2-QCap - Capacitor Cilíndrico

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Product brochure

Low voltage capacitors for improved
power quality
ABB delivers the complete value chain in low, medium Power Quality is a major concern for utilities, industries,
and high voltage technologies for electrical power transport and infrastructure sectors. It affects grid reliability,
transmission, distribution and usage. productivity, leads to higher operating costs and penalties for
non-compliance. ABB is a pioneer in power quality solutions
and offers a wide product portfolio that helps enhance the
power quality of electrical networks in high, medium and low
voltage systems. These products and solutions help improve
reliability and availability of power in the supply network,
ensure energy efficiency, industrial productivity and lower
carbon emissions thereby leading to stronger, smarter and
greener power networks.

02 Introduction I ABB QCap brochure

ABB is a pioneering technology leader in electrification
products, robotics and motion, industrial automation
and power grids, serving customers in utilities, industry
and transport & infrastructure globally. Continuing
more than a 125-year history of innovation, ABB today
is writing the future of industrial digitalization and
driving the Energy and Fourth Industrial Revolutions.
ABB operates in more than 100 countries with about
135,000 employees.

Capacitors play an important role in power grids and electrical The benefits of good power quality are:
networks. By producing reactive power, they compensate
for the reactive power absorbed by electrical motors, Utilities
transformers, etc. The result can be seen in the form of more − − Enhanced asset utilization
stable power grids with increased transmission capacity and − − Lower network losses and CO2 emissions
reduced losses thanks to high power factor. −− Expansion of network capacity
−− Voltage stability

− − Reduction of electricity expenses
− − Lower network losses and CO 2 emissions
−− Grid compliance
−− Increase in plant capacity
− − Higher productivity (i.e. fewer outages, lower operating

Introduction I ABB QCap brochure 03

Low voltage capacitor QCap
ABB‘s low voltage capacitor QCap helps to improve the power
quality of low voltage installations by addressing poor power
factor issues

The QCap is a cylindrical type Customer benefits specially designed overpressure

capacitor. It is based on ABB‘s latest disconnection device by ABB
technologies and developments Quality guarantees a safe disconnection.
in the field of power quality and The unique low losses design of the
is a result of over 70 years of QCap decreases the temperature of the Reliability
expertise in capacitor technologies. capacitor and increases its lifetime. The ABB‘s strict selection criteria of raw
These decades of dedication and optimized thermal dissipation prevents materials ensure the use of first class
continuous improvement in each premature failure which is not uncom- components and also of a very pure
manufacturing process guarantee the mon with many low quality capacitors. polypropylene, with a high degree of
customer the best quality capacitor crystalline phase. This is reducing the
in the market. Installation losses and increasing the lifetime of the
The QCap size is the same for all ratings capacitor which guarantees QCap‘s
and can also be installed in any posi- high reliability and exceptional perfor-
tion. These two characteristics will allow mance.
to standardize the design of capacitor
banks. Consistency
Consistent quality over a period of time
Safety is most often a challenge for manufactu-
At the end of its lifetime the capacitor rers. ABB tests 100% of its products
must disconnect itself safely. The with criteria surpassing even internatio-
nal standards ensuring high quality

Statoil LNG, Melkoya, Norway

04 Low voltage capacitor I ABB QCap brochure

Unique features

Overpressure disconnection
Snap on guard Snap actuated A unique feature of QCap is the safety
mechanism of the capacitor. Under
faulty conditions, the safety mechanism
guarantees a prompt and reliable brea-
king of all three wires and overpressure
disconnection. This mechanism consists
of three parts explained below.

Airtight cylinder
The state-of-the-art seaming and
sealing technology ensures a perfectly
hermetic cylinder.

Normal condition Disconnected capacitor

Locking device
ABB’s unique design for the locking
device will hold the inside elements tight
under both normal and disconnected

The snap is the only moving part of the
capacitor. At the end of capacitor‘s life-
time it will break the wires to ensure a
prompt and safe disconnection of the
three phases.
Stora Enso Kvarnsveden, Sweden paper mill

Unique features I ABB QCap brochure 05

Power factor correction

In electrical distribution, the loads draw electric power from In the case of sinusoidal waveforms, the reactive power
the network that can be used to supply equipment, like necessary to pass from one power factor cos j1 to another
personal computer, motors, stoves, ... To get this, it is often power factor cos j 2 is given by the relation (valid for both
necessary that the load exchanges with the network reactive three-phase as well as single-phase systems):
energy that is mainly inductive type. This energy, even if not
immediately converted into other forms, will increase the total
power flowing through the electrical network, from generators, Q c = Q1 - Q2 = P . (tgφ 1 - tgφ 2)
all along the conductors, to the users.

In alternating current circuits, the current absorbed by a

load can be represented by two components:

−− The active component IR, in phase with the supply voltage;

− − The reactive component IQ, in phase quadrature to the

Therefore, in an electrical installation, it is necessary to gene-

rate and transmit, in addition to the active power P, a certain
reactive power Q. The apparent power S can be calculated by
the quadrature summation of the active P and reactive Q po-
wers. Power factor is defined as the ratio between the active
component I R and the apparent value of the current I. j is the
phase angle between the voltage and the current. For a given
phase voltage V, it results:


− − P is the active power;

− − Q 1, j 1 are the reactive power and the phase displacement
In this regard, ABB‘s QCap addresses poor power factor angle before power factor correction;
issues and helps improve power quality of the network − − Q 2, j 2 are the reactive power and the phase displacement
angle after power factor correction;
By correcting the power factor of an installation supplying − − Q c is the reactive power for power factor correction.
locally the necessary reactive power, it is possible to reduce
the current value and consequently the total power absorbed
on the load side; this gives numerous advantages:

− − Better utilization of electrical machines (generators and

− − Better utilization of electrical lines (transmission and distri-
bution lines);
−− Preventing penalties applied by the electrical utilities.

