New Holland Excavator E18sr en Service Manual

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New Holland Excavator E18sr En Service Manual

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Mini Excavators

Print No. 87677528A Print No. 87677528A

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Print No. 87677528A

Issued 03/2008
English - Printed in Italy

Printed by Studio ti - 20108

This manual has been printed for a skilful engineer
to supply the necessary technical information to
Viale delle Nazioni, 55
carry out service operations on this machine.
41100 MODENA - Italy
Carefully read this manual to obtain correct infor-
mation regarding repair procedures.
For any question or remark, or in case of any error
in the contents of this manual, please contact:

Beyond this Service Manual, also refer to the doc-
uments listed below:
- Operator’s Manual
- Service Parts Catalogue

COMPLETE SERVICE MANUAL The Service Manual for “Mini Excavators” con-
The Service Manual consists of one volume: tains the necessary technical information to carry
out maintenance and repair operations on the ma-
- E18SR chine, the necessary tools to carry out mainte-
Service Manual for “Mini Excavators” nance operations, the information on service
standards, the procedures for removal, installa-
tion, disassembly and reassembly.
The Service Manual regarding models E18SR
consists of the following volume, identified by the
print number indicated below:


Service Manual - “Mini Excavators” E18SR 87677528A
Most of the accidents and injuries occurring in the factory, at home or on the road are caused by the failure to
follow simple and fundamental safety rules or precautions. For this reason, MOST ACCIDENTS CAN BE PRE-
VENTED by recognizing the real cause and taking the necessary precautions before the accident occurs.
With any type of machine, although well designed and constructed, it is not possible to absolutely exclude any
possibility of accidents.
A careful and cautious operator and/or technician is the best insurance against accidents. The scrupulous ob-
servance of this one simple rule would prevent many thousands of serious injuries each year.
This rule is: never attempt to clean, lubricate or service a machine with the engine running.

Before carrying out any maintenance, adjustment or repair operation on machines equipped with attachments,
controlled hydraulically or mechanically, make sure that the attachment is lowered and safely set on the
ground. If it is necessary to have the attachment partially or fully raised to gain access to certain items, make
sure the attachment is suitably supported by means other than the hydraulic lifting cylinders, the cables and/or
the mechanical devices used for controlling the attachment.

CNH S.p.A.
Viale delle Nazioni, 55
41100 MODENA - Italy

All rights reserved.

Reproduction of text or illustrations, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited.


GENERAL SAFETY INFORMATION alert against possible damage to the machine

and its components and is represented as fol-
Do not operate or perform any maintenance on this SCAUTION
machine until all instructions found in the OPERA- (4) It is very difficult to forecast every danger that may
TION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL have been occur during operation. However, safety can be en-
thoroughly read and understood. sured by fully understanding proper operating pro-
Improper operation or maintenance of this machine cedures for this machine according to methods
may cause accidents and could result in serious in- recommended by Manufacturer.
jury or death.
(5) While operating the machine, be sure to perform
Always keep the manual in storage.
work with great care, so as not to damage the ma-
If it is missing or damaged, place an order with an
chine, or allow accidents to occur.
authorized our Distributor for a replacement.
If you have any questions, please consult an au- (6) Continue studying the manual until all Safety, Oper-
thorized our Distributor. ation and Maintenance procedures are completely
understood by all persons working with the ma-
(1) Most accidents, which occur during operation, are chine.
due to neglect of precautionary measures and safe-
ty rules. Sufficient care should be taken to avoid
these accidents. Erroneous operation, lubrication
or maintenance services are very dangerous and
may cause injury or death of personnel. Therefore
all precautionary measures, NOTES, DANGERS,
WARNINGS and CAUTIONS contained in the man-
ual and on the machine should be read and under-
stood by all personnel before starting any work with
or on the machine.
(2) Operation, inspection, and maintenance should be
carefully carried out, and safety must be given the
first priority. Messages of safety are indicated with
marks. The safety information contained in the
manual is intended only to supplement safety
codes, insurance requirements, local laws, rules
and regulations.
(3) Messages of safety appear in the manual and on
the machine: All messages of safety are identified
by either word of “DANGER”, “WARNING” and
1) DANGER- Indicates an imminently hazardous
situation which, if not avoided, will result in
death or serious injury and is represented as
2) WARNING- Indicates a potentially hazardous
situation which, if not avoided, could result in
death or serious injury and is represented as
3) CAUTION- Indicates a potentially hazardous
situation which, if not avoided, may result in mi-
nor or moderate injury. It may also be used to


