Go 2023
Go 2023
Go 2023
In the Government Order read above, the Government have examined the
whole issue of compassionate ground appointment in detail and issued
comprehensive guidelines.
2. Based on the 110 Announcement of Hon’ble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu
on the floor of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly on 07.09.2021, the Government
after careful examination, decided to issue the rules viz., Tamil Nadu Civil
Services (Appointment on Compassionate Grounds) Rules, 2023, to provide
compassionate ground appointment to the legal heirs of the deceased / medically
invalidated Government servants.
3. Accordingly, the appended notification will be published in the Tamil Nadu
Government Gazette Extraordinary.
4. The Director, Tamil Development and Information (Translation)
Department, Secretariat, Chennai–600 009 is requested to send the Tamil
translation of the Notification to the Works Manager, Government Central Press,
Chennai–600 079 for publication in the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette.
5. The Works Manager, Government Central Press, Chennai–600 079 is
requested to send 1,000 copies of the Notification to the Labour Welfare and Skill
Development Department, Secretariat, Chennai–600 009.
The Works Manager, Government Central Press, Chennai–600 079. (2 copies)
(for publication of the notification in the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette
In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the
Constitution of India, the Governor of Tamil Nadu hereby makes the following rules,
1. Short title.— These rules may be called the Tamil Nadu Civil Services
(Appointment on Compassionate Grounds) Rules, 2023.
(i) a person who is retained in service under clause (c) of sub-rule (1) of
rule 56 of the Fundamental Rules;
(iv) a person who is not placed under regular time scale of pay; and
(v) a person who is appointed to any post on special time scale of pay.
(e) “Head of the Department” means the principal officer of the department
who is directly subordinate to the Government, whether or not he has been declared
to be the head of the department for the purpose of these rules;
(2) Words and expressions used but not defined in these rules shall have the
same meaning assigned to them in the Tamil Nadu Government Servants
(Conditions of Service) Act, 2016 (Tamil Nadu Act 14 of 2016).
(a) Government servants including those who are under suspension who
died in harness;
(b) Government servants, who retired on medical invalidation, with not less
than five years of left over service; and
(c) Missing Government servants, who are declared to be dead with effect
from a date anterior to the date of their superannuation, by a competent
Court under sections 107 or 108 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872
(Central Act I of 1872).
Provided that where there are more than one legally wedded spouse as
permitted by the personal law, one among them, based on the
No Objection Certificate given by the other spouses;
(c) For the purpose of clauses (a) and (b), and Integrated Certificate in Form-II
shall be obtained from the Tahsildar, where the Government servant lastly resided or
resides, as the case may be:
Provided that the family pension of the deceased Government servant or the
pension of the medically invalidated Government servant, as the case may be,
shall be excluded.
(b) remarriage of the spouse of the deceased Government servant, who had
applied for appointment under these rules, before being provided with an
appointment, shall not make the spouse ineligible for the appointment.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules governing the post for
which appointment on compassionate grounds is to be made, there shall be
no minimum age limit for the applicant on the date of application for appointment:
(2) The following certificates shall be enclosed along with the application,
(3) The post applied for, as mentioned in Form-I, shall not be permitted to be
altered subsequently, for any reason whatsoever.
Explanation.— For the purpose of these rules, Group “C” or Group “D” posts
would mean the posts which are classified as such in Schedule-XIII to the
Tamil Nadu Government Servants (Conditions of Service) Act, 2016 (Tamil Nadu
Act 14 of 2016).
14. Procedure for processing of applications.— (1) The head of the office
where the deceased Government servant was working at the time of his death shall
immediately report the death of a Government servant to the Head of the
Department and shall furnish the required particulars to the Head of the Department
within one month.
(2) As soon as may be, but in any case not later than thirty days from the date
of death of the Government servant, the head of office shall inform the provision of
the scheme for appointment on compassionate grounds to the family of the
deceased Government servant in writing under proper acknowledgment.
