HVAC T and C Standards

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No Equipment / System


(a) Inclined manometer

(b) Vertical-inclined manometer

(c) Pitot static tube

(d) Chronometric Tachometer

(e) Clamp on voltammeter

(f) Deflecting vane anemometer

(g) Revolving vane or propeller Anemometer

(h) Thermal Anemometer

(i) Mercury Thermometer

(j) Dial Thermometer

(k) Digital Electronic Thermometer



(b) Mercury U-tube or well type manometer

(c) Calibrated Pressure gauge

(d) Differential Pressure gauge

(d) Differential Pressure manifold gauge


(a) Revolution Counter (Odometer) andTiming Device

(b) Electronic Tachometer

(c) Dual function Tachometer

(d) Low Density Fluid U-Tube Manometer

(e) Diaphragm-Type Differential-Pressure Gauge

(f) Smoke devices

(g) Sling psychrometer

(h) Flow-Measuring Hoods

(i) Micromanometer
(j) Double reverse tube

(k) Clamp-on AC power meter

(l) Recording instruments

(m) Humidity measuring devices

(n) Barometer

(o) Fluid system Electronic digital differential-pressure meter

(p) Electronic differential-pressure meter

(q) Ultra-sonic flowmeters

(r) Turbine flowmeters

Airflow-Measuring Stations

Air balancing devices

Hydronic Balancing and Measurement Stations


ASHRAE 111 – 4.3.1

ASHRAE 111 – 4.3.2

ASHRAE 111 – 4.3.3

ASHRAE 111 – 4.3.4

ASHRAE 111 – 4.3.5

ASHRAE 111 – 4.3.6

ASHRAE 111 – 4.3.7

ASHRAE 111 – 4.3.8

ASHRAE 111 – 4.3.9

ASHRAE 111 – 4.3.10

ASHRAE 111 – 4.3.11


ASHRAE 111 – 4.4.1

ASHRAE 111 – 4.4.2

ASHRAE 111 – 4.4.3

ASHRAE 111 – 4.4.4

ASHRAE 111 – 4.4.5


ASHRAE 111 – 4.5.1

ASHRAE 111 – 4.5.2

ASHRAE 111 – 4.5.3

ASHRAE 111 – 4.5.4

ASHRAE 111 – 4.5.5

ASHRAE 111 – 4.5.6

ASHRAE 111 – 4.5.7

ASHRAE 111 – 4.5.8

ASHRAE 111 – 4.5.9

ASHRAE 111 – 4.5.10

ASHRAE 111 – 4.5.11

ASHRAE 111 – 4.5.12

ASHRAE 111 – 4.5.13

ASHRAE 111 – 4.5.14

ASHRAE 111 – 4.5.15

ASHRAE 111 – 4.5.16

ASHRAE 111 – 4.5.17

ASHRAE 111 – 4.5.18


ASHRAE 111 – 5.2

ASHRAE 111 – 5.3

ASHRAE 111 – 5.4

Recommended Uses.
Use with Pitot static tubes or static pressure probes.
Limitations:    Not to be used to measure air velocities less than 600fpm (3m/s). A micro manometer, hook
gauge or another sensitive instrument shall be used for acceptable accuracy in this range.
Calibration required – Every 12 months.
Recommended Uses.
Use with Pitot static tubesor static pressure probes.
Limitations Not to be used to measure air velocities less than 600fpm (3m/s). A micro manometer, hook
gauge or another sensitive instrument shall be used for acceptable accuracy in this range.

Calibration required – Every 12 months.

Recommended Uses.
1.      Use to measure airstream “total pressure” by connecting the inner tube outlet connector to one side
of a manometer or draft gauge.
2.      Use to measure airstream “static pressure” by connecting the outer tube side outlet connector to one
side of a manometer or draft gauge.
3.      Use to measure airstream “velocity pressure” by connecting both the inner and outer tube connectors
to opposite sides of a manometer or draft gauge.
Accuracy of Field Measurement.
 Rigorous error analysis shows that flow rate determinations by the Pitot static tube and manometer
combination method can range from 5% to 10% error.
Recommended Uses.
Use to determine thespeed of any shaft having a countersunk end.
The shaft end must be accessibleand countersunk.
Accuracy: Instrument accuracy shall be within ±0.5% of the scale range.

Recommended Uses.
Use to measure operatingvoltages and currents of electric motors and of electric-resis-tance heating coils.
The proper range must be selected.
Accuracy:Instrument accuracy is within ±3% of full scale.
Recommended Uses
This instrument may be used for measurement of air quantities through both supply and return air
terminalsusing the proper air-terminal factor (effective area),for airflow calculation.
a.The instrument shall not be used in extremely hot, cold,or contaminated air.
b.The instrument is affected by static electricity.
c.The instrument duct probe is sensitive to the presence and proximity of duct walls and tends to read high
on the suc-tion side and low on the discharge side of a fan
d. The accuracy of the instrument is affected by position.

Accuracy of Field Measurements.Accuracy is within ±10% when the instrument is within calibration
Recommended Uses
a.Use to measure supply, return, and exhaust air quantitiesat registers and grilles. b.Use to measure air
quantities at the faces of return air dampers or openings, total air across the filter or coil faceareas, etc.
a.Each reading from this instrument must be corrected byits calibration chart.
b.The air terminal manufacturer’s specified factor for theterminal must be used in computing air
c.Total inlet area of the instrument must be in the measured airstream.
d.It is not suitable for measurement in ducts.
e.It is fragile and cannot be used in dusty or corrosive air.
f.Since the instrument has a turbine wheel of very low iner-tia, caution is advised as to reliability of
readings in non-uniform, turbulent, or stratified airstreams. This is likelyto occur downstream of dampers,
face and bypass coils,or any device that causes turbulence in the airstream being measured.
g.The instrument is not direct reading and, therefore, must be timed manually.
Accuracy of field measurement - 1. Smooth flow ±5% of reading above 200 fpm (1.0 m/s);not
recommended for velocities below 200 fpm (1.0 m/s). 2.  Non uniform flow ±30%

Recommended Uses
a.Use to measure very low air velocities, such as room air currents and airflow in hoods (10 to 600 fpm;
0.05 to3.0 m/s).
b.Use for measurements at grilles and diffusers.
c.Use for velocity measurements within ducts.Use to measure very low air velocities, such as room
air currents and airflow in hoods (10 to 600 fpm; 0.05 to3.0 m/s).
a.The probe that is used with this instrument is very direc-tional for velocity readings and must be located
at theexact point on the diffuser or grille as specified by theterminal-unit manufacturer.
b.Probes are subject to fouling by dust and corrosive air.
c.The instrument probe must be used in the direction of calibration.
Accuracy of Field Measurements-Accuracy is±10% above 100 fpm (0.5 m/s).
Mercury-filled glass-tube thermometers have a useful temperature range of –38°F to 950°F (–36°C to
Recommended Uses
The complete-stem-immersion calibrated thermometer must be used with the stem completely immersed
in thefluid in which the temperature is to be measured.

2.  Limitations - Radiation effects—when the temperature of the sur-rounding surfaces are substantially
different from the measured fluid, there is a considerable radiation effect upon the thermometer reading
if the thermometer is left unshielded or otherwise unprotected. Proper shielding or aspiration of the
thermometer bulb and stem can minimize these radiation effects.

Recommended Uses.
Dial thermometers aresuitable for checking both air and water temperature in ductsand pipe
thermometer wells.

