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Course Development
Coordinator: Dr. Farkhunda Rasheed Choudhary
Page No.
The Allama Iqbal Open University and the author both are grateful to the scholars and
publishers for using/adopting their books, web material and reports as reference materials
for the development of the course of Assessment Science Education.
It may be pointed out for general information of all whose work has been quoted in the
course that Allama Iqbal Open University is a non commercial educational organization
in Pakistan which is providing educational facilities to under-privileged remote rural
areas through distance education mode.
Great stress has been placed in making this course to facilitate prosperous, in-service and
pre-service teachers for Assessment in Science Education. There are many activities
included in the course for the better understanding and engagement of the students. The
university and the department would like to be gratefully to acknowledge the expertise
provided by various experts in developing and improving the outlines and course
The Allama Iqbal University acknowledges the contribution of authors and publisher for
the development of this course.
I am also thankful to Prof. Khadim Ali Hasmi and Dr. Farkhunda Rasheed Choudhary for
the development of this study guide. My thanks are also due to the Editor of Editing Cell
and Print Production Unit (PPU) for efficiently finalizing the composing and designing
the process of this course.
Every state nation has some aims and objectives for the development of its citizens.
These aims and objectives are mainly achieved through an effective education system.
But to know the extent of achievement of these objectives, a proper assessment system is
also needed. Teacher is the main responsible figure in the whole education system who
can assess the achievement. To equip science teachers with methods and techniques of
assessment, this course on Assessment in Science Education has been designed.
Assessment feedback reflects the learning setting and should be used to adjust course
contents, teaching techniques, or learning strategies to improve student science learning.
Moreover, the assessment data should be used to craft appropriate teacher professional
development experiences, identify students who need extra help and/or learning
accommodations, and revisit and redesign assessment tools to better reflect the learning
goals and instructional setting.
This course will be helpful for in service and pre-service teachers. In this course several
activities have been designed for affective assessment. Several techniques such as
projective technique, interview and observation have also been included in this course.
Moreover, ethical issues regarding assessment have also been described in this course.
The suggestions for improvements will be encouraged for the content of this course.
After completion of this course, the trainee teachers will be able to:
Written By:
Dr. Farkhunda Rasheed Choudhary
Reviewed By:
Prof. Dr. Tanveer-Uz-Zaman
Page No.
Introduction ................................................................................................................. 3
The assessment process is an effective tool for communicating the expectations of the
science education system to all concerned with science education. Assessment practices
and policies provide operational definitions of what is important. For example, the use of
an extended inquiry for an assessment task signals what students are to learn, how
teachers are to teach, and where resources are to be allocated?
Developing valid and reliable assessment instruments is complex at the best of times. In
times posed by, such competing roles might have been of only academic interest. At the
present, however, assessment—whether international, national or local—has become of
such importance, both educationally and politically, that clarifying the roles and purposes
of assessment has become a priority.
Learning Outcomes
After reading this unit, you will be able to:
Assessment is a process of collecting evidence of what students know and can
do. Administering a paper and pencil test at the end of a lesson to evaluate students,
provides one measure of student achievement. However, this approach does not capture
the full potential that a comprehensive assessment process can provide teachers and
students. A comprehensive assessment process can be used by teachers to assess student
readiness for new content, measure student progress during a lesson, evaluate student
learning and provide students self-evaluative strategies.
The goal of science education is to develop capable problem-solvers who can view the
world critically with an understanding of the processes of science. Simply assessing
student knowledge through memorization tasks does not improve student
learning. Students who are good at recalling facts but lack a clear understanding of
concepts may still earn high grades on recall examinations. Real-world experiences and
opportunities to perform science as a scientist enhance student learning in science.
Teachers’ use of performance-based assessment to measure student skills, attitudes,
problem-solving abilities and understanding of the nature of science may promote
students’ positive feelings and interest toward the study of science and the
laboratory. Assessments in which students are asked to make predictions based on
information can be used to evaluate scientific inquiry skills. Once the student makes a
prediction, new information can be presented, leading students to reevaluate and modify
their predictions. Assessment gives useful information for modifying instruction. As a
result of the increased feedback, the teachers can focus more on the objectives of their
lessons, learn more about the skills and interests of their students and increase the number
of laboratory activities they present to the students.
A teacher must find the answers of the following questions before planning for the
1. What is the purpose of assessment?
2. What information is required for this purpose?
3. What methods will provide this information?
4. How will the results be interpreted and used?
Question1 deals with “what is assessed and how it is assessed?”. For example if the
purpose in assessing is to discover any difficulties pupils may be having, or to
provide challenges which match their developing skills and ideas, then as wide a
range of information as possible is required about what each pupil can do,
regardless of where he stands in relation to others. On the other hand if the purpose
is to summarize what has been achieved and to make comparisons between
students or groups of students, then the range of information which can be used is
restricted and it must be gathered using methods which make fair comparisons
possible. Yet ividuals-as in local or national surveys or in the context of research-
and then the range and type of information will be different from that in the
previous case.
For further reading, please read the following material from allied material:
Write down some specific roles of assessment in different science subjects.
b. Closeness meaning the _______________to which the results affect the children
directly and immediately.
Think of its kind of like a race. If a runner comes in third in a race, that doesn't tell us
anything objectively about what the runner did? We don't know if she finished in 30
seconds or 30 minutes; we only know that she finished after two other runners and ahead
of everyone else.
Norm-referenced tests are a good way to compensate for any mistakes that might be
made in designing the measurement tool.
For further reading, please read the following material from allied material:
1.2 Types of Assessment Page 8
Each individual is Each individual is
compared with a preset compared with other
standard for acceptable examinees and assigned a
achievement. The score--usually expressed as
performance of other a percentile, a grade
examinees is irrelevant. equivalent score, or a
Score stanine.
Interpretation A student's score is usually
expressed as a percentage. Student achievement is
reported for broad skill
Student achievement is areas, although some norm-
reported for individual referenced tests do report
skills. student achievement for
individual skills.
The differences outlined are discussed in many texts on testing. The teacher or
administrator who wishes to acquire a more technical knowledge of criterion-referenced
test or its norm-referenced counterpart, may find the text from which this material was
adapted particularly helpful.
Assessments based on descriptions of levels of performance can be used to provide
feedback and to inform future teaching and learning needs. For such a system to be
effective it is important that teaching programmes are aligned with the expected
outcomes which are clearly described. In any scale of performance descriptions it is
necessary to define success at a given level and as Ridgway commented, ...the definition
of mastery is not always clear. It would be impractical to expect candidates to attain
perfect scores on every aspect of every task on which they were tested....So [we] are
faced with the task of making decisions about the level of success which counts for
mastery. (Ridgway, 1988, p.59)
Write down at least four examples regarding summative assessment and formative
c. The criterion referenced assessment used to find out how much students know
___________ instruction begins and __________ it has finished.
f. The norm referenced assessment measures ____________skill areas sampled from
a variety of textbooks, syllabi, and the judgment of curriculum experts.
Summative Assessment takes place at the end of a large chunk of learning, with the results
being primarily for the teacher's or school's use. Results may take time to be returned to
the student/parent, feedback to the student is usually very limited, and the student usually
has no opportunity to be reassessed. Thus, Summative Assessment tends to have the least
impact on improving an individual student's understanding or performance. Students/
parents can use the results of Summative Assessments to see where the student's
performance lies compared to either a standard (board exams) or to a group of students
(usually a grade-level group, such as all 6th graders nationally). Teachers/schools can use
these assessments to identify strengths and weaknesses of curriculum and instruction,
with improvements affecting the next year's/term's students.
Examples: Standardized testing (SAT, GAT, GRE etc.); Final exams; research projects,
and performances.
1.3.4 Process vs Product Assessment
Teachers are most accustomed to the assessments of products, most frequently those by
children using pencil or pen on paper or their equivalent. This kind of outcome is of great
importance such as essay, technical drawings and so on. In those subjects, where product
are not the goal, assessment tends to be avoided such as contemporary religious education
where the ability to discuss and to appreciate the points of view of others is encouraged.
Process and product are intimately related: there would be no product without processes.
Assessment of product is easy than assessment of processes.
i. The processes can be assessed by using:
ii. Rating scales
iii. Interaction schedule
iv. Self reporting devices, anecdotal records etc.
v. Simulation methods such as in basket exercise, simulation tests, problem solving
games etc.
Here is the detail of each scale/device:
Rating scales
These can be numerical, graphic or the check list type. An example is shown in table.
Example 1 To assess a student’s participation in discussion (numerical)
Question To what extent does a student participate in discussion?
Respond Encircle appropriate number
1 2 3 4 5
Unsatisfactory Average Above Average Out-standing
Interaction schedule
This means a prior decision as to what is going to be observed through a list of categories
and matrix.
Observing the relationships between children during a group activity.
a. Statements: these include “affective” (statements that encourage, discourage,
blame, etc.), “procedural (statements about how to do the task, what should be done
next, etc.), “substantive” (resolving conclusions, evaluating the product, etc.)
b. Interchanges. Those which involve a unit which consists of a question, a formal
response and an evaluation of the response.
1 2 3
(a) Statements 1. Affective
2. Procedural
3. Substantive
(b) Interchanges
Table. Observation schedule for the assessment of process during group activity
The above table gives an idea of what such a schedule might look like. Talley marks can
then entered as the observation are made.
For further reading, please read the following material from allied material:
1.3 Modes of Assessment Page 17
Write down the advantages and disadvantages of each mode of assessment.
b. Producing written answers-either long or short. This could be a response to
any of the ways of presenting a task.
c. Drawing, painting on paper.
d. Constructing or manipulating apparatus and materials.
e. Speech, gestures or action.
Self-Assessment Exercise 1.4
question of whether it matters that the children’s skills and ideas are not assessed on the
same activities. There is no comparison being made between children and therefore no
need for the subject matter to be controlled providing each activity gives opportunity for
the skills and /or ideas to be assessed.
1.5.6 Validity
Validity refers to how well a test measures what it is purported to measure?
Validity in research refers to how accurately a study answers the study question or the
strength of the study conclusions. For outcome measures such as surveys or tests, validity
refers to the accuracy of measurement. Here validity refers to how well the assessment
tool actually measures the underlying outcome of interest. Validity is not a property of
the tool itself, but rather of the interpretation or specific purpose of the assessment tool
with particular settings and learners.
Assessment instruments must be both reliable and valid for study results to be credible.
Thus, reliability and validity must be examined and reported, or references cited, for each
assessment instrument used to measure study outcomes. Examples of assessments include
resident feedback survey, course evaluation, written test, clinical simulation observer
ratings, needs assessment survey, and teacher evaluation. Using an instrument with high
reliability is not sufficient; other measures of validity are needed to establish the
credibility of your study.
Types of Validity
1. Face Validity ascertains that the measure appears to be assessing the intended
construct under study. The stakeholders can easily assess face validity. Although this is
not a very “scientific” type of validity, it may be an essential component in enlisting
motivation of stakeholders. If the stakeholders do not believe the measure is an accurate
assessment of the ability, they may become disengaged with the task.
Example: If a measure of art appreciation is created all of the items should be related to
the different components and types of art. If the questions are regarding historical time
periods, with no reference to any artistic movement, stakeholders may not be motivated
to give their best effort or invest in this measure because they do not believe it is a true
assessment of art appreciation.
2. Construct Validity is used to ensure that the measure is actually measure what it is
intended to measure (i.e. the construct), and not other variables. Using a panel of
“experts” familiar with the construct is a way in which this type of validity can be
assessed. The experts can examine the items and decide what that specific item is
intended to measure. Students can be involved in this process to obtain their feedback.
Example: A women’s studies program may design a cumulative assessment of learning
throughout the major. The questions are written with complicated wording and phrasing.
This can cause the test inadvertently becoming a test of reading comprehension, rather
than a test of women’s studies. It is important that the measure is actually assessing the
intended construct, rather than an extraneous factor.
5. Sampling Validity (similar to content validity) ensures that the measure covers the
broad range of areas within the concept under study. Not everything can be covered, so
items need to be sampled from all of the domains. This may need to be completed using
a panel of “experts” to ensure that the content area is adequately sampled. Additionally,
a panel can help limit “expert” bias (i.e. a test reflecting what an individual personally
feels are the most important or relevant areas).
Example: When designing an assessment of learning in the theatre department, it would
not be sufficient to only cover issues related to acting. Other areas of theatre such as
lighting, sound, functions of stage managers should all be included. The assessment
should reflect the content area in its entirety.
Types of Reliability
1. Test-retest reliability is a measure of reliability obtained by administering the
same test twice over a period of time to a group of individuals. The scores from Time 1
and Time 2 can then be correlated in order to evaluate the test for stability over time.
Example: A test designed to assess student learning in psychology could be given to a
group of students twice, with the second administration perhaps coming a week after the
first. The obtained correlation coefficient would indicate the stability of the scores.
2. Parallel forms reliability is a measure of reliability obtained by administering
different versions of an assessment tool (both versions must contain items that probe the
same construct, skill, knowledge base, etc.) to the same group of individuals. The scores
from the two versions can then be correlated in order to evaluate the consistency of
results across alternate versions.
Example: If you wanted to evaluate the reliability of a critical thinking assessment, you
might create a large set of items that all pertain to critical thinking and then randomly
split the questions up into two sets, which would represent the parallel forms.
3. Inter-rater reliability is a measure of reliability used to assess the degree to which
different judges or raters agree in their assessment decisions. Inter-rater reliability is
useful because human observers will not necessarily interpret answers the same way;
raters may disagree as to how well certain responses or material demonstrate knowledge
of the construct or skill being assessed.
Example: Inter-rater reliability might be employed when different judges are evaluating
the degree to which art portfolios meet certain standards. Inter-rater reliability is
especially useful when judgments can be considered relatively subjective. Thus, the use
of this type of reliability would probably be more likely when evaluating artwork as
opposed to math problems.
4. Internal consistency reliability is a measure of reliability used to evaluate the
degree to which different test items that probe the same construct produce similar results.
5. Average inter-item correlation is a subtype of internal consistency reliability. It
is obtained by taking all of the items on a test that probe the same construct (e.g., reading
comprehension), determining the correlation coefficient for each pair of items, and
finally taking the average of all of these correlation coefficients. This final step yields the
average inter-item correlation.
6. Split-half reliability is another subtype of internal consistency reliability. The
process of obtaining split-half reliability is begun by “splitting in half” all items of a test
that are intended to probe the same area of knowledge (e.g., World War II) in order to
form two “sets” of items. The entire test is administered to a group of individuals, the
total score for each “set” is computed, and finally the split-half reliability is obtained by
determining the correlation between the two total “set” scores.
Why is it necessary?
While reliability is necessary, it alone is not sufficient. For a test to be reliable, it also
needs to be valid. For example, if your scale is off by 5 lbs, it reads your weight everyday
with an excess of 5lbs. The scale is reliable because it consistently reports the same
weight every day, but it is not valid because it adds 5lbs to your true weight. It is not a
valid measure of your weight.
1.5.8 Discrimination
Spreading the marks out well is what is meant by discrimination. It is related to reliability
and it may be shown that, in general, the better the spread of marks, the higher and the
reliability of the examination.
1.5.9 Backwash
It is defined as the effect of examinations upon the curriculum and teaching process. An
effective way to change student learning is to change the form of assessment. This has
become known as the backwash effect of assessment. However, academic teachers’ ways
of understanding the role of assessment in student learning are also important.
1.5.10 Comparability
The comparability of standards in examinations usually becomes important issue only in
the context of public examinations; but here is one case where it is important within
school. Comparability in public examinations is most often associated with standards of
different examination boards. The importance of comparability cannot be denied in a
regional or national system of examinations where certificates play such a large part in
determining an individuals’ future.
How can “backwash” be helpful in science assessment?
There following limitations of assessment.
Key Points
1. Assessment is a process of collecting evidence of what students know and can do.
2. Assessments in which students are asked to make predictions based on information
can be used to evaluate scientific inquiry skills.
3. Norm-referenced tests are a good way to compensate for any mistakes that might
be made in designing the measurement tool.
4. A criterion-based assessment is designed to judge the quality of a student’s work
against benchmarks of expected performance in relation to a specific competency or
body of knowledge appropriate to the student, without the need to compare students.
5. Formative Assessment occurs in the short term, as learners are in the process of
making meaning of new content and of integrating it into what they already know.
6. Summative Assessment takes place at the end of a large chunk of learning, with the
results being primarily for the teacher's or school's use.
7. Continuous assessment was introduced partly because of complaints that it was
unfair and unnecessary stressful to learners to know that they were being examined
on only a single occasion or over a short period of time where luck with the
questions played a particularly significant part in their chances of success.
8. Continuous assessment is more likely to be of coursework it could incorporate the
results of tests and even examinations.
9. Process and product are intimately related: there would be no product without
10. Without some sort of external “check”, however, charges of favoritism and
antagonism are difficult to refute.
11. External assessment is that it forces a comparison of local and national standards
and provides a check on the complacency which may result if teachers remain in
ignorance of levels of achievement by similar children elsewhere.
12. Tests are sometimes divided into various categories, such as formal, informal,
standardized, criterion referenced, diagnostic and so on.
13. The characteristics of a good assessment are: when to assess and what to assess.
14. Validity in research refers to how accurately a study answers the study question or
the strength of the study conclusions.
