Mothership - Bloodfields at Blackstar Station
Mothership - Bloodfields at Blackstar Station
Mothership - Bloodfields at Blackstar Station
ARMOR (i {l20)
1-4 Standard Crew Attire
5-8 Vaccsuit
9-12 Hazard Suit
13-16 Standard Battle Dress
17-20 Advanced Battle Dress
A battle royale adventure and space station setting
for use with the MOTHERSHIP Sci-fi Horror RPG - 1e
Kidnapping, Death, Violence, Murder, Drug Use, Gambling
A dark game is played at BLACKSTAR STATION’s center, an unwitting kill-or-be-
killed competition known as THE BLOODFIELDS. Ships disappear from
hyperspace as their crews sleep in cryo, competitors awake in starting
chambers at the arena’s edge. They have little equipment, three rules and
mere minutes before the game begins.
• You have 7 hours to conquer the Bloodfields (or die trying).
• 3 sectors are redlined every hour. If you’re there, get out.
• The last surviving team wins.
THE BLOODFIELDS are rumored to exist, but mostly as a story used to keep
new recruits attentive at their posts.
Wren Sinclair appears on an old monitor above the sealed metal door, grinning
ear to ear. Sinclair welcomes the crew (and audience!) to the Bloodfields and
explains the rules. The doors will open in 5 minutes. Let the games begin!
STARTING SECTOR: Roll 1d10 and mark the crew’s
starting position on the Bloodfields Sheet. They
are the only team starting in that sector.
Many events involve enemy contestants. To determine who they are and how
they act, roll on Contestants list (pgs. 23-26). Track teams on the Scorecard,
ensuring no more than 9 enemy teams appear
during each running of the game. If a team
survives, they may return in a future Event.
1d10 Surprised Distance Detail
A PC gets caught in a trap (1 dmg,
Bloody item in the dirt. Roll on the
OUT OF Equipment Table.
1d10 Surprised Distance Detail
Gas grenade! Body save or be
1 TWO knocked out (1d5 rounds). If entire
YES NEARBY crew fails, they awake tied up by an
enemy team proposing an alliance.
2 Refuse and die.
4 N.E.W. drone whizzes overhead and
ONE drops a small package containing
Splinter x2 (see AIRDROP TABLE,
6 back cover).
NO Something’s here and it isn’t human.
9 Roll on the Creatures table.
ROUND 7: The final round is not time limited. The game only ends when a
single team remains. After 1 hour, the game enters Overtime: A new Hazard is
announced and implemented 10 minutes later. This occurs every hour
thereafter until only one team remains alive inside the arena.
Powerful EMPs sweep the sector. Electronics (including
A dome bay opens and releases fire bombs on the androids) become inoperable for 1d100 minutes. Lights,
1 sector. Speed check to flee in time or 1d10 dmg. 6 life support, etc. also fail, quickly lowering temperature
and oxygen levels.
Nerve gas canisters are dropped by drones. Thick, Artificial gravity steadily increases over 10 minutes from
obscuring green clouds hang low to the ground. Speed 1G up to 15G. Speed check to escape sector. On failure,
4 check to escape sector. On failure, Body Save or take 9 Body Save or take 1d10 dmg as you are crushed by the
1d10 dmg to all Stats. growing gravity.
Pale blue gas fills the sector. Powerfully hallucinogenic, Sniper nests emerge from the dome above. Their scopes
5 it turns friends into foes. Speed check to escape sector. 10 see body heat through most surfaces. Stick to cover.
On failure, Sanity Save each round or attack nearest ally. Speed check to avoid shots or take 1d10 dmg, Bleed 1.
C: 35, I: 50, H: 2(10)
Artificial approximations of Old Earth wolves. Fast and intelligent pack hunters. Always travel in groups of 3 or more.
Designer Dinosaurs
C: 45, I: 40, H: 3(10)
A popular (and illegal) collectible among exotic pet owners, these dinos are small and beautiful, but still quite deadly.
Bleached One
C: 60, I: 60, H: 4(15)
Half-mad and starved remnant of a strange alien species from the rimspace moon of Karth.
