Lecture 5
C.-K. Skylaris
nucleus 2 electron i
nucleus 3
R2 ri
nucleus 1
R1 Origin of coordinates
• kin: kinetic energy
• Coul: Coulomb energy
• x: exchange energy
• c: correlation energy
• ext: external potential energy
• kin: kinetic energy
• Coul: Coulomb energy
• x: exchange energy
• c: correlation energy
• ext: external potential energy
• However, already from 1927 Thomas and Fermi proposed the following
approximate functional for the electronic energy
Kinetic energy of
a system of non- Electrostatic energy of n(r).
interacting Also called “Coulomb” or
electrons with “Hartree” energy
uniform density
electron density
• The jelium model replaces the nuclei by a uniform background of positive charge. The
electrons are still treated as quantum particles, moving in this medium, and hence
forming a Uniform Electron Gas (UEG)
simulation cell
uniform positive
background charge
electron density
• This is called the Local Density Approximation and it has been also used to
approximate EX and Ec
energy of
electron gas
2. Exchange energy
3. Correlation energy
• Having chosen a form for our DFT energy (e.g. the Thomas-Fermi) we can
perform a DFT calculation by taking advantage of the variational principle
• This involves finding the density that minimises our energy functional
• Subject to conserving the number of electrons
• To achieve this, we need minimise with respect to the density the following
• So, the functional derivative in this case turns out to be the derivative of
function f with respect to function g (treated as a variable of f)
• Minimise with respect to the density the “Lagrangian” (energy plus the
constraint for the number of electrons)
(Orbital-free approach)
• TFD predicts that atoms always repel each other, so all molecules are unstable
and prefer to dissociate
• Even for isolated atoms, the shell structure is missing
Hartree-Fock and TFDW density of the Kr atom(from W. Stich, E.K.U. Gross and R. M.
Dreizler. Z. Phys. A – Atoms and Nuclei 309, 5-11 (1982) ) .
1) Use the definition of functional derivatives to obtain an expression for the functional derivative of the Coulomb
energy. Does this represent any electrostatic property of the charge density?
2) Compare the dimensions of the kinetic energy in terms of wavefunctions with the kinetic energy functional
and show that for these two expressions to be compatible the density in the functional can only appear raised to
the power of 5/3 and no other power.
3) Write down the equations for the calculation on the density with the TFD model (similar to the equations for the TF
model on slide 11).
1) Name the types of energy that are usually represented as individual DFT functionals in orbital-free DFT
2) Match these energies with the energies in which the electronic Hamiltonian operator is divided
3) What are the dimensions (e.g. L-1, where L is length) of the density and of the wavefunction?