SWARNING Do not operate this machine unless you have
The proper and safe lubrication and maintenance read and understand the instructions in the
for this machine, recommended by Manufacturer, OPERATOR’S MANUAL. Improper machine
are outlined in the OPERATOR’S MANUAL for the operation is dangerous and could result in in-
machine. jury or death.
Improper performance of lubrication or mainte-
nance procedures are dangerous and could result
(6) Relieve all pressure in air, oil or water systems be-
in injury or death. Read and understand the MANU-
fore any lines, fittings or related items are discon-
AL before performing any lubrication or mainte-
nected or removed. Always make sure all raised
components are blocked correctly and be alert for
The serviceman or mechanic may be unfamiliar with possible pressure when disconnecting any device
many of the systems on this machine. This makes it from a system that utilizes pressure.
important to use caution when performing service work. (7) Lower the bucket, dozer, or other attachments to
A knowledge of the system and or components is im- the ground before performing any work on the ma-
portant before the removal or disassembly of any com- chine. If this cannot be done, make sure the buck-
ponent. et, dozer, ripper or other attachment is blocked
Because of the size of some of the machine compo- correctly to prevent it from dropping unexpectedly.
nents, the serviceman or mechanic should check the (8) Use steps and grab handles when mounting or
weights noted in this manual. Use proper lifting proce- dismounting a machine. Clean any mud or debris
dures when removing any components. Weight of com- from steps, walkways or work platforms before us-
ponents table is shown in the section: ing. Always face to the machine when using steps,
SPECIFICATIONS. ladders and walkways. When it is not possible to
The following is a list of basic precautions that must al- use the designed access system, provide ladders,
ways be observed. scaffolds, or work platforms to perform safe repair
(1) Read and understand all Warning plates and de-
cal on the machine before Operating, Maintaining (9) To avoid back injury, use a hoist when lifting com-
or Repairing this machine. ponents which weigh 20 kg (45 lbs) or more. Make
sure all chains, hooks, slings, etc., are in good
(2) Always wear protective glasses and protective
condition and are the correct capacity. Be sure
shoes when working around machines. In particu-
hooks are positioned correctly. Lifting eyes are not
lar, wear protective glasses when using hammers,
to be side loaded during a lifting operation.
punches or drifts on any part of the machine or at-
tachments. Use welders gloves, hood/goggles, (10) To avoid burns, be alert for hot parts on machines
apron and the protective clothing appropriate to which have just been stopped and hot fluids in
the welding job being performed. Do not wear lines, tubes and compartments.
loose fitting or torn clothing. Remove all rings from (11) Be careful when removing cover plates. Gradually
fingers, loose jewellery, confine long hair and back off the last two capscrews or nuts located at
loose clothing before working on this machinery. opposite ends of the cover or device and carefully
(3) Disconnect the battery and hang a “Do Not Oper- pry cover loose to relieve any spring or other pres-
ate” tag in the Operators Compartment. Remove sure, before removing the last two capscrews or
ignition keys. nuts completely.
(4) If possible, make all repairs with the machine (12) Be careful when removing filler caps, breathers
parked on a level, hard surface. Block the ma- and plugs on the machine. Hold a rag over the cap
chine so it does not roll while working on or under or plug to prevent being sprayed or splashed by
the machine. Hang a “Do Not Operate” tag in the liquids under pressure. The danger is even great-
Operators Compartment. er if the machine has just been stopped because
fluids can be hot.
(5) Do not work on any machine that is supported only
by lift, jacks or a hoist. Always use blocks or jack (13) Always use the proper tools that are in good con-
stands, capable of supporting the machine, before dition and that are suited for the job at hand. Be
performing any disassembly.


