10-Emergency Health Services
10-Emergency Health Services
10-Emergency Health Services
health services
health services
This chapter provides guidance on key principles of emergency health services during
emergency relief operations. This chapter complements the previous on health systems
and infrastructure.
Learning objectives
To characterise the consequences of disasters on health services and the role of health
services in disasters;
To describe different strategies for setting up health services in emergency situations;
To discuss the key steps for managing a mass casualty incident;
To characterise the crucial role of community health workers and community health
volunteers and traditional healers in emergencies;
To design a health centre with a logical patient flow;
To discuss the implementation of emergency health services in the acute emergency
To discuss the particular health issues of maternal and child health, trauma and
surgical emergencies and acute exacerbation of chronic diseases in emergencies;
To discuss the key issues in managing essential drug supplies and the importance of
standard protocols; and
To define indicators that may be used to monitor and evaluate health services in
Key competencies
To understand the consequences of disasters and the role of health services in
To recognise the staffing required for managing large numbers of casualties;
To design appropriate facility-based and community-based health services;
To understand the importance of supporting community health services;
To understand how to implement emergency health services in the acute phase;
To recognise and address special health issues in emergencies;
To design a drug supply system; and
To organise an information system for monitoring and evaluating health services.
In the wake of a disaster, the interaction between vulnerabilities and disaster hazards may
result in significant injuries and the loss of human lives. Since a large number of
casualties can easily overwhelm the existing but partly destroyed medical facilities,
establishing an emergency health services is critical. The type of health services provided
depends on whether the emergency situation is a natural disaster, a complex emergency
or protracted refugee health; but it must guarantee basic physical and mental care as well
as prevention. In all emergency situations, the prioritisation of health services must focus
on meeting both the short-term and long-term needs of the victims.
I The Johns Hopkins and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
This chapter’s audience is the local health relief worker, who might not have any formal
medical training. This chapter will give guidance in providing emergency health care for
health services
different kinds of emergencies:
Mass event with major long-term implications such as an earthquake or tsunami that
results in major damage to the health system. In such a scenario, the local health
system needs both immediate and long-term external assistance until the facilities can
return to normalcy;
Mass event of immediate but limited implications such as a train crash;
Intermediate events such as displacement from flooding, lasting two to six week; and
Mass displacement such as refugees fleeing from a neighbouring country, or
internally displaced persons as in Northern Uganda with potentially longer term-
needs in a select population.
Local organisations must foster a spirit of collaboration in the response to a disaster. The
consequences from a lack of coordination among NGOs include the development of
many parallel health systems. These duplicate services in one area while leaving others
uncovered. It is the responsibility of the ministry of health and the lead health agency to
coordinate all the activities of the involved agencies. It is also the responsibility of each
agency involved in the emergency to recognise that the primary purpose of coordination
is to achieve maximum impact with the given resources and to work with one another to
reach this endpoint. A parallel health system, however, might need to be set up where
local health facilities are not functioning nor have a limited capacity. In these situations,
coordination of services is paramount.
The best way of setting up an emergency health programme is to strengthen the local
system through local organisations. The emergency health programme must match the
government’s health policies such as essential drugs, treatment protocols and referral
systems. The priorities for health services in the emergency phase should focus on
treating common health conditions such as trauma injuries, acute infections and acute
exacerbation of chronic diseases. It should also involve all available health providers
including community health workers. An ongoing health information system for
monitoring the health status of the affected population can be integrated into the existing
national health information system. In the post-emergency phase, health services can be
expanded to include treatment of chronic diseases, comprehensive reproductive health
and mental health care.
Effects of disasters
The effects of disasters on health depend on the disaster’s type and time of onset. Sudden
onset disasters such as earthquakes pose greater threats to health than slow onset
disasters. The actual and potential health problems resulting from the disaster are multi-
faceted and do not all occur at the same time. The resulting health problems might be
related to food and nutrition, water and sanitation, mental health, climatic exposure and
shelter, communicable diseases, health infrastructure and population displacement.17 The
effects of disasters on health services will be discussed later. Other chapters in this book
will discuss other health needs.
The supply chain (medical equipment and pharmaceutical supplies) for the health
facilities is often temporarily disrupted;
health services
Limited road access makes it at least difficult for disaster victims to reach health care
centres. Relief organisations might also have difficulties reaching vulnerable
populations; and
Pre-hospital coordination and communication is crucial in emergency situations.
Disrupted communication systems lead to a poor understanding of the various
receiving facilities’, military resources’ and relief organisations’ actual capacity.
Consequently, the already limited resources are not effectively utilised to meet the
Increased demands for medical attention:
Climatic exposure because of rain or cold weather puts a particular strain on the
health system;
Inadequacy of food and nutrition exposes the population to malnutrition, particularly
in the vulnerable groups such as children and the elderly; and
If there is a mass casualty incident, health systems can be quickly overwhelmed and
left unable to cope with the excessive demands.
Population displacement:
A mass exodus from the emergency site places additional stress and demands on the
host country, its population, facilities and health services, particularly.
Depending on the size of the population migration, the host facilities may not be able
to cope with the new burden, and
Mass migration can introduce new diseases into the host community.
Major outbreaks of communicable diseases:
While natural disasters do not always lead to massive infectious disease outbreaks,
they do increase the risk of disease transmission. The disruption of sanitation services
and the failure to restore public health programmes combined with the population
density and displacement, all culminate in an increased risk for disease outbreaks.
The incidence of endemic vector-borne diseases may increase due to poor sanitation
and the disruption of vector control activities.
Disaster preparedness
Disasters becoming more frequent since the turn of the 21st century, preparedness for
disasters takes a more prominent role in the prevention of a disaster’s adverse outcomes.
The health objectives of disaster preparedness are to: 1 2
Prevent morbidity and mortality;
Provide care for casualties;
Manage adverse climatic and environmental conditions;
Ensure restoration of normal health;
Re-establish health services;
Protect staff; and
Protect public health and medical assets.
Disaster preparedness requires a comprehensive approach and must involve all sectors.
The government, private and community organisation are all stakeholders in the
preparedness process. According to Keim and Giannone, the preparedness process
includes policy development, vulnerability assessments, disaster planning, training and
education, monitoring and evaluation. 1
Public health guide for emergencies I 103
Policy development
health services
National governments must designate a branch of the ministry or organisation with the
responsibility to develop, organise and manage an emergency preparedness programme
for the country. This group must work with central government, provincial and
community organisations and NGOs whether local or international to develop a set of
policies agreed upon by all. This process is vital for a well coordinated response and a
sustainable policy. The policies’ endpoint must allow quick decision making, ensure the
actions are legal and free from liability and ensure that appropriate pre-defined actions are
taken during a state of emergency.
