Clap1605 02
Clap1605 02
Clap1605 02
in developing
country settings:
a systematic review
Also published in [Español 2016]
ISBN: 978-92-75-31917-8
Pan American Health Organization Latin American Center for Perinatology, Women and Reproductive Health
Neonatal transport in developing country settings: a systematic review. Montevideo : CLAP, 2016.
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Abstract. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Discussion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
General references. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Suzanne Serruya
Pablo Durán
Susan Niermeyer
Gretchen Domek
Background: Reduction in neonatal mortality is central to achieving global child survival targets
in the coming decades. Efforts to prevent the primary causes of neonatal death (prematurity,
asphyxia, severe infections, congenital anomalies) must be complemented by development of
systems to care for sick newborns, including safe neonatal transport.
Objectives: This systematic review identifies and analyzes the evidence on neonatal transport
in developing countries in order to highlight important conclusions and gaps in knowledge in
preparation for development of clinical guidelines and practical tools to support safe neonatal
Methods: The electronic search strategy included terms related to transport, access, and referral
of neonates. Data sources included MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL, Web of Science, the Cochrane
Library, LILACS, SciELO, and African Index Medicus. Eligible studies utilized a randomized, quasi-
randomized or non-randomized prospective design with a comparison group. Cross-sectional,
caseseries, case-control, or cohort studies that identified modifiable outcomes were included
when there were defined comparison groups or comparison with established standards or
guidelines. The review focused on transport of infants with an age 28 days or less from the
community or a primary care facility to a center with specialty neonatal care, as well as inter-
facility patient transfers between two neonatal specialty care centers and intra-facility patient
transfers to/from a neonatal specialty care unit. Articles were evaluated for strength of study
design, selection bias, control for confounders, and data collection methods.
Results: Forty studies met inclusion criteria. There were no randomized controlled trials and five
quasi-experimental pre/post studies; most studies were of moderate to weak quality. Fourteen
studies examined physiologic stability during transport and identified potentially modifiable risk
factors associated with clinical deterioration and mortality or differential outcomes between
inborn and outborn (transported) neonates. Six studies compared management of neonatal
transports with norms for performance or formal regional guidelines. Six studies examined the
effect of team training/composition on knowledge and skills, physiologic indicators of stability,
and/or mortality. Three studies reported trails of equipment (transport carriers or incubator).
Eleven studies considered the role of neonatal transport in providing access to the health system.
Conclusions and implications: Evidence supported the need for establishment of neonatal
transport services to provide equitable and widespread access to high-quality care for infants
in the first month of life. Improvement in the outcome of transported neonates can be readily
achieved by focusing on issues of basic physiological stability. Specific training in patient
assessment and management can improve outcome, but must be accompanied by necessary
systems changes, including proper equipment, norms, and oversight.
Mortality occurring in the neonatal period, defined as the first 28 days of life, accounts for
over 40% of deaths in children under the age of 5 years globally, according to The Millennium
Development Goals Report 2013 (United Nations 2013). Leading causes of mortality in neonates
include prematurity, asphyxia, severe infections, and congenital anomalies. The majority of
births in developing countries take place in rural settings, often in the home, and with providers
(such as traditional birth attendants) with limited formal training and minimal equipment.
Additionally, specialty neonatal care facilities are often few in number, transport modes are
limited, and transportation routes are difficult and time-consuming. Many neonatal deaths
could be avoided and morbidity reduced with the ability to safely transfer a sick newborn to a
health facility with a higher level of care. In order to improve the procedures related to neonatal
transport and to improve the quality of care under these critical conditions, it is necessary to
provide technical guidelines supported by scientific evidence to the organizations, facilities, and
health care professionals in charge of setting health system priorities and policies surrounding
the transport of neonates.
The specific aim of this review is to analyze the evidence and experience on neonatal transport in
developing countries in order to establish a practical guideline that would help those responsible
for coordinating the transport of neonates to perform it in the most effective manner and with
the highest standards of quality.
Neonatal transport in developing country settings: a systematic review
3. To consolidate the results, identifying the main observations and also those critical
aspects for which there is no clear evidence. The document will be the background for
developing clinical guidelines to be used in health facilities.
4. To propose further steps in the design and validation of a clinical guideline and the
practical tools to support safe neonatal transport.
Conceptual framework
The “three delays” model (Thaddeus and Maine, 1994) describes a conceptual framework for the
factors and subsequent phases of delay that influence the timely accessibility of specialty care in
obstetric emergencies and ultimately contribute to maternal deaths. The model has been adapted
10 for analysis of obstetric referral interventions (Hussein 2012), perinatal deaths (Mbaruku 2009),
and neonatal deaths (Waiswa 2010). We have adapted this conceptual framework for the phases
of delay that affect transport and the timely arrival to specialty neonatal care. Such critical delays
are a major contributing factor to neonatal mortality. These delays include: (I) delays in deciding
to seek care for reasons that include socioeconomic and cultural factors, (II) delays in reaching
an appropriate medical facility, and (III) delays in receiving adequate care once at an appropriate
medical facility due to poorly staffed, equipped, and managed facilities. For the purpose of this
review, the interventions that we examine will address primarily Phase II delays that pertain to
the accessibility of appropriate health services. The issues confronted in Phase II include the
ability to reach an appropriate facility, the time spent to reach an appropriate facility, and the
morbidity/mortality associated with reaching the facility. Specific factors considered include the
distribution and location of appropriate medical facilities and health care providers, established
referral patterns, travel distances and times, availability of transportation and transportation
routes, costs of travel, and availability/quality of medical treatment during transport. These
delays are most common and often severe in developing countries, especially in rural settings,
where specialty medical facilities, trained health care providers, and modes of transportation
are limited. Phase III relates to delay or compromised quality of care of transported neonates at
the medical facility. The issues considered in Phase III that are relevant to this review include
morbidity associated with poor communication before/upon arrival at the medical facility and
morbidity associated with intra-facility transport of neonates for diagnostic/ surgical procedures.
/ Introduction
Distance of transport
Figure 1. Conceptual model of neonatal transport. Neonatal transport most often occurs from a first-
level health facility to a referral center; however, transport may occur from the community to a
health facility or within a facility (intra-facility transport).
A review protocol (available upon request from the authors) was created prospectively to conform
with the objectives of the systematic review. Methods followed the PRISMA 2009 Checklist
(Appendix 1). The systematic review was not publicly registered. Because of the absence of
randomized controlled trials and controlled clinical trials, meta-analysis was not undertaken.