06 Applications I ABB QCap brochure

Detuned capacitor banks

Electrical distribution is nowadays highly polluted due to the ABB offers the complete solution
usage of non-linear loads such as variable speed drives, UPS for detuned capacitor banks and a
systems, inverters, computers, LED and compact fluorescent
lamps, welding machines, etc. selection tool containing the apparatus
set you will need to assemble each step
Non-linear loads are equipment that absorb a non-sinusoidal of your capacitor bank- capacitors,
current when supplied by a sinusoidal voltage. Such currents
induce a non-sinusoidal voltage drop across the network im-
reactors, fuses, switches and
pedances on the supply side of the network, with the conse- contactors. To view the selection tool,
quence that even the linear loads are supplied by a distorted scan the QR code below:
voltage. By using Fourier analysis it is possible to decompose
any repetitive waveform into several sinusoidal waveforms at
integer multiples of the fundamental frequency. These wave-
forms are called harmonics. For power networks, 50 Hz(60
Hz) is the fundamental frequency, 150 Hz(180 Hz) and 250
Hz(300 Hz), for example, are harmonic orders, in this case the
3rd and 5th harmonics order.




Power factor correction capacitors are highly sensitive to

harmonics since the capacitive impedance is inversely pro- Protection
portional to frequency. This means that, when supplied by a
distorted voltage, the capacitors draw an overcurrent due to
harmonics that could seriously damage them, especially if
there is a series or parallel resonance phenomenon.

In order to protect capacitors against harmonics, the installa- Contactor

tion of a reactor in series with the capacitor is recommended.
This solution will increase the impedance of the circuit and re-
duce the current flowing into the capacitor. This L/C circuit is
tuned at a specific frequency. We usually protect the capacitor
from the 3 rd harmonic for commercial applications (due to the Reactor
presence of single phase loads) and 5th harmonic for industrial
loads (due to the presence of VSD generating 5 th and 7th har-
monic). This type of configuration requires expertise and high
quality products since it must support all the electrical stress
due to overvoltage and overcurrent which will be applied upon
it. Capacitor

Applications I ABB QCap brochure 07

Range 50 Hz
Technical specifications

U network - 220 V U network - 380 V

Qnet (kvar) (1)
Detuning reactor ( %) (2)
Article number Qnet (kvar)(1) Detuning reactor (%)(2) Article number
2,5 - 2GCA296600A0031 3,75 - 2GCA296630A0031
2,5 5,67 % 2GCA296601A0031 3,75 5,67 % 2GCA296631A0031
2,5 7,00 % 2GCA296602A0031 3,75 7,00 % 2GCA296632A0031
2,5 12,50 % 2GCA296603A0031 3,75 12,50 % 2GCA296633A0031
2,5 14,00 % 2GCA296604A0031 3,75 14,00 % 2GCA296634A0031
3,75 - 2GCA296605A0031 5 - 2GCA296635A0031
3,75 5,67 % 2GCA296606A0031 5 5,67 % 2GCA296636A0031
3,75 7,00 % 2GCA296607A0031 5 7,00 % 2GCA296637A0031
3,75 12,50 % 2GCA296608A0031 5 12,50 % 2GCA296638A0031
3,75 14,00 % 2GCA296609A0031 5 14,00 % 2GCA296639A0031
5 - 2GCA296610A0031 6,25 - 2GCA296640A0031
5 5,67 % 2GCA296611A0031 6,25 5,67 % 2GCA296641A0031
5 7,00 % 2GCA296612A0031 6,25 7,00 % 2GCA296642A0031
5 12,50 % 2GCA296613A0031 6,25 12,50 % 2GCA296643A0031
5 14,00 % 2GCA296614A0031 6,25 14,00 % 2GCA296644A0031
6,25 - 2GCA296615A0031 7,5 - 2GCA296645A0031
6,25 5,67 % 2GCA296616A0031 7,5 5,67 % 2GCA296646A0031
6,25 7,00 % 2GCA296617A0031 7,5 7,00 % 2GCA296647A0031
6,25 12,50 % 2GCA296618A0031 7,5 12,50 % 2GCA296648A0031
6,25 14,00 % 2GCA296619A0031 7,5 14,00 % 2GCA296649A0031
7,5 - 2GCA296620A0031 10 - 2GCA296650A0031
7,5 5,67 % 2GCA296621A0031 10 5,67 % 2GCA296651A0031
7,5 7,00 % 2GCA296622A0031 10 7,00 % 2GCA296652A0031
7,5 12,50 % 2GCA296623A0031 10 12,50 % 2GCA296653A0031
7,5 14,00 % 2GCA296624A0031 10 14,00 % 2GCA296654A0031
10 12,50 % 2GCA296625A0031 12,5 - 2GCA296655A0031
10 14,00 % 2GCA296626A0031 12,5 5,67 % 2GCA296656A0031
12,5 - 2GCA296627A0031 12,5 7,00 % 2GCA296657A0031
15 12,50 % 2GCA296628A0031 12,5 12,50 % 2GCA296658A0031
15 14,00 % 2GCA296629A0031 12,5 14,00 % 2GCA296659A0031

