed questions, and answers to them
will demand many detailed theories.
It is sometimes said that it is the task of the solution of the brain-mind
problem to make the interaction between such different things as physical
states or events and mental states or events understandable.
I agree that the main task of science is to further our understanding. But I
also think that complete understanding, just like complete knowledge, is
unlikely ever to be achieved. Moreover, understanding can be deceptive: we
had, for centuries, what appeared to be a perfect understanding of the
working of clockwork mechanisms in which the cogs of the cogwheels push
each other along. But this turned out to be a very superficial understanding,
and the push given by a physical body to another had to be explained by the
repulsion between the negatively charged electron shells of their atoms.
However, this explanation and this understanding are also superficial, as
is shown by the facts of adhesion and cohesion. Thus final understanding is
not easy, not even in what seems the most elementary part of physical
science. And when we move to the interaction between light and matter, then
38 P2 The Worlds 1, 2 and 3
we get into a region of knowledge which left one of the greatest pioneers in
this field, Niels Bohr, baffled; so much so that he said that in quantum theory
we had to renounce the hope of understanding our subject. However, though
it seems that the ideal of complete understanding has to be renounced, a
detailed description may lead to some partial understanding.
Thus an understanding such as we once mistakenly believed we possessed
in the case of mechanical push is not available even in physics. And we can
hardly expect it in the case of brain-mind interaction, although a more
detailed knowledge of the working of the brain may give us that partial
understanding which, it seems, is realizable in science.
1 I have adopted Sir John Eccles’s [ 1970] suggestion to speak of “World 1”, “World 2”, and
“World 3”, instead of the “first world”, “second world” and “third world”, as I did prior to
Eccles’s publication of Facing Reality, in which he made this suggestion.
11. The Reality of World 3 39
significant product of the human mind is its content: that which remains
invariant in the various copies and editions. And this content belongs to
World 3.
One of my main theses is that World 3 objects can be real, in the sense of
section 4 above: not only in their World 1 materializations or embodiments,
but also in their World 3 aspects. A s World 3 objects, they may induce men to
produce other World 3 objects and, thereby, to act on World 1; and interac
tion with World 1 — even indirect interaction — I regard as a decisive
argument for calling a thing real.
Thus a sculptor may, by producing a new work, encourage other sculptors
to copy it, or to produce similar sculptures. His work — not so much through
its material aspects as through the new shape he has created — may influence
them, by way of their World 2 experiences and, indirectly, through the new
World 1 object.
An opponent of the view that World 3 objects are real may reply to this
analysis by asserting that all that is involved here are World 1 objects. One
man shapes such an object and thereby incites others to imitate him: nothing
more is involved.
I will try to answer this by offering another and perhaps more convincing
example: the production of a scientific theory; its critical discussion; its
tentative acceptance; and its application which may change the face of the
earth, and thus of World 1.
The productive scientist as a rule starts from a problem. He will try to
understand the problem. This is usually a lengthy intellectual task — a World
2 attempt to grasp a World 3 object. Admittedly, in doing so he may use
books (or other scientific tools in their World 1 materializations). But his
problem may not be stated in these books; rather, he may discover an
unstated difficulty in the stated theories. This may involve a creative effort:
the effort to grasp the abstract problem situation; if at all possible, better than
it was done before. Then he may produce his solution, his new theory. This
may be put into linguistic form in innumerable ways. He chooses one of them.
Then he will critically discuss his theory; and he may greatly modify it as a
result of the discussion. It is then published and discussed by others, on
logical grounds and possibly on the basis of new experiments undertaken to
test it, and the theory may be rejected if it fails in the test. And only after all
these intellectual efforts and these interactions with World 1 may somebody
discover some far-reaching application (electronics!) that changes World 1.
To this it may be still objected that I have described nothing but the
behaviour of people, including their use of books, etc.; also their social and
professional behaviour, including their habitual writing of papers. I have not,
40 P2 The Worlds 1, 2 and 3
conjecture that every even number greater than 2 is the sum of two primes is
true; the 3-body problem (and n-body problem) of Newtonian dynamics;
and many others.
(It is a fatal mistake to believe that there can be an adequate theory -
psychological, or behavioural, or sociological, or historical — of the be
haviour of scientists which does not take full account of the World 3 status of
science. This is an important point which many people are not aware of.)
These considerations seem to me decisive. They establish the objectivity
of World 3, and its (partial) autonomy. And since the influence of scientific
theories on World 1 is obvious, they establish the reality of the objects of
World 3.
always depends upon our sensual contact with its material embodiment; for
example, upon our reading a statement of a theory in a book. As against this
doctrine I assert that the most characteristic way of grasping World 3 objects
is by a method which depends little, if at all, upon their embodiment or upon
the use of our senses. My thesis is that the human mind grasps World 3
objects, if not always directly, then by an indirect method (which will be
discussed) ; a method which is independent of their embodiment, and which,
in the case of those World 3 objects (such as books) that belong also to
World 1, abstracts from the fact that they are embodied.
1 See my [1940(a)], now chapter 15 of my [1963(a)]. Also my [1960(d)], now the Introduc
tion to [1963(a)]. Also section 47, below, and pp. 548ff., below.
13. Grasping a World 3 Object 45
2 See chapters E2 and E7 and the references there to Hubei’s and Wiesel’s work.
3 See Sir Ernst Gombrich [1960], [1962] and later editions, and J. J. Gibson, [1966].
4 Cp. also the experiments of R. Held and A. Hein [ 1963], reported by Eccles in [ 1970] p. 67
and in chapter E8.
46 P2 The Worlds 1, 2 and 3
World 3. Thus we may say that, incited by their knowledge about World 1,
certain physicists (Szilard, Fermi, Einstein) suspected the physical possibility
of making a nuclear bomb, and that these World 2 thoughts brought about
the realization of their conjecture. Descriptions such as this are perfectly in
order. But they hide the fact that by “their knowledge about World 1”, are
meant theories which can be objectively investigated, from a logical as well as
an empirical point of view, and that these are World 3 objects rather than
World 2 objects (though they can be grasped and therefore have World 2
correlates); similarly by the words “suspected the physical possibility”, con
jectures about physical theories are meant — again World 3 objects, to be
investigated logically. It is perfectly true that the physicist is primarily in
terested in World 1. But in order to learn more about World 1 he must
theorize; and this means that he must use World 3 objects as his tools. This
forces him to take an interest — a secondary interest, may be — in his tools, in
the World 3 objects. And only by investigating them, and working out their
logical consequences, can he do “applied science” ; that is, make use of his
World 3 products as tools, in order to change World 1.
Thus even unembodied World 3 objects may be regarded as real, and not
only the papers and books in which our physical theories are published, or the
material instruments which are based on these publications.
It is one of the central conjectures proposed in this book that the considera
tion of World 3 can throw some new light on the mind-body problem. I will
briefly state three arguments.
The first argument is as follows.
(1) World 3 objects are abstract (even more abstract than physical
forces), but none the less real; for they are powerful tools for changing
World 1. (I do not wish to imply that this is the only reason for calling them
real, or that they are nothing but tools.)
(2) World 3 objects have an effect on World 1 only through human
intervention, the intervention of their makers; more especially, through
being grasped, which is a World 2 process, a mental process, or more
precisely, a process in which World 2 and World 3 interact.
(3) We therefore have to admit that both World 3 objects and the
processes of World 2 are real — even though we may not like this admission,
out of deference, say, to the great tradition of materialism.
48 P2 The Worlds 1, 2 and 3
perceptions and experiences, he does not seem to have thought of a child (or
of himself) in his pre-linguistic or pre-philosophical state.1
1 Incidentally, I do not agree that even in an adult the idea of his self or of his ego must be
able to accompany all his experiences. There are, definitely, mental states in which we are so
absorbed in the problem before us that we forget all about our selves. For a discussion of
Descartes, see section 48 below; on Kant, see section 31.
Chapter P3 Materialism Criticized
the view that conscious processes and mental processes do not exist: their
existence can be “repudiated” (to use a term of W. V. Quine’s).
I do not think that many materialists have held this view in the past (see
section 56 below), for it stands in flagrant opposition to, or tries in the end to
explain away, what to most of us appear as undeniable facts, such as (subjec
tive) pain and suffering. The great classical systems of materialism, from the
early Greek materialists to Hobbes and La Mettrie, are not “radical” in the
sense of denying the existence of conscious or mental processes. Nor is the
“dialectical materialism” of Marx and Lenin “radical” in this sense, or the
behaviourism of most behaviourist psychologists.1
Nevertheless, what I call radical materialism (or radical physicalism or
radical behaviourism) is an important position which must not be neglected.
First, because it is consistent in itself. Secondly, because it presents a very
simple solution of the mind-body problem: the problem clearly disappears if
there is no mind, but only body.2 (Of course, the problem also disappears if
we adopt a radical spiritualism or idealism, such as the phenomenalism of
Berkeley or Mach, that denies the existence of matter.) Thirdly, because in
the light of evolutionary theory, matter, and especially chemical processes,
existed before mental processes existed. Current theories suggest that the
evolution and the development of the body come before the evolution and
the development of the mind; and they are the basis of the evolution and
the development of the mind. Since this is so, it is understandable that,
under the impact of contemporary science, we might perhaps become radi
cal physicalists if we are strongly inclined towards monism and simplicity,
and do not wish to accept a dualist or a pluralist view of things.
It is for reasons such as these that a radical physicalism or a radical
behaviourism is accepted by some outstanding philosophers such as Quine
([I960], p.264; [1975], pp. 93 ff.); and it is now often suggested by others that
something very much like a radical physicalism or behaviourism will ulti
mately have to be accepted, perhaps because of the results of science or of
philosophical analysis. Suggestions such as these, though not always unam
biguous ones, can be found for example in the works of Ryle [1949], [1950]
or of Wittgenstein [1953]; of Hilary Putnam [1960] or of J.J.C . Smart
[1963]. Indeed one may perhaps say that, at the time of writing, radical
materialism or behaviourism seems to be the view concerning the mind-body
problem that is most fashionable among the younger generation of stu
dents of philosophy. Thus it has to be discussed.
1 Compare, on this, the remark about Marx on p. 102 of volume II of my Open Society [ 1966
(a)], and the remarks on the Stoics in footnotes 6 and 7 on p. 157 of my [1972 (a)].
2 Some radical materialists do, however, take the problem seriously. See section 25 below.
16. Four Materialist or Physicalist Positions 53
could well be: “There really is no new thing under the sun”, which indicates
an intellectually comfortable way of living — though not an intellectually
very exciting one. But everything in the universe seems to fit very nicely once
the radical materialistic view, or the panpsychistic view, is adopted.
(3) Epiphenomenalism may be interpreted as a modification of pan
psychism, in which the “pan” element is dropped and the “psychism” is
confined to those living things that seem to have a mind. Like panpsychism it
is, in its usual form, a variety of parallelism; that is to say, of the view that
mental processes run parallel with certain physical processes — say, because
they are the inside and the outside views of some (unknown) third entity.
However, there may be forms of epiphenomenalism which are not paral
lelism what I take to be essential in epiphenomenalism is the thesis that only
the physical processes are causally relevant with respect to later physical
processes, while the mental processes, though existing, are causally com
pletely irrelevant.
(4) The identity theory, or the central state theory, is at present the most
influential of the theories developed in response to the mind-body problem.
It may be regarded as a modification of both panpsychism and epi
phenomenalism. Like epiphenomenalism, it can be seen as panpsychism
without the “pan” . But as opposed to epiphenomenalism it takes mental facts
as important and as causally effective. It asserts that there is some kind of
“identity” between mental processes and certain brain processes: not an
identity in the logical sense, out still an identity such as that between “the
evening star” and “the morning star” which are alternative names for one
and the same planet, Venus; though they also denote different appearances
of the planet Venus. In one form of the identity theory, a form due to Schlick
and Feigl, the mental processes are regarded (as by Leibniz) as things in
themselves, known by acquaintance, from the inside, while our theories
about brain processes — processes of which we know only by theoretical
description — happen to describe the same things from the outside. In
contrast to an epiphenomenalist, the identity theorist can say that mental
processes interact with physical processes, for the mental processes simply
are physical processes; or more precisely, special kinds of brain processes.
ache, our ’phoning the dentist to make an appointment, and our subsequent
visit to him in order to obtain treatment.
(1) Radical materialist interpretation: there are processes in my tooth
leading to processes in my nervous system. Everything that happens consists
of physical processes confined to World 1 (including my verbal behaviour —
my uttering words on the telephone).
(2) Panpsychistic interpretation: there are the same physical processes as
in (1), but there is also another side to the story. There is a “parallel” account
(which various panpsychists may explain in different ways) which tells the
story as it is experienced by us. Panpsychism tells us not only that our
experience in some way “corresponds” to the physical explanation as given
in (1), but that the apparently purely physical objects involved (such as the
telephone) have also an “inner aspect”, more or less similar to our own inner
(3) Epiphenomenalist interpretation: there are the same physical pro
cesses as in (1), and the rest of the story is not unlike (2). But there are the
following differences from (2): (a) only the “animate” objects have “inner”
or subjective experiences; (b) whereas in (2) it was suggested that we have
two different but equally valid accounts, the epiphenomenalist not only gives
priority to the physical account, but emphasizes that subjective experiences
are causally redundant: my felt pain plays no causal role whatever in the
story; it does not motivate my action.
(4) Identity theory: the same as in (1), but this time we can distinguish
between those World 1 processes which are not identical with conscious
experiences (World l p: the subscript p stands for “purely physical”) and
those physical processes which are identical with experienced or conscious
processes (World l m: the subscript m stands for “mental”). The two parts of
World 1 (that is to say, the sub-worlds \ p and \ m) can, of course, interact.
Thus my pain (World l m) acts upon my memory store and this makes me look
up the telephone number. Everything happens as in the interactionist
analysis (this is, I think, what makes this view attractive) only my World 2
(including subjective knowledge) is identified with World l m, that is, with a
part of World 1, and World 3 is identified with other parts of World 1: with
instruments, or gadgets, such as the telephone directory or the telephone (or
perhaps with brain processes: for the identity theorist abstract knowledge
contents, which are the heart of my World 3, do not exist).
To sum up, World 3 objects and their properties and relations cannot be
reduced to World 2 objects. Nor can they be reduced to brain states or
dispositions; not even if we were to admit that all mental states and processes
can be reduced to brain states and processes. This is so despite the fact that we
can regard World 3 as the product of human minds.
Russell did not invent or produce the inconsistency, but he discovered it.
(H e invented, or produced a way of showing or proving that the inconsistency
was there.) Had Frege’s theory not been objectively inconsistent, he could
not have applied Russell’s inconsistency proof to it, and he would not have
thus convinced himself of its untenability. Thus a state of Frege’s mind (and
no doubt also a state of Frege’s brain) was the result, partly, of the objective
fact that this theory was inconsistent: he was deeply upset and shaken by his
discovery of this fact. This, in turn, led to his writing (a physical World 1
event) the words, “Die Arithmetik ist ins Schwanken geraten” (“ Arithmetic is
tottering”). Thus there is interaction between (a) the physical, or partly
physical, event of Frege’s receiving Russell’s letter; (b) the objective hitherto
unnoticed fact, belonging to World 3, that there was an inconsistency in
Frege’s theory; and (c) the physical, or partly physical, event of Frege’s
writing his comment on the (World 3) status of arithmetic.
These are some of the reasons why I hold that World 1 is not causally
closed, and why I assert that there is interaction (though an indirect one)
between World 1 and World 3. It seems to me clear that this interaction is
mediated by mental, and partly even conscious, World 2 events.
The physicalist, of course, cannot admit any of this.
2 For example, my [1963 (a)], chapters 4 and 12; [1972 (a)], chapters 2 and 6.
3 See, especially, my [1953 (a)].
58 P3 Materialism Criticized
functions values
4 The dancing bees may perhaps be said to convey factual or descriptive information. A
thermograph or barograph does so in writing. It is interesting that in both cases the problem of
lying does not seem to arise — although the maker of the thermograph may use it to misinform
17. Materialism and the Autonomous World 3 59
1 See my [1972 (a)], chapter 8, where these ideas are discussed in more detail.
2 See, for example, my [1972 (a)], chapter 5.
18. Radical Materialism or Radical Behaviourism 61
belittling the problem. The danger is increased if we try to settle the matter in
advance by philosophical reduction. Philosophical reduction also makes us
blind to the significance of scientific reduction.3
It is in this light that I think we should consider the radical physicalist’s
approach to the problem of consciousness. Not only do we have, in the
phenomena of consciousness, something that seems radically different from
what, on our current view, is to be found in the physical world. We also have
the dramatic and, from a physical point of view, strange changes that have
taken place in the physical environment of man, due, it appears, to conscious
and purposeful action. This should not be ignored, or dogmatically explained
I would even suggest that the greatest riddle of cosmology may well be
neither the original big bang, nor the problem why there is something rather
than nothing (it is quite possible that these problems may turn out to be
pseudoproblems), but that the universe is, in a sense, creative: that it created
life, and from it mind — our consciousness — which illuminates the universe,
and which is creative in its turn. It is one of the high points in Herbert Feigl’s
Postscript [ 1967] to his essay The ‘Mental’ and the ‘Physical’ when he relates
how, in a conversation, Einstein said something like this: “If there were not
this internal illumination, the universe would merely be a rubbish heap.”4
This, Feigl tells us, is one of the reasons why he does not accept radical
physicalism (as I call it) but the identity theory, which recognizes the reality
of mental and especially of conscious processes.
It might also be worth bearing in mind that, while in science, our quest is
for simplicity, it is a real problem whether the world is itself quite so simple as
some philosophers think. The simplicity of the old theory of matter (that of
Descartes or that of Newton or even that of Boscovich) is gone: it clashed
with the facts. The same happened to the electrical theory of matter which,
for twenty or thirty years, seemed to offer a hope of an even greater sim
plicity. Our present theory of matter, quantum mechanics, turns out (espe
cially in the light of the thought experiment of Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen,
and the results of J. S. Bell, and of S. J. Freedman and R. A. Holt [1975]) to
be even less simple than one might have hoped. It is also clearly incomplete:
in spite o f Dirac’s result which may be interpreted as the prediction of anti-par-
5 It might be mentioned that the conflict described in the text could also be seen as the
conflict between conventionalism and realism in the philosophy of science. Perhaps Charles S.
Sherrington ([1947], p. xxiv) may be quoted here: “That our being should consist of two
fundamental elements offers I suppose no greater inherent improbability than that it should rest
on one only.”
18. R adical M aterialism o r Radical Behaviourism 63
Figure 1. Figure 2.
It will be seen from Figure 1 that, since AB, CD, and EF are parallel and
equidistant, the inclined line AF is cut in half at G; so that AG = GF.
We explain all this to our experimental subject, who thus does not need to
measure the distances AG and GF in order to make sure that they are equal.
We now put to him the following questions.
(1) Look at Figure 2. You know that AG = GF, in view of the proof
indicated by Figure 1. Do you agree?
We wait for the reply.
(2) Does AG look to you equal to GF?
64 P3 M aterialism Criticized
F igure 3.
Yet m easurem ents may leave some doubt: small errors may m atter and may
not be easily detectable. O n the other hand, it is clear that the three vertical
lines in Figure 1 and Figure 2 are parallel and equi-distant. A further
question is:
(3) D oes your theoretical knowledge with respect to Figure 2 help you to
see the distances A G and G F as equal?
A related but slightly different experim ent may convince us that our
18. Radical Materialism or Radical Behaviourism 65
Figure 4.
Taken from R. L. Gregory and E. H.
Gombrich (eds.) [1973] with the
kind permission of the author, the
publisher, and of Alphabet and
scious experiences. For example, there are the experiments conducted by the
great brain surgeon Wilder Penfield. Penfield [1955] repeatedly stimulated,
with the help of an electrode, the exposed brain of patients who were being
operated on while fully conscious. When certain areas of the cortex were thus
stimulated, the patients reported re-living very vivid visual and auditive
experiences while being, at the same time, fully aware of their actual sur
roundings. “A young South African patient lying on the operating table . . .
was laughing with his cousins on a farm in South Africa, while he was also
fully conscious of being in the operating room in Montreal.” (Penfield
[1975], p. 55.) Such reports, clearly reproducible, and repeated in many
cases, can be only explained so far as I can see by admitting conscious
subjective experiences. Penfield’s experiments have sometimes been
criticized for having been conducted only with epileptic patients. However,
this does not affect the problem of the existence of subjective, conscious
These experiments of Penfield’s may be compatible with an identity
theory. They do not seem to be compatible with radical physicalism — with
the denial of the existence of subjective states of consciousness. There are
many similar experiments.6 They test and establish, by behaviourist methods,
the conjecture — if it is to be called a conjecture rather than a fact — that we
have subjective experiences; conscious processes. Admittedly, there is every
reason to think that these go hand in hand with brain processes. It is, it
appears, the brain rather than the self which “insists”, as it were, on the
inequality of distances we know to be equal. (A corresponding remark holds
for the GestaltsWxich.) Yet my main point here is merely that we can establish
empirically, by behaviourist methods, that subjective, conscious experience
A word may be added on the unusual or paradoxical character of both
types of experiment here mentioned — optical illusion and Penfield’s stimu
lation of the cortex. Our mechanism of perception is normally not reflexively
directed onto itself, but directed towards the outside world. Thus we can
forget about ourselves in normal perception. In order to become quite clear
about our subjective experience it is therefore useful to choose experiments
in which something is out of the ordinary and clashes with the normal
perceptual mechanism.
6 One important type of experiment is due to modern sleep research: rapid eye movements
have been shown to indicate dreaming; and dreaming is clearly a (low-level) conscious experi
ence. (The radical behaviourist or materialist would have to say, in order to avoid refutation, that
rapid eye movements signify a manifestation of a disposition which would lead people if woken
up to say that they had been dreaming, while in reality no such things as dreams exist. But this
would obviously be an ad hoc way of evading refutation.)
19. Panpsychism
the essence, the thing in itself, the reality of everything, and will is what, from
outside, for the observer, appears as body or matter. One can say that
Schopenhauer is a Kantian who has turned panpsychist. In order to carry out
this idea, Schopenhauer emphasizes the unconscious: although his will is
mental, or psychical, it is largely unconscious — completely so in inanimate
matter, but largely so even in animals and in man. Schopenhauer is thus a
spiritualist; but his spirit is mainly unconscious will, drive, and appetite,
rather than conscious reason. This theory1 exerted a great influence upon
German, English and American panpsychists who, partly under the influence
of Schopenhauer, interpret the chemical affinities, the binding forces of
atoms, and other physical forces such as gravity, as the outward manifesta
tions of the drive-like or will-like properties of the things in themselves
which, seen from outside, appear to us as matter.
This may serve as a sketch of the idea of panpsychism.2 (An excellent
historical and critical introduction by Paul Edwards may be found in his
[1967 (a)].) Panpsychism has many varieties, and it offers what appears to its
defenders a comfortable solution of the problem of the emergence of mind in
the universe: mind was always there, as the inside aspect of matter. This
seems to be the reason why panpsychism is accepted by several well-known
contemporary biologists, such as C. H. Waddington [1961] in England or
Bernhard Rensch [1968], [1971] in Germany.
It is obvious that panpsychism is, from a metaphysical (or ontological)
point of view, nearer to spiritualism than to materialism. However, many
panpsychists, from Spinoza and Leibniz to Waddington, Theodor Ziehen,
and Rensch, accept what I called in section 16 above the physicalist principle
of the closedness o f the physical world. They believe,3 like Spinoza and
Leibniz, that psychological or mental processes and physical or material
processes run parallel, without interacting; that mental (World 2) processes
can act only upon other mental processes, and that physical (World 1)
processes can act only upon other physical processes, so that World 1 is
closed, self-contained.
1 It seems to have been influenced by Goethe’s novel Elective Affinities (Die Wahlver-
wandtschaften = The Chosen [Chemical] Affinities) in which sympathy, and attraction, were
interpreted as akin to chemical affinity. Schopenhauer, who knew Goethe personally, was
greatly influenced by him.
2 For a fuller discussion of the history of the mind-body problem, see chapter P5, below.
3 (Added in proofs.) Professor Rensch has kindly informed me that he disagrees with the
view stated in the first part of this sentence, since he is not a parallelist, but an identity theorist.
(But in my view the identity theory is a special case - a degenerate case - of parallelism; see also
sections 22 to 24, below.)
19. Panpsychism 69
4 See especially the remarks on the patient H.M. in Brenda Milner [1966].
20. Epiphenomenalism
William Kingdon Clifford was a panpsychist. His friend, Thomas Huxley, was
an epiphenomenalist. Both agreed in adopting the physicalist principle of the
closedness of the physical world (World 1). In Clifford’s words ([1886], p.
260): “all the evidence that we have goes to show that the physical world gets
along entirely by i tself. .
The difference between epiphenomenalism and panpsychism is mainly
(1) Epiphenomenalism does not assert that all material processes have a
psychical aspect, and
(2) Epiphenomenalism is very far from regarding conscious states or
processes as the things in themselves, as at least some of the post-Leibnizean
and post-Kantian panpsychists do.
(3) Epiphenomenalism may be linked with a parallelist view (like a
partial panpsychism) or it may allow for a one sided causal action of the body
upon the mind. (The latter view is liable to clash with Newton’s third law —
the equality of action and reaction.1) I will criticize here a parallelist
epiphenomenalism; but nothing in my criticism depends on this choice.
Huxley ([1898], p. 240; cp. pp. 243 f.) puts his epiphenomenalism very
well: “Consciousness . . . would appear to be related to the mechanism of
[the] body, simply as a . . . [side] product of its working, and to be as
completely without any power of modifying that working as the [sound of a]
steam-whistle which accompanies the work of a locomotive . . . is without
influence upon its machinery.”
Thomas Huxley was a Darwinian — in fact, the first of all Darwinians.
But I think that his epiphenomenalism clashes with the Darwinian point of
view. For from a Darwinian point of view, we are led to speculate about the
survival value of mental processes. For example we might regard pain as a
warning signal. More generally, Darwinists ought to regard “the mind”, that
is to say mental processes and dispositions for mental actions and reactions,
as analogous to a bodily organ (closely linked with the brain, presumably)
which has evolved under the pressure of natural selection. It functions by
helping the adaptation of the organism (cp. the discussion of organic evolu
tion in section 6, above). The Darwinian view must be this: consciousness and
more generally the mental processes are to be regarded (and, if possible, to
be explained) as the product of evolution by natural selection.
1 The principle is re-affirmed by Einstein ([1922]; [1956], chapter 3, p. 54) when he says:
“. . . it is contrary to the mode of thinking in science to conceive of a thing. . . which acts itself,
but which cannot be acted upon."
20. Epiphenomenalism 73
really matter. They cannot really influence our dispositions to act — for
example, to speak or to write — nor the actions themselves. These are all due
to mechanical, physico-chemical, acoustical, optical and electrical effects.
Thus the epiphenomenalist argument leads to the recognition of its own
irrelevance. This does not refute epiphenomenalism. It merely means that if
epiphenomenalism is true, we cannot take seriously as a reason or argument
whatever is said in its support.
The problem of the validity of this argument was raised by, among others,
J. B. S. Haldane. It will be discussed in the next section.
1 See J. B. S. Haldane [1932], reprinted in Penguin Books ([1937], p. 157); see also Haldane
[1930], p. 209.
2 J. B. S. Haldane [1954]. See also Antony Flew [1955]. A more recent rejection of what I
call Haldane’s argument, due to Keith Campbell, can be found in Paul Edwards, ed. [1967 (b)]
vol. 5, p. 186. See also J. J. C. Smart [1963], pp. 126f. (and Antony Flew [1965], pp. 114 —15)
where further references will be found, and section 85 of my (unpublished) Postscript.
3 Epicurus, Aphorism 40 of the Vatican Collection. See Cyril Bailey [1926] pp. 112 —113.
This may well have been Epicurus’s central argument against determinism, and the motive of
his theory of the “swerve” of the atoms (if this was his theory rather than that of Lucretius).
4 Cp. Descartes, Meditation IV; Principles I, 3 2 —44.
76 P3 Materialism Criticized
quoted above) cannot be upheld in the form here stated. For a computing
machine may be said to be determined in its working by the laws of physics;
but it may nevertheless work in full accordance with the laws of logic. This
simple fact invalidates (as I pointed out in section 85 of my unpublished
Postscript) the second sentence of Haldane’s argument as it stands.
However, I believe that Haldane’s argument (as I will call it in spite of its
antiquity) can be so revised as to become unexceptionable. Although it does
not show that materialism destroys itself, I suggest that it shows that materi
alism is self-defeating: it cannot seriously claim to be supported by rational
argument. The revised argument of Haldane could be put more concisely,
but I think it is clearer if developed at length.
dispositions, which make people accept the proper standards. You may now,
of course, ask me “What else are the proper standards but the valid stan
dards?” My answer is “certain ways of verbal behaviour, or of connecting
some beliefs with others; ways which have proved useful in the struggle for
life, and which therefore have been selected by natural selection, or learned
by conditioning, perhaps in school, or otherwise”.
These inherited or learned dispositions are what some people would call
“our logical intuitions”. I admit that they exist (as opposed to abstract
World 3 objects). I also admit that they are not always reliable: logical errors
exist. But these mistaken inferences may be criticized, and eliminated.5
Interactionist I do not think that we have made much progress. I have long
admitted the role of natural selection and of learning (which I, incidentally,
should certainly not describe as “conditioning”; but never mind the termi
nology). I also would insist, as you seem to do now, on the importance of the
fact that we often approach truth by way of the elimination and correction
of error; and like yourself, I am inclined to say that the same holds with
mistaken inferences as opposed to valid inferences: we learn of an inference,
or a certain way of drawing inferences, that it is invalid if we find a counter
example; that is to say, an inference of the same logical form, with true
premises and a false conclusion. In other words: an inference is valid if and
only if no counter-example to this inference exists. But this statement (which
I have italicized) is a characteristic example o f a World 3 principle. And
although the emergence of World 3 can be, partly, explained by natural
selection, that is to say, but its usefulness, the principles of valid inference,
and their applications, which belong to World 3, cannot all be explained in
this way. They are partly the unintended autonomous results of the making
of World 3.
Physicalist But I stick to my point that only the physiological dispositions
(more precisely, dispositional states6) exist. Why should not dispositions
evolve or develop which I may describe as dispositions to act in accordance
with a routine? For example, in accordance with what you call the logical
standards of truth and validity? The main point is that the dispositions are
useful in the struggle for survival.
Interactionist That may sound all right, but it seems to me to avoid the real
issue. For dispositions must be dispositions to do something. If we ask what
this something is, you seem to indicate that your answer would be “to act in
accordance with a routine”. But can we not then ask “What routine?” - and
this, I think, would lead us back to World 3 principles.
But let us look at the matter from another angle. The property of a brain
mechanism or a computer mechanism which makes it work according to the
standards of logic is not a purely physical property, although I am very ready
to admit that it is in some sense connected with, or based upon, physical
properties. For two computers may physically differ as much as you like, yet
they may both operate according to the same standards of logic. And vice
versa; they may differ physically as little as you may specify, yet this difference
may be so amplified that the one may operate according to the standards of
logic, but not the other. This seems to show that the standards of logic are not
physical properties. (The same holds, incidentally, for practically all relevant
properties of a computer qua computer.) Yet the standards of logic are,
according to you and me, useful for survival.
Physicalist But you say yourself that the property of a computer which
makes it work according to the standards of logic is based upon physical
properties. I do not see why you deny that this property is a physical prop
erty. Surely, it can be defined in purely physical terms. We simply build a log
ical computer, which is a physical object. Then we define the relations
between its input and its output as the standards of logic. In this way we have
defined a standard of logic in purely physical terms.
Interactionist No. Your computer may break down. This may happen to any
computer. Incidentally, you could just as well choose as your standard a
particular copy of a logical text book. However, it may have mistakes in it,
either printing mistakes or others. No, standards belong to World 3, but they
are useful for survival; which means that they have causal effects in the phys
ical world, in World 1. Thus the abstract World 3 property of a computer
which we can describe by saying “its operations conform to logical standards”
has physical effects: it is “real” (in the sense of section 4 above). This causal
action upon World 1 is precisely the reason why I call World 3, including its
abstract objects, “real”. If you admit that conformity with logical standards
is useful for survival, you admit the usefulness of logical standards, and so
their reality. If you deny their reality, why is the similarity between useful
computers and the differences between a useful computer and a useless one
not to be found in their physical similarity or dissimilarity but in their ability
or disability to work in accordance with logical standards?
Physicalist I am still unconvinced. Is usefulness for survival purposes
according to you a property belonging to World 1, as I think, or do you count
it as belonging to World 3?
Interactionist It depends. The usefulness of a natural organ I am inclined to
80 P3 Materialism Criticized
behaviour). The interactionist here takes the commonsensical view that valid
inference is useful — and this, indeed, is one of the reasons why he admits its
reality. The physicalist is prevented from accepting this position.
So far the dialogue. In it I have tried in brief to state some of the reasons
why a materialist theory of logic and with it of World 3 does not work.
Logic, the theory of valid inference, is indeed a valuable instrument; but
this cannot be made clear by an instrumentalist interpretation of valid infer
ence. Nor can, I think, such ideas as that of the informative content o f a theory
(an idea that depends on that of deducibility or valid inference) be made clear
as long as we do not transcend the materialist point of view — the point of
view that admits only the physical aspects of World 3.
I do not claim that I have refuted materialism. But I think that I have
shown that materialism has no right to claim that it can be supported by
rational argument — argument that is rational by logical principles. Material
ism may be true, but it is incompatible with rationalism, with the acceptance
of the standards of critical argument; for these standards appear from the
materialist point of view as an illusion, or at least as an ideology.
7 Perhaps under the influence of Thomas Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
82 P3 Materialism Criticized
1 Feigl ([1967], pp. 84, 86, 90.) In a footnote on p. 84 Feigl refers to Kant’s Critique of Pure
Reason (see Kritik derreinen Vernunft, first edition, p. 361; transcendentale Dialektik, zweites
Buch, dritter Paralogism = Kants Werke, Akademieausgabe, Band 4, 1911, p. 227; Cassirer’s
edition, Band 3,1913, p. 643), where indeed the theory is mentioned that the thing in itself may
be of a mindlike character. Thus we get the following parentage of this form of the identity
theory: Kant — Schopenhauer (the thing in itself = will) — Clifford (whose identity theory is a
kind of parallelism) — Schlick — Feigl — Russell (Russell’s “Mind and Matter” [1956] is
discussed in H. Feigl and A. E. Blumberg [1974], pp. XXIIff., and Feigl [1975]). For Clifford,
see note 4 to section 16, above; for some additional remarks on the history of the identity theory,
see section 54 below.
84 P3 Materialism Criticized
2 The point is far from crucial; but it is not merely verbal. Smart, more especially, has a
different attitude towards scientific knowledge from mine: while I am impressed by our immense
ignorance on all levels, he holds that we can assert that our knowledge of physics will one day
suffice to explain everything — even (to quote Peter Medawar) our foreign exchange deficit; see
section 7 above.
86 P3 Materialism Criticized
need not be taken as crucial for the theory or for some version of it; just as it
may not be essential for our metaphor of the cloud to decide in which sense
the three aspects — the outside view, the inside view, and the description in
physical terms — are all aspects of one and the same object. What I regard as
crucial is that the identity theory adheres to the physicalist principle of the
closedness of World 1. Thus in my view a theory which gives up the term
“identity” and replaces it by “very close association” (say) would be just as
mistaken if it adhered to this physicalist principle.
(c) Feigl rightly stresses the “reality” of the mental processes, and this
point seems to me essential. But he also stresses the character of the mental
processes as things in themselves. This seems to me to make him a spiritualist
rather than a physicalist, but it invites discussions which may easily become
quite verbal. Take again our cloud metaphor. It seems to me (but I should be
loth to argue the point) that the physical description — that of the cloud as a
space in which water drops of a certain kind are distributed — comes in a way
perhaps nearer to describing the thing in itself than either the outside descrip
tion as a cloud or as a bulky surface reflecting light, or the inside experience as
a fog. But does it matter? What does matter is that all the descriptions are
descriptions of the same real thing — a thing that can interact with a physical
body (for example, by condensing on it and thus making it wet).
I think that we may assume that there is no problem here; we can still
criticize the theory on non-verbal grounds. In the next section I will criticize
the identity theory as a physicalist theory. In a later section (54) I will point
out that as a spiritualist theory, bordering on panpsychism, it accords badly
with m odem cosmology.
Before starting to criticize the identity theory, let me make it quite clear that I
regard it as a perfectly consistent theory of the relation of mind and body. In
my opinion the theory may therefore be true.
What I regard as inconsistent is a wider and stronger theory: the material
ist view of the world, which involves Darwinism, and which together with the
identity theory leads to a contradiction — the same as in the case of
epiphenomenalism. My thesis is that the identity theory combined with
Darwinism faces the same difficulties as epiphenomenalism.
Admittedly, the identity theory is somewhat different from epi
phenomenalism; especially from an intuitive point of view. From this point of
23. Does the Identity Theory Escape the Fate of Epiphenomenalism? 87
1 The idea that World 1 and World 2 run parallel, without interacting, is suggested by
epiphenomenalism if we remember that it accepts the physicalistic principle that World 1 is
causally closed.
88 P3 Materialism Criticized
In this section I am going to discuss what one may describe as the empirical
background of psycho-physical parallelism. By way of an afterthought, I shall
suggest that whatever may appear as a piece of supporting evidence in favour
of the identity theory is also one of the cases which seem to support paral
lelism; an additional reason for interpreting the identity theory as a special
case (a “degenerate case”) of parallelism.
I shall start from the relation of perception to the other contents of our
consciousness, and I shall try to throw some light on certain characteristics of
perceptions by discussing the biological function of perception.
2 Jeremy Shearmur has drawn my attention to a very similar argument in Beloff [1965].
24. A Critical Note on Parallelism. The Identity Theory as a Form of Parallelism 89
1 The following seems to work with most people: if we stare for long enough at a diagram of a
Necker cube, then it switches on its own into the opposite interpretation (that is, with that side
Necker Cube
which previously looked at the front now appearing to be at the back). The effect may be related
to the tendency for anything to disappear if we have stared at it for long enough. This tendency,
and perhaps with it the former effect, can be explained biologically. It is well known that a not
too loud noise disappears subjectively after a time, unless we draw our attention to it conscious
ly. See also note 2, below.
90 P3 Materialism Criticized
2 See also section 40. In this context, reference should be made to the experiments which
show that stabilized images, stabilized noises, and stabilized touches (for example from our
clothes) show a tendency to fade. For clearly the fading effect depends upon something like
physical or stimulational similarity. But as this leads to fading, there is a dissimilarity of response.
92 P3 Materialism Criticized
Looking back from here to our experiment which led to a sequence of two
practically identical perceptions, I do not deny that the two perceptions were
extremely similar qua perceptions: our brain, supported by our eyes, would
not have done its biological duty had it not informed us that our environment
did not change from the first instant of time to the second. This explains why
in the field of perception there will be a consciousness of repetition if the
objects perceived do not change, and if our programme does not change. But
this does not mean that the content of our consciousness was repeated, as I
have already hinted. Nor does it mean that the two brain states were very
similar. In fact, our programme (which was, in this special case, “compare
your response to a stimulus repeated in two consecutive instants of time”) did
not change between the first instant and the second. But the two instants of
time played decidedly different roles in that programme, just because of the
repetition; and this alone ensured that they were experienced in different
grounds. Part III, which is very sketchy, contains hardly more than the bare
thesis that the mental states as described in Part II can be identified with
states of the brain.
Why do I regard Part II in the main as excellent? The reason is this. Part II
gives a description of states and processes of the mind seen from a biological
point o f view; that is, as if the mind could be regarded as an organ.
This attitude is due, of course, to the fact that Armstrong wishes later (in
Part III) to identify the mind with an organ: with the brain. I need not stress
that I do not agree with this identification, though I feel inclined to regard the
identification of unconscious mental states and processes with brain states
and brain processes as a very important conjecture. And although I am
inclined to assume that even conscious processes somehow go “hand in
hand” with brain processes, it seems to me that an identification of conscious
processes with brain processes is liable to lead to panpsychism.
However mistaken Armstrong’s metaphysical motives may be, his
method of considering the mind as an organ with Darwinian functions seems
to me excellent, and Part II of his book proves, in my opinion, the fruitfulness
of this biological approach.
To turn to criticism. Armstrong’s theory may either be classified as a
radical materialism with a denial of consciousness, and criticized as such, or it
may be classified as a not quite outspoken form of epiphenomenalism, as far
as the world o f consciousness is concerned, whose significance it tries to
minimize. In this case my criticism of epiphenomenalism as incompatible
with the Darwinian point of view applies.
I do not think that this theory of Armstrong’s should be classified as an
identity theory in the sense of Feigl, that is, in the sense that conscious
processes are not merely linked with brain processes, but actually identical
with them. For Armstrong nowhere discusses, or suggests, that conscious
processes may be the things in themselves of which certain brain processes
may be the appearances: he is very far from Leibniz’s animism. However, if
Armstrong should move nearer to Feigl, then my criticisms in section 23
would apply. In any case, my criticism in section 20 seems to me applicable.
I think that many (though not all) of the analyses of Armstrong’s in his
Part II are lasting contributions to biological psychology. But his treatment of
the problem of consciousness is ambiguous and weak.
The reason for this weakness is to be found not so much in the fact .that
Armstrong, though not denying consciousness or awareness, minimizes and
fails to discuss its significance, but rather in the fact that Armstrong ignores,
and fails to discuss (in whatever terminology), what I call World 3 objects: he
considers only World 2 and its reduction to World 1. But the main biological
25. Additional Remarks on some Recent Materialist Theories 95
There are also those who simply say that the mind is an activity of the
brain, and who leave it at that. Not much can be said against this, as far as it
goes. But it does not go far enough: the question arises whether the mental
activities of the brain are just part of its many physical activities or whether
there is an important difference; and if so, what we can say about the
A somewhat half-hearted retreat from the identity theory has become fash
ionable lately. It is a retreat into what may be described as a “promissory
materialism” . The popularity of promissory materialism is perhaps a reaction
to some striking criticisms which have been advanced against the identity
theory in recent years. These criticisms show that the identity theory is hardly
26. The New Promissory Materialism 97
It appears then from our analysis that, in the present Darwinian climate, a
consistent materialist view of the world is only possible if it is combined with a
denial of the existence of consciousness.
However, as John Beloff says at the end of his excellent book ([1962],
p. 258), “A doctrine which can sustain itself only by elaborate evasions is
little better than humbug.” 1
1 Where I do not follow Beloff is in his attitude towards “the paranormal” as he calls it. I
believe that radical physicalism can be regarded as refuted, quite independently of the
27. Results and Conclusion 99
2 A good example is the following well-known figure, called “double cross” by Wittgenstein
[1953], p. 207. One can operate it by “concentrating” either on the white cross or on the black
cross; either voluntarily, or withholding our volition.
Chapter P4 Some Remarks on the Self
28. Introduction
The present chapter is difficult ; not (I hope) so much for the reader as for the
writer. The trouble is that although the self has a peculiar unity, my somewhat
scattered remarks on the self do not pretend to have any such unity or system
(except perhaps in stressing the dependence of the self upon World 3). A
discussion of the self, of persons and of personalities, of consciousness and of
the mind, is only too liable to lead to questions like “What is the self?” or
“What is consciousness?” . But as I have often pointed out,1 “what is”
questions are never fruitful, although they have been much discussed by
philosophers. They are connected with the idea of essences- “What is the self
essentially?” — and so with the very influential philosophy which I have
called “essentialism” and which I regard as mistaken.2 “What is” questions
are liable to degenerate into verbalism — into a discussion of the meaning of
words or concepts, or into a discussion of definitions. But, contrary to what is
still widely believed, such discussions and definitions are useless.
It is of course to be admitted that the words “self”, “person”, “mind”,
“soul” and similar words are not synonyms, but have somewhat different
meanings in sensitive English usage. For example, “soul” is often used, in
contemporary English, with the implication that it is a substance which can
survive death. (In German, the word “Seele” is used differently, more like
the English word “mind” .)
I have no intention here of discussing the question of the immortality of
the soul. (But see the discussion between Eccles and myself in dialogue XI.) I
will however quote here a brief statement about this question with which I
agree closely. It is due to John Beloff ([1962], p. 190).
1 Cp. my [1974 (z7)]; [1974 (z8)]; [1974 (z4)]; [1975 (r)] and [1976 (g)].
2 See my [1975 (r)] and [1976 (g)]. Cp. also note 2 to section 30.
29. Selves 101
29. Selves
Before starting my remarks about the self, I wish to state clearly and unam
biguously that I am convinced that selves exist.
This statement might seem somewhat superfluous in a world in which
1 [1739], Book I, Part IV, Section VI (Selby-Bigge edition [1888], p. 251). In Book III
[1740], Appendix ([1888], p. 634) Hume slightly mitigates his tone; yet he seems in this
Appendix to have completely forgotten about his own “positive assertions” such as those in
[1739], Book II, referred to in the next note.
2 [1739], Book II, Part I, Section XI ([1888], p. 317). A similar passage is [1739], Book II,
Part II, Section II, Sixth Experiment ([1888], p. 339) where we read: “ ’Tis evident that. . . we
are at all times intimately conscious of ourselves, our sentiments and passions . . . ”.
29. Selves 103
conception of our own person, that ’tis not possible to imagine, that anything
can in this particular go beyond it.”
This positive assertion of Hume’s amounts to the same position that he
attributes in the more famous negative passage quoted before to “some
philosophers”, and that he there emphatically declares to be manifestly
contradictory and absurd.
But there are lots of other passages in Hume supporting the idea of selves,
especially under the name of “character” . Thus we read:3
“There are also characters peculiar to different . . . persons . . . The
knowledge of these characters is founded on the observation of an uniformity
in the actions, that flow from them . . . ”
Hume’s official theory (if I may call it so) is that the self is no more than
the sum total (the bundle) of its experiences.4 He argues — in my opinion,
rightly — that talk of a “substantial” self does not help us much. Yet he again
and again describes actions as “flowing” from a person’s character. In my
opinion we do not need more in order to be able to speak of a self.
Hume, and others, take it that if we speak of the self as a substance, then
the properties (and the experiences) of the self may be said to “inhere” in it. I
agree with those who say that this way of speaking is not illuminating. We
may, however, speak of “our” experiences, using the possessive pronoun.
This seems to me perfectly natural; and it need not give rise to speculations
about an ownership relation. I may say of my cat that it “has” a strong
character without thinking that this way of talking expresses an ownership
relation (in the reverse direction to the one when I speak of “my” body).
Some theories — such as the ownership theory — are incorporated in our
language. We do not, however, have to accept as true the theories that are
incorporated in our language, even though this fact may make it difficult to
criticize them. If we decide that they are seriously misleading, we may be led
to change the aspect of our language in question; otherwise, we may continue
to use it, and simply bear in mind the fact that it should not be taken too
literally (for example the “new” moon). All this, however, should not pre
vent us from always trying to use the plainest language we can.
3 [1739], Book II, Part III, Section I ([1888], p. 403; see also p. 411). Elsewhere, Hume
attributes to us as agents “motives and character” from which “a spectator can commonly infer
our actions”. See, for example, [1739], Book II, Part III, Section II ([1888], p. 408). See also the
Appendix ([1888], pp. 633 ff.).
4 See also the text to note 1 to section 37 for a criticism of this theory.
104 P4 Some Remarks on the Self
except in the sense that I may recover the memory of those states. Neverthe
less, I think that there is more to self-awareness than memory, in spite of
Quinton’s excellent reply to F. H. Bradley [1883] who wrote: “Mr. Bain
thinks the mind is a collection [ = what Hume called a bundle]. Has Mr. Bain
reflected: who collects Mr. Bain?” . Quinton ([1973], p. 99) comments: “The
answer is that the later Mr. Bain collects the earlier Mr. Bain by recollecting
Recollecting is important, but it is not everything. The capacity for
recollection is perhaps more important than the actual recollection. We
obviously are not all the time “recollecting” our earlier selves. And we live
more for the future — acting, preparing for the future — than in the past.
It may perhaps be helpful to comment here a little more fully on the question
of self-knowledge and self-observation, and on Gilbert Ryle’s views in his
most remarkable book, The Concept o f Mind [ 1949].
Materialists have welcomed this book as expounding their creed; and
Ryle himself writes in the book that its “general trend . . . will undoubtedly,
and harmlessly, be stigmatized as ‘behaviourist’ ” (p. 327). He also explicitly
declares (p. 328) “that the two-worlds story is a myth” . (Presumably, the
three-worlds story is even worse.)
Yet Ryle is decidedly not a materialist (in the sense of the principle of
physicalism). Of course he is no dualist; but he is definitely not a physicalist or
a monist. This becomes very clear from the section entitled “The Bogy of
Mechanism” . There he writes (p. 76): “Whenever a new science [he is
alluding to mechanics] achieves its first big successes, its enthusiastic acolytes
always fancy that all questions are now soluble” ; and in this and the next
paragraph he makes it quite clear that he does not take seriously the hope, or
the fear, of a “reduction” of biological, psychological and sociological laws to
what he calls “mechanical laws” ; and although he does not distinguish
between classical (mechanical) materialism and modern physicalism, there
can be no doubt that he would reject a physicalistic monism as strongly as he
rejects a mechanistic monism.
It is in this light that we have to read the following statement of Ryle’s
which certainly shows his humanistic tendencies: “Man need not be degraded
to a machine by being denied to be a ghost in a machine . . . There has yet to
30. The Ghost in the Machine 105
1 The myth, as others have also remarked, is hardly to be ascribed to Descartes. It is, if
anything, a popular ancient legend, rather than a philosophical and “fairly new fangled legend”,
as Ryle ([1950], p. 77) calls it (see section 44, below).
2 See dialogue IV. The theory of the pilot will be discussed later; see, for example, sections
33 and 3 7 .1 may perhaps say here that while I remain opposed to “essentialism”, to the raising of
and to attempts to answer, “what is” questions, I nevertheless believe in something that may be
called the quasi-essential (or quasi-substantial) nature of the self. The self is linked with what is
usually called character or personality. It changes: it depends in part on a person’s physical type,
and also on his intellectual initiative and inventiveness, and on his development. Nevertheless, I
think that we are psycho-physical processes rather than substances.
The point here is that the idea of an essence is indeed taken from our idea of the self (or the
soul, or the mind) ; we experience that there is a responsible, controlling, centre of ourselves, of
our persons; and we speak about essences (the essence of vanilla) or spirits (the spirit of wine) by
analogy with these selves. These extensions may be rejected as anthropomorphisms. But there is
no objection to being anthropomorphic in discussing man (as Hayek has reminded us).
Aristotelian essentialism strangely enough fits very well biological organisms that have
an essence in the sense of a genetic programme. It also fits man-made tools whose essence is
their purpose: it is the essence of a watch to measure time. (A tool is an exosomatic organ.)
These comments contain no concession to essentialism — to the asking of “what is” questions
— although in biology and with respect to tools it is fruitful to ask teleological “ what is it for”
106 P4 Some Remarks on the Self
3 Wilder Penfield ([1975], p. 39) tells us: “In an attack of [epileptic] automatism the patient
becomes suddenly unconscious, but, since other mechanisms in the brain continue to function,
he changes into an automaton. He may . . . continue to carry out whatever purpose his mind was
in the act of handing on to his automatic sensory-motor mechanism when the highest brain-
mechanism went out of action. Or he follows a stereotyped, habitual pattern of behaviour. In
every case, however, the automaton can make few, if any, decisions for which there has been no
precedent. If Patient C was driving a car. . . he might discover later that he had driven through
one or more red lights.”
30. The Ghost in the Machine 107
4 It is interesting that Ryle’s arguments against introspection are closely similar to those of
Auguste Comte, and that John Stuart Mill’s answer to Comte anticipated the Wurzburg School.
See A. Comte [1830—42] volume I, pp. 34 —8, and J. S. Mill [1865(a)] (third edition, 1882,
p. 64). See William James [1890] volume I, pp. 188f.
108 P4 Some Remarks on the Self
In this section my thesis is that we — that is to say our personalities, our selves
— are anchored in all the three worlds, and especially in World 3.
1 Gilbert Ryle [1949], chapter VI, (7): The Systematic Elusiveness of the “I”.
2 R. L. Fanz [1961], p. 66. See also Charlotte Biihler, H. Hetzer and B.H. Tudor-Hart
[1927] and Charlotte Biihler [1927]; these older studies obtained (with less sophisticated
methods) positive results only at an age of more than one month. Fanz obtained positive results
at an age of five days.
110 P4 Some Remarks on the Self
shown that even very young babies fixate a schematic representation of a face
for longer periods than a similar yet “meaningless” arrangement. These and
other results suggest that very young children develop an interest in and a
kind of understanding of other persons. I suggest that a consciousness of self
begins to develop through the medium of other persons: just as we learn to
see ourselves in a mirror, so the child becomes conscious of himself by sensing
his reflection in the mirror of other people’s consciousness of himself. (I am
very critical of psycho-analysis, but it seems to me that Freud’s emphasis
upon the formative influence of social experiences in early childhood was
correct.) For example, I am inclined to suggest that when the child tries
actively “to draw attention to himself” it is part of this learning process. It
seems that children, and perhaps primitive people, live through an “animis
tic” or “hylozoistic” stage in which they are inclined to assume of a physical
body that it is animate — that it is a person3 — until this theory is refuted by
the passivity of the thing.
To put it slightly differently, the child learns to know his environment; but
persons are the most important objects within his environment; and through
their interest in him — and through learning about his own body — he learns
in time that he is a person himself.
This is a process whose later stages depend much upon language. But
even before the child acquires a mastery of language, the child learns to be
called by his name, and to be approved or disapproved of. And since approval
and disapproval are largely of a cultural or World 3 character, one may even
say that the very early and apparently inborn response of the child to a smile
already contains the primitive pre-linguistic beginning of his anchorage in
World 3.
In order to be a self, much has to be learned; especially a sense of time,
with oneself extending into the past (at least into “yesterday”) and into the
future (at least into “tomorrow”). But this involves theory; at least in its
rudimentary form as an expectation:4 there is no self without theoretical
orientation, both in some primitive space and some primitive time. So the self
is, partly, the result of the active exploration of the environment, and of the
3 It seems to me that Peter Strawson ([1959], p. 136) is right when he suggests that the
general idea of a person must be had prior to learning the use of the word “I”. (I doubt however
whether this priority can be described as “logical”.) He is also right, I think, when he suggests
that this helps to dissolve the so-called “problem of other minds”. However, it is well to
remember that the early tendency to interpret all things as persons (called animism or
hylozoism) needs correction, from a realistic point of view: a dualistic attitude is nearer to the
truth. See William Kneale’s excellent lecture On Having a Mind ([1962], top of p. 41), and also
my discussion of Strawson’s ideas in section 33.
4 See my [1963 (a)], chapter 1, especially p. 47.
31. Learning to be a Self 111
grasp of a temporal routine, based upon the cycle of day and night. (This will
no doubt be different with Eskimo children.)5
The upshot of all this is that I do not agree with the theory of the “pure
self” . The philosophical term “pure” is due to Kant and suggests something
like “prior to experience” or “free from (the contamination of) experience” ;
and so the term “pure self” suggests a theory which I think is mistaken: that
the ego was there prior to experience, so that all experiences were, from the
beginning, accompanied by the Cartesian and Kantian “I think” (or perhaps
by “I am thinking” ; at any rate by a Kantian “pure apperception”). Against
this, I suggest that being a self is partly the result of inborn dispositions and
partly the result of experience, especially social experience. The newborn
child has many inborn ways of acting and of responding, and many inborn
tendencies to develop new responses and new activities. Among these ten
dencies is a tendency to develop into a person conscious of himself. But in
order to achieve this, much must happen. A human child growing up in social
isolation will fail to attain a full consciousness of self.6,7
Thus I suggest that not only perception and language have to be learned
— actively — but even the task of being a person; and I further suggest that
this involves not merely a close contact with the World 2 of other persons, but
also a close contact with the World 3 of language and of theories such as a
theory of time (or something equivalent8).
What would happen to a human child growing up without active partici
pation in social contacts, without other people, and without language? There
are some such tragic cases known.6 As an indirect answer to our question, I
32. Individuation
isms (processes, open systems; see below). They may be part of a family, a
herd, or of some other animal society, such as a swarm, or a state. Now these
individual organisms illustrate what appears to be a very important tendency
of life as we know it on earth: that it tends to be individualized. Important as
this tendency is, it has exceptions: forms of life which deviate from the
principle of individuation do exist. There are animals, such as earthworms,
which are individuals but can be, contrary to most animals, subdivided into
two or more individuals. There are animals such as sea urchins which do
not have a fully centralized nervous system (see section 37) and which
therefore do not act in the way we expect individuals to act. There are also the
sponges which have no nervous system, and no individualized character as we
know it from unicellular and most multicellular animals and even from
viruses. And there are such animal colonies as the Portuguese man of war
whose specialized members act like organs.
Thus although it may seem at first sight that the biological principle of
individuation is founded on the fundamental structures and mechanisms of
molecular biology, this is not true. For when it comes to multicellular life,
deviations from the principle occur: multicellular structures and animal
colonies or states exist which are not wholly centralized by one nervous
system or not wholly individualized. But it seems that these evolutionary
experiments, although clearly not unsuccessful, are not quite as successful as
individual multicellular organisms with highly centralized nervous systems.
This seems intuitively understandable, considering the mechanisms of na
tural selection. Individuation seems to represent one of the best ways of
establishing an instinct for defence and survival; and it seems fundamental
for the evolution of a self.
I suggest that we look upon the existence of human individual persons,
and of human selves, or human minds, against this contingent and not even
universal biological background of the principle of individuation. We may
conjecture, somewhat trivially, that without biological individuation, mind
and consciousness would not have emerged; not, at least, in the way we know
them from our own experience.
Let us look a little more closely at the individuality of an organism. It is,
clearly, not quite the same as the individuality of (say) a diamond or a piece of
hard metal. These pieces of solid matter are crystals. They are systems of
oscillating atoms, atoms which in the main are neither leaving nor joining the
system within fairly long periods of time: they are closed systems — closed
with respect to the material particles of which they consist (though they are
open with respect to energy flow). By contrast, organisms are open systems
— like flames. They exchange material particles (and also, of course, energy)
114 P4 Some Remarks on the Self
with the environment: they have a metabolism. Nevertheless, they are identi
fiable individuals. They are, as indicated by Locke, identifiable even during
growth: they are identifiable dynamic processes; or perhaps better, material
systems undergoing exchange of matter. When we speak of an organism, we
often forget this, because during a sufficiently short time span an organism is
approximately closed, almost like a crystal.
Thus the changing self which yet remains itself appears to be based on the
changing individual organism which yet retains its individual identity.
But we may conjecture perhaps more than this. While we do not in
general ascribe activity or agency to material bodies (even if they are in
motion, or attract other bodies, as the sun attracts the planets) we do ascribe
something like activity to a flame, to a fire, and to a chemical process,
especially if it gets beyond our control; and we ascribe activity even more
decidedly to an organism, to a plant, and, more especially, to a higher animal.
(Incidentally, the distinction between movement and activity was not clearly
made by the Presocratic Greek philosophers who were inclined to say that
the psyche is the cause of movement in general rather than of an active way of
behaving or moving; see Aristotle, De anima 4 0 3 b 2 6 —4 0 7 b ll, etc.)
In ascribing activity to an inanimate process, and more especially in
ascribing activity to an organism, we regard the process or the organism as a
centre of control and (unless it gets out of control) as self-controlling. Even
an inanimate process such as a gas flame may indeed be said to be a
self-controlling (homeostatic) system. Organisms certainly are; and at least
some of them establish centres of control which keep them in a kind of
dynamic equilibrium. In those animals to which we conjecturally ascribe a
mind or consciousness, the biological function of the mind is clearly closely
related to the mechanisms of control (self-control) of the individual or
What is usually described as the unity of the self, or the unity of conscious
experience, is most likely a partial consequence of biological individuation —
of the evolution of organisms with inbuilt instincts for the survival of the
individual organism. It seems that consciousness, and even reason, have
evolved very largely owing to their survival value for the individual organism.
(See also section 37, below.)
In this section I have suggested that we should look at the problem of
self-identity from the biological point of view. This shows that self-identity is,
at least partly, of a surprisingly contingent character. Further aspects of this
problem will be discussed in subsequent sections. In the next section I will
look briefly at Peter Strawson’s view of self-identity, and at the way in which
self-identity depends upon the brain.
Is a new born baby a self? Yes and no. It feels: it is capable of feeling pain and
pleasure. But it is not yet a person in the sense of Kant’s two statements:1“A
person is a subject that is responsible for his actions”, and “A person is
something that is conscious, at different times, of the numerical identity of its
self.” Thus a baby is a body — a developing human body — before it becomes
a person, a unity of body and mind.
Temporally, the body is there before the mind. The mind is a later achieve
ment; and it is more valuable. Juvenal tells us to pray that we are given a
sound mind in a sound body. Yet in order to save our life, we all would be
prepared to have a leg cut off. And we would all, I think, refuse an operation
which would prevent us from being responsible for our actions, or which
would destroy the consciousness of our numerical identity at different times:
an operation that would save the life of the body, but not the integrity of the
It is fairly clear that the identity and integrity of the self have a physical
basis. This seems to be centred in our brain. Yet we can lose considerable
portions of our brain without interference with our personality. On the other
hand, damage to our mental integrity seems to be always due to brain damage
or some other physical disorder of the brain.
Recently it has been often suggested, especially by Strawson, that it is a
mistake to assume a distinction between body and mind to start with; we
should start, rather, from the integrated person. We can then distinguish
various aspects or kinds of properties: those which are clearly physical, and
those which are partly or wholly personal or mental. (P. F. Strawson [1959]
gives examples like “weighs ten stone” for a physical property of a person,
and “is smiling” or “is thinking hard” for two different personal properties.
A similar suggestion — that we use “person” as fundamental — was made in
1948 or thereabouts by J.H . Woodger in a lecture he gave in one of my
seminars.) Persons, it is rightly said, can be identified, in the same way in
which we identify physical bodies. And this, it is said, solves the problem of
the identity of selves. I think it a very attractive suggestion that we take the
person as primary, and its analysis into body and mind as a secondary
1 The first quotation is from Die Metaphysik der Sitten [ 1797], Einleitung in die Metaphysik
der Sitten, 4: Vorbegriffe zur Metaphysik der Sitten (philosophia practica universalis) = Kants
Werke, Akademieausgabe, Band 6,1914, p. 223 = Cassirer edition, Band 7, p. 24. The second
is from Kritik der reinen Vernunft, first edition [1781], p. 361, transcendentale Dialektik,
zweites Buch, dritter Paralogism = Kants Werke, Akademieausgabe, Band 4, 1911, p. 227;
Cassirer edition, Band 3, p. 643.
116 P4 Some Remarks on the Self
2 See note 2 to section 31. R. L. Fanz [1961] compares the baby’s reaction with that of a
young bird; see also my [1963(a)], p. 381.
3 But see note 7 to section 31.
33. Self-Identity: The Self and Its Brain 117
The liaison between the self and its brain is conjectured to be extremely
close. But there are a number of very important facts to be remembered
which speak against too close and too mechanical a relationship.
Much work has been done on finding out the functions played by the
33. Self-Identity: The Self and Its Brain 119
various areas of the human brain. One of the results is that there are what
Wilder Penfield calls “committed areas” of the cortex as well as large “un
committed areas” The sensory and the motor areas, for example, are com
mitted to these functions from birth. The speech centre, for example, is not
fully committed: up to five or six years, the right hemisphere cooperates with
the left in controlling the function of speech. (See chapter E4.) This explains
the recovery of speech when the main centre in the left hemisphere is
damaged. If the child is too old when the speech centre is damaged, the loss of
speech will be permanent.
The uncommittedness of large areas of the cortex is seen also in other
ways. Considerable parts of the non-committed cortex may be removed
without noticeable damage to any mental function. Operative removal of
parts of the brain in order to treat attacks of epilepsy has even led in some
cases to improved intellectual performances.
All this is not, of course, sufficient to refute the physicalist view that the
physical structure of the brain, including this plasticity of its functioning, can
explain everything about the mind: I have argued against physicalism in
chapter P3, and I shall not continue the argument here. Yet at least some
outstanding brain scientists have pointed out that the development of a new
speech centre in the undamaged hemisphere reminds them of the reprogram
ming of a computer. The analogy between brain and computer may be
admitted; and it may be pointed out that the computer is helpless without the
fact, we might describe the forming of any new sentence as creative - which
would render most of us creative most of time.)
Another point, stressed by Eccles, is that there is not only the problem of
the identity of the self (linked to that of the brain), but also the problem of the
unity of the self. Our experiences are often complex, and sometimes even our
attention is divided; yet each of us knows — obviously from introspective
experience — that he or she is one. But there does not seem to be a definite
part of the brain which corresponds to this one self; on the contrary, it seems
that the whole brain must be in high activity to be linked with consciousness
— a teaming process of unimaginable complexity.
I have called this section “The Self and Its Brain”, because I intend here
to suggest that the brain is owned by the self, rather than the other way round.
The self is almost always active. The activity of selves is, I suggest, the only
genuine activity we know. The active, psycho-physical self is the active
programmer to the brain (which is the computer), it is the executant whose
instrument is the brain. The mind is, as Plato said, the pilot. It is not, as David
Hume and William James suggested, the sum total, or the bundle, or the
stream of its experiences: this suggests passivity. It is, I suppose, a view that
results from passively trying to observe oneself, instead of thinking back and
reviewing one’s past actions.
I suggest that these considerations show that the self is not a “pure ego”
(cp. section 31 above, text following note 5); that is, a mere subject. Rather,
it is incredibly rich. Like a pilot, it observes and takes action at the same time.
It is acting and suffering, recalling the past and planning and programming
the future; expecting and disposing. It contains, in quick succession, or all at
once, wishes, plans, hopes, decisions to act, and a vivid consciousness of being
an acting self, a centre of action. And it owes this selfhood largely to
interaction with other persons, other selves, and with World 3.
And all this closely interacts with the tremendous “activity” going on in
its brain.
the tradition of taking sense perception as the main or even the only
paradigm of a conscious experience, and of an experience of knowing. As a
consequence, Hume could deny that he was conscious of anything like a self,
over and above being conscious of perceptions or memories of perception.11
suggest that we should try to teach ourselves to take as examples of conscious
experience such things as our admiration and pleasure due to some striking
formulation (“This happy breed of men”), or our experience of helpless
irritation when being faced with a great problem (How to end the armaments
race? How to stop population increase?) or our effort, our trials and rejec
tions, when reading, re-reading, interpreting and re-interpreting a difficult
passage of some ancient book.
not solved by routine. “ . . . new situations and the new responses they
prompt are kept in the light of consciousness”, Erwin Schrodinger ([1958],
p. 7; [1967], p. 103) writes; “old and well practised ones are no longer so
A closely related idea concerning the function of consciousness is the
following. Consciousness is needed to select, critically, new expectations or
theories — at least on a certain level of abstraction. If any one expectation or
theory is invariably successful, under certain conditions, its application will
after a time turn into a matter of routine, and become unconscious. But an
unexpected event will attract attention, and thus consciousness. We may be
unconscious of the ticking of a clock, but “hear” that it has stopped ticking.
We cannot know, of course, how far animals are conscious. But novelty
can excite their attention; or more precisely, it can excite behaviour which,
because of its similarity to human behaviour, many observers will describe as
“attention”, and interpret as conscious.
But the role of consciousness is perhaps clearest where an aim or purpose
(perhaps even an unconscious or instinctive aim or purpose) can be achieved
by alternative means, and when two or more means are tried out, after
deliberation. It is the case of making a new decision. (Of course, the classical
case is Kohler’s chimpanzee Sultan who fitted a bamboo stick into another,
after many attempts to solve the problem of obtaining fruit out of his reach: a
detour strategy in problem solving.) A similar situation is the choice of a
non-routine programme, or of a new aim, such as the decision whether or not
to accept an invitation to lecture, in addition to much work in hand. The
acceptance letter, and the entry into the engagement calendar, are World 3
objects, anchoring our action programme; and the general principles we may
have developed for accepting or rejecting such invitations are also pro
grammes, also belonging to World 3, though perhaps on a higher hierarchical
2 Schrodinger actually went further than this: he suggested that whenever, in any organism,
a new problem arises, it will give rise to consciously attempted solutions. This theory is too
strong, as was shown by Peter Medawar [1959] in a review of Schrodinger’s [1958]. Medawar
pointed out that the immune system is constantly faced with new problems, but it solves them
unconsciously. Medawar has shown me some correspondence between Schrodinger and himself,
in which Schrodinger agrees that Medawar has produced a counter-example to his thesis. See
also note 1 to section 38 and text.
