Skanda Purana 64 Yoginis Ocr

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viii Skanda Purdna

30. The Greatness of Varanasi 312

31. The Manifestation of Bhairava 323
32. The Manifestation of Dandapani 336
33. Description ofJnanavapi 351
34. In Praise ofJnanavapi 366
35. Sadacara—Conduct of the Good 376
36. The Rites and Dudes of a Religious Student 398
37. The Characteristics of Women 406
38. The Characteristics of Women (continued) 420
39. Manifestation of the Lord of Avimukta 431
40. Duties of a Householder 439
41. The Path of Yoga 454
42. Means of Dodging Kala 470
43. King Divodasa's Valour 475
44. Description of Kasi 484
45. The Arrival of Sixty-four Yoginis 491
46. Description of Lolarka 496
47. Description of Uttararka 502
48. The Greatness of Sarhbaditya 507
49. Description of Draupadaditya and Mayukhaditya 511
50. Description of Khakholkaditya 520

Index 533
490 Skanda Purana

Skanda said:

50. On hearing this Girisa became pleased. He spoke unto

Girija whose words had excelled even nectar in sweetness and
who was brilliant in the exposition of Kasi.

Sri Devadeva said:

51. O my beloved Gauri, I have been thrilled and refreshed

by the sprays of nectar in the form of your words. Now I shall
endeavour to reach Kasl.
52. O great goddess, you are aware that I enjoy only that
thing which is not enjoyed by others and not other things.
53. As, at the behest of the Grandfather (Brahma) King
Divodasa is administering the city righteously what remedy
should be employed?
54. How can that righteous King Divodasa who is eager to
protect the subjects, be dislodged from that city of Kasi?
55. Since there can be obstacles only on the path of the
unrighteous and not that of others, O goddess, whom should
I send there who will dislodge him from Kasi?
56. If anyone puts in obstacles to those who follow the
righteous path, he himself will face obstacles on the other
hand, O enhancer of love.
57. Without any fault (on his part), I am not enthusiastic
enough to assail him. Indeed, O dear one, those who strictly
adhere to righteousness should be protected by me.
58. Old age will not afflict him. Death will not desire to
take away his life. Ailments do not torment him who sticks to
the path of righteousness here.

59. Even as the Lord was thinking thus, he saw in front

of him a group of Yoginls of great maturity, capable of accom­
plishing hard tasks.
60. After discussing the matter with the goddess, O great
sage Vyomakesa, Hara called the group of Yoginis and spoke
these words:
61-63. “O Yoginis, hasten to my city Varanasi where King
Divodasa rules the kingdom with adequate adherence to righ­
teousness. O intelligent Yoginis equipped with the power of
Yoga and Maya, proceed in that manner which will make the
IV.i.44.64—IV.i.45.4 491

king swerve from his duty and abandon Kasi. O Yoginis, quickly
carry out such means as will enable me to go to Varanasi after
renovating it.”
64. Having accepted with bowing heads this behest consid­
ering it as a divine favour, the group of Yoginis bowed down
again and departed therefrom.
65. Those Yoginis were highly delighted. With a speed far
exceeding that of the mind, they passed through the sky talk­
ing to one another.
66-67. “Today we are further blessed because the Lord of
Devas himself bestowed his favour and sent us to the glorious
Anandakanana. Today all of a sudden we had two rare advantages,
the honour conferred by the Three-«yed Lord and the opportunity
to visit Kasi.”
68. Thus, the delighted group of Yoginis departed from
the pleasure-grove in the Mandara mountain, travelled through
the sky quickly and espied that city.


The Arrival of Sixty-four Yoginis

Skanda said:

1. Then that group of Yoginis extended their visions from

afar and praised the length of their vision which had become
2. They praised also the festoons and banners of the groups
of divine places, the tips of which were fluttering as though
they were inviting respectfully the wayfarers on the paths far
3. They also praised the blue sky that appeared to be
bright due to the glittering rubies in the places with increased
4. * They concealed their divinity by means of their Maya
and assumed the guise befitting Karpatikas (an order of ascetics

•W. 4-17 describe the various professions of women of that period.