Silverfish Hybrid
C: 50, I: 60, H: 4(25)
A once-human creature overgrown with chitin, a pair of mandibles, antennae and a spiked tail. Ferocious and beastial.
Sleek and silent corporate stealth drones, intended for discrete and fast threat neutralization.
When only 1 team remains alive inside the arena, the game ends (even if this
occurs prior to Round 7). Hazards are immediately cleared and massive
celebratory fireworks, music and holographic displays cover the entirety of
the arena’s habitat dome.
The winning team receives a direct 1mcr prize and, over the next several
hours, are returned to their ship (or another contestant’s ship of equal or
lesser value) with all their prior belongings and spoils from the arena.
After the Bloodfields, crews may want to explore the station itself (see pgs.
27-34), take some time to hear offers or flee immediately. Regardless, the
criminal organizations here know how to contact the group in the future.
Person after person contacts the
The Drip wants a face-to-face.
crew. “The Rising Shine needs
The Rockdroppers want to
warriors in the struggle against
finally put Sinclair down, they
Sinclair!” Corollary Armoire
1 just need someone who can get 6
needs famous faces willing to
into the room with him.
take out the richest sector’s life
Bloodfields Champions carry a
support. That’ll show them the
lot of clout around this station.
value of their lowly engineers!
Shipment and staging area, once used to Part low-yield solar farm, part broken art
coordinate and distribute items across the installation. Fields of shifting, broken black
resort. Drone hangars and wide truck garages glass bounce reflections across the entire
knocked open by age and prior combat. sector. Easy to hide and easy to get lost (roll
Remaining vehicles stripped of parts and INTELLECT to leave the hex, each failure costs
broken down long ago. 30 minutes).
Supply Cache: In the largest garage’s back Take a Piece: SHIMMERSHARD - cracked
office, across an open concrete square. voltaic cell, throw for electric explosion (2d10
dmg) or use to revive Androids (recover 1
health after death).
[vertical, residential, dense]
[worn, residential, dense]
Paved roadways wind up and down an array of
curving hills. Vacation homes—small
bungalows and tightly stacked condos with Old employee dormitory. A skeletal, mass-
green pools of stagnant water—line the constructed maze of communal kitchens and
peakside of each street. Easy to get to high showers, dilapidated group rooms and the
ground here (or find a place to hide). occasional office. Filled with the old odds and
ends of people long gone.
Weapons Cache: Colored smoke, visible from
far off, marks a heavy case on a house’s front Search Rooms: Roll twice on the EQUIPMENT
lawn. Roll 1d10 on the WEAPONS table. table and take lower result.
[scientific, derelict, elevated] [desolate, arid, windy]
Horses in a Quiet Field: Several horses, once Tower Viewer: 4 viewers ring the sector’s
ridden by tourists, still survive here. Skittish highest overlook, allowing clear visibility of
but rideable. SPEED check to successfully sectors B2, C3 and D2.
mount one. Gives advantage on SPEED and
COMBAT (melee only), and allows 1 additional
hex of travel per round.
C3 - TIMBERWALK PASS Hutchins Titania Mk.7 Hovercar: Sitting in a
[mountainous, wild, dangerous] streetside parking area in beautiful condition,
key in the ignition. Grants [+] on Speed Checks
(for driver and passengers). Can ram enemies
Artificial mountains built over larger habitat for 2d10 dmg (Intellect check).
subsystems. Originally branded as a “wildlife
refuge,” the area is a mix of real and false
wilderness disguising more industrial systems. Roof-Mounted Heavy Machine Gun: A massive
twin-barrel chain gun (Firearms skill or [-],
3d10 dmg) atop a modern ranch, pockmarked
The Hatch: A heavy locked hatch sits at the with bullet holes. No roof access—you must
base of an old redwood, found by searching (or climb the exterior to reach it. A note on the
by luck). Roll STRENGTH [-] to break the lock. handles reads “Give us a good finish! - W.
Leads to the Substation (pgs. 21-22). Sinclair.”