sure you understand how to use them before per- been damaged or altered should be checked for
forming any service work. balance before reusing.
(14) Reinstall all fasteners with the same part number. (22) Be careful when servicing or separating the tracks
Do not use a lesser quality fastener if replace- (crawlers). Chips can fly when removing or install-
ments are necessary. ing a track (crawlers) pin. Wear safety glasses and
(15) Repairs which require welding should be per- long sleeve protective clothing. Tracks (crawlers)
formed only with the benefit of the appropriate ref- can unroll very quickly when separated. Keep
erence information and by personnel adequately away from front and rear of machine. The ma-
trained and knowledgeable in welding proce- chine can move unexpectedly when both tracks
dures. Determine type of metal being welded and (crawlers) are disengaged from the sprockets.
select correct welding procedure and electrodes, Block the machine to prevent it from moving.
rods or wire to provide a weld metal strength
equivalent at least to that of the parent metal.
Make sure to disconnect battery before any weld-
ing procedures are attempted.
(16) Do not damage wiring during removal operations.
Reinstall the wiring so it is not damaged nor will be
damaged in operation of the machine by contact-
ing sharp corners, or by rubbing against some ob-
ject or hot surface. Do not connect wiring to a line
containing fluid.
(17) Be sure all protective devices including guards
and shields are properly installed and functioning
correctly before starting a repair. If a guard or
shield must be removed to perform the repair
work, use extra caution and replace the guard or
shield after repair is completed.
(18) The maintenance and repair work while holding
the bucket raised is dangerous due to the possibil-
ity of a falling attachment. Don’t fail to lower the at-
tachment and place the bucket to the ground be-
fore starting the work.
(19) Loose or damaged fuel, lubricant and hydraulic
lines, tubes and hoses can cause fires. Do not
bend or strike high pressure lines or install ones
which have been bent or damaged. Inspect lines,
tubes and hoses carefully. Do not check for leaks
with your hands. Very small (pinhole) leaks can re-
sult in a high velocity oil stream that will be invisi-
ble close to the hose. This oil can penetrate the
skin and cause personal injury. Use card-board or
paper to locate pinhole leaks.
(20) Tighten connections to the correct torque. Make
sure that all heat shields, clamps and guards are
installed correctly to avoid excessive heat, vibra-
tion or rubbing against other parts during opera-
tion. Shields that protect against oil spray onto hot
exhaust components in event of a line, tube or
seal failure must be installed correctly.
(21) Do not operate a machine if any rotating part is
damaged or contacts any other part during opera-
tion. Any high speed rotating component that has



Title Index






















This Manual is prepared as a technical material in This Manual may be properly revised due to the im-
which the information necessary for the maintenance provement of products, modification of specifications,
and repairing services of our hydraulic excavators are etc. And there are cases where the system on actual
collected, and is categorized into 8 Chapters, Specifica- machine and a part of the contents of this manual may
tion, Maintenance, System, Disassembly, Trouble- differ due to the variations of specification by countries.
shooting, Engine, and Installation Procedures for For the section in which the description is hardly under-
Optional Attachment, and Supporting Data. stood, contact our distributor.