492 Skanda Putina

wearing red garments). Thus the group of Yoginis entered

KMi in an irregular order (not simultaneously in a group).
5. One of them adopted the form of a woman Yogini or
a Kapalika, another became a woman ascetic, one of them
became a Sairandhri (a female attendant) and another (as­
sumed the form of ) one fasting for a month.
6. One of them became wife of a gardener, another a
beautiful maiden of a barber conversant with the activities
connected with cases of delivery and another an adept in science
of medicine.
7. A certain Yogini became a Vaisya woman—very clever
in buying and selling. One of them became a serpent-charmer
and another a governess and another a slave girl.
8. One of them became a woman expert in dancing and
another an adept in singing. Another became a flute player
and still another a lute player.
9. One Yogini became one conversant with playing on
the Mrdahga drum and a certain one an expert in the art of
beating time. One of them was a specialist in the art of seduc­
tion and another a maker of pearl-necklaces.
10. One became expert in the art of apportioning scents;
one was a specialist in the game of dice; another was an adept
conversationalist and a certain one became a Catvdracdrini(^
mendicant woman roaming in quadrangles).
11. One of them became a clever woman climbing a bam­
boo pole and another a rope-walker. One became a lunatic
with curious pranks and another clothed herself with rags
picked from the highway.
12. One lived in that city as one capable of blessing the
childless with children. Another was an expert in palmistry.
13. A certain (Yogini) captivated the minds of the com­
mon people through her skill in drawing pictures. A certain
one roamed there proclaiming herself an expert in the spells
of captivating persons.
14. One of them was bestower of supernatural powers through
Gutikds (pills); one of them was able to bestow Afijana Siddhi
(supernatural power through use of collyrium); another was
an expert in Dhatuvdda (Alchemy) and another bestowed Pddukd
Siddhi (transport to a desired place by touching the sandals).
15. One of them taught the arts of Agnistambha ('arresting
IV.i.45.16-28 493

fire’), Jalastambha (’preventing the movement of water*) and

Vdhstambha (’arresting the power of speech'); one of them
offered Khecaritva (‘the ability to walk in the sky') and another
one offered the power of being invisible.
16. One of them offered the Akar^ini Siddhi (’the power
to drag to oneself woman or man desired); another offered
Uccdfana (upsetting and unsettling persons of stability); a cer­
tain one enamoured the minds of young men through the
beauty of her limbs.
17-19. One of them could bestow anything thought of;
one of them was an expert in astrology.
In such disguises and professions, the group of Yoginis entered
every house and every yard around. Thus they spent a year
roaming about in the city day and night. They were desirous
of creating obstacles unto the king, but could not find any
inlet or loophole. Their desired missions were not fulfilled.
All these Yoginis gathered together and stayed there taking
counsel together. They never went back to Mandara.
20. “If one had been honoured in the open assembly (by
being entrusted with a task) but could not carry out the task
and if the one is not even wounded, can that one stand in
front of the lord and master?"
21-23. Further, the following steps were thought of by the
Yoginis, O sage. ‘We can very well live without the Lord but
not without Kasi. Even if the master is angry with the servant,
he can only take away the means of livelihood. But, if Kasi
slips out from the grasp, it may take away all the four aims
of life.’
O great sage, ever since then, till today the Yoginis never
left Kasi and stayed elsewhere, though they wander through
all the three worlds.
24-28. (The Yoginis thought further:) 'Even after coming
to Kasi, the glorious city, if any wretched-minded man were
to think of leaving it, it is he who will be, on the other hand,
abandoned by the four Purufdrthas, viz. Dharma, Artha, Kama
and Mukti. After coming to Kasi which man of wretched intellect
desires to go elsewhere with his mind dwelling on insignifi­
cant glory? Kasi is, as it were, the treasure-chest of salvation.
Even if the master turns away his face from us (to express his
displeasure), he will see us face to face (to express his plea­
494 SJtanda Puruna

sure) due to the merit of resorting to Kasi.

The Lord will be our own merit personified. Hence we shall
be contented that we have done our duty.
The Lord, omniscient fsiva, will be coming here in a few
days, because the Three-eyed Lord does not feel happy else­
where except at Kasi.
This Kasi is the Sakti (power) of £ambhu. It is not percep­
tible to all. £arhbhu alone knows its greatest happiness.’
29. Having concluded thus in their minds, the group of
Yoginis stayed back in the Anandakanana of £ambhu, enveloping
themselves with an indescribable Maya.

