Opm RW
Opm RW
Opm RW
The delivery of goods and services that are • Using a logistics partner to store
purchased from suppliers and/or their finished goods at the logistics partner’s hub or
distributors. distribution center.
The delivery of goods and services that are • Combination of transportation and
sold to a firm’s customers and/or distributors. carrying costs associated with delivery of raw
materials and components that are inbound to
Supplier-Managed Inventories the plant.
• Inventories in a firm’s facility that are Disintermediation
the responsibility of the supplier to maintain
and to replenish as necessary. • The trend to reduce many of the steps
in the supply chain by reducing the
Consignment Inventories number of intermediaries in the chain.
• Inventories that are physically present • Cross-docking is a shipment process
in a firm’s facility but that are still owned by the that transports goods from one form of
supplier. ground transportation to another with
EDI (electronic data exchange) no storage time
Armand Feigenbaum
related to producing both high
quality products and low quality
Quality in Services components, with the goal of
o Tangibles minimizing the total cost of
o Reliability quality.
o Responsiveness – Costs of poor quality:
o Competence
o Courtesy • Detection/appraisal
o Credibility costs
o Security
• Internal failure costs
o Access
o Communication • External failure costs
o Understanding the customer
• Total Quality Management (TQM)
Additional Views of Quality in Services
– An approach for integrating
• Technical Quality versus Functional quality at all levels of an
Quality organization
• Cost of Quality
• Continuous Improvement
– Framework for identifying
A concept that recognizes that quality
quality components that are
improvement is a journey with no end
and that there is a need for continually • View of the quality program as a quick
looking for new approaches for fix.
improving quality.
• Drive for short-term financial results.
• Design quality
• Politics and turf issues
Specific characteristics of a product that
determine its value in the marketplace. Six Sigma
The degree to which a product meets its - To reduce process variation to the
design specifications point where only 3.4 defects per million
are produced by a process that involves
Implementing TQM a high volume of manufactured units or
service transactions on a continuous
• Successful Implementation of TQM basis.
– Requires total integration of - Provide a framework and
TQM into day-to-day methodologies to analyze and evaluate
operations. business processes and reduce waste.
• Causes of TQM Implementation Failures • Successful Implementation
– Lack of focus on strategic - Training and selection of the workforce
planning and core
competencies - Impressive cost savings of program
• Poor inter-organizational