1 - The-Human-Factor-in-Information-Security - Joa - Eng - 1019
1 - The-Human-Factor-in-Information-Security - Joa - Eng - 1019
1 - The-Human-Factor-in-Information-Security - Joa - Eng - 1019
• Feasible, which is associated with the history, • Regulation (this last element is not included in
culture and personal dynamics of the persons the original model)
taking part
Aspects that
mold behavior I
Sensitization, N
Preparation competencies F
and training O
Responsibility Follow-up, A
and control T
Management Policies, practices N
and procedures
Beliefs, customs S
Social elements S
and habits
Internal, national S
Regulation and international
Individual responsibility based on the personal people’s behaviors manifest themselves is to discover
distinctions constructed by each participant must the fine lines of the imaginaries that individuals create
be assisted by the recommended practice of the and end up acting on in diverse situations.
standards for follow-up, monitoring and alerting in
such a way that both the execution of the activities Regulation is the normative element; the demand of
in the processes and the decisions that people third parties to ensure the function of compliance.
make occur within a framework of verification. This People in charge of compliance at organizations are
framework is designed not to assign blame, but responsible for, among other things, developing the
rather to limit the effects on customers, which can culture, anticipating risk, ensuring operation and
then be translated into lessons learned and consultation, and implementing best practices.
potential new scenarios of possible fatigue of the These activities are designed to observe the
current security distinction. guidelines laid down by supervisors in different
sectors to enable the organization to project an
Management is the practice of seeking to increase image of imperfect trustworthiness20 that tells its
the certainty and repeatability of the organization’s different interest groups it is capable of taking on
security and control activities. It is the traditional the responsibility of protecting its information
exercise relating to the quality cycle—planning, assets and the interest groups themselves.
doing, verifying and acting—that seeks to
homogenize the organization’s intended effects in These five components act in harmony and are
order to avoid surprises. Although these are based on three evolutionary cycles:
activities that constitute the minimum requirement
for greater trust, they do not solve the equation of
• Regulation—Which safeguards today
the inevitability of failure. In short, it is the least that • Adaptation—Which focuses on tomorrow and
can be done. renews the present21