Khan 2013
Khan 2013
Khan 2013
IOS Press
Review Article
INTRODUCTION: A sense of proper sensory processing of head motion and the coordination of visual and postural movements
to maintain equilibrium is critical to everyday function. The vestibular system is an intricate organization that involves multiple
levels of sensory processing to achieve this goal.
PURPOSE: This chapter provides an overview of the anatomical structures and pathways of the vestibular system.
SUMMARY: The five major vestibular structures are located in the inner ear and include: the utricle, the saccule, and the lateral,
superior, and posterior semicircular canals. Hair cells on the neuroepithelium of the peripheral vestibular organs carry sensory
impulses to primary processing centers in the brainstem and the cerebellum. These areas send input via ascending and descending
projections to coordinate vital reflexes, such as the vestibuloocular reflex and the vestibulospinal reflex, which allow for the
proper orientation of the eyes and body in response to head motion. Specific connections regarding higher level cortical vestibular
structures are poorly understood.
CONCLUSION: Vestibular centers in the brainstem, cerebellum, and cerebral cortex function to integrate sensory information
from the peripheral vestibular organs, visual system, and proprioceptive system to allow for proper balance and orientation of the
body in its environment.
Keywords: Vestibular apparatus, kinocilium, stereocilia, utricle, saccule, semicircular ducts, macula, cupula, striola, vestibular
nuclear complex, vestibuloocular reflex, vestibular spinal reflex
1053-8135/13/$27.50 © 2013 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved
438 S. Khan and R. Chang / Anatomy of the vestibular system
Fig. 1. Bony & Membranous Labyrinth. The bony labyrinth consists of the cochlea, an oval cavity called the vestibule, and the semicircular
canals. The membranous labyrinth is contained within the bony labyrinth and consists of the utricle, the saccule, and the lateral, superior and
posterior semicircular ducts. The semicircular ducts end in a dilated area called the ampulla that contains the hair cell receptors.
in the petrous portion of the temporal bone. The bony tors called hair cells. These receptor cells are embedded
labyrinth consists of: the cochlea, an oval cavity called in a membrane of neuroepithelium. The basic structure
the vestibule, and the semicircular canals. The cochlea of the hair cell includes a single large kinocilium and
is a snail shaped structure containing the Organ of approximately 70–100 stereocilia on its apical end [10].
Corti, which is the receptor for hearing. The struc- The stereocilia are organized in rows that range from
tures of the bony labyrinth are filled with a fluid that the tallest, which are the closest to the kinocilium, and
is continuous with and similar in composition to cere- progressively decrease in size to the shortest stereocilia,
bral spinal fluid, known as perilymph [5]. This fluid is which are the farthest from the kinocilium. The kinocil-
drained by the perilymphatic duct into the adjacent sub- ium resembles a true cilium, but is non-motile and has
arachnoid space [9]. The membranous labyrinth houses a 9 + 2 microtubule doublet arrangement [10] (a central
the sensory epithelium and structures of the vestibular pair surrounded by 9 pairs). In contrast, the stereocilia
apparatus, and is suspended in the perilymph within the are made up of actin rich parallel filaments coated with
bony labyrinth. various isoforms of myosin [2].
Endolymph flows throughout the structures of the “Tip links” connect the tips of shorter stereocilia
membranous labyrinth and is similar in composition to to the body of their adjacent taller stereocilia [2].
intracellular fluid [5]. This fluid is produced by capillar- When head motion results in tilting of the stereocilia
ies in the stria vascularis [9] in the wall of the cochlear toward the kinocilium, shifting of the “tip links” causes
duct and absorbed by the endolymphatic sac [9]. The mechanical opening of the transduction channels result-
vestibular apparatus is composed of 5 organs: the utri- ing in an influx of K + . This results in a depolarization
cle, the saccule, and the lateral, superior, and posterior of the hair cell and opens Ca++ channels at the base of
semicircular ducts. The utricle and saccule are located the hair cell. Ca++ influx stimulates neurotransmitter
in the vestibule. The semicircular ducts are contained release into the synapses with afferent vestibular nerve
in the bony semicircular canals (Fig. 1). fibers increasing their firing rate. The bending of the
stereocilia away from the kinocilium decreases the “tip
3. Hair cells link” tension and results in mechanical closure of the
channel. This causes hyperpolarization of the hair cell
The vestibular system has two types of sensory neu- which closes the Ca++ channels and decreases the neu-
roepthelium, the macula and crista ampullaris. Both rotransmitter release [9], reducing the firing rate of the
structures contain rod-shaped sensory mechanorecep- vestibular nerve fibers (Fig. 2).
