ENGR1140 Syllabus Fall2019 Yoder
ENGR1140 Syllabus Fall2019 Yoder
ENGR1140 Syllabus Fall2019 Yoder
Pre or Corequisite
MATH 2200 (Analytic Geometry and Calculus) or MATH 2250 (Calculus I for Science and
The main resource for this class will be printed handouts that you will get each day in class.
If you keep all the handouts, at the end of the semester you will have the equivalent of a small
Note: There are many helpful resources at www.mathworks.com ,
which is the homepage of the company who supports MATLAB.
Suggested Hardware
A USB Flash Memory Storage Drive (Suggested size > 2 Gigabytes).
Rename your USB drive with your username in case it is lost and you
want to get it back. Having a USB drive is not mandatory, because you
should be able to save your files in the My Engineering Data folder on
your desktop. Files placed in this folder are stored to the Z:network drive.
These files can be accessed from other Driftmier computers (when you log on
using MyID and password), and the files will stay there for the current semester only.
Prohibited Items/Conduct
The following are prohibited in the classroom:
Food, drinks, tobacco in any form.
Using your smartphone for any purpose.
Required Software
This class is taught using MATLAB computational software.
The version of MATLAB installed on all the computers in Driftmier:
R2019a ( April 12, 2019.
Course Outline
Some of the topics to be covered:
1. Computing basics: hardware, software, and representation of numbers.
2. Introduction to MATLAB: variables, arrays, strings, array operations.
3. MATLAB built-in functions: trigonometric, statistical, logarithmic, and exponential.
4. Creating MATLAB scripts (programs).
5. Representation of data: tables, x-y plots, bar graphs, and pie charts.
6. For-end loops, while-end loops, and nested loops.
7. Logical and comparison (relational) operations.
8. Program flow and control: if-end family and switch-case.
9. Creating user-defined functions.
10. Introduction to Microsoft ® Excel.
Tests: Tests will be based on the material learned in class (lectures and hands-on practice using
MATLAB). All tests are cumulative. If you can’t take a test for an approved reason, you must
contact the instructor prior to the day of the test so that arrangements can be made for a make-
up. Failure to inform the instructor will result in a score of 0 on the test.
Project Grading: Information will be provided when the project assignment is handed out.
Attendance Policy: Class attendance is required. Roll will be taken at the beginning of class.
Class attendance is 5% of your grade. If you are not present when the roll is taken, you are
marked absent.
During some days there will be graded In-Class Exercises. If you are not present to do this
assignment, your grade is 0 (zero).
Allowable absences under UGA guidelines (e.g. excused medical absence with note from
doctor, religious holiday, etc.) will not count against you, and you can make up class
assignments without penalty. Make-up assignments will be due within one week of returning
from the excused absence.
If you are absent from a class, you are still responsible for anything that
was presented or announced in class.
A student who incurs an excessive number of absences may be withdrawn from a class at the
instructor’s discretion. An “excessive number of absences” is defined as being absent more than
20% of class time (6 days, for classes that meet 2 times each week).
Academic Honesty
As a University of Georgia student, you have agreed to abide by the University’s
Academic Honesty Policy and the Student Honor Code.
UGA Student Honor Code: "I will be academically honest in all of my academic work and will
not tolerate academic dishonesty of others."
A Culture of Honesty, the University's policy and procedures for handling cases of suspected
dishonesty, can be found at https://honesty.uga.edu/
Lack of knowledge of the academic honesty policy is not a reasonable explanation for a
violation. Questions related to course assignments and the academic honesty policy should be
directed to the instructor. Working with others on homework is allowed. However, all work
turned in must be the result of your own understanding. Copying is not allowed!