Wildlife Id Guide

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This booklet contains short descriptions of the 15 species of game birds and 7 species of game mammals currently
found in Hawaii. This material is for the purpose of general information only. Questions regarding game laws should
be referred to the Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement, with offices on each of the islands. Further
information about any of the game mammals and birds, or how best to hunt them, can be obtained from the Division
of Forestry and Wildlife on each major island or the central office in Honolulu, Oahu. The office addresses of the
Division of Forestry and Wildlife and Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement are listed on the inside
front cover of this booklet.


of Land

Hawaii’s Official Hunting Resource

Copyright © 2020 Kalkomey Enterprises, LLC and its divisions and partners, www.kalkomey.com

© Jack Jeffrey Photography, used with permission

(Axis axis)

DESCRIPTION: Males antlered part of the year, BREEDING: Axis deer in Hawaii, like their
females never. Bucks stand about 31/2 feet at the brethren in India, breed at varying times through-
shoulder, averaging 160 pounds live weight, but out the year. Consequently one can always find
with weights up to 229 pounds recorded. Females bucks in various stages of antler development.
average 90 pounds. Both sexes are spotted for Only one fawn is produced each year, with a
life; the coats on the majority of deer are a golden fawning peak in December, January, and February.
brown on the back and flanks with nickel-sized The mild climate permits excellent fawn survival.
white spots arranged in rows from the neck back-
wards; the throat, belly, and inside of legs are a FOOD PREFERENCES: In the lower dry areas,
cream-white, and a black dorsal stripe runs down kiawe, klu, lantana, and guinea grass are favored;
the spine. Old bucks often turn a grizzled char- Hilo grass, drymaria, ulei, and pukiawe are prime
coal-gray about the face, neck, and forequarters— foods in the higher, wet areas.
usually a sure sign of a trophy!
RANGE: The major huntable populations are on Hunted on Public Hunting Areas in March and
the islands of Molokai and Lanai, where there is a April, the unique antler formation of this deer
total of some 15,000 deer. A herd has been intro- (always 3 points) make it a treasured trophy. Axis
duced to Maui with the hope of future hunting deer have a flavor of their own, tasting nothing
there. Axis deer prefer an open, parkland forest, like mainland deer; it is considered one of the best
such as is found in the kiawe (mesquite) zone. of wild meats.
They have also become established in the dense
rain forest. The native range is in parkland forests
of India and Ceylon.

Copyright © 2020 Kalkomey Enterprises, LLC and its divisions and partners, www.kalkomey.com

Courtesy of Mike Thomas

(Odocoileus hemionus)

DESCRIPTION: A distinct race of the Rocky BREEDING: Kauai black-tailed deer have a
Mountain mule deer, the black-tailed deer is breeding cycle similar to their mainland kin.
somewhat smaller than the true “mulies.” Only Breeding takes place between October and De-
bucks develop antlers. Generally, the older the cember. The gestation period is about 7 months
buck, the larger the antlers. Antlers are dropped and fawns are born between April and June. Twins
each year about January; shortly thereafter re- are not uncommon for older does, though young-
growth begins and new antlers are fully developed er does usually bear a single fawn. A less definite
by August. Mature bucks range between 130 and fawning peak occurs in Hawaii than in mainland
190 pounds averaging 160 pounds, with records herds.
up to 207 pounds. Does weigh much less, av-
eraging 125 pounds when mature. Only fawns FOOD PREFERENCES: Browse and fruits are
have spotted coats. Adults are gray-brown during preferred over grasses. Guava fruit, passion fruit
the fall and winter months, molting to a red- flower and vines, uki uki, mushrooms, koa shoots
dish-brown coat during the spring and summer. and horseweed are prime foods used by deer
The forehead and outer tail are black. throughout their range.

RANGE: Native to the northwest coastal United HUNTING AND EATING QUALITIES:
States, Kauai’s black-tailed deer were obtained Usually hunted in October, when the bucks have
from the State of Oregon. They were first released hardened antlers, this species can be very challeng-
in 1961 in the Puu Ka Pele Game Management ing to hunt. Black-tailed deer are very wary and
area on western Kauai. Forty deer were liberat- seek dense cover when pursued. A mature black-
ed between 1961 and 1966. The population is tail can provide a handsome trophy, sometimes
estimated at 400 deer and remaining stable. Their with as many as 5 points on a beam. The meat
range includes all of the brushy broken ridgeland quality is considered excellent if properly handled
lying west of the rim of Waimea Canyon. A few in the field. The abundant sweet foods consumed
deer have ventured into Waimea Canyon and por- by the Kauai deer apparently diminish the “gami-
tions of Kokee State Park. Black-tailed deer prefer ness” commonly noted in mainland venison.
dense cover intermingled with open meadows and
ridge shoulders.