15. Reliability refers to whether an assessment instrument gives the same results each
time it is used in the same setting with the same type of subjects.
16. Spreading the marks out well is what is meant by discrimination.
17. Backwash is defined as the effect of examinations upon the curriculum and
teaching process.
Answers to Self-Assessment Questions
Answers of Self Assessment Questions 1.1
a. information
b. degree
c. test
d. large, examining
e. test, formal
Answers of Self Assessment Questions 1.2
a. criterion referenced assessment
b. norm referenced assessment
b. before, after
c. discriminate
d. specific
e. broad
Answers of Self Assessment Questions 1.3
a. overall
b. programme
c. raise
d. summation
e. product
Answers to Self Assessment Questions 1.4
a. sub-divided
b. manipulative
c. feedback
d. presenting
e. alternatives
Answers of Self Assessment Questions 1.5
a. Skills and attitudes
b. Plan
c. Slowly
d. Context, positive
e. objective
f. Statistics
g. Valid, reliable
h. Marks
i. Negative
j. Never
Cozby, P.C. (2001). Measurement Concepts. Methods in Behavioral Research (7th ed.).
California: Mayfield Publishing Company.
Downing SM. Reliability: on the reproducibility of assessment data. Med Educ. 2004; 38
Moskal, B.M., & Leydens, J.A. (2000). Scoring rubric development: Validity and
reliability. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, 7(10). [Available online:
Sanders, W., & Horn, S. (1995). Educational assessment reassessed: The usefulness
of standardized and alternative measures of student achievement as indicators for
the assessment of educational outcomes. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 3(6).
Retrieved September 2002, from http://olam.ed.asu.edu/epaa/v3n6.html.
The Center for the Enhancement of Teaching. How to improve test reliability and
validity: Implications for grading. [Available online: http://oct.sfsu.edu/assessment/
Written By:
Dr. Farkhunda Rasheed Choudhary
Reviewed By:
Prof. Dr. Tanveer-Uz-Zaman
Page No.
Introduction ................................................................................................................. 25
2.1 The Aims, Goals and Objectives: Help for Planning Youth Science ................ 25
2.1.1 Aims: High Hopes to Teach Science ................................................... 25
2.1.2 Goals: Can your Students Achieve them this Year? ............................ 26 The Goals of Science Teaching ............................................. 26 Basic Goals of Science Education ......................................... 26 An Overview of Science Education ...................................... 26 The Goal of Science Education: A New Reform .................. 29
Assessment is the most important part of teaching learning process. Without assessment,
teaching learning process is incomplete. It provides feedback, which in turns is used to
improve teaching as well as learning. The important question arises what to assess? ,as it
links assessment strategies and curriculum together. There are many aspects of teaching
learning process especially in science education. Assessment helps to know how your
students are learning. The more teachers know about what and how students are learning,
the better teachers can plan learning activities to structure their teaching. Assessment
helps to understand your students' learning and so to improve your teaching.
The assessment process is an effective tool for communicating the expectations of the
science education system to all concerned with science education.
Learning Outcomes
After reading this unit, students will be able to:
1. identify the significance of aims, goals and objectives.
2. distinguish between instructional and behavioural objectives.
3. write objectives in behavioural terms.
4. understand the domains of objectives for science teaching.
5. construct table of specifications for science subjects.
Aims, goals and objectives play vital role in science education. In the proceeding
discussion you will understand what are the aims, goals and objectives, where are the
sources to find these and personalize it particularly for your science teaching.
You can find aims from the state education departments such as Ministry of Education,
National Institutes of Science and Technology (NISTE), school board or science
textbook. They can provide you the broad and general direction for science teaching.
Once you got the aims at the beginning, these will help you setting up broad and general
direction for your science teaching. By doing this, you can plan your teaching either
according to your philosophy, the philosophy of school and community and more
specifically according to the needs, interests and abilities of the students.
Because goals are too broad for specific directions, therefore these are reformulated into
objectives in order to make them appropriate for individual science teachers. Although
goals are different from objectives, yet they are logically related because objectives are
derived from goals.
26 Basic Goals of Science Education
There are many goals of science teaching. Most of the goals can be summarised into a
few categories.
1. The goals should be comprehensive enough to include the generally accepted aims
of science teaching.
2. The goals should be understand for other teachers, administrators, and parents.
3. The goals should be neutral; that is free of bias and not oriented toward any
particular view of science teaching.
4. The goals should be few in number.
5. The goals should be different conceptually from each other.
6. The goals should be easily acceptable to instructional and learning objectives.
On the bases of these criteria, the following goals of science education have been
1. Scientific Knowledge
Science education should develop a fundamental understanding of natural systems.
2. Scientific Method
Science education should develop a fundamental understanding of, and ability to
use, the methods of scientific investigation.
3. Social Issues
Science education should prepare citizens to make responsible decisions
concerning science related social issues.
4. Personal Needs
Science education should contribute to an understanding and fulfil of personal
needs, thus contributing to personal development.
5. Career Awareness
Science education should inform students about careers in the science. The goals of
science education: A new reform movement.
During this period several reports were published highlighting the importance of broader
perspective of science teaching. However these goals were not completely implemented.
During late 70’s and early 80’s the increased emphasis was on goals related to basic
skills, vocabulary and study habits i.e. back to basic movement. There was little focus on
general objectives of science teaching e.g understanding the nature of scientific inquiry.
Nevertheless the focus was on specific course objectives. There were very little evidences
that general goals of science teaching had been translated into classroom practice.
In 1993, review of the assessment of science learning, the list of what is assessed was
given as knowledge of facts and concepts, science process skills, higher order science
process skills, problem solving skills, skills needed to manipulate laboratory equipment,
and attitudes of science.
There is now recognition that all learning goals need to be assessed, and not just recall
and understanding of science concepts because they are easy to test for.
For further readings, please consult the book.
Handbook of Research on Science Education By Sandra K. Abell, Norman G.
Lederman page 970-972
Scientific Knowledge
As science programmes are oriented towards knowledge that’s why in the classroom,
knowledge goals has great importance. Therefore fundamental knowledge has been
important goals for many years.
Scientific Method
Science teachers put very little effort by science teachers to realize the method goal.
There are several influencing factors preventing widespread success in attaining the
scientific methods goals. Some of the factors are as follows:
a. Science teachers are neither model inquirers for the students nor have been
educated in methodologies of scientific research.
b. Most of the time of teachers is spend in delivering lectures leaving no time for
c. Most of the science teachers do not accept inquiry as goal.
d. The teachers who are aware of scientific methods as a goal of teaching feel that
only bright, highly motivated students can profit from inquiry teaching.
e. Inquiry teaching is seen by most of the science teachers as time consuming.
Societal Issues
The science teaching goals are in transition, with increasing emphasis on environmental
concepts, world problems, decision making, and interdisciplinary studies. Moreover
contemporary societal issues are influencing science programmes.
Personal Needs
The goal of fulfilling personal needs is not met for several reasons:
a. There is no clear definition of the needs of young people, there is increasing
emphasis on “the basics” and thus few concrete ways of dealing with personal
needs, and science teachers see other goals as more important.
Career Awareness
Future employment is one of the goals of science teaching. over the last decade ,inclusion
of career goals in science programmes has been increased. Although it is not primary
goal, however career awareness goal was found to be constant across science
The discussions of reform in science education and rethinking of goals began altogether.
Obviously the direction of reform had to be guided by new goals. Anna Harrison and
Ronald Anderson called attention to the inadequacy of contemporary goals. These are
only two instances of people who began directing science educators toward the reform of
goals for science teaching. Others began addressing the need and substance for new goals
in more detail.
In 1983, a major report titled “educating Americans for the 21st century” , issued by the
National science board. This report was comprehensive in nature, including a section on
goals for science and technology education.
For list of general outcomes recommended by this report, please consult the following
The Goals of Science Teaching, Chapter 7
This report emphasized the development of such materials to achieve these outcomes and
tests must be devised to measure the degree to which these goals are met. This report had
a summary of statement of goals which were then fully extended to the curriculum.
The new reform is based on the recent advances in scientific and technological
disciplines, needs and aspiration of society, and interrelationship of science, technology
and society.
2. Science objectives should be understandable for students, teachers, administrators,
and parents.
3. Science objectives should be few in number but comprehensive for any lesson,
unit, or program.
4. Science objectives should be challenging yet attainable for your students.
5. Science objectives should differ conceptually from each other.
6. Science objectives should be appropriate for the subject you are teaching.
Science and technology are major influences in many aspects of our daily lives, at work,
at play, and at home. Therefore quality learning in science has been/must be promoted
uniformly at national level, by focusing on all students irrespective of their gender and
socio-economic & cultural diversity, living in urban or rural areas of Pakistan so as to
cohesively satisfy their current needs and expectations of the future.
The General Science Curriculum has been made much student-oriented and for this
purpose, well-defined General Curriculum Outcomes (Learning Strands), Content
Standards, Key Stage Curriculum Outcomes (Benchmarks), and Specific
Curriculum Outcomes (Student Learning Outcomes – SLOs) have been developed so
that all students should be:
• Knowledgeable about the important concepts and theories of the three major
branches of scientific study: Earth and space, life, and physical sciences;
• Able to develop an understanding of the world, built on current scientific theories;
• Able to learn that science involves particular processes and ways of developing and
organizing knowledge and that these continue to evolve;
• Able to think scientifically and use their current scientific knowledge and skills for
problem solving and developing further knowledge;
As you can see that in the National Curriculum 2009 the terms standards, benchmarks
and student outcomes have been used instead of aims, goals and objective.
Standards: sets a level of accomplishment all students are expected to meet or exceed.
Standards do not necessarily imply high quality learning; sometimes the level is a lowest
common denominator. Nor do they imply complete standardization in a program; a
common minimum level could be achieved by multiple pathways and demonstrated in
various ways.
Learning Outcomes: Operational statements describing specific student behaviors that
evidence the acquisition of desired knowledge, skills, abilities, capacities, attitudes or
dispositions. Learning outcomes can be usefully thought of as behavioral criteria for
determining whether students are achieving the educational objectives of a program, and,
ultimately, whether overall program goals are being successfully met. Outcomes are
sometimes treated as synonymous with objectives, though objectives are usually more
general statements of what students are expected to achieve in an academic program.
(Allen, Noel, Rienzi & McMillin, 2002).
Think for a moment about a course or training session with which you are currently
involved. Identify one skill that you think would be essential to know or do by the end of
this learning period. If you were able to do this, then you are beginning to construct a
learning outcome.
Performance statements include higher level thinking skills as well as psychomotor skills.
Consider the following learning outcome statement:
The learner will have demonstrated the ability to analyze engines and make decisions
regarding required repairs for a variety of automobiles.
Spady, also addresses the context or performance setting in which the performance
demonstration occurs. He suggests a range of performance contexts from that of
demonstrations of classroom learning to those which involve living successfully in the
larger society. Thus, his highest level outcomes refer to generic skills such as the
preparation of learners to be problem solvers, planners, creators, learners and thinkers,
communicators etc., regardless of subject areas studied.
Examples of Learning Outcomes Statements
The successful student has reliably demonstrated the ability to:
1. Administer medications according to legal guidelines
2. Make pricing decisions using relevant cost and profitability factor
describe performances that are significant, essential, and verifiable;
(meaning that performances can be verified or observed in some way and that they
represent more than one small aspect of behaviour; this also means that the
performance is considered to be essential for success in the course)
preferably state only ONE performance per outcome;
refer to learning that is transferable; (meaning that the learning can readily be
transferred from a class to a work place environment, or from one workplace
environment to another, etc.)
not dictate curriculum content; (meaning that there could be a number of different
ways to achieve the outcome.)
reflect the overriding principles of equity and fairness and accommodate the needs
of diverse learners.
represent the minimal acceptable level of performance that a student needs to
demonstrate in order to be considered successful.
For example:
(performance) (the learning) (the conditions of the
performance demonstration)
Performance Elements
Learning outcomes statements can be supported by the inclusion of performance
elements. Performance elements or indicators as they are sometimes called, provide a
more specific picture of ability. They define and clarify the level and quality of
performance necessary to meet the requirements of the learning outcome. In effect, the
elements are indicators of the means by which the learner will proceed to satisfactory
performance of the learning outcome. That is, they help to address the question, "What
would you accept as evidence that a student has achieved a certain level, or is in the
process of achieving the outcome?
For example:
Suppose you have the learning outcome:
What do these verbs have in common, and why do you think it is recommended that you
avoid using them when writing learning outcomes?
Beginning in 1948, a group of educators undertook the task of classifying education goals
and objectives. The intent was to develop a classification system for three domains: the
cognitive, the affective, and the psychomotor. Work on the cognitive domain was
completed in 1956 and is commonly referred to as Bloom's Taxonomy of the Cognitive
Domain although, the full title was Taxonomy of educational objectives: The
classification of educational goals. Handbook I: Cognitive domain with the text having 4
other authors (M. Englehart, E. Furst, W. Hill, and D Krathwohl).
What need do they fulfill? What functions do they serve? First, they are needed to
distinguish the parts of a content area that are subject to different instructional treatments.
The learning of science is not simply science learning, and the learning of language is not
just language learning. Consider the learning of a foreign language. There are, then,
different parts to this single subject that need to be differentially handled, so far as
instruction is concerned. How shall one describe the different domains of the learning
process that apply to the parts of this subject, as they do to the parts of other content
areas? A second need for distinctive domains of the learning process is that of relating the
instructional procedures of one subject to those of another. If it is true that one cannot
generalize about learning conditions from one part of a subject to another, is it
nevertheless also true that similar parts can be found among different content areas? The
existence of these comparable parts of different subjects is rather easy to demonstrate.
Think of what a student is being asked to learn in mathematics, say, when one asks him
to learn to answer the question, “What is a triangle?” We expect that he will be able to
define this concept, perhaps by using his own words, but better still by showing how such
a figure possesses characteristics of a closed curve and intersections of line segments.
Suppose instead the subject is social science, and we want the student to answer the
question, “What is a city?” In an entirely comparable way, we expect that he will be able
to demonstrate a definition of this concept, by showing that a city possesses the
characteristics of concentration of population, commerce, and transportation center. In
both these subjects, very different in content, we are dealing with the use of a definition,
and similar mental activities would be required in any other subject field. In other words,
one of the kinds of things students are asked to learn is using definitions, and this is true
whether we are dealing with mathematics, foreign language, science, or whatever. A third
reason for identifying domains of learning is that they require different techniques of
assessment of learning outcomes. One cannot use a single way of measuring what has
been learned. This is, of course, the basic point made by the pioneering work of Bloom
(1956), Krathwohl, Bloom, and Masia (1964), and their associates. As this work amply
demonstrates, one cannot expect to employ the same kind of test item, or question, to
determine whether a student has learned an item of knowledge, on the one hand, or the
ability to synthesize several different ideas, on the other hand. Again, different categories
of the learning domain are needed for measurement, regardless of the particular subject
matter. They are needed in order to avoid the serious error of assuming that if a student
knows something about a topic, that he therefore is part of the way to knowing all he
needs to know about that topic. Instead, he can learn many more things without ever
accomplishing the latter goal; the reason is because he needs to undertake entirely
different categories of learning, rather than more of the same. The ways used to measure
these different categories are different, and it is these ways that demonstrate how distinct
the mental processes are.
Learning Domains: There are, then, a number of reasons for trying to differentiate
domains of the learning process that are orthogonal to content, but that at the same time
are in opposition to the notion that all learning is the same.
The major idea of the taxonomy is that what educators want students to know
(encompassed in statements of educational objectives) can be arranged in a hierarchy
from less to more complex.
The cognitive domain includes the intellectual aspects of learning. Regular classroom
learning is generally in the cognitive domain. Six levels are recognized in the cognitive
Knowledge: the lowest level of objectives
Comprehension: understanding more than just what something is
Application: showing that you can use your knowledge in different situations
Analysis: being able to take apart a complex problem or situation into its
component parts
Synthesis: being able to structure a result drawing on information from a variety of
Evaluation: being able to make judgments--the highest cognitive level
Affective Objectives include the feeling, interests, attitudes, and appreciations that may
result from science instruction.
The affective domain concerns itself with feelings and attitudes. Evaluation in the
affective domain requires the teacher to observe the behavior of students asking what
they do or say that makes the teacher think they have a positive attitude or a negative
attitude. There are five levels in the affective domain described as they apply to science
related material.
Receiving: student is aware of the existence of the material and is willing to be
Responding: student is reacting to the material in one of three ways
o Acquiescence: the student does what is asked
o Willingness: the student goes above and beyond what is required
o Satisfaction: the student does science activities for pleasure and enjoyment
Valuing: student consistently behaves in a way indicating a preference for science
Organizing: student brings together different values to form a value system
Characterizing: individual forms a lifestyle based on the value system
The Psychomotor Objectives that stress motor development, muscular coordination,
physical skills.
The psychomotor domain deals with the ability to manipulate physical objects in a
science laboratory. This aspect is the most recent and has undergone several major
revisions in the past few decades. A brief way to look at the psychomotor domain is the
three steps below.
1. Teacher demonstrates a laboratory method to a student.
2. Student practices the method under supervision.
3. Student becomes proficient in the method and no longer needs direct, intensive
Over the years, more attention has been paid to behavioural objectives and performance
competencies in cognitive area. Performance in science knowledge and conceptual
understanding has been more focused. However science teachers should not omit
important learning results in the affective and psychomotor domains.