(1) Qnet (kvar): net reactive power output in combination with the associated reactor 15 - 2GCA296660A0031
(if existing). 15 5,67 % 2GCA296661A0031
(2) Detuning reactor ( %): value of the reactor (if existing) connected in series with the
capacitor. Reactors are not provided. 15 7,00 % 2GCA296662A0031
Other ratings available on request. 15 12,50 % 2GCA296663A0031
15 14,00 % 2GCA296664A0031
20 - 2GCA296665A0031
20 5,67 % 2GCA296666A0031
20 7,00 % 2GCA296667A0031
20 12,50 % 2GCA296668A0031
20 14,00 % 2GCA296669A0031
25 5,67 % 2GCA296670A0031
25 7,00 % 2GCA296671A0031
25 12,50 % 2GCA296672A0031
25 14,00 % 2GCA296673A0031

08 Range 50 Hz I ABB QCap brochure

U network - 400 V U network - 415 V
Qnet (kvar) (1)
Detuning reactor (%) (2)
Article number Qnet (kvar)(1) Detuning reactor (%)(2) Article number
3,75 - 2GCA296674A0031 3,75 - 2GCA296719A0031
3,75 5,67 % 2GCA296675A0031 3,75 5,67 % 2GCA296720A0031
3,75 7,00 % 2GCA296676A0031 3,75 7,00 % 2GCA296721A0031
3,75 12,50 % 2GCA296677A0031 5 - 2GCA296722A0031
3,75 14,00 % 2GCA296678A0031 5 5,67 % 2GCA296723A0031
5 - 2GCA296679A0031 5 7,00 % 2GCA296724A0031
5 5,67 % 2GCA296680A0031 5 12,50 % 2GCA296725A0031
5 7,00 % 2GCA296681A0031 5 14,00 % 2GCA296726A0031
5 12,50 % 2GCA296682A0031 6,25 - 2GCA296727A0031
5 14,00 % 2GCA296683A0031 6,25 5,67 % 2GCA296728A0031
6,25 - 2GCA296684A0031 6,25 7,00 % 2GCA296729A0031
6,25 5,67 % 2GCA296685A0031 6,25 12,50 % 2GCA296730A0031
6,25 7,00 % 2GCA296686A0031 6,25 14,00 % 2GCA296731A0031
6,25 12,50 % 2GCA296687A0031 7,5 - 2GCA296732A0031
6,25 14,00 % 2GCA296688A0031 7,5 5,67 % 2GCA296733A0031
7,5 - 2GCA296689A0031 7,5 7,00 % 2GCA296734A0031
7,5 5,67 % 2GCA296690A0031 7,5 12,50 % 2GCA296735A0031
7,5 7,00 % 2GCA296691A0031 7,5 14,00 % 2GCA296736A0031
7,5 12,50 % 2GCA296692A0031 10 - 2GCA296737A0031
7,5 14,00 % 2GCA296693A0031 10 5,67 % 2GCA296738A0031
10 - 2GCA296694A0031 10 7,00 % 2GCA296739A0031
10 5,67 % 2GCA296695A0031 10 12,50 % 2GCA296740A0031
10 7,00 % 2GCA296696A0031 10 14,00 % 2GCA296741A0031
10 12,50 % 2GCA296697A0031 12,5 - 2GCA296742A0031
10 14,00 % 2GCA296698A0031 12,5 5,67 % 2GCA296743A0031
12,5 - 2GCA296699A0031 12,5 7,00 % 2GCA296744A0031
12,5 5,67 % 2GCA296700A0031 12,5 12,50 % 2GCA296745A0031
12,5 7,00 % 2GCA296701A0031 12,5 14,00 % 2GCA296746A0031
12,5 12,50 % 2GCA296702A0031 15 - 2GCA296747A0031
12,5 14,00 % 2GCA296703A0031 15 5,67 % 2GCA296748A0031
15 - 2GCA296704A0031 15 7,00 % 2GCA296749A0031
15 5,67 % 2GCA296705A0031 15 12,50 % 2GCA296750A0031
15 7,00 % 2GCA296706A0031 15 14,00 % 2GCA296751A0031
15 12,50 % 2GCA296707A0031 20 - 2GCA296752A0031
15 14,00 % 2GCA296708A0031 20 5,67 % 2GCA296753A0031
20 - 2GCA296709A0031 20 7,00 % 2GCA296754A0031
20 5,67 % 2GCA296710A0031 20 12,50 % 2GCA296755A0031
20 7,00 % 2GCA296711A0031 25 - 2GCA296756A0031
20 12,50 % 2GCA296712A0031 25 5,67 % 2GCA296757A0031
20 14,00 % 2GCA296713A0031 25 7,00 % 2GCA296758A0031
25 - 2GCA296714A0031 25 12,50 % 2GCA296759A0031
25 5,67 % 2GCA296715A0031 25 14,00 % 2GCA296760A0031
25 7,00 % 2GCA296716A0031 30(3) 7,00 % 2GCA296761A0031
25 12,50 % 2GCA296717A0031 30(3) 12,50 % 2GCA296762A0031
25 14,00 % 2GCA296718A0031

(1) Qnet (kvar): net reactive power output in combination with the associated reactor
(if existing).
(2) Detuning reactor (%): value of the reactor (if existing) connected in series with the
capacitor. Reactors are not provided.
(3) Not cCSAus marked
Other ratings available on request.

