Tema 1 5º Science Natural
Tema 1 5º Science Natural
Tema 1 5º Science Natural
Lynne Durrant
Belén Garrido
Jane Howes
Gilly Mann
Alan Martin
Jordi Baeza
Javier Hernández
Beatriz García Hipólito
Alicia Melero
Marcos Blanco
Sheila Tourle
Be a scientist!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3 Ecosystems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4 Relationships
in ecosystems.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
5 Energy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
6 • Are they simple or complex machines? • What operating parts are there?
Forces and • How do forces work? • What kinds of materials are there?
machines • How do non-contact forces work? • What are composite materials?
• What components do machines have? • How do modern machines help us?
4 four
five 5
1 Living things and cells
What do you know about living things?
8 eight
Life processes
All living things carry out three life processes:
• Nutrition: living things obtain nutrients and energy from food.
• Sensitivity: living things react to what is happening around them.
• Reproduction: they produce new individuals that are similar to themselves.
2 Observe What are these living things doing? Listen, then name the life
processes. Tell your partner.
Investigate bamboo.
nine 9
What are cells? Key words
• cell • nutrition
Cells are the basic units of life. All living things • reproduction
are made up of cells. Cells are extremely small • life process
• neuron • sensitivity
and can be only seen through a microscope.
Cells carry out the three basic life processes
of all living things:
• Nutrition. They obtain nutrients and energy
from food.
• Reproduction. They can divide and produce
new cells that are similar to themselves.
• Sensitivity. They react to what goes on
around them.
In addition, specialised cells carry out particular
functions. Peanut cells seen
Although cells are very small, they can be through a microscope.
different sizes. For example, brain cells, known as
neurons, are much bigger than red blood cells.
Cells can be different shapes. They can be round,
long, flat, rectangular, disc-shaped or star-shaped.
bone cell
… … …
10 ten
Cells have three main parts:
• The membrane is the covering around the cell.
It protects the inside of the cell.
• The nucleus is the part that coordinates
the activities of the cell.
• The cytoplasm is the liquid between the
nucleus and the membrane. It contains lots
of organelles. The organelles carry out the
different functions of the cell. cytoplasm
Science facts
Cells are so tiny that we cannot see them with the naked eye.
We need a microscope. This is an instrument with several lenses
that makes things look much larger.
The stage is where
we put the slide
with the sample.
3 Describe a cell for your partner to draw. Then, look at their picture and name
the parts together.
4 Investigate What did Anton Van Leeuwenhoek invent? Look on the internet,
and find a photo of his invention.
eleven 11
What are animal cells like?
1 Think about it Look at the photos of animal cells.
Are the statements true or false?
• Animal cells are all the same shape and size.
• All the cells in an animal have the same function.
• Animal cells have a rigid membrane.
Red blood cells carry oxygen. Lung cells allow animals to breathe.
12 twelve
What are plant cells like?
Plant cells have a membrane, a nucleus and 1 Answer the questions in your notebook.
cytoplasm with organelles. They are usually
a. What shape are animal cells?
bigger than animal cells and have a regular
shape. b. What shape are plant cells?
• Plant cells have specialised organelles called c. Why is wood hard?
chloroplasts that contain a green substance d. Why are leaves green?
called chlorophyll. Chlorophyll absorbs
e. Why do plants need sunlight?
sunlight, which plants need to make their own
food. It gives plant cells their green colour.
2 Compare Copy and complete the Venn
• Plant cells have a rigid cell wall around the diagram. Write similarities and differences
membrane. That is why the stems and branches
between animal cells and plant cells.
of some plants are very hard.
Tell your partner.
cell wall
animal plant
membrane both
cells cells
… … …
thirteen 13
Unicellular and multicellular living things
Key words
Unicellular living things are made up of one single cell. These living things
are found everywhere. They are in water, in soil, in the air and in our body. • amoeba
They are all very tiny, and we need a microscope to see them. • bacteria
There are different types of unicellular organism: • bud
• Bacteria are the smallest living organisms. They have a tail that spins • multicellular
to make the cell move. • protozoa
• Protozoa are organisms, like amoeba, that live in water or in wet places. • unicellular
An amoeba is only a single cell, but it can change its shape. • yeast
• Yeasts are often used to make bread or beer. They reproduce rapidly.
Bacteria are …
Protozoa have …
Yeast live …
14 fourteen
Mini Lab
You need
• a small piece of onion • a microscope • iodine dye • a glass cover slip
• a glass slide • silicon gloves • tweezers • a saucer
fifteen 15
How are living things organised? Key words
Multicellular living things are made up of many • level of
different types of cells. These cells work together organisation
at different levels, called levels of organisation. • organ
• Groups of the same type of cells join together • tissue
to form tissues. For example, animals have
muscle tissue, which consists of muscle cells
grouped together. Their bone cells join together
to form the bone tissue of the skeleton.
Plants also have tissues. For example, the
epidermis is the tissue that covers the leaves.
• Tissues join together to form organs. Tissues
in organs work together to carry out a common plant tissue
Muscles, bones, the heart and the lungs are
examples of animal organs. Leaves, flowers,
roots and stems are examples of plant organs.
16 sixteen
• Organs form systems. The organs in systems
work together to carry out a common function.
For example, the muscular system enables the bone cell
body to move. The digestive system enables
the body to obtain nutrients.
• Finally, all the different systems work together bone tissue
to form an organism, a complete living thing.
In a multicellular living thing, cells, tissues,
organs and systems all work together to make
the organism function correctly.
In a unicellular living thing, such as bacteria,
there is only the first level of organisation, the
cell. This one cell carries out all the functions
of the living thing.
bone (organ)
2 Think about it Do you agree that
‘cells are like the building bricks of
living things’?
seventeen 17
Check your progress
Vocabulary 4 Find the mistakes in each sentence. Then,
listen and check your answers.
1 Listen and say membrane, nucleus,
cytoplasm, organelles, unicellular a. Some living things are made up of cells.
or multicellular. b. Cells are living units because they carry
out the two basic life processes: nutrition
2 Make sentences about the parts of a cell and reproduction.
in your notebook. c. Animal cells have a rigid membrane that
surrounds the cell and holds it together.
is located between
the membrane and d. Plant cells have organelles called
the nucleus. chloroplasts that contain an orange
substance called chlorophyll.
The membrane
e. Groups of organs are organised to form
carry out different tissues.
The nucleus functions and are located
in the cytoplasm.
5 Write the levels of organisation of the dog
The cytoplasm in your notebook.
controls the function
of the cell. A
The organelles
3 Look at the photographs and answer
the questions.
18 eighteen
Apply what you know
6 Copy and complete the graphic organiser in your notebook.
… membrane … …
parts of a cell
unicellular …
7 What are the levels of organisation of living things? Copy and complete the diagram.
My progress Think about your work in this unit. Copy and complete.
• I can describe the parts of a cell. … … …
• I can identify different kinds of cells. … … …
• I can name the levels of organisation of living things. … … …
nineteen 19
Final task
Investigate bamboo
You need
• a large sheet of card • scissors • coloured pencils
• paper • glue
20 twenty
Be a scientist!
twenty-one 21