From the biological point of view it is, especially in the case of the higher
animals, the individual organism that is fighting for its existence; that is
relaxing; that is acquiring new experiences and skills; that is suffering; and
that is ultimately dying. In the case of the higher animals it is the central
nervous system which “integrates” (to use Sherrington’s [1906], [1947]
phrase) all the activities of the individual animal (and, if I may say so, all its
“passivities” which will include some “reflexes”). Sherrington’s famous idea
of “the integrative action of the nervous system” is perhaps best illustrated by
the innumerable nervous actions which have to co-operate in order to keep a
man standing quietly upright, at rest.
A great many of these integrative actions are automatic and unconscious.
But some are not. To these belong, especially, the selection of means to
certain (often unconscious) ends; that is to say, the making of decisions, the
selection of programmes.
Decision making or programming is clearly a biologically important
function of whatever the entity is that rules, or controls, the behaviour of
animals or men. It is essentially an integrative action, in Sherrington’s sense:
it relates the behaviour at different instants of time to expectations; or in
other words, it relates present behaviour to impending or future behaviour.
And it directs attention, by selecting what are relevant objects, and what is to
be ignored.
As a wild conjecture I suggest that it is out of four biological functions that
consciousness emerges: pain, pleasure, expectation and attention. Perhaps
attention emerges out of primitive experiences of pain and pleasure. But
attention is, as a phenomenon, almost identical with consciousness: even pain
may sometimes disappear if attention is distracted and focussed elsewhere.
The question arises: how far can we explain the individual unity of our
consciousness, or our selfhood, by an appeal to the biological situation? I
mean by an appeal to the fact that we are animals, animals in whom the
instinct for individual survival has developed, as well as, of course, an instinct
for racial survival.
Konrad Lorenz ([1976], pp. 4 6 f.) writes of the sea-urchin that its “non
centralized nervous system . . . makes it impossible for such animals to inhibit
completely one of a number of potentially possible ways of behaviour, and
thus to ‘decide’ in favour of an alternative way. But such a decision (as shown
so convincingly by Erich von Holst in the case of the earthworm) is the most
fundamental and the most important achievement of a brainlike central
nervous organ” . In order to achieve this, the relevant situation must be
128 P4 Some Remarks on the Self
our self-identity that we try to know where we are, in space and time: that we
relate ourselves to our past and the immediate future, with its aims and
purposes; and that we try to orientate ourselves in space.
All this is well understandable from a biological point of view. The central
nervous system had from its beginning the main function of steering or
piloting the moving organism. A knowledge of its location (the location of
one’s body image) relative to the biologically most relevant aspects of the
environment is a crucial prerequisite of this piloting function of the central
nervous system. Another such prerequisite is the centralized unity of the
steering organ, of the decision maker who will, wherever possible, devolve
some of his task upon a hierarchically lower authority, upon one of the many
unconscious integrative mechanisms. To these devolved tasks belong not
only executive tasks (such as keeping the body’s balance) but even the
acquisition of information: information is selectively filtered before it is
admitted to consciousness. (See chapter E2.) An example of this is the
selectivity of perception; another is the selectivity of memory.
I do not think that what I have said here or in the preceding sections clears
up any mystery; but I do think that we need not regard as mysterious either
the individuality, or the unity, or the uniqueness of the self, or our personal
identity; at any rate not as more mysterious than the existence of conscious
ness, and ultimately that of life, and of individualized organisms. The emer
gence of full consciousness, capable of self-reflection, which seems to be
linked to the human brain and to the descriptive function of language, is
indeed one of the greatest of miracles. But if we look at the long evolution of
individuation and of individuality, at the evolution of a central nervous
system, and at the uniqueness of individuals (due partly to genetic uniqueness
and partly to the uniqueness of their experience), then the fact that con
sciousness and intelligence and unity are linked to the biological individual
organism (rather than, say, to the germ plasm) does not seem so surprising.
For it is in the individual organism that the germ plasm — the genome, the
programme for life — has to stand up to tests.
We may say of the self that, like any living organism, it extends through a
stretch of time, roughly from birth to death. While consciousness is inter
rupted by periods of sleep, we take our selves to be continuous. This means
that we do not necessarily identify the self with consciousness: there are
130 P4 Some Remarks on the Self
unconscious “parts” of the self. The existence of such “parts” does not,
however, normally disturb what we (I suggest) all know as the unity and
continuity of the self.
The self, or the ego, has often been compared to an iceberg, with the
unconscious self as the vast submerged part and the conscious self as the tip
projecting from the water. Although there is little basis for estimating mag
nitudes here, it nevertheless appears that at any given moment what is
selected, filtered, and admitted to full consciousness, is only a small fraction
of all that which we act upon and which acts upon us. Most of what we
“learn”, what we acquire and integrate into our personality, our self, what we
make use of in action or in contemplation, remains unconscious or subcon
scious. This has been confirmed by interesting psychological experiments.
They show that we are always ready to learn — in some cases quite uncon
sciously — new skills, such as the skill of avoiding something unpleasant (an
electric shock, for example1). It may be conjectured that such unconscious
skills of avoidance play a considerable role in the process of acquiring almost
any skill, including the ability to speak a language.
I think that the views of Gilbert Ryle and of D. M. Armstrong can throw
much light on the unconscious self which is indeed largely dispositional, and
at least partly physical. It consists of dispositions to act, and of dispositions to
expect : of unconscious expectations. Our unconscious knowledge can well be
described as a set of dispositions to act, or to behave, or to expect. It is very
interesting that these unconscious and dispositional states may, somehow,
become retrospectively conscious, if our expectation is disappointed; re
member that we may hear that the clock has just stopped ticking. It may mean
that a new, unexpected problem arises which demands our attention. This
illustrates one of the functions of consciousness.
Our unconscious dispositions are certainly very important for our selves.
Much that contributes to the unity of the self, and, more especially, to its
temporal continuity, seems to be unconscious. There is a kind of memory —
the ability to recall what has happened to us in the immediate past — which is,
like all latent memory, unconscious, but can be recalled into consciousness.
We usually “know” in considerable detail what we have done and experi
1 Michael Polanyi [1966], [1967] gives in the first three notes of his book ([1967],
pp. 95 —97) some interesting references on this subject. See especially: R. S. Lazarus & R. A.
McCleary [1949], [1951]; C. W. Eriksen [I960]; R. F. Hefferline & T. B. Perera [1963]. Most of
these adopt a conditioned reflex theory, as criticized here in section 40, below. The question
which kinds of skills are acquired by conscious attention (see text to note 2, section 36) and
which may be acquired unconsciously ought to be made the subject of a more systematic
theoretical and experimental investigation.
38. The Continuity of the Self 131
enced a minute ago, in the sense that we know how to recall it into conscious
ness, if we so wish. It is this unconscious disposition which gives a self its
continuity from moment to moment, in its normal states of wakefulness.
I have to stress here, in contradistinction to radical materialism or radical
behaviourism, that these unconscious dispositions to recall, if wanted, the
immediate past, are not dispositions to behave, not dispositions to any
observable behaviour, but rather dispositions to relive an experience. This
does not hold for all kinds of memory: learning a skill like walking or
bicycling or playing the piano consists in the acquiring of a disposition to
behave, at will; at the same time, many behavioural details may remain
completely unconscious.
All this suggests that there are at least two kinds of unconscious disposi
tional states, which may or may not be the result of a learning process:
(1) Dispositions to recall to consciousness (which may or may not lead to
conscious action).
(2) Dispositions to behave unconsciously.
It seems that both of these bear heavily on the self. The first kind is most
important in what we may describe as the memory which produces the
potential continuity of the self, or the continuity-producing memory.
the sense of what one has acquired by some method of learning. This is,
essentially, theory formation or skill formation by action and selection, lead
ing to unconscious dispositions to expect and to act.
The self changes. We start as children, we grow up, we grow old. Yet the
continuity of the self ensures that the self remains identical, in a sense. (The
sense is Kurt Lewin’s [1922] “genidentity” .) And it remains more truly
identical than its changing body (which also remains “genidentical” in Le
win’s sense). The self changes slowly due to ageing, and due to forgetting; and
much faster due to learning from experience. According to the theory here
defended, we learn from experience by action and selection. We act with
certain aims or preferences, and with certain expectations or theories, espe
cially expectations of realizing or approaching these aims: we act on the basis
of action programmes. According to this view, learning by experience con
sists in modifying our expectations and theories and our action programmes.
It is a process of modification and of selection, especially by the refutation of
our expectations. Organisms can learn from experience, according to this
view, only if they are active; if they have aims or preferences; and if they
produce expectations. Since we can speak instead of the holding of expecta
tions of the holding of theories or action programmes, all this can also be
stated by saying that we learn by modifying our theories or our action
programmes by selection, that is to say, by trial and by the elimination of
error. (Of course, our aims or preferences may also change in the learning
process, but as a rule such changes are rare and slow, although they are
sometimes of the nature of a conversion.)
The theory of the learning process which I have sketched applies equally
39. Learning from Experience: The Natural Selection of Theories 133
A very different theory of adaptive learning — the reflex theory and the
closely connected association theory — has been dominant from Descartes,
Locke, and Hume to Jacques Loeb, Bechterev and Pavlov; to the founder of
behaviourism, J.B. Watson, and his followers, and even the first edition
[1906] of Sherrington’s Integrative Action o f the Nervous System, though
Sherrington repudiated it in the preface of the second edition [1947].
The reflex theory is an explanatory theory of behaviour. Somewhat
simplified and idealized, it can be briefly put as follows.
Animal behaviour consists of muscular responses to stimuli. The stimulus
is in the simplest case an irritation or excitation of a sense organ; that is, of a
centripetal nerve. The signal is carried by the centripetal nerve to the central
nervous system (spinal cord and brain), and is there reflected, that is to say, it
excites (possibly after having been processed in the central nervous system) a
centrifugal nerve which in turn is responsible for the excitation and contrac
tion of a muscle. This causes a physical movement of some part of the body: a
behavioural response.
The nervous connection, from the irritated centripetal nerve to the exci
tation of the muscle, is the reflex arc. In the simplest conceivable case the
reflex arc would consist of two neurons, the centripetal and the centrifugal,
and their junction, called by Sherrington the “synapse” . It is clear that in
general some intemeurons will intervene that belong neither to the cen
tripetal nor to the centrifugal system but to the central nervous system.
To proceed to criticism, let us first see how the reflex theory of learning
looks from the point of view here developed in the preceding section.
As seen from our point of view, neither the conditioned reflex, nor the
unconditioned reflex exist.
From our point of view, Pavlov’s dog, actively interested in the environ
ment, invents a theory either consciously or unconsciously, and then tries it
out. It invents the true and obvious theory, or expectation, that the food will
arrive when the bell rings. This expectation makes its saliva flow - exactly as
the expectation raised by the visual perception or the smell of food.
What is the difference between the two interpretations of Pavlov’s exper
iment? At first sight one might perhaps be inclined to think that Pavlov’s and
my interpretations differ only verbally; moreover, one may feel that Pavlov’s
interpretation is simple, mine complicated; and that my interpretation, but
not Pavlov’s, is anthropomorphic.
But the two interpretations differ not only verbally. Pavlov’s interpreta
tion sees the dog as a passive mechanism, while my interpretation attributes
40. Criticism of the Theory of Unconditioned and Conditioned Reflexes 137
1 With all this compare chapter 1 of my [1963(a)], especially pp. 46-48; see also my
[1959(a)], pp. 420-422.
2 An interesting criticism of the theory will be found in Robert Efron [1966]. (His paper
criticizes mainly the meaning of the concepts of the theory, while I prefer to criticize the truth of
its assertions.) Another excellent recent discussion is R. James [1977].
a record of all our experiences in their proper temporal order. This record,
however, is not according to Bergson recorded in the brain, or in any matter:
it exists as a purely spiritual entity. (The function of the brain is to act as a
filter for the pure memory, to prevent it from intruding on our attention.) It is
interesting to compare this theory with the experimental results obtained by
Penfield and Perot [1963] by stimulating selected regions of the exposed
brains of conscious patients, described by Eccles in chapter E8: Bergson
might perhaps have claimed that these experiments support his theory, since
they prove the existence of a perfect record of (at least some) past experi
ences. However, as Eccles points out, we have no such reports from non
epileptic patients; besides, Penfield was stimulating the brain, rather than
preventing it from acting as a Bergsonian filter. It still seems the most likely
conjecture that the continuity-producing memory is not perfectly stored;
neither in the mind nor in the brain, and that Penfield’s amazing discoveries
show only that certain splinters of it may be perfectly stored in some people
— perhaps only in epileptics. The normal memory of past situations does not,
of course, have the character of immediate re-experience, but rather of a dim
“I remember that” or “I remember how” .
(8) As to the process of actively learning by trial and error, or by problem
solving, or by action and selection, I suggest that we have to distinguish at
least between the following different stages:
(8.1) The active exploration, guided by inborn and acquired “knowl
edge how”, and by (background) “knowledge that”.
(8.2) The production of a new conjecture, a new theory.
(8.3) The criticism and testing of the new conjecture or theory.
(8.4) The rejection of the conjecture, and the recording of the fact
that it does not work. (“Not this way.”)
(8.5) Repetition of this process (8.2) to (8.4) with modifications of
the original conjecture or with new conjectures.
(8.6) The discovery that a new conjecture seems to work.
(8.7) The application of the new conjecture involving additional
(8.8) The practical and standardized use of the new conjecture (its
I conjecture that only in (8.8) does the process take on, in stages, the
character of a repetition.
There does not seem to be any reason to assume that any of these
procedures are very similar in character or that the various underlying
activities of the brain are very similar. Let us assume that all a neuron can do
41. Kinds of Memory 143
is to fire. (This is not true: it appears that it can grow, or wither away, or form
new synapses, etc.) But the complexity of the brain is immense; and learning
in the sense of theory production, and the other forms of establishing
memory traces, need not happen on the level of the firing of neurons or on
the level of anatomic structures, though these levels undoubtedly play a role:
such learning could well consist in the hierarchical organization of structures
of structures. (A non-dynamic example of such structures of structures would
be a hologram, as discovered by Dennis Gabor.)
Among the reasons that speak against the purely repetitive theory of
reverberating currents and synaptic growth induced by them are the follow
ing: the role played in learning by such partly emotional elements as interest
or attention or the expected significance of the event cannot be neglected
(see chapter E8); nor the tendency to forget certain events which are unflat
tering to our idea of ourselves; nor the tendency to modify these in our
memory. Such things cannot be explained, I think, by a mere repetitive
mechanism, but only, I feel inclined to conjecture, by the action which a
discerning mind exerts upon memory contents — contents which are related
to the World 3 of theories and of action programmes.
In most of what has been said so far I have co-ordinated the self with the
living individual organism, and I have tried to glean from this biological
approach some facts that explain the unity, individuality, and continuity of
the self, as well as some facts that may perhaps throw some light upon the
biological function of that greatest of miracles: the human consciousness of
But the human consciousness of self transcends, I suggest, all purely
biological thought. I may put it like this: I have little doubt that animals are
conscious, and especially that they feel pain and that a dog can be full of joy
when his master returns. But I conjecture that only a human being capable of
speech can reflect upon himself. I think that every organism has a program
me. But I also think that only a human being can be conscious of parts of this
programme, and revise them critically.
Most organisms, if not all, are programmed to explore their environment,
taking risks in doing so. But they do not take these risks consciously. Though
they have an instinct for self preservation, they are not aware of death. It is
only man who may consciously face death in his search for knowledge.
A higher animal may have a character: it may have what we may call
virtues or vices. A dog may be brave, affable, and loyal; or it may be vicious
and treacherous. But I think that only a man can make an effort to become a
better man: to master his fears, his laziness, his selfishness; to get over his lack
of self control.
In all these matters it is the anchorage of the self in World 3 that makes
the difference. The basis of it is human language which makes it possible for
us to be not only subjects, centres of action, but also objects of our own
critical thought, of our own critical judgement. This is made possible by the
social character of language; by the fact that we can speak about other
people, and that we can understand them when they speak about themselves.
The social character of language together with the fact that we owe our
status as selves — our humanity, our rationality — to language, and thus to
others, seems to me important. As selves, as human beings, we are all
products of World 3 which, in its turn, is a product of countless human minds.
I have described World 3 as consisting of the products of the human mind.
But human minds react, in their turn, to these products: there is a feedback.
The mind of a painter, for example, or of an engineer, is greatly influenced by
the very objects on which he is working. And he is also influenced by the work
of others, predecessors as well as contemporaries. This influence is both
conscious and unconscious. It bears upon expectations, upon preferences,
42. The Self Anchored in World 3 145
upon programmes. In so far as we are the products of other minds, and of our
own minds, we ourselves may be said to belong to World 3.
I have (in section 33) quoted Kant as saying: “A person is a subject that is
responsible for his actions.” In so far as a person is responsible or answerable
for his actions to others and to himself, he may be said to be acting rationally;
and he may be described as a moral agent, or as a moral self.
Of course, to call somebody a “moral agent” in this sense does not involve
a positive judgement that he is a responsible or a rational person; it does not
mean that he is in fact acting rightly or justly or morally: a moral agent may be
acting in a morally blameable or even in a culpable way. How his actions are
to be regarded from a moral point of view will depend on the intended aims of
his actions; more especially on the way in which he has taken other people
and their interests into consideration.
try to make this most natural and democratic of tasks a major part of their
aims in life.
There is much heroism in human life: actions which are rational, but
undertaken for aims which clash with our fears, our instincts for safety and
Climbing high mountains, climbing Everest for example, always seemed
to me a striking refutation of the physicalist view of man. To overcome
difficulties, just for the sake of doing so; to face grave dangers, just for the
sake of doing so; to go on at the point of utter exhaustion: how can these ways
of fighting all our natural inclinations be explained by physicalism or be
haviourism? Perhaps, in a few cases, by the ambition of achieving great
distinction: some mountaineers have become famous. But there were, and
there are, many mountaineers that scorn notoriety and fame: they love
mountains, and they love the overcoming of difficulties for their own sake: it
is part of their plan of life.
And is not something like this part of the plan of life of many great artists
and scientists? Whatever the explanation — even if it is ambition — the
explanation cannot be physical; or so it seems to me. Somehow the mind, the
conscious self, has taken over.
If I should be asked to expose the bare bones of this chapter, I should say
that there seems to me no reason to believe in an immortal soul, or in a
psychical substance which can exist independently of the body. (I leave open
the possibility, which I regard as far-fetched, that the results of psychical
research may change my judgement on this point.) Yet it has to be recognized
that the talk about a substantial self is far from being a bad metaphor;
especially if we remember that “substances” are, it seems, to be replaced, or
to be explained, by processes, as was foreseen by Heraclitus. We certainly
experience ourselves as an “essence” : the very idea of an essence seems to be
derived from this experience, which explains why it is so closely akin to the
idea of a spirit. Perhaps the worst of this metaphor is that it does not stress the
intensely active character of the self. If one rejects essentialism, one may still
describe the self as a “quasi essence”, as that which seems essential to the
unity and continuity of the responsible person.
What characterizes the self (as opposed to the electrochemical processes
of the brain on which the self largely depends — a dependence which seems
far from one-sided) is that all our experiences are closely related and inte
grated; not only with past experiences but also with our changing program
mes fo r action, our expectations, and our theories — with our models of the
42. The Self Anchored in World 3 147
physical and the cultural environment, past, present, and future, including
the problem s which they raise for our evaluations, and for our programmes
for action. But all these belong, at least in part, to World 3.
This relational idea of the self is not quite sufficient because of the
essentially active and integrative character of the self. Even so far as sense
perception and memory is concerned, the model of “inflow” (and perhaps
“output”) is quite insufficient, since everything depends upon a constantly
changing programme: there is active selection, and partially active digestion,
and active assimilation; and all of these depend upon active evaluations.
Chapter P5 Historical Comments on the
Mind-Body Problem
the older theory; preferably predictions which contradict the old theory; that
is to say, crucial experiments. If a new theory satisfies (1) and (2), then it
represents possible progress. The progress will be actual if the crucial experi
ment decides in favour of the new theory.
Point (1) is a necessary demand, and a conservative demand. It prevents
regression. Point (2) is optional and desirable. It is revolutionary. Not all
progress in science has a revolutionary character, although every important
breakthrough in science is revolutionary. The two demands together ensure
the rationality of scientific progress; that is, an increase in verisimilitude.
This view of scientific progress seems to me to be strictly opposed to
relativism and even to most forms of scepticism. It is a view that allows us to
distinguish science from ideology, and to take science seriously without
overrating or dogmatizing its often dazzling results.
Some of the results of science are not only dazzling but unfamiliar and
quite unexpected. They seem to tell us that we live in a vast universe,
consisting almost wholly of space empty of matter and filled by radiation. It
only contains a little matter, most of it in violent agitation; also a vanishingly
small amount of living matter; and a still smaller amount of living matter
endowed with consciousness.
Not only are vast amounts of space empty of any living matter, according
to present scientific views, but also vast periods of time. We can learn from
molecular biology that the origin of life from lifeless matter must be an event
of extreme improbability: even under very favourable conditions — them
selves improbable — life, it seems, could originate only after innumerable
and long sequences of events, each of them nearly but not wholly successful in
producing life.
One cannot say that this picture of the universe, as it is painted by
contemporary science, strikes us as familiar or as intuitively quite satisfactory
(though it is certainly intellectually and intuitively exciting). But why should
it? It may well be true, or near to the truth: we should have learned by now
that the truth is often strange. Or else it might be far from the truth — we may
in an unexpected way have misread the whole story, or rather, what we
regard as the evidence supporting our story. Still, it is improbable1that there
has been no increase of verisimilitude in the critical evolution of the story.
There is, it appears, inanimate matter; life; and consciousness. It is our task to
think about these three, and their interrelations; and especially also about the
place of man in the universe, and of human knowledge.
I may mention in passing that the strangeness of the scientific picture of
the universe seems to me to refute the subjectivist (and the fideist) theory of
probability, and also the subjectivist theory of induction or, more precisely,
of “probable belief” . For according to this theory, the familiar thing, the
thing to which we are accustomed, should also be the rationally and scientifi
cally acceptable thing; while in fact the evolution of science corrects and
replaces the familiar by the unfamiliar.
According to our latest theories, these cosmological matters could hardly
look more unfamiliar; a fact that shows, incidentally, how far science has
moved away, under the pressure of criticism, from its beginnings in an
thropomorphic myths. The physical universe bears — or so it seems —
several independent and consistent traces of having originated in a violent
explosion, the “first big bang” . Moreover, what seem to be the best of our
contemporary theories predict its ultimate collapse. These two terminal
events have even been interpreted as the beginning and the end of space and
time — though obviously when we say such things we hardly understand what
we are saying.
The strangeness of scientific theory, as compared with a more naive view,
was discussed by Aristotle who said, alluding to the proof of the incommen
surability of the diagonal with the side of the square: “The acquisition of
knowledge must establish a state of mind right opposite to that from which we
originally started our search . . . For to those who have not yet grasped the
reason it must seem a marvel that there should be something [that is, the
diagonal of the square] that cannot be measured, not even by the smallest
unit.” ( Metaphysics 9 8 3 a ll.) What Aristotle appears not to have seen was
that the “acquisition of knowledge” may be an unending process, and that we
may continue to be surprised by the progress of knowledge.
There could hardly be a more dramatic example of this than the story of
the development of the theory of matter. From the Greek “hule” which we
translate by “matter” and which often means firewood in Homer, we have
progressed to what I described in section 3 above as the self-transcendence of
materialism. And some leading physicists have gone even further in their
dissolution of the idea of matter. (Not that I am prepared to follow them in
this.) Under the influence of Mach, a physicist who believed neither in matter
nor in atoms, and who proposed a theory of knowledge reminiscent of
Berkeley’s subjective idealism, and under that of Einstein — who was a
Machian when young — idealistic and even solipsistic interpretations of
quantum mechanics have been put forward by some of the great pioneers of
quantum mechanics, especially by Heisenberg and by Wigner. “Objective
reality has evaporated”, wrote Heisenberg [1958]. As Bertrand Russell
([1956], p. 145) puts it: “It has begun to seem that matter, like the Cheshire
44. A Problem to be Solved by What Follows 151
Cat, is becoming gradually diaphanous until nothing of it is left but the grin,
caused, presumably, by amusement at those who still think it is there.”
sian. Yet Hardie makes it clear that, if “being ‘conscious’ or having a ‘mind’
[is] what distinguished animals from plants or what distinguished men from
other animals”, then Aristotle, “who gave us the terminology (‘psychology’,
‘psychical’, ‘psychophysical’, ‘psychosomatic’) which we use to mark” this
distinction, cannot be said to have “neglected” the distinction. In other
words, even though Aristotle may not have had a term corresponding pre
cisely to our “consciousness” in its very wide and somewhat vague sense, he
had no difficulty in speaking of the various kinds of conscious events.
Nor did Aristotle have any doubt that body and mind interact — though
his theory of this interaction was different from the ingenious but inconsistent
(and thus untenable) detailed elaboration which Descartes gave to interac
In the brief historical sketch that constitutes this chapter I shall try to
argue in favour of the following views.
(1) Dualism in the form of the story of the ghost in the machine (or,
better, of the ghost in the body) is as old as any historical or archaeological
evidence reaches, though it is unlikely that prior to the atomists the body was
regarded as a machine.
(2) All thinkers of whom we know enough to say anything definite on
their position, up to and including Descartes, were dualist interactionists.
(3) This dualism is very marked, in spite of the fact that certain tendencies
inherent in human language (which originally was, apparently, appropriate
only for the description of material things and their properties) seem to make
us inclined to speak of minds or souls or spirits as if they were a peculiar
(gas-like) kind of body.
(4) The discovery of the moral world leads to the realization of the special
character of the mind. This is so in Homer (see Iliad 24 that recounts, as the
climax of the whole poem, the visit of Priam to Achilles in which moral and
humane considerations play a decisive role); in Democritus; and in Socrates.
(5) In the thought of the atomists, one finds materialism, interactionism,
and also the recognition of the special moral character of the mind; but they
did not, I think, draw the consequences of their own moral contrast between
mind and matter.
(6) The Pythagoreans, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle tried to transcend the
“materialist” way of talking about the mind: they recognized the non-mate-
rial character o f the psyche and tried to make sense of this new conception. An
important speech attributed to Socrates by Plato in the Phaedo (see section
46 below) deals explicitly with the moral explanation of human action in
terms of ends, and decisions, and contrasts this with the explanation of
human behaviour in terms of physiological causes.
45. The Prehistoric Discovery of the Self and of World 2 153
The history of the theories of the self or of the mind is very different from the
history of the theories of matter. One gets the impression that the greatest
discoveries were made in prehistoric times, and by the schools of Pythagoras
and of Hippocrates. More recently, there has been much critical activity, but
it has hardly led to great revolutionary ideas.
The greatest achievements of humanity lie in the past. They include the
invention of language and of the use of artificial tools for making other
artefacts; the use of fire as a tool; the discovery of the consciousness of self
and of other selves, and the knowledge that we all have to die.
The last two of these discoveries seem to depend on the invention of
language, and so perhaps may the others. Language certainly looks the oldest
of these achievements, and it is the one most deeply rooted in our genetic
make-up (although of course a specific language has to be acquired from
The discovery of death, and the sense of loss, of bereavement, must also
be very old. From the old customs of burial, reaching back to Neanderthal
man, one is led to the conjecture that these people were not only conscious of
death, but that they also believed in survival. For they buried their dead with
gifts — most likely gifts they thought useful for the journey to another world
and to another life. Moreover, R. S. Solecki [1971] reports that he found in
the Shanidar cave in northern Iraq the grave of a Neanderthal man (perhaps
154 P5 Historical Comments on the Mind-Body Problem
of several) who apparently had been buried on a bed of twigs, decorated with
flowers.1 He also reports that he found the skeletons of two old men, one of
them “a very handicapped individual” the other “a rehabilitation case”
(Solecki [1971], p. 268). It appears that they were not only tolerated, but
helped by their family or group. It seems that the humane idea of helping the
weak is very old, and that we must revise our ideas of the primitivity of
Neanderthal man, supposed to have lived in the period from 60,000 to
35,000 years ago.
Much speaks, it seems, for the conjecture that the idea of surviving death
entails some kind of dualism of body and mind. N o doubt the dualism was
not Cartesian. Everything speaks for the idea that the soul was regarded as
extended: as a ghost or a spectre — as a shade with a physical shape
resembling the body. This, at any rate, is the idea which we find in our oldest
literary sources, especially in Homer, in sagas and in fairy tales (and also in
It is, in a sense, a form of materialism, especially if we accept the
Cartesian idea that matter is characterized by (three dimensional) extension.
Nevertheless its dualistic character is clear: the ghostlike soul is differentlrom
the body, it is fessmaterial than the body, it is finer; more like air, like vapour,
like breath.
In Homer, we have a plurality of words for the mind or the soul, and for its
functions, the “processes of consciousness”, as R. B. Onians [1954] calls
them: feeling, perceiving, thinking, scorning, anger, and so on.
I shall refer here to only three of these words.2 (Their use in Hesiod is
Of the foremost importance in Homer is thymos, the stuff of life, the
vaporous breath soul, the active, energetic, feeling and thinking material
related to blood.3 It leaves us when we faint or, with our last breath, when we
die. Later this term is often restricted in meaning, so as to mean courage,
energy, spirit, vigour. By contrast, psyche in Homer (although sometimes
used as a synonym of thymos) is hardly a principle of life, as it is in later
authors (Parmenides, Empedocles, Democritus, Plato, Aristotle). It is, in
Homer, rather the sad remainder which is left over when we die, the poor
unintelligent shade, the ghost that survives the body: it is “not concerned in
ordinary consciousness” ; it is that which “persists, still without ordinary
1 Samples of the soil were analysed eight years after the discovery by a French paleobotanist,
a specialist in pollen analysis, Mme Arlette Leroi-Gourhan, who made this staggering discovery.
2 For two further words (phren or phrenes and eidolon) see notes 5 and 8 below, and note 1
to section 47.
3 Onians ([1954]; p. 48).
45. The Prehistoric Discovery of the Self and of World 2 155
consciousness [or ordinary life] in the house of Hades, . . . the visible but
impalpable semblance of the once living” body.4 Thus when Odysseus in the
eleventh book of the Odyssey visits the underworld, the dark and gloomy
house of Hades, he finds that the shades of the dead are almost completely
lifeless until he has fed them with blood, the stuff which has the power of
restoring a semblance of life to the shade, the psyche. The scene is one of
utmost sadness, of despairing pity for the state in which the dead survive. For
Homer, only the living body is a fully conscious self.
The third term, noos (or nous, in the decisively important passage
Odyssey 10, 240 to be discussed presently), is usually quite well translated
into English as “mind” or “understanding”. Usually it is mind with an
intention, a purpose (in German “Absicht”; see Odyssey 24, 474). Onians
([1954], p. 83) characterizes it well as “purposing consciousness”. It invol
ves, as a rule, an understanding of a situation, and it sometimes means, in
Homer, conscious intelligence, or even intelligent consciousness of self.
In view of the fact that it has been sometimes denied, by implication, that
a (dualistic) idea of mind occurs before Descartes, which would make my
ascription of this idea to Homer grossly unhistorical, I wish to refer to a
passage ( Odyssey 10, 240) which to me appears as absolutely crucial for the
pre-history and the early history of the mind-body problem.
It is the story of a magical transformation of the body, a metamorphosis
which leaves the mind unchanged, one of the oldest and most widespread
topics of fairy tales and folklore. In this, almost the oldest extant literary
document of our Western civilization, it is explicitly stated that the magical
transformation of the body leaves the self-identity of the mind, of conscious
ness, intact.
The passage, in the tenth book of the Odyssey, describes how Circe smote
some of the companions of Odysseus with her wand: “They had the head, and
voice, and bristles, and the body (dem a£) of swine; but their mind (nous)
remained unchanged, as before. So they were penned there, weeping ..
Clearly, they understood their frightful situation, and remained conscious of
their self-identity.
4 Op. cit., p. 94.
5 In Homer demas (in later writers, from Hesiod and Pindar on, often soma) the body, the
frame or stature of men, is often opposed to the mind, for which various terms are used, for
example phrenes; see note 8 below, and Iliad 1, 113-115; cp. also Odyssey 5, 211-213. See
further Iliad 24, 376-377, with the contrast of body (demas) and mind (noos); Odyssey 18,
219f., with the contrast of bodily size (megethos, here used as a synonym for demas, as can be
seen from 251) and mind (phrenes); Odyssey 17,454, where bodily shape (eidos) is contrasted
with mind (phrenes). In Odyssey 4, 796, a phantom (eidolon, similar to the Homeric psyche) is
clad by the goddess into a body (demas). Cp. the opposition of phantom or mind (eidolon) and
body (soma) in Pindar quoted in note 1 to section 46, below; and my [1974 (z4)], pp. 409 f.
156 P5 Historical Comments on the Mind-Body Problem
This, I think, is clear enough; and we have every reason to interpret the
many magical metamorphoses of classical antiquity and of other fairy tales
accordingly. Thus the conscious self is not an artefact of Cartesian ideology.
It is the universal experience of mankind, whatever contemporary anti-
Cartesians may say.
Once this is seen, it is also seen that mind-body dualism is in evidence
everywhere in Homer,6 and of course in later Greek authors. This dualism is
typical of the very ancient tendency to think in polar opposites, such as the
antithesis “mortal-immortal” .7 For example, Agamemnon says of Chryseis
(Iliad 1, 113 —115): “Know you, I prefer her to Clytemnestra, my wedded
wife, as she is no whit inferior to her, neither in body or its bearing, nor in her
mind8 or in its accomplishments.” The opposition, or dualism, of body and
mind is quite characteristic of Homer (see note 5 to the present section) ; and
since the mind is usually conceived as material, there is no obstacle whatever
to the obvious doctrine of mind-body interaction.
Concerning dualism, it should be made clear that the opposition or
polarity of body and mind must not be exaggerated: “my mind” and “my
body” may well occur as synonyms of “my person”, although they are rarely
synonyms of each other. An example may be found in Sophocles, when
Oedipus says “My mind (psyche) bears the weight of my and your sorrows”
and, at another place, “He [Creon] has been cunningly plotting against my
body (som a)” . In both cases, “my person” (or simply “I”) would do as well in
English, or even better; but in the Greek as well as in English we could not
replace in either case the one expression (psyche) by the other (soma).9That
we cannot always do this holds for Homer or for Sophocles as well as for
Concerning what I have just said about interactionism — the interaction
of a material soul with a material body — I do not wish to imply that the
interaction was conceived in a mechanistic way. Consistent mechanistic
6 Interesting Homeric passages from the Iliad indicating dualism (of course, a materialistic
dualism) are, for example, the golden girl robots (see note 1 to section 2 above) who are clearly
described as conscious robots: they have understanding or mind (nous) in their hearts (cp. Iliad
18, 419). See also Iliad 19, 302; 19, 339; and 24, 167; passages in which overt speech is
contrasted with concealed thought; and also 24, 674, where Priam and the herald are going to
sleep in the forecourt of Achilles’s hut, “their minds heavy with cares”. (E. V. Rieu, in the
Penguin Classics edition, translates very freely but very well “with much to occupy their busy
7 Cf. G .E .R . Lloyd [1966].
8 Here the term phrenes (according to Onians originally in Homer the lungs and the heart) is
used for “mind” ; see Onians ([1954] chapter 2).
9 See Sophocles, King Oedipus, lines 64 and 643; cp. E. R. Dodds [1951], p. 159, note 17.
45. The Prehistoric Discovery of the Self and of World 2 157
thinking becomes prominent only very much later, with the atomists,
Leucippus and Democritus, although there were of course plenty of skilled
users of mechanics before. There was much that was not well understood,
neither in mechanical nor in other terms, in Homeric times and for a long
time after, and that was interpreted in a crudely “animistic” way, such as the
thunderbolt of Zeus. Causation was a problem, and animistic causation was
something bordering the divine. And there was divine action on both bodies
and minds. Infatuation, such as H elen’s, and blind anger and pigheadedness,
such as Agamemnon’s, were attributed to the gods. It was “an abnormal state
which [demanded] a supernormal explanation”, as E. R. Dodds ([1951],
p. 9) puts it.
11 S. F. Nadel [1952].
46. The Mind-Body Problem in Greek Philosophy 159
Heraclitus the best and the most powerful and the purest (and no doubt also
the finest) of material processes.
All these materialist theories were dualist in so far as they gave the soul
a very special and exceptional status within the universe.
The schools of medical thinkers were also certainly materialist and dualist
in the sense here described. Alcmaeon of Croton, who is usually regarded as
Pythagorean, seems to have been the first Greek thinker to locate sensation
and thought (which he seems to have sharply distinguished) in the brain.
Theophrastus reports “that he spoke of passages (poroi) leading from sense
organs to the brain” (Guthrie [1962], p. 349; DK A5, p. 212, 1. 8). He
thereby created a tradition to which the school of Hippocrates adhered, and
Plato; but not Aristotle who, adhering to an older tradition, regarded the
heart as the common sensorium, and thus as the seat of consciousness.
The Hippocratic medical treatise On the Sacred Disease is of the greatest
interest. Not only does it assert with great emphasis that the brain “tells the
limbs how to act”, but also that the brain “is the messenger to consciousness
(sunesis) and tells it what is happening” . The brain is also described as the
interpreter (hermeneuos) of consciousness. Of course, the word “sunesis”,
here translated by “consciousness”, can also be translated as “intelligence”
or “sagacity” or “understanding” . Yet the meaning is clear — and so is the
fact that the author of the treatise discussed at length what we should call the
mind-body problem, and mind-body interaction. (See especially chapters
XIX and XX.) He explains the influence of the brain by the fact that “it is the
air that gives it intelligence” (chapter X IX ); thus the air is interpreted as soul,
as with the Ionic philosophers. The explanation is that “when a man draws
breath into himself, the air first reaches the brain” . (It may be worth men
tioning that Aristotle, who was greatly influenced by the medical tradition yet
gave up the connection between air and soul, retained the connection be
tween air and the brain, and regarded the brain as a mechanism for cooling by
means of air — as a kind of air-cooled radiator.)
The greatest and most consistent of the materialist thinkers was D em o
critus. He explained all natural and psychological processes mechanically, by
the movement and the collision of atoms and by their joining or separating,
their composition or dissociation.
In a brilliant essay “Ethics and Physics in Democritus”, first published in
1 945—46, Gregory Vlastos [1975] discusses in considerable detail the mind-
body problem in Democritus’s philosophy. He points out that Democritus,
himself a writer of medical treatises, was arguing against the professional
tendency to make “the body the key to the well-being of both body and soul”.
He points out that a famous fragment of Democritus’ (DK B187) should be
162 P5 Historical Comments on the Mind-Body Problem
interpreted in this sense. The fragment says: “It is fitting for men that they
should make a logos [ = law, or theory] more about the soul than about the
body. For the perfection of the soul puts right the faults of the body. But
bodily strength without reasoning does not improve the soul.”
Vlastos points out that “the first axiom of this logos of the soul” is the
principle of responsibility: the soul, not the body, is the responsible agent.
This follows from the principle of physics “that the soul moves the body”.
In Democritean atomic physics, soul consists of the smallest atoms. They
are (according to Aristotle Deanima40?>b?>\) the same atoms as those of fire.
(Clearly, Democritus was influenced by Heraclitus.) They are round and
“best able to slip through anything and to move other things by their own
movement” .
The small soul atoms are distributed throughout the body in such a way
that atoms of soul and body alternate (see Lucretius De rerum natura III,
371 —73). More precisely, “the soul has two parts; the one, which is rational
(logicos) is located in the heart, while the unreasoning part is dispersed
throughout the whole body” (DK A 105). This is no doubt an attempt to solve
certain aspects of the mind-body problem.
Like Socrates who taught (cp. the Apology) “Care for your souls”, so did
the mechanical materialist Democritus: “Men don’t get happiness from
bodies or from money, but by acting right and thinking wide.” (DK B40.)
Another ethical fragment is “Who chooses the goods of the soul, chooses
the more divine; who chooses those of the body chooses the more human.”
(DK B37; cp. Vlastos [1975], pp. 382f.) Like Socrates, his contemporary,
he teaches: “He who commits an act of injustice is more unhappy than he
who suffers it” . (DK B45.)
One can describe Democritus not only as a materialist but as a monistic
atomist. But owing to his moral teaching he was also a kind of dualist. For
although he plays a major part in the history of the materialist theory of the
soul, he also plays an important part in the history of the moral conception of
the soul and its contrast with the body, to be treated below under (III). Here I
will only briefly mention Democritus’s, Epicurus’s and Lucretius’s theory of
dreams (D e rerum natura IV), from which we see that the materialist theory
of the soul did not neglect conscious experience: dreams are not given by the
gods but consist of memories of our own perceptions.
We have just seen that the Homeric idea of the soul as breath — as air, or
as fire: as a very fine corporeal substance — survived for a long time. So
Aristotle was not quite correct when he said of his predecessors (D e anima
46. The Mind-Body Problem in Greek Philosophy 163
405bll): “Almost all of them characterize the soul by three of its attributes:
[the power of] movement; sensation; and incorporeality.” The last term
should be weakened to “comparative incorporeality” to make this quite
correct; for some of his predecessors thought that the soul was a fine body.
However, Aristotle’s slip is excusable. Even the materialists, I suggest,
were dualists who habitually contrasted the soul with the body. I suggest
that they all saw in the soul or in the mind the essence of the body.
There are, obviously, two ideas of essence: a corporeal essence and an
incorporeal one. The materialists, down to and beyond Democritus,
regarded the soul or spirit of man as analogous to the spirit of wine - or the
spirit of wine as analogous to the soul. (See note 2 to section 30 above.) Thus
we come to a (material) soul substance like air. But another idea, due I
suspect to Pythagoras, or to the Pythagorean Philolaus, was that the essence
of a thing is something abstract (like number or the ratio of numbers).
Perhaps transitory, or already within the tradition of incorporeality, is
Xenophane’s monotheism. Xenophanes, who brought the Ionian tradition to
Italy, emphasizes that the mind or the thought of God is the divine essence;
though his God is not conceived in the likeness of man (DK B23-26):
One god, alone among gods and alone among men, is the greatest,
Neither in body does he nor in mind resemble the mortals.
Always in one place he abides: he never is moving;
Nor is it fitting for him to change now hereto, now thereto.
Effortless he moves the world by thought and intention.
All of him is sight; all is knowing; and all is hearing.3
Mind is here identified with perception, with thought, with the power of
will, and with the power of acting.
In the Pythagorean theory of immaterial hidden essences, numbers, and
relations between numbers such as “ratios” or “harmonies”, take the place
of the substantial “principles” of Ionian philosophy: the water of Thales, the
unlimited of Anaximander, the air of Anaximenes, the fire of Heraclitus.
This is a very striking change, and it is best explained by the assumption that
it was Pythagoras himself who discovered the numerical ratios which under
lie the concordant musical intervals:4 on the monochord, an instrument of
one string which can be stopped with the help of a moveable bridge, one
can show that the octave corresponds to the ratio of 1 : 2, the fifth to the
ratio of 2 : 3, and the fourth to the ratio of 3 : 4 of the length of the string.
3 Cp. Epicharmus, DK B12: “Only mind sees, only mind hears: all else is deaf and
4 Plato’s Republic 530c-531c may be taken as evidence that the discovery was made
by some Pythagorean. For the discovery and its ascription to Pythagoras himself see
Guthrie ([1962], pp. 221 ff.). See also Diogenes Laertius viii, 12.
164 P5 Historical Comments on the Mind-Body Problem
5 For the generalization of this problem see chapter 2, section IV, of my [1963(a)].
6 See Plato, Phaedo 85eff., especially 88c-d; Aristotle, De anim aAOlbll “. . . many regard
it as the most credible of all . . . theories” ; and p. 21 of volume XII (Select Fragments) of the
Oxford edition of The Works of Aristotle edited and translated by Sir David Ross, 1952, where
Themistius describes the theory as very popular.
46. The Mind-Body Problem in Greek Philosophy 165
of soul; both are harmonies. There is historical evidence for the existence of
both theories, of Pythagoras’s theory and of Simmias’s theory. But to my
knowledge, they have not been clearly distinguished before Guthrie’s search
ing and brillant discussion of Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans.
The question should be raised of how the theory which we may with
Guthrie describe as Pythagoras’s theory (in contradistinction to Simmias’s
theory) envisages the relation of soul (harmony, ratio of numbers) to body.7
We may conjecture that the answer to this question could have been similar
to a theory — a Pythagorean theory — that can be found in Plato’s Timaeus.
There the formed or shaped body is the result of a pre-existing form that
impresses itself on unformed or indefinite space (corresponding to Aris
totle’s first matter).8 This form would be of the nature of a number (or a
numerical ratio, or of a triangle). From this we might conclude that the
organized body would be organized by a pre-existing harmony of numbers
which therefore could also outlast the body.
The philosophers who followed the Pythagoreans (including “Simmias”)
in proposing a theory of the soul and/or of the mind which interpreted them
as incorporeal essences were (possibly) Socrates and (certainly) Plato and
Aristotle. They were later followed by the Neo-Platonists, by St. Augustine
and other Christian thinkers, and by Descartes.
Plato proposed, at different times, somewhat different theories of the
mind, but they were always related to his theory of forms or ideas in a way
similar to that in which Pythagoras’s theory of the mind was related to his
theory of numbers or ratios. The Pythagorean theory of numbers and their
ratios can be interpreted as a theory of the true nature or essence of things in
general, and so can Plato’s theory of forms or ideas. And while, for
Pythagoras, the soul is a ratio of numbers, for Plato, the soul, though it is not a
form or idea, is “akin” to the forms or ideas. The kinship is very close: the
soul is, very nearly, the essence of the living body. Aristotle’s theory is again
similar. He describes the soul as the “first entelechy” of the living body; and
the first entelechy is, more or less, its form or its essence. The main difference
between Plato’s and Aristotle’s theory of the soul is, I think, that Aristotle is a
cosmological optimist, but Plato rather a pessimist. Aristotle’s world is
essentially teleological: everything progresses towards perfection. Plato’s
world is created by God, and it is, when created, the best world: it does not
7 I owe this question to Jeremy Shearmur, who also suggested that the relation might be like
that of the Platonic ideas to matter.
8 See my [1963(a)], chapter 3, page 26 and note 15.
166 P5 Historical Comments on the Mind-Body Problem
9 Reading Guthrie ([1969], vol. iii), whose book contains the best presentation of Socrates
known to me, has convinced me that Socrates’s autobiographical remarks in Plato’s Phaedo,
96aff., are likely to be historical. I first accepted Guthrie’s criticism (p. 423, n. 1) of my Open
Society (vol. i, p. 308) without re-reading what I had written. In preparing the present passage I
looked up my Open Society vol. i, again, and I found that I did not, on p. 308, argue against the
historicity of the autobiographical passage ( Phaedo 96aff.), but against the historicity of the
Phaedo in general, and of Phaedo 108d ff. in particular, with its somewhat authoritative and
dogmatic exposition of the nature of the cosmos, especially of the earth. This exposition still
seems to me incompatible with the Apology.
46. The Mind-Body Problem in Greek Philosophy 167
In this context I will refer only to one important passage which at the same
time shows Aristotle’s realization of the interaction between our physical
sense organs and our subjective awareness. In Aristotle On Dreams,
461b 31, we read: “If a man is unaware that a finger is being pressed below his
eye, not only will one thing seem to be two, but he may think that it is two;
whereas, if he is not unaware [of the finger being pressed below his eye], it
will still appear to be two, but he will not think that it is two.” This is a classical
experiment to demonstrate the reality of conscious awareness, and of the fact
that sensation is not a disposition to believe,11
In the development of the theory of the soul or the mind or the self, the
development of ethical ideas plays a major role. It is, in the main, the changes
in the theory of the survival of the soul which are most striking and important.
It must be admitted that in Homer and in some other myths of Hades the
problem of the reward and punishment of the soul for its unusual excellence
or for its moral failures is not always avoided. But in Homer, the status of the
surviving soul of ordinary people who have never done much evil is terrible
and depressing. Odysseus’s mother is just one of them. She is not punished
for any crime. She suffers merely as part of the condition of being dead.
The mystery cult of Eleusis (and perhaps what is called “the Orphic
religion”) led to a change in this belief. Here was a promise of abetter world
to come — if the right religion with the right rituals was adopted.
For us post-Kantians, this kind of promise of a reward does not seem to be
a moral motivation. But there can be little doubt that it was the first step on
the way to the Socratic and the Kantian point of view in which the moral
action is done for its own sake; in which it is its own reward, rather than a
good investment, a price paid for a promised reward in the life to come.
The steps in this development can be seen clearly; and the developing
idea of a soul, a self, which is the responsible acting person, plays a most
important part in this development.
Possibly under the influence of the Eleusian mysteries and of “Orphism”,
Pythagoras taught the survival and the reincarnation of the soul, or
metempsychosis: the soul is rewarded or punished for its action by the quality
— the moral quality — of its next life. This is the first step towards the idea
that goodness is its own reward.
Democritus, who in many respects was influenced by the tenets of the
Pythagoreans, taught like Socrates (as we have seen earlier in this section)
Most important for the mind-body problem are two comments, probably
genuinely Socratic, which are reported in the Phaedo, the dialogue in which
Plato describes the last hours in prison and the death of Socrates. The two
comments to which I am alluding occur in the passage in the Phaedo
(96a —lOOd) that is famous for containing some autobiographical remarks by
Socrates.13 The first comment (96b) is one of the crispest formulations of the
mind-body problem in the whole history of philosophy. Socrates reports that
when he was young he was interested in questions such as these. “Does the
hot or the cold bring about the organization of animals by a process of
fermentation, as some say? D o we think with our blood, or with air, or with
fire? Or is it none of these but, rather, the brain that produces the sensations
— hearing, sight, and smell; and do memory and opinion arise from these?
And does demonstrative knowledge (episteme) derive from firmly estab
lished memory and opinion?” Socrates makes it clear that he soon rejected
all such physicalist speculations. Mind, or thought, or reason, he decided,
,la See Diels & Kranz [1951-2] 68 B45. Cp. also 68 B187.
12 Concerning the incompatibility of certain parts of the Phaedo (especially Phaedo 108dff.)
with Plato’s Apology, see note 9 to this section above, and p. 308 of my [1966(a)], volume i.
13 The historicity of this autobiographical passage is defended convincingly by Guthrie
[1969] vol. iii, pp. 421-3; see also note 9 above.
170 P5 Historical Comments on the Mind-Body Problem
played a decisive part in the ancient14 discussions connected with the mind-
body problem, and the consciousness of self.
The position here taken by Socrates is one that any interactionist must
subscribe to: for any interactionist, even a full explanation of human bodily
movements, taken purely as physical movements, cannot be provided in
purely physical terms: the physical World 1 is not self-contained, but causally
open to World 2 (and through it, to World 3 ).15
Even for those who are not interested in history but mainly in understanding
the contemporary problem situation, it is necessary to go back to two op
posed views on science and on scientific explanation which can be shown to
be part of the tradition of the Platonic and the Aristotelian Schools.
The Platonic and the Aristotelian traditions can be described as objectiv-
ist and rationalist (in contrast to the subjectivist sensualism or empiricism
which takes as its starting point sense impressions and tries to “construct” the
physical world out of these). Alm ost1 all the forerunners of Plato and Aris
totle were rationalists in this sense: they tried to explain the surface
phenomena of the world by postulating a hidden world, a world of hidden
realities, behind the phenomenal world. And they were right.
Of course, the most successful of these forerunners were the atomists,
Leucippus and Democritus, who explained many properties of matter, such
as compressibility, porousness, and the changes from the liquid state to the
gaseous state, and to the solid state.
Their method can be called the method o f conjecture or hypothesis, or that
of conjectural explanation. It is analysed in some detail in Plato’s Republic
14 In modern times this second passage from Plato’s Phaedo was repeatedly referred to by
Leibniz in his various discussions of the mind-body problem. See section 50 below.
15 If one does not insist on this point — if, say, one says that the physical movements of our
bodies can be in principle completely explained in World 1 terms alone, and that this explanation
may merely be complemented by one in terms of meanings — then, it seems to me, one has
unwittingly adopted a form of parallelism, in which human aims, purposes and freedom become
merely a subjective epiphenomenon.
1 The only exceptions were some of the Sophists, especially Protagoras. Subjective empiri
cism became important again with Berkeley, Hume, Mach, Avenarius, and with the early
Wittgenstein and the logical positivists. I regard it as mistaken and I shall not devote much space
to it. I regard as its characteristic doctrine the saying of Otto Neurath, “Everything is surface: the
world has no depth” ; or the saying of Wittgenstein: ((The riddle does not exist.” ( Tractatus
[1921], 6.5.)
172 P5 Historical Comments on the Mind-Body Problem
(e.g. 510 b —511 e), in the Meno (86e —87 c) and in the Phaedo(8 5 c —d). It
consists, essentially, in making some assumption (we may have nothing to say
in its favour) and seeing what follows. That is to say, we test our assumption or
our conjecture by exploring its consequences; aware of the fact that in doing
so, we can never establish the assumption. The assumption may or may not
appeal to us intuitively: intuition is important, but (within this method) never
decisive. One of the main functions of the method is to explain the phenome
na, or “to save the phenomena” .2
A second method which in my opinion ought to be sharply distinguished
from the method of conjecture or hypothesis is the method o f the intuitive
grasp o f the essence; that is to say, the method o f essentialist explanation (the
intuition of the essence is called, in German, “ Wesensschau”\ this is Hus
serl’s term3). Here “intuition” (nous, intellectual intuition) implies infallible
insight: it guarantees truth. What we see or grasp intuitively is (in this sense of
intuition) the essence itself. (See for example Plato’s Phaedo, 100c; and
Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics, esp. 100b.) The essentialist explanation allows
us to answer a “what is” question, and (according to Aristotle) to state the
answer in a definition o f the essence, a formula of the essence. (Essentialist
definition, real definition.) Using this definition as a premise we can then try,
again, to explain the phenomena deductively — to save the phenomena.
However, if we do not succeed, then it cannot be the fault of our premise: the
premise must be true, if we have properly grasped the essence. Moreover, an
explanation by the intuition of the essence is an ultimate explanation: it is
neither in need nor capable of any further explanation. By contrast, any
conjectural explanation can give rise to a new problem, to a new demand for
an explanation: the “why?” question can always be reiterated, as even small
children know. (Why did daddy not come home for lunch? He had to go to
the dentist. Why does he have to go to the dentist? He has a bad tooth. Why
does he have a bad tooth?) It is different with “what is” questions. Here an
answer may be ultimate.
1 hope I have made clear the difference between conjectural explanation
— which, even if guided by intuition, always remains tentative — and, on the
other hand, essentialist or ultimate explanation — which, if guided by intui
tion (in another sense) is infallible.
2 This method must be clearly distinguished from the theory of instrumentalism with which it
was conflated by Duhem. (See my [1963(a)], chapter 3, note 6, p. 99, where references to
Aristotelian passages discussing this method can be found, e. g. De caelo 293a25.) The differ
ence between this method and instrumentalism is that we put the truth of our tentative
explanations to the test mainly because we are interested in their truth (like an essentialist, see
below) though we do not think that we can establish their truth.
3 See my Open Society, ii, p. 16.
47. Conjectural versus Ultimate Explanation 173
opposite of “knowledge” . We cannot say of two theories that the one is better
than the other — we can only believe in the one and doubt the other. There
can be, of course, different degrees of subjective belief (or of subjective
probability). But as long as we do not recognize the existence of an objective
World 3 (and of objective reasons which may make one of the competing
theories objectively preferable or objectively stronger than another though
none of them may be known to be true), there cannot be different theories or
hypotheses of different degrees of objective merit or preferability (short of
outright truth or falsity). As a consequence, while from the point of view of
World 3, theories are conjectural hypotheses, for those who interpret
theories and hypotheses in terms of World 2 beliefs there is a sharp division
between theories and hypotheses: theories are known to be true, while
hypotheses are provisional and at any rate not yet known to be true. (Even
the great William Whewell — who in some ways comes near to the point of
view here advocated — believed in the essential difference between a
hypothesis and a finally established theory: a point of agreement between
Whewell and Mill.)
It is interesting that Plato almost always stresses, when he comes to relate
a myth, that the myth has only verisimilitude, not truth. But this does not
affect his belief that what we seek is certainty, and that certainty is to be
found in the intellectual intuition of essences. He agrees with the sceptics that
this may not (or not always) be available. But the method of conjecture is, it
seems, regarded by all parties not only as tentative but as a provisional
stop-gap fo r something better.
One of the most interesting incidents in the history of science is due to the
fact that this view is held even by Newton. His Principia may be described, I
believe, as the most important of all works of conjectural or hypothetical
explanation in history, and Newton clearly realized that his own theories in
the Principia were not essentialist explanations. Yet he never rejected, and
implicitly accepted, the philosophy of essentialism. Not only did he say “I do
not feign hypotheses” (this particular remark may well have been meant “I
do not offer speculations about possible ultimate explanations, as does D es
cartes”), but he agreed that essentialist explanations are to be searched for
and that they would, if found, be final, and superior to his attraction at a
distance. It never occurred to him to give up his belief in the superiority of an
essentialist explanation to his own type of explanation (which he wrongly
believed to be based on induction from the phenomena rather than on
hypotheses). In contradistinction to some of his followers, he admitted that
his theory was not an explanation; and he merely claimed that it was “the best
and safest method first diligently to investigate the properties of things . . .
47. Conjectural versus Ultimate Explanation 175
and [only] then to seek hypotheses to explain them” .4 In the third edition of
the Principia [ 1726], Newton added to the beginning of Book III at the end of
the Rules of Reasoning in Philosophy, “Not that I affirm gravity to be
essential to bodies”, thus disclaiming that the force of gravity could be taken
as an essentialist explanation.5
To sum up, Newton, probably the greatest master ever of the method of
conjectural explanations which “saved the phenomena”, was of course right
in appealing to the phenomena. He wrongly believed himself to have avoided
hypotheses and to have used (Baconian) induction. He rightly believed that
his theory might be explained by a deeper theory, but he wrongly believed
that this would be an essentialist explanation. He also wrongly believed that
inertia was essential to matter — an inherent vis insita of matter. (A further
and complementary discussion of Newton’s theory and its relation to essen
tialism will be found in section 51 below.)
4 Newton, letter to Oldenburg, 2 June 1672. (Cp. Newton’s Opera, ed. S. Horsley, vol. IV,
pp. 314 f.)
5 Cp. also the letters to Richard Bentley, 17th January and 25th February 1692 —3. See my
[1963(a)] notes 20 and 21 to chapter 3 (and text), and Newton’s Opticks, query 31, where
Newton mentions the possibility that attraction “may be performed by impulse, or by some other
means unknown to me”.
176 P5 Historical Comments on the Mind-Body Problem
get very far with conjectural explanation. But this is only to be expected. For
the mind is a process, or a phenomenon, of life — of the life of higher
organisms; and although we know very much about organisms, and especially
about one great unifying fact — the genetic code — almost all we know is
even less unified than our typically pluralistic knowledge about matter.
Though we must try for as much unification as possible, we must not expect
an essentialist or a similarly unified answer to our problems.
My thesis in the present section is simple. First, I wish to stress that there
was common ground between Aristotle and Descartes in respect of the
doctrines of the incorporeality of the soul and of interactionism, and also in
respect of their acceptance of the idea of essentialist explanation. Descartes,
however, got into particular difficulties with the problem of interaction. It
became for him the problem of how a non-material soul could act upon a
physical world of clockwork mechanisms, in which all physical causation was,
essentially and necessarily, based on mechanical push. My thesis is that, in
trying to combine the doctrine of the incorporeality of the soul, and of
48. Descartes: A Shift in the Mind-Body Problem 177
the astrologist; but of course, push is almost universal, and within everyone’s
experience from childhood on.)
The first philosopher who made push the (almost) universal causal agent
was Democritus; even the combination of atoms was (partly) due to push,
when the hooks of atoms got entangled. In this way, he “reduced” pull to
Aristotle’s vegetative soul and his sentient soul (and the appetitive and
locomotive soul) correspond to what Descartes calls the “animal spirits”.
Contrary to the first impressions conveyed by the term “spirit”, the animal
spirits of Descartes are part of the purely mechanical apparatus of the body.
They are fluids — very rare fluids — which in all animals and in man do a lot
of the mechanical work of the brain, and which connect the brain with the
sense organs and with the muscles of the limbs. They are conducted in the
nerves (and are thus anticipations of nervous electric signals).
So far there is little difference between the theories of Aristotle and of
Descartes. The discrepancy is very great, however, if we look at the cos
mological picture as a whole. Aristotle sees man as an elevated animal, as a
rational animal. But all animals and plants, and even the whole inanimate
cosmos, are striving for aims or ends; and the plants and animals are steps
(possibly even evolutionary steps) leading from inanimate nature to man.
Aristotle is a teleologist.
Descartes’s world is totally different. It consists almost exclusively of
lifeless mechanical contrivances. All plants or animals are such contrivances,
and only man is truly animate, truly alive. This picture of the universe was felt
by many to be unacceptable and even shocking. It led to doubts as to the
sincerity of Descartes — whether he was not, perhaps, a camouflaged
materialist who introduced the soul into his system merely because he was
afraid of the Roman Church. (That he was afraid of the Church is known
from the fact that he gave up the plan to publish his first book On the World
when he heard of the trial and condemnation of Galileo.)
This suspicion is probably unfounded. Yet there are difficulties in dismis
sing it. Descartes accepted the Copernican system, and the infinite universe
of Giordano Bruno (because Euclidean space is infinite). Within a pre-
Copernican cosmology, the unique exception made for man might have been
understandable. But it fits badly into the Copernican cosmology.
they, in their turn, were also moved by push: this was a necessary conse
quence of Descartes’s theory of causality. But how could the unextended soul
exert anything like a push on an extended body? Here was an inconsistency.
This particular inconsistency was the main motive of the evolution of
Cartesianism. It was ultimately removed by Leibniz, as I will show; and in this
solution of the problem, Leibniz was influenced and partly anticipated by
Thomas Hobbes.4
The second difficulty is less serious. Descartes believed that the action of
the soul on the animal spirits was to deflect the direction of their motion; and
he believed that this could be done without violating any law of physics, as
long as the “amount of motion”, mass multiplied by velocity, was conserved.
Leibniz showed that this was a mistake. He discovered the law of conserva
tion of momentum (mass multiplied by motion in any given direction), and he
emphasized repeatedly that the law of conservation of momentum demands
that momentum, and therefore the direction of motion, must be conserved.
While this is a telling point against Descartes’s specific suggestion, I do
not think that physical conservation laws pose any serious problem for the
interactionist. This may be shown by the fact that a vessel or a vehicle a w be
steered from the inside without violating any physical law. (And this can be
done by such weak forces as wireless signals.) All that is necessary is (1) that
the vehicle carries with it a source of energy and (2) that, in order to change
its direction, it can compensate for the change by pushing some mass — for
example the earth, or some amount of water — in the opposite direction.
(One could also say: if there were a serious difficulty here then we could
never change our own direction; as it is, when we get up from a chair, we push
the whole earth in the opposite direction, if ever so lightly: thus the law of the
conservation of momentum is preserved.)
If, in addition, we interpret Descartes’s mechanical “animal spirits” not
mechanically, but physicalistically as electrical phenomena, then this particu
lar difficulty becomes altogether negligible since the mass of the deflected
electrical current is almost equal to zero so that there is no problem in
compensating for a switch which changes the direction of the current.
1 See Haldane and Ross [1931], vol. ii, p. 132. The prehistory of the concept of substance
goes far back to the early Ionian “principles”: water, or the indefinite (apeiron), or air, or fire. It
may be said to denote whatever remains identical with itself when a thing changes; or to denote
the thing that it the carrier of its properties (which may change). In the Meditations, Descartes
uses “substance” frequently as a synonym of “thing”. But in the Principles, he says first (i, 51), as
he also does in Meditation III, that a substance is a thing that depends upon nothing else for its
existence, adding that only God is truly a substance (the view later adopted by Spinoza); yet
immediately afterwards (i, 52 —54) he says that we may also call soul and body substances,
namely created substances: having been created by God they can be destroyed only by God.
Locke obviously had Descartes in mind when complaining about the confused idea of substance
( Essay ii, xxiii). By and large, the popular usage of “substance” is at least as clear as the Cartesian
usage. (See also Quinton [1973], Pt. i.)
2 Cp. John Passmore [1961], p. 55.
182 P5 Historical Comments on the Mind-Body Problem
the possibility of their interaction; but from the point of view of conjectural
explanation, this difficulty simply does not arise.
And indeed, in the present state of physics (which operates with conjec
tural explanations) we are faced, not with a plurality of substances, but with a
plurality of different kinds of forces, and thus with a pluralism of different
interacting explanatory principles.3
(Perhaps the clearest physical example against the thesis that only like
things can act upon each other is this. In modern physics, the action of bodies
upon bodies is mediated by fields — by gravitational and electrical fields.
Thus like does not act upon like, but bodies act first upon fields which they
modify, and then the (modified) field acts upon another body.4)
Thus the difficulty of mind-body interaction arises only as a necessary
consequence of Descartes’s essentialist theory of causation.
Thus it was the occasionalists who first rejected the psychophysical in
teractionism which until then had ruled supreme and unquestioned. They
replaced it by a psychophysical parallelism: there was no interaction between
mind and body. Rather, there was a parallelism which created the appear
ance of interaction: on every occasion when the mind, the will, wished
consciously to move a limb, the limb moved, as if caused by the will; and vice
versa, on every occasion when a bodily sense organ was stimulated, the mind
experienced a perception, as if caused by the sense organ. But in reality, there
was no causation. The parallelism was miraculous: it was due to the interven
tion of God, it was due to God’s veracity and goodness.
This kind of miracle was, however, not really satisfactory; neither for the
orthodox believer in miracles and in Christianity, nor for the sober rationalist
— to say nothing of the sceptic. (If we live in a world of constant miracles,
miracles that happen on the most trivial occasions, then the miracles which
are essential to the Christian faith are robbed of part of their character as
miraculous, and of part of their value.)
It is understandable that Cartesian philosophers searched for a version of
parallelism which retained the advantages of occasionalism without its man
ifest disadvantages.
The first version of such a parallelistic theory was due to Spinoza, who
regarded himself as a Cartesian. The second and, in my opinion, more
important version was due to Leibniz.
One sees that, and why, Spinoza must be a pantheist: since there is no
other essence or substance in the universe than God, God must be identical
with the essence or substance of the universe, with nature.
One also sees that, and why, Spinoza must be a panpsychist: mind is an
attribute and an aspect of the one substance; so there are mental aspects
running everywhere parallel to all material aspects.
Leibniz’s theory of mind (of monads) and of matter takes literally the
Cartesian definition of mind as essentially unextended and of matter as
essentially extended: mind, being unextended must be, regarded from out
side, an unextended point in space. (Descartes, as mentioned above, does not
say exactly the same; but his unextended mind is concentrated mainly in the
pineal gland; and being unextended and having position together seem to
imply the Leibnizean doctrine that the soul is contained in a point in space.)
Every piece of matter, on the other hand, being extended in space, must
consist of an infinity of points, and thus of an infinity of monads; “inanimate”
matter consisting of monads without clear and distinct ideas and without
memory ; “animate” matter or organisms consisting of monads with more or
less clear and distinct ideas (perceptions) and more or less memory; mind
consisting of monads with very clear and distinct ideas and memory.
Thus Leibniz accepts here some basic Cartesian ideas. But he differs from
Descartes in stressing that matter is not a substance (or a thing in itself), but a
mere appearance. Also, he postulates a continuity of steps from mindless or
inanimate monads to animals and further to human rational souls.
186 P5 Historical Comments on the Mind-Body Problem
2 See Leibniz’s letter to Thomasius, April 20/30, 1669. (Gerhardt IV [1880], pp. 162 ff.,
especially pp. 171, 173; Loemker i [1956], pp. 144ff., especially pp. 148—160.)
50. Leibniz’s Theory of Mind and Matter 187
3 In “A New System of the Nature and Communication of Substances”, 1695. (Gerhardt IV,
477 ff.; Loemker ii, 7 40ff.)