Eligibility criteria
This review includes neonates, defined as newborn infants with a chronological age of 28 days or
less irrespective of the postmenstrual age at birth, who are referred from the community or from
a primary care facility to a center where specialty neonatal care is available. It will also include
inter-facility patient transfers between two neonatal specialty care centers (e.g., for specialized
services such as pediatric surgery or ventilation) and intra-facility patient transfers to/from a
neonatal specialty care unit (e.g., from a neonatal intensive care unit to the operating room or
an imaging facility). Exclusion criteria include pregnant and post-partum women referred for an
obstetric complication or emergency and infants or children transferred or referred beyond the
neonatal period.
Interventions and observations
Neonatal transport in developing country settings: a systematic review
All interventions to improve the emergency referral of infants during the neonatal period are
relevant to this review. These may include, but are not limited to, interventions that provide
training, communication, or incentives pertaining to neonatal referral or transport as well as
interventions that improve already existing methods of transport, provide new methods or
equipment for transport, improve physiologic stability and care during transport, enhance
monitoring and assessment during transport, create new referral facilities, or improve linkages
between referral levels. Cross-sectional, case series, case-control, or cohort studies that
identified modifiable outcomes were included when there were defined comparison groups or
comparison with established standards or guidelines for performance.
Outcome measures
Primary outcome measures for the review were neonatal morbidity and mortality. Morbidity
includes physiologic factors such as thermal stability (hypothermia), glucose control
(hypoglycemia), and oxygen saturation (hypoxia). Secondary outcome measures include factors
such as travel time, referral rates, type of transportation, type/timing of communication,
utilization of services, costs (direct and indirect), provider knowledge and skills, and the family’s
satisfaction with a service or intervention.
Studies included come from developing countries, limited to countries classified by the World
Bank as low-income, lower-middle-income, and upper-middle-income economies (http://
14 Studies from
developed countries are not included.
Study designs
Study designs eligible for inclusion in this review are randomized or quasi-randomized studies with
a control or comparison group, non-randomized prospective studies with a comparison group,
controlled before-after studies, and interrupted time series analyses of neonatal emergency
referral systems. Cross-sectional, case series, case-control, or cohort studies that identified
modifiable outcomes were included when there were defined comparison groups or comparison
with established standards or guidelines for performance. Studies without a comparison group
were excluded, as were editorials, comments, letters, historical articles, and case reports.
/ Methods
Identification of relevant studies
Search strategy
The electronic search strategy was based on terms related to transport, access, and referral of
neonates. The search strategy (Appendix 2) was run in MEDLINE on the Ovid platform. The search
strategy was then adapted for Embase, CINAHL, Web of Science, and the Cochrane Library as
well as LILACS, SciELO, and African Index Medicus. Reports and studies from the gray literature
were also considered for relevance.
Searches were conducted between March and June 2013. Adaptation for other databases was
accomplished by selecting appropriate subject heading or keywords from the respective thesauri;
no date or language restrictions were employed. Electronic search citations were downloaded
using EndNote X7 (Thompson Reuters). Reference lists from retrieved papers were screened.
Non-indexed and gray literature was included.
Screening studies
Inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied successively to titles, abstracts, and full articles.
Abstracts were obtained and reviewed for those titles that appeared to meet the specified
inclusion criteria, and full articles were obtained and reviewed for those abstracts that appeared
to meet the criteria or when information was insufficient to exclude articles based on title and
abstract alone. The inclusion and exclusion criteria were then reapplied to the full reports by
two separate reviewers in order to determine the articles included in the final review.
Quality assessment was guided by the Effective Public Health Practice Project quality assessment
tool for quantitative studies (EPHPP 2009). For non-randomized studies, the components rated
were limited to estimates of selection bias, description of study design, confounders, data
collection methods, and analyses. Two reviewers independently assigned quality scores and
compared assessments. Uncertainties were resolved by arbitration with an independent third
Synthesis of the studies began with categorization of the scope and intent of the studies and their
outcomes. For each study a tabular summary entry was created that included author, year, and
country; study design; setting (levels of care); participants; dates of study; comparison groups;
outcomes; and conclusions/recommendations. In the absence of randomized controlled trials
or a sufficient number of quasi-experimental studies, further analysis of size/direction of effect
was not possible. Studies within each category were summarized in narrative fashion for their
common themes and notable differences. The implications for development of guidelines for
neonatal transport in developing countries were identified and discussed, gaps in the available
evidence were highlighted, and directions for future research suggested.
Results and
systematic review
Study selection
Search results and study selection are summarized in Figure 2. Forty studies met inclusion
criteria of having a defined comparison and measured outcomes. Complete citations are listed in
the “References Included in the systematic review” section at the end of this chapter, begining
on page 36 (reference citations for the other chapters of this book are given in the “General
references” chapter, which begins on page 55).
Figure 2.
Neonatal transport in developing country settings: a systematic review
Records n=14,825
Full-text articles
assessed n=132 Full-text articles excluded:
Review n=33
No comparison n=6
Poster/case study/letter n=5
No relevant outcomes n=7
Articles included n=40 High-income n=41
Table 1, which is given on page 22, summarizes the quality assessment of the included studies.
There were no randomized controlled trials of interventions related to neonatal transport. Five
studies employed a quasi-experimental pre/post design around educational interventions or
significant changes in health system structure. The majority of studies reported on prospective
or retrospective cohorts, analysis of cross-sectional samples, or case series. Assessment of
whether the participants in studies were representative of the target population and the extent
to which missing data introduced selection bias was difficult because of lack of details on the
conduct of studies. Data collection tools were described primarily in studies of physiological
scoring systems for risk classification and comparisons with established guidelines for transport.
Analyses were often limited to descriptive statistics on comparison groups and Chi-square or
t tests to define differences in outcome. Logistic regression analysis was employed in a small
number of studies.
Characteristics of included studies are summarized in Table 2, which begins on page 23. According
to the conceptual framework for the systematic review, the studies focused on Phase II and
Phase III delays, that is, respectively, reaching an appropriate medical facility and obtaining
adequate and appropriate medical treatment. Studies relating to the processes, conditions of
/ Results and systematic review references
clinical care, equipment, systems, and training of personnel directly involved in the activity
of neonatal transport are presented in sections entitled: 1) “Transport Results physiology and
care,” 2) “Adherence to norms and guidelines,” 3) “Team training and composition,” and 4)
“Equipment.” A fifth section, entitled “Access/Health system,” contains studies relating to the
broader organization of neonatal transport within the health care system and issues of access to
health care as impeded/facilitated by neonatal transport or modifications of the health structure.
Active interventions focused on transport team training, application (during transport) of scoring
tools for assessment of physiologic stability and prediction of mortality, and changes in health
coverage or health services available at the population level.