Limitations- Dial thermometers have a relatively long time lag, so enough time must be allowed for the
thermometer to reach equilibrium and the pointer to come to rest.
Recommended Uses.
Suitable for all TABtemperature measurements, including air and other gases, liq-uids, and surfaces of
pipes and other components with theappropriate probe.
Response times are1 to 10 s for liquids and solids, and 5 to 50 s for gases. Instrument accuracy shall be
±0.5°F (±0.3°C) where the temperature is below 700°F (350°C) and ±1.5°F (±0.8°C) for temperatures of
700°F (350°C) and above.
Limitations: In piping applications, it should be remembered that thesurface temperature of the pipe is
not equal to the fluid temperature


Recommended Uses.  Use to balance water circuits thermally whenever balancing by flow measurements
are not practical.
Limitations-In piping applications, it should be remembered that the surface temperature of the conduit is
not equal to the fluid temperature.
Recommended Uses.
1.  Use to measure pressure changes through coils, heat exchangers, and orifices.
2.  Use to measure pressure changes across water circulators.
3.  Use to measuring gas pressures.
4.  Limitations - Manometer tubes shall be cleaned to ensure accuracy and shall be filled with the correct
Mercury shall not be used for readings less than 1.0 in. of water (250 Pa). Corrections to direct readings
are necessary to allow for the weight of the column of system fluid equal in height to the distance
between manometer leg readings.
Recommended Uses.
Use primarily for check-ing pump pressures, coil, chiller, and condenser pressuredrops and pressure drops
across orifice plates, venturis, and other flow-calibrated devices.”
Limitations - Pressure ranges shall be such that the anticipated
working pressure range is in the middle two-thirds of the scalerange, and the gauge shall not be exposed
to pressures greater than the maximum dial reading. Similarly, where there is exposure to vacuum, use a
compound gauge.

Reduce or eliminate pressure pulsations by installing a snubber or needle valve in the water line.

Recommended Uses
a.This instrument, when furnished in one of the lower dif-ferential pressure ranges and calibrated in
inches of mer-cury (kPa) or in inches of water (Pa), can be used withwater-hose flexible connectors for
water distribution bal-ancing in much the same manner that the mercury U-tubemanometer is used.
b.This instrument, when furnished in one of the higher dif-ferential pressure ranges, can be used in place
of the twocombination-type high pressure gauges mounted on themercury U-tube manometer board.
Limitations- Some applications require use of a snubber or needle valve. A three-valve cluster for shutoff
and bypass is necessary to prevent over-pressure damage when used as a portable test gauge.

Recommended Uses
a.This instrument assembly is used to indicate the pressureat each point by alternating valve opening and
b.By using the same gauge, the error from using two sepa-rate permanently mounted gauges, which are
subject to possible vibration damage and differences in calibration,can be eliminated.


1. Recommended Uses - Use to determine shafts peed on any shaft having an accessible shaft end with a
2. Limitations - Not to be used on shafts with flat ends without the correctadaptor. (Slip and inaccurate
readings are inevitable.)
3. Accuracy of Field Measurement. ±2%, whenused properly.

Recommended Uses - Use to measure rotationalspeeds when instrument contact with the rotating

equipmentis not feasible.
Limitations - Care must be taken to avoid read-ing multiples of the actual rpm when using the
stroboscope.Readings must be started at the lower end of the scale.

Recommended Uses - Use to measure rotationspeeds by direct contact or by counting the speed of a
reflec-tive mark.
Limitations - Battery operated.
Recommended uses - Use to measure pressure drops above 1.0 in. wc (250 Pa)across filters, coils,
eliminators, fans, grilles, and ductsections.
Limitations - U-tube manometers shall not be used for readings under 1.0 in. wc (250 Pa).
Recommended uses - Use with Pitot static tube or with static probe.
Limitations - Should not be used in preference to liquid or electronicmanometer
Recommended Uses - Smoke devices are rec-ommended for use in determining the direction and
observingthe velocity and pattern of airflow in room studies and inhoods, filters, etc. Discharge patterns
from exhaust systems,driers, hoods, and stacks can be made.
Limitations - Some smoke devices may be toxicand protective apparatus may be required. After extreme
use,special removal efforts may be necessary

Recommended Uses - The sling psychrometer can be used in determining the psychrometric properties of
conditioned spaces, return air, outdoor air, mixed air, and con-ditioned supply air.
Limitations - Accurate wet-bulb readings require an air velocity of between 1000 and 1500 fpm (5.0 and
7.5 m/s) across thewick, or a correction shall be made.
For an instrument with an 18 in. (450 mm) radius, it shall be whirled at a rate of at least two revolutions
per second.
Evaporation must reach equilibrium to be accurate.

Recommended Uses - Use to proportion air-distribution devices directly in cfm (L/s).

Limitations -
Shall not be used where discharge velocities exceed 2000fpm (10 m/s).
It shall be recognized that the device generally redirectsthe normal pattern of air discharge and that it
contributesan artificially imposed pressure drop in the branch of theair terminal being measured. These
will result in adecrease in the delivered airflow of the outlet.
The instrument must be calibrated for the method of useintended. For use with supply distribution
devices, theinstrument shall be calibrated in the supply mode. For usewith return distribution devices, the
instrument shall becalibrated in the return mode.
Accuracy of Field Measurements.
If the hood is properly shaped and positioned at the air terminal, the accu-racy of field measurements will
be within the limitations of the flow-reading instrument.
Limitations -
Difficult to use with pulsating pressures
Stability and leveling requirements make the instrumentdifficult to use in the field.
Generally not as sensitive as thermo-anemometers below600 fpm (3.0 m/s) when used with a standard
Pitot static probe

Recommended Uses -
These instruments are particularly well suited for read-ings at hoods, perforated ceilings, etc.
Use to calibrate other instruments.
Use to measure velocities below 600 fpm (3.0 m/s) whenused with a standard Pitot static probe.
Limitations -
Difficult to use with pulsating pressures.
Stability and leveling requirements make the instrumentdifficult to use in the field.
Generally not as sensitive as thermo-anemometers below600 fpm (3.0 m/s) when used with a standard
Pitot static probe
Recommended Uses.
The instrument isintended for use in dirty or wet airstreams where the amountof particulate matter in the
airstream impairs the use of a Pitotstatic tube. The instrument can be used to measure total pres-sure,
static pressure, and to obtain velocity pressure
Limitations -
Requires a large (0.75 in., 19 mm) duct hole for insertion
The tube requires calibration and must be used in thesame orientation as calibrated. The flow direction
should be marked on the tube.
Accuracy - for field use is ±5% for the combination of the double-reversetube and manometers.

Recommended Uses - The instrument willmeasure single-phase, split-phase, and three-phase power
Limitations - Caution is required, particularlywhen taking measurements under confined conditions. Read-
ings below 10% of input range are not recommended.
Accuracy of Field Measurements.
Within±1% of reading plus or minus 0.5% of the range
Recommended Uses -
Recording instrumentsare useful for obtaining round-the-clock data on the operationor performance of
Limitations -
Some judgment must be used inthe application of recording instruments. There are great dif-ferences in
quality, accuracy, and cost of these instruments.

Recommended Uses -
These instruments donot require hand swinging and, thus, may be more convenientto use.
Accuracy - Thehygrometers have an accuracy of ±2% to 3% RH in the 20%to 95% RH range. The
psychrometers have an accuracy of ±0.5°F for the thermometer readings over their ranges.