188 P5 Historical Comments on the Mind-Body Problem
clashes with the modern theory of elementary particles which are of course
extrinsically or positionally different but intrinsically indiscernible in a most
important way. One can say that Newton foresaw this, and that Leibniz did
It is important to remember that Leibniz’s theory is pluralistic, as com
pared to Spinoza’s monism: it contains infinitely many intrinsically different
individual substances. But it is also in a certain sense dualistic: it distinguishes
sharply between minds (real substances) and bodies (appearances). And in
another sense it is even monistic: the only substances, the only realities, the
only things in themselves, are mindlike. And the minds or souls differ in their
ideas, not accidentally, but essentially. For the carrying of ideas is their
essence, which God has implanted into them, and which distinguishes them
4 See A Collection of Papers which passed between the Late Learned Mr. Leibniz and Dr.
Clarke in the Years 1715 and 1716 (London 1717); Loemker ii, pp. 1095ff.
51. Newton, Boscovich, Maxwell: The End of Ultimate Explanation 189
Newton’s own position was, I suppose, somewhat unsettled. Not only did
he never give up essentialism, but he never quite gave up his objections to
considering gravity as an acceptable essential cause. Nor did he ever quite
give up hope that he or a successor of his may find the essential cause of
gravity, and so may be able to give an ultimate explanation of the inverse
square law of gravitational attraction. It is only in the fourth edition of his
Opticks, published three years after his death, that he argues, in the form
of queries (query 31) for what in my opinion can be interpreted as the
suggestion that attraction may be, after all, like repulsion (“a repulsive
Virtue”), a “Virtue” or inherent property of bodies, and thus an ultimate
explanation. However, even after making this suggestion, he protects him
self by repeating his often made statements against the use of “hypotheses”
or “occult Qualities” which “put a stop to the Improvement of natural
Philosophy”. But (as he said before) “to derive two or three Principles of
Motion from Phaenomena” is “a very great step in Philosophy, though the
[essential] Causes of those Principles were not discovered”.
Thus the position of Newton whose Principia clearly offered what I have
called “conjectural explanations” is here again of great interest, (a) He
believed that his laws of motion were obtained by induction from the
phenomena, (b) He admitted that induction was not a valid proof, (c) He
believed that in this special case of the laws of motion, he was entitled
to claim their factual truth, although he was not entitled to claim their
character as “causes” or as explanations. (That the law of gravity may after
all be acceptable as an essential cause he hardly dared to suggest in this final
query in the Opticks.) I suggest that all this was due to a deep-seated belief
in essentialism; a belief which he tried to replace, unsuccessfully, by appeals
to the phenomena, and to induction from the phenomena.
If I am more or less right in this analysis, then it makes Newton’s achieve
ments even more admirable: they were achieved against the odds of false
methodological beliefs. Wrongly believing, and modestly believing, that
what he offered was not the best but only the second best, he unerringly
achieved the best theory that could possibly have been achieved at the time,
and in the best possible way. (Who can say that his attacks of depression
were not due, or partly due, to his inherited essentialism?)
Newton was an atomist, and an admirer of the ancient atomists, but not
with respect to the mind-body problem: here he followed Descartes, and the
Platonic and Aristotelian immaterialist traditions. (Opticks, queries 28 and
Roger Joseph Boscovich, the great Yugoslav physicist and philosopher,
may be said to be one of the greatest, if not the greatest, of Newtonians. He
51. Newton, Boscovich, Maxwell: The End of Ultimate Explanation 191
combined, in a most original way, one of Leibniz’s ideas with many of the
ideas of Newton, especially with Newton’s atomism. The idea that Boscovich
took from Leibniz was the unextendedness of the atoms: like Leibniz’s
monads, Boscovich’s atoms were unextended monads, geometrical points in
space, and centres of force. However, in every other respect Boscovich’s
monads (and also Kant’s monads, developed contemporaneously with, and
independently of, Boscovich) were utterly different from those of Leibniz.
Leibniz’s monads were densely, or more precisely continuously, packed
in space: to every point in three-dimensional space there corresponded a
monad, which was non-material since it was unextended. On the other hand,
any three-dimensionally extended accumulation in space appeared as mat
ter, as body: it appeared, because in reality it consisted of non-extended and
non-material substance; it appeared as matter or as body because it was
extended, because it filled an extended part of three-dimensional space. Thus
there was no vacuum, no empty space between the closely packed monads.
Boscovich’s (and also Kant’s) theory was different.2 They were atomists;
that is to say, they believed in atoms and the void. Their atoms were points,
monads. But they were not closely packed. On the contrary, no two of their
atomic monads could touch each other: they were prevented from doing this
by repulsive forces which increased with diminishing distances and ap
proached infinity when the two monads approached each other indefinitely.
Thus the monads are spaced; and as Kant makes particularly clear, the forces
radiating from the monads fill the void, with varying intensity or density.
According to Boscovich, the forces radiating from the monads change
with the distance, as follows. For very short distances, the force is highly
repulsive. With increasing distances the repulsion quickly decreases to zero;
then the force becomes attractive. This explains cohesion between particles
(or perhaps chemical forces between atoms, forming molecules). Then they
become again zero, then repulsive. Owing to the repulsive forces, the atoms
take up space. Thus matter is expanded, but it remains always compressible,
even though, owing to the repulsive forces, further compression may only be
possible if the compressive forces are very great.
This theory is in a sense purely speculative, or purely rational — the result
of rational, critical model building and of criticism of earlier models (like
those of Leibniz and of the earlier atomists). It is of course purely conjectur
al: it is a paradigm of conjectural explanation. It is interesting to note that,
2 Kant published his Monadologica Physica in 1756, two years before the first edition of
Boscovich’s great book Theoria Philosophiae Naturalis, Vienna, 1758. But Boscovich had earlier
published some of his main ideas in a dissertation, De Viribus Vivis, in 1745, and in De Lege
Virium in Natura existentium in 1755.
192 P5 Historical Comments on the Mind-Body Problem
apart from the assumption that the basic atoms are unextended points, the
theory of changing repulsive and attractive forces was anticipated by Newton
who wrote, in the Opticks (query 31) of attractive chemical forces: “And as in
Algebra where affirmative Quantities vanish and cease, there negative ones
begin; so in Mechanicks, where Attraction ceases, there a repulsive Virtue
ought to succeed.” This is, essentially, Boscovich’s theory. (Boscovich refers
to several passages of query 31.)
From our point of view it is interesting that Boscovich is, like Descartes
and Newton, a believer in essentialist or ultimate explanation; and he makes
explicit use of it in order to establish interaction of mind and body. Concern
ing his own physical theory, Boscovich’s position is almost the same as
Newton’s, although he is, clearly, less disturbed by the methodological prob
lem than is Newton.
Since Boscovich proposes a dynamic theory of matter, like that of Leib
niz, he has, as an interactionist, to make clear that his monads are not
Leibnizian spirits, and that his matter interacts with spirit or mind, and does
not run parallel in a pre-established harmony: “. . . this theory of mine”,
Boscovich writes ([1763], article 157), “can be conjoined in an excellent
manner with the immateriality of spirits. The theory ascribes to matter the
properties inertia, impenetrability, sensibility [this is a consequence of im
penetrability to touch] and incapacity for thinking; and to spirits it ascribes an
incapacity for affecting our senses by impenetrability, and the faculties of
thinking and willing. Indeed, I assume the incapacity for thinking and willing
in the very definition [the essentialist definition] of matter itself and of
corporeal substance . . . If this definition is accepted, it is clear that matter
cannot think. And this is a sort of metaphysical conclusion that follows with
absolute certainty from accepting the definition.” One sees the danger of
essentialist definitions even for a man as great as Boscovich. However, he is
right in defending himself against the suspicion that the acceptance of unex
tended dynamic intensities such as Leibniz’s monads commits him to accept
ing a Leibnizian attitude towards the mind-body problem.
hand, were consistent, and testable. They were tested by Heinrich Hertz.
Thus here was a most successful and important physical theory whose
mechanical substance and essence had evaporated. It was the end of
essentialism. Nobody could ask any longer what self-evident intuition lay
“behind” the equations: the equations simply stated the laws of electro
magnetic interaction, and thereby explained the phenomena in question:
just as Newton’s equations had stated the laws of mechanics, and thereby
explained the phenomena - as he had always insisted.
Thus with Newton, and now, plainly, with Maxwell, the idea that there
must be intuitively self-evident ultimate principles (such as, allegedly, those
of a clockwork mechanism) behind explanation, had been exploded.
Successive “self-evident” intuitions as to the “true nature” of matter had
been shattered. So it became possible to ask of any suggested explanation the
question “Can this be further explained?”, or, more simply, “Why?”. (Since
this is always possible, no ultimate explanation can be attained.) What there
was of value in essentialism - the desire to discover structures behind appear
ances, and the search for simple theories - was fully accommodated by the
method of conjectural explanation.
The success of Maxwell’s theory led for a time to a turning of the tables:
instead of a mechanical explanation of electromagnetism, an electromagnetic
theory of matter and of mechanics was for a time (especially after H.A.
Lorentz3) generally accepted. In fact, quantum mechanics started its career
as part of this electromagnetic theory of matter. But this theory also broke
down (with Yukawa’s theory of non-electrical nuclear forces).
In this way, modern physics became non-essentialistic and pluralistic.
Almost certainly, this pluralism is not the last word. There is the (general
ized) law of the conservation of energy and momentum; and this makes a
monistic simplification hopeful. Such a monistic simplification of the theories
of matter and the various kinds of forces would be a tremendous success, and
it is being tried. But I conjecture that the essentialist “what is” question will
in time disappear for ever.
For a long time, essentialism had been identified by all parties, including
its positivist opponents, with the view that the task of science (and of phi
losophy) was to reveal the ultimate hidden reality behind the appearances.
It has turned out that although there are such hidden realities, none of them
is ultimate; although some are on a deeper level than others.4
1 Descartes himself tried to explain memory and association physiologically (see section 41
above). Spinoza has no such theory. In his Ethics II, prop. 7, he establishes the parallelist
principle “The order and connection of the ideas is the same as the order and connection of the
[physical] things” and in II, prop. 18, he formulates the principle of association by the coinci
dence of events.
52. The Association of Ideas as an Ultimate Explanation 195
2 As I have mentioned in dialogue VIII, the adoption of causation by push in the physical
world, and causation by association in the mental world, reinforced the theory of psychophysical
196 P5 Historical Comments on the Mind-Body Problem
This X
table X X X X
This X X X
book X
Jack’s X
body X X X X
Jack’s X
pen X X X
Karl’s X X X
Tom’s X X X
body X
Tom’s X X X X
Jeremy’s X
body X X X
Freddy’s X X
body X
Freddy’s X
pencil X X
Now how does the mind-body problem appear in this view? As with
Spinozism, we have here a view which is fundamentally monistic: it knows
only one really fundamental kind of reality. But while in Spinoza’s theory this
fundamental reality is God, in neutral monism it is “the given”. Furthermore,
while Spinoza says that body and mind are two attributes of his fundamental
reality, in neutral monism body and mind are two constructs made from the
given. In Spinoza we have actual causation, causal interaction of bodies with
bodies and of mind with mind, but no interaction between mind and body. In
neutral monism we have physical theories, that is to say, theories which
explain how the physical constructs interact with other physical constructs;
and we have mental theories, that is to say, theories which explain how
mental constructs interact with other mental constructs. But the question of
an interaction between the mental constructs and the physical constructs
does not arise, because action and interaction are theoretical concepts, and
54. The Identity Theory After Leibniz: From Kant to Feigl 199
the two theories — the physical theory and the mental theory — are each
self-contained. No interaction between them arises unless we introduce a
new (unnecessary) theory. Such a theory would mean, from the neutral
monist point of view, that there would not be only the two theories but also
another one: a theory of a higher type, relating the two theories rather than
the elements, the given.
But in neutral monism there is no place for such an interactionist theory:
interaction can be, and therefore is to be, avoided. Thus the relation between
the mental and the physical becomes parallelistic. We can describe it as an
epistemological parallelism, as opposed to the metaphysical parallelism of
Spinoza or of Leibniz, in so far as the reality with which it starts is supposed to
be something which is epistemologically ultimate or “given”.
The view that physical objects are constructs was first proposed by
sensationalist or phenomenalist epistemology, which tried to reduce all our
empirical knowledge to sensations or “impressions” . From the point of view
of this epistemology, neutral monism is not merely a painless theory of the
mind-body relation but an ingenious as well as natural way of looking at it.
What speaks in favour of neutral monism? It is, I believe, true that nearly
all the things which a naive view would consider as simply existing are in a
sense theoretical interpretations or constructions. However, while neutral
monism might seem attractive, especially to a thoroughgoing empiricist, I do
not think that it is a satisfactory theory. Its allegedly neutral elements are only
called “neutral” : they are, unavoidably, mental; and so is, clearly, the proce
dure of the “construction” of physical objects. Thus “neutral” monism is so
only in name. In fact, it is a subjective idealism, very much in the Berkeleyan
In Leibniz’s theory the things in themselves are monads; and monads are
essentially, though not all to the same degree, minds or spirits. They are
thinking substances whose thought may be more or less clear and distinct,
more or less conscious. According to the degree of clarity and distinctness of
their state of consciousness, the substances are ordered in a hierarchy.
Organisms each have one ruling or dominant monad — their soul. Lower
things such as stones may not have even a dominant monad. This theory is
clearly a form of panpsychism, with all its difficulties. It is also a theory that
takes things in themselves to be of a mental or of a spiritual character (and
200 P5 Historical Comments on the Mind-Body Problem
vice versa). And it regards matter as the (well founded) outside appearance of
collections or accumulations of mind-like things in themselves. If we take
Leibniz’s view of the physical world as modified and clarified by Boscovich
and Kant (see section 51 above), together with Leibniz’s view that the
monads (the atoms) are mind-like, then we reach a position which is very
similar to, if not identical with, the modern form of the identity theory. This
theory can be found in many German philosophers, from Kant, Herbart and
Fechner to Moritz Schlick; and in the work of Bertrand Russell, Bernhard
Rensch and, I believe, Herbert Feigl. It has been discussed and criticized in
sections 22 and 23, above.
Regarded as a modification of Leibniz’s view, the identity theory is, in
brief, that the monads, the mind-like entities — or perhaps the experiences,
the sensations, the thoughts — are the things in themselves. We know either
our selves, or our experiences (“raw feels” as Feigl, following Tolman, calls
them) immediately “by acquaintance” . Seen from outside — or perhaps
taken as the basis of logical constructions — these experiences are the objects
of the theoretical physical world: the world of physical objects which we do
not know immediately or by acquaintance, but rather “by description”,
through our theoretical constructions. This world of physical particles,
atoms, and molecules is clearly our construction, our theoretical invention.
This also holds for organisms and their parts, such as the brain.
The identity theory as here sketched must, for obvious reasons, accept
and incorporate a physical theory — the physical theory of the day; for it is
this theory which constructs the physical world, according to the identity
theory. In this sense, the identity theory may be described as “physicalistic”.
However, it may be equally well, or even more properly, described as a form
of spiritualism or mentalism since it regards as real, or as things in themselves,
the mind and other mind-like entities.
The mature philosophy of Kant was strangely divided into two parts:
theoretical or speculative philosophy and practical or moral philosophy. The
first, theoretical philosophy, implied that we could say nothing about things
in themselves: we could neither assert nor deny their spiritual character. The
second, moral or practical philosophy, asserted that morality makes us be
lieve in God and in an immortal soul; and it makes us believe that souls are
things in themselves. (It leaves it open whether or not all things in themselves
are souls.) Thus although Kant’s epistemology is very different from Leib
niz’s, his physics as well as his (morally based) theory of the soul comes very
close to that of Leibniz — closer perhaps than he himself realized.
However this may be, several post-Kantian philosophers in Germany
54. The Identity Theory After Leibniz: From Kant to Feigl 201
gave up the Kantian thesis that knowledge (that is, theoretical knowledge) of
things in themselves was impossible; and most of them made the things in
themselves soul-like. They claimed, as against what Kant said, that we can
obtain some knowledge (knowledge by acquaintance) of a thing in itself —
that is, of our ego — by immediate self-experience (by way of “raw feels”).
The outcome of all this was, broadly speaking, two theories, a monistic
one that we could say goes back to Spinoza, and a pluralistic and individualis
tic one that we could say goes back to Leibniz. The first assumes that
individuality is a matter of appearance rather than of reality. Its main rep
resentative among the followers of Kant was Schopenhauer.1 The second
assumes that individuality is real, and that things in themselves are individu
als. It seems that this was Kant's own view. It was the view of Fechner, and
also of Lotze. It was essentially the view of Schlick, and of Russell. All these
were greatly influenced by Leibniz. (It is interesting that Schlick [1925],
p. 209; [1974], p. 227, draws attention to the influence of Leibniz on Rus
In our own time, the theory was renewed, and thoroughly and fairly
discussed, by Herbert Feigl, who had been a student and a close friend of
Schlick’s. Feigl brought the theory up to date, and combined it with a
physicalist position. He has done much in the way of supporting it by new
arguments. H e is aware of its similarities with the views of Leibniz and of
Kant, although he seems to think that these similarities are partly accidental
(a view in which I cannot follow him). This is connected with the fact that he
thinks of himself more as a materialist than a spiritualist.
Some detailed criticism of the identity theory as a physicalistic theory has
been given in section 23 above. My objection to it, as a mentalistic theory,
may be briefly summarized as follows. The theory does not agree with what
our present cosmology presents as a fact: a world in which there was, for eons,
no trace of life or mind, in which first life and later mind emerged, and even a
World 3 . 1 admit that all this can be explained away; but I feel that it has to be
taken as a starting point for the mind-body problem. I admit the intellectual
attractiveness of monism. I also admit that some form of monism may
become acceptable one day; but I do not think it probable that this situation
will arise.
1 Schopenhauer, in section 18 of volume 1 of The World as Will and Representation not only
proposed an identity theory (“The act of will and the action of the body. . . are one and the same
thing, though given [to us] in two totally different ways”), but he used the term “identity”: he
speaks of “the identity of body and will”.
different languages. And it shows that the use of different languages does not
establish that there may be no interaction or interconnection between the
entities treated by these different theories.
I will now discuss the third version of linguistic parallelism. Here the point
was that the two languages are supposed to be (more or less) untranslatable. I
have already indicated that I have certain criticisms of this thesis — particu
larly if the two languages refer to the same world or the same reality, and if
the speakers of the languages have certain aims or problems in common. But
let us put these reservations aside, and work with the assumption that the two
languages are not intertranslatable.
It is clear what this means for the mind-body problem. Statements in the
one language like “I feel cold” and in the other like “My brain is in a certain
state”, are not, it is assumed, inter-translatable. No dualist, I think, would
But it may be possible for us to establish connections between these two
different sorts of statements. We may discover, for example, that there is a
universal connection between a certain brain state — or certain sorts of brain
states — and certain sorts of pain. Nobody (except possibly a materialist)
would wish to suggest that- in so doing we have inter-translated the two
statements. What we have done, rather, is that we have produced a rudimen
tary theory about psycho-physical interaction. We have done exactly what
linguistic parallelism was trying to avoid.
To put this point another way, if two languages are not translatable, and
especially if we are told (as we are by linguistic parallelists) that they both
refer to the same reality, then it will clearly be interesting to ask what the
relations are — if any — between the “facts” of the different languages. This,
in turn, will lead us to try to develop a language in which we can talk about
facts of both kinds, and pose problems about their possible interrelations.
To repudiate all of this, and to insist on the maintenance of a parallelism,
appears to me as obscurantist. Consider an example. Take the case of
someone who is accidentally poisoned, as a result of eating two different
types of food that happen to contain preservatives which react together to
produce some toxic substance. If, say, the coroner wants to investigate the
case he will talk in terms both of chemical theory (a theory of World 1) and of
the human aspects of it (World 2) and the legal aspects of it (World 3), and
about their interrelations. The mixture of these languages, far from creating
some sort of confusion, will itself provide a statement about the event in
question. But even the purely chemical account could be given only if we
allow it to start from, and to be constantly guided by, the “human” and legal
aspects of the problem. For, from a strictly scientific point of view, there is
56. A Final Look at Materialism 205
nothing to tell the chemist which of all the many different chemical reactions
going on in the region of space and time in question are here relevant to the
problem — the fatal issue — and which are not.
1 See Haldane and Ross [1931], vol. ii, p. 85. (Descartes’s reply is on pp. 103 f.) It is
interesting that in the Port-Royal Logic (Pt iii, end of chapter xiii) Arnauld gives a syllogism (in
206 P5 Historical Comments on the Mind-Body Problem
could be more radical than Descartes, and say that man is a machine since he
is an animal.
One would not, however, expect anybody who believes in the superiority
of man over other animals to hold both that animals are more than machines
and that man is a machine. This, however, was the position taken up tenta
tively by Pierre Bayle, and after him by Julien Offray de la Mettrie, the
famous author of Man a Machine [1747]. It is less well known that La Mettrie
published, two years later, a book under the title Animals M ore than
Machines (Les animaux plus que machines).
It is thus necessary to look a little more closely at the materialism of this
most famous of materialists. It turns out that he certainly taught that the soul
depended on the body. But he did not deny consciousness (as Descartes had
denied it to animals); neither to animals nor to men. In fact he proposed
something like an empirical and naturalistic view, involving evolutionary
emergence. (His view may perhaps he described as bordering on
epiphenomenalism.) He allowed purposive activity to animals and men. His
main thesis was that the state of the soul depends upon that of the body.2
Although La Mettrie’s influence upon the development of a materialist
man-machine theory was certainly very great, he was not himself a radical
materialist, for he did not deny the existence of subjective experience. It is
interesting to note that many of those who call themselves materialists or
physicalists are not radical materialists — neither Haeckel nor Schlick nor
Anthony Quinton nor Herbert Feigl, nor, indeed, the “dialectical material
ists” . Nor are, I think, those who merely deny (as I am also inclined to do) the
existence of disembodied minds, nor those who emphasize that mind is the
product of the brain, or of evolution; nor those who suggest that matter, if
highly organized, can think. It is not that I regard all these views as acceptable
(as I have explained in chapter P3). Rather, I think that it is important to
remember that the proponents of such views, while sometimes calling them
selves materialists, accept the existence of consciousness, even though they
belittle its importance.
Whether the theories of Democritus and Epicurus are properly described
Celarent) establishing that the soul of an animal does not think. Thus he did not commit himself
to the soulless animal, but only to an unthinking animal soul, making perhaps allowance for
perception. (See Leonora C. Rosenfield [1941], p. 281.)
2 One can well interpret La Mettrie as an interactionist (in contradistinction, for example, to
Malebranche) and as a vitalist with respect to animal physiology (in contradistinction to
Descartes). La Mettrie himself refers to Claude Perrault and Thomas Willis as his predecessors.
(See the [1960] edition of L ’Homme Machine, p. 188.) But these two were animists, in different
56. A Final Look at Materialism 207
The main motives of all materialistic theories are intuitive. One such
intuitive motive I have briefly mentioned and criticized in section 7. It is the
reductionist belief that there can be no “downward causation” . The other is
the intuition of the causal closedness of the physical World 1 — an intuitively
most compelling view which, I suggest, is clearly refuted by the technical,
scientific, and artistic achievements of mankind; in other words, by the
existence of World 3. Even those who think that mind is “just” the causal
product of self-organizing matter should feel that it is difficult to regard the
Ninth Symphony in this way, or Othello, or the theory of gravitation.
I have said nothing so far about a question which has been debated quite a
lot: whether we shall one day build a machine that can think. It has been
much discussed under the title “Can Computers Think?” . I would say with
out hesitation that they can not, in spite of my unbounded respect for A. M.
Turing who thought the opposite. We may perhaps be able to teach a
chimpanzee to speak — in a very rudimentary way; and if mankind survives
long enough we may even speed up natural selection and breed by artificial
selection some species which may compete with us. We also may perhaps be
able in time to create an artificial micro-organism capable of reproducing
itself in a well-prepared environment of enzymes. So much that is incredible
has happened that it would be rash to assert this to be impossible. But I
208 P5 Historical Comments on the Mind-Body Problem
predict that we shall not be able to build electronic computers with conscious
subjective experience.
A s I wrote many years ago [1950 (b) & (c)] at the very beginning of the
debate about computers, a computer is just a glorified pencil. Einstein once
said “my pencil is cleverer than I” . What he meant could perhaps be put thus:
armed with a pencil, we can be more than twice as clever as we are without.
Armed with a computer (a typical World 3 object3), we can perhaps be more
than a hundred times as clever as we are without; and with improving
computers there need not be an upper limit to this.
Turing [1950] said something like this: specify the way in which you
believe that a man is superior to a computer and I shall build a computer
which refutes your belief. Turing’s challenge should not be taken up; for any
sufficiently precise specification could be used in principle to programme a
computer. Also, the challenge was about behaviour — admittedly including
verbal behaviour — rather than about subjective experience. (For example,
it would be easy to programme a computer in such a way that it responds with
any desired statement to the stimulus of my figures 1, 2 and 3 in section 18
which show optical illusions.)
I do not really believe that we shall succeed in creating life artificially; but
after having reached the moon and landed a spaceship or two on Mars, I
realize that this disbelief of mine means very little. But computers are totally
different from brains, whose function is not primarily to compute but to guide
and balance an organism and help it to stay alive. It is for this reason that the
first step of nature towards an intelligent mind was the creation of life, and I
think that should we artificially create an intelligent mind, we would have to
follow the same path.
3 The “reason” that the programmer and the artificial intelligence worker discern in the
computer was put there by us; that the computer can do more than we can is due to the fact that
we put into the computer powerful operating principles; in fact, autonomous World 3 principles.
(See section 21 above and also my [1953(a)].)
Chapter P6 Summary
B ohm D. [1957] Causality and Chance in Modern Physics, Routledge & Ke
gan Paul, London.
B o h r N., K r a m e r s H. A. [1924] “The quantum theory of radiation”, Philosophical Magazi
& S l a t e r J.C. ne, 47, pp. 785 —802.
B o s c o v ic h R. [1745] De Viribus Vivis.
[1755] De Lege Virium in Natura existentium.
[1758] Theoriaphilosophiae naturalis, first edition, Vienna.
[1763] Theoriaphilosophiaenaturalis, revised edition, Venice.
B r a d l e y F. H . [1883] The Principles o f Logic, Kegan Paul, London.
B u h l e r C. [1927] “Die ersten sozialen Verhaltungsweisen des Kindes”, in
B u h l e r , H e t z e r & T u d o r - H a r t [ 1927].
B u h l e r C., H e t z e r H . & [1927] Soziologische und psychologische Studien iiberdas erste Le-
T u d o r- H a r tB .H . bensjahr, Quellen und Studien zurJugendkunde, 5, G. Fi
scher, Jena.
B u h l e r K. [1918] “Kritische Musterung der neureren Theorien des Satzes”,
Indogermanisches Jahrbuch, 6, pp. 1 —20.
[1934] Sprachtheorie: die Darstellungsfunktion der Sprache, Gustav
Fischer, Jena.
B u n g e M. (e d .) [1967] Quantum Theory and Reality, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Hei
delberg, New York.
C a m p b e ll D.T. [1974] ‘“Downward Causation’ in Hierarchically Organized Biolo
gical Systems”, in A y a l a & D o b z h a n s k y (eds) [1974], pp.
1 7 9 -8 6 .
C a m p b e ll K. [1967] “Materialism” in E d w a r d s (ed.) [1967(b)], volume 5, pp.
1 7 9 -8 8 .
C h o m sk y N. [1969] “Some Empirical Assumptions in Modern Philosophy of
Language”, in M o r g e n b e s s e r & others (eds) [1969], pp.
2 6 0 -8 5 .
C l i f f o r d W. C. [1873] “On the hypotheses which lie at the bases of geometry”,
Nature, 8, Nos. 183—4 ,pp. 14 —17and36—7. (Alsoin
C l i f f o r d [1882].)
[1879] Lectures and Essays, ed. L. Stephen & F. Pollock, Mac
millan, London, two volumes.
[1882] Mathematical Papers, ed. R. Tucker, Macmillan, London.
[1886] Lectures and Addresses, 2nd edition, Macmillan, London.
C o m p to n A. H. [1935] The Freedom o f Man, Yale University Press, New Haven.
[1940] The Human Meaning o f Science, The University of North
Carolina Press, Chapel Hill.
C o m te A. [1830-42] Cours de philosophic positive, six volumes, Paris.
C r a ik K.J.W. [1943] The Nature o f Explanation, Cambridge University Press,
C u r t i s s S. & others [1974] “The linguistic development of Genie”, Language, 50, pp.
5 2 8 -5 4 .
D a rw in C . [ 1859] The Origin o f Species, J. Murray, London
Bibliography to Part I 213
L e t tv in J. Y. & others [1959] “What the frog’s eye tells the frog’s brain”, Proceedings of
the Institute o f Radio Engineers 47, pp. 1940ff.
218 Bibliography to Part I
The Republic.
POLANYI M . [ 1966] The Tacit Dimension, Doubleday, New York.
[ 1967] The Tacit Dimension, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London.
POLTEN E . P. [1973] Critique o f the Psycho-Physical Identity Theory (Preface by
Sir John Eccles), Mouton, The Hague & Paris.
P opper K. R . [ 1934(b)]* Logik der Forschung, Julius Springer, Vienna.
[1940(a)] “What is dialectic”, Mind, 49, pp. 403 —26. (Also in
[1944(b) ] “The Poverty of Historicism, II”, Economica, 11, pp.
119-37. (Also in [1957(g)], [1979(z*)].)
[1945(b) & (c)] The Open Society and Its Enemies, Routledge & Kegan Paul,
London. (Also in [1979(z6) ].)
[1950(b) & (c)] “Indeterminism in quantum physics and in classical
physics”, Parts I and II, British Journalfor the Philosophy of
Science, 1, pp. 117 —33 and 173—95.
[1953(a)] “Language and the Body-Mind Problem”, Proceedings o f
the Xlth International Congress o f Philosophy, 7, North-
Holland, Amsterdam, pp. 101 —107. (Also in [1963(a)].)
[1957(a)] “Philosophy of Science: A Personal Report”, in M a c e (ed.)
^1957], pp. 155-91. (Also in [1963(a)], [1981(z24)].)
[1957(e)] “The Propensity Interpretation of the Calculus of Probabili
ty and of the Quantum Theory”, in K o r n e r & P ry c e (eds)
[1957], pp. 6 5 - 7 0 and 8 8 - 9 .
[1957(g) ] The Poverty o f Historicism, Routledge & Kegan Paul,
London. (Also in [1979(z6)].)
[1957(i) ] “The aim of science”, Ratio (Oxford). 1 , pp. 24-35. (Also
in [1972(a)] and [1981(z13)].)
[1959(a) ] The Logic o f Scientific Discovery, Hutchinson, London.
(Also in [1980(a)].)
[ 1963(a)] Conjectures and Refutations, Routledge & Kegan Paul,
[ 1966(a) ] The Open Society and Its Enemies, fifth edition, Routledge
& Kegan Paul, London. (Also in [1980(y) ].)
[I967(k)] “Quantum Mechanics Without ‘The Observer’ ”, in B u n g e
(ed.) [1967], pp. 7-44. (Also in [1982(b) and (d)].)
[ 1972(a) ] Objective Knowledge: An Evolutionary Approach, Claren
don Press, Oxford. (Also in [1981(z13)].)
[ 1973(a)] “Indeterminism is Not Enough”, Encounter, 40, No. 4, pp.
20 - 6 .
[1974(b) ] “Autobiography of Karl Popper”, in S c h ilp p (ed.) [1974],
pp. 3-181. (Also in [1976(g)], [1982(g), (k)].)
Far too little consideration to the neuronal machinery involved in the var
ious manifestations of the self-conscious mind has been given in the past.
Philosophers presenting physicalist theories of the brain - mind problem,
such as the identity theory (Feigl [1967]) or the central-state theory (Arm
strong [1968]) should build their philosophies upon the best available scien
tific understanding of the brain. Unfortunately, they are content with crude
and antiquated information that often misleads them into espousing errone
ous ideas. There is a general tendency to overplay the scientific knowledge
of the brain, which, regretfully, also is done by many brain scientists and
scientific writers. For example, we are told that the brain “sees” lines,
angles, edges, and simple geometrical forms and that therefore we will soon
be able to explain how a whole picture is “seen” as a composite of this
elemental “seeing” . But this statement is misleading. All that is known to
happen in the brain is that neurones of the visual cortex are caused to fire
trains of impulses in response to some specific visual input (see Fig. E 2 -6 ).
Neurones responding to various complications of this specific visual input
are identified, but there is no scientific evidence concerning how these
feature-detection neurones can be subjected to the immense synthetic
mechanism that leads to a brain process that is “identical” with the perceiv
ed picture.
226 Preface
1. Resume
The Introduction gives a brief description of the human cerebral cortex, both
in its macroscopic (Fig. E 1 — 1) and microscopic features. There is a descrip
tion of the fundamental units of the nervous system, the neurones or nerve
cells, and of their connectivities by means of very intimate contacts called
synapses (Fig. E 1 —2). Activation of one type of these synapses excites the
neurone and causes it in turn to discharge impulses, which are brief electrical
messages travelling along its axon. Activation of the other set of synapses
inhibits the neurone and tends to prevent the discharge of impulses. Each
neurone has hundreds, or even thousands, of synapses on its surface and
discharges impulses only when synaptic excitation is much stronger than
inhibition. Impulses are almost the only means of fast transmission in the
central nervous system.
The detailed micro-structure of the six layers of the cerebral cortex
(Fig. E 1 —3) allows it to be divided into over 40 discrete areas, the Brod-
mann areas (Fig. E 1 —4). This subdivision will be utilized throughout the
book because it is now recognized that the Brodmann subdivision coresponds
quite well with the different functional performances of the areas of the
cerebral cortex.
An important further subdivision of the cerebral cortex derives from its
organization in columns or modules which are vertical to the surface and
approximately 3 mm long and 0.1 to 0.5 mm across. These columnar ar
rangements were originally revealed by the finding that in the primary
sensory areas of the cortex, the neurones with approximately the same
performance were assembled in vertical colums. Because the columns are
now recognized as forming separate functional and anatomical entities, there
is a comprehensive description of the recent work of neuroanatomists in
defining the neuronal composition of a column along with the conjectured
228 E l The Cerebral Cortex
2. Anatomical Introduction
The principal anatomical features of the human brain are the two cerebral
hemispheres that are approximately symmetrical and that are linked together
by a great commissural structure, the corpus callosum. The hemispheres are
intimately connected by enormous tracts of nerve fibres to the next lower
levels of the brain, the immense neuronal complexes of the thalamus and
basal ganglia (diencephalon).Great ascending and descending pathways,
composed of millions of nerve fibres, link the cerebral hemispheres and the
thalamus to still lower levels, the mesencephalon, pons, cerebellum, medulla
and spinal cord. A detailed description of these pathways would be out of
place here, but there will be reference to some of them in the appropriate
chapters on perception and control of movement, chapters E 2 and E 3
(P recentral g.) ■
(Postcentral g.)
s h o u 'S e fi v \ A U D IT O R Y
r/ / a rm #;■ PARIETAL
r6reorm^..:; T R A N S M IT T IN G
FR ONTAL fin g e rs )
th u m h jP
fo c e i
A R EA I (B roco) > kfW e rniclce)
f.C a lc o r.
Fig. E l — 1. T he m otor and sensory transm itting areas of the cerebral cortex. T he approxim ate
m ap of the m otor transm itting areas is shown in the precentral gyrus, while the som atic sensory
receiving areas (cf. Fig. E 2 —1) are in a similar m ap in the postcentral gyrus. O ther primary
sensory areas shown are the visual and auditory, but they are largely in areas screened from this
lateral view. T he frontal, parietal, occipital and tem poral lobes are indicated. Also shown are the
speech areas of B roca and W ernicke.
230 E l The Cerebral Cortex
The cerebral hemispheres are the most recently evolved part of the
forebrain, hence the designation of the great covering cortex as the
neocortex. As indicated in Fig. E 1 —1 the neocortex of each hemisphere is
rather arbitrarily subdivided into four lobes, frontal, parietal, temporal,
occipital. Originally the older parts of the forebrain, the archicortex and
paleocortex, were specifically related to the sense of smell. These older
cortices have unique structural features and connections as described below,
and there will be later reference to their special functions, for example there
is the mnemonic role of the hippocampus (chapter E 8 ) that forms the
principal part of the archicortex and there is the role of other structures of the
limbic system that are related to mood and emotion (chapters E 2 and E 6).
For the present, attention will be concentrated on the structure of the
neocortex. The cerebral hemispheres are composed of the convoluted
sheet of the cerebral cortex that covers the whole folded surface, so having
the large total area of about 1200 cm2 for each hemisphere. The neocortex is
about 3 mm in thickness and is a massive assemblage of neurones, about
10,000 million.
The neurones of the cerebral cortex are so densely packed that the
individual neurone can be recognized in histological sections only when it is
picked out by the extraordinarily fortunate staining procedure discovered by
Golgi. For example in Figure E 1 —2 A only about 1% of the neurones were
stained, and several individuals can be recognized with the branching
tree-like dendrites and the thin axon (nerve fibre) projecting downwards
from the centre of the soma or body. In B there is shown one such neurone
with short spines (s) on the dendrites, but not on the soma (p) or the axon
(ax). The dendrites are truncated and are seen to be of two varieties, those
arising from the apical dendrite (b) of the pyramidal cell, and those directly
arising from the soma (p).
At the end of the nineteenth century it was first proposed by Ramon y
Cajal, the great Spanish neuroanatomist, that the nervous system is made up
of neurones which are isolated cells, not joined together in some syncytium,
but each one independently living its own biological life. This concept is
called the neurone theory. How then does a neurone receive information
from other nerve cells? This happens by means of the fine branches of the
axons of the other neurones that make contact with its surface and end in
little knobs scattered all over its soma and dendrites, as indicated in Figure
E l —2C. It was Sherrington’s concept also at the end of the nineteenth
century that these contact areas are specialized sites of communication,
which he labelled synapses from the Greek word synapto which means to
clasp tightly (Eccles [1964] chapter 1).
2. A natom ical Introduction 231
A B s
D Dendrite
M itochondrion
C om p lex
ap p aratu s
Dendrite Tubule
Fig. E l —2. N eurones and synapses. A. Pyram idal and stellate cells seen in a Golgi-stained
section of the cat visual cortex. B is a Golgi preparation of a neurone from cat cerebral cortex
with spines (s) shown on apical and basal dendrites, but not on the soma (p), axon (ax) or
dendritic stum ps (b). C shows T ype 1 (excitatory) and Type 2 (inhibitory) synapse on a dendrite
with the characteristic features displayed diagramm atically. T he excitatory synapse has a wider
synaptic cleft with a large zone of dense staining. T he synaptic vesicles are spherical for the
excitatory and elongated for the inhibitory synapse. Special fixation procedures are required for
this differentiation. In D there is a dendritic spine of a neocortical pyram idal cell with its spine
apparatus and an associated Type 1 synapse (W hittaker and G ray, 1962).
The twentieth century dawned with these new theories being very much
disputed — even for the first two or three decades. But in the last few decades
the neuronal theory of Ramon y Cajal and the synaptic theory of Sherrington
have been corroborated and further defined by new powerful methods of
investigation. These two theories form the secure basis for all our further
conceptual developments. Electronmicroscopy has revealed that the
neurone is completely separated from other neurones by its enveloping
232 E l The Cerebral Cortex
I 1a
IV 4
Via 6a2
6b 2
Fig. F I —3. D iagram of the structure of the cerebral cortex. To the left, from a Golgi prep ara
tion; centre, from a Nissl preparation; to the right, from a myelin sheath preparation. I: lamina
zonalis; //. lam ina granularis externa; ///.- lam ina pyramidalis; IV :lam inagranularis interna; V:
lam ina ganglionaris; VI: lam ina multiformis. A fter Brodm ann and O. Vogt (Brodal, 1969).
differences which allow subdivision of the hum an cerebral hem isphere into
over 40 discrete areas, the so-called B rodm ann areas which are depicted in
Figure E 1 —4 A and B for the lateral and m edial aspects respectively.
B rodm ann based his structural analysis on the features shown in the centre
and right strips of Figure E 1 —3. T here are many subdivisions of the six
lam inae and they vary greatly in the different Brodm ann areas. This subdivi
sion into B rodm ann areas has a functional counterpart, many of the areas
234 E l T h e C e re b ra l C o rtex
6 3 1
10 40;
45 44! 431
41 ]
'47. ' 22 *
38 18
37 19
4 1
3 2
9 31
24 231.;
133 .18
10 29
25 18
.36 19
Fig. E l —4. B ro d m a n n 's cy to a rch ite ctu ra l m ap o f the hum an brain. T h e various a re as are
la b elled with d iffere n t sym bols and th eir n um bers ind icated by figures. U p p e r draw ing is lateral
vieiv o f left h em isp h ere, and low er is m edial view o f right hem isp here (B ro d a l, 1 9 6 9 ).
3. Columnar Arrangement and Modular Concept 235
Si lbi
A |S*
Fig. E l —5. S em id iag ra m m a tic d raw in g o f som e cell types of th e ce re b ra l co rtex w ith in te rc o n
n ectio n s as discu ssed in th e text. T w o pyram id al cells are se en cen trally in lam inae III a n d V. T h e
specific a ffe re n t fibre (Spec, a ff.) is seen to excite a ste llate in te rn e u ro n e S , (cro ssh atc h ed )
w hose ax o n esta b lish e s c a rtrid g e -ty p e synapses on the apical d e n d rite s. T h e specific affe ren t
fib re also ex cites a b a sk e t-ty p e ste lla te in te rn e u ro n e , 5 „ th at gives in h ib itio n to pyram id al cells
in a d ja c e n t co lu m n s, as in d icated by shading. A n o th e r in te rn e u ro n e ( S J is show n in lam in a VI
w ith ascen d in g axon (a M a rtin o tti cell), an d .9, is an in te rn e u ro n e also p ro b a b ly c o n c e rn e d in
v ertical sp re a d o f ex citatio n th ro u g h th e w hole d e p th o f the co rtex . S p are ste lla te py ram id al cells
an d S , are th e sh o rt-a x o n in h ib ito ry cells in lam in a II. T h e affe re n ts fo rm ed by association an d
callosal fib res (A sso c, call, a ff.) are show n ascen d in g to b ran ch in lam ina I. F u rth e r descrip tio n
in text (S /.en tag o th ai, 1964).
(1) a fairly uniform principle of lamination, (2) a relatively uniform main cell type:
the pyramids, (3) certain characteristic types of intemeurons or Golgi 2nd type cells,
(4) an essential similarity in the organization of input channels: association afferents,
commissural afferents, specific and non (or less) specific subcortical afferents, and
(5) an essential similarity in the organization of the output lines, mainly the axons of
pyramid neurons. This gives us the confidence that in spite of obvious differences in
detailed structure and even more in connexions with other regions of the CNS,
certain “units” of neocortical tissue might be built on the basis of the same funda
mental principle, /. e., they might be essentially similar as devices for processing
neural information.
Some basic patterns of operations within and around the module are shown
diagrammatically in Figures E l —5 and 6. These figures give greatly sim
plified pictures of the neuronal composition of a module and its surround.
According to Szentagothai there is a major functional difference between the
neuronal connectivities in laminae III, IV and V on the one hand and those in
laminae I and II on the other.
Figure E 1 —5 shows that, in laminae III, IV and V, the afferent fibres
from the thalamic complex {spec. aff.) form synaptic endings on the dendritic
spines of excitatory intemeurones (S1( S4) (Lund [1973] and on the dendrites
of inhibitory intemeurones (S3) (Marin-Padilla [1970]). Also the association
and commissural fibres (Assoc, call, aff.) give branches to cells in the deeper
laminae on their way to their principal terminations in laminae I and II
(Heimer & others, 1967). Some of the excitatory neurones (St) of lamina IV
and the cellule a double bouquet (S5) are powerfully excitatory to the apical
dendrites of pyramidal cells by the so-called cartridge type o f synapse in which
the axon of this Golgi type II cell runs along the dendrites forming hundreds
of synapses in a manner comparable to the climbing fibre synapses on
Purkyne cells of the cerebellum. Some other intemeurones widely distribute
their excitatory synapses, both vertically and transversely. Others again (S4
of Fig. E l —5) are more localized. These last two types give very few
synapses to any particular intemeurone or pyramidal cell. The convergent
action of many is required for an effective excitation. The overall result of the
sequences of synaptic excitation by all of these excitatory cells is a powerful
excitation of pyramidal cells within the column that is illustrated to the right
in Figure E 1—6. There is a kind of amplification process. On the other hand
the inhibitory neurones (S3in Figs. E 1—5 and E 1 —6) of laminae III and IV
of the module are excited by specific afferents either directly or indirectly by
mediation of the excitatory interneurones, and exert their inhibitory influ
ence on pyramidal cells in vertical slabs shown in Figure E 1—6 (Marin-
Padilla [1969], [1970]) immediately adjacent to the excited columnar mod
ule, i. e. on the somata of pyramidal cells of laminae III, IV and V of adjacent
modules (cp. Figs. E 1 —5 and E 1—6). There is convergence of many in
238 E l The Cerebral Cortex
hibitory cells onto any one pyramidal cell soma, on which there are 50 to 100
inhibitory synapses forming a dense meshwork or basket, hence the name
basket cell for the inhibitory neurones (Colonnier and Rossignol [1969].
In contrast to the powerful localized action of specific afferent fibres
{Spec. aff in Figs. E 1 —5 and 6) in laminae III, IV and V, there is in laminae
I and II the less concentrated action of the other main input lines to the
module, the association fibres from other regions of the cortex and commis
sural fibres of the corpus callosum (cp. Assoc, call. aff. in Fig. E 1 —5). These
fibres, as well as the ascending axons of the Martinotti type cells of laminae V
and VI (S6 in Figs. E 1 —5 and E 1 —6), branch to form in laminae I and II
tangentially running axons which have a spread of up to 5 mm in length
(F ig .E 8 —8; Szentagothai [1972]). These axons form crossing-over
synapses (at about 45° angle) with ascending dendrites of pyramidal cells of
the deeper laminae (cp. Figs. E l —5, 6 ; E 8 —8) and also of the star-pyramid
cells (Sp) of laminae II. It is assumed that any one afferent fibre exerts such a
limited and remote synaptic excitation by these crossing-over synapses that
the summation of very many callosal or association fibre inputs is required for
effective action. Thus laminae I and II are zones of diffuse mild excitatory
action on pyramidal cells. Also in lamina II there are small inhibitory basket
cells (S2) with a much more limited axonal distribution to the star-pyramidal
cells than occurs for the basket cells of the deeper laminae. This finer pattern
of inhibitory action suggests that the excitatory synaptic action on star-
pyramidal cells is cut to a finer grain than occurs with the large pyramidal cells
in laminae III and V. However in parenthesis it should be added that there is
now evidence for small inhibitory basket cells in the deeper laminae, giving
there also a fine grain of inhibitory action. The more diffuse milder excitation
of laminae I and II leads to the conjecture that in these superficial laminae
there is a mild excitation and a fine grain inhibitory modulation of the
star-pyramidal cells (Figs. E 1 —5 and 6, Sp). However, Szentagothai [1972]
states that much more systematic study is needed in order to discover if the
association and callosal afferents also establish a high level of synaptic
connectivity with cells in the deeper laminae (as is indicated in Fig. E 1 —5),
which presumably would be much more limited in tangential spread than in
the superficial layers.
A recently discovered neurone is shown in Figure E 1 —6 deep in lamina
II (S7). This so-called chandelier cell gives many inhibitory type synapses on
the apical dendrites of pyramidal cells. It is conjectured by Szentagothai
[1974] that this neurone inhibits specifically the excitatory synapses on the
more superficial zones of these apical dendrites.
These considerations reveal that in the first place the functional integrity
3. Columnar Arrangement and Modular Concept 239
Fig. E l —6. Three-dimensional construct showing cortical neurones with various cell types with
the same identification symbols as in Fig. E l —5. To the right is a column with one pyramidal cell
and several varieties of stellate cell. The two inhibitory cells, S3, are shown projecting to
pyramidal cells shown in shadowy form in adjacent columns. To the left there is shown the
approximate organization of neurones and synapses in laminae I and II. Further discussion in
text (Szentagothai, 1975).
240 E l The Cerebral Cortex
4. Modular Interaction
In summary it can be stated that the important discovery for our purpose is
that there are more or less well-defined groups of cells, perhaps up to 10,000,
which are locked together by mutual connectivities, and which have as a
consequence some unitary existence, building up power within themselves
and inhibiting the cells of columns nearby. This is the modular concept. Now,
further, the important functional property for our point of view is that there
appear to be two levels of performance. There are the powerful synaptic
connectivities in laminae III, IV and V, where the somata and dendrites of
the large pyramidal cells are located and where the specific afferent fibres
exert their main synaptic influence, partly directly, but mostly via inter
neurones. It may be conjectured that, for interaction with the self-conscious
mind, special significance attaches to the laminae I and II, where there are
synaptic connectivities with a finer grain and much less effectiveness (Szen
tagothai [1974]). At this level we have surmised that there are synaptic
connectivities that are less demanding. We could surmise that they were just
modulating the excitation of pyramidal cells in a subtle and slowly varying
4. Modular Interaction 243
module at this gentle level and this module in turn is working back on them
also at this same level (cp. chapter E 7).
}7 8A^ 46
P S trl 25
STS 35. TG
20 kAm
V IS U A L 20 TG
21 21
/ K z.
'88 •88
S IP ,
97 35* kTG
10' STS
22 TG 22
Fig. E l — 7. A schem atic diagram sum m arizing the outw ard progression of connexions from the
prim ary som atic (A —D ), visual (E —H ) and auditory (I —L) areas of the cortex. Each new local
step is shown in black and the further connexions of the new areas by light stippling or hatching.
Notice that all sensory pathw ays converge in the depths of the superior tem poral sulcus (STS).
D , H and L are the m edial aspects of the hem ispheres shown in C, G and K respectively (Jones
and Powell, 1970).
areas may be contiguous at the principal sulcus and not overlapping, so STS is
the principal convergent area.
The cascade of connectivities is also seen in Figure E 1 —7 1—L from the
primary auditory area (Heschl’s gyrus, A in I) to STP (the superior temporal
plane) to area 22, and again to STS. The further tertiary projections are again
to the paralimbic areas 25 and 35.
The killing of other cortical areas in the projections adds to the complex
ities of the connectivities, but the diagrams of Figure E 1 —8 A and B or
ganize these cascades of connectivities in a way that allows certain principles
to emerge. The main cascade is shown at four levels, being partly derived
from Figure E 1 —7 A —D. The primary somaesthetic area has outputs to
only three areas, there being return circuits only from the motor area, 4. Next
in order is the powerful projection from 5 to 7, and also from 5 to 6 and SM.
Areas 4, 6 and 5 have powerful reciprocal connectivities, which can be
attributed to the very effective use of the somaesthetic input for guiding
3,1,2 Primary 18
4 SM 5 Secondary 8A 20
6 7 Tertiary PrCo 21
Fig. E l —8. D iagram m atic representation of cascade of connectivities for the som aesthetic (A )
and visual (B) systems in the cerebrum . T he num bers refer to the B rodm ann areas; the other
areas are shown in Fig. E 1 - 7 with the exception of O Fwhich is the orbital surface of the frontal
6. Connectivities of the Limbic System 247
pyramidal cell discharges from the motor area, 4, and down the pyramidal
tract to give motor action, as will be described in chapter E 3. The connection
of area 5 to 7 is not reciprocal, but at the quaternary level there is reciprocity
for areas 46 and 7. At the further stages there is projection to the important
polymodal area STS. Also there are several projections to the limbic system
either directly from 7 or via 46 or possibly STS.
In Figure E 1—8 B for visual pathways, areas 17, 18, 19 project at the
secondary level to areas 20 and 8 A (the prefrontal eye field) with no return
circuits. In the tertiary level there are reciprocal connectivities to area PrCo
(the precentral agranular field), but only forward projections to 8 A and 21.
Finally the principal tertiary area, 21, is reciprocal to 46, but unidirectional to
STS and to the limbic system. A special feature of the visual system is a direct
path from the secondary area 20 to the limbic system. There are several
features common to A and B: the unidirectional paths out from the primary
area; the unidirectional path from secondary to tertiary in the main sequence,
5 to 7 in A and 20 to 21 in B; the reciprocal connectivities from the two
tertiary areas 7 and 21 to 46; the output from these same tertiary areas to
STS; the outputs from the main tertiary areas 7 and 21 to the limbic system.
In each system there are several other less direct paths to the limbic system.
In both A and B the onward progressions of the secondary and tertiary
projections are to both the frontal and the parieto-temporal lobes with cross
linkages. The auditory projection system displays similar features but has
been less studied (cp. Fig. E 1—7 1—L).
The connectivities displayed in Figures E 1—7 and 8 will be of particular
interest when we come to study the cortical mechanisms involved in con
scious perception in chapter E 2 and the effects of circumscribed cerebral
lesions in chapter E6. It is important to realize that each of the lines of
communication in Figure E l —8 represents an association pathway with
enormous numbers of nerve fibres, hundreds of thousands at least, and that
at each relay station there are the immense integrational systems of the
modules. As shown in Figure E 1—5, and as repeatedly emphasized above,
the input from the' association fibres is largely to laminae I and II, i. e. to the
operational area of the modules that is weaker and more diffuse and of finer
There is a part of the brain developed from the old olfactory (smell) brain
that has unique functions, being specially concerned in emotional experience
248 E l The Cerebral Cortex
OLB -pc' E .C ■H.G
Fig. E l —9. Schematic drawing to show connectivities from the neocortex to and from the
m edio-dorsal thalam us (M D ). O F is orbital surface of prefrontal cortex; TG, the tem poral pole;
H G , the gyrus hippocam pi; HI, the hippocam pus; .5, septum ; F, fornix; CC, corpus callosum;
O L B , olfactory bulb; L O T , lateral olfactory tract; PC, piriform cortex; EC, entorhinal cortex;
A , am ygdala; H Y, hypothalam us; CG, cingulate gyrus.
septal (S) and raphae nuclei (not shown), the hypothalamus (HY) and the
connectivities, particularly by the whole fornix (F) system (not shown).
Figure E 1—9 shows pathways from areas of the temporal lobe, TG and
20 (Fig. E 1—7) to the entorhinal cortex (EC) and the hippocampal gyrus
(HG) and thence to the hippocampus (HI), which is the principal component
of the human limbic system. It also shows two pathways from the prefrontal
lobe to the limbic system, one from the convexity (area 46 in Fig. E 1—7) via
a circuitous route with many branches in the cingulate gyrus (CG) to the
hippocampal gyrus (HG), the other more direct from the orbital surface of
the prefrontal lobe (OF, cp. Fig. E 1—8) to the hypothalamus (HY) and the
entorhinal cortex (EC). Further connectivities are indicated in Figure
E 1—9. Of particular interest are the pathways from PC to A and to EC,
whereby olfactory information gets to the hypothalamus, the hippocampus,
the septal nuclei and thence to the medio-dorsal (MD) thalamus on the way
to the prefrontal cortex. The various hypothalamic nuclei (HY) concerned in
sensing hunger, thirst, sex, pleasure, appear to project to the MD thalamus
largely by the septal nuclei, but direct connections from the amygdala to the
prefrontal cortex have now been demonstrated. The role of this flow of
information in modifying and developing conscious perceptions will be consi
dered in chapter E 2.
In Figure E 1—9 the central role of the MD thalamus is evident (cp. Nau-
ta [1971]). The principal path from the limbic system to the neocortex is from
the MD thalamus to the orbital surface of the prefrontal cortex (OF). The
significance of this unique pathway cannot be overestimated. It is important
to recognize that the olfactory system projects directly to the limbic system
via the piriform cortex (PC) and the amygdala (A) without having to
negotiate complex neocortical pathways, as do the somaesthetic, visual and
auditory systems (cp. Figs. E 1—7 and E 1—8).
A final statement about the limbic system is that it is a system of sequen
tial neuronal networks with a complexity far beyond the greatly simplified
diagram of Figure E 1—9, where, for example, the whole fornix system is
neglected. Nevertheless, Figure 1—9 will serve in chapter E 2 as a basis for
discussion of the manner in which conscious experiences are elaborated with
their emotional overtones.
Chapter E 2 Conscious Perception
7. Resume
There is a brief discussion of the visual pathway from the retina to the
primary visual area of the cerebral cortex. It is shown in Figure E 2—4 how
the left and right visual fields of both eyes are channelled by the visual
pathways so that there is crossing of the left field to the right visual cortex and
vice versa for the right visual field. In the primary visual area the visual field is
organized as a map (Fig. E2 —5). In this map the very fine details are
arranged in the cortical columns by two criteria: eye dominance and the
spatial orientation of the triggering lines or edges or contours in the visual
field (Figs. E 2—6,7). Further processing in the visual cortex results in some
partial reconstitution of the elements of the visual image. In the retina this
visual image is of course converted simply into a mosaic of a million or so
elements that project to the visual cortex in the coded manner of impulse
discharges in the optic nerve fibres. There are various stages by which this
punctate mosaic in the retina is eventually reconstituted in coded form by
individual neurones in the tertiary and quaternary sensory areas (Figs.
E l —7 E —H, 8B) that have feature recognition for simple geometrical
forms. There is, however, no clue from this work as to how the whole visual
picture is reconstituted in the conscious experience. Such recognition fea
tures as squares, triangles, rectangles, stars, for example, are very remote
indeed from the reconstitution of the full picture.
Wonderful as it is, this animal experimentation still gives no clue as to
how a whole visual picture can be reconstituted by the neuronal machinery of
the brain. In discussing this enigma of visual perception, there is reference to
chapter E 7 where a radical new hypothesis will be presented.
There is a brief account of auditory perception showing that essentially
the same neuronal machinery is concerned with successive relays into other
cortical areas from the primary receiving area.
Finally, there is an account of the way in which the limbic system and
associated areas of the brain stem can provide the emotional colouring of
conscious perception. Circuits are described from the neocortex, particularly
the frontal lobe, to the limbic system and back again. It must also be
recognized that there are several areas devoted to crossmodal transfer be
tween touch, vision, and hearing, and the limbic inputs with the associated
experiences of smell, taste, hunger, thirst, fear, rage, sex, pleasure, etc.
In the Epilogue, there is a quotation from Mountcastle to illustrate the
extraordinary dichotomy between on the one hand what is happening in the
brain as a consequence of all the inputs from receptor organs and on the other
hand the conscious perceptions that each of us has as a result of these inputs.
252 E2 Conscious Perception
8. Introduction
There are certain principles relating to the neural events that lead to percep
tions of the various sensory experiences. Touch and vision have been most
thoroughly investigated, but there is good reason to believe that all other
sensory experiences are dependent upon similar neuronal mechanisms.
Necessarily the crucial experimental investigation of sensory experiences
must be carried out on conscious human subjects, but both the design and
interpretation of these experiments are dependent on the wonderful succes
ses that have attended investigations on animal, and particularly monkey,
sensory systems in the last few decades. The powerful techniques designed
for precision and selectivity of stimulation have been matched by microelec
trode recording from single neurones. But just as importantly there has been
the success in defining the neural pathways from receptor organs to cerebral
cortex and within the cerebral cortex by precise anatomical investigations.
There is a large variety of these receptor organs with built-in properties
that enable them to encode in a highly selective manner some environmental
change into a discharge of nerve impulses. In general it can be stated that
intensity of stimulus is encoded as frequency of discharge of impulses. In this
way there are transmitted to the higher levels of the central nervous system
signals from receptor organs that result in the conscious experiences of
vision, hearing and touch for example. An introduction to the problem of
conscious perception is best given in relation to cutaneous sensing. In the skin
are receptor organs specialized for converting some mechanical stimulus
such as a touch or tap into impulse discharges in nerve fibres.
The pathways from receptor organs to the brain are never direct. There
are always synaptic linkages from neurone to neurone at each of several relay
stations. Each of these stages gives the opportunity for modifying the coding
of the “messages” from the sensory receptors. Even the simplest stimuli such
as a flash of light or a tap on the skin are signalled to the appropriate primary
receiving area of the cerebral cortex in the form of a code of nerve impulses in
various temporal sequences and in many fibres in parallel.
Our special interest is focussed on the neural events that are necessary for
giving a conscious experience. It is now generally agreed that a conscious
experience does not light up as soon as impulses in some sensory pathway
reach the primary sensory areas in the cerebral hemisphere. In response to
some brief peripheral stimulus the initial response is a sharp potential
change, the evoked response, in the appropriate primary cortical area (ER of
Fig. E 2 —3 A ). Immediately afterwards there is a change in the background
frequency of firing of numerous neurones in this area — an increase or a
9. Cutaneous Perception (Somaesthesis) 253
Med. ve n tro -b a sa l
lemn. nucleus
cutaneous stimuli that can be neglected. This is of course what happens when
you are very intensely occupied, for example in carrying out some action or in
experiencing or in thinking. Under such situations you can be oblivious even
of severe stimulation. For example, in the heat of combat severe injuries may
be ignored. At a less severe level it has long been a practice to give counter
irritation to relieve pain. Presumably in this way there is produced inhibitory
suppression of the pain pathway to the brain. Thus we can account for the
afferent anaesthesias of hypnosis or of yoga or of acupuncture by the cerebral
9. Cutaneous Perception (Somaesthesis) 255
and other pathways inhibiting the cutaneous pathways to the brain. In all
these cases discharges from the cerebral cortex down the pyramidal tract and
other pathways will exert an inhibitory blockage at the relays in the spinocor-
tical pathways such as those diagrammed in Figure E 2 —1. This ability of the
cerebral cortex is important because it is undesirable to have all receptor
organ discharges from your body pouring into your brain all the time. The
design pattern of successive synaptic relays each with various central and
peripheral inhibitory inputs gives opportunity for turning off inputs accord
ing to the exigencies of situations.
Conventional studies on animals and man have defined the area of cortex
that is primarily involved in responding to cutaneous sense, the somaesthetic
area. As shown in Figure E 1 —1, the principal area is laid out as a long strip
map in the postcentral gyrus, which is made up of three areas (Brodmann
areas 3 , 1 , 2 in Figure E 1 —4) distinguished by their different structures. All
areas of the body surface from the extreme caudal to the extreme rostral lie in
linear sequence along the postcentral gyrus from its dorso-medial end over
the convex surface of the cerebral hemispheres. Area 3 b is specialized for
light touch and 1, 2 for deep stimuli, skin pressure and joint movement, while
3 a, is concerned with muscle sense (see Jones and Powell [1973] for refer
ences). There is also a subsidiary somaesthetic area which is not important for
the theme of this chapter. As already stated in chapter E 1, the first evidence
for the columnar arrangement of the cerebral cortex was obtained by Mount
castle [1957] in his detailed topographic study of the somaesthetic area. It
will be seen in Figure E 1 —1 that cortical areas are apportioned in relation
ship to the fineness of discrimination of the cutaneous areas and not to their
relative areas. This map has been explored in detail by two main procedures:
recording in non-human primates of the cortical responses evoked by ex
ploratory stimulation applied systematically to the whole surface of the body,
limbs, neck and head; electrical stimulation of the sensory cortex in conscious
human subjects who report the skin areas to which the evoked sensations are
referred (Penfield and Jasper [1954]).
Usually the subjects report abnormal sensory experiences, paraesthesiae
such as tingling, numbness, “pins-and-needles,” though there are also re
ports of normal sensations — touch, tap and pressure. The paraesthesiae are
plausibly explained by the outrage that the applied stimulation perpetrates
on the highly organized neuronal machinery of the cerebral cortex. Even the
weakest electrical stimulus will excite in a manner dependent on the relation
ship of the immense neuronal assemblage to the applied electrical current. As
a consequence there will be “a neuronal shock wave” having little resem
blance to the pattern of neuronal activation generated by a natural input from
256 E2 Conscious Perception
the receptor organs; hence the paraesthesia, just as when the ulnar nerve at
the elbow joint is bumped — the so-called funny-bone.
In our inquiry into the happenings in the cerebral hemisphere that bear a
necessary relation to conscious perception, the most fundamental question
may be formulated as follow: how elaborated must the spatiotemporal pat
tern of neuronal activity be in order that it achieves a necessary relation to a
conscious experience? For example it is generally agreed that there is not
even the simplest perception (the philosopher’s raw feel!) when incoming
impulses impinge on the neurones of the primary sensory cortex, or even
when the incoming impulses trigger discharges of these neurones.
Libet’s ([1973] and personal communication) investigations on cutane
ous sensing of conscious human subjects have provided most surprising
answers. This work has been carried out during the last 10 years, always with
the informed consent of the patient and during the exposure of a cerebral
hemisphere for some neurosurgical procedure. Extreme care was taken to
Fig. E 2—2. Diagram of relationships between the train of 0.5 msec pulses at liminal intensity
applied to the human postcentral gyrus, and the amplitudes of the direct cortical responses
(DCR) recorded nearby. The third line indicates that no conscious sensory experience is elicited
until approximately the initial 0.5 sec of events has elapsed and that the just-detectable sensation
appearing after thai period remains at the same subjective intensity while the stimulus train
continues (Libet, 1966).
9. Cutaneous Perception (Somaesthesis) 257
SS ex perien ce
® R elative tim ing o f C S and SS perceptions
w eak SS
C S ex perien ce
SS e x p erien ce befo re CS
SS C S train
no SS e x p erien ce
SS C S train
no SS ex p erien ce
^ Antedating o f SS perception
C S train
SS, ss2
I —I Se ve ral 1
L 0.4sec
referred time
anted ating m .
SS| e x p erien ce S S j experien ce S S j experience
ER time actual time
starts as long as 0.6 s after SS2. Since the conscious experience of the SS2
stimulus can be modified by a CS starting 0.2 to 0.6 s after SS2, it can be
concluded that the neural events giving the experience to the SS2 stimulus
must continue for this time in order for there to be the requisite elaboration
of neuronal spatiotemporal patterns in the cerebral cortex. Thus the activa
tion time is comparable with that established for trains of weak CS stimuli
(Fig. E 2 —2). Yet at the same time, in the first experimental test described
above (Figure E 2 —3B), this SS was experienced as if there was no such
In order to resolve this paradox Libet developed a most interesting
hypothesis, namely that, though a weak single SS requires up to 0.5 s of
cortical activity before it can be experienced, in the experiencing process it is
antedated by being referred in time to the initial evoked response of the
cortex (ER in Figure E 2 —3 A ). Evidently, in the attempted solution of one
problem, Libet has raised an even more perplexing one: what is the perceptu
al mechanism for this antedating? A possible solution of this problem will be
suggested in chapter E 7 . The initial hypothesis of Libet is corroborated by
these experiments, namely, that weak skin stimuli are experienced con
sciously only when a period of up to 0.5 s has been spent in the cerebral
cortex in the elaboration of neuronal ST patterns to the level of complexity
requisite for the most primitive conscious experience, a raw feel.
In a further test of this hypothesis Libet & others (1977) have employed
stimulation of the cutaneous pathway to the cerebral cortex (m ed. lemn. and
ventrobasal thalamus in Figure E 2 —1), which elicits an evoked response
comparable with that produced by peripheral stimulation (ER in Figure
E 2 —3 A ), but which, when weak, requires repetitive stimulation in order to
be detected, i.e. it resembles a cortical stimulus (Figure E 2 —2) in this
respect. Though a train of stimuli was required, the subjective timing of the
actual experience was antedated to the onset of the train, presumably be
cause of the evoked response. It should be noted that cortical stimulation
produces a diffuse weak cortical response (the DCR responses plotted in
Fig. E 2 —2), which is quite different from the sharp large ER response of
Figure E 2 —3 A.
shall see that comparable movement sensitivities are much more highly
developed in neurones of the primary visual cortex. More synthetic responses
are exhibited by neurones in the secondary cortical area, 5, which is adjacent
to the primary sensory areas, 3, 1, 2 in Figure E l —4 A. As indicated in
Figure E 1 —7 A and 8 A, area 5 receives the principal projection from areas
3, 1, 2. Mountcastle [1975] and associates [1975] have made a most
exhaustive study of the responses of individual neurones of area 5. They find
that the responses of most neurones are related to the bringing about of
movements in a holistic manner, the details of the movements being left to
the motor areas, as will be described in chapter E 3. The neuronal machinery
of area 5 contains a continually updated neuronal replicate of the position
and movements of the limb in space. Complex stimulus patterns involving
multiple joint and skin areas trigger responses of neurones that presumably
are concerned in the synthetic sensing that occurs when an object is palpated.
In palpation there is first the shaping of the hand for grasping an object, and
secondly the moving of the hand over the surface of the object in an active
exploration. In this way cutaneous sensing leads to feature detection that
matches the visual feature detection in the inferotemporal lobe, as described
Area 7 is next in the main somaesthetic sequence (Figs. E 1 —7 B, 8 A).