Synthesis of results
Six studies compared management of neonatal transports with norms for performance or
formal regional guidelines. Four cohort studies (Albuqerque 2012, Hadley 2001, Mutlu 2011,
Nakhshab 2010) described poor conformity with regional norms. The key deficiencies identified
were: communication before and during transport, adequacy of the team and transport unit,
stabilization before transport, continuation of basic supportive care, equipment maintenance
Neonatal transport in developing country settings: a systematic review
Six studies examined the effect of team training on knowledge/skills and physiologic indicators
of stability and the effect of team training/composition on physiologic indicators and mortality
of transported neonates. In a series of three studies (Kumar PP 2008, 2010, 2011), care by a
specially trained neonatal team was associated with improved physiologic stability, whether
transport covered long or short distances. The third study in the series (Kumar PP 2011)
again showed decreased complications of glucose and thermal control, hypoxia, and apnea
among infants transported by a specialized team and reported that survival was significantly
higher (96 vs. 89%) among those infants accompanied by the specialized team. Two before-
and-after studies delivered the S.T.A.B.L.E. program to medical and paramedical transport
personnel (Martinez Veronica 2011, Spector 2009), with improvement in physiological
variables and equipment use as well as decreased mortality post-intervention in one study,
but more limited improvement in thermal control only, without change in mortality in the
other setting. A third before-and-after study (Chandy 2007) trained community and facility
providers in the Delivery Life Support program as an extension of a trauma life support/
transport initiative and demonstrated improvement in knowledge, skills, confidence, and
teamwork, but did not report infant outcomes.
4) Equipment
5) Access/Health system
Eleven studies examined the role of neonatal transport in providing access to the health
system. Five studies compared inborn and outborn (transported) neonates with respect to
intermediate physiological outcomes and/or mortality (Araújo 2011, Dicko 2010, Enweronu-
Laryea 2008, Kumar M 2002, Ndiaye 2003) and showed that outborn status was consistently
associated with higher mortality. Improvements in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)
/ Results and systematic review references
facilities in one of these study areas resulted in increased survival of very low birth weight
(VLBW) outborns, but a large increase in referrals of infants >2500 grams (Enweronu-
Laryea 2008). Two studies utilized the Three Delay Model to analyze verbal and social
autopsies(Upadhyay 2013, Waiswa 2010) and reported that half or more of overall mortality
was due to Phase II and III delays. One before-and-after study (Lu 1999) documented the
impact of implementation of national health insurance on transported neonates, including
decreased mortality and discharge against medical advice. Another single study (Wang
1997) examined the effect of referral from obstetric clinics to either a district hospital or
tertiary center and found higher mortality for all infants referred to the level II center and
specifically for ventilated infants. Large-scale implementation of transport with a structured,
specialized neonatal transport service resulted in reduction in early neonatal mortality rates
in areas served by the dedicated team (Woodward 1997). Another before-and-after study of
the implementation of a package of improvements in neonatal transport (Uslu 2011) showed
decreased physiologic complications, improved Transport Risk Index of Physiologic Stability
(TRIPS) scores, and greater compliance with guidelines in the post-intervention period.
Table 1. Quality assessment summary ( EPHPP 2009) 1
Neonatal transport in developing country settings: a systematic review
Dates of
Author/Country Study Design Levels of Care Participants Comparison Results Recommendations
Dates of
Author/Country Study Design Levels of Care Participants Comparison Results Recommendations
Dates of
Author/Country Study Design Levels of Care Participants Comparison Results Recommendations
Dates of
Author/Country Study Design Levels of Care Participants Comparison Results Recommendations
Dates of
Author/Country Study Design Levels of Care Participants Comparison Results Recommendations
Incidence of hypo/
hyperglycemia, hypo/
hyperthermia, hypoxia, and
288 referred Neonates apnea were significantly higher
Transport in neonates transported on
neonates transported by
Retrospective from various their own compared to those Specialized neonatal transport
(160 with a a specialized
cohort of maternity transported by a specialized services could improve survival
Kumar PP 2008 specialized 7/2004- neonatal
referred and pediatric neonatal transport service. rates and decrease biochemical
/ India neonatal 3/2007 transport service
neonates over centers to a abnormalities of transported
transport and neonates Significantly more neonates
33 months tertiary pediatric neonates.
service, 128 on transported on who were transported by a
their own) their own specialized transport service
survived (96.2%) compared to
those transported on their own
More patients had normal body
Program criteria temperature (post 87% v. pre
pre- and post- 59%), normal range of blood
Transport from glucose values (93% v. 45%), The S.T.A.B.L.E. program training
Before and S.T.A.B.L.E. (Sugar
the interior incubator use (97% v. 52%), course for medical and paramedical
after (quasi- 3,277 neonates and Safe Care,
Martínez of the state and pulse oximetry monitoring transport personnel was highly
experimental) (384 pre- Temperature,
Verónica 2011 of Jalisco and 2005-2009 (89% v. 61%) in the post v. pre- effective, easy to implement,
study of referred intervention, Airway, Blood, Lab
/ Mexico metropolitan intervention group. and resulted in a significant
neonates over 4 2,893 post) work, Emotional
Guadalajara to a improvement in neonatal morbidity
years support) training Decreased mortality (post 14%
NICU rates.
for medical and v. pre 22%) occurred during
paramedical staff hospitalization in the post-
intervention group.
Program criteria
pre and post- Significantly more neonates in
Before and S.T.A.B.L.E. (Sugar the post-intervention group had
after (quasi- 282 referred and Safe Care, temperatures within a normal Implementation of a neonatal
Transport from
experimental) neonates Temperature, range (post 56% v. pre 36%). provider educational program
Spector 2009 10 outlying 11/2006-
study of referred (136 pre- Airway, Blood, Lab (S.T.A.B.L.E.) can be used to improve
/ Panama birthing centers 1/2008 No statistical difference was
neonates over intervention, work, Emotional thermal control of transported
to a NICU observed in serum glucose
two separate 146 post) support) training neonates.
7-month periods course for medical levels, length of stay, or
and paramedical mortality.
Temperatures of
Prospective neonates pre- and It is possible to maintain normal
cohort of high- post-transfer using No neonate became temperatures of neonates during
Gosavi 1998 transport 32 high-risk 10/1994-
risk referred a commercially hypothermic or required transportation by using a styropor
/ India between 3 neonates 2/1995
neonates over 5 available styropor resuscitation during transport. box and bubbling oxygen into the
urban hospitals
months box as an box to maintain oxygenation.
No significant temperature
Intra-facility differences were reported
transport Temperature of pre- and post-transport with A cheap and easily fabricated
between a neonates pre- and neonatal carrier. cardboard neonatal carrier (40 x
Joshi 2010 cohort of ~60 transferred
neonatal care NR post-transfer using 40 cm2) can be used to transport
/ India transferred neonates Temperature difference
ward and a neonatal carrier neonates short distances (~100m)
neonates was significantly less with a
operating room and warm wraps with effective thermal control.
(~100 m) neonatal carrier (< 0.5°C) than
with warm wraps (1.0°C).