Recommended Uses -
Use primarily to correctactual airflow to standard conditions.
Accuracy - The instrument may be either aMercury type or a Bourdon-tube type with an accuracy of 1%of
full scale.

Recommended Uses.
Use to measure fluid flow, temperature, and differential pressure; for computingthe setting of compatible
valves by proportional balancing procedures.
Lmitations -
The computing feature is limited to compatible valves.
Accuracy of Field Measurements -
Differen-tial pressure within 1 ft wc or 2% of valve readout (whichever is greater). Accuracy for flow is the
same as for the differen-tial pressure via the computing feature.
Recommended Uses -
Use with a Pitot statictube, static probe, flow grid, orifice plate, or special balancingvalve. Some
instruments can also be combined with a flow-measuring hood.
Lmitations -
a.When air velocities are below 600 fpm (3.0 m/s), a micro-manometer or hook gauge should be used.
b. Some instruments should not be stored below 15°F(–10°C) or operated below 32°F (0°C).

Recommended Uses -
Use to measure flow infull pipes. Excellent when low or zero pressure drop is a requirement. They are
best fitted for larger pipes and mostmanufacturers’ specifications are based on flows of 1 fps or greater.
Limitations -
a.Doppler Flowmeters: The liquid must contain particulateor gas bubbles.
b.Transit-time Flowmeters: The liquid must be acousticallytransparent (i.e., of low particulate content,
such as typi-cal lake or river water, or cleaner).
c.Strap-on (Portable) Flowmeters: Pipe parameters (pipediameter, wall thickness, and material of
construction)must be known or determinable. The pipe must be acous-tically transparent (concrete or
lined pipe is not).
Accuracy of Field Measurements -
Doppler Flowmeters:
Strap-on transducers—typically 3% to 5% of reading.
Integral transducers—typically 2% to 3% of reading.
Transit-Time Flowmeters:
Strap-on transducers—typically 2% to 3% of reading.
Integral transducers—typically 1% to 2% of reading.
Integral transducers factory mounted to a calibrated flowtube—typically 0.5% to 1% of reading

Recommended Uses -
Use to measure flow in a pipe with a clean fluid.
Limitations -
Care must be exercised to main-tain the turbine flowmeter because wear may affect the wheel bearings.
The bearings may drag if impurities lodge in them,and debris can clog or break the wheel.
Accuracy of Field Measurements - 2% of reading.


Recommended Uses -
A balancing station should belocated in the main duct to measure the fan total airflow and in branch ducts
to measure and adjust the distribution of theair. Other useful locations for measurement and
adjustmentare outside air ducts and relief air ducts.
Requirements -
a.The pressure drop required across a balancing devicewhen it is in a throttling position will determine the
b.A flow-measuring station must have turbulent-free air-flow at the plane of measurement. Temperature,
dust,moisture, or gas products may limit the use of flow-measuring stations and, in such cases, a standard
Pitottube and/or other methods should be used.
Accuracy of Field Measurements -
A flow-measuringstation should produce an accuracy of ±5% of flow.

Air-balancing devices, commonlycalled volume-control dampers, are installed in air-duct sys-tems to

control the airflow and to achieve a balanced distribu-tion of the available airflow.
Applications -
a.0 to 0.3 in. wc (75 Pa)
1.Single-blade type with end bearing, square drive, and locking quadrant.
2.Multiple single-blade type composed of separatesingle blade dampers set in one plane with no
bladeinterconnecting linkage, but operated separately and set in an opposed blade fashion by locking
quadrantson each blade.
3.A single-blade damper is sufficient up to a blade area of 1.5 ft (0.140 m
2) or up to a length of 24 in. (0.61 m).Single blades used in a multiple-blade damper, when blades are not
interconnected, have similar limitations.
b.0.3 to 2 in. wc (75 to 500 Pa)—
Multiple-blade type with blade interconnecting linkages arranged for opposed- blade operation, integral
perimeter frame with shaft bear-ings, extended drive shaft with operating handle, and locking quadrant.
c.2 to 4 in. wc (500 to 1000 Pa)—
Venturi-plug type cen-tered on a matching bell-mouth opening with a lockingdevice.
d.4 to 6 in. wc (1000 to 1500 Pa)—
Air valve with multipleadjustable slot openings varied by mechanical movementor pneumatic inflation of
numerous separate bellows.
e.Above 6 in. wc (1500 Pa)—A specially designed deviceis required.
a. Venturi flowmeter: An in-line fitting that includes pres-sure measurement. A venturi meter incorporates
an engi-neered tapered-throat section to minimize permanent pressure losses
b. Orifice plate: An in-line fitting installed between flangeswith pressure taps for a differential pressure
c. A multiport, self-averaging, air-averaging, Pitot tubedevice: This device has a set of pressure
connections to obtain velocity/impact and static pressure measurementsto determine flow rate.
d. Ultrasonic flowmeter: A device that, by the use of acous-tic signals, determines the flow directly in
design units,(gpm, L/s, etc.).
Recommended locations for a hydronic flow-measuring and balancing station -
a.Pump discharge piping
b.Return branch piping circuits from a series of several ter-minal units, such as reheat coils, fin-tube
radiation cir-cuits, fan coils, unit ventilators, unit heaters, cabinetheaters, and induction unit coils
c.Air-handling-unit coils
d.Chillers, heat exchangers, cooling towers, boilers
e.Piping between primary, secondary, and tertiary circuits
f.Miscellaneous equipment requiring flow measurementand adjustment
g.Steam mains
h.Steam equipment requiring flow measurement
i.Process piping and equipment requiring flow measurement
Limitations -
A balancing station shall not be installed adja-cent to elbows, valves, piping transitions, pump suction,
pump discharge, or installed in flow that would otherwiseaffect the measurement accuracy.
Sl. No Equipment / System References






Duct System Devices and Balancing ASHRAE 111

6 Chillers
7 Cooling towers

8 Air cooled condensers

9 Pumps

10 Piping
Air Management/Pressure ASHRAE 111
10 (i) Management.

10 (ii) Pressure relief valve
10 (iii) Less flow rate ASHRAE 111

10 (iv) Pump motor overloading

Fan Inlet Conditions.

Fan inlet swirl, nonuni-form flow, a restricted fan inlet, or restrictions caused by a plenum or cabinet will decrease the usable p
afan and must be considered as system effects when determin-ing system characteristics.
a.Inlet ducts: flow into a fan inlet without a smooth entrycauses a loss that should be considered a system effect.This loss can
eliminated by providing the ductinlet with a rounded entry or a converging taper.
b. Inlet elbows: An elbow or a 90° duct turn located at thefan inlet will not allow the air to enter uniformly and willresult in un
distribution at the fan wheel.
c. Obstructed inlets: Inlet vanes, belt guards, inlet dampers,structural members, columns, butterfly valves, blast gates,and pipe
more common inlet obstruc-tions.