Range 50 Hz I ABB QCap brochure 09

Range 50 Hz
Technical specifications

U network - 440 V U network - 480 V

Qnet (kvar) (1)
Detuning reactor (%) (2)
Article number Qnet (kvar)(1) Detuning reactor (%)(2) Article number
5 - 2GCA296763A0031 5 - 2GCA296802A0031
5 5,67 % 2GCA296764A0031 5 5,67 % 2GCA296803A0031
5 7,00 % 2GCA296765A0031 5 7,00 % 2GCA296804A0031
5 12,50 % 2GCA296766A0031 6,25 - 2GCA296805A0031
5 14,00 % 2GCA296767A0031 6,25 5,67 % 2GCA296806A0031
6,25 - 2GCA296768A0031 6,25 7,00 % 2GCA296807A0031
6,25 5,67 % 2GCA296769A0031 6,25 12,50 % 2GCA296808A0031
6,25 7,00 % 2GCA296770A0031 6,25 14,00 % 2GCA296809A0031
6,25 12,50 % 2GCA296771A0031 7,5 - 2GCA296810A0031
6,25 14,00 % 2GCA296772A0031 7,5 5,67 % 2GCA296811A0031
7,5 - 2GCA296773A0031 7,5 7,00 % 2GCA296812A0031
7,5 5,67 % 2GCA296774A0031 7,5 12,50 % 2GCA296813A0031
7,5 7,00 % 2GCA296775A0031 7,5 14,00 % 2GCA296814A0031
7,5 12,50 % 2GCA296776A0031 10 - 2GCA296815A0031
7,5 14,00 % 2GCA296777A0031 10 5,67 % 2GCA296816A0031
10 - 2GCA296778A0031 10 7,00 % 2GCA296817A0031
10 5,67 % 2GCA296779A0031 10 12,50 % 2GCA296818A0031
10 7,00 % 2GCA296780A0031 10 14,00 % 2GCA296819A0031
10 12,50 % 2GCA296781A0031 12,5 - 2GCA296820A0031
10 14,00 % 2GCA296782A0031 12,5 5,67 % 2GCA296821A0031
12,5 - 2GCA296783A0031 12,5 7,00 % 2GCA296822A0031
12,5 5,67 % 2GCA296784A0031 12,5 12,50 % 2GCA296823A0031
12,5 7,00 % 2GCA296785A0031 12,5 14,00 % 2GCA296824A0031
12,5 12,50 % 2GCA296786A0031 15 - 2GCA296825A0031
12,5 14,00 % 2GCA296787A0031 15 5,67 % 2GCA296826A0031
15 - 2GCA296788A0031 15 7,00 % 2GCA296827A0031
15 5,67 % 2GCA296789A0031 15 12,50 % 2GCA296828A0031
15 7,00 % 2GCA296790A0031 15 14,00 % 2GCA296829A0031
15 12,50 % 2GCA296791A0031 16,7 - 2GCA297376A0031
15 14,00 % 2GCA296792A0031 20 - 2GCA296830A0031
20 - 2GCA296793A0031 20 5,67 % 2GCA296831A0031
20 12,50 % 2GCA296794A0031 20 7,00 % 2GCA296832A0031
20 14,00 % 2GCA296795A0031 25 - 2GCA296833A0031
25 - 2GCA296796A0031 30 - 2GCA296834A0031
25 5,67 % 2GCA296797A0031 30(3) 5,67 % 2GCA296835A0031
25 7,00 % 2GCA296798A0031 30(3) 7,00 % 2GCA296836A0031
30 - 2GCA296799A0031 31,5(3) 0,00% 2GCA297218A0031
30(3) 5,67 % 2GCA296800A0031 32,5(3) - 2GCA297390A0031
30(3) 7,00 % 2GCA296801A0031 33,6(3) - 2GCA297217A0031

(1) Qnet (kvar): net reactive power output in combination with the associated reactor (if
(2) Detuning reactor (%): value of the reactor (if existing) connected in series with the
capacitor. Reactors are not provided.
(3) Not cCSAus marked
Other ratings available on request.