Copyright © 2020 Kalkomey Enterprises, LLC and its divisions and partners, www.kalkomey.com

© Jack Jeffrey Photography, used with permission

(Ovis musimon)

DESCRIPTION: Also called the European BREEDING: Rams fight during the mating
Bighorn sheep, this animal is one of the ancestors season in December and January, and successful
of domestic sheep. The rams weigh about 125 males become leaders of small parties of ewes.
pounds with ewes somewhat lighter. Both sexes During the off-breeding season in Hawaii, how-
may be recognized by their generally brownish ever, rams have been noted in unisexual groups.
tan body color, with a distinct white saddle patch Lambs are born in April and May either as singles
during some seasons. The underparts and inner or as twins as with domestic sheep. The gestation
side of the limbs are white; the rump is white period is five months.
with a short black tail. The horns of the ram are
yellowish brown, characterized by one wide sweep. FOOD PREFERENCES: Mouflon are primar-
Ewes are usually hornless. The mouflon is a truly ily grazers and browsers and feed on a variety of
wild animal with an erect, alert posture and lacks native and introduced grasses, forbs, fern allies,
the shaggy wool of the feral sheep. shrubs, and tree components. In captivity they eat
green hay and barley readily. Water in a “free” state
RANGE: Originally native only to the Islands is not necessary to the mouflon, and it survives on
of Sardinia and Corsica in the Mediterranean, moisture obtained in green vegetation.
this wild sheep has been introduced throughout
Europe and Africa. In its native habitat it is adapt- HUNTING AND EATING QUALITIES: A
ed to high mountain heather areas, where it seeks wary animal, it is difficult to stalk due to its
refuge in coniferous forests when pursued. In alertness and tendency to seek out dense brush or
Hawaii it is established on Mauna Kea and Mauna forest when disturbed. A full grown ram is a spec-
Loa on Hawaii Island in the high mountain forests tacular trophy with its multicolored coat, wide
and on Lanai along the dry kiawe and grassland spreading horns and black neck mane. The meat is
coast of the northwest portion of the island. delicious and can be prepared like mutton.

Copyright © 2020 Kalkomey Enterprises, LLC and its divisions and partners, www.kalkomey.com

© Jack Jeffrey Photography, used with permission

(Ovis aries)

DESCRIPTION: A familiar animal, the feral FOOD PREFERENCES: Sheep have destructive
sheep of Hawaii is a cross of several breeds of feeding habits. They remain in flocks, move into
domestic sheep which have been introduced to an area of lush vegetation and if undisturbed, feed
the islands in the last two centuries. They are on the available food supply until it is depleted
much larger than the small fleece producing to a point that they are forced to move on. This
sheep commonly seen on the mainland; the rams seriously affects the regenerative powers of the
average about 100 pounds, with a few oldtimers plants in question and consequently lowers the
approaching the 150 pound mark. Colorwise, growth rate.
animals are seen in mixed flocks of black, brown,
gray, white and all tones between. They have a HUNTING AND EATING QUALITIES: At
heavy fleece coat over the entire body except on 7,000 to 12,000 feet, it takes a hunter with a good
the face and legs. Animals seen with part wool/ set of lungs, not to mention a good pair of legs, to
part fur coats may be hybrid crosses with the circle a mile around a flock of hunter-shy sheep,
introduced mouflon sheep. and still have enough wind left to calmly squeeze
off a 150–200 yard shot for that big ram. Eating?
RANGE: Found on the “Big Island” of Hawaii Great!
where they range the slopes of Mauna Kea,
Hualalai, and Mauna Loa, on private, military and
State lands.