Fan Discharge Conditions.

a.Fan outlet ducts: AMCA Standard 2103+D3 specifies an out-let duct that is between 95% and 105% of the fan outletarea. It a
the included angles of the transi-tion elements should not be greater than 15° for converg-ing elements or 7° for diverging ele
outlet duct, including the transition, should extend at least 2-1/2 to 6 equivalent duct diameters,depending on the fan outlet v
b. Fan outlet elbows: Because of the nonuniform velocity profile at the outlet of a fan, an elbow located at or near the fan out
pressure loss greater than its“fitting-loss coefficient table” values. The longest possible length of straight duct should beinstall
outlet and an elbow. A radiuselbow should have a minimum radius-to-duct-diameter ratio of 1.5, and the turn should be in the
the fan rotation. Turning Vanes - Turningvanes and concentric splitter vanes may be used in mitered elbows or radius elbows to reduce
pressure loss and to provide a more uniform velocity distribution down-stream from the bend. Branches - Whenever part of the airflow is diverted to a branch, there will be a reduction in the airflowvelocity in the s
section immediately follow-ing the branch. Changes - Energy losses due to enlarge-ment of the airstream are high relative to losses due to con-traction. Typic
coefficients include static regainor static loss and are in terms of “total pressure.” Extractors - Fitting loss coefficient data fromthe ASHRAE and SMACNA tables show that a 45° entry branch from a recta
more efficient fittingto use than a rectangular branch with an extractor. Obstruction Avoidance - When there is a deep beam or other obstruction surrounded by many types of pipesand cond

All ductwork should be fabricated and installed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 16, “Duct Construction,” of the 2

Duct leakage tests are performed by blocking and sealing all openings of the section to be tested.An external fan and orifice tu
the duct. Theduct is pressurized to the specified pressure, and the leakage isread by the flow indicated across the orifice tube.
The size of the fan is dictated by the amount of staticrequired to pressurize the duct, including fitting losses, theorifice loss, an
leakage rate (maximum fan cfmor L/s) of the branch tested. (See Tables 3 and 4 for Seal Classand Duct Pressure Classifications
recommended that all ductwork be sealed in accor-dance with the minimum seal classifications as listed inSMACNA HVAC Duc
It is necessary that the balancing capability be designed into the system. The following are someconsiderations to use:
a.Ductwork to and from air-conditioning equipment should be designed so that stratified air will be mixed properly before en
or equipment.
b.Splitter-type dampers offer little or no control of air vol-ume in ducts and should be used as air diverters only.
c.Manually operated volume dampers should be installed inlow-pressure systems in each branch supply, return, or exhaust du
main duct.
d.Turning vanes should be used in all rectangular mitered elbows in return systems as well as in supply and exhaustsystems (s
e.Manual volume dampers should be provided in run-outduct takeoff to control the total air to the face dampers of the registe
use of extractors is not rec-ommended because of the turbulence created in the trunk duct, which increases the system total p
whichcould affect the performance of other takeoffs located downstream. The use of register or diffuser dampers toreduce hi
introduce objectionable air noise levels and can be easily tampered with.
f.Single-blade volume dampers used immediately behind diffusers and grilles may prevent uniform airflow acrossthe outlet an
g.To minimize generated duct noises at volume dampers,locate dampers at least two diameters from a fitting and asfar as pos
h.Avoid placing a return-air opening directly in or adjacentto the return-air plenum. The lining of a duct behind theinlet norma
the transmitted noise toacceptable levels.
i.Mixing boxes should have mixing sections to minimizeair stratification.
j.Provide the necessary space around system componentsto allow the technician to take proper readings. Do notinstall supply
return-air intakes adjacent toeach other.
k.Adequately sized access doors should be installed withinnormal working distance of all duct components, such asvolume dam
dampers, pressure-reducing valves,etc., that require adjustments.
l.Sensors located in inlet ducts to mixing boxes and VAV boxes should be in a straight duct. Avoid all turns inflexible duct conn
inlet pressure at aminimum.
m.Avoid locating diffusers on the bottom of main supplyducts or where the total pressure of the ducts exceeds therecommen
pressure drop.

a. A reduction in water flow rate through either the con-denser or evaporator sections can cause short cycling and possible m
b. Load-temperature shock of the chiller can occur due to“line sized” control valves (which should be sized for thecontrolled fl
large flows of liquid atseasonal changeovers.
c. Condenser water flow rates less than design rates or attemperatures above design temperatures can cause highhead and au
shutdown of the compressor.
d. Sequencing of multiple chillers can be affected by themanner, order, and location of the automatic temperature-control val
a. A centrifugal fan running backwards (the fan motor willdraw near full load amps)
b. Sump outlet being clogged with debris
c. Pipeline strainer that is dirty or has a strainer basket witha mesh that is too fined.
d. Low net positive suction head (NPSH) on the condenser water pump, causing cavitation and reduced flowe.
e. Propeller fan rotating in reverse (low airflow)
f. Insufficient makeup water
g. Obstructed air inleth.
h. Diverting valve piped to the pump suction pipe instead of to a location above the sump. This can result in sumpoverflow and
pump on startup
i. Outlet vortexing
j. Short circuiting

a. Low airflow from fans that are rotating in reverse

b.Dirty coils that are causing compressor high head pres-sure and automatic shutdown
c.Dampers or damper controls that are inoperatived.
d. Short circuiting

a. pump rotation is backwards;

b.inlet piping conditions create high pressure losses;
c.net positive suction head available (NPSHA) is less thanthe manufacturer’s stated requirements (cavitation mayoccur);
d.system resistance to flow is different than that used toselect the pump. For pumps with a flat curve, a smallchange in head r
change in flow rate and motor load;
e.the pump impeller size is incorrect (the wrong diameter impeller);
f.the impeller is installed backwards on a double-suction pump;
g.outlet piping conditions create turbulence and high pres-sure losses;
h.the fluid viscosity of the fluid is greatly different fromthat of water;
i.single suction pumps velocity head correction: Singlesuction pumps may have discharge nozzle dimensionsone or more pipe
suction nozzles.Obtaining flow from pump curves requires correction for the change in velocity head. Pump curve correction c
utilizing correction factors as specified inAppendix E;
j.head conversion: Flows obtained from pump curves whenutilizing pressure gauges requires conversion from psig tofeet of he
factors are determined by divi-sion of 144 in.2 by the fluid density in lb/ft3. This yields aconversion factor in feet of head per p
k.the actual motor speed varies from the motor speed used to select the motor.

a. Cavitation in the pump and erosion of the impeller due toa low net positive suction head (NPSHA).
b.Suction of air into the system at the pump shaft packing or at automatic air vents (AAV) in air elimination systems.
c.Air that is entrained in system will not be expelled at theAAV due to low pressure.
d.Reduced heat transfer or no heat transfer at heat exchang-ers due to air being entrained at the high points of the pip-ing sys

a. The plain-steel expansion tank is flooded or waterlogged (insufficient air present in the tank) and the water expandswith the
b.An expansion tank is sized too small.
c.The liquid flow switch on an instantaneous boiler is notset properly to close the main gas valve when a reduced liquid flow o
some fluid to turn tosteam, resulting in increased pressure.
d.Relief valves have incorrect settings
a. Strainers are dirty or the strainer mesh is too fine.
b.The pump has a nearly flat curve and an abnormal restric-tion develops in the flow circuit.
c.Entrained air or poor piping connections at the pump inletor outlet reduce the pump efficiency.
d.Balancing valves are almost closed; allowing dirt toobstruct the remaining opening.
e.A system shutoff valve has been partially closed.

a. The system is not properly balanced and has excess flow.

b.The pump head far exceeds the system resistance.
c.An incorrect motor is installed on the pump.
d.An incorrect pump impeller is used in the pump.
Sl. No Equipment / System References