(3) On receipt of application for appointment, if any, from any member of the
family of the deceased or medically invalidated Government servant under
sub-rule (1) of rule 8, the Head of Office shall examine as to whether the applicant
fulfills all the requirements for appointment under these rules, and if so, forward the
same to the Head of the Department along with his report, also indicating the
vacancy position for such appointment within a period of one month from the date of
receipt of the application.
(4) In case the applicant does not fulfil the requirements for appointment
under these rules, the Head of Office shall pass an order of rejection within a period
of one month from the date of receipt of the application and communicate the same
to the applicant.
(5) The applicant, if aggrieved by the order of rejection under sub-rule (4),
may prefer an appeal to the Head of the Department within a period of two months
from the date of receipt of the order:
(6) On receipt of the application from the Head of office under sub-rule (3),
the Head of the Department shall ensure that the applicant fulfills all the
requirements for appointment under these rules and issue an order of appointment,
appointing him in any of the vacancy in the office in which the deceased or medically
invalidated Government servant was working at the time of his death or in any other
office under his administrative control, within fifteen days from the date of receipt of
the report from the Head of Office:
(7) In case the spouse of the deceased Government servant, who had applied
for appointment under these rules, gets remarried, the appointing authority shall
issue an order of appointment only after obtaining an undertaking from the spouse
that he shall maintain the children and the parents of the deceased.
(8) The Collector of each district shall maintain a Register indicating the
number of applications received and are pending under these rules in the order of
seniority. The Collector shall send a Quarterly report in this regard to the
Government in Labour Welfare and Skill Development Department before the 15th of
the month following the end of the quarter.
(11) Appointment under these rules shall not be granted to more than one
member of the family.
(12) Appointment under these rules shall be made only against the actual
vacancies and no supernumerary posts shall be created therefor.
19. Saving.— Nothing contained in these rules shall adversely affect any
person, who has made an application for appointment on compassionate grounds or
who has been appointed to any post on compassionate grounds, on the date of
coming into force of these rules.
(see rule 8(1))
Application Form for appointment on compassionate grounds.
Head of Office.
[see rule 8(2)(c)]
Integrated Certificate for Compassionate Ground Appointment
1. Thiru/Tmt/Selvi……………….……. who was working as …………..….… in the office of the …..……….. died on ……….. while in
3. The details of the legal heirs of the deceased Government servant are as follows:-
Sl. Name. Age. Relationship. Marital Educational Employment details Employer Monthly Annual
No. status. qualification. (State details. salary. income.
Govt./Private etc.) (Rs.) (Rs.)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
4. The details of Immovable properties possessed by the deceased Government servant..…………….. and his/her legal heirs are
as follows:-
Sl. Name. Age. Aadhaar Immovable Properties, Land and Buildings including Residential Houses Annual Income
No. Number (Description in respect of each property has to be given separately). derived including
Rental income.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
District. Revenue Survey Extent. (In case of Land)
village. number. Total Guideline value (Rs.)
(In case of Building including
residential house its present
1. Name of the
2. Legal heir – 1
3. Legal heir – 2
5. The details of movable properties held in the name of the deceased Government servant and his/her legal heirs are as follows:-
2. Legal heir – 1
6. The family of the deceased Government servant is receiving a family pension of Rs…………... per mensum.
The annual value of the family pension is Rs……………... The annual Income of all the legal heirs of the deceased Government
servant from all the sources is Rs…………… (excluding Family Pension)
7. After the death of the Government servant, the family of the deceased Government servant is in / not in indigent situation.
8. I ………………..….. Tahsildar ………..……….…….. Taluk ……………..…….. District has verified all the documents produced
before me and that after a detailed enquiry, issued this Integrated Certificate to Thiru/Tmt/Selvi………………(Name of the
applicant who is seeking appointment under compassionate grounds).
This Certificate is issued to the individual, for the purpose of seeking appointment on compassionate grounds.