● Necropsy of Fowl
● Serum Plate Agglutination Test (SPAT)
● Poultry Vaccination Techniques
● Early Chick Mortality (ECM)
Presented by:
Muhammad Sajjad Hussain
Necropsy of fowl means to conduct a postmortem examination to discover the cause of death or the
extent of a disease.
Necropsy Protocol
1. Review the clinical history of disease.
For how many days mortality is there?
Previous medication
When last batch of feed arrived
Preliminary diagnosis
Which antibiotic was given and there was toxicity e.g. gentamycin takes 30 days to
remove from body through kidney.
Water quality
2. Examine the external surfaces: Observe the clinical signs if bird is alive. Pay particular
attenuation to abnormalities of hock joint, eyes, tendons, sheaths, nostrils and mouth. Check
external parasites and skin nodules (check unfeathered skin).
3. If birds are alive, these may be killed by any one of the following methods:
Administration of CO2 gas in appropriate closed container
Disarticulation of atlanto-occipital joint
Intravenous administration of barbiturates
Killing or slaughtering (convenient)
4. Moisten the feathers (in layer birds) with water containing detergents before opening. If
ornithosis or psittacosis is suspected, the bird should be dipped in 5 % lysol solution and
laminar flow is mostly used for necropsy of such birds.
5. With an enterotom or scissor, cut through lateral commissures of mouth and examine the
oral cavity.
6. Continue the cut of commissures and make a longitudinal incision through the skin of the
head to thoracic inlet i.e. just after the neck. Reflect the skin laterally and examine the
paired vagous nerve and thymus if present.
7. Make a longitudinal incision in esophagus and crop and note the contents and odour of the
material in crop and esophagus.
8. Make a longitudinal incision in trachea, larynx and examine.
9. With heavy scissors, remove the upper beak by a transverse cut near the eyes. This will
allow the inspection of nasal cavity and will expose the open anterior end of infra orbital
10. Insert one blade of a sterile scissors into the infraorbital sinus. Make a longitudinal lateral
incision through the wall of each sinus and examine them. Culture the sinuses if indicated.
11. Incise the loose skin between the medial surface of each thigh and abdomen. Reflect the
legs laterally and disarticulate the hip joint.
12. Incise the skin on medial aspect of each leg and reflect it to expose the muscle and stifle
joint. Look the thigh muscle and stifle joint for deep hemorrhages.
13. Connect the lateral skin incisions with a transverse incision across the middle of abdomen.
Reflect the skin of breast anteriorly and skin of abdomen posteriorly.
14. Make a longitudinal incision through pectoral muscles on each side of keel bone over the
costo-chondral junction. The anterior end of each incision should intersect the thoracic inlet
at dorso-ventral mid joint.
15. With the heavy incisor, cut through the coracoids and clavicle bones.
16. Make a transverse incision with sterile scissor through the posterior part of abdomen
muscle; remove the ventral abdominal wall and breast as one piece. Observe the air sacs as
they will torn out. (Two types of air sacs: abdominal and thoracic).
17. Normal air sacs are transparent and shiny like onion peal. If lungs are not seen that may be
suspected as air sacculitis.
18. Now see pericardial sac, 1-2 ml fluid is normally there (7-15 ml in HPS). Without touching
them examine the abdominal viscera and air sacs in situ.
19. By use sterile instrument remove any organ and take swab for culturing. Spleen can be
exposed aseptically by freeing the left margin of gizzard. Any unnecessary delay or
manipulation prior to culture increases the probability of contamination. Take intestinal
culture at the end if needed.
20. Examine the pancreas, cut the esophagus at anterior border of proventriculus
21. Reflect the entire G.I. tract posteriorly by cutting the mesenteric attachments and remove
from rectum. Examine bursa. Remove and examine the spleen, liver and genetalia. Remove
ovary and oviduct and open oviduct longitudinally. Also examine the ureter and kidney in
situ. Remove the kidney if necessary. Remove and examine heart, examine lungs.
22. With an enterotome, give incision through proventriculus, ventriculus, intestine, ceaca,
colon and cloaca.
23. Examine both brachial and sciatic nerves. Land mark for brachial plexis is last rib. To
expose the extra pelvic part of sciatic nerve, reflect the thigh muscle present on medial
surface of thigh. Intrapelvic part can be exposed by removing the over-laying kidneys.