Dear students, your understanding of the three domains will be one of the most helpful
aids in formulating objectives for science teaching.
For further readings regarding instructional objectives in science, see the tables 8.1
through 8.7.
Chapter 8 The Objectives of Science Teaching
ii. The major idea of the taxonomy is that what educators want students to know can
be arranged in a …………………………………from less to more complex.
vii. Evaluation in the affective domain requires the teacher to observe the
………………… of students asking what they do or say that makes the teacher
think they have a positive attitude or a negative attitude
viii. The psychomotor domain deals with the ability to…………………… physical
objects in a science laboratory.
Teachers make broad variety of instructional decisions that directly affect the learning of
their students. These decisions range from the choice of materials, pacing and
sequencing of learning activities, to the ways of reinforcing pupil's learning are means of
assessing whatever students have learnt. Different types of learning require different
types of objectives however the following two main types are very much used in practice
by teachers:
i. Instructional or teaching objectives
ii. Behavioural or performance objectives
Instructional objectives are less abstract, more specific and are behavioral in nature.
Instructional objectives are specific statements of intermediate learning outcomes
necessary for acquiring a terminal behavioural objective, expressed from the learner’s
point of view and written in behavioural terms. Instructional objectives are stated in terms
of teacher’s behaviour. These objectives guide teachers to help his/her students to achieve
the specific kind of behaviour the students should exhibit.
which the learning is being oriented. They are intermediate in that they occur between the
initiation of instruction and the learner’s arrival at the desired terminal behavior.
Generally they are logically and empirically derived, and thus necessary as acquired
behaviors before the learner can obtain the terminal behavior. Sometimes they are called
enabling objectives.
Terminal behavioral objective: learner is to develop skill in solving equations of the type
H+ R- + R+ OH - R+ R-+ H+ OH- so that when given any four acids and four acids and
any five hydroxides he can construct a balanced equation depicting the reaction.
Instructional Objectives:
A1 write a balanced equation
A2 Determine molecular equivalents in an equation
A3Memorize the valences of common elements
A4 Memorizing the formulas of common acids and common bases
A5 Conceptualize the model of acid + base = salt + water
A6 Conceptualize the concept of an equation
A7 Conceptualize the formula for an acid and a base
In this case the instruction approximates the sequence A7- A6 -A5 -A4 -A3- A2 -A1 -A with
A being the terminal behavioral objective and A7 –A1 inclusive being instructional
The following "GENERAL" rules should prove useful in writing instructional objectives
1. Be Concise: at the most, objectives should be one or two sentences in length.
2. Be Singular: An objective should focus on one and only one aspect of behavior.
3. Describe Expected behaviors: An objective should indicate the desired end product,
not merely a direction of change or a teacher activity.
4. Be Realistic: An objective should focus on observable behavior, not on teacher
illusions or un-definable traits.
5. Use Definite Terms (verbs): Terms such as "write, define, list and compare" have
definite meanings, whereas terms such as "know, understand, and apply" have a
multitude of meanings.
Develop two instructional objectives at each level of the cognitive domain for a General
Science at elementary level.
Q. 2 At the end of each statement indicate “T” if you think it sounds like a terminal
objective and “I” if you think it states an instructional objective:
i. The learner is to understand the relationship between mosquitoes, man and
malaria so that he can”
a. list the type of malaria and the transmitting vector
b. describe the life cycle of the causative agent of malaria
c. write a description of the aetiology of malaria
ii. The learner is to know the term “principal focus” and be able to use it
correctly when discussing concave mirrors.
iii. Student is to know the kinds of nouns so that when given a list of fifty he can
classify them with no more than three errors within fifteen minutes.
iv. Student is to use nouns skilfully so that he can compose twenty sentences
without using any reference material and correctly underline all nouns used.
A behavioural objective is stated in terms of student’s behaviour to achieve desired
behaviour. Behavioural objective is a clear and unambiguous description of your
educational expectations for students. When written in behavioural terms, an objective
will include three components: student behaviour, conditions of performance, and
performance criteria.
Behavioral objectives can be written for any of the domains of instruction (i.e., cognitive,
affective, or psychomotor.)
Some teachers do not include specificity during the initial plan, but they add specificity in
the later stage. On the other hand the teachers, who require more precision, include
specificity from the starting point.
The behavioural /performance objectives are purposely written in a form that translates
long term aims and goals into daily or short term actions. The focus is on precisely
defining the student’s task. Therefore the selection of verbs is extremely important.
Overt performance can be observed by the eye or ear. Covert performance can be
detected only when asking someone to say something or to do something.
What ought or ought not to be called a covert performance. Simply follow this rule:
Whenever the performance stated in an objective is covert, add and indicator behaviour
to the objective.
What that means is this: You want student to be able to add? And adding seems like a
covert performance? Then just add an indicator behaviour to show the one single visible
thing students could do t demonstrate mastery of the objective. For example:
Be able to add numbers (write the solutions) written in binary notation.
Be able to identify (underline or circle) misspelled words on a page of news copy.
Identifying is a covert skill. You can't see anyone doing it. But you could see a person
doing activities that were either associated with the identifying or that were the result of
the identifying. So, all you do is add a word or two to your objective to let everyone
know what directly visible behavior you would accept as an indicator or the existence of
the performance.
The key to writing behavioural objectives is to use an action verb at the beginning of the
statement. It will help you to observe the performance of a direction containing action
Here is a table of verbs used for behavioural /performance objectives.
Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation
Define Discuss Compute Distinguish Diagnose Evaluate
List Describe Demonstrate Analyse Propose Compare
Recall Explain Illustrate Differentiate Design Assess
Name Identify Operate Compare Manage Justify
Recognize Translate Perform Contrast Hypothesize Appraise
State Restate Interpret Categorize Summarize Rate
Repeat Express Apply Appraise Compose Revise
Record Locate Employ Calculate Plan Score
Label Report Use Test Formulate Select
diagnose Tell Practice Criticize Arrange Choose
Transform Schedule Diagram Assemble Estimate
Convert Sketch Inspect Collect Measure
Distinguish Prepare Question Construct Argue
Estimate Modify Relate Create Decide
Predict Solve Organize Criticize
Extrapolate Examine Prepare
Manage Classify Modify
Deduce Invent
Outline Generate
The objectives listed below have something wrong with them. Examine each objective
and revise it so it follows proper ABCD objective form.
1. The student will be shown the proper way to make a slide.
A. ___________________________________________________
B. ___________________________________________________
C. ___________________________________________________
D. ___________________________________________________
3. Given matching items listing dietary diseases and their causes, the student will
identify the correct cause of each disease listed.
A. ___________________________________________________
B. ___________________________________________________
C. ___________________________________________________
D. ___________________________________________________
Observation and evaluation of behavioural changes among students in the affective areas
is somewhat more difficult than in cognitive and psychomotor domains. Therefore
precision is required in the selection of appropriate verbs that describe behavioural
changes in attitude, appreciations, and development of values.
This observation points out the interrelation of the three domains and stresses the
importance of total learning by the individual. Since one of the goals of education is to
produce fully competent individuals who are self reliant and capable of pursuing learning
on their own throughout their lives, the psychomotor objectives occupy an important
place in the overall educational endeavour.
Table of specifications guide and help for learning and the formulation of general and
specific objectives. The tables help you to:
1. Clarify objectives for an instructional unit.
2. Identify appropriate levels for instructional objectives.
3. Define objectives in meaningful terms.
4. Prepare comprehensive lists of objectives for instruction.
5. Integrate the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains in your teaching.
6. Communicate intensions, levels and nature of learning, relative to your
instructional unit.
These are all the guidelines for your lesson planning to attain your objectives. However
don’t be a slave to the classification systems. You may have some objectives that do not
fit in any domains and others that fit all three. Be less concerned about classifying your
objectives and more concerned about how they will contribute to make you more
effective as a science teacher so that your students will become better leaner.
Once your aims, goals and objectives are specifically stated, how do you assess the extent
to which your students are reaching those goals? How will you use your observed
evaluations and results to continually improve your teaching?
Figure represents a schematic diagram to consider in working aims, goals and objectives
into your science teaching.
1. After aims and goals, there is a planning stage.
2. Then write your own specific/performance objectives.
3. Then select teaching activities that will enable your students to perform the desired
tasks you identified in your behavioural/performance objectives.
4. Constantly evaluate the effectiveness of your teaching as measured by your
student’s performances.
5. Evaluative feedback gives you information as to how well you are achieving your
aims and goals, and the cycle starts again.
There is always a model of outcomes of instruction in the mind of teachers. The careful
teacher is fully aware of many of the specifics of the model. There are many ways in
which model of outcomes or objectives of instruction can be expressed. A good table of
specifications consisted of two components:
Behaviour which students should attain
A two dimensional table is best way of representing the relation of content and
behaviour, in which content on one axis and behaviour on another axis. The cells in the
table represent the specific content in relation to a particular objective or behaviour.
Precision is required while making table of specification, which can convey clear ideas of
what is intended not only to the person making the model but also to the other teachers,
education workers, and related professional people.
There are many ways of making the objectives more detailed and clarified to the
specifications of outcomes in which the table of specification can be developed:
Specify the behaviours the student should possess or exhibit if he has attained the
Represent them in the form of problems, questions, tasks, and the like which the
student should be able to do or the kind of reactions he should give to specific
questions or situations.
Table of specifications
It is useful to organize the specifications for a unit of learning and for formative
evaluation in tabular form. Here are some steps of construction:
On one axis of this table, place the major behaviour categories. Under each of these
we list the appropriate subject matter elements or details.
By using connecting lines, show the interrelations among elements. That is if an
element at one level is necessary for an element at a more complex level, this is
shown by a line connecting the two elements.
See table 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3.on each chart, there are circles indicating the number of
relevant formative test items.
Using Evaluation for Instructional Objectives. Page 120-121
Usefulness of Table of Specifications
It enables teachers to see in a very compact form the elements in unit of learning as
well as the relationship among these elements as developed in the unit.
Teachers and curriculum workers are especially sensitive to gaps revealed by the
specifications table-it immediately shows terms, facts, or rules which are to be
learned without being used in translations or applications.
It describes the elements, behaviours, and interrelationships as they are developed
in the material.
It is useful in the construction of formative evaluation instruments in that one can
determine what should be included in the formative test and something about the
hypothesized relations among the test items.
The important point while constructing the formative test construction is that not
everything included in the specifications is of equal importance, and the curriculum
maker, the teacher, or the formative evaluator must apply some judgment and draw on
experience to determine what is essential in the unit and what is trivial-that is, what may
be omitted without impairing the student’s mastery of the unit.
Formative evaluation can be one step in individualizing instruction accompanied
by a variety of materials and instructional procedures for the student to use in
remedying the particular gaps in their learning of the specific unit.
Reinforcement of mastery
Formative evaluation can be an effective reward or reinforcement for students who
have achieved mastery or near mastery of a unit of learning, the results of the
formative evaluation.
Formative evaluation is especially useful for providing the student with positive
reinforcement over small units of learning.
The repeated evidence of mastery is a powerful reinforcement which will help
ensure that the student will continue to invest the appropriate effort and interest in
the subject.
Formative evaluation is also helpful for those students who receive frequent Cs or
lower grades on quizzes and will adjust their investment in the subject so as to
protect their ego when they finally get C for the course.
Formative evaluation should simply inform the student whether he/she has not
mastered the unit, and if he has not, indicates there are certain steps he should take
before leaving the unit.
Formative evaluation is useful for the progress of students.
The repeated administration of the formative evaluation test can further reinforce
those who attained mastery on the second administration.
2.5.1 Table of Specifications for Biology
2.5.2 Table of Specifications for Physics
Figure 2 Table of specification for Physics Class IX (Source: AKU Examination Board)
2.5.3 Table of Specifications for Chemistry
Figure 3 Figure 2Table of specification for Chemistry Class IX (Source: AKU Examination Board)
2.5.4 Table of Specifications for General Science
Figure 4 Table of specification for general science Class IX (Source: AKU Examination Board)
2.5.5 Table of Specifications for Mathematics
*Write 3-
numbers in 1 1 9 1 1
numbers 1 1 10 1 1
using ˃ ,
numbers up
to 1000
from least 2 2 11,12 2 2
to greatest
and vice
*Read and
write the
numbers 2 1 13 1 1
from 1st
through the
and use the
pattern of
ordinal 1 1 14 1 1
from 1st to
*Adds 2- to
with sums 2 2 15,16 2 2
up to 1000
*Adds 3- to
with sums 2 2 17,18 2 2
up to 1000
*Adds 2- to
2 2 19,20 1 1 2
with sums
up to 1000
*Adds 3- to
with sums 3 2 21,22 1 1 2
up to 1000
*Show the
property of 1 1 23 1 1
addition in
*Show the
e property
1 1 24 1 1
of addition
in adding
*Show the
property of
2 1 25 1 1
addition in
mentally 1-
to 2- digit
1 1 26 1 1
with sums
up to 50
mentally 3-
1 1 27 1 1
numbers by
ones (up to
mentally 3-
numbers by 1 1 28 1 1
es of 10 up
to 90)
mentally 3-
numbers by
2 1 29 1 1
of 100 up to
and solve
addition of
3 3 31, 1 2 3
money with
sums up to
without and
Total 40 32 32 19 10 3 32
Develop table of specifications of any unit from science textbook.
Develop table of specifications of any unit from science textbook.
iv. Societal
v. Conceptually
vi. High
vii. Samples
viii. Criteria
ix. Outcomes
x. Specific
Self-Assessment Questions 2.4
For questions i-v, read the relevant section
Key Points
1. Aims are general statements that provide direction to educational programme
2. Goals are statements of educational intention and more specific than aims.
6. Writing affective objectives requires more care to formulate criteria for feelings,
interests and attitudes of your students
7. Overt behaviour deals with affective changes in behaviour that can observe by the
teacher during the course of instruction.
8. Covert behaviour deals with more subtle, may not be directly observable and,
therefore, can be called covert.
1. Kizlik, B. (2002). How to Write Behavioral Objectives. Boca Raton, FL: Adprima.
Retrieved: September 2002. [http://www.adprima.com/objectives.htm]
2. http://www2.gsu.edu/~mstmbs/CrsTools/Magerobj.html
3. http://www.polyu.edu.hk/assessment/arc/glossary.htm#24
4. Mager, R.F. (1984). Preparing Instructional Objectives. (2nd ed.). Belmont, CA:
David S. Lake.
Written By:
Prof. Khadim Ali Hashmi
Reviewed By:
Dr. Farkhunda Rasheed Choudhary
Page No.
Introduction ................................................................................................................. 63
Such an experiment was done by Virginia high school science teachers. Here the
emphasis was on the recall of information. One reason for this practice seems to be that it
is easier to measure some types of education goals than others. Test questions beginning
with words like what, who, when, why, where etc can easily be understood while the
assessment of attitudes and interests is little bit difficult.
In this unit, the goals of science teaching are classified along with examples of test items.
With the help of this knowledge science teacher will be able construct useful tests in a
minimum time. Different levels of tests are to be assumed in this procedure according to
the mental level of the students.
Learning Outcomes
After successful completion of this unit hopefully, the student will be able to describe;
1) Assessing knowledge objectives.
Although many of the specifics which we learn to recall or recognize during our formal
instruction are forgotten within few months or years, knowledge of them at the time of
learning is extremely important for the development of ideas which do stay with us for
interpretative and associational uses. Therefore during the instruction period, it is
important for the teacher to test such knowledge as one facet of the evaluation of
student’s learning. In many cases assessment of recall of specific facts is more a function
of formative evaluation than a summative evaluation. We need to have evidence of
whether the student can recall certain terms, facts, or methods in order to make inferences
about difficulties or their treatments.
In some cases, perhaps in many, the underling knowledge may be important only during
the learning process, but at that point it is essential. Thus testing for it is highly desirable
if one is to understand what is happening to the students.
The recall of specific and isolable bits of information refers primarily to what might be
called the hard core of facts or information in each field of knowledge. Such information
represents the elements the specialist must use in communicating about his field, in
understanding it, and in organizing it systematically. These specifics are usually quite
serviceable to people working in the field in the very form in which they are presented
and need little or no alteration from one use or application to another. Such specifics also
become the basic elements the student or the learner must know if he is to be acquainted
with the field or to solve any of the problems in it. The specifics usually are symbols
which have some concrete referents and are, for the most part, at a relatively low level of
abstraction. There is a tremendous wealth of these specifics and there must always be
some selection for educational purposes, since it is almost inconceivable that a student
can learn all of the specifics relevant to a particular field. As our knowledge of sciences
and humanities increases, even specialist have great difficulty in keeping up with all the
new specifics found or developed in the field. For classification purposes, the specifics
may be distinguished from the more complex classes of knowledge by virtue of their very
specificity, that is, they can be isolated as elements or bits which have some meaning and
value themselves.
In this arrangement each succeeding division builds on and includes all the preceding
For example, a student must have certain knowledge (1) and comprehend the meaning of
this knowledge (2) before he is able to make intelligent application (3) of it.
The table from Krathwohl (2002) shows the structure of the cognitive domain of Bloom’s
taxonomy including the six classes and their subclasses (p. 213 of study guide):
2. Why is it necessary for a teacher to test knowledge as one facet of the evaluation of
student’s learning?