By unitary neuronal analysis Mountcastle & others [1975] have shown that
there is a considerable class of projection and of hand manipulation neurones
resembling those of area 5. It was, however, unexpected to find that most
neurones were related to visual exploration, discharging at high frequencies
when the monkey visually fixates an object that is of great interest and within
reach. Thus area 7 resembles area 5 in that the neurones are actively related
to command signals for exploration of surrounding space, area 5 for manual
and area 7 for both manual and visual. The relationship of area 7 to visual
inputs is surprising because there are no known anatomical pathways from
any of the visual areas to area 7 (cp. Jones and Powell [1970] and
Figs. E 1 —7 E, F, G and 8 A, B). Presumably more devious routes are con
Figure E 1 —7 A, B and 8 A show projections of the somaesthetic path
way in addition to the main sequence. Several of these projections are to the
prefrontal lobe and to the motor areas. The latter doubtless are concerned
with motor command functions and will be considered further in chapter E 3.
The former may be related to the pathways in the human brain that are
instrumental in giving somaesthetic conscious experiences. It is important to
recognize that, although the experimental procedures of Libet are concen
trated on the primary somaesthetic area ( 3, 1, 2) , the experiences reported by
10. Visual Perception 261
that have now been recognized in the visual centres of the brain (Figs.
E 1 —7 E —H and 8B ).
The complex interactions in the retinal nervous system eventually are
expressed by the retinal ganglion cells that discharge impulses along the optic
nerve fibres and so to the brain. These cells respond particularly to spatial
and tem poral changes of luminosity of the retinal image by two neuronal
subsystems signalling brightness and darkness respectively. The brightness
contrasts of the retinal image are converted into contoured outlines by
several neuronal stages of inform ation processing. O ne type of ganglion cell
is excited by a spot of light applied to the retina over it and is inhibited by light
% % *c
^ y
visual visu a l
V 'e ld y v f ie l d /
c h ia s m
R -half L- half
visual visual
fie ld field
callo sum
L h e m is p h e re -R '
Fig. E 2 —4. Diagram of visual pathways showing the L-half and R-half visual fields with the
retinal images and the partial crossing in the optic chiasma so that the R-half of the visual field of
each eye goes to left visual cortex, after relay in the lateral geniculate body (LCB), and
correspondingly for left visual field to right visual cortex.
10. Visual Perception 263
on the surrounding retina. The other type gives the reverse response, inhibi
tion by light shone into the centre and excitation by the surround. The
combined responses of these two neuronal subsystems result in a contoured
abstraction of the retinal image in the visual cortex. Hence what the eye tells
the brain by the million fibres of the optic nerve is an abstraction of brightness
and colour contrasts.
As illustrated in Figure E 2 —4 the optic nerves from each eye meet in the
optic chiasma where there is a partial crossing. The hemi-retinas of both eyes
(nasal of right and temporal of left) that receive the image from the right
visual field have their optic nerve projections rearranged in the chiasma so
that they coalesce to form the pathway to the left visual cortex, and vice versa
for the left visual field projecting to the right visual cortex. Thus, with the
exception of a narrow vertical (meridional) strip of the visual field that is
directly in the line of vision, the visual imagery of the right and left fields
A B J5
to 30
20 i
SO- '120
‘ 70
W 145
Fig. E 2 —5. T opographic relations of right visual field and left visual cortex of hum an cerebrum .
In B there is shown the right visual field scaled in degrees from the fovea and in degrees from the
upper vertical m eridian. In A there is shown the projection to area 17 of the occipital lobe, that is
very largely on the m edial surface. T here is shown by symbols the topography of the projections
from the visual field to area 17. The centre of vision has a much larger representation than the
periphery (H olm es, 1951).
264 E2 Conscious Perception
comes to the left and to the right visual cortices respectively to form and
ordered map (Fig. E 2 —5 A) much as with the cortical map for cutaneous
sensation (Fig. E 1 —1). There is of course topographic distortion. The fine
visual sensing in the centre of the visual field (oblique lines and rectangular
grid) results from a much more amplified cortical projection area than for the
retina concerned with peripheral vision (coarse dots and crosses etc. in
Fig. E 2 - 5 A and B) (Holmes [1945]).
So far this somatotopy is based on human anatomical studies, and on the
visual deprivations (scotomata) resulting from clinical lesions (cp. Teuber &
others [I960]). Electrical stimulation of the human visual cortex in unanes
thetized subjects gives the patient the experience of flashes of light (cortical
electrical phosphenes) that are located in the visual field in correspondence
to the stimulated cortical point (Penfield and Jasper [1954]; Brindley
[1973]). The phosphene continues for the duration of the train of repetitive
stimuli. There has been no analytic investigation of time sequences equiva
lent to that of Libet described above for cutaneous perceptions. There has in
fact been very little detailed study of the responses of the human visual cortex
and these were done only in blind people. The averaged evoked potentials
from the human scalp are not very helpful (MacKay and Jeffreys [1973]). In
contrast, the visual systems of mammals such as cat and monkey have been
subjected to a multitude of refined electrophysiological and behavioural
studies during the last two decades. A brief description of these findings is
essential before we undertake the task of trying to understand the way in
which our brains give us visual experiences.
Figure E 2 —4 shows that, after the partial decussation of the optic chiasma,
the nerve fibres from the retina reach a relay station called the lateral
geniculate body. Here there is but little further sorting or synthesis. For
example, a bright line in the visual field is coded as a linear arrangement of
excited neurones that project on to the stellate cells in lamina IV of the
primary receiving area of the visual cortex (area 17). These neurones (simple
cells) are the first cortical stage in reassembly of the retinal image. They
respond to a bright line in the retinal image and are selective to the orienta
tion of this line. Moving bright lines are particularly effective.
In Figure E 2 —6 A there is a simple cell firing impulses, having been
“found” by a microelectrode which has been inserted into the primary visual
10. Visual Perception 265
O rien tation Neurone discharge Optimaf slit angles for neurones
Light Slit
Darlt Darlt apical segment
1o j
V \ "o
tS 8
3o 0
lesion ' I mm
Fig. E2 —6. Orientational responses of neurones in primary visual cortex of cat. Full description
in text (Hubei and Wiesel, 1962).
then proceeded to pass through three groups of cells with quite different
orientation sensitivities.
In the visual cortex, neurones with similar orientation sensitivity tend to
be arranged in columns that run orthogonally from the cortical surface. Thus
it can be envisaged that, in the large area of the human primary visual cortex,
the population of about 400 million neurones is arranged as a mosaic of
columns, each with some thousands of neurones that have the same orienta
tion sensitivity (Hubei and Wiesel [1963]; Hubei [1963]). This arrangement
can be regarded as the first stage of reconstitution of the retinal image. It will
of course be recognized that this orientation map is superimposed on the
retinal field map (Fig. E 2—5 A), each zone of this field being composed of
columns that collectively represent all orientations of bright lines or of edges
between light and dark.
It has already been shown in Figure E 2—4 that both the ipsilateral and
contralateral eyes project to the lateral geniculate body (LGB) on the way to
the visual cortex. However in the primate these projections are relayed in
separate laminae, three for the ipsilateral (2 i, 3 i, 5i) and three for the
contralateral eye (1 c, 4 c, 6 c) (Fig. E 2 —7). The projection to the columns of
area 17 is illustrated in highly diagrammatic form in Figure E 2—7 (Hubei
and Wiesel, 1972, 1974). The ipsilateral and contralateral laminae of the
LGB are shown projecting to alternating columns, the ocular dominance
columns. Orthogonally the columns are defined by the orientation
specificities as indicated in Figure E2—6 and these can be seen to have a
rotational sequence in Figure E 2 —7. The actual columnar elements are of
course much less strictly arranged than is shown in this diagram for the
monkey cortex.
At the next stage of image reconstitution are neurones at other levels in
area 17 and in the surrounding secondary and tertiary visual areas (Brod
mann areas 18 and 19, Fig. E 1—4 A, B). Here there are neurones that are
specially sensitive to the length and thickness of bright or dark lines as well
as to their orientation and even to two lines meeting at an angle. These so-
called complex and hypercomplex neurones (Hubei and Wiesel [1963],
[1965]) constitute a further stage of feature recognition. It is believed that
these “complex” and “hypercomplex” neurones acquire their specific pro
perties by means of a synthesis of the neuronal circuits that are activated by
“simple” cells, these circuits containing inhibitory as well as excitatory com
ponents (Hubei and Wiesel [1965]; Hubei [1971]). In Figure E 2 —7 there
are examples of two complex cells in the upper lamina that each receive
from two simple cells of different ocular dominance columns.
So far we have a relatively clear story and there is identification in the
10. Visual Perception 267
1 IVb
Ocular Dominance Columns
Contralateral Eye
Ipsilateral Eye
Fig. E2 — 7. Idealized diagram showing for the m onkey the projection from the lateral genicu
late body (L G B ) to the visual cortex (area 17). T he six layers of the lateral geniculate body are
labelled according as they are associated with the ipsilateral (i) o r contralateral (c) eye. These i
and c layers project to specific areas so form ing the ocular dom inance colum ns for the ipsilateral
and contralateral eyes. T he stacked slab-like colum ns of the visual cortex are defined by the
criteria of ocular dom inance in one direction and orientation (shown on upper surface, cf.
Fig. E2 —6) in the o th er direction (H ubei and W iesel, 1974).
visual cortex of neurones requisite for the various integrational tasks. This
account is of course greatly oversim plified. For exam ple, there has been
neglect of the neural events responsible for the various contrast phenom ena
and for dark recognition that form the basis of many visual illusions. Colour
recognition is dependent on coding by a three-colour process in the retina,
beginning with red, green and blue cones that feed into relatively indepen
dent lines to the primary visual cortex (de Valois [1973]). A t this stage there
268 E2 Conscious Perception
are various synthetic mechanisms, but we are far from understanding the
neuronal mechanisms involved in colour recognition.
Since the complex and hypercomplex cells receive their inputs from
various assemblages of simple cells, it would be expected that they would
have inputs from a more extensive visual field. This is indeed the case, but the
loss of field specificity is more than would be expected. It prompts the as yet
unanswered question: how can the field specificity be recovered in the
further stages of reconstitution of the visual field?
One further stage of synthesis of visual information has recently been
studied physiologically (reviewed by Gross [1973]; Gross & others [1974]).
As reported in chapter E 1, in monkeys the inferotemporal cortex (areas 20,
21) receives a strong input from the visual areas in the occipital lobe (Figs.
E l —7 E , F, 8B). Many neurones in areas 20, 21 have more exacting
stimulus requirements than the lines and angles that were adequate for the
complex and hypercomplex neurones of areas 17, 18, 19. For example
neurones may be fired by rectangles in the visual field and not by discs, or by
stars and not by circles. Evidently some of the neurones have a remarkable
feature recognition propensity. It is suggested that the feature responsivity of
some neurones may be so specific that it is not discoverable in the limited
testing time available in an experiment. For example one neurone appeared
to be fired specifically by the silhouette of a monkey hand! In these neurones
of areas 20 and 21, visual mapping is sacrificed to feature recognition even
more than with neurones of areas 18 and 19. Large areas of the visual field
can effectively influence one neurone, and the topography for each “feature
detection neurone” always includes the centre of vision. Again it can be
envisaged that this specific response to geometrical forms, such as squares,
rectangles, triangles, stars, is dependent on the ordered projection onto these
feature-detection neurones from complex and hypercomplex neurones sen
sitive to bright or dark lines or edges of a particular orientation and length
and meeting at particular angles. For example, the feature detection of a
triangle would be the property of a neurone receiving inputs from neurones
in the extra-striate visual cortex that have angles and orientations for com
posing the triangle. There are two main pathways for the transmission of
visual information to areas 20 and 21. The principal route is from the striate
cortex via the circumstriate belt (areas 17, 18, 19). Another route is via a
second visual system carrying less specific information from the superior
colliculus via the pulvinar (Fig. E 5 —6; Jones [1974]).
Weiskrantz [1974] has demonstrated the manner in which monkeys can
build up a remembered three-dimensional model of an object that is re
peatedly examined from only one angle. This ability is deteriorated by lesions
10. Visual Perception 269
There is some resemblance between this proposal and the radical hypothesis
that will be developed in chapter E 7. It is there conjectured that the recon
stitution of the perceived image is due to the self-conscious mind that “scans
and reads out” from the appropriate feature recognition elements of the
visual areas. The fully reconstituted image is thus consciously perceived. It is
reconstituted only in a fragmentary manner by the visual areas of the brain,
though these areas of course are instrumental to the reconstitution. In this
connection it should be pointed out that as yet there is no detailed investiga
tion of the visual projections to the prefrontal lobe. These important projec
tions are illustrated in Figure E 1 —7 E, F, G and 8 B. It can be predicted that
in these prefrontal areas the visual information will be coloured gnostically
and emotionally, as will be suggested later in this chapter.
We can be overwhelmed by the immensity of high level investigation on
the visual system of primates in the last two decades. However, there is no
work on the visual cortex of man matching that of Libet on the human
somaesthetic cortex. We have only one piece of evidence indicating that for
the actual visual experience it is necessary to have a building up of neuronal
11. Auditory Perception 271
ST patterns for some tenths of a second. Crawford [1947] and others have
demonstrated a backward masking effect of 0.2 s or more. An initial weak
light flash is not seen if there is a stronger flash 0.2 s later. This corresponds to
one of the backward masking tests of Libet.
Brindley [1973] has developed with great ingenuity a visual prosthetic
device that is applied to the visual cortex of blind human subjects in the hope
that the pattern of cortical electrical phosphenes generated by hundreds of
stimulating sites on the area of the primary visual cortex can give the subject
some crude visual experience of his surround. It will be recognized how far
this stimulating technique falls short of the stimulation provided by input
from the retina via the visual pathways.
In conclusion it must be emphasized that the great achievements in vision
research can be regarded as only the first steps in providing an explanation of
how the image on the retina that is encoded in neuronal discharges is
eventually reconstituted as an observed picture. As Jung [1973] states,
p. 124:
“The sensory raw material delivered by the receptors cannot become a percept without
information processing over several levels in the brain. This includes feature extraction,
spatial and temporal order and memory comparison which involves some reverberation
and redundant resonance of the sensory messages. The riddle of the sequential order and
unity of vision may be less perplexing for the neurophysiologist when he knows that the
philosophy of perception encounters similar unsolved problems.”
In most lower mammals olfaction (smell) is the dominant sensory input into
the forebrain, but in the evolution of primates to man olfaction became
subordinated to vision and hearing, and even to somaesthesis, particularly
when this became vital in manual skills. Chemical sensing in the olfactory
mucosa is by receptor cells that are specialized neurones with axons that pass
to the olfactory bulb where there is a processing of information by a complex
nervous system much as in the retina. From the olfactory bulb (OFB) the
lateral olfactory tract (LOT) passes to the brain (cp. Fig. E 1 —9) where it has
a complex distribution, only part of which is shown in Figure E 1 —9. The
principal termination is in the piriform cortex, a primitive cerebral cortex.
Thence there are connections to many structures of the limbic lobe, some of
which are indicated in Figure E 1 —9. Connection to the primary receiving
area of the neocortex (the orbito-frontal area) is effected only after several
relays in the limbic system and is only in part via the MD thalamus (Tanabe &
others [1975]). Thus the olfactory connections are quite different from the
somaesthetic, visual and auditory systems, where the connections are firstly
to the neocortex and after several relays reach the limbic system
(Fig. E l - 8 ) .
14. Epilogue
15. Resume
16. Introduction
Th e M o to r U n it
C Motor unit
10 /sec
20 /sec
Motor fibers
■32/ s e c
Motor fi b e r 50/sec
8 0 /sec
M uscle fi b e r s
Motor endplate s
Fig. E3 — I . T he m otor unit. A. M otoneurone with its axon passing as a m yelinated nerve fibre to
innervate muscle fibres. B. Transverse section of m otor fibres supplying a cat m uscle, all afferent
fibres having been degenerated. C. Isom etric m echanical responses of a single m otor unit of the
cat gastrocnem ius muscle. T he responses were evoked by repetitive stimulation of the
m otoneurone (cf. A ) by pulses of current applied through an intracellular electrode at the
indicated frequencies in cycles per second (Eccles, 1973b).
The antagonist muscle is the flexor (F) that bends the leg back at the knee.
In this muscle there are the same annulospiral receptor organs (AS) and the
motor endplates made by the motor nerve fibres. Impulses from the stretch
17. T he M otor U nit 279
SE la
Fig. E 3 —2. Simple reflex pathways. A diagram m atic representation of the pathw ays from and
to the extensor (E) and flexor (F) muscles of the knee joint. The small insets show the details of
the origin of the l a afferent fibres from the annulospiral endings (AS) of muscle spindles. In the
spinal cord the la fibres branch so that the m otoneurone, E or F, innervating the muscle of
origin, E o r F, is m onosynaptically excited while the antagonist m otoneurone, For E, is inhibited
via an inhibitory interneurone (IN).
receptor (AS; of the flexor muscle also enter the spinal cord through the
dorsal root and monosynaptically excite the motoneurone innervating the
flexor muscle. So the extensor and flexor muscles have central pathways
complementary to each other.
In addition there is a reciprocal arrangement in Figure E 3 —2. The
afferent fibre from the extensor muscle (E) branches in the spinal cord so that
not only does it excite its own motoneurone but it also sends a branch which
280 E3 Voluntary Movement
excites an intemeurone (IN). This neurone is shown in black and it sends its
axon to the antagonist motoneurone (F) and forms inhibitory synapses on it.
(Throughout this book in diagrams the black symbols are for inhibition and
white for excitation, cp. Fig. E 2 —1.) In the same way there is the reciprocal
arrangement for the afferent fibres from the flexor muscles acting on in
hibitory neurones to extensor motoneurones.
This very simple reciprocal arrangement can be given functional mean
ing. When you are standing with slightly bent knees your weight is stretching
the knee extensor muscle (E) and the AS stretch receptors are firing into the
spinal cord, exciting the knee extensor motoneurones to fire impulses so that
the extensor muscle contracts and holds your weight. If this muscle contrac
tion is inadequate, the knee gives a little, so stretching the extensor muscle
more, with more firing from its AS receptors giving an increased reflex
discharge to the muscle, which in this way is nicely adjusted to give a steady
posture. At the same time the reciprocal inhibitory pathway prevents the
antagonist motoneurones (F) from firing to give contraction of the antago
nist flexor muscles (F). Such a contraction would oppose the extensors that
are engaged in the essential task of weight supporting. This description of the
mode of action of the pathways in Figure E 3 —2 illustrates a simple reflex
After this introduction I will now develop the theme of this chapter. There is
general agreement that voluntary control is exerted through the motor cortex
of the cerebral hemisphere and the pathway (the pyramidal tract) from there
to the motoneurones (Wiesendanger [1969]). Figure E 1 —1 shows the posi
tion of the left motor cortex as a band across the surface of the cerebral
hemisphere, being area 4 of Brodmann’s map in Figure E 1 —4. It lies just
anterior to the central fissure (the fissure of Rolando, /. RoL), and many of its
constituent nerve cells are pyramidal cells whose axons are the nerve fibres
running down the pyramidal tract. The motor cortex is essentially concerned
in voluntary movement, but it is not the prime initiator of a movement, such
as a voluntary bending of the finger. It is only the final relay station of
immensely complicated activities in widely dispersed areas in the cerebral
cortex, the cerebellum and the basal ganglia (Figs. E 3 —6,7). The pyramidal
cells of the motor cortex with their axons passing down the pyramidal tract
are important because they provide a direct channel out from the brain to the
18. The Motor Cortex 281
Cerebral hemisphere
wMotor cortex
pyramidal cells
^Pyramidal tract
Mid bra in C 30
Spinal cord
Cervical enlargement Motoneurones
Pyramidal tract
Spinal cord
Lumbar enlargement'
Fig. E 3—3. Diagrammatic representation of pyramidal tract from left motor cortex. The origin
is from the pyramidal cells, and in the medulla most of it decussates to descend in the dorsolateral
column of the spinal cord of the opposite side and to innervate motoneurones either directly or
via an interneurone.
muscles. The first experiments were carried out on monkeys and anthropoid
apes, but later the human motor cortex was explored when it was exposed in
the course of a brain operation. In this way it was shown that all the various
parts of the body are represented in the strip-like map of the contralateral
motor cortex in Figure E 1 —1 (Penfield and Jasper [1954]). Thereon are
marked the specific areas for toes, foot, leg, thigh, body, shoulder, arm, hand,
fingers and thumb, neck, head, face, etc., starting from the medial surface and
progressing laterally and downwards over the surface. There is a large
representation for hand, fingers, and thumb, and an even larger area for face
and tongue. The motor cortex is not uniformly parcelled out in proportion to
muscle size — far from it. It is skill and finesse of movements that are
reflected in the areal representations!
After descending through the brain stem and giving off many branches,
the pyramidal tracts cross or decussate in the medulla and so course down the
spinal cord to terminate at various levels, making, with primates (Phillips
[1973]; Porter [1973]), including man, strong monosynaptic connections on
motoneurones (Fig. E 3 —3). This very direct connection of the motor cortex
with motoneurones is of the greatest importance in ensuring that the cerebral
cortex in general, via the motor cortex, can very effectively and quickly bring
about the desired movement. Nevertheless there are two fundamental prob
lems that will be discussed in the major part of this chapter. How can your
willing of a muscle movement set in train neural events that lead to the
discharge of motor pyramidal cells? How do the cerebellum and other
subcortical structures contribute to the finesse and skill of movement? Firstly
there will be an introductory treatment of the problem of voluntary move
I have the indubitable experience that by thinking and willing I can control
my actions if I so wish, although in normal waking life this prerogative is
exercised but seldom. I am not able to give a scientific explanation of how
thought can lead to action, but this failure serves to emphasize the fact that, as
referred to in several discussion sections, our present physics and
neurobiology are too primitive for this most challenging task of resolving the
antinomy between our experiences and our understanding of brain function.
When thought leads to action, I am constrained, as a neuroscientist, to
conjecture that in some way my thinking changes the operative patterns of
19. Voluntary Movement 283
L prec
R prec
5 hV
L/R prec
Fig. E 3 — 4. Readiness potentials recorded at indicated sites from the scalp in response to
voluntarily evoked m ovem ents of finger. Z ero tim e is at the onset of the m ovem ent, the
preceding potentials being derived by backwards com putation, with averaging of 250 responses.
L prec, left precentral; R prec, right precentral; Mid-par, m id-parietal; L 'R p re c , recording left
precentral against right precentral. F urther description in the text (K ornhuber, 1974).
of the neuronal activity onto pyramidal cells of the motor cortex. The time of
0.05 s is just adequate for transmission from the pyramidal cell discharge to
motoneurones to muscle action potentials (cp Fig. E 3 —3).
These experiments at least provide a partial answer to the question: What
is happening in my brain at a time when a willed action is in process of being
carried out? It can be presumed that during the readiness potential there is a
developing specificity of the patterned impulse discharges in neurones so that
eventually there are activated the pyramidal cells in the correct motor corti-
19. Voluntary Movement 285
cal area (Fig. E 1 — 1) for bringing about the required movement. The readi
ness potential can be regarded as the neuronal consequence of the voluritary
command. The surprising features of the readiness potential are its wide
extent and its gradual build-up. Apparently, at the stage of willing a move
ment, the influence of the voluntary command is widely distributed onto the
patterns of neuronal operation.
In attempting to arrive at a further stage of explanation of the cortical
events underlying the readiness potential we have to develop hypotheses
relating to the special properties of cortical modules. In chapter E 7 it will be
conjectured that certain modules of the cerebral cortex (open modules) are
in liaison with the self-conscious mind, which works in a weak and subtle
manner giving slight deviations of the responses of these modules. This is an
action across the interface between the mental world and the physical world.
After commissurotomy the self-conscious mind is in liaison only with mod
ules of the dominant hemisphere (chapter E 5), hence it has been conjectured
(cp. Eccles [1973(b)]) that normally also there is a similar exclusive liaison. It
will be suggested in chapter E 7 and in the discussions that this need not be so.
A present problem concerns the finding that the readiness potential is bila
teral, whereas the above conjecture apparently would lead to the expectation
that the readiness potential would be restricted to the dominant hemisphere.
However, it must be recognized that on the above hypothesis this restriction
would obtain only for the primary action of the self-conscious mind. The
changes produced in the open modules would be quickly transmitted by the
pyramidal cell discharges from these modules to closed modules of the same
and the opposite hemisphere, i. e., by the immense system of association and
callosal fibres (cp. Fig. E 1 —5). Hence a symmetrical and extensive spread
of the readiness potential is to be expected. Furthermore its gradual build-up
over 0.8 s can be attributed both to the cumulative effects of the slight
deviations that the self-conscious mind produces in open modules and to the
resultant changes in closed modules, which at a further stage also interact
with one another. Additional factors aiding in the build-up of the readiness
potential will be considered in the next section in relation to the preprogram
ming of movements.
An even more severe problem is entailed in trying to account for the
moulding and guidance of the collective modular activities so that eventually
there is a convergence of these activities onto those motor pyramidal cells
that bring about the desired movement. All that we can conjecture at this
stage derives from the hypothesis (cp. chapter E 7) that the self-conscious
mind is in two-way communication with the open modules, both in acting and
in receiving. Hence it could exercise a continued informed guidance during
286 E3 Voluntary Movement
The cerebral cortex contains all the neuronal circuits for initiating and
continuing voluntary movements, but these movements are crude and ir
regular if there is damage of some other regions of the brain. It has long been
known that severe disturbances of movement result from lesions of a large
component of the brain, the cerebellum, that is shown in Figure E 3 —5 A
lying below the cerebral hemispheres and attached to the brain stem. The
best studies ever made on human cerebellar lesions were carried out by
Gordon Holmes [1939] on patients from the First World War who had had
the cerebellum on one side destroyed by gunshot wounds with the other side
normal and so available as a control. For example on the normal side the
subject was able quickly and accurately to move his outstretched arm so that
a pointing finger outlined a square on the wall, the finger movements being
recorded photographically. In contrast on the side of the cerebellar lesion the
movement was wavy and indecisive with hesitations and over-shooting in
turning corners. The subject complained that “The movements of my left
hand are done subconsciously, but I have to think out each movement of my
20. T h e C erebellar Controls of Voluntary Movement 287
c FP H
Fig. E3 —5. A . Human cerebrum and cerebellum . In B an d C the cerebellum is seen on the same
scale from the dorsal aspect and after a sagittal section in the midline. K is the central vermis
area, PI is the pars intermedia and H is the cerebellar hemisphere. FPin B and C is the fissura
prima between the anterior and posterior parts of the cerebellum.
right arm. I come to a dead stop in turning and have to think before I start
again.” This shows you how much we are spared this mental concentration by
the cerebellum. What you do with ordinary movements is to give a general
command — such as “place finger on nose,” or “write signature,” or “pick up
glass” — and the whole performance goes automatically.
In summary we can say that normally our most complex muscle move
ments are carried out subconsciously and with consummate skill. The more
subconscious you are of the actual muscle contractions concerned in a golf
stroke, the better it is, and the same with tennis, skiing, skating, or any other
skill. In all these performances we do not have any appreciation of the
complexity of muscle contractions and joint movements. All that we are
conscious of is a general directive given by what we may call our voluntary
command system. All the finesse and skill seems naturally and automatically
to flow from that. It is my thesis that the cerebellum is concerned in all this
enormously complex organization and control of movement, and that
throughout life, particularly in the earlier years, we are engaged in an
incessant teaching program for the cerebellum. As a consequence, it can
carry out all of these remarkable tasks that we set it to do in the whole
repertoire of our skilled movements, in games, in techniques, in musical
288 E3 Voluntary Movement
20.1 The Closed Loop via the Pars Intermedia of the Cerebellum
* y*bV
>/ //«
/ r\ $ A. * V \
\ ar \ “S
°5' BG
PT n
o,ya >v
\ «>
tr f X. cr
I c~
PC I 3
Fig. E3 — 6. C erebro-cerebellar circuits in m otor control are shown simplified by omission of the
synaptic connectivities. A shows the circuits from pyramidal cell in m otor cortex (4) via
pyram idal tract (PT) to spinal cord, and so the evolving m ovem ent, and with collateral to the
pars interm edia f P /^ o fth e cerebellum . T he Purkynecell (PC) in PI com m unicates (via synaptic
relays) back to the m otor cortex and also down the spinal cord to the spinal centres (SpC). Also
shown is the p rojection from spinal centres to PI and to the som aesthetic area (3, I, 2). In B the
circuits are shown from the cerebrum (principally area 6) to the hem isphere (H) of the
cerebellum . T he return circuit from the Purkyne cell, PC, is back to areas 4 and 6. From area 4
there is the projection down the spinal cord by the pyram idal tract, PT, as in A, and the return
circuit from the evolving m ovem ent via the spinal centres to areas 3, I, 2. A dditionally there is
shown the circuit from area 6 to the basal ganglia (B C ) and the return to the cerebrum .
other than the motor cortex, particularly the premotor area (area 6 in
Fig. E l —4 A), project via pontine relays to the contralateral cerebellar
cortex (H), and the return circuit is partly to the motor cortex (4) but also to
cortical areas (6) other than the motor cortex. Since the cerebellar hemi
sphere receives only a modest input from the motor cortex, it acts on the
cerebral cortex principally in an open-loop manner antedating the motor
command that is fired by the pyramidal cells of area 4. Because of these
special features of connectivity Allen and Tsukahara [1974] have proposed
that the cerebellar hemisphere is concerned in the planning of a movement
rather than in its actual execution and correction by follow-up control. Its
function is largely anticipatory based upon learning and previous experience.
In primates there is no pathway from peripheral sense organs to the cere
bellar hemispheres. Such sensory information is received into areas 3, 1, 2
(Fig. E 3 —6 B) and is then transformed in some of the association areas, such
as 6, 5 and 7 in Figure E 1 —4 A and 8 A before being transmitted to the
cerebellar hemispheres as indicated in Figure E 3 —6B.
Fig. E3 — 7. Diagram showing the pathways concerned in the execution and control of voluntary
movement; A S S N CX, association cortex; lateral CBM , cerebellar hemisphere; intermed. CBM,
pars intermedia of cerebellum (modified from Allen and Tsukahara, 1974).
“we see in the holistic or gestalt command function of these parietal neurons
something of that flexibility and sensitivity to motivational set and behavioral goal
that all our own observations of human behavior dictate must be present: the neural
drivers of adaptive behavior. Our general command hypothesis does not hold that
these particular parietal command centers have exclusive control over these sets of
movements. Just the opposite, I propose that there are many such command centers
within the brain, and not all at cortical levels, that have access to the motor system at
many of its levels”
Figures E 3 —6 B and 7 provide illustrations of these many levels.
At the stage of motor discharge, by the two closed loops illustrated in
Figure E 3 —6 A, the pars intermedia makes an important contribution by
updating the movement that is based upon the sensory description of the limb
position and velocity upon which the intended movement is to be superim
posed. This closed loop operation is a kind of short-range planning as
opposed to the long-range planning of the association cortex and lateral
cerebellum. Certainly both of these cerebellar zones must cooperate in the
performance of every skilled movement (Allen and Tsukahara [1974]).
In learning a movement we first execute the movement very slowly
because it cannot yet be adequately preprogrammed. Instead it is performed
largely by intense cerebral concentration as well as with the constant updat
ing via the pars intermedia of the cerebellum. With practice and the conse
quent motor learning, a greater amount of the movement can be prepro
grammed and the movement can be executed more rapidly. With very rapid
movements we rely entirely on preprogramming by the circuits to the left of
Figure E 3 —7 because there is no time for on-target correction by the pars
intermedia once a fast movement has begun (Allen and Tsukahara [1974]).
Thus we may conjecture that trained movements are largely preprogram
med, whereas exploratory movements, which constitute an important frac
tion of our movement repertoire, are imperfectly preprogrammed, being
provisional and subject to continuous revision. The role of the cerebellum,
presumably the pars intermedia, in untrained or exploratory movements is
attested to by the clumsiness and slowness with which they are performed
when, after cerebellectomy, the cerebrum has to function in the absence of
cerebellar cooperation both in preprogramming and in updating. If only the
cerebellar hemisphere with the circuits of Figure E 3 —6 B is put out of
action, a tremor often results because the movement is so poorly prepro
grammed that the pars intermedia ineffectually performs its normal function
which is the updating of a movement that is already a good guess.
In summary, we conjecture that the pre-motor association areas and the
cerebellar hemispheres and basal ganglia are responsible for preprogram
ming movements. The motor command so formulated is discharged down the
pyramidal tract, so initiating the movement, but the pars intermedia updates
23. General Discussion 293
24. Resume
There is firstly an account of the areas of the cerebral cortex that are
concerned in speech, the anterior speech area of Broca, and the large pos
terior speech area of Wernicke (Fig. E 4 —1). These areas were originally
defined by astute inferences from cortical lesions in patients that suffered
various kinds of aphasia. The remarkable discovery was that about 95% of
aphasics have lesions in their left cerebral hemisphere. Experiments on
exposed human brains have confirmed these earlier clinical studies and
sharpened the localizations of the speech area, showing in particular that the
Wernicke area extended up into areas 39 and 40 of the parietal lobe
(Fig. E 4 - 3 ) .
Another important investigation has been by the dichotic listening test in
which two different auditory stimuli are presented by headphones, one to the
right ear and the other to the left ear. Since each ear predominantly feeds into
the auditory cortex on the contralateral side (Fig. E 4 —4), it could be estab
lished in this way that the inputs of words were much better recognized by the
right ear than with the left because there was projection more directly to the
linguistic areas of the left hemisphere.
The commissurotomy investigations described in the next chapter are
important because they have shown that the hemisphere containing the
speech centres has the amazing property of being in liaison with the self-con
scious mind of the subject in respect both of giving and receiving. Recenr
investigations have shown that the linguistic areas of the hemisphere are
associated with enlargements of cortical areas with respect to the symmetri
cal zones on the other hemisphere (Fig. E 4 —5). Particular importance is
attached to Brodmann’s areas 39 and 40, which came very late in evolution,
being barely recognizable in nonhuman primates. These are the areas specifi
cally concerned in cross-modal associations, that is associations from one
296 E4 The Language Centres of the Human Brain
sensory input, say touch, to another, say vision (cp. area STS in Figs. E 1 —7
and 8). It is postulated that language comes when you have the association
between objects that you feel and objects that you see, and which you then
name. There is a brief reference to the evolution of language and its great
importance in human activity. Language provides the means of representing
objects abstractly and for manipulating them hypothetically in one’s mind.
Despite the recent advances in recognition of asymmetries of the domi
nant hemisphere arising from the hypertrophy of areas associated with
speech (Fig. E 4 —4), there is still no detailed microscopic analysis of the
cortical structure of speech areas. Nor is there any advanced physiological
study of the neuronal activity in speech areas during their activity.
Finally, there is an account of the extraordinary disability suffered by a
girl who was kept isolated from any linguistic experience until she was 13 1 2
years old. Because of this long period of inactivity of the speech areas, grave
disabilities have been revealed in response to the efforts to train her to speak.
Even after 3 years her linguistic performance is quite limited, but meaningful
sentences can be generated. Though right-handed, she utilizes the right
hemisphere for speech. This is an indication that the areas of the cerebral
cortex built in readiness for speech require utilization in the earlier years in
order to allow effective development of the wonderful potentialities for
25. Introduction
26. Aphasia
As described by Penfield and Roberts [1959] and Geschwind [1970], for over
a century disorders of speech (aphasia) have been associated with lesions of
the left cerebral hemisphere (Fig. E 4 —1). There was firstly the motor
26. Aphasia 297
S u p e r io r * ^
S peech c o rte x
FRol. P osterior
I Supplementary
Speech cortex
Motor) ^
^ (W e rn ic k e )
A n te rio r
Speech cortex
(B ro c a )
Fig. E 4 — 1. Cortical speech areas of dominant left hemisphere. Note that the view is of left
hemisphere from both lateral and medial aspects. F. Rot. is fissure of Rolando and F. Sylr. is
fissure of Sylvius (Penfield and Roberts, 1959).
N hr
\ N,Vocal-
r— • Z
jn~ i ization
Rolandic {Ro\.
Motor c \ \
-Lips Voice
«-RSS. v —Jaw control
4yT .ja:
6< Tongue
^ vC
VV'9^\ >'>
<xy? * s - -
J Non-Dominant
J hemisphere
Fig. E 4 —2. Vocalization areas of m inor right hem isphere. A s with Fig. E4 — 1, the view is both
of lateral and m edial aspects. T he various effects were evoked by electrical stim ulation (Penfield
and R oberts, 1959).
S u p e r io r
S peech c o rte x P o s te rio r
( Supplem entary F R o l.. Speech cortex
M otor) (W e rn icke )
/AF :-39
A n t e r io r
S p e e c h c o rte x
I B ro c n )
Fig. FA —3. R edraw ing of left hem isphere as in Fig. E 4 - 1 but with angular and supram arginal
gyri labelled as B rodm ann areas 39 and 40 (cf. Fig. E 1 - 4). Also shown by arrow s is the pathw ay
from area 17 to 18, 19 to 39 (angular gyrus) to the W ernicke speech area, thence by the arcuate
fasciculus (AF> to B roca's area, and so to the m otor cortex for speech.
(B rodm ann areas 18, 19), where there is a further stage of reconstitution of
the visual image. As described in chapter E 2, this reconstitution is still most
inadequate. N eurones specifically respond to simple geom etrical forms, the
so-called feature recognition neurones. However, at the next stage, lesions of
the posterior part of W ernicke’s area (the angular gyrus, area 39 in
Fig. E 4 —3) result in dyslexia, suggesting that the relay from the visual
association neurones provides inform ation that is converted into word p at
terns and that these in turn are interpreted as meaningful sentences in the
process of conscious recognition. It is our thesis that this occurs because the
self-conscious mind is able to interact with the open modules in this cortical
area (chapter E 7). Lesions result in W ernicke’s aphasia. The further stage in
the process of reading aloud is via the arcuate fasciculus (A F in Fig. E 4 —3)
to the m otor speech area (B roca’s area). Lesions of the arcuate fasciculus
result in conduction aphasia (Geschwind [1970]). T here is com prehension of
spoken language but a gross defect in its repetition and in norm al speaking.
A t the term inal stage appropriate patterns of neural activity in B roca’s area
lead to the m otor areas for vocalization and so to the coordinated contrac-
300 E4 The Language Centres of the Human Brain
In the hands of Penfield and his associates stimulation of the cerebral cortex
has been responsible for quite remarkable discoveries relating to the localiza
tion of speech centres. Stimulation of the motor areas in either hemisphere
(Fig. E 4 —2) innervating structures concerned in sound production such as
tongue and larynx cause the patients to produce a variety of calls and cries
(vocalization) but not recognizable words. These are the motor areas of voice
control and are bilateral. Only rarely does a similar stimulation in animals
give vocal responses. On the other hand, stimulation of the speech areas
(Fig. E 4 —1) results in an interference With speech or an arrest of speech. For
example, if the subject is engaged in some speech production, such as the
counting of numbers, his voice may be slurred or distorted, or the same
number may be repeated. Often the application of the gentle stimulating
current to the speech areas causes a cessation of speech, which is resumed as
soon as the stimulation stops; or there is a temporary inability to name
objects during the stimulation. One can imagine that the stimulus has caused
a widerspread interference with the specific spatiotemporal patterns of
neuronal activity that are responsible for speech. In this way Penfield and his
associates have been able to delimit the two speech areas that have been
recognized from clinical studies of aphasia, namely the anterior and posterior
speech areas, and also a subsidiary third area (Fig. E 4 —1).
28. Intracarotid Injections of Sodium Amytal 301
A powerful technique has recently been employed for the study of cerebral
asymmetry: the dichotic listening test (Broadbent [1954]; Kimura [1967],
[1973]). The great advantage of this test is that it permits investigations in
healthy subjects. It thus expands enormously the source of potential test
subjects and eliminates the uncertainties entailed in aiming at physiological
goals through the study of diseased brains. The subject receives simultane
ously through headphones two different auditory stimuli, one to the right ear,
the other one to the left ear. The test was first tried on word recognition.
Three pairs of digits (say 2, 5 then 3, 4 then 9, 7) were presented dichotically
to normal subjects in rapid succession, after which the subject was asked to
report in any order as many of the digits as he could. It was surprising to find
that those digits presented to the right ear were more accurately reported
than those to the left ear, although it was shown that there were no differ
ences in the respective sensory auditory channels.
The asymmetry in normal auditory recognition is explained by the
peculiarities of the neural pathways along which the signals presented to the
ears are transmitted to the brain. As in the visual system, there is a crossed
connexion from the ear to the primary auditory sensory area, that is to
Heschl’s gyrus in the temporal lobe (Fig. E 4 —4). However, the situation
differs from that in vision, where the connections of one visual field to the
respective primary visual cortex are entirely crossed (Fig. E 2 —4). There
exist also ipsilateral connexions from one ear to Heschl’s gyrus of the same
side. However, this ipsilateral connexion is much weaker than the contrala
teral (Bocca et al. [1955]); furthemore, the ipsilateral pathways are suppres
sed by the contralateral during dichotic presentation (Milner & others
[1968]; Sparks and Geschwind [1968]), presumably by inhibition in the
cerebral cortex. Thus we would attribute the right ear advantage in the
dichotic digits test to the fact that the right ear has a more direct access to that
29. T h e D ichotic Listening T est 303
Left Right
'H G
Fig. E 4 —4. Schem atic drawing of the auditory pathways to th eH esch l’sgyri (H G) on each side,
showing by the thicker lines the dominance of the crossed connections. CN, cochlear nucleus, IC\
inferior colliculus, M GB, medial geniculate body, M, medulla oblongata.
SI ■ TG 2
Fig. E4 —5. Asymmetry of human superior temporal lobes. Upper surfaces of human temporal
lobes exposed by a cut on each side as illustrated by the broken lines in Figs. E 4 —1 and E4 —2.
Typical left-right differences are shown. The posterior margin (PM) of the planum temporale
(PT) slopes backward more sharply on the left than on the right, so that end y of the left Sylvian
fissure lies posterior to the corresponding point on the right. The anterior margin of the sulcus of
Heschl (SH) slopes forward more sharply on the left. In this brain there is a single traverse gyrus
of Heschl (TG) on the left and two on the right (TG,, TG2). TP, temporal pole; OP, occipital
pole; SI, sulcus intermedius of Beck (Geschwind and Levitsky, 1968).
306 E4 The Language Centres of the Human Brain
Teuber’s [1967] very challenging remarks on this same theme are worth
quoting in full.
31. Anatomical Substrates of Speech Mechanisms 307
Undoubtedly one of the crucial aspects of Language, beyond its formal characteris
tics described by the linguist, is the labeling of objects. Language imposes order on
events by permitting their classification, and it provides a tool for representing absent
objects and for manipulating them hypothetically ‘in one’s mind.’ For all this, it
would seem essential that there be some central mechanism for transcending the
division between the different senses, for identifying an object felt with an object
seen, and both with the object we can name; there should be some form of cross-
modal processing resulting in supramodal, more that sensory, categories, extracted
from or imposed upon experience. Language frees us to a large extent from the
tyranny of the senses. . . It gives us access to concepts that combine information from
different sensory modalities and are thus intersensory or suprasensory, but the riddle
remains as to how this is achieved. To say that language is needed to ‘mediate’
suprasensory objects requires that we understand how we know in the first place that
a thing seen is identical with that same thing felt. The paradox here was posed by the
many studies reviewed for us which seemed to indicate nearly complete absence of
any transfer from one sense modality to the other, in monkeys, and even under some
conditions in man.
In the light of these insights into the nature of the neuronal machinery that
forms a necessary substratum for linguistic development, it can be conjec
tured that, in the evolution of skilled movements involving cross-modal
associations, there arose special skills in expression in sound and gesture.
These skills were associated with the developing areas of cross-modal associ
ation, area STS, and eventually there developed out of STS areas 39 and 40
which come to occupy such a large part of the parietal lobe (Figs. E 1 —4 and
E 4 —3). The lateralization of speech in the dominant hemisphere is a further
problem, but I think less acute now that it is recognized that speech is initially
bilaterally represented, dominance being established in the first few years of
life. And even later there is some speech ability latent in the minor hemi
sphere that can be developed after destruction of the speech areas of the
dominant hemisphere (chapters E 5 and E 6).
Zaidel [1976] has formulated a most interesting hypothesis. Up till 4 or 5
years both hemispheres develop together in linguistic competence, but the
great increase in linguistic ability and skill coming on at that age demands fine
motor control in order to give well-formed speech. It is at this stage that one
hemisphere, usually the left, becomes dominant in linguistic ability because
of its superior neurological endowment. Meanwhile the other hemisphere,
usually the right, regresses in respect to speech, but retains its competence in
understanding. This understanding is particularly valuable when there are
gestalt concepts to be interpreted. We suggest also that the right hemisphere
is important for expressiveness and rhythm in speech, particularly in song,
which is well preserved after dominant hemispherectomy and lost after minor
hemispherectomy. This hypothesis accounts well for the transfer of speech to
the minor hemisphere when there is severe damage to the linguistic areas of
308 E4 The Language Centres of the Human Brain
the dominant hemisphere before the age of 5, and the progressive limitation
of transfer at later ages.
In addition to these discoveries at a macro-level, one must assume that
there are specially fine structural and functional properties as the basis for the
linguistic performance of these speech areas. Undoubtedly most exciting
work awaits the investigation by electron-microscopic techniques, and even
tually by electrophysiological analysis, of the ongoing events in the speech
areas of conscious subjects whose brains are exposed for some therapeutic
purpose. In the evolution of man there must have been most remarkable
developments in the neuronal structure of the cerebral cortex that has made
possible the evolution of speech. One can imagine that progressively more
subtle linguistic performance gave primitive men the opportunities for very
effective survival, which may be regarded as a strong evolutionary pressure.
A s a consequence there were the marvellously rapid evolutionary changes
transforming in several million years a primitive ape to the present human
race. The evolution of language will be extensively treated in the discussions
(II, IV, V, VI).
In respect of the anatomically represented speech area, and the as
sociated linguistic ability and self-consciousness, the human brain is unique.
Undoubtedly the experimental investigations on chimpanzees both with
respect to their developing a sign language (Gardner and Gardner [1969],
[1971]; Fouts [1973]) and a symbol language (Premack [1970]) show that the
chimpanzee brain exhibits considerable levels of intelligent and learned
performance, but this chimpanzee communication is at a different level from
human speech (Bronowski and Bellugi [1970]; Chomsky [1968]). The tests
reported by Lenneberg [1975] are of particular relevance. He trained normal
high school students with the procedures described by Premack, replicating
Premack’s study as literally as possible. Two human subjects were quickly
able to obtain considerably lower error scores than those reported for the
chimpanzee. However, they were unable to translate correctly a single sen
tence, completed by them, into English. In fact, they did not understand that
there was any correspondence between the plastic symbols and language;
instead, they were under the impression that their task was to solve puzzles.
Further, they tended to forget the solution to a task almost as soon as they
were confronted with new tasks. Lenneberg has suggested that the com
prehension of Premack’s chimpanzee should be tested by more general and
objective methods than heretofore.
Moreover, the linguistic performance of chimpanzees is at a lower level
than that exhibited by the minor hemisphere in experiements by Sperry and
associates on the commissurotomy patients (chapter E 5). There will be a
32. The Acquisition of Language 309
33. Resume
subject, it can carry out remarkably skilled and purposive movements, par
ticularly in the spatial and pictorial tests (Fig. E5 —5). However, it is almost
devoid of linguistic ability, so it is impossible to communicate with it at the
symbolic level that is requisite for discovering if it has conscious experiences
of its own.
There is an account of the most interesting investigative procedures that
have been carried out by Sperry and his colleagues with great ingenuity and
insight. In the light of these remarkable discoveries made with commis-
surotomized subjects we may now ask: how does the minor hemisphere
function in the normal brain? It is postulated that in normal subjects activities
in the minor hemisphere reach consciousness very largely after transmission
to the dominant hemisphere, which very effectively occurs via the immense
impulse traffic in the corpus callosum, as is illustrated in Figure E5 —7 by the
numerous arrows. Complementarily, it is postulated that the neural activities
responsible for voluntary actions are generated in the dominant hemisphere
by some willed action of the conscious self (see downward arrows in
Fig. E5 —7). Normally these neural activities spread widely over both the
dominant and minor hemispheres giving the “readiness potential,” described
in chapter E3. At a further stage there is concentration of neural activity onto
the area of the motor cortex that projects by the pyramidal tracts to bring
about the willed movement.
There is a discussion of the status of the minor hemisphere. Undoubtedly
it displays performance and skill superior to the brain of an anthropoid ape
because before the commissurotomy it was part of an intact human brain with
the memories and performances that that hemisphere specializes in, as will be
described in chapter E6. Further reference to the remarkable findings of
Sperry and his colleagues will be made in chapter E7, where the brain-mind
problem will be considered in relationship to all the findings on the effects of
lesions on the human brain.
The other massive lesions that are considered in this chapter result from
the complete removal of one or other hemisphere. The removal of the minor
hemisphere results in the disabilities of a severe hemiplegia, but the subject
retains reasonable linguistic ability. The removal of the dominant hemi
sphere has much more serious sequelae. Besides the hemiplegia, there is a
grave loss of linguistic ability, and communication with older patients be
comes very difficult. The younger the patient, the more remarkable the
recovery, and cases have been described of the ages of 10 and 14 where there
was some linguistic recovery. Infants present a much more encouraging
situation because there is a remarkable plasticity, the linguistic function of
the dominant hemisphere being fairly effectively transferred to the other
35. The Human Brain after Commissural Section 313
34. Introduction
This work has been published and discussed on many occasions by Sperry and
his colleagues (Sperry [1964], [1968], [1970], [1974]; Bogen [1969 (a)],
[1969 (b)]; Gazzaniga [1970]), but it is our thesis that the extraordinary
implications of this work for the self-brain problem have not yet been fully
realized by philosophers and scientists. This has occurred because the climate
of opinion is not yet ready for a searching evaluation of these most surprising
and revolutionary results.
The operative transection of the corpus callosum has so far been carried
out in about 20 cases for therapeutic reasons and has often resulted in a
314 E5 Global Lesions of the Human Cerebrum
Fig. E 5 — 1. Separation of the two cerebral hem ispheres produced by section of the corpus
callosum in the prim ate brain (Sperry, 1974).
in order to prevent eye movements from deviating the visual data to the other
visual half-field. Moreover, in the usual experimental procedure the hands
are screened from view as they search for objects and recognize them by
touch. One other point to note at the outset is that, in the eight patients
experimentally investigated, the speech centres were demonstrated post
operatively to be in the left hemisphere. Because of this location of the
linguistic areas, the left hemisphere has been termed the dominant hemi
The outstanding discovery in the investigations o f these subjects is the
uniqueness and exclusiveness o f the dominant hemisphere in respect o f con
scious experience. The friends and relatives recognize that the expression by
the subjects in language is not greatly disturbed by the operation and the
conscious self reports a good memory of its preoperative life. The unity of
self-consciousness or the mental singleness (Bremer [1966]; Eccles [1965])
316 E5 Global Lesions of the Human Cerebrum
that the patient experienced before the operation has been retained, but at
the expense of unconsciousness of all the happenings in the minor, right,
hemisphere. This minor hemisphere continues to perform as a very superior
brain with a refined ability in stereognosis, and in pattern recognition and
copying, yet none of the goings-on in that hemisphere gives conscious experi
ences to the patient, except by delayed and very diffuse pathways in the brain,
or by sensory recognition of movements brought about by the minor hemi
sphere. It is remarkable to see the superior stereognostic performance pro
grammed by the minor hemisphere to the left har d, all unbeknown to the
subject who sees it with amazement and chagrin. These tests can be carried
out in full visual view, not screened in the usual manner. In this respect the
conscious performance of the patient using the dominant hemisphere and the
right hand is greatly inferior to that carried out by the minor hemisphere. For
35. T he H um an B rain after Com m issural Section 317
Fig. E 5 —3. Nam es of objects flashed to left half-field can be read and understood but not
spoken. Subject can retrieve the nam ed object by touch with the left hand, but cannot afterw ards
nam e the item o r retrieve it with the right hand (Sperry, 1970).
In other respects the minor hemisphere is deficient not only in that it has
an extremely limited linguistic performance, which of course would be ex
pected because it lacks the language centres of the brain, but also in its
extremely poor ability in calculation and in ideation. Nevertheless it has a
limited “reading” ability, when printed names of common objects are flashed
onto the left visual field in the manner illustrated Figure E5 —2, and so are
transmitted to the minor hemisphere. For example in Figure E5 —3 the word
N U T in the left visual fields is “recognized” by the right hemisphere. This
hemisphere displays an intelligent understanding of common names so that it
can programme the left hand to search for and discover manually the object
named amongst an assortment presented to it under the screen and even to
demonstrate its correct usage. Also names spoken to the subject can initiate
successful search and recognition by the left hand. However, the extremely
limited linguistic ability is displayed by the failure to react when verbs such as
“point,” “wave,” “nod,” “wink” are flashed on the left visual field. Word
recognition is limited to names of common objects and on occasion to a few
This recognition transcends a simple name-object identification in that it
discloses a language comprehension, e.g., “measuring instrument” for ruler,
“for lighting fires” for match. In this manner the minor hemisphere can
exhibit not only appreciation of words but can also display a simple learning
in new situations. Despite all this apparently intelligent behaviour, the sub
ject never derives any conscious experience from the goings-on in the minor
hemisphere in all of its operative procedures. In fact, as stated above, the
subject disclaims responsibility for these appropriate and intelligent actions
programmed from his minor hemisphere.
Sperry [ 1970] has shown in diagrammatic form (Fig. E5 —4) the essential
performances of the right and left cerebral hemispheres, as revealed by these
investigations on patients with complete sectioning of the corpus callosum.
The projections of the right (R) and left (L) visual fields to the left and right
occipital cortices are shown, and some of the functions of the hemispheres are
inscribed on them. It will be noted that hearing is bilateral, but mostly
crossed, whereas olfaction is strictly ipsilateral.
Remarkable examples of the complementary functions of the dominant
and minor hemispheres have been revealed by the chimeric studies of Levy &
others [1972]. Chimeric figures were formed by splitting pictures, for exam
ple of a face as in Figure E5 —5. The faces are numbered 1 to 8 and chimeric
stimuli are shown by four combinations in A, B, C, D. One of these combina
tions is flashed on the screen while the subject fixes the mid-point of the
screen, for example the chimeric stimulus A formed from faces 7 and 2. The
35. T h e H u m a n B rain a fte r C o m m issu ral Section 319
, L R
W. EAR L .E A R !
I . ear r. ear ;
L aA|N ■ ’ A B IL IT IE S F
1 ~T E R M c o m p r e h e n s iu y
'Z W
flp ’
R vL
Fig. E 5 —4. S ch em a show ing th e w ay in w hich th e left an d right visual fields a re p ro je c te d o n to
th e rig h t an d left visual co rtices, resp ectiv ely , d u e to th e p a rtia l d ecu ssatio n in th e o p tic chiasm a
(cf. Fig. E 2 —4 ). T h e sc h em a also show s o th e r sen so ry in p u ts from right lim bs to th e left
h e m isp h e re an d th a t from left lim bs to th e right h em isp h e re. S im ilarly, h ea rin g is largely crossed
in its in p u t, b u t o lfactio n is ip silateral. T h e p ro g ram m in g o f th e right h an d in w riting is show n
p icto rially to co m e from th e left h e m isp h e re (S p erry , 1974).
image in the left visual field (half of 7) is projected to the right hemisphere.
Similarly the right visual field projects with half of image 2 to the left
hemisphere. Because of the absence of commissural communication there is
processing of information in each hemisphere that leads to a completion of
320 E5 Global Lesions of the Human Cerebrum
I 2 3 4
7 2
5 6 7 8
7 2 3 6
5 8 I 3
Fig. E 5 —5. C om posite face stimuli (chim eras) for testing hemispheric specialization for facial
recognition. Full explanation in text (Sperry, 1974).
the image as shown by the images inscribed on each hem isphere. The
chimeric nature of the total visual input is not recognized, but each hem i
sphere displays responses in accord with its specific functions. Thus if a verbal
response is required, the vocal naming is in accord with the image com pleted
in the left hem isphere. On the other hand if there is a visual recognition
response by pointing by the left hand to the array of eight faces, face 7 is
indicated. T here have been many variants of this chimeric testing with
various objects besides faces. Always the results illustrate the complete
separation of the two hem ispheres in their perceptual responses. If a verbal
response is required, the left hem isphere dom inates with its perception of the
right visual field. The right hem isphere dom inates if the required perception
is for complex and nondescript patterns (cp. Fig. E6 —2) and if there is a
m anual readout, for example by pointing. Thus the chimeric testing confirms
35. The Human Brain after Commissural Section 321
results were obtained by Trevarthen and Sperry [1973] when the testing
signals were applied in the field of peripheral vision, about 40 0 laterally.
T hen the com m issurotomized subjects were able usually to recognize objects
in the left visual field as well as the right, and to combine them into unified
percepts which they could cross-integrate across the vertical meridian. In
addition they reported correctly about attributes of stimuli such as colour and
size that w ere far out in the left visual field. These results were obtained while
subjects m aintained steady central fixation, and in the absence of any acts
capable of giving cross-cueing betw een the hemispheres. Thus am bient vi
sion rem ains undivided after callosal section. Fortunately anatomical path
ways decussating at subcortical levels provide a plausible explanation of the
way in which left visual field inputs eventually reach the left hem isphere,
there to be consciously recognized by the subject. As shown in Figure E5 —6
the pathway of this second visual system (open and cross-hatched arrows) is
from the left visual field of the right eye to the superior colliculus of the
m id-brain and thence via the pulvinar to the visual association cortex of the
left hem isphere (cross-hatched arrows). Decussation occurs both at the
collicular and pulvinar levels, hence the left visual field projects to the left
visual cortex. Thus this investigation conforms to the general conclusion that
Secondary or
Corpus As so ci a ti on
C a l los u m _ Co rt ex
P u lv ina r P r i m a r y or
S tr i a t e
S uperior
Col li c u l u s ' L a t e r a l Ge n ic u la te
N ucleus.
R ig h t Eye
Fig. E5 — 6. Diagram to show anatom ical pathways of a second visual system w hereby, despite
com m issurotom y, objects far out in the left visual field of the right eye can be projected to the
visual cortices of both hem ispheres via the superior colliculus and the pulvinar. The first visual
system (cf. Fig. E2 —4) is shown in black from the right eye to lateral geniculate to striate (visual)
cortex (T revarthen and Sperry, 1973).
35. The Human Brain after Commissural Section 323
only the events of the dominant hemisphere give conscious experience to the
split-brain subject.
All of the very fine work with flash testing has been superseded by a new
technique (Zaidel and Sperry [1972 (a)], [1972 (b)]; Zaidel [1973]) in which
a contact lens is placed in the right eye with an optical device that limits the
input into that eye to the left visual field no matter how the eye is moved. At
the same time, an eye shield prevents the left eye from being used. In this way
there can be up to 2 h of continuous investigation of the subject, which gives
opportunity for much more sophisticated testing procedures than with the
flash testing. The tests have been concerned with the ability of the right
(minor) hemisphere to understand complex visual imagery, as shown by
appropriate reactions with the left hand.
For example, in experimental sessions witnessed through the kindness of
Drs Sperry and Zaidel, strip cartoons made up of four to six pictures random
ly arranged were sorted by the left hand and arranged in correct sequence
despite the fact that the subject verbally reported that he had no idea either of
what was being presented in the left visual field or of the reactions of the left
hand thereto. There was elimination of all input to the brain from the right
visual field, consequently the conscious subject was quite blind. He reported
no conscious visual experiences except a general sense of luminosity or at
times of colour.
Other examples of the pictorial understanding of the right hemisphere
are given by testing procedures in which there is a picture, say, of a cat and,
below, the words “cat” and “dog.” The subject with the left hand can
correctly point to the appropriate word. Symmetrically, if there are two
pictures, a cup and a knife, and below one word “cup,” the subject will point
to the correct object (cup) with the left hand. An even more sophisticated test
of picture identification is provided by a drawing of landscapes with below a
correct and an incorrect name. For example below the picture were the
names “summer,” and “winter” and the subject was able to point to the name
“winter” rather than “summer” in correct identification of the picture. Yet
all of these visual inputs to the brain give no conscious experiences to the
Despite this intelligent performance with pictorial and verbal presenta
tion to the minor hemisphere, this hemisphere is completely unable to
complete sentences, even the simplest, when tested in the manner illustrated
by the verbal arrangement given below.
Mother loves
nail baby broom stone
324 E5 Global Lesions of the Human Cerebrum
The subject points with the left hand as the sentence is read: “Mother loves ”
and then sequentially to the four words below for identification. The subject
then tries to complete the sentence using the left hand to point to one or other
of the four words below, and only at random chance chooses “baby.” The
evidence from language testing of chimpanzees indicates likewise that they
are unable to complete sentences, though some dubious claims have been
made. This of course arises from the fact that neither the minor hemisphere
nor the chimpanzee brain has a Wernicke area that provides the necessary
semantic ability.
These more rigorous testing procedures (Zaidel [1976]) have shown that
after commissurotomy the right hemisphere has access to a considerable
auditory vocabulary, being able to recognize commands and to relate words
presented by hearing or vision to pictorial representations. It is particularly
effective in recognition of pictorial representations that occur in common
experiential situations. It was also surprising that the right hemisphere re
sponded to verbs as effectively as to action names. Response to verbal
commands was not recognized by the flash technique. Despite all this display
of language comprehension, the right hemisphere is extremely deficient in
expression in speech or in writing, which is effectively zero. It is also incap
able of understanding instructions that include many items which have to be
remembered in correct order. The highly significant finding is the large
difference between comprehension and expression in the performance of the
right hemisphere.
The operative lesion of commissurotomy merely interrupts the direct
commissural connections between the two hemispheres, leaving intact all
their communication to and from the lower centres. Hence, for example, the
two hemispheres exhibit the same sleep-wake cycles, for this is dependent on
the arousal influences probably from mesencephalic and diencephalic struc
tures that are interconnected across the midline and that act bilaterally. Even
more important is the very effective integration of the postural and automatic
movements of the body and limbs of both sides. For example, the patients can
walk, stand and swim normally, because the neural machinery governing
such actions has commissural connections at subcortical levels and so is not
split by the callosal section.
In the rare human cases of congenital absence of the corpus callosum
(Saul and Sperry [1968]), there must have been developed in the embryo
compensatory connections between the two hemispheres at subcortical
levels. As a consequence such a subject responded to the battery of cross-in
tegration tests essentially as a normal control subject. Also of interest was the
experimental evidence that speech had been developed in both hemispheres
36. Discussion on Commissurotomy 325
the minor hemisphere did not directly give the subject any conscious experi
ences, a hypothesis that had been suggested several years earlier (Eccles
[1965]). In order to make this hypothesis of brain-mind interaction explicit
we present a diagram (Fig. E5 —7) that portrays the flow of communication
between major subdivisions of the brain and also to and from the outside
world. Some special features of this diagram will be explained elsewhere in
this book when formulating hypotheses relating to the origin and develop
ment of language and culture. For present purposes we will concentrate on
the neural pathways from receptors to the cerebrum and reciprocally from
the cerebrum to muscles. Due to the decussations of the neural pathways, the
left cerebral hemisphere in general receives from and acts upon the right side,
e.g. right visual field and right arm, and vice versa for the right cerebral
hemisphere and the left visual field and left arm. However, as shown in
Figure E5 —7, not all of the pathways are crossed. For example, there is a
significant ipsilateral input for somaesthesis. In Figure E5 —7 there are also
shown small ipsilateral motor projections from each cerebral hemisphere.
The rigorous testing of the subjects who have been subjected to section of
the corpus callosum has revealed that conscious experiences of the subject
arise only in relationship to neural activities in the dominant hemisphere.
This is shown in Figure E5 —7 by the arrows leading from the linguistic and
ideational areas of the dominant hemisphere to the conscious self that is
represented by the circular area above. It must be recognized that Figure
E5 —7 is an information flow diagram and that the location of the conscious
self is for diagrammatic convenience. It is of course not meant to imply that
the conscious self is spatially located above the dominant hemisphere!
It was postulated that in normal subjects activities in the minor hemi
sphere reach consciousness only after transmission to the dominant hemi
sphere, which very effectively occurs via the immense impulse traffic in the
corpus callosum, as is illustrated in Figure E5 —7 by the numerous transverse
arrows. Complementarily, it was postulated that the neural activities re
sponsible for voluntary actions are generated in the dominant hemisphere by
some willed action of the conscious self (see downward arrows in
Fig. E5 —7). Normally these neural activities spread widely over both the
dominant and minor hemispheres giving the “readiness potential” described
in chapter E3. At a further stage there is concentration of neural activity onto
the area of the motor cortex that projects by the pyramidal tracts to bring
about the willed movement.
It must be recognized that this transmission in the corpus callosum is not a
simple one-way transmission. The 200 million fibres must carry a fantastic
wealth of impulse traffic in both directions. For example, a conservative
36. Discussion on C om m issurotom y 327
Fig. E 5 — 7. C om m unications to and from the brain and within the brain. Diagram to show the
principal lines of com m unication from peripheral receptors to the sensory cortices and so to the
cerebral hem ispheres. Similarly, the diagram shows the output from the cerebral hem ispheres
via the m otor cortex and so to muscles. B oth these systems of pathw ays are largely crossed as
illustrated, but m inor uncrossed pathw ays are also shown by the vertical lines in the brain stem.
T he dom inant left hem isphere and m inor right hem isphere are labelled, together with some of
the properties of these hem ispheres that are found displayed in Fig. E6 —6. T he corpus callosum
is shown as a powerful cross-linking of the two hem ispheres and, in addition, the diagram
displays the m odes of interaction betw een W orlds 1,2 , and 3, as described in the text, and also
illustrated in Fig. E7 — 1.
328 E5 Global Lesions of the Human Cerebrum
38. Hemispherectomy
We now turn to the human cerebral cortex in order to study the possible
regions concerned in consciousness. It is remarkable that excision of the
minor hemisphere under local anaesthesia gives rise to no loss of the patient’s
consciousness or self-awareness. This even occurs during the actual opera
tion when it is performed under local anaesthesia, as reported by Obrador
[1964] and Austin & others [1972]. These investigators as well as Gardner &
38. Hemispherectomy 331
others [1955] report (seven cases) that excisions of the minor hemisphere
result in symptoms that, except for the hemiplegia and the absence of far-out
left visual field recognition, are not appreciably different from those de
scribed in detail by Sperry in his study of patients with brain bisection, and
that are reported above. Interestingly, in one left-handed subject of Gardner
& others [1955] it seemed that the right hemisphere was dominant, and, as
would be expected, the same results were observed after left hemispherec
tomy. Thus minor hemispherectomy gives a result in complete agreement
with the postulate that self-consciousness is derived only from neural ac
tivities in the dominant hemisphere. One of the two cases of minor hemis
pherectomy reported by Gott [1973 (a)] is remarkable because it occurred in
a young woman who was a music major and an accomplished pianist. After
the operation there was a tragic loss of her musical ability. She could not carry
a tune, but could still repeat correctly the words of familiar songs.
The left (dominant hemisphere) excisions in the adult have much more
serious sequelae. In the four cases that have been reported there seem to be
some traces of residual consciousness and some slight recovery in very
primitive linguistic ability. Patients were very difficult to study as they were
almost completely aphasic. Smith [1966] reported that his patient could use
expletives and simple words in a song that he used to know. He had extreme
restriction in language usage. Nevertheless, the isolated minor hemisphere
had more linguistic ability than occurs in the minor hemisphere of Sperry’s
patients, where it is overshadowed by the dominant hemisphere. One won
ders how much transfer of dominance had occurred in this patient before the
operation because there had been a severe lesion of the dominant hemis
phere for at least 2 years, from age 45 to age 47 at the time of the operation.
Hillier [1954] gave a much more encouraging account of dominant
hemispherectomy in a boy of 14 who survived about 2 years. This boy
achieved a good recovery in general performance, but linguistically was very
handicapped. Hillier reports:
Comprehension of the spoken word is quite accurate. The motor aphasia shows a
constant improvement. He is capable of reading individual letters, but cannot formu
late words. He is at times unable to name an article in an advertisement, but yet can
tell the radio program and describe the artists who advertise the particular product.
Again one suspects that there was some transfer of dominant hemisphere
functions before operation, and the youthfulness of the patient could help in
his recovery. Despite the rather optimistic tone of this report it can be
recognized that there was a tragic linguistic disability, a sequel that is to be
expected after excision of the Wernicke speech area.