BREEDING: Ewes are capable of breeding the

first time at an age of about 5 months. Ordinarily
only 1 lamb is born the first time, and then 1, 2
or rarely 3 lambs are born at intervals of about 6

Copyright © 2020 Kalkomey Enterprises, LLC and its divisions and partners, www.kalkomey.com

Courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service

(Sus scrofa)

DESCRIPTION: The early Polynesian voyagers FOOD PREFERENCES: Pigs will eat almost any
brought pigs with them to the islands and their animal or plant matter, living or dead, but thrive
descendants roam the island of Hawaii today. primarily on roots, tender plant stalks, fruits, and
High on the slopes of Mauna Kea and Mauna where abundant, earthworms.
Loa and on Kauai one still finds a smaller pig,
averaging 125 pounds, which is usually black and HUNTING AND EATING QUALITIES: The
heavily haired; this is believed to be the Polynesian majority of pig hunting is done with the use of
type. Later introductions were made of domestic dogs; indeed, this is about the only way one can
breeds from all over the world. Consequently, on bag a pig in the dense rainforests where the great-
the islands of Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Maui and est populations occur. This is a thrilling sport with
on parts of Hawaii, there is a mixture of size and many hunters using only a long knife to dispatch
colors, ranging from black through red to white. the pig while the dogs hang on to its snout and
These pigs often weigh over 200 pounds, and ears. Tackling a 200 pound boar with tusks up to
occasionally range up to 400 pounds. 3 or 4 inches long is not for the clumsy or hes-
itant hunter. The next best manner of bagging
RANGE: All major islands except Lanai, where your porker is “still” hunting. The trick is to find
they were exterminated many years ago. Today a freshly rooted area, where there is a clear field of
they live primarily in the wet forest, but if undis- fire, and a quartering wind: then sit quietly just
turbed, do well in the lower dry forest and scrub before dawn or at dusk, and wait for them. Pigs
as well as pasture lands. usually bed down during the daylight hours. Pigs
taken in drier habitat are invariably good eating,
BREEDING: Sows reach the age of puberty at but pigs from the fern forests often acquire the
3 to 5 months and bear litters of 2 to 8 piglets, flavor of the vegetation.
although litters of up to 14 are not unheard of.
The gestation period is 110–116 days.

Copyright © 2020 Kalkomey Enterprises, LLC and its divisions and partners, www.kalkomey.com

© Jack Jeffrey Photography, used with permission

(Capra hircus)

DESCRIPTION: A familiar animal to all, the BREEDING: Nannies are capable of breeding for
feral goats of Hawaii vary greatly in size, shape the first time at the age of 5 months. The gesta-
and coloration. Goats in areas exposed to possible tion period is from 140 to 160 days; consequently
new introduction of genetic strains (i.e., where females can bear young twice within a year, and
domestic animals may escape into the wild), show do in most cases. One kid is the average, but twins
the greatest variation and are usually of small size. are often born.
Isolated populations, such as those in the Molokai
rainforest, are usually uniform in color patterns FOOD PREFERENCES: Goats in the wild are
and individuals occasionally weigh over 100 opportunistic grazers and browsers, but little is
pounds. known of their preferred foods. It is likely that
they will sample almost any green plant. They
RANGE: Feral goats are found on all islands (low need little or no water if green vegetation is
numbers on Lanai), from sea level to the summit available.
of Haleakala on Maui. The preferred habitat is
along the steep cliff edges, deep canyons, or barren HUNTING AND EATING QUALITIES: The
lava flows. They are usually found in the dense majority of goats hunted in the islands are taken
forests only when forced to exist there by hunting for eating purposes. Although possessing a “pun-
pressure. Due to their preference for living along gent” odor in the wild, when properly dressed and
the steep canyon and valley rims, in some areas prepared, goat meat is delicious. When soaked in
they have caused extensive erosion and gradual teriyaki sauce, ginger, garlic, vinegar and then bar-
denudation of the vegetative cover. Eradication bequed, “seconds” are a must! The trophy horns
programs in the past decade, and currently care- of a big billy are highly esteemed by local hunters
fully controlled public hunting on State lands, and add a unique note to any collection. The
have kept further damage to a minimum. conformation of the horns vary greatly from herd
to herd, with some populations flaring widely
and others having tightly curled horns similar to

Copyright © 2020 Kalkomey Enterprises, LLC and its divisions and partners, www.kalkomey.com

Courtesy of U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

(Antilocapra americana)