Marble and gold architecture ringed by rich An old ruptured reactor spewing ash in a
flower gardens. Massive spotlights line the charred, dying forest. Visibility is low due to
sector, calling your attention even from the radioactive ash and thick smoke which fill
adjacent hexes. A series of walled pathways the sector.
and streets wind idly through the beautiful
greenery, all leading to a large shining
reception hall. Without elevation, sightlines Creatures: Decades of radiation in this shifting
are short and paths wind idly. artificial environment has twisted the wildlife
into something new. Strange, moaning calls
are audible from the sector’s edge. Stay too
Observation Deck: The reception hall’s top long or too loudly and a burnt, disfigured
floor. Its tinted windows grant a concealed Designer Dinosaur (pg. 10) will rush out of the
view of the entire sector. A wrapped package smoke toward the group.
reads “Good Luck! - W. Sinclair” in fine lettering
(roll on the AIRDROP TABLE, back cover).
[hot, barren, expansive] [humid, vorticose, lush]
Wreckage: Roll INTELLECT to salvage an AGING Swim: BODY save to swim across the lake or
FUEL ROD from an old ship’s sublight drive be sucked beneath the surface.
(carrier suffers Radiation Lv. 1), throw for a
small nuclear blast: 10d10 dmg, 20 ft radius. Search: BODY save to safely search the center
(roll twice on AIRDROP TABLE, back cover).
[arid, nostalgic, open] D6 - PHANTOM STRIP
[neon, urban, dark]
Four derelict roadside diners dot the sector,
sitting quietly in the desert wind. Rocky A crowded strip of clubs, bars and other
outcroppings give sparse cover amid large nightlife destinations, shrouded in an endless
open patches. Diners are in Earth’s 20th artificial night. The strip that never sleeps (or
century style, largely looted over the games. wakes). Neon lights flicker and flash across its
cracked asphalt streets.
Jukebox: Polished and new, despite the
surroundings. Any song code pulls a record Squatters: 3 residents (C: 25, I: 45, H: 2(15))
onto the turntable. When the needle drops, broke into the arena via the substation and are
painful static fills the immediate area, shutting living here. If approached calmly, they happily
down electronics and androids. Jukebox must aid the team by giving intel on nearby teams
be destroyed to stop the noise. and their equipment. If threatened, they flee
(fighting only as a last resort).
[bright, tropical, oceanic] [nostalgic, rural, residential]
A thin beach of white sand lines the sector’s Gentle breezes over rich green rolling hills,
inward edge. The rest is pristine blue “ocean” speckled with for-show farmland. Grecian old-
interrupted only by three small tropical earth villas speckle the landscape. Craters and
islands. Each has a single large home with a burnt out bits of vegetation give visual
private dock. Water-worn and beginning to rot, reminders of its current use.
the homes are otherwise intact.
Grapes?: Fields of vines bearing deep purple,
Panic Room: Subterranean total-containment almost black fruit run far in either direction.
room, originally created to withstand station- Eating your first grape(?), triggers a Body save.
wide emergencies. Powered and operational. On success, recover 1d10 HP and relieve 1
Small weapons cache inside (roll 3 Weapons). stress. On failure, a full-body sickly feeling
inflicts disadvantage on all skill rolls for the
next 2 hours.
[enclosed, commercial, dense]
Armor Cache: Colored smoke, visible from far
off, marks a heavy case sitting on a short hill
A massive indoor mall. Three levels of near one of the farms. Roll twice on the
shattered storefronts, broken escalators and ARMOR table.
refuse. Former hub of tourist business, now
riddled with bullets and age.
[open, carnivalesque, coastal]
Long boardwalks reach out over sandy beaches and a wide saltwater bay. The “ocean” here is the
same as D8 (BLUE TRISLANDS). Old shops, vacation homes, a casino, a wide midway and more run
all along the waterfront. The casino’s roof has been blown off and its rubble covers the
boardwalk’s central portion.