S. Khan and R. Chang / Anatomy of the vestibular system 439
Fig. 2. Hair Cell “tip link” function. When head motion results in tilt-
ing of the stereocilia toward the kinocilium, shifting of the “tip links” Fig. 4. Utricle and Saccule. The stereocilia in the macula are oriented
causes mechanical opening of the transduction channels resulting in relation to a curvilinear line called the striola. This line is an area
in an influx of K and depolarization of the hair cells. The bend- of thinning in the utricle and an area of thickening in the saccule.
ing of the stereocilia away from the kinocilium decreases the “tip The kinocilia and stereocilia of the hair cells are oriented toward the
link” tension and results in mechanical closure of the channel causing striola in the utricle and away from the striola in the saccule.
hyperpolarization of the hair cell.
Semicircular Duct Pairs [12] Fig. 5. Ampulla of the Semicircular Ducts. The ampulla is a dilation
at the end of each of the semicircular ducts. It contains the sensory
Right Superior Left Posterior neuroepithelium, the crista ampullaris and is coated by the cupula,
Left Superior Right Posterior which is a gelatinous substance through which hair cells are embed-
Left Horizontal Right Horizontal ded. Rotational acceleration causes endolymph motion that displaces
the cupula, and bends the hair cells in the opposite direction of the
rotation [10].
This arrangement allows for a 3-dimensional vector
representation of rotational acceleration. Each duct is
sensitive to movement in its specific plane. rejection.” This means that simultaneous firing of both
The semicircular ducts open into the utricle. At the semicircular ducts of the pair is ignored by the central
end of each of the ducts there is a dilation called the nervous system. This situation may occur with eleva-
ampulla which contains the sensory neuroepithelium, tion of body temperature, as in a fever, and is not related
the crista ampullaris. It is coated by the cupula, which to motion. Finally, this physiologic arrangement also
is a gelatinous substance through which hair cells are allows for compensation for sensory overload [5].
embedded [9]. The crista ampullaris is histologically
similar to the macula. The cupula is thicker than the 6. Vestibular ganglion
gelatinous membrane of the macula, and also does not
contain otoliths [9]. The kinocilia of the hair cells in The vestibular ganglion, also known as Scarpa’s Gan-
the lateral ducts are oriented toward the utricle, and the glion, is located in the lateral portion of the internal
kinocilia of the superior and posterior duct hair cells are auditory meatus [11]. It is composed of close to 20,000
oriented toward the duct. bipolar cell bodies that receive afferent impulses from
Rotational acceleration causes endolymph motion the hair cells of the crista ampullaris and the maculae.
that displaces the cupula, and therefore bends the hair The vestibular ganglion is divided into a superior and
cells in the opposite direction of the rotation [2]. This an inferior division which are connected by an isthmus
results in opening of the ion channels and depolariza- [13]. The peripheral fibers of the superior division of the
tion of the hair cell which increases the firing of its vestibular ganglion terminate in the crista ampullaris of
afferent fibers. When the rotational velocity of the head the superior and lateral semicircular ducts, as well as
becomes constant, the cupula returns to an upright posi- the macula of the utricle. The macula of the saccule and
tion, and the membrane potential of the cell normalizes. the crista ampullaris of the posterior semicircular ducts
Rotational deceleration of the head results in cupula receive peripheral vestibular branches from the inferior
displacement in the same direction as the head move- section of the vestibular ganglion [13].