10 Range 50 Hz I ABB QCap brochure

U network - 525 V U network - 600 V
Qnet (kvar) (1)
Detuning reactor (%) (2)
Article number Qnet (kvar)(1) Detuning reactor (%)(2) Article number
6,25 - 2GCA296837A0031 7,5 - 2GCA296868A0031
6,25 5,67 % 2GCA296838A0031 7,5 5,67 % 2GCA296869A0031
6,25 7,00 % 2GCA296839A0031 10 - 2GCA296870A0031
6,25 12,50 % 2GCA296840A0031 10 5,67 % 2GCA296871A0031
6,25 14,00 % 2GCA296841A0031 10 7,00 % 2GCA296872A0031
7,5 - 2GCA296842A0031 10 12,50 % 2GCA296873A0031
7,5 5,67 % 2GCA296843A0031 10 14,00 % 2GCA296874A0031
7,5 7,00 % 2GCA296844A0031 12,5 - 2GCA296875A0031
7,5 12,50 % 2GCA296845A0031 12,5 5,67 % 2GCA296876A0031
7,5 14,00 % 2GCA296846A0031 12,5 7,00 % 2GCA296877A0031
10 - 2GCA296847A0031 12,5 12,50 % 2GCA296878A0031
10 5,67 % 2GCA296848A0031 12,5 14,00 % 2GCA296879A0031
10 7,00 % 2GCA296849A0031 15 - 2GCA296880A0031
10 12,50 % 2GCA296850A0031 15 5,67 % 2GCA296881A0031
10 14,00 % 2GCA296851A0031 15 7,00 % 2GCA296882A0031
12,5 - 2GCA296852A0031 15 12,50 % 2GCA296883A0031
12,5 5,67 % 2GCA296853A0031 15 14,00 % 2GCA296884A0031
12,5 7,00 % 2GCA296854A0031 20 - 2GCA296885A0031
12,5 12,50 % 2GCA296855A0031 20 5,67 % 2GCA296886A0031
12,5 14,00 % 2GCA296856A0031 20 7,00 % 2GCA296887A0031
15 - 2GCA296857A0031 20 12,50 % 2GCA296888A0031
15 5,67 % 2GCA296858A0031 20 14,00 % 2GCA296889A0031
15 7,00 % 2GCA296859A0031 25 - 2GCA296890A0031
15 12,50 % 2GCA296860A0031 25 5,67 % 2GCA296891A0031
15 14,00 % 2GCA296861A0031 25 7,00 % 2GCA296892A0031
20 - 2GCA296862A0031
20 5,67 % 2GCA296863A0031 U network - 690 V
20 7,00 % 2GCA296864A0031 Qnet (kvar)(1) Detuning reactor (%)(2) Article number
20 12,50 % 2GCA296865A0031 10 - 2GCA296893A0031
20 14,00 % 2GCA296866A0031 10 5,67 % 2GCA296894A0031
23,2 - 2GCA297430A0031 10 7,00 % 2GCA296895A0031
25 - 2GCA296867A0031 12,5 - 2GCA296896A0031

(1) Qnet (kvar): net reactive power output in combination with the associated reactor (if 12,5 5,67 % 2GCA296897A0031
existing). 12,5 7,00 % 2GCA296898A0031
(2) Detuning reactor (%): value of the reactor (if existing) connected in series with the
capacitor. Reactors are not provided. 15 - 2GCA296899A0031
Other ratings available on request. 15 5,67 % 2GCA296900A0031
15 7,00 % 2GCA296901A0031
20 - 2GCA296902A0031
20 5,67 % 2GCA296903A0031
20 7,00 % 2GCA296904A0031
25 - 2GCA296905A0031
25 5,67 % 2GCA296906A0031
25 7,00 % 2GCA296907A0031
30 - 2GCA296908A0031

Range 50 Hz I ABB QCap brochure 11

Range 60 Hz
Technical specifications

U network - 220 V U network - 380 V

Qnet (kvar) (1)
Detuning reactor (%) (2)
Article number Qnet (kvar)(1) Detuning reactor (%)(2) Article number
2,5 - 2GCA296909A0031 3,75 - 2GCA296940A0031
2,5 5,67 % 2GCA296910A0031 3,75 5,67 % 2GCA296941A0031
2,5 7,00 % 2GCA296911A0031 3,75 7,00 % 2GCA296942A0031
2,5 12,50 % 2GCA296912A0031 5 - 2GCA296943A0031
2,5 14,00 % 2GCA296913A0031 5 5,67 % 2GCA296944A0031
3,75 - 2GCA296914A0031 5 7,00 % 2GCA296945A0031
3,75 5,67 % 2GCA296915A0031 5 12,50 % 2GCA296946A0031
3,75 7,00 % 2GCA296916A0031 5 14,00 % 2GCA296947A0031
3,75 12,50 % 2GCA296917A0031 6,25 - 2GCA296948A0031
3,75 14,00 % 2GCA296918A0031 6,25 5,67 % 2GCA296949A0031
5 - 2GCA296919A0031 6,25 7,00 % 2GCA296950A0031
5 5,67 % 2GCA296920A0031 6,25 12,50 % 2GCA296951A0031
5 7,00 % 2GCA296921A0031 6,25 14,00 % 2GCA296952A0031
5 12,50 % 2GCA296922A0031 7,5 - 2GCA296953A0031
5 14,00 % 2GCA296923A0031 7,5 5,67 % 2GCA296954A0031
6,25 - 2GCA296924A0031 7,5 7,00 % 2GCA296955A0031
6,25 5,67 % 2GCA296925A0031 7,5 12,50 % 2GCA296956A0031
6,25 7,00 % 2GCA296926A0031 7,5 14,00 % 2GCA296957A0031
6,25 12,50 % 2GCA296927A0031 10 - 2GCA296958A0031
6,25 14,00 % 2GCA296928A0031 10 5,67 % 2GCA296959A0031
7,5 - 2GCA296929A0031 10 7,00 % 2GCA296960A0031
7,5 5,67 % 2GCA296930A0031 10 12,50 % 2GCA296961A0031
7,5 7,00 % 2GCA296931A0031 10 14,00 % 2GCA296962A0031
7,5 12,50 % 2GCA296932A0031 12,5 - 2GCA296963A0031
7,5 14,00 % 2GCA296933A0031 12,5 5,67 % 2GCA296964A0031
10 - 2GCA296934A0031 12,5 7,00 % 2GCA296965A0031
10 5,67 % 2GCA296935A0031 12,5 12,50 % 2GCA296966A0031
10 7,00 % 2GCA296936A0031 12,5 14,00 % 2GCA296967A0031
10 12,50 % 2GCA296937A0031 15 - 2GCA296968A0031
10 14,00 % 2GCA296938A0031 15 5,67 % 2GCA296969A0031
15 - 2GCA296939A0031 15 7,00 % 2GCA296970A0031
(1) Qnet (kvar): net reactive power output in combination with the associated reactor (if 15 12,50 % 2GCA296971A0031
existing). 15 14,00 % 2GCA296972A0031
(2) Detuning reactor (%): value of the reactor (if existing) connected in series with the
capacitor. Reactors are not provided. 20 - 2GCA296973A0031
(3) Not cCSAus marked
20 5,67 % 2GCA296974A0031
Other ratings available on request.
20 7,00 % 2GCA296975A0031
20 12,50 % 2GCA296976A0031
20 14,00 % 2GCA296977A0031
25 - 2GCA296978A0031
25 5,67 % 2GCA296979A0031
25 7,00 % 2GCA296980A0031
25 12,50 % 2GCA296981A0031
25 14,00 % 2GCA296982A0031
30(3) 5,67 % 2GCA296983A0031