45 non-
(<37 week
Vital signs of A non-electric transport incubator
GA) neonates No significant difference
Prospective neonates using was shown to be safe and effective
weighing was observed in vital sign
cohort of Neonates a prototype non- in providing thermal regulation for
between 1.5- measurements taken for 2
Khodadadeh non-distressed admitted to a 12/1999- electric transport non-distressed premature babies
2.5kg (25 tested hours (oxygen saturation, heart
2001 / Iran premature neonatal care 5/2000 incubator and over a 2-hour period and could
in a prototype rate, respiratory rate, rectal
neonates over 6 unit neonates using be used to transport neonates to
non-electric temperature) between the two
months a commercial higher levels of care in developing
incubator, 20 groups.
electric incubator. countries.
tested in a
Dates of
Author/Country Study Design Levels of Care Participants Comparison Results Recommendations
Access/Health system
Transport of
Sistema Único
de Saúde Transported
Prospective patients from neonates and Transport group had a greater
cohort of hospitals of the 184 neonates neonates born in incidence of hyperglycemia Perinatal care and transport
Araújo 2011 8/2008-
referred preterm northeast region (61 outborns, the maternity ward (RR=3.2), hypoglycemia should be better organized in the
/ Brazil 7/2010
neonates over 2 of Rio Grande 123 inborns) of the reference (RR=2.4), hyperthermia (RR=2.5), northeastern region of Brazil.
years do Sul and hospital (paired and hypoxemia (RR=2.2).
inborns from the according to GA)
maternity ward
to a NICU
from the
community to 1072 neonatal Factors related to neonatal
study of Reduction of neonatal morbidity and
Dicko 2010 a neonatology admissions (760 10/2006- Inborns and mortality included maternal
neonatal mortality requires an improvement
/ Mali unit at a outborns, 312 1/2007 outborns illiteracy, small weight at birth,
admissions over in the reference system.
teaching inborns) and outborn birth.
3 months
hospital (and
Dates of
Author/Country Study Design Levels of Care Participants Comparison Results Recommendations
CFT = capillary filling time; CLD = chronic lung disease; GA = gestational age; HIE = hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy; IV = intravenous; NICU = neonatal intensive care unit; NR = not reported; RR = risk
ratio; SNAP-II = Score for Neonatal Acute Physiology II; SNAPPE-II = Score for Neonatal Acute Physiology Perinatal Extension-II; TBA = traditional birth attendant; TOPS = Temperature, Oxygenation,
Perfusion, and blood Sugar; TRIPS = Transport Risk Index of Physiologic Stability; TTN = transient tachypnea of the newborn; VLBW = very low birth weight.
Albuquerque AMA, Leite ÁJM, de Almeida NMGS, da Silva CF. Avaliação da conformidade do transporte
neonatal para hospital de referência do Ceará / An evaluation of the extent to which the transportation of
newborns to a referral hospital conforms to existing norms in the Brazilian State of Ceará. Rev. Bras. Saúde
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Araújo BF, Zatti H, Oliveira Filho PF, et al. Effect of place of birth and transport on morbidity and mortality
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Carsi-Bocanegra EE, Benavides-Rodríguez MR. Signos vitales y saturación de oxígeno durante el transporte
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Butt TK, Ali L, Anwar Z, Farooqui R, Khan MAU. Audit of referral documents accompanying admissions to
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Chandy H, Steinholt M, Husum H. Delivery life support: a preliminary report on the chain of survival for
complicated deliveries in rural Cambodia. Nurs Health Sci. 2007;9(4):263-269.
Chung MY, Fang PC, Chung CH, Chen CC, Hwang KP, Chen FS. Comparison of neonatal outcome for inborn
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Kumar M, Paul VK, Kapoor SK, Anand K, Deorari AK. Neonatal outcomes at a subdistrict hospital in North
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Lu CC, Lin CH, Chen TJ, et al. Comparison of the outcome of transported neonates between two study
periods in Tainan. Clin Neonatol. 1999;6(2):5-8. [Access July 8, 2015]. Available at:
Lucas da Silva PS, de Aguiar VE, Reis ME. Assessing outcome in interhospita infant transport: The Transport
Risk Index of Physiologic Stability Score at Admission. Am J Perinatol. 2012;29(7):509-514.
Martínez Verónica R, López Gallo L, Rodríguez Medina D, et al. Transporte neonatal seguro en la población
abierta del estado de Jalisco: impacto del programa S.T.A.B.L.E. en la morbilidad y mortalidad/ Safe
neonatal transport in Jalisco state: impact of S.T.A.B.L.E. program on morbidity and mortality. Bol. Méd.
Hosp. Infant. Méx. 2011;68(1):34-39. [Access July 8, 2015]. Available in Spanish at:
in English at:
Mathur NB, Arora D. Role of TOPS (a simplified assessment of neonatal acute physiology) in predicting
mortality in transported neonates. Acta Paediatr. 2007;96(2):172-175.
Mathur NB, Krishnamurthy S, Mishra TK. Evaluation of WHO classification of hypothermia in sick
extramural neonates as predictor of fatality. J Trop Pediatr. 2005;51(6):341-345. 37
Mutlu M, Aslan Y. Determination of transport condition of sick neonates who were referred to a university
hospital in Black Sea region. Turk Pediatri Ars.2011;46(1):42-48.
Nakhshab M, Vosughi E. The condition of neonatal transport to NICU in Mazandaran. J Mazand Univ Med Sci.
2010; 20(78):49-57. [Access July 8, 2015]. Available at:
Ndiaye O, Diallo D, Diouf S, et al. Neonatal mortality associated with transfer of low birth weight
newborns. Assessment of a neonatal care unit of Dakar. Dakar Med. 2003;48(1):7-11.
Roux JC, Nolte AGW, Muller ME. Study of the quality of interhospital transport of sick neonates by selected
ambulances in the Witwatersrand area. Curationis. 1989;12(3-4):34-37. [Access July 8, 2015]. Available at:
Sehgal A, Roy MS, Dubey NK, Jyothi MC. Factors contributing to outcome in newborns delivered out of
hospital and referred to a teaching institution. Indian Pediatr. 2001;38(11):1289-1294. [Access July 8, 2015].
Available at:
Silveira SM, de Mello MJG, Vidal SD, de Frias PG, Cattaneo A. Hypothermia on admission: A risk factor
for death in newborns referred to the Pernambuco Institute of Mother and Child Health. J Trop Pediatr.
Singh H, Singh D, Jain BK. Transport of referred sick neonates: how far from ideal? Indian Pediatr.