The Ferris Wheel: Chairs swing in the wind and lights shimmer in a kaleidoscope of colors. It is old
and partially rusted out, but functional. Intellect check to operate. The top offers a bird’s eye
view of the sector. Advantage on all Combat checks taken from this position.
A web of engineering tunnels and subsystems beneath the sprawling arena.
Locked off and hidden away, but still accessible from certain locations in the
arena and station. Crews can travel 2 hexes per round in the Substation. If
exposed, Sinclair uses built-in incinerators to smoke out the crew and SOS
squads to deal with any would-be escapees.
A Swords of Sinclair patrol (4 pirates) crosses the crew’s path. Will eagerly
1-2 open fire with SMGs (2d10 dmg).
C: 35, I: 35, H: 2(5)
3-4 Sterilization incinerators fill the tunnel system. Speed save or 2d10 dmg.
Roll a random team—they’re down here too. You both catch sight of each
5-6 other at the same moment.
[Raina, Abtin] [Ubol, Jude, Rossa]
Lower class workers who lost their jobs in Teenage runaways. Stole a skiff from their
syndicate switch up and couldn’t pay rent. home station, got caught by the Swords on
Landlord sold them out to the Bloodfields to their way to greener pastures. Inexperienced
cover debts. Don’t want to be here. Don’t but ready to do anything to get out of here.
want to kill anyone. C: 35, I: 45, H: 2(20)
C: 25, I: 35, H: 2(10)
Equipment: Vibechete, Boarding Ax, Revolver,
Equipment: Crowbar, Revolver, Electronic Tool Vaccsuit x3, Pain Pills x5, Lockpick Set
Set, Rebreather
02: SERVICE SQUAD [Conwell, Valore, Carden, Klea]
[Unit S1, Unit S2, Unit S3, Unit S4] [MORALE: FLEE]
Practitioners of the Oldchurch Way. True
Service-model androids, outdated and pacifists. Believe this place is a test, working
obsolete. In disrepair, but mostly functioning. with others within the arena is their current
C: 20, I: 40, H: 3(15) calling and that their Lord will deliver them
from this place, one way or the other.
C: 15, I: 50, H: 2(15)
Equipment: Handwelder x2, Rigging Gun, Flare
Gun, Hazard Suit, Standard Crew Attire x3,
Infrared Goggles Equipment: Foam Gun, SMG x2, Stun Baton,
Advanced Battle Dress, Standard Crew Attire
x3, Flashlight, Assorted Tools
[Evelyn, Laura, Samuel, Ben] [Yelchin, Rocca, Quinn, Naasif, Kito]
More a bounty drone than an android. Pursues Spent years doing zero-g construction on
targets recklessly and single-mindedly. Meant habs just like this. Convinced they can find a
for more, but scrapped its higher functions way out. Don’t want to give Sinclair the
long ago to focus on the work. satisfaction of playing. Need allies.
C: 55, I: 60, H: 4(15) C: 55, I: 60, H: 3(15)
Equipment: Combat Shotgun, Standard Crew Equipment: Stun Baton, Foam Gun, Vaccsuits
Attire, Infrared Goggles x2, Flashlight, First Aid Kit
Changed by centuries spent in the void of Cultists of the garbage moon, a long way from
hyperspace. Speak few (but wise) words. home. Born in civilization’s wreckage,
Troubling, strange abilities: can float, speak accustomed to fighting to survive.
your words as you say them. Say they can C: 55, I: 60, H: 3(20)
take you out of the arena, if only they had the
numbers they need. Equipment: Pistol, Rigging Gun, Shovel,
C: 50, I: 70, H: 3(25) Vaccsuits x3, Assorted Tools
[BizzieB, Sn1ft3r] [Scar, Ghost]
Once upon a time, Blackstar Station was a massive, sprawling tourist
destination. A station designed to appeal to any vacation-goer in the
cosmos. Its massive habitat dome (now the Bloodfields arena) was the
primary resort, featuring a wide array of locales and lifestyles.
Blackstar Station’s grand entrance. All four docking bays (25 landing pads
each) lead here. A domed roof of synth-marble, lined by columns of gold.