12 Range 60 Hz I ABB QCap brochure

U network - 400 V U network - 415 V
Qnet (kvar) (1)
Detuning reactor (%) (2)
Article number Qnet (kvar)(1) Detuning reactor (%)(2) Article number
3,75 - 2GCA296984A0031 5 - 2GCA297026A0031
5 - 2GCA296985A0031 5 5,67 % 2GCA297027A0031
5 5,67 % 2GCA296986A0031 5 7,00 % 2GCA297028A0031
5 7,00 % 2GCA296987A0031 5 12,50 % 2GCA297029A0031
5 12,50 % 2GCA296988A0031 5 14,00 % 2GCA297030A0031
5 14,00 % 2GCA296989A0031 6,25 - 2GCA297031A0031
6,25 - 2GCA296990A0031 6,25 5,67 % 2GCA297032A0031
6,25 5,67 % 2GCA296991A0031 6,25 7,00 % 2GCA297033A0031
6,25 7,00 % 2GCA296992A0031 6,25 12,50 % 2GCA297034A0031
6,25 12,50 % 2GCA296993A0031 6,25 14,00 % 2GCA297035A0031
6,25 14,00 % 2GCA296994A0031 7,5 - 2GCA297036A0031
7,5 - 2GCA296995A0031 7,5 5,67 % 2GCA297037A0031
7,5 5,67 % 2GCA296996A0031 7,5 7,00 % 2GCA297038A0031
7,5 7,00 % 2GCA296997A0031 7,5 12,50 % 2GCA297039A0031
7,5 12,50 % 2GCA296998A0031 7,5 14,00 % 2GCA297040A0031
7,5 14,00 % 2GCA296999A0031 10 - 2GCA297041A0031
10 - 2GCA297000A0031 10 5,67 % 2GCA297042A0031
10 5,67 % 2GCA297001A0031 10 7,00 % 2GCA297043A0031
10 7,00 % 2GCA297002A0031 10 12,50 % 2GCA297044A0031
10 12,50 % 2GCA297003A0031 10 14,00 % 2GCA297045A0031
10 14,00 % 2GCA297004A0031 12,5 - 2GCA297046A0031
12,5 - 2GCA297005A0031 12,5 5,67 % 2GCA297047A0031
12,5 5,67 % 2GCA297006A0031 12,5 7,00 % 2GCA297048A0031
12,5 7,00 % 2GCA297007A0031 12,5 12,50 % 2GCA297049A0031
12,5 12,50 % 2GCA297008A0031 12,5 14,00 % 2GCA297050A0031
12,5 14,00 % 2GCA297009A0031 15 - 2GCA297051A0031
15 - 2GCA297010A0031 15 5,67 % 2GCA297052A0031
15 5,67 % 2GCA297011A0031 15 7,00 % 2GCA297053A0031
15 7,00 % 2GCA297012A0031 15 12,50 % 2GCA297054A0031
15 12,50 % 2GCA297013A0031 15 14,00 % 2GCA297055A0031
15 14,00 % 2GCA297014A0031 20 - 2GCA297056A0031
20 - 2GCA297015A0031 20 5,67 % 2GCA297057A0031
20 12,50 % 2GCA297016A0031 20 7,00 % 2GCA297058A0031
20 14,00 % 2GCA297017A0031 20 12,50 % 2GCA297059A0031
25 - 2GCA297018A0031 20 14,00 % 2GCA297060A0031
25 5,67 % 2GCA297019A0031 25 - 2GCA297061A0031
25 7,00 % 2GCA297020A0031 25 5,67 % 2GCA297062A0031
25 12,50 % 2GCA297021A0031 25 7,00 % 2GCA297063A0031
25 14,00 % 2GCA297022A0031 25 12,50 % 2GCA297064A0031
30 - 2GCA297023A0031 30 - 2GCA297065A0031
30(3) 5,67 % 2GCA297024A0031 30(3) 5,67 % 2GCA297066A0031
30(3) 12,50 % 2GCA297025A0031 30(3) 7,00 % 2GCA297067A0031

(1) Qnet (kvar): net reactive power output in combination with the associated reactor (if 30(3) 14,00 % 2GCA297068A0031
(2) Detuning reactor (%): value of the reactor (if existing) connected in series with the
capacitor. Reactors are not provided.
(3) Not cCSAus marked
Other ratings available on request.