DESCRIPTION: Often called the pronghorn RANGE: Native to the prairie lands of North
“antelope,” it is not a true antelope but belongs to America, the pronghorn was introduced to the
a family all its own. Both males and females have grassy plateau on the north end of Lanai in 1959.
horns which curve inward at the tip; the horn From an original release of 18 animals, the herd
sheath is dropped each year. About the size of a increased to over 150 animals by 1967 and filled
small deer, the males weigh between 100 and 125 most of the available 35 square miles of habitat.
pounds and females average about 90 pounds. The herd is presently reduced to only a few indi-
Sexes are colored alike, the upper parts a rich viduals. It prefers open country and seldom enters
reddish brown or tan, and the rump, lower sides, forested areas.
sides of head and underparts a white or cream
color. The underside of the neck is crossed with BREEDING: The mating season occurs during
two white bars, and a dark patch under the ear is the summer months and kids are born 8 months
most pronounced in the male. The pronghorn is later, usually as singles but occasionally as twins.
able to spread the white hairs on the rump to pro- The pronghorn is polygamous, and bucks mate
duce a “flag” which can be seen at a great distance with several does, although they do not form true
when the animal is excited. Young are similar in “harems.”
color to adults with the white on the sides less
pronounced at first. FOOD PREFERENCES: A variety of grasses,
forbs and shrubs are eaten and on Lanai a large
portion of the diet is made up of haole koa. It is a
browser as well as a grazer.

HUNTING: Although the population initial-

ly increased rapidly, the unsuitability of the
habitat and availability of adequate grazing led
to a decline of the population. Unfortunately,
poaching led to the demise of the pronghorn in

Copyright © 2020 Kalkomey Enterprises, LLC and its divisions and partners, www.kalkomey.com

© Jack Jeffrey Photography, used with permission

(Lophura leucomelana)

DESCRIPTION: Males’ body 10 to 12 inches; FOOD PREFERENCE: An omnivorous feeder

the tail about the same length, stands from 15 to eats many types of seeds, berries, grass, insects,
17 inches tall. A long crest of light disintegrated larvae, worms and reptiles.
feathers; back, legs and wings a dark bluish black;
buff colored chest and scarlet wattles. Females HUNTING AND EATING QUALITIES: Often
crest and body plumage tending to be browner found in groups, the Kalij is a strong straight flyer
than in the males. but prefers to run into deep cover rather than
flush. Capable of uttering a squealing whistle
RANGE: Native to western India and Nepal from often followed by clucking sounds when excited
1,700 feet upward to 11,000 feet. In Hawaii, or alarmed. A light white meat considered fine
found only on the Big Island from sea level to eating.
8,500 feet in forests and thickets.

BREEDING: In India, nesting begins in May;

probably the same in Hawaii. Nests are shallow
depressions lined with grass or twigs and contain
an average of eight eggs.

Copyright © 2020 Kalkomey Enterprises, LLC and its divisions and partners, www.kalkomey.com

© Jack Jeffrey Photography, used with permission

(Francolinus pondicerianus)

DESCRIPTION: Length 13 inches; color is FOOD PREFERENCES: Omnivorous. Grains,

brownish, the breast grayish with prominent black weed seeds, vegetable matter and insects are eaten.
barring; back chestnut and brown barred with On Lanai some evidence of feeding on ripe pine-
buff; outer tail feathers chestnut. Sexes are alike apples has been noted.
except for long, sharp spurs on the legs of the
Lanai, more gray francolins are harvested than
RANGE: Native to India and found in a variety ring-necked pheasants. They prefer to run rather
of habitats including dry, open grass and shrub than flush, and dogs should be used if possible. It
country. In Hawaii it is established on all islands is noted for its weird piercing call sounding like
and is found in greatest numbers on the island of “titur, titur, titur” which can be heard at great dis-
Lanai where it inhabits the dry haole koa shrub tances. The flesh is white, dry and not too gamey.
and grasslands, particularly along the edges of In India they are served fried and considered great
pineapple fields. delicacies.

BREEDING: March through June in Hawaii.

Generally 6 to 9 eggs are laid, and incubated for
18 to 19 days. A grass-lined nest is built on the

Copyright © 2020 Kalkomey Enterprises, LLC and its divisions and partners, www.kalkomey.com

Courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service

(Phasianus colchicus)