24. Use sharp knife for opening of the tibio-tarsal joints and examine the joint fluid.
25. Us a sharp knife and make a long cut through the anterior or medial aspect of the head of
tibia to expose the growth plate of immature birds.
26. With an osteotome split one femur longitudinally and examine the bone marrow.
27. To examine the brain, disarticulate the head and skin it.
Plate is rotated for 2 minutes and test examined for visible clumping.
Antigen obtained from various sources may vary in their sensitivity and specificity but
variation also exists between batches.
Commercially a vial is available for 100 tests.
Greatest disadvantage of SPAT is low specificity (false +ve results). Such results are commonly
obtained after chicken / turkey has been vaccinated with inactivated vaccine against other
Important Note: Flocks with SPA reaction should be confirmed +ve or –ve with HA or other
serological test(s).
combinations. Moreover, inactivated vaccine entails no risk of spreading of vaccine viruses and
bacteria because killed antigen is used.
Intervet markets killed viral and bacterial vaccines. Viral combination vaccines are common place
these days. In 1985 Intervet was the first company who introduced combined vaccine.
Spray Vaccination
When mass vaccination is done then spray method is proffered. It is done for IB, ND and turkey
rhinotracheitis. Spray vaccination provide strong local immunity as we can best reach birds mucous
membrane in the eyes, nostrils, beak, ear and if necessary deep respiratory tract Penetration of
droplets in respiratory tract depends on the size of droplets.
There are various techniques for controlling foam and density of the spray. In emergency situation
day old chicks can be vaccinated with the coarse spray. The spray nozzle of this sprayer is quite easy
to adjust but infect it cannot really be adjust accurately enough. The spray clean water horizontally
enters the air in front of dark bark ground with back lighting. This provides an accurate view of the
size of droplets. Adjust the spray nozzle accordingly to generate coarse droplet. The droplet size
should not be coarse but neither should be as fine as the very fine mist the aerosol. The drawback of
this kind of spray is that pressure does not remain constant while spraying.
Knapsacks sprayer can be adjusted more accurately. They regain backlight and provide a good view.
With this type of spray pressure can be controlled accurately using pressure gauge or regulator. Low
pressure produces correct course droplet. Under high pressure sprayer produces the mist consisting
of small droplets. Aerosol sprayers such as automis or trouble fogger must be adjusted to produce
finest cloud of mist possible. A mist hanging in the air, you do not see falling droplets. Special water
sensitive indicator paper can be used to adjust the nozzle of nobes sprayer and aerosol sprayer. When
you spray on the yellow strip of paper the water droplets changes color of paper to blue. This sure the
exact size of droplets size being produced. Spraying on dry grey concrete floor gives how much the
same result obviously less accurately.
Semiautomatic Spraying
In general semiautomatic spraying equipment Knapsack spryer are used in older birds with dispenser
coarse spray. There are different types of sprayers as with double spray nozzle can deliver the
vaccine efficiently and accurately in shorter time. These sprays must be dedicated strictly to the
vaccination only in order to prevent cost contamination from infections, toxins or disinfectants. A
new technique is Knapsack with six or more nozzle used in battery houses. Spray vaccine in older
birds are primarily used for vaccinating against respiratory passages such as IB, ND, and TRT. For
spray use 500-1000 ml of very high quality water per 1000 birds at 15-20 oC . Ventilation system
should be turned off during and until shortly after the vaccination. In order to ensure older chicken
has vaccinated birds must be hurdle the chicks together. One way to achieve is by creating the
central part in full light after which light must be dim as much as possible before spray. The house
temperatue should be low as 1-2 oC. in Order to keep the birds calm and we use special blue light.
Spray nozzle held at 40 cm about birds. It is strongly recommended use spray mask. In open sided
houses vaccination should be done in evening or around dawn since when it is cool in building and
birds are at rest. After vaccination is completed the spray equipment must be clean.
Aerosol Vaccination
For M. gallisepticum and revaccination of ND in older birds. It is appropriate technique for live
Nobilis Mycoplasma (Mg 6/85) and for booster live ND as these penetrate deeply in respiratory tract.
For this technique 400 ml water for 1000 birds. 15-30 minutes after vaccine the ventilation and heat
system be opened.