A better recovery was reported by Gott [1973 (b)] in a girl who had
332 E5 Global Lesions of the Human Cerebrum
the minor hemisphere in the split-brain cases. Yet, so far as tests are possible
in these almost completely aphasic cases, there seems to be some residual
self-consciousness. Certainly, years after “dominant” hemispherectomy in
the first 5 years of life, tests reveal that the “minor” hemisphere has taken
over linguistic functions and hence assumed a “dominant” status, at least to a
partial extent. Possibly a small transfer of this kind occurs even in adults
because of the destruction of large areas of the dominant hemisphere in the
years preceding the operation.
After commissurotomy the right hemisphere seems mute and after left
hemispherectomy the isolated right hemisphere is severely aphasic. How
ever, in both cases the right hemisphere has a substantial comprehension of
language. This is particularly so in linguistic usage associated with pictures.
The right hemisphere can also comprehend short verbal instructions but not
beyond three words, and it lacks semantic ability to complete sentences. In
these respects the linguistic competence of the right hemisphere differs from
that of a child, where comprehension and expression develop together.
Zaidel [1976] suggests that at each stage in the acquisition of language
there is a complex interhemispheric interaction. Also there is evidence that
the right hemisphere lends support in auditory comprehension to an aphasic
left hemisphere. It is extraordinary that, despite its considerable verbal
comprehension, the right hemisphere is so deficient in verbal expression,
except when it has been isolated at such a young age that there can be a
considerable transfer of linguistic ability. This will be considered further in
chapter E6.
Chapter E6 Circumscribed Cerebral Lesions
40. Resume
41. Introduction
Most interesting work has been done by Milner [1974] and her associates
[1964] on the contrasting functions of the left and right temporal lobes. In
about 95% of subjects the left has a special linguistic function by virtue of
being centred in the Wernicke area (Fig. E4 —1), as has been described in
chapter E4. Complementarily the right temporal lobe has been shown to be
specially concerned in the appreciation of music and in spatial pattern recog
nition (Scheid and Eccles [1975]). Advantage has been taken of subjects who
are to have the temporal lobe removed on one or the other side for treatment
of epilepsies that arise from areas of extensive brain damage. Altogether in
this very important test series there was excision of the left or right temporal
lobe with or without the hippocampus in 21 and 26 patients respectively.
Controls were provided by normal subjects and by patients with extensive
excisions of the left or right frontal lobes.
When studying the effects of temporal lobe lesions on musical apprecia
42. Temporal Lobe Lesions 337
tion, it was found that subjects with right temporal lobe lesions did not differ
from normal in respect of simple pitch or rhythm discrimination. However,
differences were revealed when these patients were tested for two subtests of
the Seashore tests, viz. the timbre and tonal memory tests (Milner [1967]).
For example in the tonal memory test a short sequence, four or five notes,
was played twice in rapid succession, after which the subject had to decide
which note was changed in pitch at the second playing. After right temporal
lobectomy many more errors were made in this test for melody recognition
than before, whereas left temporal lobectomy hardly changed the score
(Fig. E 6 - 1 ) .
Further evidence of the association of the right temporal lobe with
musical appreciation was provided by Shankweiler [1966] using memory of
traditional tunes. After listening to a few bars, the subject was required either
to continue the tune by humming or to name it. Subjects with right temporal
lobectomies gave abnormally poor performance on both these tests. As
would be expected, subjects with left temporal lobectomies performed well
with the humming, but, because of the linguistic defect, were abnormally
poor in the verbal task of naming the tune. Perhaps the most striking
evidence relating musical appreciation to the right temporal lobe is the recent
mH Post-operative
o 10
L .T e m p . R.Temp. L.Temp. R.Temp.
Fig. E 6 —I. Seashore Timbre and Tonal Memory tests: mean error scores before and after
operation for left (L. temp) and right (R. temp.) temporal-lobe groups, showing postoperative
impairment after right temporal lobectomy but not after left (Milner, 1967).
338 E6 Circumscribed Cerebral Lesions
report (as yet unpublished) of a gifted musician that he suddenly lost all the
aesthetic feelings associated with his performances. Clinical investigations
revealed a vascular lesion of the right temporal lobe. The importance of the
right hemisphere for the musical performance of the brain is also convinc
ingly shown by the tragic results of a right hemispherectomy in a musically
gifted young woman (Gott [1973]), as reported in chapter E5. A more
complex case of musical disability was exhibited by Ravel, who had a wide
spread bilateral involvement of parietal and temporal lobes resulting in both
aphasia and apraxia (Alajouanine, 1948).
All of this lesional evidence for the representation of musical apprecia
tion in the minor hemisphere has been corroborated by the evidence derived
from dichotic listening tests on normal subjects (Kimura [1967], [1973]). In
these tests a headset with earphones is used to play simultaneously two short
melodies, one into each ear. The subject was then asked to pick out these two
melodies from an assemblage of four melodies, that were heard sequentially
in a normal manner. There was a significantly higher score for the melodies
played into the left ear, which indicates a superiority in recognition of the
right hemisphere over the left because each ear signals predominantly into
the acoustic area of the contralateral temporal lobe (Fig. E2). When se
quences of words or numbers were applied by this same method of dichotic
listening, there is, as expected, a better recognition of the right ear input,
which would preponderantly go to the left temporal lobe for processing and
verbal recognition.
It has also been shown by Milner ([1967], [1971], [1974]) and her
associates Kimura [1963] and Corsi that right temporal lobe lesions give a
consistent impairment in perception of irregular patterned stimuli, particu
larly those not identifiable verbally. Of the three tests used, the facial recog
nition test is of particular importance to the patient. Photographs of 12 faces
are initially examined at leisure by the subject and then have to be identified
in a larger assemblage of 25 faces in which the original 12 are randomly
arranged (Milner [1968]). After right temporal lobectomy there was poor
performance in this test, but in part it was dependent on the extent of the
hippocampal excision associated with the temporal lobectomy, as will be
further discussed in chapter E8.
A second important test for non-verbal visual memory is the so-called
recurring nonsense figures test designed by Kimura [1963], in which the
subject is tested for memory of unfamiliar designs, geometrical or irregular
curvilinear (Fig. E6 —2A ). In a pile of successively presented cards a number
of these designs recur randomly, and the subject has to say “yes” or “no”
according to whether he thinks that he has seen it before or not. When
42. Temporal Lobe Lesions 339
(n 20
5 10
33 . 39 5 7 12 1 N
y /
#? ^ y
Fig. E 6 —2. A. Example from Recurring Nonsense Figures test. B. Mean error scores (sum of
/ /
false positive or negative responses) for different lesion groups, showing significant impairment
after right temporal lobectomy (Milner, 1967).
Kimura subjected to this test patients with lesions in right or left parietal or
temporal lobes, she could clearly show that the mean error score was signifi
cantly higher in the right temporal lobe group than in all other patients
(Fig. E 6 —2B), there being no difference between the latter patients and the
normal control group. The results of this and of similar tests suggest that
lesions in the right temporal lobe interfere with the ability to process infor
mation that may be defined as visual pattern recognition. In similar tests
Milner [1967] found impairments in many other visual tasks. Thus the
patients with right temporal lobe lesions cannot easily organize patches of
black and white into distinct patterns, such as a human face shown in a
cartoon representation. Indeed, as revealed by the test described above, they
have difficulties in recognizing photographic portraits that they had carefully
inspected less than 2 minutes earlier.
In another interesting test by Milner and Corsi (Milner [1974]), the
subject has to point to a small circle at a specific place on a line (Fig. E6 —3A)
and has later to replicate the location of that circle on another line of the same
length and orientation, the first line being meanwhile screened from view
(Fig. E6 —3B). The performance is quantitatively evaluated by addition of
errors in location in four tests. Again, subjects with the right temporal
lobectomy failed badly on this test relative to normal controls and left
temporal lobectomy patients (Fig. E6 —4A). There was a similar relative
failure when a mental distraction was interpolated between the inspection
340 E6 Circumscribed Cerebral Lesions
Fig. E 6 —3. A and B, sketches illustrating the procedure used by Corsi to test memory for visual
location. (A) The patient marks the circle indicated on the exposed 8-inch line. (B) After a short
delay, he tries to reproduce this position from memory as accurately as possible, on a similar
8-inch line. The sign REST means that the patient does nothing during the interval, in contrast to
WORK trials in which a distracting activity is interpolated (Milner, 1974).
and the test (Fig. E 6 —4B). Corsi found that the deficiencies resulting from
right temporal lobectomies were related to the extent of the associated
hippocampal excisions.
This human lesion work implicates the right temporal lobe as being
specially concerned in visual feature detection. Thus this lobe parallels the
monkey inferotemporal lobe, as described in chapter E2, the only difference
being the bilateral representation in the monkey brain. With monkeys bilat
eral inferotemporal lesions produce a severe deficit in the performance of
visual discrimination tasks (Gross [1973]), much as described above for
human lesions. This defect is restricted to visual tests involving pattern,
brightness or colour, and correlates with the feature detection described in
chapter E2 for neurones of the primate inferotemporal lobe. These visual
performances of the inferotemporal lobe can be correlated with the anatomi
cal pathways depicted in Figure E l —7E —G for the secondary and tertiary
relays from the primary visual area to areas 20 and 21 of the inferotemporal
Thus we may conclude that in man and monkey the temporal lobe (right
side only for man) is involved in higher order perceptual detection for visual
inputs. Lower level visual functions such as visual acuity and the topography
of visual fields are not affected by temporal lobe lesions. The hippocampus
43. Parietal Lobe Lesions 341
E 99.8
o 94.4
90 89.3
68.8 69.6
60 m
Normal Left Right Normal Left Right
Control Temporal Tempordl Control Temporal Temporal
(N = 19) (N =25) (N=38) ( N=19) ( N =25) ( N=38)
Fig. E6 —4. Corsi’s results for the spatial memory task, showing impairment after right temporal
lobectomy but not after left. The score is the total error (in mm) for four trials, without regard to
sign, averaged across three retention intervals (Milner, 1974).
usually was removed to a greater or lesser extent with the human temporal
lobe excision. The resultant severe memory defects will be described in the
chapter on memory (chapter E8).
In summary, these tests show that the right temporal lobe is importantly
concerned in both the musical and the spatial recognition and recall perform
ances of the human brain. It is not claimed that the right temporal lobe is
alone concerned in such performances, only that it is the area principally
concerned. It will be our thesis throughout these enquiries into cerebral
localization that functions are widely distributed over the cerebral hemi
spheres. These functions of the human right temporal lobe counterbalance to
some extent the massive involvement of the left temporal and parietal lobes
in linguistic performance (cp. chapter E4). The musical representation in the
right temporal lobe can be correlated with the secondary and tertiary relays
depicted in Figure E l —71,J for the auditory pathway, namely areas STP and
22 .
Hecaen [1967] reviewed the effects of lesions of the parietal lobes of the
human cerebrum. The anterior parts of both parietal lobes are constituted by
342 E6 Circumscribed Cerebral Lesions
In the left parietal lobe there is integration of sensory data with language.
This is revealed by finding that lesions result in disorders of gesture, of
writing, of arithmetic and of verbal knowledge of both sides of the body. A s a
consequence there are disabilities of motor action (apraxia), of constructive
ability and of calculation. Parietal lobe lesions abutting on the temporal lobe
result in aphasia, so much so that the Wernicke area is shown extending into
the left inferior parietal region (Fig. E4 —1 and 3). With lesions of the
angular gyrus (Brodmann, 39) there is loss of word and symbol recognition
(alexia). Nevertheless, patients with left parietal lobectomy score reasonably
well on tests of auditory and visual verbal recall, being much better than those
with left temporal lobe lesions (Milner [1967]).
On the other hand the right parietal lobe is specially concerned in the
handling of spatial data and in a non-verbalized form of relationship between
the body and space. It is specially concerned in spatial skills. Lesions result in
loss of skills dependent on finely organized movements, apraxia. The disabil
ity in handling spatial data appears in writing, where the lines are wavy with
the words unevenly spaced and often deformed by perseveration, e.g. the
proper double letter appearing tripled, as “lettter” for letter. There seem also
to be more subtle disorders of linguistic expression, with deteriorations in
fluency, and in vocabulary. Patients suffer from an abnormal level of linguis
tic fatigue. The distinguished neuroanatomist Prof. Brodal suffered from a
right parietal lobe lesion in April 1972. About a year later he wrote a most
interesting account of the disabilities he has experienced and of his gradual
recovery (Brodal [1973]). In addition to the above account he reported losses
of higher mental functions. There was reduction in power of concentration, in
consecutive sentence memory, and in short-term memory for abstract sym
bols such as numbers. Clearly there is more linguistic performance in the
right hemisphere than has been believed hitherto.
Hecaen (1967) summarizes the difference between the two parietal
Right brain injury disorganizes the spatial reference of various activities, while left
injury causes disturbances of the systems of signs, codes and categorizing activity.
Thus we believe that an organizing role of verbal mediation in activities of the major
(dominant) hemisphere must be postulated.
Reference has already been made to the visual defects arising from occipital
lobe lesions (chapter E2). For example, excision of the left occipital lobe
results in blindness for the right visual field of each eye, which is called a right
hemianopia, and similarly for the right occipital lobe and left hemianopia.
Less severe destructions cause blind patches of the visual field that are called
scotomata. The classical investigations have been carried out by Teuber &
others [1960] on visual field defects after penetrating missile wounds. The
detailed study of scotomata gives reliable mapping of the relation of retina to
visual cortex (Fig. E2 —5), and also of the various compensations in visual
interpretation by the subject.
Milner [1967] reported that lesions of the right occipital lobe decreased
the speed of reading as much as lesions of the speech area in the left temporal
lobe. Yet tests for the ability to recall words or sentences in set tasks (verbal
memory) revealed that these right occipital lobectomy patients performed as
well as those with right temporal lobectomies. The left temporal lobectomies
failed as badly in this test as in the speed of reading. Milner [1967] reports a
very interesting case of a radical left occipital lobectomy. This girl had good
verbal memory scores both for auditory and visual presentation, but she had
severe defects in reading and in calculation. Evidently a severe handicap was
45. Frontal Lobe Lesions 345
introduced because of the necessary transfer from the right occipital lobe to
the verbal and calculating centres of the left parietal-temporal lobes: A
general conclusion is that speed of reading is dependent on both occipital
Subtle visual losses occur with lesions of the visual association cortex
(areas 18, 19), but there is considerable disagreement in detail. This zone of
visual cortex can be regarded as functioning in some rather simple recon
struction of the visual image, as is evidenced by the high level of synthesis that
is displayed by the constituent neurones (complex and hypercomplex cells).
A s reported in chapter E2 there is a still higher level of feature detection in
the next relay area in the right inferotemporal lobe.
The lesional studies described in this section are for the frontal lobe anterior
to the motor areas 4 and 6, i.e. for what is called the prefrontal lobe. The
function of areas 4 and 6 has been discussed in chapter E3. There have now
been many systematic studies of patients with large ablations of the right or
left prefrontal lobes (reviewed by Teuber [1964], [1972]; Milner [1967],
[1968], [1971], [1974]). These subjects score at normal level in linguistic
tests, in both the auditory and the visual forms; yet subjects with left prefron
tal lesions tend to speak very little spontaneously and to have significantly
low scores with word fluency tests (Milner [1967]).
A related defect is disclosed by the so-called verbal recency test. On cards
there are printed two spondaic words (e.g. cow-boy or rail-road). The subject
reads sequentially through a stack of such cards, and at times a question mark
appears between the two words. The subject has to indicate which of the
words he has read most recently, or alternatively, if only one was previously
seen, to recognize which word. Thus two verbal memories are tested: verbal
recency and verbal recognition. Left prefrontal lobe excisions impair recency
but not recognition, whereas, in accord with a wide range of studies of the
speech centres, left temporal lobe excisions impair recognition, but, surpris
ingly, not recency.
Patients with right prefrontal lobe excisions do not have any linguistic
disability, but have a defect in sequential picture recognition. The tests
resemble those for words. A sequence of cards each with two abstract
pictures is presented to the subject, and at times two pictures turn up with a
question mark between them. The subject has to recognize whether he has
seen either picture before; and, if he has seen both, which was the most recent
346 E6 Circumscribed Cerebral Lesions
one in the series. In conformity with the tests described above, the recogni
tion test is related to the right temporal lobe and patients fail badly after right
temporal lobectomy. On the other hand, the recency test is not affected by
right temporal lobectomy, but is seriously disturbed by right prefrontal
In summary there is a complementary relationship between the temporal
and frontal lobes of the same side. On the left side they give, respectively,
verbal recognition and verbal recency, and, on the right side, picture recogni
tion and picture recency. Each frontal lobe has the function of providing a
temporal ordering of the events that have been recognized and evaluated by
means of the corresponding temporal lobe. Frontal lobe excisions thus result
in a memory loss for the sequential order of experiences.
Besides these relatively specific functions, patients with prefrontal lesions
display disabilities in carrying out tasks involving insight and flexibility. The
Wisconsin card sorting test has been employed by Milner [1963]. As indi
cated in Figure E 6 —5 the patient is presented 4 “stimulus” cards with
characteristics of colour, number and shape, and is given a pack of 128 cards
which vary in those three respects. For example, the specimen card on the top
of the pack could be placed under A for colour, B for number or C for shape.
The procedure of the test is that the subject is instructed to place sequentially
each card of the pack under a stimulus card which may be chosen for one or
other of these three characteristics, colour, number or shape. The strategy of
the experimenter is to decide on a particular characteristic, say colour, and
only inform the subject if each card placement is “right” or “wrong” on this
criterion. The subject has to get as many cards “right” as he can. After ten
consecutive “right” placements the strategy is shifted without warning or
explanation to some other criterion, say number, colour responses being
forthwith labelled “wrong,” and number “right.” After ten consecutive
correct placements the strategy is again shifted to shape and so on. This
procedure tests for a flexibility in problem solving, that is dependent on
In comparison with patients having various cerebral lesions including
even orbito-frontal lesions, patients with dorsolateral frontal lobe lesions on
either side displayed a grave disability, which has been called perseveration.
The subject performs quite well in recognizing the initial strategy, but, when
the strategy is changed, he fails badly with mounting errors because he tends
to persevere with the original strategy. The subjects recognize their errors,
but show a “curious dissociation between the ability to verbalize the require
ments of the test and the ability to use this verbalization as a guide to action”
(Milner [1974]).
45. Frontal Lobe Lesions 347
☆ % %
☆ #> % %
H i Red
1 1 Green
liiiiiiil Yellow
Fig. E 6 —5. Drawing showing the Wisconsin Card Sorting test. Full description in text (Milner,
screened from viewing the cups for as long as 5 min. Monkeys with bilateral
prefrontal lesions in the area approximately corresponding to area 46 in
Figure E l —7 displayed a disability to a comparable delayed testing proce
dure almost as severe as with excision of both prefrontal lobes (Mishkin
[1957]). A more complex task involved learning to use a short stick to secure
longer sticks that could eventually pull in food far out of reach. The sticks and
the food were on platforms so widely separated that they could not be
observed simultaneously. This task involved memory of recent sensory ex
periences and could quickly be learnt by normal chimpanzees and by those
with unilateral frontal lobectomy; but with bilateral lesions the failure was
profound (Jacobsen & others [1935]). Since that time there have been many
investigations on memory deficits arising from frontal lobe lesions in pri
mates. Reference may be made to the Symposium The Frontal Granular
Cortex and Behaviour, edited by J. M. Warren and K. Akert [1964] for a
survey of the complexity of the experimental findings that go far beyond the
scope of this book. The role of the prefrontal lobe in memory will be dealt
with extensively in chapter E8.
Nauta [1971] has attempted to correlate the functions of the prefrontal
lobe with the communication systems linking it with other regions of the
cerebral hemispheres (cp. Pandya and Kuypers [1969]). There are firstly the
lines of communication to and from the temporal and parietal lobes, as
depicted in outline in Figure E l —7 and 8. As indicated in Figure E l —8,
many of these pathways are reciprocal. By these pathways the prefrontal
lobes can enter into the domain of temporal sequence in the handling of
somaesthetic, visual and auditory information. Lesions of the prefrontal
lobes thus can result in the various defects of temporal judgement as de
scribed above. In this respect the prefrontal lobes participate in the sensory
effector mechanisms.
But a more significant and unique performance of the prefrontal lobes
derives from their reciprocal relations with the limbic system. As already
illustrated in Figure E l —7 and 8, the secondary area 20, and the tertiary
areas 7, 21 and 22 project to the limbic system. Thus all three afferent
systems, somaesthetic, visual and auditory, communicate to the limbic sys
tem from widely dispersed areas of the parietal and temporal lobes. How
ever, the most important projection is from the prefrontal lobe (Figs. E l —8
and 9; Pandya and Kuypers [1969]; Nauta [1971]). By contrast the only
direct projection from the limbic system to the neocortex is to the prefrontal
lobes (Jones and Powell [1969], [1970]; Nauta [1971]). This unique connec
tion comes to the prefrontal cortex via a large nucleus of the thalamus, the
M D nucleus, which does not project to any other neocortical areas
46. Limbic System Lesions 349
The limbic system has an extensive and complex topography, being in its
principal feature a large ring, or gyrus fornicatus, that encircles the black and
white area in the centre of Figure E l —4. Important lines of communication
are indicated in Figure E l —9 * The memory defects arising from cir
cumscribed lesions of the principal component, the hippocampus, will be
described in chapter E8. The most revealing evidence on the function of the
limbic system is provided by a description of the experiences of patients with
psychomotor epilepsy in which the epileptogenic focus is in or near to the
limbic system.
During the initial epileptic discharge, patients typically experience one or more of a
wide variety of vivid affects. The basic and specific affects include feelings of hunger,
thirst, nausea, suffocation, choking, cold, warmth, and the need to defecate or
urinate. Among the general affects are feelings of terror, fear, sadness, depression,
foreboding, familiarity or strangeness, reality or unreality, wanting to be alone,
paranoid feelings, and anger. Sometimes a patient will experience an alternation of
opposite feelings . . . (MacLean [1970]).
In general these symptoms indicate the strong emotional and visceral experi
ences that are given by activity of the limbic system. The manner in which the
limbic system with the associated hypothalamus gives colour, urgency, vivid
ness and emotion to the sensory experiences has already been described in
chapter E2.
350 E6 Circumscribed Cerebral Lesions
Teuber [1974] has remarked that “the concept of the unilateral dominance of
left over right hemisphere in man has been abandoned and replaced by one of
complementary specialization.” The evidence for this statement has been
presented in its essentials in the preceding sections. However, I will continue
here to use the dominant-minor terminology because I believe that hemi
spheric dominance is clearly established by the linked functions of speech
and self-consciousness. As Teuber [1974] points out, the enhanced status of
the minor hemisphere has been derived from three quite distinct modes of
investigation: the analysis both of total hemispherectomy (chapter E5) and
of unilateral and circumscribed cortical lesions (this chapter), notably by
Milner and her associates; the intensive study of patients with complete
section of the corpus callosum (commissurotomy), notably by Sperry and his
associates (chapter E5); the further application of the dichotic technique of
Broadbent ([1954], [1974]) by Kimura and her associates (Kimura [1967],
[1973]) (this chapter).
The dichotic technique is valuable in that it is applied to normal subjects,
and corroborates the findings from lesions. It also gives evidence of a more
general kind showing that there is strong inter-hemispheric action in tasks
that had appeared to be localized in one or the other hemisphere. There have
been many experimental tests of this interference between hemispheres. For
example Broadbent and Gregory [1965] employed a simple manual reaction
of finger movement in response to a finger tap and showed that, during this
“reflex” reaction elicited every 5 s, the subject had a diminished memory for
spoken letters of the alphabet, also presented once every 5 s. Also during this
stimulus combination the finger reaction time was slowed even if it was in the
left hand and thus driven by the right hemisphere, which would not be
immediately concerned in the simultaneous linguistic test. The interference
between these two testing procedures reveals that they are not utilizing two
quite distinct cerebral mechanisms. Similarly it can be shown that there is
interference between two complex tasks, that, at the first level of interpreta
tion, could be considered as being carried out by distinct cortical areas, for
example, repeating aloud speech that is heard (left hemisphere) and playing
the piano by sight-reading (right hemisphere). As Broadbent [1974] points
out, under these conditions the interference is much less than would be the
case if the subject was responding to two simultaneous linguistic messages.
Reaction time studies have also been employed in demonstrating the
difference in hemispheric functions of normal subjects. For example Berluc-
chi [1974] has shown that, with flash inputs of letters to the left or right visual
47. The Dominant and Minor Hemispheres 351
field, the reaction time is significantly less (mean difference 18.5 ms) for
inputs to the right field and hence directly to the left hemisphere. By contrast
the reaction times for recognition of faces are shorter (mean difference 15.5
ms) with flash presentation to the left visual field and so directly to the right
hemisphere. These latency differences are of the order to be expected for
interhemispheric transfer via the corpus callosum on the pathway from the
visual cortex to the hemisphere concerned in the discriminative processing of
the information. Surprisingly, it was immaterial which hand was used for
signalling the response.
Despite the bilateral hemispheric involvement in tasks that are predo
minantly the function of one, it is possible to compose lists of functions for the
dominant and minor hemispheres, that are valuable for our further discus
sion. Figure E 6 —6 is derived from recent publications of Levy-Agresti and
Sperry [1968], Levy [1973] and Sperry [1974], but there are additions from
the studies that have been reported in the sections above on global and
localized hemispheric lesions.
In general the dominant hemisphere is specialized in respect to fine
imaginative details in all descriptions and reactions, i.e., it is analytic and
sequential — properties that seem essential for verbal feature extraction and
for arithmetic. And so it can add and subtract and multiply and carry out
other computer-like operations. But of course its dominance derives from its
verbal and ideational abilities and its liaison to self-consciousness (the World
2 of Popper, cp. chapter E7). Because of its deficiencies in these respects the
minor hemisphere deserves its title, but in many important properties it is
preeminent, particularly in respect of its spatial abilities with a strongly
developed pictorial and pattern sense. For example, after commissurotomy
the minor hemisphere programming the left hand is greatly superior in all
kinds of geometrical and perspective drawings (Bogen [1969 (a)]). This
superiority is also evidenced by the ability to assemble coloured blocks so as
to match a mosaic picture (Gazzaniga [1970]). The dominant hemisphere is
unable to carry out even simple tasks of this kind and is almost illiterate in
respect to pictorial and pattern sense, at least as revealed by its copying
disability. It is an arithmetical hemisphere, but not a geometrical hemisphere.
It is quite surprising how sharply these distinctions can be made. It could
never have been predicted before the commissurotomy patients were scienti
fically studied by Sperry and his associates: Bogen, Gazzaniga, Levy-Agresti
and Zaidel.
Figure E6 —6 shows that in their properties the two hemispheres have a
complementary relationship. The minor is coherent and the dominant is
detailed. Furthermore, the minor hemisphere is specialized in relationship to
352 E6 Circumscribed Cerebral Lesions
V e rb a l Alm ost n o n - v e rb a l
A n a ly s is o f d e ta il H olistic — Im a g e s
Fig. E 6 —6. Various specific performances of the dominant and minor hemispheres as suggested
by the new conceptual developments of Levy-Agresti and Sperry (1968) and Levy (1973).
TTiere are some additions to their original list.
instructions determines irrevocably that the left hemisphere will be used for
speech in the large majority of babies. But this is not so. In the first place
Basser [1962] has produced good evidence from the study of lesions that, in
children under 6 years, both hemispheres are concerned in the learning and
production of speech. Thereafter, in over 90%, there is a gradual taking over
of speech by the left hemisphere, which in this way assumes dominance.
Dichotic listening studies on children suggest that already by age 4 or 5 left
hemispheral dominance of speech is well established (Kimura [1967]).
Convincing evidence for plasticity at an early age has been given by
Milner [1974]. The investigated patients had suffered in infancy cir
cumscribed excisions of large areas of the left hemisphere in the surgical
treatment of epilepsy. Where there had been removal of all or almost all of
the normal putative speech areas, the subjects in later life were found by the
sodium amytal test to have their speech transferred to the right hemisphere.
In the control group with just as massive left hemispheric excisions, but with
sparing of the normal speech areas, the speech remained in the left hemi
sphere. Exceptionally there appeared to be bilateral representation of
Unfortunately there is an “intellectual price” to pay for this plastic
relocation of the speech area in early life. Sperry [1974] and Teuber [1974]
find that, when speech is crowded into the right hemisphere, it tends to
develop at the expense of the other cognitive abilities normally there, and
even speech suffers from the inadequacy of the available neuronal territory.
The dominating cerebral demand of speech is well illustrated by these unto
ward effects of plastic relocation. The other message is that the linguistic
areas that are normally built by genetic coding do not have a microstructure
uniquely specified for linguistic performance. At the most they have a struc
ture which biases the normal speech areas to assume the full linguistic
performance at the expense of the primordial linguistic developments in the
right hemisphere. To an important extent nurture can be regarding as taking
over from nature in the development of the hemispheral partition of func
tions that is discovered in the adult human brain.
Chapter E7 The Self-conscious Mind and the
48. Resume
49. Introduction
In general terms there are two theories about the way in which the behaviour
of an animal (and a man) can be organized into the effective unity, which it so
obviously is.
Firstly, there is the explanation inherent in monist materialism plus all
varieties of parallelism. In current neurological theory the diverse inputs into
the brain interact on the basis of all the structural and functional connec
tivities to give some integrated output of motor performance. The aim of the
neural sciences is to provide a more and more coherent and complete account
of the manner in which the total performance of an animal and of a human
being is explicable on those terms. Without making too dogmatic a claim, it
can be stated that the goal of the neurosciences is to formulate a theory that
can in principle provide a complete explanation of all behaviour of animals
and man, including man’s verbal behaviour (cp. Barlow [1972]; Doty
[1975]). With some important reservations I (J. C. E.) share this goal in my
own experimental work and believe that it is acceptable for all automatic and
subconscious movements, even of the most complex kind. However, I believe
that the reductionist strategy will fail in the attempt to account for the higher
levels of conscious performance of the human brain.
Secondly, there is the dualist-interactionist explanation which has been
specially developed for the self-conscious mind and human brains. Its role for
50. Self-conscious Mind and the Brain 359
Fig. E 7 —1. Tabular representation of the three worlds that comprise all existents and all
experiences as defined by Popper (Eccles, 1970).
360 E7 The Self-conscious Mind and the Brain
B R A IN - M IN D in t e r a c t io n
Light Thoughts
Color Feelings
Sound Memories
W orld 2 Smell Dreams
Taste The Ego Imaginings
Pain The Self Intentions
Touch The Soul
selected zones of the neural machinery and so is able to deflect and mould the
dynamic patterned activities in accord with its desire or interest. A special
aspect of this intervention of the self-conscious mind upon the operations of
the neural machinery is exhibited in its ability to bring about movements in
accord with some voluntary desired action, what we may call a motor com
mand. The readiness potential is a sign that this command brings about
changes in the activity of the neural machinery (chapter E3, Fig. 4).
The essential feature of the hypothesis is the active role of the self-con
scious mind in its influence on the neural machinery of the liaison brain.
Recent experimental investigations provide evidence on the time relations of
this influence. The experiments of Libet on the human brain (chapter E2)
show that direct stimulation of the somaesthetic cortex results in a conscious
experience after a delay as long as 0.5 s for weak stimulation, and a similar
delay is observed for a sharp, but weak, peripheral skin stimulus. As de
scribed in chapter E2, although there is this delay in experiencing the
peripheral stimulus, it is actually judged to be much earlier, at about the time
of cortical arrival of the afferent input (cp. Fig. E2 —3D). This antedating
procedure does not seem to be explicable by any neurophysiological process.
Presumably it is a strategy that has been learnt by the self-conscious mind.
Two comments may be made. In the first place these long recognition times
of up to 0.5 s (Fig. E2 —2) are attributable to the necessity for building up an
immense and complex patterned neuronal activity before it is detectable by
the scanning self-conscious mind. Secondly, the antedating of the sensory
experience is attributable to the ability of the self-conscious mind to make
slight temporal adjustments, i.e. to play tricks with time (Fig. E2 —3D). The
patterned neuronal activity is detectable by the scanning process of the
self-conscious mind at the time that there is the requisite build-up of the
neuronal activity. The antedating is effected by the self-conscious mind in a
compensation for the tardy development of weak neuronal spatiotemporal
patterns to the threshold level for conscious recognition. In this way all
experienced events may have a time correction so that the experiences will
have a time sequence corresponding to the initiating stimuli, whether they be
strong or weak. We suggest that Libet has discovered a temporal adjustment
attributable to the self-conscious mind.
Another temporal property of the self-conscious mind is displayed by the
long duration of the readiness potential (Fig. E3 —4). In the light of the
hypothesis it can now be proposed that, when willing brings about a move
ment, there is continuous action of the self-conscious mind on a neuronal
field of great extent. As a consequence of this action there is an increase in
neuronal activity over this wide area of the cerebral cortex, and then a long
52. Cortical Modules and the Self-conscious Mind 365
We can now ask the question: What neural events are in liaison with the
self-conscious mind both for giving and receiving? The question concerns the
World 1 side of the interface between World 1 and World 2. We reject the
hypothesis that the agent is the field potential generated by the neural events.
The original postulate of the gestalt school was based on the finding that a
massive visual input such as a large illuminated circle resulted in some
topologically equivalent potential field in the visual cortex, even a closed
loop! This crude hypothesis need not be further considered. However a more
refined version has recently been proposed by Pribram [1971] in his post
ulate of micro-potential fields. It is assumed that these fields provide a more
subtle cortical response than the impulse generation by neurones. However,
this field potential theory involves a tremendous loss of information because
hundreds of thousands of neurones would be contributing to a micro-poten
366 E7 The Self-conscious Mind and the Brain
tial field across a small zone of the cerebral cortex. All the finer grain of
neuronal activity would be lost in this most inefficient task of generating a
minute electrical potential by current flow in the ohmic resistance provided
by the extracellular medium. In addition we have the further problem that
there would have to be some homunculus to read out the potentials in all their
patterned array! The assumed feedback from micro-potential fields onto the
firing frequencies of neurones would be of negligible influence because the
currents would be extremely small.
We must believe that there is an essential functional meaning in all the
discrete neuronal interactions in spatiotemporal patterns, otherwise there
would be great losses of information. In this context, we must consider the
organization of the cortical neurones in the anatomical and physiological
entity that is called a module (chapter E l, Figs. E l —5 and 6). In the first
place it is inconceivable that the self-conscious mind is in liaison with single
nerve cells or single nerve fibres as has been proposed by Barlow [1972].
These neuronal units as individuals are far too unreliable and ineffective. In
our present understanding of the mode of operation of neural machinery we
emphasize ensembles of neurones (many hundreds) acting in some collusive
patterned array. Only in such assemblages can there be reliability and effec
tiveness. As described in chapter E l the modules of the cerebral cortex
(Figs. 5 and 6) are such ensembles of neurones. The module has to some
degree a collective life of its own with as many as 10,000 neurones of diverse
types and with a functional arrangement of feed-forward and feedback
excitation and inhibition. As yet we have little knowledge of the inner
dynamic life of a module, but we may conjecture that, with its complexly
organized and intensely active properties, it could be a component of the
physical world (World 1) that is open to the self-conscious mind (World 2)
both for receiving from and for giving to. We can further propose that not all
modules in the cerebral cortex have this transcendent property of being
“open” to World 2, and thus being the World 1 components of the interface.
By definition there would be restriction to the modules of the liaison brain,
and only then when they are in the correct level of activity. Each module may
be likened to a radio transmitter-receiver unit. Szentagothai has suggested
that the module may be thought of as an integrated microcircuit of elec
tronics, only vastly more complicated (cp. chapter E l).
Figure E7 —3 gives a diagrammatic illustration of the conjectured rela
tionship of open and closed modules as viewed by looking down at the surface
of the cortex. A convenient diagrammatic liberty is to show the columns as
separate discs, and not in the close contiguity that is the actual relationship
(cp. chapters E l, Figs. 5, 6; E2, Fig. 7). Furthermore it has to be recognized
52. Cortical Modules and the Self-conscious Mind 367
• • • • • • • • • • • •
•o # # © o * * o o o «
• • • • • • • • •
•••••o o tco # #
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Fig. E 7 —3. Diagrammatic plan of cortical modules as seen from the surface. As described in the
text the modules are shown as circles of three kinds, open, closed (solid black) and half open.
Further description in text.
that the normal intensely dynamic situation is frozen in time. The convention
is that open modules are shown as open circles, closed as solid circles and that
there are also partly open modules. It can be conjectured that the self-con
scious mind scans this modular array, being able to receive from and give to
only those modules that have some degree of openness. However, by its
action on open modules, it can influence closed modules by means of impulse
discharges along the association fibres from the open modules, as already
described (chapter E l), and may in this manner cause the opening of closed
modules. It can be conjectured that there is an intense dynamic interaction
between modules. Interaction would be by inhibitory action on the im
mediately adjacent modules (cp. chapter E l, Figs. 5 and 6) and by the
excitatory actions of association and commissural fibres for the more remote
modules. Figure E7 —4 shows in an extremely simplified form how sequen
tial excitatory action by association fibres can result in some spatiotemporal
patterns of modular interaction with even a closed loop. Since each module
has some hundreds of pyramidal and stellate pyramidal cells with axons
passing out of the module to other modules (chapter E l), the impulses
discharged by a module would project to many other modules, as indicated
by the radiating arrows, and not just the one or two drawn in Figure E7 —4. It
may even be projecting to hundreds, altering their activity, and these in turn
to hundreds of others. The complexity of the spreading pattern of activation
is beyond all imagination, and would result in convulsive seizures were it not
for the controlling inhibitory actions between modules as described in chap
ter E l.
The simplest hypothesis of mind-brain interaction is that the self-con
scious mind can scan the activity of each module of the liaison brain — or at
368 E7 The Self-conscious Mind and the Brain
. i ^ \ /
\..J.s ^ ..w .s
^\ \ t
\. •t K i
_ • •••
'* •• • •••• ^ ' ✓
_ • • • • • V •••••••••••••• .........^
................................... \ •••• >^ . . * * ,
^ • • • • > ••••• ..... - v • • • • • A
A / t v / ..... ^ v .'.v -• •.••• y .y .v “ * A
_, • ••
........ .
t \ / \ S ^ v .v .
.\ ,v, , /. , 4 .
«- • • • • • • ••••• ' ' ** \
........... N ........... V / \
^* ••••• •• •• fc •.•.•.•.•.•.•
, ,
Fig. E 7—4.\n this schema of the cerebral cortex looked at from above, the large pyramidal cells
are represented as dots that are arranged in clusters, each cluster corresponding to a column or
module as diagrammed in Figs. E 1—5 and 6, where only two large projecting pyramidal cells are
shown of the hundreds that would be in the column. The arrows symbolize impulse discharges
along hundreds of lines in parallel, which are the mode of excitatory communication from
column to column. Only a minimal system of serially excited columns is shown.
least those modules tuned in to its present interests. We have already conjec
tured that the self-conscious mind has the function of integrating its selec
tions from the immense patterned input it receives from the liaison brain —
the modular activities in this present hypothesis — in order to build its
experiences from moment to moment. The modules selected in this way
constitute for the moment the World 1 side of the interface between World 1
and World 2. This interface is thus a constantly changing territory within the
extensive area of the liaison brain. We have even presented evidence in
chapter E2 that the self-conscious mind can make slight temporal adjust
ments in order to correct for perceptual delays. In this way events from the
external world come to be experienced in the correct temporal relationships
regardless of their strength, which is an ability of vital significance, for
example, in playing a percussion instrument such as a piano.
As argued in chapter E l, only the afferents that have come in from the
thalamic nuclei {spec. aff. in Fig. E l —5) preponderantly exert their influ
ences at the power level (laminae III, IV and V). So it is conjectured that in
the dynamic control and poise of the operating cerebral cortex there are all
kinds of levels of subtlety and sensitivity in which activity is changed slightly,
not with a “bash.” Presumably the self-conscious mind does not act on the
cortical modules with some bash operation, but rather with a slight deviation.
A very gentle deviation up or down is all that is required. It may be conjec
52. Cortical Modules and the Self-conscious Mind 369
tured that this effect builds up at the superficial laminae (I and II) and
modulates and controls the discharges of pyramidal cells, which of course
work on other modules. They are all playing this interacting game with one
another. Furthermore we would conjecture that the self-conscious mind is
weak relative to the power of the synaptic mechanisms in laminae III, IV and
V that are activated by the thalamic inputs. It is simply a deviator, and
modifies the modular activity by its slight deviations.
We have to consider the arrangements for modular interaction through
association and commissural fibres (chapter E l, Fig. 5), which are axons of
the pyramidal cells of other modules. Thus each module is projecting to many
others and they in turn are firing back. So we have long and complex patterns
of this mutual interaction. We conjecture that the self-conscious mind acts in
modifying slightly some of these modules, presumably hundreds, and that the
modules collectively react to these modifications which are transmitted by
the circuits of the association fibres and the callosal fibres. In addition the
self-conscious mind is all the time apprehending or perceiving the responses
that it is making in this subtle manner and the neuronal build-up therefrom. It
is an essential feature of the hypothesis that the relations between modules
and the self-conscious mind are reciprocal, the self-conscious mind being
both an activator and a receiver in the manner that has been extensively
treated in this chapter and that will be further discussed in chapter E8 on
As a consequence of the investigations (chapters E 5, E 6) on global and
circumscribed lesions of the human brain we may conjecture that the liaison
brain comprises a large part of the dominant hemisphere, particularly the
linguistic areas and the polymodal areas as well as a large area of the
prefrontal lobe. These extensive areas probably are composed of several
large continuous sheets of cerebral cortex. However, the actual interface of
open cortical modules of interest to the self-conscious mind at any moment
would probably have a spotty or patchy character. The reading out by the
self-conscious mind would be concerned not with anatomical contiguity, but
with the modules in functional communication by association or even by
commissural fibres. The integrational operation of the self-conscious mind in
giving the unity of conscious experience would not be aided by the spatial
proximity of modules. It is their functional interconnection that is important.
In further developing the hypothesis of some modules being open to
World 2 in the guise of the self-conscious mind, we may suppose that the
self-conscious mind does not make a superficial pass over the module, as may
be imagined if it merely sensed the micropotential fields in the area. Rather
we have to envisage that it “probes” into the module, reading out and
370 E7 The Self-conscious Mind and the Brain
We do know that, as sleep comes on, both the level of the cerebral activity
and the patterns of neuronal discharges are changing. In the patterns normal
ly running, the successive interspike intervals have a random arrangement
about some mean value, which may fluctuate up or down. The ordinary
rhythms of the electroencephalogram (EEG) show that. When you record
from neurones during sleep you find out that they have lost their normal
waking patterns. Some are going slow, some faster; and there is some chaos
53. Sleep, Dreams and Various Forms of Unconsciousness 371
taking over, with firing in bursts. Sleep doesn’t mean cessation of activity, but
it is something much more like disordered activity (Evarts [1964]). When this
happens, I would say that the self-conscious mind finds there is nothing to
read out. All modules are closed to it. Suddenly it is deprived of data and this
is unconsciousness. Reading nothing gives nothing.
But every now and then during the night, every 2 or 3 hours, we know that
some organized cerebral activity is assumed with the rapid low voltage waves
in the EEG. This is what is called paradoxical sleep. There are rapid eye
movements with various muscle actions corresponding and then the self-con
scious mind finds again an ability to read out from active modules a dream
with strange and even bizarre conscious experiences, but always recognizably
its own dream. During the dream cycle it may be conjectured that the
self-conscious mind is reading out from the neuronal activities in the brain,
even from the most disordered neuronal happenings, yet nevertheless they
are assimilated to itself. They may relate to its past experiences and often are
reminiscences or playback to other experiences of earlier life. Sometimes
there are such bizarre experiences that the dream seems not at all assimilable
to anything that happened in the remembered life, but which may have some
deeper meaning that we don’t know, as Freud conjectured. In any case this is
the way the self-conscious mind is working in relationship to the brain. With
waking up, the self-conscious mind seems gradually to pull itself together,
finding some organized open modules, an illumination here or there in
patterned operation, and soon the dawning consciousness of the new day
comes in patches and in limited experiences and gradually there is assem
blage together. You remember where you are, you remember the plans
already made for the coming day, you remember what you immediately have
to do; and you then resume the full waking day.
I think all of this has to be thought of as if the self-conscious mind has
probably been, as it were, probing over or scanning over the cerebral cortex
all through the sleep, searching for any modules that are open and which can
be utilized for an experience. We also know that quite a lot of “dreams” go on
in the self-conscious mind, which no doubt is scanning continuously and
effectively over the liaison brain, but they are not remembered on waking,
perhaps hours later. A dream can be recalled if the subject is wakened while
the associated neural events can be seen going on in the recorded EEG and
eye movements. If you wake him up 10 minutes or more later, he usually has
no recall of any dream, yet a dream state was indicated by the records.
Moreover you can statistically be sure that the records are reliable indicators
of dreams because, if you awaken the subject during or just after the
paradoxical sleep signalled by the electroencephalogram, a dream is reported
372 E7 The Self-conscious Mind and the Brain
in about 90% of the cases. These findings give important information about
the way the self-conscious mind is related to the brain. I suggest it is always
there scanning the brain, but the brain is not always in a communicative state
for it!
A characteristic feature of most dreams is that the subject of the dream
feels a most disturbing impotence. He is immersed in the dream experience,
but feels a frustrating inability to take any desired action. Of course he is
acting in the dream, but with the experience that in doing so he is a puppet.
His self-conscious mind can experience but not act effectively, which is
exactly the position of the parallelists, such as the identity theorists. The
difference between dream states and waking states constitutes a refutation of
parallelism. A parallelist world would be a dream world!
I will now consider other unconscious states. For example, what happens
to the self-conscious mind in the much more severe states of cerebral de
pression that occur, first of all in deep anaesthesia, or secondly in comas of
different kinds? We know that in deep coma there is cessation of all neuronal
discharges. There can be for a considerable time no EEG. If this occurs for as
long as 30 minutes it is likely to be irreversible, in which case the cerebral
hemispheres have died, the so-called brain death. During these severe states
of unconsciousness, we may ask if the self-conscious mind is still trying to
scan and find some little focus which could give an experience or not? What
happens is beyond our understanding and may be unknowable.
The next cerebral condition for consideration is the opposite state, con
vulsions. In an epileptic seizure a most intense driven activation of the
constituent neurones is travelling over the brain. We know that at a certain
level of involvement, a certain mass of involvement of the brain, the subject
loses consciousness. He can be conscious with seizures occupying perhaps
50% of the cerebral cortex, but no more. Then he loses consciousness and
there is a long period before recovery comes. After the seizure is over, the
brain gradually recovers from its intense convulsive activity. For some time it
is in disorder, and again the subject has no record of what is happening. We
can think that the self-conscious mind is scanning to no effect.
Finally, of course we come to the ultimate picture, what happens in
death? Then all cerebral activity ceases permanently. The self-conscious
mind that has had an autonomous existence in a sense in World 2 now finds
that the brain that it has scanned and probed and controlled so efficiently and
effectively through a long life is no longer giving any messages at all. What
happens then is the ultimate question.
55. Summary 373
55. Summary
We can now briefly consider the implications of the strong dualist hypothesis
that we have formulated. Its central component is that primacy is given to the
self-conscious mind. It is proposed that the self-conscious mind is actively
engaged in searching for brain events that are of its present interest, the
operation of attention, but it also is the integrating agent, building the unity
of conscious experience from all the diversity of the brain events. Even more
importantly it is given the role of actively modifying the brain events accord
ing to its interest or desire, and the scanning operation by which it searches
can be envisaged as having an active role in selection. Sperry [1970] has
made a similar proposal.
374 E7 The Self-conscious Mind and the Brain
“Conscious phenomena in this scheme are conceived to interact with and to largely
govern the physiochemical and physiological aspects of the brain process. It obvious
ly works the other way round as well, and thus a mutual interaction is conceived
between the physiological and the mental properties. Even so, the present interpre
tation would tend to restore mind to its old prestigious position over matter, in the
sense that the mental phenomena are seen to transcend the phenomena of physiology
and biochemistry.”
It has been suggested here that this interaction of the self-conscious mind and
the brain is dependent on the arrangement of the cerebral neurones in the
modules that are defined by anatomical and physiological studies. It is
proposed that each module has an intense and subtle inner dynamic life based
upon the collective interaction of its many thousands of constituent
neurones. These components of the physical world (World 1) come in this
way to be momentary constituents of a fundamental interface, being “open”
to two-way influences from another world, the self-conscious mind of World
2. Not all of the modules of the cerebral hemispheres are “open” in this way.
After the commissurotomy operation the self-conscious mind is in liaison
only with the dominant hemisphere, and it is proposed that the liaison area is
further restricted to the linguistic areas in the widest sense, to the polymodal
sensory areas, particularly of the prefrontal lobe and to the ideational areas
whereby the self-conscious mind communicates non-verbally, as for example
pictorially and musically. We propose that the self-conscious mind can read
out at will from the modules of that great area of neuronal activation in the
dominant hemisphere. From moment to moment only a minute fraction is so
sampled, and much that is read is held only for seconds in the short-term
memory (cp. chapter E 8). Thus the greater part of our conscious experiences
are ephemeral. However, concentration on special deliverances of the self-
conscious mind can start neuronal processes of storage that are the basis of
intermediate and long-term memories (chapter E 8). We would conjecture
that the self-conscious mind is actively engaged in the process of laying down
this memory storage and in retrieving from it. We will develop these ideas in
chapter E 8.
It can be claimed that the strong dualist-interactionist hypothesis that has
been here developed has the recommendation of its great explanatory power.
It gives in principle at least explanations of the whole range of problems
relating to brain-mind interaction. It also aids in the understanding of some
aspects of memory and illusion and creative imagination (see discussions).
But most importantly it restores to the human person the senses of wonder, of
mystery and of value. In the discussions there will be many exchanges with
respect to the manner in which the World 3 ^ World 2 interaction is
necessary for the creation of a human person — necessary but not sufficient.
55. Summary 375
\ \ xx -
Fig. E 7 —5. T h e sam e diagram as in Fig. E5 —7, but with addition (broken lines) o f possible lines
o f com m unication from W orld 2 to the m inor hem isphere.
56. Resume
evident that a continual interaction between the self-conscious mind and the
liaison brain is just as necessary in memory retrieval as in voluntary action.
Some evidence about location and operation of data banks in the brain is
derived from the fascinating discoveries of Penfield in respect of the exper
iential memories that are recovered by gentle electrical stimulation on the
surfaces of the brains of unanesthetized subjects (Fig. E8 —5). The preferred
areas for this phenomenon are largely in the temporal lobes, particularly in
the minor hemisphere. Experiences of the kind described in the text are not
evoked by stimulation of normal brains, but only the brains of patients
subject to epileptic seizures.
There is a brief discussion of the durations of the various kinds of
memories, it being suggested that at least three separate memory processes
are concerned in giving us the continuity of memory that we normally
experience (Fig. E8 —7). There are firstly the brief rehearsal memories of
seconds, secondly the longer memories for hours, probably of a physiological
kind (post-tetanic potentiation) that bridge the gap between the very short
memories and the slowly developing memories that are dependent upon
synaptic growth and that normally require times measured in hours for
effective development.
At the end of the chapter there is a treatment of neuronal performances
related to memory, namely the plastic responses that occur in the brain
subjected to specific inputs and the active responses to these inputs
(Fig. E 8 - 8 ) .
57. Introduction
effected by the neural events continuing during the verbal or pictorial rehear
sal. The distinctive patterns of neuronal activity that are suggested in Figure
E7 —4 thus continue to recirculate for the whole duration of these brief
memories and are available for read-out. On the other hand, with memories
enduring for minutes to years, it has to be discovered how the neuronal
connectivities are changed so that there tends to be stabilized some tendency
for replay of the spatiotemporal patterns of neuronal activity that occurred in
the initial experience, and that have meanwhile subsided.
Secondly, the role of the self-conscious mind has to be considered. We
have conjectured in chapter E7 that a conscious experience arises when the
self-conscious mind enters into an effective relationship with certain activ
ated modules, “open” modules, in the cerebral cortex. In the willed recall of a
memory the self-conscious mind must again be in relationship to a pattern of
modular responses resembling the original responses evoked by the event to
be remembered, so that there is a reading out of approximately the same
experience. We have to consider how the self-conscious mind is concerned in
calling forth the neuronal events that give the remembered experience on
demand, as it were. Furthermore the self-conscious mind acts as an arbiter or
assessor with respect to the correctness or relevance of the memory that is
delivered on demand. For example the name or number may be recognized
as incorrect by the self-conscious mind, and a further recall process may be
instituted, and so on. Thus the recall of a memory involves two distinct
processes in the self-conscious mind: firstly that of recall from the data-banks
in the brain; secondly the recognition memory that judges its correctness.
thus led to conjecture that the structural basis of memory lies in modifications
of synapses (cp. Eccles [1970]; Szentagothai [1971]). In mammals there is no
evidence for growth or change of major neuronal pathways in the brain after
their initial formation. It is not possible to construct or reconstruct major
brain pathways at such a gross level. But it should be possible to secure the
necessary changes in neuronal connectivity by microstructural changes in
synapses (cp. Eccles [1976]). For example, they may be hypertrophied or
they may bud additional synapses, or alternatively they may regress. Since it
would be expected that the increased synaptic efficacy would arise because of
a strong conditioning synaptic activation, experiments such as those illus
trated in Figure E8 —1 have been carried out on many types of synapses.
Figure E8 —IB is remarkable in showing that repetitive stimulation
results in a large increase (up to six times) in the excitatory post-synaptic
potentials, EPSPs, monosynaptically produced in an a motoneurone by
B volleysi
200 pV
1/sec 0.4 sec 15 sec
10 mV
granule cells
5 ms
pyramidal tract fibres (cp. Fig. E3 —3). By contrast in Figure E 8 —1A the
EPSPs generated monosynaptically in that same motoneurone by I a fibres
from muscle spindles (cp. Fig. E3 —2) were not potentiated. Evidently the
pyramidal tract synapses display an extreme range of modifiability by what
we may call frequency potentiation. The synaptic mechanism involved in this
potentiation is not understood, but at least we can be sure that it is due to an
equivalent increase in emission of the synaptic transmitter substance. Many
types of synapses at the higher levels of the brain have this ability to build up
operationally during intense activation.
The series of Figures E 8 —1C, D gives another example for synapses in a
primitive part of the cerebrum, the hippocampus (cp. chapter E l). The
hippocampus is of particular interest because it is believed to be important in
the laying down of memory traces, as will be described below. Part D shows
the excitatory synapses from the perforating pathway (pp) onto the dendrites
of the granule cells. In C the intracellular record from a granule cell during
the initial series at 1 per second stimulation of pp showed a very small initial
EPSP followed by a large IPSP. With the stimulus frequency raised to 10 per
second, already within 1 s there was a large potentiation of the EPSP that
counteracted to some extent the IPSP. After 3 s of this stimulation the very
large EPSP completely submerged the IPSP and is seen to generate an
impulse discharge from the cell. On again slowing the stimulation to 1 per
second, the frequency potentiation had already considerably declined at 0.4 s
and had disappeared in 15 s. It is attractive to think that synapses responding
so enthusiastically during and for some seconds after moderate activation
(post-tetanic potentiation) could be the modifiable synapses responsible for
the phenomena of learning and memory.
Figure E8 —2 shows a much more enduring kind of post-tetanic potentia
tion in those same synapses of the hippocampus. A very mild stimulation of
20 per second for 15 s (300 pulses) was applied at the first arrow (below). The
plotted points show that there was only a small transient potentiation. But,
with successive repetitions (at the later arrows) of this mild stimulation about
every half-hour, there was a progressive increase in the potentiation so that
after the fifth there was an enormous potentiation of the impulse discharge
from the granule cells. Actual records are given in the insets, where three test
responses may be compared with the three controls below that are given by
the other side. The plotted measurements are of the sharp downward ex
tracellular spikes marked by the arrows in these test responses. This large
potentiation continued for 3 h. This amazing effect was observed in many
such experiments, potentiations being fully maintained even for 10 h in acute
experiments (Bliss and Lomo [1973]). In chronic experiments with im-
58. Structural and Functional Changes 383
7 ■
2 msec
TJ 5'
Q. 4 ■
Q. 2
0.5 1 1.5 2 25 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 6 hours
tetani, each 20/sec*for 15 sec
Fig. E 8 —2. Post-tetanic potentiation of hippocam pal granule cells. The m easurem ents were
m ade on the extracellular recording of the positive spike shown in the specimen records above by
arrows, and it may be taken to be a m easure of the num ber of granule cells firing impulses in the
zone sam pled by the recording electrode. Further description in text (Bliss and Lomo, 1973).
> u
E I* •••■*•
3 !•••• •• •
E 2
<v 1
if) 0
t t t t t t
10V 30V 60V 10V 30V 60 V
B 15/sec, 15sec tra in s
> U
E c
E 2 -V . *,
a> 1
in 0
A fte r 12 h 2 ih r 6 days 16 w eeks
Fig. E 8 —3. P ost-tetanic potentiation o f hippocam pal granule cells. M easurem ents o f spike
am plitudes as in Fig. E 8 — 2 (from averages o f 16 responses to 30 V stim uli) plotted as several
trains o f stim uli (1 5 /se c for 15 sec) were given at the indicated strengths, and at various indicated
tim es afterwards. T h e approxim ate m ean spike am plitude before the conditioning trains is
show n by the dotted lines. Further description in text (B liss and Gardner-M edwin, 1973).
Fig. E8 —4. Plasticity of dendritic spine synapses. The drawings are designed to convey the
plastic changes in spine synapses that are postulated to occur with growth in B and C and with
regression in D. Further description in text.
Libet & others [1975] have very recently proposed a model for a synaptic
memory process that is also a conjunction process between two different
synapses on a sympathetic ganglion cell.
A heterosynaptic interaction takes place between two types of synaptic inputs to the
same neurone; the memory trace is initiated by a brief (dopaminergic) input in one
synaptic line, while ‘read-out’ of the memory consists simply in the enhanced ability
of the postsynaptic unit to produce its specific response to another (cholinergic)
synaptic input. This arrangement provides for a “learned” change in the response to
one input as a result of an “experience” previously carried by way of the other input.
Let us consider some simple and unique perceptual experience, for example
the first sight of a bird or flower hitherto unknown to us or of a new model of a
car. Firstly, there are the many stages of encoded transmission from retinal
388 E8 Conscious Memory
image to the various levels of the visual cortex with feature recognition as the
highest interpretive level so far recognized, as described in chapter E2. At a
further stage we propose the activation of modules of the liaison brain that
are “open” to World 2 (chapter E7), the consequent read-out by the self-
conscious mind giving the perceptual experience with all its sensual richness.
This read-out by the self-conscious mind involves the integration into a
unified experience of the specific activities of many modules, an integration
that gives the pictured uniqueness to the experience (chapter E7). Further
more, it is a two-way action, the self-conscious mind modifying the modular
activity as well as receiving from it, and possibly evaluating it by testing
procedures in an input-output manner. It must further be conjectured that
there is an intense patterned interaction of “open” modules with each other
and with closed modules, there being for this purpose the immense connec
tivities provided by association and commissural fibres as described in chap
ter E l . Moreover we have to postulate closed self-re-exciting chains in these
ongoing patterns of modular interaction (cp. chapter E7, Fig. 4). In this way
there is a continuation of the dynamic patterned activity in time.
As long as the modular activities continue in this specific patterned
interaction, we assume that the self-conscious mind is continuously able to
read it out according to its interests and attention. We may say that in this way
the new experience is kept in mind — as for example when we try to
remember a telephone number between the time of looking it up and dialling.
We propose that the continued activity of the modules can be secured by
continuous active intervention or reinforcement by the self-conscious mind,
which in this way can hold memories by processes that we experience and
refer to as either verbal or non-verbal (pictorial or musical, for example)
rehearsal. As soon as the self-conscious mind engages in some other task, this
reinforcement ceases, that specific pattern of neuronal activities subsides and
the short-term memory is lost. Recall now becomes dependent on memory
processes of longer duration. McGaugh [1969] measures short-term memory
in seconds. It is for example the total memory performance in patients with
bilateral ablation of the hippocampus, as will be described in the next section
of this chapter (Milner [1966], [1968], [1970], [1972]). Under special condi
tions that allowed prolonged undivided attention such patients could hold a
memory for as long as 15 min, but this does depend on a continual process of
rehearsal, which we assume to be due to the continuous reinforcement of
modular activities by the self-conscious mind.
6 0 . T h e S elf-co n scio u s M in d in S h o rt-T e rm M e m o ry 389
8cm B
uncus hip p o c a m p u s
h ip p o c a m p a l gyrus
h ip p o c a m p u s ( p o s te rio r p a rt)
Fig. E 8 —5. D ia g ra m m a tic cross se ctio n s o f th e hu m an b rain , show ing the estim a te d ex te n t of
rem o v al in S co v ille's m ed ial te m p o ra l a b la tio n in the case discussed in the text. T h e an te rio r-
p o ste rio r e x te n t of th e h ip p o cam p u s is show n in th e u p p e r d raw in g o f the b rain as se en from
b elo w w ith A , B , C an d D in d icatin g th e level of th e tran sv erse sections below . F o r illustrative
p u rp o se s th e rem o v al is show n on the left side only, b u t th e rem oval w as m ad e o n b o th sides in a
single o p e ra tio n (M iln er, 1972).
390 E8 Conscious Memory
1 In this test the subject has to learn to retrace by a stylus the correct path that wanders across
a rectangular pattern of visible “stepping stones.”
61. Hippocampus in Learning and Memory 391
“Observations such as this suggest that the only way in which this patient can hold on
to new information is by constant verbal rehearsal, and that forgetting occurs as soon
as this rehearsal is prevented by some new activity claiming his attention. Since in
daily life attention is of necessity constantly shifting, such a patient shows a continu
ous anterograde amnesia. One gets some idea of what such an amnesic state must be
like from the patient’s own comments, repeated at intervals during a recent examina
tion. Between tests, he would suddenly look up and say, rather anxiously:
“Right now, I’m wondering. Have I done or said anything amiss? You see, at this
moment everything looks clear to me, but what happened just before? That’s what
worries me. It’s like waking from a dream; I just don’t remember.”
There are three other recorded cases where a comparable severe antero
grade amnesia resulted from destruction of both hippocampi (Milner
[1966]). There was almost no recovery, even after 11 years. However the
variable retrograde amnesia, i.e. the memory of events preceding the hip
pocampal destruction, showed a continued recovery. There are two other
reported cases where unilateral hippocampectomy resulted in a comparable
anterograde amnesia, but there was evidence that the surviving hippocampus
was severely damaged. We can conclude that the severe anterograde amnesia
only occurs with grave bilateral hippocampal deficiency. Supporting evi
dence has been provided by Milner [1966] with cases of unilateral hippocam
pectomy in which the remaining hippocampus and the cerebral hemisphere
on that side were temporarily knocked out by the brief anaesthesia provided
by sodium amytal injection into the carotid artery in the Wada test (cp.
chapter E4). A severe anterpgrade amnesia was produced that persisted after
392 E8 Conscious Memory
above for its key role in the consolidation of memory traces. Similar pathways
have been recognized also in the case of the less studied auditory system (cp.
Fig. E l —7 I —L). The olfactory system is specially privileged because it
projects directly into the limbic system (Fig. E l —9).
The postulated role of the hippocampus in consolidation of memory
requires that there be also return circuits from the hippocampus to the
neocortex. One well-known circuit is from the hippocampus to the MD
thalamus and thence to the orbital surface (OF) and the convexity of the
prefrontal lobe (Akert [1964]; Nauta [1971]; Fig. E 8 —6). Another major
output line from the hippocampus is to the anterior thalamic nucleus (not
shown in Fig. E 8 —6), thence via the cingulate gyrus (areas 23 and 24 in
Fig. E l —4B) to the wide areas of the neocortex via association fibres (Brod-
al [1969]). There is need for a more detailed study of these pathways in
primates so that the clinical evidence on lesions of the hippocampus and
related structures can be interpreted with confidence.
LOT PC " ,EC "HG ,
Fig. E 8 —6. Schematic drawing simplified from Fig. E l —9 to show connectivities from the
neocortex to and from the medio-dorsal thalamus (MD). OF is orbital surface of prefrontal
cortex; TG, the temporal pole; HG, the gyrus hippocampi; HI, the hippocampus; S, septum; F,
fornix; CC, corpus callosum; OLB, olfactory bulb; LOT, lateral olfactory tract; PC, piriform
cortex; EC, entorhinal cortex; A, amygdala; HY, hypothalamus; CG, cingulate gyrus.
394 E8 Conscious M emory
Wri t e I nt o
Frontal Assoc. Areas
Con ve x ( Pa r i et . Temp.) Senses
Cortex STM
MD A Gyr. cmg.
MB Hippocamp.
Limbic system
S e l e c t i o n unit
Fig. E8 —8. Simplified diagram of connectivities in the neocortex (cf. Figs. E l —5 and E l —6).
In laminae 1 and 2 there are shown horizontal fibers arising as bifurcating axons of commissural
(COM) and association (ASS) fibers and also of Martinotti cells (MA). The horizontal fibers
make synapses with the apical dendrites of a pyramidal and a stellate-pyramidal cell. Deeper
there is shown a spiny stellate cell (CDB) making cartridge synapses with the shafts of apical
dendrites of pyramidal cells (Szentagothai, 1970).
system is the instruction that selects for potentiation those horizontal fiber
synapses that are activated in the appropriate temporal conjunction. As
indicated in Figure E8 —8, Szentagothai [1972] proposes that a single car
tridge system comprises the apical dendrites of about three pyramidal cells,
62. Hypotheses of Neuronal Happenings in Memory Storage 397
MD Thai.
Sept. Nuc.
Fig. E 8—9. Fig. E 8—7 is redrawn to show the two circuits emanating from the CA3 and CAl
hippocampal pyramidal cells. The connections within the hippocampus are as follows: entorhi-
nal cortex by perforating pathway to fascia dentata; granule cells of fascia dentata by mossy
fibres to CA3 pyramidal cells; axon collaterals of CA3 pyramidal cells (Schaffer collaterals) to
CAl pyramidal cells; C Al to subiculum (Sub) to mamillary bodies; CA3 by fimbria to septal
nucleus to mediodorsal thalamus.
which thus form a unitary selection system. For further quantitative consider
ation see Eccles [1977 (b)]. Possibly the Papez circuit (cp. Fig. E8 —7)
functions to provide the reverberatory activation of the hippocampus with its
CA3 output through the septal nucleus to the MD thalamus, as is indicated in
Figure E8 —9.
Before we consider further the proposed mode of selective action of the
hippocampal output on the immensely complex neuronal connectivities in
the association cortex (cp. Figs. E l —7, E l —8), we should enquire into the
neuronal circuitry of the hippocampus in order to see if it is built so as to work
in a highly selective manner with respect to the inputs it receives from the
neocortex. Recent investigations by Andersen and associates [1971], [1973]
have shown to an amazing degree that the hippocampus is indeed organized
in a series of narrow transverse lamellae which function independently
through all the complex connectivity. This discrimination is maintained in the
output line of the CA3 pyramidal cells by a strict segregation of the CA3
axons, according to location in the fimbria, the more rostral being medial and
the more caudal lateral. It can be presumed that this segregation leads on to a
segregation in the septal nucleus. Andersen & others [1971] sum up their
398 E8 Conscious Memory
recover memories of names that for some unknown reason are refractory to
recall. We can imagine that our self-conscious mind is under a continual
challenge to recall the desired memory by discovering the appropriate entry
into module operation that would by development give the appropriate
patterned array of modules.
It is proposed that there are two distinct kinds of conscious memory.
Data-bank memory is stored in the brain and its retrieval from the brain is
often by a deliberate mental act. Then another memory process comes into
play — what we may call recognition memory. The retrieval from the data
banks is critically scrutinized in the mind. It may be judged erroneous —
perhaps a slight error in a name or in a number sequence. This leads to a
renewed attempt at retrieval, which may again be judged faulty — and so on
until the retrieval is judged to be correct, or until the attempt is abandoned. It
is therefore conjectured that there are two distinct kinds of memory: (1)
brain storage memory held in the data banks of the brain, especially in the
cerebral cortex; (2) recognition memory that is applied by the self-conscious
mind in its scrutiny of the retrievals from the brain storage memories. There
is further discussion of memory retrieval in dialogues VI and VII.
Penfield and Perot [1963] gave a most illuminating account of the expe
riential responses evoked in 53 patients by stimulation of the cerebral hemi
spheres during operations performed under local anaesthesia. These re
sponses differed from those produced by stimulation of the primary sensory
areas, which were merely flashes of light or touches and paraesthesia (chap
ter E2), in that the patients had experiences that resembled dreams, the
so-called dreamy states. During the continued gentle electrical stimulation of
sites on the exposed surface of their brains, the patients reported experiences
that they often recognized as being recalls of long forgotten memories. As
Penfield states, it is as if a past stream of consciousness is recovered during
this electrical stimulation. The most common experiences were visual or
auditory, but there were also many cases of combined visual and auditory.