DESCRIPTION: Length of male about 33 FOOD PREFERENCES: Pheasants generally

inches, tail 16 to 20 inches. This is such a famil- are omnivorous and will take that food which is
iar bird, there is little need to describe it to the most easily available. Seeds, browse, fruit, animal
sportsman. and insect matter are all taken, with insect matter
being extremely common in the lower areas, and
RANGE: Found on all islands, this species ranges seeds being taken in largest numbers in the guava,
throughout all available habitat exclusive of lantana zones.
dense rainforests with associated heavy rainfall.
It continually amazes mainland hunters to find HUNTING AND EATING QUALITIES: Little
peak pheasant populations at 7,000 feet amidst need be said on either count; sportsmen the world
heavy forest cover and at the same time in the dry over are familiar with the excellent qualities of this
cactus/mesquite forest associations near the sea- game bird. However, local hunters seem to exhibit
shore. Originally introduced to the islands about a degree of favoritism in their bird hunting, with
1875 with many subsequent liberations. some going afield primarily for quail, but glad of
the chance to bag a pheasant, while other avid
BREEDING: Primarily, from February through pheasant hunters have been known to charge un-
July. Cocks begin crowing in late January for heedingly through a prime quail covey in pursuit
breeding purposes but lone males may be heard of their favored quarry.
calling throughout the year. Most laying begins
early in March, with the hen making her nest on
the ground in slight depressions, which either
occur naturally or are created by slight scrapings
away of the vegetation. Eggs vary in number from
6 to 11 per nest, with incubation requiring about
23 days. If, for some reason, nesting attempts
are unsuccessful, a hen may lay 2 or 3 clutches
throughout the summer in an attempt to bring off
a successful brood.

Copyright © 2020 Kalkomey Enterprises, LLC and its divisions and partners, www.kalkomey.com

(Phasianus colchicus versicolor)

DESCRIPTION: Slightly smaller than the ring- RANGE: The only 2 areas of green pheasant con-
neck; the hens are similar in all species, but the centration are on the windward slopes of Mauna
white collar is absent in the males, the neck is Kea and Mauna Loa on the Big Island. There are
purple, the under-parts are green, and the back is small isolated, and usually hybridized, populations
a deep bluish-green. This species hybridizes readily of this species on Maui and Oahu. Areas of major
with the ring-necked at the outer margins of its concentration on Hawaii are generally between
range with these birds exhibiting various combi- the 4,000–7,000 foot level in gently sloping areas
nations between the ring-necked and the green with frequent mist and/or almost continuous light
pheasant plumage. rainfall.


Similar to ring-necked pheasant.

Copyright © 2020 Kalkomey Enterprises, LLC and its divisions and partners, www.kalkomey.com

© Jack Jeffrey Photography, used with permission

(Francolinus francolinus)

DESCRIPTION: Length 13 inches; both sexes BREEDING: The breeding season is April
with scaled markings on top and sides of body. through July. They lay 6 to 12 olive-colored eggs,
Female generally brown and chestnut; male has incubating 18–19 days. Nests are on the ground
conspicuous black underparts spotted with white, or in low branches of shrubs.
head black with white stripe behind the eye and
a broad chestnut collar. Male has blunt spurs, FOOD PREFERENCES: An omnivorous feeder,
female usually none. it eats grains, weed seeds, insects, and greens. Its
tendency to devour almost anything edible makes
RANGE: Native to Northern India up to 7,000 it a bird adaptable to a variety of habitats.
feet in elevation in a variety of habitats where
standing water is available. Introduced directly HUNTING AND EATING QUALITIES:
from India to all islands except Lanai and Oahu. Flushes more readily than the Gray Francolin,
It is now established on Molokai, Hawaii, Kauai but a dog should be used. Flies straight and fast
and Maui. Although very limited on Kauai, they when flushed, an excellent game bird. Flesh white
are restricted to a narrow belt between 1,000 and and sweet, although some consider it too dry and
2,000 feet elevation in lantana brushland. Has bland. Roasted, they are pleasing to the palate.
adapted to areas where irrigation ditches and
reservoirs are available, often quite near human

Copyright © 2020 Kalkomey Enterprises, LLC and its divisions and partners, www.kalkomey.com

© Jack Jeffrey Photography, used with permission

(Francolinus erckelii)

DESCRIPTION: A large partridge-like bird; FOOD PREFERENCES: These game birds are
males about 16 inches long weighing 31/2 pounds; omnivorous and consume a variety of fruits, roots,
females smaller, weighing about 21/2 pounds. grass shoots, seeds and insects. Little is known of
Distinguished by chestnut colored crown, white the exact food habits of this species either in its
throat and elongated spots on the breast and belly. native land or in Hawaii. They are much more
Males have two well-developed spurs on the legs. adaptable to thick brushy areas than are ring-
necked or green pheasants.
RANGE: Native to the Ethiopia and Sudan areas
of Eastern Africa, it was first introduced to Hawaii HUNTING AND EATING QUALITIES: This
in 1957 on all major islands, but is now found is a ground dwelling bird which does not flush
in appreciable numbers only on Hawaii, Lanai, readily, but prefers to run. When it does flush it
Oahu and Kauai. It favors semi-arid scrublands, flies low and fast. Its flesh is all white and provides
brushy areas, rocky slopes and open forests. A a fine meal for the sportsmen.
highly adaptable game bird, it is found from sea
level to 7,000 feet.