• The Chapter “Specification” describes the specifica- The number is assigned to every part handled in this
tions for entire machine and material, which are in- Manual on account of the description, but the parts,
structive for replacement and repairing of which cannot be supplied as service parts are con-
attachments. tained. Therefore, the order must be placed with re-
• The Chapter “Maintenance” describes the material, spective formal number with due confirmation on the
which is helpful for maintenance service and adjust- Parts Manual for applicable machine.
ments for entire machine.
• The Chapter “System” describes the operating sys-
tem like hydraulic system, electric system, compo-
nents, and so on.
• The Chapter “Disassembly” describes the removal
and installing of assembly mounted on the upper
structure and undercarriage, and the assembling
and disassembling of the associated hydraulic
• The Chapter “Troubleshooting” describes how to find
the fault equipment.
• The Chapter “Engine” describes the engines making
use of the “Maintenance Manual” provided by the
• The Chapter “Installation Procedures for Optional At-
tachment” describes the supplements added on re-
quest as required.
• The Chapter “Supporting Data” describes the con-
tents of added material in A3 size like hydraulic cir-
cuit diagram, electric circuit diagram, and so on. It is
recommended to use together with the texts in re-
spective Chapter and Section.


1.1 GENERAL PRECAUTIONS FOR REPAIRS ...................................................... 1-3

1.1.1 PREPARATION BEFORE DISASSEMBLING ............................................... 1-3
1.1.2 SAFETY IN DISASSEMBLING AND ASSEMBLING ..................................... 1-3
1.1.4 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT........................................................................... 1-4
1.1.5 HYDRAULIC PARTS...................................................................................... 1-5
1.1.6 WELDING REPAIR ........................................................................................ 1-5
1.1.7 ENVIRONMENTAL MEASURE...................................................................... 1-5
1.2 INTERNATIONAL UNIT CONVERSION SYSTEM ............................................ 1-6



1.1 GENERAL PRECAUTIONS FOR (2) Suspend warning tag “DO NOT OPERATE” from
the doorknob or the operating lever, and have a
preliminary meeting before starting work.
1.1.1 PREPARATION BEFORE DISASSEM- (3) Stop the engine before starting inspection and
BLING maintenance to prevent the operator being caught
in machine.
(4) Identify the location of a first-aid kit and a fire extin-
guisher, and also where to make contact in a state
(1) Understanding operating procedure of emergency.
(5) Choose a hard, level and safe place, and place the
AL carefully to understand the operating procedure.
attachment on the ground securely.
(2) Cleaning machines
(6) Use a lifter such as a crane to remove heavy parts
Remove soil, mud, and dust from the machine be-
(20 kg [45 lbs] or more) from the machine.
fore carrying it into the service shop to prevent loss
of work efficiency, damage of parts, and difficulty in (7) Use proper tools, and replace or repair defective
rust prevention and dust protection while reassem- tools.
bling. (8) Support the machine and attachment with supports
(3) Inspecting machines or blocks if the work is performed in the lifted condi-
Identify the parts to be disassembled before start- tion.
ing work, determine the disassembling procedure 1.1.3 DISASSEMBLING AND ASSEMBLING HY-
by yourself considering the workshop situations DRAULIC EQUIPMENT
etc., and request procurement of necessary parts in
(4) Recording
Record the following items for communication and (1) Removing hydraulic equipment
prevention of recurring malfunction.
1) Before disconnecting pipes, release the hy-
1) Inspection date and place. draulic pressure of the system, or open the re-
2) Model name, applicable machine number, and turn side cover and take out the filter.
hour meter read. 2) Carefully drain oil of the removed pipes into a
3) Trouble condition, place and cause. containers without spilling on the floor.
4) Visible oil leakage, water leakage and damage. 3) Apply plugs or caps on the pipe ends to avoid
5) Clogging of filters, oil level, oil quality, oil con- oil spillage and dust intrusion.
tamination and loosening of connections. 4) Clean off the external surface of the equipment
6) Result of consideration if any problem exists before disassembling, and drain hydraulic and
based on the operation rate per month calculat- gear oil before placing it on the workbench.
ed from hour meter indication after the last in- (2) Disassembling hydraulic equipment
spection date. 1) Do not disassemble, reassemble or modify the
(5) Arrangement and cleaning in service shop hydraulic equipment without the permission of
1) Tools required for repair work. the manufacturer, who is not responsible for the
performance and function of the product after
2) Prepare space to place the disassembled parts.
3) Prepare oil containers for draining oil etc.
2) When disassembling and reassembling for un-
1.1.2 SAFETY IN DISASSEMBLING AND AS- avoidable reason, refer the work to qualified
SEMBLING personnel who have the specific knowledge or
completed the parts service training.
3) Provide matching marks to facilitate reassem-
bling work.
(1) Wear appropriate clothes with long sleeves, safety 4) Before starting the work, read the manual of
shoes, safety helmet and protective glasses. disassembling procedure, if it is provided, and
decide whether the work can be performed by