Vydsa said:
30-31. On hearing this, the sage asked the Six-faced Lord
again: “O Lord, what are their names? Enumerate them. What
benefit accrues by worshipping the Yoginis at Kasi? What is
the holy occasion on which they are to be worshipped? How
are they to be worshipped? Mention that."

32 On hearing these questions concerning the Yoginis,

the son of Uma replied: “O sage, I shall mention. May Your
Holiness listen attentively."

Skanda said:
33. O Pot-bom One, I shall mention the names of the
Yoginis, on hearing which all the sins of the persons of worldly
existence perish instantaneously.
34-41. The sixty-four names of the Yoginis*:
(1) Gajanana, (2) Siihhamukhi, (3) Grdhrasya, (4) KakatundikA,
(5) U^(ragriva, (6) Hayagriva, (7) Varahi, (8) ^arabhanana,
(9) Ulukika, (10) £ivarava, (11) Mayuri, (12) Vika^anana,
(13)A$tavakra, (14) Ko^arak^i, (15)Kubja, (16) Vikafalocani,
(17) Su?kodari, (18) Lalajjihva, (19) Svadamjp-a, (20) Vanaranana,
(21) Rk$ak$t, (22) Kekarakgi, (23) Brhattupda> (24) Surftpriyi,

• Though there might have been separate temples for the Yoginis formerly,
now they are worshipped in one temple called 'Chauthsathl Devi Temple'. The
temple is small, located in a tiny lane in the Bengali Tola area, high above
the Chauihsafhi (or Rana Mahal) Gh4|. (BCL 158)
IV.i.45.42-51 495

(25) Kapalahasta, (26) Raktalql, (27) $ukl, (28) Syeni, (29)

KapotikA, (30) PAiahastA, (31) Dapdahasta, (32) Pracanda
CandavikramA, (33) Sifughni, (34) Papahantri, (35) Kali, (36)
Rudhirapayini, (37) Vasadhaya, (38) Garbhabhakfa, (39) £avahasta,
(40) AntramAlini, (41) Sthulakesi, (42) Brhatkulqi, (43) Sarpasya,
(44) Pretavahana, (45) Dandasukakara, (46) Krauflci, (47)
Mrgafir$a, (48) Vr$Anana, (49) VyAttAsyA, (50) DhQmanihfrAsA,
(51) VyomaikacarartA, (52) Urdhvadrk, (53) TApanidnfi, (54)
Sofanidnd, (55) Kofari, (56) Sth QianAsikA, (57) Vidyutprabha,
(58) Balakasya, (59) Marjari, (60) KafaputanA, (61) AftaftahAsa,
(62) Karnak?!, (63) Mrgak?!, (64) Mfgalocana.*
42. If any man repeats these sixty-four names everyday at
dawn, midday and dusk, all his sufferings due to evil spirits
become subsided.
43. Neither Pakinis nor Sakinis, neither Kujipandas nor
Ralqasas afflict him who recites these names.
44. They give peace to infants and the unborn. They accord
victory in battle, royal household and debates.
45. He who serves Yogini Pifhas (pedestals) shall obtain
desired powers. One who repeats other Mantras in front of
their pedestals shall also achieve powers.
46. The Yoginis become quickly pleased with oblations,
adorations and offerings and dedications of incense and lamps
and they shall fulfil all desires.
47. In autumnal season a devotee conversant with Man­
tras, should perform a great Puja in accordance with the injunctions
and make ghee offerings. He shall attain great benefit.
48. In the month of Aivayuj (October-November), begin­
ning with the first lunar day of die bright half and ending with
the ninth day, a man should worship (the Yoginis). He shall
obtain whatever is desired. •
49. The excellent man should observe fast on the four­
teenth day in the dark half and keep awake during the night.
He shall obtain great benefit.
50-51. The devotee should repeat all the names affixing
the Pranava in the beginning and using them in the Dative