1996;33(10):851-853. [Access July 8, 2015]. Available at:
Spector JM, Villanueva HS, Brito ME, Sosa PG. Improving outcomes of transported newborns in Panama:
impact of a nationwide neonatal provider education program. J Perinatol. 2009;29(7):512-516. [Access July
8, 2015]. Available at:
Upadhyay RP, Rai SK, Krishnan A. Using Three Delays Model to Understand the Social Factors Responsible
Neonatal transport in developing country settings: a systematic review
Uslu S, Aldudak B, Ozdemir H. The effects of improvement efforts on regional neonatal transport
conditions in Diyarbakir. Turk Pediatri Ars. 2011;46(3):196-201.[Access July 8, 2015]. Available at: http://
Vieira ALP, Santos AMN, Okuyama MK, Miyoshi MH, Almeida MFB, Guinsburg R. Fatores associados à
hipotermia durante o transporte intra-hospitalar em pacientes internados em unidade de terapia intensiva
neonatal / Factors associated with hypothermia during intrahospital transport in patients assisted in
a neonatal intensive care unit. Rev. Paul. Pediatr. 2011a; 29(1):13-20. [Access July 8, 2015]. Available at
Portuguese at: in English at:
Vieira ALP, Santos AMN, Okuyama MK, Miyoshi MH, Almeida MFB, Guinsburg R. Factors associated
with clinical complications during intra-hospital transports in a neonatal unit in Brazil. J Trop Pediatr.
Vieira ALP, Santos AMN, Okuyama MK, Miyoshi MH, Almeida MFB, Guinsburg R. Predictive score
for clinical complications during intra-hospital transports of infants treated in a neonatal unit.
Waiswa P, Kallander K, Peterson S, Tomson G, Pariyo GW. Using the three delays model to understand
why newborn babies die in eastern Uganda. Trop Med Int Health. 2010;15(8):964-972. [Access July 8, 2015].
Available at:
Wang ST, Lin CH, Wang JN, Wang CJ, Chen TJ, Yeh TF. A study of the referral patterns of obstetric clinics and
the performance of receiving neonatal intensive care units in Taiwan. Public Health. 1997;111(3):149-152.
Woodward GA, Somogyvari Z. The Hungarian (Budapest) neonatal interfacility transport system: insight
38 into program development and results. Pediatr Emerg Care. 1997;13(4):290-293.
The evidence included in this systematic review substantiates the need for establishment of
neonatal transport services to provide equitable and widespread access to high-quality care
for infants in the first month of life. Infants born in the community or in first-level facilities
who require transport to higher levels of care continue to experience disproportionately high
mortality and morbidity compared to infants born in a center capable of delivering needed
care. However, improvement in the quality and organization of transport systems alone is
insufficient. Implementation or improvement of a transport system must be accompanied by a
system for regionalization of care within a referral network and strengthening of the capacity
to deliver high-quality care to meet the demand at every level of the perinatal health system.
Unanticipated consequences, such as increased referral of neonates who should be able to
receive adequate care in their facility of birth, can limit the overall impact of transport and
health system improvements. Similarly, referral of acutely ill neonates to a facility inadequately
prepared (either with personnel or equipment) to care for them also results in suboptimal
outcomes. Structural changes in the health system, such as implementation of universal health
coverage for pregnant women and newborns, can result in improvements in quality of perinatal
care, transport, and access to services.
neonates is likely more important than the particular professional composition of the team.
Scores for severity of illness and specifically developed scales for monitoring physiologic stability
in transport can improve quality of care and may be useful in triage of patients to appropriate
referral centers. The impact of educational programs may not be uniform, however, because
education must be accompanied by necessary systems change and must result in sustainable
change in behavior.
The evidence available for review reflects a lack of well-controlled, active intervention trials to
improve the quality of care during transport, the vehicles and equipment used during transport,
and the administration and management of transport services. There were no studies designed to
provide the highest level of evidence (randomized controlled trials, cluster-randomized trials, or
controlled clinical trials). Few studies carefully examined packages of interventions, combining,
for example, team training with improved equipment and vehicles and more rigorous transport
guidelines. No studies reported on systematic assessment of need for transport integrated with
comprehensive health system planning.
There were notable gaps in certain areas of the evidence identified for the systematic review.
Although hypothermia was identified in multiple studies as a major morbidity encountered
during neonatal transport, there were few studies identified that evaluated equipment or
modalities such as skin-to-skin care to provide thermal support during transport. There were no
studies identified from developing countries that compared different modes of medical transport
(ground, water, air ambulance (fixed wing, helicopter), bicycle ambulance, backpack/carrier).
Evaluations of equipment and operational functions may reflect publication bias or publication
of such studies in journals not included in the databases searched.
The studies included in this review highlight the scarcity of high-level evidence relating to
neonatal transport in developing countries. The findings from non-randomized studies without
control groups should be interpreted with caution and do not provide an independently sufficient
evidence base for formulation of guidelines. However, the available studies do reveal the
prevalence of inadequate systems for neonatal transport in low- and middle-income countries of
all regions of the world. Difficulty in maintaining thermal stability is the fundamental challenge
that most directly impacts neonatal morbidity and mortality. The capacity to provide additional
condition-specific care for respiratory distress and prematurity, surgical conditions, and sepsis
and its complications also directly influences neonatal morbidity and mortality. Even where
norms or guidelines exist, adherence to such standards of performance is low. Training of
/ Discussion
personnel to adequately and continuously assess the physiologic stability of neonatal patients
and correctly employ basic equipment and techniques to stabilize patients before and during
transport can improve outcome. Diffusion of innovation in equipment designed for neonatal
transport in resource-limited settings is limited. Planning for development of neonatal transport
systems must be integrated not only with similar efforts directed toward pregnant/postpartum
women and pediatric patients, but also with development of a coordinated system of perinatal
and maternal-child care. To realize the potential life-saving value of neonatal transport, three
steps are essential: (1) strengthening capacity for prevention/recognition/stabilization at the
community and first-level health facilities; (2) designing systems for ready access and effective
triage and transport of patients to higher levels of care; and (3) increasing capacity in terms of
skills and volume at the higher levels of care.