5) Use the special jig and tools without fail if they

are specified. SWARNING
6) If it is hard to remove a part according to the Operation of the hydraulic equipment with-
procedure, do not try it by force but investigate out filling hydraulic oil or lubricant or with-
the cause. out performing air bleeding will result in
7) Place the removed parts in order and attach damage to the equipment.
tags to facilitate the reassembling.
3) Perform air bleeding of the hydraulic pump and
8) Note the location and quantity of parts com-
slewing motor after loosening the upper drain
monly applied to multiple locations.
plug, starting the engine and keep it in low idle
(3) Inspecting parts
1) Ensure that the disassembled parts are free Complete the air bleeding when seeping of hy-
from seizure, interference and uneven contact. draulic oil is recognized, and tightly plug.
2) Measure and record wear condition of parts 4) Perform air bleeding of the travel motor and the
and clearance. hydraulic cylinders by running the engine for
3) If the problem is found in a part, repair or re- more than 5 minutes at low speed without load.
place it with a new one.
(4) Reassembling hydraulic equipment SWARNING
1) Turn ON the ventilation fan or open windows to Do not allow the hydraulic cylinder to bot-
maintain good ventilation prior to starting the tom on the stroke end just after the mainte-
cleaning of parts. nance.
2) Perform rough and finish cleaning before as-
5) Perform air bleeding of pilot line by performing
a series of digging, slewing and travel.
3) Remove washing oil by air and apply clean hy-
6) Check hydraulic oil level after placing the at-
draulic or gear oil for assembling.
tachment to the oil check position, and replen-
4) Always replace the removed O-rings, backup ish oil if necessary.
rings and oil seals with new ones by applying
grease in advance. 1.1.4 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT
5) Remove dirt and moisture from and perform de-
greasing on the surface where liquid gasket to
be applied.
6) Remove rust preventive agent from the new (1) Do not disassemble electrical equipment.
parts before use. (2) Handle it carefully not to drop and give a shock.
7) Fit bearings, bushings and oil seals using spe- (3) Turn the key OFF prior to connecting and discon-
cial jigs. necting work.
8) Assemble the parts utilizing matching marks. (4) Disconnect the connector by holding it and press-
9) Ensure all the parts are completely assembled ing the lock. Do not pull the wire to apply force to the
after the work. caulking portion.
(5) Installing hydraulic equipment (5) Connect the connector and ensure it is completely
1) Ensure hydraulic oil and lubricant are properly locked.
supplied. (6) Turn the key OFF prior to touching the terminal of
2) Perform air bleeding when: starter or generator.

1. Hydraulic oil changed (7) Remove the ground (earth) terminal of battery
when handling tools around the battery or its relay.
2. Parts of suction side piping replaced
(8) Do not splash water on the electrical equipment
3. Hydraulic pump installed
and connectors during machine washing.
4. Slewing motor installed
(9) Check for moisture adhesion inside the waterproof
5. Travel motor installed connector after pulling it out, since it is hard to re-
6. Hydraulic cylinder installed move moisture from the connector.