1 Air Temperature

2 Static Pressure

3 Velocity pressure

4 Total Pressure
5 Differential Pressure

System Effects on ASHRAE 111

Measurements 7.5.9
7 Accuracy

Flow at Air-Diffusion ASHRAE 111

Devices 7.6.5

9 Water Temperature

10 Water pressure

11 Pump test procedure ASHRAE 111


Dry-Bulb Measurements-
a. If temperature stratification exists, a sufficient number of readings shall be obtained to ensure that the average valuerepres
b.When determining wet-bulb depression, the two tempera-ture-measuring devices shall be calibrated against eachother to o
accuracy. When DBT and WBT are being obtained simultaneously, the DB measuring deviceshall be upstream from the WB me
toensure that the DBT reading is not influenced by theeffects that the WB device may have on that portion of theairstream th
DB device.
c.There shall be no “liquid” moisture in the airstream at the point where the DB reading is obtained.
d.The sensor shall be shielded if thermal radiation is a fac-tor that could influence the reading.e.Consideration shall be given to
immersion of the sensing device into the airstream and correction fac-tors applied if necessary.
f.Temperature measurements shall be made over a suffi-cient length of time to ensure that a steady-state value is being recor
are oscillations in the values,that representative average values can be determined.
Wet-Bulb Measurements-
a. Distilled water shall be used to wet the sock of the wet- bulb sensing device.
b.The sock covering the sensor shall be clean and remainwet while the measurement is being made.
c. The time over which the measurement is made shall besufficient for equilibrium to be achieved.
d.The air velocity across the sensor shall be between 700and 2000 fpm (3.5 and 10 m/s) for minimum error. If thetemperature
comfort air-conditioning range,the correction factor, as determined from Figure 11, shall be applied.
e.The sling psychrometer is recommended for obtainingwet-bulb temperatures in ambient air.

a. A Pitot static tube with a manometer or pressure taps witha manometer shall be used to measure static pressure. It isimpor
inner duct surface be smooth and freefrom irregularities and that the velocity of the gas streamdoes not influence the pressur
b. A straight run of duct upstream of the measurement plane usually results in acceptable conditions at the plane. Regions imm
downstream from elbows or regions where there are obstructions and abrupt changesin airway area are generally unsuitable
c. In any fan system installation, if the prospective locationsfor static pressure measurement are not stable, the alterna-tive is
best-qualified locations and evaluatethe effects of the undesirable aspects of the conditions onthe accuracy of the test results
d. It is recommended that the measurements bemade at locations near the fan inlet and near the fan out-let and that the duc
measurement plane and the plane of interest be straight and without change in across-sectional area.
e. In the event the fan is ducted on the outlet side, the static- pressure-measurement plane downstream of the fan shallnot be
equivalent diameter from the fan.
f. The location of the static-pressure-measurement planeupstream of the fan should not be less than 0.5 equiva-lent diameter

The velocity pressure is the pres-sure that is created due to the velocity and density of the fluid:i.e., it is a measure of the kine
exists in a movingairstream. Velocity pressure is measured as described in Sec-tions and
Total pressure is the sum of thestatic pressure and the velocity pressure at a given plane. Total pressure is measured using a P
an impact tube properly connected to a manometer. The criteria for selectingan appropriate measurement plane are the sam
measuring of velocity pressure.
Differential pressure is thedifference in static or total pressure across a device mounted in an airstream. The differential pressu
of thedevice's resistance to airflow. Criteria for obtaining the pres-sure measurements should be in accordance with Sections7

System effects result from conditions that cause pressure measurement errors.The poor selection of a measurement plane an
turbulence are the most common causes of field-measuremen terrors.
Field-test measurement accuracy for air pressures willrange from 5% to 10% where there are ideal conditions.Much greater er
expected when an availablemeasurement plane involves irregular airflow patterns.
1. Entrance condition to the diffuser (whether straightduct, elbow, duct mounting, etc.)
2.Dampers in the inlet neck
3.Position of the diffuser’s outlet vanes
4.Obstructions in the outlet’s flow pattern such as thosecaused by walls, etc.
5.Probe location and orientation not being in accordancewith the manufacturer’s test procedure

a. Wells - Thermometer test wells installed at thedesired locations permit accurate readings without removal or loss of the sys
b. Surface - The surface of the pipe or conduit where the measure-ments are to be made with a thermocouple device must be
scale, rust, insulation, etc. The surface temperature of the conduit is not equal to thefluid temperature

1.U-tube manometer (See Section 4.4.2 for description)

2.Dial-type pressure gauge (See Section 4.4.3 for description)
3.Dial-type differential pressure gauge (SeeSection 4.4.4 for description)
4.Electronic sensor with read-out device (SeeSection 4.4.5 for description)
5.Fluid system digital electronic differential pres-sure meters

1. Verify Impeller Size.

With the pump running, closethe pump discharge valve and read the pressure differentialacross the pump. Convert the psi gau
pressure tofeet of water (kPa); be sure to correct for any difference ingauge heights. This is the shutoff head. Verify with manu
whether this procedure is applicable to this equipment. If the discharge shutoff head method is rejected by the manufac-turer
must be physically measured with amicrometer. Anytime shutoff head is taken, the valves must beclosed slowly to prevent wa
which could causeserious damage to the piping system. The discharge valveshall be closed for only the time required to measu
charge and suction pressures.
2. Check System Resistance
a.With all valves open throughout the system, read the pres-sure differential across pump and mark it on thehead-capacity cu
important to note that any pressure readings takenclose to the pump discharge will be affected by any turbu-lence from the p
calculated from pres-sure differential readings at the pump suction and discharge must be considered as approximate and not
hydronic-balance or flowmeter readings.
3. Actual Conditions.
Next, read the motor nameplatevoltage and amperes. Measure the motor voltage and amper-age. The actual amperage shou
motor name- plate amperes for the pump to be a nonoverloading pump. The pump head-capacity curve should always be und
horsepower curve
Sl. No Equipment / System References

1 System preparation
2 Air-System Testing and Adjusting.
3 Air-System Balancing
4 Verification of Control Operation

5 For Pneumatic Systems

6 For Electronic system

7 For Direct Digital Systems
8 Thermal-Performance Verification ASHRAE 111

9 Outside-Air-Ventilation Verification
11 Test and Balance Procedures

12 Pump Impeller Size
13 Variable Flow Systems

14 Primary-Secondary Flow Systems
15 Verification of Control Operation


ASHRAE 111 -
16 Refrigeration
ASHRAE 111 -
17 Power Measurements
Cooling Towers for Water-Cooled ASHRAE 111 -
Condensers 11.5
ASHRAE 111 -
19 Centrifugal and Rotary Screw Chillers

a.Obtain updated construction drawings, specifications,approved shop drawings and submittals,

addenda, bulle-tins, and change orders related to the air systems.
b.Prepare field-data forms to record the testing and balanc-ing process.
c.Obtain system leakage rate data where duct leak testing isspecified.
d.Verify that fans are installed, rotating correctly with proper rpm, and controlled to supply the
required airflowrate, and that all installation, start-up, lubrication, and safety requirements have
been met.
e.Check that filters are clean and properly mounted and sealed.
f.Verify that fire, smoke, automatic, and volume-controldampers are operable and accessible and are
in an open or normal position.
g.Verify that controls are installed, operable, and calibrated.
h.Verify that boxes are installed, operable, and accessible.
i.Verify that terminal devices are installed and accessible.
j.Verify that access doors are installed and secured.