Future directions
As efforts to improve neonatal survival expand, the demand for access to safe and effective
neonatal transport will only increase. Educational programs for neonatal resuscitation, essential
newborn care, and prematurity prevention/care all currently incorporate messages around
formulation of an emergency plan, including transportation and communication to a health
facility. This situation presents an opportunity to design controlled intervention trials for
effectiveness in reducing morbidity and mortality associated with neonatal transport. Ideally,
trials will incorporate packages of interventions shown to have impact on infant outcomes,
including such elements as:
• Pre-referral stabilization at site of origin of transport
•• surfactant administration
• Referral documentation
• Communication between referring site and receiving (referral) facility
•• to initiate transport
•• to direct transport to appropriate receiving facility
•• during transport (advice for patient management)
•• post referral follow-up to referring site
• Transport vehicles and equipment
•• Requirements for minimum equipment and for specific equipment for each
medical facility, e.g., incubator, infusion pump, feeding tube, nasogastric suction,
cardiorespiratory monitoring, oximeter, non-invasive blood pressure monitoring,
temperature monitoring and feedback control, blood glucose monitoring, intravenous
fluids, antibiotics, anticonvulsants
•• vehicle selection, operating characteristics, critical maintenance
Neonatal transport in developing country settings: a systematic review
Development of guidelines
Neonatal transport must be situated in the larger context of regionalized perinatal care,
encompassing care of the pregnant woman and the fetus as well as the newly delivered mother
and her infant. Timely referral of the pregnant woman and in utero transport of the undelivered
fetus has been shown to improve outcome for a variety of neonatal medical conditions in the
developed world, including extreme prematurity and complex congenital malformations. Timely
referral for cesarean section can prevent morbidity and mortality from intrapartum-related
events (asphyxia). After delivery, transport of mother and infant together is critical to support
exclusive breast-feeding and employ skin-to-skin care as a means of thermal control during
transport. However, admission of both the mother and baby to the referral facility requires
changes in policy, financing, and capacity.
/ Areas for future research
The evolution of a neonatal transport system naturally moves from an initial focus on the most
common reasons for referral (including moderate prematurity, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy,
sepsis, and surgical conditions) to increasingly sophisticated interventions for complex, high-
acuity conditions (such as extreme prematurity with respiratory distress, pulmonary hyper
tension, and critical congenital heart disease). This progression in sophistication ideally parallels
that occurring in the health system as a whole. Rational use of transport calls for basic care
for infants 1800–2500 grams and above to occur in first-level centers close to the community.
Referrals to level II centers are indicated for moderate illness, and tertiary centers are reserved
for management of the highest-risk infants, as predicted by illness severity scores or need for
mechanical ventilation or surgical intervention. As the severity of illness increases, the need for
a centralized transport system also increases in order to assure full availability of appropriate
trained personnel, equipment, and protocols. With increasing complexity of disease come difficult
decisions on investment of resources in intensive care rather than primary prevention and care.
Existing guidelines for neonatal transport in the developed and developing world can serve as
useful models for development of regional guidelines. The Section on Transport Medicine of the
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) updated Guidelines for Air and Ground Transport of Neonatal
and Pediatric Patients in 2007 and also recently issued the results from a national consensus
conference on pediatric and neonatal interfacility transport (Stroud 2013). The Asociación
Española de Pediatría also recently issued updated recommendations on neonatal transport
(Moreno Hernando 2013). Guidelines from the Brazilian Ministry of Health (Brasil, Ministério
de Saúde 2010) and Argentinian Ministry of Health (Argentina, Ministerio de Salud 2012) also
provide recent templates for implementation.
Additional resources to support the development of transport infrastructure globally include the
Handbook of Pediatric and Neonatal Transport Medicine (Jaimovich and Vidyasagar 2002) and white
papers on transport from the World Bank (Babinard and Roberts 2006) and the International
Forum for Rural Transport Development (Lema 2009).
Prior to the organization of a neonatal transport system, planning and coordination at the
national and regional level are necessary to align the goals and objectives of transport with
those of the larger health system. Such a planning process includes:
• Alignment of targets for outcome improvement in health system and priority conditions
(and exclusions) for transport
• Estimation of demand for care, by target condition and by region (met and unmet need)
• Development of primary and referral centers to meet demand for care (appropriate
population-based distribution)
• E
stimation of demand for transport to achieve equitable access to care (accounting for
population distribution)
• Establishment of referral networks by target condition and by region (based on available
• Determination of administrative and governance model for transport system (governmental
Neonatal transport in developing country settings: a systematic review
Transport may originate in the community, with local emergency services and a community
health care provider accompanying the patient; however, transport vehicles in the community
seldom have adequate equipment for care of neonates. Origination of the transport from the
referral center enables more efficient use of appropriately equipped vehicles and offers the
additional advantage that primary care providers remain in their assigned role and available
to other persons needing services in the community. Delivering medical care in the context
of transport requires a specific skill set; hence it is undesirable to use staff nurses (even very
experienced intensive care nurses), residents, or fellows who do not have specific training in
transport medicine.
The volume of transported neonates may not be sufficient to support a single-purpose transport
team and system. Configuring teams to come together on an as-needed basis introduces delay;
however, maintaining a 24/7 team exclusively for neonatal transports is usually cost-prohibitive.
Many teams are structured to transport both neonatal and pediatric patients. Coverage between
adult and neonatal/pediatric transport is difficult because of the very disparate diagnoses and
46 skill sets, but it may be feasible to share transport vehicles. Sharing of communications and
administrative infrastructure with adult transport is virtually mandatory.
Transport team members: mobile and in-facility clinicians and administrative support
Personnel are the most valuable element in a transport system. Trained personnel with the
ability to provide appropriate care during transport are crucial to reducing mortality associated
with long transport distances and optimizing outcome. Typical roles within a neonatal transport
system include:
Medical director – pediatric/neonatal specialist with training in critical care and transport
medicine, responsible for developing and reviewing policies and protocols, selecting and training
personnel, approving equipment and therapeutic strategies, providing case review and oversight
as well as outreach education, and managing quality improvement programs.
Coordinating (control) physician – pediatric/neonatal specialist with training in critical care who
obtains information about the patient, offers advice on patient management before arrival of
the team, provides supervisory contact during transport, and documents clinical data for use by
the receiving facility. The coordinating transport physician also assures availability of bed space,
appropriate team composition, and notification of other needed sub-specialists.
/ Areas for future research
Transport team members - physicians, nurses, paramedic/emergency medical technicians,
respiratory therapists, and pilots/drivers. Dedicated, specially trained nurses or advanced practice
nurses may offer advantages over physicians in terms of cost, flexibility between inpatient/
transport duties, familiarity with equipment, and specific training in monitoring/supportive
functions. Physicians can participate effectively through regular communication with the on-
site team throughout the transport as well as immediate availability for consultation in case of
emergency. Emergency medical technicians are vital to the logistics of patient transfer (equipment
functionality, vehicle loading and securement systems) and may also serve as drivers. When
patients with respiratory conditions are transported under mobile NICU conditions, respiratory
therapists can assume responsibility for air way and ventilator management, in conjunction with
nurse specialists and supervising physicians.
The transport environment implies a degree of autonomy for clinicians and so the most valuable
transport team members have considerable expertise. However, traits that support a high
level of performance under demanding conditions are equally important, such as leadership,
flexibility, independence, excellent communication skills, and ability to solve problems. The
composition and training of the clinicians on the transport team should be matched to the mission
and clinical scope of the team. A diagnosis-based educational checklist (based on the target
conditions for transport) along with a curriculum in transport medicine/physiology can serve as
a guide for development and maintenance of cognitive knowledge. There is usually a need for
additional training to develop procedural skills to the level required for efficient, safe, successful
performance under field conditions. Maintenance of skills and renewal of the knowledge base
is critical, as is training of new staff members when turnover occurs. Transport team members
should be directly involved in ongoing quality monitoring and quality improvement initiatives.
