Quan Sty 4

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Empirical Economics (2001) 26:293±305

( Springer-Verlag 2001

Portfolio style: Return-based attribution using quantile

Gilbert W. Bassett Jr., Hsiu-Lang Chen
Department of Finance, University of Illinois at Chicago, 601 South Morgan (mc 168), Chicago
IL 60607-7121 (Email: gib@uic.edu; hsiulang@uic.edu)

Abstract. Return-based classi®cation identi®es a portfolio's style signature in

the time series of its returns. Detection is based on a regression of portfolio
returns on returns of factor mimicking indices. The method is easy to apply
and does not require information about portfolio composition. Classi®cation
using least squares means that style is determined by the way factor exposure
in¯uences expected returns. We introduce regression quantiles as a comple-
ment to the standard analysis. The regression quantiles extract additional in-
formation from the time series of returns by identifying the way style a¨ects
returns at places other than the expected value. This allows discrimination
among portfolios that would be otherwise judged equivalent based on condi-
tional expectations. It also provides direct information about the impact of
style on the tails of the conditional return distribution. Simple examples are
presented to illustrate regression quantile classi®cation.

Key words: Quantile Regression, Investment Style, Portfolio Attribution

1. Introduction

Professional investment managers follow a variety of approaches to deliver

superior performance. Some rely solely on quantitative models. Others are
quantitatively-oriented, but also consider information from sources such as
®rm managers, press reports and security analysts' recommendations. The
variety of approaches complicates the problem of evaluating the performance
of investment managers. The investment industry has responded to the pro-

We would like to thank the reviewers for their many helpful suggestions. An earlier version of the
paper was presented at the International Conference on ``Economic Applications of Quantile
Regression'' at the University of Konstanz, June 2000.
294 G. W. Bassett Jr., H.-L. Chen

liferation of investment approaches by developing objective measures of a

manager's investment style.
A money manager adopts an ``investment style'' by identifying securities
with certain characteristics for potential inclusion in the portfolio. Fund
managers with similar investment philosophies or styles will tend to perform
more like each other than the overall market or managers with di¨erent styles.
The focus on style arises for several reasons. Accounting for style aids
performance evaluation by giving a clearer picture about a manager's stock
selection skill. The manager of a portfolio of small stocks may appear to have
disappointing performance relative to a broad market index while perfor-
mance may be outstanding relative to a small stock benchmark. A second
motive arises from risk control. A pension plan sponsor might select a few
active managers who are expected to achieve superior performance. If they all
follow similar styles, however, they will tend to select similar stocks, yielding
an overall plan portfolio that is highly undiversi®ed.
Mutual fund managers are typically paid a ®xed percentage of the fund's
assets. Empirical evidence indicates that recent performance, relative to that
of other funds or a benchmark index, has a positive e¨ect on new in¯ows; see,
for example, Ippolito (1992), Gruber (1996), and Sirri and Tufano (1998). In
other words, mutual fund investors ``chase returns'' by channeling new invest-
ments towards better performing funds. It is not unlike a tournament in which
managers compete for fund in¯ows and, ultimately, compensation. In such an
investment tournament, managers have incentives to change their investment
style, either ex ante, in order to enhance performance by under-representing
the risk, or ex post, by switching styles in order to justify less than satisfactory
returns. Therefore, there is a need for style classi®cation of a manager's strat-
egy. The traditional self-descriptions of objectives (such as growth, income, or
balanced) are either too vague or too subjective to be useful. It is thus im-
portant to develop methods that can characterize mutual fund investment
styles based on publicly available historical return information.
Return-based style classi®cation is widely used in the investment manage-
ment industry. The procedure regresses a fund's return on the returns to a
variety of equity classes (or indexes). The estimated coe½cients represent the
mutual fund's style with respect to each of the indices. Such a classi®cation
thus identi®es the fund's style signature in the time series of its returns. Models
vary with respect to the choice of style indices. Carhart (1997) uses the Fama-
French (1992, 1993) factors plus momentum as style indices. Connor and
Korajczyk (1991) use style indices based on statistical factors extracted from
stock returns using principal components. Sharpe (1992) proposes an asset
allocation approach to yield a fund's e¨ective asset mix. The Fama-French
and Sharpe approaches are compared in Chan et al. (2000).
Previous methods have focused on the conditional expectation of a fund's
return distribution. Fund managers however adopt criteria for stock selection
(identifying underpriced securities, seeking growth potential, following past
price trends, and so on) that a¨ect the fund's entire return distribution. Hence,
as an enhancement to the return-based approach we propose using quantile
regression to identify patterns in the fund's entire return distribution. Exam-
ples are presented that illustrate how the quantile approach extracts additional
information about portfolio style. The added detail permits a ®ner discrim-
ination of management practices that can be used for style classi®cation and
performance evaluation.
Portfolio style 295