Perform the following in accordance with designdocuments before beginning air system testing,
adjusting, and balancing:
a.Verify that all dampers are in an open position and all boxes or automatic air-volume control
devices are in anacceptable mode.
b.Verify that all air terminal deflectors are in the positionindicated by the manufacturer when using
Ak factors to determine airflow rate and obtain correction factors for allvelocity-measuring
c.Verify that all automatic controls in the system are set inthe testing mode and that all computer
programs have been properly loaded (where applicable) and their param-eters set.
a. Record the nameplate data on the fan, motor, and air-handling cabinet. Also, record the sizes of
sheaves, belts, and shafts.
b.Test and record the fan rpm to confirm the rated speed.
c.Measure and record the motor-running amperes and voltages.
d.Set the system in the minimum outdoor-air mode and then perform a Pitot-tube velocity traverse
of the mainducts and adjust fan speeds for the total design supplyand return airflow rates. The total
design flow mustinclude the estimated duct leakage previously deter-mined by procedures referred
to in Section 6.3.4 plus5% of system total to allow for balancing effects. Mini-mum outdoor air
quantities must be maintained duringall system modes established by Pitot-tube velocity tra-verse or
other methods.
e.For special systems in Section 9.6 that use VAV or Cv pressure-independent boxes, set the system
static pressureand proceed to test and balance all of the boxes and their downstream terminals (see
Section 9.5), being sure thatthe box inlet pressure is in the correct range. Box adjust-ments must be
done according to the manufacturer’s liter-ature. The following steps (f through i) occur after all
boxes and related terminals are balanced:
1.Measure and record the static pressure resistanceof the duct system and the static pressure
dropacross coils, filters, etc., in the cabinet or out in theduct system.
2.Measure and record the pressures at fan suctionand discharge according to the pressure
ratingrequired, either static or total.
3.After the system is balanced, test the system in themaximum outdoor air mode. If motor overloads
or airflow rates are excessive, adjust the manualdampers to obtain the same conditions as recorded
with minimum outside air.
4.Measure and record outdoor, return, and supplyair temperatures with the system set in the mini-
mum outdoor air mode at design airflow or diver-sity and cooling on heating medium set for
Balancing Submain Air Ducts:
a. Perform a Pitot-tube velocity traverse of each submainduct to determine the flow rate through
each of theseducts.
b.Adjust the main volume-control dampers to provide therequired flow through each submain air
Balancing Branch Air Ducts:
a. Beginning at the submain duct closest to the fan or thesubmain duct with the highest percentage
of required flow, perform a Pitot-tube velocity traverse of each branch on that submain duct run.
b.Proceeding from the branch with the highest percentageof required flow, adjust the branch
volume control damp-ers to provide the required flow through each branch duct.
c.Proceed to the sub-main duct with the next highest per-centage of required flow, and traverse and
adjust each branch by repeating previous steps (a) and (b).
d.Continue this procedure until all branches are balanced.
Balancing Air-Terminal Flow Rates:
a. Starting at the air terminal with the highest percentage of design flow and ending with the air
terminal having thelowest percentage of design flow, adjust the runout or ter-minal volume-control
damper to provide an airflow ratewithin 10% of design.
If balanced properly without excess pressure, thenat least one air terminal on each branch should
have thevolume-control damper fully open. Branch dampers mayrequire readjustment.
b. Continue until all air terminals are balanced to within10% of design airflow.
Final Adjusting and Balancing:
a. Upon completion of the procedures above, obtain finalmeasurements as follows:Measure and
record the final airflow rates ateach air terminal. If it is necessary to adjust theairflow rate through a
terminal by 5% or less in order to achieve the final setting within 10% of design, thenit is not
necessary to adjust nearby terminals that have been final measured. Otherwise, nearby
terminalsshould be remeasured and readjusted accordingly asrequired. b.Secure, mark, seal, and
record the final setting positionsof all volume control dampers installed in submain or branch ducts.
c.Measure and record the final airflow rates at velocity tra-verses in main, sub-main and branch
ducts. Do not adjustrelated volume-control dampers.
d.Measure and record the data required in Section 9.4 (b),(c), (f), and (g).
e.Reset all controls for normal operation.
a. Verify that controllers, including limiting controllers,such as fire stats and freeze stats, are
calibrated and incontrol.
b.Verify that controller setpoints meet the design intent.
c.Confirm that the sequences of operation for any controlmode are in compliance with the approved
d.Check that the control terminations agree with thoseshown on the approved drawings.
e.Verify the settings, operation, and adjustment of all end switches, mercury switches, solenoid
valves, contrac-tors, etc.
f.Check the operation of lockout or interlock systems.
g.Check the operation of all valve and damper actuators.
h.Determine that all controlled devices are properly con-nected.
i.Verify the operation of pilot positioners.
j.Confirm that all controlled devices are operated by theintended controller and note any possible
overlap of con-trolled devices.
k.Prove that all controlled devices are in the position indi-cated by the controller (either open,
closed, or modulating).
l.Determine the integrity of all controlled devices in termsof tightness of the fully closed and fully
open positions.This includes dampers in multizone units, mixing boxes,and VAV terminals.
m.Ensure that all controlled devices have free travel.
n.Verify that all controlled devices are properly installed inthe distribution system in relation to
direction of flow and location.
o.Confirm the proper operation of all controlled devices asrelates to normally open or normally
closed operation.
p.Test the fail-safe modes of all controlled devices.
q.Examine the span of controls from a normally open posi-tion to a normally closed position,
observing any dead bands, excessive pressures, and leading or lagging of simultaneously or
sequentially controlled devices.
r.Check the location and installation of all sensors to verifythat they will sense only the intended
temperatures,humidities, or pressures. Also check for potential erraticoperation due to outside
influences, such as sunlight,drafts, outside walls, etc.

a. Check the main supply air for proper pressures.

b.Observe the operation of the compressor and dryer.
a. Confirm that the control voltage is correct.
b.With the system in its normal operating mode, test eachcontrol loop at both ends of its control
range to verifythat all control loops and their individual field points areresponding correctly.
c.Check the calibration of all field sensors.
d.Verify the calibration and response time of all transducers.
e.Determine whether the system has lightning protectionand battery backup.

a. Confirm that the control voltage is correct.

b.With the system in its normal operating mode, testeach control loop at both ends of its control
range to prove that all control loops and their individual field points are responding correctly.
c.Check the calibration of all field sensors.
d.Verify the calibration and response time of all transducers.
e.Determine whether the system has lightning protectionand battery backup.
f.Confirm the application and accuracy of the softwarealgorithms for each control loop.
g.Test the operation of the phone modem.
After performingall previous procedures prescribed by Sections 9.3 through9.7 and by Sections 10.3
through 10.8 of this standard, thesystem shall be set to simulate design conditions. Measureand
record a complete set of dry-bulb temperatures and wet- bulb temperatures for air entering and
leaving coils and heatexchangers, for air leaving terminal devices (diffusers), and for air in
conditioned rooms or spaces. If conditions cannot besimulated and this affects verification, it shall be
documented in the testing and balancing report.