Vulnerability assessment
Potential hazards for the community are identified and prioritised in a vulnerability
assessment. The community’s capacity can be determined by the availability of resources
of the community and how the community is able utilise these resources. The
community’s capacity is balanced against the degree of exposure to certain hazards that a
community is susceptible to. This balance or its lack between capacity and susceptibility
to hazards can determine a community’s vulnerability to disasters. Once the
vulnerabilities are identified, the assessment must also recommend how to address each
of the vulnerabilities.
Disaster planning
Planning is only one component of preparedness. A disaster’s outputs plan must provide:
An understanding of organisational responsibilities in response and recovery;
Stronger emergency management networks;
Improve community awareness and participation;
Effective response and recovery strategies; and
A simple and flexible written plan.
Determine Other
Resources health
Set Goals/
High Low
High Malaria TB
Risk of excess mortality or Diarrhoea Epilepsy
Low Intestinal worms Ringworm
URTI Arthritis
It would be impossible and ineffective to address all issues all at the same time. Health
interventions prioritisation is vital to the success of the disaster response campaign. Some
diseases occur very frequently and are associated with a high risk of death such as malaria
and diarrhoea in children under five years. These must be addressed before other diseases
Public health guide for emergencies I 105
that have as high a frequency but a lower risk of serious illness or death such as intestinal
worms. Cases that are not emergent may be addressed after the life-threatening diseases
health services
have been put under control.
Detailed planning
A plan of action that defines how to reach programme goals and objectives must be
developed. The following steps can be used to develop a plan:
Identify the priority health services needed and when they should be established;
Define the level of health care that will be provided;
Define the strategy for providing health services; and
Set standards for health services.
I The Johns Hopkins and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
improved through the regular supply of essential drugs and staff training. Augmenting
local services has many advantages because:
health services
Resources are not wasted by duplicating existing services;
Local health authorities are directly involved with the problems faced by the
displaced population; and
Both the host and displaced populations receive equal medical attention, thereby
reducing resentment from the host population.
When augmenting local services, certain issues must be agreed upon:
Compensate local services for extending health care to the displaced population such
as paying the user fees for displaced people where cost-recovery programmes exist;
During the Indian Ocean Tsunami, UNHCR coordinated with all the NGOs working
in Indonesia to pay IDP workers a standard rate equal to that received by the locals.
In Kenya, outpatient consultations for refugees were free, but UNHCR was charged
double rates for inpatient care and diagnostic procedures;
Provide means for communication and patient transfer between different levels of
health care sites to improve their access and the access of referral services.
Re-distribute health personnel so that the workload is evenly spread out. Additional
staff, such as a surgeon or other health workers from less affected areas can be
‘seconded’ to the emergency health programme or various in-service training courses
can be organised;
Provide incentives for existing health workers handling an increased workload;
Identify measures that can promote the return of health demands to normal or pre-
disaster levels; and
Agree on changes to national health policies such as TB treatment and measles
vaccination programmes for large displaced populations. This might be different from
those in place for host populations.
Higher salaries from externally funded relief programmes can drain local staff from
local facilities.
health services
Although relief agencies should focus their efforts on the health of the displaced
population, in some cases it is as important to assist the local population. Since both the
displaced and local populations are at risk during a disease outbreak, relief agencies
should support local health authorities to implement effective disease control measures.
Where local health facilities are lacking or cannot be strengthened, host populations must
have access to health care services set up for displaced populations.
Organisations like the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent
Societies have created preparedness and ‘press the button’ response systems with
equipment ready for immediate use. Ready-made systems are quick, but they can only
provide an operational platform that will have to have some adjustment once it is in the
Between disasters, the International Federation pays a lot of attention to training
volunteers in the community to do preparatory work, looking after basic health needs
and reporting on local conditions. During a disaster, the International Federation uses
Regional Disaster Response Teams (RDRT) and Field Assessment and Coordination
Teams (FACT) to assess the magnitude of needs, identify priorities and channel
assistance to high priority areas in order to reach the neediest. Tented Emergency
Response Units (ERU) are provided if needed at the secondary level to cover
peripheral, clinical and community level needs.
At the same time, ERU hospitals are set up to cover needs at the tertiary level. To reach
very remote areas, mobile systems are developed on a temporary basis. Essentially, the
Interagency Emergency Health Kits (IEHK replacing the NEHK) are used as a medical
supply base.
Public health guide for emergencies I 109
To support the emergency health system, other ERUs in water and sanitation, relief,
health services
logistics including medical logistics and IT are called upon. During the Tsunami
operations, 17 ERUs, three FACTs and a large number of RDRT members were used.21
Since an ERU hospital is very complex, a ready made organisational chart and generic
job descriptions help facilitate the start-up phase. All boxes are numbered in a specific
way so that workers can easily identify all the items needed first. Colour coding further
helps the supplies to reach the right division as soon as possible. This is illustrated
below with the various tent colours.
Often, ready-made systems are not available. They have to be created one or parts of
them on the ground. The initial step is to set up a health centre for 10,000 to 30,000
beneficiaries supported by a network of home visitors and a referral system to a tertiary
care hospital. This enables active case finding and the integration of beneficiaries into the
health system.18 Maintain a triage system throughout this process so that serious yet easily
treatable diseases are immediately taken care of such as diarrhoea that might lead to
severe dehydration. More complex problems are referred to specialised centres where
chronic but non-life threatening problems are quickly treated such as small contusions or
When setting up a health centre, be sensitive to gender in the local context. After the
Pakistan earthquake on October 2005, several rural health centres which are equivalent
to the secondary level of care in normal circumstances were totally destroyed. Relief
workers, therefore, had to set up tents as temporary facilities until the centres could be
rebuilt. Since the tents were located near the original health centres, all the local people
knew where to go for health services. The large tent had barriers that could be erected
for privacy between rooms as well as an entrance at both ends. A separate tent and
latrine were set up at a distance from the main tent to give women some privacy. The
benefit from using tents is that the facility is modular and can be adapted to changing
needs such as separation of services by gender.
I The Johns Hopkins and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
One suggested layout for an independent health centre with a lab and basic maternity care
is given below in Figure 3-4. Although most cases will be diagnosed clinically, there
health services
might be a need for laboratory services in certain situations such as countries where drug
resistant malaria is a major problem.13 Until the rehabilitation phase is initiated however,
laboratory services should be kept to a minimum. Laboratory services that are
implemented should be agreed upon and established with the host country government.20
health services
Strengthening local health facilities does not guarantee that everyone will use them. Many
patients, some seriously ill, might still not pursue medical treatment, even if the facilities
provided are nearby or free. Possible barriers to seeking health care include the lack of:
Awareness of available services;
Access due to various problems such as being too far, inconvenient hours of
operation, health workers’ poor attitudes, no money for drugs, ethnic-based or
politically-based discrimination and inadequate security; and
Health care resources such as drugs, materials, staff and services.