Range 60 Hz I ABB QCap brochure 13

Range 60 Hz
Technical specifications

U network - 440 V U network - 480 V

Qnet (kvar) (1)
Detuning reactor (%) (2)
Article number Qnet (kvar)(1) Detuning reactor (%)(2) Article number
5 - 2GCA297069A0031 6,25 - 2GCA297109A0031
5 5,67 % 2GCA297070A0031 6,25 5,67 % 2GCA297110A0031
5 7,00 % 2GCA297071A0031 6,25 7,00 % 2GCA297111A0031
6,25 - 2GCA297072A0031 6,25 12,50 % 2GCA297112A0031
6,25 5,67 % 2GCA297073A0031 6,25 14,00 % 2GCA297113A0031
6,25 7,00 % 2GCA297074A0031 7,5 - 2GCA297114A0031
6,25 12,50 % 2GCA297075A0031 7,5 5,67 % 2GCA297115A0031
7,5 - 2GCA297076A0031 7,5 7,00 % 2GCA297116A0031
7,5 5,67 % 2GCA297077A0031 7,5 12,50 % 2GCA297117A0031
7,5 7,00 % 2GCA297078A0031 7,5 14,00 % 2GCA297118A0031
7,5 12,50 % 2GCA297079A0031 10 - 2GCA297119A0031
7,5 14,00 % 2GCA297080A0031 10 5,67 % 2GCA297120A0031
10 - 2GCA297081A0031 10 7,00 % 2GCA297121A0031
10 5,67 % 2GCA297082A0031 10 12,50 % 2GCA297122A0031
10 7,00 % 2GCA297083A0031 10 14,00 % 2GCA297123A0031
10 12,50 % 2GCA297084A0031 12,5 - 2GCA297124A0031
10 14,00 % 2GCA297085A0031 12,5 5,67 % 2GCA297125A0031
12,5 - 2GCA297086A0031 12,5 7,00 % 2GCA297126A0031
12,5 5,67 % 2GCA297087A0031 12,5 12,50 % 2GCA297127A0031
12,5 7,00 % 2GCA297088A0031 12,5 14,00 % 2GCA297128A0031
12,5 12,50 % 2GCA297089A0031 15 - 2GCA297129A0031
12,5 14,00 % 2GCA297090A0031 15 5,67 % 2GCA297130A0031
15 - 2GCA297091A0031 15 7,00 % 2GCA297131A0031
15 5,67 % 2GCA297092A0031 15 12,50 % 2GCA297132A0031
15 7,00 % 2GCA297093A0031 15 14,00 % 2GCA297133A0031
15 12,50 % 2GCA297094A0031 20 - 2GCA297134A0031
15 14,00 % 2GCA297095A0031 20 5,67 % 2GCA297135A0031
20 - 2GCA297096A0031 20 7,00 % 2GCA297136A0031
20 5,67 % 2GCA297097A0031 20 12,50 % 2GCA297137A0031
20 7,00 % 2GCA297098A0031 20 14,00 % 2GCA297138A0031
20 12,50 % 2GCA297099A0031 25 - 2GCA297139A0031
20 14,00 % 2GCA297100A0031 25 5,67 % 2GCA297140A0031
25 - 2GCA297101A0031 25 7,00 % 2GCA297141A0031
25 5,67 % 2GCA297102A0031 30 - 2GCA297142A0031
25 7,00 % 2GCA297103A0031
25 12,50 % 2GCA297104A0031
25 14,00 % 2GCA297105A0031
30 - 2GCA297106A0031
30(3) 5,67 % 2GCA297107A0031
30(3) 7,00 % 2GCA297108A0031

(1) Qnet (kvar): net reactive power output in combination with the associated reactor (if
(2) Detuning reactor (%): value of the reactor (if existing) connected in series with the
capacitor. Reactors are not provided.
(3) Not cCSAus marked
Other ratings available on request.