The recall of music and song provided very striking experiences for both the
patient and the neurosurgeon. All of these results were obtained from brains
of patients with a history of epileptic seizures. Figure E 8 —10 shows the sites
of stimulation that evoked experiential responses in the whole series of
patients. It is noteworthy that the temporal lobes were the preferred sites,
and that the minor hemisphere was more effective than the dominant. It also
will be recognized that the primary sensory areas are excluded.
In summary of these most interesting investigations it is stated that the
experiences are those in which the patient is an observer not a participator,
just as in dreams.
63. Memory Retrieval 401
Fig. E 8—10. Drawings of human brain to show sites (dots) from which experiental responses
were produced by electrical stimulation in the total experimental series. In the upper row are the
right and left hemispheres seen from the lateral aspect. In the middle row the view is from above
and the parietal and frontal lobes are cut away to show the superior aspect of the temporal lobes.
In the lowest rows the view is from below (Penfield and Perot, 1963).
The times that are summoned most frequently are briefly these: the times of watching
or hearing the action and speech of others, and times of hearing music. Certain sorts
of experience seem to be absent. For example, the times of making up one’s mind to
do this or that do not appear in the record. Times of carrying out skilled acts, times of
speaking or saying this and that, or of writing messages and adding figures — these
things are not recorded. Times of eating and tasting food, times of sexual excitement
or experience — these things have been absent as well as periods of painful suffering
or weeping. Modesty does not explain these silences. (Penfield and Perot [1963]).
Interm ediate
Nicholls [1976]. When one eye was closed for a few days after the normal
time of opening, it was found that the pathways from the other eye dominated
almost all visual cells in both visual cortices. Normally in the kitten there is a
partition of these visual cells over the whole range of dominance by one or
other eye with all degrees of convergence. At the most sensitive age of 3 to 4
weeks after birth the activated pathways from the uncovered eye established
dominant connections to all visual cells to the exclusion of pathways from the
closed eye. With younger or older kittens the effects were less severe. These
effects are due to changes in the synaptic action on visual cortical cells, not in
the retina and in the pathways to the cortex (cp. Figs. E 2 —4 and E2 —7).
Here again we have plastic changes in connectivities resulting from usage,
and hence the effects can be regarded as a special type of learning.
A further illustration of the way in which learning can transform the
interpretation of visual information is provided by Stratton’s experiments
[1897], in which a system of lenses was placed in front of one of his eyes (the
other being covered), so that the image on the retina was inverted with
respect to its usual orientation. For several days the visual world was hope
lessly disordered. Since it was inverted, it gave an impression of unreality and
was useless for the purpose of apprehending or manipulating objects. But as a
result of 8 days of continual effort, the visual world could again be sensed by
him correctly, and then became a reliable guide for manipulation and move
ment. If no active effort is made, no learning occurs. There have been several
experimental confirmations of Stratton’s remarkable findings, and many
additional observations, particularly by Kohler [1951]. Subjects with in
verted retinal images have even learned to ski, which requires a very accurate
correlation of visual with kinaesthetic experiences. Recently Gonshor and
Melvill Jones [1976 (a)], [1976 (b)] have reported a quantitative evaluation
of the learning process in subjects that had a horizontal inversion of their
visual fields by means of dove prisms worn continuously for several days.
These observations and many others of like kind establish that, as a
consequence of active or trial-and-error learning, the brain events evoked by
sensory information from the retina are interpreted so that they give a valid
picture of the external world that is sensed by touch and movement, i.e. the
world of visual perception becomes a world in which one can effectively
The most elegant and delightful example of the role of activity in visual
learning is provided by the experiments of Held and Hein [1963]. Litter-
mate kittens spend several hours a day in a contraption (Fig. E8 —12) which
allows one kitten fairly complete freedom to explore its environment active
ly, just as a normal kitten. The other is suspended passively in a gondola that
66. Retrograde Amnesia 405
d a c
d c
Fig. E 8 — 12. A pparatus for equating m otion and consequent visual feedback for an actively
m oving kitten (A) and a passively moved one (P) (H eld and Hein, 1963).
darkness. A fter some weeks, tests show that the active kitten has learnt to
utilize its visual fields for giving it a valid picture of the external world for the
purpose of m ovem ent just as well as a norm al kitten, whereas the gondola
passenger has learnt nothing. O ne simple example of this difference is
displayed by placing the kittens on a narrow shelf which they can leave either
on one side with a small drop, or on the other side with an intimidating fall.
Actually a transparent shelf prevents any untoward damage in getting off on
the dangerous side. The actively trained kitten always chooses the easy side,
the “gondola” kitten chooses either in random manner.
T he conclusion from these and m any other experim ents on animals and
m an is that continually active exploration is essential even if adults are to
retain their existing visual discriminations or to learn new ones. The most
rem arkable physiological and anatomical problem s are raised by these in
triguing experim ents on perception and behaviour, but as yet we can only
form ulate the problem s in the vaguest terms.
406 E8 Conscious Memory
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418 Bibliography to Part II
E: Karl, could you start our discussion with a short statement on epistemo
sense organs. We have to realize that these ideas are implicit in an evolu
tionary origin. Genetic coding is essentially an evolutionary concept. Evolu
tion in fact can be most simply thought of as a wonderful biological process
for creating the genetic coding that is most appropriate for the conditions of
the ecological niche that we happen to be in.
Perhaps we differ in the following respects. I am always thinking of myself
as central in the first place to my perceptions, my imaginations, my environ
ment. Everything comes to me in the first place. Then from all that is inborn
in my brain and all that is built in my brain by experiences, I proceed to
interpret so that I can act most appropriately in the various situations, and of
course assimilate the new knowledge into all the experiential remembrances
that I have already accumulated. And so I have the belief that I am central to
my own experiences and interpretations. I escape from solipsism by utilizing
these experiences in order to understand other persons and the world around
me. I feel, though, that I have first of all to be primary in this whole action so
far as I myself am concerned. I readily give to each experiencing self the same
prerogative of being primary to its whole sensory experience, the whole
tremendous incoming load of information that is pouring in by its sense
organs and that has to be interpreted in the light of memory (cp. chapter E8).
Our wonderful memory has given each of us wisdom and understanding at
each stage of our life. It relates to the immediate sensory experiences, but,
more importantly, it is modified by and developed by the whole of our past
experiences. This is essentially the position of a person of civilization and
P: I think our disagreement is mainly about your use of certain stock phrases,
if I may so call them; for example: “everything comes to me in the first place”
and “central to my own experiences” . These expressions, and the view that
everybody is primary to their whole sensory experience, seem to me uncriti
cal. What really happens is, I suggest, this. A fterl am established, so to speak,
as a self-conscious person, things look as these phrases suggest ; but the word
“primary” carries with it the mistaken suggestion that the ego is, in time, or
logically, the first thing. But in time, or logically, I am, first of all, an organism
not fully conscious of myself — when I am a small baby. I have, however,
already at this stage, expectations or inborn knowledge, which consist of
theory-like dispositions to interpret what reaches me through my senses, and
without which the incoming sensory data would never begin to crystallize into
perceptions, experience and knowledge. I suppose that the incoming sensory
data in the very first days of life are pretty chaotic, and that they are only
gradually organized and interpreted.
What Does Knowledge Start From? 427
I think that this is also true of the working of the brain. Stimulated or, if
you like, challenged by sense stimuli, the brain has to begin to do its work,
which, with respect to the senses, is mainly that of interpretation. This work
must be very largely predisposed; and //m ust be “primary” to experiencing
either the external world or the ego. I would therefore suggest that it is
incorrect to say that primarily everything comes to me, or that in the first
place everything comes to me, through the senses. Rather, what is “primary”
is the inborn disposition to sense, and the inborn disposition to interpret what
arrives through the senses. Thus, if you say that I am central to my experien
ce, then I accept that, but only after I am constituted as a person or a self ;
which in itself is the result of learning. I think, however, that you are
absolutely right to say that “all of life is learning”. Learning is interpretation
and the formation of new theories, new expectations, and new skills. I have
first of all to learn to be myself; and I learn to be myself in contrast to learning
what is not myself. By this process I can ultimately establish myself, by
degrees. It does not happen all at once — it will probably take weeks; I don’t
mean weeks from birth, but, say, weeks from the moment that this particular
process, the process of becoming oneself, gets started: it will probably take
weeks before this process is more or less crystallized. From then on, I am
central to my experiences; but if what I have here suggested is correct, we
should see this not as something primary, but as something which is itself the
result of learning.
E: I think that we are not in disagreement in this respect but we have different
perspectives about it. I would readily agree that the newborn baby is acting
with the few primitive instincts that a newborn child has in the way of suckling
and crying and so on, but it is learning quite fast. In a few days it learns to
follow with its eyes, and it even learns its mother’s voice, and also it is
orienting itself. Of course it is acting in accordance with the instinctive drives
of a primitive organism though it is rapidly outgrowing these. It is learning
very fast indeed I think, much more than we can imagine. It is relating vision
to movement of its hands, all the time watching and touching, relating touch
and vision, touch and hearing, and so on. There is an intensive learning
process going on. Now of course I don’t know how to decide which is primary
and which is not. I don’t think the question can be well phrased at this stage. I
think we have simply here an organism with immense potentialities and
drives to learn, to develop, and gradually to find out that it is an independent
existence by discovering what it is and what it is not; that is, environment:
what belongs to it as hands and feet, and what does not belong as shoes and
socks and so on. It is learning gradually to strip itself down to essentials and it
428 Dialogue I
is learning how it can act and how it can bring about happenings by movement
under visual control and so on. It is learning how it can auditorily command.
All of this is going on through the first year of life. All of this time it is
deficient in the performances of other young mammals, namely all the skilled
instinctive performances — to be able to stand and run and leap as the young
herbivores can do for example. It is initially quite helpless, but it is learning
rapidly and being very flexible. I think this is the essence of babyhood in the
first year or so until with its developing language it comes more and more to
realize its own selfhood.
Then I think there is a change to quite a different story with the devel
oping linguistic efforts of a young child. Despite all that is written I think we
still underestimate the immense linguistic striving that there is. A 2-year-old
child already has a feeling of language with meaning and intention. We are
apt to think that you learn your first language easily. I think, on the other
hand, we underestimate the immense experimental effort and the intensity of
the effort being made by a young child in learning how to use the language, to
learn how to name things, to learn how to describe experiences. Furthermore
it has to relate itself as an individual against the other individuals which
already, at one to two years old, it is recognizing as beings like itself.
There are ways in which I think we should consider the use of the word
primary. We have hitherto restricted ourselves to the newborn baby and its
first year or two when it is developing its knowledge of the world and of itself
in an experimental manner, utilizing its brain and sense organs and a whole
sensory structure which is built in the most designed manner. For example its
job is to relate its visual perceptions to its tactual perceptions and to its
kinaesthetic perceptions. It makes some unified world out of sight, touch and
movement. That is a simple way of looking at it. We have the explanation
developed by Held and Hein with the kittens (cp. chapter E8, Fig. 12) to
illustrate the importance of what I call participation learning. It is sometimes
called perceptual learning. Babies are learning all the time on that level. I
think we don’t disagree.
Where I think we might disagree is about the use of the word primary. In
the ordinary adult life, where we can now consider some new experience, we
have to see how we achieve some understanding and interpretation of this
new experience. I give as an example a kind of thought experiment. Sup
posing that we were suddenly transported to the moon as one of those
observers. We are suddenly confronted with a strange landscape, where the
atmosphere is infinitely clear and we have not got the ordinary criteria for
telling us of dimensions or of distances. We don’t know sizes and everything is
strange. We have then to set about working out how to interpret our experi
What Does Knowledge Start From? 429
ences. They come to us primarily through vision and we have other tricks like
parallax and so on in order to use this for the interpretation. I would say that
in the first place our moon observer has his own experiences and from that he
tries to use all kinds of skilled techniques to build up an understanding of the
spatial relationships of what is giving him his experiences of the external
world. The external world, or the moon world in this case, is to him secondary
to the way he comes to knowledge about it from his primary experiences
which are delivered by his sense organs.
P: I do not agree. I think that if we were taken to the moon and left only with
vision, we would be lost. Only if we could somehow or other engage in
activities, move about, and so on, could we ever really establish ourselves on,
say, a strange planet or in completely strange surroundings. So, you see, I give
much more weight to the part played in interpretation by activity: both to the
activities of our limbs and to the activities of our brain. These are active
processes, and so is the process of making and matching in the brain. That I
lay such weight on active processes is based on the fact that there can be
people like Helen Keller, who are defective in all the (for us) most important
senses like sight and hearing, and are still able to achieve a complete interpre
tation, and in the main a correct interpretation, of the world. This has
happened with people who are both blind and deaf and dumb.
I do not, of course, want to deny that the senses are immensely important,
and, as you have mentioned, this will be particularly true if an adult is
suddenly placed in completely new surroundings. But even here I would wish
to claim that we would first make a hypothesis as to where we were, and then
try to test that hypothesis. In other words, we would use a trial and error, a
making-and-matching, process: a process of conjecture and refutation.
This is why I think that the old story that the senses are primary in
learning is wrong (especially in learning something new, i. e. in discovering).
I believe that, in learning, hypotheses have a primary role; that making comes
before matching.2 The senses have two roles: first, they challenge us to make
our hypotheses; second, they help us to match our hypotheses — by assisting
in the process of refutation, or selection.
E: Yes, I agree of course that we are never presented with a clean slate with
no past experiences, no past understandings on which to interpret a fresh lot
of sensory data. What I was trying to say was that, when we are confronted
2 This is Ernst Gombrich's phrase: see, for references, the index of his Art and Illusion
430 Dialogue I
with new sensory data, then that is primary to the interpretations. I admit that
the interpretations are built upon all of our experiences, inborn and learned,
but, on the other hand, I think we have to say that in any one instance we are
all the time acting on the basis of the immense information input from our
sense organs — interpreting it, rejecting it, modifying it, correlating it. I have
immediately to say all this depends upon a brain which has learnt the whole
wonderfully subtle means of sensory interpretation from the past. You say
that we are always trying to make before matching. In making and matching
are we trying to get our sensory experience related to and matched with
earlier sensory experiences? Is that what you mean?
P: I shall try to formulate this again, since it is important; I think it contains
one of the key elements of my epistemology. I can, perhaps, put it like this.
There are no sensory “data” . Rather, there is an incoming challenge from the
sensed world which then puts the brain, or ourselves, to work on it, to try to
interpret it. Thus, at first, there are no data: there is, rather, a challenge to do
something; namely, to interpret. Then we try to match the so-called sense
data. I say “so-called” because I don’t think there are sense “data”. What
most people hold to be a simple sense “datum” is in fact the outcome of a
most elaborate process. Nothing is directly “given” to us: perception is
arrived at only as a result of many steps involving interaction between the
stimuli which reach the senses, the interpreting apparatus of the senses, and
the structure of the brain. So, while the term “sense datum” suggests primacy
in the first step, I would suggest that, before I can realize what is a sense
datum for me (before it is ever “given” to me), there are a hundred steps of
give and take which result from the challenge presented to our senses and our
My epistemology arises in the following way. I try to show first what one
would expect to happen on more or less logical grounds and then suggest that
things actually do happen like this in reality.3 All I have learned from you
about the brain supports the view that this is really the case. I have, for
example, learned that there are certain cells which react only to inclined lines
of light, or only to edges or something like that (chapter E2, Fig. 6). This we
take it, is the result of evolution; in the course of evolution, perhaps, there
emerged the theory that there are inclined lines of light and parallel lines, and
that the distance between these lines was somehow important for our inter
pretation of visual challenges.
3 It is not suggested that as, say, induction is logically invalid we can tell a priori that it does
not exist in psychology, but just that we should try to see if psychology will work without
What Does Knowledge Start From? 431
P: Now I think we are very near to complete agreement; and I hope to be able
to show you the beauty of this way of looking at things.
All experience is already interpreted by the nervous system a hundred
fold — or a thousandfold — before it becomes conscious experience. When it
does become conscious experience then it can be interpreted, more or less
consciously, as a theory: we may formulate a hypothesis — a linguistic
statement of a theory — to explain these experiences. This statement can
then be publicly criticized — a discussion may start about it. That is, we may
use language to select the best interpretation from the various alternatives
that have been put forward.
Now, the thing to note is that the process at the last and highest stage —
the World 3 process of critical discussion — uses in effect the same mech
anism of elimination, of trial and error, of making and matching, that occurs
at the lower levels. The same mechanism is used on the lower levels and then
432 Dialogue I
on the higher levels of the nervous system, and ultimately, at the scientific or
logical level. This mechanism becomes objectivized — linguistically formu
lated, and incorporated into our institutions — and becomes, as it were,
public property.
This is an application of the heuristic idea that the same thing that
happens on the logical level will have happened on all levels of the organism.
You will now see why I think that it is better not to speak of sense data as
being primary. I think that we get a really beautiful picture of the organism
and of the working of the mind if we see both as involving a hierarchy of levels
at which these operations take place. These levels or layers are probably at
the same time very largely evolutionary layers. The highest interpretative
layers in the brain are followed by still higher interpretative layers which
transcend the organism and which belong to the objective World 3; and the
same process is continued there. You can approach this the other way round
if you study the process of theory-making in World 3. For it involves essen
tially the same process which the organism applies in a comparatively me
chanical way — instinctively or automatically, or as a result of its structure or
its genetic instructions. Or, rather, the process is in part the same — it is less
and less mechanical the higher we go in the hierarchy of controls and
E: I should now make a final comment about the brain and the way it has
come to give us this marvellous performance. Up to a certain stage we can
explain what is going on, particularly in the visual system, where we can see
the way in which the retinal picture is converted first of all into a punctate
mosaic. That is the way it has to be transmitted to the brain by something like
108 sense cells to 106 nerve fibres in the optic nerve, and this is again punctate
action. Then it has got to be brought together again in the light of and on the
basis of the neuronal connectivities built in the brain and the learned modifi
cations of these through life, as we learn to interpret more and more subtly
the sensory data given to us through the visual or the somaesthetic sense for
Another point is that it has to be not only handled as pure visual data, but
it has to be blended with the data from the other sense organs (the other
modalities) so that we are now beginning to have a real world such as we
know with colour and shape and sound and form and dimension and even
with smell. This is the world we know, but we are a tremendously long way
from being able to give an account of how that world is built out of the data
provided by our sense organs. I want to go back to our original point. It
concerns this building from moment to moment of the pictured world that we
The Brain and the Visual System 433
E: It is important now that we have got to this stage to refine our concepts of
what sensory experiences give us. For example, I am looking out on a
beautiful garden. A s you look out and see the flowers, you can identify the
plants if you are a good botanist. You would find an immense wealth of
interest there if you were taken around by a good botanist. This would show
you how subtly you can interpret your visual experiences to give you some
newer and deeper understanding of some botanical life with leaves and stalks
and flower forms and bud forms and so on. It is true of our understanding of
the whole of the animal world. I can suggest other examples. Just think of the
way in which we judge movement and action in watching skilled games.
There we can participate in a way with the game because we have had our
own experiences. You can’t look at a skilled game with a proper appreciation
if you haven’t been trained to do this. American football looks like nonsense
to me. I never know anything about it. I know other forms of football and
tennis. I am not deficient in my understanding of some games, but I am
ignorant about many others. This is just to give you an indication of how we
train and learn to interpret our sensory data in terms of reaction or excite
ment or skills of performance in a way which I think is absolutely remarkable.
You have to realize just what we are deriving by our learned experiences in
the way of new interpretations transcending the mere sensory data that we
are provided with.
E: Yes, that is true. This beautifully simple and revealing experiment done by
Held and Hein shows how participation learning is required in order to
appreciate the simplest things about the sensory data. I believe very much
that we should through all our lives be active in exploring and sensing and
testing. Moreover the message from such experiments is very important from
Karl’s point of view, that we have been discussing. You cannot, for example,
learn to appreciate pictures of one period or another by just looking at them
yourself. You have either to discuss with people or read the critical and
evaluative literature. You have to enter into the World 3 relationship with
everything you see in order to become a human appreciator of it. The whole
of life I think has to be enriched in this way so that we are not just simply naive
experiencers of visual or tactual or auditory data, but that all the time we are
challenged by it to become more and more able to see the more subtle
relationships in space and time of form, colour, pattern, melody, harmony,
etc. This is the essence of art.
Activity in Learning 435
E: Yes, I think there is something in that. On the other hand, I do think that
we have to talk. If we are trying to train our children to be good at some
sophisticated game or dancing or skiing or skating, then it is silly to sit them
on a form and talk about skiing. They should do it and they should dance, and
so on. But if on the other hand you want to train them in mathematics or train
them in a language, in linguistic expression, they might as well give up moving
around and concentrate on the task in hand. They get their activity then by
trying to solve problems in mathematics or by expressing their ideas in
sentences. To be critical about their performance is in this way to be active
P: I would certainly agree with that. And, although I am not a brain physiolo
gist, I would like to add that in my view these challenges happen only within
the brain. However, my hypothesis is that not only are practically all interpre
tations which are brain-dependent performed in the manner of a mechanism,
as it were, but that they are supported by a built-in need or drive, a need to be
active, and to experience the enjoyment of performing the action.4 In this
connection, I have a hypothesis about colour blindness and the need to
interpret in terms of colour. My hypothesis is that we may give children who
are colour blind some sense of colour vision if we give them coloured glasses
with, let us say, the left eye containing a red glass and the right eye a green
glass, so that they get different inputs from the two eyes. I think that they may
learn to interpret these in a two-coloured manner.
4 Karl Biihler used to speak of the “enjoyment of action (or of functioning)” (“Funktions-
Dialogue II
evidence that other people have minds is infinitely better than the evidence
we have that animals have minds, but I do think that the evolutionary
hypothesis more or less forces us to attribute lower degrees of consciousness
to animals. My conjecture has what one may call a partly evidential and a
partly intuitive basis. Now the intuitive basis is difficult to spell out, but the
evidential basis consists not only of what I have just mentioned — including
the child before it speaks — but also of the evidence with respect to the minor
hemisphere and its functions. That is to say, I agree with you, Jack, that the
minor hemisphere may be characterized as being something like an excellent
animal brain. I would say that it was still an animal brain — or related to an
animal brain — in that it is cut off from full self-consciousness. But I think
that the achievements of this minor hemisphere (although it is comparable to
the animal brain) are so high that we have to attribute to it not only memory,
which is a kind of prerequisite of consciousness, but a certain degree of
creativity. There is also the ability to solve pretty abstract problems. Thus
take for example the case of the ordering of those strip cartoons which you
describe in chapter E5. This ordering of the strip cartoons did more or less
convince me that we have to accept Sperry’s conjecture concerning the minor
Now, all this seems to me to make it at least possible to attribute to
animals with a well developed central nervous system something like con
sciousness. But it is very important to note that while we have every reason to
say that they have a sense of time, they are probably not fully conscious of
time: they do not have even the rudiments of a theory of the regular progres
sion of time (such as that yesterday is followed by today, and today is
followed by tomorrow). Full consciousness depends on having an abstract
theory which is linguistically formulated. It would, incidentally, be interest
ing to check the minor hemisphere for an understanding of progress in time in
this sense. The comic strip assemblage has established that the minor hemi
sphere can order pictures according to a time sequence, but this does not
mean that the minor hemisphere has a consciousness of the difference
between yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and it would be most interesting to
find out whether it has.
E: The subject under discussion has moved on to higher animal brains, their
performance, and the possibility that there is something like an awareness, a
consciousness associated with some of the activities going on in the brains of
these animals; and via higher animals, I will go all the way up to the
anthropoid apes. Now I would say that we don’t have any proper tests for this.
I don’t want to put myself on record as denying the evidence of something
440 Dialogue II
Nevertheless there are certain things at that level we have to be careful about.
The point I wanted to make about animals is that it is nice to see how they get
on together as living beings in company with one another and with other
species of animals, and so on, but one of the questions that I ask is: how do
they care for their sick and their dead? Professor Washburn of Berkeley has
described the case of a pack of monkeys going through the forest climbing
and jumping and so on, while the sick monkeys, one or two of them, who can’t
keep up with the pack, struggle along doing their best but falling, and
eventually the pack goes on and leaves them behind to die. It takes no
cognizance of them whatsoever. In the monkey, therefore, there appears to
be no feeling of compassion. It is doubtful even that Jane Goodall has
described so much of this at the chimpanzee level. I am not speaking of course
at any level about the maternal affection of mother and child. This is some
thing which is instinctive and inborn and can happen in quite lowly organized
animals. I am speaking about the care that animals have for the sick and for
the dead. D o they in fact just reject their dead or do they begin to take some
cognizance that this dead animal is like themselves and that they too may die?
I have seen no evidence of this in any of the recorded cases of animals in the
wild. It of course is generally recognized by ethologists that you shouldn’t use
anecdotal data from domesticated animals. Because of their imitative
abilities you are never sure how much they are imitating without understand
ing in their relationship to, say, a dead animal or a dead master. This whole
question is very important. I venture to suggest that, if animals have con
sciousness, they don’t have self-consciousness even at a minor level.
That brings me to the most important of all of these stories of evolution.
How did self-consciousness come to man? That I think will be a later story for
discussion, but at this time it is important for me to review this question of
animal consciousness. I will say that, if one wanted to be difficult about it, one
could perfectly well be a reductionist, identity theorist, or what you will,
saying that all the performance of animals of every kind you can imagine is
simply the performance of its neural machinery and that there is no need to
be superimposed upon this something which is a spinoff from the brain
action. Thus I think with animals we may become parallelists, stating that
their conscious experiences are a spinoff from the neural actions, but in fact
cannot act back and cause any change in the operations of the neural
machinery. Here is a question to be debated, and I think, Karl, you might like
to take that up. D o animals give any evidence that their conscious experi
ences act back upon and change their behaviour?
P: I readily agree that there is no evidence at all that animals have experi
442 Dialogue II
ences just like ours, except the evolutionary hypothesis and also the degrees
of consciousness which we find in ourselves. Thus there is no direct evidence,
and I would therefore describe the problem of the consciousness of animals
as a kind of metaphysical problem, in the sense that any hypothesis, any
conjecture about it, is not falsifiable — at any rate not at present. And since it
is not falsifiable or testable, it is metaphysical.
But metaphysical hypotheses are important for science in at least two
ways. First of all, in order to have a general picture of the world we need
metaphysical hypotheses. Secondly, in the actual preparation of our research
we are guided by what I have called “metaphysical research programmes”.
So at the outset I would grant that the theory that animals have conscious
ness is untestable, and thus metaphysical (in my terminology), and that it
would certainly not be unreasonable for someone to deny this theory. How
ever, I do think that it is worthwhile to consider whether any other view of
animal consciousness would fit better into our general scheme or view of the
world. As to the ^//-consciousness of man, I am inclined to think that the
most adequate metaphysical hypothesis is that it only arises with World 3:
indeed, my suggestion is that it arises together with World 3, and in interac
tion with World 3. It seems to me that self-consciousness, or the self-con-
scious mind, has a definite biological function, namely to build up World 3, to
understand World 3, and to anchor our selves in World 3.
I also think that one can consider the possible functions of the lower levels
of consciousness which may exist in animals, and that these may have definite
tasks. They may make possible certain interpretations of perceptions which
may not be made by the brain alone. That is to say, the brain may deliver to
the animal consciousness an uncertain or unclear perception, and then the
animal may experiment with various interpretations of it, just as we do, trying
out different interpretations of this in the first instance far from unambiguous
perception. That would be one possible function for the lower levels of
consciousness. In other words, I do think that we have every reason to believe
that animals have perceptions. And we can find from our own experience that
the process of perception only takes place partly in the appropriate sense
organ: that it partly occurs in the conscious mind. (I do not wish to imply that
the ^//-conscious mind is needed for it.) I also think that there are other
functions which we can attribute to consciousness. You tell me, Jack, that all
the symptoms of pain may arise without consciousness, and I accept what you
have told me about this. But I am not quite clear about this point. I would like
to ask you whether human beings who are not conscious show symptoms of
pain. I think that that would be a very important piece of evidence. Perhaps
you could say something about it.
Consciousness of Self 443
P: I think that this is very important and interesting. For I think that we can
actually argue that if memory is interrupted in the sense of being cut into
short pieces sufficiently often and to a sufficient degree, then consciousness
would no longer exist. Perhaps if the memory is interrupted there may at first
be episodes of awareness, but, if the atomization goes far enough, there
would be no consciousness at all. (See my section 19.) There will probably
also be intermittent stages of a very low degree of consciousness; these may
border on unconsciousness. It has been suggested that some, or even all,
general anaesthetics work in this way by more or less atomizing consciousness
or by interrupting its temporal coherence. An important point here would be
whether, if the anaesthetic is a little less deep, a human being could still
answer questions but afterwards forget the episode completely. It would be
quite interesting to know about this. It would represent an intermediate
stage; intermediate, but only at a slightly higher level than complete uncon
I think the fact that we have some evidence in this direction shows just
how we might, with the help of our metaphysical hypothesis, get nearer and
nearer to something like real evidence — which at present is out of sight for
us. The evidence we could arrive at would be analogical evidence, but still, we
may accept analogical evidence for other minds without getting too deeply
involved in the “problem of other minds” as some philosophers call it. It may
be similar with animals.
You mentioned earlier the question of compassion. Again there is no real
evidence, but when I was a child I had a big dog who, when I was ill, showed
every sign of compassion. Now you can of course say that this was only a kind
1 Note that something like this may happen when children, especially, answer questions and
hold conversations when they are asleep.
444 Dialogue II
I think it is really only when we get up to the mammals and the birds that
we would have some kind of feeling about there being a consciousness in
certain levels of their experience. This is particularly true of course when we
come to the higher mammals, the cat and the dog, these great companions of
man. But there are many mammals with larger and more complex brains. The
elephants, for example, have obviously high intelligence and there is some
evidence that they do care for their dead, although this may be imitative.
There is anecdotal evidence that when an elephant dies, other elephants
cover the body with leaves and even care for elephant bones! Then the very
interesting animals, the dolphins, have a brain at least as large as man’s, and,
so far as they have been studied, apparently do show some feeling for one
another. There is the help when the mother gives birth to the baby. This could
be ordinary instinctive animal actions, but it’s nice to read into their actions
some kind of human qualities because they have such large brains, and they
quite clearly have very complex performances. In fact, though, when you
come to study their brains anatomically as Jansen of Oslo has done, a great
deal of their cerebral hemispheres would appear to be used in auditory
localization. The very big auditory cortices are apparently related to the
sensing of their position relative to sound waves in the water, reflections from
rocks, etc. This gives apparently an orientation to environment which is
obviously very important for them, and they probably also get signals from
fish they are catching. This auditory sensing may be at such a complex and
subtle level that it requires a great deal of their cerebral cortex. We are not
sure how much cerebral cortex they have left over to function as does the
human cerebral cortex for speech (cp. chapter E4) and other subtle ex
pressions related to higher nervous activities.
Finally we of course come to the anthropoid apes who have smaller brains
than elephants and dolphins, only about 500 ccm or so, and we have of course
all the examples of the efforts to train them in linguistic performance, but
that’s another story. I’ll leave that aside for the present. The evidence that
they are tool makers and can construct a primitive World 3 is, I think, very
dubious. I would say they are no better at this than other orders of lower
mammals, or even the birds. After you have commented on this, I would
like to raise the question of evolution and consciousness, and in fact, self-
consciousness. How did consciousness come to man? That, I think, is the
ultimate question that we have to face, and we can talk about that.
P: I completely agree that the care for the dead is an immensely important
point in the story of the evolution of consciousness (see my section 45), and I
also agree that we can look at the care for the dead as being one of the main
446 Dialogue II
evidences for higher self-consciousness, for reasons which are pretty obvious.
That is to say, the conscious awareness of the self goes, as it were, hand in
hand with the idea that I — the self — will die; and in the light of this we can
understand better the idea of the care for the dead. As to the existence of
lower forms of consciousness, I think we have some evidence from ourselves
that they exist. And with respect to the question with which we started — how
consciousness came into life — I want to formulate some metaphysical
I would say that the first beginning, or some very early intermediate stage
of consciousness may actually be a sense of curiosity, a feeling or a wish to
know. This hypothesis is suggested by the tremendous importance which the
intellectual aspect of our consciousness has for the whole evolution of con
sciousness and especially of higher consciousness. Strangely enough there is
hardly any advantage from an evolutionary point of view in making some
kinds of pain conscious. Or at least while there is some advantage in pain, in
so far as it is a warning, there is hardly any biological advantage in having a
toothache conscious; rather, there was only a biological disadvantage, at least
until the invention of dentists. Before the invention of dentists, which was
certainly a World 3 affair, there was certainly no advantage in having a
conscious toothache. On the other hand, the invention of dentists is a conse
quence of toothache.
I wanted to formulate two hypotheses which are closely related and both
somewhat bold. The first I have already mentioned — that curiosity is the
beginning of consciousness. The second is that, in the evolutionary story,
young animals become conscious before old animals. That is to say, con
sciousness may be connected with the exploratory period in the evolution of
animals. If animals have consciousness, as I propose we assume, then it is very
possible that animals lose this consciousness as they grow older and that they
grow more and more like automata. One actually has a kind of intuitive
impression that old animals become less and less conscious: this is especially
noticeable when compared with the behaviour of young animals, which
shows many more signs of consciousness. The distinctive evolution of con
sciousness in man may then be linked with the delayed maturing and the
somewhat delayed ageing in man — or at least in some men. My two
hypotheses are, of course, both metaphysical in character. Jack, what is your
impression about this suggestion?
E: I would agree. Put it this way. I want to take this suggestion and use it only
for the origin of the self-consciousness of man which I think is of supreme
interest. The other is more dubious. The questions that interest me are: How
The Emergence of Consciousness 447
this is correct, it might provide some slight evidential support for my general
metaphysical hypothesis that young animals are more conscious than older
ones. By conscious I of course mean conscious in an entirely different way
from humans. I fully agree with you, Jack, that what we call the full con
sciousness of self cannot be attributed to animals. There is, incidentally, also
reason to think that self-consciousness is not something simple. It is some
thing highly complex, and comes comparatively late in the life of a child; that
is to say, only after perhaps a year or so. So there is a tremendous period of
time to which we have to attribute something like a forerunner of self-con
sciousness; in which we may assume that there is a lower degree of conscious
ness. This is in itself an almost necessary conjecture from the point of view of
our experience, so it is necessary to postulate that there exists a form of
consciousness different from self-consciousness. It is then not difficult to
attribute this to animals. Not full self-consciousness: no, we agree on that;
but there is no difficulty in our attributing to animals non-self-conscious
awareness. That is my opinion, at least.
E: Karl, could you start our discussion by saying a little about World 3?
P: World 3 is the world of the products of the human mind. These products, in
the course of evolution, were first probably encoded only in the human brain
and even there only in a fleeting way. That is to say, if an early man told a
story of a hunt, or something like that, then the story would be both encoded*
in his brain and in the brains of his listeners, but it would soon be forgotten
and in a sense disappear. The more characteristic objects of World 3 are
objects which are more lasting. They are, for example, early works of art,
cave paintings, decorated instruments, decorated tools, boats, and similar
World 1 objects. At that stage there is perhaps not yet a need to postulate a
separate World 3. The need arises, however, when it comes to such things as
works of literature, theories, problems, and, most clearly of all, such things
as, for example, musical compositions. A musical composition has a very
strange sort of existence. Certainly it at first exists encoded in the musican’s
head, but it will probably not even exist there as a totality, but, rather, as a
sequence of efforts or attempts; and whether the composer does or does not
retain a total score of the composition in his memory is in a sense not really
essential to the question of the existence of the composition once it has been
written down. But the written-down encoding is not identical with the com
position — say, a symphony. For the symphony is something acoustic and the
written-down encoding is obviously merely conventionally and arbitrarily
related to the acoustic ideas which this written-down encoding tries to
incorporate and to bring into a more stable and lasting form. So here there
already arises a problem. Let us pose the problem in the following way.
Clearly, Mozart’s Jupiter Symphony is neither the score he wrote, which is
only a kind of conventional and arbitrarily coded statement of the symphony;
450 Dialogue III
nor is it the sum total of the imagined acoustic experiences Mozart had while
writing the symphony. Nor is it any of the performances. Nor is it all
performances together, nor the class of all possible performances. This is
seen from the fact that performances may be good or less good, but that no
performance can really be described as ideal. In a way, the symphony is the
thing which can be interpreted in performances — it is something which has
the possibility of being interpreted in a performance. One may even say that
the whole depth of this World 3 object cannot be captured by any single
performance, but only by hearing it again and again, in different interpreta
tions. In that sense the World 3 object is a real ideal object which exists, but
exists nowhere, and whose existence is somehow the potentiality of its being
reinterpreted by human minds. So it is first the work of a human mind or of
human minds, the product of human minds; and secondly it is endowed with
the potentiality of being recaptured, perhaps only partly, by human minds
again. In a sense World 3 is a kind of Platonic world of ideas, a world which
exists nowhere but which does have an existence and which does interact,
especially, with human minds on the basis, of course, of human activity. It
can also interact with physical things, for example, if a musical score is
duplicated, or if a record is made. And a record may operate directly on a
loudspeaker without a human being intervening. However, while World 3 is
perhaps best conceived along Platonic lines, there are, of course, very consid
erable differences between the Platonic world of ideas and World 3 as I
conceive it. First of all, my World 3 has a history; this is not the case for the
Platonic world. Second, it does not consist, as would the Platonic ideal world,
of concepts, but mainly of theories and problems, and not only of true
theories but also of tentative theories and indeed false theories. However, I
will not go into this now because I have done so on other occasions.1
E: Karl, you have done a remarkable exposition upon World 3 in some of its
highest manifestations, but I’d like to go back and retrace our steps to its very
origin. How far back in the human prehistory can we recognize the beginning,
the origin, the most primitive World 3 existences? As I look at the prehistory
of mankind, I would say that we have it in tool culture. The first primitive
hominids who were shaping pebble tools for a purpose had some idea of
design, some idea of technique.
This illustrates that probably in the design, in the purpose and in the
instructions of one to the other in carrying on the tool culture, one can think
that the beginnings of language had come. This I suppose is the most impor
1 Cp., for example, the discussion in chapters 3 and 4 of my [1972(a)], and my section 13.
Cultural Evolution 451
P: While I agree with what you say, I nevertheless prefer to regard the
beginning of World 3 as having come with the development of language,
rather than tools. The reason is that it is here that World 3 may become both
external to us and an object of criticism and of deliberate improvement. It
seems to me improbable that before language existed, tools would be subject
to criticism or anything really like it. It is perfectly true that they might be
thrown away as not very useful, but one can hardly describe that as a form of
criticism — although it is perhaps a forerunner of criticism. Real criticism —
the criticism of ideas, of theories — arises, I think, only with language, and it
seems to me that this is really one of the most important aspects of language. I
want here to draw attention to that little step between thinking a certain
thought in one’s head as it were, and speaking it out. As long as the thought is
not formulated, it is more or less part of ourselves.2 Only if it is formulated in
language does it become an object which is different from ourselves, and
towards which we can adopt a critical attitude. So the very small difference
between thinking (in the sense of acting on the assumption) “today is Satur
day” and saying“today is Saturday” makes a tremendous difference from the
point of view of the possibility of criticism. Although there is often not much
of a gap between thinking and speaking, from the point of view of criticism
(and of sharpening our thought) the difference can be very great. Of course,
once language is established, we can actually formulate a thought in our
minds and criticize it; but that is only after language itself has been estab
lished objectively, so to speak, as a social institution: after the possibility of
objectivization has been established. Only after that can we really have a
critical attitude towards the products of our own minds. However, I quite
agree with you that one can of course probably trace World 3 back to earlier
stages, but these are not the same thing as the criticizable World 3.
On the other hand, one can consider tool-making as being a higher stage
of something which goes back to the very beginning of life, namely that living
organisms in a sense select and fashion their own environment. One can even
say that the environment of a naked gene somehow or other consists of the
enzymes produced by that gene and that these enzymes are something
2 The first step is objectivization in physical terms. Cp., however, my discussion of Euclid’s
theorem (dialogue XI) for a much later stage, after much feedback has taken place.
452 Dialogue III
vaguely analogous to tools produced by the human brain. I quite see that this
is carrying the analogy a very long way, but I do think that in a sense these
enzymes are almost like tools; they are actually a self-created artificial
environment. The strange thing is that these artificial environments grow and
grow and become more and more complicated; and ultimately they become
criticizable. That is the great step which I think is really achieved only with
I may perhaps add here that two things seem to me decisively important
about language. One is that it allows for criticizability; the other is that it gives
rise to the need to criticize because of story-telling. With the invention of
language there also comes the invention of excuses, of false excuses, and of
false explanations produced in order to cover up something not quite right
that one has done, and so on; and with this arises the need to distinguish
between truth and falsity. Thus with story-telling there arises the need to
distinguish between truth and falsity, and this, I think, is how criticism
actually arose originally in the development of language and of World 3.
and decided in order to make even such a primitive tool. This is something
quite other than any animal can ever do, and this I think required a language
and critical ability. We have to be careful that we don’t write off this tool
culture of primitive man as being simply at a level of a very unskilled human
performance. It was a skilled human performance considering the environ
ment and the means of action that they had available.
E: It is quite clear that we can only imagine and try to reconstruct the past
from what is available to us now. I think there are two lines of evidence
available from these earlier days. One is the rate of growth of the brain. We
have to think of the very nice endocranial casts being made by Holloway and
described by him in a recent Scientific American article. This gives you some
idea of the form of the brain with the associated growth in weight and also the
growth of the various lobes. I personally think that they rather overdo the
interpretation of the lobes in relationship to speaking. There is a tendency to
think that if you get an enlargement in the area of the temporal and parietal
lobes, that there is an associated growth of language. I would in general agree
with that, but, when you consider all the hazards of making the cranial
reconstructions in the first place and then casting from them, it is of course
only suggestive evidence. The other evidence we have for the growth of
language comes really from the development of cultures. There is firstly the
development of tools and finally with Neanderthal man there are the cere
454 Dialogue III
monial burial customs, which as Dobzhansky very rightly points out give us
the first clear indication that this primitive man had now developed some
spirituality, some self-consciousness which he was not only experiencing in
himself but also recognizing in his fellow beings. Hence ceremonial burial
gives evidence that primitive man thought “death comes to this person, this
creature like myself, it will come to me and I would therefore do all honour to
him so that it may be done when I too die” .
These, then, are the signs that language had come to man at quite a high
level; and still much later of course we have the beautiful art forms, say in the
Lascaux caves, which I think is a sign that there was a primitive art school
there, groups of men painting, criticizing, assessing and instructing each
other. This could only have happened when language was very highly devel
oped. Unfortunately, when it comes to the linguistic art forms as distinct from
plastic art forms, we have no record until we get much further on in prehis
tory, or protohistory, as it may be called. Before the language was written
down, we have the evidence from the repetition of tales by singers which
eventually, as in the Homeric epics, became written down after some hun
dreds of years of repetition by bards who made a profession of the repetition
of the heroic deeds of the past. This long oral tradition certainly obtained
with the Epic of Gilgamesh which was the first great epic of which we have
knowledge. It eventually achieved a linguistic form in Babylonian times
although the epic itself had a long Sumerian existence before the first written
form at something about 2000 B. C.
The point of all this discussion and illustration is its relation to the growth
of the brain and the development of special performances of different zones
of the brain that I have described in chapters E l, E2, E3, E4, E 6.1 believe
that this growth did not arise spontaneously in some kind of uncaused
manner, but that it arose in response to the needs, the demanding needs, of
the linguistic developments and all of the associated creative aspects required
in thought, in discursive thought, in critical thought and so on.
So we now come full circle to the story that the evidences that we have for
World 3 developing in the early human existence can be linked with the
growth of the brain at that same time. It is remarkable that they appear to be
not in phase, as you may at first think. Surely the human brain developed far
ahead of the World 3 that it was required to handle. This is one of the
mysteries of human existence. In Sumerian or early Egyptian times I would
say that the human brain had the full performance of modem man’s brain,
and had still done very little in the abstract sciences and not so much even in
the creative arts, particularly in music. This was all to come. One can wonder
what was the evolutionary survival value for example in Neolithic times of a
Evolution of Language 455
P: Yes, I agree. But I should like to add to something I said before. It seems to
me that the function that led to this whole development is the descriptive
function of human language (see my section 17), as opposed to such things as
mere name-giving. What characterizes a descriptive statement is that it can
be true or false, and therefore also that it can be used for different purposes:
for the purpose of telling the truth — that is to say, for conveying information
— or for the purpose of lying; for example, for making certain excuses
acceptable, or for covering up failure, and so on. I think story-telling emerges
directly from these descriptive reports, from the telling of lies, or from both.
Both descriptive reports and lies fulfil a kind of explanatory function. Story
telling is in the main no doubt stimulated by the need to explain certain
ununderstood events in life of all kinds, and it then leads to the development
of an enjoyment of story-telling, which I think we can assume developed at a
fairly primitive stage, long before the very important myths described in
Gilgamesh and the Homeric epics. Practically all primitive people known
have fairy tales, and fairy tales all have a complex structure. Most of them can
be regarded as explanatory; they can also be regarded as having in them a
frightening element and a comforting element and so on. Now I think that the
really important aspect of all this is that it leads to something which is
certainly only possible on this level of human development, namely the
development of human imagination, of fantasy, and of inventiveness. I don’t
think that there is anything comparable to this on the animal level at all. That
is to say, animals may do something new, but they can hardly have flights of
the imagination and of fantasy. These flights of the imagination seem to me
incredibly important in connection with the development of higher civiliza
tion or material culture or whatever one wants to call it, and for obvious
reasons. These things led to the pluralism of human tool making, to the
many-sidedness of even very primitive civilizations, and then to the fact that
456 Dialogue III
great inventions were made, not only once or twice, but continuously, again
and again, from very early days. It is really this which makes me feel that the
tools you have described, which are such real works of art, and which are so
difficult to make, are likely not to have emerged prior to the beginnings of
So much for the descriptive function of language. However, the inter
esting thing is that the descriptive function of language brings with it the basis
for the argumentative function of language, and for a critical attitude towards
language. Just the very fact that lying becomes possible means that for
obvious practical and adaptational reasons it is important for men to distin
guish between truth and falsehood. It is just for this very reason that we have
built into us the need to develop criticism and the need to develop a critical
attitude towards a report, and with it, the need to develop an argumentative
language — a language in which the truth of a report can be criticized or
attacked, or in which it can be defended by supplementary reports. That, I
think, marks the beginning of argument in human language. I would say that
everything speaks in favour of the view that these two functions of language,
the descriptive and the argumentative functions, are the most characteristic
aspects of human language as distinct from animal languages and other
means of social communication.
I should like to add the following conjecture: it may be that this tension
between description and the need to criticize description is the basis of the
important intellectual problem which the invention of descriptive language
puts before man, and this intellectual struggle stimulated the unprecedented-
ly fast growth of everything which follows — namely, the growth of language
itself, of the brain, and of civilization.
the way in which earlier literature in fact was preserved before it could be
written down. The verbally transmitted folklore that went on through count
less ages must have been one of the principal means of growth of civilization
in these peoples. You can see all this in an intelligent people before they
learnt writing. I instance for example the Maoris you and I were both in
New Zealand and we are familiar with the stories of Maori history and of
their heroic exploits in finding their way across thousands of miles of ocean
to New Zealand (identified from afar as the Long White Cloud) and return
ing and bringing more of their peoples there. All of this was told in remem
bered epics which were handed on and recited and repeated and no doubt
modified and enhanced. Nevertheless that history bears up pretty well with
tests giving the dating of their time of arrival and where they came from.
This tribal memory in the form of a verbal tradition has gone on through
all ages, in what we may call oral narrative poetry. In the last few decades
Professor A. B. Lord has made visits to Yugoslavia and Bulgaria where in
remote areas there is a relatively illiterate population. The book he wrote is
called The Singer o f Tales. He finds many similarities between the way in
which the tales are sung in certain rhythms and verse forms and repeated, and
the way in which the Homeric poems, the classical works of the great past,
were handed on probably for hundreds of years before being written down.
So this now brings me to the next development — it is that we are doing
the same thing all the time today. We do not immediately have to encode in
print or tape or in some other permanent form our thoughts and ideas. We
are also holding them in memory. I instance for example that, if I am going to
lecture somewhere, I have a few notes and slides to work from, but I am
mostly using my own memories from which I can retrieve my ideas for
presentation to the audience. I think that we are always working in some fluid
manner between our memories and what we permanently store in codes in
written and diagrammatic texts.
P: I don’t think I have anything important to add to this, but I should like to
say that early poetry — the early epic — may be an indication of the neediox
something like writing, long before writing actually developed. One could
almost say that the unfulfilled need for written records is the beginning of
poetry: that the use of spoken rhythm to support the memory led to what we
would now call the poetic art.
P: I should like to comment on the two methods of evolution which you have
mentioned. The first method of evolution is, in brief, that of introducing some
novelty, anatomical or physiological or behavioural, and having it tested by
natural selection. The second method of evolution introduces something new
in place of natural selection, namely, conscious critical rejection, and that, I
Self-awareness and Death-awareness 459
E: Yes, I agree that we have to think that creative imagination came quite
early to mankind. When, as Dobzhansky says, the first self-awareness came
to mankind it was linked with death-awareness. With that was linked the
terror of existence, not only the wonder but the terror and awe. The creative
minds in those primitive times must have struggled with this new illumination
developing the myths of origin of which we have many records. At a later
time came myths of explanation by another unseen world in which all were
participating, so giving some kind of greater meaning, a cosmic meaning, to
the whole life of the primitive society and to the world around them. We can
conjecture that this religious insight must have given rise to the first artistic,
460 Dialogue III
P: Language produces its own problems and its own strains and its own
challenges, and thereby its own selection, both natural and critical.
E: How can we go back and discover more from this past? I think one of the
most important problems confronting man in coming to terms with his
present existence is to know more about how he came to be in his present
state and what was the past, what were the challenges of the past and how did
primitive man rise to these challenges. I would think therefore that one of the
great contributions to the future of mankind would come from the ar
chaeologists who are studying and making more vivid, and more intensely
understood the past history of mankind. I further think that we need a
detailed assessment pushing the story of burial customs of a hundred
thousand years ago back into earlier times with more primitive burial cus
toms. Many valuable new discoveries undoubtedly will come with the exca
vations in archaeological sites. We have to remember that the whole of the
archaeology that we think so much of is only a hundred odd years old in its
detailed discoveries and interpretations and explanations.
Dialogue IV
1 The matching aspect is that it has to fit into a framework, and that framework is what I call
World 3.
462 Dialogue IV
E: I like the idea that you have developed that there are gradations in the
times at which cerebral processes happen. There is quite a lot of evidence on
this now. Work has been going on in several laboratories of a high quality.
I’ve given instances in the chapter (E2) on conscious perception, but I might
mention some additional examples now. In the first place we do know that
you get a quicker judgment about the recognition of a face which has already
been presented and which can later be picked out from an ensemble of faces
by the GestaltAike mechanisms of the right temporal lobe. This is much
quicker than the more verbal analytical operations on the left side, so this is a
sign that there is some specially organized, very efficient machinery in parts
of the brain just to get out quick picture recognition in a Gestalt manner.
There are ways of demonstrating this. For example, if there is a complete
section of the corpus callosum, this right hemisphere function is put out of
action for the visual field coming in from the right side (chapter E5). Face
recognition can still be done but takes longer. The subject has to analyse the
picture into pieces in order to see whether this face is the same as the one he
remembers. He looks at the ears, the eyebrows, the nose, and so on in pieces
and talks to himself all the time it’s going on, so revealing that the left
hemisphere is using a verbal tag mechanism and not at all the Gestalt
mechanism that the right hemisphere uses. I think that we have all kinds of
levels of this happening.
I think we cannot overestimate the wonder and complexity of perform
ance of the brain when it is engaged in operations based often upon a large
amount of technical know-how in mathematics, in linguistic or in spatial
thinking, and developments built upon them. That is the way we have to think
of our brains; and in the World 3 level of operation of course we are testing
them to the utmost. The very dedicated struggle along and accept all of the
various meanderings of thought and branchings of thought. Their criticisms
may lead them to reject some theory that they have put a great deal of mental
effort into. They have to recognize that failure and try with creative imagina
tion to develop and formulate new and better explanations and theories.
These are the levels of high intellectual and artistic performance because
great art is achieved in this same manner as well as great science.
P: I have two points to make on this theme. First of all, about long time-spans
of sustained problem solving; in other words, real brain activity and mind
activity. These depend, I think, essentially on World 3 . 1 even think that they
depend on our experiencing the objects of World 3 as if they were things: we
experience them more or less on the model of material things. This partly
explains the Platonic metaphor of looking at and seeing World 3 objects and
why these were regarded as analogous to things, because things are our
standard metaphor for something which has duration. It is the enduring
character of World 3 objects, the objects in which our interest is anchored,
which underlies the coherence between our various efforts, especially be
tween our various attempts at solving a problem. During these attempts,
there is something which we experience as being an object of thought. And
this object, the problem which we study, has to be experienced as enduring in
time, like a material thing. I think that this is the root of what is called
hypostatization. That is to say, I think that we have somehow to hypostatize
all our abstract ideas because otherwise we cannot come back to them again
and again; and we need that kind of endurance in time.
The second point which I wanted to make here is that, when I say that the
self is anchored in World 3, then I mean something similar; namely, that it is
in fact anchored in a World 3 theory in which we visualize, so to speak,
ourselves as something enduring: almost, as it were, like a piece of metal. We
visualize ourselves as being there yesterday, the day before yesterday, and,
providentially, we may be there tomorrow . . . unless something serious
happens to us. This is a kind of hypostatization of the self which helps us in
464 Dialogue IV
our self-understanding. We know very well that the self is not a material
substance, but, so to speak, the non-material ghost in the machine is not a bad
hypothesis with the aid of which the self may reach an understanding of the
self. In other words, I think that such an idea is an almost necessary stage —
the ghost stage — in understanding ourselves as selves, although it is, of
course, a very naive and crude stage. But we never get rid of it entirely, just as
we practically never get rid of our hypostatization.
E: You raise this question of the ghost in the machine and Gilbert Ryle. I
gave the Waynflete Lectures right at the summit of the influence of The
Concept o f Mind. I claimed there in the Preface, that adequate justice was not
done to the present understanding of the brain as a neuronal machine, but we
were still talking about the Cartesian brain with pumps and valves and pipes
and with fluid flowing in them. I went on to say that the new subtleties and
complexities still only dimly understood did look more like the kind of
machine that a ghost could inhabit and effectively work! It wasn’t meant too
seriously, but I just thought that I should raise it now as you mention this very
idea, whatever the word ghost is meant to be. Of course it was derisory in the
sense used by Ryle, but in a way I accepted it partly with my own interpreta
tion because it’s not altogether bad, this idea of a ghost.
P: You told me that you afterwards said to Ryle (and I think it is also in your
book3): Let us first see what the machine is like before we decide on the role
of the ghost.
I have a similar story. Shortly after Ryle’s book was published, I gave a
lecture to a student society in Oxford, in which I criticized Ryle’s book, and
tried to give an alternative outline of the body-mind problem. The students
were apparently very much impressed by Ryle, but they said all the time,
about what I was saying, that it was exactly what Ryle would say. So, in
despair, I said: all right, I’ll make a confession, I believe in the ghost in the
machine. You cannot say that that is exactly what Ryle has said.
E: Karl, when you were talking about the kind of way we thought of
ourselves, thought of our problems, and of our attempts to solve problems, I
thought of some other attitude. I am a practical scientist in a not yet too
sophisticated field with no high-power mathematics. When I am trying to
formulate a theory or a new way of critically looking at a whole field of
results, I’m all the time thinking in terms of diagrams, often with dynamic
P: One needs models together with animating laws which indicate how the
models operate. Together, these make up a theory and give an explanation
and, almost, as it were, a copy of the natural process.
E: One point that I think I should bring in now because we are getting around
to the brain and this is part of our central theme. Karl, you mentioned about
anatomical models - that of course is what they are. I wanted to say that is
what they should be because, at all the levels of understanding possible to us
now, we have to be heavily building upon an anatomical base. What we know
about the nervous system is that it is built up of units, neurones, with
stereotyped properties. There are the excitatory neurones and inhibitory
neurones as described in chapter E l. They are hooked up with synaptic
mechanisms working one way or the other according as they are excitatory or
inhibitory, and they have of course both convergent lines and divergent lines.
It is a numbers game. You count them and see how they all are in some kind
of a network, if you like, which in the end will have to be put into an
n-dimensional network for the purpose of computation. If each cell, shall we
say, connects to ten other cells and so on through a serial array of perhaps 100
connectivities, you are into enormous numbers of structural elements in a
network which would be in our particular model calculated in ten dimen
sions. This is I think a really fruitful field for the application of n-dimensional
I am sure there is much more to come from this change of model from
anatomical to geometrical. Anatomy leads the geometry. Neuronal connec
tions are all in form and structure and pattern. In trying to derive some kind
of theoretical understanding at the World 3 level of the nervous system we
have to develop enormously our concept of patterns in space and time
because the basic constructs upon which the whole nervous system works are
patterns. We can think of the immense complexity and of the immense
number of possibilities of permutations and combinations of cell associa
tions. There are a relatively limited number of cells in the brain, but the
opportunities for pattern, the potentialities for pattern are enormously
greater than the cell numbers. Theories of pattern will have to be developed
especially for this purpose.
P: I would like to make one further remark about the way in which the self is
anchored in World 3. I think that the most simple and primitive way of
putting the point which I wish to make is to point out that without some
conscious theory about sleep and the interruption of our consciousness by
sleep, we cannot have self-consciousness. I also think it is here that another
remark may be made about Dobzhansky’s emphasis on death; namely, that
our idea of the relationship between sleep and death is quite clearly depen
dent on a World 3 theory which plays a very considerable role in our
consciousness of death. The theory is that death is somehow related to sleep,
or somehow similar to sleep, because it involves a loss of consciousness in
some sense, yet that it is different: in a way final, though possibly in another
way not final. These things are, I think, at the very root of any theory of death,
of sleep, and of self-consciousness; and here, of course, a theory of time also
enters the field. Whorf, the famous linguist, has asserted that the Hopi
Indians actually have no idea or model of time as we have it; that is to say, of
time as in some way similar to a spatial co-ordinate. I think that there is
certainly something in what Whorf says, but I doubt whether the Hopi
Imagination and Theory Formation 467
Indians have no abstract theory of time (Whorf denies that the Hopis have an
abstract idea of time at all). I think that they must have an idea of sleep, of
falling asleep, of coming awake again, and of the repetition of these proces
ses, and such abstract ideas are, I should say, fundamental both to our sense
of time and to theirs. Anyway, however it may be with the Hopis according to
Whorf, these ideas are anchored in language, and our Western languages
have tenses, and the idea of time is of course involved in the idea of tenses.
cated and clever things as described in chapter E5. Of course it couldn’t have
done them if it hadn’t been originally hooked up to the whole brain in all the
learned procedures of the past. When the commissurotomy is done, the right
hemisphere is on its own, you might say, as far as the cerebral connections are
concerned, but it does carry with it all of the remembered skills that can be
deployed in the building up of the strip cartoon that you were so impressed
with. This wouldn’t have happened, I am quite confident, if that brain had
been split in very early childhood before the subject ever had any of this
experience of strip cartoons. Then that right brain would have been forever a
naive brain, but before the commissurotomy it had become a sophisticated
adult human brain. I think it was adolescent in this case, 14 years old, when
the commissurotomy was performed. It carries all its past with it and that is
why it also carries some primitive linguistic abilities. Some of the very
challenging aspects of this problem of how the cerebral events give us
self-consciousness come when we are handling events at a more sophisticated
For example, take the following situation. We are listening to music. As I
have described (cp. chapters E2, E4, E6), this is coming in by the auditory
machinery and being handled in the first instance in the right temporal lobe.
One can imagine that a great deal of experience is used from all of our long
knowledge and our learnt skills in bringing us the full analysis and synthesis,
the full sense of the perfection of the performance, the time sequences, the
melodies, the harmonies, and all the rest of it, sequential in time. One would
very much like consciousness to be associated with the actual sites where all
of the incredibly complex neuronal operations are going on with all their base
in the learning of the past with the memories and all of the structure that is
built into that area genetically, giving the initial abilities to appreciate music.
The right temporal lobe is this area, and yet, according to the results from the
Sperry operation of cutting the corpus callosum, self-consciousness of the
subject is found only in the left dominant hemisphere. One assumes that
under these conditions these unfortunate commissurotomy subjects will have
lost virtually all of their appreciation and judgment and evaluation of music.
Maybe they have. It’s hard to judge because in the cases I have known there
probably was very little musical ability to start with, and to my knowledge
they haven’t been tested for this yet.
E: You ask whether we can test this with the Wada injection technique into
the left or right carotid arteries, in which case we are with some luck able to
Imagination 469
put out of action one or other hemisphere for a certain limited time. That
again hasn’t been tested yet so far as I know. The trouble with the Wada test is
that there is considerable risk attached. You don’t want to use it indiscrimi
nately. These tests are practically only used now where it is necessary to
discover if there is speech in the left or the right hemisphere because this
guides the surgeon as to what parts of the cerebral hemisphere he can
remove. The Wada test could be used more I suppose. When it’s given to
subjects there could be a more searching examination during the few seconds
of its action. They would have to be very well designed experiments.
P: Jack, you have just mentioned the importance of imagination, and I think
you are quite right. It cannot be over-estimated how important imagination
is. Now I think that the beginning of imagination is almost certainly due to
language. Of course, there is also the imagination shown, for example, by the
painter, but I think that painting is very largely illustrative, at least in its
beginnings. It is still very largely so even with highly evolved painting, like the
work of the great masters, and in the beginning it probably originated in dia
grams drawn at times to illustrate a story. It may be worth recollecting my
earlier suggestion that the beginning of imagination probably goes back to the
origin of descriptive language and to lying. From the tests on apes made by
Kohler it emerges that the imagination even of apes is extremely weak. I think
it is for this reason rather unlikely that apes have a descriptive language.
from touch. Of course it is a very low level of imagination. It’s the only level
you can try with animals and even that might be too hard for them. I think we
have to try to think of tests for imagination which start off at a simple level
and which can become more sophisticated.
Dialogue V
E: You will remember that last night, Karl, when we were on our peripatetic
discussion, you raised a very important criticism of the story I was there
developing. Briefly my story was that we had to consider the brain events as
giving a complete integrated response to the whole of the sensory input and
of all the remembered past; and in this integrated complexity we had, as it
were, the whole of the human performance. My next point was that the
self-conscious mind was merely reading out from this neurally integrated
ensemble. It was rather passive in this, not actively concerned in modifying it,
but taking it as it was presented by the neuronal machinery in the spatio-tem
poral patterned operation. This warning of yours that I would be trapped in
parallelism by such a view really worried me because I could see that, if the
self-conscious mind was doing no more than give a readout of the neuronal
machinery’s performance, it would certainly be a parallelistic position. Of
course I could save it a bit by saying that, in the action of voluntary will, one
can have an action back from the self-conscious mind onto the neural
machinery, but that seems to me to be a quite inadequate way out.
Therefore I rethought the story in the light of this criticism and came to
the conclusion that I had been misled in trying to account for the whole
integrational performance in terms of neural machinery. I realized that this
was not a necessity. We have in fact two levels of integration in the ordinary
performance we ourselves experience. The first is the integration given by
our actions in movements, the movements of a whole organism correlated
and organized to give appropriate responses. There is a unity of expression.
That we are familiar with. On the materialist-monist concept this can be a
complete explanation, a behavioural explanation, of the operational unity of
a living person. As against that we have the other unity which is our experien
tial unity, and there I see the dichotomy.
472 Dialogue V
Let us think then of the hypothesis that the self-conscious mind is not just
engaged passively in a reading out the operation of neural events, but that it is
an actively searching operation. There is displayed or portrayed before it
from instant to instant the whole of the complex neural processes, and
according to attention and choice and interest or drive, it can select from this
ensemble of performances in the liaison brain, searching now this now that
and blending together the results of readouts of many different areas in the
liaison brain. In that way the self-conscious mind achieves a unity of experi
ence. You see that this hypothesis gives a prime role to the action of the
self-conscious mind, an action of choice and searching and discovering and
integrating. The neural machinery is there as the medium that is ever-chang
ing and multi-complex in space and time. It is there for all operations of the
self-consious mind. I think that is the essence of my story. There are many
further developments from it, but I wanted to tell you that your criticism of
me in our peripatetic discussion led me to rethink the story out in this way. I
think it is a radical departure from anything that has been defined precisely in
the past and one that lends itself now even to experimental investigation, as I
shall later on talk about.
personality is partly a product of its own free actions in the past. Now this is an
important but very difficult idea. Perhaps one could try to understand it if one
thinks that the brain is actually partly formed by these actions of the person
ality and the self. That is to say, the memory part of the brain, especially, can
be said to be partly the product of the self. It is in part because of this idea that
I suggest that we should replace as the title of our book The Self and The
Brain by The Self and Its Brain.
performances of the self-conscious mind are not just passively read out from
the brain events. The self-conscious mind is actively engaged in the tremend
ously subtle and transcendent operation of organizing, selecting and integrat
ing its read out. It is the instigator of the brain processes which are necessary
for the readout. The brain processes in turn may become stabilized in some
memory process to be recovered as a memory on demand by the self-con
scious mind. I think we are all the time doing that. When we think of
something, saying to ourselves we must remember that, we are acting on the
brain so that the neuronal circuits can be built that will enable retrieval at a
later stage. Furthermore you may have some kind of associative remember
ings which will enable you to effect the appropriate retrieval.
So we are now giving the self-conscious mind an immense range of
actions, really effective actions, not passive as in parallelism and
epiphenomenalism and all the other similar theories — psychoneural identi
ty, biperspectivism, double aspect, etc. By contrast we are now giving the
self-conscious mind a master role in its relationship to the brain. Sperry has in
several recent publications expressed a similar idea, namely that the mental
events are actively engaged in giving to and receiving from the brain. Further
he goes on to say that this gives the reason for conscious mind having evolved.
E: I can go still further into this interaction of the self-conscious mind and the
neuronal machinery. In the parallelist view there is the completely rigid
relationship of the purely passive readout. I would say that we have to be
much more open now in our concepts. There is coherency, that is to say the
operations of the neural machinery are coherent with what the self-conscious
mind finds here or there, but the self-conscious mind is not just limited to
some restricted zone or to the whole zone. It has the choice. It selects at will,
shall we say, from the total display of neural machinery from moment to
moment. You may think that this is very wasteful, that you’ve got a tremen
The Self-Conscious Mind 475
dous amount of action going on in the brain that never comes through to be
experienced in consciousness and is not stored in memory. It is lost irretriev
ably; but that is of course extremely important. The self-conscious mind has
to select. W e’d be overloaded by information if at any moment we had to take
notice of everything that was poured into all our senses. This is perhaps one of
the very important reasons for the operation of the self-conscious mind and
its evolution, if there is consciousness in animals. It gives a selection or a
preference from the total operative performance of the neural machinery.
Now another point that I wanted to deal with here is that in this interplay
between the self-conscious mind and the cerebral events we have an enor
mously rich field for new thinking and new experimental investigations. We
have also to imagine that we are able to play forwards and backwards in time.
The self-consious mind isn’t clamped to the immediate events going on in the
brain, but it is all the time judging them and thinking of them in relationship
to past events and to anticipated future events. One of the simplest examples
of that I can think of is in relationship to music. When you are listening to
some music that you know, you not only are blending the immediately
perceived notes or harmonies with the past, which is still held in your memory
to give you some unity of melody, but you are also anticipating the future, and
all of this gives you some unique experiences which couldn’t possibly have
happened on the basis of the neural machinery alone. The self-conscious
mind is in this way exhibiting its ability to lift itself out of strict coherence with
the neural patterns as they are at any one instant. I think that again gives us a
flexibility in handling the brain operations by the way in which our mind can
range over them and can draw on its resources of the past and build into the
P: I was very interested in what you said about music. It is important, for
example, in learning to play the piano or in learning to play a piece on the
piano that the conscious process of training in time becomes unconscious.
The self-conscious mind is relieved by a skilled memory on a completely
physiological level which is not any longer in need of conscious attention but
which may be badly interfered with if we suddenly attend to it consciously.