BREEDING: During breeding seasons (April

through July), males crow loudly in a distinctive
“cackle” and are very pugnacious. Nests consist
of a scrape in the ground lined with grass and the
eggs are dirty white and very hard shelled. Fairly
large flocks are formed after young birds near ma-
turity and before the breeding season starts.

Copyright © 2020 Kalkomey Enterprises, LLC and its divisions and partners, www.kalkomey.com

© Tom Ulrich, used with permission

(Alectoris chukar)

DESCRIPTION: Length 15 inches; body of both FOOD PREFERENCES: Chukars appear to

sexes brownish olive to ashy, with black and white prefer green browse. On Lanai they thrive on salt-
barred flanks; black stripe runs across forehead, bush and pualele, with insects taken as available.
through eye, then down and rejoins on lower On Hawaii and Maui, gosmore is a favored food
throat; bill, feet, and eye-ring red. with fruits and berries such as ohelo and pukiawe
being common.
RANGE: Introduced to all major islands, but
major populations now only on Hawaii, Maui HUNTING AND EATING QUALITIES: Living
and Lanai. Primary habitat on Hawaii or Maui is on the high, jagged volcanic flows and among
at timber line and higher, on bare rocky slopes. tumbled rock piles at the edges of steep gulches,
On Lanai, they favor coastal or gulch cliff areas. this bird is safe from all but the most rugged of
Native range of the presently established subspe- hunters. Perfectly camouflaged, coveys take flight
cies is India and Tibet, from 5,000 feet upward. at a speed amazing even to seasoned quail hunters,
or, if caught on open ground, will run a hunter
BREEDING: Primarily from late March through unused to the altitude, to exhaustion. The pure
July. Clutch sizes are large with an average of white meat of this bird is a gourmet’s delight and
15–16 eggs being laid. two birds provide the hungriest hunter a satisfying

Copyright © 2020 Kalkomey Enterprises, LLC and its divisions and partners, www.kalkomey.com

© Tom Ulrich, used with permission

(Callipepla californica)

DESCRIPTION: Length 10 inches; the short FOOD PREFERENCES: Adult quail are pri-
black topknot and black and white patterned face marily seed eaters, but also take large quantities
are distinctive in males, with the female having a of browse and insects, especially when water is
shorter topknot and brownish head which match- difficult to obtain. Kiawe beans, ekoa, Japanese tea
es the rest of the body. The recently introduced seeds, pualele leaves and flowers are good examples
Gambel’s Quail can be distinguished by the rufous of favored foods. Fruits, such as guava, are rarely
instead of gray-black crown, the chestnut stripings eaten.
on the sides, and the lack of a scaled pattern across
the lower breast. HUNTING AND EATING QUALITIES: Long
a favored game bird, this quail provides wonder-
RANGE: Major populations on Molokai and ful gunning with a dog. Coveys of over 300 birds
Hawaii; found also on Maui, Lanai, and Kauai. have been counted on Molokai and when the
Found from sea level to 11,000 feet, primarily on hunter jumps one this size, it is only the calmest
the leeward sides of these islands in a wide range of men who bags 3 or 4 on the first rise. Limits
of habitat, but primarily in open parkland forests can then usually be taken from the broken covey.
or pasture land of varying vegetative composition. A rich, dark meat, they are best broiled with the
Introduced from California prior to 1890. skin on, with applesauce on the side.

BREEDING: The period from early Febru-

ary through late July encompasses the pairing,
nesting, incubation, and hatching processes,
after which time coveys start to form. Primitive
nests are made near brush piles, clumps of weeds,
cactus, etc., and are rarely more than 1/3 mile from
water of some sort. From 6 to 12 eggs are laid;
the precocial chicks leave the nest within hours
after hatching and within 2 weeks are strong
fliers resembling when flushed, a swarm of giant

Copyright © 2020 Kalkomey Enterprises, LLC and its divisions and partners, www.kalkomey.com

Courtesy of U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

(Callipepla gambelii)