•The naunei in this list show that these so-called Yoginis must be ogresses
worshipped by the masses before their Brihmanlsation. They came to be
called "Yoginis’ after their absorption in the &aiva cult.
496 Skanda Parana

case and perform one hundred and eight Havanas for each
n<me at night with Guggulu (aromatic gum resin) mixed with
ghee, making each lump of the size of a small Badari fruit. He
shall obtain great benefit and whatever power he may desire,
the man shall obtain it.
52-54. On the first day in the dark half of Caitra a Pil­
grimage (Yatra) should be performed assiduously for the pur­
pose of quelling obstacles to the holy spot by meritorious
persons. If anyone staying in Kasi, out of contempt or indif­
ference, does not perform the annual pilgrimage, the Yoginis
create obstacles unto him. Keeping all of them ahead at Kasi
in Manikarnika, a devout man should perform obeisance. Merely
on account of this he can ward off all obstacles.


Description of Lolarka*

Skanda said:
1. After the group of Yoginis had departed, O Pot-born
One, the Lord of Devas who was desirous of knowing the
situation in Kasi sent the Sun-god.

The Lord of Devas said:

2. O Seven-horsed One, go quickly to the splendid city
of Varanasi where Divodasa, a Dharma incarnate, is the ruler.
3. Do something quickly so that the holy spot gets ruined
due to the king’s transgression of the path of piety. But do
not think lightly of that king.
4. If insult or disrespect is shown towards anyone treading
the path of piety, that will surely recoil on oneself. Great sin
too will befall.
5. If due to your intellectual skill he swerves from the

•There are twelve Aditya (Sun-god) temples at Banaras. Lolarka is the most
important and hunous. It is located in the extreme south of Virinui, near
the confluence of Aii and Gahgi. The two copper-plate grants of Gihadwal
kings (after their baths here) show its ancient importance (BCL 177).

Skanda Purana, Kasi Khanda

(Yogini with Animal Names)

1. Gajanana elephant-faced
2. Simhamukhi lion-faced
3. Grdrasya vulture-faced
4. Kakatundika crow-beaked
5. Ustragriva camel-necked
6. Hayagriva horse-necked
7. Varahi boar
8. Sarabhanana mythical creature, half horse
9. Ulukika owl-like
10. Sivarava jackal-voiced
11. Mayuri peacock
12. Vikatanana fearsome-faced
13. Astavaktra eight-faced
14. Kotaraksi hollow-eyed
15. Kubja hunch-backed
16. Vikatalocana fearsome-eyed
17. Suskodari dried abdomen
18. Lalajjihva tongue hanging out
19. Svadamstra canini-toothed
20. Vanaranana monkey-faced
21. Rksaksi bear-eyed
22. Kekaraksi squit-eyed
23. Brhattunda large-abdomened
24. Surapriya fond of wine
25. Kapalahasta skull-cap in hand
26. Raktaksi blood-eyed
27. Suki parrot
28. Syeni hawk
29. Kapotika dove
30. Pasahasta noose in hand
31. Dandahasta club in hand
32. Pracanda terribly terrible

33. Candahasta terrible-handed

34. Sisughni killer of children
35. Papahantri destroyer of sins
36. Kali black one
37. Rudhirapayini drinker of blood
38. Vasadhaya holder of earth
39. Garbha-bhaksa eater of foetus
40. Sava-hasta corpse in hand
41. Antra-malini garlanded with Intestines
42. Sthula-kesi rough grip on hair
43. Brhatkuksi large-girdled
44. Sarpasya snake-faced
45. Pretavahana one whose vehicle is a preta
46. Dandasukakara Venomous one
47. Kraunci heron
48. Mrgasirsa deer-headed
49. Vrsanana ox-faced
50. Vyattasya open-mouthed
51. Dhumanisvasa inhale of smoke
52. Vyomaika the sky
53. Charanordhvaduk foot at the top
54. Tapani burning one
55. Sosani-drsti one with a shrivelling look
56. Kotari lives in a hole
57. Sthulanasika large-nosed
58. Vidyutprabha one with the glow of lightening
59. Bakakasya crane-faced
60. Marjari cat
61. Kataputana departed spirit
62. Attahasa one with a very loud laugh
63. Kamaksi eyes of love
64. Mrgaksi eyes of a deer

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