Homework 6
Homework 6
Homework 6
2. Suppose we have a LSOPDE in n-dimensions, where the variables are xi for i = 1, 2, ···, n.
The LSOPDE is given as:
aij φxi xj + ai φxi + a0 φ = 0 ,
where aij , ai , a0 are all functions of xi . Here we have used the summation convention,
where repetitions of indices means a summation over the indices. Here φxi ≡ ∂x i
φxi xj ≡ ∂x∂i ∂x
where both i and j can have values between 1 and n. As the mixed partial
derivatives are equal, i.e., φxi xj = φxj xi we can always assume aij = aji .
(a) We define a coordinate transformation from variables xi to ξk (both i and k run from
1 to n) as
ξ = Bx ,
where ξ is an n component column matrix with components ξk and x is an n com-
ponent column matrix with components xi . Here B is an n × n real matrix. From
this information calculate φxi and φxi xj in terms of ξk variables (using the chain rule
of partial differentiation).
(b) If we define the (symmetric) n × n matrix A ≡ [aij ] and another (symmetric) n × n
matrix Φ ≡ [φxi xj ], then from the last results show that
Tr[AΦ] = Tr[DU ] ,
we can write the original LSOPDE in terms of the variables ξ˜k as:
where L.O.T. imples lower order terms and where d˜k is either 0 or ±1.
3. Let the LSOPDE in 2-dim, be given as:
∂φ ∂ 2φ
φx ≡ , φxy ≡ ,
∂x ∂x∂y
(a) First we want to see how the determinant of the system changes under a coordinate
transformation. Suppose we change coordinates from (x, y) to (ξ, η) where ξ =
ξ(x, y) and η = η(x, y). We assume that for this transformation, the determinant of
the Jacobian matrix
ξx ξy
J= ,
ηx ηy
given by |J(x, y)| = 6 0 for all pair of points (x, y). Suppose under these transfor-
mations ω(ξ, η) = φ(x(ξ, η), y(ξ, η)) which also implies φ(x, y) = ω(ξ(x, y), η(x, y)).
From this information we know that: ux = ωξ ξx + ωη ηx and uxx = ωξξ ξx2 + 2ωξη ξx ηx +
ωηη ηx2 + ωξ ξyy + ωη ηxx . Calculate uy , uyy and uxy as done above.
(b) From the above information show that the LSOPDE in terms of ξ and η looks like:
(c) If we call the matrices obtained from the second order terms in the two cases as:
a b ˜ A B
∆(x, y) = , ∆(ξ, η) = ,
b c B C
Henceforth just working with A(ξ, η) = 0 is enough. Show that you can write the
equation A(ξ, η) = 0 as:
(ξx − µ1 ξy )(ξx − µ2 ξy ) = 0 ,
where √
−b ∓ b2 − ac
µ1,2 ≡ .
(e) From the last answer, you know that you can obtain two FOLPDEs from the con-
dition A(ξ, η) = 0, and they are:
ξx − µ1 ξy = 0 , ξx − µ2 ξy = 0 .
How will you solve this system using the method of Characteristics? How many
projected characteristic curves will be there? To make the theory consistent you can
associate the first FOPDE (associated with µ1 ) with ξ(x, y) and the second FOPDE
(associated with µ2 ) with η(x, y). Show that both ξ(x, y) and η(x, y) are constants
along the charateristic curves. Here the initial conditions are not given, you can
yourself assume the initial conditions on an initial value curve.
yφxx + φyy = 0 ,
where we are only interested in the region where y < 0. What kind of a LSOPDE is
this? If we write the above equation in ξ(x, y), η(x, y) coordinates, what will be the
characteristic equations? Solving them can you express ξ and η as functions of x, y? If
the answer is yes, find those functional forms.