Sometimes it is interfered with positively by conscious attention but some
times negatively. I want to stress the great significance of the memory of
actions and of skills.2 One of the most important parts of the memory storage
(of acquired memory), is the memory of actions exemplifying acquired skills,
the memory of knowing how, rather than merely the memory of knowing
P: In a way, one could say that the mind not only decodes the coded
The Self-Conscious Mind 477
information, for example about the visual field, received from the retina and
so on, but that it tries to read immediately from it the state of the world in so
far as it bears on the organism in question. I think that in this sense there is
something in naive realism or, if you don’t want to call it naive realism, you
could call it direct realism. That is to say, the brain tries to obtain directly a
view of the situation in the external world relevant to the organism. Further,
this is not merely a perception of a Gestalt or anything of that sort: it is itself
an activity and it is in a sense part of the preparation for further action, both
for the movements it is just about to make, and also for that kind of action
which consists of developing expectations about the future, more particularly
about the future development of the organism’s situation in the external
E: I agree completely. This is something quite other than the field theory of
the Gestalt or the micro-field theory of Pribram. Now we are talking not of
fields but of new operational developments in what we may call the modules.
Szentagothai has recognized that the organization of the cerebral cortex is in
multitudes of vertically oriented modules, each with a complexly organized
assemblage of some thousands of neurones (chapter E l). He has thought of
the module as being like an integrated micro-circuit of electronics, only very
much more complicated. It is this kind of integrated complex neuronal
assemblage in dynamic operation that is I think giving something of interest
to the self-conscious mind. But a problem still arises: What is in fact the
self-conscious mind listening in to? What is the nature of the neuronal
activities? Is it the firing of some nerve cells, or the whole collusive action of
the nerve cells? This is something that we have further to discuss.
P: You have spoken quite rightly about what the mind reads out of the
activity of the nervous system. I would like to take this word “reads” further.
478 Dialogue V
When we read a book, we very soon become quite unconscious of the letters
and even of the shapes of the words which we see, and the mind begins to read
the meaning directly; the meaning as such. Of course, we do also read the
words, but only in context and as carriers of a meaning. I think that this is
probably very similar to the process you describe. In perception we read the
meaning of the neuronal firing pattern of the brain and the meaning of the
neuronal firing pattern is, as it were, the situation in the outside world which
we try to perceive.
about the present state of this hypothesis which we are discussing. You would
I suppose now reject completely the idea that there is, in the visual centre, a
region upon which visual pictures are, as it were, projected in a topologically
correct way if not a metrically correct way. That is to say, you would reject the
theory that there is projection from the retina to the centre. This theory is a
typically parallelistic idea, and if accepted it would lead to a new problem,
namely, how is this picture now interpreted. And this would, so to speak,
merely have shifted the original problem one stage further back. Now I
suppose that fundamentally the coding is a coding in time; that it is similar to
the coding received by a television receiver, which receives a picture as a
purely temporal succession of signals.3 So perhaps the coding reaching the
conscious self is a coding essentially in time, and perhaps not at all in space.
All of these questions are of course rather crude, but I think they should be
asked. Are my questions clear?
3 For what we experience is not merely the picture but the fact that, for example, one
physical body stands in front of another.
480 Dialogue V
face, and that we have thousands of cells like this each one tuned to be
triggered by a particular face? Then we have to think that this gets very
complicated because it isn’t just a face at a given distance in a given illumina
tion, a given profile relationship and so on. It’s that human face in the most
varied situations, and we still can accomplish the identification. It becomes a
tremendous challenge for the neural machinery to accomplish such a dis
criminative task, because it is unbelievably discriminative. We tell one face
from another face from another face and so on. Testing procedures show that
we have great ability in this respect.
Perhaps the situation may now be lifted to a different level when we think
of our self-conscious mind as scanning over the whole wealth of data in the
liaison modules and selecting in some holistic manner in relationship to a
life-time of remembered experiences. Of course I am picking out from this
immense diversity the correct interpretation of the visual experience pre
sented there. That’s just an example. I think that all of these are challenges to
further thinking, but I should point out that, as stated in chapter E2, in the
present theories of neuronal machinery there is no explanation whatsoever of
our ability to integrate into a coherent picture the disparate neuronal events
arising in the visual centres as a consequence of a retinal input. According to
our hypothesis it is the self-conscious mind which accomplishes this incred
ible reassemblage into a consciously observed picture. But also we can make
a coherent image of polymodal inputs of great complexity. For example
visual, auditory and tactual inputs can be assembled to give the experience of
a musical instrument being played.
4 From the point of view of development, significance seems to be the earliest element in
interpretation. The baby smiles and reacts to smiles by smiling at a very early age: it somehow
registers the significance of smiles. (See my section 31.) After all, the so-called imitative
contraptions (cp. my [1963(a)], p. 381) to which babies and birds react, as Konrad Lorenz
discovered, are probably not so much simplified shapes (of the mother bird for example) as
release signals for biologically highly significant reactions. That is to say, the little bird recognizes
in these shapes not so much its mother — that is, a certain physical body — but the carrier of
food. Thus the significance of a visual signal seems to be prior to its physical interpretation. And
we may perhaps wonder whether something analogous does not happen when we read: the
meaning of a word in a sense may have priority over its spelling (which partly explains spelling
482 Dialogue V
E: I want to raise a further problem. Although, when you cut the corpus
callosum, you completely prevent the access of the self-conscious mind to the
neural events in the right hemisphere, are we justified in thinking that it does
not have any access to these events when the corpus callosum is intact? Or is
the corpus callosum some channel the self-conscious mind may work along,
and by the section we have prevented its normal access route to events in the
minor hemisphere? We may conjecture that the access is from open to closed
modules, and even that, when the corpus callosum is intact, the callosal
influence may cause modules of the minor hemisphere to be directly open to
the self-conscious mind (cp. chapter E7; Fig. 5).
E: I agree that it would do it that way. What worries me is just this. That we
have in the minor hemisphere, I take it, wonderful neural machinery in all the
subtlety and learnt performance to handle for example a musical experience,
even the complexity of musical experience in all of its detail. How can this
come through in the corpus callosum to some unknown receiving area for the
self-conscious mind to read it out? Maybe it comes that way. I have a feeling
though that the self-conscious mind, knowing what’s going on, may be able to
“sneak” over to the minor hemisphere and have a look there, where the
really subtle integrational, global, operational aspects of this musical ap
preciation is going on! I raise these questions. I think it is still possible that we
may have to change our hypothesis a bit and give the self-conscious mind the
ability to move under conditions where the corpus callosum is intact, and it
recognizes that there is something of high interest going on in the other side,
so it scans the appropriate modules there. Of course it’s normally “fluttering”
around, scanning the dominant hemisphere, and if the corpus callosum is
intact, it may often assume that there is nothing of interest going on in the
minor hemisphere to bother about. Well this is I think all very crude analogi
cal talking, but, if we can’t talk better, we have to talk the way we can!
The Two Hemispheres of the Brain 483
E: I think that’s a very good point that you have made. I have to confess that
the investigations so far made upon the musical appreciation of the brain are
at a very elementary level, a crude level. It is difficult to develop sufficiently
discriminative and sophisticated testing of musical appreciation; and many of
the subjects that come along with some kind of neurological lesion are
musically illiterate. There is little to work with. There are rare cases of much
more interest. I know of one that I just heard of by accident. A distinguished
musician went to his doctor saying, “Doctor, I’ve had something wrong in my
brain because now I’ve lost all appreciation of music. I can still play the piano,
but it means nothing to me. I have no thrill, no emotion, no feeling. I’ve lost
the sense of beauty, of value.” It was discovered that he had a vascular lesion
in his superior temporal lobe on the right side. He lost everything of his
artistic life with one not very extensive vascular lesion.
P: This only shows that these parts of the brain are needed. Indeed, the very
fact that he was missing it shows that there is normally a cooperation between
the left and the right sides. Otherwise he might not have missed it so badly.
E: Yes, I agree with that. I of course would like to put as much as possible of
the mind-brain liaison onto the dominant hemisphere because that simplifies
our hypothesis. But it is hard for me to think that you can have in the right
temporal lobe the full neuronal performance for giving musical appreciation
and bringing in all the memory, all the subtlety, the immense stored perform
ance that is there and that this is then somehow shot across in encoded form
to the dominant hemisphere to be read out.
484 Dialogue V
P: I can’t help feeling that there is, to put it again very crudely, a structure in
self-consciousness; that self-consciousness is somehow a higher development
of consciousness, and possibly that the right hemisphere is conscious but not
self-conscious, but that the left hemisphere is both conscious and self-con
scious. It is possible that the main function of the corpus callosum is, so to
speak, to transfer the conscious — but not self-conscious — interpretations of
the right hemisphere to the left, and of course, to transfer something in the
other direction too. This possibility really has, I think, to be taken very
seriously. We know so little about these things that one has to consider some
sort of structural development of self-consciousness from a lower level of
E: I come at the end to say that this problem of commissural transfer should
be looked at also in the pictorial sense. In the split brain patients of Sperry
and Bogen there is a very complete examination of the performances of the
right hemisphere, that is the minor hemisphere, and of the left hemisphere,
contrasting the two in respect of copying pictures and also in recognizing
pictures. The minor hemisphere comes out superior to the dominant hemi
sphere. So you have in this respect to admit that machinery for doing all this
detailed evaluation of pattern and picture, of perspective, of meaning of
forms and landscapes, and so on, all of this is processed in the neural
machinery of the minor hemisphere. If the corpus callosum is cut, the
dominant hemisphere fails abysmally in these respects. Presumably it could
perform well if it gets the messages through, and it would be the simplest form
of our hypothesis for us to say that all of the neuronal processing involved in
pattern and picture, all of the detailed neurological machinery is working in
special places in the minor hemisphere, and then the integrated result is
transmitted through the corpus callosum. Of course it is transmitted through
all the time, as we know, and we conjecture that for conscious recognition
there is transmission to special liaison sites which we still haven’t even located
in the dominant hemisphere. These would be the scanning sites, if you would
like to call them that, for the self-conscious mind. I think that there are a great
many unknowns in the whole detailed brain performance and many chal
lenging problems could certainly arise in this connection. However I do think
there is hope because these new hypotheses are so fertile in problems for the
future. Further treatment of this theme of the functional performances of the
dominant and minor hemispheres is given in chapters E5 and E 6 .
Dialogue VI
memory, we feel that we are sitting in the driver’s seat of our car, as it were,
and doing certain things which have certain effects. Like a driver we have at
best partial knowledge of what we are doing — of the causal chains we are
setting in motion. The combination between the feeling that we operate a
known mechanism and the other feeling that we do not know how the effects
of our actions are actually brought about can be taken as a model of the way
in which the self interacts with the brain. That is to say, the working of the
brain is partly accessible and partly inaccessible to the self.
All the feelings I have just described lie within our conscious experience
and therefore within one world, namely, World 2. This model, the model of a
driver in a car or, in Ryle’s terminology, the ghost in the machine, is very
rough, but it may be taken as a model for the interaction between two worlds,
namely, World 1 and World 2.
It is generally assumed that it isn’t very difficult to understand interaction
within one world. But what I have described are experiences within World 2,
and I think that we find, firstly, that it isn’t true that interaction within one
world is quite so generally understandable: not only within World 1 — after
Descartes — but also within World 2. Secondly, there is apparently not much
greater difficulty in understanding interaction between two worlds than
interaction within one world.
I wonder whether one can make anything of the fact that there is some
thing intermediate, as it were, namely the memory, which has its conscious
aspects and its unconscious aspects; but about this one would need a separate
study. I would just like to add that I think that the interaction between the self
and the memory may not only be similar or analogous to, but may possibly
actually be the same as, the interaction between the self and the brain. I think
that this has at least to be explored.
E: That’s a very stimulating and exciting introduction that you have given this
morning. I can see many important and difficult problems ahead. I think in
the first place we have to realize that, insofar as the self-conscious mind and
memory are concerned, we have interaction with the brain which plays both
ways. That is, I regard the self-conscious mind as deliberately operating upon
the brain, trying to recover brain actions which lead in turn to the experiences
that the self-conscious mind desires. We may be doing something very
simple. To take an example, we may be searching for a word or a phrase or a
sentence, searching for some simple memory of this kind; but I think the
self-conscious mind can’t do it alone because it requires the brain to deliver
the memory to it and so it is searching and probing and eventually accepting
the answer. If we are looking, for example, for a synonym, for a better word
Memory and Interaction 487
to express some thought we have, that again has to be played into the brain
and received from the brain. Perhaps we may repeatedly play it backwards
and forwards evaluating and judging. Here we have then a very strong
dualism involved in something which is amongst our commonest experiences.
I would like to say further that a great deal of intense learning is required
for the efficient operation of this interplay, that is for the self-conscious mind
to work effectively with the brain and to interact with the brain. This is of
course what comes with the skilled use of language, ideas being expressed in
words and sentences, checking backwards and forwards. I think here we have
to realize that this is no simple mechanical process of the self-conscious mind,
just simply pulling out some stops in the brain and getting a message back just
as you would out of some pigeon hole or computer memory! It is infinitely
more complicated than that. The self-conscious mind has to play upon the
very complex machinery of the brain, which is turning over and is all the time
playing and receiving and interacting. It isn’t just a sort of staccato process,
pressing a key and getting an immediate and final answer back. In the
generation of sentences there is the continual moulding and modification
forwards and backwards that I think is the essence of the interacting game
played between the self-conscious mind on the one hand and the higher
cerebral centres on the other.
P: What I have to say more or less fits in with the question that you have just
raised. In the process of racking our brains and ultimately getting the goods
delivered by our memory, the self remains outside as it were, and it remains
for the time being as a spectator, almost as a recipient of these delivered
488 Dialogue VI
goods. That is to say, it is just in such moments that we see very clearly that we
must distinguish the conscious self from its experiences.
One might be tempted, under the indirect influence of Hume, to think of
the self as the sum total of its experiences. (Cp. my section 53.) But it seems
to me that this theory is directly refuted by the memory experiences to which
I have referred. At the actual moment at which the memory delivers some
thing to us, neither the delivering memory nor the object that it delivers to us
is part of our selves; rather, they are outside of our selves, and we look at
them as spectators (though we may be active immediately before and after
the delivery) and, as it were, watch the delivery with astonishment. We can
therefore separate our conscious experiences as such from our selves. To me
this doesn’t look so much a vertical as a kind of horizontal distinction within
consciousness, with the self on a higher level than certain other regions —
almost at a higher logical level than the sum total of experiences. This idea of
the self as a spectator is also very clearly and vividly described by Penfield
(see my sections 18 and 37). Penfield, of course, discusses a highly artificial
situation in which the brain is electrically stimulated. I would say that in
normal circumstances the self is only a spectator for rare moments, and that
as a rule it is highly active. It may be perhaps a spectator just at the moment at
which its activity leads to a success. Using Ryle’s terms, “remembering” (in
the sense in which it is the result of an effort) may be described as a “success
word” . “I remember” is equivalent to “I succeed in remembering” . So only
at the moment at which its activity leads to a success is the self really a
spectator. Otherwise it is constantly, or almost constantly, active.
E: Yes, I think that’s a very good comment on the question of verticality and
horizontality — that there are within the World 2 these differences and that
in a way we can think of the self-conscious mind as superior to all of the
experiences and memories that are presented to it. This relationship is
illustrated in Figure E7 —2 in chapter E7, where the self is distinguished from
its experiences in the outer sense and inner sense categories.
All the time when we are searching for a memory, searching for a word,
searching for something from the past storage in our brains, we are searching
and receiving and judging and evaluating with this conscious self. It is
superior to its objects which are delivered, and it is superior in that it can
accept or reject them and use them or modify them and put them into the
brain storage. That is certainly an important concept. We have to realize that
there is an active interplay. The self-conscious mind is in fact probing always
into the brain in some manner to retrieve from there or to attempt to retrieve
something which it wants back, some desired input from the brain. Now this
Memory 489
P: I should like to say something which is not important, and which concerns
terminology. I prefer our terms “the self-conscious mind” or “self-con
sciousness” or “the higher consciousness” to the term “the pure ego”,
because, even though such terms as “the pure ego” were intended by their
authors to refer to the same kind of object as we refer to when we speak of the
self-conscious mind, these terms are heavily loaded with philosophical
theories which in my opinion are not really acceptable. (See my section 31.)
Another point occurred to me when we were talking about the incredible
retrieval system which we have with respect to our memory. (In my case,
owing somehow to my age, it is beginning to fail; and I experience its failure
490 Dialogue VI
E: Yes, maybe there’s a spectrum. But I rather feel myself that the concept of
explicit memory should be explored further. You see this is where in linguis
tic expression the brain is used at its highest levels. It involves a long and
arduous training and it involves also the whole of the growth of World 3 . 1
think this occurs by the use of explicit memory with all the range of problems
and discussions, and with the evaluations of any overt performances, such as
in the arts, crafts, technologies, sciences, etc. All of this involves the critical
judgments that come with the use of language and explicit memory at that
level. Furthermore I suppose we could say the whole of mathematics is a kind
of explicit memory. So now there appears to be some sharp distinction
evolving. We have conjectured that World 2 grows because of World 3. They
interact, each helping the other, but is it not possible that we could say it is the
explicit memory category of World 2 that is involved in this symbiotic
relationship with World 3, both in its growth, and at any one time in its
We have to think of World 3 in two ways: that we are utilizing it in all of
our civilized and skilled actions, the scientific, the artistic, the creative; and
secondly we are also adding to it and therefore having a positive feedback to
World 3, adding something to the great and wonderful storage of human
creativity which we call World 3. Your description of the memory spectrum I
think is undoubtedly valid, and there is even within the explicit memory, a
kind of spectrum.
P: I would suggest that the implicit memory is perhaps the strongest factor
which forms our personalities when they are seen, as it were, as developing
through time; and even here World 3 elements undoubtedly have an effect.
You once told me that as a little boy you were surrounded by reproductions
of famous classical pictures. Now this has no doubt somehow influenced your
492 Dialogue VI
E: Karl, could you please say some more about what you actually mean by
implicit memory. What does it cover? For I am a little confused about that
end of the spectrum. At the other end I think I have no difficulty, but at what
levels are you talking about memory when you speak of implicit memory?
P: By implicit memory I mean all sorts of things which were our past
experiences, which, although they are not explicitly before our conscious
ness, are nevertheless there, influencing our actions, and which may possibly
become available to us. But there are also things which are there and are not
available, and which I would be inclined also to call implicit memory as long
as they do not become explicit. This includes things which are quite forgotten
but which are possibly retrievable, and capable of being made explicit. (I
therefore suggest that we make many subdivisions within the implicit mem
ory.) My main idea is that our ability to speak is a result of our early
experiences of our earlier attempts to speak; we do not explicitly remember
them, but they have left a kind of trait, a kind of constant feature of our self
and of our personality, which constantly moulds us and which of course in its
turn is constantly further developed by our actions, our thoughts and our
E: I understand this now and in a way I think you are also including what is
usually called subconscious memories, memories which are not overt but
perhaps can be retrieved under special conditions and of course in a sense we
can agree with Freud that our characters themselves are moulded a great deal
by influences that we have accepted in the past and now do not often
recognize. This is all a part of life, of a normal life, and we can take all this as
part of the given. It moulded our selves and our characters. It means that we
The Self and World 3 493
have certain attitudes, certain fears, certain beliefs, certain terrors, certain
prejudices and so on which we can’t explain. These are perhaps results of
unremembered incidents of past times. Obsessions come into this same
category. Normally we can handle all this, but on the other hand they
sometimes escape control and destroy or greatly injure personalities. This is
the way in which I suppose psychiatry has had a good therapeutic influence. I
don’t say it’s all good, but I think it is good in the sense that it does recognize
these influences and tries to help the patient to handle them in some rational
manner by exposing them and in that way perhaps helping to immunize
against them.
P: In connection with what you said about psychiatry, I would like to refer to
section 6 of chapter 1 of my [1963(a)], pp. 49 —50.
You were also talking about the relation between explicit memory and
World 3. Now, in the sense in which World 3 is encoded in the brain, I
suppose it is mainly encoded in the explicit memory, but I just wanted to
indicate that, in so far as World 3 has a strong bearing on the framing or
moulding of our personalities, it is also probably encoded in the implicit
A s to the question of the unity of the self, there are, in my opinion, various
“unities” . One is the self as the subject of action, of activity, and as a subject
which receives information and so on. That is one kind of unity which is very
important. But there is also another kind of unity, that is, the unity of our
personality, which is somehow or other engraved into our memory — prob
ably the implicit memory — and which is very largely the result of our
previous actions. Up to a point one can even say that this engraved personal
ity, so far as it exists, belongs as such, in a sense, to World 3. It is really, in a
way, the product of our mind, the product of our self, and, being a product of
our self, it is a kind of World 3 object. (The self as a World 3 object includes
our expectations of what we shall be tomorrow, and, as Dobzhansky em
phasizes, of our death. In this sense, the self is a theoretical object, as I have
said before, and its “unity” is a theory.)
I may perhaps refer here to a question which was once put to me, namely,
if we consciously breed certain races of animals, whether these are not then
World 3 objects. My answer was: Yes, up to a point they are World 3 objects,
much as works of art are; and indeed, there is a very old theory which says
that our own life is a work of art. Now I would say that this theory is also true
of our selves, in so far as our own selves are, up to a point, World 3 objects
which are encoded in our memory and in the personality traits which our
memory has established. There is both a kind of unity and also something
494 Dialogue VI
P: That is exactly what I intended to say, and I completely agree with you in
your interpretation.
E: We can turn now to other aspects of the basis for our strong dualistic
hypothesis. I want to mention just briefly that we have to assume that our
self-conscious mind has some coherence with the neuronal operations of the
brain, but we have furthermore to recognize that it is not in a passive
relationship. It is an active relationship searching and also modifying the
neuronal operations. So this is a very strong dualism and it separates com
pletely our theory from any parallelistic views where the self-conscious mind
is passive. That is the essence of the parallelistic hypothesis. All varieties of
identity theories imply that the mind’s conscious experiences have merely a
passive relationship as a spin-off from the operations of the neural machin
ery, which themselves are self-sufficient. These operations give the whole
motor performance, and in addition give all conscious experiences and
memory retrievals. Thus on the parallelistic hypotheses the operations of the
neural machinery provide a necessary and sufficient explanation of all human
P: That is exactly what I tried to express when, with a feeling of despair, I said
in Oxford in 1950 that I believe in the ghost in the machine. That is to say, I
Interactionism Restated 495
think that the self in a sense plays on the brain, as a pianist plays on a piano or
as a driver plays on the controls of a car.
P: I think that is very good. The only place where perhaps one should seek to
make it even stronger is where you speak of the liaison brain; namely, we
could make it stronger by making clear that the liaison brain is, as it were,
almost an object of choice of the self-conscious mind. That is to say, if a
certain part of the brain is not available, the self-conscious mind will seek
another part as substitute. I think that in view of the fact that after certain
operations or injuries the liaison brain will, as far as we know, actually change
its position, we should not look at the liaison brain as something which is
physically given. Rather, we should see it as being something like the result of
co-operation and interaction between the brain and the self. So I go even a
little further than you in my interactionism, in that I look at the very location
of the liaison brain as being the result of interaction between the brain and
the self-conscious mind. But on other points I would agree with you fully.
events happening which are of interest to it, because you have to think it is
always provoking interest by means of its attention. It isn’t just taking
anything that’s happening in the brain, but it is selecting from the happenings
according to choice or interest. I believe we must incorporate this into the
Sleep is a natural, repeated unconsciousness that we do not even know
the reason for. It’s obviously related to our theme now because it is related to
the self-conscious mind and the activity of the brain as described in chapter
E7. We do know furthermore that dreaming is good for us. If subjects are
wakened just at the beginning of a dream cycle which can be seen in the
electroencephalogram and this is repeated for each dream cycle night after
night, the subjects become quite psychotic in about 2 or 3 days. This strange,
bizarre activity of the brain which does get read out by the self-conscious
mind, has some salutary value for us perhaps because of the immense, intense
operation of the brain during waking hours. There is some cleansing process,
some discarding of the immense store of data which the brain gets each day,
and so it comes out in dreams. I don’t know how this relates to the read-out by
the self-conscious mind. Is it necessary that it should have also this read-out
or will it be enough if the neural events went on as if there were a dream, but
not giving a dream?
P: What you have suggested almost involves the hypothesis that the dream
has a healing function, and that this function consists of purging the memory
of unneeded or unwanted memory material that has, so to speak, accumu
lated. I think that this idea could be used in a kind of anti-Freudian theory of
E: The only dreams we do remember the next day are the dreams which wake
us up. We were awakened by the dream and experienced it in retrospect, in
memory, having recalled the dream in all its bizarre character and then
maybe we sleep again, and the next day we may recall it more or less. Of
course, the way to recall a dream most effectively is, when you waken from it,
to go over and over it, analysing it in detail and organizing it and relating it
perhaps to other remembered events and so on. Then you may really recover
and remember it. In this respect there is of course the remarkable story of
Otto Loewi who in a dream got in a clear vision of how to do a fundamental
experiment on the chemical transmission from the vagus nerve to the frog
heart. He had been worrying about this problem, and in his dream saw the
way to accomplish this experiment. He awakened the next morning realizing
he had had a dream, and it was important, and could remember no details.
Sleep and Dreams 497
The next night, to be sure, he put a paper and pencil by his bed, and, as he
anticipated, the dream came again to him, he wakened up, remembered the
dream, and wrote up with pencil and paper what the dream was about. Next
morning he remembered he had written it and anxiously grabbed the paper
and looked at it, but alas couldn’t interpret it at all. So the final solution was of
course not to trust paper and pencil. On the third night he fully awakened
himself and made a full plan of the experiment. The dream experiment was
immediately carried out in his laboratory. It was successful and for this
discovery Loewi was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1936, sharing it with Sir
Henry Dale who many years later told me the full account of this sequence of
the three dreams. Later in his life Loewi greatly simplified the story, eliminat
ing the first two nights. The final erroneous legend was reported knowingly
by Dale in his biography of Loewi in the Obituary notices of the Royal
P: You have put in a very beautiful way how the self-conscious mind has in
these cases to be very active indeed, in order to impress the dream on the
memory. That is to say, the normal thing is obviously to forget a dream and
the extraordinary thing is to remember or reconstruct the dream, and to do
something to impress it on the memory. This again shows how active the
self-conscious mind is, and in the partial consciousness of dreaming it is
obviously very much less active.
One could perhaps even propose a biological conjecture why it is that we
forget our dreams so easily and so quickly. It is because the self-conscious
mind actively dismisses the dream as some kind of disturbance or chimera; as
something which does not fit into the world of purposes which is described to
the self-conscious mind by its theories about the world. From the fact that we
cannot fit the dream into the world of wakefulness, we discover that it
cannot be matched. It thus belongs to the many things made by us which we
unsuccessfully try to match and therefore eliminate. I am of course speaking
of ordinary people, not of neurotic people who may be very deeply disturbed
by many of their dreams, especially if their attention is drawn to them.
Dialogue VII
P: We all have certain needs, and one of the strongest needs which concerns
the self is that of integration: the need for the self to establish its genidentity
(to use Kurt Lewin’s term [1922]). An example of this is the constant turning
back by Brenda Milner’s subject HM to his past experiences because this
provided the only point of integration for his self. This need for integration is
no doubt one of the things which makes the self act on the brain. That is to
say, the self has the drive or the need or the tendency to unify and bring
together the various activities of the brain.
I would propose the following hypothesis concerning animal conscious
ness. Wherever we have both wakefulness and sleep and a periodic change
between one and the other, there we also in fact have consciousness, possibly
of a fairly low level; that is to say, without any trace of explicit memory;
consciousness which is, so to speak, completely unconscious of self, but which
has implicit memory. It also seems to me that if we give up parallelism, and
give up with it, with respect to the human brain, looking for integration in the
brain itself, then we will have to do something similar also for the animal
E: I am of course prepared to agree with these concepts, Karl, that you have
about the animal brain and consciousness. I would point out that, if we are
going to give it on the input side from brain to some animal consciousness,
then we have also to propose that there is a reverse action and that the animal
consciousness is not some entity that has been evolved for no purpose except
perhaps to give some kind of enjoyment or suffering to animals. Animal
consciousness would then have a real biological survival value in that it would
organize the performance of the whole animal and effectively control its
reactions to situations. That means to say that just as with the self-conscious
Attention and Learning 499
ness of humans, we would have to think that the animal consciousness had
both an input and an output.
P: This also bears on the problem of the possibility of two worlds interacting
and on my historical description of Descartes’s physical theory of action, the
theory of push. (See my section 48.) I think it is very important to notice that
there is also, dating from the same period as Descartes’s theory, a similar
theory of interaction within the mind—the theory of the association of ideas
(see my section 52).
I have for many years held the following view in connection with the
learning of something new, with the development of a new skill, or with the
discovery of a new hypothesis: as long as the things to be learned or the
hypotheses to be discovered (which shade into one another and are more or
less the same) are new to us, we have to concentrate upon them and pay them
full conscious attention. Take, for example, piano playing. Piano playing is
actually a very good case, for here the development of a new skill in a way
goes together with the development of new hypotheses as to how we should
play. That is to say, one tries out various hypotheses: can it be done this way?
No; but it can be done that way, and so on. We operate with both hypotheses
and skill. My suggestion here is similar to, but not quite the same as, an
hypothesis of Schrodinger’s. (See my section 36.)
movements and the phrasing of each piano piece. He is getting a wider view, a
more detached view of the whole artistic creativity of his performance now.
And that is the way I think we learn high skills. We gradually relegate to the
automatic level the carrying out of more simple performances, and keep
ourselves, our consciousness, our self-conscious mind open for the more
highly evolved, integrative, creative side of our actions.
P: I should like to make a remark about induction. The fact that we can learn
by repetition has been misunderstood by some people, and has been used as
an argument in favour of a theory of induction. But (as I say in my section 39)
I think that learning by repetition means relegating something from con
sciousness to the subconscious or to memory and making it unproblematic
(this means making it subjectively secure, but this is quite distinct from
making it fit the world, or objectively true). As distinct from this, the
problem of induction is the discovery of something new (of, for example, a
new theory). That is done not by repetition but by making and matching. We
produce a hypothesis from, so to speak, inside us, and we then try out the
hypothesis —that is to say, we test it and try to falsify it, and in the event of
that happening, we try to produce a new hypothesis, and so on. This making
and matching process seems to operate very fast. It even operates in percep
E: What I want to talk about now is how we can lay down a memory trace or
what happens when we are recalling some event into conscious experience
once m ore—that is the sequence from a consciously experienced event
through some storage process to the eventual recovery again. W e’ll consider
some simple but unique perceptual experience.
Let us take a most simple example. You suddenly have seen the use of a
new word that you never had used before and you would like to use it, say the
words “paradigm” or “algorism” or “phoneme” . Now the first thing is that
it comes to consciousness, being read out by the self-conscious mind. At that
level it is held in memory by verbal repetition for as long as you want it to go
on as described in chapter E 8 . You could use the word in one way or another
and keep going on with it and playing with it. While you are doing that, you
have what is called short-term memory of the usage of this word. You can do
the same with a telephone number you want to remember. You keep on
rehearsing it. This is verbal rehearsal. But it could be a picture that you’ve
just seen. While that activity is going on, there is no need to think of more
than a continual neuronal machine of great complexity carrying in its spatio-
temporal operations the memory which can be read out at any moment by the
Memory 501
self-conscious mind in the usual manner of the first experience. That is to say,
this is a continual experience of the same kind as the initial one. This seems to
be all that happens. For example, we know this very well in cases of total
hippocampectomy, when the whole hippocampus has been removed on both
sides, the patients have no more than this brief verbal recall, a few seconds of
memory (chapter E 8 ). The interesting finding is that they lose the memory as
soon as their attention is distracted. As soon as this continuous verbal recall
operation is switched to some other neuronal pattern, it cannot be recovered.
In ordinary life how much do we carry in our verbal rehearsal and our
pictorial rehearsal operations in our brain! That’s my first point. There are
other levels of memory, but in the light of this hippocampal story, we have to
consider that if anything longer than that is to be recalled, the hippocampus
has to be brought into the operation. It has been shown that on the left side,
hippocampectomy results in a failure of verbal recall. The time course of the
loss has been plotted on subjects, and by about 2 0 sec. you get failure
(chapter E 6 ).
P: May I just ask: you say verbal recall, but that means, I suppose, that verbal
facility or verbal skill is not affected. Or is verbal skill affected? That is to say,
is the Broca area affected?
E: No. These subjects can use language in accordance with their old memory
store. There’s no problem there. The defect is not in the use or interpretation
of language. The defect is only in their consolidation of new verbal experi
ences. The subjects are in fact given a sequence of numbers or words to
remember and this has gone in 20 sec. The rate of this loss even can be
graphically plotted.
35 37 02
This diagram has helped me to distinguish between 37 —35 —02 and
35 —37 —02. This is just one example, but I do think that the use of such
diagrams is a very characteristic mnemonic device, and also characteristic for
theory construction. Jack, you yourself said that in thinking about theories,
you work out a diagram. And this, I think, was just such a diagram. In other
words, there is a very similar mental operation involved in trying to impress
something new on your mind and in trying to find something new.
E: This is of course quite true. All the time this is what your self-conscious
mind is doing. The self-conscious mind isn’t passive, it’s active. The impor
tant message I’ve got through to myself in the last few days is to take full
account of the activity of the self-conscious mind on the brain, not just in
some voluntary action but in the ordinary, moment-to-moment operations
going through the whole of our lives where thought leads to other thoughts,
and where memories are recalled and replayed in our mental life and so
o n —recalling and remembering and acting and developing. All that is very
P: What you said about action reminded me of the gondola kitten. It is, as it
were, a schematic symbol for me of the significance of activity in all learning
processes and in all conscious processes.
between mind and matter; only it breaks down somewhere, and interaction
has to come in. Of course, we should at first operate with a kind of minimum
Here I should perhaps also mention, tentatively, an idea I had many years
ago, namely, that conditioned reflexes really don’t exist. What Pavlov called
the conditioned reflex is the hypothesis-making of the dog. (See my section
40.) I think that the idea of conditioned reflex goes back to Lockean associa
tion psychology. In other words, the conditioned reflex was intended as the
physiological side of association. But I think that association psychology is
completely mistaken, and therefore that one should give up talking about
conditioned reflexes.
E: Well, let’s not be too dogmatic about this because the conditioned reflex is
of course a misnomer. I readily agree, and furthermore, the investigative
experimental work shows that it does normally involve cortical action, and so
it is in fact an extremely complicated series of events. The mistake was to give
it the name reflex in the first place. It’s not a reflex at all. Sherrington would
never believe it was a reflex. He thought that it was the whole complicated
behavioural pattern of the dog and that it was learned experience with, as you
say, anticipation and memory built into it. It’s had an unfortunate result in
being called a reflex, namely that it has given rise I think to a very limiting
behaviourism. A behaviouristic attitude to man and animals is all the time
thinking in terms of an absurdly simple reflex performance with stimulus-re-
sponse and then with operant conditioning coming in with its caricature of
how the nervous system works.
P: This is so, and it’s not only the word “reflex” that is a caricature, but also
the word “conditioned” . My theory is that we do not condition anything at all
from the outside, but we challenge the brain to produce from the inside, so to
speak, expectations, or hypotheses, or theories, and then they are tried out.
Of course, if these expectations are tried out and operate well, they will, as we
have mentioned before, sink into the unconscious part of the brain, into the
lower level, by repetition, and will operate more or less automatically. So
both words “conditioned” and “reflex” are actually misnomers and together
they lead to the behaviourist approach, which I regard as totally mistaken.
P: May I just add something perhaps rather trivial about culture and mem
ory. Very often we remember only that we have read something in a book,
that the book is located in a certain place, and how to find it in the book.
There is a give and take between brain-stored culture and the external
World 3 culture, and it useful to develop the technique of putting as much as
possible into the external World 3 . 1 That is why we are taking notes and why
we have a tape recorder. There is also a further point. Namely, that if we are
ourselves active and producing something, then it is quite insufficient just to
work it out in our minds: although this is a very important stage, it is
insufficient. We have to write our ideas down, and by writing them down we
typically find problems which we had previously overlooked and which we
can then think about. In other words, the activity of the self-conscious mind
relative to a sheet of paper and a pencil has a definite similarity to the activity
of the self-conscious mind relative to the brain. And both involve a kind of
trial and error operation.
1 Cp. Auguste Forel’s (autobiographical) remark: “What we can put on our shelves we
should not put into our brains.”
Retrieval of Memory 505
people around him whom he could probe for memories. There was an
atmosphere of cultured discussion and inquiry and argument with questions
and problems being raised and answered and criticized. This can be done up
to a certain level with very favourable conditions without committing it all to
the written mode; but then Plato and others came along of course and wrote it
down. It is exactly the same with the New Testament. Nothing was written at
the time; it was written from memory many years later for us all to read. Some
of the greatest periods of human creativity at the highest levels didn’t have
the advantage of books, but I don’t want to discredit books, not even for a
moment! I believe that we are now at levels of complexity of knowledge that
have far outgrown anything that could be handled in the old schools of
disputation. Furthermore, I think that we have become sophisticated in
writing so that we can now be more self-critical and critical of others in terms
of original expressions and ideas than we can in the spoken form. So I have
learned quite a lot myself from writing my thoughts down or by diagramming
course the example of Penfield’s stimulation of the temporal lobe (cp. Fig. 10
of chapter E 8 ).
P: Quite apart from Penfield’s experiments, I suggest that a great deal which
is stored but not retrievable actually consists of skills and ways of doing
things. This may even include recapturing certain emotive overtones which
certain situations have for us—say, reciting. On the other hand, certain smells
may have certain emotive overtones, and this is something which can hardly
be retrieved at will; something which is not open to retrieval, but which
nevertheless does exist.
E: I agree of course that memories can be stored as skills. When you have
thoroughly learnt some action, some performance, in games or in music or in
dance, then you can enjoy the overall effects and not be bothered with the
detailed controls which run in the subconscious manner by all kinds of circuits
that we know about in principle. I think one of the delightful things about our
control of movement is that we can learn to do this subconsciously and
automatically and with beauty and style and skill. We can greatly enjoy
watching our performance which is often better than we thought we could do!
This is one of the joys of life. Young children have it very early in all of their
play and games and of course young animals give you the feeling that they
have the same enjoyment in play. In all learning we have to use the self-con-
scious mind in the earlier stages, but later we can graduate to the level of an
automatic performance. I think that the same thing can happen at other levels
of conscious experience. For example on the sensory-perceptual level we can
learn a great many skills of synthesis so that we can get some kind of holistic
or Gestalt impression which originally had to be built up from piecemeal
components; but now we can take one glance and the whole of this synthesis
is given to us by some deep-down, learned skill. I am sure we are not born
with this global memory of our pictorial imagery. Similarly with music we can
imagine the learned skills where you have to try to understand the sequences
in melody and the notes in harmony and all of the phrasing and so on at higher
and higher levels. This is all part of the learning process. In the end you can
enjoy the whole ensemble, or can listen to any instrumental piece you wish,
picking it out at will, then blending it all into some lovely aesthetic apprecia
tion. In fact, I think all aesthetic appreciation comes to us in this way. It has to
be learned in bits and gradually with more and more skills we can attain to
synthesis with transcendent levels of enjoyment. So this automatic synthesis
happens both on the motor side and on the sensory side, and I think it
happens at a still higher level in the imagination, where there are the levels of
The Self-Conscious Mind and the Liaison Brain 507
creativity, creativity of thought and o/ idea and so on. This is again the life of
World 2 in relationship to World 3.
P: I still would like to hear more about memory—especially about the various
distinctions with respect to memory, like the memory of skills and the
memory of knowledge, and how explicit and implicit memory are related to
these two distinctions. If short-term retrieval is not, as you say, related to the
hippocampus, then it is likely that the physiology of, say, implicit memory, of
long-term memory, and of skills will be differently located. For example,
speaking skill (I mean the knowledge of how to speak, not the knowledge of
what to say) is apparently located in the Broca area.
E: Possibly quite other processes are concerned for learnt motor skills as
distinct from the retrieval of sensory experiences, perceptions, and ideas (cp.
chapter E 8 ). I am sure that we need a great deal more investigation on
possible differences as with motor and sensory memory. I wonder, too,
whether the attempt to store in memory all the stages of some logical
argument or of some mathematical proof requires the hippocampus at all. I
don’t think that this has been tested. The hippocampal learning process is
concerned with the recall of ordinary day to day events, what have you just
been saying, what have you done, how did you get here, what happened
yesterday, and all those sort of things in the ordinary life performance.
P: I would like to make a remark about the problem of the unity of the
self-conscious mind and parallelism, namely, that we should not expect to
find too much of a parallelistic basis for that unity in the brain. That is to say,
we might go so far as to say that the self-conscious mind appears to concen
trate on one half of the brain for achieving its particular unity. How far is it
able, especially in childhood, to choose, as it were, the part of the brain, left or
right, on which it will ultimately concentrate for self-conscious unity? This is
a very interesting question. How far is this physiological and how far is it
actually psychological? That is to say, how far does activity play a role?
E: I think you’ve raised a transcendent problem. It’s one that’s teasing me all
the time. Firstly I had to make the break from the position where I assumed
that the unity of all experiences was built in the nervous system, and was read
out more or less passively as a unity by the self-conscious mind. Then came
the new concept that the nervous system works in all its multiple disparity of
widely dispersed modular activity over an immense area of the liaison brain,
and that all its diversity is read out and unified in some transcendent process
508 Dialogue VII
P : I think that that brought out very well what I was trying to suggest. There is
still of course a great problem, namely, how much is physically predeter
mined —obviously there is quite a lot that is genetically predetermined in the
difference between the dominant and the minor hemisphere. That is obvious,
because otherwise it would be a 50:50 affair rather than a 90:10 affair.
Nevertheless, it is not fully predetermined, as we know from cases of lesions,
and it apparently demands the cooperation of the self-conscious mind to
bring out fully the dominance of the left side of the brain.
The Self-Conscious Mind and the Liaison Brain 509
I would also like to make some remarks on the various aspects of mem
ory. First of all, there is a spectrum which has as its extremes explicit and
implicit memory. Secondly, there are distinctions according to the way in
which memory was acquired. Here I want to mention three points. (1)
Memory acquired by a learning process starting from a problem which leads
to a trial and error method of discovering a solution; the discovered solution;
and then the practical repetition which leads to a skill. (2) A learning process
which does not start from a conscious solution, such as when the problem
took only the form of a vague irritation. (3) Memory due to a process that
recalls our actions and active choices in an unconscious manner and thus
forms our personality. (See also my section 41.)
Dialogue VIII
cesses are also not associationist. Something like association does of course
exist, but it does not play the role of an elementary mechanism which the
association theorists attributed to it. And, especially, it is uncharacteristic of
the mind, because associationism has a kind of “passive spectator” aspect
with respect to the mind while in fact almost all the time we are conscious the
mind is active—it searches actively, trying to operate with models, with
diagrams, and with schemata, and it is constantly making and remaking and
changing, and trying out, again and again, the adequacy of its constructions.
Thus both the theory of causality in the physical World 1 and the theory of
causality in the psychological World 2 on which parallelism was based are
completely unacceptable today.
This, of course, does not mean that parallelism is refuted. It only means
that the a priori arguments—which looked like a posteriori arguments—on
which parallelism was based, are invalid. But parallelism in itself may pose
simply as a conjecture about the relationship between body and mind, and it
may still be a valid conjecture even though the arguments leading to it have
been refuted. I think we should today make an attempt to criticize parallelism
not from the point of view of whether it is demonstrable or can be justified by
deductive arguments, but from the point of view of whether its consequences
are acceptable. In other words, we should try to criticize parallelism not as a
conclusion but rather as a prem ise—as an hypothesis from which certain
consequences follow.
E: Karl, I like that very much. I like particularly the way in which you stress
the active relationship of the self-conscious mind to the brain and therefore
criticize the passivity that is implied in parallelism. I myself believe that that is
the principal trouble with parallelism. It fails in this essential manner, and I
can instance several examples from the way we think of the brain-mind
problem. In the first place, it isn’t just in voluntary action that we have to
think of the self-conscious mind working upon the brain. This is of course the
most overt of all examples of mind acting upon matter or thought bringing
about action. We have dealt with that in another dialogue and in chapter E3.
But it is, as you say, that we are all the time trying to recover memories, to
develop ideas, to play, as it were, with our concepts and play with our theories
and to imagine actively. In this way we go far beyond the data presented in
our sensory experiences, acting with interpretation and with judgment and
with criticism. All of this involves an active side to the mental processes or the
self-conscious mind; and it is quite clear that we have to think of this acti
vity as being exerted upon brain events and changing them in order to
bring about the desired effects. For example, to recover the memory that is
512 Dialogue VIII
under interest at the moment, we have to probe and try all manner of
strategies. I think it is a tremendously complex active process by which the
self-conscious mind works upon the immensity of neural actions going on in
the cerebral cortex and selects from them in a very specific way —in a way
which certainly is not automatic. We have developed wonderful skills in our
handling by our mental processes of the events in the brain to which they are
related, so that they can bring about the desired readouts from the cerebral
events and modify the readouts and so on. That is the principal point I would
make about the way in which parallelism fails completely to account for the
phenomena of experience.
Now, a second failure of parallelism is to my mind somewhat related to
the first, but it is simpler to express. It concerns the unity of conscious
experience that we have from moment to moment. Attention flits from one
thing to another. At any moment we are oriented with special relationship to
an element of the perceptual world, ignoring an enormous amount of what is
pouring in by our sense organs. Then we can flit over to some other feature of
interest in a moment and so on. Now this operation of our self-conscious
mind giving this unity from moment to moment seems to be quite an out
standing performance. It never has been possible in neurophysiological
theory to develop any plausible explanation of how unity can be created out
of the immense diversity. It is beyond comprehension how immense is this
diversity of the neuronal events. How can this diversity be unified in experi
ence? We don’t know any neurophysiological means except for feature
recognition neurones, which give but small fragments of a perceived picture.
There has to be some overall scanning mechanism such as we postulate for
the self-conscious mind in order to give us that unity. There is nothing in the
material description of the brain actions which at all accounts for this. I reject,
as w e’ve said already, the Gestalt theory about fields or the micro-potential
field theory of Pribram (cp. chapter E7); because in these cases apparently
you have to have an homunculus to read out the picture! You have lost the
essential materialist purity of parallelism by inserting an homunculus as an
active agent. In our theory of dualism the self-conscious mind accomplishes
this incredible, unimaginable performance in its relationship with the cere
bral events as described in chapter E7. That it does so is evidenced by the
unity of experience from moment to moment. We cannot account for this
integration by any material theory of the nervous system, and therefore the
parallelistic theory fails because it cannot give us the experienced unity.
What I should like to say to start with is that we should try to give
parallelism its due. I would say that there are cases where there is a direct
dependence of the experiences of the self-conscious mind on what is deli
vered to it by the physical brain. This, I think, would especially be the case for
optical illusions. It is very interesting that we cannot get rid of a typical
illusion qua optical experience even if we are quite sure that it is an illusion
and we actively try to see the thing in its non-illusional significance. Consider,
for example, the Miiller-Lyer illusion . 1 We can measure how far we are out
and can see how we measure it, but we will still be unable, even with all that
knowledge and all that conscious interpretation in our minds, really to get rid
of the impression, the visual experience, which is delivered to us by our brain.
That is to say, dualism can in this case be actually experienced: I mean, on the
one hand, the dependence and inactivity of the perception, the visual experi
ence; its dependence on higher (but nevertheless, compared to the ultimate
interpretation, lower) brain functions; and on the other hand our knowledge
that this experience is not to be trusted. (One might be tempted to explain
this “dualism” as one between two mechanisms of decoding or interpreting;
however, we do not feel a double personality while we take note of this
This puts the active aspect of the mind in a very interesting light. We can
see here that we may experience the passivity of the mind, and therefore the
dependence of the mind on the brain. So we may describe this optical illusion
as really, so to speak, an epiphenomenalistic experience, and we can contrast
our experience of such illusions with our activistic experiences and see how
different they are and how little parallelism can take account of this differ
ence .2
E: The optical illusion story that you mentioned is a very interesting and
important one. The fact is of course that we are not saying as dualists that the
self-conscious mind cannot rise superior to what is going on in the brain.
2 J. J. C. Smart [ 1959] has made out an excellent case for his identity theory by referring to a
weak after-image. In this case, there is really no urgent reason to deny that some brain event is
experienced (so that the brain event and the experience are parallel —and I do not much object
even to his claim that they are perhaps identical). But far more typical and important are
examples which, rather, fit the opposite case: the case of dualistic interaction.
514 Dialogue VIII
Z^/The question you have raised concerning the comparatively weak action of
the mind on the brain can be explained biologically. That is to say, there are
two kinds of illusions —illusions delivered to us or imposed upon us by the
brain, and illusions which have a mental origin like, let us say, wish-fulfil-
Illusion 515
ment. It is apparently built into our organism and into the whole “mechanism
of interaction” between the brain and the mind that the mind should be in
very many respects dependent on the brain, in order not to fall too easily into
that kind of illusion which we experience in fantasy.
I would say that this whole field can be used to show at the same time a
kind of gulf and also a kind of dependence between the self-conscious mind
and the brain. The main point here that shows the gulf is that we can be highly
critical of an optical illusion and yet nevertheless experience it. It is the self
which is critical of the optical illusion. And it is a kind of lower level of the self
which experiences it (cp. chapter E7, Fig. 2), in conformity with what the
brain delivers to it. The question may be raised whether this kind of gulf or
split between a critical apparatus and a non-critical part of the self may not be
imitated by a computer. I think it probably can be. We could build a computer
so that it critically revised its input, but if we did so, we would have in fact to
distinguish sharply between two parts of the computer. It is this dualism
which shows the point we are trying to make. There would have to be, in the
computer, a kind of split between first-order results, and second-order
results which are the result of a critical review of the first order results. It is
this kind of split which we could build into a computer on the basis of our own
criticism, using the difference between our own first-order results and their
critical review as our model. Built into our brain itself there are, superim
posed, several such hierarchies of controls, but nevertheless, the final result
of the brain’s activities can be distinguished from the self in the case of an
illusion, in so far as we can assume that the illusion which we know to be an
illusion but nevertheless see, can be taken to result from the interpretations
of the decoding mechanism of the brain. It may well be a parallelistic effect. It
can be clearly distinguished from our active critical attitude towards it. This, I
think, has no complete physical basis. It may, of course, have some basis in
the brain, but I do not think that it can be fully reduced to the sifting
mechanisms of the brain. So far as I know, these things have never been
discussed. Psychologists have been very interested in optical illusions, but I
don’t think that they have ever discussed the hierarchical structure arising
from the fact that there can be a self which observes the optical illusion and
which is critically aware of the fact that it “has” an illusion, and which can
critically discuss the illusion as such.
I should now like to refer to the Necker cube. (See note 1 to my section
24.) The very interesting thing is that up to a point we can make the Necker
cube submit to our will, as it were, and switch, when we want to switch it, to
one side; and switch, when we want to switch it, to the other side. (See also my
section 18.) If we can see one of the two inside corners of the cube as being in
516 D ialogue VIII
front, this brings the switch about, and one can learn to bring the switch about
in this way. I suggest that we might try to train ourselves and then make an
experiment like the one with the movement with the finger; that is to say, to
discover whether we can find that the efforts needed to change the interpre
tation can be neurologically recognized. Of course, we would need a trained
subject who has the thing in his grip, otherwise a subject would experience
involuntary switches from one interpretation to the other.
E: I agree with the necessity for a highly trained subject. That is necessary
even for the much simpler task of moving the finger in Kornhuber’s experi
ments (chapter E3). I have the feeling that parallelism gives us a very
uninteresting and flat explanation of experience which not at all relates to the
rich, vivid, controlling experience that each of us recognizes in ourselves.
Parallelism fails completely in its explanatory effort to account for this, and
what does it offer us instead? It offers us merely the belief that these neural
events can somehow give rise to the experiences, but the experiences them
selves have no way back to the brain. Operationally they are merely a spinoff.
It’s this passivity that defeats me. But a final criticism is this. It’s such a simple
criticism, and it’s never mentioned by the parallelists, and it is this: there is on
the parallelist view no biological reason whatsoever why the self-conscious
mind should have evolved at all. If it can do nothing, what is the evolutionary
meaning of it? After all, I think parallelists will agree that the self-conscious
mind is in some incredible manner a result of evolution, so it has some
survival value; yet it can only have survival value if it can do things. To have it
in the role of a passive experience just for our enjoyment or for our suffering
is an absurd notion biologically. We have to think that it was developed
because of selection pressure, and so has survival value built into it. This does
demand that the self-conscious mind is able to bring about changes in the
brain and hence in the world. In its experiences it would have a controlling
influence upon the brain, and hence on the organism, the hominid or the man
who has it. This idea of effective control is contrary to the parallelistic view
which in every version is dedicated to a purely passive relationship.
P: I agree with almost everything you have just said, except that it is implicitly
answered by some parallelists with the theory of panpsychism. If you are an
evolutionist and cannot attribute a special function to the mind (say, because
you are a parallelist), then panpsychism may seem to offer a way out of the
difficulty. Panpsychism is the theory that the ultimate nature of the world is
dualistic; not, of course, interactionist-dualistic but parallelist-dualistic. On
this view, consciousness need not be looked upon as something which has a
Panpsychism? 517
E: I wanted now to make some comment with respect to that earlier state
ment of yours, Karl, about panpsychism being the only way out. I think that is
quite correct. The only way out for the parallelists is to adopt panpsychism,
and this has to be accepted all the way down through not only the biosphere
but also in the material inorganic world. You can think of mineral souls and
biological souls and human souls and so on! It is a completely silly idea I
think, but it shows the poverty of parallelism. I regard the espousal of
panpsychism as a most desperate effort to save the parallelist theory beyond
518 Dialogue VIII
P: I would like to make the perhaps fairly obvious remark that it looks as if
this process of becoming open to World 2 took place in stages. That is to say,
there was at first probably very little openness and only in time more and
more. That is really the reason why I think that one should not deny con
sciousness to animals even though, of course, self-consciousness does not
seem to be within the scope of animals.
E: We are now back on the question of animal consciousness and I can only
reiterate my agnostic view. The problem that I am particularly interested in
concerns the growth of self-consciousness, and how self-consciousness came
to man at some early hominid stage back in the Australopithecines when they
were creating simple pebble tools and making the first tentative steps into
Self-Consciousness 519
World 3; but World 3 developed ever so slowly with technical and art
discoveries and no doubt linguistic counterparts of this. This development
continued through the era of hominid man to the Homo Erectus stage and so
through the whole Paleolithic era. This is the most wonderful creative story
whereby from World 3 came World 2, the self-consciousness of man. We
would conjecture the dawning of self-consciousness that was due to brains
developing some new properties related to language. Maybe the coming of
consciousness is foreshadowed in the brains of higher mammals. Yet it is
important to realize that we cannot as yet point to some special structures. In
the best electron-microscope studies that have yet been made, there are no
special structures in man’s brain matching speech development, in contrast
say to the anthropoid ape brain (cp. chapter E4). This is where we are at the
present time. I have no doubt that, with still more refined methods, there will
be found special properties of the brain, particularly in those areas
specialized for speech, the planum temporale and Brodmann areas 39 and 40
as described in chapter E4. Yet we are not yet able to know what detailed
structures to look for. We still lack the imaginative understanding of the
degrees of functional refinement that are exhibited by the open modules at
these high levels of development of the wonderful human cerebral cortex.
E: I agree that the eidetic memory is mucn more passive. It’s as if the subject
is scanning some recovered visual field and able to read out from it. Now this
is interesting because it shows that the self-conscious mind is able to recover
so completely the original experience.
Dialogue IX
P: There is no doubt that in this case, in the original learning, the self-con
scious mind is engaged in interpreting the perspective figure, and that the
experience of a cornice, especially, is essential to the establishment of the
interpretation . 1 In other words, I don’t think that an animal, or a very young
1 Sherrington describes the figure on the next page as “a set of steps” which “suddenly
522 Dialogue IX
baby, or somebody who had never seen a cornice, would be able to interpret
this figure .2 So I agree that the self-conscious mind was involved in it.
(Though it is not my contention that it is involved in all cases of perception or
illusion — compare my remarks in dialogue VIII and dialogue X.) However,
I suggest that the learning of the interpretation of perspective drawings has
become so well-established in us that it has sunk from our psychology into the
physiology of the brain, and that it is no longer really subject to our will and to
our conscious interpretation. I, for example, can hold the picture in the
staircase form for as long as I like, but not in the cornice form. From the
cornice form it switches automatically over into the staircase form after a
comparatively short interval. Even if I wish to hold it and to impose the
cornice form onto the picture, the stairs will win in the end, and they do not
spontaneously switch back into the cornice, while the cornice can only be
held with a willed effort. I think that this shows, in one picture, both interac
tion and parallelism. (Compare also our discussion of the Miiller-Lyer illu
sion in dialogue VIII.) That is to say, where we are dependent on our
physiology, there I think we can speak of some sort of parallelistic effect, but
where our will interferes, there is clearly interaction.
E: You have made I think, Karl, a good point there, but the point to me does
suggest that the will is weak. The self-conscious mind is not a powerful
operator upon the brain, it is an interpreter, attempting to get meaning out of
it and gradually to modify it, as we know when we are actively searching for
meaning, or searching for words, or causing actions. It is not power that
distinguishes the mind-brain action, but the fact that we can operate it
without warning becomes an overhanging cornice”. See Man on his Nature [1940], p. 276;
Penguin books edition, pp. 226 f.
2 This remark will have to be reconsidered in the light of an experiment of Tinbergen’s with a
kitten, reported in W. H. Thorpe [1974], pp. 134 f.; see especially Figure 41. For the influence of
World 3 on optical illusions, see R. Gregory [1966], pp. 160 —2, and J. B. Deregowski [1973].
Illusion 523
voluntarily by taking thought. I think that the point I want to make is that,
even though there is a brain machine behind the whole of this interpretation,
yet the interpretation itself in a meaningful manner as a staircase or as a
cornice is an integrated achievement by the self-conscious mind.
P: I think that it is important clearly to distinguish between the ego or the self
on the one side, and the perception on the other side. This is just what is, for
example, denied by Schrodinger on the last page of his What is Life?'}
“. . . What is this 7 7
If you analyse it closely you will, I think, find that it is just a little bit more than a
collection of single data (experiences and memories), namely the canvas upon which
they are collected. And you will, on close introspection, find that what you really
mean by ‘I’ is that ground-stuff upon which they are collected.”
Now in my view the self is not just the canvas on which our perceptions are
painted. I can struggle with a perception, as I do when I try to hold the cornice
interpretation or the Necker cube and don’t succeed. Here, in this case of a
willed effort, there is quite obviously a real clash between the self and the
perceiving apparatus. It seems to me that one may read off, from these cases,
that the self sometimes has a hierarchical structure — that it is experienced as
a hierarchy of controls of different heights or depths. Also, that there are
different ways in which we may experience our selves. Thus, if I remember
my struggling to “hold” a picture, then I am again only an observer of a past
experience, but if I am actually struggling to “hold” the picture, then I am
more myself than in any of the other cases of perceiving or remembering.
E: I have one other alternative to offer for what the self-conscious mind is
doing when it is reading out from the brain performance the immensely
varied patterns that are presented from moment to moment. Perhaps it is
trying to secure a unified interpretation. That’s another way of describing its
actions. Some of the fascinating designs by Escher are constructed in order to
defeat attempts at a unified interpretation.
P: I think that the term “unified interpretation” is very useful, and it covers
the whole series of coherence, significance and meaning. They are all unified
interpretations. That is to say, they are the results of efforts at unified
E: This is a very important statement because it stresses the active role of the
self-conscious mind rather than the purely parallelistic passive role, and we
struggle for this unified interpretation all the time. There is tremendous
pragmatic value in our efforts to interpret what the meaning or significance is
of all the varied data pouring in through our senses.
P: That is precisely why I stressed the willed effort in holding the picture. It
was an active attempt to impose a particular unified interpretation, a par
ticular significance, on the picture; and there one can see, so to speak, the
struggling, active self working — and failing because of the deeper im
pression made on the brain by our sensory experiences.
E: I would like to go on to a slightly different field now and that is the whole of
colour interpretation. We of course derive our colour essentially from a three
colour process with the appropriate cones with selective colour appreciation
in the retina and these have independent transmitting lines. So it is a
three-colour process that runs right through to the visual cortex. Now the
interesting thing is that you find out that these are sorted into special areas.
Colour 525
Zeki has discovered that there are special areas to which the colour specific
lines come, after many sequences of transmission. Then Sherrington noted
that you do in fact blend the colours that are coming in by two eyes. If you
have one eye green and one eye red in their fields, you get the bronze illusion
from fusing the two retinal images.
It looks as if you have again modules activated in the special colour-sens
ing areas of the visual cortex, and these are read out by the self-conscious
mind to give some colour which is a hue, a blend. It has all the subtleties of
interpretation. In fact you can realize the interpretative character by the
learning that is involved. There is a very active remembering, learning,
assessing, and naming job by the self-conscious mind in all of its skills in
colour perception. Then you have to think furthermore of all the subtleties of
colour when it is blended into contrasts and shadows and so on.
E: I have not seen the Land experiments. I have heard them described, and I
always have the feeling that it has more or less all been done before. If you go
back through the old German literature of last century from Helmholtz on,
you will see there is an immense range of colour illusional work shown. It is
quite easy to get complementary colours with one colour and surrounding
gray. Then you make the complementary colour. Isn’t that what we are doing
in the Land story? It is just further development of this very simple colour
contrast. I don’t see anything specially new in it only, shall we say, much
ingenuity in giving a striking illustration.
P: Yes, this is the same kind of unified interpretation which plays such a great
role in art, and which makes art interesting to us.
P: This clearly raises a problem for our view that the self-conscious mind has
no direct access to the right hemisphere. I wonder whether the phenomenon
you have described may be part of the tendency, perhaps innate, of seeing
faces and especially eyes in rather arbitrary compositions of lines or dots.
E: Similarly we are very skilful in the efforts to extract a portrait from blocks
of different colours of a very crude grain and still be able to recognize the
portrait. Of course the standard portrait, as you know, is of Lincoln. But
there is a long history of this phenomenon, as is illustrated for example by the
mosaic portraits of classical times. I would like to refer to the question of
global recognition, spatial and pictorial, by the right hemisphere. This theme
is fully developed in chapter E7 (cp. Fig. E7 —5).
P: There are actually two different hypotheses to consider here. Yours is one
of these. I am led by my belief in animal consciousness to a different
hypothesis, namely, that the right hemisphere has a kind of higher level of
animal consciousness that does the interpreting on its own, and only gives its
results to the self-conscious mind, which, as we know, is sometimes really
dependent in a parallelistic way upon what is delivered to it by lower inter
preting mechanisms or a lower interpreting consciousness. Thus, there are
two competing hypotheses here. I think that it is important that we have more
than one hypothesis. It may lead to experiments, for example of the Sperry
type (experiments with the “split brain”), which possibly may help us to
judge between them.
fairly well anyway. The other point was that he could still recognize and
criticize what he heard and pick up defects in the performance and make
some amazing comments on the details of playing of his own works. All of this
was possible. Yet, on the other hand, he had no sense for creating music and
for appreciating music that he hadn’t heard before. It was a limited loss and
interesting, but I think not of great importance to us for our present discus
sion because the brain lesion itself was so diffuse. It wasn’t restricted to any
one area. At the most, I think you could say it was remarkable in that it
showed how widely dispersed the musical performance can be over the
surface of the cerebral hemisphere, and this could be particularly so in the
right hemisphere.
E: I want to raise the question of the experience of time. We are all conscious
that sometimes time seems to run slowly and sometimes quickly, and there is
a belief among some people that it runs faster and faster as you get older, but
for me it doesn’t, you know. I feel time is still very full and each day is a good
day. However, apart from that, we recognize that under certain conditions,
under very attractive conditions, for example, say a very nice dinner party,
the time for the whole meal has gone without us appreciating even perhaps
the food too much! We have been so busily engaged in attractive conversa
tion. On other occasions you can feel a dinner party lasts a very long time
because no one talks to you, and if they do talk to you, it is without interest,
even boring, and you are there left counting the time until you can escape.
Now there is one particular aspect of time that is of greatest interest and
that everybody has experienced. It occurs in emergencies. When acute
emergencies arise, time seems to run in slow motion. This must be an
arrangement for the self-conscious mind reading out from the modules where
they are under all of this acute input relating to the emergency and the
self-conscious mind is now able to slow down the time so that it apparently
has more time to make decisions in the emergency. It has refined the
experience of time into smaller pieces, you might say, for its actions, so that it
has the best opportunity of countering this emergency.
My own experience of this in an intense form has only come once. It was a
very acute emergency when I thought I was going to be killed in a road
crossing in Switzerland. We were doing a left turn into a main traffic road
with nothing in sight, but it so happened that the low sun was in our eyes, and
the road was heavily covered in trees. Down that dark road there was a dark
530 Dialogue IX
red truck hurtling at perhaps 80 mph down the hill. My wife and I didn’t see it
until it flashed out of the darkness into the light. It was too late to stop so that
all we could do was to try to accelerate to get out, and we were moving slowly
because we had just come off a standing start! A s I watched this truck coming
closer and closer, time seemed to go on forever. I could watch it, thinking now
I am past it, it won’t hit me directly. We can get the front of the car out. It was
getting closer and closer and then I thought it would hit the back of the car
only, and then I thought, if it was the back of the car, we shall be spun around
and perhaps crushed. Then in the end miraculously, I found out that the back
of the car even wasn’t hit and the truck moved past, but all in slow motion. It
was the most incredible experience, and my wife had the same experience
that time had almost come to a stop in this emergency. And so we drove on
without ever daring to look back. The truck driver didn’t seem to have seen us
and made no attempt at braking. We had to do it all on our own.
This was the self-conscious mind making in the emergency the very
remarkable performance of steering and accelerating so as to get across.
The point I would further like to make is that, when you have a severe
impression of this kind, you have not only this slow motion experience at the
time, but you also have it in memory. Deeply embedded in your memory is
this terror of the emergency, of this red monstrosity hurtling at you, and you
dream of it at night, and at times during the day it keeps on recurring. Of
course I shall never forget it, but this is part of my theory of memory, namely
that we remember instances that happen in a brief flash because we are
replaying them again and again and again and so lay down our memory traces
for permanent enjoyment or, in this case, for terror!
P: I have had some similar experiences, and even also some of actual car
crashes. They all support this view that time slows down in a critical situation.
second before a very weak electric shock to the hand actually evokes the
sensation in conscious experience. That is the time it takes to get through to
the self-conscious mind, but the self-conscious mind actually antedates it
back approximately to the time at which the impulses arrive at the cerebral
cortex. The ingenious and complex experiments of Libet are described in
chapter E2, Figures 2 and 3. The self-conscious mind is, as it were, influenc
ing the temporal sequences for its own purposes of making everything come
out in the right way.
10 :3 0 a. m. 28 September 1974
P: Jack, you thought that nothing quite like our criticism of parallelism had
been made before. In a way this isn’t quite correct. There was a German
discussion which may be interpreted as a forerunner of our discussion.
The background of this was the parallelistic doctrine of Wilhelm Wundt,
which was incredibly influential, not only in Germany, but also in America
and in England too. Wundt’s psychology was consciously parallelistic. Now
Wundt’s ideas were criticized by Carl Stumpf, who laid stress on the holistic
or Gestalt character of our mental experiences, especially of certain mental
perceptions. (As far as I know he did not use the term Gestaltin the early part
of the discussion; it was Christian von Ehrenfels who was really the man who
(in [1890]) first brought in the concept of the Gestalt, and applied it, especial
ly, to melodies and tonal Gestalten and to the possibility of melodies’ being
transposed into a different key.)
Stumpf’s argument was that nothing of this kind can be found in the
physical world, and therefore that nothing of this kind can be found in the
brain. Now, the interesting point is that this argument (which is in some ways
similar to our argument, in so far as it points out the difficulties of parallelism)
was answered very well, in 1920, by Wolfgang Kohler in his very interesting
and very well informed — but essentially parallelist — book Die physischen
Gestalten in Ruhe und im stationdren Z u stan d[\920] both on the psychologi
cal and on the physiological side. (See also my section 8.) In his book,
dedicated by the parallelist Kohler to the interactionist Stumpf, Kohler
pointed out that there do exist Gestalten, not only in the mental world, but
also in the physical world. Perhaps the simplest and most typical example is a
soap bubble: if we blow a little more air into a soap bubble it becomes larger,
but essentially retains its global shape. Of course, even a drop of water can be
described as a physical Gestalt, and what leads to its shape, as in the case of
Physical Gestalt? 533
the soap bubble, is surface tension. A particularly nice example is a soap film,
held by a frame with a thin piece of thread tied in a loop dropped into it. If you
puncture the film inside the loop, then the thread will always take up a
circular shape, again due to surface tension and to the fact that the circle is the
figure of greatest area for a given circumference.
