If Susan earns a wage of $15 per hour, what route should she
take to minimize the total travel cost?
Maximal Flow Problem
• There is a variable for every arc. Is there sufficient excess capacity to indirectly ship
• There is a constraint for every node; the flow out 5000 cubic feet of packages in one day?
must equal the flow in.
• There is a constraint for every arc (except the added
sink-to-source arc); arc capacity cannot be
• The objective is to maximize the flow over the
added, sink-to-source arc.
LP Formulation
• Fodak must schedule its production of camera film for the first
four months of the year. Film demand (in 000s of rolls) in
January, February, March and April is expected to be 300, 500,
650 and 400, respectively. Fodak's production capacity is 500
thousand rolls of film per month.
• The film business is highly competitive, so Fodak cannot afford
to lose sales or keep its customers waiting. Meeting month i's
demand with month i+1's production is unacceptable.
• Film produced in month i can be used to meet demand in
month i or can be held in inventory to meet demand in month
i+1 or month i+2 (but not later due to the film's limited shelf
life). There is no film in inventory at the start of January.
• The film's production and delivery cost per thousand rolls will
be $500 in January and February. This cost will increase to $600
in March and April due to a new labor contract. Any film put in
inventory requires additional transport costing $100 per
thousand rolls. It costs $50 per thousand rolls to hold film in
inventory from one month to the next.