If such barriers to facility-based health care exist, community-based health care is very
Health care providers should be trained to approach each patient’s health problem in a
systematic way. After receiving a patient, a clinical history should be taken, a physical
health services
assessment done and an interim diagnosis made. A decision can, therefore, be made of
whether to treat the patient with medical drugs or procedures, give advice on home care,
make a referral or give a follow-up. If after deciding to do nothing, the health care
provider must explain to the patient why this decision has been made otherwise patients
might lose confidence in the health system and become less keen to follow advice about
preventive measures.
For effective health care, patients should accept the decision of the health care providers
and follow their instructions such as taking medications strictly as advised. Whether or
not a patient is willing to ‘follow doctor’s orders’ can be influenced by the following:
Cultural beliefs about the cause and outcome of the illness;
How much advice a patient receives about the illness and the treatment needed;
Use of standard health cards such as patient medical records which document the
patients’ clinical history, diagnosis, decisions and future appointments;
The type of treatment prescribed such as drugs and injections; and
Possible follow-up visit from a community health worker.
Refer to the health systems and infrastructure chapter for more details about standard case
health services
Mass casualty management
A Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) is any event where the needs of a large number of
victims disrupt the normal capabilities of the local health service. MCIs range from a few
patients injured in a bus accident that might overwhelm the capacity of one local hospital,
to a natural disaster or conflict where hundreds or thousands of victims incapacitate the
entire health system of the affected area.
Resources, transportation, access and physical environments are often disrupted during a
disaster. These austere conditions place huge constraints on the very emergency medical
care that should be given immediately to the affected population. An MCI’s efficient
management requires the pre-establishment of basic guidelines and principles of an
Incident Command System (ICS), triage and patient flows according to the hospital’s
Incident command
Set objectives and priorities
Maintain overall
Hospitals can adapt a similar structure to incident command system such as the Hospital
Emergency Incident Command System (HEICS). These structures are set within a
health services
hospital system. Such an incident command system within the hospital can provide
management a scope of supervision for all in-hospital personnel within one hospital as
well as other hospitals responding to the incident.5
The Incident Command System (ICS) and HEICS disaster management tools are not
currently used worldwide and even less so in developing countries. The incident
command system concept is being introduced in this chapter as a reference management
tool in disaster response. When developing a disaster preparedness plan, the incident
command system concept should be incorporated into the plan. This concept is active on
the management tool scene. It requires a great deal of preparation, planning, practice and
capacity building from the government. The incident command system structure cannot
be used as a tool to manage a disaster from a distance, however. Major losses of lives and
unnecessary illnesses have resulted from its being used from a distance. Familiarisation
and adaptation of the command structure to a disaster situation by the ministry of health
and the lead health agency can help organisations involved in the response to understand
their roles within the command system in the overall response.
In a mass casualty management field, each team operates in a specific area to remove all
victims from the disaster site and transport the critical cases to health facilities. The
team’s responsibilities are given by the Rapid Assessment Team, led by the Incident
Public health guide for emergencies I 117
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The potential continuing danger from the disaster;
The estimated number of casualties and exposed victims; and
The resources needed for response.
A single map is created indicating the main topographical features, the victims, potential
risk areas, access roads, etc.
The incident commander based at the command post has overall authority coordinating
the multi-sector operation. The Command Post Team’s responsibility is to set up the field
posts and assess and report continuously on the general situation. The Command Post’s
location should be strategically placed close to the disaster centre but far enough from the
centre so that risk of continuing danger is minimised such as down wind of a forest fire or
chemical spill or high ground in a flood.
A security team protects restricted areas limiting any further danger from the disaster
and to provide crowd control in order to ensure the safety of responders and victims.
The search and rescue team’s priority is to locate and evacuate victims from the impact
zone and transfer them to the medical post after assessing their status. The search and
rescue team may provide to victims in the impact zone essential first aid measures such as
control bleeding, maintaining clear airways, but this is not the time for cardiopulmonary
A medical post should be established as close as possible to the impact zone while again
maintaining a safe distance. The medical post should be located in a building or shelter as
soon as possible.
The triage team, under the leadership of the Triage Officer, tags, treats and releases
patients from the medical post according to their health conditions. Each stage must be
completed before the next step can be taken. The type of care given is limited to first aid
and emergency medical care. Under limited resource conditions, such as staff shortages,
the small emergency health team might be required to rotate within the medical post in
order to attend all patients.
The evacuation team is responsible for the safe transfer of stabilised victims to a health
care facility using the most appropriate transport and escorts available. Victims with
minor injuries may be transferred by non-medical transport after all acute victims have
been evacuated. Upon arrival at the hospital, every injured person must be re-triaged,
reassessed, stabilised and given definitive care.
Many factors can affect the quality of triage such as the patient’s condition, access to
health facilities and the availability of resources as in information, hospitals, personnel
and supplies. The monitoring of patients in the triage area might be prolonged if the
stabilisation area is overloaded, if resources for evacuation are inadequate or the receiving
facility requests a delay. If there is only one health care facility within a disaster region
and the victims are stabilised in the field, transport can be staggered. This strategy helps
prevent the health facility from becoming overwhelmed.
In a disaster medical response, triage sorts and prioritises victims for medical attention
according to the degree of injury or illness and expectations for survival. Triage reduces
the burden on health facilities. In an emergency, there are shortages of personnel, supplies
and transportation vehicles. Triage should be carried out at various levels. By providing
care to victims with minor or localised injuries, health facilities are freed to attend to
more critical tasks. When health facilities cannot meet the needs of all victims
immediately, it is appropriate to give the limited resources to those most likely to survive.
I The Johns Hopkins and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
The goal of managing a mass casualty incident is to minimise the loss of life or disability
among disaster victims by first meeting the needs of those most likely to benefit from
health services
services. The goal of triage is to identify critical injuries requiring life-saving intervention
in the shortest possible time. Patients are categorised to determine their priority of
treatment and transportation.11
Basic triage is done against ‘absolute’ rather than ‘relative’ considerations. Each patient’s
need for medical care is judged as being urgent or not urgent, based on the patient’s
condition rather than relative to other patients. Triage categorisation of patients is based
on the following criteria:
The nature and life-threatening urgency of the patients’ present condition rather than
the order in which they arrived, as is normal in emergency care facilities; and
The potential for survival or the prognosis identifying those patients with the most
urgent need for care which is counter-balanced by the availability of health care
resources. This concept is critical and can greatly influence the overall survival rate
of disaster victims.
