Quan Sty 4
Quan Sty 4
Quan Sty 4
( Springer-Verlag 2001
1. Introduction
We would like to thank the reviewers for their many helpful suggestions. An earlier version of the
paper was presented at the International Conference on ``Economic Applications of Quantile
Regression'' at the University of Konstanz, June 2000.
294 G. W. Bassett Jr., H.-L. Chen
S&P500 Attribution
December 1997
Large Large Small Small
Growth Value Growth Value
Estimate .57 .48 .06 .01
Standard Error .02 .03 .02 .03
The regression results based on returns con®rms what is known about port-
folio composition, namely that the S&P500 consists of large stocks with a
50-50 split between Growth and Value.2
The corresponding classi®cation for the actively managed Fidelity
Magellan Fund is shown below. These coe½cients indicate a tilt toward
Large-Value, but with signi®cant portions in Large and Small Growth.
Magellan Attribution
December 1997
Large Large Small Small
Growth Value Growth Value
Estimate .14 .69 .21 .03
Standard Error .15 .20 .11 .20
1 For example, most pension plan sponsors use these categories when they screen investment
managers. Recently another class, mid-capitalization stocks, has emerged.
2 Sharpe (1992) considers unconstrained as well as estimates constrained to be nonnegative and
sum to one. The latter provide an estimate of a long-only, passive allocation that best matches
actual returns. For the equity-only portfolios that we will be considering, the two estimates are
usually similar, and we consider unconstrained estimates. Constrained estimates however are
readily accommodated by quantile regression. Indeed, it was precisely the di½culty of adding
linear constraints to least squares as compared with least absolute deviations that resulted in one
of the earliest applications of median regression; see Arrow et al. (1959).
296 G. W. Bassett Jr., H.-L. Chen
b LG qE rt =qr1000g:
or, other things equal, a one unit change in returns of Large-Growth returns
leads to a b LG
y change in the yth quantile of the return distribution. These
coe½cients are allowed to vary by quantile and di¨er from the mean co-
The quantile regression model is estimated using regression quantiles; see
Koenker and Bassett (1978); for discussion of quantile models see Koenker
(1982). The quantile regression estimates identify how style indices a¨ect non-
central parts of the return distribution. It is this feature of the quantile re-
gression that we use to classify portfolios. Using both regression quantiles and
least squares provides information regarding the impact of factor exposures at
all parts of the return distribution.
3. Quantile style
The table and charts in Figure 1 show quantile estimates for the S&P500 for
December 1997. The horizontal lines are the least squares estimates and the
3 Attention will be restricted here to the simplest speci®cation of the quantile model, but mod-
i®cations and enhancements of the model can be readily implemented. For example, in the spirit
of allowing ``up and down betas'', the quantiles can be allowed to di¨er depending on the sign of
factor returns.
Portfolio style 297
Notes: Standard errors are listed below the estimates. The standard errors for the quantile
regressions were computed using STATA and are based 100 bootstrap replications. All
coe½cients are for December 1997 and are based on monthly data for the previous 60 months.
dashed lines correspond to the regression quantiles. For the S&P500 the
standard and quantile classi®cations are nearly identical. This means that the
impact of the various style indices is about the same at the expected value and
other parts of the return distribution. All the estimates indicate that returns
are a¨ected by Large stocks with a 50-50 split between Growth and Value.
Figure 2 shows results for the Magellan fund. In this case quantile re-
gression quantile and least squares estimates di¨er. At the expected value es-
timated by OLS, the portfolio has an important Large-Value tilt (.69) and
298 G. W. Bassett Jr., H.-L. Chen
Notes: Standard errors are listed below the estimates. The standard errors for the quantile
regressions were computed using STATA and are based 100 bootstrap replications. All
coe½cients are for December 1997 and are based on monthly data for the previous 60 months.
4. Correct style?
With di¨erent values associated with the least squares and regression quantile
estimates, it is tempting to ask which estimate best re¯ects the fund's true
Portfolio style 299
the portfolio. Since 1992 when Je¨ Vinik became manager the fund has shifted
toward Value though the estimates di¨er regarding the extent of the shift. The
gaps between the estimates at the end of the period correspond to the esti-
mates reported previously in Figure 2 where the relative Value/Growth
measured at the expectation was E
:69 :03
:14 :21, while
at the median the exposure to value was much greater, Q
:5 :75
:83 :07
:01 :14. By the end of 1997, the median (compared to the
mean) was much more sensitive to Value returns.
Fig. 6. Forecasted Quantile Returns based on Quantile Regression for Magellan in 1997
G. W. Bassett Jr., H.-L. Chen
Portfolio style 305
7. Conclusions
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