DESCRIPTION: Similar to the California Quail FOOD PREFERENCES: Primarily vegetarian,

except males have a rufous patch on the head, but may take insects when available. Food consists
chestnut stripings on the sides and lack a scaled of weed seeds and grains, and during the spring
pattern across the lower breast. Females lack scal- months greens and buds. As can be expected,
ing on the breast also. Both sexes have a topknot, kiawe beans are an important part of the diet.
the males’ being more pronounced.
RANGE: Native to the Southwestern U.S., this though an excellent sporting bird, its tendency to
species has been introduced to all islands except hide in thick brush and run from clump to clump
Molokai, but is established only on Lanai and Ka- makes shooting difficult. On Lanai, hunters usu-
hoolawe. It inhabits areas similar to those on the ally bag most of their birds along the edges of the
mainland—dry, semi-arid kiawe (mesquite) forests pineapple fields. The Gambel’s Quail is a plump
where it seems to thrive with very little water. and delicious morsel for the table and can be pre-
pared similarly to the California Quail.
BREEDING: Egg laying occurs in March and
April, with 12 eggs usually being laid. The incuba-
tion period is from 21 to 24 days and both parents
share in caring for the chicks. The nest is usually
well formed and placed under a shrub. This quail
is noted for its ability to survive and reproduce
during the hottest of weather.

Copyright © 2020 Kalkomey Enterprises, LLC and its divisions and partners, www.kalkomey.com

(Coturnix japonica)

DESCRIPTION: Length 61/2 inches. Dorsal FOOD PREFERENCES: Seeds comprise 58% of
color pattern mixed, chestnut, black and white. the food and insects 42%. Little browse is taken.
Male has a uniform black or cinnamon bib on the
throat, while the female throat is a light buff. HUNTING AND EATING QUALITIES: Aver-
aging only 3 ounces in weight, this bird provides
RANGE: Found sparsely on all islands; primarily little for the meat hunter, but with its attitude of
on pasture lands below 7,000 feet. In its native “holding tight” and finally buzzing off in a flat,
range of China and Japan this species is migratory low trajectory, it provides a startling target.
but there is no evidence of this in Hawaii. Intro-
duced originally to Maui and Lanai in 1921.

BREEDING: March through September. Nests

are shallow, grass-filled depressions in the ground.
Five to eight eggs per clutch.

Copyright © 2020 Kalkomey Enterprises, LLC and its divisions and partners, www.kalkomey.com

© Jack Jeffrey Photography, used with permission

(Pterocles exustus)

DESCRIPTION: Also called the Indian Sand- FOOD PREFERENCES: A seed eater preferring
grouse. About the size of a Spotted (large) Dove. hard seeds.
Male khaki colored; flight and tail feathers darker
brown or black. A horizontal black band crosses HUNTING AND EATING QUALITIES: A fast
the chest. Female has darker spots and much less flyer often found close to streams or open fresh
noticeable band across the chest. The tarsi are water. Sandgrouse are often shot in flyways as they
feathered in the front. come into water. The sandgrouse is reported to be
excellent table fare.
RANGE: Native range from India to Africa. In
Hawaii, known only to frequent the plains of
Waimea on the Island of Hawaii.

BREEDING: Little is known of breeding habits

in Hawaii. A ground nester, eggs are laid on the
ground with little or no nesting material.

Copyright © 2020 Kalkomey Enterprises, LLC and its divisions and partners, www.kalkomey.com

Courtesy of Texas Parks and Wildlife

(Zenaida macroura)

DESCRIPTION: A streamlined bird from 11 to BREEDING: In the northern part of their range
13 inches long with a small head and long pointed in North America, the nesting season extends
tail. Coloration is a slaty blue gray on the back from April through September. In some of the
and a rosy or reddish fawn breast. Head is small southern states they have been reported to nest
with a light blue crown and nape and a small throughout year; this is probably the case in
black spot below and behind the dark eye. The bill Hawaii.
is black and the feet are red.
FOOD PREFERENCES: Almost entirely a seed
RANGE: Native to North and Central America. or grain eater.
First released on the Island of Hawaii in 1929
and re-released in 1963. It is now found in fair HUNTING AND EATING QUALITIES: A
numbers only in the North Kona region of the Big swift straight flyer producing a diagnostic whis-
Island. tling of the wings while flying. Cooked over a
low moist heat, mourning doves are toothsome
morsels meant to be savored.