Note: the factors that aggravate the imbalance between medical needs and the required
resources to meet those needs include:
Lack of appropriate numbers and types of medical, nursing or emergency personnel;
Poor access by rescuers and emergency personnel to the disaster site and to the
disaster victims;
Shortage of medical equipment and supplies;
Limited availability of evacuation transport vehicles; and
Inadequate availability of functional medical facilities with intact integrity.
The commonly used triage system is the classification of the patient’s medical condition
into four levels:
Immediate medical care;
Delayed care;
Non-urgent or minor; and
Dead or ‘near dead.’
Please refer to reference for the Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment (START) colour
coding system and the Secondary Assessment of Victim Endpoint (SAVE ) secondary
triage for more in-depth discussion of triaging systems.
There is a natural tendency to over-triage disaster casualties. Over-triaging of non-critical
casualties or the expectant dead comes at the cost of time and attention or the ‘immediate
care’ that should be given to the truly critical patients. Resuscitation of the hopeless
casualties following Mass Casualty Incidents (MCI) often yields dismal outcomes and
such heroic measures should be discouraged.
Public health guide for emergencies I 119
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Immediate care Severely injured patients with a high probability of survival need
procedures to prevent death. Examples include airway obstruction,
inaccessible vascular wound with limb ischemia, incomplete
amputation, unstable chest and abdominal wounds, pneumothorax,
sucking chest wounds, deteriorating Central Nervous System (CNS)
injuries, 2nd/3rd degree burns of 15% to 40%, severe medical problems
such as DKA and cardiac emergencies.
Delayed care Casualties do not require immediate life-saving intervention so
treatment can be delayed. Examples include large bone fractures
without circulatory compromise, uncomplicated major burns, head or
spinal injuries, intra-abdominal and/or thoracic injuries (no bleeding),
vascular injuries with controlled bleeding, most eye and Central
Nervous System (CNS) injuries, and time-consuming surgeries.
Minor Individuals who require minimal or no medical care are the walking
wounded. Examples include superficial wounds, burns <15%, upper
extremity fractures, sprains, abrasions and blast injuries without
obvious problems.
Deceased/expectant Pre-defined criteria should be agreed upon among all agencies involved
in providing medical care and triage.
Triage is an ongoing process. It begins either in the field or when patients arrive at the
medical post. It continues as patients’ conditions evolve until they are evacuated to the
hospital. Triage during overwhelming Mass Casualty (MCI) Incident differs from smaller
mass casualty settings because the number of victims is vastly increased and medical
treatment resources can become extremely limited or non-existent. Patients can remain on
the field for prolonged periods of time. Triage does not have to be confined to one area.
Simultaneous triage of many victims at one time and in different locations can take place.
Multiple and continued evaluations must be done as patients’ conditions can change at
any time. As mass casualty management is a dynamic process, physicians and pre-
hospital personnel must have an effective disaster plan that involves knowing how to
work in an environment where the standard of care may change.
The following are some general rules for triage:
In borderline cases, select the more urgent category;
When children are involved, give them priority over adults in the same triage class;
Give a higher priority than the medical condition warrants to victims with hysteria or
hysterical relatives. They can be given priority for transfer to a health facility because
it is important to control of and maintain calmness at the scene;
Stabilise all patients before giving further care to any individual; and
Definitive care such as cleaning and stitching wounds, antibiotic treatments, applying
plaster for fractures etc. can be started once no more casualties arrive and all the
injured are in a stable condition.
To avoid overwhelming health facilities, the most experienced clinician should be
facilitating patient flow by managing triage. There should be at least one medical doctor
on staff at the facility. Having female health workers is necessary to ensure access to care
for female patients, especially in communities which are sensitive to communication
between genders.
Clinical concerns
In a mass disaster event that overwhelms the disaster response capability of a large
region, there are a number of clinical concerns that should be anticipated. Knowledge of
the risks, vulnerabilities, type of likely disasters that may occur and the expected injury
patterns will assist local responders in mounting a more effective response in the
immediate aftermath of a disaster.
Certain disasters have a higher risk of causing injuries than others. Table 3.3 shows the
expected injury patterns based on the type of disaster.17,18 The most common causes of
surgical emergencies and the highest causes of mortality in a disaster situation are
earthquakes and wars.3
health services
Medical response
A concerted effort to reinforce a hospital’s existing surgical services should be performed
before setting up of a new field hospital.3 Military medical planners can be helpful
resources for establishing a field hospital or surgical ward. Security of the humanitarian
assistance workers must also be kept as a high priority.15
Only agencies that are
equipped with the
expertise required to
implement surgical
services, including
bringing in adequate
quantities of water,
maintaining strict
levels of hygiene,
providing adequate
anaesthesia and post-
surgical care should
attempt to do so.20 It
is recommended that
planners review the
types of injuries that Photo: International
might be present Federation
based on the disaster
so that they can plan the surgical remedies needed.15 In an earthquake, there might be
more bony fractures that require surgical intervention whereas in armed conflict there
might be more penetrating injuries or powerful weapons with blast effect resulting in
delayed internal injuries.2
A specialised referral hospital which can perform surgeries and manage obstetric
emergencies should be identified and made available to the affected population.
Arranging transport to hospitals from the health centre should be made. It is also
important to set up a referral system with strict guidelines to prevent inappropriate self
referrals to the most specialised care. A continual information feedback system to the
general practitioners at the more basic facilities is a key component of setting up a referral
An important aspect of managing traumatic injuries in the field is to ensure that health
providers are well versed in first aid and triage to ensure the greatest numbers of patients
are efficiently treated.2 These simple skills can significantly improve survival rates.
Triage skills have already been discussed. Once patients have been appropriately triaged,
they can be individually treated. Simple first aid measures that can be implemented in the
field include:
Removal of Airway obstructions;
Assisting with Breathing, artificial respiration;
Compression to control bleeding (Circulation);
Immobilising broken bones;
Pain control;
Cleaning wounds, bandages; and
Tetanus prophylaxis.
I The Johns Hopkins and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
All victims of disaster should be examined first for the status of the airway, the presence
and quality of breathing and the presence and quality of circulation such as pulses as
health services
highlighted above.
WHO has on its website a list of essential medicines and a description of the New
Emergency Health Kit that consists of a basic and supplemental kit with enough
medicines, disposables and equipment to care for 10,000 people for three months.36
Some skills that should be taught to local workers are beyond the scope of this text. In
earthquake prone areas, training for structural collapse, search and rescue techniques is
useful. Local providers and laymen if possible should undergo Basic Life Support
training as outlined by the American Heart Association aw well as learning basic first aid
Trauma victims face high morbidity and mortality risks. Advanced Trauma Life Support
guidelines were developed for early recognition and management in order to reduce these
risks. Immediate attention should be given to the Airway, Breathing and Circulation, the
ABC of trauma assessment and treatment when evaluating trauma victims.