It is the most important and reputable component of the tests and has been divided by
Bloom in three categories.
1. Knowledge of specifics
a) Knowledge of terminology
b) Knowledge of specific facts
This website is to designing and managing MCQs according to Bloom’ Taxonomy. I
assure you will find useful information about topic.
MCQs and Bloom's Taxonomy
Now construct five MCQs from each subject for category knowledge of specific
3.2.1 Knowledge of Specifics
In each subject there are many specifics that one has to learn at the initial stage. These are
given below:
i) Knowledge of Terminology
A teacher should know that which word/ term in the concerned subject the student
should know. For example:
The students are required to select one of the most suitable answers. A minor variation
requires selection of a single phrase from the test.
Construct five MCQs from each subject for category knowledge of specific terminology.
Bloom says that the facts in a field, “can be distinguished from the terminology in
that the terminology generally represents the conventions or agreements with a
filed while the facts are more likely to represent the finding which can be tested by
other means than determining the unanimity of workers in the field or the
agreements they have for the purposes of communication.”
To judge the memory of student
From Gen. Science
What is soil made up of?
a) organic matter b) mineral particles c) microorganisms
d) none of these e) all of these
From Biology
Who is called the father of biology?
a) Aristotle b) Sudubon c) Darwin
d) Mendel e) Pasteur
The objective can be made narrow to include reference to specific facts within your field.
The objective can be made narrow to include reference to specific facts within your field.
Title Book: An Analysis of Test Items to Evaluate the Objectives of Science Teachers in
Virginia Combined and Secondary Schools
University of Virginia. School of Education, William D. Hedges, Ian C. Lochhead,
Mary Ann MacDougall
Division of Educational Research, University of Virginia, 1964 - Science - 106 pages
From General Science
The customary way of naming the magnetic poles
a) Anode and cathode b) East and west
c) North and south d) Plus and minus
From General Science
Objective: To discover whether the students know the major stages in the life
history of certain insects or other organisms.
What are the stages in the life history of housefly –in order of occurrence?
a) Egg-larva-pupa-adult b) Egg-larva- adult-pupa
c) Larva- egg-pupa – adult d) Pupa-larva –egg- adult
From Physics
As the speed of sound waves in air is increased
a) The temperature will rise. b) The air will rise.
c) The pressure will fall. d) The temperature will fall.
From General science
Which of the following is a physical change?
a) Burning a gasoline b) Evaporation of water
c) Mixing of salt and pepper d) none of these
From Biology
Objective: to ascertain whether the student knows the criteria by means of which
animals can be classified.
In trying to decide if the material is plant or animal it would be most helpful for the
biologist to find out if the cells in the material
a. Reproduce
b. Have nuclei
c. Have thick walls
d. Are filled with air
v. Knowledge of Methodology
Knowledge of the methods of inquiry, techniques, and procedures employed in a
particular subject field as well as those employed in investigating particular
problems and phenomena. Here, again the emphasis is on the individual’s
knowledge of the methods rather than on his ability to use methods in the ways .
However, student is frequently required to know about methods and techniques and
to know the ways in which they have been used. Such knowledge is most nearly of
an historical or encyclopaedic type. This knowledge, although simpler and perhaps
less functional than the ability to actually employ the methods and techniques, is an
important prelude to such use. Thus before engaging in an inquiry the student may
be expected to know about methods and techniques which have been to know about
the methods and techniques which have been employed in similar inquiries. In the
later stage in his inquiry he may be expected to show relations between the
methods he has employed and the methods employed by others.
From General Science
Objective: to find whether the student knows the methods geologists employ to
make inferences about the crust of the earth.
Knowledge of the major ideas, schemes, and patterns by which phenomena and ideas are
organized. These are the large structures, theories, and generalizations which dominate a
subject field or which are quite generally used in studying phenomena or solving
problems. These are at the highest levels of abstraction and complexity.
These concepts bring together a large number of specific facts and events, describe the
processes and interrelations among these specifics, and thus enable the workers to
organize the whole in a parsimonious form.
These tend to be very broad ideas and plans which are rather difficult for students to
comprehend. Quite frequently they are so difficult because the student is not thoroughly
acquainted with phenomena the universals are intended to summarize and organize. If the
student does not get to know them, however, he has a means of relating and organizing a
great deal of subject matter and as a result should have more insight into the field as well
as grater retentiveness for it.
i. Knowledge of Principles and Generalizations
It means to ascertain whether the students can recall the principles based on facts.
From Chemistry
Objective: to see whether the student is familiar with the principles of the gas laws.
If you have a certain mas of gass and if the volume remains constant, you may
reduce the pressure of the gas by
A. Heating the gas
B. Cooling the gas
C. Increasing the density of the gas
D. Decreasing the density of the gas
E. None of the means
From Biology
Objective: to discover whether the student knows the theory of biological evolution
Directions: items 1-3 are concerned with possible evidences in support of the
theory of biological evolution. Select from the key list the category to which the
evidence mentioned in the item belongs.
A. Comparative anatomy
B. Comparative physiology
C. Classification
D. Embryology
E. Paleontology
3. Integrating forms of plants and animals differing from earlier species indicate
that evolutionary change is probably taking place today in all living
4. Hematin crystal from the haemoglobin of various vertebrates have the same
chemical composition
5. The human heart has two chambers at a very early developmental stage.
Q. 2 How can we differentiate between knowledge of ways and means from knowledge
of specifics for the purpose of classification?
Q. 4 What do you mean by “Knowledge of specifics”? Also develop the ten test items of
knowledge of specifics from General Science or Chemistry or Physics for 9 th or
10th class.
Q. 6 Define the cognitive domain. Write down some statements of knowledge
Q. 8 How can we develop a test for assessing the knowledge of the universals and
abstractions in a field?
Q.10 What do you mean by “Knowledge of Theories and Structures”. Also develop the
ten test items of knowledge of specifics from General Science or Chemistry or
Physics for 9th or 10th class.
Key Points
1. The objective of the ability to recall does not in itself suggest either the existence or
the nonexistence of the capability of using or applying that knowledge.
2. During the instruction period, it is important for the teacher to test such knowledge
as one facet of the evaluation of student’s learning
3. Knowledge component of the tests have been divided by Bloom in three categories.
4. A teacher should know that which word/ term in the concerned subject the student
should know
5. The tradition or mutual agreement upon some areas of knowledge by all the people
of the world fall into this “knowledge of conventions category
6. The test for knowledge of trends and sequences means the order of events i.e.; how
things happen or how they have happened over a period of time.
7. Knowledge of criteria means how to make the student aware of the criteria for
judging facts and theories and conclusions.
10. Knowledge of theories and structures is knowledge of the body of principles and
generalizations together with their interactions which present a clear, rounded and
systematic view of complex phenomenon, problem or filed.
Anderson, L.W., Krathwohl, D. R., Airasian, P. W., Cruikshank, K. A., Mayer, R. E.,
Pintrich, P. R., Raths, J., & Wittrock, M.C. (Eds.). (2001). A Taxonomy for
Learning, Teaching, and Assessing. New York: Addison Wesley Longman Inc.
Bloom, B. S., Engelhart, M. D., Furst, E. J., Hill, W.H., & Krathwohl, D. R. (Eds.).
(1956). Taxonomy of Educational Objectives – The Classification of Educational
Goals – Handbook 1: Cognitive Domain. London, WI: Longmans, Green & Co.
Forehand, M. (2005). Bloom’s Taxonomy: Original and revised. In M. Orey (Ed.), Emerging
Perspectives on Learning, Teaching, and Technology. Retrieved on Nov.10, 2013,
from: http://epltt.coe.uga.edu/index.php?title=Bloom%27s_Taxonomy
Written By:
Prof. Khadim Ali Hashmi
Reviewed By:
Dr. Farkhunda Rasheed Choudhary
Page No.
Introduction ................................................................................................................. 75
Learning Outcomes
After reading this unit, you will be able to:
1. develop tests to assess comprehension skills;
Comprehension: Comprehension is defined as the ability to grasp the meaning of
material. This may be shown by translating material from one form to another (words or
numbers), by interpreting material (explaining or summarizing, and by estimating future
trends (predicting consequences or effects). These learning outcomes go one step beyond
simple remembering of material, and represent the lowest level of understanding.
Application: Application refers to the ability to use learned material in new and concrete
situations. This may include the application of such things as rules, methods, concepts,
principles, laws, and theories. Learning outcomes in this area require a higher level of
understanding than those of comprehension.
Science teachers should write learning objectives that communicate and describe
intended learning outcomes. Objectives should be stated in terms of what the student will
be able to do when the lesson is completed. Objectives should include verbs such as
listed below to define specific, observable, and measurable student behaviour. See:
Metfessel, N., et al (1969)
While goals describe global learning outcomes, learning objectives are statements of
specific performances that contribute to the attainment of goals. Learning objectives
should help guide curriculum development, instructional strategies, selection of
instructional materials, and development of assessments.
Comprehension is understanding more than just what something is. According to the
taxonomy of educational objectives, the following verbs may be used to write objectives
for comprehension skill: associate, classify, convert, describe, differentiate, discuss,
distinguish, estimate, explain, express, extend, group, identify, indicate, order,
paraphrase, predict, report, restate, retell, review, select, summarize, translate, and
Generally, learning objectives are written in terms of learning outcomes: What do you
want your students to learn as a result of the lesson? Follow the three-step process below
for creating learning objectives.
1. Create a stem. Stem Examples:
After completing the lesson, the student will be able to . . .
After this unit, the student will have . . .
By completing the activities, the student will . . .
At the conclusion of the course/unit/study the student will . . .
3. One you have a stem and a verb, determine the actual product, process, or
After completing these lesson, the student will be able to recognize foreshadowing
in various works of literature.
Given below are some examples of learning objectives used by teachers. Modify them
according to your need.
Read a paragraph from your Study Guide and using any of the above activities show your
skill of comprehension of the read matter.
Teachers can assess comprehension at the end of a lesson by asking quick-answer
question of the type given here:
Assessing Comprehension
The final thing to include in your lesson plan is a little time at the end of each class in
which to assess your students' comprehension. Many teachers assign short in-class
quizzes and writing exercises. Here are a few examples:
The One-Minute Paper – Ask for a half-page response to one or both of these:
o What's the most interesting or important thing you learned today?
o What's the biggest question today's lesson left in your mind?
The Principle Involved Quiz – Provide a short list of problems and ask your
o What are the best principle(s) to apply in solving each problem?
These type of assessment exercises are rarely meant for grading purposes. They're mostly
designed for taking the pulse of the classroom. Just a quick "down-and-dirty" that will
tell you what your students are struggling with, what they aren't grasping, whether you
need to revisit a topic and revise content, or if you are back at square-one and need to
revise the actual lesson plan.
4.2.2 Interpretation: Interpretation involves not only the students’ ability to rephrase or
translate a communication but also his ability to “identify and comprehend the major ideas
which are included in it as well as understand their interrelationships”. What is to be
interpreted may be presented in a variety of forms ranging from paragraphs to tables,
charts, graphs, or even cartoons. The response format may be either objective or subjective.
4.2.3 Extrapolation: In “extrapolation”, the learner is expected to go somewhat
beyond the data presented and to “read in” to the communication implications that may or
may not be there in the literal sense. There should, of course, be some basis in the given
data for inferences that the learner makes.
Self-Assessment Questions 4.2
Answer the following questions:
Q. 1 Develop five test items from general science for translation.
Q. 2 Develop five test items from general science for interpretation.
Q. 3 Develop five test items from general science for exploration.
The distinction between the category (comprehension) and category (application) is that
whereas the student who comprehends can demonstrate application when specifically
asked to do so. The student who has ability to apply knowledge will, by himself,
recognize the principle or principles involved, select the appropriate means for solution
and then solve the problem at hand.
The “ability to apply” implies that with appropriate training, practice, and other kinds of
help, the learner becomes able to apply principles and generalizations in solving
problems that are new to him/her.
The ability to apply principles and generalizations to new problems and situations is a
type of educational objective which is found in most courses of instruction beginning
with the elementary school and is increasingly stressed at the high school, college,
graduate and professional school levels.
Teachers and curriculum makers have long cognized that a student does not really
“understand” an idea or principle unless he/she can use it in new problem situations. Thus
application is frequently regarded as an indication that a subject has been adequately
mastered. More commonly, teachers and curriculum makers have stressed this objective
in its own right. They have regarded the ability to apply principles and generalizations to
new problems and situations as one of the more complex and difficult objectives of
education. They may see it as important because it makes the learning constantly useful
in problem solving, it enables the student to gain some degree of control over various
aspects of his environment and the problems it posses, or it represents one of the learning
outcomes which enable a student to cope with conditions and problems in a complex and
rapidly changing society. Then too, the student who has demonstrated a high level of
ability in this type of objective has acquired an intelligent independence which in part
frees him from continued dependence on teachers, experts, and other adult authorities.
Finally there is some evidence that once the ability to make applications is developed, it
is likely to be one of the more permanent acquisitions in learning. If the ability is retained
well, in part because it is so serviceable, then it becomes an especially important
objective for education, whenever it is appropriate.
General Science
After each exercise number on the answer sheet, blacken the one lettered space which
designates the correct answer. When a geyser first begins to erupt, hot water overflows at
the orifice and this is followed by a rush of steam, mingled with hot water. The first
overflow of hot waster aids in the production of steam, because:
less water needs to be heated
more water can seep into the fissure from the surrounding rocks
the higher the pressure, the greater the steam produced
the higher the pressure, the lower the temperature at which steam is produced.
the water which overflows is necessary below 2100f in temperature.
In this example the student must determine the principles used in the production of steam
which might apply to each of the distractions. He/she then determines whether this is
realistic in so far as the reaction is concerned. This leads him/her to choice.
In this type of problem, the students do not actually have to solve the problem
completely; all they need to do is determine the principles or generalizations which are
appropriate. In the following examples, it will be noted that examinees must do little
more than exhibit a grasp of what the problem is about and what principles or
generalizations are relevant, useful, or pertinent. One cannot be sure from such problems
that the students could actually solve the problem in a detailed way, but one can be sure
that they have some grasp of what is required. The great value of this grasp of problem is
the efficiency with which one can sample a great variety of problems and principles of
Directions: For each statement of fact below, blacken the answer space corresponding to
the one explanatory principle, from the list preceding the statements, which is most
directly useful in explaining the fact. If none of the principles listed is applicable, blacken
Explanatory principles [A-E]
2 Force is equal to mass times acceleration
3 Friction exists between any two bodies in contact with each other.
4 Conservation of momentum
5 Conservation of energy
6 None of the foregoing
The next set of questions is very similar to the preceding set. However, the problems are
more likely to be different from the illustrations used in the instruction given to explain
the principles. It would be slightly more difficult if the student were asked to supply new
illustrations for the principles or to state the principles relevant to each fact or
Direction: Blacken the answer space corresponding to one principle which is most useful
in explaining each statement of fact.
a. Force is equal to mass times acceleration
b. The momentum of a body tends to remain constant
c. The moment or turning effect of a force is proportional to its distance from the axis
of rotation
d. Friction exists between bodies in contact and moving bodies in contact and moving
with respect to one another
e. The sum of kinetic and potential energies in an isolated system is a constant
a. Shears used to cut sheet metal having long handles
b. The force exerted on a broke by the driver’s foot is much less than that exerted on
the broke drums
c. A rocket can propel itself in a vacuum
d. If a rapidly rotating grindstone bursts, the fragments fly outward in straight lines
e. Streamlining an automobile reduces the amount of power necessary to maintain a
speed of 60 miles per hour.
The student can recognise the exceptions to a particular generalisation and reasons for
them. (Problem situation – D).
When these behaviours are being tested, the problems should include applications which
go beyond the limits of the generalization or principle as well as applications where the
generalization or principle is applicable. It should be remembered that these problems
have the purpose of determining whether or not the student is aware of the boundary
conditions under which the principles or generalizations are operative. For the most part,
the evaluation procedures for these behaviours can relatively simple, and may be asked to
do little more than recognizing or supply illustrations which are within or outside the
limits and in some cases to indicate the reasons the application or illustration is outside
the limits within which the principles or generalization is true, useful, or relevant.
In the following question, the student is to recognize the limits, special conditions, or
assumptions under which generalization or principle may be true or useful. This type of
behaviour is essentially useful in subjects where principles or generalizations have
limited applicability. The form suggested here is the simple form for testing this
The statement is made that the altitude of the celestial pole is equal to the geographic
latitude of the observer. This is correct
a. if the diameter of the earth is considered negligible compared to the distances to the
b. Only if the earth is considered spherical
c. only if the latitude is measured from the plane of the ecliptic
d. only if the observation is made at 12:oo noon
e. Only if the altitude of the celestial pole is equal to its zenith distance.
The best economic system is that one which allows individuals the most freedom to
pursue their own interests. In so doing, they will complete one with another, the end
result being to the benefit of society.
