Practical Work o Level
Practical Work o Level
Practical Work o Level
This use case will help to understand ADC peripheral and how to read analog
data from sensors.
iv. Interfacing Temperature Sensor(LM35) and/or humidity sensor (e.g. DHT11)
This use case will help to connect traditional environmental monitoring sensors
(Temperature and humidity) to the Arduino development board. Also use the
suitable libraries for implementing these case studies.
v. Interfacing Liquid Crystal Display(LCD) – display data generated by sensor on
This case study will demonstrate how to provide local display unit with Arduino
micro controller. Use suitable libraries for implementing these case studies.
vi. Interfacing Air Quality Sensor-pollution (e.g. MQ135) - display data on LCD,
switch on LED when data sensed is higher than specified value.
This use case will help to understand how to use traditional smart pollution
management sensors with Arduino platform for developing applications as a part
of smart city projects.
vii. Interfacing Bluetooth module (e.g. HC05)- receiving data from mobile phone on
Arduino and display on LCD
This use case will help to understand the connectivity solution to Arduino to a
gadget like mobile phone. Bluetooth is used as connectivity solution in this
viii. Interfacing Relay module to demonstrate Bluetooth based home automation
application. (using Bluetooth and relay).
This use case will enable the IoT node capability of Arduino development boards
by integrating actuator (relay connected to GPIO) to Arduino board and remote
connectivity (Using Bluetooth) using a mobile phone with the help of a readily
available Bluetooth serial application.
18.8. Reference Books/Study Material
1. Macro Schwartz, “Internet of Things with Arduino- Cookbook”, Packt 2016
2. Arshdeep Bajga and Vijay Madisetti, “Internet of Things- A Hands-on
Approach” Universities Press, 2014
3. Massimo Banzi, “Getting started with Arduino”, 2 nd Edition, Oreilly, 2011
4. Macro Schwartz, “Internet of Things with Arduino”, Open Home Automation
5. Michael Margolis, “Arduino Cookbook”, Oreilly, 2011
19. Sample Practical Assignments
19.1. Information Technology Tools and Network Basics (M1-R5)
i. Do the following settings
a. Display pointer trails
b. Change the normal pointer of a mouse to another pointer
c. Set the date advanced by 2 months
d. Reset the system date & time
e. Set the system time late by 2 hrs: 40 minutes.
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The Letter is
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Dear <<Name>>
You are advised to appear for an interview on the <<Date>>at 9:00 A.M with
your original documents.
Yours Sincerely
ABC Limited,
Industrial Phase –7, New Delhi.
xi. Make a template for the bio-data with the following format
Name :
Father’s Name :
Date of Birth :
Age :
Address :
Educational Qualification
Sr No Qualification Board Percentage
Work Experience:
xii. Type the following data using spreadsheet tool and save the file as First
Do the following
(a) Highlight column A and copy it to column C
(b) Sort the data in column C in ascending order
(c) What is the lowest number in the list (use a function)
(d) Copy the data in column A to column E and sort it in descending order
(e) What is the highest number in the list (use a function)
(f) How many numbers in this list are bigger than 500 (use a database function)
(g) How many numbers in column A are between 520 and 540 inclusive
(use a database function),
xiii. Type the following data in spreadsheet and save it as Second.
370 70.5
61166 53.5
684 65
449 76.5
643 70
1551 71
616 60.5
403 51.5
Do the following
(a) Complete column C for finding product x * y
(b) Find sum of x column at the end of data
(c) Find sum of y column at the end of data
(d) Find sum of x * y column at the end of data
(e) Find sum of x^2
(f) Find sum of y^2
xiv. Enter the following data using spreadsheet tool and save it in Grade
Name Marks1 Marks2 Marks3 Total Percentage
Amit 80 70 80
Renu 70 60 90
Rajeev 87 89 65
Munish 76 67 44
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Sanjeev 98 76 78
Anita 65 76 87
Do the following.
(a) Compute the total marks and percentage of each student by entering
(b) Compute the grades based on following criteria
If percentage >= 90 then grade = A
If percentage >= 80 and <90 then grade = B
If percentage >= 70 and <80 then grade = C
If percentage >= 60 and <70 then grade = D
If percentage < 60 then grade = E
(c) Draw a border around the worksheet
(d) Change the font size of heading to 14 points and underline it and hide column c
(e) Increase the width of column A to 15 characters
(f) Right Align the values in column B, C, F
xv. A university maintains a year wise result for four courses and then generates an
average report as given below.
xvi. A person wants to start a business and he has four schemes to invest money according
to profit and years. Find out which scheme is the most profitable using scenario
Investment Amount Percentage for profit No. of years
20000 10 6
40000 20 5
14000 30 4
12000 15 5
xvii. A company records the details of total sales (in Rs.) Item and month wise in the
following format
Sector Jan Feb March April
PCs 12000 17000 15000 20000
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Earlier in the year we started to analyze the sales profile for the stationery business
stream within Hothouse. The areas of initial investigation were selected as the
management of our sales team, our customer base, website effectiveness, and an
analysis of our most successful product lines.