Copyright © 2020 Kalkomey Enterprises, LLC and its divisions and partners, www.kalkomey.com

© Jack Jeffrey Photography, used with permission

(Streptopelia chinensis)

DESCRIPTION: Length 10 to 11 inches; body FOOD PREFERENCES: Ilima, popolo, and

largely gray-brown, neck spotted in adults, tail balsam apple are taken commonly and pigeon pea
white-tipped except middle quill. is eagerly sought when available. Seeds constitute
about 3/4 of the diet, and fruit about 1/4. Insects are
RANGE: On all islands from sea level to 4,000 taken only occasionally.
feet or higher. Found on all types of land except
barren lava; rarely in rain forests. Definite flights HUNTING AND EATING QUALITIES: One
from roosting areas to feeding and watering of the favored, “easy hunting” game birds, hunters
grounds occur unless disrupted by overshooting; seek out flyways in early morning and late after-
these flights are usually up and down shallow noon and shoot from camouflaged positions. This
valleys. Original range was Eastern Asia. species makes an excellent “starter” for the young
beginner since there is little or no arduous hiking
BREEDING: Throughout the year but primarily involved and can usually be seen coming from a
from February through October. Nest is about 7 distance. An excellent dark-meated bird of subtle
inches in diameter, in trees from 5 to 35 feet high. flavor. Three or four birds make a meal.
Two eggs are laid and 2 to 4 broods are produced
each year.

Copyright © 2020 Kalkomey Enterprises, LLC and its divisions and partners, www.kalkomey.com

© Jack Jeffrey Photography, used with permission

(Geopelia striata)

DESCRIPTION: Also called the Barred Dove; FOOD PREFERENCES: The Zebra Dove, like
length 8 inches; body, excluding breast and belly, the Spotted Dove, is primarily a seed eater, but in
heavily barred with black on a grayish back- general tends to feed on smaller seeded plants such
ground; breast often pinkish, belly gray; flesh as Amaranth or on tiny grass seeds. On occasion,
around bill, eye, and feet often bluish. tiny black souring beetles which live in over-ripe
pineapple plants are eaten in great numbers.
RANGE: Found in great abundance on all islands
except in dense rainforests. Zebra Doves exist in HUNTING AND EATING QUALITIES: By
all types of land use conditions. Original range far the most abundant game bird in Hawaii, this
was the Malay Archipelago. species is sadly underharvested. This is largely due
to the small size of the bird; local hunters hesitate
BREEDING: Breed throughout the year but with to expend shells on this bird when larger game
peaks of activity in March and September. A shal- is available, and due to its tricky flight pattern
low, saucer-shaped nest about 4 inches in diameter it requires considerably more shells to bring this
is made in shrubs or trees at heights from 4 to 20 bird to bag. If at the end of the season you have
feet. Up to 5 clutches of 2 eggs each may be raised averaged only 3 shells per bird, you may consider
annually. yourself an expert shot!

Copyright © 2020 Kalkomey Enterprises, LLC and its divisions and partners, www.kalkomey.com

Courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service

(Meleagris gallopavo)

DESCRIPTION: Our largest game bird; gob- BREEDING: An average of 12 eggs are laid in a
blers about four feet long, averaging 18 pounds, well-made nest on the ground during the spring
hens three feet, averaging 9 pounds. Males have months. Incubation takes about 28 days. “Gob-
wattles on the neck, “beards” on the breast and blers” are noted for their vociferousness and strut-
well-developed leg spurs. Rio Grande turkeys can ting with tails fanned during the breeding season.
be distinguished from domestic strains which have
white-tipped tails by the brownish-bronze color- FOOD PREFERENCES: Feed on kiawe beans,
ation of the same area. seeds, grains, berries, plant tops, large insects and
RANGE: Original range: Texas, New Mexico,
Oklahoma and Kansas. Introduced to Hawaii in HUNTING AND EATING QUALITIES: Be-
1962. Now found in huntable numbers only on cause of its large size and abundant white meat, it
Lanai, Molokai and Hawaii. Favors open forest- is much sought after by hunters. Meat from birds
ed areas and brushlands where roosting areas are of kiawe areas is “dry” when compared to domes-
available from sea level to 6,000 feet or more. tic turkeys. Flights are usually made from slight
rises or tree perches providing a large target for the
shooter. However, most hunting is done by flush-
ing first and then calling them into a blind and
shooting on the ground. Heavy gauge shotguns
with large shot are used by most hunters.

Copyright © 2020 Kalkomey Enterprises, LLC and its divisions and partners, www.kalkomey.com

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