1. A necessary condition if the theory stated in the quotation is to be true is that
a. Government regulate the prices of a few basic commodities and let
individuals make their decisions accordingly.
b. Individuals have access to the necessary information
c. Individuals be morally sound
d. Government be made up of experts
2. If true, which of the following is best evidence against the application of the theory
stated in the quotation?
a. Individuals, when left free to pursue their own interests, have unequal
b. Ever increasing concentration of capital is accompanied by continuous
reduction in prices.
c. Individuals have other motivations in addition to the desire for profit
d. Government with unlimited power tend towards corruption
The problems testing for this behaviour should include new phenomena, new
illustrations, or new situations which must be explained by use of principles or
generalizations. The explanations most frequently take the form “A occurs because of Y”,
where “Y” is a particular or generalization. The explanation may use the principle or
generalization to show why something happens how it happens or under what conditions
it occurs.
If one frequently raises the cover of a vessel in which a liquid is being heated, the liquid
takes longer to boil because
a. Boiling occurs at a higher temperature if the pressure is increased.
b. Escaping vapour carries heat away from the liquid
c. Permitting the vapour to escape decreases the volume of the liquid
d. The temperature of a vapour is proportional to its volume at constant temperature
e. Permitting more air to enter results in increased pressure on the liquid
Suppose an elevator is descending with a constant acceleration of gravity “g”. if a
passenger attempts to throw a rubber ball upward, what will be the motion of the ball
with respect to the elevator? The ball will
a. remain fixed at a point the passenger releases it
b. rise to the top of the elevator and remain there
c. not rise at all, but will fall to the floor
d. rise, bounce, then move towards the floor at a constant speed
e. rise, bounce, them move towards the floor at an increasing speed
84 Test Problems for Application Behaviour G
The student can determine or justify a particular course of action or decision in a new
situation by the use of appropriate principles and generalisations. (Problem situation – G).
This behaviour involves decision making of some type-on policy, practical occurs of
action, ways of correcting a particular situation, and so forth-and the use of principles or
generalizations to support or justify the action or decision. Behaviour G is especially
relevant to policy decisions in the social sciences.
It is likely that items of the essay form could well be used in testing for this type of
Q. 2 Try to write objectives for the sub-categories within the application and analysis
Key Points
1. Comprehension is defined as the ability to grasp the meaning of material.
2. Application refers to the ability to use learned material in new and concrete
3. Translation involves student’s ability to paraphrase or describe other things into an
easily understandable language.
4. Interpretation involves not only the students’ ability to rephrase or translate a
communication but also his ability to “identify and comprehend the major ideas
which are included in it as well as understand their interrelationships”.
Answers to Self-Assessment Questions
Written By:
Dr. Farkhunda Rasheed Choudhary
Reviewed By:
Prof. Dr. Tanveer-Uz-Zaman
Page No.
Introduction ................................................................................................................. 89
5.2 Developing Tests for Assessing Different Categories of Analysis Skill ........... 90
5.2.1 Analysis of Elements ............................................................................... 90
5.2.2 Analysis of Relationship ......................................................................... 91
5.2.3 Analysis of Organizational Principles ..................................................... 92
5.2.4 Evaluation Techniques for Analysis Objectives...................................... 92 Testing Procedures used to Evaluate Analytical Abilities ......... 93 Test Problems for Analysis of Behaviour (A) ........ 93 Test Problems for Analysis of Behaviour (B) ........ 94 Test Problems for Analysis of Behaviour (C) ........ 95 Test Problems for Analysis of Behaviour (D,E,F).. 96
5.4 Developing Test for Assessing Different Levels of Evaluation ........................ 103
5.4.1 Judgment in terms of Internal Criteria..................................................... 103
5.4.2 Judgment in terms of External Criteria ................................................... 103
5.4.3 Evaluation Techniques for Evaluation Objectives .................................. 103
Higher order abilities include analysis, evaluation and creativity. These abilities/skills
incorporate lower order thinking abilities/ skills like remembering, understanding and
applying. The purpose of teaching is to educate and facilitate higher order thinking skills.
Effective participation in a rapidly changing society also requires higher order thinking
Learning Outcomes
After reading this unit, you will be able to:
Higher-order abilities basically mean such thinking that takes place in the higher-levels of
the hierarchy of cognitive processing. Bloom’s Taxonomy is the most widely accepted
hierarchical arrangement of this sort in education and it can be viewed as a continuum of
thinking skills starting with knowledge-level thinking and moving eventually to
evaluation-level of thinking.
When we promote higher-order abilities then, we are simply promoting thinking, along with
the teaching methodologies that promote such thinking, that takes place at the higher levels of
the hierarchy just provided, notably application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.
This chapter will provide you the detailed guidance of assessment of higher abilities.
Examples are also provided from physical sciences; which will certainly help you in
assessing higher abilities.
Self-Assessment Questions 5.1
Answer the following questions.
i. What are higher ability skills?
ii. What is the need of assessing higher order skills?
iii. Discuss why does the assessment of higher order skills different?
Example: Physics
Objective: to find whether the student is able to detect assumptions.
Galileo investigated the problem of the acceleration of falling bodies by rolling down
very smooth plans inclined at increasing angles, since he had no means of determining
very short intervals of time. From the data obtained he extrapolated for the cases of free
fall. Which of the following is an assumption implicit in the extrapolation?
1. That air resistance is negligible in free fall
2. That objects fall with constant acceleration
3. That the acceleration observed with the inclined plane is the same as that involved
in free fall
4. That a vertical plane and one which is nearly so have nearly the same effect on the
You will note from this example student is thrust into a situation similar to that of Galileo
must have confronted. How different this approach is from asking the student to state the
law or work a sample problem!
He must take what he knows and draw certain conclusions, however, in drawing those
conclusions he must be conscious of any assumption he is making for if they are untrue
they would invalidate the conclusions.
Example: Physics
Objective: To ascertain the student’s abilities to detect cause and effect relationship.
Items 1-7
A piston is pushed down in a cylinder of air (as shown in the allied material). After each
item number on the answer sheet, blacken the space.
A. If the statement is true and reason given is true
B. If the statement is true and reason given is false
C. If the statement itself is false
1. The gas heats up because the average kinetic energy of the molecules has
been increased.
2. The number of molecules is increased because the gas heats up
In this example, the student must judge whether there is a cause effect relationship as
distinct from a sequential type of relationship.
5.2.3 Analysis of Organizational Principles
• It is usually written in essay form and is characteristic of the essay question.
• These are asked in advanced placement courses or college classes.
Analysis presupposes that the individual not only can comprehend what has been stated
in document but also can separate himself from the message to view it in terms of how it
does what it does.
Analysis requires the students to see the underlying ideas employed in a document.
There is common misconception that analysis objectives are very difficult to teach and
learn. In a fast moving and rapidly changing society, analytical abilities are very
necessary in order to go below the surface manifestations to explore the basis for these
changes and distinguish those which are real and fundamental from those which are not.
Analysis is required in such situations where a deeper understanding is required before
decisions are reached, problems are attacked, or significant evaluations are made.
There is possibility that once analytical abilities are developed in a number of fields of
knowledge, they can be applied to new problems in a creative way. It is also likely that
once such abilities are developed to a reasonable degree, they will be retained and will be
available to the individual long after he has forgotten much of the detailed knowledge.
The writing of analysis objectives is very important. All objectives must involve some
ability to recognize, identify, classify, distinguish, discriminate, or relate particular
qualities or characteristics of a work.
The ability or skill acquired as result of analysis can be used on new problems,
materials, or situations, and that the adequacy of the student’s analysis is to be judged
against the ability of some expert or experts to make a similar analysis with the same
The evaluation of analysis abilities and skills requires that the students demonstrate
the appropriate behaviour in a new problem or situation.
The new problem, material or situation must be selected from work or documents
that already exist.
In terms of student’s behaviour, the ability to analyse might include the behaviours
from A to F.
• The questions attempt to determine whether or not the student recognizes the
function, purpose, or use made of the particular elements in the document.
A biological situation is listed below. In each situation, a specific phenomenon is
underlined {italicized}.after each situation is a numbered list of students, each of which
may or may not be directly related to the specific phenomenon.
Directions: for each numbered statement blacken the answer space, in accordance with
the series of choices given below, which best characterizes the statement.
A flower box is kept near a south window. All the plants in the box bend towards the
1. The plants were exposed to unequal illumination on opposite sides.
2. Growth rates differ on the exposed and shaded portions of the stems.
3. Cell division proceeds at a greater rate on the exposed side.
4. The plants receive an increased illumination due to the bending
5. The plants exhibits positive phototropism
6. Within certain limits, cell elongation is directly proportional to the quality of active
auxin present.
In these items, the student must determine the way in which the statements are related to
the phenomena described, only one of which has been included above. It is clear that the
student must have a good deal of knowledge about each phenomenon before he can make
the relatively simple type of analysis required here.
Students recognize a variety of clues in the document and to use these as a basis of his
For an evaluation of this behaviour, it is necessary for the student to have the document
or material available to refer to as frequently as he needs.
In some situations for the student well enough remembering of document in memory may
be required.
[The student has the paper available for reference during the examination]
1. In Leibnitz’ discussion of “quality of motion”. His first assumption establishes
A- A definition of the term” force” acquired by a body in falling from height A
B- A relationship between falling bodies and bodies projected upward against
C- That the momentum acquired by a body falling from height h is sufficient to
carry it back to height h
D- The equivalence of weight and motive force.
3. In discussing the separation of particles, Lavoisier does not assert or assume that
A- Anybody expanded by heating can be contracted by cooling
B- There is a range of attainable temperature below the point at which bodies
remain constant in size despite further cooling
C- The size of the individual particles is unaffected by heat
D- There is a point on the temperature scale below which further marking are
It is to be noted that the student is to determine the effect of the assumptions made by the
writer. While these questions relate to the entire document or investigation, they deal
primarily with the more immediate effect of particular element in the paper.
In this behaviour the emphasis is on the entire document or idea, although analysis still
deals with particulars which have bearing on the document as a whole.
Geologists subscribe to the hypothesis that the earth has been shrinking. Which of the
following is the best evidence for this hypothesis?
A- The earth is not a perfect sphere
B- The density of the interior of the earth is considerably higher than that of the
surface layers.
C- The force of gravity varies in different parts of the earth.
D- The earth came originally from the sun as heterogeneous material and has been
readjusting to the force of gravity.
E- Mountain ranges consist of series of folds.
In this example the student is to determine which type of evidence supports a particular
theoretical statement. The problem of relating evidence to theory could be put in different
forms. The above example requires that student must have a good deal of prior
knowledge about theoretical statements before he can make the type of analysis required.
All three type of behaviour require the student to make particular kinds of analysis in
which he is able to discern the pattern, organizational principle, framework, or point of
view on which an entire work is based.
Appropriate test problems for these types of analysis behaviours require the student to
relate the entire work to a given analytical question or problem.
1. The falling of mass in the work [a sculpture]results from;
A- The material
B- The colour
C- The form
D- The treatment of surface
4. Linear movements felt in this work are;
A- Vertical
B- Diagonal
C- Horizontal
D- All of these
These questions are all related to new work of sculpture presented to the students at the
time of the examination. The first two questions attempt to evaluate the student’s ability
to discern particular aspects of the arrangement of material and form (behavior D).
The next four test the student’s recognition of some of the organizational principles
underlying the work (E)
While the last question focuses on the overall framework or quality of the sculpture (F)
It implies almost the converse of analysis.
Synthesis involves putting elements together to form a new pattern.
It provides students an opportunity for originality and creativity.
Three Subcategories of Synthesis Skill Are:
5.3.1 Production of Unique Communication
• This kind of production involves such abilities as being able to write sciences
fiction, to tell a story of incident well, or to speak on the spur of the moment.
• It could involve secondary school student in a number of practical activities.
Example: Science
You have read the book entitles……Take one of the following positions and write a 500
word essay defending your position.
I agree with the author because …………….
I disagree with the author because…………..
Creativity has been viewed as a kind of self expression in which a student is urged and
helped to produce something novel or different, bearing the stamp of his personal
uniqueness and individuality. Creativity is the reaction of authoritarian modes of teaching
and rote learning.
Synthesis is a kind of divergent thinking in that it is unlikely that the right solution to a
problem can be set in advance.
In synthesis, each student may provide a unique response to the question or problem
posed, and it is the task of the evaluator to determine
a. the merits of the responses in terms of process exhibited
b. the quality of the product
c. Quality of evidence and arguments supporting the synthesis work.
Synthesis represents one of the terminal outcomes of education. Synthesis is one of the
highest objectives of education in that the individual becomes a scholarly or artistic
craftsman in his own right.
Synthesis could cause the pride for students as it develops confidence for unique
In the fast moving society, there is need for creativity and uniqueness to solve the
For further reading about objectives related to synthesis, please read the following pages:
P 194-195
Synthesis Objectives
Synthesis objectives must involve the student’s developing some new organization of
material and ideas to meet the requirements of a problem or task to express some feelings
or ideas.
The problem or task must be a new for the student; otherwise the outcome might be a
“remembered synthesis” rather than a “new one” produced by the student. It is not
necessary that the problem must be new in the field –instead it must be new to the
Similarly the synthesis does not necessarily require a “new” solution –instead it requires
unique development
Synthesis requires something unique and different from student. The role of a teacher is
not like pedagogue but as guider and coach.
The judgment about the product as a result of synthesis is not pass-fail or a series of
grades. Rather, like more formative judgments, they are directed to help the students, find
aspects of his work which are adequate as well as aspects of his work which could be
improved or strengthened.
For synthesis, the emphasis is on quality of products created rather than on the specific
processes or behaviour involved in their creation.
(written, spoken, painted, etc),and the ideas, feelings, or experiences to be
• Students must be given considerable freedom in defining task for himself or in
redefining the problem.
Essay (suggested time: 2-2 ½ hrs)
Directions: Read the following comment on selections I and II of the reading materials
and answer the question based on them.
Question: do you agree or disagree with this comment? In defending your answer, make
clear your views of the indispensable conditions, both within and between nations, of
lasting peace, and describe and defend a major line of policy which the United States
might now employ.
[your essay will be judged not in terms of the particular view which you accept but in
terms of the thoughtfulness and consistency of your essay as a whole, and the adequacy
of the information which you bring to bear upon the issues with which you deal. refer,
when appropriate, to authors read in the social sciences 3 course, but do not use such
references as a substitute for presenting your own consistent, coherent point of view.]
In preparation for this social science problem, the student is provided with several
readings relevant to the problem. The “comment” is intended to help him/her get stared
as well as to state the problem.
An experiment is being planned to determine the amount of radiation emitted through a
25 sq.ft. Opening in a furnace during a one minute period. A paper –thin flat sheet of
metal one foot square is held in the path of the radiation at a distance of five feet from the
opening. Its rise in temperature is measured by means of a thermocouple.
Directions: you are to decide which of the following factors are important in this
experiment, for each factor below, blacken
Answer space A-if the factor must be take into account before even a rough estimate of
the amount of radiation emitted can be made.
Answer B- if the factor need be taken into account only if a fairly accurate estimate is
Answer- if the factor is not likely to affect the estimate to any measureable degree
1. The shape of the metal sheet
2. The angle at which it is held relative to the opening
3. Whether the surface of the metal is blackened or shiny
4. The temperature of the room
In this illustration the student is not required to make his own synthesis-only to judge
particular details of a proposed set of operations. The value of this test form is that it can
sample a variety of details in a brief amount of time.
Imagine that you are able to travel into the future and study the culture of the United
States two thousand years from now. You find that at that time the majority of positions
of influence and honour are filled by women. When you question people, they tell you
that intelligence, kindness, and a respect for creative work are the ideal human attributes
and that women, by nature, excel men in these matters. Write an essay in which you
describe what other significant social changes might accompany the changes described
Here the student is given more freedom to develop and illustrate a simple theory about
the social changes that might take place.
Self-Assessment Questions 5.3
Q. 1 Attempt all questions
i. How does a teacher assess the analysis of “production of unique communication”
skill of a student? Give examples
ii. How does a teacher assess the “production of a plan or proposed set of operations”
skill of a student? Give examples
iii. How does a teacher assess the “production of a plan” skill of a student? Give examples.
iv. What are evaluation techniques for synthesis objectives? Describe in detail.
Educational judgment is different from personal judgment. Personal judgments are rarely
base on some criteria and standards. On the other hand, evaluation found in educational
objectives is among the most complex cognitive behaviours. In the Bloom’s taxonomy of
educational objectives, evaluation is placed as the last category of objectives. Objectives
in this category require some competencies in all the previous categories of cognitive
domain i.e. knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis. Evaluation is
higher order skill because the student is most likely required to make judgments about
something that he knows, analyzes, synthesizes, and so forth on the basis of criteria
which can be made explicit.
Educational objectives involving evaluation are found at secondary school and higher
educational levels. Curriculum makers include this kind of judgment relatively late in
educational process. In spite of its complexity, evaluation appears to be one of the most
important categories of educational objectives in our society. Citizens have to participate
meaningfully in the appraisal and evaluation of past as well as future decisions and actions.
As the societies are becoming complex and world is becoming a global village, it seems
evident that evaluation is the most relevant for education of citizens throughout the world.
Nearly all subjects, especially social sciences and physical sciences place more emphasis on
evaluation. New approaches to sciences and rapid communication about these developments
require that a person be able to suspend his judgments about the new while he makes
appropriate analysis and evaluation of it. The development of adequate evaluative behavior
and effective participation is specially required for a person’s well being in a rapidly changing
society where new choices, decisions, and consequences are ever present.
To see the examples of objectives under evaluation category, please read the following pages.
