GENERAL Core Cutter are used for testing the compaction of cohesive/clay soils placed as fill and to determine the dry density of in situ soil.
WORK DESCRIPTION 1) The core cutter is driven into the soil using the driving hammer. 2) Then the core cutter is dug out, trimmed, weighed, and dried. 3) The density and moisture content calculated. 3 STANDARDS BS 1377 Part 9 4 EQUIPMENTS 1) 100mm diameter x 130mm long core cutter 2) Driving dolly for 100mm diameter core cutter 3) Driving rammer for 100mm diameter core cutter 5 FORM As per attached. weight 1 kg weight 1 kg weight 13.5 kg
GENERAL sand replacement is an old, more labour intensive methods of determining compaction. This is not a sophisticated test, but it will produce accurate results, if performed with care.
SEQUENCE OF WORKS WORK DESCRIPTION 1) A cylindrical hole is dug out from the surface, approximately 150cm deep using a chisel, lump hammer and small scoop. 2) All excavated material is very carefully saved in a moisture retaining container or plastic bag. 3) Sand of known density is poured into the hole using Sand Pouring Cylinder. Balance sand in pouring cylinder is saved in plastic bag. 4) Excavated material and balanced sand are weighed in the laboratory. 5) After determining the moisture content, the dry density and air voids, the bulk density of the layer tested can be quickly calculated. RESPONSIBILITY L REF. N/A
L L /S.E/C.O.W
EQUIPMENTS 1) Sand Pouring Cylinder 2) Plastic bag, chisel, lump hammer and small scoop 3) Electric balance
Description of sample :
Depth of hole excavated : Bulk Density of sand Layer R/L Wt of sample from hole. Wt of sand before pouring Wt of sand after pouring Wt of sand in cone (Ws) (S1) (S4) (S2) gm gm gm gm gm (Ps) : Mg/m3
Wt of sand in hole (Sb=S1-S4-S2) Bulk Density P = Ws x Ps Sb Moisture Content Container No. Wt. of wet soil + container Wt. of dry soil + container Wt. Of container Wt. Of moisture Wt. Of dry soil (M2) (M3) (M1) (M2 - M3) (M3 - M1)
gm gm gm gm gm
Moisture Content; W = ( M2 - M3 ) x 100 ( M3 - M1) Average Moisture Content, Dry Density ; Pd = 100 x P 100 + W Compaction Compaction requirement Remarks:Mg/m3 % % Checked by : Witnessed by : W % %
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Optimum Moisture Content: Core No. Layer R/L Weight of Core cutter + soil (ms) Weight of Core cutter (mc) Weight of soil ( ms - mc) Volume of core cutter (Vc) Bulk Density; P = ( ms - mc)/Vc Dry Density; Pd = 100P/(100 + W) Compaction Compaction Requirement Moisture Content Container No. Wt. of wet soil + container (M2) Wt. of dry soil + container (M3) Wt. Of container (M1) Wt. Of moisture (M2 - M3) Wt. Of dry soil (M3 - M1) Moisture Content; W = ( M2 - M3 ) x 100/ (M3 - M1) Average Moisture Content Remarks:% % Checked by : Witnessed by : gm gm gm gm gm gm gm gm cm3 mg/m3 mg/m3 % %
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