Large vines climb up and over the walls, carefully grown from large planters
around the room. Travelers from all across space loiter here, talking with,
avoiding, or even fighting one another. A handful of Swords of Sinclair keep
the peace as best they can (by cracking skulls).
• Tourists and Traders
• Loads of them, coming and going
• Swords of Sinclair
• Regularly patrolling public areas
• Alloy, No Earthly Way Dealer
• Dark shades, neon fur coat, openly selling beginner drugs to
euphoria-seeking tourists
• Sibyl Solari, Rising Shine Teamster
• Jumpsuit, large rising sun backpatch, unloading goods from
recent arrivals
• Porter Ocano, Urchin
• Looking for friends, willing to show you around the station for a
few credits
Hundreds of thousands of stadium seats line the outer station’s interior edge,
facing through open space and into the Bloodfield’s habitat dome. Thousands
of built-in displays cover the glass with dozens of camera angles, instant
replays and past games’ highlights, pouring them into the waiting eyes of
each and every spectator. Audio sources spill out over one another, giving the
grandstands a chaotic din.
• Hundreds of Rabid Fans
• Swords of Sinclair
• One at every corner
• Taka Meko, Refreshment Sales Specialist
• Pushes a little robotic cart along the various levels, selling fresh-
cooked vat-kabobs, Shine Slurp (alcoholic) and Kelp-Bites
• Sari Sova, Off-Book Bookie
• Facilitates bets on anything and everything
• Hates Sinclair, has an in with the Rockdroppers
• Tobias Kinton, Loud Drunkard
An extravagant mansion turned drug factory on Blackstar’s main level—the
heavily-guarded, high-walled home of Sterling Shimmer and No Earthly Way.
Painted a wide array of psychedelic colors and patterns. Loud music and
colorful lights pour into the surrounding neighborhood, but people are rarely
coming and going. Access to the factory is strictly invite only, and sneaking in
is nearly impossible, given its surveillance.
• Sterling Shimmer, No Earthly Way’s Chief Dreamer of Dreams
• If you get the station’s attention, Shimmer wants to meet
• Followers of the Way
• Dozens of fans tripping on Shimmer’s quality products
• NEW Security Guards
• High visibility jumpsuits, body armor, revolvers
• Fiona Barick, Dream Designer
• Bubbly, always working on the next big drug
• Grew up in the Understation with Corollary Armoire
• Raz, Vat-Pup
• Friendly corgi, unnaturally-colored fur
Blackstar’s sprawling black market, named after what you can buy there:
anything and everything (as long as you have the creds, of course). Its 10
levels surround a wide-open central thoroughfare packed with visiting buyers
and sellers. Hundreds of shops ranging from small carts to multi-level
storefronts. A few Swords patrol this area but most security comes from the
mercs and PMC androids hired by sellers to protect them and their products.
Open to the public, but the mix of money, high-value tech and big crowds
makes A/E™ a rough-and-tumble district.
• Buyers and Sellers
• Both legitimate and criminal
• Swords of Sinclair
• On regular patrols
• Yen Fei, Cybernetic Surgeon
• Offers cybernetic enhancements, replacements and on-site
surgical installation
• Xerxes Moneaux, Information Broker
• Buys and sells information on nearly anything of value
• Prefers trade but takes credits
• Corvin Tameron, “Human Resources”
• Offers variety of contractors for hire
• Bizzi “The Drip” Daniels, Leader of the Rockdroppers
• Surrounded by dozens of droppers at all times
• Wants to meet anyone capable of threatening Sinclair’s control of the station
• Rockdroppers
• Lots of Rockdroppers
• Orson Wynter, Propulsion Specialist
• Captive engine designer, fitting a special drive to The Drip’s improvised asteroid weaponry
• Kept under strict lock and key
• Random, Practitioner of the Weird
• Xenoesoterist extraordinaire, may not be human
• Strange, shifting, inside a fully-tinted pressurized spacesuit at all times
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A station-wide network of infrastructure and support system arrays—the de facto headquarters of the
nebulous ‘Rising Shine.’ Small living areas pepper this maze of access tunnels and mechanical systems,
inhabited by those who keep the station in working order. Reasonably safe compared to most of Blackstar, the
Understation is still home to miles of dangerous machinery. Hostile parties who enter are quickly confronted by
members of the Shine, ready to defend themselves and their territory knowing Sinclair and his Swords will not
come to their defense unless the station itself depends on it.