Cox ATM against coccidiosis consists of solution containing chrlophil which gives green color to
vaccine. Spraying or drinking water can be used but spraying is preferred. Oocysts are in vaccine so
nipple system is not suitable as settle around nipples. 1:100 for dilution. Shake solution during water.
5 ml per chick of vaccine solution is poured directly into drinkers.
Causes of ECM
According to one classification, there are four types of causes;
(i) Genetic causes
(ii) Managemental causes
(iii) Nutritional causes
(iv) Diseases
According to another classification, causes are classified as:
(a) Infectious (incl. genetic, managemental and nutritional causes)
(b) Non infectious (Incl. diseases)
Brooding the chick on floor needs 3 inch layer of clean good quality dry litter material. Saw dust
and other fine material should be avoided to prevent the excessive litter consumption because
they may lead to chocking problem. Secondly saw dust is very important source of fungus
contamination (Aspergllosis). Brooding pneumonia is caused by Aspergillus fumigatus.
Brooding on slippery paper or surfaces is not advised due to development of skin abnormalities
and lameness in young chicks.
A chick guard of 18"-24" height and 6-10 feet long may use.
a) Dehydration:
Body of the young chick has 70% water. Continuous high temperature causes loss of
water. When this water loss reaches up to 10%, chicks start to die due to dehydration.
b) Pasting:
This is another problem in which fecal material block the vent that ultimately results to
chick death.
a) Chilling & Brooding pneumonia:
Temperature below normal leads to brooding pneumonia or chilling; in which lungs turn
b) Smothering:
Under low temperature, chicks huddle together to maintain the body temperature. Thus,
smothering leads to suffocation (asphyxia) that ultimately leads to death of the chicks.
Chilled chicks have smaller bursa as compared to the normal chicks. Proper brooding helps in
absorption of yolk and prevents yolk sac infection (omphalitis).
Prevention of temperature related problems: Try to maintain normal temperature throughout
brooding in entire brooding house. There is no substitute for solution of this problem other than
maintaining temperature.
o Salmonellosis
o Brooding pneumonia or Aspergellosis ( caused by Aspergillus fumigatus)
o Newcastle Disease (ND)
o Infectious Bronchitis (IB)
o Avian Encephalomyelitis (AE)
o Chicken Infectious Anemia (CIA)
Infectious causes play crucial role in the life of chick imposing a major limiting factor on
intensive production program. Economic loss reflected in heavy mortality or low egg
ECM may be caused by bacterial infection showing lesions in yolk sac and some viral
and fungal diseases.
Many infections transmit from parents vertically; some are hatchery borne i.e.
salmonellosis. Even egg contamination with microorganisms play significant role in
poultry production. 30-35% of chick mortality is due Enterobacter related problems.
Salmonella considered as a frequent cause next to collibacillosis and outbreak occurs
during first 3-4 days of life of chicks. E.coli with other organisms contribute yolk sac
infection (omphalitis) that leads to 5-10% mortality.
Syn: Yolk sac infection
It is an important cause of ECM. In this, bacteria affects chick during and after hatching.
Causative Agents: E.coli, Salmonella, Staph aureus and Pseudomonas spp.
Clinical Findings:
Naval (yolk sac) infection characterized by:
(a) Inflammed skin of naval area (b) Soft flabby and distended abdomen
(c) Vent pasting
PM lesions: Yolk became brownish or black in color and gives foul odour.
For best response against E.coli:
Enrofloxacin (Fluroquinolones) much safer used in poultry.
Brand Names: Avitryl, Enrosol-S. Kenflox, Enrotil, Enroflex, Encure and Floxivet
10% = 1 ml/2 liter
20% = 1 ml/4 liter
In more sever problem, it is indicated to use in combination with colistin:
Colistin preparations: Colimex-T, Colisol (used 1g/10 liter of water)
Enrofloxacin + Colistin preparation: Enrocol
Against omphalitis/ E.coli infection, best results can be obtained by using Norfloxacin and
Ciprofloxacin (Ciprosel @ 1ml/20 liter)
For best response against Salmonella spp.
Nitrufuran in combination with Chloramphenicol
Fluorofenicol (Neflox, Neflor) and Frultadone are also safely used in poultry.
Note: The compiler assume no liability, whatsoever, for any damage resulting from the use of this
handouts or its contents.
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Cell: +92 322 6272278