4. On the third slide where font="Arial" size="20"
Possible timings for these bonuses include:
• Weekly
• Monthly
• Quarterly
• Annually.
xx. Set up a new presentation consisting of 3 slides
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ix. Create an html page with red background with a message “warning” in large size
blinking. Add scrolling text “read the message” below it.
x. Write a HTML page to print Hello world in bold & Italic Form.
xi. Design a HTML page to display a picture. The picture should be removed from the
screen after a mouse click on the picture.
xii. Create a HTML Document with JavaScript code that has three Textboxes and a button.
The details should be accepted using textboxes are principal, rate of interest, and
duration in years. When user clicks the OK Button a message box appears showing the
simple interest of principal amount.
xiii. Write a HTML Script to insert a hyperlink. Create a hyperlink in html which when
clicked links to in a new window
xiv. Create a HTML file which displays three images at LEFT, RIGHT and CENTER
respectively in the browser.
xv. Create table with ROWSPAN and COLSPAN attribute of TABLE in HTML(Prepare
timetable of your class). Include CELLSPACING & CELL PADDING.
xvi. Create a web page, divide the web page into four frames. In one frame create three links
that will display different HTML forms in the remaining three frames respectively.
Write a program in Java Script to print factorial.
xvii. With CSS use the shorthand background property to set background image
to eg."xyz.png", show it once, in the top right corner.
xviii. Write a program in javascript to generate series of prime numbers.
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xix. `Write a JavaScript program to display the current day and time in the following
Sample Output:Today is: Tuesday.
Current time is: 10 PM: 30:38
xx. Write a program to sum and multiply of two numbers using JavaScript.
xxi. Write a program to redirect, popup and print function in JavaScript.
xxii. Create your first "Hello world" application in AngularJS.
xxiii. HTML page which has a title of "Event Registration" and has references to important
libraries such as Bootstrap, Jquery and Angular.
xxiv. Write a code to display the words "AngularJS" in both text format and in a text box
when the page is viewed in the browser.
xxv. Create a sample form program that collects the first name, last name, email, user id,
password and confirms password from the user. All the inputs are mandatory and email
address entered should be in correct format. Also, the values entered in the password
and confirm password textboxes should be the same. After validating using JavaScript,
in output display proper error messages in red color just next to the textbox where there
is an error.
19.3. Programming and Problem Solving Through Python (M3-R5)
i. Write a program to print all Armstrong numbers in a given range. Note: An Armstrong
number is a number whose sum of cubes of digits is equal to the number itself. E.g.
ii. Write a function to obtain sum n terms of the following series for any positive integer
value of X
X +X3 /3! +X5 /5! ! +X7 /7! + …
iii. Write a function to obtain sum n terms of the following series for any positive integer
value of X
iv. Write a program to multiply two numbers by repeated addition e.g.
6*7 = 6+6+6+6+6+6+6
v. Write a program to compute the wages of a daily laborer as per the following rules :-
Hours Worked Rate Applicable Upto first 8 hrs Rs100/-
a) For next 4 hrs Rs30/- per hr extra
b) For next 4 hrs Rs40/- per hr extra
c) For next 4 hrs Rs50/- per hr extra
d) For rest Rs60/- per hr extra
vi. Accept the name of the labourer and no. of hours worked. Calculate and display the
wages. The program should run for N number of labourers as specified by the user.
vii. Write a function that takes a string as parameter and returns a string with every
successive repetitive character replaced by ?e.g. school may become scho?l.
viii. Write a program that takes in a sentence as input and displays the number of words,
number of capital letters, no. of small letters and number of special symbols.
ix. Write a Python program that takes list of numbers as input from the user and produces
a cumulative list where each element in the list at any position n is sum of all elements
at positions upto n-1.
x. Write a program which takes list of numbers as input and finds:
a) The largest number in the list
b) The smallest number in the list
c) Product of all the items in the list
xi. Write a Python function that takes two lists and returns True if they have at least one
common item.
xii. Write a Python program to combine two dictionary adding values for common keys.
d1 = {'a': 100, 'b': 200, 'c':300}
d2 = {'a': 300, 'b': 200, 'd':400}
Sample output: Counter({'a': 400, 'b': 400, 'd': 400, 'c': 300})
xiii. Write a program that takes sentence as input from the user and computes the frequency
of each letter. Use a variable of dictionary type to maintain and show the frequency of
each letter.