14 Range 60 Hz I ABB QCap brochure

U network - 525 V U network - 600 V
Qnet (kvar) (1)
Detuning reactor (%) (2)
Article number Qnet (kvar)(1) Detuning reactor (%)(2) Article number
7,5 - 2GCA297143A0031 10 5,67 % 2GCA297174A0031
7,5 5,67 % 2GCA297144A0031 10 7,00 % 2GCA297175A0031
7,5 7,00 % 2GCA297145A0031 10 12,50 % 2GCA297176A0031
7,5 12,50 % 2GCA297146A0031 10 14,00 % 2GCA297177A0031
7,5 14,00 % 2GCA297147A0031 12,5 - 2GCA297178A0031
10 - 2GCA297148A0031 12,5 5,67 % 2GCA297179A0031
10 5,67 % 2GCA297149A0031 12,5 7,00 % 2GCA297180A0031
10 7,00 % 2GCA297150A0031 12,5 12,50 % 2GCA297181A0031
10 12,50 % 2GCA297151A0031 12,5 14,00 % 2GCA297182A0031
10 14,00 % 2GCA297152A0031 15 - 2GCA297183A0031
12,5 - 2GCA297153A0031 15 5,67 % 2GCA297184A0031
12,5 5,67 % 2GCA297154A0031 15 7,00 % 2GCA297185A0031
12,5 7,00 % 2GCA297155A0031 15 12,50 % 2GCA297186A0031
12,5 12,50 % 2GCA297156A0031 15 14,00 % 2GCA297187A0031
12,5 14,00 % 2GCA297157A0031 20 - 2GCA297188A0031
15 - 2GCA297158A0031 20 5,67 % 2GCA297189A0031
15 5,67 % 2GCA297159A0031 20 7,00 % 2GCA297190A0031
15 7,00 % 2GCA297160A0031 20 12,50 % 2GCA297191A0031
15 12,50 % 2GCA297161A0031 20 14,00 % 2GCA297192A0031
15 14,00 % 2GCA297162A0031 25 - 2GCA297193A0031
20 - 2GCA297163A0031 25 5,67 % 2GCA297194A0031
20 5,67 % 2GCA297164A0031 25 7,00 % 2GCA297195A0031
20 7,00 % 2GCA297165A0031 25 12,50 % 2GCA297196A0031
20 12,50 % 2GCA297166A0031 25 14,00 % 2GCA297197A0031
20 14,00 % 2GCA297167A0031 30 - 2GCA297198A0031
25 - 2GCA297168A0031 30(3) 5,67 % 2GCA297199A0031
25 5,67 % 2GCA297169A0031
25 7,00 % 2GCA297170A0031 U network - 690 V
25 12,50 % 2GCA297171A0031 Qnet (kvar)(1) Detuning reactor (%)(2) Article number
25 14,00 % 2GCA297172A0031 12,5 - 2GCA297200A0031
30 - 2GCA297173A0031 12,5 5,67 % 2GCA297201A0031
(1) Qnet (kvar): net reactive power output in combination with the associated reactor (if 12,5 7,00 % 2GCA297202A0031
existing). 15 - 2GCA297203A0031
(2) Detuning reactor (%): value of the reactor (if existing) connected in series with the
capacitor. Reactors are not provided. 15 5,67 % 2GCA297204A0031
(3) Not cCSAus marked 15 7,00 % 2GCA297205A0031
Other ratings available on request.
20 - 2GCA297206A0031
20 5,67 % 2GCA297207A0031
20 7,00 % 2GCA297208A0031
20 12,50 % 2GCA297209A0031
25 - 2GCA297210A0031
25 5,67 % 2GCA297211A0031
25 7,00 % 2GCA297212A0031
25 12,50 % 2GCA297213A0031
30 - 2GCA297214A0031
30(3) 5,67 % 2GCA297215A0031
30(3) 7,00 % 2GCA297216A0031

Range 60 Hz I ABB QCap brochure 15

Technical specifications

Network voltage range From 220 to 690 V

Frequency 50 and 60 Hz
Connection Three-phase
Net output power From 2.5 to 30 kvar
Tolerance on capacitance 2.5-12.5 kvar: -5 % / +10 %
15-30 kvar: 0 % / +10 %
Losses < 0.2 Watt/kvar (dielectric only)
< 0.35 Watt/kvar (typical without discharge resistor).
< 0.5 Watt/kvar (including discharge resistor)
Discharge resistor Included. Discharge to 50 V in 1 minute
Maximum permissible current 1.3 x In for continuous operation
Tolerance on voltage 1.1 x Un for maximum 8 hours in every 24 hours (according to IEC 60831)
Case material Recyclable aluminum
Color Raw aluminum
Fixing 1 stud (M12). Recommended torque: 10 Nm
Dimensions (DxH) 90x417 mm
Weight 3 kg
Terminals Cage screws. Recommended torque: 2 Nm
Minimum distance above unit 20 mm
Minimum distance between capacitors 30 mm
Earth Earth connection on the enclosure fixation
Execution Indoor use only
Installation Horizontal or vertical
Temperature range -25°C / +55°C (class D according to IEC 60831)
Altitude Up to 2000 m without derating. For higher altitudes consult ABB.
Protection degree IP20
Standards CE and CSA (with US indicator complying with UL810)

Total H Can H D D fixation screw H fixation screw
401 mm 368 mm 90 mm M12 16 mm
44 mm
368 mm
417 mm

94 mm

Torque: 2 Nm

90 mm Torque: 10 Nm 30 mm

Side view Front view Minimum distance between units Top view

16 Technical specifications I ABB QCap brochure

Our commitment

Quality assurance Sustainability Sustainability considerations cover how

At ABB, we are committed to provide For ABB, sustainability is about we design and manufacture products,
the best products and services. Our balancing economic success, what we offer customers, how we
products comply with or exceed environmental stewardship and social engage suppliers, how we assess risks
the latest international standards. In progress to benefit all our stakeholders. and opportunities, and how we behave
addition to type tests in independent in communities where we operate and
laboratories, our certified design and towards one another, while striving to
manufacturing processes guarantee ensure the health, security and safety
the highest quality. We are certified of our employees, contractors and
according to the latest relevant ISO others affected by our activities. We are
quality standards. certified according to the latest relevant
ISO environmental standards.

Our commitment I ABB QCap brochure 17


18 Notes I ABB QCap brochure

Notes I ABB QCap brochure 19
Contact us

s.a. ABB n.v. Note: We reserve the right to make technical changes

© Copyright 2017 ABB. 2GCS301013A0031 February 2017

or modify the contents of this document without prior
Power Quality Products notice. With regard to purchase order, the agreed par-
Allée Centrale 10 ticulars shall prevail. ABB does not accept any respon-
sibility whatsoever for potential errors or possible lack
Z.I. Jumet of information in this document. We reserve the rights of
B-6040 Charleroi (Jumet), Belgium this document and in the subject matter and illustrations
contained therein. Any reproduction, disclosure to third
Phone: +32(0) 71 250 811 parties or utilization of its contents in whole or in parts is
Fax: +32 (0) 71 344 007 forbidden without ABB’s prior written consent.

E-Mail: power.quality@be.abb.com


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