Immobilisation of the cervical neck spine is critical in care of any trauma victim. The
endpoint of protecting the neck vertebrae is to prevent paralysis and disability. The initial
control of the cervical spine is to instruct an assistant to hold the head. Then a stiff
cervical collar or towels on each side of the head with tape across the forehead can be
used to limit head and neck movement.
Inspect ‘A’, the airway, of the ABCs of trauma assessment. Ensure the airway is patent.
Ask the patient, ‘How are you?’ A clear response with quiet respiration indicates no
airway obstruction. Hoarseness or pain with speaking indicates laryngeal injury, which
can lead to obstruction. Look for foreign body or loose teeth in the mouth. If there is any
decrease in mental status, one should check the gag reflex by probing the posterior
pharynx with a tongue depressor. Absence of a gag reflex indicates a high risk for
aspiration. Patients with severe facial injuries are at risk of bleeding or compression of the
airway. Endotracheal intubation to protect the airway is indicated for patients with
aspiration risk or severe facial injuries.
Inspect ‘B’ for breathing. Check the chest and neck for respiration motion, trachea
deviation, open chest wounds and breath sounds. Agitation or obtundation indicates
hypoxia and carbon dioxide retention. Decreased breath sound on one side of the lung
accompanied by tracheal deviation and low blood pressure might mean a collapsed lung
under tension (tension pneumothorax). Immediate decompression of the pneumothorax
with a large bore needle to the second intercostal of the chest is necessary, followed by
chest tube insertion.
Inspect ‘C’ for circulation. Check for signs and symptoms of poor circulatory perfusion:
severe bleeding and low blood pressure leading to shock; confusion due to inadequate
brain perfusion, poor radial or femoral pulse. If there is no pulse, start cardiopulmonary
resuscitation while looking for reversible causes. If there is a weak pulse, place two large
bore IV catheters (14 or 16 gauge) in the peripheral veins and give intravenous fluids of
10-20 mL/kg bolus. If there is no improvement of blood pressure and pulse, give blood.
Public health guide for emergencies I 123
Inspect ‘D’ for disability. One should assess the level of consciousness, pupil size and
reactivity, verbal response and motor function. This is the Glascow Coma Scale. This
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information is very helpful to determine the neurological function of the patient.
The ‘ABCD’ of the initial exam should only take one to two minutes to perform. One can
then proceed to a more thorough head to toe secondary exam. When examining the back,
the patient’s neck needs to be immobilised and moved in unison with the rest of the body
or ‘log-rolling’.
The devastating outcomes of blunt trauma to the head or the body may not be obvious
on initial evaluation. What can appear as bad looking bruises peripherally can result in
concussions or bleeding in the brain, internal organ rupture or bleeding and fractures,
compartment syndrome of an extremity and loss of extremity arterial perfusion.
Penetrating trauma is the result of some penetrating injury anywhere on the body. Do
not remove debris where bleeding might be controlled because this could result in
uncontrolled bleeding. All trauma victims suffering from severe injuries should be
transported to a hospital with surgical capabilities.
Head injuries
The primary cause of death in trauma is head injury, accounting for 50 to 55% of
mortality. The concerns of head injuries are typically skull fracture, bleeding inside the
brain (either subdural or epidural haematoma), brain swelling (cerebral contusion),
diffuse axonal injury and concussion. Maintain the head and neck in line with the spine in
any head injury because the neck and spine may also be injured. Head injuries can
develop suddenly or over a period of time following trauma. Serious signs include
disorientation, slurred speech, unequal pupils or blurred vision, vomiting, worsening
headache, numbness or weakness in any extremity or drowsiness. If there is a sign of
penetration into the skull, do not remove the debris. Cover with a clean or sterile if
possible cloth. Transport to the nearest hospital for further medical support and treatment.
A CT scan of the head must be done to detect any serious intracranial injuries.
Abdominal injury
Any penetrating abdominal injuries require hospital evaluation for the potential of intra-
abdominal hollow or solid organ injury. The size to the external wound often grossly
underestimates the degree of internal damage. Stab wounds to the lower chest may also
carry the risk of intra-abdominal injury.
Blunt abdominal trauma injury pattern is often diffuse. All parts of the abdomen are at
risk following a compression or crushing trauma. The sheering and stretching forces
transferred to the hollow intestine can cause bowel rupture and bleeding. Solid organs are
susceptible to laceration or fracture, particularly the liver and spleen.
In the presence of extra-abdominal traumatic injuries, assess for intra-abdominal injury,
even when the patient does not complain of any abdominal pain. This is particularly true
in patients who have confusion or low blood pressure. Signs that herald intra-abdominal
injuries are abdominal wall bruising, distension and decreased bowel sounds. Up to 30%
of the patients with bruising over the abdominal wall, also known as the ‘seat belt sign,’
have intra-abdominal injuries.
All patients with suspected abdominal injury require further hospital diagnostic
evaluation, such as CT scan or ultrasound or diagnostic peritoneal lavage.
Extremity fractures
A broken bone is also known as a fracture. Differentiate a closed fracture, which might
occur where the overlying skin is intact, from an open fracture where the overlying skin
over the fracture is cut. Open fractures face higher risks of wound and joint infections and
need immediate medical attention. Check the affected extremity for adequate pulse
I The Johns Hopkins and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
perfusion. Fractures with dislocations must be reduced as soon as possible so that there is
no compromise in arterial perfusion to the affected area distal to the dislocation.
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The extremity that is affected should be immobilised or splinted to prevent injury to the
surrounding blood vessels or nerves. Splints can be made of professional plaster or simple
materials such as sticks and sheets wrapped around the extremity to keep it immobilised.
Any open wounds should be covered with a clean cloth. Tetanus prophylaxis should be
given. Patients with open wounds will need antibiotics and surgical treatment.
Respiratory complications
In an explosion or volcanic eruption where there might be a sudden burst of pollutants
and lung irritants into the air, many victims will develop inhalation injury and other
respiratory problems. After the September 11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Centre,
there was released into the air a large amount of dust and debris to which victims were
exposed. The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene have developed
a registry for the long-term follow-up of persons who were affected by the World Trade
Centre towers collapse. Since the incident, out of 71,437 enrolees in the registry, 56.6%
have reported new or worsening respiratory symptoms such as shortness of breath and
coughing.44 Protect victims from further exposure to the irritant if possible. Wearing
masks and the dampening of ash with water after an eruption can help reduce exposure.
Evacuation might be necessary and some victims might require very specialised breathing
support in an intensive care unit.
benzodiazepines. Comatose patients may require intubation and ventilation that will
require a higher level of care as well as a possible transfer to an intensive care unit for
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heat stroke patients. If no urine is produced and there are signs of renal failure, the patient
will need haemodialysis, and possibly need to be transferred to an intensive care unit.