After comple-tion of the balancing procedures of Sections 9.3 through 9.7,the system outside air rate
should be verified. This is neces-sary to assure that the design minimum outdoor air is beingsupplied
to the occupied spaces. Obtain the minimum outsideair rate and the appropriate balance conditions
from thedesign documents. Determine the total-system actual flowrate by traverse or another
approved method and the return air rate by the same method. If adequate space is not available to
perform a proper traverse, utilize the temperature ratiomethod if the outside temperature is at least
20° above or below the return air temperature. Adjust the outside air rate toequal the required flow
rate by balancing the return air systemto allow sufficient outside air to enter the system. This
settingshould be locked in and marked as the minimum outside air setting. After setting the outside
air rate, recheck the total sys-tem flow to assure that it has not changed.
Sequence of Procedures:
10.3.1. Contract Documents.
Obtain a set of contractdocuments with all applicable addenda, including a set of specifications, a
complete set of approved equipment and control submittals, and manufacturers’ catalogs.
10.3.2 Data Sheets.
Prepare field balancing data sheets or report forms with all pertinent design data shown and num-
bered in sequence, starting at pump to the end of system.Check the sum of branch circuit flows
against the approved pump flow rate. If the variation exceeds 5%, obtain approvalto correct the
10.3.3 Schematics.
Prepare sketches of the system to be balanced and number each sketch to correspond to the
number on the appropriate balancing sheet in report.
Field-check the system to ensure it can be balanced and has the proper balancing stations, including
aflow-measuring device, temperature well, pressure taps, and balancing devices.
The installed system shall be pre- pared for balancing. All of the following must provide satis-factory
results before balancing procedures begin:
a. Open all manual valves for maximum flow.
b.Check the strainers and see that they are clean and havethe correct mesh for the system fluid.
c.Check the pump for proper rotation.
d.Check for proper operating pressure and that the expan-sion tank is not waterlogged.
e.Check the makeup-station pressure gauge for adequate pressure for the highest vent.
f.Set the differential pressure control valve at the specified differential pressure.
g.Set the system controls to put automatic valves wide opento the heat exchangers.
h.Check the motor load of the pump. If the motor is over-loaded, throttle the main flow-balancing
device, so thatthe motor nameplate rating is not exceeded, and deter-mine whether the impeller
requires trimming to ensure anonoverloading pump.
i.Check all air vents for positive pressure. A forceful liquid flow should exit from all vents when they
are manuallyoperated.
j.Check all check valves or combination check valves toensure proper installation relative to the
desired flow and to ensure that combination check valves are not in themanual open position.
10.4.1 Flow at the Pump:
Determine the flow at the pump with the system control valves open. The pump must beoperating
at 60 Hz. Follow pump tests and pump test proce-dures in Sections 8.7 and 8.8, respectively. Prior to
balancingthe system coils, verify flows across all primary heat exchang-ers (i.e., chiller evaporators)
and primary flow stations. Adjustthe pump flow to within ±10% of design flow.
10.4.2 Proportion Flows at the Coils:
Determine theflow at each coil using the catalogued flow pressure-drop rela-tionship and formulas
shown in Section or using flow-meters at each coil. After all the coil flows have
beendetermined, throttle the balancing valve on the coils havinggreater-than-design flow. Measure
the flows on each coil and repeat throttling the balancing valves having greater-than-design flow
until all coils are operating within the specified design limits. This will allow all control valves to
operate intheir specified range.
10.4.3 Final Balance:
With all coils proportioned withinthe specified design limits, total all of the coil design
flows.Determine the final flow at the pump across all primary heatexchangers and at primary
flowmeters. Record all final data. Note whether the discharge valve was throttled or the
variablefrequency drive (VFD) was adjusted below 60 Hz. The designteam should be consulted if the
discharge valve was throttled or the VFD was set below 60 Hz to determine whether theimpeller
should be trimmed or left in the balanced conditionuntil possible future expansions are complete.
With the sys-tem set for design flow, determine the system differential atthe measuring station. This
differential will be recorded and given to the control contractor for the system control point if a VFD
is installed. Set system coil control valves back to their design setpoints. Release any overridden
control devices and allow the system to reach equilibrium before measuring tem- peratures.
10.4.4 Final Temperatures:
With the system at equilib-rium, measure the coil temperatures by setting the coil to itsdesign water
flow and airflow. Measure the entering and leav-ing water temperatures and the entering and
leaving coil tem- peratures (dry-bulb and wet-bulb for cooling coils and dry- bulb only for heating
coils). Record the flows and tempera-tures and calculate and record the water mbh capacity. Set the
balance valve back to its final balance position and release anyoverridden points.Determine the flow
at the pump.a.If flow is not within 5% of design, consult with the clientto arrange a change of
impeller or approval to throttle the pump or to change the design flow rate. b.If the deficiency
cannot be corrected, proceed to balance proportionally.

To determine the pump-head capacity curve for centrifugal pumps, close off the dischargevalve on
the pump and measure the pressure at the pump inletand discharge (see Section 8.8 for details).
With this informa-tion, the pump-head capacity curve can be established startingat no flow.Verify
with the pump manufacturer whether this proce-dure is applicable to its equipment.
Never use this technique on positive displacement pumps or damage may result.
Balance variable flow sys-tems (i.e., the systems with automatic two-position valves) bysetting the
system to maximum flow through heat exchangeterminals and then proceed in accordance with
Section 10.4.If diversity in flow design exists, it will be necessary toclose the automatic two-way
valves on the parts of the systemclosest to the pump and proportion the water to the
remainingterminals at 100% design flow (the terminals closed will be thediversity coils, and their
total flow will be equal to the totaldesign flow of all connected terminals minus the pump
flowdesign). When all the terminals are proportioned, open theautomatic control valves on the
diversity coils. To proportionthe diversity coils, close off the automatic control valves on thenext
group of terminals to equal the design diversity flow and proportion the diversity coils. Verify the
flow at all terminalswith open control valves.
All terminals will be balanced to 100% flow so theautomatic valves (CV) will be at design flow. When
the systemis proportioned, the terminals’ automatic control valves will be put into control mode and
their setpoints verified.
The variable frequency drive (VFD) speed controller will be set with the hydronic system set for
diversity. The pressuredifferential controller will be set to decrease the pump speed as the pipe
pressure increases. This setting must be at 60 Hz atthe VFD if the system has no future capacity. Test
the pumpwith the VFD in bypass mode (the VFD bypassed and the pump motor operating at across
the line full voltage); if the pressure increases, the pump horsepower must not exceed nameplate
and the system pressure must be below the seating pressure of the valves. If the nameplate is
exceeded, or theoperating head is off the published curve, or valve seats are being lifted, the
impeller must be trimmed.

The primary sys-tem has pumps for the primary heat exchangers and the sec-ondary system has
pumps for the building terminal units. Thesecondary pumps will pull water from the primary
supplyheader. The control and balancing of the secondary will fol-low the procedures of Section
10.6. The balancing of the pri-mary pumps will be as described in Section 10.4. The controlwill
depend on the system structure, i.e., having a decoupled loop, and staging the pumps to meet the
secondary require-ments, or the system will state the heat exchangers and the pumps by load.
10.8.1 Sensing Devices:
Pressure, temperature, and flow-sensing devices should be operated through their full scaleranges.
Observe the operation of the controlled device. Thedevice should travel from fully open to fully
closed. Malfunc-tions are to be reported for correction. Retest after the correc-tions have been
10.8.2 Control Valves:
For variable flow systems with thesystem set for minimum flow, verify that the VFD and/or the
pressure differential control reduce(s) the pressure so that allautomatic two-way control valves
closest to the pump will notlift off the seat. This is accomplished by verifying that there iszero flow
through the coil (by verifying that the coil differen-tial pressure is zero).
10.8.3 Pressure Differential Controller Valve:
Before balancing the system, inspect it to ensure that bypass controlvalves are closed. After
balancing, set the system to maximumflow. Obtain the pressure differential required to operate
thesystem at peak flow. Verify the sequence of operation with theinstaller or manufacturer of
controls by closing off one coil ata time and verifying that the system differential is maintained and
the flow (at the most restrictive coil) is maintained.
10.8.4 Other Controls:
Simulate operation in the pres-ence of or with the approval of the control contractor to verifythat
operation is in accordance with design requirements and manufacturers’ recommendations. Report
any malfunctionsfor correction. Use the same procedure as in Section 9.7.