• Corollary Armoire, Rising Shine’s Unofficial Leader
• The people need champions, so if you’ve done good on Blackstar, Corollary wants to meet
• Working Folks
• The upper levels aren’t affordable for any but the criminally wealthy, everyone else lives here
• Rayna Forgrave, Hyperdrive Expert
• Hunted by corporate spies, knows more about hyperspace than almost anyone
• Tony Moltova, Big Papa
• Massive, lives to protect every member of the Shine, shows up to fights in an exoloader
Broadcast monitors line every wall. A dozen production members sit, operating video switchers and audio
mixers. They speak quietly via over-ear headsets. A large executive chair sits at the room’s center. From here,
vintage broadcaster microphone in hand, Sinclair provides commentary for every game, completely enraptured
by the chaos. Unless Sinclair specifically requested you, YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED HERE.
• Wren Sinclair, Station Owner and Swords of Sinclair boss
• Swords of Sinclair
• Two squads guard the area at all times
• Production Crew
• The biz’s best and brightest (whether by choice or by force)
• Ms. Lovelace, X-Tech Android Assassin
• Sinclair’s always-on bodyguard
Corollary Wren
Armoire Sinclair
Lifelong “citizen” of Blackstar. Harbor Ex-entertainment mogul turned
loadrunner turned substation engineer bloodsport connoisseur and criminal
turned folk hero. Jumpsuit covered in tycoon. Out-of-fashion synthsuit, shimmer
patches from every field and shop across blonde hair—short and combed—mile
Blackstar. Worn boots with exposed steel wide grin, immaculate teeth. Older than
toes. Substantial form. Long, dark braided appearance lets on. Much older. Rarely
hair. Powerful voice - low and cracking, like travels about the station. Works out of the
the bones of the station itself. Central Broadcasting Chamber (CBC) and
takes direct lift to the penthouse
overlooking the Bloodfields arena.
Explosion in the Understation. Dozens Team of escaped contestants is hiding out
1 killed. Ms. Lovelace seen leaving area. 11 under the Grandstands. Need safe passage
Corollary wants answers. off the station. Sinclair offering a reward.
Sibyl Solari shot in the Foyer. Off-station Fiona Barick seen meeting with Tony
2 drug operation is moving in on N.E.W.’s 12 Moltova briefly in the Foyer. Rumors of
territory. Sterling wants them removed. N.E.W. and Rising Shine working together.
Taka Meko needs meat for his food stand. Hyperspace nightmares. Items missing all
6 Knows where they keep creatures for the 16 across the station. Rayna Forgrave’s latest
Bloodfields. Slaughter a few and he’ll pay. experiment has gone very wrong.
This product is based on the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror Role Playing Game, published by Tuesday Knight Games. This
product is published under license. Mothership RPG is a trademark of Tuesday Knight Games. All rights reserved. For
additional information, visit or contact
• The Bloodfields has 10 teams and 7 rounds. • Mark starting sector and track movement
• Rounds last for 1 hour each. • Mark redlined sectors
• Every round, 3 sectors are redlined. • Mark notable areas or items
• Teams may use any means to survive.
• The last surviving team wins. ROUND TRACKER:
• Escape from the arena is not permitted. • Track redlined sectors at end of each round
• Track hazard use for future reference
1:__ __ __
Hazard: ______
2:__ __ __
Hazard: ______
REDLINE 3:__ __ __
RND 1-4
Hazard: ______
4:__ A5 E5
Hazard: ______
5:__ __ __
REDLINE Hazard: ______
7:██ ██ ██
Hazard: ______
1 An armed explosive (10 seconds). Run. 11 Maid Android, C:10, I:20, W:2(10)