Safe Elect. Inst. For Cities & Rural Com.
Safe Elect. Inst. For Cities & Rural Com.
Safe Elect. Inst. For Cities & Rural Com.
Amare Mergia (Eng.), Ethiopian Society of Electrical Engineers (ESEE), 18 August 2017
Since the introduction of electricity at the end of the 19th century, electrical energy has become
so important that life without electricity is unthinkable today. Despite the fact that electricity is
one of the safest energies available, it can be very dangerous as well. The need for protection
against unintentional and unwanted effects of electricity was recognized very early. Protective
devices have to be installed to protect wiring, equipment and the user from hazard.
Standards and regulations have been introduced by international and national bodies to serve
as recommendations and mandatory guidelines. However in practice, the correct selection of the
protective devices to be installed, and the reliable operation of these devices at the required
moment, is even more important.
Whilst statutory and non-statutory regulations govern installation works, responsible
manufacturers ensure reliable installation materials. Manufacturers with p r o v e n r e p u t a t i o n
and experience in the design and research of electrical installation devices and components
provide a wide range of products which ful fil l the requirements of high reliability due to
safe design, responsible production and stringent quality control. However it is important to
realize the fact that the best equipment cannot be used safely until the installation work has
been carried out correctly.
The main task of an electrical safety device is the protection of life, the protection against too
much body current. It has to be prevented that in case of a defect in the insulation of installations
or appliances, people or animals who might get into contact with these defective systems or
appliances, are not endangered by too high body current. As proven by various tests and
investigations, both the values of the current and the time of the flow through the human (or
animal) body, are responsible for eventual dangers.
Another important task of a correctly designed protective device is the protection against
fires ignited by over current or prolonged leakage currents. This means prevention of
damage or loss of property.
Thus the protection needs are divided into three major areas:
The IEC regulations impressed upon the need to provide protection against:
electric shock - protection of persons
thermal effects - this can be adequately covered by correct installation
and selection of equipment as it is referring to heat generated in normal use..
overcurrent - this is defined as a current that exceeds the value, or in case of
conductors, the current carrying capacity. It may be an overload current or a short-
circuit current.
To realize the required protection for persons, we need the principle of the three-fold safety:
Basic protection, Indirect protection & Direct protection
Wherever unintentional, indirect contact of live parts, in case of a fault, cannot be ruled out,
additional protection measures are required. The dangerous results of too high touch
voltage have to be limited by limitation of the effective time. This kind of protection is called
"Protection by automatic disconnection of supply". According to the term, the dangerous
voltage is cut off by suitable protection equipment. Standards, such as IEC, VDE etc., define the
breaking conditions in detail, fixing installation resistances, earth resistances, tripping current
and tripping time.
In areas with special conditions, such as hospitals, laboratories in schools, farm areas, camping
grounds, etc. a higher level of breaking conditions might be required.
If the above mentioned levels of protection are not sufficient or the owner of an electrical
installation or plant is of the opinion it is insufficient, the level of protection can be increased
by use of equipment with higher sensitivity.
Higher sensitivity means in the case of fuses or miniature circuit breakers (MCB), a reduction
of the rated current, which in most cases and installations would not be possible. The use of
residual current devices (RCD) is the only logical solution to this problem.. For protection
against electrically ignited fires, the reduction of the fault sensitivity from 0,5 A to 0,3 A
results in a considerable reduction of the ignition energy. This is especially required in
locations where ignorance and negligence in the use of electrical energy has to be expected.
In addition to the protection of life for both, humans and animals; protection of property is
required as well. Excessive temperature rise due to over currents and electrically ignited fires
due to earth-fault currents can be avoided by selection of the most suitable protection device.
With the heating of a bi-metal and its the expansion, follows the function of an electric
conductor, i.e. the max. p ermissible heating of the conductor insulation. A protection following
the time-current characteristic of the load limit, as close as possible, allows the optimum usage
of the conductor, i.e. full utilization of the conductor cross section. As the bi-metal is a
temperature sensitive device provides an automatic temperature compensation effect, tripping
earlier at higher ambient temperatures. This results in an optimum protection of the wiring and
installation or the consumer,
Safe electrical installation is provided through the use of carefully chosen proper electrical
installation devices and materials as well as through the application of proper workmanship by
qualified personnel based on an appropriate design.
Electrical installation materials may be classified into protective electrical installation devices
& non protective electrical installation materials. Circuit Breakers (MCBs, MCCBs,): provide protection against overload and short circuit
so as to avoid excessive temperature rise due to overcurrent. The task of the MCB/MCCB i s
to act as protection against over current o r s h o r t c i r c u i t thus providing protection against
overheating, or in case of defective equipment, against indirect contact with live parts. The
MCBs ensures this by separating the consumer circuit from the mains s u p p l y . Residual Current Devices (RCD’s): provide protection against contact with live parts,
electric shock and risk of fire protection so as to avoid electrically ignited fires due to earth-
fault overcurrent. In electrical installations where neutral connection is commonly use,, there is
always a chance for a current to flow from the line conductor to earth and thence back to the
current source. Usually a current that flows to earth is caused by some kind of defect and is
termed as earth fault current.
