2015 June
2015 June
2015 June
Answer all questions in the OMR form provided. Choose the most correct answers.
3. The practice of quickly reformatting print content for posting on the Web is often referred
to derisively as:
A. serverware
B. scoopware
C. shovelware
D. slovenlyware
4. According to veteran newsman Sam Donaldson, journalists entering the online medium
must have solid journalistic
A. contacts
B. credentials
C. HTML skills
D. fundamentals
5. Most journalists believe that there's not much difference between for
online outlets and for traditional outlets.
A. editing
B. reporting
C. publishing
D. page layout
8. Unlike print or broadcast outlets, online news outlets can offer readers of
previous stories on a particular subject.
A. rewrites
6. abstracts
C. archives
D. summaries
9. An area in which online reporting differs greatly from traditional reporting is:
A. research
6. credibility
C. deadlines
D. interviewing
11. As a reporter for a local or regional news outlet, what's the best way to get a story out of
a major national or international news event?
A. Create an online blog.
6. Fly to the site of the news event.
C. Create an informational graphic to highlight the event.
D. Find a local or subject-specific angle for the story.
A. polls
6. survey
C. interviews
D. feedback pages or comments
13. Stories that discuss something that's been covered before are called
A. rehashes
6. .~OIIOW-U~S
C. repackages
D. up-to-dates
15. Which of the following is not one of the four main functions for which reporters and
editors use searches?
A. To check facts.
6. To come up with a new subject for a story.
C. To find information on a newly chosen subject
D. To rebut information in competitors' stories.
16. Search sites that send queries to multiple engines all at once are called:
A. metasearches.
B. megasearches.
C. supersearches.
D. mondosearches.
17. A program that scans the Web for keywords on pages is called alan:
A. Bug
B. worm
C. snoop
D. spider
20. The best time to begin to develop the focus of a story is:
A. while conducting interviews.
6. while transcribing interviews.
C. while doing background research.
D. while discussing the story with your editor.
25. The inverted pyramid story structure presents information in what order?
A. most local first
B. least recent first
C. ascending importance
D. descending importance
26. To help organize information, it's helpful for reporters to put together
before writing.
A. photos
B. outlines
C. deadlines
D. audio clips
28. News story leads that highlight the unusual or interesting nature of an event or person
are called:
A. feature leads
B. summary leads
C. summation leads
D. first person leads
29. Because of the characteristics of online journalism, online story leads must be:
A. concise
B. inclusive
C. specific
D. comprehensive
31. Compared with audiences for traditional media, online audiences are notoriously:
A. loyal
B. fickle
C. intelligent
D. uninformed
32. A story that recounts events in the order in which they occurred uses the
A. sidebar
B. chronology
C. inverted pyramid
D. Wall Street Journal
34. The most important aspect of getting stories posted quickly is:
A. getting new quotes
B. getting facts right
C. organizing the story
D. adding multimedia elements
35. Many news sites provide to articles related to the one being read
A. links
B. citations
C. references
D. subject headings
39. Name prefixes like Mr., Dr. or Mrs. are referred to by copy editors as:
A. addressors
B. name prefixes
C. courtesy titles
D. deference marks
40. The poor writing throughout the Web can easily lead to:
A. low ratings
B. legal problems
C. educational issues
D. a "dumbed-down" environment
This section contains THREE (3) questions. Answer ONE (1) question ONLY. Each question
carries 20 marks.
1. Explain at least FlVE (5) types of media content and the strengths of each different types
of media content you can use to create online news stories.
2. In what way arranging for, conducting and reporting interviews have changed in the
Internet age?
3. Explain at least FlVE (5) important elements of shooting videos for your news stories
Give examples for each point.
Dicetak Oleh