2. Return based models: Expectation and quantiles

We restrict attention to domestic equity funds. While many style dimensions

might be used, investment managers in practice tend to break the domestic
equity investment universe into four classes: large-capitalization or small-
capitalization growth stocks, and large-capitalization or small-capitalization
value stocks.1 Classi®cation is based on a regression of a fund's return against
the returns to the equity classes. In our implementation we use four equity
classes: the Russell 1000 value index, the Russell 1000 growth index, the
Russell 2000 value index, and the Russell 2000 growth index. The Russell
indices measure returns to portfolios of the largest 1000 and the next largest
2000 stocks, where each size portfolio is further subdivided into growth and
value categories depending on relative earnings and book value.
Listed below is the classi®cation of the S&P500 portfolio for December
1997. The coe½cients are least squares estimates based on S&P500 monthly
returns for the prior 60 months (with the Russell index returns as explanatory

S&P500 Attribution
December 1997
Large Large Small Small
Growth Value Growth Value
Estimate .57 .48 .06 .01
Standard Error .02 .03 .02 .03

The regression results based on returns con®rms what is known about port-
folio composition, namely that the S&P500 consists of large stocks with a
50-50 split between Growth and Value.2
The corresponding classi®cation for the actively managed Fidelity
Magellan Fund is shown below. These coe½cients indicate a tilt toward
Large-Value, but with signi®cant portions in Large and Small Growth.

Magellan Attribution
December 1997
Large Large Small Small
Growth Value Growth Value
Estimate .14 .69 .21 .03
Standard Error .15 .20 .11 .20

The classi®cation model implicit in these estimates is the conditional

expectation model, E…rt jxt † ˆ xt b, or

E…rt jxt † ˆ xt b ˆ a ‡ b LG r1000gt ‡ b LV r1000vt ‡ bSG r2000gt ‡ bSV r2000vt

1 For example, most pension plan sponsors use these categories when they screen investment
managers. Recently another class, mid-capitalization stocks, has emerged.
2 Sharpe (1992) considers unconstrained as well as estimates constrained to be nonnegative and
sum to one. The latter provide an estimate of a long-only, passive allocation that best matches
actual returns. For the equity-only portfolios that we will be considering, the two estimates are
usually similar, and we consider unconstrained estimates. Constrained estimates however are
readily accommodated by quantile regression. Indeed, it was precisely the di½culty of adding
linear constraints to least squares as compared with least absolute deviations that resulted in one
of the earliest applications of median regression; see Arrow et al. (1959).
296 G. W. Bassett Jr., H.-L. Chen

where rt is returns during month t, xt ˆ ‰1jzt Š denotes the vector containing a

constant for the intercept and a subvector zt for the returns to the style indices,
and b is a vector whose components measure the sensitivity of expected re-
turns to factor exposures. The model says that, other things equal, a b co-
e½cient represents the impact of a change in factor returns on the expected
returns, for example,

b LG ˆ qE…rt †=qr1000g:

As a consequence, style classi®cation is determined by an estimate of how

style exposure in¯uences expected returns.
To complement the expectation-based classi®cation, we consider the way
style a¨ects other parts of the return distribution. The model implicit in this
classi®cation is a linear conditional quantile model. The linear expectation
model with iid errors is subsumed as a special case, but the conditional quan-
tile model permits considerably greater ¯exibility. The linear conditional
quantile model posits that the yth quantile of rt is a linear function of the
portfolio's style exposure, Q…yjxt † ˆ xt b…y†, where as above xt includes the
Russell indices and an intercept.
In contrast to the expectation model, these a and b coe½cients are indexed
by y. If the b's are constant, b…y† ˆ b, 0 U y U 1, then the model specializes to
the conditional expectation model with homoscedastic errors, and a…y† re-
duces to the quantile function of the error term. When b…y† varies with y, the
model speci®es a form of heteroscedasticity in which the conditional return
distribution depends on style. In particular, compared to the expectation
model, the quantile model says,

b LG …y† ˆ qQ…yjxt †=qr1000g

or, other things equal, a one unit change in returns of Large-Growth returns
leads to a b LG …y† change in the yth quantile of the return distribution. These
coe½cients are allowed to vary by quantile and di¨er from the mean co-
The quantile regression model is estimated using regression quantiles; see
Koenker and Bassett (1978); for discussion of quantile models see Koenker
(1982). The quantile regression estimates identify how style indices a¨ect non-
central parts of the return distribution. It is this feature of the quantile re-
gression that we use to classify portfolios. Using both regression quantiles and
least squares provides information regarding the impact of factor exposures at
all parts of the return distribution.

3. Quantile style

The table and charts in Figure 1 show quantile estimates for the S&P500 for
December 1997. The horizontal lines are the least squares estimates and the

3 Attention will be restricted here to the simplest speci®cation of the quantile model, but mod-
i®cations and enhancements of the model can be readily implemented. For example, in the spirit
of allowing ``up and down betas'', the quantiles can be allowed to di¨er depending on the sign of
factor returns.
Portfolio style 297


OLS Q…:1† Q…:3† Q…:5† Q…:7† Q…:9†

Large Growth 0.57 0.61 0.61 0.55 0.55 0.53

0.02 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.04 0.05
Large Value 0.48 0.44 0.44 0.5 0.52 0.52
0.03 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.08
Small Growth 0.06 0.06 0.09 0.05 0.05 0.03
0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.04
Small Value 0.01 0 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.02
0.03 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.08
Constant 0.01 0.24 0.14 0 0.13 0.31
0.04 0.05 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.08

Notes: Standard errors are listed below the estimates. The standard errors for the quantile
regressions were computed using STATA and are based 100 bootstrap replications. All
coe½cients are for December 1997 and are based on monthly data for the previous 60 months.

Fig. 1. S&P500 Style: OLS and Quantile Regression Estimates

dashed lines correspond to the regression quantiles. For the S&P500 the
standard and quantile classi®cations are nearly identical. This means that the
impact of the various style indices is about the same at the expected value and
other parts of the return distribution. All the estimates indicate that returns
are a¨ected by Large stocks with a 50-50 split between Growth and Value.
Figure 2 shows results for the Magellan fund. In this case quantile re-
gression quantile and least squares estimates di¨er. At the expected value es-
timated by OLS, the portfolio has an important Large-Value tilt (.69) and
298 G. W. Bassett Jr., H.-L. Chen


OLS Q…:1† Q…:3† Q…:5† Q…:7† Q…:9†

Large Growth 0.14 0.35 0.19 0.01 0.12 0.01

0.15 0.31 0.22 0.16 0.2 0.22
Large Value 0.69 0.31 0.75 0.83 0.85 0.82
0.2 0.38 0.3 0.25 0.3 0.36
Small Growth 0.21 0.01 0.1 0.14 0.27 0.53
0.11 0.15 0.16 0.17 0.17 0.15
Small Value 0.03 0.31 0.08 0.07 0.31 0.51
0.2 0.31 0.27 0.29 0.32 0.35
Constant 0.05 1.9 1.11 0.3 0.89 2.31
0.25 0.39 0.27 0.38 0.4 0.57

Notes: Standard errors are listed below the estimates. The standard errors for the quantile
regressions were computed using STATA and are based 100 bootstrap replications. All
coe½cients are for December 1997 and are based on monthly data for the previous 60 months.