If moisture adhesion is found, dry it completely be- 1.1.6 WELDING REPAIR

fore the connection. (1) Refer repair welding to qualified personnel accord-
ing to the appropriate procedure.
SWARNING (2) Disconnect the ground (earth) cable of the battery
Battery electrolyte is hazardous. before starting the repair.
Battery electrolyte is dilute sulfuric acid. Exposure Failure to do so will cause damage to the electrical
of skin or eyes to this liquid will cause burning or equipment.
loss of eyesight. (3) Move away the articles in advance that may cause
If the exposure occurs, take the following emergen- fire if exposed to sparks.
cy measures and seek the advice of a medical spe-
(4) Before starting the repair of the attachment, do not
fail to cover the plated surface of the piston rod with
• When skin exposed: flameproof sheet to prevent it from being exposed
Wash with water and soap sufficiently. to sparks.
• When eyes exposed:
Immediately wash away with city water continu- 1.1.7 ENVIRONMENTAL MEASURE
ously for more than 10 minutes. (1) Run the engine at the place that is sufficiently ven-
• When a large amount of the liquid flows out: tilated.
Neutralize with sodium bicarbonate or wash (2) Industrial waste disposal
away with city water. Dispose of the following parts according to the rel-
• When swallowed: evant regulations:
Drink a large amount of milk or water. Waste oil and waste container
• When clothes exposed:
Immediately undress and wash. (3) Precautions for handling hydraulic oil
Exposure of eyes to hydraulic oil will cause inflam-
mation. Wear protective glasses before handling to
avoid an accident. If an eye is exposed to the oil,
take the following emergency measures:
• When an eye exposed:
Immediately wash away with city water suffi-
(1) O-ring
ciently till stimulative feeling vanishes.
• Ensure O-rings have elasticity and are not dam-
• When swallowed:
aged before use.
Do not let vomit, and receive medical treatment
• Use the appropriate O-rings. O-rings are made
of various kinds of materials having different
• When skin exposed:
hardness to apply to a variety of parts, such as
Wash with water and soap sufficiently.
the part for moving or fixed portion, subjected to
high pressure, and exposed to corrosive fluid, (4) Others
even if the size is same. Use replacement parts and lubricants authorized as
the genuine parts.
• Fit the O-rings without distortion and bend.
• Always handle floating seals as a pair.
(2) Flexible hose
• Use the appropriate parts. Different parts are
used depending on the working pressure even
the size of fitting and the total length of the hose
is same.
• Tighten the fitting at the specified torque.
Ensure no kink, tension, interference nor oil
leakage is recognized.

New Holland Excavator E18sr En Service Manual
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1.2 INTERNATIONAL UNIT CON- (3) Derived Units

HANDBOOK FOR MECHANI- Area square meter m2
CAL ENGINEERS) Volume cubic meter m3
Velocity meter per second m/s
Acceleration meter per second squared m/s2
Although this manual includes International System of
Density kilogram per cubic meter kg/m3
Unit and Foot-Pound System of Units, if you need SI
unit, refer to the following international system of units. (4) Derived Units bearing Peculiar Designations
Given hereinafter is an excerpt of the units that are re-
lated to this manual. Table 1-4


French: Le Systeme International d’ Unites Frequency hertz Hz 1/s
English: International System of Units Force newton N kg • m/s2
2. Construction of SI Unit System Pressure and
pascal Pa N/m2
Energy, Work
Base units
Table 1-1 and Quantity of joule J N•m
Derived units
Supplemen- of base units heat
SI units tary units Table 1-2 Power watt W J/s
SI unit Table 1-2
system Derived units Quantity of
coulomb C A•s
Derived bearing peculiar electricity
units designations
Table 1-4 Electric
Prefixes of SI
(n-th power of 10, where n is an integer) difference,
Table 1-5 volt V W/A
Voltage, and
F32946 Electromotive
(1) Base units
Quantity of
Table 1-1 static
QUANTITY UNIT SYMBOL electricity and farad F C/V
Length meter m Electric
Mass kilogram kg capacitance
Time second s Electric
ohm Ω V/A
Electric current ampere A resistance
Thermodynamic celsius
kelvin K Celsius
temperature degree or °C (t+273.15)K
Amount of degree
mol mol Illuminance lux lx lm/m2
candela cd

(2) Supplementary units

Table 1-2
Plane angle radian rad
Solid angle steradian sr

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