(15-20 Words)
Cylinder head
Exhaust manifold
Engine pipe
Flexible joint
Intermediate pipe
Catalytic converter
2. Explain the operation of an exhaust manifold? (20-25 Words)
The exhaust manifold is bolted to the engine combustion chamber outlet exhaust ports. The
high temperature gases released from the combustion chamber pass through the manifold and
into the exhaust system. To deal with the extreme temperatures generated in the combustion
chamber (up to 1300° C), exhaust manifolds are generally made of cast iron.
An exhaust manifold is a short, compact design that collects cylinder exhaust pulses. Because
of their compact design, these pulses collide with one another. Back pressure is created,
which can restrict the flow of exhaust from the engine as a whole.
A header is an exhaust manifold that is designed to suck exhaust from one cylinder using the
pulses of exhaust from the other cylinders. It accomplishes this by employing long collectors
of equal length.
Radiated sounds are because of vibrations in the exhaust system component walls which in
turn are due to fluctuations in the exhaust pressure. These vibrations from exhaust system are
transferred to the vehicle body.
5. Name the parts of the exhaust system below? (5-10 Words)
To convert harmful pollutants such as hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and oxides of nitrogen
which are all found in exhaust emissions into harmless gases such as nitrogen, carbon dioxide
and water.
8. Why is aluminium not used for the manufacture of exhaust systems? (30-40 Words)
Aluminum tubing is prone to stress cracking and resists changing shape. When heat and
vibration are added, it quickly becomes clear that it is not well suited for that type of
The main distinction between a muffler and a catalytic converter is that the catalytic
converter is used to reduce harmful gases from the exhaust, whereas the muffler helps to
reduce engine noise.
Diesel particulate filters, used in diesel vehicles, are filters that are fitted to the exhaust. Their
main function is to collect the small black particles or particulate matter or soot (materials of
11. What is a catalytic converter? How does it function? (5-10 Words)
From the catalytic converter the exhaust gases are transferred into the muffler through an
intermediate pipe. The engine produces noise during the internal combustion process and the
mufflers minimize the noise.
12. How would you go about aligning an exhaust system? (20-30 Words)
To remove exhaust gases from the engine
To quieten the exhaust noise,
To ensure that poisonous exhaust gases do not enter the passenger compartment.
To reduce harmful emissions in the exhaust stream.
13. What is the purpose of muffler? (5-10 Words)
The engine produces noise during the internal combustion process and the mufflers minimize
the noise.
Service information and repair manuals are prepared by the manufacturer while
manufacturing the vehicles and include information on the service requirements of the
15. What are some of the points to be considered when removing a muffler? (30-50
When removing a muffler, begin by removing the muffler. If the joint is rushed or seized,
apply heat using an oxy-acetylene torch. Make sure welding gloves must be worn. Grasp the
muffler and flex the joint to break the seal.
16. What materials are exhaust pipes typically made from? (5-10 Words)
17. After replacing a exhaust gas component, what all parts it is essential to check? (5-
10 Words)
Check for leakages of the exhaust gases.
18. Discuss what PPE you should wear when undertaking exhaust repairs? (5-10
Safety glasses and face shields
Air respirators and face masks
Safety rubber gloves or Sleeves
Safety shoes or steel toed boots
19. When replacing a faulty catalytic converter; you must check that it is? (15-20
Catalytic converter must be checked for discoloration, overheating or corrosion.
20. Describe the construction of a muffler? (15-20 Words)
Many mufflers have a combination of baffles and pipes which are perforated so that the
pattern of the gas flow is altered, but not restricted. In a reverse-flow muffler, Gases entering
through the inlet pipe must reverse their direction of flow before they can leave through the
outlet pipe.
21. What is the function of the exhaust flex joint? (30-40 Words)
With transverse engines, in particular, semi-flexible connections are used between the
manifold and the exhaust pipe, or as a connection between pipes. This compensates for
movement of the engine in relation to the body.
22. List Five (5) possible faults that can occur with an exhaust system? (20-25 Words)
Exhaust leakages
Vibration and noise
Exhaust Smoke
Increased Engine Noise
23. List three (3) possible fault areas where an exhaust system leak can occur? (20-30
Exhaust manifold gasket
A cracked manifold
Blown manifold gasket
Bad pipe gasket
Rusted pipe
24. List three (3) possible fault areas of banging or rattling that can occur with an
exhaust system? (20-30 Words)
Exhaust pipes
Exhaust manifold
Catalytic converter