Fig. 2. Magellan Fund Style: OLS and Quantile Regression Estimates

otherwise is equally divided between Large-Growth (.14) and Small-Growth

(.21). Compared to the mean regression estimates, the median regression esti-
mates are even more strongly tilted toward Large-Value (.83) and there is little
weight on Large-Growth.

4. Correct style?

With di¨erent values associated with the least squares and regression quantile
estimates, it is tempting to ask which estimate best re¯ects the fund's true
Portfolio style 299

style? It depends on what we mean by style. Is style supposed to measure the

impact on a portfolio's expected returns, its median returns, or is it best in-
dicated by the way the tails of the return distribution are in¯uenced by factor
returns? Given the quantile model, each meaning of ``style'' can give a di¨er-
ent answer.
A better response to the ``true'' style question is that it is a mistake to think
a single measure should describe style. Given the quantile approach, a port-
folio's style depends on how a factor in¯uences the entire return distribution,
and this cannot be described by a single number. Indeed the single number
given by mean regression can obscure important results. The conditional ex-
pectation represents the average of what can be potentially very di¨erent and
important quantile e¨ects. This is evident in the above Small Value estimates
for the Magellan fund where large positive and negative impacts in the tails
cancel each other leaving barely the hint of an e¨ect at the mean. The di¨erent
answers given by the least squares and regression quantile estimates are not
inconsistent because factors can have di¨erent impacts at di¨erent parts of the
return distribution. All of the estimates are informative and useful. The least
squares estimate attributes .69 to Large-Value, while Q…:5† says the coe½cient
is .82. Insisting on ``the'' portfolio style presumes that the impact at the mean
and median must the same. The focus on the entire return distribution means
that least squares and regression quantiles together give a more detailed pic-
ture of the relation between returns and factor exposure.

5. Magellan style over time

Regression quantiles also complement analysis of changing portfolio styles.

Figures 3 and 4 depict least squares and selected regression quantile estimates
for the Magellan fund going back to 1983. Figure 3 shows the relative size
of the portfolio, while Figure 4 shows how style has changed in the Value-
Growth dimension. Estimates are based on a rolling window of the previous 60
months of returns. The relative style regarding ``size'' is estimated by the dif-
ference between the large coe½cients and the small coe½cients; …bLV ‡ b LG †
…b SV ‡ bSG †, while the relative Value/Grow style is measured by the di¨erence in
the Value and Growth coe½cients; …bLV ‡ b SV † …b LG bSG †. Shown in the
Figures are the OLS estimate, denoted E…†, and the .3, .5, and .7 regression
quantiles. The ®gure also shows the tenure of the Magellan Fund's managers.
Figure 3 shows that the relative size of the portfolio has increased since the
early 1980s. Both least squares and the regression quantiles, which have
tended generally to follow one another, indicate this move toward larger cap-
italization stocks. One exception to the comovement of the estimates was the
period from 1988 to mid 1991 when Q…:7† was larger than the other estimates.
This foreshadowed a drift to a larger cap style throughout the 1990s. (The
value for Q…:7† means the upper tail of the return distribution was responding
more strongly to the large cap indices than the other parts of the return dis-
tribution). The most recent period also shows large di¨erences between the
various estimates.
Figure 4 depicts movements of the fund in Value/Growth space. Until the
start of 1992 all of the estimates indicated a neutral to slightly Growth tilt in

Fig. 3. Magellan Fund: OLS and Quantile Size Estimates

The dashed lines indicate fund managers: Peter Lynch, May '77±May'90: Morris Smith, June '90±June'92: Je¨ Vinik July '92±June'96: Bob Stansky June '96±
G. W. Bassett Jr., H.-L. Chen
Portfolio style