In cold climates, victims of a mass disaster might be displaced from their homes and
exposed to the elements. Hypothermia is defined as a core body temperature below
95°F/35°C. Patients should be kept horizontal and warm compresses applied to the trunk
of the body, to the groin, underarms and neck. Extremities should not be warmed first
because this can lead to cold peripheral blood with further cooling of the body core.
Inhaled humidified and warmed air is effective in the field for hypothermic patients.
Warmed intravenous fluids should be initiated in the axillaries and groin, or by placing a
bottle against a caregiver’s skin to warm the fluid if no other means are available. Patients
should not receive alcoholic drinks. Patients should be handled very gently, not jostled
nor manipulated because the heart in this condition has an increased risk of fatal
dysrhythmias. Patients should not exert themselves if conscious and hypothermic which
can lead to a core temperature drop or further cooling. Patients might need aggressive
core re-warming techniques in a hospital.
First degree burns involve the most superficial layer of the skin or epidermis, are usually
minor and can be caused by excessive sun exposure. The skin may be red and painful.
Blistering does not occur. Cool fluid or cool compresses but not ice can be applied to the
area. Pain relievers such as paracetamol (acetaminophen) or ibuprofen can be used.
Second degree burns are deeper burns. There may be pain, redness and blisters on the
burned area. Assess the mouth for any signs of smoke or soot, which can indicate that the
airway might be affected. The patient will require intubation for airway protection
because inhalation injury to the airway might progress to airway oedema and respiratory
compromise. Remove any jewellery around the burned area particular rings on fingers in
case there is any swelling later. Remove clothing carefully because skin might be
attached to burnt clothing. If this is the case do not remove any clothing. Cool water can
be applied to the area and pain relief given. Intravenous lines might need to be started for
fluid in case the burn is larger than 10% of the body surface area. Burnt areas should be
covered loosely with clean sheets. Tetanus prophylaxis should be given. Do not put butter
or oil on burns because this increases the chances of infection.
Third degree burns are deep full thickness burns involving the superficial and deep skin
(epidermis and dermis). The skin is often pale, waxy, leathery appearing and painless.
Scarring will occur. Again tetanus prophylaxis should be given. Intravenous fluids should
be started and the burn covered with a cool clean sheet. Avoid cloth with fibres that may
stick to the burn such as cotton wool. Patients with extensive deep second or third degree
burns may require skin grafts. Patients should be transported to a hospital as soon as
Fourth degree burns extend from the superficial to the subcutaneous fat, muscle and
possibly bone. This life-threatening type of burn will require amputation and extensive
reconstructive surgery.
In case of flooding or wave surges such as tsunamis, drowning may occur. Once removed
from the water, place the person on the back with the head and neck stabilised in the
event of a possible neck injury. If the person does not respond and is not breathing,
cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be initiated.
I The Johns Hopkins and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Skin infections
Wounds received during the disaster might become infected. Signs of infection include
redness, swelling, pus drainage and pain. Infected wounds should be cleaned, dressed
with clean gauze and antibiotic ointment and the patient treated with antibiotics and
tetanus prophylaxis. Diabetics with infected wounds should be aggressively treated and
educated on wound hygiene. Diabetics may require intravenous antibiotics and possibly
hospitalisation and surgery if the wound infection progresses.
Another common skin infection that should be addressed is scabies. Scabies is a highly
contagious skin disease caused by a mite. It is easily transmitted among close contacts.
Signs include itching which is worse at night, small linear marks in the web spaces of the
fingers, torso, genitals and breast areas. All the symptoms are in close contact with each
other. Anti-scabies treatment with permethrin cream must include all persons living in the
one household along with cleaning sheets and clothing. Clothes and sheets may also be
placed in the sun away from people for two days as an alternative to laundering.
Disease outbreak
In any disaster where there is mass displacement and crowding of people in close quarters
without shelter or access to clean water and proper sanitation, there is the risk of a
communicable disease outbreak. There is more information about disease outbreaks in
chapters 6 and 7. Common epidemics to be expected in emergency conditions are
measles, diarrhoea, and acute respiratory infections. Compare the number of new cases in
a current disaster situation with the baseline of previous years to ensure that number of
cases can be classed as an epidemic. Endemic illnesses such as malaria might reach
epidemic proportions during a disaster situation.3 Training should be made available to
local health workers through the ministry of health or through long standing health
institutions in the area.
Understand and apply the case definitions and standard treatment protocols for the
potential diseases in the area. Many standard definitions and treatment protocols exist
already such as those published by WHO or Médecins Sans Frontières. The aspects
regarding epidemics to be covered are:
Specimen collecting for specific diseases to be sent to a designated referral
Performing rapid assessments and surveillance methods;
Means for treating an infectious outbreak should be in place;
Vaccines should be identified;
Stocks of oral rehydration solution should be reserved;
Intravenous fluids should be reserved;
Items needed to set up clinics or augment clinic space should be reserved; and
Mass immunisation campaigns should be carried out.13
commonly reported morbidity among the 9,772 visits to health care facilities was injury
(58%).19 According to the Sphere Project, treatment for chronic conditions that were
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ongoing prior to the disaster should be continued in the emergency phase, particularly if
‘cessation of therapy was likely to result in death’ such as for diabetes and hypertension.4
Although patients requiring haemodialysis would likely die with cessation of the dialysis,
it is extremely difficult to maintain a clean and appropriate water supply for these patients
in an acute disaster. Priority should remain on curative care for life threatening illness in
the emergency phase including treating the complications of chronic disease such as
infected wounds in diabetics.
amongst the pregnant women and mothers in the population through home visits about
breast feeding and the early treatment for symptoms of potentially dangerous diseases
health services
such as diarrhoea and fever as well as antenatal care referral for pregnant women.
TB control
A well run TB programme might not be possible during the emergency phase further
contributing to multi-drug resistant bacilli and infectivity.4 For this reason, TB control
programmes are not commonly implemented until after the emergency phase in
collaboration with the host country guidelines.3
Exit strategy
All activities performed should be in coordination with the local government health
system and local personnel. The ministry of health should be involved from the beginning
of programme development. After a disaster with long-term major implications, health
care needs may not return to pre-disaster levels for many years particularly if health
infrastructure has been severely damaged. Ideally, a government health centre or
established local institution should be identified to take over health care response for the
long-term during the initial stages of the emergency. Careful documentation of a strategic
plan and targeted activities that follow a logical framework; clear training manuals and
job descriptions; monitoring and evaluation of inputs, outputs, outcomes and eventual
impacts; the development and continual improvement of health information systems; all
these will make the transition to local personnel less prone to error or miscommunication.