11.3.1 Chillers.
Chilled and condenser water systemsshall have a hydronic balancing station in the main flow cir-cuit
piping to each unit. Temperature wells and pressuregauges shall be installed in the outlet and inlet
piping close tothe machine. Also, temperature wells should be installed close to the cooling tower.
After balancing the chilled-water distribution, proceed as follows.
11.3.2 Chilled-Water Flow
a.Measure and record the flow through the evaporator. b.Measure and record the temperatures into
and out of thechiller evaporator in 0.1°F (0.05°C) increments.c.Measure the pressure into and out of
the evaporator.d.Calculate the capacity as follows:
Water flow × density× specific heat × mass ×T/rate = Capacity
gpm × 500 × T(°F) = Btu/h
(L/s × kg/m3 × kJ/(kg·K) × kg ×T(°C)/3.515 kW) = W
Rate is 12,000 Btu/h (3.517 kW/h) per ton of capacity
11.3.3 Condenser Water Measurements
a.Measure and record the water flow through the condenser. b.Measure and record the
temperatures entering and leavingthe condenser.c.Measure the pressure into and out of the
condenser.d.Calculate the capacity as follows:
Flow × density × specific heat × mass ×T/rate = Capacity
Rate – 15000 Btu/h (4.396 kW/h) = Capacity
(L/s × kg/m3 × kJ/kg·K × kg ×T(°C)/4.396 kW/h) = Capacity
This rate is for electric-compressor type chillers. Theevaporator tons of capacity and the condenser
tons of capacityshould match.
11.3.4 Absorption Chillers
Chilled-water measurementat the evaporator is the same as for the electric-compressor type
above.Condenser water measurements are as follows:a.Measure and record the flow through the
condenser. b.Measure and record the temperatures into and out of thecondenser in 0.1°F (0.05°C)
increments.c.Measure and record the pressure drop across the con-denser.d.Calculate the capacity
as follows:
Flow × density × specific heat × mass ×T/rate = Capacity
Rate = 28000 Btu/h (8.21 kW/h) = the heat rejection rate for this unit.
(L/s × kg/m3 × kJ/kg·K × kg ×T(°C)/8.21 kW/h) = Capacity
Heat rejection rates can vary and always need to beverified with the manufacturer’s design rating
11.3.5Efficiency Calculation
Output capacity (tons)/Input kW = kW/ton (compare to manufacturers’ rating data)
11.4.1 Measurements
a.Measure and record all electrical input to the device or component being tested in the same time
frame that other tests are being performed to assure that all tests are mea-suring the same load.
b.Measure the amperage on each phase and record it. Acontinuous amperage measurement with a
data logger will indicate a change in load or conditions that affect thecapacity being
tested.c.Measure and record the kW input for use in calculations.d.Measure the voltage on each
phase and record it.e.Measure the motor speeds to verify motors are running atdesign speeds,
where possible.f.Power for controls, not used to produce capacity, shall not be measured unless it is
a part of the manufacturer’sdesign data base.
11.4.2 Power Calculations
a.Measured kW × 3412 = Btu/h; Btu/h = Energy “input”
b.Measured evaporator Btu/h/12,000 Btu per ton = ton hour of refrigeration effect = energy output
c.Measured Condenser Btu/h/15000 Btu per ton hour heatrejection (Electric compressors).
d.Measure absorption chiller energy input (total includingelectric motor kW/h) associated with
chiller rating. Con-vert this to Btu/h for input.
e.Measured evaporator Btu/h as in (b) above as output.
f.Final result is kW/ton or Btu/ton, a rating characteristic of the chiller.Output/input = found by the
field test. Compare to the published rating to determine the operating efficiency.
The evaporator capacity in tons should match thecondenser capacity in tons if the chiller package is
functioning properly.
11.5.1 Water-Cooled Condenser
The water flow fromcondenser to cooling tower should be the same. There may be basins and
bypasses in the path that may change this flow pat-tern. Flow measurements shall be made at both
locations. For accurate flow measurement, meters are required to beinstalled in the supply piping to
each cooling tower and toeach condenser. The condenser supply is from the coolingtower. This is a
requirement even if there is more than onechiller or more than one cooling tower per system.
11.5.2 Measurements and Verification
a.Measure the water flow into and out of the condenser asstated above.
b.Measure the water flow in the cooling tower and balanceeach cooling tower for design flow.
c.Measure the water flow of makeup water to each tower basin. Set the overflow to zero during test
so that theevaporation rate can be determined. During the test, iso-late the makeup water.
d.Verify that control valves are operating properly.
e.Verify that the entire condenser water system is operatingcorrectly by allowing the system to go to
full cooling. Notall chillers need to run with adequate flowmeters, but thecontrols must allow full
flow through the condenser and cooling tower. Take final flow measurements and record them for
the final report.
f.Measure and record the temperatures on and off the cool-ing towers.
g.Measure and record the outside wet-bulb temperature.
h.If the cooling tower has nozzles and pressure gaugesinstalled, take pressure measurements on
each line to thenozzles at full flow and record them.
i.Measure the power usage, including nameplate data, asstated in “Power Measurements” above.
Include themotor amperage, voltage, rpm, safety factor, overload protection, manufacturer, and
rating. List the nameplatehp and the actual Bhp.
j.List cooling tower airflow from Bhp and manufacturers’data.
11.5.3 Calculations and Verification
a.Calculate heat rejection of cooling tower as follows:
1. Flow × TD × factor/rate = heat rejection tons
2. Example: 1000 gpm × 20 T(°F) × 500/ 15000 =667 heat rejection tons.
3. 63L/s × 11.1 T(°C) × 4.2 /4.396 kW = 668 heatrejection tons
b.Verify and record data that each cooling tower is operat-ing within manufacturers’ design. Verify
the following:
1.Water flow
2.Air flow
4.Makeup water
5.Overflow water
6.Water treatment (obtain data from water treat-ment contractor)
Chillers cannot normally be tested at full capacity in field installations due to thelack of control of
loads and atmospheric conditions. Testingof chillers in field conditions shall not commence until after
the manufacturer has completed the required field startup pro-cedure. Field testing shall include
measurement, balance, and recording of the following.
11.6.1 Evaporator Section
•Temperatures of water entering evaporator •Temperature of water leaving evaporator section
with0.5°F (0.01°C) of specified value•Chilled water flow rate within 5% of design (preferablyfrom a
calibrated flowmeter), electrical power input tocompressor (volts and amps for all phases along
withcalculated brake horsepower)•Chilled water pressure drop (inlet to outlet)
11.6.2 Condense—Water Cooled
•Temperatures of water entering and leaving condenser section•Condenser water flow rate within
5% of design (prefera- bly from a calibrated flowmeter) Condenser water pres-sure drop (inlet to
11.6.3 Condenser—Air Cooled
•Dry-bulb temperature of air entering condenser •Condenser fan motor power consumption (volts
and amps for all phases of all motors along with a calculated brake horsepower)
11.6.4 Auxiliary Data
Nameplate data, including make,model, size, refrigerant, compressor driver rpm for open-drivetype
compressors, ambient temperature at test site, and motor nameplate data.

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