Now Kohler’s conjecture, and it was supported by some quite good
conjectures about the brain, was that whenever we perceive a Gestalt, a
Gestalt is also impressed on the brain: that there is a parallel Gestalt in the
working of the brain. I think that, in so far as such a theory can be refuted at
all, everything speaks in favour of the view that Kohler’s theory has been
refuted by more recent investigations of the brain. (I have, of course, espe
cially in mind the disruption of the visual picture in the retina and its
translation into very many point-events in the brain, and the fact that these
point-events are not apparently fully integrated again by purely physiological
activity. Here we actually bring in the activity of the conscious mind, and the
experiments about the random dots which you mentioned yesterday are quite
important in this connection.) So I think that Kohler’s very beautiful
hypothesis is wrong; anyway, it is not tenable in its original form.
Our criticism points out two further difficulties about parallelism, just as
Stumpf pointed out the difficulties in parallelism before. However, we do not
emphasize particularly strongly, as did Stumpf, the holistic character of
mental experiences, but instead some other characteristics of mental experi
ences. So our criticism can be said to be a new challenge which a new Kohler
might be able to answer from the parallelistic side. And if such an answer
does come forward, we shall in any case have learned a lot.
ments to which each cell is responding specifically. How the whole great
picture comes to be represented in the brain is quite another matter.
You will remember, Karl, we were talking about that when we were up at
the castle looking up to the beautiful view of the head of Lake Como with the
mountains, with the boats in the water, with all the villages around the
lakeside, to the mountains rising up on all sides. Here is a wonderful picture
of the most varied kind, all in the most incredibly fine detail, all in the clear
air. Somehow from the fine punctate picture in our retina an integrated
picture is eventually experienced as a result of all the processing in the brain
of the coded transmission from the retina. It comes to us in this picture of
vivid delight, and it seems to me that never can we get this completion on the
neurophysiological level.
All we were working with there are patterns of impulses signalling pro
gressively more complex features. There has to be an interpretational read
out. This is what we believe to give us a unified picture and it is a picture
involving all kinds of features such as light and colour and depth and form.
You see what we are up against. The retinal mosaic is made into codes of
impulses in optic nerve fibres and in cells of the visual cortex, simple, complex
and hypercomplex, and then you have to put it together again. The best we
can do in neurophysiology is the feature extraction performance observed in
neurones of the inferotemporal lobe as described in chapter E2. Cell after
cell can be discovered with selective response at this level of simple geometri
cal features. This performance is tremendously remote from the vivid picture
that was impressed on our retina and which we experience at the end of all of
this cerebral processing.
The only way I believe we can explain the picture is that the cerebral
action has to be converted into a mental experience, which of course is what
eventually it is in its recognition. It isn’t assembled together by the brain and
read out as a single unitary phenomenon of the mental experience by the
self-conscious mind, but in our hypothesis the self-conscious mind is in fact
doing all the putting together. It is reading out the diversity, the immense
complexity of the neuronal responses and it is creating the picture (cp.
chapter E7). This is of course possible only when we have spent a lot of our
lifetime learning to interpret cerebral activities as pictures. Our visual experi
ence of the external world is delivered to us in our imaginative interpretation
of the immense and complex pattern of brain events that derive from the
retinal discharges.
P: There is one thing which I would like to question. For it seems to me quite
possible, and even likely, that perception is the activity and the function of
The Minor Hemisphere 535
some lower part of consciousness and not of that kind of higher consciousness
which we have decided to call the self-conscious mind. That is to say,
perception may occur without our being fully conscious or fully self-con
scious, as it may actually be there already on the animal level. The only
question which I would raise in this connection is that you refer perception
directly to the activity of the self-conscious mind. It is certainly a mental
activity, but I think it is an open question whether the highest function is
necessary for perception. I think that it is certainly necessary, for example,
for the full enjoyment and the aesthetic appreciation of a scenic view. For
that, certainly, the self-conscious mind is needed, but that is partly due to the
fact that the aesthetic appreciation of a view is something which is almost a
World 3 affair, and not merely a matter of perception for biological purposes.
I would say that perceptions — integrated perceptions — have a biological
purpose: the finding out of what is out there — the finding out of what is
threatening me out there, or something like that. That does not, I would
conjecture, require the self-conscious mind, but full aesthetic appreciation
comes only with the self-conscious mind.
E: I see your point and of course I agree. We have mentioned before the role
of attention. Attention comes when we are deliberately turning to some
particular aspect of neural events that have been triggered off in some way,
and when we are concentrating on these with the forward and backward
interaction that the self-conscious mind has with the open modules and
indirectly on all the other modules.
P: You have told me that the right hemisphere is able to read pictures, and in
so far to do quite a bit, but I think that it is the left hemisphere which draws
our attention — that is to say, the attention of the self — to an object. Or, let
us say, it is the self-conscious mind interacting with the left hemisphere which
draws the attention of our selves to certain aspects that are, perhaps, biologi
cally quite irrelevant but aesthetically significant and important in a picture. I
feel that there are two aspects to attention: biological attention and willed
attention. Katz says (see my section 24) that an animal in flight sees only ways
of escape and an animal that is hungry sees only possible opportunities to find
some food. In other words, the attention of the animal is determined here by
its physiological and biological situation. As opposed to this, the attention
characteristic of the self-conscious mind is an act of the will. We consciously
concentrate our will on some aspect of the situation or the picture or what
ever it may be. So I think the distinction between these two kinds of attention
speaks very strongly for a distinction between a higher and a lower form of
integrating consciousness.
536 Dialogue X
P: The question of the uniqueness of the self in the particular form raised by
Jennings (in his Terry Lectures [1933]), and also by you, Jack, may possibly
be a pseudoproblem. The self is, partly through our theories of the self, linked
to its body, and just as our bodies are not identical with any other bodies, our
selves are not identical with any other selves. Thus, the question can be raised
whether the minds of identical twins are similar, just as their bodies are
similar, but not the question whether their minds might be identical, because
their bodies, similar though they may be, cannot be identical.
May I in this context criticize a very widespread approach to selfhood, to
be found for example in Hume. I mean, thinking of oneself as a perceiving
self or as an observer. I think that perception or observation is a very special
kind of activity, and one in which the self is comparatively less active than in
other activities, while the brain is doing the main job of interpretation.
Interaction and World 3 537
P: I would suggest that instead of saying that World 3 is encoded in the brain,
we say that certain World 3 objects are recorded in the brain and thus, as it
were, incarnated. The whole of World 3 is nowhere; it is only certain
individual World 3 objects which are sometimes incarnated and thus localiz-
P: It is very important that you stress this point. However, I do not fully agree
with your criticism. It is perfectly true that in many of the interactions
between World 2 and World 3, the brain is involved, and with it, World 1.
But, especially in many creative acts involving World 2 and World 3 , 1 think
that World 1 is not necessarily involved, or that World 1 is involved as an
epiphenomenon of World 2. That is, something is going on in World 1, but it
depends partly on World 2. (This is the idea of interaction.) By “creative
538 Dialogue X
acts” I mean such things as the discovery of new problems or the discovery of
new solutions to our problems. It is perfectly true that this process of
discovery is likely to have World 1 processes going on alongside it; but not, I
would stress, in parallel to it, because the discovery of something new is a
unique process, and I do not think that one can speak of a parallelism
between two unique processes which are not analysable into standard
elementary processes.1 (This is one of the cases, alluded to above, where
World 1 processes may be epiphenomenal with respect to what is going on in
World 2.)
But quite apart from this, I think it is most important to realize that, when
we have the feeling that there is some as yet not fully formulated problem in
World 3 to be discovered and to be formulated, then in these cases we, or
more precisely our World 2, deal essentially with World 3, without World 1
being involved in every step. World 1 gives a general background; no doubt
that is true. Without World 1 memory we could not do what we are doing; but
the particular new problem which we wish to bring out is conceived by
World 2 directly in World 3. (See my section 13, and dialogue XI.)
The grasping of a World 3 object is, above all, an active process. Indeed, I
want to conjecture that selves are the only active agents in the universe: the
only agents to whom the term activity can properly be applied. (See also my
section 32.) But since animals are active, they must have something like
selves — they must be conscious, although not reflectively conscious of the
fact that they have selves. Being conscious of this fact presupposes theory and
therefore descriptive or human language. An automaton cannot be active or
take action, and it does not seem compatible with evolutionary theory to
regard animals, especially higher animals, as automata. They certainly seem
to take purposeful actions.
I think that human achievements, that is to say, those of World 3, are
unique, and that this makes our selves and our minds unique. I don’t think
that we need, for the uniqueness of man, a thesis of the genetic uniqueness of
man. Admittedly, the evolution of the human brain was incredibly fast. But it
was not one unique jump: it, like all evolution, consisted of many smallish
1 To put it more fully, any analysis into standard elements of the World 1 process which we
may produce will fail to correspond to an analysis of the unique World 2 process because World 2
cannot be fully analysed into standard elements (such as ideas, representations, feelings, or
anything else). Incidentally, it may be suggested that in the hope of producing such an analysis
lies perhaps the deepest motive of those who speak of a “stream of consciousness” or a “stream
of ideas”. The impossibility of such a complete analysis becomes particularly obvious in the light
of the role played in World 2 by unconscious processes which interrupt and intercept the
sequence of conscious World 2 processes.
The Openness of World 1 539
E: I now turn to a page of your article in Encounter which deals with the
question of the openness of World 1 to World 2. You say, for example, “But
nothing is gained for us if this World 1 is completely closed to what I have
called World 2 and World 3.” I think that it is very important to discuss this
issue because I am sure that the principal criticism of our dualism will be
that we are proposing that the physical world, World 1, is open to influences
of some other unimaginable kind, a self-conscious mind’s influences with
forwards and backwards communication. For that we have to propose that
the World 1 of certain speech areas and related regions in the brain, what I
have been calling open modules, is open to these influences from World 2.
We have to recognize that this is a quite revolutionary concept in terms of
modern science.
P: I completely agree with what you say. It is of course only in the brain that
there can be interaction between World 1 and World 2, and in this we must
really say that Descartes was our forerunner. Even though it may be revo
lutionary for modem science, we are only in one way or another bringing
back Descartes’s fundamental idea that World 1 (which was for Descartes the
mechanical world) is open, in the brain, to World 2.
posefully selects mutations. I don’t say that these analogies can be easily
accepted, but they are at least worth speculating about. (The all-or-nothing
principle of the firing of nerves may indeed be interpreted as a mechanism
which would allow arbitrarily small fluctuations to have macroscopic effects.)
The action of the mind on the brain may consist in allowing certain fluctua
tions to lead to the firing of neurones while others would merely lead to a
slight rise in the temperature of the brain. This is one of the possible ways to
“sculpture” (and to save the law of the conservation of energy).
This brings me to my next question: does all this really clash with some of
the fundamental laws of physics, and particularly, with the laws of ther
I do not think that we have to worry about the second law of ther
modynamics at all. We have only to assume that the brain gets tired under
mental activity and that this tiredness is in some way or other equivalent to
heat production, and so to a degradation of energy, and that the second law is
thus preserved. There is just a lot of heat produced by all these processes: one
gets, so to speak, a hot brain.
The problem is perhaps different with respect to the first law, the law of the
conservation of energy. Here there are various possibilities.
One possibility that would suit us extremely well would be that the law of
the conservation of energy would turn out to be valid only statistically. If this
is the case, it might be that we have to wait for a physical fluctuation of energy
before World 2 can act on World 1, and the time-span in which we prepare
for the “free-will movement of the finger” may easily be long enough to allow
for such fluctuations to occur. In fact, some physicists have proposed theories
in which the conservation of energy is only statistically valid. There was, for
example, the theory due to Bohr, Kramers and Slater [1925]. But this was
later rejected; it was really superseded by quantum mechanics, in which the
first law of thermodynamics is not statistically valid but strictly valid. How
ever, Schrodinger made later [1952] another interesting suggestion about the
possibility that, on a still deeper level, the first law may only be statistically
valid. He pointed out that energy is hv. That is to say, it is proportional to v —
to the frequency — and frequencies have statistical averages. Thus, in the
frequencies of the light waves we may have before us a statistical element.
(For another possibility — that slight deviations from the first law may be
compensated for — see my section 48, and also dialogue XII.)
I may perhaps say a little more about the openness of a physical world
(more precisely, the world of mechanics) to another world. (This would be
also an alternative to the approach sketched above, which uses the statistical
interpretation of the law of the conservation of energy.)
542 Dialogue X
the fact that it does so in such a way as to allow World 3 plans and theories to
enact great changes in World 1. It is for these very strong reasons that we
have, I think, in any case to postulate the openness of World 1 to World 2,
while the mere openness of the known World 1 to an unknown part of
World 1 would not help in solving the great problem that World 3 plans and
theories bring about changes in World 1.)
P: I myself hope for a revolution in physics because I feel that the present
state of physics is unsatisfactory, but this is a different issue. I mean, we can’t
know what will actually happen. Even in a revolution in physics, the present
physics will have to be valid as a first approximation because our present
physics is extremely well corroborated; so in the first approximation our
present physics will have to continue to exist. But that it will not be fully
satisfactory from the point of view of a new physics is, I think, also clear. I am
not terribly troubled by the openness of World 1 to World 2, but I would
agree with you that from the point of view of present physics it is certainly a
revolutionary step. Perhaps I may just add in conclusion, concerning the
second law of thermodynamics, that the second law is in any case only
statistical, and is already known to be violated, in a sense, in the small. That is
to say, Brownian motion can be said to violate the second law in the small at
every moment, only these violations are then amply compensated for by what
happens in neighbouring parts of the system (of the gas or the fluid) and in the
preceding and succeeding moments. Anyway, the idea that the brain gets hot
in connection with every creative thought is quite sufficient to make sure that
there would be no problem in connection with the second law.
E: At this stage I will add two quotations, one from Wigner and one from
Schrodinger giving a brief statement of their views on the necessity for the
reconstruction of physics.
Schrodinger [1967] “The impasse wan impasse. Are we thus not the doers
of our deeds? Yet we feel responsible for them, we are punished or praised
for them, as the case may be. It is a horrible antinomy. I maintain that it
cannot be solved on the level of present-day science which is still entirely
544 Dialogue X
2 A materialist might try to explain all this as the result of natural selection. However, I think
that natural selection is not enough, and that we also have Michelangelo exercising critical
selection (with respect to certain World 3 principles). Moreover, even the theory of natural
selection presents a problem for the materialist.
One of my main points about the body-mind problem is this. Even though World 2 may have
emerged from World 1, it must have become to a considerable extent independent of World 1,
for in a critical discussion it must orientate itself on World 3 standards — say, on logic — rather
than on World 1. If it were only an epiphenomenon of World 1, then our beliefs would all be
illusions and on equal terms with other illusions; and this would hold for all “isms”, including
epiphenomenalism and the theory of natural selection. It thus turns out that materialism
reinforced by the theory of natural selection is a metaphysical theory which cannot be refuted;
but it also cannot be rationally upheld because, from its own point of view, all such metaphysical
views are epiphenomenal illusions and thus equivalent. Unless we assume that (say by natural
selection) there has emerged an autonomous World 3 of autonomous standards of critical
discussion, all theories are equally epiphenomenal illusions (including, of course, the theory of
natural selection). See my section 21.
The Openness of World 1 545
E: The trouble about more energy for the brain under certain conditions is
that overall measurements show that, in mental activity of a quite severe
kind, there is very little more oxygen consumption. That is of course with
measurements for the whole brain made by Seymour Kety and others. Then
there are the measurements of discharge frequencies of cerebral neurones
recording from single neurones by Evarts, for example. There are different
patterns of performance by nerve cells and you do have large cells and small
cells varying in activity, one going up and the other going down under special
states of activity or in sleep, but again it is hard to make any clear rules about
it (see chapter E7).
P: I may perhaps mention again that in processes in which World 2 acts upon
World 1 we do not need to assume any more than that the physical mag
nitudes involved are as small as you like — that is, vanishingly small (re
member the all-or-nothing principle); thus they may possibly be below any
measurement. What bears on our problem is the general idea that only a
highly active and agitated brain is open to World 2.
E: I’m going to give you a little surprising information deriving from experi
ments recently done by Professor David Ingvar [1975] of Lund. He has been
using radioactive xenon injected into the carotid artery in order to discover
the circulation of the cerebral cortex and he actually is able to put 32
546 Dialogue X
recording windows over the cerebral hemisphere of that side so that he can
evaluate the circulation through these different areas. This is of course done
in relationship to clinical investigations on psychiatric patients and chronic
alcoholics. It is important therapeutically to know about the circulation
through the cerebral cortex from one area to another. He has been able to
discover what happens when patients are using in a specific way one or other
part of their speech areas. The production of spoken language increases the
circulation through the Broca area and to a less extent Wernicke’s area and
also the motor areas involved in speaking. In reading there was a flow
increase in addition in the occipital lobe, which would relate to the visual
involvement. With linguistic performance there was no flow increase over the
minor hemisphere. Finally abstract thinking such as silent problem solving
resulted in an increased circulation in the frontal, parietal and occipital
association areas. So there is under these conditions a circulation change of a
specific kind. He does the same with manual activity which brings up circula
tion to and complex neuronal activity in the sensori-motor cortex of the brain
matching what the theories would suggest about the areas involved. I think
these results are important because they indicate increased activity in cortical
areas that have been associated with these specific functions. Ingvar is a
master in this field, and he realizes the philosophical implications of his
I would like to add a comment about determinism. If physical deter
minism is true, then that is the end of all discussion or argument ; everything is
finished. There is no philosophy. All human persons are caught up in this
inexorable web of circumstances and cannot break out of it. Everything that
we think we are doing is an illusion and that is that. Will anybody live up to
this situation? It even comes to this, that the laws of physics and all our
understanding of physics is the result of the same inexorable web of circum
stances. It isn’t a matter any more of our struggling for truth to understand
what this natural world is and how it came to be and what are the springs of its
operation. All of this is illusion. If we want to have that purely deterministic
physical world, then we should remain silent. Alternatively if we believe in an
open world, then we have all the world of adventure using our minds, using
our understanding, in order to develop more and more subtle and creative
ideas, that is to develop World 3. Our relationship to World 3 becomes
distinctively a willed human performance. In the ultimate world of human
existence we are using this openness of World 1 in these very special areas of
our brains.
The Openness of World 1 547
P: That’s a very good statement. But again I want to suggest a very small
correction. Fundamentally, our relationship to World 3 is certainly a “ willed
human performance” ; but it has unintended consequences built into it,
in addition to those which are consciously willed.
E: I would agree and furthermore it’s like some great symphony with dif
ferent instruments playing different parts and the whole is blended into some
incredible synthesized performance, some harmony. This is the way individu
al persons by their creativity can construct a civilization and a great culture. It
is not just a single individual deliberately acting in isolation. It is the whole
immense performance of human beings that builds our World 3 and with that
the World 2 of each of us.
Dialogue XI
5 p. m. 29 September 1974
E: Karl could you please talk of the idea you have about a direct relationship
between World 3 and World 2 by the reference to Euclid’s theorem that you
have just told me.
P: I think that this problem is very important. Although, of course, there are
some World 1 brain processes going on all the time while World 2 is awake,
and especially when it is busy in solving problems or in formulating problems,
my thesis is not only that World 2 can grasp World 3 objects, but that it can do
so directly; that is to say, although World 1 processes may be going on (in an
epiphenomenal manner) at the same time, they do not constitute a physical
or World 1 representation of those World 3 objects which we try to grasp.
Let me illustrate this by discussing Euclid’s theorem, that for every
natural number, however large, there exists a greater one which is a prime
number; or in other words, that there are infinitely many primes. Certainly,
Euclid had impressed upon his memory (and thus presumably upon his brain)
some facts about prime numbers, especially facts about their fundamental
properties. But there can, I think, be little doubt about what must have
happened. What Euclid did, and what went far beyond World 1 memory
recordings in the brain, was that he visualized the (potentially) infinite
sequence of natural numbers — he saw them before his mind, going on and
on; and he saw that in the sequence of all the natural numbers the prime
numbers get less and less frequent as we proceed. The distances between the
prime numbers get, in general, wider and wider (although this has excep
tions; for example it seems that however far we go, there are still so-called
twin primes which are separated just by one even number; but these twin
primes get rarer too).
Now, looking at this sequence of numbers intuitively, which is not a
The Autonomy of World 3 549
memory affair, he discovered that there was a problem: the problem whether
or not the prime numbers peter out in the end — whether there is a greatest
prime number and then no further ones — or whether the prime numbers go
on for ever. And Euclid solved this problem. Neither the formulation of the
problem nor the solution of the problem was based on, or could be read off
from, encoded World 3 material. They were based directly on an intuitive
grasp of the World 3 situation: of the infinite sequence of natural numbers.
The solution of the problem is that, if we assume that there is a greatest
prime number, then, with the help of this alleged “greatest prime number”
we can construct a greater one. We can take all the prime numbers up to the
“greatest”, multiply them all, including the “greatest”, and then add the
number one. Let us call the number so produced N. We can then show that
N must be a prime number, under the assumption that the factors of N - l
were all the primes in existence. For if we divide jYby any of these factors,
the remainder is one. Thus if TVis not prime, it can have only divisors which
are greater than that number which we assumed to be the greatest prime.
The problem whether there exists a greatest prime is thus solved, nega
tively. The related problem whether there exists a greatest pair of twin primes
has not, to my knowledge, been solved so far.
Euclid’s proof operates with the following ideas: (1) A potentially infinite
sequence of natural numbers. (2) A finite sequence (of any length) of prime
numbers. (3) A possibly infinite sequence of prime numbers. Euclid disco
vered the problem whether the sequence of prime numbers is finite or infinite;
and he solved the problem by discovering that the first of these alternatives
leads to the second, and thus to an absurdity. No doubt, he operated with
intuitive symbolic representations and diagrams. But these were merely a
help. They neither constituted the problem nor its solution. We may say that
the very idea of infinity — a World 3 idea — cannot have a direct brain
representation, although the word “infinite” may of course have one. The
problem is read off from an intuition of the World 3 situation. This can, of
course, be achieved only by becoming familiar with the World 3 situation and
its various aspects.
My point here is that there need not be a World 1 representation of a
World 3 idea (for example, a model in terms of brain elements) in order that
we can grasp the World 3 idea in question.1 I regard the thesis of the
possibility of a direct grasp of World 3 objects by World 2 as generally valid
(and not only for infinite World 3 objects like infinite sequences); yet the
example of infinite objects makes it, I think, quite clear that no World 1
1 In connection with the problem of grasping World 3 objects, see also my section 13 above.
550 Dialogue XI
P: I should like to add something about the relationship between the compo
nents of World 1 in which World 3 objects are encoded, and World 2 and
World 3 . 1 think that, if we look at a sculpture by Michelangelo, then what we
see is, on the one hand, of course, a World 1 object in so far as it is a piece of
marble. On the other hand, even the material aspects of this, such as the
hardness of the marble, may not be irrelevant to the World 2 appreciation of
this World 3 object encoded in a World 1 substrate because it is the artist’s
struggling with the material, and the artist’s overcoming of the difficulties of
the material, which is part of the charm and the significance of the World 3
object. So I do not want generally to relegate the World 1 aspect of an
encoded World 3 object to an epiphenomenon — but sometimes it is. If we
have a book which is moderately well printed but not very well printed — not,
say, a special edition — then the World 1 aspect of the book may be utterly
irrelevant, and in a sense no more than an epiphenomenon, a sort of uninter
esting appendix to the World 3 content of the book. However, both in the
case of the Michelangelo statue and in the case of the book, what we — what
our World 2, our conscious self — really gets in touch with is the World 3
object. In the case of the statue the World 1 aspect is important; but it is
important only because of the World 3 achievement which consists in chang
ing and modelling the World 1 object. In all cases, what we really look at and
552 Dialogue XT
admire and understand is not so much the materialized World 3 object as the
various World 3 aspects regardless of their materialization. For example, an
old edition of a book is admired because of its historical significance — again
a World 3 aspect. And it is important to note that the World 2 enjoyment of
the materialized World 3 object — such as the connoisseur’s enjoyment in
handling a very rare edition of Dante — is based very largely on his theoretical
knowledge of these things, which means that, again, World 3 aspects play a
major role.
and take? How does it come to be? And in the end, not only how does it come
to be, but what is its ultimate fate when, in due course, the brain disinte
P: I am glad that you have laid so much stress on the human imagination. This
is one of the reasons why I think that the origin of the self-conscious mind
somehow goes together with the origin of language, as I have mentioned
As to the question of what is the self-conscious mind, I think that these
“what is” questions are not in general really very important, and that they are
really not very good questions to ask. They are of such a form that no really
enlightening answers can be given to them. Thus, to the question what is life,
you can give the unsatisfactory answer that life is a chemical process. This
answer is unsatisfactory because there are lots and lots of chemical processes
apart from living processes. We may indeed find some interest in saying that
life is a chemical process; but mainly because it may suggest some interesting
metaphors. If we say that life has some similarity with the chemical processes
of a flame, that it is a kind of open system like the flame of a candle, then this
may indeed be a striking metaphor, but it isn’t really very valuable.
Now, in connection with the question “What is the self-conscious mind?”
I might say first, as a preliminary answer (always bearing in mind what I have
just said against all “what is” questions): “It is something utterly different
from anything which, to our knowledge, has previously existed in the world.”
This is an answer to the question, but it is a negative answer. It just stresses
the difference between the mind and anything that has gone before. If you
then ask: is it really so totally different, then I can only say: Oh, it may have
some sort of forerunner in the not self-conscious but perhaps conscious
perception of animals. There may be some sort of forerunner of the human
mind in the experience of pleasure and pain by animals, but it is, of course,
completely different from these animal experiences because it can be self-re-
flexive; that is to say, the ego can be conscious of itself. That is what we mean
by the self-conscious mind. And if we ask how that is possible, then I think
that the answer is that it is only possible via language and via the development
of imagination in that language. That is to say, only if we can imagine
ourselves as acting bodies, and as acting bodies somehow inspired by mind,
that is to say, by our selves, only then, by way of all this reflexiveness — by
way of what could be called liaison reflexiveness — can we really speak of a
554 Dialogue XI
E: I am very interested indeed in what you have said and I wanted to just
mention the light that we can have upon this in man’s evolutionary origin. I
will quote from my book Facing Reality [1970], p. 62: “Certainly one of the
poignant problems confronting each man in his life is his attempt to become
reconciled with his inevitable end in death. This of course is relatable to his
evolutionary origin. He dies as do other animals, but the inevitability of death
affects man alone because man in his development gained self-conscious
P: I think that we agree on all these points. Where we may perhaps disagree is
on another point which I will now put forward — with a certain hesitancy. It
concerns the question of survival. First of all, I don’t look forward to an
eternity of survival. On the contrary, the idea of going on for ever seems to
me utterly frightening. Anybody who has sufficient imagination to deal with
the idea of infinity would, I think, agree — well, perhaps not everybody, but
at least some people. On the other hand, I do feel that even death is a
positively valuable element in life. I think that we should value life and our
own lives very highly, but that we should in some way come to terms with the
fact that we have to die; and that we should see that it is the practical certainty
of death which contributes much that gives value to our lives, and especially
to the value of the life of another person. I think we really couldn’t value life if
life were bound to go on for ever. It is just the fact that it is precarious, the fact
that it is finite and limited, the fact that we have to face its end which, I think,
adds to the value of life and so even to the value of ultimately suffering death.
This is one point that I wanted to make about death.
I may perhaps say also that all attempts to imagine an eternal life seem to
me to have failed completely to make this idea in any way attractive. I need
not go into details, and far be it from me to ridicule these attempts, but
perhaps I might just mention that the Islamic heaven, especially, seems to me
particularly intolerable as an ideal of eternal life. But most terrible of all
prospects appears to be the prospect which the people who believe in psychi
cal research and spiritualism seem to offer. That is to say, a kind of ghostly
semi-existence after death, and one which is not only ghostly but which seems
to be intellectually on a particularly low level — on a lower level than the
normal level of human affairs. This form of semi-survival is probably the
most unpleasant form which has so far been conceived. I do think that if there
is anything in the idea of survival, then it would have to be different from
anything we can imagine in order to be tolerable, and therefore to be nothing
which is really comparable to life, and thus to survival. There are people who
have to believe in survival to find life bearable; and it is the thought of these
people, and my sympathy with them, which makes me somewhat reluctant to
publish anything along the lines that I have here indicated. But if we do
publish anything, then I want at least to say one thing which I find very
comforting with respect to the certainty of death. This is the fact that death
gives value, and in a sense an almost infinite value, to our lives, and makes
more urgent and attractive the task of using our lives to achieve something for
others, and to be co-workers in this World 3, which apparently embodies
more or less what is called the meaning of life.
Immortality? 557
E: I think that, Karl, you are put off by all the very crude attempts to describe
life after death. I am put off by them too. But I believe that there is some
incredible mystery about it. What does this life mean: firstly coming-to-be,
then finally ceasing-to-be? We find ourselves here in this wonderful rich and
vivid conscious experience and it goes on through life, but is that the end?
This self-conscious mind of ours has this mysterious relationship with the
brain and as a consequence achieves experiences of human love and friend
ship, of the wonderful natural beauties, and of the intellectual excitement and
joy given by appreciation and understanding of our cultural heritages. Is this
present life all to finish in death or can we have hope that there will be further
meaning to be discovered? I don’t want to define anything there. I think there
is complete oblivion about the future, but we came from oblivion. Is it that
this life of ours is simply an episode of consciousness between two oblivions,
or is there some further transcendent experience of which we know nothing?
I think I’d leave these questions open at this time.
The self-conscious mind is to my way of thinking in a position of superior
ity over the brain in World 1. It is intimately associated with it and of course it
is dependent on the brain for all detailed memories, but in its essential being
it may rise superior to the brain as we have proposed in creative imagination.
Thus there may be some central core, the inmost self, that survives the death
of the brain to achieve some other existence which is quite beyond anything
we can imagine. The uniqueness of the individuality that I experience myself
to have cannot be attributed to the uniqueness of my D N A inheritance, as I
have already argued in my Eddington Lecture (1965) that was reprinted in
my Facing Reality, chapter 5. Our coming-to-be is as mysterious as our
ceasing-to-be at death. Can we therefore not derive hope because our
ignorance about our origin matches our ignorance about our destiny? Cannot
life be lived as a challenging and wonderful adventure that has meaning to be
P: Of course, this is really the decisive thing. If we find that life is worth living,
and I think it is very much worth living, then it is the fact that we will die which
gives, in part, value to life. If life is worth living, then we may live with the
hope that we have not done too badly; and this may, somehow or other, be a
fulfilment in itself. I would like to stress here the word hope, which may be
interpreted as a reference to the future (but not a future beyond this life).
If there is anything in the idea of survival, then I think that those who say
that this cannot be just in space and time, and that it cannot be just a temporal
eternity, have to be taken very seriously.
558 Dialogue XI
E: I would like to add a quotation from Wilder Penfield [1969] the great
neuroscientist and neurosurgeon. “The physical basis of the mind is the brain
action in each individual; it accompanies the activity of his spirit, but the spirit
is free; it is capable of some degree of initiative.” Penfield goes on to say:
“The spirit wthe man one knows. He must have continuity through periods of
sleep and coma. I assume, then, that this spirit must live on somehow after
death. I cannot doubt that many make contact with God and have guidance
from a greater spirit. But these are personal beliefs that every man must
adopt for himself. If he had only a brain and not a mind, this difficult decision
would not be his.” Sherrington in his Man on His Nature [ 1940] wrote against
immortality despite his advocacy of dualism. As I wrote on page 174 of my
book, Facing Reality, he gave me to understand just before his death in 1952
that he had perhaps changed his mind on this, stating “For me now the only
reality is the human soul.”
P: I am happy to add as a last word on this topic that while Jack and I seem
partly to disagree on this question — as I think becomes clear from our
discussion — I think I may speak for both of us in saying that in spite of
disagreeing we take seriously and respect each other’s views on this matter. A
disrespect for som eone’s attitude on these very important matters is some
thing which I think we would both stand against.
E: I would further like to say that man has lost his way these days — what we
may call the predicament of mankind. He needs some new message whereby
he may live with hope and meaning. I think that science has gone too far in
breaking down man’s belief in his spiritual greatness and in giving him the
idea that he is merely an insignificant material being in the frigid cosmic
immensity. Now this strong dualistic-interactionist hypothesis we are here
putting forward certainly implies that man is much more than is given by this
purely materialistic explanation. I think there is mystery in man, and I am
sure that at least it is wonderful for man to get the feeling that he isn’t just a
hastily made-over ape, and that there is something much more wonderful in
his nature and in his destiny.
P: As a kind of anticlimax after the very good things that Jack has said, I
would just mention that I also think that there is a danger in science, in that it
may perhaps make life too easy for us. Life is a struggle for something; not
just for self-assertion, but for the realization of certain values in our life. I
think that it is essential for life that there should be obstacles to be overcome.
A life without obstacles to overcome would be almost as bad as a life with
only obstacles which could not be overcome. (See also my section 42.)
Personal Uniqueness 559
E: Karl, I’d like to raise some discussion and criticism of the position we
finished at last night. I have been thinking more about it and I feel that
something is not explained by the ideas you put forward. It concerns the
origin of the self. This after all is what the book is about, The Self and Its
Brain. I think that there is an absolutely key problem raised by this because
we know the uniqueness of the self, each of us for ourselves, and we assume
that this is true for other people. It is a uniqueness that goes continuously
through our whole life time, being strung together with all our memory
sequences. So this is an experience that I think we can all share. Now you
were mentioning its evolutionary origin and that in some way it emerged in
relationship to the brain, some kind of emergent evolutionary process. I feel
that, if in its origin it is a derivative of the brain even in this emergent or, if you
like, transcendent way, then in the end we are becoming somewhat allied to
the monist-materialists. You may have David Armstrong saying this is a
development of his materialist theory of the mind. Will he not be justified in
pointing that out? If it is an emergent derivative of simply a brain developed
in the highest level in the evolutionary process, then I think, we give way
finally to a view that makes the self-conscious mind simply a spin-off from the
highly developed brain. Then we use it to act on the brain in all the ways that
we have been talking about.
My position is this. I believe that my personal uniqueness, that is my own
experienced self-consciousness, is not accounted for by this emergent expla
nation of the coming-to-be of my own self. It is the experienced uniqueness
that is not so explained. Genetic uniqueness will not do. It can be asserted
that I have my experienced uniqueness because my brain is built by the
genetic instructions of a quite unique genetic code, my genome with its
30,000 or so genes (Dobzhansky, personal communication) strung along the
immense double helix of the human D N A with its 3.5 X 109 nucleotide pairs.
It has to be recognized that with 30,000 genes there is a chance of lO10000
against that uniqueness being achieved. That is, if my uniqueness of self is
tied to the genetic uniqueness that built my brain, then the odds against
myself existing in my experienced uniqueness are lO10 000 against.
So I am constrained to believe that there is what we might call a super
560 Dialogue XI
P: I would like to stress, in case I have not done so before, that evolutionary
theory never gives us a full explanation of anything’s coming into being in the
course of evolution. We may say that in the course of evolution birds, for
example, have developed from reptiles; but, of course, this isn’t an explana
tion. We don’t know how birds developed from reptiles, nor really why birds
developed from reptiles. In a sense, evolutionary theory is terribly weak as an
explanatory theory, and we should be conscious of this. But in the sense in
which, according to evolutionary theory, the archaeopteryx developed from
reptiles, in that sense I think man, for all we know, developed from a cousin
of an ape. This is a conjecture, but it is pretty well founded.
I think that with respect to consciousness, we have to assume that animal
consciousness has developed out of non-consciousness —we don’t know more
about it. At some stage this incredible invention was made. This is much more
incredible even than, for example, the invention of flight, which in itself is
really sufficiently strange that we should be deeply struck by it. Now the
self-conscious mind (as opposed to animal consciousness, which possibly may
even go back to pre-brain forms) seems to me to be very clearly a product of
the human brain. But in saying this I know very well that I am saying very
little; and I am anxious to stress that we cannot say much beyond it. It is not
an explanation, and it must not be taken as an explanation.
We have the same situation with the emergence of life from something
Personal Uniqueness 561
11 a. m. 30 September 1974
Sperry’s statement that the new ideas that he develops “restore to mind its
old prestigious position over matter.” So I am left in the perplexing position
of knowing that the brain has become associated in its evolutionary develop
ment with the self-conscious mind.
P: I have no doubt that you have touched here on certain ultimate questions,
but they are also questions which, I have no doubt, we cannot answer, at least
not at present. However, I do think that there is something like a possible
approach towards deriving an answer through World 3. World 3 transcends
World 2 . 1 think that that is very important, and that it is very important that
we establish this point fully. There is an interaction between World 3 and
World 2, which somehow is within the scope of reason. World 3 transcends
not only World 1 but also World 2. It really does exist; and not only does it
exist, but it is active; it acts upon us (only, of course, by way of interaction). I
conceive the relationship between World 1 and World 2 as being similar. (See
my section 15.) What I say is not very much, and I don’t feel at all that this is
an explanation. It is no explanation, but it is an attempt to penetrate into
these mysteries by means of reason. I am quite ready to say that we have
made some progress with this, but this is just about as far as I think we have
been able to get. There is much left unsolved, and there is very much left
open. I fully agree that we know very little.
I think that in this context, it is important to remember the limitations of
explanation: the fact that we can never achieve explanations which are fully
satisfactory in the sense of being ultimate (see dialogue XI, and my sections
47 and 51).
There are also the particular limitations of evolutionary explanation,
which I discussed at the end of dialogue XI (see also my [1972(a)], chapter 7,
and my [1976(g)], section 37). I am therefore far from any kind of assur
ance that we have solved these difficult problems.
For this reason, I don’t take your criticism that I am saying something
similar to Armstrong [1968] very seriously. However, I do think that we have
to be clear about our present limitations, and that there are certain things
which at least look now as if they are eternal mysteries. Further than that I am
not really willing to go, except by pointing to the relationship between World
2 and World 3, and by pointing out that the relationship between World 1 and
World 2 is similar. But beyond that I can’t see that we can go at present. This
of course does not mean that I do not respect the wish to go further, or that I
belittle the problems. On the contrary, the problems are too big for us at
present — which adds to their challenge.
564 Dialogue XII
E: I would like to comment on several points, Karl, in that very fine summing
up you gave of these immense problems we have. I would agree with you of
course about the mysteries we cannot solve. We try to solve them with reason
but we only can go a very little way in these successes. I agree also with you
that we should all the time be raising problems instead of trying to cover them
up. That I think is what happens with all the parallelistic explanations. They
are covering up all these problems of brain-mind interaction and there is in
fact nothing left except the dogmatic statement that everything that we are
talking about is simply a spin-off of brain events and that everything is
determined and we are committed simply to be viewers of a parallelistic
canvas or screen, if you like, where in a passive manner the mental happen
ings are read out from brain events and so experienced. There is no further
problem at all. I want to make the point clear that I didn’t say I believed you
to be in line with the materialistic explanation of the mind in the Armstrong
manner. However, I thought Armstrong might claim that you had come to
join him, perhaps not directly, but in a roundabout way and no doubt at a
more subtle level; nevertheless that you were in his way of thinking. Your last
statements have been quite clear that you are not. So I think that this might be
a good point to summarize this discussion.
We are agreed that with our puny intelligence and understanding we can
only venture so far in the great mysteries that confront us on all sides in trying
to account for everything in existence and experience. Science is very suc
cessful in its limited field of problems; but the great problems, the mysterium
tremendum, in the existence of everything we know, this is not accountable
for in any scientific manner. So we leave it with that. We live with mysteries
which we must realize if we’re going to be civilized beings facing up to our
existence. Of course I like particularly your introducing World 3 into the
problem because I believe too that it is only through World 3 coming that
World 2 came. These two are linked together. If you have no World 3, there is
no World 2 . 1 think it is well illustrated by the case of a tragically deprived girl
in Los Angeles that is described in chapter E4. For 13V/2 years she had no
World 3 and she had no World 2 either.
4 p. m. 30 September 1974
P: I would like to compare the situation with that of an electric organ or, if
you like, an electric typewriter. You can in principle so adjust the relays of
such an instrument that the instrument becomes more and more sensitive to
the slightest touch, so that, in the end, it becomes sensitive to Brownian
motion (moreover, we must not forget the all-or-nothing principle which
may apply to such an instrument). Now, roughly at this stage, we achieve a
kind of situation in which the first law of thermodynamics can no longer be
checked; and there is thus no real reason for saying that it has been violated.
On the contrary, I think that we know that such a stage can be technically
achieved and therefore that a stage very little removed from it would be
practically indistinguishable from the point of view of measurement; yet it
may still be “open” to the self and the self may be working on it ; and, if it is
566 Dialogue XII
1 Cp. Darwin’s The Variation o f Animals and Plants Under Domestication, second edition
[1875], volume i, pp. 466-70.
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Index of Names
Page numbers in italics refer to the bibliography
Acuna, C. see Mountcastle, Armstrong, D. M. 8, 78, Beloff, J. 88, 98, 100, 116,
V. B. 260, 344, 416 93, 94, 95, 96, 130, 207, 117, 123, 125, 170, 182,
Adam, G. 407 211, 361, 407, 553, 559, 211
Adam, J. 167 563, 564, 567 Bender, D. B. see Gross,
Adams, R. D. see Victor, Arnauld, D. 173, 184, 205, C.G. 268,4 1 1
M. 392, 420 211 Bender, M. B. see Teuber,
Adrian, E. D. 151, 380, Augustine St. 165, 177, H.-L. 264, 269, 344,
407 184, 211 419
Agranoff, B. W. 388, 407 Austin, G., Hayward, W. & Bentham, J. 194
Akert, K. 393,4 0 7 Rouhe, S. 330, 407 Bergson, H. 11, 137, 141,
Akert, K. see Warren, Austin, J.L. 5 8 , 2 / / 142, 211, 566
J. M. 348, 420 Avenarius, R. 171 Berkeley, Bishop 8, 52,
Alajouanine T. 338, 407, 124, 150, 171, 189, 194,
527, 567 Bacon, F. 175 199, 286, 441,452
Alexander of Aphro- Bahle, J. 106, 107, 211 Berlucchi, G. 350, 407
disias 211 Bailey, C. 32, 75, 211 Berlyne, D. B. 361, 407
Alcmaeon 117, 160 Bailey, P., Bonin, G. von, Blackmore, J.T. 8, 211
Allen, G. I. XI Garol, H.W. & McCul- Blakemore, C. B. 403, 407, 469
Allen, G. I. & Tsukahara, loch, W. S. 309, 407 Blakemore, C. B. see Ett-
N. 288, 289, 290,291, Bain, A. 104 linger, G. 261, 329, 410
292, 293, 407 Baldwin, J.M. 12 Bland, B. H. see Andersen,
Allen, J. XI Barlow, H.B. 358,361, P. 397, 398, 407
Anaxagoras 160, 170 366, 407 Bliss, T. V. P. XI
Anaximander 163 Barondes, S. H. 388, 402, Bliss, T. V. P. see Andersen,
Anaximenes 160,163 405, 407 P. 397, 398, 407
Andersen, P., Bland, B. H. & Basser, L. S. 302, 332, 354, Bliss, T. V. P. & Gardner-
Dudar, J. D. 397, 398, 407 Medwin, A. R. 383, 384,
407 Battersby, W. S. see Teuber, 408
Andersen, P., Bliss, H.-L. 264 ,2 6 9 ,3 4 4 , Bliss, T. V. P. & Lomo,
T. V. P. & Skrede, 419 T. 381, 382, 383, 408
K. K. 397, 398, 407 Bayle, P. 206 Blumberg, A. E. 83
Arbib, M. A. see Szentago Beaumont, J. G. see Di- Bocca, E., Calearo, C., Cas-
thai, J. 419 mond, S.J. 352,4 0 9 sinari, V. & Migliavacca,
Aristotle 32, 34, 67, 105, Bechterev, W. von 135, F. 302, 408
108, 114, 118, 150-152, 136 Bogen, J.E. 313,317,328,
154, 160-168, 170-173, Bell, J. 61 351,352, 408, 484
176, 177-179, 184, 190, Bellugi, U. see Bronowski, Bogen, J. E. see Sperry,
194-196, 211 J. 286, 308, 408 R.W. 328,4 1 8
570 Index of Names
230, 232, 277, 278, 285, Frege, G. 56, 57 Gonshor, A. & Melvili,
315, 325, 326, 359, 380, Fresnel, A.J. 18,19 Jones G. 4 0 4 ,4 //
381, 383, 386, 394, 395, Freud, S. 110, 166, 194, Goodall, J. 441
397, 410, 464 371,492, 496,517 Gott, P. S. 331,332,338, 411
Eccles, J. C., Ito, M. & Szen Fromkin, V. see Curtiss, Gray, E. G. see Whitaker,
tagothai, J. 288, 410 S. I l l , 2 /2 , 309, 310, V.P. 231, 232, 420
Eccles, J. C. see Karczmar, 409 Gray, E.G. XII
A. G. 413 Fulton, J.F. 410 Gregory, M. see Broadbent,
Eccles, J. C. see Scheid, P. Furley, D. J. see Allen D .E. 350,4 0 8
336, 418 R.E.C . 211 Gregory, R. L. 65, 107,
Edwards, P. 68, 75, 213 2 /5 , 522, 567
Efron, R. 138, 213 Gross, C.G. 268,340, 411
Ehrenfels, C. von 532, 567 Gabor, D. 143 Gross, C. G., Bender,
Einstein, A. 5, 8, 9, 25, 33, Gardner, A. K. see Gardner, D. B. & Rocha-Miranda,
4 7 ,6 1 , 72, 123, 150, 206, W.J. 330, 331, 411 C.E. 268, 411
214, 465, 532, 543 Gardner, B.T. & Gardner, Guthrie, W.K.C. 160, 161,
Empedocles 154, 157 R. A. 308, 411 163, 164-166, 169, 215
Engels, F. I l l Gardner, W. J., Kamosh,
Epicurius 5, 22, 32, 75, 82, L. J., McClure, C.C.,
160, 162, 206, 214 Gardner, A. K. 330, Hadamard, J. 108, 2/5,
Eriksen, C.W. 130 331, 411 465, 567
Escher, M. C. 524 Gardner-Medwin, A. R. see Haeckel, E. 53, 206, 2 /5
Ettlinger, G. & Blakemore, Bliss, T. V. P. XI, 383, Haldane, J.B. 31, 75,76,
C.B. 261,329, 410,469 384, 408 77, 2 /5
Ettlinger, G. 469, 177, Garol, H. W. see Bailey, Hamm, A. E. see Wada,
179, 185 G. 309, 407 J. A. 306, 353, 420
Euclid 21, 4 0 ,4 4 ,4 5 1 , Gassendi, P. 184 Hardie, W .F.R. 151, 152,
548, 549, 550 Gazzaniga, M. S. 313,317, 167, 2 /5
Evans-Pritchard, E. E. 157, 351, 411 Hardy, A. 12, 13, 566,
214 Gazzaniga, M. S. see Sperry, 2 /5 , 567
Evarts, E.V. 241,371, R. W. 328, 418 Hartley, D. 194, 2 /5
410, 545 Georgopolous, A. see Hassler, R. 247, 411
Exner, F. 22, 23 Mountcastle, V. B. 260, Hayek, F.A. von 19,30,
344, 416 105, 2 /5
Gerhardt, C. J. 186, 2 /7 Hayward, W. see Austin,
Fanz, R.L. 109,116 Geschwind, N. XII, 296, G. 330, 407
Faraday, R. L. 5 298, 299, 300, 306, 309, Hecaen, H. 298, 336, 341,
Feigl, H. 5 ,8 ,5 3 ,5 4 ,6 1 , 336, 344, 411 342, 343, 411
83, 84, 85, 86, 93, 94, 96, Geschwind, N. & Levitsky, Hefferline, R. F. 130, 2 /5
99, 188, 199, 200, 201, W. 305, 306, 353, 411 Hegel, G.W .F. I l l
206, 214, 361, 363, 410 Geschwind, N. see Sparks, Heimer, L., Ebner, F. F. &
Feinstein, B. see Libet, B. R. 302, 418 Nauta, W.J.H. 237, 411
259, 414 Geulincx, A. 182, 184,510 Hein, A. see Held, R. XII,
Ferchmin, P. A. 112, 134, Gibson, J.J. 30,45, 101,214 45, 112, 116, 134, 140,
140, 214 Giere, W. 107, 2 /7 2/5 , 404, 406, 411A H
Fermi, E. 47 Globus, G. G., Maxwell, Heisenberg, W. 25, 33,
Fisher, R. A. 30, 214 G. & Savodnik, L. 214,411 150, 2 /5
Flew, A. 75, 214 Goethe, J. W. 68, 214 Held, R. & Hein, A. XII,
Forel, A. 504 Goldbach, C. 40 45, 112, 116, 134, 140,
Fouts, R. S. 308, 410 Goldstein, K. 344 215, 404, 406, 411, 428,
Franklin, B. 96 Golgi 230, 233, 237, 411 434,472
Franz, R.L. 109, 1 1 6 ,2 /4 Gombrich, E. XI, 45, 65, Helmholtz, H. 526
Freedman, S. J. 61,2 1 4 214, 429, 526, 567 Heraclitus 146, 160-163
572 Index of Names
Nauta, W. J. H. see Heimer, Petsche, H. & Brazier, Pythagoras 44, 152, 153,
L. 237,4 1 1 M .A .B . 417 157, 160, 161, 163-165,
Neurath, O. 8, 171 Phillips, C.G. 282,381, 168, 186
Newton, I. 3 ,6 ,2 5 ,3 3 ,4 1 , 417
61, 72, 174, 175, 177, Philolaus 163, 164
184, 188-194 Piaget, J. 562 Quarton, G.C., Melnechuk,
Piercy, M. 300, 301, 417 T. & Schmitt, F. O. 4 /7
Pindar 219 Quine, W .V.O. 1 5 ,52 ,59 ,
Obrador, R. 332, 416 Place, U.T. 8 ,8 5 ,2 1 9 ,5 6 8 116, 207, 2 2 /
O’Connor, M. see Wolsten- Planck, M. 24, 543 Quinton, A. 5, 96, 104,
holme, D. W. 421 Plato VIII, 32, 42, 43, 44, 117, 181,206, 2 2 /
Oersted, H.C. 542 45, 67, 105, 117, 120,
Ohno, T. see Toy ana, 151, 152, 154, 160, 161,
K. 235,4 1 9 163-167, 169, 171-174, Ramon y Cajal, S. 230,
Oldenburg, H. 175 177, 178, 184, 188, 190, 231,235, 243, 4 /7
Olson, W. XI 195, 196, 209, 219, 450, Rantucci, T. XI
Onians, R. B. 154,155, 461,462, 4 6 3 ,5 0 5 ,5 68 Rasmussen, T. see Milner,
156, 219 Podolsky, B. 61 B. 301, 336, 416
Ooshima, Y. see Tanabe, Polanyi, M. 130, 220 Ravel, M. 527, 528
T. 272, 419 Pollen, D. A. & Taylor, Rawls, J. 145, 2 2 /
Oparin, A. I. 31 J. H. 2 7 9 ,4 /7 Rensch, B. 53, 68, 82, 200,
Oppenheim, P. 18, 19, 219 Polten, E. P. 220, 360,361, 221
4 /7 Richardson, R. XI
Pope, A. see Jasper, H. H. Riemann, G .F.B . 5
Pandya, D. N. & Kuypers, 413 Rieu, E. V. 156
H .G .J.M . 348,4 1 6 Popper-Lynkeus, J. 3 Rigler, D. see Curtiss,
Parfit, D. 219 Popper, K. R. VIII, IX, XI, S. 1 1 1 ,2 /2 , 309, 409
Parmenides 5, 15, 154 351, 355, 359, 363, 417, Rigler, M. see Curtiss,
Pascal, B. 357, 416 425, 434, 440, 441, 445, S. I l l , 2 /2 , 309, 409
Paschal, F.C. 3 6 1 ,4 /6 450, 452, 457, 464, 465, Risberg, J. & Ingvar,
Passmore, J. A. 181, 219 471,472, 473, 475,481, D .H . 2 42 ,41 7
Pauli, W. 7, 27 490, 492, 4 9 8 ,5 1 1 ,51 7, Roberts, L. see Penfield,
Pavlov, I. P. 134, 135, 136, 522, 534, 537, 539, 552, W. 296, 297, 301, 416
137, 219, 503 555, 559, 568 Rocha-Miranda, C. E. see
Peirce, C. S. 2 2 ,2 3 Porter, R. 282,381, 4 /7 Gross, C.G. 268,4 1 1
Penfield, W. 66, 97, 106, Powell, T. XII Rosadini, G. & Rossi,
119, 128, 142, 219, 300, Powell, T. P. S. see Jones, G.F. 304, 4 /7
330, 379, 416, 488, 506, E.G. 2 4 4 ,2 4 5 ,2 5 5 , Rosen, N. 61
558, 568 260, 272, 303, 306, 309, Rosenfield, L. C. 206, 2 2 /
Penfield, W. & Jasper, 344, 348, 392, 413 Rosenkranz, J. K. F. 53
H. 255, 264, 270, 282, Powell, T. P. S. see Mount Rosenzweig, M. R. 112,
416 castle, V.B. 235, 416 134, 140, 2 2 /
Penfield, W. & Perot, Premack, D. 308, 4 /7 Rossi, G. F. see Rosadini,
P. 142, 219, 397, 400, Pribram, K.H. 365, 4/7, G. 304, 4 /7
401, 417 477,512 Rossignol, S. see Colonnier,
Penfield, W. & Roberts, Pribram, K. H. & Broadbent, M. L. 235, 238, 409
L. 2 9 6 ,2 9 7 ,3 0 0 ,4 1 6 D .E. 4 /7 Rouhe, S. see Austin,
Pepper, S. C. 361, 417 Priestley, J. 33 G. 330, 407
Perera, T. B. 130, 215 Protagoras 166, 171 Royce, J. 145
Perot, P. see Penfield, W. Puccetti, R. 329, 4 /7 Rubin, E. 63, 107, 2 2 /
142, 219, 397, 400, 401, Putnam, H. 18, 19, 52, 2 2 / Russell, B. 56, 57, 83, 150,
417 Putnam, H. see Oppenheim, 177, 188, 196, 200, 201,
Perrault, C. 206 P. 18, 19, 219 22/
Index of Names 575
Rutherford, E. 25, 222 231, 276, 380, 418, 517, 188, 194-196, 198, 199,
Ryle, G. 4, 52, 104, 105, 521,525, 558, 568 223, 510
106, 107, 109, 116, 130, Simmias 164, 165, 167, Sprague, J. 330, 419
151, 167, 222, 464,486, 188,209 Stollnitz, F. see Schrier,
488, 568 Skrede, K. K. see Andersen, A. M. 418
P. 397, 398, 407 Strauss, R. 107
Sakata, H. see Mountcastle, Slater, J .C 7, 2 /2 , 541, Strawson, P. 114, 115,116,
V. B. 260, 344, 416 567 117, 118, 223
Saul, R. & Sperry, Smart, J. J. C. 8, 52, 75, 85, Stratton, G. M. 404, 419
R.W. 324, 417 96, 207, 222, 361, 418, Stromgren, E. see Kisker,
Savage, W. 329,4 1 7 513, 568 K. P. 414
Savodnik, I. see Globus, Smith, A. I l l , 222 Studdert-Kennedy, M. &
G.G . 411 Smith, A. J. 331, 418 Shankweiler, D. 303,419
Schaltenbrand, G. & Wool- Smith, L. 418 Stumpf, C. 24, 532, 533
sey, C.N. 417 Smythies, J. R. 223 Suppes, P. 26
Scheibel, A. B. 240, 418 Socrates VIII, 67, 105, Szentagothai, I. & Arbib,
Scheibel, M. E. 240, 417 152, 160, 162, 165, 166, M. A. 419
Scheid, P. see Deecke, 168-171, 187, 203,504 Szentagothai, J. XII, 235,
L. 283, 409 Soddy, F. 25, 222 236, 237, 238, 239, 240,
Scheid, P. & Eccles, Solecki, R. S. 153,154, 241, 242, 243, 366, 380,
J .C 336,4 1 8 223 381, 384, 386, 396, 419,
Schlick, M. 53, 54, 83, 84, Somjen, G. 418 477
118, 200, 201,206, 222 Sophocles 156, 158, 223 Szentagothai, J. see Eccles,
Schmitt, F. O. 418 Sparks, R. & Geschwind, J .C 288, 410
Schmitt, F. O. see Quarton, N. 302, 418 Szilard, L. 4 7 ,3 8 0 ,4 /9
G.C. 417 Sperry, R.W. XII, 209,
Schmitt, F. O. & Worden, 223, 301, 308, 311,313, Tagaki, S. F. see Tanabe,
F. G. 222, 418 314, 315, 316 ,3 1 7 ,3 1 8 , T. 2 1 2 ,4 1 9
Schopenhauer, A. 67, 68, 319, 320, 321,3 2 5 ,3 2 8 , Tanabe, T., Yarita, H., lino,
83, 169, 201, 207, 222 330, 331,332, 350, 351, M., Ooshima, Y. & Taga
Schrier, A. M. & Stollnitz, 352, 354, 357, 370, 373, ki, S. F. 212,4 1 9
F. 418 398, 399, 418, 439, 467, Tanaka, T. see Libet,
Schrodinger, E. 5, 7, 22, 468, 474, 484, 495, 527, B. 388,4 1 4
23, 26, 33, 126, 222, 499, 563 Tarski, A. 59, 223
523, 541, 543, 568 Sperry, R. W., Gazzaniga, Taylor, J. H. see Pollen,
Schwartz, M. S. see Ingvar, M. S. & Bogen, J. E. D. A. 2 1 9 ,4 1 7
D .H . 242, 412 328, 418 Taylor, L. see Milner,
Selz, O. 106, 107, 222 Sperry, R. W. see Levy, B. 302, 416
Serafetinides, E. A., Hoare, J. 318, 319, 320, 414 Telesius 67
R .D ., Driver, M.V. Sperry, R. W. see Levy- Teuber, H.-L. 298,306,
296, 300, 301, 304, 418 Agresti, J. 318,351, 350, 354, 419
Serkin, R. 529 352, 414 Teuber, H.-L., Battersby,
Shakespeare, W. 154 Sperry, R. W. see Milner, W. S. & Bender,
Shankweiler, D. P. 337, B. 302, 416 M. B. 264, 269, 344,
418 Sperry, R. W. see Saul, R. 419
Shankweiler, D. see Stud- 324, 417 Teuber, H.-L. see Marlen-
dert-Kennedy M. 303, Sperry, R. W. see Trevar Wilson, W. D. 392, 415
419 then, C.B. 321,322, Thales 67, 163
Shearmur, J.F.G . XI, 31, 357, 420 Thomson, J. J. 6
88, 111, 165, 182 Sperry, R. W. see Zaidel, Themistius 164
Shepard, R. 286 E. 323, 421 Theophrastus 176, 196,
Sherrington, C. VI, 62, 91, Spinoza, B. de 53, 67, 68, 223
127, 135, 151,222, 230, 82, 83, 87, 181, 183-185, Thomasius 186
576 Index of Names
Thomson, Judith J. 82, 96 Wada, J. A., Clarke, R.J. & Wigner, E. 150,542,543,
Thorpe, W.H. 522,5 6 8 Hamm, A. E. 306,353, 544, 568
Thouless, R. H. 117, 223 420 Willis, T. 206
Tinbergen, N. 522 Waddington, C. H. 68, 223 Wisdom, J.O. 182,2 2 3
Tokashiki, S. see Toyama, Ward, A. A. see Jasper, Wittgenstein, L. 29, 52, 65,
K. 235,4 1 9 H.H. 413 99, 223
Tolman, E. C. 200 Warren, J. M. & Akert, K. Wolf, J. B. see Jacobson,
Toyama, K., Matsunami, K., 348, 420 C.F. 348,4 1 3
Ohno, T. & Tokashiki, Washburn, S. C. 441,452, Wolstenholme, D. W. &
S. 235, 419 453 O’Connor, M. 421
Tranekjaer Rasmussen, E. Watkins, J.W .N. 180, 182, Woodger, J. H. 115
107 184, 223 Woolsey, C. N. see Schalten-
Trevarthen. C. B. XII, Watson, J.B. 135 brand, G. 417
352, 419 Watts, P. XI Worden, F. G. see Schmitt,
Trevarthen, C. B. see Levy, Weiskrantz, L. 268, 270, F.O. 2 22,418
J. 318, 319, 320, 414 420 Wright, E. W. see Libet, B.
Trevarthen, C. B. & Sperry, Weismann, A. F. L. 95 259, 414
R.W. 3 2 2 ,3 5 1 ,4 2 0 Werner, G. 259,261 ,4 2 0 Wundt, W. 53, 223, 532
Tsukahara, N. XII Wernicke, C. 229, 295,
Tsukahara, N. see Allen, 297, 299, 336, 420 Xenophanes 160, 163
G. I. 288, 289, 290,291, Whately, Archbishop 122
292, 293, 407 Wheeler, J. A. 8 14, 223 Yarita, H. see Tanabe,
Tudor-Hart, B. H. Whewell, W. 174 T. 272, 419
109, 212 Whittaker, V. P. & Gray, Young, T. 18, 19,437
Turing, A. M. 207, 208, E.G. 2 3 1,232,4 2 0 Yukawa, H. 193
223 White, H.H. 332,4 2 0
Whitehead, A. N. 7, 189 Zaidel, E. 307,32 3 ,3 2 4 ,
Whitty, C .W .M .& Zang 333, 351, 421
Ungar, G. 143, 223 Zaidel, E. & Sperry,
will, O. L. 420
Whorf, B.L. I l l , 223, R.W. 323,4 2 1
deValois, R. L. 267, 420 466, 467 Zangwill, O. L. 300,301,
Valverde, F. 383, 384, 420 Wiesel, T .N .& Hubei, 329, 421
Victor, M. Adams, R. D. & D. H. 309, 403, 420 Zangwill, O. L. see Whitty,
Collins, G. H. 392, 420 Wiesel, T. N. see Hubei, C. W. M. 420
Vinken, P. J. & Bruyn, D .H . 4 5 ,2 3 5 ,2 4 0 ,2 6 6 , Zeki, S. M. 525
G. W. 420 267, 412 Ziehen, T. 53, 68, 223
Vlastos, G. 161, 162, 223 Wiesendanger, M. 280, Zippel, H. P. 421
Vogt, C. & Vogt, O. 309, 420 Zurif, E. & Caramazza,
420 Wiesner, B. 117,2 2 3 A. 421
Index of Subjects
art, 449. See also music, pictures, World 3 - repertoire of, 128, 133
- forms, 454 - and tradition, 133
- newness of, 22 - verbal, 56, 78, 358
- poetic, 457 behaviourism, 29, 40, 49, 52, 53, 59-66
- process of, 551 beliefs, religious, 158
- works of, 11, 456 “big bang”, theory of, 150
- and World 3, 15, 16, 38 biology, 90, 91, 94, 442
association fibres, 238, 244, 247, Figs. E - molecular, 113
1-5, E 8 -8 - reducible to physics, 36
association pathway, 247, Figs. E 1-7, block assemblage, 342
E 1-8 body, 72. See also mind-body problem
association psychology, 503, 517 - identity of, 101
associations, cross-modal, 306, 307, 328, - and mind, 115
329, 469 - relation to body, 536
associationism, 194-196 - as substance, 181
- history of, 195 body-mind problem. See mind-body problem,
- and the mind-body problem, 153 brain, 91-93, 427, 429, 430, 436, 442, 444,
- theory of, 135-138, 511 462, 474, 475, 522, 545
attitude - activity of, 96, 99, 463
- to science, 544 - changes in structure of, 74
atomic theory, 18 - “committed” and “uncommitted” areas,
atomism, 5 -7, 14, 32, 67, 90 119
- and Descartes, 178 - as computer, 77, 119, 120
- and mind-body problem, 176 - function of, 91, 92, 179
- and Newton, 190 - growth of, 172
- structures, 23 - hemispheres of, 119, 482, 508, Figs.
atoms, 17, 19, 25, 31, 35, 37, 53, 69, 71, 89 E 1-1, E 1-4, E 5-4
- changes in, 15 - hominid, 353
- Democritus’s view of, 33 - human, 11-30
- divisibility of, 6 -----evolution of, 13, 353, 452, 453
- indivisibility of, 22 - and identity, 115
- “real”, 9, 10 - and mind, 117, 118, 326, 360
- structure of, 7, 17 - physiology, 433
- unchanging, 15 - as pilot, 495
attention, 361, 362, 370, 472, 495, 499 - processes of, 54, 56
auditory, 393 - qualities of, 519
- localization, 445 - semantic centres of, 550
- primary area of, 246 - states, 77, 80, 92, 94, 95
Australopithecines, 518 - stimulation of (Penfield), 48, 66, 128,
autonomy, of World 3, 78 142, 257, 272, 401, 488, 506, Fig. E 8-10
awareness, 93, 448. See also consciousness, - transplantation, 117, 118
death, self-awareness Broca area, 297
axon, 230. See also nerve - and speaking, 507
- and verbal recall, 501
Brodmann areas, 233, 235-237, 242, 261,
baby 306, 363, Fig. E 1-4
- development of mind of, 69 Brownian motion, 8, 9
- and language, 45 burial customs, 453, 454, 460
basket cell, 238, 240. See also inhibitory
behaviour, 41, 458 capacities, theory of, 22
- adoption of new, 12, 13 causal
- and reflex theory, 135-138, 510 - effects, 9
Index of Subjects 579
emergence - psychological, 91
- of consciousness, 30, 60, 71 evolution, 430, 432, 438, 439, 441, 442,
- and evolution, 17, 25 444, 446, 449, 458, 554, 560. See also
- of heirarchical levels, 35 Darwinism and natural selection
- of human brain, 27 - and Aristotle, 167
- of human language, 27, 30 - biological, 437, 458, 460, 518
- interaction of levels, 32-35 - and changes, 13
- of life, 16, 60 - of consciousness, 445
- of man, 15 - creative, 22
- of mind, 13 - cultural, 73, 447, 449, 450, 458-460, 518
- of purposeful behaviour, 87 - emergent, 16, 27, 85, 559
emotion, colouring of conscious perception, 273 - genetic, 459
empiricism, 96 - of giraffe, 12
- British, 88 - human brain, 353, 554
- classical, 121 - of language, 73, 308
- commonsense, 124 - of logical thinking, 77, 78
- dogmas of, 166 - meaning of, 14
- and knowledge, 102 - organic, 11, 13, 72, 459
- subjective, 171 Nn - possibilities in, 15
ends, machines as, 4 - processes in emergent, 559
endocranial casts, 453 - of self-consciousness, 562
energy, conservation of, 541, 542, 545 - of speech, 308
engram, 392 - theory of, 52, 566
entities, theoretical, 62 - of universe, 23
environment, 92, 451, 452, 459 existentialism, 555
epic expectations, 73
- of Gilgamesh, 454 - and self, 493
- of Homer, 454 experience
- Sumerian, 454 - cognitive, 360
epilepsy, 66 - conscious, 62, 63, 65, 66, 93, 431
- and the brain, 106, 119 integrating, 536
- and memory, 142 ---- unity of, 362, 512
- psychomotor, 349 - and the conscious self, 488
- seizures of, 372 - mental, 15, 532, 533
epiphenomenalism, 54, 55, 72-75, 83, 84, - musical, 482. See also music
86, 94, 99, 206, 474, 513, 538, 551 - perceptual, 474
epistemology, 425-430, 433 - personal, 5
EPSPs. See potentials - process of, 259
essence, 5, 44 - remembered, 480
- Cartesian, 177 Nn - and self-consciousness, 50, 488
- of self, 146 - sensory, 424, 426
- soul as, 163-167 ---- in animals, 441
- and “what-is” questions, 100 ---- conscious, 431
essentialism, 173-176, 181, 189, 193 ---- interpretation Of, 431
- Aristotelian, 105 - slow motion, 530
- end of, 193 - subjective, 55, 56, 62, 63, 65, 66, 85, 90,
- Newtonian, 190 92, 98, 106, 184, 206, 208
- opposition to, 43 - and time, 529, 530
- and “what-is” questions, 105 Nn - unity of, 472
ethics, humanist, 5 - visual, 534
events explanation, 6, 10, 73
- and brain, 89, 91 - behavioural laws of, 34, 35
- mental, 74, 88 - of causal action, 6
Index of Subjects 583