A sufficient number of local workers should be trained to take over the roles and
responsibilities prior to the exit of the international NGO.
as a plane, train, or bus, there will be prolonged extrication times for the victims who
might have multiple fractures and burns with possible crush syndrome.
health services
Exit strategy
A mass casualty event with limited implication will usually not require a complicated exit
strategy due to the time frame. External assistance from the government or international
organisations is often not needed. Victims may require assistance with rehabilitation and
health care follow-up for surgeries which should be managed by the local health care
infrastructure. Patients might need to be referred to specialised health care centres if
resources are limited in the local context.
Exit strategy
In events of intermediate scale with temporary displacement, many victims will have fled
to surrounding geographic areas. As victims return to their homes, there will be a need for
reinforcing the infrastructure of the community health services based on assessments
done in the region. More than likely in such an event, local and national staff should be
available for staffing health services and responding to the disaster without a significant
need for expatriate staff. Staffing and planning must be done in concert with the host
government and ministry of health.
environment. Refugee camp conditions are variable and might be overcrowded, have
insufficient material for shelter and living space, inadequate quantity and quality of water
health services
and sanitation facilities, inadequate food and access to health care. These factors when
coupled with mental stress from recent catastrophic events, result in refugees being
vulnerable to disease outbreaks and susceptible to prolonged health problems which
contribute to the excess mortalities seen in refugee camps. UNHCR leads the
international coordination response for refugee protection.
Exit strategy
When delivering emergency health services in a complex humanitarian emergency, it is
imperative to think of the exit strategy from the beginning of service initiation.
Remember that there are many refugee camps that started out as temporary settlements,
but have become semi-permanent lasting for years because of ongoing conflict or
instability in refugees’ countries of origin such as Sudan. Essential drug lists, diagnostic
and treatment protocols must be in accordance with the host country. The host country’s
ministry of health must be involved in the development of the health services. Refugees
must also be involved from the beginning in planning health services and be trained to
take over long-term positions as appropriate in running various health service centres’
operations such as managing essential drug supplies. Other necessary activities for human
resource development were discussed under the ‘Exit strategy’ section of ‘Mass event
with long-term implications.’
Providers, therefore, might have to start with the generic WHO standard protocols or
Médecins Sans Frontières guidelines that are available on-line in several languages at
health services
Guidelines are also included in the Interagency Emergency Health Kit (IEHK 2006,
replacing the NEHK), which is a well known type of emergency health kit designed for
use at peripheral and central health facility levels.24
IEHK has made considerable modifications to the kit, including significant changes in
twenty-five items. Most importantly, the antibiotic spectrum and malaria treatment have
been updated and malaria rapid test sticks are now included. It is available through WHO
and other organisations. IEHK consists of a basic unit of ten boxes and a supplementary
unit of fourteen boxes. The entire kit is sufficient to care for 10,000 people over a three-
month period (based on four new cases per person per year). It includes medications,
medical disposables, instruments and sterilising equipment. The basic unit is a stand-
alone kit and is suitable for non-health professionals at peripheral clinics. The
supplementary unit is only suitable for trained health professionals and is, therefore,
useful for health centres and hospitals. The supplementary unit must be used together
with the basic unit. There are various modules of medications that can be added or
subtracted as appropriate in the context of the disaster such as anti-malarials, narcotics,
psychotropic drugs and tramadol in the event that a license for narcotic drugs cannot be
Early in an emergency, the demand for prescriptions is high and certain drugs will be
particularly in high demand depending on disease patterns and prescription habits. Drug
consumption patterns and close monitoring of stocks is required to capture depletion as
early as possible. It is essential that providers are trained about treatment protocols and
appropriate use of drugs in this setting.
Logistics cycle
Medical supply management is a full time job in any development programme and
particularly so in the emergency response phase of a disaster. The logistics cycle of drug
management includes the selection, procurement, distribution and use of drugs:
Drug selection entails choosing the type and quantity of drugs to be made available to
the population;
Procurement comprises all the decisions involved in buying a particular product
including quality assurance, supply source and terms of payment;
Distribution includes inventory control, storage, waste management and
transportation; and
Use of drugs comprises prescribing practices, the training of personnel and the
education of consumers about appropriate drug use and dosage.
While there are common pitfalls in each part of the logistics cycle, many of them can be
Selection pitfalls involve excessive, expensive or inappropriate drug purchasing. By using
standard emergency health kits such as IEHK and by paying attention to national essential
drug lists, this pitfall can be avoided. Providers must also understand that drug selection
is usually a dynamic process that depends on:
Changing demands in the current emergency (e.g. needing more analgesics in a post-
earthquake zone for contusions);
Geographic location (e.g. a malaria endemic region); and
Population demographics and local culture (e.g. pain medicine substitutions because
of the inability to obtain narcotic drug licenses).
I The Johns Hopkins and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Generic drugs are often preferable and cheaper. If a certain preparation has not been
introduced before in the host country however, customs might refuse importation. In one
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case, a country refused to import metronidazole as a generic drug, but was happy to
accept Flagyl which is approximately the same thing—the active component is
metronidazole. It is worthwhile to ask the ministry of health which drugs have been
accepted for import in the past.
Some of the many procurement pitfalls include using unreliable suppliers, not
maintaining firm contract terms that hold suppliers accountable for delivered drugs and
not following up on drug quality. For local procurement, it is absolutely vital to
Deal with a certified supplier;
Follow WHO regulations for Good Manufacturing Practice and Good Distribution
Use official inspections and independent quality control laboratories; and
Make sure that certificates such as country of origin are all in place.
Many countries have a flourishing counterfeit drug production, so it is easy to make
wrong decisions.
Contracts with suppliers must be specific in order to hold suppliers accountable for
delivered drugs. A drug stored at an inappropriate temperature either too hot or too cold
while it is being transported by the supplier to the purchasing facility might result in drug
spoilage. There must be a contract term in place to handle such a situation.
When importing drugs, the WHO/Interagency guidelines on drug donation must be used.
Donated drugs that are inappropriate or expired might take up limited storage space and
consume the time and energy of the staff who must sort through them.8
5,000 tons of drugs and medical supplies were sent to Armenia after the 1988
earthquake. However, only 30% of the drugs were immediately usable, and 20%
ultimately had to be destroyed. Sorting through the drug donation inventory required 50
people for six months. 16
For medical supply specifications, WHO regulations and descriptions see International
Federation Emergency Relief Items Catalogue 2004.
Drug distribution
Drug distribution is a complex process with a potential for problems caused by
miscommunication, misinformation and stock mismanagement. Some common problems
that arise during drug distribution include:
Delays at port and customs clearance;
Theft because of inadequate security;
Pest control issues;
Inadequate temperature storage as a result of poor maintenance of distribution
facilities; and
Inaccurate information about quantities of supplies because of stock mismanagement.