After observing these objectives, you will see that they involve some evaluate work,
policies, or situations among other things.
It can be inferred from these statements that the ability or skill is to be used on new
problems, materials, or situations, and that the adequacy of the student’s evaluation is to
be judged against the ability of some expert or experts to make a similar evaluation with
the same material or against an expert judgment about the adequacy of the criteria used
and the process by which the evaluations been made adequacy of the student’s evaluation
is to be judged.
By new, means the material which is new to student or which is unlikely to have been
evaluated in the same way by or for the student previously.
New material, problems and forth might be similar to those evaluated in the learning
situation in terms of difficulty or complexity.
It is better that new material should be real in that it is selected from works, documents,
situations or other sources that already exist rather than expressly developed for the
evaluation problems.
Ability to evaluate
This refers to the ability to evaluate or judge works or other givens is a complex set of skills
and behaviours which the student is expected to learn through practice with a variety of
works and problems. As this ability is dependent upon the rest of the categories of
taxonomy –it includes in addition specific behaviours involving judgments and evaluation.
Evaluation objectives in terms of student behaviour
The student can make judgments of a document or work in terms of the accuracy,
precision, and care with which it has been made (internal accuracy; A)
The student can make judgments of a document or work in terms of the consistency of
the arguments; the relations among assumptions, evidence, and conclusions; and the
internal consistency of the logic and organization (internal consistency; B)
The student can recognize the values and points of views used in a particular judgment of
a work (internal criteria; C)
The student can make judgments of a work by comparing with other relevant works
(internal criteria; D)
The student can make judgments of a work by using a given set of criteria or standards
(external criteria; E)
The student can make judgments of work by using his own explicit set of criteria or
standards (external criteria; F)
Key Points
1. Higher-order abilities basically mean such thinking that takes place in the higher-
levels of the hierarchy of cognitive processing.
2. Critical/creative/constructive thinking is closely related to higher-order thinking;
they are actually inseparable.
3. Critical/creative/constructive thinking simply means thinking processes that
progress upward in the given direction.
4. The assessment of Higher-order cognitive skills are said to be more difficult to
measure than simpler skills; they involve the orchestration and practical use of
simpler skills, which are easier to teach and to assess.
5. Analysis involves the student’s skills in BREAKING an idea down into its parts
and showing that he/she understands their relationships.
6. Analysis of relationship is next category to analysis of elements.
7. Analysis requires the students to see the underlying ideas employed in a document.
8. The ability or skill acquired as result of analysis can be used on new problems,
materials, or situations, and that the adequacy of the student’s analysis is to be
judged against the ability of some expert or experts to make a similar analysis with
the same givens.
9. All three type of behaviour (D,E,F) require the student to make particular kinds of
analysis in which he is able to discern the pattern, organizational principle,
framework, or point of view on which an entire work is based.
10. Production of unique communication involves such abilities as being able to write
sciences fiction, to tell a story of incident well, or to speak on the spur of the
11. Creativity has been viewed as a kind of self expression in which a student is urged
and helped to produce something novel or different, bearing the stamp of his
personal uniqueness and individuality.
12. Synthesis objectives must involve the student’s developing some new organization
of material and ideas to meet the requirements of a problem or task to express some
feelings or ideas.
Bloom, B.S., Hastings, J.H., Madaus, G.F. Handbook on Formative and Summative
Evaluation of Student Learning.
Written By:
Dr. Farkhunda Rasheed Choudhary
Zahoor Ahmad
Reviewed by:
Prof. Dr. Rabia Khatoon
Page No.
All sciences have an empirical basis and that they involve practical pursuits and
activities. The development of practical skills and abilities must form an integral part of
the set of educational goals that is to be associated with science education. Thus practical
work has traditionally played a key part in all our Science Education programmes,
including those designed for the school level.
Learning Outcomes
After reading this unit, you will be able to:
1. explain nature of practical skills
Assessment of practical skills – why?
1. Practical skills are central to professional practice
2. It defines what students take to be important (Rowntree 1987)
3. If delegated to staff in placements:
4. Lack of consistency between assessors
5. Seen as less important than other subjects
6. To assess competence
6.1.1 Coordination
The integration of activities, responsibilities or skills and abilities of putting information
in systematic order
1. Recording—tabulating, charting, working systematically, recording completely
2. Comparing—noticing how things are alike, looking for similarities, noticing
identical features
3. Contrasting—noticing how things differ, looking for dissimilarities, noticing unlike
4. Classifying—identifying groups and categories, deciding between alternatives
5. Organizing—putting items in order, establishing a system, filing, labeling,
6. Outlining—employing major headings and subheadings, using sequential, logical
7. Reviewing—identifying important items
8. Evaluating—recognizing good and poor features, knowing how to improve grades
9. Analyzing—seeing implications and relationships, picking out causes and effects,
locating new problems
6.1.2 Manipulation
Manipulative skills are a category of motor skills—those skills and abilities of handling
materials and instruments.
1. Using an instrument—knowing the instrument’s parts, how it works, how to adjust
it, its proper use for a given task and its limitations
2. Caring for an instrument—knowing how to store it, using proper settings, keeping
it clean, handling it properly, knowing its rate capacity and transporting it safely
3. Demonstrating—setting up apparatus, describing parts and functions and
illustrating scientific principles
4. Experimenting—recognizing a question, planning a procedure, collecting data,
recording data, analyzing data and drawing conclusions
5. Constructing—making simple equipment for demonstrations and investigations
6. Calibrating—learning the basic information about calibration, calibrating a
thermometer, balance, timer and or other instrument
6.1.3 Precision
The ability of a measurement to be consistently reproduced. Refinement in a
measurement, calculation, or specification, especially as represented by the number of
digits given.
6.1.5 Creation
Creative skills and abilities of developing new approaches and new ways of thinking
1. Planning ahead—seeing possible results and probable modes of attack, setting up
2. Designing—identifying new problems
3. Inventing—creating a method, device, or technique
4. Synthesizing—putting familiar things together in a new arrangement, hybridizing,
drawing together.
Activity 1
This website is related to practical skills and abilities. I assure you will find useful
information about topic.
Now enlist the skills and abilities on this and others sites.
There arises a question that the qualities mentioned in table 5.1 (of allied material) are bias in
nature whether this type of treatment can be justified? Apparently the alternative is to focus
on the outcomes of practical work. It should be noted that, traditionally, the assessment of
students’ practical abilities in science subjects has been based on the outcomes of practical
exercises carried out by them, the assumption being that a high co-ordination exists between
the results achieved by them and the quality of their practical processed.
A number of studies undertaken in recent years suggest that this correlation is far from
high. We can cite the example of Buckley in the subject of chemistry. The conclusion
derived from such a test was that we cannot simply infer a student’s practical competence
form the outcomes of practical exercises.
The outcomes of the practical works can be divided into two classes
a) Quantitative
b) Qualitative
The development of assessment criteria in such cases is easy. For quantitative data
establish some target value.
This emphasis on student’s ability to perform tasks by producing their own work with
their knowledge and skills.
6.2.4 The Moderation of Practical Grades
The most reliable assessment of the student’s practical skills result from the use of
detailed check lists specifying precise performance criteria. However, it, too, is not the
guarantee of “common standard “assessments practically it is impossible for the teachers
to operate a common standard during assessment. Inter teacher variability of assessment
made and grades derived from them are necessary.
Inter teacher or inter- school variability of grades is not of much importance, too the
reason is that the results of students of one school or may vary from the result or the
students of another school.
The function of a moderating procedure is to detect and then to eliminate, or at least
reduce any over or under assessment to which teacher assessments of practical skills may
be subject at the same time. Correct any undue dispersion of grades within a teaching
test. These different approaches to the moderation of practical grades have been changed.
These are:
i) Moderation via the inspection of student’s notebooks and written records of
practical works.
ii) Use of visiting moderators.
iii) Statistical moderation of teacher based grades.
iv) These three grades are briefly discussed below.
a) Inspection of Practical Notebooks etc.
In this procedure the schools should submit the practical notebooks of the students to an
examining board. This examining board should then scrutinise these practical notebooks.
b) Moderation by Visiting Moderators
It means the assessment by an external examiner or moderator of the quality of the
student’s practical work carried out in the course of an actual laboratory session. This
assessment result can be compared with the grades awarded by the teacher and
appropriate adjustments made to the latter.
c) Statistical Moderating Procedures
It means to find some instrument or measure by which the extent of a teacher’s over or
under assessment of his students, relative to the total examined population , can be
determined. The choice of a theory examination as a reference standard for the
moderation of practical grades is not beyond criticism. The main question that arises is
that whether any significant relationship can be assumed to exist between student’s
practical abilities and their theoretical knowledge.
Most of the science teachers consider that practical work is essential for improving
student’s understanding of science concepts, their manipulative skills and their
appreciation of the way in which scientific knowledge is generated and validated.
Laboratory activities are important in fostering understanding of certain aspects of the
nature of science, intellectual and conceptual development, and positive attitude towards
science and certain problem solving and psychomotor skills.
6.3.1 Goals of Practical Work
The following table provides a list of the diverse goals which different teachers might
aim for, in their laboratory teaching.
Domain Goal
Cognitive To promote intellectual development
To enhance the learning of scientific concepts
To develop problem solving skills
To develop creative thinking
To increase understanding of science and scientific methods
Practical To develop skills in performing science investigations
To develop skills in analysing investigative data
To develop skills in communicating
To develop skills in working with others
Affective To enhance attitudes towards science
To promote positive perceptions of one’s ability to understand and
affect one’s environment
Irrespective of teacher’s particular goals, student behaviour in the science laboratory can
be grouped into four broad phases of activity:
1. Planning and design
2. Performance
3. Analysis and interpretation
4. Application
Q. 2 Fill in the blanks.
i. The skills and abilities of handling ______________and ______________are
known as Manipulative skills.
iv. Ability to express and receive written, verbal and/or non-verbal language is known
as ________.
v. The type of assessment in which a teacher observes and makes a judgment about
the student’s demonstration of a skill or competency in creating a
______________is called Process/performance based assessment .
Key Points
1. The unit was concerned with the assessment of the student’s knowledge, especially
practical abilities in science.
2. A distinction was made between outcome and process related assessments and the
argument advanced that the latter might well be preferable in the context of school
science education.
3. For assessment of the student’s knowledge the use of direct observation techniques
is inevitable.
4. The widespread adoption of schemes of teacher assessment of practical abilities has
to be welcomed for educational reasons.
5. Problems affecting the examining boards are meanly concerned with the effective
moderation of teacher’s assessments, prior to their incorporation into formal
examination grades attitudes towards practical work are often included among the
practical abilities to be assessed in students.
1. Practical skills and abilities are form of an integral part of any investigative process
in science and through which the investigator obtains firsthand experience of some
scientific phenomenon or relationship.
2. Practical skills and abilities can be assessed by means of written test students’
knowledge about experimental procedures and their ability to interpret data and
3. The purpose of assessment is to motivate the student, punish, provide feedback,
improve the quality and quality control.
4. The integration of activities, responsibilities or skills and abilities of putting
information in systematic order is called coordination.
5. Manipulative skills are a category of motor skills—those skills and abilities of
handling materials and instruments.
6. The ability of a measurement to be consistently reproduced is known as precision.
7. Ability to express and receive written, verbal and/or non-verbal language and the
ability to interact with others in a respectful and professional manner is known as
8. The outcomes of the practical works are of two types, Quantitative and Qualitative
Q. 2
i. Materials, Instruments
ii. Integration
iii. Measurement
iv. Articulation
v. Product
1. http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/coordination.html#ixzz3JFkLlkXB
2. http://wikieducator.org/Assessing_and_Evaluating_for_Learning/Practical_Assess
5. M. Nicol, Assessment of Practical Work Skills: Why, What, & where?, City
University, London.
Written By:
Prof. Khadim Ali Hashmi
Reviewed By:
Dr. Farkhunda Rasheed Choudhary
Page No.
The affective domain is part of a system that was published in 1965 for identifying,
understanding and addressing how people learn. Part of Bloom's Taxonomy, this
classification of educational objectives includes the cognitive domain, the affective
domain and the psychomotor domain.
The cognitive domain is organized in a hierarchy that begins with the straightforward
acquisition of knowledge, followed by the more sophisticated cognitive tasks of
comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. The psychomotor
domain relates to the learning of physical movements. The members of the original
committee did not write a book about the psychomotor domain.
Learning Outcomes
After working through the Unit, the students shall be able to:
describe affective objectives and write such objectives for their own teaching,
specifically, they will be able to discuss nature of affective objectives and abilities;
discuss the reasons for the neglect affective outcomes, namely, fear of
indoctrination, technical and methodological problems, and the ethical
value system and in expressing this kind of outcome, we can use affective domain
framework. The affective domain is certainly applicable in Arts and Human Sciences, as
it captures the idea of students learning the value of what is being taught. Educators can
expect that students learn to value and appreciate literature, music, visual art, culture etc.
as part of their learning about them.
In its simplest form, affective learning characterizes the emotional area of learning
reflected by the beliefs, values, interests, and behaviours of learners. Affective learning is
concerned with how learners feel while they are learning, as well as with how learning
experiences are internalized so they can guide the learner’s attitudes, opinions, and
behaviour in the future.
Krathwohl et al.’s taxonomy (1964) says that affective educational outcomes can be
arranged in a hierarchy, according to complexity. The hierarchy begins with an ability to
listen to ideas. Next, is responding in interactions with others and demonstrating values
or attitudes appropriate to a particular situation. The highest levels involve displaying a
commitment to principled practice on a day-to-day basis, as well as a willingness to
revise one’s judgments and change one’s behaviour in light of new evidence.
Now please read the following material from allied material: Now please read the article
“Taxonomy of educational objectives: Affective domain” (pp. 325-326, in Allied
Material on Assessment in Science Education).
For more detail read the following section from allied material 7.1 Taxonomy of
educational objectives: Affective domain
While the cognitive domain focuses on the recall of and recognition of knowledge, the
affective domain relates to the emotional component of learning, student motivation,
personal values, and attitudes. The affective taxonomy contains five levels of learning
7.1.1 Receiving
This is the most basic level of involvement in the learning process. The learner must be
able to focus his or her attention in a particular direction and demonstrate a willingness to
hear ideas and information. One is expected to be aware of or to passively attend to
certain stimuli or phenomena. Simply listening and being attentive are the expectations.
Examples of learning objectives are:
Listen to others in the classroom with respect.
Attend class regularly.
Takes notes from selected lecture material.
Examples: Listen to others with respect. Listen for and remember the name of
newly introduced people.
Key Words: asks, chooses, describes, follows, gives, holds, identifies, locates, names,
points to, selects.
7.1.2 Responding
At this level the student doesn’t just attend class, but actively participates by asking
follow-up questions, entering enthusiastically into activities, sharing ideas in discussions,
and showing interest in outcomes. One is required to comply with given expectations by
attending or reacting to certain stimuli. One is expected to obey, participate, or respond
willingly when asked or directed to do something. Examples of learning objectives are:
Discuss the role of laws in message.
Lead a class activity on ethical decision-making.
Report on the research methods of a clinical study.
Examples: Participates in class discussions.
7.1.3 Valuing
At this level, the learner demonstrates that he or she attaches personal value to ideas and
is able to decide the worth and relevance of information and experiences. The valuing
level ranges from acceptance of a value to a clear preference for a value, to a
commitment to a value. The learner displays behaviour consistent with a single belief or
attitude in situations where one is neither forced nor asked to comply. One is expected to
demonstrate a preference or displays a high degree of certainty and conviction.
7.1.4 Organization
Students may be faced with situations where more than one value is relevant. The learner
must organize personal values by contrasting different values, resolving internal conflicts,
prioritizing values, and developing a value system. This level involves 1) forming a
reason why one values certain things and not others, and 2) making appropriate choices
between things that are and are not valued. One is expected to organize likes and
preferences into a value system and then to decide which ones will be dominant.
Modifies ideas in the light of new evidence.
Examples: Recognizes the need for balance between freedom and responsible
behavior. Accepts responsibility for own behavior. Explains the role of systematic
planning in solving problems.
Key Words: adheres, alters, arranges, combines, compares, completes, defends, explains,
formulates, generalizes.
7.1.5 Characterizing
Now the student is self-reliant and behaves consistently, based on a personal value set.
The value organization of the previous level is replaced by a working system or
philosophy of life. All behaviour displayed is consistent with one’s value system. Values
are integrated into a pervasive philosophy that never allows expressions that are out of
character with those values. Evaluation at this level involves the extent to which one has
developed a consistent philosophy of life (e.g., exhibits respect for the worth and dignity
of human beings in all situations).
mind. Many modern science curricula such as the local Basic Science, the New Zealand
Science: Infants to Standard Four and the Physical Science, to name a few, have
recognized the need to develop scientific attitudes. What are scientific attitudes?
Scientific attitudes can be regarded as a complex of "values and norms which is held to
be binding on the man of science. The norms are expressed in the forms of prescriptions,
proscriptions, preferences and permissions. They are legitimatized in terms of
institutional values" (Barnes and Dolby, 1970:3). The norms and values are supposed to
be internalised by the scientist and thereafter they fashion his/her scientific practice. The
current set of scientific attitudes of objectivity, open-mindedness, unbiassedness,
curiosity, suspended judgement, critical mindedness, and rationality has evolved from a
systematic identification of scientific norms and values. The earliest papers of any
importance in the field of scientific attitudes.