xiv. Apply recursive call to do the following:
a) Product of two numbers using repetitive addition
b) Print Fibonacci series upto term n
xv. Write a program to input two numbers as input and compute the greatest common
xvi. Write a function that takes two filenames f1 and f2 as input. The function should read
the contents of f1 line by line and write them onto f2.
xvii. Write a function that reads the contents of the file f3.txt and counts the number of
alphabets, blank spaces, lowercase letters, number of words starting with a vowel and
number of occurrences of a work “hello”.
xviii. Write a program to replace ‘a’ with ‘b’, ‘b’ with ‘c’,….,’z’ with ‘a’ and similarly for
‘A’ with ‘B’,’B’ with ‘C’, …., ‘Z’ with ‘A’ in a file. The other characters should remain
xix. Write a NumPy program to find the most frequent value in an array.
xx. Take two NumPy arrays having two dimensions. Concatenate the arrays on axis 1.
19.4. Internet of Things and Its Applications (M1-R5)
i. Write a program to Blink default Light Emitting Diode(LED) on Arduino board with
the delay of 2 sec.
ii. Write a program to interface LEDs on pin no. 10,11,12,13 and blink alternatively at
the delay of 1 sec.
iii. Write a program to run pattern(s) on LEDs connect at pins 10,11,12,13.
Pattern example :
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iv. Write a program to interface buzzer with Arduino board to buzz on/off with the delay
of 1sec.
v. Write a program to interface LED and Buzzer with Arduino board, so that buzzer is
put on whenever LED is on and Buzzer is put off when LED is off.
vi. Write a program to interface Button and LED, so that LED blinks/glow when button
is pressed.
vii. Write a program to interface Button, buzzer and LED, whenever the button is pressed
the buzzer gives beep for 100ms and LED status is toggled.
viii. Write a program to interface LEDs at pins 10,11,12,13 and buttons at pins 7,8. When
first time button at pin 7(increment button) is pressed first LED at pin 10 is switched
on, when second time button is pressed the next LED at 11 is switched on. Similarly,
when the button at pin 8 (decrement button) is pressed the LEDs are switched off
ix. Write a program to interface LEDs at pins 10,11,12,13 and button at pins 7. The press
of button changes the pattern of LED glow. (considering four patterns of LED glow)
x. Write a program to interface Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) and display the values
read on the Serial monitor after delay of 2 seconds each.
xi. Write a program to interface Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) and LED with Arduino
board. Whenever there is sufficient light falls on LDR the LED is off and when there
is dark around LDR the LED is put on.
xii. Write a program to interface LEDs at any two PWM pins and exhibit LED fading.
xiii. Write a program to interface LED at PWM pin and LDR, in such a way that when the
light intensity falling on LDR rises the LED glow should be reduced and after a
threshold value the LED should be put off. (representing smart street light concept)
xiv. Write a program to interface LEDs at any two PWM pins and button, to exhibit LED
fading at the click of button
xv. Write a program to interface any analog (pollution) sensor and display the values read
on Serial monitor.
xvi. Write a program to interface LCD with Arduino board and display ‘Hello world’ on it
xvii. Write a program to interface keypad with Arduino board and display the key pressed
on Serial monitor.
xviii. Write a program to interface LCD and keypad with Arduino board and display the key
pressed from keypad on LCD.
xix. Write a program to interface LCD and keypad (4 X 4) , to exhibit the functionality of
a basic calculator.
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1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 0 + -
/ * Clear enter
xx. Write a program using LCD, LEDs, Buzzer and keypad to simulate a password based
security lock system. User enters 4-digit password and if the password is correct
buzzer and Green LED is put on. But if the password is incorrect Red LED is put on.
After three incorrect attempts Red LED along with buzzer blinks continuously.
xxi. Write a program to interface LCD and DHT11, displaying the value read from sensor
xxii. Write a program to interface DHT11 or any other temperature sensor, DC Motor, to
exhibit a real life situation that whenever temperature rises above a threshold value
the DC motor(representing fan) starts and when temperature falls below a value, the
motor stops.
xxiii. Write a program to interface LCD and Bluetooth module, to exhibit the values
received from mobile handset via Bluetooth on LCD.
xxiv. Write a program to interface LED and Bluetooth module, to switch on the LED if 1 is
passed through Bluetooth and switch off the LED if 0 is send.
xxv. Write a program to interface Relay and Bluetooth module to switch on AC load (5W
LED bulb, table lamp, etc) connected to relay if 1 is passed through Bluetooth and
switch off the AC Load if 0 is send.