Godless Magick by Anna Mist
Godless Magick by Anna Mist
Godless Magick by Anna Mist
Chapter One: The Deity Dilemma
Chapter Two: Everything is Energy
Chapter Three: Growing and Harvesting Energy
Chapter Four: Casting Spells
Chapter Five: Creating and recording your own spells
Chapter Six: You atheist witch, you!
Godless Magick
A brief guide on atheistic witchcraft
By Anna Mist
Can you be a witch if you don’t believe in deities? The uninformed
may tell you that you can’t be, and you may find yourself at odds with
many so-called “witches” out there. After all, many modern pagan paths are
heavily focused on the belief in deities, whether done with worship or
respect. Even other atheists may tell you that the notion of atheistic
witchcraft is nonsense. Nevertheless, the belief and worship of gods is an
outdated practice in a modern world of advanced scientific knowledge—
even though magick still surrounds us every day.
The definition of atheism is a fairly simple one, yet so many people fail
to understand it. It is merely the absence of belief in deities. It is not a
religion. It is not a rigid belief system. It’s simply a descriptive term for
those of us who live without gods or masters. It’s true that there are radical
atheists, and there are also soft atheists who lean more toward agnosticism.
There are atheists who believe in ghosts, and atheists who don’t. There are
atheists who believe in karma, and there are atheists who don’t.
Furthermore, there are atheists who practice witchcraft—and atheists who
don’t. As stated before, atheism isn’t a system of beliefs, so no two atheists
think 100% alike . This is a fact that escapes many theists—who have it in
their heads that atheists think the same, believe the same and follow a set of
dogmatic ideals.
Perhaps the misconceptions about atheism can be blamed on the
mainstream media’s portrayal of nonbelievers, and the constant spotlight
shone on figures like Richard Dawkins and James Randi. The most radical
of any group or culture of people will always attract the most attention,
which has been illustrated by attention given to those who paint the most
rigid portrait of atheism, and atheists, in general. So it’s understandable that
numerous people believe that atheists can’t be religious, can’t be spiritual,
and can’t practice witchcraft. These people are in error, but it’s easy to see
why they hold onto their false preconceptions.