7.1.6 Objectivity
Science provides a way of thinking about and solving problems in the world. It is used to
explain the behavior of both people and atoms alike. Scientists set out to answer
questions by creating experiments that test their ideas about how something works.
Objectivity is necessary to get an accurate explanation of how things work in the world.
Ideas that show objectivity are based on facts and are free from bias or personal opinion.
In science, even hypotheses, or ideas about how something may work, are written in a
way that are objective. This means that experiments may prove a hypothesis false if the
data does not support it. Scientists will alter hypotheses and theories when new
knowledge is developed. Objectivity is important in science because scientific studies
seek to get as close to the truth as possible, not just prove a hypothesis. Experiments
should be designed to be objective and not to get the answers that a scientists wants.
7.1.8 Humanity
The phrase "humanity in science" encompasses several problems of various dimensions,
which have been present for a long period. Their particular force can be most clearly
appreciated by seeing the historical circumstances in which they arose and by examining
the changing nature of the social contact between the scientific profession and society.
The new ethical imperatives presently operating within society call for new responses. In
addition, new ways must be found of mirroring scientific activity so as to more faithfully
reflect its real nature to and incorporate it into our culture.
7.1.9 Scaptism
An attitude of skepticism is essential to the scientific endeavor. In addition, most atheists
will tell you that the skeptical attitude can and should be applied to religious belief.
Simply put, skepticism allows us to guard against believing absurdities which, although
they might make us feel better temporarily, tend to have negative effects on individuals
and societies.
Many religious believers effectively utilize skepticism in other spheres of their life; they
just refuse to do so when it comes to their religion. We atheists know that this is a mistake,
but we sometimes make the mistake of framing skepticism too narrowly, emphasizing its
application to religious claims so much that we may miss other important applications. In
this series, I plan to explore the skeptical attitude in science, atheism, and some other
important spheres which tend to be neglected even by atheists.
Briefly, the skeptical attitude refers to the stance of withholding acceptance of various
claims until one has evaluated the available evidence in support of such claims. The more
stupendous the claim, the greater the necessary evidence must be. So when someone claims
that Omega-3 fatty acids in the form of fish oil supplements increase good cholesterol, for
example, we are intrigued but we do not accept the claim without good evidence.
The skeptical attitude pervades science and is applied to scientific claims as well.
Scientists are are skeptical of their colleagues' claims and even their own research
findings. This is the point of replication and convergence in science. Results must be
obtained again and again before too much is made of them. Independent labs must obtain
similar results, and differing methodologies must converge before even seemingly trivial
findings are trusted. This is a big part of what scientists mean when they refer to science
as a "self-correcting process."
Other scientists, and I am proud to count myself among them, see little point in such
compartmentalization. We apply the skeptical attitude to most or all spheres of live. In short,
we see no reason to grant religious claims an exemption from the requirement for evidence.
7.1.10 Creativity
Knowledge of science and creative vision of an individual have become two important
quality parameters of him/her in the contemporary society- which is highly technical, as
well as complex. In this context, fostering creativity in science education is also becoming
more and more important. As a consequence, investigation of creativity in science
education, to be called precisely as „scientific creativity‟ is also receiving increasing
attention of science educators. This area has been selected as the focal theme of the present
study. The study was designed to identify whether science learning has scope to nurture
creative vision, to examine the construct of scientific creativity, to review different
considerations of science educators regarding various dimensions of the construct. Science
learning has some of its intrinsic features. It enables an individual to acquire various
information in science and also to apply different steps of scientific method in each step of
daily life leading to improvement of the standard of living, at the same time. Present study
has explained this feature of science learning with reference to the philosophical
perspective of science and also shows its similarity with the construct of creativity.
periodically during instruction in order to monitor changes in the students and retool the
lesson plan. However, as H.D. Black and W.B. Dockrell add, although teachers value this
kind of information, they don’t often carry it out, at least in any formal way using an
assessment tool. Rather, teachers tend to use observed behaviours as their means for
informal assessment; however, this approach can be very time-intensive to summarize for
an entire class and tends to ignore the silent majority of students who may be non vocal
or have unobservable behaviours. In terms of assessment, if instructors agree that it’s
worth it, the authors argue, “then we must conclusively show that we can.” Looking more
closely at affective information literacy skills, many students have fear of the research
process and are often intimidated by library search tools and resources. In addition,
students may have little faith in their abilities to find information, or may lack the meta
cognitive awareness necessary to realistically assess their skills. In fact, novice library
users report more negative affect than positive effect, according to Diane Nahl-Jakobovits
and Leon Jakobovits. Focusing on affective learning and addressing these needs in a
library instruction session can lead to more positive behaviors and productive results.
Research has established clear linkages between affect and learning. Students are more
proficient at problem solving when they enjoy what they are doing. Students who are in a
good mood and emotionally involved are more likely to pay attention to information,
remember it, rehearse it. Too much anxiety interferes with learning, and an optimum
level of arousal is needed for maximum performance. Classrooms with more positive
“climates” foster student engagement and learning much more than classrooms with
negative climates.
Although virtually all teachers believe that it is important for students to obtain positive
affective traits, there is very little, if any, systematic assessment of affect in the
classroom. Teachers know that students who are confident about their ability to learn,
who like the school subjects they study, who have a positive attitude toward learning,
who respect others, and who show a concern for others are much more likely to be
motivated and involved in learning. At the same time, though, most teachers do not rely
on any kind of formal affective procedures, nor do they rely on any kind of formal
affective learning affective learning targets for their students. If we are striving to apply
the continuum of Krathwohl et al. to our teaching, then we are encouraging students to
not just receive information at the bottom of the affective hierarchy. We'd like for them to
respond to what they learn, to value it, to organize it and maybe even to characterize
themselves as science students, science majors or scientists. We are also interested in
students' attitudes toward science, scientists, learning science and specific science topics.
We want to find teaching methods that encourage students and draw them in. Affective
topics in educational literature include attitudes, motivation, communication styles,
classroom management styles, learning styles, use of technology in the classroom and
nonverbal communication. It is also important not to turn students off by subtle actions or
communications that go straight to the affective domain and prevent students from
becoming engaged.
In the educational literature, nearly every author introduces his/her paper by stating that
the affective domain is essential for learning, but it is the least studied, most often
overlooked, the most nebulous and the hardest to evaluate of Bloom's three domains. In
formal classroom teaching, the majority of the teacher's efforts typically go into the
cognitive aspects of the teaching and learning and most of the classroom time is designed
for cognitive outcomes. Similarly, evaluating cognitive learning is straightforward but
assessing affective outcomes is difficult. Thus, there is significant value in realizing the
potential to increase student learning by tapping into the affective domain. Similarly,
students may experience affective roadblocks to learning that can neither be recognized
nor solved when using a purely cognitive approach.
The importance of attitudes in all aspects of education at all levels means that there is a
need for attitude measurement. This measurement must be able to offer an accurate and
valid picture of learner attitudes to some specific aspect of the learning in the science
subject. It has to be emphasised that all attitudes must be inferred from observed
behaviour. Attitudes remain latent constructs not open to direct measurement but only to
inference. This is not as serious as it sounds. Teachers and lecturers are happy to award
grades and even degrees on the basis of marking samples of student work (behaviour) and
are able to make all kinds of statements about their confidence on learner understanding
on such evidence. Inference is the ‘stuff of education’. Caution is needed with the
cognitive. Caution is also needed with the attitudinal. In an important discussion which
has stood the test of time, Cook & Selltiz (1964) categorise the techniques of attitude
measurement into five types. In schools, paper and-pencil techniques must dominate.
They are socially acceptable and such approaches can handle the large numbers in
schools and universities. There are two approaches: we can either ask the learners to tell
us (in writing or at interview) what they think or we can try to devise tests, responses to
which can throw light on learner attitudes. The farmer are open to error in that self-
reporting may be skewed by such things as a wish to give ‘desirable’ answers, while the
latter kind of questions are very difficult to devise. Nonetheless, experience with self-
report techniques (like the technique of Likert, 1932) shows that, under most conditions,
respondents are remarkably honest and consistent in their responses. For example, in a
some work looking at the educational outcomes from some new curriculum material for
biology students, it was noted that, with two consecutive year groups (550 and 750) of
biology students, the overall picture on each of the nine questions asked (Likert-type
questions) was found to differ by less than 1% in every category of response (see
Clarkburn et al., 2000, for an outline of the investigation). Agreement of this order is very
high and confirms that, with large samples, survey data can be robust. In looking at
paper-and-pencil techniques, several types of question have been identified:
(a) those with a format similar to that developed by Osgood;
(b) those with a format similar to that developed by Likert;
(c) rating questions; and
(d) situational set questions. These approaches have been discussed briefly elsewhere,
with examples given from the literature and their strengths and weaknesses
summarised (Reid, 2004).
Four examples of written questions are quoted from this source in the Appendix.
Interviews can offer very rich insights. They can be highly structured or totally open, but
often interviews can be described as semi-structured. Here the interviewer has a set of
questions for discussion but there is freedom to elaborate or move from the agenda as
appropriate. If the interview is highly structured, then data analysis can be simpler. For
example, we can simply record the proportion of students who like laboratories, used a
given textbook regularly, re-wrote their lecture notes after lectures and so on. However,
most interviews are, in some measure, not so structured and students can respond in
widely different ways using widely different language. Indeed, in open interviews, the
student may even determine the agenda. There is a considerable amount of research
following this latter paradigm (e.g., Marton, 1986).
7.3.1 Interview
In-depth "structured" interviews with a handful of carefully selected students will enable
you to readily judge the extent of understanding your students have developed with
respect to a series of well-focused, conceptually-related scientific ideas. This form of
assessment provides feedback that is especially useful to instructors who want to improve
their teaching and the organization of their courses.
What Is An Interview?
A formal interview consists of a series of well-chosen questions (and often a set of tasks
or problems) which are designed to elicit a portrait of a student's understanding about a
scientific concept or set of related concepts (Southerland, Smith & Cummins, 2000). The
interview may be videotaped or audio taped for later analysis.
What i Involved?
Several hours required to develop a set of good questions,
Instructor Preparation
tasks and problems sets. Additional time to locate
appropriate props and recording equipment, if desired.
Interviews are most fruitful when the student has developed
Preparing Your
a good rapport with you. It is essential that the student feels
relaxed and at ease.
One-on-one or small group interviews may be conducted in
less than an hour in your office or other convenient "private
Class Time:
space." Some practice will reduce the time required to
conduct a good interview.
Disciplines: No disciplinary constraints. Appropriate for all STEM fields.
Normally, structured interviews are conducted outside of
class. It is important that subjects be carefully selected to
Class Size:
represent a range of ability and interest levels among
students enrolled in a course.
Interview protocol, props, recording equipment and small
private space.
The most useful interviews are those conducted with
Individual or Group individuals or small groups outside of class. Sometimes this
Involvement: is done well in laboratory sections, but TAs will need special
training or assistance.
For "formative" assessment, the instructor may want to
review taped interviews with special attention to potential
Analyzing Results:
"misconceptions." If used for "summative" evaluation, a type
of "scoring rubric" may be developed.
Other Things to
and regulations which form the basis for assessment of the general character traits of
students. The school rules and regulations serve as criteria or standard for observation.
The pattern by which observations are made is not defined.
Although the SD technique was in wide use after its origination, only one study using this
technique to evaluate odor experience was published. This study was an attempt to
compare traditional multi-dimensional scaling techniques with the SD technique among a
native Japanese population using a set of familiar odorants (Yoshida, 1964). Following
factor analysis of both methods, the SD technique appeared to yield three factors (as
compared to six for the MDS technique), which were labeled as (1) sensory pleasure, (2)
harshness, and (3) intensity or vividness. Despite the small sample size and stimulus set
utilized, that the SD technique yielded the same basic 3-factor dimensions for odors as it
did for stimuli in other modalities, suggests that the SD technique may be useful in this
7.3.4 Projective Techniques
Projective techniques were developed for use in clinical psychology in the early twentieth
century. These techniques, including the Rorschach and the Thematic Apperception Test,
are employed in personality assessment (Rabin, 1981). After a sharp decline in their use
during the 1960s, they are now widely used in clinical practice across the globe
(Piotrowski et al., 1993). Despite some reservations about them in the academic
community, the practitioner community continues to find projective techniques useful
(Pruitt et al., 1985). Currently, many of these techniques are being adapted for computer-
assisted and computer-adaptive testing (Bellak, 1992). During the 1940s, they were
adapted from their clinical settings for use in attitude, opinion and market research
(Weschler & Bernberg, 1950; Smith, 1954). They were employed to encourage
respondents to express private feelings and to say things that might be threatening or
embarrassing when more conventional research techniques were used (Cobliner, 1951).
Since they require respondents to report on how others, and not they themselves, might
think, feel or behave, the views expressed can be seen as other people’s views or simply
attributed to imagination (Schlackman, 1989). Thus, at least one of the assumptions
underpinning the techniques remained when they were employed in these new research
applications; that projection is the process of attributing one’s own feelings, behaviour or
motivations to others. These techniques were not used in market or opinion research to
assess personality, nor did users adapt or develop any of the test norms or standards
available to users in clinical settings. Rather, they were seen as a way of overcoming
some of the response barriers associated with direct questioning (Oppen- heim, 1992).
3. Completion techniques. The respondent is presented with an incomplete stimulus,
such as the beginning of a sentence, and is asked to complete it or to complete
thought and speech bubbles in a cartoon drawing. Completion techniques generate
less complex and elaborate data than construction techniques, but they demand less
from respondents as the stimulus material has more structure.
Versatility: Whilst they can be used on their own, projective techniques are usually
employed in combination with other quantitative and qualitative research techniques.
Word association, sentence completion and bubble cartoons can be incorporated into
interviewer administered or self-completion questionnaires (Oppenheim, 1992). Other
techniques such as story telling or personification techniques are more appropriately
employed in class discussions or focus groups. Where projective techniques are
introduced at an early stage in group discussions, the responses they generate can provide
ideas and new perspectives for further discussion (Will et al., 1996). Clark (1995)
suggested that they could be used in the counselling process for similar reasons.
Fun: Projective techniques can also be fun to complete once respondents get over the
initial surprise, self-consciousness and embarrassment at what they are expected to do.
When we present projective techniques to students for completion in the classroom,
before long they are comparing their responses with those of other students. In sharp
contrast to the quiet examination type atmosphere often associated with self-completion
questionnaires, the classroom is filled with noise and laughter. This does not mean
necessarily that projective techniques trivialise research. The laughter and joking that
accompanies the completion of projective techniques can be advantageous, facilitating
self-expression and helping to overcome the self-censoring of responses (Gordon &
Langmaid, 1988).
these skills has been identified in both Canada and the U.K (Oughton and Pierre, 2007),
How to measure learning outcomes in the affective domain is difficult. A search of
educational resources will turn up dozens of handy assignments, tests and rubrics for
measuring cognitive outcomes; but very few, if any for evaluating affective progress
(Oughton and Pierre, 2007). Bednar and Levie in Oughton and Pierre (2007) observed
that since attitudes cannot be directly observed, they are inferred from behaviour, usually
in the form of verbal responses or observable actions. In Nigeria’s primary and secondary
schools, learners’ actions are improperly observed over time and scoring made at the end
of the term. The assessment of the learning competencies under affective domain is not
based on standard or criteria by which observation made can be compared. The
assessment of affective learning competences is unlike in cognitive or psychomotor
where a test can be marked right or wrong using marking scheme. Feelings are never
wrong; people’s ways of expressing that emotion may be changed, behaviour is slippery
ground, and learning theories of attitude change are no longer as popular as they once
were (Oughton and Pierre, 2007). Teachers understand that a largely cognitively-oriented
classroom is more predictable and controllable than an emotionally-expressive one. It is
by conviction that affective competences are facilitators in the acquisition of knowledge
or skills. They may assume that, by paying attention to cognitive outcomes, the affective
ones are automatically being furthered. The relationship between cognitive or
psychomotor domain and affective domain is that affective domain provides framework
for the cognitive domain to operate. If one feels sad or stressed or not interested in the
subject learning will not take place effectively. Many teachers are unaware of the
relationship between affective domain and the other two domains; they draw parallel line
between the affective and other domains in ignorance of the fact that attitudes act to
complement acquisition and application of knowledge and skills. Assessment in affective
domain carried out in Nigerian primary and secondary schools is on character traits.
Assessment in this contest is simply the process of collecting information about students
learning and performance to improve education (Carnegie Mellon University, 2012).
Assessment is a process of identifying errors and rewarding as a confirmation of
assessment of assigned task numerically or alphabetically according to degree of errors
committed. The assessment of character traits in school is checking for non-compliance
with rules and regulations and making observations of those that are at variance with the
laid down rules or violating rules and regulations. Assessment in affective domain in
Nigerian schools, especially primary and secondary schools which takes the form of
observation of general character traits is in three phases, namely, observation, scoring,
and reporting.
Neglect of the Affective Domain has been described by Martin G. Main (1992) in the
following words (pp. 5 – 7):
According to Keller (1979) motivation is the neglected “heart" of our understanding of
how to design instruction.
knowledge of how people learn, and almost no knowledge of W they learn" (p. 390).