ment [2]. This closes the ion channels of the hair cell
which causes it to become hyperpolarized and results
in a reduction in afferent nerve firing (Fig. 5). 7. Vestibular nerve
Endolymph flow that causes excitation in one
semicircular duct will inhibit the hair cells of the con- Axons from the superior and inferior divisions of
tralateral duct it is paired with. There are a few main the vestibular ganglion merge to form the vestibular
advantages of this system. First, it allows for sensory nerve. It combines with the cochlear nerve to become
redundancy in the event there is pathology of one semi- the vestibulocochlear nerve. This nerve travels with the
circular duct. In this instance, vestibular input regarding facial nerve, nevus intermedius, and the labyrinth artery
movement in its plane will be received from the other through the internal auditory canal, which transverses
duct in its pair. Another advantage is “common mode through the petrous temporal bone to the posterior fossa
S. Khan and R. Chang / Anatomy of the vestibular system 441
11. Vestibuloocular reflex Fig. 6. Vestibuloocular Reflex. Head turning to the right causes the
endolymph flow in the ampulla of the semicircular ducts to deflect
The vestibuloocular reflex coordinates eye move- the cupula to the left. This causes depolarization of the hair cells
in the right ampulla and an increase in the firing frequency in the
ment in order to stabilize retinal images during head
afferent fibers of the right vestibular nerve. The nerve sends impulses
rotation. It involves a three neuron reflex arc from the to the ipsilateral superior and medial vestibular nuclei. Excitatory
semicircular ducts to the vestibular nuclei and then to impulses are transmitted in the medial longitudinal fasciculus to the
the extraocular muscles to cause conjugate eye motion right oculomotor nuclei, and in the ascending tract of Deiters to the
left abducens nuclei. This results in ipsilateral medial rectus and con-
in a direction opposite to head turning [3]. tralateral lateral rectus contraction which produces eye movement to
For instance, when the head turns to the right, the left.
endolymph flow in the ampulla of the semicircular
ducts will deflect the cupula to the left. This causes cles by the brainstem, and cerebellum in order for the
depolarization of the hair cells on the right, and hyper- maintenance of posture and balance. It involves both
polarization of the left hair cells. This results in an the lateral and medial vestibular spinal tracts. The lat-
increase in the firing frequency in the afferent fibers eral vestibular tract is the main pathway and originates
of the right vestibular nerve and impulses are sent to in the lateral vestibular nucleus. Efferent vestibular sig-
the ipsilateral superior and medial vestibular nuclei and nals in response to input from the macula of the otolitic
the cerebellum. Excitatory impulses are transmitted in organs to the lateral vestibular nucleus are carried in
the medial longitudinal fasciculus to the right oculo- this tract which projects ipsilaterally in the spinal cord
motor nuclei, and in the ascending tract of Deiters to to neurons of all spinal levels. It produces monosynaptic
the left abducens nuclei [5]. This results in ipsilateral activation of ipsilateral trunk and proximal limb exten-
medial rectus and contralateral lateral rectus contrac- sors and disynaptic inhibition of contralateral proximal
tion which produces eye movement to the left (opposite extensors [10].
to head turning). If eye velocity and head velocity do Angular rotation of the head sensed by the semicircu-
not match, input from the cerebellar flocconodular lobe lar ducts is transmitted to the medial vestibular nucleus
is sent to the vestibular nuclei to modify their firing rate where the medial vestibulospinal tract originates. This
to correct this discrepancy (Fig. 6). tract projects bilaterally to motor neurons in the cervi-
cal spinal cord. It activates cervical axial muscles that
coordinate head and neck motion.
12. Vestibulospinal reflex Another reflex that is related to the vestibulospinal
reflex is the vestibulocollic reflex. This activates neck
This reflex involves many complex connections muscles that function to stabilize the head and keep
which integrate input from the macula, crista it properly oriented in space. The exact pathways that
ampullaris, visual system, and axial and limb mus- contribute to this reflex have yet to be known [5].
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