Fig. 4. Magellan Fund: OLS and Quantile Value/Growth Estimates

The dashed lines indicate fund managers: Peter Lynch, May '77±May'90: Morris Smith, June '90±June'92: Je¨ Vinik July '92±June'96: Bob Stansky June
302 G. W. Bassett Jr., H.-L. Chen

the portfolio. Since 1992 when Je¨ Vinik became manager the fund has shifted
toward Value though the estimates di¨er regarding the extent of the shift. The
gaps between the estimates at the end of the period correspond to the esti-
mates reported previously in Figure 2 where the relative Value/Growth
measured at the expectation was E… † ˆ :31 ˆ …:69 :03†  …:14 ‡ :21†, while
at the median the exposure to value was much greater, Q…:5† ˆ :75 ˆ
…:83 ‡ :07† …:01 ‡ :14†. By the end of 1997, the median (compared to the
mean) was much more sensitive to Value returns.

6. Performance evaluation using quantiles

One of the applications of style classi®cation is in assessing a manager's

skill (or luck), while controlling for the portfolio's overall style. Forecasted
returns based on style indices provide a benchmark for determining manager
performance relative to a passively managed style portfolio. When estimated
by a single parameter, performance is measured relative to only expected
returns, absent the possibility that style in¯uences the entire conditional return
distribution. This contrasts with the quantile approach where performance
evaluation requires a more comprehensive account of the way style in¯uences
Figures 5 and 6 compare actual performance of the Magellan fund for
each month of 1997 holding style ®xed at its estimated value at the start of
the year. The ®rst set of estimates in Figure 5 is based on least squares. The
forecast of the return distribution for each month in 1997 is estimated by,
^ s^†, a normal random variable with mean xi b,
N…xi b; ^ and s^ the standard error
of the mean regression. The forecast uses actual monthly returns of the indices,
xi , during 1997 and estimated style coe½cients b^ estimated as of December
1996. The estimate, s^ ˆ 1:55, is the standard error of the residual that de-
termines the dispersion of the forecasted distribution. The points depicted
in the ®gure are (i) the .9 and .1 quantiles of the normal distribution, (ii)
the mean, xi b,^ and (iii) the actual return. Assuming style remained constant,
the di¨erences between actual and forecasted values are due to non-style in-
¯uences such as skill or luck.
Comparison of the actual returns to the forecasted distribution of returns
provides an indication of performance, holding style constant. Notice that the
forecasted return distribution varies only by location with the dispersion re-
maining constant. This is indicted in the Figure by the constant di¨erence
between the .9 and .1 quantiles for each month.
Figure 6 presents the same picture based on quantile regression. The
monthly forecasts are based on, Q…y† ^ ^
ˆ xi b…y† where xi is monthly Russell
returns, and b…y† are the regression quantiles estimated as of the start of the
With the analysis based on quantile regression the entire forecasted return
distribution changes each month according to realizations of the style indices.
This is seen by the varying spread between the .9 and .1 quantiles. In February,
for example, the forecast interval is very narrow and actual returns fall below
Q…:1† (thus signaling a poor month of active management), while in May the
interval is very wide and returns fall near the median as well as OLS forecast.
Portfolio style

Fig. 5. Forecasted Quantile Returns based on OLS for Magellan in 1997


Fig. 6. Forecasted Quantile Returns based on Quantile Regression for Magellan in 1997
G. W. Bassett Jr., H.-L. Chen
Portfolio style 305

7. Conclusions

Quantile regression is proposed as an addition to the style classi®cation tool-

kit. The quantile approach complements least squares by identifying the im-
pact of style on the conditional return distribution at places other than the
expected value. The method does not require additional data and is easy to
implement. The illustrations presented in the paper show how the conditional
return distribution can respond to factors in di¨erent ways at alternative parts
of the return distribution.
Among topics for additional research is consideration of alternative speci-
®cations of the quantile model; for example, allowing quantiles to depend on
market direction. Practical applications of quantile regression to the large
universe of existing funds will indicate the extent to which it enhances returns-
based classi®cation of portfolio style.


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