Presentation Report Rubric
Presentation Report Rubric
Presentation Report Rubric
EYE CONTACT Holds attention of entire Consistent use of direct Displayed minimal eye
audience with the use of direct eye contact with audience, contact with audience,
eye contact, seldom looking at but still returns to notes. while reading mostly from
notes. the notes.
BODY LANGUAGE Movements seem fluid and help Made movements or Very little movement or
the audience visualize. gestures that enhance descriptive gestures.
POISE Student displays relaxed, self- Makes minor mistakes, Displays mild tension; has
confident nature about self, but quickly recovers from trouble recovering from
with no mistakes. them; displays little or no mistakes.
USE OF TIME Excellent time management Good time management Presentation exceeds the
and keep appropriate pace for time frame but
each point presented. acceptable.
ATTIRE Excellent attire, appropriate for Good standard attire for Inappropriate attire to the
the presentation. presentation. presentation.
ENTHUSIASM Demonstrates a strong, positive Occasionally shows Shows some negativity
feeling about topic during positive feelings about toward topic presented.
entire presentation. topic.
ELOCUTION Student uses a clear voice and Student’s voice is clear. Student’s voice is low.
*CS 1,2,3 correct, precise pronunciation Student pronounces most Student incorrectly
of terms so that all audience words correctly. Most pronounces terms.
members can hear audience members can Audience members have
presentation. hear presentation. difficulty hearing
SUBJECT Student demonstrates full Student is at ease with Student is uncomfortable
knowledge by answering all expected answers to all with information and is
*CTPS 1,2,3 discussion questions correctly questions, without able to answer only
with explanations and elaboration. rudimentary questions.
ORGANIZATION Student presents information in Student presents Audience has difficulty
logical, interesting sequence information in logical following presentation
which audience can follow. sequence which audience because student jumps
can follow. around.
MECHANICS Presentation has no Presentation has no more Presentation has three
misspellings or grammatical than two misspellings misspellings and/or
* Soft skills
DEVELOPMENT Main points well developed Main points well Main points are present Main points lack
with high quality and developed with quality with limited detail and detailed development.
quantity support. Reveals supporting details and development. Some Ideas are vague with
high degree of critical quantity. Critical thinking critical thinking is little evidence of
thinking is weaved into points. present. critical thinking.
Effective recommendations, Effective
IONS recommendations and/or Poor of effective
solutions, and/or plans of recommendations
plans of action were recommendations
action were provided and and/or plans of action
partially provided and and/or plans of action
relevant. inadequate.
CONCLUSION The conclusion paragraph The conclusion paragraph The conclusion The conclusion
clearly and concisely states states the key points paragraph states most of paragraph is wordy,
all of the key points addressed in the report. the key points addressed confusing, or missing
addressed in the report. in the report. most of the key points
of the report.