A communication center must operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with trained communications
specialists. These specialists obtain patient information and assess the logistical aspects of
transport to select the appropriate mode and coordinate each step according to policies and
procedures. Phone systems and two-way radio systems (in the event of phone outages) form the
nucleus of the communications center; data links to emergency services, weather, and traffic/
Neonatal transport in developing country settings: a systematic review
Modes of transportation
Modes of transport vary from one region to another and depend upon patient acuity, geographical
features, distance, transit time, weather patterns, and population density. Attention to the safety
of the transport team and patient are the foremost considerations determining the mode of
transport. All transport vehicles should provide oxygen and air in concentrations from 21% to
100%. Adequate lighting, climate control, and electrical power/outlets are especially important
for assessment and care of neonatal patients. Expensive modes of transport, such as fixed-wing
aircraft or helicopter, may be shared by several institutions. Vehicle operation (including fueling,
maintenance, insurance, required licensure of drivers/pilots, etc.) may be core functions of the
medical entity or of a contractor, or a hybrid approach.
Equipment and medications for neonatal transport differ to a great extent from the equipment
and medications used in adult care. This requires a parallel but separate set of equipment and
medications in services that care for both age groups. Equipment used in transport must meet
several general characteristics:
• Appropriate for the age group and set of medical conditions to be addressed
• Lightweight, portable, rugged, easy to clean
• Secured in the transport vehicle for patient and team safety
• Tested in the transport environment (temperature, altitude, vibration)
Medications required in transport are dictated by the diseases encountered. In neonatal transport,
certain medications such as prostaglandins and surfactant require refrigerated storage. Their use
may be infrequent but the lifesaving nature of treatment justifies the expense of maintaining
current stock where transport of infants with congenital heart disease or respiratory distress
is part of the portfolio. Analgesics, sedatives, and other controlled substances require specific
security and documentation; all medications must be routinely logged, restocked, inventoried,
and replaced when outdated. Neonatal dosage references and dosage calculation aids are useful
and improve safety of neonatal care.
/ Areas for future research
Legal and compliance issues and safety
Transport involves the transfer of responsibility from the referring to the accepting providers
and facility. The lines of responsibility and applicable laws, regulations, and administrative
guidelines must be clearly defined. Legal issues can arise around violations of regulatory or
licensure standards, as well as medical malpractice. Transport of non-patients (e.g. mothers and
other family members of sick newborns) also raises issues of liability.
Continuous monitoring and evaluation of a transport program are vital to providing quality
patient care. Transport must address the six characteristics of quality care: effective, timely,
efficient, patient-centered, equitable, and safe. In addition to routine case review and review
of patient care guidelines, quality improvement involves specific activities at every level of
the transport enterprise, following the PDSA (Plan, Do, Study, Act) cycle or a similar program.
Data collection is central to quality improvement, as is the feedback of results to the transport
team/administrators. Accreditation is a voluntary process in which a board of experts evaluates
a program or institution against measurable standards or criteria. Accreditation for medical
transport is generally separate from accreditation of hospital services.
Providing care in a mobile environment involves understanding of the stresses placed on both
patient and care providers. Noise, vibration, temperature swings, exposure to high humidity
and/or dehydration can worsen patient condition and stress transport team members physically
and emotionally. Air medical transport requires thorough understanding of physical gas laws,
hypoxia, and flight physiology. Transport team members may face long, irregular duty hours
under stressful circumstances. Stress management, debriefing and team health are important
considerations to support continued quality of patient care.
Family-centered care
Family-centered care recognizes the important role of the family in the lives of children. For
neonates, the role of the mother is central as a source of nourishment (breast milk) and warmth
(skin-to-skin care). However, the acuity of a patient’s condition and the need for rapid mobilization
may lead to parental separation. Parents should be given the opportunity to accompany the
transport when possible. At all times, parents should be given the opportunity to discuss their
child’s condition and management with transport team members.
Outreach education
An outreach education program should be incorporated into transport activities, with the goal of
improving patient outcome. Outreach education can improve recognition of conditions requiring
transport and stabilization before arrival of the transport team. Development of relationships
between referring and receiving health care providers can also improve follow-up care and
coordination of care.
Ethical considerations
Neonatal transport in developing country settings: a systematic review
Consent to administer medical treatment is generally obtained prior to transport. National law
and cultural norms surrounding this process may vary significantly. However, minors generally
do not have the legal authority to give consent, and thus a parent or legal guardian has this
responsibility. In the case of an emergency that threatens life or health when a parent or
guardian is not available, emergency services may be provided if the doctrine of implied consent
is applicable.
There are a variety of resources that offer practical tools for education and job aids for safe
neonatal transport in developing countries. Below are descriptions of several key texts, as well
as a range of materials that pediatric professional organizations have developed for transport-
team training and capacity-building of staff in neonatal care units.
The second edition of this book (Jaimovich and Vidyasagar 2002) includes extensive chapters
on the medical conditions most commonly encountered in neonatal transport as well as sample
forms and reference materials. The table of contents of the text is given below:
I. General Considerations
6. Transport Safety
7. Administrative Pearls
11. Shock
16. Transport of Neonatal and Pediatric Patients Requiring Extracorporeal Life Support
20. Near-Drowning
VI. Trauma
Guidelines for Air and Ground Transport of Neonatal and Pediatric Patients
This extensive text, from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), includes valuable practical
tools for the operational aspects of a neonatal transport service. Other resources for initial
stabilization prior to transport, management during transport, and emergency care are available
through the AAP Division of Life Support.
ACoRN, Acute Care of at-Risk Neonates
Neonatal transport in developing country settings: a systematic review
The ACoRN Neonatal Society, a Canadian society of volunteer professionals, publishes this book
(ACoRN Editorial Board 2005), which provides health care professionals with a step-by-step
framework to guide management of the sick newborn. The newest English-language update was
published in 2012. There is also a Spanish-language eBook edition available from
This organization offers clinical practice guidelines for transport of a sick neonate and teaching
aids for newborn care during neonatal transport.
This AAP educational program in neonatal resuscitation for health professionals incorporates
the guidelines and consensus on science of the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation
(ILCOR) as well as adult learning techniques utilizing simulation and skills practice to achieve
Helping Babies Breathe (HBB)
Based on the same science and guidelines as NRP, this educational program targets birth
attendants in resource-limited settings and equips them with the skills to protect healthy babies
and help those babies who do not breathe at birth through stimulation, clearing the airway, and
bag and mask ventilation with air.