Earth fault currents can be dangerous, and even fatal, depending on the magnitude and the
surrounding environment. Dangers and fatalities due to earth fault currents include fire as a
result of material being ignited and humans or animals being killed by electric shock. There
is nothing that can prevent earth fault from happening. But the fault once occurred can be
quickly disconnected if a residual current-operated circuit-breaker (RCCB) or device (RCD)is
The degree of danger of electric shock depends on the value of the current and the time for
which the current flows. By that a low current for a long duration can be just as dangerous as a
high current for a relatively short period. Of course voltage has to be present in order to
produce the current through resistance of the body. Surge Protection Devices (SPD’s) are surge arrestors that provide protection against
surges and voltage peaks in order to avoid damage due to atmospheric over-voltages. Enclosures and wiring systems: provide protection against missing mechanical
protection and untidy installation. Every electrical installation needs to have adequate
protection and control of the circuit(s). Historically, most of installations grew from a piece-
meal through unsightly looping of wires from splitter switches, switch-fuses and cut-outs
near the origin of the electrical supply.
Consumer units and distribution boards were introduced to tidy- u p the situation for all
concerned. Basically, a consumer unit or a d i s t r i b u t i o n b o a r d consists of one enclosure
with an incoming switch to break the line and neutral wires. The line pole feeding a bus-bar and
the neutral pole feeding a terminal block. To the line bus-bar a number of outgoing protective
devices such as MCBs would be a t t a c h e d . Also contained in the enclosure is a multi-
terminal bar f o r protective earthing c o n n e c t i o n s . Today, consumer u n i t s and distribution
boards are used in every installation, but on many occasions, lacking of proper specifications
have led to. electrical accidents resulting from inadequate protection by the enclosures or the
built-in individual protective devices.
There are two schools of thought towards distribution boards, the British-biased and the
Continental European-biased. In the British practice, distribution boards leave the factory
fully assembled and tested by the manufacturer. When on site, the MCBs or fuses are fixed in
position. On the other hand, the Continental Europeans differ by using a system of enclosures
with standardized dimensions in modular format. The DIN standard rails (35 mm) which
allows to install and mount components such as switches, RCDs, MCBs and other installation
components are fast and easy, are the basis for this modular system. Neutral terminals and earth
terminals are normally provided with the empty enclosure whereas bus-bars are purchased
separately to be connected on site by the installing contractor or to be arranged by an OEM.
In the interest of safety for humans, animals & property, electrical installation work needs to be
performed by qualified and certified personnel. Protective devices & switches have to be
properly sized and installed. All conductors to be insulated and where necessary be further
effectively protected or placed and safeguarded to prevent damage as far as is reasonably
practical. All joints and connections have to be properly constructed as regards to conductance,
insulation, mechanical strength and protection.
Addition and alternation to the existing installation should be ascertained (no additional or
alteration shall be made to an existing installation unless ascertained).
Devices & Equipment to be installed must fulfil the required quality standard and must be
inspected for safety. Application of proper over current protective devices to prevent
overheating, arcing, etc… should be considered carefully. Selected protective devices must be
suitable for maximum power demand.
All conductors must be of sufficient size and capacity for the purpose intended use of sub-
standard and fake products should be avoided if safety has to be ascertained. Unsafe electrical
installation could result from wrong design( specification), choice of low quality materials(fakes)
as well as from poor workmanship.
Selection of the wrong protection characteristics due to absence of standard results in wrongly
rated fault current of RCDs & MCBs, In case of fault, damage of the protection element and the
equipment to be protected will occur.
Low Quality products (fakes) are Non-functioning:There will not be any protection for people
and property if Non-functioning products (fakes) are installed due to cheaper prices. Protection
features are not existing and as a result there will be extreme danger due to assumption of full
protection: Danger to persons, animals and property – having the presumption of being protected
Poor installation work performed by uncertified & unskilled personnel result in un-tidy & unsafe
In Summary, the basic requirements to ensure Electrical Safety are: choice of proper electrical
The Ethiopian Society of Electrical Engineers(ESEE) has time and again spoken loudly on the
fact that Electrical Safety is a timely issue of national concern as the Government of Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has already been working hard through “the Universal
Electricity Access Program (UEAP)” and has so far been successful in expanding peoples’
access to electricity from 15% to 56%. A target also has been set for the growth of the access to
ESEE recognizes that it has a great social responsibility to provide relevant professional services
to the various communities within our society as well as to assist Government of the FDRE
using the professional skills and experiences of its members.
In line with addressing the expectation of the various stakeholders, the association has a strong
desire to perform the following goals/objectives on a continued & sustainable manner with
tangible qualitative and measurable outputs.
Assist Government in making the public aware of electrical technology & safety issues.
Set standards of qualification for professional engineers and take a central role in nation-
wide registration and certification of relevant professionals.
Set standards for professional conduct of members and safeguard the public against
professional malpractices.
Assist Government of the FDRE in the endeavors to introduce & promote regulations for
safe installation of electrical and electronic equipment and take a role in formulation &
adaptation of national and international standards for products, systems designs &
- Leong L.S. & Neumayer, K.F. (1999). Safe Electrical Installation in Building
- IEE Wiring Regulations, 16th edition: Design & verification of Electrical Installation
( 8th June 1995)