The transport of particular materials might also be strictly regulated by organizations,
such as the International Air Transport Association (IATA) regulations that limit the
transport of certain corrosive materials and oxygen cylinders.
Public health guide for emergencies I 133
To prevent drug waste and ensure timely ordering of needed supplies, follow the FEFO
rule in medical supply management: First Expiry, First Out. Proper and secure storage
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conditions with adequate temperature controls (refrigeration if necessary) and ventilation
are important for maintaining drug quality. Drugs should also be well organised by their
type such as by route of administration: internal, external, injectable and alphabetised so
that they can be easily found. Within each administration route category, liquid and solid
drugs should be separated. Liquid medications should be kept below tablet or dry
medications to prevent possible spoilage of dry medications by leakage.
Use of drugs
The use of drugs involves educating both the health care providers and the patients.
Ensure that the labels are in a language that can be read and understood by the providers
and patients for proper prescription and dosage. As standardised treatment protocols are
often not easy to access or find in the host country, generic WHO standard treatment
protocols or Médecins Sans Frontières guidelines can be used at first. Note that the
treatment protocols of various infectious and communicable diseases can vary greatly by
region such as malaria.
While collaboration between local and expatriate staff is generally not a problem in
emergency settings, disagreements and cooperation problems might arise about the use of
drugs. Local doctors, for example, often ignore the ministry of health’s standard
treatment protocols and prefer to use the latest and often most expensive drugs.
Prescription habits in many developing countries also include a multi-pharmaceutical
approach. Inexperienced doctors might prescribe several antibiotics at the same time to
the same patient with the hope that at least one will work.
Dosage should be clearly labelled for the patients. Instructions about drug use should
maximise compliance and minimise drug selling and drug sharing among families.
provided. If there is a new skill being asked of the staff, or if it is observed that personnel
are not performing tasks properly, training might be in order.
health services
Training in the emergency phase has to be short and concise—and frequently repeated.
Training should remain focused on specific topics that will be of use to the beneficiaries.
The role of the various health workers must also be well defined and in accordance with
national policy. Would community health workers be expected just to recognise illnesses
and refer, or to recognise and treat some common illnesses? Clear role expectations will
facilitate the integration of emergency health workers into the primary health care system
in the post-emergency phase.
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) lays out specific recommendations about the training of
emergency health staff.15 Each trainer should have no more than ten trainees. MSF also
recommends the following common training topics:
Conducting mass measles immunisation;
Data collection;
Essential drugs and standard treatments;
Conducting surveys;
Environmental health measures;
Specific measures to take during epidemics;
Oral rehydration;
Active screening for those who are sick; and
Safe deliveries.
Training can be conducted in various ways such as ‘on the job’ or in small groups with
lesson plans and demonstrations. Conduct the training efficiently during the emergency
and keep it appropriate for the audience. Work with the national health authority also to
determine whether there will be formal recognition of the training, which will help the
participants further their careers. If there is not going to be any formal recognition of the
training, this should be made clear to the participants.
During the emergency response to the Pakistan earthquake, WHO officials conducted a
half-day measles immunisation refresher course for a group of vaccinators working
with International Federation including community health workers, pharmacists,
doctors and nurses. In addition to familiarising everyone with the goals of the WHO
measles campaign, this course ensured that the vaccinators possessed the skills to
maintain the drug supply cold chain and give vaccinations to both infants and older
During the training session, break down tasks clearly, using the job description as a guide.
This will also help with the evaluation. For example, if community health workers are to
diagnose and treat diarrhoea, they must know how to ask the parent about the child’s
medical history, recognise the signs of diarrhoea during a physical exam and show the
parent how to make an oral rehydration solution and administer it to the child. After
training, community health workers can be individually evaluated based on their ability of
asking about medical history, conducting a physical exam, making oral rehydration
solutions and teaching others to do it.
Active supervision must be ongoing throughout the emergency phase. Supervisors must
provide feedback so that staff can improve their performance and ensure quality and
professional care. WHO states, the ‘purpose of supervision is to guide, support and assist
staff to perform well in carrying out their assigned tasks.’23 Staff members with superior
skills should be promoted to supervisory roles. Training local staff on the job to be
Public health guide for emergencies I 135
supervisors will support the sustainability of the programme as it is integrated into the
primary health system.
health services
Health Information Systems (HIS): monitoring and
In the emergency phase, assessments should be done quickly and efficiently to guide
initial decision making. A rapid assessment template must be adapted for use in a disaster
situation as discussed earlier in this chapter. This worksheet was used by International
Federation in Aceh after the Pacific Ocean tsunami in 2004 and in Pakistan after the 2005
The details of developing an emergency and post-emergency phase health monitoring
system are discussed in another chapter, but it is important to highlight a few points here.
In the emergency phase, any health information system must be easy to establish, use and
manage. In the first week(s), health information systems should monitor the five-to-seven
most common diseases and the ones that need early attention such as measles. This
information should be available by gender and age especially for children under five. It
can be built up later into a more comprehensive system with data on birth and death rates
in the affected target community, morbidity in the community and health facilities,
medical activities such as consultations and walk-outs. If no particular template is
available, the Sphere Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster
Response handbook (Sphere) basic format can be used. Excel spreadsheets are also
helpful. Avoid sophisticated systems that are too time-consuming to manage. It is
essential that the facts and figures can be transmitted over the Internet or even by SMS on
mobile telephones. Data on clinic visits should be classified by age group, gender and
illness as soon as possible in order to follow the proportion of clinic visits over time by
vulnerable populations, particularly women and children under five.
Include members of the affected community in the data collection during the initial
assessments; participatory health surveillance will promote sustainability of the health
surveillance infrastructure. Home visitors and Community Health Workers should be
trained in data collection, and a health provider at each level of the health system should
be responsible for data collection.
Post-emergency phase
The post-emergency phase usually starts when excess mortality is controlled and basic
needs are met. It is usually defined as the period when the crude mortality rate drops
below 1 death per 10,000 population per day or back to approximately baseline pre-
disaster levels. Maximum integration into the pre-disaster primary health care system is
critical. In some post-disaster situations, that is after earthquakes, floods or hurricanes
however, parts of the health care system might have been wiped out. Interim solutions
such as prefabricated clinics and hospitals have to be introduced. Another dilemma is that
some pre-disaster health care systems are so weak that integration might be very difficult.
During the post-emergency phase:
Introduce psychosocial services;
Reintroduce programmes such as the Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI);
Reinstate the care and treatment of chronic illnesses and infectious diseases such as
This transition must be coordinated with the ministry of health and other organisations
involved in the continued health care support.