A series of four workbooks provides educational tools for physicians, nurses, nurse midwives,
respiratory therapists, and other providers of care for pregnant women and newborns.
Content and activities are aimed at improving perinatal care policies, as well as practices and
procedures,through establishing organization-wide care goals and routines.
Book I – Maternal and Fetal Evaluation and Immediate Newborn Care
Book II – Maternal and Fetal Care
Book III – Neonatal Care
Book IV – Specialized Newborn Care
The S.T.A.B.L.E. instructional materials include a Learner/Provider Manual and and also
an Instructor Manual. An accompanying slide program (Post-resuscitation/ Pre-transport
Stabilization Care of Sick Infants, Guidelines for Neonatal Healthcare Providers) can be used
for self-study or instructor-led presentations. These illustrations, photos, and animations are
available on DVD or flash drive. A second slide set (Physical and Gestational Age Assessment of
the Newborn) is available on CD-ROM or flash drive. An advanced module on care of the patient
with congenital heart disease (Recognition and Stabilization of Neonates with Severe CHD) is
available as a student handbook and slide program on CD-ROM.
Scores for severity of illness and transport physiologic stability (SNAP-II, SNAPPE-II, TRIPS, TRIPS-
II) are described in studies included in the systematic review and in the literature describing their
development and refinement (Richardson 2001, Lee 2001, Lee 2013).
General references
ACoRN Editorial Board, Solimano A , Littleford J. ed. ACoRN: acute care of at-risk newborns.
ACoRN,Vancouver, 2005. (2010 update in 3rd printing).
American Academy of Pediatrics. Section on Transport Medicine. Guidelines for air and ground transport
of neonatal and pediatric patients. 3 ed. Elk Grove Village, 2007. [Access July 8, 2015]. Available at: http://
Babinard J, Roberts P. Maternal and child mortality development goals: what can the transport sector do?
Washington: World Bank, Aug 2006. 40 p. Transport Papers TP-12. [Access September 2, 2013]. Available
Effective Public Health Practice Project. Quality assessment tool. 2009. [Access August 27, 2013]. Available
Gould JB, Danielsen BH, Bollman L, Hackel A, Murphy B. Estimating the quality of neonatal transport in
California. J Perinatol. 2013; 33:964-970.
Hussein J, Kanguru L, Astin M, Munjanja S. The effectiveness of emergency obstetric referral interventions
in developing country settings: a systematic review. PLoS Medicine. 2012; 9(7):e1001264. [Access July 8,
2015]. Available at:
Jaimovich DG , Vidyasagar D, Ed. Handbook of pediatric and neonatal transport medicine. 2 ed. Philadelphia:
Hanley, 2002.
Lee SK, Zupancic JAF, Pendray M, et al. Transport risk index of physiologic stability: a practical system for
Neonatal transport in developing country settings: a systematic review
Lee SK, Aziz K, Dunn M, et al. Transport risk index of physiologic stability, version II (TRIPS-II): a simple and
practical neonatal illness severity score. Am J Perinatol. 2013 May 30;30(5):395-400.
Lema VM. Maternal and newborn health and emergency transport in Sub-Saharan Africa. Nairobi: IFRTD,
2009, 38 p. [Access July 8, 2015]. Available at:
Mbaruku G, van Roosmalen J, Kimondo I, Bilango F, Bergstrom S. Perinatal audit using the 3-delays model
in western Tanzania. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2009;106(1):85-88. [Access July 8, 2015]. Available at: http://
Moreno Hernando J, Thió Lluch M, Salguero Garcia E, et al. Recomendaciones sobre transporte neonatal.
Anales de Pediatría. 2013, 79(2): 117.e1–117.e7. [Access July 8, 2015]. Available at:
Richardson DK, Corcoran JD, Escobar GJ, et al. SNAP-II and SNAPPE-II: simplified newborn illness severity
and mortality risk scores. J Pediatr. 2001;138(1):92-100.
Stroud MH, Trautman MS, Meyer K, et al. Pediatric and neonatal interfacility transport: results from a
national consensus conference. Pediatrics. 2013;132(2):359-66. [Access July 8, 2015]. Available at: http://
Thaddeus S, Maine D. Too far to walk: maternal mortality in context. Soc Sci Med. 1994 Apr; 38(8):1091-110.
[Access July 8, 2015]. Available at:
United Nations. The millennium development goals report 2013. New York, 2013. [Access September 2,
2013]. Available at:
Appendix 1. PRISMA 2009 Checklist
Neonatal transport in developing country settings: a systematic review
Rationale 3 Describe the rationale for the review in the context of what is already known.
Present full electronic search strategy for at least one database, including any
Search 8
limits used, such that it could be repeated.
State the process for selecting studies (i.e., screening, eligibility, included in
Study selection 9
systematic review, and, if applicable, included in the meta-analysis).
List and define all variables for which data were sought (e.g., PICOS, funding
Data items 11
sources) and any assumptions and simplifications made.
Describe methods used for assessing risk of bias of individual studies (including
Risk of bias in
12 specification of whether this was done at the study or outcome level), and how
individual studies
this information is to be used in any data synthesis.
Summary measures 13 State the principal summary measures (e.g., risk ratio, difference in means).
Risk of bias across Specify any assessment of risk of bias that may affect the cumulative evidence
studies (e.g., publication bias, selective reporting within studies).
Give numbers of studies screened, assessed for eligibility, and included in the
Study selection 17
review, with reasons for exclusions at each stage, ideally with a flow diagram.
For each study, present characteristics for which data were extracted (e.g.,
Study characteristics 18
study size, PICOS, follow-up period) and provide the citations.
Risk of bias within Present data on risk of bias of each study and, if available, any outcome level
studies assessment (see item 12).
For all outcomes considered (benefits or harms), present, for each study: (a)
Results of individual
20 simple summary data for each intervention group (b) effect estimates and
confidence intervals, ideally with a forest plot.
Present the main results of the review. If meta-analyses are done, include for
Synthesis of results 21
each, confidence intervals and measures of consistency.
Summarize the main findings including the strength of evidence for each main
Summary of
24 outcome; consider their relevance to key groups (e.g., healthcare providers,
users, and policy makers).
Discuss limitations at study and outcome level (e.g., risk of bias), and at review-
Limitations 25
level (e.g., incomplete retrieval of identified research, reporting bias).
Describe sources of funding for the systematic review and other support (e.g.,
Funding 27
supply of data); role of funders for the systematic review.
From: Moher D, Liberati A, Tetzlaff J, Altman DG, The PRISMA Group (2009). Preferred Reporting
Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses: The PRISMA Statement. PLoS Med 6(6):
e1000097. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed1000097
For more information, visit:
Appendix 2: Search strategy
Neonatal transport in developing country settings: a systematic review
ISBN 978-92-75-11917-4