According to Beane (1985/86) "...the form or substance of affective education represents
perhaps the most problematic of all school issues" (p.27).
Even a brief review of the literature reveals greater emphasis on the cognitive domain in
instructional research than is devoted to the affective domain. Such neglect has not
always been the case. Krathwohl (1964) studied the history of major courses in general
education (liberal studies) at the college level. He found that, "...in the original statement
of objectives there was frequently as much emphasis given to affective objectives as to
cognitive objectives. However, as we followed some of these courses over a period of ten
to twenty years, we found a rather rapid dropping of the affective objectives from the
statements about the course and an almost complete disappearance of efforts at appraisal
of student growth in this domain" (p. 16).
Snow (1989) suggests cognitive psychology has hardly considered the cognitive-
motivation interface at all. He recommends research on problem-solving, cognition-
motivation interaction be increased. Although designers and developers have often
ignored the affective domain in instructional design models, the practice of affective
instruction has been kept alive by classroom teachers. It is usually mastery of affective
techniques that set apart the master teacher from the mediocre. The ability to capture the
student’s attention and structure the presentation to engage the student with the subject
matter is an art form. Good teachers control the learning environment using their
experience tested techniques and the technology available to maintain interest and
motivate the learner.
Laminack and Long's (1985) study of teacher effectiveness supports accounts of the
importance to student achievement of attention to the affective domain. They found that
undergraduates' memories of their favourite elementary teacher are characterized by a
variety of affective\ factors. In general, however, scientific evidence supporting the
affective domain as either dependent or independent variables is sparse. Why has so little
effort has been placed in exploring the affective component of the learning process if it is
so widely recognized as a major factor in learning? Krathwohl (1964) suggested that the
erosion of affective objectives in college curricula could be due to the hesitancy of
teachers to assign student grades for interest, attitude, or character development.
Of course extreme behaviours are recognized and disciplined, and at the other extreme,
awards and honours presented. Usually, however, imposing discipline and recognizing
honours are treated as administrative functions and performed outside the classroom
except in the primary grades. Krathwohl believed the hesitation to use affective measures
for assigning grades was mostly due to two factors. First, appraisal techniques are
inadequate. Second, students easily exploit their ability to detect responses to be
rewarded or penalized.
Krathwohl felt cognitive performance could be measured more objectively than affective
behaviour. It was fairly straightforward to determine competence in meeting cognitive
objectives. In contrast, we might not trust the professed evidence of an interest or attitude
because of the difficulty in determining whether a response was sincere.
A more serious reason advanced by Krathwohl for dropping affective objectives from the
curriculum is the philosophical basis of personal privacy, cultural diversity and individualism.
Free choice and individual decision are central in a democratic society. The imposition of
affective behaviours blurs the distinction between education and indoctrination.
Martin and Briggs (1986) searched the literature for clues as to why the affective domain
has not been addressed more vigorously in instructional design theory and practice. In
addition to difficulty of definition and measurement, they identified six other problems
they feel have contributed to this neglect.
The belief that affective goals are so long range and intangible that the time restrictions
of instructional programs prevent development and measurement of affective results.
a. A fear that discussion of values, attitudes, morals, and other aspects of the domain
may be seen as indoctrination or brainwashing.
b. A recognition that the absence of behaviours may often be as important in the
affective domain as the presence of behaviours.
c. The inability to identify and specify affective behaviors because of the imprecision
of natural language.
d. An uneasiness about some of the persuasive communication methods associated
with attitude change.
e. Disagreement and confusion about whether affective behaviors are ends
(outcomes) or means to ends.
Please refer to Ref. 7.4.1 Reasons for the neglect of affective outcomes (Allied
Material pp. 323-324).
problems, and the Ethical perspectives. Your response should also be based upon your
own experience as a teacher in your own educational context.
Develop your understanding of: Fear of indoctrination, Technical and methodological
problems, and the Ethical perspectives. Your response should also be based upon your
own experience as a teacher in your own educational context.
Give your responses under the following headings:
i. Fear of indoctrination
ii. Technical and methodological problems
iii. The ethical perspectives
7.4.1 Fear of Indoctination
One of the reasons for the failure to give instructional emphasis to affective outcomes in
related to the Orwellian overtones in which attitudinal and value oriented instruction
often conjures up in the minds of teacher and the public. Can we teach values without
engaging in indoctrination or brainwashing techniques so foreign to our concepts of
education? Scriven deals specifically with this problem in his excellent paper “Student
Values as Educational Objectives” (1966). He makes distinction between values
acquired in conjunction with cognitive learning, such as the valuing of objectivity and the
scientific methods, and moral learning, such as the valuing of objectivity and the
scientific methods, and moral values, such as empathy and sympathy, which cannot be
taught with cognitive techniques.
In regard to cognitive-related values, Scriven points out (1966, P. 42) that not teaching
these is “not just cowardice but. Incompetence, professional incompetence.” On the
subject of moral behavior and conclusions, he points out that there is a moral imperative
to instruct in these areas so that students will not be “ignorant of the empirical punch
behind the morality. Behind the law and the institutions which incorporate this country’s
virtues and permit its vices.”
The teaching of both cognitive and moral values can, however, avoid the charge of
brainwashing if three notions are held in mind:
1. We teach as facts only those assertions which can really be objectively
established…others we teach as hypotheses. Hence, we do not violate the rights of
others to make their own choices where choice is rationally possible, nor their right
to know the truth where it is known.
3. That certain conclusions should now be treated as established does not mean they
cannot ever turn out to be wrong ……
(Scriven, 1966, pp. 44-45)
Contrary, then, to fears of accusations of brainwashing or indoctrination, if the dangers of
a 1984 society are to be avoided, schools have an obligation to work toward the
realization of affective objectives.
There are cogent explanations given for the failure to evaluate the affective objectives.
First, it is often assumed that, unlike most cognitive objectives, affective objectives
cannot, be attained in the relatively short instructional period of a week, month, semester,
or year, and that therefore they cannot be evaluated in the school setting. This belief is
implied in the statements of teachers who claim their goals are intangible or so long range
that the attitudes, values, interests, and appreciations they have tried to develop in their
students may not reveal until much later in life-long after formal education has been
completed. If this assumption were correct, then it would indeed be difficult to evaluate
affective objectives. While the time it takes to bring about an affective behavioural
change is undoubtedly a function of the complexity of the behaviour being sought, this is
also true for desired changes in cognitive behaviour. There is evidence that like certain
cognitive objectives, many affective objectives can be attained relatively quickly and are
therefore amendable to evaluation.
Closely related to this fact that most educators do not consider it appropriate to record
grade for a student’s attitudes values, interest, or appreciations. Thus, through such
affective characteristics may impinge, favourably or unfavourably, in an unofficial way
on the grade a student receives for his performance on a cognitive achievement test, for
most teachers an examination to grade them directly would be unthinkable.
or designation. Clearly, the more stringent the requirements are for membership in an
organization, the easier it is for that organization to establish a more formal means of
discipline and enforcement.
Self-Assessment Questions 7.4
2. Develop a rationale for the need of evaluating affective objectives in your own
institutional set up.
Key Points
1. The hierarchy of affective domain begins with an ability to listen to ideas
2. Proper assessment of the affective domain is as vital to increase learning as
assessment of the cognitive domain
3. Attitudes remain latent constructs not open to direct measurement but only to
7. Affective component for example, attitudes are not taught like the mental and
physical skills.
8. The affective educational outcomes are usually placed on mental and skills
acquired or engaged in.
9. Educating others to understand and to engage in ethical practices is a critical goal.
10. Krathwohl felt cognitive performance could be measured more objectively than
affective behaviour.
Answers to Self-Assessment Questions
Robert G. Main (March, 1992) Integrating the affective domain, into the instructional
design process, Interim Technical Paper for Period June 1991 - August 1991,
Written By:
Prof. Khadim Ali Hashmi
Reviewed By:
Dr. Farkhunda Rasheed Choudhary
Page No.
8.2 Use of Assessment Information for Diagnostic and Predictive Purposes .......... 149
8.2.1 Diagnosing Learning Problems and Providing Guidance ....................... 149
8.2.2 Student Profiling. .................................................................................... 150
Assessment for Learning and Assessment of Learning are two approaches to assessment.
The two differ in how the collected information is used? The main purpose of Assessment
of Learning is to inform others, like parents and professionals about children’s
achievement. Assessment for Learning focuses on using assessment information to help
children with the next steps in their learning and development.
Learning Outcomes
After reading this unit, you will be able to:
1. use assessment information for decision making;
Assessment is Important for Several Reasons
Assessment results provide qualitative information that helps teachers determine
how they might improve courses and/or programs through changes in curriculum,
teaching methodologies, course materials, or other areas. When integrated into the
planning cycle for curriculum development and review, assessment results can
provide a powerful rationale for securing support for curricular and other changes.
Assessment may provide comparative data that can give you valuable information on
how well your students are meeting the learning outcomes for your course or program,
or may show how your students perform compared to those at similar institutions.
• Assessment may provide comparative data that can give you valuable information
on how well your students are meeting the learning outcomes for your course or
program, or may show how your students perform compared to those at similar
Assessment results may be reported to: students, parents, professionals, community,
departmental authorities, etc.
Assessment information can be used for different purposes, these are for:
diagnostic and predictive purposes; and
decision making purposes.
whatever instructional weaknesses the assessment identified. Teachers must therefore
follow their assessments with instructional alternatives that present those concepts in new
ways and engage students in different and more appropriate learning experiences.
The teacher must use approaches that accommodate differences in students' learning
styles and intelligences. Although, teachers generally try to incorporate different teaching
approaches when they initially plan their lessons, corrective instruction involves
extending and strengthening that work. In addition, those students who have few or no
learning errors to correct should receive enrichment activities to help broaden and expand
their learning. Materials designed for gifted and talented students provide an excellent
resource for such activities.
ii. Described the examinations conducted in your institutional set-up. Discuss how the
information gained from assessment employed by you can help in the improvement
of the examination system.
iii. How is the assessment useful for improving the curriculum?
iv. Having gone through the material related to the use of assessment information for
curricular decision-making, please write a note on what role is played by
assessment information in making curricular changes in Pakistan.
what aspects of decoding, spelling and phonics are under the child’s control? what
aspects of decoding, spelling, and phonics does the child need to learn next?
how does the child’s comprehension compare to his/her age peers? what aspects of
the comprehension process are in place? what comprehension skills need to be
does the child’s writing in response to reading adequately reflect a high level of
is the child applying effective reading and writing strategies in the content areas,
such as science and social studies?
Diagnostic Assessment occurs at the beginning of a year or unit of work and enables the
teacher to:
establish the students’ prior knowledge (prepare student’s profile)
The outcome of the use of assessment information for diagnostic purposes leads to
student profiling. This is shown in the end of the following description of diagnostic
The diagnostic assessment will inform the instructional focus for the child. The student
profile must include the following information, which is an example of student profiling:
pre-test results
an evaluation of your child’s reading strengths and reading needs
an instructional plan
a description of the tutoring that was conducted
post-test results
a summary of outcomes
recommendations for future instruction
This is an example of the use of feedback for diagnostic purposes and of student-
• Examine the errors and why they were made, and use this information to direct the
next steps in teaching error analysis.
• Use various forms of assessment to accurately measure what you intend. A math
test of word problems may seem like a difficulty with math, when it may in fact be
a reading or receptive language issue.
• Allow students a choice in assessment options to test the same skill.
• Allow for retaking of tests or improving of assignments to demonstrate improved
• Review and document a summary of the student’s school record for past
information; consider strengths and needs. Be sure to examine the documentation
file in the student’s school record for previous assessments
• Use tracking and documentation of assessment.
• Develop a learner profile from your assessments.
• Meet with parents/guardians to discuss concerns and get information,
Key Points
i. Assessment results provide qualitative information that helps teachers to determine
how they might improve courses and/or programs through changes in curriculum,
teaching methodologies, course materials, or other areas.
ii. Assessment may provide comparative data that can give you valuable information
on how well your students are meeting the learning outcomes for your course or
iv. Assessment is a tool that leads to a continuous cycle of improved student learning.
v. Curriculum development teams should make a careful survey of the field before
commencing their work and should usually include an evaluator in the team
vi. Early identification of students’ learning needs and patterns of assessment use are
viii. The teacher must use approaches that accommodate differences in students'
learning styles and intelligences
x. Before the start of working with your child, his/her tutor will conduct a diagnostic
evaluation to determine the child’s reading strengths and challenges.
BELL, B. & COWIE, B. (1997) Formative Assessment and Science Education, Research
Report of the Learning in Science Project (Assessment), August.
BLACK, P. (1995) Can Teachers Use Assessment To Improve Learning?, British Journal
of Curriculum & Assessment, 5(2), pp. 7±11.
COWIE, B. & BELL, B. (1996) Validity and formative assessment in the science
classroom, invited keynote paper to Symposium on Validity in Educational
Assessment, 28±30 June, Dunedin, New Zealand.
LEARVITT, R. L. (1994) The emotional culture of infant toddler day care, in: J. A.
HATCH (Ed.) (1994) Qualitative Research in Early Childhood Setting s, pp. 3±21
(London, Praeger).
SHULMAN, L. (1987) Knowledge and teaching: foundations of the new reforms,
Harvard Educational Review, 57, pp. 1±22.
WILIAM, D. (1992) Some technical issues in assessment: a user’s guide, British Journal
of Curriculum and Assessment, 2(3), pp. 11±20.
Aid to Learning,
Please refer again to the articles “Problems of Assessment” (pp. 387-388), “Assessment
in Mixed Ability Groups” (pp. 389-92), “Evaluation within the School” (pp. 392-
395), and “Public Examinations” (pp. 395-398).
Written By:
Dr. Farkhunda Rasheed Choudhary
Reviewed By:
Dr. Rabia Khatoon
Page No.
In this unit, the problems of assessment along with their possible solutions have been
discussed. These discussed problems of assessment and their solutions will help and
guide them to deal in future.
Learning Outcomes
After successful completion of this unit hopefully, you will be able to;
1. Improve the design of external examination.
2. First shift towards partial and then towards total school assessment, in conjunction
with expert advice and moderation procedures.
3. Focus on process and affective objectives using real life situations, investigations,
project discussion session, science and society debates etc.
More intense pre and in-service training with focus on formative evaluation techniques.
Develop and disseminate innovative teaching and learning packages with explicit
guidelines for effective formative evaluation.
9.1.3 Instrumentation Factor
There is a lack of valid and reliable tests and other evaluation devices in the affective and
process areas.
Develop large banks of pre-trailed tests and other techniques.
Evaluation procedure should account for alternative teaching strategies aimed at
promoting student interest and developing process skills, including real life situation
Ongoing evaluation of curricula concerning quantity of content, resources available selection
of curriculum materials and mismatch between intended and achieved curriculum.
1. Reduction of class strength.
2. Provision of prepared and tried evaluation techniques.
3. Consider use of oral evaluation, per assessment and self assessment.
1. Review curriculum materials.
2. Provide guidelines and examples.
1. Establish or expand resource centres.
2. Encourage teachers to improve, especially with locally available low cost equipment.
3. Provide sufficient facilities and equipment.
Most of these problems can be solved by long term approaches at levels as high as the
national level.
Students’ language background on their performance on math word problems. First, the
study found that English language learners scored significantly lower than proficient
speakers of English.
This is a cause for concern. Second, it appears that modifying the linguistic structures in
math word problems can affect student performance. In interviews, students indicated
preferences for items that were simpler linguistically.
ii. There is a lack of valid and reliable tests and other ……………. devices in the
affective and process areas.
iv. For effective formative evaluation the teacher has very ……………….time to
v. No individual attention can be paid and assistance can be extended to students due
to ………………… and heavy workloads.
vi. Lack of facilities and equipment makes it difficult to develop and …………………
the full range of objectives.
9.2.2 Pupil Peer Evaluation and Self Evaluation.
Pupil can be trained to work in groups using a combination of both peer evaluation and
self evaluation to an investigation.
1. Look at the sample? what colour is it?
2. How many petals do you see?
3. What is the length of the biggest petal?
Outline the procedure you would use to identify the unknown substance. Carry out these
procedures and record all observations.
Teacher is not necessary to try to observe every step that a student task along the path of
an investigation, it will be better if the students’ behaviours can be translated into the
teachers’ formal nations of scientific processes.
Having this in mind, the participant’s attention was drawn to the following formal labels
commonly used to describe in scientific investigations.
i) Observing ii) Classifying
iii) Measuring iv) Inferring
v) Predicting vi) Hypothesising
vii) Experimenting viii) Interpreting
ix) Making operational definitions x) Formulating theoretical models
xi) Communicating xii) Making conclusions / decisions
The task to the workshop participants was to list as many as possible of the common
behaviour used by the students.
Search on internet “Problems of Assessment” as well as their solution, and make a report
Key Points
1. Factors affecting Assessment are Social, Training, Instrumentation, Pupil, Time,
Crowding, Curriculum objective, Facilities, resource and Language Factors.
4. The lack of valid and reliable tests tools is instrumentation factor and to develop
large banks of pre-trailed tests and other techniques is its solution.
7. Existing Curricula do not meet the challenges of present era and there is dire need
to review it.
8. Student’s performance evaluation can be made by task analysis and pupil peer
evaluation and self-evaluation.
Self Assessment Questions 9.2
Read the relevant section